YOUR 2018 GUIDE - Jewish Literary Festival

Page created by Lauren Oliver
YOUR 2018 GUIDE - Jewish Literary Festival
YOUR 2018 GUIDE - Jewish Literary Festival



                           video productions
Message from the organisers

You asked for more, and so the second Jewish Literary Festival (JLF) is here,
with a programme that’s been deemed ‘quite remarkable’. We are proud and
grateful to be a beneficiary this year of the United Communal Fund of the
United Jewish Campaign (UJC), as this puts us firmly on the Jewish communal
calendar in Cape Town. Private donors have again rallied to support us, and
while they prefer to be anonymous, we offer our heartfelt thanks to them for
giving so generously.
The organisations which comprise the Gardens Community Centre not only
provide the venue platform for the JLF but are valuable partners. Thanks to
campus manager Joanne Benjamin for her vision in ensuring that the JLF goes
from strength to strength. The Jacob Gitlin Library, our anchor, partnered with
us once more, and we profess deep admiration for their ongoing commitment
to the world of Jewish literature.
Lester Hoffman and Lindy Diamond of the Cape Jewish Chronicle provided
invaluable media support in the run-up to the festival as well as on the day,
and we greatly value the collaboration. Darryl Cotton put up with website
revisions and updates, while Lorraine de Villiers and Kyle Richards of
Opechee Design Studio deserve a medal for their patience and creativity
while handling our marketing material.
Thanks to the ‘power’ women at C-below the Line and Sistas Act for pulling
the event together, and to our volunteers-on-the-day who enable the smooth
running of sessions.
Until you have organised a literary festival, it is almost impossible to
understand how much work goes into it. This work is primarily done by
volunteers and it’s almost impossible to adequately thank them. The JLF
would simply not exist without our core team, all of them professionals in
their own right who give hours of dedicated effort to the JLF dream.
PR genius Beryl Eichenberger again went above and beyond, managing
marketing and publicity, assisting with programming and even handling some
manufacturing! The JLF programming committee not only arranged the
incredible line-up of speakers, but juggled that with other essential roles:
Caryn Gootkin for social media management, Vanessa Valkin for fundraising
and Melissa Fagan for managing our database and editing our brochure.
Miriam Schiff stepped up to direct and manage the wonderful Children’s
Programme – no mean feat!
To these, our incomparable committee members, no amount of thanks
is enough.
All that’s left is to invite you, our valued festivalgoers, to join us in celebrating
the creative power of words in the tradition of Jewish life.

JLF management team,
Joanne Jowell, Cindy Moritz, Viv Anstey and Gary Anstey
ALEXANDER, RABBI GREG                ANCER, JONATHAN                     ANCER, JUDITH
Progressive                          Using literature                    Using literature
Judaism: Its                         to help children                    to help
history and                          grow and heal;                      children grow
impact in                            Spies, lies and                     and heal;
South Africa                         the search for                      Between the
                                     a pink rabbit                       tiger and the
Rabbi Greg Alexander was born                                            abyss: Victor Frankl and the
and raised in Johannesburg,          Jonathan Ancer is an author         wild strawberry
a third generation Progressive       and freelance journalist who
Jew. After 10 years of living and    has held various positions on       Judith Ancer is a Johannesburg-
studying abroad, and graduating      a variety of publications:          based clinical psychologist.
from The Melton Centre for           reporter on The Star, editor of     She has worked at Tara Hospital,
Jewish Education at the Hebrew       Grocott’s Mail, deputy editor of    Crossroads Remedial School and
University of Jerusalem and          Bicycling magazine, and             as a supervisor and trainer of
Leo Baeck College in London,         crossword columnist for the         mental health professionals.
he has spent the past decade in      Cape Times. He has won awards       Her company Shrink Rap offers
Cape Town with his amazing wife      for hard news, features, columns    continuing professional
Andrea and three kids Mani,          and creative writing. Jonathan      education to healthcare and
Tantan and Yasmin.                   has the largest Billy Bunter        human resource professionals
He is part of the rabbinic team      collection in South Africa.         and provides training and
at the Cape Town Progressive         He has written two books –          counselling services to small
Jewish Congregation.                 The Victor Within and Spy:          companies.
                                     Uncovering Craig Williamson.        She is currently writing a book
                                                                         on mental health in the

AWERBUCK, DIANE                      BARRIS, KEN                         BELLING, NOA
Book reviews:                        Writing and                         The mindful
How to do it                         identity                            body: How
and why we all                                                           does your mind
should;                              Ken Barris is a                     live in your
Alternative                          writer, book critic,                body? And how
forms of                             NRF-rated                           can body
publishing                           academic, and photographer. His     awareness change your
                                     work has been translated into       experience of life?
Diane Awerbuck wrote Gardening       Turkish, Danish, French, German
at Night, for which she won          and Slovenian, and has appeared
                                                                         Noa Belling is a psychotherapist
Commonwealth Best First Book         in about 30 anthologies. He has
                                                                         and bestselling author. Her
Award (Africa and the                won the Ingrid Jonker Prize, the
                                                                         previous books include the
Caribbean). Her short story          M-Net Book Prize, and most
                                                                         international bestseller, The Yoga
collection, Cabin Fever, was         recently, the University of
                                                                         Handbook, Yoga: A Union of Mind
shortlisted for the 2014 Caine       Johannesburg Prize for his novel
                                                                         and Body, and Yoga for Ideal
Prize and ‘Leatherman’ won the       Life Underwater.                    Weight and Shape. Noa holds a
2015 Short Story Day Africa          He has published five novels,       masters degree in Somatic
competition. As Frank Owen,          two collections of poetry, and      Psychology, which is a field that
she also writes a frontier-fiction   two collections of short stories.   incorporates body awareness
series with Alex Latimer.            The most recent, The Life of        and physical movement in the
Her latest solo novel is Home        Worm & Other Misconceptions,        psychotherapeutic process.
Remedies and she is busy with        was released in 2017.               Her latest book, The Mindful
her poetry project, Six Months                                           Body, offers practical strategies
with Solomon.                                                            for building emotional strength
                                                                         and managing stress through
                                                                         body mindfulness.
BERRY, ORIELLE                      BLACK, AYELLET                       BREYTENBACH, GLYNNIS
Book reviews:                       Discussing                            ‘Rule of law’:
How to do it                        Herzl’s                              How life in and
and why we                          ‘Alteneueland’                       out of court
all should;                         and vision for                       shaped me
‘Rhapsody in                        Israel relative
schmaltz:                           to today                             Glynnis
Yiddish food and why we                                                  Breytenbach was born in
can’t stop eating it’               Ayellet Black is Deputy Head of      Kimberley and after
                                    Mission of Israel to South Africa,   matriculating from Kimberley
Orielle Berry is the books editor   Lesotho, Mauritius and               Girls’ High School, received her
of Independent Newspapers and       Swaziland. Previously she served     B. Iuris and LLB from the
also writes on entertainment        in Israel’s Ministry of Foreign      University of the Free State.
and lifestyle. She has over 30      Affairs in a variety of              She has been a public
years of journalism experience.     departments including public         prosecutor, a state advocate and
She lived in Israel in the 1980s    affairs and EuroAsia. Black          was Senior Deputy Director of
where she worked as a               worked as an informal educator       public prosecutions until 2014.
translator, an interpreter for      at an Israeli girls’ high school     She is now a DA Member of
the foreign press and wrote for     before that. She studied political   Parliament in the National
The Jerusalem Post. In South        science, communications and          Assembly and is Shadow
Africa, she has worked as an arts   Judaism at Bar-Ilan University       Minister of Justice and
reporter for The Pretoria News      and received her MA in               Constitutional Development.
and also for Cape Community         international relations.             She is also the chairperson of
Newspapers. She’s an avid           She is married to Elliott Black      the Federal Legal Commission
reader and is a passionate          and has two children.                of the Democratic Alliance.
collector of cookery books.

BRICKER, BATYA                      BRODIE, NECHAMA                      CHAIT, LISA
‘Wisdom from                        ‘Rule of law’:                       ‘Lost and
the South’;                         How life in and                      found in
The pursuit of                      out of court                         Johannesburg’
happiness – or                      shaped me;
the happiness                       ‘Knucklebone’                        Lisa Chait is a
of pursuit                                                               former radio talk
                                    Nechama Brodie is a journalist       show host and is co-producer of
Batya Bricker makes books           and academic, and has written        the SAFTA award-winning TV
come to life. She has a degree      five best-selling, non-fiction       series I Am Woman-Leap of Faith,
in Architecture, has worked in      books including the acclaimed        chronicling pivotal moments of
the book industry for 20 years,     urban histories The Joburg Book      change in South African women’s
and has served as Programme         and The Cape Town Book.              lives. She founded the Life
Director for various bookfairs.                                          Stories project, which captures
                                    She is the co-author of Glynnis
She is now a freelance publisher                                         personal stories and family
                                    Breytenbach’s gripping memoir,
and is passionate about making                                           memory on film, audio recording
                                    Rule of Law, and recently
stories jump off the page.                                               and in book form.
                                    published her first full-length
The Academy of Jewish Thought       work of fiction, a crime thriller    Lisa recently produced Legacy
and Learning has provided           called Knucklebone.                  of Light, a film honouring the
fertile ground for a combined                                            extraordinary life of ‘Der Blinde
exploration of her two passions                                          Chazzan’, Cantor Abraham
– Jewish heritage and Torah,                                             Immerman z”l.
books and narratives.
COHEN, ANDY                           COHEN, CHARLOTTE                      COHEN, ESHED
Children’s                            Poetry: Distiller                     Fugitive
programme                             of emotion                            criminals in
                                                                            South Africa:
Andy Cohen is                         Charlotte Cohen                       The law
a community                           writes poetry,
art counsellor,                       memoirs,                              Eshed Cohen is a
psychoanalytic candidate (SAPA),      inspirational articles, short         recent graduate of UCT, where he
author and artist who is              stories and political                 completed degrees in law and
passionate about self-repair          commentary. She has won two           philosophy. In 2017 he finished
through containment and the           Toastmaster awards, run creative      first in his LLB class. His interests
arts. She works with a wide range     writing courses, and adjudicated      include human rights law,
of patients and her curiosity         inter-schools debating contests.      constitutional law, and
about the power of the                Her literary achievements             international law.
unconscious mind led to a             include first prize in the Gitlin’s
                                                                            As of July 2018, Eshed will be
Masters in Fine Arts. This, and       25th Anniversary short-story
                                                                            clerking at the Constitutional
becoming a psychoanalyst,             writing competition; a national
                                                                            Court of South Africa for
continues to hone her approach        award for a book on substance
                                                                            Justice Leona Theron.
to her work.                          abuse; the first three-time
“Art is not always about pretty       winner of the English Association
things. It’s about who we are,        short-story competition; winner
what happened to us and how           of Old Mutual’s Siyakuhla poetry
our lives are affected (E. Broun).”   competition, and winner of
                                      various West Coast Writer’s
                                      poetry and writing contests.

COHEN, ZMIRA                          COHEN DE VILLIERS,                    DAVIS, DENNIS
‘Jewish                               MARILYN                               ‘Oliver Tambo’s
Salonica:                             Book launch:                          Dream’
Between the                           ‘Deceive and
Ottoman                               Defend’;                              Dennis Davis
empire and                            Alternative                           is Judge
modern Greece’                        forms of                              President of
                                      publishing                            Competition Appeal Court
Zmira Cohen studied social work                                             presently Acting Judge of Appeal
at UCT and also received her                                                in Supreme Court of appeal.
                                      Marilyn Cohen de Villiers has
Honours in the Hebrew Bible and                                             Honorary Professor of Law
                                      always been a writer – a
Dead Sea Scrolls there. She                                                 at UCT.
                                      journalist by training, and a
worked as a social worker in          decade of daily news reporting        His latest book Prevent and Loss
Cape Town until 2011, both            followed by many, many, (too)         of possibility to be published
in general and Jewish                 many years in public relations.       December 2018. He has
environments.                         Today she earns her daily bread       published nine books and over
Her interests include Jewish and      as a freelance wordsmith.             200 academic articles, and
human identity, universal and                                               hosted TV programme
                                      But fiction writing is her passion
Jewish history, music, colour in                                            Judge for Yourself.
                                      and she regards the publication
its varied and profound               of her novels – A Beautiful           Dennis is an alumnus of Herzlia
expression, gardening, the            Family, When Time Fails, and          School and is married to
miracle of Eretz Yisrael and the      now, Deceive and Defend, the          Claudette. They have two
wonder of human resilience.           final book in the Silverman Saga      children, Lisa and Joshua.
                                      trilogy – as her greatest writing
DE KOCK, FIONA                       EDELSTEIN, JILLIAN                   EICHENBERGER, BERYL
Writing as                           SAFIM presents:                      Fiction, fact
therapy                              ‘Here and                            and friendship;
                                     there’:                              Making a
Fiona de Kock is                     A photographic                       creative space
a 58-year-old                        chronicle of                         in a practical
Jewish mother of                     human                                life
three adult children. She has had    displacement
a myriad of careers which have                                            Founder of HIPPO
paid the bills and filled the        Jillian Edelstein’s award-winning    Communications in 2000,
fridge but nothing gives her         work has been published and          Beryl Eichenberger has worked
more satisfaction than sitting at    exhibited internationally.           in the PR/events industry for
her favourite coffee shop,           Her book Truth and Lies about        over 40 years, both in Cape Town
writing, reading and people          South Africa’s Truth and             and Johannesburg. Since
watching. This, she says, doesn’t    Reconciliation Commission won        ‘retiring’ in 2015 she works in a
pay the bills. From a PTA Mom        the Visa D’Or in Perpignan           freelance capacity indulging her
and Accounts Administrator at        and the John Kobal Book Award        love of words through books,
the Hebrew Pre-primary Schools       in 2002.                             radio and theatre. An avid
through to her role as Facilities                                         reader, she initiated three
and Project Manager with United      Over 100 of her photographs
                                     currently reside in the National     Waterfront book festivals in
Herzlia Schools and, most                                                 the early 2000s.
recently, as personal assistant to   Portrait Gallery.
                                                                          She was involved with JLF 2016
an Orthodox Rabbi, her 35-year
                                                                          and has been working again
involvement with the Jewish
                                                                          with the team for the success
community has been interesting,
                                                                          of JLF 2018.
richly ethnographic and eclectic.

FELDMAN, HOWARD                      FENSTER, PNINA                       FRIEDMAN, JENNIFER
Fear of saying                       ‘Mapping my                          ‘Queen of the
the wrong thing:                     way home’:                           Free State’:
Writing in a                         A memoir                             Growing up
post-humour                                                               Jewish in a
society                              Pnina Fenster is                     small town
                                     an award-winning
Howard Feldman is the author         journalist, style commentator        Jennifer Friedman grew up in
of Carry-On Baggage – The story      and the former launch                a small Afrikaans town in the
of a man who thought he              Editor-in-Chief of Marie Claire      Free State in the 1950s and ’60s
travelled light and Tightrope        and Glamour magazines in             and studied at UCT. Her memoir,
– Musings of Circus South Africa.    South Africa.                        Queen of the Free State, was
He is a weekly columnist on          She has contributed to a variety     published by Tafelberg in 2017,
News24 and Times of Israel and       of local and international           and her Afrikaans poetry has
his articles have appeared in        glossies, and is currently           been published in the academic
publications around the world.       studying towards a Masters in        journals Tydskrif vir Letterkunde,
He has a daily talk show host        Creative Writing at the University   Akademie en Kuns &
on Chai Fm. Howard is a lawyer       of Cape Town.                        Standpunte, as well as in
by qualification but spent                                                Rooi Rose and Buurman.
15 years building a global                                                She lives in Australia where she
chrome trading business.                                                  flies her Grumman Tiger to
                                                                          ‘wherever the sun’s shining.’
FURNISS, MEGAN                      GALGUT, DAMON                         GALGUT, ELISA
Scriptwriting                       Fiction, fact                         Sources of
AMA                                 and friendship                        inspiration;
Megan Furniss is                    Damon Galgut                          poems within
a playwright,                       was born in                           everyday life
actor, writer,                      Pretoria in 1963
director and improviser. Since      and published his first novel         Elisa Galgut teaches in the
graduating from UCT (1986), she     when he was 18. He has                Philosophy Department at
has spent her life involved in      published eight books in total,       the University of Cape Town.
theatre and make-believe. She       his latest being Arctic Summer        She has a PhD in Philosophy
has written and co-written          and his work has been translated      from Rutgers University and an
numerous plays and musicals,        into many languages.                  MA in Creative Writing from UCT.
performed and directed theatre      He has been shortlisted for           Her research interests include
and she improvises and teaches      several international prizes,         the philosophy of art and
improv. She also self published a   including the Dublin IMPAC            literature, the philosophy of
novel, writes short stories for     Award, the Walter Scott Prize         psychoanalysis, and animal
competitions and has won            and the Man Booker Prize.             ethics. Her poetry has appeared
numerous theatre awards.            He lives in Cape Town.                in various literary journals
Megan achieved critical acclaim                                           and anthologies.
for her tiny role in the Showmax                                          Her debut collection,
smash hit Tali’s Wedding Diary.                                           The Anthology of Poetry, was
                                                                          published by Modjaji Books
                                                                          in 2015.

GEFFEN, HAYLI                       GEFFEN, SHARON                        GEVISSER, MARK
Children’s                          Poetry: Distiller                     ‘Lost and
programme                           of emotion                            found in
Hayli Geffen is                     Sharon Geffen
a 20-year-old                       is a children’s                       Mark Gevisser
student in her                      librarian and                         is one of South
third year of biochemistry and      drama teacher at Herzlia              Africa’s foremost authors and
genetics at the University of       Highlands Primary School              journalists. His previous books
Cape Town. She graduated from       specialising in pre-literacy skills   include Thabo Mbeki: The Dream
Herzlia High School in 2015 with    for young children. Her interests     Deferred, which won the Sunday
seven distinctions and many         include ballroom dancing,             Times Alan Paton Prize in 2007,
awards including: the subject       painting, military history,           and Lost and Found in
prizes for both Jewish Studies      swimming, literature and poetry.      Johannesburg: A Memoir,
and Dramatic Arts as well as the    She finds an outlet for her           shortlisted in 2014. He writes
Helen Zille award for the           general knowledge at quiz nights      about sexuality, gender, culture
Promotion of Democracy.             and has taken part in various         and politics, and has been
She has also achieved Gold          courses given by the Academy of       published in many major
Level status in The Duke of         Jewish Thought and Learning.          international magazines and
Edinburgh’s International Award.                                          newspapers.
A passionate reader and writer,                                           He is currently working on
she is in the top 50 reviewers in                                         The Pink Line: The World’s Queer
South Africa on Goodreads.                                                Frontiers, to be published
                                                                          in 2019.
GLASS, ALAN                         GOLDSTUCK, ARTHUR                   GOODMAN, RALPH
Children’s                          The future of                       Poetry: Distiller
programme                           the book                            of emotion

Alan Glass                          Arthur Goldstuck                    Ralph Goodman
co-created the                      is an award-                        taught English
children’s music                    winning writer,                     Literature at
series Beautiful Creatures with     analyst and technology              universities for more than 40
Ed Jordan and Paul Choritz.         commentator. A winner of SA’s       years. Since retiring in 2010, he
They released seven albums, five    Distinguished Service in ICT        does editing work and on writes
children’s books and have two       Award, he is author of 19 books     poems, some of which have been
platinum and four gold albums       and editor-in-chief of South        published. He was recently
in SA, two SAMA nominations and     Africa’s longest-running online     appointed to a research post by
a Naledi award. His children’s      consumer technology magazine,       the University of Stellenbosch.
book Oliver’s Outline was  His weekly gadgets    He hopes that his poetry carries
published by Pan Macmillan in       column is the most widely           an inquisitiveness about all
2015. Alan’s career began writing   syndicated technology column in     living creatures – the quirky,
and performing with the acapella    South Africa and he writes a        the serious and the numinous.
group, Not the Midnight Mass,       weekly trends column for the
which has won a Dalro Award,        Sunday Times.
an Evening Post Award and           He is founder of World Wide
a Vita nomination.                  Worx, leading groundbreaking
Alan is a voice artist, and         market research, and presents
produces corporate events.          his insights to audiences across
                                    the globe.

GORDON, LYNDALL                     GRADNER, RICHARD                    HANDLER, ROSEMUND
Women writing                       Alternative                         Women writing
about women;                        forms of                            about women
‘Outsiders’: Five                   publishing
women writers                                                           Rosemund
who changed                         Richard Gradner                     Handler has a
the world                           is a director at                    degree in English
                                    Mustard creative and digital        literature from Wits University
Lyndall Gordon is a biographer      agency. He was the first Red Bull   and an MA in Creative Writing
whose books include The             marketing director in South         from UCT. She has written four
Imperfect Life of TS Eliot and      Africa and has a passion for        novels, Madlands, Katy’s Kid,
most recently, Outsiders, about     brands and branding. He is also     Tsamma Season and Us and
five women writers (one being       the author of Return to Lemuria,    Them, published by Penguin
the South African, Olive            Unicorn and Servant of Memory,      Books. She has also written
Schreiner); also two Jewish         which fall under the mythical       many short stories, poems and
memoirs with scenes of the          fiction genre. Richard is an        articles published in literary
Cape: Shared Lives and Divided      ex-Kung Fu and Tai Chi teacher,     journals and collections.
Lives: Dreams of a Mother           with a deep connection to all       Tsamma Season was shortlisted
and Daughter.                       things spiritual.                   for the Commonwealth Prize,
Lyndall is a fellow of the Royal    He lives life to the full,          Africa. She is currently working
Society of Literature and           maintaining a healthy mind          on a fifth novel.
St Hilda’s College, Oxford.         and body through the daily
                                    practice of Yoga.
HARBER, ANTON                       HAYMAN, JUNE                         HELLMAN, BRYAN
‘Ministry of                        Children’s                           Writing as
crime’: Delving                     programme                            therapy
into South
Africa’s                            June Hayman                          Bryan Hellman
underworld;                         studied music at                     has been a
Fake news: Spot                     UCT and UNISA                        clinical
it and stop it!                     and has been an educator for 40      psychologist in Cape Town for
                                    years in pre-primary, primary and    the past 12 years, providing
Anton Harber is a journalism        high schools but her passion is      integrative psychotherapy to
professor at Wits University, a     early childhood education and        individuals, couples and groups
journalist, author and editor.      development. She teaches Active      privately, as well practising in
He was founder-editor of the        Music at Herzlia pre-schools and     clinics, learning institutions and
Mail&Guardian; editor-in-chief      Phyllis Jowell Pre-School. Active    NGOs. He has treated patients
of news channel eNCA; and CEO       Music incorporates rhythm,           over a broad spectrum of mood
of Kagiso Broadcasting.             melody, speech, movement and         and personality disorders as well
His books include Diepsloot         imagination using percussion         as working closely with
(2011), The Gorilla in the Room     instruments to involve and           individuals grieving a loss. In
(2013); co-editing the first two    develop the whole child. She is      2008 he wrote Soul Conductor:
editions of The A–Z of              the musical director and             A Tale of Grieving and Healing
South African Politics (1994/6);    conductor of Shalom Voices Choir     which documents his personal
What is Left Unsaid: Reporting      and participates in Tivoli Variety   experience of the grieving
the South African HIV Epidemic      concerts to entertain Jewish and     process. Bryan is most
(2010), and Troublemakers:          other seniors.                       passionate about his beautiful
The best of SA’s investigative                                           twin children, Luke and Khloe.
journalism (2010).

HIGGS, COLLEEN                      HONIKMAN,                            INFELD, AVRAHAM
Alternative                         MARILYN (MJ)                         Jewish
forms of                            ‘A black South                       peoplehood,
publishing                          African soldier                      leadership,
                                    won a medal?                         identity and
Colleen Higgs is a                  In World War II?                     challenges
publisher,                          First I’ve heard
publishing activist and writer.     of black soldiers!’                  Avraham Infeld was the founder
Modjaji Books, the publishing                                            of Melitz Centres of Jewish
company she started 11 years                                             Zionist Education; director of the
                                    MJ Honikman started writing
ago, is an award-winning,                                                Shalom Hartman Institute;
                                    when she was 60. Before that
internationally recognised small,                                        director of the Jewish Agency for
                                    she taught, and then worked for
independent feminist press.                                              Israel’s Youth Department for
                                    Ravan Press, David Philip, Weekly
She compiles an African                                                  English-speaking Europe;
                                    Mail/M&G and BigNews as a
Catalogue of Small Publishers                                            director of planning, Taglit
                                    marketer, not a writer.
every few years, which will soon                                         Birthright and CEO of Hillel.
                                    She ran marketing workshops
be available online and is a                                             In recognition of his
                                    for independent newspaper
database to increase the                                                 contributions to Jewish
                                    publishers in Sudan, Iraq,
visibility of small and                                                  education, Avraham won Hebrew
                                    Rwanda, North Vietnam and
independent publishers in Africa.                                        University’s Samuel Rothberg
                                    South Africa.
She has had two collections of                                           Prize for Jewish Education,
poems and a collection of short     Her books, The Mystery of the
                                                                         Hillel’s Renaissance Award, and
stories, Looking for Trouble,       SS Waratah and the Avocado
                                                                         honorary doctorates from
published. She lives in Cape        Tree (for children) and
                                                                         Muhlenberg and Hebrew
Town with her teenage daughter.     There Should Have Been Five
                                                                         Union College.
                                    (for young adults), were
                                    published by Tafelberg.
JOSEPH, RAYMOND                     JOWELL, JOANNE                       KANTOR, BRIAN
Fake news: Spot                     ‘Winging It’:                        ‘Get South
it and stop it!                     From world-                          Africa growing’
                                    class ref to
Beginning as a                      rookie solo dad                      Brian Kantor,
cadet reporter for                                                       author of Get
the Rand Daily                      Joanne Jowell                        South Africa
Mail, Raymond Joseph went on        published her first book,            Growing, had a long academic
to to work for newspapers and       Managing the Quarterlife Crisis,     career at the University of Cape
magazines in senior editorial       in 2003. After completing her        Town where he served as
positions. A former ICFJ/Knight     Masters in Creative Writing at       lecturer and professor of
International Journalism Fellow,    UCT, she wrote On the Other Side     Economics and dean of the
and editor and board member of      of Shame: An Extraordinary           Faculty of Commerce. He is now
The Big Issue South Africa, he      Account of Adoption and              professor emeritus and chief
headed Code for South Africa’s      Reunion in which she                 investment strategist at Investec
(now OpenUp) media programme        established her signature            Wealth and Investment.
and Data Journalism Academy.        biographical storytelling style.     He received accolades for his
Since 2017 he has freelanced as     Next came Finding Sarah, about       work as founding chairman of
a journalist, trainer and media     bulimia and addiction, and The       the V&A Waterfront Company
consultant, specialising in         Crazy Life of Larry Joe, the story   (1988–2001).
fact-checking and using social      of a gangster made good. Her         Brian’s research on monetary
media as journalism tools. He       recent book, Winging It, looks at    and financial economics has
also works as an assessor for       life change, surrogacy and           been widely cited. He writes
the US-based International          parenting as a solo dad. Joanne      a popular blog
Fact-Checking Network.              is a founder and director of the
                                    Jewish Literary Festival.

KANTOR, STUART                      KAPILEVICH, AMI                      KAPLAN, JONATHAN
Sourcing                            ‘Rhapsody in                         ‘Winging It’:
poems within                        schmaltz:                            From world-
everyday life                       Yiddish food                         class ref to
                                    and why we                           rookie solo
Stuart Kantor is                    can’t stop                           dad; Winning:
an independent                      eating it’                           What’s luck got
financial adviser with a deep                                            to do with it?
love for poetry and the power of    Ami Kapilevich was born in Haifa,
language. He began writing in       but grew up in Johannesburg,         Jonathan Kaplan is a recent dad
1997 as part of a personal search   and has been living in Cape Town     doing his best; an ex Rugby Test
for meaning.                        for 22 years. Over the course of     referee; a marathon runner and
Stuart has self-published a book    his journalistic career, his work    a bulldog dad of three pretties;
titled Poetry for the Corporate     has appeared in numerous             a bonsai collector and a braai
Coffee Table which captures         publications and websites,           master extraordinaire. Jonathan
key moments of his personal         including Men’s Health, Sports       is the subject of biographies
journey into the follies of love;   Illustrated and Eat Out.             Call it Like it is by Mike Behr
life as a working man; and          He lives with his wife and two       and Winging It: Jonathan
the grand-dish of family life.      children, and enjoys surfing,        Kaplan’s Journey From
                                    backgammon, and shouting at          World-Class Ref to Rookie Solo
                                    cricketers on the television.        Dad by Joanne Jowell.
                                                                         He co-authored Always Believe
                                                                         in Magic with Kevin Musikanth
                                                                         and Prof Tim Noakes.
KATZ, ANTON                         KENTRIDGE, ELIZA                    KLASS, TRACY
Fugitive                            Poetry: Distiller                   ‘Memories of
criminals in                        of emotion;                         a mayd’le’;
South Africa:                       Sources of                          In conversation
The law                             inspiration                         with Rochelle
Anton Katz is a                     Eliza Kentridge
senior advocate in Cape Town,       was born in Johannesburg in         Tracy is known for her ‘growing
involved in human rights issues     1962. She is an artist and a        up disgracefully’ stance on life
concerning international and        writer; her poetry collection,      and being dragged towards
constitutional law. He also         Signs for an Exhibition (2015),     middle age – kicking and
advises and represents clients      was co-winner of the UJ Debut       screaming rather than floating
on public law. He represents        Prize in 2016. Her visual work      gracefully on a cloud of Clarins
States, NGOs, multinational         includes stitched, collaged         and botox. She has co-starred in
corporations and individuals.       figurative drawings on fabric and   two full length shows and
He has consulted for the United     paper, as well as an ongoing        appeared in her first full length
Nations Office on Drugs and         signs project, connecting words     stand up show, Klass Struggle
Crime and the African Union on      that govern us in the outside       in 2011.
the Prevention and Combating of     world with her own writing about    As one of the few female
Terrorism. Since 2011 he has        our interior world, experience      stand-ups in South Africa, Tracy
been a member of the United         and memory.                         takes an irreverent look at what
Nations Human Rights Council        She is working on a new poetry      women find funny – themselves.
Working Group on mercenaries.       collection.
Katz has also presided as a High
Court judge.

KLOPPER, SANDRA                     KNIGHT, NATALIE                     LAPEDUS-BREST, ANNE
SAFIM presents:                     SAFIM presents:                     Writing as
Irma Stern:                         ‘THE BIG                            therapy;
Her life and                        PICTURE’: An                        ‘Catastrophe:
art through                         art-o-biography                     Oy vey my child
her letters                                                             is gay (and an
                                    Natalie Knight is                   addict)’
Sandra Klopper, former Deputy       a renowned collector and
Vice-Chancellor at UCT, has had     documenter of Ndebele and           Anne Lapedus-Brest was born in
a long career as an art historian   Shangaan art. At the Natalie        Dublin, Ireland and came to
and administrator at several        Knight Gallery in Hyde Park,        South Africa in 1961. She is a
major universities in               (1980–1995), she exhibited          photographer, a genealogist/
South Africa.                       international art and promoted      family historian and an author.
She has written extensively on      little-known black artists who      Catastrophe: Oy Vey My Child is
art and culture in South Africa,    have now made names for             Gay (and an Addict) is her first
notably the art of traditional      themselves. She has written and     book. Her hobbies include
communities; the expressive         edited several art books, and       organic vegetable gardening,
culture of marginalised groups,     served as art curator at the Wits   dancing, and listening to music.
including the urban homeless;       Campus. The Knight/Priebatsch
                                                                        Anne has two adult children,
African fashion, textiles and       Ndebele collection has been
                                                                        Angela and Gregory Brest.
beadwork and the art of             sourced for international
                                                                        She lives in Morningside,
contemporary local artists.         exhibitions and catalogues.
                                                                        Sandton with her son Greg and
                                    Items are represented globally
                                                                        the two dogs.
                                    at amongst others: the Wits Art
                                    Museum, the British Museum
                                    and the Israel Museum.
LAZARUS, GREG                        LEVESON, MARCIA                       LEVIN, NICOLE
Writing and                          ‘The human                            Children’s
identity                             predicament’:                         programme
                                     Identity and
Greg Lazarus is                      healing                               Nicole Levin is a
the pen name of                                                            children’s book
husband-and-                         Marcia Leveson                        author,
wife writing duo Greg Fried and      retired from the English              storyteller and educator. She has
Lisa Lazarus. Greg is a              Department of the University of       published six picture books as
philosopher at UCT teaching the      the Witwatersrand. She has            well as stories, plays, poetry and
philosophy of mathematics and        researched and published              non-fiction for children and
the history of philosophy. Lisa is   widely, particularly in the area of   young adults. In addition, she
a psychologist and freelance         Jewish South African fiction. She     works as a learning materials
writer. The couple have written      is director of Quartz Press. She      developer and has written and
the novels Paradise (2014) and       was president of the English          directed various educational
When in Broad Daylight I Open        Academy of Southern Africa and        programmes.
My Eyes (2012), and a memoir,        is chairperson of the University      She has a Master’s Degree in
The Book of Jacob: A Journey into    of the Third Age Johannesburg.        Creative Writing from the
Parenthood (2009).                                                         University of New South Wales
                                     She serves on the Editorial
They have also published various     Board of Jewish Affairs.              in Sydney, Australia and
short stories in anthologies.        She continues to publish, edit,       a BA Honours from the
The story This Could Get Messy       teach and lecture.                    University of Cape Town.
won a National Arts Festival

LEVY, LORNA                          LEWIS, STACEY                         LIEBENBERG, RABBI
‘Hidden life of                      Cancer…                               MATTHEW
a smous’                             Divorce…                              ‘Wisdom from
                                     Survive and                           the South’
In her book,                         thrive
Lorna Levy has                                                             Rabbi Matthew
uncovered an                         Stacey Lewis                          Liebenberg was
interesting personal story in her    is a qualified physiotherapist,       born in Johannesburg and
research into her Jewish roots.      author of Divorce 101: Survive        studied there at the Yeshivah
She is a well known political        and Thrive and founder of             Gedolah. In 1999 he became
activist who was active together           rabbi at the Schoonder Street
with her husband Leon Levy in        She is a trained mediator and is      Shul in Cape Town and in 2001
the struggle against apartheid.      currently studying towards her        became rabbi of the Claremont
A consequence of this was a          LLB. She is passionate about          Wynberg Hebrew Congregation.
prolonged exile in England           assisting people in healing from      Rabbi Liebenberg is a former
from 1963 for more than              divorce. She also works with          chair of the Rabbinical
three decades.                       other organisations, assisting        Association of the Western Cape
Her well-received memoir             abused women.                         and the current chair of the
Radical Engagements (2009)           Her second book: From Break-up        Board of Governors of the
documents her life in exile, her     to Breakthrough (co-authored          Phyllis Jowell School and the
involvement in politics in           with Philippa Levitt) is due for      Simcha Fund.
England as well as her life as an    release in July 2018.                 He delivers weekly messages on
exiled South African. The Levys                                            his own YouTube channel, and is
moved to Cape Town in 1997.                                                a practising mohel.
MAISEL, ROCHELLE                    MANN, IAN                           MANOIM, IRWIN
Book launch:                        ‘The Executive                      Progressive
‘Memories of                        Update: The                         Judaism: Its
a mayd’le’;                         latest business                     history and
In conversation                     ideas distilled                     impact in
with Tracy Klass                    into one                            South Africa
                                    practical guide’
Rochelle Hurwitz Maisel grew up                                         Irwin Manoim has been
in Groot Drakenstein, a country     Ian Mann is the MD of Gateways      researching the history and
village nestled between Paarl       which consults to businesses in     impact of Progressive Judaism in
and Stellenbosch in the Western     14 countries. Ian writes a weekly   South Africa, in partnership with
Cape. She was educated at           business book review for            the Kaplan Centre for Jewish
Rhenish Girls’ High School, and is interviewed        Studies at UCT. The project will
Stellenbosch and then studied       monthly by Bruce Whitfield on       culminate in a book, to be
teaching. She taught at Wynberg     Radio 702/Cape Talk about the       published next year. Manoim has
Boys’ School until she and her      best ideas from the latest          also written the leading article
husband started their family:       business books. Ian is the author   in the latest edition of Jewish
a son, daughter, twin daughters     of South Africa’s largest-          Affairs, dealing with his research
and now several grandchildren.      selling books on strategy           into Jewish involvement with
Over the years she has              implementation, Managing            South African media.
submitted ‘letters to the editor’   with Intent, and of Strategy        Manoim was joint founder and
covering topical subjects, which    that Works.                         editor of the Mail&Guardian
have been published in various      His latest book Executive Update,   newspaper.
newspapers and magazines.           is an overview of the most
                                    important, recent business
                                    insights and issues.

MATISONN, JOHN                      MENDELSOHN, RICHARD                 MILLAN, ROBERTO
Journalists                         ‘Cemetries and                      Children’s
as agents                           synagogues’                         programme
of political
change                              Richard                             Roberto Millan
                                    Mendelsohn is a                     is a visual
John Matisonn                       retired member                      narrative and
began as a political reporter at    of the Department of Historical     communications designer. His
the Rand Daily Mail in 1974, and    Studies at the University of Cape   skills include illustration, digital
received a prison sentence for      Town. He is a former head of        colouring and visual
refusing to divulge a source. He    department and long-serving         communication design.
was Rand Daily Mail foreign         deputy dean of the Faculty of       Roberto’s passion lies in digital
correspondent in Washington         Humanities. He is the co-author,    publishing and print with
and worked for National Public      with Milton Shain, of The Jews in   particular mention given to
Radio in Johannesburg. He was       South Africa.                       visual narrative illustration
a broadcast regulator in the        Since retirement he has walked      and design.
Mandela administration and          the Camino twice as well as its     Within his portfolio, he has
the United Nations’ Chairperson     Tankwa Karoo counterpart.           worked with master cartoonist
of the Electoral Media                                                  Zapiro and other commercial
Commission in Afghanistan.                                              comic book studios as well as
He wrote God, Spies and Lies in                                         worked on pedagogical content,
Franschhoek and now lives                                               safety comic books for
in Cape Town.                                                           semi-literate audiences and
                                                                        editorial projects.
MOFFETT, HELEN                      MOTENE, ROSIE                        MUSIKANTH, KEVIN
Book reviews:                       Inter-racial                         Winning:
How to do it                        and inter-faith                      What’s luck got
and why we                          adoption                             to do with it?
all should;                         during
The truth                           apartheid                            Kevin Musikanth
behind fiction:                                                          is a professional
Researching magical stories         Rosie Motene is a Pan African        rugby coach, with 20 years in the
                                    media proprietor, who graduated      coaching game. He has served as
Helen Moffett is an author,         from Wits University with a BA in    head coach at False Bay Rugby
editor, academic and activist.      Dramatic Arts. Rosie grew up         club and directed rugby at
She has published university        during the apartheid era; her        Wynberg Boys’ School and
textbooks, a treasury of            mother was a domestic worker         St John’s College. In 2014, at UCT,
landscape writings; a book on       for a white Jewish family, who       his team Ikey Tigers was Varsity
cricket; an animal charity          took it upon themselves to raise     Cup winner and in 2015, World
anthology, Stray, with Diane        her. As a great as this              University Cup winner. Musikanth
Awerbuck; the Girl Walks In         opportunity was, it also brought     was recently named head coach
erotica series, with Paige Nick     many challenges and sacrifices       of the Israeli men’s national
and Sarah Lotz; two poetry          to both families.                    team, which he calls the ultimate
collections, Strange Fruit and                                           Jewish privilege.
                                    Ten years ago, Rosie embarked
Prunings; the Short Story Day       on a journey of self discovery,      His book Always Believe in Magic,
Africa anthologies; and other       which she documented in her          was co-authored with Prof Tim
books including 101 Water           book: Reclaiming the Soil.           Noakes and Jonathan Kaplan,
Wise Ways.                                                               journeying through an exciting
She is easily bored and loves                                            time in rugby history.

NAUDÉ, FANIE SJ                     NERWICH, RUS                         NICOLSON, AMBRE
Fiction, fact and                   Children’s                           Alternative
friendship                          programme                            forms of
SJ Naudé is the                     Hailing from
author of short                     Cape Town,                           Ambre Nicolson
story collection,                   saxophonist,                         is a recovering
The Alphabet of Birds, and a        composer and producer                magazine editor who lives and
novel, The Third Reel, published    Rus Nerwich is one of the            writes in Cape Town. Before and
in Afrikaans, English and Dutch.    country’s most creative and          after obtaining degrees in
He studied at Cambridge             prolific recording and performing    English and journalism at the
University and Columbia Law         artists. Crossing genres from jazz   university currently known as
School. He won the University of    and funk to world music and          Rhodes, she was a cleaner in
Johannesburg Debut Prize and a      neo-soul, Rus’s style is diverse,    London, a wall painter in
South African Literary Award, and   engaging and constantly              Barcelona, a language student in
was awarded the Jan Rabie and       evolving.                            Shanghai and a book researcher
Marjorie Wallace Writing Grant      Rus published his first children’s   in New York.
for 2014.                           book titled One Fine Day,            Her latest book is The A-Z of
His work has appeared in various    Love Came to Visit in 2016 and       Amazing South African Women.
international journals. Having      is currently working on
worked as a lawyer in New York      a second, titled The Dark Hat.
and London for many years, he
currently lives in Johannesburg.
NOVICK, BARBARA                        NUDELMAN, JILL                         OPPERMAN, SU
Children’s                             The self                               Children’s
programme                              between the                            programme
                                       lines: How
Barbara Novick                         autobio-                               Su Opperman is
lives with her                         graphical is                           a multi-
husband Dave                           writing?                               disciplinary artist
in beautiful South Africa. She has                                            whose focus rests predominantly
four children and her jewels are       Jill Nudelman came to writing in       on painting as a form of gestural
her 12 grandchildren. She is an        her 50s, after bringing up her         expression and underground
artist, writer, social worker, lover   children. She has a masters in         comic art as a unique aesthetic
of nature and delights in swirling     English and one in Creative            tool through which to question
on the dance floor.                    Writing; the latter resulting in the   current South African society.
She taught art to eight- and           novel, Inheriting the Earth (2012),    A love of comics is what first
80-year-olds and is enthused by        which won the Olive Schreiner          inspired her to explore other
their contributions of fantasy         Prize in 2015. She is currently        art-making processes as
and colour.                            doing a PhD in Creative Writing        alternative ways to convey
                                       through Birmingham University          meaning and aspects of story.
                                       in the UK, its outcome being a         She has participated in various
                                       publishable novel.                     projects and exhibitions, both
                                       She lives in Johannesburg with         locally and internationally.
                                       her husband and has two
                                       children in Johannesburg, two in
                                       Cape Town and grandchildren
                                       in both cities.

PALTE, LAUREN                          PAM, HELENE                            PHILLIPS, HOWARD
‘Maus’ the                             Children’s                             ‘Cemetries and
graphic novel                          programme                              synagogues’
by Art
Spiegelman                             A passionate                           Howard Phillips
                                       author and                             BA Hons (UCT),
Lauren Palte is a                      mother of three,                       MA (London),
Cape Town-based painter and            Helene Pam, together with her          PhD (UCT) taught in the History
teacher.                               daughter Sheleen Lepar, create         Department at UCT for 40 years
                                       products and experiences that          until his retirement in 2014. His
She is head of Visual Art at
                                       touch the hearts and minds of          writing has largely been in two
Herzlia High School and holds
                                       children around the world. Their       fields: the history of health,
a Masters in Fine Art from
                                       mission is to spread happiness         disease and medicine and the
University of Cape Town.
                                       and inspiration by teaching kids       history of universities.
                                       to become deep thinkers,               He is currently working on a
                                       helping them to believe in             history of UCT from 1948 to 1968.
                                       themselves, and empowering
                                       them to achieve their dreams.
                                       Their products include two
                                       children’s journals, My Gratitude
                                       and Dream Journal and
                                       My Happy Place.
POPLAK, RICHARD                     POSEL, DEBORAH                   PURKEY, MALCOLM
Fake news: Spot                     ‘Hidden life of a                The Jewish girl
it and stop it! ;                   smous’                           in ‘Sophiatown’
Journalists as
agents of                           Deborah Posel is                 Malcolm Purkey
political change                    a research                       is one of the
                                    professor at the                 pre-eminent
Richard Poplak is a filmmaker,      Institute for Humanities in      exponents of workshop-based
journalist and author of            Africa (HUMA) at University of   theatre development in
Ja, No, Man, and The Sheikh’s       Cape Town.                       South Africa. He is particularly
Batmobile, and co-authored          She researches and writes        known for his exciting and
Continental Shift with              about various aspects of         influential work with Junction
Kevin Bloom.                        South Africa’s past              Avenue Theatre, most especially
                                    and present.                     Sophiatown. As a Fulbright
                                                                     Scholar, he received an MA
                                                                     Theatre Studies (State University
                                                                     of New York). He taught Dramatic
                                                                     Art at Wits for 20 years, the last
                                                                     part as head of department.
                                                                     This was followed by nine years
                                                                     as artistic director of The Market
                                                                     Theatre and he is currently
                                                                     dean emeritus at AFDA,

RAPHAELY, JANE                      RICHARDS, NANCY                  ROTH, ADINA
Books as a                          Women writing                    Eve, Lilith &
Jewish legacy                       about women;                     Holde
                                    Book launch:
Jane Raphaely                       ‘Deceive and                     Adina Roth has
moved to South                      Defend’                          studied Bible
Africa in 1960                                                       and Talmud
after studying at the LSE and       Nancy Richards is a freelance    extensively and has two masters
Columbia University in New York.    print and radio journalist,      degrees in Literature with a
She joined Naspers as founding      speaker, media trainer and       focus on Bible as Literature.
editor of the first English         founder of Woman Zone, an        She runs B’tocham Education,
women’s magazine, Fairlady.         NPO connecting women.            a Bar and Batmitzvah school
In 1984, she set up Jane Raphaely                                    focused on meaningful rites of
                                    She was instrumental in the
& Associates to launch                                               passage for Jewish teens and
                                    planning, compilation and
Cosmopolitan magazine.                                               she is a clinical psychologist
                                    editing of Being a Woman in
House and Leisure and several                                        in private practice. Adina was
                                    Cape Town: Telling your Story,
other international titles                                           involved in writing parts of
                                    which was published in 2015.
followed, including the only                                         Bat Mitzvah made by Me,
edition of O, The Oprah Magazine                                     edited by Daniella Jaff and
outside the US. Jane is the                                          Juliet Simmons.
recipient of numerous awards                                         She is a Melton faculty educator,
for professional and                                                 a mom to Maya and Adam, and
humanitarian achievements and                                        writes on her blog, Jewgal.
has seven grandchildren, all
of whom live in Cape Town.
Her memoir Unedited was
published in 2012.
SACHS, ALBIE                          SACKSTEIN, HOWARD                      SCHIMMEL, GAIL
‘Oliver Tambo’s                       ‘The knock on                          Book reviews:
Dream’                                the door: The                          How to do it
                                      story of the                           and why we
Albie Sachs is an                     Detainees’                             all should;
activist and                          Parents Support                        Making a
former judge on                       Committee’                             creative space
the Constitutional Court of South                                            in a practical life
Africa. Beginning as an advocate,     Howard Sackstein is chair of the
defending people charged under        SA Jewish Report and the Jewish        By day, Gail Schimmel is the CEO
the laws of apartheid, he was         Achiever Awards. A lawyer by           of the Advertising Standards
arrested and placed in solitary       training and entrepreneur by           Authority and a qualified
confinement for months. Sachs         profession, Howard is the              attorney. By night she is a
went into exile in England. In        self-proclaimed ‘King’ of social       mother of two children. She’s not
1988, he lost an arm and sight in     media, explosive political activist    really sure when she found the
one eye when a bomb was               and official photographer to life      time to write a children’s book,
placed in his car in Mozambique.      itself. He has visited 75 counties,    three novels and a textbook, but
Returning from exile, he served       has an LLB from Wits, a Masters        if you could explain it to her,
as a member of the                    from Brandeis University and           she’ll be very grateful.
Constitutional Committee and          studied Conflict Resolution at
the National Executive of the                                                Her latest novel is The Park and
                                      Harvard. He was executive              she has another book coming
ANC. He is the author of The Jail     director of the Independent
Diary of Albie Sachs, and We, the                                            out in early 2019.
                                      Electoral Commission, and led
People: Insights of an Activist       the only ANC delegation to ever
Judge, amongst others. His latest     visit Israel.
book is Oliver Tambo’s Dream.

Sources of                            Writing as                             Cancer…
inspiration;                          therapy                                Divorce…
Sourcing poems                                                               Survive and
within everyday                       Sharlene Scott                         thrive;
life; Tasking                         Levin was                              ‘The knock on
fictitious                            adopted at four                        the door: The
characters with unpacking             days old through an unqualified        story of the Detainees’
Jewish history                        doctor’s ‘baby yard’. Her foster       Parents Support Committee’
                                      parents were a wealthy,
                                      detached couple and her                Lauren Segal has written several
Patricia Schonstein is a critically
                                      upbringing was littered with           books, produced drama and
acclaimed novelist, poet and
                                      deception and lies. Levin’s life       factual television series, and
author of children’s books.
                                      was filled with torment and            since 2002, specialised in
Her works have been translated
                                      abuse. She married an abusive          developing and curating a
into seven languages and
                                      man, and has faced loss                number of heritage sites,
endorsed by the Nobel Laureates
                                      repeatedly, none more                  memorial projects and
JM Coetzee and Archbishop
                                      devastating than the death of          permanent and temporary
Emeritus Desmond Tutu.
                                      her third child. This last loss, she   exhibitions in South Africa and
She is the curator of the Africa!
                                      credits for removing ‘the shroud’      Africa. In 2017, she published a
anthologies and the Poetry in
                                      and being the catalyst for her         memoir on her experiences as
McGregor anthologies.
                                      rise to courage and                    a cancer patient, Cancer: A Love
She is co-editor of the poetry        determination.
quarterly, Stanzas and holds an                                              Story and co-authored The Knock
MA in Creative Writing from the
                                      Stranger in the Guest House:           on the Door: The Story of the
University of Cape Town.
                                      from Survivor to Thriver, is           Detainee Parents Support
                                      her memoir.                            Committee (2018).
SEGERMAN, STEPHEN                    SEREBRO, HAROLD                     SHAIN, MILTON
Searching for                        ‘The Canopy’:                       Writing the
Sugarman                             A story of                          history of
                                     warriors for                        anti-semitism
Stephen ‘Sugar’                      justice facing                      in South Africa
Segerman is a                        the ticking
Cape Town-based                      time bomb                           Milton Shain is
music writer and co-owner of the                                         professor emeritus of Historical
iconic record store, Mabu Vinyl.     Dr Harold Serebro specialised       Studies at the University of Cape
He is the co-author, together        in gastroenterology before          Town and the former director of
with Craig Bartholomew Strydom,      becoming an executive at the        the Kaplan Centre for Jewish
of Sugar Man: The Life, Death        Altron Group where he spent         Studies. He has written and
and Resurrection of Sixto            20 years. He has researched         edited over a dozen books,
Rodriguez, which tells the story     Nazi foreign policy and has         including The Roots of
of Rodriguez and their search        lectured widely on the Holocaust    Antisemitism in South Africa
to find him, as told in              in South Africa and                 (University Press of Virginia,
Malik Bendjelloul’s 2013             internationally. In 1983 he was     1994) and A Perfect Storm.
Oscar-winning documentary,           invited by the Polish Minister      Antisemitism in South Africa
Searching For Sugar Man.             of Justice as a delegate to the     1930–1948 (Jonathan Ball
                                     Polish Main Commission on Nazi      Publishers, 2015) won the Recht
                                     War Crimes in Warsaw.               Malan Prize for English and
                                                                         Afrikaans non-fiction in 2016.
                                     He has also spoken on the Arab/
                                     Israeli conflict and the Iranian    In 2014 he was elected a Fellow
                                     threat of nuclear genocide.         of the Royal Society of
                                                                         South Africa.

SHAKINOVSKY, TERRY                   SHENKER, TOBY                       SIDLEY, STEVEN ‘BOYKEY’
‘The knock on                        ‘The Executive                      Telling stories:
the door: The                        Update: The                         Fiction, music
story of the                         latest business                     and
Detainees’                           ideas distilled                     astrophysics;
Parents Support                      into one                            Journalists as
Committee’                           practical guide’                    agents of
                                                                         political change
Terry Shakinovsky is a South         After writing magazine articles
African journalist, with extensive   and PR material in the corporate    Award-winning and multi-
international experience. She        world for several years, Toby       shortlisted novelist Steven
has lived and worked in Zambia       Shenker developed a fascination     ‘Boykey’ Sidley has meandered
and the UK, where she worked         for recording intriguing tales      through careers as an animator,
for the BBC and ABC News. She        from yesteryear. Thus was born      chief technology officer for a
holds a postgraduate degree in       her memoir writing business –       Fortune 500 company, jazz
History. She is the co-author of a   ‘Tell Your Story’. She has          musician, software developer,
recent book on the Detainees’        ghost-written thought-provoking,    video game designer, private
Parents Support Committee            inspirational life stories shared   equity investor and technology
(DPSC) in South Africa in the        by a range of successful Jewish     entrepreneur. He currently lives
1980s, The Knock on the Door.        clients – which (among others)      in Johannesburg with his wife
She is currently the publications    include a holocaust refugee,        and two children. He has
coordinator at the Mapungubwe        property magnates, automotive       published four novels, his latest
Institute for Strategic Reflection   and industrial moguls, and one      being Free Association, and a
(MISTRA) in Johannesburg.            of SA’s top businessmen and         play (with his wife Kate Sidley)
                                     much lauded philanthropists.        and is published internationally.
SIDLEY, KATE                        SILBER, GUS                           SILBERHAFT, RABBI
‘Knucklebone’                       ‘Get South                            MOSHE
                                    Africa growing’;                      The methods
Kate Sidley is a                    Funny you                             of the travelling
writer, author,                     should mention                        Rabbi: Then
reviewer and                        it! From Pip                          and now
columnist whose                     Freedman to
work appears in various             Pieter Dirk-Uys to Deep Fried         Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft began
newspapers and magazines,           Man: an exploration of the            his career in 1988 as a Jewish
online, and on radio. She reviews   Jewish thread in South                chaplain in the SA Defence Force.
books, interviews authors and       African humour                        In 1997, he became spiritual
writes about book-related
                                                                          leader for the African Jewish
subjects for the Sunday Times.
                                    Gus Silber is a journalist, author,   Congress, a body responsible for
Kate has written three books –      scriptwriter, speechwriter and        Jewish communities around
a humorous foodie-related           media trainer. He is the author of    Africa. When a community ceases
one called The Agony Chef;          several books, covering a wide        to function, it is Rabbi
a children’s book called            diversity of themes and subjects,     Silberhaft’s job to preserve its
What is It? as part of the Book     from works of satire It Takes Two     legacy by removing foundation
Dash project; and 100 Mandela       to Toyi-Toyi to mobile technology     stones from synagogues and
Moments – as well as a play,        Mobinomics to social                  re-erecting them in the local
which she wrote with her            entrepreneurship in South Africa      cemetery. He oversees the
husband, Steven ‘Boykey’ Sidley.    The Disruptors. He lives in           restoration and maintenance of
                                    Johannesburg and also on              over 20 000 Jewish graves in over
                                    Twitter and Instagram, where          220 cemeteries.
                                    you will find him @gussilber.

STUART-CLARK, LUCY                  SZCZUREK, KARINA                      TODRES, PHILIP
Children’s                          ‘Outsiders’:                          SAFIM presents:
programme                           Five women                            ‘THE BIG
                                    writers who                           PICTURE’:
Lucy Stuart-Clark                   changed                               An art-o-
is a Cape                           the world                             biography;
Town-based                                                                ‘Rhapsody in
artist, illustrator and teacher,    Karina Szczurek is a Polish-born      schmaltz: Yiddish food and
with a BFA specialising in          writer and literary critic. She       why we can’t stop eating it’
printmaking from Rhodes             studied in Austria and Wales,
University (2009) and a MPhil VA    and moved to South Africa in          Philip Todres is publisher of
specialising in illustration from   2005. She holds a PhD in English      special-interest maps for Cape
Stellenbosch University (2012).     and American Studies from the         Town including The Map to Jewish
Lucy has illustrated two Bumble     University of Salzburg. She           Cape Town and this year’s 30th
Books titles, Table Mountain’s      authored Truer than Fiction:          edition Arts & Crafts Map. The
Holiday (2013) and My Great         Nadine Gordimer Writing               interactive
Expedition (2017).                  Post-Apartheid South Africa and       reflects a move into the digital
                                    was the editor of Touch: Stories      space. Philip reviews books for
                                    of Contact by South African           Fine Music Radio’s Book Choice
                                    Writers. She is a regular reviewer    and does interviews for Cape
                                    for the Sunday Independent and        Diary. He is co-director of the
                                    the online art magazine Itch.         musical documentary Leah, Teddy
                                    Karina’s latest book The Fifth        & the Mandolin – a tribute to the
                                    Mrs Brink is her memoir of her        passionate commitment of those
                                    life before, during and after         involved in the Annual Yiddish
                                    her marriage to André Brink.          Song Festival (2001–2010).
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