Your online insurance service - FMG

Page created by Eduardo Lowe
Your online insurance service - FMG
December 2020 - February 2021

          Your online insurance service

Meet one of
FMG’s 65
Page 6

The link between
diminished wellbeing
and on-farm injuries
Page 7

House cover
Have you got enough?
Page 8


                                      Read this story on page 3
                                  FMG POST | DECEMBER 2020 - FEBRUARY 2021 1
Your online insurance service - FMG
Note from
Chris Black
                                                                                                                                           January 23
                                                                                                                                FMG Young Farmer of
                                                          FMG Connect complements our core                                     the Year Regional Final
                                                          telephone and face to face channels,                                  Taranaki/Manawatu
                                                          which we are looking to keep investing in
                                                          as well. We have established a network                                          February 13
                                                          of preferred panel beaters. Again, this is
                                                          designed to make things easier and faster                             FMG Young Farmer of
                                                          to get you back up and running after your                            the Year Regional Final
                                                          vehicle has been damaged.                                                  East Coast
                                                          At a structural level, the insurance
                                                          industry has agreed a new claims model                                          February 20
                                                          with EQC which should make it easier to                               FMG Young Farmer of
                                                          recover after a natural disaster, something                          the Year Regional Final
                                                          we have been advocating for 10 years now                                    Northern
                                                          on your behalf.
                                                          I think the events of 2020 remind us that                                       27 February
2020 will go down as ‘a year                              while we can’t control or influence a lot
                                                                                                                                FMG Young Farmer of
like no other’; politically,                              of things in life, what we can do is plan
                                                                                                                               the Year Regional Final
socially, environmentally and                             and prepare the best we can. That’s why
                                                                                                                               Waikato/Bay of Plenty
economically. As a mutual,                                we continue to put a lot of store in taking
FMG is underpinned by four                                the time to get the right advice where
                                                          one needs it and then act on that, as
core values; ‘doing what’s right,                                                                                                           March 6
                                                          appropriate. This edition has a number of
‘being in it together’, ‘making                           articles in this regard.
                                                                                                                                FMG Young Farmer of
things happen’ and ‘proud of                                                                                                   the Year Regional Final
who we are’.                                              I’m conscious 2020 has presented all of                                 Otago/Southland
                                                          us with plenty of challenges. On behalf of
These have been at the forefront of our                   our whole FMG team, I hope you manage
decision making this year as we have                      to get a well-earned break at some point                                         March 20
navigated increased uncertainty, as we                    over the summer. And if you need help at                              FMG Young Farmer of
appreciate you have as well.                              any stage, please free to contact us.                                the Year Regional Final
Farmstrong, which is New Zealand’s                        All the best for the festive season.                                        Aorangi
leading rural wellbeing programme, has
proved its worth again this year, reminding               Kind regards,
                                                                                                                                            March 27
us that investing in your own wellbeing
ahead of time pays dividends. Sincere                                                                                           FMG Young Farmer of
thanks to all those who continue to support                                                                                    the Year Regional Final
Farmstrong in so many different ways.                                                                                                 Tasman
This year we have had a keen focus on
enhancing our service model. In this                                                                                        To find out more please visit the
                                                          Chris Black
edition of FMG Post, we explain more                                                                                                contest website:
                                                          Chief Executive, FMG
about our new service FMG Connect,                                                                                   
an online facility designed to give you                                                                                      or go along and support your
more choice in terms of managing your                                                                                             local young farmers.
insurance with FMG.

 We are delighted to provide the FMG Post to our clients three times a year. If you’d prefer to receive your copy via email or by post, please give us a call on 0800 366 466.

Your online insurance service - FMG
Here’s what clients are
                                                                                                            already saying about
                                                                                                                FMG Connect

Manage your insurance
online with FMG Connect                                                                                         I just added a vehicle
                                                                                                               to my policy, it was so
                                                                                                                   easy to do online.
FMG Connect, your new online insurance service is now                                                                   - Helen
available—you can register online today.
FMG Connect allows you to easily view and manage your insurance online—any time,
from any device. You can make general claims, view all your insurance with FMG and
manage common policy covers.                                                                                      I always found it
                                                                                                                  hard engaging in
Here’s what you can currently do on FMG Connect:
                                                                                                                  my insurance and
                                                                                                               having visibility of our
                                            IT’S EASY TO CLAIM            MANAGE YOUR                            policies—because
                                                                          INSURANCE POLICIES                     everything just got
                                                                                                               filed and wasn't easy
                                            • Fast claim
                                                                          • View all of your                     to go through. This
                                              processes for:
                                                                            FMG policy details                        is so great!
                                               - Windscreens
                                                                            in one place                                - Rachel
                                               - Electronic items
                                                 under $5,000             • Add, edit and
                                               - Glasses                    remove private
                                               - Hearing aids               vehicles, and adjust
                                               - House glass                sum insured value                   It’s very interactive,
                                            • Lodge vehicle               • Edit and remove                       able to do what I
                                              accident and                  household contents                 needed to do (remove
                                              damage claims                                                      a car that was sold
                                                                          • Edit and remove                     and update value of
                                            • Lodge claims for:             house cover
                                                                                                               new car) quite easily.
                                               - Domestic contents                                                    - Rebecca
                                               - Farm contents
                                               - Commercial               MANAGE YOUR
                                                                          FMG ACCOUNT
                                               - Baled hay
                                               - Portable plant and       • Update your
                                                                            contact details                      Very happy, glad to
                                                 equipment                                                      be able to review my
                                               - Stock                    • Choose to receive                    policies easily and
                                            • View all open and             statements by                        make adjustments
                                              closed claims and             email or post                         that suit me and
                                              the current status of       • Review authorities                      my business.
                                              your claim                    on your account                             - Sam


To set up FMG Connect go         We’re still available in all of                                                 Scan here using your
to            the usual ways but we hope                                                      phone's camera to
Have your account number         that FMG Connect gives you                                                      set up FMG Connect
on hand (found on the top of     more choice, convenience and
your statement) and an email     control of your insurance.
or phone number linked to
your account.                      For more information, and
We’re continually adding           to login if you’re already
more features to FMG Connect       on FMG Connect, head to
so you can do even more  
online in the future.

                                                                                                FMG POST | DECEMBER 2020 - FEBRUARY 2021 3
Your online insurance service - FMG

A Passion for
Jane Smith has a passion for Perendale sheep.
Growing up on her parent’s sheep farm in North Otago
she now runs a 9,000-stock unit operation called Newhaven
Perendales with her husband, Blair. The Smith's 3 children are
also the 5th generation to live on the North Otago-based farm.

                                                            Wool is naturally resistant to
                                                        fire whereas synthetic carpets
                                                        melt. The fumes from the
                                                        synthetic carpet are actually very               lameness and
                                                        harmful hydrogen cyanide fumes;                  ulcers in your
                                                        experts tell us that these fumes
                                                        are even worse than the smoke
                                                                                                         Lameness, tendon and ligament
                                                        itself, says Jane.
                                                                                                         injuries, ulcers and colic make
                                                        Jane says the other benefits of wool for         up most of the claims from
                                                        carpets inside the home are that it’s hypo-      FMG equine policies, says
                                                        allergenic, easy to clean, improves indoor       FMG’s Manager Advice Services,
                                                        air quality and is naturally crush resistant.    Stephen Cantwell.
                                                        The Perendale fleece performs particularly
Blair and Jane Smith with George (9) and Henry (11) -                                                    Stephen spoke with equine and
with daughter Charlotte (13) at boarding school         well in high traffic areas such as hotels, due
                                                                                                         production animal veterinarian,
                                                        to its ‘bulk’ attributes. The fleece also sits
Jane has a self-confessed ‘obsession with                                                                Ellie Grieves from Totally Vets,
                                                        at the finer end of the crossbred scale and
agriculture’ and her success both on and                                                                 Awapuni about the causes and
                                                        because it has a natural whiteness, it’s easy
off the farm is evidence of this. Before                                                                 what we can do to help protect
                                                        to colour.
returning to the farm she was awarded the                                                                  horses from these sorts of
                                                        With these qualities it’s easy to understand         injuries or ailments.
New Zealand Young Rural Achiever Award
                                                        Jane’s position on New Zealand wool. As a
and the Sir Ronald Trotter Gold Medal
                                                        mother she points out that with a synthetic
during her 10 years in agribusiness.
                                                        carpet, a crawling baby is spending a lot of
Back on the farm, continuing her family’s               time on a flooring that is the equivalent of
legacy of raising exceptional dual-purpose              tens-of-thousands of plastic bags.
Perendale sheep is her focus. “We put equal             Further, synthetic carpet has added
weighting on having a great fleece and                  stain and fire-resistant treatments
lamb product—why not produce the best                   applied to it, which is another layer
possible fleece that you can?” she says.                of toxic chemicals.
With a stud flock as well, genetics are also            “Synthetic carpets have been
critical. “At Newhaven, every single animal             marketed well, considering
needs to perform both in the paddock and                they are a product made of oil
on paper—not one or the other—genotype                  and plastic. There is a perception
and phenotype are both important—but                    around the cost of wool carpet, but I do         Read Ellie’s
physical conformation and performance are               think people need to consider all the other      advice by scanning
always our number one priority,” says Jane.             benefits of wool and the fact that the upper     the QR code or visiting
                                                        end of synthetic carpet sits in the same
Jane is particularly proud of the Perendale             price range as a wool carpet.                    avoidlameness
fleece and is an advocate for the many
benefits of New Zealand wool, including                 “Wool is energy efficient as its produced
the fire safety attributes wool has over its            from renewable and natural resources—
synthetic counterparts.                                 sheep need to be shorn, and it’s
                                                        biodegradable. Also, wool is a 100% New
As a former volunteer firefighter, Jane                 Zealand made product. This is something
says she saw first-hand the differences in              that we value and need to make sure that
the damage a house with synthetic carpet                today’s savvy global consumer does as
sustained.                                              well,” says Jane.

Your online insurance service - FMG
Rural theft peaks                                                                                 OVER THE PAST 3 YEARS:

in January                                                                                        $6 MILLION
Our claims data has shown that January is when                                                   paid out in domestic contents
                                                                                                          theft claims
thieves set out to steal from rural properties.

                                                                                                  $3 MILLION
Stephen Cantwell, FMG’s Manager Advice, says
theft is the leading cause of farm contents’ claims.
“January appears to be the month when thieves are most                                           in farm contents theft claims
active. Not only are the number of claims higher in January
but the average value of claims is 23% higher.”
                                                                                             Claiming for lost or stolen contents
                                                                                             If you have lost an item, or had
                                                                                             something stolen:
Whether you’re on holiday or on the farm,      free online asset register created by the
there are actions you can take to help to      NZ Police at                  • let the police know straight
deter thieves targeting your property.                                                         away and take note of the file
                                               “We also suggest using a wheel lock or          reference number
“If you’re going away, have a trusted          clamp on your trailer when not using it,
neighbour, friend or family member             particularly if you’re going away.”           • check whether any house or
regularly check in on your property. Get                                                       vehicle keys have been stolen.
                                               If you’re staying on-farm be mindful
them to clear your mailbox and entrances                                                     Get ready to claim
                                               that thieves also target quad bikes—and
of mail, packages and junk mail. If rubbish                                                  Once your claim is lodged we'll need a
                                               particularly older bikes—at this time
collections are operating in your area,                                                      list of the items, their approximate age,
                                               of year.
ask them to put your rubbish out on your                                                     and a quote to replace them. We can
collection day. This approach is a good        “Our experience is that older bikes are       help arrange this for most electrical
deterrent if thieves are scouting the area.    easier to sell off, which is what makes       items including mobile phones and
                                               them so attractive to steal.”                 if an assessor is appointed, they can
“You could install automatic timer or
sensor lighting around your property           Our claims’ data shows that quads are         help with this as well.
including at both the front and rear of        often stolen when the keys are left inside.   We may also need proof of ownership
your house. Mount them high enough             This goes for other vehicles too.             such as receipts, photos or warranties.
to prevent criminals from being able to
                                               “This can happen even if you’re on farm       You also claim through FMG’s new
remove the bulb or cover the sensor.”
                                               and particularly if you’ve parked up          online insurance service FMG Connect
Other tips include engraving valuable          to do some work and leave your bike           –
equipment—this makes it less desirable         unattended. We recommend keeping
to thieves and easier to identify. It's also   your keys on hand or out of sight,
a good idea to record details and serial       particularly when working in paddocks              For more advice head to
numbers of high value assets on SNAP, a        near public roads.”                  

Why the new Natural Disaster Response Model is great news
A new Natural Disaster Response                FMG, along with other private insurers        “After the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake
Model (NDRM), announced in                     have worked with EQC on a partnership         we had a temporary agreement to
November is great news for you.                to deliver the NDRM.                          manage claims on behalf of EQC and we
Nathan Barrett, FMG’s Chief Product                                                          know from many of our clients that this
                                               This means if you have home insurance,
& Pricing, Underwriting and Claims                                                           worked well for them.”
                                               and your home or land is damaged in
Officer says the Mutual has been a             a natural disaster, you’ll only need to       FMG will act as an agent
strong advocate for the NDRM following         lodge one claim with us. Previously you       for EQC and we’re
the 2010 Canterbury earthquakes,               would’ve had to make two claims—              adding to our
instigating discussions for this change.                                                                             It's anticipated
                                               one to EQC up to a capped level of the        claims and             that this change
“With this new model if you’re impacted        damage and the other to FMG for top-          assessing           will come into effect
by a natural disaster and need to              up cover losses.                              teams.            in the second quarter of
make a claim then all you need to do                                                                                      2021.
is contact us. At an already stressful         “We want to make sure our employees are                         Until such time, please lodge
time we’re now able to make the road to        supported and that we continue to offer the                       any claims directly with
recovery much simpler,” says Nathan.                                                                              EQC, unless we advise
                                               same level of service to our clients.”                                   otherwise.

                                                                                                 FMG POST | DECEMBER 2020 - FEBRUARY 2021 5
Your online insurance service - FMG
Meet one of
FMG’s 65 pre-approved repairers
On a particularly warm Whangarei morning, collision technician
Carl Henty sets to work on a 2015 Ford Ranger that suffered some
costly damage. It turns out the client’s 830kg Angus bull didn’t
appreciate the ute blocking his view from the cows.
Thankfully, because Louie Berkers                                          Over the past year, around
Collision Repair is part of FMG’s
                                                                         two dozen local paint and panel
pre-approved repairer family, Carl can
get on with the job without the need for                                 shops have closed their doors,
an insurance assessor.                                                   according to the Collision
Starting as an apprentice collision                                      Repair Association.
technician in 1997, Carl progressively                                   “This industry has seen a large shift to
worked through the ranks and bought                                      vertical integration (where insurance
the business in 2007. Growing up on the                                  companies own part or all of a paint and                         As a self-described ‘petrol head’ Carl has rebuilt a 1969
                                                                                                                                          Morris Minor Ute and a 1938 Chev Coupe.
family beef farm near Hukerenui, Carl was                                panel chain and consolidation, and big
always tinkering with motors, bikes and                                  body shops buy up smaller ones). We
                                                                                                                                          “Provincial New Zealand is full of small,
farm equipment.                                                          are now looking at the new norm where
                                                                                                                                          local and family run businesses who
“At the end of Year 12, I was offered this                               repairers are expected to sacrifice quality
                                                                                                                                          often give back to their local communities
apprenticeship and never looked back.”                                   for quantity. Quality is remembered long
                                                                                                                                          too. We’re a proud Platinum sponsor
                                                                         after price is forgotten, that’s what makes
                                                                                                                                          of Northern Rugby club at Hukerenui,
Louie Berkers Collision Repair is one                                    FMG different.” says Carl.
                                                                                                                                          Pines and Northland Golf Club, and
of 65 pre-approved repairers that have
                                                                         “As an FMG client myself, it makes sense                         Kaurihohore school.
partnered with FMG across the country.
This means they can go ahead with certain                                to see their relationship model extend
                                                                                                                                          “Sustainable business is becoming
repairs as soon as the claim is lodged.                                  to their repairer and supplier network
                                                                                                                                          increasingly important and where possible
                                                                         too. They are always looking for ways to
                                                                                                                                          we look to improve our environmental
This reduces wait time and also helps                                    improve their communication and claims’
                                                                                                                                          impact. We have a water-based basecoat
ensure that repairers have the backing to                                process—which has real advantages
                                                                                                                                          paint product, a dedicated wash bay
do a quality job, while supporting local,                                for their clients too. We must pass a
                                                                                                                                          facility and recycle bins for steel, plastic
family run businesses to keep their doors                                meticulous audit to become an FMG
                                                                                                                                          and cardboard.”
open across provincial New Zealand.                                      approved repairer.

       Northland and Auckland                                                                                              Bay of Plenty
       •   Ballentynes Collision Repair Centre Henderson                                                                   •       Smith and Boyle Tauranga
       •   Peter Nicholls Panelbeaters Pukekohe                                                                            •       Cavanagh Panelbeating Te Puke
       •   Warkworth Collision Repair Warkworth                                                                            •       Katikati Panel Works and Car Painters Katikati
       •   Panmech Services Newmarket                                                                                      •       Haddock Spraypainters & Panel Whakatane
       •   Louie Berkers Collision Repairs Centre Whangarei                                                                •       Mt Maunganui Collision Repairs Ltd Mount Maunganui
       •   Gillespie Panelbeaters Dargaville
       •   Watons Panel and Paint Ltd Kaitaia
       •   Murphy Panel and Paint Waiuku                                                                                                                               Gisborne and Hawkes Bay
       •   Jim Russ Panelbeaters & Spraypainters Kerikeri                                                                                                              •   Kawan Collision Repair Hastings
       •   Kumeu Huapai Panelbeaters Kumeu                                                                                                                             •   GM Panelbeaters Waipukurau
                                                                                                                                                                       •   City Collision Repairs Napier
                                                                                                                                                                       •   Allan Kellett Panel & Paint Gisborne
                     Waikato and Coromandel
                     •   Rod Wood Collision Repair Centre Ltd Te Rapa
                     •   Summerell Panel and Paint Ltd Morrinsville                                                                                    Manawatu and Whanganui
                     •   Devoy Panel Works (ex Tony Fabish) Te Awamutu                                                                                 •   James and Kingsbeer Ltd Palmerston North
                     •   Valley Panelbeaters 1995 Ltd - Haddock Thames                                                                                 •   Dittmer Collision Repairs Palmerston North
                     •   Sherms Panel Repairs Ltd Matamata                                                                                             •   Wiseman Panelbeaters Ltd Feilding
                     •   Putaruru Panelbeaters Putaruru                                                                                                •   Larsen Collision Repairs Ltd Wanganui
                     •   PSY Slater Panelbeaters Rotorua                                                                                               •   Peter Morgans Panelbeaters Dannevirke
                     •   Taupo Smash Repairs Taupo                                                                                                     •   Colling & Gray Ltd Levin
                     •   Pedens Collisions Repair Huntley
                     •   Prestige Collision Repairs Ltd Te Rapa
                                                                                                                                              Waiarapa and Wellington
                                                                                                                                              • Rob Walker Spray Painters and Smash Repairs Masterton
                                                                                                                                              • Johnsonville Panelbeaters Johnsonville
            • Ben Thomas Panelbeating Hawera
            • Stratford Panelbeaters Stratford                                                                                 Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough
            • Grant Crossan Panelbeating New Plymouth                                                                          •    Collision Centre Richmond Richmond
                                                                                                                               •    Marlborough Panel and Paint Blenheim
                                                                                                                               •    Wadsco Panel and Paint Blenheim
                                                                                                                               •    Spectrum Spray Painting Ltd Nelson
Southland and Central Otago
•   Bridgman Street Panelbeaters Dunedin
•   Road Runner Panel and Paint Invercargill                                                  West Coast and Canterbury
•   Beatties Collision Repair Centre Gore                                                     •   Hesson and Browry Collision Centre Ltd Addington
•   Vincent Holdings Ltd Alexandra                                                            •   North Canterbury Collision Repair Rangiora Rangiora
•   Riteway Panel and Paint Ltd Oamaru                                                        •   Brown and Shipman 1969 Timaru                                •   Stewarts Panel Repairs Geraldine
•   North Otago Motor Group Oamaru                                                            •   Holland Collision Centre Rolleston                           •   Pleasant point Panelbeaters Pleasant point
•   Garry Milne Panelbeating 2006 Balclutha                                                   •   KB Panel and Paint Services Ashburton                        •   Hokitika Collision Centre Ltd Hokitika
•   Macks Panel and Paint Repairs Winton                                                      •   North Canterbury Collision repairs Amberly Amberley          •   Mark Jones Collision Repairs Greymouth
•   Queenstown Collision Queenstown                                                           •   North Canterbury Collision repairs Kaiapoi Kaiapoi           •   Darfield Collision Centre Ltd Darfield

Your online insurance service - FMG
Link between diminished
wellbeing and on-farm injuries
Research undertaken by rural wellbeing programme Farmstrong has
established the link between diminished wellbeing and on-farm injuries.
                                                                                                     Most mentioned
The study of 500 farmers receiving ACC              I learned the hard way about how                 The aspects of diminished wellbeing
support quantified the extent to which                                                               most mentioned as ‘major’
                                                hazardous fatigue can be. Ten years                  contributors to injury were:
diminished wellbeing had contributed to
their accident.                                 ago, I was very tired after calving
                                                and we were having issues with an                              Having too much
                                                old fan-belt driven water pump. I                    11%       to do and not
   What did we find out?                                                                                       enough time
                                                went to check it and realised there
   • 58% reported that at least one of
                                                was a burr in the belt, but because I
     the 15 listed aspects of diminished                                                             8%        Feeling fatigued or
     wellbeing was a contributor to             was exhausted, rather than turn the
     their injury.                              machine off, without thinking I put
   • 24% reported diminished                    my hand in the middle and it went                    6%        Lack of sleep or
                                                                                                               poor quality sleep
     wellbeing as a ‘major’ contributor         through the pulley. It caught me
     to their injury.
                                                and I lost a finger. It was a hell of a                        Challenges coping
   • 16% reported diminished
     wellbeing was a ‘major’ contributor
                                                lesson—you’re not much use on a                      5%        with the ups and
                                                                                                               downs of farming
     to a more serious injury.                  farm when you’re tired. When you’re
                                                tired, the simplest of decisions and                           Feeling in need of
   • 30% of the ACC farmer claim
     costs had a ‘major’ diminished             tasks can become very difficult.                     5%        a break away from
                                                                                                               the farm
     wellbeing link.
                                                Paul Walker run a 300-cow,
                                                90-hectare dairy farm in Pongakawa
On the positive side, the study also found                                                          New Zealand Workplace
that farmers who had engaged with               Farmstrong helps farmers cope with the              Health and Safety award win
Farmstrong were less likely than others to      ups and downs of farming by sharing things          Farmstrong received the Supreme
report diminished wellbeing as a ‘major’        farmers can do to look after themselves             Award for best overall contribution
contributor to a more serious injury.           and manage stress and pressure.                     to improving workplace health
                                                                                                    and safety. It was also awarded
                                                                                                    best leadership of an industry
        Find out what works for you: check out                                 sector or region.

Summer holiday travel cover
With summer holidays approaching and a break away on the agenda for many
of us, taking out domestic travel cover is well worth considering.
Jason Rolfe, Head of Client Strategy & Advice      the insurance excess in case of an accident,
Services at FMG, says the Mutual’s travel          the daily hire rate increases.
insurance provider Cover-More, found that
                                                   “It’s worth considering domestic travel cover
one in three of us who take a trip locally         which would cover all of your trip, including
experience something unexpected that may           the insurance excess on a vehicle hire, often
require support from an insurer.                   for less than you would pay the hire company.”         Please note in
                                                                                                          respect of Covid-19:
“Cover-More knows that your luggage can            Domestic travel cover also protects you                Cover-More have
                                                                                                          highlighted that if
be stolen as easily in Christchurch as it can      from travel delays, trip cancellations or              travellers had to, or
in Calgary. If your child becomes unwell           amendments, loss or damage to luggage, loss            choose to, cancel
                                                                                                          their trip due to a
and you need to cancel your trip, it doesn’t       of income, and personal liability.                     Covid-19 outbreak
                                                                                                          under the current
matter if you were travelling to Auckland or                                                              domestic travel
                                                   “Anecdotally, we’ve heard a lot of New                 policy, there are no
Amsterdam,” says Jason.                                                                                   provisions for this.
                                                   Zealander’s are feeling in a need of break at
With the borders closed, we’ve seen more           the moment—make sure you have that extra
New Zealanders look to a hire a campervan.         peace of mind by taking out domestic travel
When hiring a vehicle if you choose to reduce      cover before you head away,” says Jason.

                                                                                                    FMG POST | DECEMBER 2020 - FEBRUARY 2021 7
Your online insurance service - FMG

           House cover:                                                                                 It may cost less than you
                                                                                                        think to increase your
Have you got enough?                                                                                    house’s sum insured
                                                                                                        Kate’s house in Lake Wanaka
Now’s a great time to check that FMG has the                                                            Kate has a superior house
correct information about your house.                                                                   in Lake Wanaka and upon
                                                                                                        reviewing her policy
                                                                                                        documents realised that her
                                                                                                        square metre area didn’t
When calculating your house’s sum insured            You can scan the QR code on this page or           include her deck. She called
amount, FMG has sought expert advice on the          visit Of           and added the 50 square
rebuild costs for different house construction       course, we’re always available to talk through     metre deck with a sum insured
types. We’ve made every attempt to calculate         your situation, so don’t hesitate to contact us.   of $25,000. This increased her
an accurate rebuild cost, but this amount is                                                            annual premium by $32.
only an indication of what you may need to           If you’ve any doubts, or your house has special
rebuild your house if something happens.             or unique features, our advice is to get an        Kirsten and Anton’s
                                                     independent valuation to establish a suitable      Farmhouse
Advice to help you determine the correct             sum insured. This can be done by using a:
sum insured for your house is available on                                                              Kirsten and Anton live in a
                                                     • registered valuer:               150sqm brick farmhouse on
our website, which includes a comprehensive
guide. There is also information on the              • quantity surveyor:               the outskirts of Hamilton. They
different basis of house claim settlements.          • licensed builder:                recently built a new 50 square
                                                                                                        metre garage. Anton called
                                                                                                        FMG to add this to his policy
  What is a sum insured?                                                                                and as a result increased
                                                                                                        their sum insured by $75,000.
  Your sum insured is shown on the policy certificate. This is the maximum payable for any
                                                                                                        Adding the garage increased
  claim so should reflect the cost to rebuild your home, including demolition and removal of
                                                                                                        Kirsten and Anton’s annual
  debris costs, and professional fees. It should not include the land value and should not be
                                                                                                        premium by $102.
  based on the market value or rateable value.

          11–13 December                      13–16 December                       16 January                   4–6 March

     The National Young                      Taupo Christmas                     Winton A&P                    Northland
        Horse Show                               Classic                           Show                        Field Days
              Hastings                            Taupo                              Winton                     Dargaville

             4–6 March                          12–13 March                       18–20 March                  24–26 March

                                              Wanaka A&P                      Central Districts              South Island
        Golden Shears
                                                Show                             Field Days             Agricultural Field Days
                                                 Wanaka                             Feilding                      Kirwee

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