Travel Insurance Guide - Travel Benefits underwritten by AWP P&C SA and administered in the UK - NatWest International Personal Banking

Page created by Terrance Martin
Travel Insurance Guide

                  Travel Benefits
  underwritten by AWP P&C SA and administered in the UK
                by Allianz Global Assistance

Key information about your Gold Travel Insurance
    Policy Number : TRVNGOLD

    How to get help

     Before you travel                                        Please call or email

     You have a medical condition you need to declare.        Membership Services 023 9267 6060
                                                              From abroad: +44 (0) 23 9267 6060
     Want to add any of the policy upgrades detailed          Lines are open 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and
     below.                                                   9am to 1 pm Saturday.

     Wish to discuss anything else about how your             email:
     insurance works.                               

     Emergency medical assistance and claims                  Please call or email

                                                              020 8763 3040
     If you are injured or ill while you are away, call our   From abroad: +44 (0) 20 8763 3040
     Emergency Assistance Service                             Lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

                                                              Membership Services: 023 9267 6060
                                                              From abroad: +44 (0) 23 9267 6060
     Non-emergency claims                                     Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

    Medical conditions                                        Trip duration limits
    If you or anyone who relies on this Travel Insurance      6 months or 17 days for Winter Sports (unless a
    policy has an existing medical condition, you are         Winter Sports Trip Extension has been agreed).
    not eligible to claim on this policy for the medical
    condition until you have called for medical
    screening and confirmation of cover.
    At the time of opening the account or before You
                                                              Policy upgrades available
    book a Trip, You can call the Insurer at any time to      Medical Endorsement (cover for existing medical
    tell them about a medical condition. The Insurer will     conditions)
    tell You whether or not the benefits of the Insurance     Guest Endorsement (add guest)
    are available to You at no charge, whether an             Increased Cancellation and Curtailment Limit
    endorsement to the Insurance can be purchased             Extension
    for an additional premium to cover Your medical
    conditions, or if the Insurer cannot cover Your           Winter Sports Trip Extension.
    medical condition at all.
    If any of the medical statements detailed on page
    5 apply to any of the beneficiaries, you need to call
    Membership Services 023 9267 6060 for medical
Summary of Cover
                                                                Limit of cover (per beneficiary)
 Section       Cover                                            unless trip maximum is stated      Excess

    1a         Personal baggage                                 up to            £10,000           £35
               All Valuables                                                     £1,000            £35
               Single article                                                    £1,000            £35

    1b         Delayed baggage                                  Trip maximum     £600              £0
               After 4 hours                                    up to            £200              £0
               After 48 hours                                   up to            £400              £0

     2         Personal money                                   up to            £500              £35
               Limit on cash, currency, notes and coins         up to            £250              £35

     3         Loss of Passport/Driving Licence                 up to            £500              £35

     4         Cancellation and curtailment                     up to            £10,000           £35

     5         Travel delay                                                      £250              £0
                                                                up to
               Abandonment                                                       £10,000           £35

     6         Missed connections
               After 4 hours                                    up to            £250              £0
               After 4 hours                                    Trip maximum     £1,000            £0
               After 24 hours                                   Additional       £500              £0
                                                                amount up to
               After 24 hours                                   Trip maximum     £2,000            £0

     7         Missed Departure                                 up to            £250              £0

     8         Medical and emergency expenses                                    £25,000,000       £35

     9         Personal accident
               Death, Loss of sight or limb or Permanent                         £50,000           £0
               total disablement

    10         Hospital benefit - per day                                        £35               £0
               Hospital benefit – maximum                       up to            £805

    11         Personal liability                               up to            £2,000,000        £0

    12         Legal Expenses*                                  up to            £50,000           £0

    13         Winter Sports
               Ski pack per week                                up to            £80               £0
               Loss of ski equipment                            up to            £1,000            £35
               Cost of hired skis                               up to            £200              £0
               Piste closure alternative transport per day                       £10               £0
               No sites available per day                                        £20               £0
               No sites available maximum                       up to            £150              £0
               Avalanche closure                                up to            £150              £0

    14         Golf Cover
               Loss/Damage to golf clubs                        up to            £1,500            £50
               Hire of golf clubs                               up to            £400              £50
               Cancellation and curtailment                     up to            £10,000           £50
               Reimbursement of green fees                      up to            £300              £50

* Not available to accounts held with NatWest International Gibraltar
Section A                                                           e) there may be an Excess applicable to some
                                                                       sections of this policy. This Excess will be applied to
                                                                       each Beneficiary for each event.
Gold Summary of Travel                                              f) You can purchase an Insurance policy for Guests
Benefits                                                               at a special rate, please call Membership services:
                                                                       02392 676060.
Please read this summary carefully. A full description              g) the benefits of the Insurance are also available to
of the benefits that are available to You, as well as the              Dependent children travelling without the Account
terms, conditions and exclusions applying to those                     holder on Trips organised by schools or recognised
benefits can be found in the Travel Benefits Guide on                  organisations that are supervised by adults.
page 3.
This document is not a contract of insurance but                   Significant Features and Benefits
summarises an Insurance policy held by Us which
provides Insurance benefits and coverage held for the              Medical and Emergency Expenses – £25,000,000
benefit of (and in trust for) Account holders and other            Cancellation and Curtailment – up to £10,000
                                                                   Personal Baggage – up to £10,000

Journeys You Can Claim Benefits For                                Cover also includes delayed Baggage, personal money,
                                                                   loss of passport/driving licence, travel delay and
You are only able to claim benefits for Trips or Journeys          abandonment, missed connections, failure of Public
that are temporary absences from Your Home address                 transport, personal accident, hospital benefit, personal
for at least 1 night:                                              liability, Legal expenses and winter sports.

 a) abroad; or                                                     Full details of the Benefit levels are contained in the
                                                                   Policy Schedule.
 b) staying in pre-arranged Accommodation within
    the Beneficiary’s Country of residence.
                                                                   Significant or Unusual Exclusions
In either case the maximum Trip length is 6 months for
any one Trip, with the exception of Trips that include
                                                                   or Limitations
winter sports where the maximum Trip length is limited              - any claims as a result of a Beneficiary’s
to 17 days. There is no limit to the number of winter                 Business trip.
sports trips that may be taken within your policy period
– however no single trip should exceed 17 days                      - any part of any Trip with a duration of greater than
                                                                      6 months, or of 17 days if the Trip involves winter
There is no cover for any part of a Trip where the                    sports.
intended duration is greater than 6 months (or 17 days
when that Trip includes winter sports), including for the           - pre-existing medical conditions – please see page
first 6 months/17 days.                                               5 for further information.
All cancellation cover ends when You leave Your home                - where You are diagnosed with a new medical
to start a Journey.                                                   condition or a change of health after You book a
                                                                      Journey, but before You leave, and do not contact
                                                                      the Insurer to discuss it.
Eligibility to Receive Benefits                                     - medical expenses incurred 12 months after the
                                                                      sickness or injury first occurred.
 a) You must be a Gold Account holder for the
    duration of Your Trip.                                          - medical treatment in Your Country of residence.
 b) there is a Journey limit of 6 months in duration,               - claims where You were travelling to obtain
    except where the Trip involves winter sports                      medical treatment, contrary to medical advice,
    where the maximum duration allowable is 17 days.                  after receiving a terminal diagnosis, or while still
    There is no limit to the number of winter sports                  awaiting medical treatment, tests or investigations.
    trips that may be taken within your policy period
    – however no single trip should exceed 17 days.                 - suicide, attempted suicide or wilful exposure to
    An Insurance policy to cover a higher maximum                     danger.
    winter sports duration can be purchased by calling              - a medical condition of a close relative, travelling
    Membership services: 02392 676060.                                companion or business associate (whether they
 c) all eligibility to receive the benefits of the Insurance          are travelling or not) who:
    will stop upon closure of Your Gold account.                         • has been a hospital in-patient in relation to the
 d) the benefits of the Insurance do not become                            aforementioned condition in the last year or
    available if a Trip has already started.                               been put on a waiting list for treatment;
                                                                         • or has been diagnosed with or had cancer in
                                                                           the last year.

- any form of alcohol abuse including alcohol                Complaints Procedure
  withdrawal or You drinking too much alcohol
  where it is reasonably foreseeable that such               The Insurer is dedicated to providing a high quality
  consumption could result in a serious impairment           service and wants to maintain this at all times. If You
  of Your faculties and/or judgement resulting in a          are not satisfied with this service, please contact them
  claim. The Insurer does not expect You to avoid            immediately so that Your complaint can be dealt with
  alcohol on Your Trip but they will not cover any           as soon as possible.
  claim arising because You have drunk so much
  alcohol that Your judgement is seriously affected          If You have a complaint, please contact:
  and You need to make a claim as a result.
                                                      The Customer Service Manager, NatWest International
- bankruptcy/liquidation of any Tour operator, travel Travel Insurance, Allianz Global Assistance, 102
  agent or transportation company.                    George Street, Croydon CR9 6HD.
- air travel (other than as a fare-paying passenger          Tel: 02392 676060
  on a regular scheduled airline or licensed charter
  aircraft).                                                 Email:

- cover is excluded for certain hazardous activities.        If You are not satisfied following receipt of a final
  This means any pursuit or activity where it is             response, You may contact the Financial Ombudsman
  recognised that there is an increased risk of              Service (FOS),Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange
  injury or accident. A list of the activities covered       Square, London E14 9SR Telephone 0300 123 9 123,
  by the policy can be found on page 8 under                 free for mobile-phone users who pay a monthly charge
  the Hazardous activities definition in the policy          for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02.
- travel to areas where the UK Foreign &
  Commonwealth Office or the equivalent                      Website:
  government authority in Your Country of
  residence has advised against all travel.
- delays that were announced before You
  checked in.
- loss or theft of Valuables and/or personal property
  or money left unattended (except as specifically
  provided for in the Policy).
- any Anticipated events.
- the Excess (please see Schedule of Benefits for a
  list of all ‘excesses’ applicable to the benefits).

Section B
Travel Benefits Guide

 Before you travel                                                 Please call or email

 You have a medical condition you need to declare.                 Membership Services 023 9267 6060
                                                                   From abroad: +44 (0) 23 9267 6060
 Want to add any of the policy upgrades detailed                   Lines are open 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and
 below.                                                            9am to 1 pm Saturday.

 Wish to discuss anything else about how your                      email:
 insurance works.                                        

 Emergency medical assistance and claims                           Please call or email

                                                                   020 8763 3040
 If you are injured or ill while you are away, call our            From abroad: +44 (0) 20 8763 3040
 Emergency Assistance Service                                      Lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

                                                                   Membership Services: 023 9267 6060
                                                                   From abroad: +44 (0) 23 9267 6060
 Non-emergency claims                                              Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

This document is not a contract of Insurance but                  Strict compliance with the Insurer’s policy’s terms
summarises an Insurance policy held by Us which                   and conditions are required if You are to receive any
provides Insurance benefits and coverage held for the             benefit. Under the Insurance Conduct of Business rules,
benefit of (and in trust for) Account holders and other           Account holders will not be customers of Allianz Global
Beneficiaries.                                                    Assistance or of Us.
The Insurance is administered by Allianz Global                   The provision of these Insurance benefits to Account
Assistance which is a trading name of AWP Assistance              holders falls outside regulation by the Financial
UK Ltd, 102 George Street, Croydon CR9 6HD and is                 Conduct Authority. The conditions that appear in this
authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct                 Travel Benefits Guide reflect the contract between Us
Authority. Financial Services Register number 311909.             and the Insurer, and must be complied with. Failure to
                                                                  comply may mean that claims will not be paid under the
The Insurance is underwritten by AWP P&C SA under
policy no TRVNGOLD.
AWP P&C SA is duly authorised in France and the                   Important Information
United Kingdom, and subject to limited regulation by
the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial             We have agreed with the Insurer that English Law will
Conduct Authority.                                                apply. Communication of and in connection with the
                                                                  Insurance shall be in the English language.
The Insurance is held by Us – The Royal Bank of
Scotland Limited trading as NatWest International. We             If a Beneficiary holds a policy of insurance, which
are the only policyholder and only We have direct rights          covers a loss for which they are also claiming benefit
under the contract of Insurance against AWP P&C SA                under the Insurance, the Insurer reserves the right to
These rights are held for the benefit of (and in trust for)       seek a contribution from the underwriters of that other
Account holders and other Beneficiaries.                          policy of insurance where appropriate.
This document summarises the benefits available                   To notify Us of claims in the first instance please
under the policy of Insurance held by Us: it does not             telephone
give Account holders direct rights under the policy.              Membership Services: + 44 (0) 2392 676060.

Complaints Procedure                                           Important note: It may affect Your claim if You, Your
                                                               travelling companion or a doctor/nurse does not
The Insurer is dedicated to providing a high quality           contact the Insurer on the number above. The Insurer
service and wants to maintain this at all times. If You        does not cover any costs over £500 where prior
are not satisfied with this service, please contact them       agreement regarding treatment has not been obtained
immediately so that Your complaint can be dealt with           from the Assistance Helpline.
as soon as possible.
                                                               The Insurer’s highly experienced multi-lingual team
If You have a complaint, please contact:                       of in-house doctors, nurses and experienced case
                                                               managers will advise You, Your travelling companion,
The Customer Service Manager, NatWest International            and/or Your treating doctor, of what steps to take.
Travel Insurance, Allianz Global Assistance, 102
George Street, Croydon CR9 6HD.
                                                               We understand how important it is to have someone
Tel: 02392 676060                                              who:
Email:                                                          • you can contact at any time of the day or night
                                                        • you can trust has the medical expertise to guide
                                                          You to the right course of treatment
If You are not satisfied following receipt of a final
response, You may contact the Financial Ombudsman       • has an in-depth understanding of how and when to
Service (FOS), Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange           transfer sick and injured patients back home
Square, London E14 9SR Telephone 0800 023 4567 and      • will speak to You in a language you can understand.
0300 123 9123; Fax 0207 964 1001;                                      The Insurer’s team is focused on trying to take
                                                      some of the worry out of what can be an incredibly
                                                      stressful situation so they will keep Your key contacts
Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)         updated on Your progress for You and if it is medically
AWP P&C SA is covered by the Financial Services       necessary, they’ll fly a doctor or nurse out, with
Compensation Scheme. This provides compensation       specialist repatriation equipment, to accompany You
in case any of its members go out of business or into home.
liquidation and are unable to meet any valid claims   The Insurer actively monitors the capabilities of
under its policies.                                   medical facilities throughout the world and use
Further information can be obtained from the Financial         this knowledge to determine whether You need
Services Compensation Scheme ( or              to be transferred to a different facility. Once they
by contacting the FSCS at 10th Floor, Beaufort House,          are satisfied that You are getting the appropriate
15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QU or by calling            treatment, they will agree a treatment plan with Your
0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100.                                treating doctor and You. If You cannot be discharged
                                                               in time to continue Your Trip as planned, the Insurer
                                                               will make arrangements to bring You home at the
For emergencies: If You are taken by ambulance to              appropriate time.
hospital following an emergency call, You or a travelling
companion should call the Insurer as soon as possible
once You have been admitted to hospital.                    EU, EEA and Switzerland
                                                            If you are a resident of the European Union (EU), the
For non-emergencies: If You need a GP, or need to go European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and
to A&E or a clinic, Call Us First, before You try to locate are travelling to any of these countries You are strongly
help, so the Insurer can guide You to the safest and        advised to obtain a European Health Insurance Card
most appropriate source of treatment.                       (EHIC). Residents of the United Kingdom can apply
                                                            either online through or
If You are unfortunate enough to need medical help          by telephoning 0300 330 1350. This will entitle You to
whilst abroad please Call Us First on the Assistance        benefit from the health care arrangements which exist
Helpline +44 (0) 020 8763 3040                              between countries within the EU/EEA or Switzerland.
The Insurer’s highly experienced multi-lingual team are
available to talk 24 hours a day, to advise You or Your     Note
travelling companion of what steps to take. Their aim
will always be to establish the best treatment available The EHIC does not cover the cost of medical treatment
to You in the country you are visiting.                     in a private hospital or clinic, the additional cost of
                                                            returning to your home country or for a relative to stay
                                                            or fly out to be with you. In a medical emergency you
The Insurer’s first steps will always be to:
                                                            may have no control over the hospital you are taken to
   • confirm that You’re in a place of safety;              or the closest hospital may be private.
 • establish the best local treatment available to You;
 • and consider Your health and best interests;
 • make sure that the necessary medical fees are

This section explains the travel benefits available                Medical Statements
with Your Gold account.
                                                                   It is important that You read this entire section to
It is recommended that You read this booklet                       ensure that You understand what benefits may be
before travelling and carry it with You. Please take               available to You. Failure to do so may leave You with no
particular note of the documentation required for                  right to make a claim.
each claim.                                                  Call Us on Membership services: 02392 676060 to talk
Please note: Any tax for which a Beneficiary becomes         about Your medical circumstances.
liable will be the responsibility of the Beneficiary and not At the time of opening the account or before You
that of NatWest International or the Insurer.                book a Trip
Please read this travel benefits guide carefully                   At the time of opening the account or before You
                                                                   book a Trip, You can call the Insurer at any time to tell
Whilst all the words are important, You should pay                 them about a medical condition. The Insurer will tell
particular attention to all the exclusions and conditions.         You whether or not the benefits of the Insurance are
                                                                   available to You at no charge, whether an endorsement
Eligibilty to Receive Benefits                                     to the Insurance can be purchased for an additional
                                                                   premium to cover Your medical conditions, or if the
 a) you must be a Gold Account holder, or the Partner
                                                                   Insurer cannot cover Your medical condition at all.
    of a Gold Account holder, or dependent child of the
    Gold Account holder, where the Gold Account is      The Insurer will write to You to confirm what they tell
    operative for the entire duration of the Trip;      You over the phone. Please read the medical questions
 b) there is a Journey limit of 6 months in duration,
    except where the Trip involves winter sports        If you or any other Beneficiary answer YES to any of
    where the maximum duration allowable is 17 days. these questions, you must telephone the insurer to
    There is no limit to the number of winter sports    confirm eligibility of cover:
    trips that may be taken within your policy period –
    however no single trip should exceed 17 days.          1. Are receiving in-patient treatment or are waiting
                                                              to receive treatment;
    There is no cover for any part of a Trip where the
    intended duration is greater than 6 months (or         2. Have been prescribed medication in the 12 months
    17 days when that Trip includes winter sports),           prior to booking the Journey, whether taking it or
    including for the first 6 months/17 days. An              not;
    insurance policy to cover a higher maximum             3. Have been diagnosed with a heart or cancer
    winter sports duration can be purchased by calling        related condition in the 12 months prior to booking
    Membership services: 02392 676060;                        the Journey;
 c) all eligibility to receive the benefits of the Insurance        4. Have been given a terminal prognosis;
    will stop upon closure of Your Gold account;
                                                                    5. Are diagnosed with any of the medical conditions
 d) the benefits of the Insurance do not become                        below:
    available if a Trip has already started;
                                                                         • a circulatory condition (problems with blood
 e) there may be an Excess applicable to some                              flow, including high blood pressure and/or high
    sections of this policy. This Excess will be applied to                cholesterol); a breathing condition (including
    each Beneficiary for each insured event;                               asthma whexre You are prescribed more than
 f) you can purchase an insurance policy for Guests                        one medication or inhaler);
    at a special rate, please call Membership services:                  • any joint and bone condition;
    02392 676060;
                                                                  • any gastrointestinal (stomach) condition;
  g) benefits of the Insurance are also available to
     Dependent children travelling without the Account            • or diabetes;
     holder on Trips. These benefits are limited to        Please be aware that the Insurer is not able to:
     Trips which have been organised by schools or
     recognised organisations that are supervised by         1. Provide any cover for undiagnosed conditions,
     adults such as a church or a member organisation           where You have experienced symptoms that are
     of the National Council for Voluntary Youth                awaiting test results or other diagnostics;
     Services. No benefit shall be available where           2. Provide any cover for any diagnosed psychological
     the dependent child travels alone or under the             or psychiatric disorder, stress, anxiety or
     supervision of any other person or institution not         depression which has required medication or
     mentioned above. If You are unsure whether or not          treatment prior to booking the Journey.
     the benefits extend to a particular Trip, please call
     Membership services: 02392 676060.                    Note  that if You do not contact Us in this way, You
                                                           may not have any benefits available to You if You make
Please note that any additional cover must be obtained a claim.
prior to the start of a Trip.

If the Insurer is unable to cover Your medical                   investigations The Insurer will then tell You if they
condition(s), then they will not pay claims that are             can cover these medical conditions free of charge
related to that condition.                                       or for an additional premium.
                                                               If the Insurer cannot cover Your medical condition(s)
After You have called the Insurer                              (including those which You may have already
Where the Insurer has either provided You with an              declared to the Insurer) or You do not want to pay the
endorsement to the Insurance to cover Your medical             additional premium quoted, the Insurer will give You
conditions, or declined to do so, they will usually apply      the choice of either:
those terms for a 12 month period and at the end              • Making a cancellation claim for any pre-booked
of this period they will send You a communication               Trips; or
asking You to call in again, so that they can reassess
the cover for Your medical condition(s). In some             • Continuing but without cover for Your medical
circumstances, the Insurer may not be able to cover             condition(s). Cancelling Your endorsement to
Your medical condition(s) for a period of 12 months.            the Insurance for Your medical condition(s) and
Where the Insurer is able to offer cover by way of an           receiving a proportionate/partial refund (provided
endorsement to the Insurance, this will be on a per Trip        that You have not made a claim or are about to).
basis and the full details of each Trip will be required,
which includes the countries You are travelling to and      Claiming Benefits
the total duration of Your Trip. If the cover for Your
medical condition(s) has been accepted on a per Trip         1. In relation to any benefit which is held by Us on
basis, You must contact the Insurer again as soon as            trust for You, We have authorised You, as Our
You book another Trip or if there is a change in detail to      agent, to notify the Insurer and make a claim under
Your existing Trip e.g. You decide to travel to a different     this Insurance on Our behalf. The appointment of
country or You extend the duration of Your Trip.                You as Our agent is subject to the appointment:

Where the Insurer has provided You with an                       a) not altering the basis upon which the Insurance
endorsement to the Insurance to cover Your medical                  is held in trust by Us for Beneficiaries;
condition(s) on a per Trip basis, as stated above, it is          b) being limited to the sole purpose of making a
Your responsibility to advise the Insurer as soon as You             claim under the Insurance directly from the
book another Trip if You want cover to extend to Your                Insurer;
medical condition(s) again.
                                                                  c) providing no rights whatsoever to commence
The Insurer’s medical risk assessment system is                      legal proceedings as Our agent;
updated frequently and they reserve the right to amend
their medical risk assessment outcomes, so You may                d) not permitting any act or omission undertaken
find that after one year the Insurer might be unable                 by a Beneficiary to affect any claims or any
to cover Your medical condition(s) but at a later date               other rights of ours (or any other Beneficiary)
they might be able to or that the additional premium                 under the Insurance.
charged may change.                                            2. If a claim is to be made You must contact the
If You wish to make any change or corrections                     Insurer as soon as possible.
to Your details please contact Membership                      3. Amounts paid by the Insurer in respect of
services: 02392 676060.                                           valid claims will be credited to the applicable
                                                                  Beneficiary’s bank account or paid by cheque as
At any time                                                       agreed with the Beneficiary.
No benefits are available to You when:                         4. If You or any Beneficiary do not comply with
                                                                  obligations as shown in this Travel Benefits Guide,
 a) you travel to obtain medical treatment;                       such Beneficiary’s claim may be invalid.
 b) you travel against medical advice.

Changes in Your health
Any change to an existing or previously declared
condition (including medical conditions that are
undiagnosed or awaiting investigation) You must tell the
Insurer about these changes if because of these You:
 • have seen a doctor and have seen or been referred
   to a consultant or specialist.
 • have been admitted to hospital for, or are waiting
   to receive treatment (including surgery, tests
   or investigations) or the results of tests and

Data Protection Notice                                        Where will your personal data be processed?
The insurer cares about your personal data.                   Your personal data may be processed both inside and
                                                              outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
This summary and the insurer’s full privacy notice
explain how the insurer protects your privacy and uses        Whenever the insurer transfers your personal data
your personal data.                                           outside the EEA to other Allianz Group companies, the
                                                              insurer will do so on the basis of Allianz’s approved
The insurers full Privacy Notice is available at www.         binding corporate rules (BCR). Where Allianz’s BCR                      do not apply, the insurer will take steps to ensure that
If a printed version is required, please write to the         personal data transfers outside the EEA receive an
insurer at Legal and Compliance Department, Allianz           adequate level of protection.
Global Assistance, 102 George Street, Croydon, Surrey
CR9 6HD.                                                      What are your rights in respect of your personal
How the insurer will obtain and use your                      You have certain rights in respect of your personal
personal data                                                 data. You can:
The insurer will collect your personal data from a            • Request access to it and learn more about how it is
variety of sources including:                                   processed and shared;
• Data that you provide to the insurer; and                   • Request that the insurer restricts any processing
• Data that may be provided about you from certain              concerning you, or withdraw your consent where
  third parties, such as, doctors in the event of a             you previously provided this;
  medical emergency or airline companies in the               • Request that the insurer stop processing it,
  event of repatriation.                                        including for direct marketing purposes;
The insurer will collect and process your personal data       • Request that the insurer updates it or deletes it from
in order to comply with their contractual obligations           their records;
and/or for the purposes of their legitimate interests
including:                                                    • Request that the insurer provide it to you or a new
• Entering into or administering contracts with you;
                                                              • To file a complaint.
• Informing you of products and services which may
  be of interest to you.                                      Automated decision making, including profiling
Who will have access to your personal data?                   The insurer carries out automated decision making
                                                              and/or profiling when necessary.
The insurer may share your personal data:
• With public authorities, other Allianz Group                How can you contact the insurer?
  companies, industry governing bodies, regulators,           If you would like a copy of the information that the
  fraud prevention agencies and claims databases,             insurer holds about you or if you have any queries
  for underwriting and fraud prevention purposes;             about how uses your personal data, you can contact
• With other service providers who perform business           the insurer as follows:
  operations on the insurer’s behalf;                         By post: Data Protection Officer, AWP Assistance UK
• Organisations who the insurer deals with which              Ltd, 102 George Street, Croydon, Surrey CR9 6HD
  provide part of the service to you such as in the           By telephone: 0208 603 9853
  event of a medical emergency;
                                                              By email:
• To meet the insurers legal obligations including
  providing information to the relevant ombudsman if
  you make a complaint about the product or service           Definitions
  that they have provided to you.
                                                              Below are certain words that have been given specific
The insurer will not share information about you with         meanings. They have the same meaning wherever they
third parties for marketing purposes unless you have          are used in the policy or in any endorsement.
specifically given us your consent to do so.
                                                              ‘Abroad’ means outside of the Beneficiary’s Country
How long does the insurer keep your personal data?            of residence.
The insurer will retain your personal data for a              ‘Accommodation’ means any hotel room, apartment,
maximum of seven years from the date the insurance            villa, etc, but excludes the provision of food, drink,
relationship between you and the insurer ends. If the         telephone calls, newspapers etc.
insurer is able to do so, they will delete or anonymise       ‘Account holder’ means any individual who holds a
certain areas of your personal data as soon as that           Gold account.
information is no longer required for the purposes for
which it was obtained.
‘Anticipated event’ means any event or occurrence                ‘Excess’ an excess is the amount the Insurer will deduct
which the Beneficiary knew would occur or could                  from a claim. This amount is payable per Beneficiary
reasonably have expected to occur during their Trip              claiming, per claim registered. Where a single incident
and which they were aware of at the time of booking              gives rise to a claim under two or more benefits, only
the Trip.                                                        one excess will be payable per Beneficiary.
‘Associated condition’ means a medical condition                 ‘Guest’ any individual for whom the appropriate
that has a higher likelihood of occurring if You have a          additional premium has been paid, whilst travelling
particular existing medical condition than if You did not        with an Account holder during the period of the
have that existing medical condition. Any associated             Journey and whose Country of residence is the same as
conditions will be shown on Your policy schedule if              the Account holder.
You decline to cover Your medical condition(s) or
                                                                 ‘Hazardous activity’ means any sports or leisure
they are excluded from cover. If You do not disclose
Your medical condition(s) You may not be covered for
any conditions associated with Your existing medical
condition(s).                                                    Covered
‘Baggage’ means clothing, personal effects (including             Aerobics          Ice Skating        SCUBA Diving
Valuables) and suitcases (or similar luggage carriers),                                                (down to 30m
                                                                  Badminton         Jogging
taken on or acquired during the Trip.                                                                  accompanied
                                                                  Baseball          Manual Work        by a qualified
‘Beneficiary/Beneficiaries/You/Your’ is as described              Basketball        on an Incidental   diver or
under ‘Eligibility to Receive Benefits, section ‘a’ on                              basis (at          instructor)
                                                                  Boogie            ground level
page 5’.                                                          Boarding          not involving      Snorkelling
‘Bodily injury’ means an identifiable physical injury             Bowls             machinery)*        Softball
sustained by Beneficiaries caused by sudden,                      Cricket           Marathon           Squash
unexpected, external, violent and visible means.                                    Running            Surfing
Injury as a result of Your unavoidable exposure to the                              Mountain Biking    Swimming
                                                                  Curling           (on recognised
elements shall be deemed to have been caused by                                                        Table Tennis
                                                                  Cycling (no       routes)
bodily injury.                                                    racing)           Rambling           Tennis
‘Business address’ means where the Beneficiary works              Fell Walking      Rounders           Ten Pin Bowling
in their Country of residence.                                    Fishing           Sailing (within    Volleyball
‘Business trip’ means any Trip where the main purpose             Golf              territorial        Walking
is to carry out Your business or trade, even if this              Hiking/Trekking                      Water Polo
involves an element of leisure either prior or after the          (under 4,000m)
business element of the Trip.
‘Country of residence’ means the country in which
the Beneficiary resides, and has resided (or has made            Covered if professionally organised and supervised
formal arrangements to reside) for 6 months (or longer)          plus you wear appropriate safety equipment and take
in any one calendar year.                                        safety precautions:

‘Curtailment’ means where the Beneficiary cuts short              Abseiling         Go Karting*        Pony Trekking
their Trip after its commencement to return to their
                                                                  Archery           Gymnastics         River Tubing
Home address.                                                                                          (no white
                                                                  Banana Boating    Hiking/Trekking
‘Dependent children’ means all children (including                Black Water       (between
legally adopted, foster and step children) of the                 Rafting           4,000m and         Shooting (not
                                                                                    6,000m)            Big Game)*
Account holder or Account holder’s Partner who at the             Bungee
start date of the Journey are aged under 18 years (or             Jumping           Horse Riding       Sleigh riding (as
                                                                                    (no jumping)       a passenger)
up to 23 if in full time education), living at the Account        Camel/Elephant
holder’s Home address and are unmarried or have not               Riding            Hot Air            Swimming with
                                                                                    Ballooning         Dolphins
entered into a Civil Partnership. The benefits of the             Canoeing/
Insurance are also available to Dependent children who            Kayaking (no      Indoor Rock        Trampolining
                                                                  white water)      Climbing (with     Water Skiing
do not reside permanently (or for the majority of the                               belays)
time) with the Account holder, providing the child(ren)           Clay Pigeon                          (no jumping)
                                                                  Shooting          Jet Biking*        White Water
resides permanently with the other parent for the
remainder of the time.                                            Fencing           Jet Skiing*        Rafting

                                                                  Flotilla          Paint Balling      Ziplining/
‘Directly related’ refers to situations where the                                                      Zipwiring
                                                                  Sailing (with     Parascending
Beneficiary has previously suffered from the same                 professional      over water         Zorbing
medical condition or illness. We would not consider               leader)*
conditions such as High Blood Pressure or high
cholesterol to be ‘Directly related’ to a claim for a
heart attack.

‘Incidental’ means happening on a casual or occasional
 Not covered                                                             basis and not the main purpose of or reason for the Trip.
     Base Jumping         Lacrosse                Polo                   ‘Insurance’ means the policy of travel insurance held by
     Big Game             Micro Lighting          Professional/
                                                                         Us, the benefits of which are made available to Account
     Hunting                                      Semi                   holders and other Beneficiaries.
                          Motor Cycling
     BMX Stunt            as a driver or
                                                                         ‘Insurer’ means AWP P&C SA (administered in the UK
     Riding               passenger                                      by Allianz Global Assistance)
     Bouldering           (unless on              Quad Biking
                          machines of less        Rock Climbing          ‘Legal expenses’ means professional fees and
     Boxing               than 125cc, you                                expenses reasonably and properly incurred by a legal
     Canyoning            wear a helmet,          Sailing (outside
                          and as a driver,        territorial            representative that are proportionate to the value of
     Caving/Pot           you have held           waters)                the claim or legal proceedings. The Insurer will also pay
     Holing               a motorcycle                                   costs the Beneficiary is ordered to pay by a court or
                                                  Scuba Diving
     Coasteering          licence for at          (below 30m)            other organisation and any other costs they agree to in
                          least 3 years                                  writing. The most they will pay for all legal expenses will
     Cycle Racing         and have                Shark Diving
     Flying except        no motoring             Street Hockey
                                                                         be £50,000 for any claim or claims arising from any one
     (as a fare           convictions)                                   incident.
     paying                                       Tomb Stoning
                          Mountaineering                                 ‘Loss of limb(s) means the permanent severing at or
     passenger)                                   Track Days
                          Organised               involving              above the wrist or ankle or total loss of a complete foot,
     Free/High            Team Sports
     Diving                                       motor vehicles         leg, hand or arm.
                          Parachuting             including
     Gliding                                      motorcycles            ‘Loss of sight’ means if the degree of sight remaining,
                          Paragliding                                    in one eye, after correction is 3/60 or less on the Snellen
     Hang Gliding                                 Water Ski
                          Parascending            Jumping                Scale (this means seeing at 3 feet what You should see
     Horse Jumping/       (over land)
     Hunting                                      Weightlifting          at 60 feet), or in both eyes if the Beneficiary’s name is
                          Participation in                               added to the register of blind persons on the authority of
     Judo/Karate/         competitions            Wrestling
     Martial Arts         unless
                                                                         a fully qualified ophthalmic specialist.
     Kite Surfing         otherwise                                      ‘Medical advisor(s)’ means a senior medical officer
                          agreed by us
                                                                         appointed by the Assistance Helpline.
                                                                         ‘Medical practitioner’ means a person, other than
*There is no cover under the Personal Liability section of               the Beneficiary or a member of their family, or anyone
this policy.                                                             travelling with them, who is qualified and registered as
                                                                         such by a competent and recognised authority.
 Winter Sports                                                           ‘Outward Journey’ means travelling from the
 If a Trip is longer than 17 days involving Winter Sports                Beneficiary’s home or Business address to their Trip
 a trip extension will need to be purchased.                             destination.
                                                                         ‘Partner’ the person that the Account holder lives with
 The following activities are        Examples of Winter Sports
                                                                         at the Account holder’s Home address in a relationship,
 covered:                            activities not covered are:
                                                                         whether married or cohabiting, as if husband and wife
 •     On piste skiing or            •   Bobsleighing                    or civil Partners regardless of gender.
       snowboarding on piste         •   Heli Skiing
 •     Off-piste skiing or                                               ‘Period of the trip’ means from the time of the
                                     •   Ice Hockey                      Beneficiary leaving their Home address or Business
       snowboarding where
       accompanied by a              •   Luging                          address, to undertake a Trip, until they return thereto
       qualified guide or            •   Use of Skeletons                from their Trip, both of which must be in their Country
       instructor                                                        of residence.
                                     •   Ski Acrobatics
 •     Cross country skiing on                                           ‘Permanent total disablement’ means a disability
       recognised routes and         •   Ski Jumping
       with a guide
                                                                         preventing the Beneficiary from doing any work of any
                                                                         kind for 104 weeks and at the end of this period there is
 •     Ski racing arranged
                                                                         no reasonable hope of improvement.
       by ski schools for their
       pupils                                                            ‘Personal money’ means cash, letters of credit , travel
 •     Sledging                                                          tickets and hotel vouchers, all held for the Beneficiary’s
                                                                         private purpose and includes the wallet or purse in
                                                                         which these items are carried.
‘Home address’ means where the Beneficiary lives in                      ‘Pre-existing medical condition’ means when, at the
their Country of residence.                                              time of a Beneficiary booking their Trip or opening
‘Immediate family’ the Beneficiary’s Partner, Fiancé,                    their account, they answer yes to any of the Medical
Fiancée, Parents, Parents-in-law, Step-parents, Son,                     Statements on page 5 of this policy.
Son-in-law, Daughter, Daughter-in-law, Brother,                          ‘Public transport’ means a scheduled public service
Brother-in-law, Step-brother, Sister, Sister-in-                         namely: train, coach, taxi, bus, aircraft and sea vessel.
law, Step-sister, foster children, Legal Guardian,
Grandparents and Grandchildren.

‘Redundant/Redundancy’ means You being made                      furs, cameras, camcorders, photographic, audio,
redundant, as long as You had been working at Your               video, computer, television and telecommunications
current place of employment for a minimum continuous             equipment (including CDs, DVDs, tapes, films, cassettes,
period of two years and that at the time of booking the          cartridges, headphones, electronic readers, laptops,
Trip or the date You took out this account, whichever is         tablets and mobile phones), computer games and
earlier, You had no reason to believe that You would be          associated equipment, telescopes, binoculars and
made redundant.                                                  satellite navigation equipment.
This cover would not apply if You are self-employed or           ‘We/our/us’ means The Royal Bank of Scotland
accept voluntary redundancy.                                     International Limited trading as NatWest International.
‘Secure area’ means the locked boot of a motor vehicle.
This includes the locked luggage compartment of a                General Conditions and Exclusions
hatchback or estate vehicle fitted with a lid, fixed tray or
roller blind that closes off the luggage area behind the
rear seats.                                                          General Conditions and Exclusions

‘Single article’ means the one item, pair or set of                  Main/unusual exclusions/restrictions
articles (this doesn’t include golf equipment).
‘Ski equipment’ means skis (including bindings),                     The following conditions and exclusions apply to all
                                                                     sections of the policy wording.
clothing, snowboards, boots and poles either owned or
hired by the Beneficiary.                                            Conditions which apply to the whole policy:
                                                                     1. You must tell the Insurer about any claim as soon as
‘Ski pack’ means pre-paid lift pass, ski school and                     reasonably possible. The benefits of the insurance
equipment hire fees or combination of these items.                      shall not be available in respect of any increase in
                                                                        costs caused by Your delay in telling the Insurer. You
‘Solicitor’ means any suitably qualified person acting for              must also inform them if you are aware of any court
the Beneficiary to pursue a claim under Section 12.                     order to do or stop doing something, order to attend
                                                                        court or impending prosecution. Every communication
‘Terrorism/Terrorist act’ means an act or threat of                     relating to a claim must be sent to them without delay.
action by a person or group of people, whether they                  2. You must take all reasonable steps to prevent any loss,
are acting alone or with other people, organisations                    damage or accident. If You do not, the benefits of the
or governments, for political, ethnic, racial, religious,               insurance may not be available to You.
ideological or similar purposes to influence any                     3. You, or any person acting for You, must not negotiate,
government or to frighten the public or any section of it.              admit or repudiate any claim without the Insurer’s
                                                                        written consent.
An ‘act’ or ‘action’ here means:
                                                                     4. The expense of supplying all certificates, information
 •		 violence against a person;                                         and evidence which the Insurer may require will be
                                                                        borne by the Beneficiary or their legal representative.
 •		 damage to property;                                                When a Bodily injury or illness occurs, the Insurer
 •		 putting a person’s life in danger;                                 may request and will pay for, any Beneficiary to be
                                                                        medically examined on behalf of the Insurer. They
 •		 creating a health risk to the public or a section of it;           may also request, and will pay for, a post mortem
     or                                                                 examination if a Beneficiary dies.
                                                                     5. If at the time of any incident, a separate policy of
 •		 interfering with or seriously disrupting electronic                insurance covers the costs, loss, damage or liability or
     systems or transport services.                                     any part of such, the benefits shall only be available
                                                                        for a rateable portion of the claim, except under
‘Tour operator’ means a registered company whose                        sections 9 and 10 where the benefits shall still be
primary business is the provision of pre-arranged                       available in full, subject to the policy limits.
travel and accommodation facilities, with whom the                   6. The Insurer is entitled to take over and conduct in Your
Beneficiary is booked to travel or their agents as                      name the defence or settlement of any legal action.
specified in the Beneficiary’s travel itinerary.                        They may also take proceedings to their own expense
                                                                        and for their own benefit, but in Your name, to recover
‘Trip/Journey’ means a temporary absence from the                       any payment they have made under the Insurance to
                                                                        anyone else.
Beneficiary’s Home address for at least 1 night:
                                                                     7. In respect of sections 1, 5, 6 and 7 when it is not
 a) abroad; or                                                          possible for the account holder to utilise their Gold
                                                                        account or an associated credit or charge card for
 b) staying in pre-arranged Accommodation within the                    additional accommodation, travel expenses, meals
    Beneficiary’s Country of residence.                                 and refreshments, invoices/receipts must be provided
                                                                        in order for the benefits of the insurance to be
 This includes multi-centre holidays.                                   available.
In either case the maximum Trip length is 6 months for               8. If any claim is found to be fraudulent in any way, the
any one Trip, with the exception of Trips that include                  benefits of the insurance will not be made available/
                                                                        apply and all claims will be forfeited. It is a criminal
winter sports where the maximum Trip length is limited                  offence to make fraudulent claims.
to 17 days in total in any one year. Insurers will not pay
                                                                     9. Beneficiaries must let the Insurer know of any medical
any benefit for any part of a Trip that has exceeded                    condition as set out under Medical Statements
these maximum Trip durations.                                           including any medical conditions that have arisen after
                                                                        You have booked a Journey but before You leave.
‘Valuables’ means jewellery, gold, silver, precious metal
or precious or semiprecious stone articles, watches,
General Conditions and Exclusions (continued)                        General Conditions and Exclusions (continued)

Main/unusual exclusions/restrictions                                 Main/unusual exclusions/restrictions

Exclusions                                                           13. Travel to areas where, at time of booking the Journey
                                                                         or thereafter but before You travel, the Foreign &
This policy does not provide any benefits for claims
                                                                         Commonwealth Office or the equivalent government
arising from:
                                                                         authority in your Country of residence has advised
1. A Business trip.                                                      against all travel to. If You are unsure please contact
2. Any consequence of war, invasion, act of foreign                      the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office at
   enemy , hostilities (whether war be declared or not),       
   civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military        14. Your failure to obtain any recommended vaccines,
   or usurped power.                                                     inoculations or medications prior to Your Trip.
3. Terrorism/a Terrorist act. This exclusion does not                15. Claims where there is another insurance policy
   apply to section 9 - Personal Accident or to section                  covering the same risk.
   8 - Medical and Emergency Expenses except where
                                                                     16. Costs recoverable elsewhere.
   nuclear, chemical or biologicalweapons/agents are
   used.                                                             17. Any form of alcohol abuse including alcohol
                                                                         withdrawal or You drinking too much alcohol where
4. Whether directly or indirectly caused by:
                                                                         it is reasonably foreseeable that such consumption
   a) ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity               could result in a serious impairment of Your faculties
      from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste                    and/or judgement resulting in a claim. The Insurer
      from the combustion of nuclear fuel;                               does not expect You to avoid alcohol on Your Trip
   b) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous               but they will not cover any claim arising because You
      properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or                    have drunk so much alcohol that Your judgement is
      nuclear component of such assembly;                                seriously affected and You need to make a claim as
                                                                         a result.
   c) pressure waves caused by aircraft and other aerial
      devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.              18. Claims arising from the unauthorised use of a
                                                                         swimming pool outside the specified times of opening.
5. a) a medical condition of a close relative, travelling
      companion or business associate (whether they are              19. You climbing on top of, or jumping from a vehicle
      travelling or not) who:                                            or jumping from a building or balcony, or climbing
                                                                         or moving from any external part of any building to
      • has been a hospital in-patient in relation to the                another (apart from stairs) regardless of the height,
        aforementioned condition in the 12 months prior                  unless Your life is in danger or you are attempting to
        to the booking of your Journey;                                  save human life.
      • has been put on a waiting list for treatment; or             20. Any claim where You are not wearing a helmet whilst
      • has been diagnosed with or had cancer in the 12                  on a motorcycle, motor scooter or moped.
        months prior to the booking of your Journey.                 21. Any claim where You are not wearing a seatbelt
   b) any psychological or psychiatric disorder, stress,                 when travelling in a motor vehicle, where a seatbelt is
      anxiety or depression which was diagnosed prior to                 available.
      booking the Journey.
6. Death, injury, illness or disablement resulting from
   suicide, attempted suicide or wilful exposure to danger
   (except in an attempt to save human life).
7. Death, injury , illness or disablement resulting from
   alcoholism, the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs
   (other than drugs taken under medical supervision
   and not for the treatment of drug addiction) or solvent
8. Bankruptcy/liquidation of any Tour operator, travel
   agent or transportation company.
9. Losses that are not directly associated with the incident
   that caused the claim. For example, loss of earnings
   due to being unable to return to work following injury
   or illness happening whilst on a Trip or the cost of
   replacing locks in the event that keys are lost.
10. Unlawful acts of beneficiaries.
11. Air travel (other than as a fare-paying passenger on a
    regular scheduled airline or licensed charter aircraft).
12. Your participation in or practise of any other sport or
    activity unless shown as covered under hazardous
    activities unless otherwise agreed.

Summary of Cover
                                                                Limit of cover (per beneficiary)
 Section       Cover                                            unless trip maximum is stated      Excess

    1a         Personal baggage                                 up to            £10,000           £35
               All Valuables                                                     £1,000            £35
               Single article                                                    £1,000            £35

    1b         Delayed baggage                                  Trip maximum     £600              £0
               After 4 hours                                    up to            £200              £0
               After 48 hours                                   up to            £400              £0

     2         Personal money                                   up to            £500              £35
               Limit on cash, currency, notes and coins         up to            £250              £35

     3         Loss of Passport/Driving Licence                 up to            £500              £35

     4         Cancellation and curtailment                     up to            £10,000           £35

     5         Travel delay                                                      £250              £0
                                                                up to
               Abandonment                                                       £10,000           £35

     6         Missed connections
               After 4 hours                                    up to            £250              £0
               After 4 hours                                    Trip maximum     £1,000            £0
               After 24 hours                                   Additional       £500              £0
                                                                amount up to
               After 24 hours                                   Trip maximum     £2,000            £0

     7         Missed Departure                                 up to            £250              £0

     8         Medical and emergency expenses                                    £25,000,000       £35

     9         Personal accident
               Death, Loss of sight or limb or Permanent                         £50,000           £0
               total disablement

    10         Hospital benefit - per day                                        £35               £0
               Hospital benefit – maximum                       up to            £805

    11         Personal liability                               up to            £2,000,000        £0

    12         Legal Expenses*                                  up to            £50,000           £0

    13         Winter Sports
               Ski pack per week                                up to            £80               £0
               Loss of ski equipment                            up to            £1,000            £35
               Cost of hired skis                               up to            £200              £0
               Piste closure alternative transport per day                       £10               £0
               No sites available per day                                        £20               £0
               No sites available maximum                       up to            £150              £0
               Avalanche closure                                up to            £150              £0

    14         Golf Cover
               Loss/Damage to golf clubs                        up to            £1,500            £50
               Hire of golf clubs                               up to            £400              £50
               Cancellation and curtailment                     up to            £10,000           £50
               Reimbursement of green fees                      up to            £300              £50

* Not available to accounts held with NatWest International Gibraltar
The Benefits Available                                       When no benefit is available (exclusions)
Section 1 Baggage                                            In addition to anything mentioned in the general
                                                             exclusions, Insurers will not pay for loss, damage, theft
How can You benefit                                          or destruction of :
A. Personal Baggage                                    1. Valuables left in luggage whilst in transit and
   The Insurer will pay for up to a maximum of £10,000    outside the control of a Beneficiary;
   per Beneficiary for personal possessions that are
                                                       2. Valuables left in a motor vehicle;
   lost, damaged, stolen or destroyed whilst on a
   Journey.                                            3. Valuables and Personal possessions which are
                                                          kept in a locked personal Accommodation or
   The Single article limit is £1,000.
                                                          safety deposit box if force and violence has not
   The Valuables limit is £1,000.                         been used to gain entry to the locked personal
                                                          Accommodation or safety deposit box;
B. Delayed Baggage                                     4. Personal possessions that are left in any motor
     If a Beneficiary’s personal possessions are                 vehicle (excluding caravans and motor homes)
     temporarily lost on an outbound Journey from their          unless they are kept in the Secure area of the
     Country of residence and not restored to them:              motor vehicle and there is evidence that force and
                                                                 violence has been used to gain entry.
1. Within 4 hours, the Insurer will pay the cost of
   essential replacement items up to the value of £200;      5. Valuables and Personal possessions:
2. After 48 hours, the Insurer will pay the cost of          a) caused by wear and tear, loss of value, moth,
   further essential replacement items up to the                vermin and atmospheric or climatic conditions,
   further value of £400, giving a total of £600. The           gradually operating causes or by any cleaning,
   most the Insurer will pay under part B of this               repairing or restoring process;
   section is £600, regardless of the number of people
   claiming.                                                 b) being shipped as freight or under a bill of lading;
                                                             c) which are made of china, glass or similar fragile
Claims conditions                                               materials;
In addition to anything mentioned in the general             d) by delay, detention, seizure or confiscation by
conditions, Beneficiaries must:                                 Customs or other officials;
1.                                                           6. Films, tapes, cassettes, cartridges, or discs that
a) keep their tickets and luggage tags;                         Beneficiaries have used or recorded on other than
                                                                their value as unused material when we will pay the
b) keep all receipts for any replacement essential              makers latest list price;
   items purchased;
                                                             7. Perishable goods, bottles or cartons and their
2. Report any loss to the carriers or the Police within         contents or any damage caused by these items;
   24 hours of its discovery;
                                                             8. Property more specifically covered by any
3. Take all steps to recover property, which is lost or         insurance policy;
                                                             9. Business samples or business equipment;
4. Obtain a property irregularity report from the
   carriers within three days of the incident or where       10. Sports equipment and accessories whilst in use;
   they have reported the loss to the Police authorities     11. Ski equipment and golf equipment;
   in the country where the loss occurred within 24
   hours of discovery and obtain a copy of the report;       12. Personal money, bonds, negotiable instruments and
                                                                 securities of any kind;
5. Follow the carrier’s conditions of carriage;
                                                             13. Pedal cycles, motor vehicles, caravans, trailers,
6. Provide the Insurer with proof of ownership for the           camping equipment or parts or accessories of any
   items;                                                        of them, or household goods, musical instruments,
7. Not abandon any property.                                     antiques, pictures, dinghies, boats and/or ancillary
If a Beneficiary’s personal possessions prove to be
permanently lost , the overall limit under Section 1 will    14. Beneficiaries must take care to look after their
apply. Beneficiaries must provide the Insurer with as            personal possessions, in particular their Valuables.
much information as possible to substantiate claims              They should be kept on their person or secured
and where necessary make every attempt to recover                in Baggage, which stays with them at all times. If
personal possessions.                                            this is not possible, these items should be locked
                                                                 in Accommodation or a safety deposit box. If
                                                                 Beneficiaries don’t take precautions with their
                                                                 property, Insurers may not pay claims.

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