Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull

Page created by Don Tyler
Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
Zen Heart
  Mark Vette
      feature artist

      …a Rolling Stone

      of Whitianga
Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull

   December 2020 - number 5 - Out the first Monday of every month


L        et’s all breathe a collective sigh of relief as 2020
         draws to a close…what a year! It certainly wasn’t
what I was hoping for when I opened the first, fresh page
                                                                                                       design and advertising
of my new diary on January 1st. It’s always a moment full of                                The Seagull magazine apreciates the support of all
anticipation for what the new year may bring and a time to                                  it’sadvertisers.
set some intentions…but with all the best intentions in the                                 If you would like to advertise with us please have your
world…2020 turned to custard.                                                               artwork or ad through to us by the
The Covid epidemic levels three and four became a time                                                      10th of the month.
of mixed feelings for us all; fearfulness and uncertainty
came to the fore but there was also time out with family
and time to reflect a little on life. I admire those who have
                                                                                                   email davidbayerdesigns@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                                                                           Merry Spending!
                                                                                                       If you need an advertising designed for you                                         I just can’t get over how expensive petrol is! Right? Riiiiight.   Clever marketing strategies are valued highly to trick you
reinvented themselves, started new businesses or had to                                                                                                                                                                                                       into buy – buy – buy!
                                                                                                          please call 027 506 3110                                                         Isn’t it so exciting when this dialogue pops back up again?
find completely new jobs throughout this trying period. Kia                                                                                                                                Don’t you just relish the times petrol prices saturate our
kaha to those still tying to regain their feet.
                                                                                                                      or                                                                   dinner conversations and headlines? The prices are in our          “Treat yo‘self” and “self-care” is just one clever marketing
But 2020 gave birth to The Seagull! We released our very                                           email davidbayerdesigns@gmail.com                                                       faces, displayed on big billboards that now prioritise loyalty     strategy doing this. Consumer anxiety is on the rise
                                                                                                                                                                                           prices over whatever the (carefully calculated) actual             drowning people trying to operate ethically within this
first issue in August this year and, here we are, issue number                                                          Digital Artwork                                                    price is below it. Clever marketing has made this a normal         warp. GDP measures transactions, not the value of those
five in time for Christmas. We felt like proud parents                                      All digital greyscale and color art should be at 300 dpi.                                      conversation that we can have with anyone. Probably                transactions to our community. Use value gets misdirected
                                                                                                                                                                                           strangers if you felt so inclined! Pretty safe first date chat     and lost in exchange values in a world where us ‘youngin’s
watching our toddler take its first wobbly steps and now we                                 The following digital file types are accepted:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              are trying to stay afloat but at the same time can’t talk
see our child up and running.                                                                Acceptable file formats: All Adobe Products – Acrobat (PDF                                    if you ask me, although I won’t predict the success of
                                                                                                                                                                                           that date if you did happen to resort to petrol prices…            about it.
We are so grateful to the businesses who have supported                                     files with fonts embedded), InDesign (INDD or IDML files with
                                                                                            accompanying links and fonts included), Illustrator (EPS or AI files),                         But talking about how much we earn and the budgeting               How much do you earn? Are you investing your money
us with their advertising, without you we wouldn’t be able                                                                                                                                 strategies we’re implementing to hopefully be able to afford
                                                                                            Photoshop (JPG, PNG, TIFF, PSD).                                                                                                                                  anywhere? What Kiwi Saver fund are you in? Why? Do you
to publish stories about the wonderful people and places in                                                                                                                                a house that costs at least 6 or 7 times our salary… taboo!        budget? If so, how? How are you tackling that student loan?
Mercury Bay and beyond.                                                                                                                                                                    Kiwi’s suck at talking about money. The money talk that            Giving at Christmas and enjoying your hard-earned money
Thank you to all who have been interviewed, written stories                                 Not accepted formats: Freehand, Corel Draw, Paint,                                             permeates our regular conversation is the chat that                is very important. The goal is fun, and it’s fun to stay within
or supplied pictures and bravely been put into print…we                                     Quark                                                                                          has been made socially acceptable to discuss. But with             your means - but only if your means allow you basic human
                                                                                                                                                                                           Christmas on the horizon and the priciest financial month          rights which not everyone in the country has the luxury of.
appreciate your time, creativity and generosity.                                                                                                                                                                                                              And, with about one in six houses in New Zealand owned
                                                                                            Vector artwork should be saved in an .EPS format with fonts and                                of the year upon us, I want to encourage really fun dinner
Thank you to our readers who have given us such great                                       images embedded, or all images and fonts must be supplied.                                                                                                        by investors with more than 20 houses, transparency and
                                                                                                                                                                                           party conversations about finance. Even though petrol
feedback…the best compliment of all is to pick up our                                       All screen and printer fonts must be provided.                                                 price chat is socially acceptable anywhere, why don’t we           kōrero about money really are just baby, yet important,
magazine and read it! Then pass it on to a friend or family                                                                                                                                know what our best mates are earning and what intentional          steps.
                                                                                            We will substitute with similar fonts if originals are not submitted.
member.                                                                                     Text can be converted to outlines, but if proofing errors are                                  actions they’re taking to benefit their bank balance? Why
We wish you and your whanau (rellies, ‘adopted’, neighbours,                                discovered, new art may need to be submitted.                                                  does it take gamifying investing apps to stimulate minimal         Merry Christmas! (And if you own more than 20
                                                                                                                                                                                           conversation into improving our finances? Research is very         houses and wanna gift one this Xmas, contact The Seagull
extended, friends…whatever family looks like to you) a                                                                                                                                     clear on one thing: we overestimate how rational we are            for my details.)
peaceful and safe Christmas and all the very best for 2021.                                   Images from the web are not suitable for                                                     when it comes to money. We’re operating in a system trying
*If you’re on your own on Christmas Day please check out                                                     printing.                                                                     to warp that rationality every day.
our piece on the Community Christmas Lunch … you’ll be
very welcome.                                                                                            Please call David if you have
                                                                                                          questions or would like to
                                                                                                                     advertise with us.

                                                                                                                     Graphic Designer
                                                                                                                          David Bayer
                                                                                                        Graphic Designer and illustrator
                               Editor                                                                      www.davidbayerdesigns.com
                         Deli Connell                                                                                  027 506 3110
                theseagull@xtra.co.nz                                                                    davidbayerdesigns@gmail.com

                             Reader’s contributions of letters and articles are welcome. Publication of these is at the discretion of the
                             editorial team and may be edited. Contributions will only be considered for publication with the author’s
                             full name, residential address and contact number. Opinions expressed in The Seagull are not necessarily
                             those of the publishers.
                             The Seagull is published by Oystercatcher Enterprises Ltd.
                             Disclaimer: No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage suffered by anyone relying on the information within. No endorsement of any service or product
                             advertised or featured is implied or assumed.

Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull

                                                                              Mark Vette
    I was privileged to have a cuppa with this lovely man, and his   readable, intimate and evocative of real tears and laughter
    two furry friends Monty and Reggie, at Hot Waves Café a          in turns. From the boy with his first dog, Scott, and the
    week or two back.                                                responsibility entrusted to him to take care of a living being,
                                                                                                   and make sure he behaved?
    Now a Hot Water Beach local,                                                                   Hmm. To the family’s practical
    Mark is better known as the                                                                    jokes, the devastating passing      The dogs are too busy relaxing to be bothered about being
    TV animal behaviourist behind                                                                  of his beloved mother, and          celebrities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Empathy and understanding, not
    such phenomena as ‘Pound                                                                       adventures with animals…            Reggie, my new friend, is a British boy (Shepherd/Lab cross)     fear, a peaceful approach with deep
    Pups to Dog Stars’ and for                                                                     wolves to cockatoos to              one of twelve rescue dogs featured in the UK TV series           knowledge of the animal’s way of
    the work of his team, behind                                                                   baboons…always animals. I           ‘Dogs Might Fly’ yet to screen in New Zealand. He wormed
    the scenes, animal wrangling                                                                   feel if there were no animals       his way into Mark’s heart and found himself on a plane to
    on shows like Xena, Hercules,                                                                  in his life Mark would die, like                                                                     is the secret to Mark’s success working with animals,
                                                                                                                                       New Zealand (as a passenger) where he is now a part of
    Narnia and The Lord of                                                                         a thirsty man without water.                                                                         not against them. His motto? Amazing results lovingly. It’s
                                                                                                                                       the Vette family and a social media star in his own right.
    the Rings.Yes, the Toyota                                                                                                                                                                           certainly evident in the rapport he has with Reggie and
                                                                                                   The interaction                     These lucky boys have made the move to ‘Hotty’ with Mark
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Monty as the trio bid me farewell and head off down to the
    bugger dog is one of his, as                                                                                                       and his partner Kim. “For the slower pace,” smiles Mark. He
    well as the pukeko in the                                                                      with wolves was                     has started a small meditation group weekly and is loving
                                                                                                                                                                                                        beach, off to meditate together, no doubt, on the foaming
    popular Genesis commercial.                                                                    an extremely                                                                                         waves in the early summer sunshine.
                                                                                                                                       the opportunity to study and enjoy the things he’s drawn to.
    Affectionately referred to                                                                     important part                      “There were orca not far from my house recently and I
    as ‘The Dog Man’ he has                                                                                                            swam with dolphins in the bay the other day,” he adds with
    certainly engaged with many                                                                    of his learning,                    a boyish grin. Such pleasures. The clinic, film and television
    and varied species, including,                                                                 his zoological studies and          continue with family and staff taking greater roles. Mark
    memorably, teaching an                                                                         “a profound and moving              and Kim continue to work but you get the feeling they have
    octopus to take a photo.                                                                       experience”. They were his          to prise themselves away from this idyll…we don’t blame
                                                                                                   teachers as much, perhaps,          them.
    A copy of Mark’s latest book                                                                   as beloved Buddhist monk
    sits on the table between us.                                                                  and peace activist Thich Nhat
    The author of ‘Puppy Zen’ and                                                                  Hanh, known as Thay. There
    ‘Dog Zen’ (among others) has                                                                   are many revelations in the
    finally turned the focus on                                                                    book, of Mark’s life-journey, to
    himself with ‘Zen Heart’.                                                                      give us pause for thought and
    “It tells the story of my life                                                                 to reflect.
    and my work,” says Mark, “It’s
    a memoir of where I’ve come                                                                    I do struggle to concentrate
    from and how I’ve come to                                                                      at times , talking with Mark,
    this work...what I’ve learned                                                                  as a large whiskered nose
    from animals and from life.”                                                                   sporadically rests on my knee
    And where the ‘Zen’                                                                            (Reggie) under the table and
    comes in?” Definitely.                                                                         Monty lolls in the sun behind       Follow Mark on Facebook
    Mark is Buddhist and has                                                                       Mark’s chair, relaxed and           Mark Vette Animal Behaviourist
    been since his university                                                                      well-behaved in this social
    days. As a youngster he practised martial arts and held a        setting. “Monty was world’s first driving dog (100 Million        Anyone needing help join the Virtual puppy,
    fascination for the Buddha…which surprisingly grew in “the       tweets) and Reggie we taught to fly a plane,” says Mark.          teenage or adult schools
    Christianised New Zealand” of his youth.
    He developed meditation alongside                                                                                                  Dog Zen.com
    his martial arts and eventually was
    drawn to Buddhism, a deep spiritual
    practice that now influences all
    aspects of his life and work.
    The book bounds along like an exuberant puppy, immensely                                                                           Mark has generously donated a copy of his
                                                                                                                                       book ‘Zen- Heart’ drop us a line
                                                                                                                                       theseagull@xtra.co.nz by 20th December and
                                                                                                                                       tells us why you’d love to read or gift it this
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Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull

                                                                       An Extraordinary
                                                                            Event                                                                                Isabel Gilbert-Palmer

                                                    There’s going to be a creative bustle in the Kuaotunu Hall in             Their work focuses on well-designed objects, with attention to
                                                    December as craftspeople, decorative artists and artisans bring their     technique, detail and originality. For some, it’s the first time in a
                                                    work to be curated and set up for the Extraordinary Arts Event.           public forum. I feel it’s important to demonstrate the endeavours
                                                    Extraordinary as it’s an exhibition organised to close a fraught year,    of emerging crafts-people so this exhibition gives them time and
                                                    extraordinary because creativity never ends despite circumstances         place before an enquiring audience to show and promote their
                                                    beyond ones control, and extraordinary as this year it’s a                work. For others it’s an opportunity to share the work they have
                                                    collaboration and space filling event shared with two entities - Trees    done in the past year.
                                                    of Christmas and Makers 2 -both which are close to becoming               The breadth of unique and authentic work being presented for sale
                                                    annual fixtures highlighting the indisputable and exciting talent found   in the exhibition includes, wood and wooden works, paper floristry,
                                                    here in a small corner of Mercury Bay North .                             ceramics, textiles, exclusive clothes and darling embellishments,
                                                    This year the guiding principle for Tree creators was to design an        flax weaving, readymade treasures, hand-painted furniture, mosaics,
                                                    object rather than a tree, so this is its going to be a surprise to see   essential and foraged botanicals .
                                                    how that’s been interpreted.                                              The exhibition will be in the historic Kuaotunu Hall on
                                                    Both exhibitions in one venue, sees the return of The Makers,             Friday December 11 and Saturday and Sunday 12 and 13th
                                                    designers who either live in Kuaotunu, have lived here, holiday           December from 10am-4pm.
                                                    here or desperately want to live here, who together as a group            A gold coin koha at the door to support the ongoing gardening
                                                    will present a show of varied craft, decorative arts and their            initiative at the Kuaotunu Community Food Forest would be
                                                    artistic commitments .                                                    appreciated.

                                                                                                                              Poets Corner

    Kimiko Higuma
    m: 021 931 353
    e: kimiko.wellness@gmail.com

    Seven Senses Wellness Centre
    100 West End Road
    Westmere, Auckland


    massage training / fitness / japanese cooking

                                                                                                                              By Jordan
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Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull

    A Maori Phrase a Month                                                   A like the 'u' in cup
    Would you like to introduce a little Te Reo Maori into your day to day
    conversation but feel too nervous?                                       E like the 'e' in egg,
    Don’t be! Each month we’ll introduce a commonly                          I like the 'e' in eat,
    used phrase to help kick start your Te Reo journey.                      O like the 'o' in for
                                                                             U like the 'o' in to.
    For our December Issue                                                                                                      SPOT THE difference   christmas Crossword
    we’ve collated some lovely vocabulary in Te Reo Māori to help
    you celebrate the season.                                                           We are humbled and delighted to
    Here are a few options:                                                             have the support of Hemi Kelly who
                                                                                        is generously providing the phrases
    Meri Kirihimete - Merry Christmas.
                                                                                        for us from his most recent book. If
    Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hau - Greetings for                              you’re impatient and can’t wait for a
    Christmas and the New Year.                                                         new phrase next month then purchase
    Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete ki a koe - Christmas Greetings to you.                     Hemi’s book and enjoy a new phrase
    Kua tae ki te wā Kirihimete - Christmas time has arrived.                           every day!
    hākari Kirihimete - Christmas feast
    pepa ruruku - wrapping paper
    rākau Kirihimete - Christmas tree
    whakapaipaitanga – decorations
    anahera – angel
    koha – gift/present
    hana kōkō – Santa Claus
    mārama Kirihimete – Christmas lights
    hīmene Kirihimete – Christmas Carol

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Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull

places                                                                                                          people

    of Whitianga
                                                                                                                   Mosaic Gallery Whitianga
                                                                                                                   A Tribute to Zoe’s original art space.
                                        A Family of Streets                                                        By Morag Yates.

                                                                                                                  “Zoe Cutfield began the journey that is now Mosaic Gallery, she thinks it was around 1974. She began Zoe’s in
                                                                                            Robin Smith,WW2.      Whitianga in a one room that was accessed by a pathway that led through a garden in Albert Street.
                                                                                                                  Meeting Zoe some seventeen years ago, when we purchased the business, we found her to be amazing and
                                                                                                                  inspirational…a lovely lady dressed in bright colours with a radiant smile.
    Cholmondeley Crescent
    Named for the Smith family name Cholmondeley. This area was a part of the Robin
    Smith Family Farm, owned by Robin and Mary Smith (see Digby Place and Ringwood
    Place below).
    The patriarch of the family was Captain Charles Ross Cholmondeley-Smith
    (1834–1935), who founded the Devonport Academy around 1867. He was a decorated
    military captain, fine swordsman, drill-master and respected teacher, who fathered 14
    children. His fifth child, Arthur Frank Henry was Robin Smith’s father and farmed at
    Whangapoua for many years.
    There was another rather unusual connection between Mercury Bay and the Captain.
    Albert Duder was a student and member of the drum and fife band at the Devonport
    Academy, and Albert’s father, Thomas Duder, was a crewman on HMS Buffalo when she
    went down in Mercury Bay in 1840.

    Digby Place
    Named for Mary Octavia Smith (née Digby). The land in this
    subdivision was part of the Robin Smith Family Farm, purchased in
    1960 by Robin and Mary Smith. Mary came to Whitianga in 1947,
    taught at the primary school for many years, and later taught at the
    high school on South Highway, which became the Mercury Bay Area

    Ringwood Place
    Named for Mr Robin Ringwood Cholmondeley-Smith. The land in this
    subdivision was part of the Robin Smith Family Farm, purchased in
    1960 by Robin and Mary Smith (née Digby).
    The Robin Smith Family farmhouse was located at the centre of the
    Sovereign Pier development on South Highway between Kupe Drive                          Mary Smith, 1944.
    and Arawa Lane.

                                                                                                                  “Life is about colour,” she said, and in the years I have known her, colour has been a constant for her. Be it in her
                                                                                                                  home, on her person or in her splendid art works. Her paintings and fabric art flow joyfully out the door.
                                                                                                                  At 96 she is still producing, albeit at a slower pace. She now lives in the Continuing Care facility on the waterfront
                                                                                                                  and her room reflects the lady!
                                                                                                                  Bright, bold-coloured artworks (her own) multi-coloured flowers and an embroidered horse head from a loved
                                                                                                                  cousin adorn her private space.
                                                                                                                  I wanted to know what art had meant to her over the years and she said simply, “Well, it was what I did.” Although
                                                                                                                  her memory is perhaps not as it has been, she can still recall some of the artists and potters from her past.
                                                                                                                  She remembers a trip she made, when in her seventies, to India. She wanted to ride an elephant! Seventies! To India!
                                                                                                                  She was also inspired by the colours of India and indeed many vibrant fabric artworks ensued.
                                                                                                                  On a day in the garden at Mosaic I happened to be hosing off the old pathway to the part of the building that was
                                                                                                                  originally Zoe’s. I was stunned to find faded daisies painted there.
                                                                                                                  A long-forgotten memory of being very young in Whitianga, hopping up a pathway with flowers painted on them
      Excerpt from “A Brief Guide to the History of                                                               came to mind.
      Whitianga”                                                                                                  My Dad would find gifts for my mother from “the place with flowers on the path”.
      90 pages of Historic photos and personal                                                                    So, in a sense I felt I had come home.
      Whitianga stories.
      Available at Mosaic, 53 Albert St

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Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull

 feature artist

 Chris Charteris                     …a Rolling Stone

     Chris’ home at Kuaotunu, which he shares with his wife and        Four large pieces of Coromandel granite have been extracted     Collaborating with Convic, the skatepark designers, to find      skate equipment.
     textile artist Lizzy Leckie, has some very serious equipment      from near Moehau, honed into shape and will take their place    the right position in the flow of the park was key. They would   Chris, (the sculptor) not a skater himself, was a little daunted
     lurking in the yard. Not for him a soft brush and a streak        in the new Whitianga skatepark.                                 become ‘touchstones’, of sorts, for local skaters to enjoy,      by the responsibility and listened carefully to the skaters’
     of paint. Much of his work involves hard materials some of        “Benson Lockhart, part of the team driving the skatepark        adding an element of natural beauty and strength to the          vision whilst keeping in mind the qualities of the granite.
     which are BIG!                                                    build, contacted me with photos he had taken in Europe          variety of surfaces in the thoughtfully designed park.           “There are four different shapes and I wanted to keep most
     Industrial-looking saws and chisels share space with              whilst researching his whakapapa,” says Chris. “He had seen     The mission was on. Chris Charteris together with Benson,        of the stone intact, to retain its natural character. There are
     sandpaper and smoothing preparations, his work ranges             Skateparks with stone components and thought what a great       Caleb Jennings and Chris Devenoges of the Mercury Bay            still core-drill holes in the stone showing how it was split, I’ve
     from the exquisitely delicate through to large pieces which       addition that would be to ours right here…incorporating some    Skatepark Trust, chose the stones but realised that they could   kept those, it’s nice to have that providence and to show its
     command a room.                                                   iconic Coromandel granite.”                                     only be brought out over difficult terrain in dry weather…one    history.”
     As children at Museums and Art Galleries we were taught to        Iconic indeed, granite sourced from Paritu Bay in the North     bogged-down 4WD vehicle later.                                   The beautifully honed stones have now left Chris’ Kuaotunu
     only look, not touch, signs exhorting us to adhere to the rules   Western Coromandel has been used for Parliament Buildings,      Unlike marble, which is sliced off a rockface like cake, the     studio and as we go to print the contractors are toiling away
     dotted around the room.                                           the Auckland Museum and memorials throughout Aotearoa.          granite is in large boulders, some as big as a house which,      to complete the Skatepark in time for summer fun.
     But Chris’ latest project will have to stand up to the knocks     “I knew the quarry and I knew Chris,” says Benson, “I thought   once cut into usable slabs, leaves misshapen leftovers. It       Chris “feels great” to have been involved in the project and
     of life, inviting a bashing, sliding interaction of scooter and   how epic it would be to have some stone in the park, so I       is from these leftovers that the skatepark team could select     can’t wait to see it completed. Neither can we.
     skateboard riders to carve, backside or get air off them.         approached him…and he’s worked his magic!”                      pieces that their experienced eyes could envisage reborn as

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chris Charteris is a sought-after sculptor, jeweller
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and carver who most recently has been exhibiting
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in the FHE Galleries Exhibition called Tonu/Still in
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chris’ work draws from his unique and diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                                        identity and at the core of his practice is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        cross-pollination and universality of cultural forms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Adopted into a Pakeha family and told he was
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Māori (which led him to study traditional Māori
                                                                                                                                                                                                        carving) Chris later discovered he was of Kiribati,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fijian and English descent. His sculptures reflect
                                                                                                                                                                                                        not only his own personal history but his journey of

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Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull

 ocean page

              The Day   As surfers we wait. This was one of those rare-as-hen’s-teeth days
                        where I live, when it’s not closing out, beating you senseless on the inside,
                        playing coy with fickle tidal windows or falling on a Saturday with a pack
                        of salivating visiting surfers. The waves started to happen from around
                                                                                                           Whiti Beach Meet
                        midday and I didn’t leave the water until dusk. It kept getting better
                        throughout the session and the chilled local crew, mixed up with a few
                        friendly stragglers from all over, just seemed in synch with the 18 second
                        swell pulses. Calloway, an American surf photographer @callawayramsey            If you love the sound of a big-hearted engine throbbing its way down the street, then make sure you’re in Whitianga’s town centre on Sunday
                        was floating around and got some amazing shots that day - the water was          January 3rd, 2021. There will be a veritable embarrassment of riches for muscle car enthusiasts as the American Muscle, Street & Custom Club
                        silky smooth, dark blue lit up by a bright Winter’s sun. On the flip side we     Whitianga, celebrate their third birthday in 60s and 70s style.
                        were surfing blind into the barrel, as it closed in there was a second or so     The epicentre of the gathering will be outside Smitty’s Sports Bar & Grill in Albert Street and is free of charge for spectators to come and enjoy.
                                                                                                         It has been kindly sponsored by Farmer Autovillage Mt Manganui, local Coromandel radio station CFM and many local businesses who have
                        of lingering sun glare, then adjustments made to the water moving around
                                                                                                         contributed with category prizes for the participants.
                        you. I think that’s the addictive nature of surfing - the feeling of being
                        alive, being locked into the here and now...and reacting to it, that keeps us    The Whiti Beach Meet has club
                        waiting keenly for that next special day.                                        founders Reg and Julie Smith at the
                                                                                                         helm again for the 2021 event with
                                                                                                         support from locals Peter and Penny
                                                                                                         Murray and Karyn and John Van
                                                                                                         Den Heuvel. More of a team than                                                             Gather your family and friends and
                                                                                                         committee, they’re good mates who                                                           head down to Whiti Beach Meet on
                                                                                                         enjoy putting on a fabulous event and                                                       Sunday 3 January 2021. An epic
                                                                                                         spectacle for everyone to enjoy.                                                            showcase of American muscle, vintage,
                                                                                                         “We’re a group of like-minded
                                                                                                                                                                                                     classic cars, hot-rods, bikes, new vehicles
                                                                                                         individuals who love interesting
                                                                                                         vehicles from a time that will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                     from Farmer Autovillage and more!
                                                                                                         never be repeated or replicated in the
                                                                                                         motoring industry again,” says Reg.
                                                                                                         The group meets the first Sunday of
                                                                                                         every month at Smitty’s for breakfast
                                                                                                         and then embarks on a cruise or a
                                                                                                         trivia trial around the Coromandel
                                                                                                         “We also try and mix in with other
                                                                                                         car clubs in the greater Mercury Bay
                                                                                                         area and often organise runs and a
                                                                                                         catch-up together.” For these guys it’s
                                                                                                         more about the sheer enjoyment than
                                                                                                         the speed, which they are more than
                                                                    Credit to Chris Robinson of Tairua   capable of showing off.
                                                                                                         So, what is a muscle car and what can
                                                                                                         we expect to see on the day?
                                                                                                         ‘Muscle car’ was a term coined in
                                                                                                         the 70s but is usually applied to
                                                                                                         high performance cars from the 50s
                                                                                                         through 70s, often but not limited to
                                                                                                         American Coupes with V8 engines.
                                                                                                         Muscle cars have been a favourite of
                                                                                                         drag-racers for generations. Given
                                                                                                         their advancing years (the cars that
                                                                                                         is) there is a lot of love, maintenance,
                                                                                                         restoration and polishing that goes
                                                                                                         into bringing a vehicle to an event
                                                                                                         like this. Expect to see more than 100
                                                                                                         vehicles, including trucks, motorbikes
                                                                                                         and maybe a caravan or two from that
                                                                                                         Come on down on the 3rd to January
                                                                                                         to appreciate these wonderous
                                                                                                         machines and chat to their proud                                                            WHITI BEACH MEET
                                                                                                         owners. Any proceeds from the event
                                                                                                         will be donated to a local charity.                                                         SUNDAY 3 JANUARY 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ALBERT STREET 9AM-2PM

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             13
Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull

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Zen Heart Chris Charteris STREETS - of Whitianga - The Seagull
The Seagull


                                                                                                                                                                Yes Chef !
                                                                                                                                                              Set on a 10 acre block by the beautiful Purangi Estuary and only a 5 minute drive
                                                                                                                                                              from Cooks Beach, is The Hive, a destination bar and restaurant.
                                                                                                                                                              Lisa and Ezra Bougen opened The Hive in December 2019.
                                                                                                                                                              “We wanted to create a place where people could connect with food and
                                                                                                                                                              where it comes from and where they could come together to enjoy each other’s
                                                                                                                                                              company in a relaxed environment…with great food and wine of course, says
                                                                                                                                                              “Our style of food is shared plates. We have a diverse menu showcasing fresh
                                                                                                                                                              New Zealand produce and protein, sourced locally whenever possible,” adds Ezra.
                                                                                                                                                              The couple believe that sharing food is a way of further connecting with your
                                                                                                                                                              fellow eaters and with the items on your plates, which often work even better
                                                                                                                                                              together than on their own “We have drawn inspiration from the places we have
                                                                                                                                                              travelled while living overseas
                                                                                                                                                              but we also wanted the Hive to be unique. It was a
                                                                                                                                                              long journey but so satisfying to see the fruits
                                                                                                                                                              of our labour. Not to forget our family and
                                                                                                                                                              friends that put in a lot of hard ‘mahi’ to
                                                                                                                                                              get us over the line, for which we are
                                                                                                                                                              truly thankful.”
                                                                                                                                                              Ezra has had a real passion for
                                                                                                                                                              food from a young age and brings
                                                                                                                                                              25 years’ experience cooking
                                                                                                                                                              in top restaurants in New
                                                                                                                                                              Zealand, Australia and Europe
                                                                                                                                                              to the table…literally. The
                                                                                                                                                              food is all lovingly house
                                                                                                                                                              made from the very best

     The Mercury Bay Community Christmas Lunch
                                                                                                                                                              seasonal ingredients.
                                                                                                                                                              “I have always loved the
                                                                                                                                                              whole process/journey of
                                                                                                                                                              catching, gathering, growing,
 The Mercury Bay Community Christmas Lunch committee, made up of representatives from Whitianga Lions, Mercury Bay Community Support Trust,
                                                                                                                                                              preparing and serving food
 Community Bus and the Combined Churches, is again planning a sumptuous Christmas lunch and entertainment free of charge for 180 people on
                                                                                                                                                              to friends and family,” he
 Christmas Day.
  For the first time it will be held at the Crossroads Encounter Church with its wonderful cooking and dining facilities.
                                                                                                                                                              “I’m originally from Mount
 The invitation is open to all, especially those who may otherwise be alone on Christmas Day: house-bound, mobility impaired or socially disconnected, with
                                                                                                                                                              Maunganui but have been
 a view to providing a memorable Christmas Day for the whole community.
                                                                                                                                                              holidaying on the family property
 This year’s host is Richard Shelford-Woodcock and he’s rapt with the support shown for this event already.
                                                                                                                                                              in Flaxmill Bay for most of my life
 “Harbour House Cafe, Blue Ginger, Bess-hands Embroidery, and the local Freemasons have, in the past couple of weeks, offered up their services and I’m
                                                                                                                                                              which is why we really wanted to
 hoping others will follow suit as they have done before. Bess is making her famous fried bread, Blue Ginger is donating ham etc, the Masons are donating
                                                                                                                                                              start a business here in Cooks Beach.”
 financially and already locals are coming out of the wood-work to volunteer, which is so awesome!” he says, “On a personal note I’m really looking forward
                                                                                                                                                              Lisa has 25 years’ experience in customer
 to hosting this year’s Christmas Lunch, it should be a load of fun.”
                                                                                                                                                              service having worked in all aspects of sales
 Can you donate your time, give monetary support or have a chat about any further meal ingredients that may be needed?                                        and hospitality in New Zealand, Australia and the
 Please contact:                                                                                                                                              UK.
 Richard on 027 305 3657                                                                                                                                      Born and bred in Mount Maunganui she also holidayed in Flaxmill
                                                                                                                                                              Bay with her family from an early age.
 Maureen Kerr on maureenkerr62@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                                              “It was always our special place to get away to…like medicine for the soul.
                                                                                                                                                              After returning from our travels in Europe, and living in Australia, the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                              to move to Cooks beach and set up our own business was an opportunity that
                                                                                                                                                              really inspired and excited us.”
                                                                                                                                                              Ezra’s skills as a builder came in handy during the renovation of
                                                                                                                                                              The Hive. “Three years in the making and lots of hard ‘mahi’…The Hive, Purangi,
                                                                                                                                                              was born out of our passion for sharing great New Zealand food and wine in a
                                                                                                                                                              family-friendly relaxed atmosphere.
                                                                                                                                                              We are truly thankful for the fantastic support shown by the local Mercury Bay
                                                                                                                                                              community since opening in Dec 2019. We look forward to seeing you again over
                                                                                                                                                              the coming summer and beyond.”

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The Seagull

     home staging, how
     & why should I do it?
     Home Staging is putting the last finishing touch to your house to present it to the
     public, whether it’s a new build, show home or property for sale. As professional
     home stagers we blend interior design skills with real estate marketing strategies
     to transform homes into showcases that appeal to the largest pool of buyers.
     displaying a beautiful interior of your home is vital to having a successful sale.
     In real estate, your display is online photos so it’s more important than ever for
     your home to be well-staged both in photos and in person.

                                               Showhome staging or furnishing packages

                                                Online furniture shop

                                                Property styling for real estate market

                                                Holiday home design concepts and
                                                furnishing packages

                                                            Staging Tips
      We know you went to great lengths to make your home your home, but now that you’re trying to sell it, keep in mind that not everyone has
      the same tastes. Take out personal photographs and everyone’s clutter.You want the potential buyer to be able to envision their lives inside the

      Replace Window Treatments
      If you have old and heavy drapes, toss them for something more modern, light and breezy. Choose floor-length curt ains to make the room
      appear taller

      Edit furniture
      Remove pieces that cramp the space or don’t match the atmosphere of the house, replace them with fashionable statement pieces.

      Upgrade Rug
      Buy rugs that fit your rooms and your furniture. For a living room rug, avoid one that’s too small. Make sure at least the front legs of your
      couch or chairs are touching the rug. The right-sized rug in a complementary style to the room will make the space look larger and feel more
      “pulled together.”

      Invest in good quality cushions
      Adding cushions to your living room is an excellent opportunity to add colour and texture to a room. Having cushions that match your couch
      is a massive waste as they will blend straight into the couch and look like a lumpy bit of furniture. Add some pillows that complement other
      colours in your room and contrast well with the colour of your couch. It can be as effective as adding a new piece of artwork to your walls.

18                                                                                                                                                       19
The Seagull


                                                                                                                                                                Eloise Blackwell                                              Hometown Hero
                                                                                           And don’t forget to regularly tend to your tomatoes.
                                                                                           Remember to pinch off the laterals. Your plant wants to be
                                                                                           a bush, but it will bear more fruit if you encourage it to be a                                                                                                    excelling at basketball, rugby and athletics. She
                                                                                           vine – plus, the better air circulation helps prevent some of                                                                                                      also attended the World Scholar Athlete Games
And just like that – December 2020. Wow what a year, and here we are,
                                                                                the diseases tomatoes are prone to. If you tend to your laterals every                                                                                                        and the prestigious Canadian Leadership Course
counting down the days to Christmas. If you’re anything like me, you will
                                                                                three or four days, it’s a good way to spot the first signs of diseases or                                                                                                    as well as gaining a scholarship to Shawnigan
be thinking ‘I’ve got plenty of time’, next minute it will be Christmas eve.
                                                                                pests – early action is always the most effective. Keep tying the plants                                                                                                      Lake School in Canada.
Start getting organised now! Ha she says, do as I say, not as I do.
                                                                                onto the stakes as they grow. The weight of a truss of tomatoes can                                                                                                           Her contribution was such that they invited her
Well you can’t reach the month of December and not talk about                   break in high winds.                                                                                                                                                          back for a second year. It was interesting to note
strawberries. I am yet to meet someone that doesn’t like a delicious,                                                                                                                                                                                         that while playing an interhouse hockey match
red, juicy strawberry picked straight from the garden. I’m sure they walk       Most importantly this month, remember meaningful gifts don’t have to                                                                                                          there she so impressed the top team's coach
among us, but it would be fair I think to say this would be the minority        cost a fortune. Try not to put pressure on yourself worrying about the                                                                                                        with her fearless skill and ability in goal that she
not the majority. If you haven’t already, take action to protect all berries    finances. Come and see one of our friendly staff for some great ideas                                                                                                         was invited on their tour to Britain with the top
from birds. Cover your crops with bird netting, draping it over stakes to       and affordable options. And it will give you the opportunity to meet                                                                                                          hockey side.
keep it off the fruit. Ripe strawberries don’t last well on the plant, so try   some of our new staff. Monique, Svenja and Emily – they are super                                                                                                             Eloise also made a valued contribution to the
and pick what’s ready every day. And discard any over ripe/rotten fruit as      gorgeous ladies and extremely helpful. We pride ourselves in having                                                                                                           Hot Water Beach Surf Lifesaving Club whilst
these can often welcome unwanted pests and diseases. Any strawberries           outstanding relationships with suppliers, stocking quality and reliable                                                                                                       in the area. A real feature are the close friends
in direct contact with the ground will rot, so mulch around plants with         products. We have a very vast selection of plants and landscaping                                                                                                             and supporters from the Bay who have fully
peastraw, or black polythene. Give any berries fruiting now a dose of           supplies, including a great selection of indoor plants and garden giftware.                                                                                                   supported her during her rise to the top and
fertiliser fortnightly, and pick early runners off your plants as that energy   And if all else fails – we have gift vouchers available.                                                                                                                      how she still maintains contact and readily offers
needs to go into the fruit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   her support back to the clubs in the area.”
                                                                                From all of us here at Mercury Bay Garden Centre and                          We couldn’t be prouder! And even though Whitianga isn’t, technically, her
Nothing beats freshly dug new potatoes to accompany your Christmas              landscape Supplies, we wish you a very merry Christmas.                       hometown we’re claiming Eloise Blackwell as one of our own. And I’m           Eloise debuted for the Black Ferns in 2011 and in her position
dinner. If you got your crop in early enough you will be able to harvest        Thank you for supporting our small business throughout                        claiming Editor’s rights to nominate Eloise as our Hometown Hero this         as lock has appeared in 43 tests and scored 10 tries. She is a
them on Christmas morning. With new potatoes, wait until the plants             2020. We appreciate you all.                                                  month!                                                                        natural leader who shows great warmth and compassion to all she
have flowered to dig your crop up. This shows you that the tubers are                                                                                         The new Captain of the Black Ferns Women’s rugby team is an ex Mercury        interacts with.
fully formed. With your main-crop spuds, wait until the plants start to         A little more sparkle, A little less stress                                   Bay Area School student having come over to us from her home on Great
die back. Don’t overwater your main-crop potatoes – excessive watering          This Christmas, we wish you                                                   Barrier Island to do her Secondary school years here.                         We weren’t surprised she was chosen as Captain…but apparently
                                                                                All the very best
means they don’t keep as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Eloise was!
                                                                                                                                                              Well-known, ex MBAS teacher Ron Morgan did a stint living and teaching        “It was an absolute shock when I was named captain for the
                                                                                                                                                              on Great Barrier Island. He picks up the story of how Eloise came to spend    Blackferns. It didn't really sink in till we walk out onto the field
                                                                                                                                                              her teen years in Whitianga.                                                  for our first game against the New Zealand Barbarians. I felt an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            incredible sense of pride and gratitude to be able to lead the team
                                                                                                                                                              “While teaching at Great Barrier Island the real problem facing those         out. Being named as Captain, for me, honours my whanau and all
                                                                                                                                                              reaching secondary school age was witnessed first-hand. The choice was        the support they have given me throughout my career and the
                                                                                                                                                              correspondence or heading mainly to Auckland Boarding Schools. Eloise         Barrier and Whitianga communities that have helped support me
                                                                                                                                                              was a country girl at heart with a close affinity to the marine environment   along the way.”
                                                                                                                                                              she had grown up around. Noting her love of sports, surfing and swimming
                                                                                                                                                              I managed to convince my wife Rhonda that Eloise and one other pupil          Eloise doesn’t get a voucher, I’ll happily buy her a drink next time
                                                                                                                                                              would thrive at Mercury Bay Area School. Consequently, when we returned,      I see her!
                                                                                                                                                              we had two extras. Eloise took full advantage of all the sports available     Well done Elo!!!

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The Seagull

wellbeing                                                                                                                              people
Mindfulness Colouring                                                           Are you living in a constant state of stress? Part 5
Mindfulness colouring is a fun and simple way to add calm into your life and
be present. Use these free mindfulness colouring sheets that you can print at
home to help you be more mindful every day.
                                                                                                                                           Reikonnect with Olivier Sacault
                                                                                                                                          It’s all about connections for Olivier, his early
                                                                                                                                          connections with Coromandel Outdoor Language
                                                                                                                                          Centre, feeling connected to Mercury Bay and its people,
                                                                                                                                          and the strength of connection he feels with his clients
                                                                                                                                          who come to him seeking stress or pain release and a
                                                                                                                                          moment to just be in a warm, nurturing environment.
                                                                                                                                          “I first came to Whitianga, at about 14 years old, as an
                                                                                                                                          English student from my home in Tahiti,” says Olivier, “At
                                                                                                                                          that time Maurice Kirby, the owner and Director, was
                                                                                                                                          running tours of high schools students to Whitianga.” He
                                                                                                                                          formed a close friendship with Maurice often helping him
                                                                                                                                          with expos and student recruitment on his visits to Tahiti.
                                                                                                                                          Olivier loved the Coromandel and also, as time passed,
                                                                                                                                          came to love the Director’s daughter even more…he
                                                                                                                                          ended up marrying her! To cut a long story short he and
                                                                                                                                          Erica have made Whitianga their permanent
                                                                                                                                          home and are raising their two beautiful                                           more aligned with his personal beliefs
                                                                                                                                          children Neela and Anuhea here.                                                    and goals and, in a circular way, takes
                                                                                                                                          “I love Whitianga, the good, warm-hearted                                          him back to his father encouraging him
                                                                                                                                          people and cruisy lifestyle is similar to                                          to learn a martial art as a youngster.
                                                                                                                                          Tahiti,” he says, “As a child I was really                                         “I was a big fan of Bruce Lee so
                                                                                                                                          outdoorsy, always at the beach or in the                                           naturally I chose King Fu!” laughs
                                                                                                                                          river and I can give that same kind of                                             Olivier. “My instructor was a friend of
                                                                                                                                          experience to my children here on the                                              Dad’s and an acupuncturist as well. It
                                                                                                                                          Coromandel.”                                                                       was my first introduction to working
                                                                                                                                          With a strong family background in business                                        with energy.” Olivier says it influenced
                                                                                                                                          ownership it was expected Olivier would                                            the way he moves and contributed to
                                                                                                                                          follow in his Dad’s footsteps. The shift to                                        his way of being, with a combination of
                                                                                                                                          New Zealand saw him working hard in                                                focus, discipline and philosophy.
                                                                                                                                          the retail and hardware sector but not for                                         An older man in Tahiti, a kind of ‘lay
                                                                                                                                          himself.                                                                           healer’ would often ‘tweak’ Olivier if he
                                                                                                                                          Opening his own business ‘Reikonnect’ this                                         was out of alignment or sore from Kung
                                                                                                                                          year has been a change of direction and a                                          Fu class and observed that Olivier had
                                                                                                                                          leap of faith but has put Olivier onto a path                                      “something in his hands” that he should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             explore further. He had had experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of sensation in his hands that he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             couldn’t explain or put a name to.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        It piqued his interest and years later, his sister who
                                                                                                                                                                                                        is an acupuncturist in Switzerland, told him “You’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                        playing with chi, use your energy for healing and not
     life planning, Goal setting,                                                                                                                                                                       destruction.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Olivier started to explore this energy more, discovering
            Low tox living                                                                                                                                                                              Reiki and taking courses to Master level, in order to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        better understand and refine his healing methodology.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Now he is full time as a massage therapist using his hands
                                                                                                                                                                                                        as his “eyes and ears” to seek and soothe the aspects of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        his clients’ bodies that are crying out most for support.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “I address the yin and yang,” says Olivier. “We are drawn
                                                                                                                                                                                                        by life, in this direction and that, with work and the fast
                                                                                                                                                                                                        pace taking its toll. It affects not only your physical body
                                                                                                                                                                                                        but also your mind and soul.” Olivier’s treatments are
                                                                                                                                                                                                        intuitive and releasing, guaranteed to have you feeling
                                                                                                                                                                                                        more aligned and balanced.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Olivier invites his clients to take time in their busy lives
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to come down out of that high-revving state which
                                                                                                                                                                                                        causes dis-ease and to experience his therapy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “It is your space, no judgement, to allow yourself to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        You can contact Olivier to book or to enquire
                                                                                                                                                                                                        about his work on;
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Facebook and Messenger: Rei-Konnect Massage
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Phone: 0210 228 7310
                                                                                                                                                                                                        19 Monk Street, Whitianga

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The Seagull

         A Merry Whiti Xmas
                                  what Christmas means across the ages
                                                               By Debbie Lim

               Ava Connell Age 5
               “All I want for Christmas is a Barbie                                                  Ross Southcombe, retiree and former
               Dreamhouse and a Barbie Camper. Santa                                                  butcher and farmer, representing the 70s
               comes and he left 7 chocolates at the end of                                           Ross and his wife will be heading out of
               my bed and that was my favourite part about                                            town for a family Christmas Day. Ross says
               Christmas. And this year I’m going on a                                                Christmas for him is “All about getting
               holiday with my nana.”                                                                 family together”. Les and Ross both recall
                                                                                                      their most memorable Christmas presents
                                                                                                      as being hand-me-down push bikes.

               Renee Garland, Whiti born and bred
               ‘Good Feel Coach’, mum of 3 and Personal
               Trainer, age 38                                                                       Martin Thomas, Oceania Group aka
               “Getting whanau together and having a                                                 Whitianga Continuing Care, mid 80s
               mean feed, a few drinks and a laugh.” There                                           Martin says Christmas at the care home is
               will be ham from the farm and about 15 - 20                                           all about “A touch of grog and getting spoilt
               people who will all bring a dish. Renee’s                                             with prawns, chicken and ham”. Manager
               most memorable gift, as a child, was an                                               Kylie Hill says they have a residents and
               educational ‘computer’ she got in the early                                           family day with Santa, presents, entertain-
               90s.                                                                                  ment, picnic lunch PLUS a full Christmas
                                                                                                     spread for those onsite on Christmas Day.
               Anne-Maree McDougall, Deputy Princi-                                                  Martin’s memory meant it was difficult to
               pal of the primary years at Mercury Bay Area                                          recall his most memorable gift although he
               School, age 49                                                  has lived through war years where it was hard to even get hold of
               On behalf of her staff she said, “Christmas                     Christmas cards.
               is very much a recharge time for teachers.
               The workload spread is often well over a 40                     So, there you have it, it would seem family and food are still what
               hour week. This is a chance for us to really                    we hold most dear at Christmas-time.
               switch off mentally and focus on quality time
               with our own families. Most memorable                           If you would like to help out locals in need this Christmas, you can
               gift? A new car!”                                               gift in the following ways:

               Les Coomber, owner operator of the                              The Warehouse:
               Oceanside Motel on Buffalo Beach, early                         Donate $10 and they will give a $25 gift to a child in need.
               Les’ adult children, who would normally fly                     Guthrie Bowron:
               over for Christmas, are stuck in Australia so                   The team at GB have combined forces with Whitianga Social Ser-
               they have decided to switch things up and                       vices. Stop in at the store and choose a Pledge from the Christmas
               have a BBQ on the beach. Les and his wife                       tree, shop for the gift and return it to the store.
               only have two days off per year: Christmas
               Day and New Year’s Day but after years as a
               tradie enjoying summer holidays, Les says,
               “It’s not so bad”.

              Mercury Bay

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The Seagull

                                    Driving Down Emissions

                                 The necessary, cost-saving, and highly pleasurable part of solving the climate crisis!
                                                                                                                                                                         We Wish You … A Very Green Christmas!
                                                                  By Thomas Everth
At this year’s Climate and Business Conference in Auckland it was           in the battery to spare. Charging in Auckland in the Civic Centre parking
made abundantly clear that Earth’s climate system must be prevented         garage offered further free charging for the trip home. For us the Leaf will
                                                                                                                                                              “In the week after Christmas, New                                                                         Dinner
from entering a runaway heating trajectory if we want to maintain any       cut about $4000 in annual fuel cost plus at least another $1000 in service        Zealanders send 50,000 extra tonnes of waste                                  Avoid panic buying on Christmas Eve. Instead, plan your meals so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            that you just buy what you need. Have a plan for your leftovers
hope for an other-than dystopian future. If we do not collectively and      and maintenance fees compared to the diesel car we had for long-                  to landfill.                                                                  too.
globally reduce our Carbon emissions by 60% by the end of this decade,      distance driving. At this rate, the Leaf will pay for itself in due course too.   That's enough to fill 14,286 twenty-foot shipping containers, which, if       Opt for homemade treats rather than packaged ones – try your
then our options to achieve such a goal will be vastly diminished. The      And the great team at Hamilton EV even provides customers with lifelong           stacked one on top of the other would stretch 105 times higher than           hand at making homemade mince pies, plum pudding, pavlova, and
attendees at the climate conference were asked to imagine the eyes of       free annual warrants and service checks plus a five-year battery warranty.        the Sky Tower, or three times the height of Mount Everest,” say Hannah        even panettone!
the people of future generations looking back at us and asking: what        To round things up for me, Hamilton EV installed a towbar so we can tow           Blumhardt and Liam Prince of The Rubbish Trip.                                Buy your ingredients and meat with minimal packaging by bringing
have YOU done to help? Luckily there is a highly enjoyable and cost-        our dingy trailer or a light-weight single axle utility trailer. Because there    Here they share with us some tips on how not to contribute to the             your own bags and containers to stores that have bulk bins and
saving way to do just that!                                                 is no EV dealer or consultant on the Coromandel Peninsula, I offered to           mountain of festive waste this year.                                          delis.
Besides agriculture, the second largest part of New Zealand’s emissions     help Hamilton EV to assist customers here locally.You are very welcome
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Find your local zero waste grocery shopping options using The
comes from the consumption of petrol and diesel from road transport,        to give me a call to see my vehicle and discuss how you too could ditch
and by far the largest component in this comes from our private             carbon emissions and most running cost from driving for good. With the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Gifts and wrapping                                     Rubbish Trip Regional Zero Waste Guides that cover the whole of
                                                                                                                                                              Cut down on Christmas shopping by making gifts at home, like                  New Zealand.
car fleet. And here you can do something right now. The clean and           help of Hamilton EV, you will find an affordable EV fitting your budget and
                                                                                                                                                              chai tea blends, preserves and baking; sewn, knitted or crocheted items;
emissions-free electric vehicle revolution is here. Besides cutting CO2     driving needs. Converting our road fleet to emissions-free vehicles is a
                                                                                                                                                              or homemade cosmetics.                                                        Over the festive season, use real crockery and cloth napkins
emissions from driving to zero, EVs are saving thousands of dollars         necessary piece in solving the climate puzzle, and there is no better time
                                                                                                                                                              Give ‘experience gifts’ rather than stuff – taking someone for a picnic or    rather than disposables.
annually in running cost. Charging up at home or public fast chargers       than now to do this.
                                                                                                                                                              to the beach; giving tickets for the cinema, a massage, concerts or even      Instead of buying Christmas crackers, make your own out of
costs a fraction of the cost of petrol and diesel, and
                                                                                                                                                              the dentist; going skydiving, bungee jumping or rafting; or even the age-     upcycled newspaper, three toilet rolls and some string. Making
EVs are virtually maintenance-free too. Some public
                                                                                                                                                              old book voucher.                                                             your own cracker has the added benefit that you can put
fast chargers are even free to use!
                                                                                                                                                              Reassess whether you want to be buying and receiving so many gifts            WHATEVER YOU WANT in it!
After driving a small, home-built neighbourhood EV
                                                                                                                                                              this year – chat with extended family, friends and colleagues about
since 2008, I finally took the plunge and purchased
                                                                                                                                                              alternatives to material gifts.                                                                       Decorations
an imported 2019 model Nissan Leaf from Hamilton
                                                                                                                                                              Avoid Secret Santa, which so often results in the exchange of poor            Avoid tinsel and glitter, which shed micro-plastics into the
EV. It has a range of up to 250km and is an absolute
                                                                                                                                                              quality, cheap, gimmicky and/or unwanted gifts.                               environment. Opt for natural decorations, such as flowers, leaves
pleasure to drive. Silent, high tech, and emissions-free,
                                                                                                                                                              If you’re into spreading the low-waste living message, gift a zero waste      and pine-cones.You can also make paper chains and fabric bunting.
this is the best car I ever drove by far! On my first
                                                                                                                                                              starter pack to help your friends and family reduce their waste every         Make an upcycled Christmas tree out of old pallets, driftwood,
trip to Auckland, I charged for 15 minutes at a free
                                                                                                                                      Thomas Everth           day – things like reusable cloth produce/bulk bin bags, reusable takeaway
rapid charger in Pokeno and arrived in West Auckland with over 100km                                                                                                                                                                        cleverly stacked books, or even felt with attachable felt
                                                                                                                                      Call 0275947133         coffee cups, reusable drink bottles, reusable metal straws, beeswax           decorations!
                                                                                                                                                              wrap, stainless steel lunch boxes/containers, compostable bamboo
                                                                                                                                                              toothbrushes, and wooden dish brushes with replaceable, home
                                                                                                                                                              compostable heads.                                                            Catch up on more fabulous tips on
                                                                                                                                                              Wrapping paper is expensive, often non-recyclable, and resource-              www.therubbishtrip.co.nz
                                                                                                                                                              intensive to produce. Did you know you can wrap your presents in
                                                                                                                                                              reusable fabric? Whether it’s a cloth bag or material that is both upcycled
                                                                                                                                                              and compostable, such as newspaper, or leaves and flowers.You can get
                                                                                                                                                              curtain offcuts to use for fabric wrap from op shops in the area.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              27
The Seagull

        The Proust

     Questionnaire                                                             What is your most marked characteristic?
                                                                               I’ve alway been a team player …( a big sporting life in my youth)
                                                                               andI still find much enjoyment in my desire to share mahi and

                                                                               What do you consider one of your greatest achieve-
                                                                               My commitment to Tai chi and its practise.
                                                                               It has shaped my life and its daily practise has allowed a joining
                                                                               with ‘things’ beyond description with words.
                                                                                                                                                        Advertise with The Seagull
                                                                               When are you in a state of happiness ?                                            in 2021!
                                                                               Singing, sound through the human instrument, has been a deep
                                                                               interest, and has current expression in my participation in the
                                                                               Mercury Bay Community Choir.                                                        Colour images on quality paper.                "Your One Stop Auto Shop"
                                                                                                                                                                  Advertising that lasts a whole month
 G’ian McGregor “lives in the past, present and future, a                      What is your greatest extravagance?
                                                                                                                                                         Special deals for 3, 6 and 12 month advertising plans.   65 COOK DRIVE, WHITIANGA
colourful creative life “in an unassuming beach house with its studios         Right now, a sharing of some of my favourite words: clamber,
                                                                               spiral, clarity, soft, revelation, weave, float , shimmer, fractiles ,     Advertorial by arrangement – we’d love to tell your     07 866 0606
wrapped in sunshine surrounded by native trees and tucked into the
slope of hills of one of the coasts quietest hamlets on the coast north        care, cascade, awa , Taputapuetea, Pikopiko-i-Whiti, Te Whitianga                              business story!
of Mercury Bay. Looking north west across the crowns of pohutukawa             e Kupe.
to sweeps of unspoilt white sands of the bay beyond its here ,she              …
works shaping the everyday.
                                                                               Your most treasured possession?                                          Email or phone for our rates and to discuss your
What is your current state of mind?                                            Friendship. It is the well being of life.
I’m very interested in what feels like the development of culture
related to Aotearoa and so with it the expansion of our experience. I
like to feel alert, to life and incoming understandings of the nature of
everything on this planet.
                                                                                                                                                        Contact David
                                                                                                                                                        phone 027 506 3110
Which talent would you most like to have?
 Success with the integration of Te Reo in my daily life. I love the soften-                                                                            email - davidbayerdesigns@gmail.com
ing that can arrive through the sounds of Te Reo.

What is one of your favourite current if not challenging and
rewarding endeavours ?
I produce needlepoint art and acrylic long vertical paintings I call Lon-
gitudes. Claire Grover works with me on these and together we also
work as artist assistant for my partner Michael Smither.

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