LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide Law Guide 2017-2018 2017-2018 - BLC Robert

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LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide Law Guide 2017-2018 2017-2018 - BLC Robert
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LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide Law Guide 2017-2018 2017-2018 - BLC Robert
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 Law Guide 2017-2018
LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide Law Guide 2017-2018 2017-2018 - BLC Robert
Jurisdiction:          Mauritius
 Firm: 		        BLC Robert & Associates
 Author: 		      Jason Harel, Fayaz Hajee
 			             Abdoula and
 			             Javed Niamut

1. What are the main reasons foreign                 safeguard confidentiality. The International
investors invest in your jurisdiction?               Arbitration Act offers a simple and ready-made
                                                     mechanism for the incorporation of arbitration
Viewed as a sound model of socio-political           clauses in the constitution of Global Business
stability and economic prosperity, Mauritius         companies based in Mauritius. In addition,
has firmly established itself as a unique invest-    investors can also have the additional comfort
ment destination, with good fundamentals             of the availability of a pool of international
for growing wealth. The island has built up a        arbitrators for settling disputes. Arbitration
strong financial services sector with an efficient   is preferred across sectors for the f lexible
regulatory regime, well-established banking          approach over the rigidity of courts.
institutions and a stock exchange which is
                                                     Mauritius combines the traditional advantages
one of the leading exchanges in Africa. The
                                                     of being an offshore financial centre (no capital
latest OECD report confirms once again that
                                                     gains tax, no withholding tax, no capital duty
Mauritius is largely compliant with global
                                                     on issued capital, confidentiality of company
requirements and that it can be compared to
                                                     information, exchange liberalisation and free
countries such as the UK, US, Singapore and
                                                     repatriation of profits and capital) with the
Hong Kong.
                                                     distinct advantages of being a treaty based
The Mauritian legal system is a hybrid system        jurisdiction with a substantial network of
which draws legal principles from both French        double taxation avoidance treaties and invest-
civil law and British common law traditions;         ment promotion and protection agreements.
its procedures are largely derived from the          The combination of fiscal and non-fiscal
English system, while its substance is based         advantages together with the diverse prod-
in the Napoleon Code of 1804. Commercial             uct-base have been the key ingredients of the
and contractual law is also based on the Civil       Mauritius success story. Although Mauritius is
Code. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial      better known as a gateway for the structuring of
authority and the country has maintained the         investments into India and increasingly Africa,
right of appeal against final judgments of the       it has also grown to become a leading jurisdic-
Supreme Court to the judicial committee of           tion for private client services in the region. To
the Privy Council of England. Mauritius is a         date, Mauritius has concluded 45 tax treaties.
member of the International Court of Justice.
                                                     Other factors making Mauritius an ideal
Mauritius is also known as an International          investment hub are its strategic geographical
Arbitration Centre for the region. It embraced       location in the Indian Ocean and favourable
this new model of dispute settlement as it offers    time zone (GMT+4), its large multilingual
a tailor-made option for investors which cater       pool of highly capable and skilled workforce,
for a cheaper and fast out-of-court alternative      the state-of-the-art infrastructure with high
to settle commercial disputes which would

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LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide Law Guide 2017-2018 2017-2018 - BLC Robert
internet connectivity and modern port and            business in Mauritius, registration of business
airport facilities.                                  names, allocation of a single business registra-
The key growth sectors in 2016 were real estate      tion number and issue of a business registration
activities; financial and insurance activities;      card.
manufacturing and wholesale & retail trade;
                                                     3. What restrictions are placed on
and accommodation and food service activities;
                                                     foreign investment? Does this differ at
information and communication technology.
                                                     local levels of government?
According to the data release report of the
Bank of Mauritius for 2016, Foreign Direct           In general there are no restrictions on foreign
Investment (FDI) inflows to the tune of MUR          investment in Mauritius, except for foreign
13.6 bn have been recorded for the four quarters     ownership in Mauritian sugar companies listed
of 2016 as compared to MUR 9.7 bn in 2015.           on the stock exchange. Not more than 15% of
Real estate and financial services remain the        the voting capital of a sugar company can be
most attractive sectors which were the main          held by a foreign investor without written con-
recipients of FDI. Real Estate activities recorded   sent from the Financial Services Commission.
FDI to the tune of MUR 9.9 bn of which IRS/
                                                     Investments made by foreign investors in
RES/IHS accounted for MUR 7.9 bn. Direct
                                                     immovable property (whether freehold or
investment flows of MUR 2.1 bn were recorded
                                                     leasehold), or in a company holding freehold
in the financial services sector while the man-
                                                     or leasehold immovable property in Mauritius,
ufacturing sector registered MUR 511 million.
                                                     require approval from the Prime Minister’s
2. What foreign investment legislation is            Office under the Non-Citizens (Property
in place in your jurisdiction (e.g. Foreign          Restriction) Act 1975.
Investment Law or Foreign Investment
                                                     4. What are the most common business
Catalogue)? Please provide a brief
                                                     vehicles for foreign investors? How long
overview of such legislation.
                                                     do they take to be set up? What are the
The following foreign investment legislations        key requirements for the establishment
are in place in Mauritius:                           and operation of these vehicles?

The Investment Promotion Act of 2000 sets            There are various vehicles used to structure a
out the legal framework and makes provision          business including:
for the promotion and facilitation of investment
                                                     (a) Companies;
in Mauritius including the establishment of the
Board of Investment.                                 (b) Societés (derived from French law) often
                                                         described in Mauritius as civil or
The Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 2017 provides for amendments         (c) commercial partnerships;
to the legislative framework that are necessary      (d) Limited partnerships;
for the removal of constraints in relation to        (e) Limited Liability Partnership;
permits, licences, authorisations and clearances
                                                     (f) Trusts; and
to further facilitate the doing of business, and
for related matters.                                 (g) Foundations.
The Companies Act of 2001 sets out the legal         Companies
framework for the setting up and operation of        Companies can be incorporated or registered
companies in Mauritius.                              under the Companies Act 2001 and can be
The Business Registration Act 2002 provides
for the registration of persons carrying on

Jurisdictional Q&A – Mauritius                                                              77
LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide Law Guide 2017-2018 2017-2018 - BLC Robert
either private or public. A private company          liable only up to the maximum amount of its
is limited to 25 shareholders and cannot offer       commitment.
shares to the public. Companies can have a           A limited partnership can elect to have a
limited or unlimited life.                           separate legal personality. Irrespective of
Companies can be:                                    whether a limited partnership has elected legal
(a) Limited by shares. The liability of its          personality, the partners are still liable for the
    members is limited to any amount unpaid          partnership’s debts (general partners have
    on the shares held by the shareholder.           unlimited liability whereas limited partners
                                                     are liable to the extent of their contribution or
(b) Limited by guarantee. The liability of its
                                                     other agreement). A limited partnership can be
    members is limited to the amount that
                                                     incorporated within 3 working days.
    the members undertake to contribute to
    the assets of the company in the event of it     Limited Liability Partnership
    being wound up.                                  Limited liability partnership (LLP) intro-
(c) Limited by shares and by guarantee.              duced by the Limited Liability Partnerships
(d) Unlimited. Where there is no limit on the        Act is the new type of partnership vehicle. It
    liability of its shareholders.                   combines features of both a company and a
                                                     limited partnership. It can be used for offering
A company is the most common form of busi-
                                                     professional or consultancy services and also
ness vehicle for structuring funds in Mauritius.
                                                     legal services through the holding of a Global
The majority of Mauritius-established entities       Legal Advisory Services Licence issued by the
are set up as companies and regulators are           Financial Services Commission.
familiar with the structure of a company as a
                                                     An LLP can be set up by two or more partners.
business vehicle. A company can be incorpo-
                                                     The LLP Act also provides for the conversion
rated within 3 working days.
                                                     of an existing entity or unincorporated body
Sociétés                                             to an LLP and the re-domiciliation of foreign
Sociétés are set up under the Civil Code or          LLPs or Mauritian LLPs to and from Mauritius.
Commercial Code. The participants’ interests         There are no restrictions on the residency of the
are referred to as “parts sociales”. Sociétés are    partners and a partner can be an individual, an
fiscally transparent and the liability of the        entity or an unincorporated body.
“limited partners” can be limited. A société         The LLP is required to appoint a manager resi-
commerciale must be registered with the              dent in Mauritius at all times which should be
Registrar of Companies.                              a local management company if the LLP holds a
The disadvantage of sociétés are that they are       Category 1 Global Business Licence or a person
based on a form of French partnership law and        qualified as a secretary if such is not the case.
French legal concepts and terminology are not        The LLP should be registered with the Registrar
understood by all investors.                         of LLP. A partnership agreement should be put
Limited partnerships                                 in place by the partners which will provide
                                                     for the governance of the LLP and the rights
A limited partnership is set up under the
                                                     and duties of the partners. The LLP can hold a
Limited Partnerships Act 2011. A limited
                                                     Category 1 Global Business Licence if it would
partnership can elect to have legal personality
                                                     conduct a major part of its business outside
and must have at least one general partner who
                                                     Mauritius. In such case, the LLP Act provides
is liable for all the debts and obligations of the
                                                     for public records of the LLP not to be available
partnership, and one limited partner who is

78        LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide 2017-2018
LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide Law Guide 2017-2018 2017-2018 - BLC Robert
Jason acts for public and private compa-
                                                   nies, banks, hotels and real estate on a
                                                   range of acquisitions and other corporate
                                                   Jason sits on a number of boards of directors
                                                   including JP Morgan Investments Ltd and
                                                   African Legal Network (ALN) and IBL Ltd.
                                                   He is also chairman of a family controlled
                                                   hotel group.
                                                   Prior to joining BLC Robert and after
                                                   completing his pupillage with Grays’ Tax
                                                   Chambers, the leading tax chambers in the
                                                   UK, Jason was a senior associate within the
                                                   Trade Finance and Project Finance Group
                                                   of Denton Wilde Sapte LLP in London from
                                                   2000 to 2005. Jason is also a Chartered
                                                   Accountant and worked for Kingston
    Jason Harel                                    Smith in their corporate insolvency and
    Co-Founding Partner, BLC Robert &              restructuring divisions. He is qualified as
    Associates                                     a Barrister both in England and Wales and
                                                   the Republic of Mauritius.
    Jason Harel is a co-founding partner
                                                   The Chambers Global Guide describes Jason
    of BLC Robert and boasts substantial
                                                   as someone who “blends accounting knowl-
    experience in corporate M&A, workout
                                                   edge with an in-depth knowledge of private
    transactions as well as taxation. He gener-
                                                   international law” and client feedback in the
    ally practises in the areas of corporate and
                                                   Chambers Global Guide describes him as
    commercial law, mergers and acquisitions,
                                                   “extremely responsive, applying a western
    corporate insolvency, real estate, tax but
                                                   work ethic and with world class experience.”
    also advises on litigation matters.
    Consistently identified as a ‘leading prac-
    titioner’ in his field by legal directories,

for inspection, and its audited financial state-   registration, incorporation or corporate filings.
ments to be filed with the FSC.                    However, the lack of formality and reporting
                                                   requirements make a trust less transparent
                                                   than a company. In addition, trusts do not have
Trusts are formed under the Trusts Act 2001.       corporate personality and trustees are subject
They can be created either as a “purpose” or       to fiduciary duties. A trust can be set up within
“beneficiaries” trust. Participants are issued     1 working day.
with units in the trust. Trusts are easy to
set up because a trust does not require any        Foundations

Jurisdictional Q&A – Mauritius                                                             79
A foundation is set up under the Foundations         requires the authorisation of the Prime
Act 2012. A foundation can be set up for any         Minister’s Office (PMO).
purpose specified in its charter provided its        A written application must be made to the
objects are not contrary to the laws of Mauritius.   PMO, detailing the precise location of the
Purposes can be charitable, non-charitable or        property, a site plan showing its extent, the
both and for the benefit of a person or a class      nature of the interest intended to be purchased
of persons to carry out a specified purpose, or      or otherwise acquired or held, and the reasons
both. A foundation can be incorporated within        for which the application is made. The PMO
3 working days.                                      may, at its entire discretion, request such other
Global Business Licence                              information it may require.
Mauritius offers two types of Global Business        It may take 3 to 6 months to obtain approval of
Licence:                                             the PMO. A certificate of authorisation, setting
                                                     out any particular conditions that must be
a) Category 1 Global Business Licence (GBL 1).
                                                     respected by the applicant, is issued where the
b) Category 2 Global Business Licence (GBL 2).       PMO authorises the application.
Any corporation, whether company, trust,
société, limited partnership, limited laiblility     6. What sectors are heavily regulated or
partnership or foundation can apply for a GBL        restricted in your jurisdiction, if any?
1. A GBL 1 entity is resident for tax purposes       Conversely, what are some of the more
and so can take advantage of double tax              open or unrestricted sectors, if any?
treaties with countries that have them with
                                                     There are no restricted sectors as such in
Mauritius. The main characteristic of a GBL 1
                                                     Mauritius. However, the banking, non-bank-
is that it must be managed and controlled from
                                                     ing financial services sector, the ICT sector,
Mauritius. A GBL 1 can be incorporated within
                                                     Freeport activities and tourism activities are
3 working days.
                                                     heavily regulated. Licences are required prior to
A private company can also be licensed as a          start of operation and the following regulatory
GBL 2. A GBL 2 is not considered resident for        bodies are in place to supervise the activities:
Mauritius tax and is therefore not liable to tax
                                                     a) The Bank of Mauritius for banking services;
in the country.
                                                     b) The Financial Services Commission (FSC)
A GBL 2 does not benefit from double tax
                                                        for the non-bank financial services sector;
treaties. There are also certain restrictions on
the activities permitted by a GBL 2 under the        c) The ICTA for the ICT sector and Postal
Financial Services Act 2007 A GBL 2 can be              Services in Mauritius;
incorporated within 5 working days.                  d) The Board of Investment for Freeport; and.
                                                     e) The Tourism Authority for the overall
5. Under what circumstances are foreign
                                                        operations of tourist enterprises.
investments subject to government
approvals? What is the process and                   f) Investment is more open and encouraged
timeline for such approvals?                            in the following sectors: Ocean Economy
                                                        Renewable Energ y, Sma r t Cit ies,
Investments made by foreign investors in                Education, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Water
immovable property (whether freehold or                 Management, Fishing, Seafood Processing
leasehold) or in a company holding freehold             and Aquaculture, Hospitality and Property
or leasehold immovable property in Mauritius            Development, Film Industry, Agro-
                                                        Industry, Manufacturing and Logistics.

80        LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide 2017-2018
7. Are there any restrictions on doing             goods destined for re-export and provides an
business with certain countries or                 ideal place for warehousing, processing and
territories in your jurisdiction? (For             distribution of goods.
example, sanctions.)                               To operate in the Freeport zones, a company
                                                   must be registered under the Companies Act
There are no restrictions on doing business
                                                   2001 (CA2001). A foreign company registered
with certain countries or jurisdictions, except
                                                   under CA2001 can also apply for a Freeport
for countries banned by UN sanctions.
                                                   certificate. There is no minimum capital for
However, there are product-specific restrictions   foreigners wishing to invest in a Freeport
on imports from certain countries.                 company. In order to set up a company in the
                                                   Mauritius Freeport, application for a Freeport
8. What grants or incentives are on offer
                                                   certificate should be made to the Board of
to foreign investors, if any?
                                                   Investment (BOI), Freeport Unit, by a private
Investment incentives are applied uniformly to     Freeport developer or Freeport operator. An
both domestic and foreign investors. Mauritius     annual fee of MUR 20,000 must be paid by the
is a low tax jurisdiction and offers a number of   Freeport Operator at time of issue of Freeport
other fiscal incentives such as:                   certificate to BOI. An annual fee of MUR 200,
                                                   000 applies in case of Freeport developer.
a) Flat corporate and income tax rate of 15%.
                                                   The government of Mauritius is still in the
b) 100% foreign ownership is permitted in
                                                   process of establishing special economic zones
   certain circumstances.
                                                   that will help expand investment opportunities
c) No minimum foreign capital is required.         between the countries in the African region.
d) No tax on dividends.                            There are several industrial zones around the
e) No capital gains tax.                           island that cater for manufacturing industries
f) Free repatriation of profits, dividends and     mainly with all the necessary amenities and
   capital.                                        infrastructure in place.

g) Accelerated depreciation on the acquisition     10. What are the main taxes that could
   of plant, machinery and equipment.              apply to foreign investors in your
h) Exemption from customs duty on                  jurisdiction? (For example, Personal
   equipment.                                      Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Value
i) Direct cash incentives for employers            Added Tax and Social Security Payments.)
   involved in recruiting and training.
                                                   Personal Income Tax
j) Enhanced investment tax credit for invest-
   ments in the textile sector.                    Income is taxable when either:

k) Extensive network of double tax avoidance       (a) It was earned in Mauritius (whether the
   treaties.                                           employee was resident in Mauritius or
9. Are there any free trade, special               (b) It was earned at a time when the employee
economic or industrial zones in your                   was resident in Mauritius (whether earned
jurisdiction and what are their                        in Mauritius or elsewhere).

The Mauritius Freeport (free trade zone)
established in 1992 is a customs-free zone for

Jurisdictional Q&A – Mauritius                                                           81
Employees are subject to monthly tax under            Withholding Tax
the pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) scheme at the flat         Dividends – there is no withholding tax on
rate of 15%. An employee whose emoluments             dividends
do not exceed MUR23,078 a month is exempt
                                                      Interest – A 15% withholding tax generally
from PAYE. A tax resident employee is entitled
                                                      applies to interest paid by any person, other
to an income exemption threshold, which is
                                                      than a bank or non-bank deposit-taking
deducted from income to arrive at the charge-
                                                      institution, to any person other than a com-
able amount (if any).
                                                      pany resident in Mauritius, unless specifically
Corporate Taxation                                    exempted.
Tax resident business                                 Royalties – The general rate of withholding
Income derived from Mauritius or elsewhere            tax on royalties paid to non-residents is 15 %,
by business vehicles resident in Mauritius are        although specified non-residents are exempted.
subject to tax in Mauritius, subject to certain       A 10% withholding tax generally applies to
exceptions.                                           royalties paid to residents.

Non-tax resident business                             Value Added Tax (VAT)
Income derived from Mauritius by business             VAT applies to goods and services. It is charge-
vehicles that are not resident in Mauritius will      able on taxable supplies of goods and services
be taxed in Mauritius, subject to the business        made in Mauritius by taxable persons in the
vehicle qualifying for relief under a double          course any business. VAT is also payable on
tax treaty between Mauritius and the country          importation of goods into Mauritius, irrespec-
where the business vehicle is resident.               tive of whether the importer is taxable or not.
                                                      The rate of VAT is 15% on a taxable supply or
A GBL 1 company is taxed at a flat corporate
                                                      0% on a zero-rated supply. Goods and services
rate of 15% on business profits, although for-
                                                      which are exported and certain goods and
eign tax credits will be allowed to the full extent
                                                      services which are supplied on the local market
on the Mauritius tax for taxes paid at source
                                                      are zero rated supplies.
(where this can be evidenced). Alternatively, a
system of foreign tax credits of 80% effectively      Social Security Payment
reduces the income tax rate to 3% on the qual-        Employees’ contributions are set out in the
ifying income of the company. The tax payable         National Pensions Act 1976 and the National
in Mauritius can be less than 3% (and can be          Savings Fund Act 1995 as follows:
reduced to nil), where the actual foreign taxes
                                                      (a) National pensions fund: 3%.
are more than 12%.
                                                      (b) National savings fund: 1%.
A GBL 2 company is not resident in Mauritius
for the purposes of qualifying for relief under       Contributions to the funds must be calculated
a double tax treaty except for exchange of            on the employee’s basic wage (not exceeding
information purposes, if the treaty provides          MUR16,655 a month).
for it. It cannot benefit from relief under the       From 2016, employees must file an annual tax
networks of Double Tax Avoidance Agreements           return by 30 September for the employment
(DTAAs) to which Mauritius is a party. A GBL          period 1 July to 30 June.
1 company is a resident in Mauritius for tax
purposes, but a GBL 2 company is an exempt
body and is therefore not liable to pay tax in        Employers’ contributions are set out in the
Mauritius.                                            National Pensions Act 1976 and the National
                                                      Savings Fund Act 1995 as follows:

82        LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide 2017-2018
of the sale of a majority stakeholder of a
                                                  company listed on the Stock Exchange of
                                                  Mauritius and counselled various sophisti-
                                                  cated and expert investors in the acquisition
                                                  of companies incorporated in Mauritius. He
                                                  has also advised Courts Asia, a company
                                                  listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange,
                                                  in respect of the proposed acquisition of
                                                  the one of biggest furniture business in
                                                  Mauritius. Currently Fayaz is also the
                                                  advisor to General Electric, a multinational
                                                  conglomerate corporate, RIU Hotel and
                                                  Resort Group, one of the renowned names
                                                  in the hotel industry.
                                                  In terms of Employment law, he is one of
                                                  the lead Employment Lawyer in the firm
                                                  advising several high profile banks, hotels
    Fayaz Hajee Abdoula                           and other large players in the local indus-
    Senior Associate, BLC Robert &                try. Fayaz has also advised on cross border
    Associates                                    employment matters, offshore companies
                                                  employing staffs in Mauritius and advises
    Fayaz Hajee Abdoula is a Senior               on all aspects of employment laws to our
    Associate at BLC Robert with Mergers          foreign clients in Mergers and Acquisitions
    and Acquisitions, Company Law and             transactions.
    Employment Law as his area of expertise.      Fayaz joined BLC Robert as a pupil under
    Since joining BLC Robert in 2009, he has      Mr. Iqbal Rajahbalee, Senior Counsel,
    obtained a wide range of experience in        and was thereafter admitted to the Bar of
    Mergers and Acquisitions transactions.        Mauritius in January 2010. Fayaz read law
    Fayaz has advised on some major transac-      at the University of Manchester (United
    tions which would include but not limited     Kingdom) and was called to the Bar of
    to, representing a financial conglomerate     England and Wales at the Honourable
    in the potential purchase of a Mauritius      Society of Lincoln Inns.
    real estate fund; a purchase bid in respect

(a) National pensions fund: 6%.                   11. What are some of the employment
                                                  regulations in your jurisdiction that
(b) National savings fund: 2.5%.
                                                  foreign investors should be aware of? Is
(c) Monthly training levy of 1.5% of basic wage   it possible to secure residency permits or
    of every employee.                            work visas for foreign nationals under
Employers must file a return with details of      investment?
employees by 15 August.
                                                  The main piece of legislation governing employ-
                                                  ment law in Mauritius is the Employment

Jurisdictional Q&A – Mauritius                                                            83
Rights Act 2008 which covers: employment            An application for occupation permit can be
contracts; minimum age for employment;              made by foreign professionals or investors. An
hours of work; remuneration; and other basic        occupation permit is a combined work and res-
terms and conditions of employment.                 idence permit that allows a foreign professional
Other legislation includes:                         to reside and work in Mauritius. Applications
                                                    for an occupation permit can be submitted in
(a) the Employment Relations Act 2008 which
                                                    any the following three categories:
     governs trade unions, fundamental rights
     of workers and employers, collective bar-      Investor
     gaining, dispute resolution and related        The business activity should generate a turno-
     matters;                                       ver exceeding MUR 4 million annually with an
(b) the Sex Discrimination Act 2002 which           initial investment of USD 100,000 per investor
    prohibits discrimination on the ground of       or its equivalent in freely convertible foreign
    sex in various circumstances;                   currency.
(c) the Investment Promotion Act 2000 which         In case there is more than one investor, the
     provides for the issue of occupation permits   turnover criteria should apply in respect of
     to foreign professionals;                      each applicant (i.e. MUR 8 million for two
(d) Remuneration Orders issued by the               applicants, MUR 12 million for three appli-
   Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations         cants, and so on);
   and Employment. Sets out the additional          Professional
   rules of employment in industries operating
                                                    Basic salary should exceed MUR 60,000
   with specific needs;
                                                    monthly. However, the basic salary for the
(e) the Additional Remuneration Act 2016            category of Professional in the ICT Sector
    which is amended annually and provides          should exceed MUR 30, 000 per month. For
    for payment of additional remuneration          all applications submitted prior to 31 October
    to employees of the private sector to com-      2015, the salary threshold of MUR 45,000 still
    pensate for the rise in the cost of living/     applies;
                                                    Self Employed
(f) the Private Pensions Schemes Act 2012
    which provides a regulatory framework           Income from the business activity should
    for the operation of private pensions in        exceed MUR 600,000 annually for the first two
    Mauritius;                                      years of activity with an initial investment of
                                                    USD 35,000 or its equivalent in freely converti-
(g) the End of Year Gratuity Act 2001 which
                                                    ble foreign currency. The annual income for the
    provides for payment of an end of year
                                                    third year must exceed MUR 1,200,000.
    gratuity to employees of the private sector;
                                                    The process takes approximately ten working
(h) the Non-citizens (Employment Restriction)
                                                    days. When approved, the foreign professional
    Act 1975 which provides work permits for
                                                    is registered with the Board of Investment and
                                                    the Passport and Immigration Office issues the
(i) the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005     occupation permit.
     which governs safety, health and welfare of
     employees at work; and
(j) the Recruitment of Workers Act 1993 which
     governs private recruitment agencies.

84        LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide 2017-2018
advised a subsidiary of the World’s largest
                                                   paper company by volume in corporate law
                                                   He is well versed in domestic and inter-
                                                   national aspects of taxation. He regularly
                                                   advises in the development of tax opti-
                                                   misation structures and the application
                                                   of tax treaties and investment promotion
                                                   and protection agreements. As part of his
                                                   assignments, he has advised a multinational
                                                   conglomerate in developing a tax optimisa-
                                                   tion structure for its Africa operations.
                                                   Javed has also been involved in a number
                                                   of employment law related matters. He
                                                   regularly advises on employment contracts,
                                                   staff policy handbooks, labour relations,
                                                   employee transfer, immigration and
    Javed Niamut                                   work permits, issues of recruitment and
    Associate, BLC Robert & Associates             termination and the implementation and
                                                   structuring of employee share ownership
    Javed Niamut is a barrister at BLC Robert      schemes and options plans. He has recently
    and is mainly involved in corporate, tax       advised one of the top ten largest phar-
    and employment law matters.                    maceutical companies in the world on the
    Since joining BLC Robert in March 2012,        restructuring of its workforce in Mauritius.
    he has acted for various international         Javed read law at Oxford Brookes University
    clients on corporate restructurings, joint     and completed the Bar Vocational Course at
    ventures and mergers and acquisitions.         the University of the West of England. He
    He has recently acted for one of the           was called to the Bar of England & Wales
    most established independent private           in 2011 at the Honourable society of the
    equity firms in Asia in connection with        Middle Temple. He is also a member of the
    the acquisition of a leading provider of       Bar Association in Mauritius since January
    company formations, trust, corporate and       2013.
    fund administration services. He has also

12. Can foreign investors acquire real             Certain statutory exceptions to the requirement
property and land in your jurisdiction?            of obtaining the authorisation of the PMO
Are there any restrictions or limitations?         include:
                                                   (a) Holding immovable property for commer-
The holding of interests in real property
                                                       cial purposes under a lease agreement not
(whether freehold or leasehold) by foreign
                                                       exceeding 20 years; and/or
entities requires the authorisation of the Prime
Minister’s Office (PMO).

Jurisdictional Q&A – Mauritius                                                            85
(b) Purchasing luxury villas, apartments,          17. Does your jurisdiction have any
    penthouses or other similar properties         bilateral or multilateral investment
    under the Invest Hotel Scheme, Property        protection treaties with Asia-Pacific
    Development Scheme and Smart City              jurisdictions that are commonly used for
    Scheme.                                        investing into the country?

13. Are there any processes in your                Mauritius has signed Investment Promotion
jurisdiction that can block foreign                and Protection Agreements with the following
investment under specific circumstances?           Asia Pacific countries: China, India, Indonesia,
                                                   Pakistan, Republic of Korea and Singapore.
There are no such processes in Mauritius that
can block foreign investment.                      18. What intellectual property rights
                                                   protections are available in your
14. What foreign currency or exchange              jurisdiction to foreign investors?
controls should foreign investors be
aware of?                                          Intellectual property is protected under two
                                                   branches – industrial property and copyright.
There is no exchange control in Mauritius.
                                                   The Industrial Property Office’s (IPO) responsi-
No approval is required for the repatriation of
                                                   bilities include handling and administration of
profits, dividends, or capital gains earned by a
foreign investor in Mauritius.                     applications for the protection of patents, indus-
                                                   trial designs and trademarks. Applications
15. Are there any restrictions, approval           are made using prescribed forms and paying
requirements or potential penalties if a           statutory fees. The duration of protection for:
foreign investor withdraws their                   (a) patents is 20 years; (b) industrial designs is
investment in your jurisdiction?                   5 years; and (c) trademarks is 10 years.
                                                   An Industrial Property Tribunal (IPT) exists to,
There are no such restrictions, approval
                                                   inter alia, hear appeals of persons aggrieved by
requirements or potential penalties if a for-
                                                   certain IPO decisions and confirm, amend or
eign investor withdraws his investment from
                                                   cancel such decisions. The IPT is also empow-
                                                   ered to invalidate decisions as to whether
16. What contract enforcement and                  patents should have been granted, or industrial
investor protection mechanisms are in              designs or trademarks been registered.
place in your jurisdiction, if any?                The Copyright Act 2014 (CA 2014) provides for
                                                   effective protection of copyright and related
Contract enforcement can be done either            rights. An author who registers his artistic,
through the court or through arbitration.          literary or scientific work with the Rights
Effective mechanisms are in place for arbitra-     Management Society (RMS) secures economic
tion in Mauritius.                                 rights (reproduction, adaptation, distribution)
Mauritius has entered into numerous                and moral rights (claiming authorship, object-
Investment Promotion and Protection                ing to distortion or alteration) that subsist in
Agreements (“IPPAs”). IPPAs promote and            the copyright material, and reinforces the claim
protect the interests of investors from one        of authorship by depositing such material with
country in the territory of the country where      the RMS. The RMS may represent and defend
the investment is being made.                      the interests of its members in Mauritius.

86        LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide 2017-2018
19. Are there any environmental policies             requirements. BOI acts as the single interface
and regulations that (potential) foreign             with all investors and liaises with relevant
investors should be aware of prior to or             authorities for the granting of work permits,
throughout the investment process in                 residence permits and other relevant permits
your jurisdiction?                                   required by the investor to operate in Mauritius.
Prior to undertaking certain development activ-
                                                     Financial Services Promotion Agency (FSPA)
ities in Mauritius, foreign investors are required
                                                     has the mandate to promote Mauritius as a
to carry out a Preliminary Environment Report
                                                     premier financial centre and as a platform for
(PER) or an Environment Impact Assessment
                                                     structuring cross border investments in key
(EIA) on such project and obtain a PER
                                                     markets. www.mauritiusifc.mu
approval or EIA licence (as applicable). Projects
of a lesser scale and which by their very nature,    Non-governmental bodies
are not highly polluting require a PER while a       Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and
full EIA is required where significant adverse       Industry (MCCI) is a not-for-profit private
environmental impacts will likely result from        sector institution in Mauritius which provides
development of the project. The Environment          a wide array of services through dedicated
Protection Act 2002 provides for a list of activ-    resources across the business spectrum such
ities which require a PER or an EIA. A PER           as trade facilitation, economic analysis, trade
or an EIA may be required for any non- listed        negotiations, advocacy, advisory services, net-
activity, which, by reason of its nature, scope,     working, arbitration and market intelligence.
scale and sensitive location could have an           www.mcci.org
impact on the environment.
                                                     COMESA Regional Investment Agency aims
Some of the relevant regulations and guidelines      to liberalise and promote trade facilitation in
are:                                                 the region.www.comesaria.org
The Environment Protection (Applications for         The Mauritius Africa Fund was set up as a
PER Approval and EIA Licence) (Processing            public company limited by shares and will
Fees) Regulations 2011.                              encourage domestic enterprises to invest in
A proponent’s guide to Environmental Impact          Africa. www.mauritiusafricafund.com
Assessment (EIA)
                                                     21. Have there been any recent proposals
A Proponent’s guide to preliminar y
                                                     for reforms or regulatory changes that
Environmental Report (PER) (Yvette note this
                                                     will impact foreign investment in your
hyperlink too)
20. Are there any government agencies
                                                     The Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous
or non-governmental bodies that
                                                     Provisions) Act 2017 is introducing the follow-
(potential) foreign investors can turn to
                                                     ing key amendments:
for more information on investment in
your jurisdiction?                                   Amendments to existing legislations such as
                                                     the Companies Act, the Local Government
Government agencies                                  Act and the Business Registration Act will be
                                                     made in order to facilitate the setting-up of a
The Board of Investment (BOI) is the gov-
                                                     business within less than one working day and
ernment agency responsible for promoting
                                                     registration of businesses and incorporation of
investment in Mauritius, and it also helps
                                                     companies will be made within two hours.
guide investors through legal and regulatory

Jurisdictional Q&A – Mauritius                                                               87
The Investment Promotion Act is being                 (IP Box). The preferential tax regime of
amended to implement a national electronic            the IP box will complement the Regulatory
licensing platform which will provide a single        Sandbox License.
point of entry for application, processing and     h) GBC1 will be required to fulfil at least two
determination for permits and licenses. This          (currently one) of the six FSC criteria to
project also includes the setting up of a cen-        demonstrate substance.
tralized Electronic Registry of licenses which
will hold and provide critical data on licensing   22. Are there any other features
requirements.                                      regarding foreign investment in your
The following are some of the measures pro-        jurisdiction or in Asia that you wish to
posed on 8 June 2017 during the 2017- 2018         highlight?
budget speech by the Government of Mauritius:
                                                   Doing business in Mauritius is both easy and
a) The creation of an Economic Development         smooth and complies with best practices in
   Board (EDB) integrating BOI, Enterprise         terms of transparency, good governance and
   Mauritius, t he Fina ncia l Ser v ices          ethics. Mauritius is top ranked in Africa and
   Promotion Agency and the Mauritius              49th globally in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing
   Africa Fund to ensure greater coherence         Business 2016 Report. In 2016, Mauritius again
   and effectiveness in implementing policies      topped the list of African Countries in the Mo
   and actions.                                    Ibrahim Index of Corporate Governance. The
b) The EDB will collaborate in the creation of a   country adopted internationally accepted
   Regional Fintech Association to create links    anti-money laundering and terrorist financing
   with other international institutions such      legislations and is listed in the OECD white list
   as Innovate Finance London and Fintech          of offshore jurisdiction.
   Circle.                                         Mauritius has the right scheme and framework
c) An Innovator Occupation Permit will be          to position itself as the key Financial Centre,
   introduced for innovative start-ups with a      Trading hub and Doing Business Platform.
   minimum operational expenditure of 20%          This platform rests on two fundamental pillars
   for Research and Development purposes.          namely: a credible and substantive interna-
d) High tech machines and equipment brought        tional financial centre and a good regional
   by investors from abroad will be considered     logistics platform.
   as part of the minimum investment of USD        The open and business friendly economy of
   100,000 required to obtain an Occupation        Mauritius combined with its modern infra-
   Permit.                                         structures makes it an attractive place for
e) An 8-year income tax holiday on the income      investors. A new business can be set up and
   derived from the totality of Intellectual       be operational within 3 working days. The
   Property Assets will be given for new           country’s Investment regulations are in line
   companies involved in innovation-driven         with the WTO’s agreement on Trade Related
   activities.                                     Investment Measures.
f) 8-year income tax holiday will be given for
    new companies engaged in the manufac-
    turing of pharmaceutical products, medical
    devices and high-tech products.
g) The introduction of an Innovation Box
   Regime for Intellectual Property assets

88        LexisNexis Foreign Investment Law Guide 2017-2018
About the Authors:
 Jason Harel, BLC Robert & Associates   W: www.blc.mu
 Co-Founding Partner                    A: 	2nd Floor, The AXIS
 E: jason.harel@blc.mu                     26 Bank Street, Cybercity
                                           Ebene 72201
 Fayaz Hajee Abdoula                       Mauritius
 Senior Associate, BLC Robert &         T: + 230 403 2400
 Associates                             F: + 230 403 2401
 E: fayaz.Abdoula@blc.mu

 Javed Niamut
 Associate, BLC Robert & Associates
 E: javed.Niamut@blc.mu

Jurisdictional Q&A – Mauritius                                         89

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