Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School

Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Secondary 1 Parents’ Day
    5 January 2019
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Introduction to Parent
 Support Group (PSG)
   Briefing by Ms Raje
   (PSG Chairperson)
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Vision and Mission
Our Vision
• Inspiring passion for learning and intellectual vitality of our
  children through partnership with the school.
Our Mission
• To create a rewarding educational
  experience for our children that will
  inspire self reliance and self-
  sufficiency so they can achieve
  personal mastery in their academic
  and social standings.
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Role of PSG
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Core Values of PSG
• The PSG, like any volunteer group, is built on relationships.
• Parents are encouraged when they feel that they belong and what they do
• School sustain the relationships by paying attention to bonding and
  communication within the PSG.
• Building bonds among parents
• PSG Networking Day
• Social Networks
• Invite School Leaders and Staff to PSG Activities
• Respect that parents have different backgrounds, preferences, and levels of
  commitment when inviting them to participate in the PSG.
• School continuously encourage and motivate one another by highlighting the
  positive impact of our work on the school and the students.
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
      Chairperson          Vice Chairperson

           Raje              Azlina      Michael

           Rao      Paru          Andy         Cheryl
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Treasurer               Secretary

Chee Hwa          Kristine        Ann
        Event Coordinators

 Kala       SelvaRani   Rahimah     Edward
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Members of BVSS PSG

     Elaine               Jesslyn         Naga                     Noraini           Ken

     Sabrina              Sandhya              Sharon               Shirley              Uma

Ameenal       Chee Weng      Jane       Khalsom         Lay Hong      Maureen   Munira
Muhd Ali      Sajahan        Sharifah   Sara            Soo Mui       Vijai     Wang Ying      Peter
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Voices of PSG
                      Parent Support Group provides us an opportunity to be closer to our
                      children and helps to understand them better. Parent school
                      partnership is very important in raising the children academically,
                      socially and to be responsible citizen. PSG plays an important role in
                      establishing the partnership between school and the parents. Child's
                      transition from primary to secondary school is big jump, their attitude
                      towards education, friends and society changes a lot. As a parent to
                      secondary child, we need to update ourselves to help them better in all
                      BVSS PSG has tried its best to mingle with school by organising
                      parenting talks, several parent bonding activities and social services. My
Mr. Rao,              journey with BVSS PSG is awesome, involvement with school PSG left a
Former PSG Chairman   positive impact on my child. My 4 years of voluntary service made me
                      feel so close to school and other parents in the group, I love to
                      continue being part of PSG. As an active PSG member, it is very
                      satisfying to help PSG create bonding between parents and school.
Secondary 1 Parents' Day 5 January 2019 - Bukit View Secondary School
Voices of PSG
              I joined PSG in 2013 when my daughter was in Secondary 1. She has graduated in
              2016 with lots of loving memories. In 2013 there were only 6 to 7 of us in the PSG
              Team and gradually we increased to around 10 members in 2014 and now have
              blossomed to more than 20 members. We’re indeed a strong and powerful Team
              with dedicated parents from all walks of life. Most of these parents are working
              adults who, despite of their heavy work schedule, have graciously contributed
              their precious time in the growth of PSG. As a Team, we focus on supporting and
              engaging parents as they guide their children through their growing years in
              BVSS. In 2016, we started a WhatsApp chat group for each Sec 1 classes in which
              parents will be encouraged to join the chat group together with couple of our PSG
              members This WhatsApp chat group was a great success as parents were
              addressing their concerns in respect of their child’s development in BVSS. It has
Ms. Paru      also become a way of communication where school information, activities, class
PSG Advisor   homework, etc. were discussed. Last but not least, I wish to highlight that I have
              learnt a lot from our PSG Members which assisted in guiding my children in the
              right path in terms of education and their personal lives. Although my child has
              proudly graduated from BVSS, I will continue to support PSG whenever my time
Voices of PSG
                           30 years ago, I joined BVSS as a student. Today, I'm a proud BVSS PSG
                           member. Joining BVSS PSG is my first experience because I wanted to
                           contribute back to the school. My son enjoys his school life in BVSS like I
                           used to. I'm glad that I joined. However I must admit that I initially joined
                           with a doubt of whether I would be able to contribute much, because I'm
                           like any other working mum who have our own work responsibility. Later I
                           found that my worry was unnecessary. A lot of our PSG members are
                           working mums like me and thankfully we give each other strong support.
                           My latest experience is preparation of gifts for teachers during Teachers
                           Day. Despite the short notice and busy schedule as working parents, some
                           of us managed to come forward and complete this project. That's how
Ms. Kristine               strong our TEAMWORK is!
PSG Class Representative
PSG Members Meeting
Secondary 1 Orientation 2018
PSG members were
at the Sec 1 Parents’
Day to share with
new parents the
support that school
has.                                                             ring their
                                                  t a t ive s ha                        Look who’s here at our F&B booth? Our
                          r c la s s re p resen
                                                                  la s s new p arents
                        Ou                      respective
                                                                c                       supportive ex-principal, Mr Vasu.
                                  n c e w  it h
We also took the        experie

opportunity to bond
with students and
potential PSG
members at our
booth selling food.
Parenting Talk –
 Cyber wellness
Parenting Talks                                     Breakfast with Principal
   We organise various parenting talks e.g. cyber              Sec 1 parents are invited to have a breakfast
   wellness, bullying, building resilient teenager.            session with the Principal. The parents are able to
                                                               bring up various issues and concerns with the
                                                               Principal, HODs, Form Teachers and subject
                                                               teachers of their children's classes.

                                                                                                 The principal
                                                                                                 attentively as our
                                                                                                 parents share
                                                                                                 their views and
Our attentive parents learning some useful parenting skills.                                     concerns.
Dads for Life

The objective of this event is
to encourage family
bonding especially among
                                   The smile on the faces!
fathers and children.
Many families, especially the
fathers, participated to
spend meaningful time with                                                               Archery Tag is one of our more
their children.                                                                          popular activities on that day.
It was a really fun Saturday
spent in a meaningful way.
One of the epic events we
have had!                        It is heartening to see so many families turn up to support.
June 3, 2017

     “Willing Hearts
   Co m m unity Serv ic e”
         rg et t able exp erien ce,
     Great family bondin
 by BVSS
Willing Hearts 2018
On 26 May, we went to
Willing Hearts at Chai                         Who says that kitchen
Chee Community Hub                             is only for mums?
                                               Look at our 2 daddies
to volunteer.                                  here. Working hard for
We helped with the                             a good cause!
vegetable cutting and
cleaning up the place.
We had a meaningful                            A good bonding
time bonding among                             time for the parents
ourselves and with our                         and children.

                                               Completed with a
                                               group photo at the
                                               event of the work.
School Alumni Meeting cum Streaming Talk –
     PSG sold beverages to the guests
               August 2017
PSG Fundraising & Alumni Meeting
                   August 2018
18 Aug is a busy Saturday for
BVSS. We have a few events
lined up all on that day:
• Parenting Talk
• Alumni Brunch
• Blood Donation
• E-waste Recycling Drive
• PSG Fundraising

      Our busy members preparing the
                    food for selling.
Teachers’ Day Celebration – PSG Art work
            September 2017
          Appreciation for School Leaders
          and teachers by members of PSG
Teachers’ Day Gift Preparation 2018
In line with the
school’s direction to
go Green, the PSG
put together potted
plants with our
wishes and a card
dedicated to all staff
of the school!                                                        Our members behind the scene.

                         We are glad that our teachers are happy to
                         receive our gift.
“CPR training
 conducted by
PSG for parent-
   Oct 2017
The objectives are to
encourage family bonding
and to create greater
                                                    CPR Course 2018
awareness of CPR to more

Participants learned 3
simple messages:
• Stay on the line
• Push hard and fast
• AED (Automated External
                            Putting in practice on what learnt
Night Study
The PSG has been
supporting the Night
Study programme
                                                          Night Study

Our members have
been taking turns to
come to school to
provide our students
with snacks and drinks.

It is heartening to see   All the best to our students!
the students coming for
night study and doing
their best for their
national exams.

The teachers are also
working hard to help
the students with their
queries and doubts.
Visit to GOOGLE Office                           OBS Adventure Experience
40 PSG members and their children visited          4 PSG members experienced the OBS obstacles
Google. They had a panel discussion where          that their child will be going through in 2019. It
Google staff shared their experiences, while       was for parents to get a sense of how safe the
parents and their children asked questions. They   OBS experience would be and give parents the
also played a coding card game called Potato       confidence that their children are in safe hands.
Pirates and ended off the visit with a tour of
Google's famous office.
Open House Showcase & F&B Refreshments for
               Open House
PSG Year-End Party
Close bonding with school-teachers-parents-students:
PSG is very proud to present our memorable moments to
you, for you to consider joining and enjoying this journey.
“Thank you and looking forward to you
          joining the PSG”
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