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Page created by Bernard Griffin
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   College at linkedin.com
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A dynamic college for aspiring

Learners at the heart of excellence

Attaining excellence,
reaching new heights
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We are incredibly proud to serve our local       personal development needs.
communities. Whilst we are a significant         There are exciting times ahead for
and growing national provider, we never          Ashfield and Mansfield. The combining of
lose sight of our responsibility towards         regeneration efforts into Invest Ashfield and
our local communities and in particular          Mansfield is a huge step forward. The plans
working with partners to ensure prosperity       that are in place to help existing business
for individuals and businesses. There can be     grow and attract new business into the
no doubt that we live in very challenging        area have the potential to really see the
economic times, now more than ever the           community establish itself as a dynamic,
college needs to play its part and make          forward thinking place where people are
its contribution to the success of our local     ready and eager to do business. The college
community and our nation as a whole.             is committed to ensuring we play our full
Education and skills lie at the heart of our     part in this exciting development. Together
economic recovery, and as a college we must      we can really put Ashfield and Mansfield on
ensure that we are equipping our adults          the map.
and young people with the skills they need
to thrive in a dynamic and rapidly changing      We live and work in great communities,
global economy.                                  with a great spirit and great people. By
                                                 working in partnership we can ensure that
For the first time last year we published our    we have just as great a future.
‘community scorecard’ – a demonstration
of the value that we have added to this
essential agenda. This second edition            Asha Khemka OBE
has been developed further in response           Principal and Chief Executive
to feedback we have received from local
employers and other key influencers within
our community. It is clear that as the college
has grown, we have not done enough to
explain our growing offer to employers
and individuals and how we can work in
partnership to address your business and
www.wnc.ac.uk facebook.com/visionwestnotts twitter.com @ westnotts Search for Vision West Nottinghamshire College at linkedin.com
West Nottinghamshire College is widely regarded as one of the largest and most successful
colleges in the country. It offers a wide range of curriculum to meet both the needs of                                                         The college offers training in all
individuals and employers locally, regionally and nationally. The college also owns a number
of subsidiary companies that are engaged with the provision of training as well as the                                                          major industry sectors and at all
development of commercial software products.
                                                                                                                                                levels from pre-GCSE to full degree
                                                                                                                                                level. It has approaching 30,000
                                                                                                                                                students broken down as follows:

                                                                                                                                                                  16-18 year old school leavers studying
                                                                                                                                                                  on one of the college’s campuses
                                                                                                                                                                  either full or part-time.

                                                                                                                                                                  university-level students studying on

                                                                                                                                                                  degree programmes validated by the
                                                                                                                                                                  college’s two partner universities – The
                                                                                                                                                                  University of Derby and Birmingham
                                                                                                                                                                  City University or Edexcel.

                                                                                                                                                                  apprentices of all ages spread right

While our core business and focus remains       community education and university-level       training to employers. This includes working                       across the country. Apprentices are
on providing the local community with           programmes, would sit under Vision West        with employers to deliver professional                             in paid work and undertake training
high-quality education and training, we         Nottinghamshire College.                       qualifications, HE programmes,                                     either in the workplace or at a college
want to make sure that everyone is fully                                                       bespoke packages and short courses for                             training centre.
aware of who we are in 2013 and how the         Vision Apprentices                             their workforce.
organisation works. The chart above shows       A subsidiary company of the college which                                                                         employees being trained in the
the current corporate structure, with an        provides businesses across the UK with         bksb                                                               workplace on a range of qualifications

overview of what each element does, as          an apprenticeship recruitment service.         A subsidiary company of the college, bksb                          ranging from legislative health and
follows:                                        Vision Apprentices advertise vacancies, vet    writes, develops and supplies outstanding                          safety and industry-certificated
                                                candidates and offer a range of flexible       interactive solutions to improve English,                          programmes to NVQs that help them
West Nottinghamshire College                    employment solutions to companies              maths and ICT skills. bksb software is used by                     develop their skills for business.
The ‘parent’ company of all of our college      who want to grow their business with           thousands of organisations and millions of

activity, sub-brands, commercial ventures       apprentices.                                   learners in the UK and around the world.                           adults who study on a full or part-time
and subsidiary companies.                                                                                                                                         basis with us either in a community
                                                Vision Workforce Skills                                                                                           venue or on a college campus.
All of our corporate activity takes place       A subsidiary of the college and a national
under the name of West Nottinghamshire          training provider. Vision Workforce Skills                                                                        14-16 year old students who come to

College. This includes finance, governance,     supports employers with their workforce                                                                           college either one day per week to
payroll and HR matters. Some publications       development by delivering industry-                                                                               get a feel for vocational learning or
are produced under the corporate name of        specific training and qualifications                                                                              who come full-time as the college
West Nottinghamshire College such as the        through apprenticeships and work-based                                                                            environment suits them better.
annual report, governors’ papers etc.           programmes; specialising in professional
                                                job roles.
Vision West Nottinghamshire College
A brand name used for our core business as      Vision Business
a Further and Higher Education college.         Vision Business has two distinct
Any activity involving education and            services: hiring the college’s facilities
training delivered at one of our campuses,      for events, conferencing and meetings
such as 16-18, adult, professional and          and providing full-cost education and
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In the last five years, the college has          Many of the students within this area also
invested close to £40m in the development        choose to set up their own business after
of its accommodation for learning. It is         leaving college or university, bringing much
essential that our facilities for students       needed new business to the local area.
mirror those in industry, giving them the
opportunity to experience real life situations   Sport and public services
so they are work-ready when they leave us.       The sport curriculum was boosted in
                                                 September 2012 with the introduction of
Derby Road is the college’s main centre for      a new £1.5m sports hall facility. Students
teaching and learning and the main base          from this area study a range of subjects
for our university-level programme. This         that lead to jobs such as a sports coach,
is a big campus with approximately 3000          physiotherapist, and jobs in the armed and
students learning here every week. It is the     uniformed services.
base for the college’s senior management
team as well as the main hub for student         Care, childcare and health and social care
related services.                                We have range of industry standard
                                                 equipment and exceptional links with
Create                                           employers that provide students with work
Create represents an impressive £5m              placements so they can experience for
investment in the creative industries. Create    themselves the reality of working in the
opened its doors to students in September        childcare and caring sectors. Many of our
2011 and provides a range of qualifications      students go on to become care assistants,
and state-of-the-art facilities in areas such    care home managers, nurses and specialist
as media, music production, performing           nurses, teaching assistants, teachers,
arts, TV production, web and multi-media         childcare assistants and nursery managers.
design and development. Students from
Create go onto a range of careers including
camera operation, film making, teaching,
music production and web development.
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Academic studies                                 Catering and hospitality
We offer 20 A Level subjects and have one of     Students studying catering can now ply
the best pass rates in the county at 99.2%.      their trade in a brand new, state-of-the-art
The vast majority of our A Level students        commercial restaurant. Refined opened to
go on to study at university, with a growing     the public in January and provides students
number being successful in some of the           with real work experience in catering,
country’s top flight providers, such as the      service, bar and hospitality management
universities of Sheffield, Cambridge, Oxford     and front of house. Students go on to work
and Nottingham.                                  in a range of catering settings with many
                                                 employed in some of the world’s top class
In January 2013, our A Level provision           restaurants, hotels and resorts.
moved into a new base as part of an £11m
new build programme on the Derby Road            Computer science
campus.                                          Our experienced computer science tutors
                                                 prepare students for work in the IT industry.
Hair and beauty                                  Students can study a range of programmes
In 2013 hair and beauty students moved           in IT technical development, software
into their new facilities as part of the         and application development and games
Derby Road campus development. Revive            design. Students go on to work in a diverse
commercial hair and beauty salons and            range of jobs from IT technicians and server
spa facilities provides some of the best         engineers to programmers and developers
facilities for learning in the country. Open     for large organisations.
to the public, students are provided with a
realistic working environment with many          Foundation studies
progressing into work in salons, cruise ships,   Provides tailored programmes for students
resorts or establishing their own businesses.    with learning difficulties or disabilities.
The wealth of transferable skills also means     Courses help students develop life skills as
that students move into a range of careers       well as the confidence and capability to
in the customer service and retail sectors.      move on to the next level.
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Station Park is our specialist centre for        The centre has hosted regional SkillBuild
construction and building services.              finals as well as the Guild of Bricklayers
                                                 skill competitions. It has also played host
Opened in 2008, it provides some of the          to the BBC debate on the economy and the
best facilities for construction and building    Bloodhound land speed car team.
services training in the country.
                                                 Students from this area move into
Students study plumbing, electrical,             employment or self-employment within
painting and decorating, joinery, brickwork      the construction and building industries
and plastering in industry-standard facilities   with many of them joining the centre as an
that prepare them for the world of work.         apprentice or already employed with a need
                                                 to update their professional knowledge and
Around 600 students attend the centre            certification.
each week – strong links with employers
                                                                                               Sovereign Way and Acorn Way are our
and professional bodies mean that many
                                                                                               specialist centres for engineering and motor
progress from the college into full-time
                                                                                               vehicle and provide a range of programmes
employment or an apprenticeship, returning
                                                                                               for students wishing to enter the field
one day per week to develop their higher
                                                                                               of electrical, mechanical or production
level technical skills and abilities.
                                                                                               engineering as well as careers in vechicle
                                                                                               maintenance. Fabrication and welding is
Lecturettes within each of the major
                                                                                               currently based at our Derby Road campus.
workshop areas enable theoretical study to
be combined with practical skills, enhancing
                                                                                               In 2014, the college will bring together
the learning experience and ensuring that
                                                                                               all of its engineering provision into one
theory is clearly linked to practice in a
                                                                                               Engineering Innovation Centre at Sutton-
workshop setting.
                                                                                               in-Ashfield. This will provide a single point
                                                                                               of delivery for this curriculum area and will
                                                                                               give our students the opportunity for cross-
                                                                                               working and development. Students move
                                                                                               into employment in a range of roles within
                                                                                               the engineering sector with many joining
                                                                                               the college as an apprentice or an existing
                                                                                               employee looking to update their skills.
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Chesterfield Road is the college’s main base     The college’s Ashfield campus went from
in Mansfield town centre and is home to          strength to strength this year, with over
our business and administration curriculum       100 students attending the centre. Ashfield
as well as visual arts.                          was established in 2008 and aims to
                                                 provide a vital second chance for young
A large and well-equipped learning resource      people classified as NEET (Not in Education,
centre provides everything our students          Employment or Training). Flexible start
need to succeed in their studies, alongside      times, a culture of respect and achievement
IT facilities and a dining area. As well as      along with dedicated support staff have
a dedicated IT training room specifically        meant that the centre has been hugely
aimed at improving the employability of          successful since its opening. In total, 300
local adults, Chesterfield Road houses ESOL      young people have benefitted from the
(English for Speakers of Other Languages)        centre with over 80% progressing into
courses in the college’s original building,      employment or further training. The centre
which dates back to the early 1900s.             has helped to reduce local NEET figures
                                                 from 6-4% in the four years that it has
In 2014 the visual arts provision will move to   been in operation. The Inspire and Achieve
Derby Road in a purpose-built centre.            Foundation, a charitable trust founded
                                                 by the college’s principal, held its second
                                                 fundraising dinner at Lords Cricket Ground
                                                 to help raise funds to build a second centre
                                                 in Mansfield.

                                                                                                Ransom Wood is our specialist centre for
                                                                                                business support services and our employer
                                                                                                engagement and business development
                                                                                                units. The college’s marketing team, HR,
                                                                                                procurement, finance, learner records,
                                                                                                quality/performance team and developers
                                                                                                are all based at Ransom.
www.wnc.ac.uk facebook.com/visionwestnotts twitter.com @ westnotts Search for Vision West Nottinghamshire College at linkedin.com
The college provides a wide range of
university-level courses that includes
HNCs, HNDs, foundation degrees and full
honours ‘top-up’ degrees. We work with the
University of Derby and Birmingham City
University who validate many of
our courses.

We pride ourselves on offering an
alternative to the traditional university
experience. We provide flexible, part-
time options that allow people to
study alongside their family and work
commitments and our smaller class sizes
are designed to encourage all students to
actively participate in lectures.

For those returning to education or worried
about studying at a higher level, we provide
summer schools before the start of the
academic year to help students prepare
for the rigours of university-level study.
Coupled with on-going study skills sessions
throughout the year, our students have the
chance to develop high level skills in areas
such as research, referencing and
essay writing.
www.wnc.ac.uk facebook.com/visionwestnotts twitter.com @ westnotts Search for Vision West Nottinghamshire College at linkedin.com
bksb is a wholly owned subsidiary company       The bksb team host a number of regional
of the college, providing functional and        and national events and activities
key skills assessment tools to over 2000        throughout the year including a national
organisations across the world. bksb has        skills conference attracting high profile
developed a reputation for excellence and is    national speakers and over 200 delegates.
widely regarded as the leader in the field of   The last event saw the two chief executives
online assessment and diagnostics.              of the EFA and SFA talk about the
                                                importance of skills for economic recovery.
In the past two years, bksb’s client base has
increased and now includes organisations        The bksb team are always developing and
and training companies within Australia,        refining their products to ensure they meet
India, South Africa and Nigeria. As well as     customer demand. In 2011 bksbLIVE was
creating products being used in these global    launched, a new online learning platform
markets, bksb’s innovative assessment tools     for skills development.
are also used by the majority of colleges
within the UK.
Vision Apprentices was launched in April
2010 and delivers a unique employer
responsive service. It is one of only 16

orignal projects agreed by the government
in an attempt to stimulate demand
for apprentices across the country. An
independent evaluation undertaken by
York Consulting concluded that Vision
Apprentices was leading the way in the
development and delivery of the ATA model.
                                                                                                                             Vision Workforce Skills is a wholly

Over 65% of job vacancies have been
                                                                                        16-18 year olds helped into          owned subsidiary company of West

within the Nottinghamshire area with the                                                     employment through              Nottinghamshire College and was formed
                                                                                                                             on the transfer of activity from Pearson in
remainder falling within South Yorkshire
and the rest of the East Midlands. 83%
                                                                                                vision apprentices           Practice.

0f employers come from small and
                                                                                                                             At Vision Workforce Skills our mission
medium enterprises. Vision Apprentices
                                                                                                                             is to change people’s lives for the
has expanded its geographic reach in the
                                                                                                                             better by providing them with world-
last year so that it can offer its flexible,
                                                                                                                             class, industry-specific training and
responsive and valuable service to
                                                                                                                             qualifications. We do this by giving them
employers further afield. Initially targeting
                                                                                                                             the behaviours, discipline, support and
the rail and engineering sectors, Vision
                                                                                                                             skills they need to be effective members
Apprentices has now expanded into the
                                                                                                                             of the workforce and to succeed in their
creative, media, fashion, IT, software and
                                                                                                                             chosen jobs and careers.
telecommunications sectors in the future.

                                                                                                                             Every year, we provide thousands of high
As well as helping employers find the right
                                                                                                                             quality apprenticeships and work-based
employees and young people find vital jobs,
                                                                                                                             specialised training programmes which
Vision Apprentices has also developed a         practice and use the network for their own business development.
                                                                                                                             can be delivered by a variety of methods.
strong network of employers locally who         “I would like to tell you how happy Race Technology is with the
now have the opportunity to share best
                                                service of (the team). We are very pleased to be involved in the             In the classroom, in the workplace,
                                                scheme. It has done nothing but good things for our business, and I          through distance and e-learning, our
                                                trust for the learners placed with us too. All the staff I have dealt with   expert tutors offer learner-focused,
                                                                                                                             employer-driven training that is built
                                                have provided an efficient, professional, friendly service. The calibre
                                                                                                                             around individual needs and business
                                                of learners assigned has also been excellent. The model is excellent - I     objectives.
                                                would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending (the services)
                                                to other employers.”
                                                Dr Lorne Winborne Race Technology Ltd

                                                                                                                             4000learners in the
                                                                                                                               workplace through
                                                                                                                             Vision Workforce Skills.
Data relates to 2011/12
803 Engineering and logistics
                                                              832 Business and financial services

                                                              1069 Health
                                                              340 Retail
                                                              (Number of students wh0 have
                                                              studied in these areas)

                                                                                                Of our students progressing into
                                                                                                 employment- 86% went into
                                                                                                employment within our region
                                                                                                 and 50% within the Mansfield
                                                                                                       and Ashfield area.

       992 Creative industries
       852 Financial and business sectors
       803 Logistics and engineering
       (Number of students wh0 have         305 local students improved their basic skills with us
       studied in these areas)
                                            472 undertook a course to help their employability skills
                                            2483 studied at Level 3 (A Level and equivalent) or above with us
                                            662 studied at degree level with us
Over a five year period         We spent £6.8 million with local
spanning 2009 – 2014 we         companies and the majority of our £40
                                million capital spend was with regional
will have invested £40m in      building contractors, employing local
local facilities for learning   people.
In 2011/12 we launched a new
                                         programme of activity aimed at helping
                                         our students set up their own business.

                                         Vision Entrepreneur provides a mix
                                         of inspirational speakers as well as
                                         practical help and support for students
                                         wishing to set up on their own after
                                         college. The one thing we ask of Vision
                                         Entrepreneur graduates is that they keep
                                         their business local so that they can give
                                         something back to their community.

                                         In total, 65 of our students signed up
                                         to the programme and of those 8 are
                                         currently being supported to set up their
                                         business in 2013/14. We will provide a
                                         bespoke package of support for all of
                                         them to give their business the best
                                         possible chance of success.

                                         In addition to Vision Entrepreneur
                                         we have a range of programmes and
                                         activities to support students and
                                         develop their enterprise skills on the
                                         road to becoming self-employed. We
   IN AN APPRENTICESHIP OR TRAINING IN   have enterprise groups, support from
         THE WORKPLACE WITH US.          enterprise organisations such as LEO and
                                         the Hive and one-to-one coaching and
                                         mentoring for students to help them
                                         every step of the way.

progressed into employment at
the end of their apprenticeship
The investment in our facilities is not
                                                                                                  just for the benefit of our students
                                                                                                  but the whole community. We want
                                                                                                  our local organisations and businesses
                                                                                                  to use our facilities at significantly
                                                                                                  reduced rates. We have a fully
                                                                                                  equipped board room and smaller
As a college we have a national reputation for our engagement with employers, built on the
                                                                                                  rooms that can be used for meetings
strength of the partnerships we develop.
                                                                                                  or specific business development
                                                                                                  events and our restaurant is able to
We want to work with you to develop your business and ensure that your business can grow
                                                                                                  offer a corporate catering package
into the future. We don’t sell courses, we sell solutions. Our offer can be as bespoke as your
                                                                                                  that will make a great impression on
business, delivered on your own premises or at one of the college’s state-of-the-art facilities
                                                                                                  your clients.
for learning.

                                                                                                  Call us on 0808 100 3626 for
                                                                                                  more information.
 Our offer to employers is ‘full-service’ and can cover the following areas:
     Workforce planning – let us work              Working with you to identify a ready-
      with you to plan your workforce                made pool of talent from our full-time
      development needs to meet your                 student cohort.
      business priorities.                          Developing and delivering specialist
     Helping with the development of your           master class sessions that meet the
      existing workforce – developing skills         exact requirements of your business.
      through accredited or bespoke training        Enabling your employees to be trained
      packages.                                      in the latest technologies at our state-
     Delivering elements or modules of              of-the-art centres for learning.
      our Higher Education programmes               A local focus with a national footprint
      to develop high-end management or              – if like us your business is based
      technical skills.                              in Mansfield and Ashfield but has
     Developing your employees’                     national interests, we can offer
      understanding of legislative                   training right across the country
      requirements in subjects such as               through our Vision Workforce
      health and safety.                             Skills offer.
     Recruitment and selection – helping
      you recruit the next generation           Whatever your needs, we can work in
      of employees through our Vision           partnership to find the right solution.
      Apprentices service.
Invest Ashfield & Mansfield is about          Two of the college’s apprentice electrical        “It was hard going at first having come
promoting the area as a place to do           engineers are progressing in leaps and            straight from school, but I’ve found my niche
business, helping existing businesses grow    bounds according to the engineering               and I can’t wait to be fully qualified. It will
and attracting new ones. Invest Ashfield      director of the Eastwood branch of a UK           take three more years but it will be worth it.”
& Mansfield offers the following useful       packaging company.
services to businesses:                                                                         MJ Maillis provides engineering support
                                              Engineering director of MJ Maillis UK,            across the UK to companies such as
˜ Business events – Regular events on         Kevin Taylor, couldn’t be more proud of the       Unilever, Tata and Highland Spring and
  relevant business topics.                   progress made to date by Jordan Green-            many more bluechip companies.
                                              Duffus and Scott Richard-Limb.
˜ Local inter-trading – A dedicated
                                                                                                Kevin added: “I am absolutely delighted
  business directory and other
                                              Kevin said: “Jordan is one of the first           with the process of how we’ve selected our
  opportunities to trade more locally.
                                              apprentices MJ Maillis have appointed to          apprentices. The Vision Apprentices team did
˜ Procurement and supply chain –              the business. He’s brought new ideas and          all the hard work with the recruitment and
  Accessing not only public sector            genuine enthusiasm to his new role. It’s          selection and basically gave us the cream of
  contracts but also important private        well known that the sector has a mature           the crop to select from.
  sector opportunities within the locality.   workforce and bringing new talent through
                                              apprenticeships like this will help to keep the   “This is paying dividends and has saved the
˜ Commercial property searches – A free
                                              business progressing.”                            company a considerable amount of time
  and confidential service to help easily
                                                                                                and money. We can see straight away that
  identify suitable business premises.
                                              Jordan, 17, from Mansfield, had previously        Jordan and Scott are committed to learning
˜ Ambassadors’ programme –                    studied at his school’s sixth form but didn’t     and putting in their best efforts to their
  A series of events to celebrate             feel suited to A Levels. In September he          apprenticeships. Hopefully this is the start
  success and showcase the area as a          saw an advertisement online for Vision            of our new plan to recruit one apprentice
  place to do business championed by          Apprentices – the successful apprenticeship       every year.”
  local employers.                            recruitment service which is a subsidiary of
                                              West Nottinghamshire College.                     Scott, from Nottingham, is equally positive
˜ Business surveys – Providing
                                                                                                about his new role.
  businesses with a way to contribute
                                              He said: “I’m really enjoying the combination
  to the project and help identify areas
                                              of earning a wage, learning a trade and           “I’m confident that this is a job I’m going
  of work.
                                              getting the most up-to-date training. My job      to enjoy and it’s encouraging to know just
                                              involves fixing machines for the company. I       how much the company is going to invest in
This new business engagement project
                                              shadow a senior engineer in the team and          me. Eventually I’ll be trained up to the level
runs to June 2015 and is part-financed by
                                              learn hands-on skills. I’ve already spent 26      of a system engineer and will have skills in
the European Union through the European
                                              weeks at the Hinckley tool workshop to            electrical engineering, pneumatics, hydraulics,
Regional Development Fund and Ashfield
                                              ensure I know all about the hand tools our        mechatronics, software and human machine
and Mansfield District Councils.
                                              customers utilise.                                interfaces. These are valuable skills to have
                                                                                                and I feel lucky to be starting a new career
                                                                                                so young.”
Asha Khemka OBE
 Principal and Chief Executive

Patricia Harman                  Andrew Martin
Deputy Principal                 Deputy Principal
Teaching and Learning            Finance Director
patricia.harman@wnc.ac.uk        andrew.martin@wnc.ac.uk

Graham Howe                      Tom Stevens
Vice Principal                   Executive Director
Business Development             Capital Projects and Estates
graham.howe@wnc.ac.uk            tom.stevens@wnc.ac.uk

                                 Louise Knott
Gavin Peake
                                 Communication, Marketing
                                 and Learner Engagement

 Tracey Thompson
 Human Resources
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