12th Conference Injection and Fuels - November 30th and December 01st, 2021, Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences - IAV

Page created by Eleanor Hayes
12th Conference Injection and Fuels - November 30th and December 01st, 2021, Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences - IAV
12th Conference Injection and Fuels
November 30th and December 01st, 2021, Berlin
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences

          Further information
12th Conference Injection and Fuels - November 30th and December 01st, 2021, Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences - IAV
How do we achieve the CO₂ targets?
Effective climate protection is one of the greatest global    to be the main propulsion system for passenger and,
challenges, and the sustainable reduction of environ-         ­above all, freight transport for decades to come, espe-
mentally harmful greenhouse gases, first and foremost          cially when viewed from a global perspective.
CO₂, is one of the main goals. Although air quality in
Germany improved last year thanks in part to the intro-       Take this opportunity to join us in discussing the im-
duction of low emission zones and low-emission buses.         portant future issues surrounding the topic of fuels. In
There is still considerable potential for CO₂ reduction in    numerous technical presentations, our conference will
the transport sector. The targets set by the climate con-     be dedicated to the possibilities of CO₂ reduction and
ferences and, derived from them, the European Union           neutrality through alternative fuels such as e-fuels, PtX,
are extremely ambitious. The hope that these targets          OME, natural gas and H₂. We will look at their extrac-
could be achieved through electrification of powertrains      tion and production as well as their engine application
alone is deceptive. The BEV offensive will certainly have     and related injection or injection technology. With this
to make an important and necessary contribution, but          conference, we want to contribute to answering the
an improvement in the efficiency of internal combustion       question “How do we achieve the CO₂ targets?” and
engines is just as necessary. The latter will continue        invite you to participate in stimulating discussions.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Tschöke              Dr.-Ing. Christian Reiser                Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Marohn
Universität Magdeburg                      WTZ Roßlau gGmbH                         IAV GmbH
12th Conference Injection and Fuels - November 30th and December 01st, 2021, Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences - IAV
Focus topics

 •	Injection technology of conven-
    tional fuels (gasoline, diesel)
 •	Injection technology for alternative
    liquid fuels (e-fuels, PtX, OME,
                                                                                      Targets 2030
    LPG, methanol, ethanol ... )
 •	Injection technology for gaseous
    fuels (NG, H₂ ... )
                                                   Fuel injection/
                                                                               37,7 %
                                                                                       less CO₂***
 •	Injection technology for
    additional media (e.g. water)
                                                     Injection                        in passenger
                                                                                        car traffic

                                           Targets 2030
                                                                     Targets 2030

                                           30 %                      31 %
                                           less CO₂*
                                                                       less CO₂*
                                     in heavy goods traffic
               Targets 2025                                          in van traffic
                                           and buses

              15 %
                 less CO₂**
           in heavy goods traffic,
           van traffic, passenger
                  car traffic
                                               Fuel                                     Fuel

                    •	Alternative fuels H₂, e-fuels, OME, PtX,
                       gas, methanol, Ethanol, Butane ...              •	Fuel systems for hybrid and
                       - Requirements                                     Rex applications
                       - Production                                    •	Low pressure circuit, filtration
                       - Emission behavior
                       -	Adaptation of ignition systems
                          to alternative fuels
                       - Economic efficiency
                       - Availability/logistics
                       - Evaluation
                       -	Injection component development

                                                                                             * related to 2021
                                                                                             ** related to 2019
                                                                                             ***	T he percentage figure will be
                                                                                                  ­s ignificantly higher due to the
                                                                                                   EU’s 2030 emissions targets.
12th Conference Injection and Fuels - November 30th and December 01st, 2021, Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences - IAV
Tuesday, November 30th, 2021
Time            Content
08:30 – 09:00   Registration
09:00 – 09:15   Welcome and moderation

                Plenary session
09:15 – 09:35   How much injection system is needed for the future? Prospect for the injection
                system technology in passenger cars and heavy duty applications
09:35 – 09:55   Importance of fuel quality, fuel additives and fuel injection system
                design to ensure customer satisfaction
09:55 – 10:15   Is Fuel Injection still needed? – Thoughts on CO₂-neutral Mobility
10:15 – 10:35   Reaching CO₂ targets from the fuels perspective – current status
                and trends for renewable fuels
10:35 – 10:55   Joint discussion of the plenary presentations
10:55 – 11:30   Coffee break

                Large engines
11:30 – 12:00   Bio- and e-fuels, a reasonable way to support mobility and energy supply

12:00 – 12:30   Methanol as a future fuel for large-bore dual fuel engines
12:30 – 13:00   Methanol – Future fuel for large marine engines?
13:00 – 13:30   Hydrogen Direct Injection for Large Bore Marine Engines
13:30 – 14:30   Lunch

                Diesel engine combustion processes
14:30 – 15:00   Impact of two alternative fuels with biogenic and synthetic blend
                components on the emissions of a passenger car diesel engine
15:00 – 15:30   Recent FIE Improvements for Fulfilling Future Emission Regulations
                in Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines
15:30 – 16:00   NCC Nemo – Diesel injector controlling using artificial intelligence –
                better accuracy under real driving conditions & e-fuels ready
16:00 – 16:30   Coffee break
16:30 – 17:00   Fuel filtration in progressive commercial vehicles – more than ultrafine filtration media

                Gasoline engine combustion process
17:00 – 17:30   Machine-learning algorithms applied to virtual development
                of high-pressure gasoline injectors

                Transformation to the relaxed evening event and the 2nd day
17:30 – 18:00   Research and development of gasoline direct injection:
                history, present and future prospects
19:30           Evening event (exact schedule will be announced during the conference)
12th Conference Injection and Fuels - November 30th and December 01st, 2021, Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences - IAV

Helmut Tschöke, Universität Magdeburg

Philipp Rolke, Ralf Marohn, Frank Siefken, Patrick Tirbs, IAV GmbH

Johannes Ullrich, Andreas Kapp, Roland Steininger, Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH;
Kang-Won Lee, Hyundai Motor Company
Kurt Kirsten, APL Automobil-Prüftechnik Landau GmbH
Franziska Müller-Langer, Jörg Schröder, DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH

Moderation Christian Reiser, WTZ Roßlau gGmbH
Christoph Kendlbacher, Kurt Schrattbauer, Rene Schimon, Roland Fortenbach,
Robert Bosch GmbH Powertrain Solutions, Large Engines
Petra Rektorik, Johann Wloka, Christian Kunkel, MAN Energy Solutions SE
Karsten Stenzel, Andreas Gerecke, Christian Reiser, WTZ Roßlau gGmbH
Marcel Lackner, Jan Zelenka, LEC GmbH; Andreas Wimmer, IVT TU Graz

Moderation Ralf Marohn, IAV GmbH
Simon Buchberger, Josef Ratzinger, Peter Grabner, Helmut Eichlseder, IVT TU Graz

Yona Frekers, Jesper Schatorje, Dirk Queck, Yuki Kakehashi, Marcis Lakstigala, Jost Weber, Olaf Herrmann,
DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH; Akitaro Ishihara, Takaharu Sako, DENSO CORPORATION
Kilian Bucher, Thomas Wintrich, Dirk Siepenkötter, Hans-Jürgen Hitz, Robert Bosch GmbH

Eike Stitterich, Mike Zacharzewski, Sieghard Pietschner, Sebastian Pietruschka, Hengst SE

Moderation Hermann Rottengruber, Universität Magdeburg
Robin Hellmann, Massimiliano Botticelli, Paul Jochmann, Karl Georg Stapf, Erik Schünemann,
Robert Bosch GmbH

Ulrich Spicher, KIT
Wednesday, December 01st, 2021
Time            Content
                Continuation of gasoline engine combustion processes
09:00 – 09:30   Advanced Gasoline Direct Injection Control Strategy to fulfil
                Future Emission Targets
09:30 – 10:00   High load EGR in CNG-DI operation at Lambda = 1
10:00 – 10:30   Coffee break

10:30 – 11:00   Hydrogen engine concepts and their potentials
11:00 – 11:30   H₂ Direct Injection System for Heavy duty ICE in transient On- & Off-road
11:30 – 12:00   Analysis of Fuel Injection and Mixture Formation in Hydrogen Engines

12:00 – 12:30   Mixture Preparation as a main Challenge in Hydrogen ICE’s

12:30 – 13:30   Lunch
13:30 – 14:00   Study of the economics of a hydrogen HDV engine with full variable CNG blending

                Alternative fuels, methanol
14:00 – 14:30   Life cycle assessment of modern vehicles with a focus on the effect
                of renewable fuels reFuels
14:30 – 15:00   Methanol combustion process for heavy duty series engine
                with adapted Liebherr series injection system
15:00 – 15:30   Analysis of methanol injection and combustion using the example
                of a homogeneous gasoline engine combustion process
15:30           Closing words and farewell coffee
Moderation Hermann Rottengruber, Universität Magdeburg
Christian Jörg, Patrick Fitz, Yoshihito Yasukawa, Hitachi Astemo,
Felix Fellner, Technical University Munich
Johannes Oder, Hermann Rottengruber, IMS, OvGU Magdeburg

Moderation Ralf Marohn, IAV GmbH
Peter Grabner, Klaus Schaffer, Helmut Eichlseder, IVT TU Graz
Kapusta Lydia; D’Onofrio Mario; Herrmann Dennis;
Pirkl Richard, Liebherr-Components Deggendorf GmbH
Philippe Leick, Paul Jochmann, Jan Niklas Geiler, Karl Georg Stapf,
Matthias Mansbart, Robert Bosch GmbH
Maximilian Brauer, Alexander Fandakov, Thomas Komischke,
Michael Riess, Lorenz von Roemer, Marc Sens, IAV GmbH

Robin Tempelhagen, Kevin Klepatz, Hermann Rottengruber,
IMS, OvGU Magdeburg

Moderation Christian Reiser, WTZ Roßlau gGmbH
Thomas Koch, Olaf Toedter, Philipp Weber, KIT IFKM

Joseph Dembler, Thomas Komischke, IAV GmbH,
supported by Liebherr Components Deggendorf GmbH
Christian Ritter, Annalena Braun, Heiko Kubach, Thomas Koch,
Ralf Marohn, IAV GmbH
General information
Date                                                                                                       Do you have any questions?
November 30th and December 01st, 2021                                                                      Ralf Marohn: ralf.marohn@iav.de
                                                                                                           Christian Reiser: reiser@wtz.de
Location                                                                                                   Helmut Tschöke: helmut.tschoeke@ovgu.de
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of
Sciences at the Gendarmenmarkt                                                                             Organizing team
Jägerstraße 22/23                                                                                          Evelyn Saack: saack@wtz.de
10117 Berlin                                                                                               Agnes Wehke: agnes.wehke@iav.de

Participant fee                                                                                            Exhibition
Participants: 990 €                                                                                        In the context of the conference there will be an
University participants: 550 € (proof required)                                                            ­accompanying exhibition. This gives you the oppor-
Online participants: 500 €                                                                                  tunity to present your products and services to a
All prices exclude VAT.                                                                                     dedicated audience of professional audience. The
                                                                                                            organization team will be happy to provide you with
Method of payment                                                                                           further details.
By bank transfer after invoice or by credit card.
                                                                    Hotels Oranienburger
Lecture languages and duration                                              Straße
                                                                    Online registration and hotel booking is possible via the
German and English with simultaneous translation.                   Conference website. For questions and special requests
The duration of the lecture is 20 min       with subsequent         please contact Mrs. Saack.
                                        traße          Friedrichstadt-
discussion.                  in h ardts                Palast

                                                                                          S                                   Museums-
                                                                                              Friedrich-                      insel


        Bundestag                                           nstraße

  Branden-                 Platz                                                                                nden                                                        tz
  burger Tor                                                                                      Unter den Li                                                          ßpla
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                                                                                              U    Französisc

                                                                                                                                    Academy of Sciences
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                                      -A rend                                                       markt              Hausvogtei        Ni
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                       Potsdamer                                                                                   Leipziger Straße
         S       U
Evening event

November 30th, 2021, from 7:30 p.m.
Arminiusstraße 2–4, 10551 Berlin
We cordially invite you to the Arminius-Markthalle in
Moabit. Deepen your existing contacts and and expand
your network in an inspiring inspiring ambience.

For the evening event, we have arranged a shut-
tle bus service from the conference location BBAW
to the Arminiusmarkthalle. A return transfer to the
­Gendarmenmarkt will also be organized.

   The meeting will be held in hybrid mode.
   Thus, interested parties can attend on site
   or also online participate in the conference.

   Further information:
   Under the following link you will find further
   information about the conference. Here you will
   also find the registration from August 2021.

   Registration and login

   IAV GmbH
   WTZ Roßlau gGmbH
IAV GmbH                WTZ Roßlau gGmbH
Carnotstraße 1          Mühlenreihe 2a
10587 Berlin            06862 Dessau-Roßlau
GERMANY                 GERMANY

Tel. +49 30 3997-80     Tel: +49 34901 883-0
Fax +49 30 3997-89790   Fax: +49 34901 883-120

www.iav.com             www.wtz.de
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