GO GREEN WEEk 11 - 15 FEBRUARY 2019 - Student handbook #gogreen2019 - People & Planet

Page created by Ruth Gilbert
GO GREEN WEEk 11 - 15 FEBRUARY 2019 - Student handbook #gogreen2019 - People & Planet
11 - 15 FEBRUARY 2019
 Student handbook
GO GREEN WEEk 11 - 15 FEBRUARY 2019 - Student handbook #gogreen2019 - People & Planet
go green week 2019                                                  fossil free finance
For Go Green Week                 educated through films
2019, People & Planet             screenings and workshop.             go green week 2019 focuses on COLLECTIVE
are supporting students                                                LIBERATION, banks, fossil fuel finance anD
across the UK to escalate         We can develop collaborative
the movement for climate          camapigns on campus                           winning climate justice
justice.                          through understanding how
                                  our liberation is linked and
We’re winning on fossil fuel      working together towards         Go Green Week is People &                      MONDAY		 10
divestment. 350.org just          climate justice.                 Planet’s annual national week
                                                                                                                  Get educated
announced 1000 institutions                                        of student action on climate
around the globe have             We’ll skill-up to escalate our   change. Are you in?                            TUESDAY		 11
committed to becoming             campaigns so we can win.                                                        build solidarity
fossil free- 69 of these are
UK universities. Now we're        We can build popular                                                            WEDNESDAY		      12
demanding that banks              support for a world of fossil                                                   plan the campaign
stop financing the fossil         free finance and climate                                                        THURSDAY		        13
fuel extraction driving the       justice by organising on
climate crisis.                   our campuses and in our                                                         campaign tactics
                                  communities.                                                                    FRIDAY		 14
Students are demanding
that Barclays, the dirtiest UK    For much more information                                                       day of action
high-street bank, ditch all       on the campaign and how to
fossil fuel finance.              get your SU and University                                                      GET INVOLVED   15
                                  to boycott Barclays, read our                                                   AFTER #GOGREEN2019
During Go Green Week              Divest Barclays Action Guide.
2019, together we can get

                                                                   get support from people & planet
                                                                   People & Planet offers a range of fantastic training and workshops for
                                                                   school, college and university students and staff. Get in touch to book:

    peopleandplanet.org/FOSSIL-FREE                                fossilfree@peopleandplanet.org | 01865 403225

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GO GREEN WEEk 11 - 15 FEBRUARY 2019 - Student handbook #gogreen2019 - People & Planet
why Barclays?                                                                   pinkwashing
banks have been funding social and
environmental injustice since the 1800s.
environmental             injustice
The emergence of British banks such
as Lloyds or Heywoods bank in the
                                    since the 1800s.
18th century was to provide credit (now
known as credit insurance) for the long-
distance Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

The emergence of banks like Heywood
and Lloyds in the 18th century marks
Britains accumulation of wealth profitting
off the explotations of black slaves and
the land.

Heywoods bank then became a part
of Barclays who are carrying on
Britains legacy of funding and backing
oppressive regimes across the world
such as Mugabe’s regime in Zimbabwe                                           Barclays has funded London pride consecutively for five years. This is an
and the South African Apartheid.                                              opportunity for Barclays to showcase their own branding without supporting
                                                                              LGBT+ lead initiatives, charities or organisations. The marketisation of Pride
                                                                              is especially dangerous because banks like Barclays still fund oppressive
    Barclays is a truly global player in the high stakes game of financing    regimes across the globe. For example, Mugabe’s regime has systematically
    catastrophic climate change. In 2016 alone, they sank more than           oppressed LGBT+ people in Zimbabwe through regressive policy and
    $4bn into these industries. That’s more than in 2014 or 2015!
                                                                              propaganda. Barclays has since poured in millions of pounds to this regime.
    Barclays like any bank are not invincible to public pressure. It is
    our money, funnelled in to their mass gambling machine through            The cost of our liberation in the UK should not be built off others suffering
    their high street retail arm, that allows them to bankroll ecological     elsewhere, we must critically question why pink-washing is necessary
    destruction, human rights abuses, and climate change.                     for Barclays to survive. The pinkwashing demonstrated by Barclays is not
                                                                              only hypocritical, it is a deliberate attempt to ‘wash-over’ their complicity
    With a sustained campaign to divest Barclays and sever their              in homophobia in the global south. Without the social licence afforded to
    connections with cultural institutions that lend them false legitimacy,   Barclays by actions such as their sponsorship of London Pride, Barclays
    we can force their hand, and keep the remaining fossil fuel reserves      would be exposed as deliberately standing in the way of the liberation of all
    where they belong - in the ground.                                        LGBT+ people.

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GO GREEN WEEk 11 - 15 FEBRUARY 2019 - Student handbook #gogreen2019 - People & Planet
anti-apartheid lessons                                                     front-line solidarity
    Students have taken on Barclays     They targeted recruitment              Whenever we campaign for              and people who live most
    before, and they won! In a          drives and advertising at              banks to ditch fossil fuel projects   intimately with their
    campaign to end South African       universities to create a culture       we should remember there              environments whose livelihoods
    apartheid, that spanned three       of opposition to the bank and          are communities leading the           and lifestyles are being
    decades , students in the UK        their complicity in apartheid.         resistance against those              disrupted first by dramatic
    targeted Barclays demanding         Eventually the demands were            projects on its frontlines.           changes to the climate.
    they withdraw from the              continents.
    apartheid regime. It showed that                                           That means residents in               On the frontlines of fossil fuel
    grassroots action against a bank    This time though, we don’t             communities threatened with           extractions, the fight of these
    of any size can get the goods.      have three decades to win the          fracking; indigenous peoples          communities is often a matter
                                        fight. We need to keep fossil          whose land and water is being         of life and death. We take our
    The campaign involved mass          fuels in the ground now and we         threatened with a pipeline and        inspiration from them and they
    boycotts that took a huge           can learn from the success of          oil fields; farmers and rural         direct the tone and messaging
    chunk out of Barclays’ share        the anti-apartheid Barclays            communities being displaced to        of our campaigns, as well as the
    of the student banking market.      boycott to win our demands             make way for a new coal mine;         types of action we take.
    Importantly too it used a           quicker. Our campaign will
    diversity of tactics to disrupt     need to escalate quicker, be
    Barclays’ profit- making            even more daring in our use
    operations, as well as sabotaging   of direct action, and more
    their brand and                     ambitious in our campaign to
    reputation on campuses and          wreck their reputation.

    They packed out stores opening
    and closing accounts as slow
    They did occupations and
    sit-ins to disrupt Barclays’
    day-to-day operations.

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frontlines: colombia                                                                  collective liberation
A third of the coal we burn in the UK,   collaborated with and paid                  This Go Green Week, take some time        “However, be careful that
we import from Colombia, one of the      paramilitaries to protect their mining      to reflect on your group’s relationship   the invite isn’t just a tick-box
                                         operation in Cesar, Colombia, through       with other societies on campus and in     exercise to fill a diversity
places most notorious for human                                                                                                quota. These groups should
rights abuses in the name of coal        campaigns of violence against local         your local community, and invite them     be involved in the planning and
extraction. Key players include Anglo    communities.                                to link up struggles. We love these       messaging of the day. Ask
American, BHP Billiton and Glencore,                                                 words from organiser                      them what they think and take
who jointly manage the 70,000             Not only are they necessarily complicit    Tisha Brown, writing for New              their concerns and
hectare Cerrejón mine in La Guajira.     in these human rights abuses,               Internationalist:                         ideas on board.”
                                         Barclays have also helped to prop up
Barclays’ total backing of these         the dirtiest fossil fuel when it needs      “If we are serious about building a       “Intersectional organising
companies and their abuses               phasing out as quickly                      mass movement, then we have to            needs to be at the heart of
amounted to $3.5bn in 2013, with         as possible. There’s only one thing for     become more intersectional in our-        what we do. For us to fight off
other UK banks not far behind. The       it: they must commit to cut all financing   politics. We have to reach out to black   the worst effects from climate
                                         for coal mining and power companies.        and brown organisations and ask           change and help support the
mine has grown steadily since 1976.                                                                                            people in the Global South
                                         And it’s up to us to make that happen.      how we can help and maintainthat          fighting on
In that time it has displaced and                                                    relationship if we want them to build a   the frontlines, we are going to
destroyed whole communities of                                                       mass movement.                            need the help of everyone.
indigenous and Afro-Colombian
people, in particular the Wayúu.                                                                                               That means we need to ensure
Even meagre compensation for the                                                                                               that our spaces are not only
expropriation of their land and homes                                                                                          welcoming and safe but also
has proved almost impossible to                                                                                                accessible. We have to look at
extract from either the companies or                                                                                           power and privilege in groups
the Colombian government.                                                                                                      and be serious about finding
                                                                                                                               ways to address it.
Workers at the mine fare no better.
Their union, Sintracarbon, say 700
workers at Cerrejón suffer from
serious health problems as a direct
result of the poor working conditions
at the mine. Industrial strike action
has been met with dismissals and
even the murder of union leaders.

Barclays have also financed
Drummond, a company which

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get educated                                                              build solidarity
   Launch off Go Green Week with a film                                    Understand how climate change is a workers rights
   screening followed by an awesome panel                                  issue, a migrants issue and Create your own content
  Join People & Planet and SOAS        intersectional campaigning and
                                                                           on what climate justice means to you
  Decolonise Environmentalism          solidarity to achieve climate
  society in London to launch Go       justice.                                    Today,you have the                  educate yourself on the divest
  Green Week with an exclusive                                                     opportunity to creat their own      Barclays campaign and skill up
  panel.                                                                           content about what climate          on campaign tactics: email us
                                                                                   justice means to them. You          to book a wworkshop.
  Following the screening of the       Not in London? No problem, Get              can also explore how migrants
  film ‘The bottom Line: Have you      in touch with us at fossilfree@             rights and workers rights are
  heard from Johannesburg’ where       peopleandplanet.org to organise a           integral to climate justice.
  we’ll be joined by special guests    screening on your campus, and for
  talking about why climate change     advice on how to fund the license           An example would be the
  is a race issue and why we need      fee through your SU.                        mining in Cerrejón. the
                                                                                   extraction of coal is an
                                                                                   environmental issue, but
                                                                                   this is tied into farmers land
            ‘The bottom Line: Have you heard from                                  being to expand the mine.


                                                                                   The farmer’s lose their
            Johannesburg synopsis                                                  source of income and may be
                                                                                   forced to work in precarious
            This is the story of the first-ever international grassroots           jobs or factories with very
            campaign to successfully use economic pressure to help                 little workers rights, nor
            bring down a government. Recognizing the apartheid                     opportunity to unionise. .
            regime’s dependence on its financial connections to                    If you’re interested in writing a
            the West, citizens all over the world, from employees                  blog piece to go on the People
            of Polaroid to a General Motors director, from student                 &Planet website connecting
            account-holders in Barclay’s Bank to consumers who                     these issues, please email
            boycott Shell gas, all refuse to let business with South               fossilfree@peopleandplanet.
            Africa go on as usual.                                                 org

                                                                                   This is also an opportunity to
            Read more here: http://www.clarityfilms.org/

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campaign tactics                                                            Plan your action
          Learn about Divestment being an effective                                  Invite all memebrs, old and new to your
          tactic in achieving social justice                                         action planning/ decorating meeting!
          Join our webinar with student     ask in questions in regards to                In prep for the Day for action   If you would like some advice
          campaigners from campuses         the action day on Friday.                     tomorrow, Get creative and       on how to claim expense
          across the country to hear                                                      create some Divest Barclays      through your SU or you’re at a
          more about the history of                                                       Barclays Banners for an          Post-1992 (newer) university
          Global banks like Barclays                                                      outside outside a Barclays       and you would like a regional
          investing in social and                                                         Branch, or for the twitter       organiser to facilitate the
          environmental injustice and                                                     storm on Friday.                 banner space email us at
          financial activism from two                                                                                      fossilfree@peopleandplanet.

          experienced activists.                                                                                           org
           Immediately after the webinar,
          there will be time to asked

          these very experienced
          activists about divestment
          tactics, campaigns strategy
          and more about their work.
          This is a great opportunity to

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Day of Action                                                                get involved: after #gogreen2019

       sign up 1000 people to boycott                                           Just because GGW is over doesn’t mean conversations about
       barclays until they divest                                               fossil fuel finance end. With #GoGreen2019 coming to an end,
                                                                                now is the time to get this momentum in motion (pun intended)
       We will be attacking Barclays      can circulate the petition on         by preparing a motion in preparation to submit to your SU in your
       online with a twitter storm        campus and nationally.                universities democratic period. Check out our template online.
       with a series of statements
       asking them to come clean          Do an action outside your
       about their investments in         local Barclays branch to              Find out more about divestment from Banks and fossil fuel
       dirty energy. We will also be      get signatures from local             companies in the wider context for social and economic justice by
       challenging universities on        members of the public. Do an          attending the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s event: ‘Apartheid
       their investments in a bank        online photo campaign with            and Fossil Free: Divest for justice’ on Friday 1st March in London.
       that fund the climate crisis.      the banner you created on             This has a look at why divestment is such a powerful tactic in
       Get staff and alumni on board      Thursday and tweet Barclays
       and tweeting at the university     with it, remember to use the          evoking social change and looks collectively working on these
       also!                              hashtags #BoycottBarclays             issues of injustice.
                                                                                Resources & staff support

                                                                                Find more information on fossil free finance and running the Divest
                                                                                Barclays campaign in our Action Guide.

       We want 10,000 people on
       campuses across the UK to
       pledge to boycott Barclays                                               Contact fossilfree@peopleandplanet.org for campaigns support
       until they ditch fossil fuels by                                         before, during and afterGo Green Week or if you have any
       the end of #GoGreen2019                                                  questions about the week.
       (link twitter). Can you help by
       signing up 500-1000 people                                               Fundraising
       on yourcampus?
                                                                                People & Planet is a radical student network of activist groups
       Using the People & Planet                                                campaigning for climate justice, sweatshop free supply chains and
       petition tool, (link this)                                               migrants’ justice.
       signatures calling on your                                               We rely on small regular donations from members and supporters
       University to boycott Barclays                                           to support our groups and organise events like #GoGreen2019
       feed into the national petition
       (link this)                                                              https://peopleandplanet.org/donate
       There are several ways you

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