Your Monthly News & Updates - Texas A&M Commerce

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Your Monthly News & Updates - Texas A&M Commerce
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                Your Monthly News & Updates
                          It is with great pleasure that we are launching the first
                          virtual newsletter of the College of Business. According to
                          Victor Hugo, “Man’s greatest actions are performed in
                          minor struggles. Life, misfortune, isolation, abandonment
                           and poverty are battlefields which have their heroes -
                           obscure heroes who are at times greater than illustrious
                           heroes.” —During this past academic year, most of us have
struggled in one way or another in one or multiple aspects of our lives. In the College
of Business, our students have struggled with classes, financial issues and personal or
family health-related problems; our faculty and staff have struggled to continue
providing a high-quality educational experience while juggling too the myriad
challenges in their personal lives; and, our alumni and industry partners have also
struggled personally and economically while still generously supporting our students
in terms of internships, jobs and scholarships. The content of this newsletter is a
testament to the determination and resilience of our community to continue to do
amazing things regardless of the momentous challenges faced worldwide and

                                               College of Business Alumnus
                                               Provides Gift to Establish
                                               Funderburk Scholarship

                                               Professor Emeritus Dale Funderburk
                                               created a legacy of excellence in the
                                               College of Business at Texas A&M
                                               University-Commerce during his 52-
year teaching career. A new scholarship in his name will memorialize his

The Dr. Dale Funderburk Honorary Scholarship will provide financial
assistance to undergraduate business majors at A&M-Commerce.
Your Monthly News & Updates - Texas A&M Commerce
Funderburk's former student, Timothy Meads, contributed $10,000 to begin the
scholarship fund. Meads will also match additional gifts to the fund, up to


Zenetta Drew APAP

The College of Business is proud to
announce the nomination of our
alumna, Zenetta Drew, for the APAP
William Dawson Award for
Programmatic Excellence and
Sustained Achievement in


                 Dan Bandi – Alumni Highlight and Event

                                           Mr. Dan Bandi, CFA, spoke to students of
                                           the finance society and others on March
                                           3, 2021 at 6 pm. The topic of his
                                           discussion was "Careers in Asset
                                           Management: Focusing on the
                                           importance of CFA". The meeting was
                                           virtual and hosted by Professor Ramya
                                           Aroul, advisor to the finance society. Over
                                           thirty students attended the event in
                                           addition to Drs. Aroul, Parnes and
                                           Nippani. The event, which lasted over an
                                           hour, was a grand success. Mr. Bandi
                                           spoke and then he and another colleague
                                           took questions from the students.

                                           ​SEE MORE

                            New Dallas Location
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As you have surely heard by now, Texas A&M University-Commerce has secured the 19th
and 20th floors of 8750 North Central Expressway to increase our footprint in Dallas. The
building is in a prime location across from NorthPark Mall, a few blocks from the DART,
only a couple miles from SMU and surrounded by many prominent businesses.


                        Awards & Celebrations

Congratulations to Amani          College of Business        Information Systems Audit
           Biggs                    Teaching Awards           and Control Association’s
                                                                  (ISACA) Donation
The College of Business        Dr. Bo Han is the COB
would like to congratulate     Teacher of the Year. The      The department of
Amani Biggs for being          purpose of the COB            Marketing & Business
selected as a Public           Teaching Awards is to         Analytics (MKTBA) at A&M-
Company Accounting             recognize and acknowledge     Commerce has received a
Oversight Board (PCAOB)        the outstanding efforts of    $25,000 scholarship
Scholar. In recognition of     faculty who uphold a high     donation from the
her accomplishments,           standard of excellence in     Information Systems Audit
Amani will receive a           their classrooms.             and Control Association’s
scholarship in the amount of                                 (ISACA) North Texas
$10,000 for the 2021-22        SEE MORE                      Chapter.
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academic year.
                                                                      SEE MORE


                 Sayli Rohera                                       Stephanie Moore

Sayli Rohera has a Bachelor of Engineering           When Stephanie Moore started her academic
degree in Electronics and Telecommunication.         career at A&M-Commerce as an honors college
She graduated with a Master of Science degree in     student, she lacked a vision for her future. What
Business Analytics from TAMUC and is currently       she discovered was a passion for international
working as a solutions analyst for FedEx following   relations and business.
her internship for the same company.

SEE MORE                                             SEE MORE

                                                     Class of 2021 Honor Graduates

                                                     The College of Business (COB) had 5
                                                     Honors College graduates in May 2021.
                                                     The Honors College recognition
                                                     ceremony was held at 2:00 pm on
                                                     Friday, April 23rd at Prairie Crossing
                                                     which is a residential living center for
                                                     the Honors College students.
                                                     SEE MORE

   Graduate Reception
Your Monthly News & Updates - Texas A&M Commerce
On Friday, April 30th, the College of
   Business (COB) hosted its traditional
   graduate reception. Faculty gathered to
   celebrate the achievements of our
   graduates and honor the dedication of
   their loved ones. Dr. Alex Williams was
   among the faculty, staff and graduate
   assistants who facilitated the event...



                                               Alumni Profile of Brandy & Wilfred
Attendees learned about the day-to-day                    Zoungrana
functions of each job and what employers
are looking for within these specific        Brandy and Wilfred Zoungrana met at
industries. The panelists provided           A&M-Commerce in 2013. Less than a
information about how the industry is        decade after graduation, they bought their
transacting client needs, customer           dream house and had their 3 daughters:
relations and other business consulting      Hazielle, Adar and Hasadia. This is what
needs. Data analysis strategies, security    they had to say about their time with us
and risk management and business             and where they are now.
operations were all covered as well.
                                             Brandy: “I obtained my social work
SEE MORE                                     degree in 2015 from A&M-Commerce....

                                             SEE MORE
Your Monthly News & Updates - Texas A&M Commerce
News & Events

Venture College Hires New        New Associate Dean             Female Entrepreneur
         Coordinator                                                     Panel
                             The College of Business
Recently, we hired Mr.       would like to welcome Dr.       On Wednesday, February
Anthony Pierotti, an A&M-    Anil Kumar as Professor of      24th, the Marketing and
Commerce alum, to be the     Business Analytics and as       Engagement Committee
full-time coordinator for    the new Associate Dean of       sponsored the traditional
Venture College. Anthony      the College of Business. Dr.   “Panels with Scott Series”
will be tasked with promoting Kumar earned his doctorate     on female entrepreneurs.
entrepreneurial spirit and    at the University of Memphis   This is the first virtual panel
helping students, faculty,   and has been a professor at     in a series on successful
staff and community          Western Illinois University,    business people. Other
members execute their for-   the University of Wisconsin-    subjects include CFAs,
profit and non-profit        Whitewater and Central          bankers, CIOs, CPAs and
initiatives.                 Michigan University.            more.

SEE MORE                     SEE MORE                        SEE MORE

         COB Surprises Local                                 Finance Lab
           ​Nursing Home
                                                The finance lab is a modern space with a
On the 14th of February, 2021, the              trading room feel for College of Business
Marketing and Engagement Committee,             (COB) students and faculty to use, learn
Your Monthly News & Updates - Texas A&M Commerce
on behalf of the College of Business      and apply current in-demand finance and
(COB) at A&M-Commerce, sponsored a        analytics tools such as python, tableau,
COVID safe visit to the Woodmoore         and Bloomberg.
Nursing Home in Bonham, Texas.

SEE MORE                                  SEE MORE

Annual COB Scholarship Banquet                    WHERE ARE THEY NOW?

The Marketing and Engagement              Brianne Head graduated from A&M-
Committee of the College of Business      Commerce in 2011 with a Bachelors in
(COB) held its Annual COB Scholarship     Accounting and MBA. She was a member
Banquet on Thursday, April 22nd.          of Beta Alpha Psi and at one of the
Because of COVID, a new format was        meetings, she was introduced to the CFO
tried this year and the event was         of OneSource Virtual (OSV). She had just
conducted via Zoom because of the value   graduated and was looking for a job and
and importance the college places on      OSV was looking for a staff accountant so
having this event each year.              it was a perfect fit.

See More                                  See More

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                                                       PO Box 3011
                                                  ​Commerce, TX 75428
                                                     (888) 868-2682

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