Your Policy Document Chubb Travel Insurance - Helping Hand

Page created by Albert Quinn
Your Policy Document

Chubb Travel Insurance
Advice to Travellers
Important Phone Numbers                             Immunisations
Plea se m ake a note of t he following phone        You m ay need extra immunisations when
n um bers or add them t o Your mobile; You          t r avelling A broad. Check whether You do
m ay need them in an em ergency or if You           befor e travelling online at
n eed t o make a Claim.                             w

    Ch u bb Assistance                              EHIC
    For ov erseas medical em ergencies please
    con tact Chubb Assistance on:                   If You a re travelling t o Europe (all EU
                                                    cou ntries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein,
    T elephone: +44 (0) 161 333 7780
                                                    Nor way & Switzerland) You should obtain a
    (2 4 hours a day, 365 days a year)
                                                    Eu r opean Health In surance Card (EHIC)
                                                    a n d take it with You when You travel. T his
    Ch u bb Claims                                  w ill allow You t o benefit from the reciprocal
    T elephone: +44 (0) 161 333 6160                h ea lth arrangements, which exist with these
    (Mon day - Fr iday, from 8.00 t o 15.30)        cou ntries and, if You have a valid Claim for
    Em a il:          Medical Expenses under t his Policy, We will
                                                    n ot deduct the Excess where the cost of
                                                    You r Claim has been reduced by You
    Ch u bb Customer Service                        u sing Your EHIC.
    T elephone: +44 (0) 161 333 6160
                                                    You can g et m ore information about the
    (Mon day - Fr iday, from 8.00 t o 15.30)
                                                    EHIC, a pply or renew Your EHIC:
    Em a il:
                                                    On line at:
                                                    By ph one: 0300 330 1350
                                                    By post : Forms available online.
Helpful hints for y our insurance
                                                    Waiv er
•       T a ke copies of Your policy documents
        on You r T rip with You;                    If You h ave a valid Claim for medical
•       Repor t any Loss of t heft to the hotel     ex penses under this Policy, which is reduced
        or local police within 24 hours and get     by You
        a r eport from t hem;                       •    u sing an EHIC; or
•       Keep V aluables safe (for example in a      •    t a king a dvantage of a reciprocal health
        sa fety deposit box);                            a g reem ent with t he Un ited
                                                         Ki n gdom; or
•       Don ’t leave Valuables ly ing around or
        in v iew of ot her people;                  •    u sing Your private m edical insurance
                                                         a t t he point of t reatment,
•       Leav e yourself enough t ime t o get to
        t h e airport, park, and g et through       We w ill not deduct the excess.
        security. Rem em ber to a llow tim e for
        delays in traffic or travel
•       Con tact Us if You have a change in
        h ea lth that m ay lead t o You having to
        ca ncel or alter Your Trip
•       Con tact Us for a dvice before incurring
        cost s t hat You would seek to
        su bsequently Cl aim for under this
        Policy +44 (0) 161 333 6160.

UK-CM0005                                                                                         2
Trav el Aware

We a r e supporting the Foreign a nd
Com m onwealth Office’s 'Travel Aware'
ca m paign, t o help t ravellers prepare for
t h eir Trip a nd stay safe when abroad.

Sea rch .uk/travelaware to sign u p
for a dv ice on the country you are visiting
a n d prepare for travelling a broad. Y ou can
a lso keep up-t o-date with the latest FCO
t r avel a dvice by following the FCO on
Fa cebook and Twitter at @FCOtravel, and
on In st agram at @travelaware.

FCO Trav el Advice
T h is Policy does not cov er any T rip
in v olving travel t o areas where the For eign
a n d Com monwealth Office has a dvised
a g ainst 'a ll travel'. If You are n ot sure
w h ether there is a travel warning for Your
dest ination, please check their website.

UK-CM0006                                         3
Advice to Travellers                                     2
     Im portant Ph one Num ber s                         2
     Helpful hint s for y our in surance                 2
     Im m unisation s                                    2
     EHIC                                                2
     Waiv er                                             2
     Trav el Aware                                       3
     FCO Trav el Adv ice                                 3
Welcome                                                  6
Table of Benefits                                        7
Important Information                                    8
     How t o Claim                                       8
     How t o Cancel                                      8
     General Conditions and General Exclu sion s         8
     Per sons Cov ered                                   8
     Policy Definitions                                  8
     Children                                            8
     Trips Cov ered                                      8
     Trips Not Cov ered                                  8
     The Cov er We Pr ov ide                             8
     When Y ou Are Cov ered                              9
     When Cov er Will En d Aut om atically               9
     Autom atic Extension of the Period of In surance    9
     Leisure Activ ities and Sports                      9
Chubb Assistance                                        11
     Medical Em ergency and Referral Serv ices          11
     Per sonal Assistance Serv ices                     11

Section 1 - Cancellation                                13
Section 2 – Medical Expenses & Repatriation             15
Section 3 – Hospital Benefit                            16
Section 4 – Travel Delay / Abandonment                  17
Section 5 – Missed Departure                            18
Section 6 –Curtailment                                  19
Section 7 – Personal Effects & Baggage                  20
Section 8 – Business Equipment                          21
Section 9 – Loss of Passport / Driving Licence          21
Section 10 – Personal Money                             22
Section 11 – Personal Accident                          22
Section 12 – Personal Liability                         23
Section 13 – Overseas Legal Expenses                    24
General Exclusions                                      27
Making a Claim                                          29
     Reporting Lost, St olen or Dam aged Pr operty      29
Claim Conditions                                        30
     Other Insurance                                    30

UK-CM0006                                                4
Recov ering Our Claim s Paym ents fr om Others             30
     Com ply ing with Special Condit ions                       30
     Supply ing Details & Docum ents                            30
     Y our Duty t o Av oid or Minim ise a Claim                 30
     Pr ot ecting Pr operty                                     30
     Sending Us Legal Docum ents                                30
     Subr ogation                                               30
     Things Y ou Mu st Not Do                                   30
     Recognising Our Rights                                     30
     Fraudulent Claim s                                         31
     Pay ing Claim s                                            31
General Conditions                                              32
     Contract                                                   32
     Ch oice of Law                                             32
     Third Party Rights                                         32
     Com pliance with Policy Requirem ents                      32
     Changing Y our Policy                                      32
     Cancelling Y our Policy                                    32
     Other taxes or cost s                                      32
     Misr epresentation and Non -Disclosure                     32
     Interest                                                   33
     Bank Charges                                               33
     Com plaints pr ocedures                                    33
     European Online Dispute Resolution Platform                33
     Fr ench Prudential Superv ision and Resolution Authority   33
     Financial Serv ices Com pen sation Schem e                 34
General Definitions                                             35
Data Protection                                                 38
Contact Us                                                      39
About Chubb                                                     39

UK-CM0006                                                        5
Thank you for choosing Chubb Travel Insurance.
T h is is Your Policy W ording which, t ogether with Your Certificate of In surance and the
in formation supplied when applying for t his insurance, is a contract between You and Us.
Cov er provided under this Policy is underwritten by Chubb European Group SE, (We/Us).

T h is Policy pays benefits, in accordance with this Policy W ording, in the ev ent that You need
t o ca ncel Your T rip before it begins, or You:
•    su ffer illness or injury; or
•    a r e delayed en r oute; or
•    su ffer Loss or damage to Your Personal Pr operty, Mon ey or Bu siness
     Equ ipment
w h ilst on a Trip.

T h is Policy does not cov er:
•    a ny pre-existing m edical conditions; or
•    m anual work of a ny description; or
•    a ny Trip where Winter Sports is the main reason for Your trip.

You (a s specified in the Certificate of In surance) and Chubb agree t hat You shall pay t he
pr em ium as agreed. T he Certificate of In surance and this Policy W ording prov ide the full
t erm s and conditions of t he insurance with Us. You acknowledge that We have offered t his
Policy and set t he premium using the information which We have asked for and You have
pr ov ided, and that any change t o the r esponses prov ided by You m ay r esult in a change in the
t erm s and conditions of t he Policy and/or a change in t he premium.

You sh ould check ov er the Policy W ording and Certificate of In surance carefully to ensure
t h ey are correct and meet Your requirem ents, and notify Us im mediately, if anything is
in correct, as this could a ffect Policy cov er in t he ev ent of a Claim. You should k eep t hese
docum ents in a safe place. You must t ell Us if either Your insurance n eeds or any of the
in formation You have g iven Us changes. A change in circumstances m ay affect Policy cov er,
ev en if You do n ot think a change is significant, and We m ay n eed t o change t his Policy. We
w ill update the Policy a nd issue a new Certificate of In surance each tim e a change is agreed.

UK-CM0006                                                                                            6
Table of Benefits
                                                                 Ben efit Amounts /
Sect ion                                                                                               Excess 1
                                                                 Lim it of Liability

1.        Ca n cellation                                         Flight Cost 2 pl us up to £500             ✗
                                                                 f or unused travel costs
2.        Medical Expenses & Repatriation
                 i. a n d ii. Medical Ex penses &                up to £2,500,000                           ✓
                              Em ergency Repatriation
                              Ex pen ses
                         iii. T r avel Ex penses                 £50 per day up to a Max of £500
               B.   A ccom panying Traveller Ex penses           £50 per day up to a Max of £500            ✓
               C.   Cr em ation Burial or T ransportation        up to £5,000
                    Ch arges
               D.   Em ergency Dental Treatment                  up to £200
                                                                 £25 f or each full 24 hours up to a
3.        Hospital Benefit                                                                                  ✗
                                                                 Max of £500

4.        T r avel Delay/Abandonment

               A.    Ea ch com plete 6 h our period              £30 up to a Max of £240                    ✗
               B.    A bandonment                                up to £500                                 ✓
5.        Missed Depa rture                                      up to £200                                 ✓
6.        Cu rtailment                                           up to £500                                 ✓
7.        Per sonal Effects and Baggage

               A.    Loss, dam age or theft                      up to £1,500                               ✓
                     Sin gle item limit                                £300
                     V a luables limit                           up to £300
                     Spor t s equipment limit                    up to £300
               B.    Delay ed Baggage                            up to £150 after 12 hours delay

8.        Bu sin ess Equ ipment

                                                                 up to £1,500
          A.   Loss, dam age or theft                                                                       ✓
               Sin gle item limit                                      £300
               V a luables lim it                                up to £300

                                                                 £50 for each full 24 hours up to a
          B.    Bu siness equipment hire                                                                    ✗
                                                                 Max of £250

9.        Loss of Pa ssport / Dr iv ing Licence
                                                                 up to £300                                 ✗
          t em porary replacem ent costs

1 0. Per sonal Mon ey                                            up to £500                                 ✓
11 . Per sonal A ccident                                         up to £10,000                              ✗
12. Per sonal Liability                                          up to £1,000,000                           ✓
13. Ov erseas Legal Ex penses                                    up to £25,000                              ✗

     1   A £50 excess applies to each benefit section per person as h ighlighted in the table abov e.
     2   Fl i ght Cost means the total cost of Your flight as shown on Your flight booking confirmation .

     Th e table above shows the m aximum amounts that are covered under the Policy per Person Insured.

     UK-CM0006                                                                                                    7
Important Information
How to Claim                                          •    w h ere Winter Sports is the m ain
                                                           r ea son for Your trip;
Gu idance on how t o m ake a Claim under              •    w h ich involves You travelling on
t h is Policy is detailed on page 29 in this               a Cr u ise;
Policy W ording.
                                                      •    w h ich involves You travelling
                                                           specifically to obtain m edical, dental or
How to Cancel                                              cosm etic treatment;
Gu idance on how t o cancel this Policy is            •    w h en You have been a dvised not t o
det ailed on page 32 in this Policy W ording.              t r avel by Your Doctor or You have
                                                           r eceived a terminal prognosis;
General Conditions and                                •    w h ere, on the date it is booked (or
General Ex clusions                                        com m encem ent of the Period of
                                                           In su rance if later), You or Your
T h ere are certain Conditions and Ex clusions
                                                           T r avelling Com panion are aware of
w h ich apply to a ll sections of t his Policy, and
                                                           a ny reason why it might be cancelled
t h ese are detailed on pages 27 t o 28 and 32
                                                           or Cu rtailed, or any other
t o 3 4 in this Policy W ording.
                                                           cir cumstance that could reasonably be
                                                           ex pected to r esult in a Claim under
Persons Covered                                            t h is Policy;
A ll Persons In sured on this Policy                  •    in v olving travel t o areas where the
m ust be:                                                  For eign and Com monwealth Office has
                                                           a dv ised against ‘all travel’. If You are
1.    perm anently r esident in t he Un ited               n ot sure whether there is a travel
      Ki n gdom and be in the United                       w a rning for Your destination, please
      Ki n gdom a t the t ime of purchasing                ch eck their website
      t h is Policy; and                                   w

2.    6 4 years of age or under a t the t ime of
                                                      The Cov er We Provide
      pu r chasing t his Policy.
                                                      Th e m aximum am ount We w ill pay under
Policy Definitions                                    ea ch Section that applies is detailed in the
                                                      T a ble of Benefits on page 7 in this
Cer tain words in t his Policy have a specific
                                                      Policy W ording.
m eaning. T hey have this specific meaning
w h erever they appear in this Policy and are
sh own by using bold t ext and capital letters.
A ll Policy definitions are a pplicable t o this
Policy as a whole, and are detailed on pages
3 5 t o 37 in this Policy W ording.

Ch il dren will only be cov ered when t hey
a r e travelling with an a dult named under
Per son (s) Insured on the
Cer tificate of In surance.

Trips Cov ered

A T r ip A broad during the Period of
In su rance that takes place entirely within
t h e Area of T ravel st ated in the Certificate of
In su rance, as long a s You h ave booked a
r eturn flight to Your country of or igin
befor e you depart for Your T rip.

Trips Not Cov ered
We w ill not cov er any T rip
•     w h ich involves m anual work of a ny

UK-CM0006                                                                                             8
When Y ou Are Covered                                 2.    You w ear the r ecom mended/
                                                            r ecognised safety equipment;
1.    Ca n cellation cov er under Section 1
      beg ins when a T rip is booked, or from         3.    You follow safety procedures, rules
      t h e com mencement date and tim e                    a n d regulations a s specified by the
      st a ted in the Certificate of In surance,            a ct ivity organisers/prov iders;
      w h ichever is later. It ends when You
                                                      4.    You a re n ot racing or com peting in or
      st a rt Your T rip.
                                                            pr a ctising for speed or t ime trials of
2.    In su rance cover under all other                     a ny kind; and
      Sect ions operates for a Trip that t akes
                                                      5.    It is n ot t he m ain r eason for
      pla ce during the Period of
                                                            You r Trip.
      In su rance.
                                                      Im portant Not e
When Cov er Will End Automatically
                                                      If a leisure a ctivity or sport is n ot listed then
A ll cover will end when the Period of                w e w ill n ot provide cov er under the Policy.
In su rance ends.                                     •     A r chery (prov ided supervised by a
                                                            qu a lified person)
Automatic Ex tension of the                           •     A rm wrestling
Period of Insurance
                                                      •     Ba dm inton
If You cannot r eturn hom e from a Trip               •     Ba sketball
befor e Your cov er ends, Your policy will            •     Bea ch basketball
a u tom atically be extended at n o extra
                                                      •     Bea ch cricket
ch arge for:
                                                      •     Bea ch foot ball
•     u p t o 1 4 days if any Public
      T r ansport in which You are booked             •     Bea ch volleyball
      t o t r avel as a ticket-holding passenger      •     Bocce
      is u n expectedly delayed, cancelled or         •     Body boarding
      Cu r tailed because of A dverse
      Wea ther, industrial a ction, or                •     Bow ls
      m echanical breakdown; or                       •     Bow ling
•     u p t o 30 days (or any longer period           •     Ca n oeing, kayaking and rafting on
      a g reed by Us in writing before this                 in land waters on ly (excluding
      a u tom atic extension expires) if You                w h ite water)
      ca nnot return h om e Du e T o:                 •     Ca rriage or hay or sleigh r ides
      -      You being injured or becom ing
                                                      •     Clay -pigeon sh ooting (prov ided
             ill or being quarantined during
                                                            su pervised by a qu alified person)
             a T r ip.
      -      You being required t o stay on           •     Cr icket
             m edical adv ice with another            •     Cr oqu et
             Per son Insured named on                 •     Cu rling
             You r Certificate of In surance
                                                      •     Cy cling (except BMX and/or
             w h o is injured or becom es ill or is
                                                            m ountain biking)
             qu a rantined during a T rip.
                                                      •     Deep sea fishing
                                                            (ex cluding com petitions)
Leisure Activities and Sports
                                                      •     Dr y skiing
You a re autom atically covered when                  •     Eleph ant r iding (less than 2 days)
pa r ticipating in any of t he leisure a ctivities
                                                      •     Fell walking
or spor ts listed in this section, on a
r ecreational basis during Your Trip,                 •     Fen cing (provided supervised by a
su bject t o any prov isions, limitations or                qu a lified person)
ex clusions noted by t he relevant sport or           •     Fish ing, or angling (on inland
a ct ivity and prov ided that:                              w a ters only)
                                                      •     Foot bag (hacky sa ck)
1.    You h ave not been advised by a
      Doct or a gainst participating in such          •     Foot ba ll (Association)
      spor t or a ctivity;                            •     Go ka rting (provided You wear a
                                                            cr ash helm et)
                                                      •     Golf

UK-CM0006                                                                                               9
•    Ha ndball                                  •    Scu ba diving (to a depth n ot exceeding
•    Hiking or hill walking (up t o 1,000m           1 8m and provided that You are either
     a bov e sea level, on ly cov ered if no         a ccom panied by a qualified
     g u ides or ropes are r equired)                in struction, or You are qualified and
                                                     n ot div ing a lone)
•    Hor se riding (prov ided n o hunting,
     ju m ping or polo)                         •    Sn or kelling

•    Hot a ir ballooning (prov ided it is       •    Soccer
     pr ofessionally organised, and You         •    Squ a sh
     t r avel a s a passenger on ly)            •    Soft ball
•    Ice ska ting (excluding ice h ockey and    •    St r eetball
     speed skating)
                                                •    Su rfing
•    In lin e skating
                                                •    Sw im ming
•    Ja v elin
                                                •    T a ble tennis
•    Jet skiing
                                                •    T en nis
•    Kor fball
                                                •    T r ampolining
•    La crosse
                                                •    T r ekking (up to 1 ,000m a bov e sea
•    La n d sailing                                  lev el, only cov ered if n o guides or
•    La ser games                                    r opes are required)
•    Lon g jump                                 •    T r iple jump
•    Ma x i-basketball                          •    T u g of war
•    Min i-basketball                           •    T w irling
•    Mot or cy cling up t o 1 25cc provided     •    V olleyball
     You w ear a crash helmet, and h old a      •    W a t er polo
     fu ll (and n ot prov isional) United
                                                •    W a t er skiing
     Kin gdom m otorcycle licence if You are
     in control of t he m otorcycle             •    W in d surfing
•    Net ball                                   Plea se r efer t o the r elevant exclusions under
•    Pa ddleball                                ea ch Section of Your Policy and to the
•    Pa r ascending (prov ided ov er water)     Gen eral Ex clusions, which continue t o
                                                a pply. Please specifically note the exclusion
•    Pon y trekking
                                                u n der Section 1 2 - Personal Liability relating
•    Ra cquetball                               t o t h e ownership, possession or use of
•    Ra m bling (up t o 1 ,000m a bov e sea     v ehicles, aircraft, hov ercraft, watercraft,
     lev el, only cov ered if n o guides or     fir earms or buildings.
     r opes are required)
•    Roller skating
•    Roller blading
•    Rou n ders
•    Row ing (on inland waters only)
•    Ru n ning (recreational)
•    Sa fari (camera only and
     pr ofessionally organised)
•    Sa il boarding
•    Sa iling or yachting (only on inland
     w a ters or coastal waters within a 12 -
     m ile limit from land)

UK-CM0006                                                                                      10
Chubb Assistance
Ch u bb Assistance can provide a range of                   A br oad, Chubb Assistance
a ssistance and medical related services                    w ill provide the names and
du r ing Your T rip A broad. Please m ake                   a ddresses of local Doct ors,
su r e You have details of this Policy,                     h ospitals, clinics and dentists,
in cluding the Policy Number and Period of                  a n d its panel of Doct ors will
In su rance when You call.                                  pr ov ide telephone medical
                                                            a dv ice.
T o con tact Chubb Assistance please call:
+44 (0) 161 333 7780                                  ii)   if n ecessary Chubb A ssistance
                                                            w ill m ake arrangem ents for a
Medical Emergency and                                       Doct or t o call, or for You to be
                                                            a dm itted t o hospital.
Referral Services
                                                 D.   Un supervised Children - if a Ch ild is
 If You a re injured or becom e ill Abroad            left unsupervised on a T rip Abroad
 You m ust contact Chubb A ssistance                  because You are h ospitalised or
 im m ediately if You n eed hospital in-              in capacitated, Chubb A ssistance
 pa t ient treatment, specialist treatment,           m ay organise their return hom e,
 m edical t ests, scans or t o be brought back        in cluding a suitable escort when
 t o t h e United Ki ngdom.                           n ecessary.

 If You cannot do t his yourself, You m ust      Plea se n ote that whilst You will n ot be
 a r range for a personal r epresentative (for   ch arged for advice or a ssistance, You will be
 ex am ple, a spouse or parent) t o do this      r esponsible for paying fees and charges for
 for You . If t his is not possible because      serv ices prov ided t o You if they are not
 You r condition is serious, You or Your         cov ered as part of a valid Claim under this
 per sonal representative must contact
                                                 Policy .
 Ch u bb Assistance as soon a s possible.

 If Ch u bb Assistance are not contacted,        Personal Assistance Services
 We m ay reject Your Claim or r educe its
 pa y ment.                                      •    T h e services under this Section are
                                                      pr ov ided by Chubb A ssistance and
 In a ll other circumstances You are                  a r e only available during a
 en t itled t o use t he services of Chubb
                                                      T r ip Abroad.
 A ssistance detailed in t his section, as
 a ppropriate.
                                                 •    T h ese are non-insured facilitation
                                                      serv ices m aking use of Chubb
                                                      A ssistance’s wide experience and
Ch u bb Assistance - Medical Em ergency               con tacts. Any costs incurred, for
a n d Referral Services can help with:                ex am ple for message r elay, must be
                                                      r eim bursed t o Chubb Assistance
A.   Pa y ment of bills - if You are admitted         u n less t hey form part of a successful
     t o h ospital Abroad, the hospital or            Cl a im under an a ppropriate Section of
     a t tending Doctor(s) will be contacted          t h is Policy.
     a n d payment of t heir fees up to the
     Policy limits m ay be guaranteed so that
     You do n ot have to m ake the payment       Ch u bb Assistance – Personal Assistance
     fr om Your own funds.                       Serv ices can help with:

B.   Bein g brought back to the Un ited          A.   T r ansfer of em ergency funds
     Ki n gdom - if t he Doctor a ppointed            T r ansfer of em ergency funds up to
     by Chubb A ssistance believes                    £2 5 0 per T rip if access t o normal
     t r eatment in the United Ki ngdom is            fin ancial/ banking arrangem ents are
     pr eferable, transfer m ay be arranged           n ot av ailable locally. In order to
     by regular scheduled transport                   r eim burse Chubb A ssistance You
     serv ices, or by a ir or road am bulance         m ust authorise Chubb A ssistance to
     serv ices if more urgent treatment               debit Your credit or charge card with
     a n d/or specialist care is required             t h e amount of t he transfer, or make
     du r ing the Trip.                               a lt ernative arrangements t o deposit
                                                      t h e funds in Chubb Assistance’s
C.   Pr ov ision of m edical advice –                 a ccount in the Un ited Ki ngdom. If
     i)    if You r equire em ergency                 t h e em ergency t ransfer is n eeded Du e
           con sultation or treatment

UK-CM0006                                                                                     11
T o t h eft or Loss of personal money, a    leg al expenses or bail, a gainst a
     Cl a im m ay be m ade under the Policy.     g u arantee of repayment.

B.   Messa ge r elay
     T r ansm ission of urgent messages t o
     r elatives or business associates if
     m edical or t ravel problems disrupt a
     T r ip travel schedule.

C.   Repl acement travel documents
     A ssistance with the r eplacement of
     Lost or st olen t ickets and travel
     docum ents, and r eferral t o suitable
     t r avel offices. Chubb Assistance will
     n ot pay for any item .

D.   Em er gency translation facility
     A t ranslation service if t he local
     pr ov ider of a n assistance service does
     n ot speak English.

E.   Lega l h elp
     Refer ral to a local English speaking
     La wyer, Em bassy or Consulate if legal
     a dv ice is n eeded, and arrangem ent of
     pa y ment of reasonable em ergency

UK-CM0006                                                                              12
Section 1 - Cancellation
                                                     bu rglary at Your or Your Travelling
What is cov ered
                                                     Com panion’s hom e.
We w ill refund Your proportion of unused
                                                4.   ser ious fire st orm or flood damage to
t r avel and/or accom modation costs up to
                                                     You r or Your Travelling
t h e amount stated in the T able of Benefits
                                                     Com panion’s hom e, provided that
(in cluding excursions pre-booked and paid
                                                     su ch damage occurs within the 7 days
for before starting Your T rip), which You
                                                     im m ediately prior to com mencem ent
h av e paid or are contracted t o pay and
                                                     of You r T rip.
w h ich cannot be recov ered from any other
sou r ce if it becom es necessary to cancel a   5.   t h e com pulsory jury service or
T r ip Du e T o:                                     su bpoena of You or Your
                                                     T r avelling Com panion
1.   You or Your Travelling
     Com panion(s)                              6.   You or Your Travelling
     A.     dy ing; or                               Com panion being made redundant
     B.     su ffering serious injury; or            a n d having registered a s unemployed.
     C.     su ffering sudden or serious
                                                7.   Ch a nge to t he dates of your paid
            illness; or
                                                     h ol idays, made by your
     D.     su ffering from com plications in        em ployer. This cov er is prov ided for
            pr egnancy if incurred in a n            sa laried em ploy ees, excluding
            em ergency as a r esult of               t r adespeople, traders, m embers of a
            com plications (where such               liberal profession, directors or legal
            com plications are diagnosed by a        r epresentatives of a com pany. This
            Doct or w ho specialises in              h oliday leave, corresponding to an
            obst etrics); or                         en t itlem ent, must have previously
     E.     being com pulsorily quarantined          been agreed by t he em ployer prior t o
            on t h e or ders of a                    booking the travel.
            t r eating Doct or;
     pr ov ided that such cancellation is       What is not cov ered
     con firmed a s m edically necessary by
     t h e treating Doctor.                     1.   A ny Claim Du e To
                                                     A.   a ny pre-existing m edical
2.   You r Immediate Family Member                        con dition a ffecting any person
     or Cl ose Bu siness Col league or                    u pon whom Your Trip depends
     You r Travelling Companion’s                         t h at was diagnosed, treated or
     Im m ediate Family Member or                         r equ ired hospital inpatient or
     Cl ose Bu siness Col league or                       ou t patient treatment in the 5 year
     som eone You have arranged to stay                   per iod before Your Trip was
     w ith on Your Trip:                                  booked (or com mencement of the
     A.     dy ing; or                                    Per iod of In surance if later),
     B.     su ffering serious injury; or                 a n d which could r esult in You
                                                          h av ing t o cancel Your Trip;
     C.     su ffering sudden or serious
            illness; or                              B.   a ny pre-existing m edical
                                                          con dition a ffecting any person
     D.    su ffering from com plications in
                                                          u pon whom Your Trip depends
           pr egnancy if incurred in a n
                                                          for w hich they are being
           em ergency as a r esult of
                                                          pr escribed regular m edication by
           com plications (where such
                                                          a Doct or a t the date Your Trip
           com plications are diagnosed by a
                                                          w a s booked (or com mencem ent
           Doct or w ho specialises in
                                                          of t h e Period of In surance if
           obst etrics);
                                                          la t er), and which could result in
     pr ov ided that such reasons for
                                                          You h aving t o cancel Your
     ca ncellation are confirmed
                                                          T r ip;
     by a Doct or.
                                                     C.   a ny heart-related condition or
3.   t h e police requiring You or Your                   a ny type of cancer affecting any
     T r avelling Com panion’s presence                   per son upon whom Your T rip
     follow ing a burglary or attempted                   depends diagnosed at any t ime

UK-CM0006                                                                                     13
befor e Your Trip was booked          sch em e, or any Cl aim for
            (or com mencement of t he             m anagement fees, m aintenance costs
            Per iod of In surance if later),      or ex change fees associated in r elation
            a n d which c ould r esult in You     t o t im eshares or similar arrangements.
            h av ing t o cancel
            You r Trip;
     D.     ju ry service or subpoena if You
            or You r T ravelling
            Com panion are called as an
            ex pert witness or where Your or
            t h eir occupation would n ormally
            r equ ire a Court attendance;
     E.     r edundancy where You or Your
            T r avelling Com panion:
            i)     w ere unemployed or knew
                   t h at You or they m ay
                   becom e unemploy ed, at the
                   t im e the Trip
                   w a s booked;
            ii)    a r e voluntarily made
                   r edundant or made
                   r edundant a s a result of
                   m isconduct or
                   follow ing r esignation;
            iii)   a r e self-employed or a
                   con tract worker;
     F.     a ny adverse financial situation
            ca using You t o cancel Your
            T r ip, other than reasons stated
            w ithin the section
            'W h at is cov ered’.
     G.     You or Your Travelling
            Com panion(s) deciding that
            You do n ot want to t ravel, unless
            t h at reason for not t raveling is
            st a ted within the section
            'W h at is cov ered'.
     H.     T h e failure t o obtain the
            n ecessary passport, visa or
            perm it for Your T rip.

2.   A ny loss, charge or expense Du e T o:
     A.     a delay in n otifying the t our
            oper ator, travel agent, or
            t r ansport or accom modation
            pr ov ider t hat it is necessary to
            ca ncel a booking;
     B.     pr oh ibitive regulations by the
            g ov ernment of any country.

3.   A ny charge or expense paid for with, or
     set t led using, any kind of prom otional
     v oucher or points, t imeshare, holiday
     pr operty bond or holiday points

UK-CM0006                                                                                14
Section 2 – Medical                                C.   Cr em ation Burial or T ransportation
                                                        Ch arges if You die A broad
Expenses & Repatriation                                 i)    cr em ation or burial charges in the
                                                              cou ntry in which You die; or
What is cov ered                                        ii)   t r ansportation charges for
If du ring a T rip Abroad You:                                r eturning Your body or a shes
                                                              ba ck t o the
1.   a r e injured; or                                        Un it ed Ki ngdom.

2.   becom e ill (including com plications in      D.   Em ergency Dental Treatment
     pr egnancy as diagnosed by a Doct or               A ll m edically necessary and reasonable
     or specialist in obstetrics, prov ided             cost t o prov ide em ergency dental
     t h at if You are travelling between 28            t r eatment for t he relief of pa in only,
     a n d 35 weeks pregnant You obtained               ou t side of t he Un ited Kingdom.
     w r itten confirmation from a Doctor of
     You r fitness t o travel no earlier than 5    Special Conditions
     da y s prior t o the com mencem ent of
     You r Trip A broad);                          1.   If You a re injured or becom e ill
We w ill pay up to t he amount st ated in the           A br oad You must follow the
T a ble of Benefits for:                                pr ocedure detailed under ‘Making a
                                                        Cla im’ on page 29 of this Policy. If You
A.   i)     Medical Expenses                            do n ot , We may reject Your Claim or
            A ll reasonable costs that it is            r educe the amount t hat We pay You.
            m edically necessary to incur
            ou t side of t he Un ited Kingdom      2.   Ch u bb Assistance may:
            for h ospital, ambulance surgical           A.    m ov e You from one hospital t o
            or ot h er diagnostic or rem edial                a n other; and/or
            t r eatment, g iven or prescribed by        B.     r eturn You t o Your hom e in the
            a Doct or , and including charges                  Un it ed Ki ngdom; or mov e You
            for st aying in a hospital;                        t o t h e most suitable hospital in
     ii)    Em ergency Repatriation                            t h e Un ited Ki ngdom;
            Ex pen ses                                  a t a ny t ime, if Chubb Assistance
            A ll reasonable costs that it is            believes that it is necessary and sa fe to
            m edically necessary for Chubb              do so.
            A ssistance t o incur to r eturn
            You t o Your hom e in the              3.   A dditional travel and hotel expenses
            Un it ed Ki ngdom; or to m ov e             m ust be authorised in a dvance by
            You t o t he m ost suitable hospital        Ch u bb Assistance.
            in t he United Ki ngdom; if it is
                                                   4.   A ll original r eceipts m ust be kept and
            m edically necessary to do so.
                                                        pr ov ided t o support a Claim.
     iii) T r avel Ex penses
          A ll necessary and r easonable
          a ccom modation (room on ly) and
          t r avel expenses incurred with the
          con sent of Chubb Assistance,
          if it is m edically n ecessary for
          You t o st ay A broad after Your
          sch eduled date of r eturn t o the
          Un it ed Ki ngdom, including
          t r avel costs back to t he Un ited
          Ki n gdom if You cannot use
          You r original return t icket.
B.   A ccom panying Traveller Ex penses
     A ll necessary and r easonable
     a ccom modation (room only) and travel
     ex penses incurred with the consent of
     Ch u bb Assistance, by any one other
     per son if required on m edical advice to
     a ccom pany You or t o escort a Child
     h om e t o the Un ited Ki ngdom.

UK-CM0006                                                                                        15
What is not cov ered                               1 0.   A ny additional travel and
                                                          a ccom modation expenses incurred
1.   A ny Claim Du e To:                                  w h ich have not been authorised in
     A.     a ny pre-existing m edical                    a dv ance by Chubb Assistance.
            con dition t hat was diagnosed,
                                                   11 .   A ccom modation and travel expenses
            t r eated or required hospital
                                                          w h ere the transport and/or
            in patient or outpatient treatment
                                                          a ccom modation used is of a st andard
            in t he 5 year period before Your
                                                          su perior to t hat of t he Trip.
            T r ip was booked (or
            com m encem ent of the Period of       12.    A ny additional costs for single or
            In su rance if later);                        pr iv ate room a ccom modation.
     B.     a ny pre-existing m edical
            con dition for which You are           13.    Cr em ation or burial costs in the
            being prescribed regular                      Un it ed Ki ngdom.
            m edication by a Doctor a t the
            da t e Your Trip was booked (or        14.    T h e cost of m edical or surgical
                                                          t r eatment of a ny kind received by a
            com m encem ent of the Period of
            In su rance if later);                        Per son Insured later than 52 weeks
                                                          fr om the date of t he accident or
     C.     a ny heart-related condition or               com m encem ent of the illness.
            a ny type of cancer diagnosed at
            a ny tim e before Your Trip was        15 .   T h e Excess, except where You have
            booked (or com mencement of the               obt a ined a reduction in t he cost of
            Per iod of In surance                         m edical expenses by using a European
            if la ter).                                   Hea lth In surance Card (EHIC) in the
                                                          Eu r opean Union, (including Iceland,
2.   A ny treatment or surgery or                         Liechtenstein, Norway & Switzerland)
     ex ploratory t ests:                                 if You r equire medical t reatment
     A.     n ot confirmed a s medically                  w h ilst in the country.
            n ecessary; or
     B.     n ot directly related t o the injury   16.    A ny Claim when You have travelled
            or illness that You were adm itted            a g ainst the a dvice of Your Doctor.
            t o h ospital for.
                                                   17 .   A ny com plication in pregnancy that
3.   Su rgery, medical or preventative                    w a s known by You a t the t ime
     t r eatment which can be delayed in the              of t r avel.
     opin ion of t he Doct or treating You
     u n til You r eturn to the
     Un it ed Ki ngdom.
                                                   Section 3 –
4.   A ny costs incurred following Your
                                                   Hospital Benefit
     decision n ot t o m ove hospital or return
     t o t h e United Ki ngdom after the
                                                   What is cov ered
     da t e when, in the opinion of Chubb          If You a re a dmitted to a hospital as an in-
     A ssistance, You should do so.                pa t ient during a Trip Du e T o injury or
                                                   illness for which You have a valid Claim
5.   Cosm etic Surgery.
                                                   u n der Section 2 – Medical Ex penses &
6.   T r eatment or services prov ided by any      Repa triation, We will pay the benefit
     conv alescent or nursing hom e,               a m ount stated in the Table of Ben efits for
     r ehabilitation centre or health spa.         ea ch com plete 24 h ours that You rem ain a
                                                   h ospital in-patient, up to t he m aximum
7.   A ny medical treatment that You               a m ount stated in the Table of Ben efits.
     t r avelled Abroad t o obtain.
                                                   What is not cov ered
8.   Medication You are t aking before, and
     w h ich You will have t o continue            We w ill not pay for time You spend in an
     t a king during, a Trip.                      in st itution n ot recognised as a hospital in
                                                   t h e country of t reatment.
9.   A ny expenses incurred in the
     Un it ed Ki ngdom.

UK-CM0006                                                                                           16
Section 4 – Travel Delay                             1.   A ny Claim Du e To:
                                                          A.   Pu bl ic Transport being taken
/ Abandonment                                                  ou t of service on the instructions
                                                               of a Civ il Aviation Authority, Port
What is cov ered                                               A u thority or sim ilar authority;
                                                          B.   a st r ike if it had st arted or been
If You a re delayed for at least 6 hours on
                                                               a n nounced before You arranged
You r outbound international Trip or the
                                                               t h is insurance;
fin al part of Your international return Trip
because the scheduled departure of Pu blic                C.   a ny journey by Public
T r ansport is affected by a strike; industrial                T r ansport com mencing and
a ct ion; Adverse Weather; m echanical                         en ding in the country of
br eakdown or grounding of a n aircraft Du e                   depa rture.
T o m echanical or structural defect, We
                                                     2.   A ny charge or expense paid for with, or
w ill either:
                                                          set t led using, any kind of prom otional
A.    pay the Travel Delay benefit stated in              v oucher or points, t imeshare, holiday
     t h e Table of Ben efits; or                         pr operty bond or holiday points
                                                          sch em e, or any Cl aim for
B.   if You a bandon Your T rip a fter a                  m anagement fees, m aintenance costs
     delay of a t least 24 hours of t he                  or ex change fees in r elation t o
     sch eduled outbound international                    t im eshares or sim ilar arrangements.
     depa rture, We will refund Your
     u n used t ravel and accommodation              3.   A ccom modation and travel expenses
     cost s u p t o the amount stated in the              w h ere the additional transport and/or
     T a ble of Benefits that You have paid or            a ccom modation used is of a st andard
     a r e contracted t o pay and which cannot            su perior to t hat of t he or iginal T rip.
     be r ecovered from any other source.
                                                     4.   A ny Claim Du e To Your n ot
Special Conditions                                        a llowing sufficient t ime for t he
                                                          jou rney.
1.   You can on ly Cl aim under item A or            5.   A ny Claim Du e To:
     it em B a bov e, n ot both.
                                                          A.   You r travelling against the
2.   You m ust:                                                a dv ice of the appropriate national
     A.     ch eck-in before the scheduled                     or local authority;
            depa rture t ime shown on Your                B.   pr oh ibitive regulations by the
            t r avel itinerary; and                            g ov ernment of any country.
     B.     com ply with the travel agent, tour      6.   A ny expenses that:
            oper ator and transport prov iders
            con tract t erms; and                         A.   You can recov er from any t our
                                                               oper ator, airline, hotel or other
     C.     pr ov ide Us w ith written details
                                                               serv ice prov ider;
            fr om the Public T ransport
            oper ator describing the length of,           B.   You w ould n ormally have to pay
            a n d reason for, the delay; and                   du r ing Your Trip.

     D.     a llow r easonable t ime t o arrive at   7.   A ny Claim for Travel Abandonment
            You r departure point on t ime.               ca used by volcanic ash.

                                                     8.   T h e Excess, if a T rip
                                                          is a bandoned.

What is not cov ered

UK-CM0006                                                                                           17
Section 5 – Missed
Departure                                            What is not cov ered

                                                     1.   A ny Claim Du e To:
What is cov ered
                                                          A.   Pu bl ic Transport being taken
We w ill pay up to t he amount st ated in the                  ou t of service on the instructions
T a ble of Benefits for n ecessary and                         of a Civ il Aviation Authority, Port
r ea sonable additional a ccom modation                        A u thority or sim ilar authority;
(r oom only) and travel expenses t o enable
                                                          B.   a st r ike if it had st arted or been
You t o r each:
                                                               a n nounced before You arranged
1.   You r scheduled destination A broad                       t h is insurance or booked Your
     if, on Your outbound journey, You                         T r ip, whichever is t he later.
     a r rive t oo late at Your final point of
                                                     2.   A ny charge or expense paid for with, or
     in t ernational departure to board the
                                                          set t led using, any kind of prom otional
     Pu bl ic Transport on which You are
                                                          v oucher or points, t imeshare, holiday
     booked t o travel ; or
                                                          pr operty bond or holiday points
2.   On You r return journey, You arrive                  sch em e, or any Cl aim for
     t oo la te at Your final point of                    m anagement fees, m aintenance costs
     in t ernational departure to board the               or ex change fees in r elation t o
     Pu bl ic Transport on which You are                  t im eshares or sim ilar arrangements.
     booked t o travel.;
                                                     3.   A ccom modation and travel expenses
Du e T o:                                                 w h ere the additional transport and/or
                                                          a ccom modation used is of a st andard
1.   t h e car/taxi You are travelling in                 su perior to t hat of t he
     br eaking down or being involved in an               or ig inal Trip.
     a ccident; or
                                                     4.   A ny Claim Du e To You n ot allowing
2.   t h e Public T ransport You are                      su fficient t ime for the journey.
     t r avelling in failing t o arrive on
     sch edule.                                      5.   A ny Claim Du e To:
                                                          A.   You r travelling against t he
Special Conditions                                             a dv ice of the appropriate national
                                                               or local authority;
1.   You m ust:                                           B.   pr oh ibitive regulations by the
     A.     pr ov ide ev idence of a ll the extra              g ov ernment of any country.
            cost s You incurred
                                                     6.   A ny expenses that:
     B.     a llow r easonable t ime t o arrive at
            You r departure point on t ime                A.   You can recov er from any t our
                                                               oper ator, airline, hotel or other
     C.     for car breakdown/accident
                                                               serv ice prov ider;
            pr ov ide Us w ith:
                                                          B.   You w ould n ormally have to pay
            i)    a w ritten r eport from the
                                                               du r ing Your Trip.
                  v ehicle breakdown service
                  or g arage that assisted You       7.   T h e Excess
                  du r ing the incident; or
            ii)   r easonable ev idence that the
                  v ehicle used for travel was
                  r oa dworthy, properly
                  m a intained and broke down
                  a t t he t ime of t he incident
     D.     for la te arrival of Public
            T r ansport prov ide Us w ith:
            i)    r ea sonable ev idence of t he
                  pu blished t ime of a rrival
                  a n d the a ctual t ime of
                  a r rival.

UK-CM0006                                                                                           18
Section 6 –Curtailment
What is cov ered                                              Doct or w ho specialises in
                                                              obst etrics); or
We w ill pay:                                          pr ov ided that such Curtailment is
                                                       con firmed a s m edically necessary by
A.   u n used a ccom modation costs                    t h e treating Doctor.
     (in cluding excursions pre-booked and
     pa id for before starting Your Trip,         3.   T h e police r equiring You or Your
     w h ich You have paid or are contracted           T r avelling Com panion’s presence
     t o pay and which cannot be r ecov ered           follow ing a burglary or attempted
     fr om any other source; and                       bu rglary at Your or Your Travelling
                                                       Com panion’s hom e
B.   r ea sonable additional travel and
     a ccom modation (room on ly) costs           4.   Ser ious fire storm or flood damage t o
     n ecessarily incurred in Your r eturning          You r or Your Travelling
     t o You r hom e in the                            Com panion’s hom e; prov ided t hat
     Un it ed Ki ngdom.                                su ch damage occurs after Your Trip
                                                       com m ences.
u p t o t he amount shown in the Table of
Ben efits, if it becom es necessary to, Curtail   What is not cov ered
a T r ip Du e To:
                                                  1.   A ny Claim Due To
1.   You , Your T ravelling
     Com panion(s)                                     A.   a ny pre-existing m edical
                                                            con dition a ffecting any person
     A.     dy ing; or
                                                            u pon whom Your Trip depends
     B.     su ffering serious injury; or                   t h at was diagnosed, treated or
     C.     su ffering sudden or serious                    r equ ired hospital inpatient or
            illness; or                                     ou t patient treatment in the 5 year
     D.     su ffering from com plications in               per iod before Your Trip was
            pr egnancy if incurred in a n                   booked (or com mencement of the
            em ergency as a r esult of                      Per iod of In surance if later),
            com plications (where such                      a n d which could r esult in You
            com plications are diagnosed by a               h av ing t o Curtail Your Trip;
            Doct or w ho specialises in                B.   a ny pre-existing m edical
            obst etrics); or                                con dition a ffecting any person
     E.     being com pulsorily quarantined                 u pon whom Your Trip depends
            on t h e or ders of a                           for w hich they are being
            t r eating Doct or;                             pr escribed regular m edication by
     pr ov ided that such Curtailment is                    a Doct or a t the date Your Trip
     con firmed a s m edically necessary by                 w a s booked (or com mencem ent
     t h e treating Doctor.                                 of t h e Period of In surance if
                                                            la t er), and which could result in
2.   You r Immediate Family Member                          You h aving t o Curtail Your
     or Cl ose Bu siness Col league or                      T r ip;
     You r Travelling Companion's                      C.   a ny heart-related condition or
     Im m ediate Family Member or                           a ny type of cancer affecting any
     Cl ose Bu siness Col league or                         per son upon whom Your T rip
     som eone You have arranged to stay                     depends diagnosed at any t ime
     w ith on Your Trip:                                    befor e Your Trip was booked
     A.     dy ing; or                                      (or com mencement of t he
     B.     su ffering serious injury; or                   Per iod of In surance if later),
                                                            a n d which could r esult in You
     C.     su ffering sudden or serious                    h av ing t o Curtail
            illness; or                                     You r Trip;
     D.     su ffering from com plications in
                                                       D.   a ny adverse financial situation
            pr egnancy if incurred in a n
                                                            ca using You t o Curtail
            em ergency as a r esult of                      You r Trip;
            com plications (where such
            com plications are diagnosed by a          E.   You or Your Travelling
                                                            Com panion(s) deciding that

UK-CM0006                                                                                       19
You do n ot want to r emain            2.   V a luables must be attended by You
            on You r Trip.                              a t a ll t imes when not contained in a
                                                        locked sa fe or safety deposit box.
2.   A ny loss, charge or expense Du e T o:
     F.     a delay in n otifying the t our        3.   If You r Personal Property is Lost
            oper ator, travel agent, or                 or st olen You m ust m ake ev ery
            t r ansport or accom modation               r ea sonable effort t o report it t o the
            pr ov ider t hat it is necessary to         police (and h otel m anagem ent if t he
            Cu r tail a booking;                        Loss or t h eft occurs in a hotel) within
                                                        2 4 hours of discovery and You m ust
     G.     pr oh ibitive regulations by the
                                                        pr ov ide Us w ith a copy of the original
            g ov ernment of any country.
                                                        w r itten police r eport.
3.   A ny charge or expense paid for with, or
                                                   4.   Loss, t h eft or damage to Personal
     set t led using any kind of prom otional
                                                        Pr operty in the custody of an a irline
     v oucher or points, t imeshare, holiday
                                                        or ot h er carrier m ust be r eported in
     pr operty bond or holiday points
                                                        w r iting to t he airline or other carrier
     sch em e, or any Cl aim for
                                                        w ithin 24 h ours of discov ery and We
     m anagement fees, m aintenance costs
                                                        m ust be prov ided with a copy of the
     or ex change fees in r elation t o
                                                        or ig inal written a irline or carrier’s
     t im eshares or sim ilar arrangements.
                                                        Pr operty Ir regularity report;
4.   A ccom modation and travel expenses
                                                   5.   W h ere Personal Pr operty is
     w h ere the transport and/or
                                                        t em porarily Lost or misplaced by an
     a ccom modation used is of a st andard
                                                        a ir line or other carrier We must be
     su perior to t hat of t he Trip.
                                                        pr ov ided with original written
5.   T h e Excess.                                      con firmation from such airline or
                                                        ot h er carrier or the tour r epresentative
                                                        t h at the delay lasted for at l east 12
Section 7 – Personal                                    h ou rs after You arrived at Your
                                                        dest ination.
Effects & Baggage
                                                   6.   If You h ave been paid for em ergency
What is cov ered                                        pu r chases of essential item s and You
                                                        t h en also Claim for Loss, damage or
A.   Loss, dam age or t heft                            t h eft of Per sonal Pr operty r esulting
                                                        fr om the same item , cause or ev ent, the
     If Per sonal Property is Lost, damaged
                                                        a m ount paid t o You for em ergency
     or st olen during Y our Trip, W e will pay
                                                        pu r chases will be deducted from the
     Repa ir and Replacem ent Costs up to
                                                        fin al settlem ent payment. However,
     t h e amount stated in the T able of
                                                        a ny deduction will not be any m ore
     Ben efits.
                                                        t h an the am ount paid for em ergency
B.   Dela y ed Baggage                                  pu r chases.

     If Per sonal Pr operty is Lost or
                                                   What is not cov ered
     m isplaced for a t least 1 2 h ours on
     You r outbound journey by the airline
                                                   1.   Mor e t han the amount stated in the
     or ot h er carrier, We will pay up to the
                                                        T a ble of Benefits for:
     a m ount stated in the Table of Ben efits
     t o r eim burse You for the cost of                A.   a sin gle item , pair or set, or part
     essen tial item s of clothing, m edication,             of a pa ir or set;
     t oiletries and Mobility Aids that You             B.   V a luables in t otal;
     h av e t o purchase.                               C.   spor t s equipment in total

Special Conditions                                 2.   Loss or t h eft of Valuables left
                                                        Un a ttended unless contained in a
1.   You m ust take reasonable care to keep             locked sa fe or safety deposit box.
     You r Personal Pr operty sa fe. If
     You r Personal Pr operty is Lost or           3.   Loss or t h eft of any Personal
     st olen You must take a ll r easonable             Pr operty (other than Valuables) left
     st eps t o g et it back.                           Un a ttended unless:
                                                        A.   con tained in
                                                             i)    a locked room ; or

UK-CM0006                                                                                        20
ii)    a locked safe or sa fety                v isual, video, photographic, com puter
                   deposit box; or                         equ ipm ent and samples) if it is Lost,
                                                           st olen or damaged.
            iii)   t h e locked glove box or boot
                   of a v ehicle or in the luggage    B.   Bu sin ess equipment h ire
                   spa ce at the r ear of a locked
                                                           If bu siness equipment (limited to audio,
                   est a te car or hatchback               v isual, video, photographic, com puter
                   u n der a t op cov er and out of        equ ipm ent and samples) held by You
                   v iew;                                  for bu siness reasons is Lost, st olen or
            a n d there is ev idence of for ced            da m aged, You will be cov ered for the
            en t ry t o the r oom , safe, safety           r ea sonable cost of hiring replacement
            deposit box or car, or the car has             equ ipm ent up t o the amount stated in
            been stolen;                                   t h e Table of Ben efits.

     B.     in t he custody or control of a n
                                                      Special Conditions
            a ir line or other carrier.
                                                      1.   For t em porary Loss, a s well as getting
4.   Loss, t h eft or damage to:                           a n authorised “ property irregularity
     A.     a n tiques, musical instruments,               r eport” from the carrier or handling
            pictures, household goods,                     a g ent, You m ust also write to t hem
                                                           w ithin 21 days of r eceiving Your
            con tact or corneal lenses,
                                                           pr operty back to confirm You had to
            den tures, or dental fittings,                 buy r eplacem ent items.
            h earing aids, bonds, securities or
            docum ents of any kind;                   2.   If You r business equipm ent is n ever
                                                           fou n d and We agree t o pay for
     B.     spor t s equipment whilst being
                                                           perm anent Loss, We will t ake off any
            u sed, v ehicles or their a ccessories
                                                           a m ount We have a lready paid for
            (ot h er than Mobility A ids),                 t em porary Loss.
            w a tercraft and ancillary
            equ ipm ent, glass china or sim ilar      3.   You m ust keep any damaged property
            fr a gile items and pedal cycles;              so t h at We can inspect it. When We
                                                           m a ke a payment for replacement of that
     C.     bu siness equipment, business                  pr operty, it will then belong t o Us.
            g oods, samples, business
            Mon ey , t ools of t rade or any
                                                      What is not cov ered
            ot h er item used in connection
            w ith Your business, trade or                  1.   A ny exclusion a pplicable to Section
            occu pation;                                        7 . Personal Effects & Ba ggage a lso
                                                                a pply t o this section except
5.   Depr eciation in value, normal wear                        ex clusion 4.C., which is not
     a n d tear, denting or scratching,                         a pplicable.
     da m age by m oth or vermin, electrical,
                                                           2.   T h e Excess.
     electronic or m echanical breakdown,
     or dam age Du e T o atmospheric or
     clim atic conditions.
                                                      Section 9 –
6.   Delay , detention, seizure or
     con fiscation by custom s or other
                                                      Loss of Passport /
     officials.                                       Driving Licence
7.   T h e Excess (not applicable t o delayed
     ba ggage Cl aims).
                                                      What is cov ered
                                                      If You r passport and/or driving licence is
                                                      Lost , destroy ed or stolen while You are on
Section 8 – Business                                  a T r ip A broad, We will pay up to the
                                                      a m ount stated in the Table of Ben efits to
Equipment                                             cov er the cost of:

What is cov ered                                      1.    g et ting any t emporary replacem ent
                                                            docum ents needed t o enable You t o
A.   Loss, dam age or t heft                                r eturn from Your Trip including any
     We w ill pay up the am ount stated                     a dditional travel and a ccom modation
     in t he Table of Benefits for the Repair               (r oom only) costs incurred by You or
     a n d Replacement Costs of Your                        on You r behalf during Your T rip t o
     bu siness equipment (lim ited to audio,                obt a in such documents; and

UK-CM0006                                                                                            21
2.   t h e replacement passport or driving           2.   You r Mon ey m ust be attended by
     licence fee payable, prov ided that it               You a t a ll t imes when not contained in
     r em ained v alid for a t least 2 years a t          a locked safe or sa fety deposit box.
     t h e date it was Lost, destroy ed
     or st olen.                                     3.   If You r Mon ey is Lost or stolen You
                                                          m ust m ake ev ery r easonable effort to
Special Conditions                                        r eport it t o the police (and hotel
                                                          m anagement if the Loss or theft
1.   You m ust take reasonable care to keep               occurs in a h otel) within 24 h ours of
     You r passport and/or driving licence                discov ery and You m ust provide Us
     sa fe. If Your passport a nd/or driving              w ith a copy of t he or iginal written
     licence is Lost or st olen You must                  police report.
     t a ke all reasonable st eps to g et it back.
                                                     What is not cov ered
2.   You r passport and/or driving licence
     m ust be attended by You a t all times          1.   Mor e t han the amount stated in the
     w h en not contained in a locked safe or             T a ble of Benefits for cash.
     sa fety deposit box.
                                                     2.   Loss or t h eft of Mon ey left
3.   If You r passport and/or driving                     Un a ttended unless contained in a
     licence is Lost or st olen You must                  locked sa fe or safety deposit box.
     m a ke ev ery r easonable effort t o report
     it t o t he police (and h otel m anagement      3.   Delay , detention, seizure or
     if t h e Loss or theft occurs in a hotel)            con fiscation by custom s or other
     w ithin 24 h ours of discov ery and You              officials.
     m ust prov ide Us w ith a copy of the
     or ig inal written police report.               4.   T r aveller’s cheques:
                                                          A.   u n less t he Loss or theft is
What is not cov ered                                           r eported im mediately to t he local
                                                               br anch or agent of t he issuing
1.   Loss or t h eft of any passport or                        com pany;
     dr iv ing licence left Unattended                    B.   if t h e issuing com pany prov ides a
     u n less contained in a locked sa fe or                   r eplacem ent service.
     sa fety deposit box.
                                                     5.   Depr eciation in value or sh ortage Du e
2.   Delay , detention, seizure or                        T o a ny error or om ission.
     con fiscation by custom s or
     ot h er officials.                              6.   T h e Excess.

Section 10 –                                         Section 11 –
Personal Money                                       Personal Accident
What is cov ered                                     What is cov ered

We w ill pay up to t he amount st ated in the        If You su ffer physical injury caused by an
T a ble of Benefits if Mon ey held by You for        A ccident during a Trip which, within 12
You r own personal use is Lost or stolen             m on ths, directly r esults in Your:
du r ing a Trip whilst:
                                                     1.   Dea t h; or
1.   being carried by You; or
                                                     2.   Loss of Sigh t; or
2.   left in a locked sa fe or safety deposit
     box .                                           3.   Loss of Lim b; or

                                                     4.   Per manent Total Disablement.
Special Conditions
                                                     We w ill pay the appropriate benefit st ated
1.   You m ust take reasonable care to keep          in t he Table of Benefits.
     You r Mon ey safe. If You r Mon ey is
     Lost or st olen You m ust take all
     r ea sonable steps t o get it back.

UK-CM0006                                                                                           22
Special Conditions                                 Special Conditions

We w ill not pay more than one benefit for         1.   We m ay at Ou r sole discretion in
t h e same physical injury.                             r espect of any occurrence or
                                                        occurrences cov ered by t his Section
What is not cov ered                                    pa y to You the Limit of Liability stated
                                                        in t he Table of Benefits applicable t o
Dea t h, Loss of Sight, Loss of Limb or                 su ch occurrence or occurrences (but
Per manent Total Disablement Du e T o                   dedu cting t herefrom any sum(s)
disea se or any physical defect, injury or              a lready paid) or any lesser sum for
illness which existed before the Trip.                  w h ich the Cl aim(s) arising from such
                                                        occurrence(s) can be settled and We
                                                        sh a ll thereafter be under n o further
Section 12 – Personal                                   lia bility in r espect of such
Liability                                               occurrence(s) except for the payment
                                                        of Cost s a n d Expenses incurred
                                                        pr ior t o the date of su ch payment and
What is cov ered
                                                        for w hich We may be responsible
We w ill cover You up to the Lim it of                  h er eunder.
Lia bility stated in the T able of Benefits
                                                   2.   If a t the tim e of t he happening of any
a g ainst all sums which You are legally liable
                                                        occurrence cov ered by this Section
t o pay a s damages in respect of:
                                                        t h ere is any ot her existing insurance
1.   a ccidental bodily injury (including               w h ether taken out by You or not
     dea th illness or disease) to any person;          cov ering t he same liability We shall
                                                        n ot be liable t o indemnify You in
2.   a ccidental loss of or damage to                   r espect of such liability except so far as
     m aterial property;                                con cerns a ny excess beyond the
w h ich occurs during the Period of                     a m ount which would have been
                                                        pa y able under such ot her insurance
In su rance arising out of the Trip.
                                                        h a d this Section n ot been effected.
T h e m aximum that We will pay under t his
Sect ion for all damages as a result of any        What is not cov ered
on e occurrence or series of occurrences
a r ising directly or indirectly from one source   Cov er for any liability:
or or iginal cause shall be the Lim it of
                                                   1.   in r espect of bodily injury t o any
Lia bility stated in the T able of Benefits. We
                                                        per son who is:
w ill in addition pay Costs a nd Expenses.
                                                        A.    u n der a contract of service with
Cost s a n d Expenses shall m ean:                            You w hen such injury arises out
                                                              of a n d in the course of their
1.   a ll costs and expenses recov erable by a                em ploy ment by You;
     cla imant from You;
                                                        B.    a m em ber of Your family.
2.   a ll costs and expenses incurred with
                                                   2.   a ssum ed by You under a contract or
     Ou r written consent;
                                                        a g reem ent unless such liability would
                                                        h av e a ttached in the absence of su ch
3.   solicitors’ fees for representation at
     a ny coroner’s inquest or fatal a ccident          con tract or agreement;
     in qu iry or in any Court of Summary
                                                   3.   in r espect of loss of or damage t o
     Ju r isdiction;
                                                        pr operty:
in r espect of a ny occurrence to which this
                                                        A.    belonging t o You;
Sect ion applies – ex cept t hat in respect of
occurrences happening in or claims or legal             B. in You r care custody or control.
pr oceedings brought or originating in the              How ev er this Ex clusion shall not apply
Un ited States of Am erica and Canada or any            in r espect of loss of or damage t o
ot h er territory within the jurisdiction of            bu ildings and their contents not
eit her such country, Costs and Expenses                belonging t o but t emporarily occupied
described in 1., 2., and 3. abov e are deemed           by You in the course of t he Trip.
t o be in cluded in the Lim it of Liability for
                                                   4.   in r espect of bodily injury loss or
t h is Section.
                                                        da m age caused directly or indirectly in
                                                        con nection with:

UK-CM0006                                                                                        23
A.     t h e carrying on of a ny trade,       2.   We sh a ll a t all t imes have com plete
            bu siness or profession;                    con trol ov er the legal proceedings.
     B.     t h e ownership, possession or use          Ou t side the Eu ropean Union, the
            of:                                         selection, appointment and control of
                                                        Lega l Representatives shall rest
            i)     h or se-drawn or
                                                        w ith Us. W ithin the European Union,
                   m echanically propelled
                                                        You do n ot have to a ccept the Legal
                   v ehicles;
                                                        Repr esentatives chosen by Us. You
            ii)    a ny aerospatial dev ice or          h av e the right to select and a ppoint
                   a ny airborne or waterborne          Lega l Representatives a fter legal
                   cr aft or v essel (other than        pr oceedings have com menced subject
                   n on -m echanically powered          t o Ou r agreement to t he Legal
                   w a terborne craft not               Repr esentatives' fee or charging
                   ex ceeding 1 0 metres in             r a tes. If t here is a disagreement ov er
                   len gth whilst used on inland        t h is choice of Legal
                   w a ters) or t he loading or         Repr esentatives You can propose
                   u n loading of su ch craft or        Lega l Representatives by sending
                   v essel;                             Us t h e proposed Legal
            iii)   fir earms (other than                Repr esentatives’ name and a ddress.
                   spor t ing guns);                    We m ay choose not t o accept Your
            iv )   a r ising from the occupation        pr oposal but only on r easonable
                   or ow nership of any land or         g r ounds. We may ask the ruling body
                   bu ilding ot her than any            for Legal Representatives t o
                   bu ilding t emporarily               n om inate alternative Legal
                   occu pied by You in the              Repr esentatives. In the meantime,
                   cou rse of a T rip.                  We m ay appoint Legal
                                                        Repr esentatives t o protect
5.   in r espect of a ctivities or v olunteer           You r interests.
     w or k organised by or when the
     in dividual is a ssigned ov erseas by or      3.   You m ust co-operate fully with the
     u n der the auspices of a charitable               Lega l Representatives and ensure
     v oluntary not for profit social or                t h at We are fully informed at all t imes
     sim ilar organisation except where no              in connection with any Claim or legal
     ot h er insurance or cov er is available.          pr oceedings for damages and or
                                                        com pensation from a third party. We
6.   in r espect of punitive or exemplary               a r e entitled to obtain from the Legal
     da m ages.                                         Repr esentatives any information,
                                                        docum ent or a dvice relating to a
7.   in r espect of t he Excess.                        Cl a im or legal proceedings under this
                                                        In su rance. On request You will give to
                                                        t h e Legal Representatives any
Section 13 – Overseas                                   in structions necessary to ensure
Legal Expenses                                          su ch access.

                                                   4.   Ou r a uthorisation t o incur Legal
What is cov ered                                        Expen ses will be g iven if You can
                                                        sa t isfy Us t hat:
If du ring a T rip You sustain bodily injury
or illness which is caused by a third party             A.   t h ere are r easonable grounds for
We w ill pay up to t he amount st ated in the                pu r suing or defending t he Claim
T a ble of Benefits t o cover Legal Expenses                 or legal proceedings and the
a r ising out of A ny On e Cl aim.                           Lega l Expenses will be
                                                             pr oportionate t o the v alue of t he
                                                             Cl a im or legal proceedings; and
Special Conditions
                                                        B.   it is r easonable for Legal
1.   Lega l Representatives m ust be                         Expen ses t o be prov ided in a
     qu a lified to practise in the Courts of                pa r ticular case. The decision t o
     t h e country where the event g iving r ise             g r ant authorisation will take into
     t o t h e Claim occurred or where the                   a ccount the opinion of the Legal
     pr oposed defendant under this Section                  Repr esentatives a s well a s that
     is r esident.                                           of Ou r ow n advisers. If t here is a
                                                             dispute, We may request, a t
                                                             You r expense, an opinion of a

UK-CM0006                                                                                       24
ba rrister a s to the merits of t he     What is not cov ered
            Cl a im or legal proceedings. If
            t h e Claim is a dmitted, Your           1.     A ny Claim r eported t o Us m ore t han
            cost s in obtaining this opinion                1 2 m onths after the beginning of the
            w ill be cov ered by t his Policy.              in cident which led t o the Cl aim.

5.     If t h ere is any dispute, other than in      2.     A ny Claim where it is Ou r opinion
       r espect of the adm issibility of a Cl aim           t h at the prospects for success in
       on w hich Ou r decision is final, the                a chieving a reasonab le settlem ent are
       dispute will be referred t o a single                in sufficient and/or where the laws,
       a r bitrator who will be either a solicitor          pr a ctices and/or financial regulations
       or ba rrister agreed by a ll parties, or             of t h e country in which the incident
       fa iling agreement, one who is                       occurred would preclude the obtaining
       n om inated by the current President of              of a sa t isfactory settlement or the costs
       t h e appropriate Law Society. The party             of doin g so would be disproportionate
       a g ainst whom the dec ision is made                 t o t h e value of the Claim.
       sh a ll meet the costs of t he arbitration
       in fu ll. If t he decision is n ot clearly    3.     Lega l Expenses incurred before
       m a de a gainst either party the                     r eceiving Ou r prior authorisation
       a r bitrator shall have the power t o                in w riting.
       a pportion costs. If t he decision is made
                                                     4.     Lega l Expenses incurred in
       in Ou r favour, Your costs shall n ot be
                                                            con nection with any criminal or wilful
       r ecov erable under the In surance.
                                                            a ct on Your part.
6.     We m ay at Ou r discretion assume
                                                     5.     Lega l Expenses incurred in t he
       con trol at any t ime of any Claim or
                                                            defen ce against any civil claim or legal
       leg al proceedings in Your name for
                                                            pr oceedings m ade or brought against
       da m ages and/or com pensation from a
                                                            You u nless a s a counter-claim.
       t h ird party.
                                                     6.     Fin es, penalties com pensation or
7.     We m ay at Ou r discretion offer t o
                                                            da m ages im posed by a court or other
       set t le a counter-claim a gainst You
                                                            a u thority.
       w h ich We consider to be reasonable
       in st ead of continuing any Claim or
                                                     7.     Lega l Expenses incurred for any
       leg al proceedings for damages and/or                Cl a im or legal proceedings
       com pensation by a third party.                      br ought against:
8.     W h ere settlement has been made to                  A.   a t our operator, travel agent,
       You w ithout legal costs being                            ca rrier, insurer or t heir agents
       a pportioned, We will determine h ow                      w h ere the subject m atter of t he
       m uch of t hat settlem ent sh ould be                     Cl a im or legal proceedings is
       a pportioned t o legal costs and                          elig ible for consideration under
       ex penses and paid to Us.                                 a n Arbitration Scheme or
                                                                 Com plaint Pr ocedure;
9.     If a con flict of interest arises, where             B.   Us or Ou r agents; or
       We a r e also the insurers of t he third
                                                            C.   You r em ployer.
       pa r ty or proposed defendant to the
       Cl a im or legal proceedings, You have
                                                     8.     A ct ions between Persons Insured or
       t h e right to select and a ppoint other             pu r sued in or der t o obtain satisfaction
       Lega l Representatives in                            of a ju dgement or legally
       a ccordance with the t erms of this                  bin ding decision.
       In su rance.
                                                     9.     Lega l Expenses incurred in pursuing
1 0.   If a t Your request Legal                            a ny Claim for com pensation (either
       Repr esentatives cease t o continue                  in dividually or as a m ember of a group
       a ct ing for You, We shall be entitled to            or class action) against the
       w ithdraw cov er immediately or agree                m anufacturer, distributor or supplier
       w ith You to a ppoint other Legal                    of a ny drug, m edication or m edicine.
       Repr esentatives in accordance w ith
       t h e terms of t his In surance.              1 0.   Lega l Expenses chargeable by the
                                                            Lega l Representatives under
                                                            con t ingency fee arrangements.

UK-CM0006                                                                                              25
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