2015 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN - Amazon AWS

Page created by Lynn Robbins
2015 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN - Amazon AWS
2015 - 2020
2015 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN - Amazon AWS
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The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) is dedicated
to ensuring that doctors have the skills to provide paients
with the best care possible.

We appreciate the trust bestowed on doctors       Our 10,000 Fellows, Members, Liceniates and
and strive to ensure that people in Ireland       Trainees work across 26 medical specialies
and across the globe can coninue to expect        in 84 countries. This network provides the
world-class care.                                 knowledge, experise and commitment that
                                                  allows us to train and educate doctors and
We have delivered teaching and training to        drive constant improvements in paient care.
doctors since 1654. We are commited to
working with doctors to enhance their skills,     “We inluence change:
competencies and professionalism. This will
enable them to coninue playing a leadership
                                                   we help make healthcare
role in the future of healthcare.                  safer and beter”
Education and training are life-long              We strive for excellence in every facet of
commitments: medicine is constantly changing      our organisaion. We ofer comprehensive
and it is vital that physicians stay up-to-date   programmes to develop skills, knowledge
with the latest research and techniques to        and experise. These levels of support in
opimise paient health. We are recognised by       professional development are maintained
the Government for our experise on maters         throughout a doctor’s career.
of public health, paient care and wellbeing,
and healthcare innovaion.                         We facilitate the collaboraion of medical
                                                  experise naionally and internaionally. We
We house six of the 13 accredited                 have developed close working relaionships
postgraduate medical training bodies in           with healthcare leaders to develop policy
Ireland. (see opposite)                           iniiaives designed to improve best pracice
                                                  for the beneit of paients worldwide. We
Although we have six separate training bodies     inluence change: we help make healthcare
on site, we operate as a single organisaion.      safer and beter.
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The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland has a long tradiion of
providing leadership in healthcare and of displaying excellence
through our work. Today we are all working together to build
a world-class college.

This Strategic Plan 2015-2020 consitutes         professional healthcare colleagues. And          We are at the forefront in developing             We will coninue to support our Trainees,
an important vision statement for RCPI.          we care about their wellbeing. We are            innovaive soluions, such as the naional           Members and Fellows and healthcare
As College President, I intend to make its       developing and promoing programmes               clinical programmes that are improving the        professionals to achieve excellence in
implementaion my major focus. It will ensure     around the principles of physician wellbeing     quality, access to, and cost eiciency of          delivering healthcare for all. We are commited
that we coninue to train doctors to the          and self-care.                                   delivering healthcare in the 21st Century.        to building on our success and maintaining a
highest standards to cope with the health                                                         We are strong advocates for clinicians to         standard of excellence in all of our aciviies.
issues facing populaions for at least the next   We have earned a reputaion for training          be at the centre of, and leading changes in
10 years.                                        doctors to the highest international             health services.                                  Professor Frank Murray
                                                 standards. We are building on our success by                                                       President
“We are commited to                              developing internaional medical educaion         “We will coninue to                               Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
                                                 and training programmes for doctors who
 enhancing our educaion                          wish to complete part of their training in the
                                                                                                   support our Trainees,
 programmes by expanding                         Irish healthcare system. At the same ime,         Members and Fellows
 the range of experise and                       we are deploying our experise to develop          and healthcare
                                                 global health policies that will also beneit
 professional development                        developing countries.                             professionals to achieve
 opions for doctors                                                                                excellence in delivering
 and their professional                          Embracing new technologies will enable us
                                                                                                   healthcare for all.”
                                                 to deliver many of our strategic objecives.
 healthcare colleagues.”                         We are in the process of developing a digital
                                                 global knowledge sharing plaform, which will     The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland is a
Medical techniques change constantly but         fundamentally change how we learn and            well-respected voice in public health debates.
our ethos remains the same: to support           collaborate. This plaform will enable doctors    Our Members and Fellows lead iniiaives
physicians in developing and maintaining the     from across the globe to share their experise    and discussions that inluence government
best professional standards for the beneit       and collaborate for the beneit of paients.       policies, paricularly in the areas of alcohol,
of paients.                                                                                       obesity, tobacco and ageing. Through our
                                                 We are improving how we deliver our              policy work, the College will coninue to
We are committed to enhancing our                examinations and giving doctors from             inform and inluence government policy on
education programmes by expanding                overseas greater access to our examinaions       public health and to be a passionate advocate,
the range of experise and professional           by introducing Computer-Based Tesing and         without conlict of interest, for good health.
development opions for doctors and their         new examinaion centres.
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     To lead excellence and
     quality in medical pracice
     through world-class training,
     educaion and healthcare
     improvements in Ireland
     and internaionally
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OUR MISSION                                      OUR VALUES
To train, educate and                            Honesty
coninuously develop                              We believe in transparency, integrity and respect

doctors for current and                          Trust
                                                 We provide a nurturing community commited to
future world health needs                        developing people to their full potenial

We are proud of our status as an independent     Kindness
authority on specialist medicine and we will     We act with openness, generosity and consideraion
coninue to advocate policies and pracices that
are in the best interests of paients and those
who care for them.                               Innovaion
                                                 We provide a simulaing and challenging environment
We use our medical experience and experise
to improve every aspect of healthcare by:
                                                 that promotes excellence in teaching and learning

• Displaying leadership on healthcare
                                                 We use our experise to help inluence healthcare
• Developing clinical leaders                    policy in the best interests of paients

• Collaboraing with other key organisaions
  to drive healthcare improvements               Quality & Excellence
                                                 We strive for quality and excellence in everything we do
• Introducing and maintaining standards and
  guidelines to support best medical pracice
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     AIMS 2015 – 2020
     Over the next ive years, we will focus on delivering
     our ive strategic aims

     1      Deliver World-Class
            Specialist Training                             Page 12

     2      Enhance Life-Long Learning
            and Professional Development                    Page 14

     3      Promote Leadership in
            Improving Paient Care                           Page 16

     4      Be a Trusted, Authoritaive
            Voice on Public Health Policy                   Page 18

     5      Build our
            Global Presence                                 Page 20
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SPECIALIST TRAINING                                                                                What we do

                                                                                                   • Our Trainees have access to a wide
                                                                                                     range of educaional programmes in
Paients must be conident that their doctors have the                                                 areas such as ethics, communicaion               From now through 2020 we will:

experise to deliver excellent care despite the challenges of                                         skills, breaking bad news and child
                                                                                                     protecion, which are designed to           • Coninue to evaluate the quality of our
working in a busy healthcare environment.                                                            complement their clinical training           training programmes to ensure they are
                                                                                                                                                  producing specialists who can meet the
Our postgraduate medical training programmes      of Membership of the Royal College of            • We work closely with the Medical             current and future needs of society
are designed to produce skilled, conident         Physicians of Ireland or equivalent.               Council, which regulates medical
doctors who can practice as specialist                                                               pracice in Ireland, and the Doctors’       • Increase our engagement with Trainees
consultants in one of 26 disciplines; from        Our Trainee doctors complete at least six          Training and Planning unit in the            to ensure their feedback informs the
Paediatrics to Medicine for the Older Person.     years’ intensive ‘on-the-job’ training under       HSE to ensure all the components             future development of our programmes
                                                  the supervision of dedicated consultants           of medical training meet our high
At any one ime, more than 1,200 doctors are       who appreciate the importance of training          expectaions – from a well-stocked          • Invest in research into best pracice
enrolled in our postgraduate medical training     the next generaion of specialists.                 medical library to a comfortable place       in postgraduate medical training
programmes in hospitals across Ireland.                                                              to sleep while on call
Our Basic Specialist Training Programme           During their training with us, doctors must                                                   • Invest in the latest technology to
is developed for medical school graduates         complete professional examinaions and            • We have built up an enviable global          develop new ways to learn and
who have already completed a one-year             undertake medical research to demonstrate a        reputaion for excellence in general          collaborate
internship in a hospital. Our Higher Specialist   mastery of the advanced skills and knowledge       medical training, which is the basis for
Training Programme is for doctors who have        required to pracice as a specialist and leader     many medical sub-specialies                • Create innovaive educaional
completed Basic Specialist Training and           of a clinical team.                                                                             programmes to develop essenial clinical
have atained a postgraduate qualiicaion                                                                                                           and non-clinical skills

                                                                                                                                                • Develop an accreditaion programme to
‘The College is well posiioned to capitalise on its strong                                                                                        provide hospitals with clear standards
 foundaion to lead internaionally in postgraduate                                                                                                 for on-site medical training

 medical training and to meet the rapidly changing                                                                                              • Ensure Trainees are appropriately
 needs of the Irish populaion for the future’                                                                                                     supported and mentored

Professor Kevin Imrie,
President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
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STRATEGIC AIM 2                                                                                     What we do:

                                                                                                    • Our masterclass series, which is
                                                                                                      delivered by leading naional and
ENHANCE                                                                                               internaional experts, has widened
                                                                                                      its scope to include non-clinical
LIFE-LONG LEARNING                                                                                    innovaions in healthcare such as
                                                                                                      paient safety, infecion control and

AND PROFESSIONAL                                                                                      the use of apps, technology and
                                                                                                      social media

DEVELOPMENT                                                                                         • Each year we examine more than
                                                                                                      2,000 doctors
                                                                                                                                                    From now through 2020 we will:
The science of medicine is constantly              We provide a wide range of postgraduate          • We run dedicated programmes to
changing, which means that doctors require         examinaions and educaional programmes to           help doctors and others in the health    • Coninue to develop an extensive
support in keeping up-to-date with new             help doctors develop their skills and experise     service prepare for leadership roles.      programme of innovaive professional
research, therapies, technologies and best         throughout their careers. Most of our courses      Our Diploma in Leadership and Quality      development courses, educaional
pracice guidelines.                                are delivered in our state-of-the-art educaion     in Healthcare is an example of such as     events, workshops and conferences
                                                   centre in Dublin and our examinaions take          programme, which we run jointly with       covering a wide range of clinical and
“Doctors must consistently                         place in Ireland, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman,         the Health Service Execuive                non-clinical topics
                                                   India, Malaysia and Australia.
 update their knowledge                                                                             • We have developed a new suite of         • Evaluate our examinaions and
 and understanding of                              Our examinaions are recognised internaionally      courses focused on paient safety and       educaional programmes to ensure
 their chosen specialty                            by employers as a standard of excellence and       the science of quality improvement         they meet current and future needs
                                                   create opportuniies for career advancement.
 to ensure the delivery
                                                                                                                                                 of doctors
                                                   Doctors rightly consider Membership of the       • We ofer a number of one-year
 of world-class care”                              RCPI (MRCPI), which is achieved following          diplomas in specialies such              • Coninue to invest in the support of
                                                   successful compleion of our examinaions, as        as Cerebrovascular & Stroke Medicine,      physician wellbeing
Educaion does not simply stop with the             a career milestone.                                Core Pathology Management,
completion of formal medical training.                                                                Immunology and Leadership & Quality      • Keep abreast of the latest educaional
Doctors must constantly update their                                                                  in Healthcare and Paient Safety            techniques and technological supports
knowledge and understanding of their chosen
specialty to ensure the delivery of world-class                                                     • We ofer a range of online learning       • Collaborate with healthcare
care, and we play a signiicant role in fulilling                                                      courses – some of them standalone          stakeholders to develop tailored
this crucial requirement.                                                                             and others combining pracical group        educaional programmes for the health
                                                                                                      workshops                                  service as a whole

                                                                                                    • We provide a number of Physician
                                                                                                      Wellbeing courses tailored speciically
                                                                                                      to the needs of our members, including
                                                                                                      a Ceriicate in Health and Meditaion
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IN PATIENT CARE                                                                                    What we do

                                                                                                   • We produce clinical guidelines,
                                                                                                     care pathways, models of care
We are at the forefront of driving healthcare reform in Ireland                                      and algorithms for a wide range of
                                                                                                     medical specialies, chronic illnesses
and across the world.                                                                                and diseases                                  From now through 2020 we will:

A wealth of international evidence               delivered in Ireland through a mulidisciplinary   • We develop performance indicators       • Coninue working with other
demonstrates that health reforms are best        approach. They are intended to improve and          to assess quality and access to care      organisaions to improve quality and
achieved when the policy proposals make          standardise paient care. There are currently                                                  safety for paients
sense to doctors, who are on the frontline       over 30 Naional Clinical Programmes, 22 of        • We collaborate with the health
of providing treatment and care to paients.      which have clinician leadership from RCPI.          service on process improvement          • Collaborate with leaders in healthcare
Doctors appreciate the difficulties of           The mission of these programmes is to ‘deliver      while maintaining or opimising            on system design and innovaion with a
working in a busy healthcare environment         beter care through beter use of resources.’         paient outcomes e.g. Irish Hospital       view to improving access to care
and the opportuniies for making it safer and                                                         Redesign Programme
more eicient.                                    We also manage three Specialty National                                                     • Improve awareness across the health
                                                 Quality Improvement Programmes in                 • We are working closely with               services on the beneits of quality
We are working closely with the Health           Histopathology, Gastrointesinal Endoscopy           healthcare professionals and other        improvement
Service Execuive in Ireland on a wide range      and Radiology. The purpose of these                 stakeholders to reduce Orthopaedic
of iniiaives to empower doctors and other        programmes is to establish a framework that         and Rheumatology outpaient              • Invest in cost-beneit analyses to
healthcare professionals to innovate and         ensures paient safety and enhances paient           waiing lists                              coninually assess the economic beneits
improve the quality and safety of paient care.   care with imely, accurate and complete                                                        of our improvement programmes
                                                 diagnoses and reporing. They also provide         • We are coninuing to work with the
The National Clinical Programmes are             evidence-based assurance to the public of the       health service to reduce hospital       • Regularly review quality improvement
designed to transform the way healthcare is      quality of Irish diagnosic services.                stays for medical paients                 targets and coninue publishing naional
                                                                                                                                               data reports, sharing best pracice and
                                                                                                   • We publish naional reports                improving standards overall
‘The College is a strong advocate for measures to                                                    presening an aggregated summary
 improve public health and paient care and is constantly                                             of specialty quality improvement
                                                                                                     aciviies and outcomes, across the
 reining its training programmes and courses to ensure                                               public and private sectors, which is
 we are giving our doctors and healthcare workers                                                    unique internaionally

 the highest standard of training and experience to
 efecively deal with the evolving needs of Irish society’
Former President RCPI, Professor John Crowe
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AUTHORITATIVE                                                                                 What we do

VOICE ON PUBLIC                                                                               • Our Policy Group on Alcohol has

HEALTH POLICY                                                                                   played a key role in the campaign that
                                                                                                led to recent legislaive proposals to
                                                                                                curb harmful alcohol consumpion
                                                                                                in Ireland

We are a trusted voice on issues of public health policy. We                                  • Our Policy Group on Obesity has
                                                                                                published a series of recommendaions
aim to build on our proud history of advocacy on healthcare                                     designed to tackle the obesity                From now through 2020 we will:
maters and paient care.                                                                         epidemic through public policy
                                                                                                measures, such as prohibiing             • Develop our health policy agenda
As an independent medical organisaion          treaing paients to develop evidence-based        television adverising of foods high in     in the areas of alcohol, tobacco,
represening thousands of doctors, we           recommendaions. Peer-reviewed scieniic           fat, salt and sugar before 9pm             obesity, exercise and ageing to inform
are commited campaigners for a healthier       evidence underpins our every policy posiion.                                                Government and the public of the
society. We have taken on well-funded vested                                                  • Building on the leadership role played     medical posiion on these maters
interests to protect people from the harmful   We have dedicated policy groups that focus       by our organisaion to introduce a
efects of tobacco, obesity and alcohol. We     on a range of issues, including the harms        smoking ban in the workplace, our        • Publish posiion papers and statements
provide doctors with a secure plaform from     caused by alcohol, obesity and tobacco. We       Policy Group on Tobacco is now             on professional health maters with the
which to inluence naional health policies.     have been at the forefront of campaigns          campaigning to support the Tobacco         aim of inluencing policy and behaviour
                                               designed to tackle these problems and            Free Ireland plan launched by the
We draw on our doctors’ medical experise       provide doctors with a stronger voice to         Minister for Health in 2013              • Vocalise the economic and paient
and unparalleled irst-hand experience of       inluence change in government policy.                                                       beneits of RCPI programmes that have
                                                                                                                                           signiicantly improved healthcare

                                                                                                                                         • Coninue to provide the opinion of
                                                                                                                                           doctors in response to health legislaion
‘By becoming involved in the Alcohol Policy Group I
 have had the opportunity to contribute to public health                                                                                 • Engage with the media and other
                                                                                                                                           public plaforms to ensure the public is
 recommendaions to Government and have my voice heard                                                                                      informed about best pracice in health,
 in ways that would have been impossible as an individual’                                                                                 healthcare and wellbeing

Dr Stephen Stewart,
Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
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GLOBAL PRESENCE                                                                                What we do

                                                                                               • Working with the Health Service
                                                                                                 Execuive and other training bodies,
                                                                                                 we have developed structured
Our worldwide membership gives us an enviable global reach.                                      postgraduate training programmes
                                                                                                 in Irish hospitals for doctors
We work with relevant agencies to create sustainable health                                      from overseas
systems in their countries.
                                                                                               • We provide consultancy services             From now through 2020 we will:
We have an international network of           Our Chapters and 12 internaional exam              on the development of postgraduate
close to 10,000 doctors: More than 30%        centres – three in India, two in Malaysia, two     medical training curricula and         • Further develop our internaional
of our Members and Fellows currently          in the United Arab Emirates, one in Oman,          assessments as well as training          medical educaion and training
pracice overseas.                             two in Saudi Arabia and two in Australia           site accreditaion                        programmes for doctors who wish
                                              – have helped us to develop and sustain                                                     to train in Ireland
                                              relaionships with Members and Fellows            • We have worked with other training
“The networks we have
                                              in these places and to create a network for        bodies and Medical Validaion Ireland   • Collaborate with health systems and
 built provide us with                        collaboraing with medical and government           to develop and implement the             organisaions overseas to improve
 on-the-ground insights                       organisaions outside of Ireland.                   assessment process of the credenials     educaion, training and health worldwide
                                                                                                 of medical consultants in Qatar
 into how healthcare works                    The networks we have built provide us with                                                • Leverage our experise to develop global
 in various countries”                        on-the-ground insights into how healthcare       • Every year more than 2,000 doctors       health policies and strategies to beneit
                                              works in various countries, which in turn          sit our examinaions worldwide            everyone, regardless of where they live
We have four internaional Chapters: India,    creates opportuniies for delivering educaion
Oman, China (Hong Kong) and the United        and training locally.                            • We liaise with other Irish             • Introduce Computer-Based Tesing and
Arab Emirates (Dubai). Our Chapters promote                                                      health organisaions to donate            clinical examinaions in new centres
our aciviies in their regions and provide                                                        decommissioned medical equipment         around the globe to give doctors greater
assistance and support for examinaions,                                                          from Irish hospitals to developing       access to our examinaions
meeings, masterclasses and courses.                                                              countries under the EQUALS iniiaive
                                                                                                                                        • Launch a new plaform to allow our
                                                                                                                                          Trainees, Members and Fellows around
                                                                                                                                          the globe to collaborate with each other
                                                                                                                                          and to paricipate in online learning


Where our Trainees, Members,
Fellows and Liceniates live

1    Ireland
2    UK
3    Malaysia
4    Saudi Arabia
5    USA
6    Northern Ireland
7    India
8    Pakistan
9    Canada
10   Australia
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland,
Frederick House,
19 South Frederick Street,
Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 863 9700
Fax:      +353 1 672 4707


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