M Arch Handbook 2018|2019 - UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - University College Dublin

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M Arch Handbook 2018|2019 - UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - University College Dublin
UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy


M Arch Handbook
M Arch Handbook 2018|2019 - UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - University College Dublin
Table of Contents                                                        Academic Regulations
                                                                         Code of conduct
                                                                         Registration and Student Records	
                                                                         Registration                                                    16
                                                                         Graduate Taught Students: Information for Incoming Students     16
Welcome		                                                          5    Student Records                                                 16
                                                                         Communication with Staff                                        17
                                                                         Blackboard	                                                     17
                                                                         UCD Email                                                       17
Description of programme	                                          6    Research Ethics and Integrity	                                  17
Timetable	                                                          7   Plagiarism, Collusion and Unfair Means	                         17
Academic Calendar 2018-19                                           7   Assessment and Feedback                                         18
M Arch Module Coordinators                                          8   Assessment                                                      18
Module Descriptors                                                  8   Grade Descriptors                                               18
Programme Staff                                                     8   Submission of work                                              18
Architecture Student Prizes                                        10   GDPR                                                            18
James Dolan Prize                                                  10   Feedback                                                        18
Bruce Shortt Award                                                 11   Repeats/Resits                                                  18
Portfolio Prize                                                    11   Academic Appeals Procedure	                                     19
Dissertation Prize                                                 11   UCD College of Engineering & Architecture Student Continuation
                                                                         Procedure                                                       19
                                                                         Extenuating Circumstances		                                     19
Organisation, Policy and Procedures                                12   Leave of Absence                                                20
The School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy      12   Withdrawing from a programme                                    20
University and School Structure                                    13
Engineering and Architecture Programme Office                      14
The Architecture, Landscape, Planning & Environmental Policy Pro-        Progression 	                                                   21
gramme Board                                                       14   Understanding Your Degree Award Calculation                     21
Student Representation	                                            15   Accreditation                                                   21
Student Representatives to the ALPEP Programme Board               15   After Your Degree                                               22
Students’ Union                                                    15   Conditions for Progression to M Arch Programme                  22
Architecture Staff/Student Committee                               15   Study Abroad – ERASMUS                                          22

2                                                     2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
M Arch Handbook 2018|2019 - UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - University College Dublin
Year Out                                          23       Building Laboratory                     35
Postgraduate Study                                23       Building Lab Contacts                   36
Professional Diploma in Architecture              23       UCD IT Services                         36
                                                            IT Support                              36
                                                            Software                                36
                                                            PC Labs                                 36
Supports, Societies and Facilities                24
                                                            Documents and Storage                   36
Student Help                                      24
                                                            Printing at Richview                    37
Programme Office                                  24
                                                            The Print Shop	                         37
Student Desk                                      25
Student Advisers                                  25
Student Charter                                   26
Health                                            26       Health & Safety                         38
Mental Health                                     26       Safety Statement                        38
Counselling                                       26       Emergency	                              38
Chaplaincy                                        27       Emergency Evacuation	                   38
UCD Access and Lifelong Learning 	                27       Personal Emergency Egress Plan - PEEP   38
Disability                                        27       Alcohol and smoking	                    38
Dyslexia Screening                                27       Theft/Personal Property                 39
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion                   28       UCD Walk Safe Service                   39
Gender Identity and Expression                    28
LGBTI                                             28
Dignity & Respect at UCD                          29       Contacts		                              40
Financial Support                                 29       Emergency Contacts                      40
Careers                                           29
Societies and Sports                              30
UCD Sport                                         30
UCD Student Centre                                30
The Architecture Society                          30
Architecture Societies Outside UCD                30
Facilities                                        31
Studio                                            34
Library	                                          35

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                               3
M Arch Handbook 2018|2019 - UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - University College Dublin
The information contained in this document is, to the best of our
                      knowledge, true and accurate at the time of publication, and is solely
                      for informational purposes.

4   2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
M Arch Handbook 2018|2019 - UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - University College Dublin
                                                                     Studying architecture is an adventure of the intellect and the
                                                            imagination. From the outset, it will engage you in creating and learn-
                                                            ing, in expanding your skills, your capacities and your knowledge. It is
                                                            an enjoyable and rewarding programme, but also a demanding one.
                                                            The role of this handbook in that great endeavour is a modest but
                                                            important one. It aims to set out clearly all the basic information you
                                                            will need during your time studying architecture. It provides a map
                                                            of what can sometimes be confusing territory – of your programme
                                                            of study, of the school and its structures, of the college of which the
                                                            school is a part, and of UCD itself, its policies and procedures, its sys-
                                                            tems and its guidelines, its governing ethos.

                                                            Like all handbooks, it tries to be comprehensive but concise. Where
                                                            appropriate, it points you towards the best sources of further infor-
                                                            mation or the best person to contact. It’s not a book that can expand
                                                            your horizons or change your life, but it should equip you better for a
                                                            course of study which, hopefully, will.

                                                                                                                Prof. Hugh Campbell
                                                                                                     Dean and Head of Architecture

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                              5
M Arch Handbook 2018|2019 - UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - University College Dublin
Description of programme                                                 UCD Architecture
                                                                         MArch Programme Structure 2018/2019
A programme is an approved course of study, the successful com-          Year 1                                                                                        Year 2
                                                                         (Upper School)                                                                                (Upper School)
pletion of which normally leads to a University award. The award is                                             Year One
                                                                          ARCT 40040                                                                                    ARCT 40610
made when the required number of credits have been successfully           Architectural Design Vll
                                                                          Comprehensive Design
                                                                                                                GENERAL OPTIONS SEMESTER l & ll                5ECTS    Masters Architectural
                                                                          Studio                                ARCT 40030 Realising Built Projects (Sem 1)

accumulated, at appropriate levels, from approved modules, and over                                             ARCT 40170 Conservation: History, Theory &
                                                                                                                           Policy (Sem 1)
                                                                                                                ARCT 40630 Sustainable Building Design and

an appropriate period of time, and all other programme requirements
                                                                                                                           Performance ll (Sem 1)
                                                                                                                ARCT 40640 Sustainable Building Design and
                                                                                                                                                                        CORE (Year Long) 10ECTS
                                                                                                                           Performance l (Sem 1)
                                                                          CORE                      15ECTS      ARCT 40660 Introduction to Urban Design (Sem 1)
                                                                                                                                                                        ARCT 41130
have been met, as outlined in the programme specification (see            ARCT 40010
                                                                                                                ENVP 40060 Environmental Risk & Behaviour (Sem 1)
                                                                                                                LARC 40480 Psychology of Landscape (Sem 1)              Reflective Portfolio Module
                                                                                                                PLAN 40030 Planning Society and Diversity (Sem 1)
                                                                          Design Technologies l
General Regulation 3.8 of UCD’s Academic Regulations) approved by                                               PLAN 40060 Urban & Regional Development (Sem 1)
                                                                                                                PLAN 40230 Governing Nature (Sem 2)
                                                                                                                PLAN 40040 Rural and Landscape Planning (Sem 2)
                                                                                                                                                                        CORE (Year Long)          5ECTS
                                                                          CORE                        5ECTS
                                                                                                                ARCT 40180 Urban Design Theory (Sem 2)                  ARCT 40190
Academic Council and/or its sub-committees.                               ARCT 40020                            TECHNOLOGY OPTION MODULES                      5ECTS
                                                                                                                                                                        Professional Studies
                                                                          Research & Innovation in the
                                                                          Designed Environment Options l        ARCT 40930 Parametric Design (Sem 1&2)
                                                                                                                                                                        CORE (Sem 1)              5ECTS
                                                                                                                ARCT 40870 Agency: Design / Build (Sem 2)
To understand more about how your Degree Programme is structured          CORE                        5ECTS     ARCT 40970 Irish Timber and Sustainability (Sem 2)      ARCT 41190
                                                                                                                                                                        Architectural Design lX
                                                                          General Option Module
in terms of modules levels (modules of different levels of difficulty)
and the relevance of Module Levels to your degree award please refer      OPTION                      5ECTS
                                                                                                                                                                        CORE (Sem 1)           15ECTS

to the User’s Guide to General Regulations.                               ARCT 40050                                                                                    ARCT 41180
                                                                          Architectural Design Vlll                                                                     Architectural Design X
                                                                          (Offers variable within the module)

                                                                          CORE                      15ECTS

                                                                          ARCT 40080
                                                                          Research and Innovation in the
                                                                          Designed Environment Options ll
                                                                          CORE                        5ECTS

                                                                          Technology Option Module

                                                                          OPTION                     5ECTS

                                                                          General Option Module

                                                                          OPTION                     5ECTS                                                              CORE (Sem 2)           25ECTS

6                                                      2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
M Arch Handbook 2018|2019 - UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - University College Dublin

Timetables for each semester can be viewed via the General Refer-
ence Timetable or via SIS web.

Academic Calendar 2018-19

 Semester 1 (Tuesday, 4 September 2018 – Sunday, 20 January 2019 inclusive)
 First Year Orientation                            Tuesday, 4 September – Friday, 7 September                     No. of days varies depending on course

 Teaching term 1                                   Monday, 10 September – Friday, 30 November1                    12 weeks

 Revision                                          Saturday, 1 December – Sunday, 9 December                      1 week

 Exams                                             Monday, 10 December – Friday, 21 December                      11 working days

 Christmas break                                   Monday, 24 December 2018 – Tuesday, 1 January 2019 inclusive

 Semester 1 Exam process2                          https://intranet.ucd.ie/registry/assessment/gap.html

 Semester 2 (Monday, 21 January – Sunday, 19 May 2019 inclusive)
 Teaching term 2a                                  Monday, 21 January – Friday, 8 March                           7 weeks

 Fieldwork/Study period                            Monday, 11 March – Sunday, 24 March3                           2 weeks

 Teaching term 2b                                  Monday, 25 March – Friday, 26 April 4                          5 weeks

 Revision                                          Saturday, 27 April – Sunday, 5 May                             1 week

 Exams                                             Tuesday, 7 May   5   – Saturday, 18 May                        11 working days

 Semester 2 Exam process2                          https://intranet.ucd.ie/registry/assessment/gap.html

 Summer term/Research period (Monday, 20 May – Sunday, 1 September 2019 inclusive)

 Term 3                                            Monday, 20 May – Sunday, 1 September6                               15 weeks

 Graduate Exam process2                            https://intranet.ucd.ie/registry/assessment/gap.html

 1 October Bank Holiday: Monday, 29 October 2018
 2 Incorporates Grading, Grade Entry, Processing, School Module Review Boards, Release of provisional results
 3 St. Patrick’s Day: Sunday, 17 March 2019. St. Patrick’s Bank Holiday: Monday, 18 March 2019
 4 Good Friday, 19 April 2019; Easter Sunday, 21 April 2019; Easter Monday, 22 April 2019

 5 May Bank Holiday: Monday, 6 May 2019

 6 June Bank Holiday: Monday, 3 June 2019; August Bank Holiday: Monday, 5 August 2019

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                                    7
Module Descriptors                                                        M Arch Module Coordinators

Module Descriptors for each module are available through SIS web.         (In alphabetical order by surname)
The module descriptor will give you detailed information on your
module including who the module coordinator is, when the module is         Vivienne Brophy          ARCT40630 Sustainable Building Systems
offered, what you will learn, how you will learn and what the assess-      vivienne.brophy@ucd.
ment requirements are.                                                     ie
                                                                           Prof Hugh Campbell       ARCT40610 MArch Dissertation

Programme Staff                                                            hugh.campbell@ucd.ie
                                                                           Miriam Fitzpatrick       ARCT40660 Introduction to Urban Design
Every module has a module co-ordinator who is identified in the
module descriptor. The module co-ordinator is responsible for the          miriam.fitzpatrick@      ARCT40180 Urban Design Theory
organisation and running of specific modules. If you have a problem        ucd.ie
or query with regard to a module the module co-ordinator is the first      Tiago Faria              ARCT40010 Design Technologies
person to contact.
                                                                           tiago.faria@ucd.ie       ARCT40870 Agency: Design / Build
Module coordinators make themselves reasonably available to an-            Dorothy Jones            ARCT40030 Realising Built Projects
swer any queries in relation to a module. However, in line with gen-                                ARCT40190 Professional Studies II
eral UCD practice, they may designate particular periods during the        dorothy.jones@ucd.ie
week when they are available for such queries.                             Paul Kenny               ARCT40640 Sustainable Design & Occu-
                                                                           Dr Michael Lennon        PLAN40230 Governing Nature


8                                                       2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
Sophia Meeres             LARC40480 Psychology of Landscape        Prof Mark Scott         PLAN40040 Rural & Landscape Planning

sophia.meeres@ucd.ie                                               mark.scott@ucd.ie
Orla Murphy               ARCT40050 Architectural Design VIII      Assoc Prof Elizabeth    ARCT40930 Parametric Design
o.murphy@ucd.ie                                                                            ARCT40970 Irish Timber & Sustainability
Prof Finola O'Kane        ARCT40020 Research & Innovation in the   elizabeth.shotton@
Crimmins                  Designed Environment I                   ucd.ie
                                                                   Assoc Prof Brendan      PLAN40060 Urban and Regional Devel-
finola.okane@ucd.ie       ARCT40080 Research and Innovation in
                                                                   Williams                opment
                          the Designed Environment II
                          ARCT40170 Conservation History, Theory
                          & Policy
Assoc Prof Eoin O'Neill   ENVP40060 Environmental Risk & Be-
Michael Pike              ARCT41120 Architectural Design VII

Dr Paula Russell          PLAN40030 Planning Society and Diver-
Emmett Scanlon            ARCT41130 Reflective Portfolio Module

emmett.scanlon@ucd.       ARCT41190 Architectural Design IX
                          ARCT41180 Architectural Design X

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                              9
Field Trips                                                                  Student Code.

Field trips to destinations within and, less often, outside Ireland form     Field trips are an integral element of the studio programme in which
an important element of the programme. Typically, studio modules             all students are ordinarily expected to participate. However it is rec-
will involve field trips to sites for design projects. Where these are       ognised that the additional costs and travel arrangements involved
outside Dublin, this may involve travel and sometimes overnight              may occasionally preclude students from participating. In these in-
stays, although such requirements are kept to a minimum.                     stances, an alternative programme of study will be taught in UCD.

Field trips can also form standalone components within the studio
module, providing opportunities to study buildings and settlements
                                                                             Architecture Student Prizes
at first hand. Field trips typically happen in the first and second year
of the undergraduate programme and on occasion in the first year of          At the end of every academic year prizes are awarded by the school in
the graduate programme. These trips are typically to European urban          recognition of outstanding student work. The prize winners for 2017 –
centres, with good transport connections and reasonably priced               2018 were:
accommodation. The module co-ordinator and a number of teachers
on the module accompany the students on the field trip which will
have a detailed programme of activities provided. Where field trips
                                                                             James Dolan Prize
occur during timetabled weeks of the semester, this may incur neces-
sary absence from some other modules. In such cases, arrangements            The James Dolan Prize is given for the best drawing in first year.
will be made well in advance and all effected module co-ordinators
informed. Students will be informed of the details of any forthcoming        Nominations
field trips as early as possible, in order to facilitate the most economic
                                                                             Rebecca Dolan – 1.20 section / elevation
travel and accommodation arrangements.
                                                                             Conor Kiely – 1.20 section
While on field trips, students are expected at all times to conduct          James Carey – 1.20 exploded axonometric
themselves in accordance with UCD’s student policy. See the UCD
                                                                             Katie Carroll – Drawing Machine exploded axonometric

10                                                        2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
Aisling Cotton – Table Drawings                                            Portfolio Prize
Hanwhao Wang – Kevin Harrington’s studio section                           The Portfolio Prize is awarded to the student in the school whose
                                                                           portfolio is considered to have made the greatest contribution to the
Winner: Hanwhao Wang – Kevin Harrington’s studio section
                                                                           studio culture.

                                                                           Winner: Chloe Loh, Fifth year.
Bruce Shortt Award

The Bruce Shortt Award is given for best project in the school from
any year.                                                                  Dissertation Prize

                                                                           The Dissertation is awarded for the best M Arch dissertation in fifth
                                                                           year (M Arch Stage 2).
First Year: Paul O’Neill – Potter’s Studio
                                                                           Honourable Mentions:
Second Year: Kevin Quinlan – Porto Housing project
                                                                           Laura Doyle, “Urban Soundscape: Mapping the Acoustic Landscape
Third Year: Christian Smith - Project for Further Education College in     of the Liberties”
Dun Laoghaire.
                                                                           Conor English, “Frank Murphy, the Missing Modernist: An Illumination
Fourth Year: City Life – Group project by Xueni Bai, Sofia Chillida Ber-   of a Forgotten Irish Architect”
naudo, Roisin Burns, Zuhraner Celik, Paul Chastang, Emma Cooney,
Alberto Cubillo Romeo, Frank Devlin, Sonia Hernandez-Gil, Samuel           Runner up: Nicholas Morgan Cunningham , “The Evolution of the
Holohan, Zainab Mahdi, Elie Marcel, Peter Molloy, Aoife Ni Eoghagain,      Segal Method”.
Annika Olausson, Isobel Owens, Charles O’Dowd, Aoife O’Halloran,
Anna Pawliczuk, Eddie Sardeng, Vilde Reitan Forbregd, Avaneesh             Winner: Chloe Loh, “A Territorial Project: The Projection of the ‘Com-
Samant.                                                                    mon Good’ in the art and architecture of Siena’s Palazzo Pubblico,
Fifth Year: Ferdia Kenny – Kilkenny Festival Hall
Winner: Fourth Year City Life - group project

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                            11
Organisation, Policy and Procedures                                       addition, Heads of Subjects each meet regularly with faculty and staff
                                                                          in their discipline.

                                                                          A diagram showing the structure of the school is given overleaf.
The School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental

The School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy was
formed in 2015 in order to gather together disciplines dealing with
the creation and management of the designed environment at every
scale from spaces and buildings to cities and landscapes to regions
and nations. The School has a range of undergraduate and graduate
programmes in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning, Urban
Design and Environmental Policy.

The School is managed by the Head of School along with the School
Manager and the administrative team. Each discipline has its own
Head of Subject. These, along with the Heads of Research, Teaching
and Learning and International Engagement, sit on the School Exec-
utive. Chaired by the Head of School, the Executive is the main deci-
sion-making body for the School. The Head of School in turn sits on
the College Executive, chaired by the College Principal, along with the
Heads of the five Engineering Schools which comprise the College of
Engineering and Architecture.

The Heads of Teaching and Learning, of Research and of Internation-
al Engagement each convene a committee which meets regularly. In

12                                                      2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
University and School Structure

                Registrar                                                 University Management

       University Programme Board                                              College Executive

                 Dean of                                                       Head of School                    Heads of Subject
               Architecture                                                    of Architecture,                    Committee
                                                                                Planning and
              Associate Dean
               and Chair of                                                                                                                         School
                                                                                School Executive
               Programme                                                                                                                           Manager

                                                       Head of      Head of
       Architecture, Landscape        Director of                                                   Head of                      Head of
                                                       Teaching    Research        Head of                         Head of                       School        Technical
        Architecture, Planning      International
                                                         and         and         Architecture
                                     Engagement                                                   Architecture                    Policy      Administration     Staff
         and Environmental                             Learning   Innovation
       Policy Programme Board



UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                                                    13
Engineering and Architecture Programme Office                            Contacts for Architecture Students:

The Engineering and Architecture Programme Office comprises a            Erin O’Malley, ALPEP Programme Manager (erin.omalley@ucd.ie or
                                                                         01 716 1871)
team of friendly, approachable staff dedicated to supporting the
degree programmes offered in Engineering, Architecture, Landscape        Áine Ahern, Programme Office Administrator (aine.ahern@ucd.ie or
Architecture, City Planning & Environmental Policy.                      01 716 1939)

Staff in the Programme Office work closely with the Student Adviser,     The Architecture, Landscape, Planning & Environmental Policy Pro-
Academic Programme Coordinators, School Staff and other supports         gramme Board
around the University to help students in progressing through their
                                                                         The Architecture, Landscape, Planning and Environmental Policy
Degree. If you need assistance with online module registration, exam-
                                                                         Programmes Board reports to the University Programmes Board and
ination queries, understanding academic regulations/policies, exten-
                                                                         to the Academic Council and is responsible to for the design, devel-
uating circumstances, your path through your Degree programme or
                                                                         opment, regulation and quality, and for overseeing the delivery of the
any other support that you might require during your time in UCD the
                                                                         programmes under its remit. These Programmes include all Under-
Programme Office is there to help.
                                                                         graduate and Taught Graduate Architecture, Landscape, Planning &
Programme Office Staff are based in the Architecture Building (Top       Environmental Policy Degree Programmes.
Floor beside 3rd Year Studio) on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday
                                                                         The Programme Board is also responsible for monitoring the overall
and Friday mornings during the Semester or alternatively in Room
                                                                         performance of students registered to these programmes, including
122, Engineering & Materials Science Centre, Belfield.
                                                                         Erasmus, Exchange & Occasional Fee Paying students, monitoring
Programme Office Contacts:                                               their progression and ensuring their academic welfare.

UCD Engineering & Architecture Programme Office                          The Programme Board recommends the structure and content of
Room 122, Engineering and Materials Science Centre, Belfield             these programmes, and any regulations or policy which govern them,
Tel: (01) 716 1868                                                       and makes decisions or recommendations regarding the admission,
Website: www.ucd.ie/engarch                                              progression, continuation and graduation of students registered to
                                                                         these programmes.

14                                                     2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
The ALPEP Programme Board meets 2-3 times per Semester.                    The Union is run by the President and the Sabbatical Officers, sup-
                                                                           ported by eight College Officers and 200 Class Representatives, all of
Student Representation                                                     whom are elected by the students. See the Student’s Union website
It is vital for the community spirit of the School that students’ voices   for further information on the structure and role of the union.
and concerns are heard. There are a number of ways in which this           The Student’s Union nominates two student representatives to the
happens.                                                                   Architecture, Landscape, Planning & Environmental Policy Programme
                                                                           Board. Only students who have been officially elected to the Union
Student Representatives to the ALPEP Programme Board
                                                                           can be invited to join the Board.
The membership of the Programme Board includes two student
representatives who must be nominated by the UCD Student’s Union.          Architecture Staff/Student Committee
It’s very important to the Board that students have a voice on the         In addition to the student representatives on the ALPEP Programme
Programme Board Committees, student representatives are actively           Board, students are represented on the Staff/Student Committee.
sought each year as the Programme Board meetings provide a plat-           Class Representatives of each stage of the BSc (Arch) and from the
form to disseminate information and address any issues that arise at       MArch meet with staff representatives several times per semester.
a Programme level. It is important that students are elected formally      The Dean and the Associate Dean attend these sessions. At these
as Student Representatives via the UCD Students’ Union as the Board        meetings, issues of immediate concern to the students are discussed,
can only invite students to join the Board if they have been officially    but they also have to opportunity to discuss and contribute to the
elected to Union.                                                          broader development of the school.

Students’ Union                                                            Students are represented by at least two elected representatives
                                                                           from each year of the MArch degree (Substantially Equivalent candi-
UCD Student’s Union represents over 30, 000 students attending
                                                                           date) and the BSc in Architectural Science (Pre-Professional degree).
UCD. The Student’s Union offers help, advice and an advocacy service
                                                                           The Chair and Educational Secretary from ArcSoc, also attend SSC
for students. It also runs campaigns promoting the interests of stu-
                                                                           meetings. The Dean, the Associate Dean, faculty and staff represen-
dents, as well as student shops and affordable entertainment.
                                                                           tatives attend these meetings regularly. The SSC meets once or twice

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                          15
per semester to discuss student issues including Curriculum, delivery      dures.
of Modules as well as the school facilities and student welfare.
                                                                           Registration and Student Records
Student Regulations
Academic Regulations
                                                                           Before you begin your programme you will need to ensure that you
‘UCD’s Academic Regulations set out the university’s formal regu-          are fully registered with the University. Registration allows you to
lations in relation to how your degree programme is structured, its        obtain your UCD Student Card (UCARD) and to gain access to UCD’s
workload, how it is assessed, progression requirements and award           facilities and services. Registration is carried out online using your SIS
classification.’                                                           web account. The Engineering & Architecture Programme Office can
                                                                           help you with queries or difficulties you may have registering for ar-
The Online User’s Guide has been designed to help students and staff
                                                                           chitecture and engineering modules (see page 14). The Student Desk,
navigate their way through the Academic Regulations. The Guide is
                                                                           located in the Tierney Building on main campus can help you with
organised thematically and uses a FAQ approach. The Academic Regu-
                                                                           general queries with regard to module registration. There are also
lations are subject to review and amendment on an annual basis. The
                                                                           online guides available to help you.
Online User’s Guide is updated accordingly to reflect any changes.
                                                                           Graduate Taught Students: Information for Incoming Students
Code of conduct
                                                                           Completing Module Registration
The UCD Student Code sets out the University’s regulations and
expectations in respect of student behaviour and conduct. The Code         Graduate Taught Orientation Academic Advisory Sessions
establishes types of behaviour that constitute breaches of the Uni-
versity’s disciplinary regulations and provides details of the student     Student Records
disciplinary process. Any alleged breach of the UCD Student Code           The Student Desk is responsible for the production of official docu-
may be treated as a disciplinary matter under the University’s Student     ments relating to your registration and academic history.
Disciplinary Procedures. Students and University staff are expected to
familiarise themselves with the UCD Student Code and related proce-

16                                                       2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
Communication with Staff                                                    Protocol which you can read here.

Blackboard                                                                  Research Ethics and Integrity

Blackboard is UCD’s eLearning environment. It is used to host and           What is Research Ethics?
communicate a wide range of content relating to modules as well as
                                                                            All research conducted within UCD or by UCD staff or students that
a means for submitting coursework and assignments. Modules vary
                                                                            involve humans or animals requires the individual researcher, and/
in the manner and extent to which they make use of Blackboard. A
                                                                            or teams of researchers, to obtain ethical approval or an exemption
new system, Brightspace, is being introduced on a phased basis from
                                                                            from full ethical review. Research should be conducted in line with an
Spring 2019.
                                                                            approved research ethics application and should adhere to the condi-
UCD Email                                                                   tions of that approval.

All students are assigned a UCD connect email account upon registra-        The Office of Research Ethics co-ordinate and support the work of the
tion. All connect email addresses follow the format: firstname.last-        UCD research ethics committees. We also provide support, advice and
name@ucdconnect.ie. This is your official UCD email address which           guidance to the UCD research community on their submissions for
is linked to your student record. All official email correspondence will    ethical review and any research ethics related matters.
be sent to your UCD Connect email so it is important that you check
                                                                            Plagiarism, Collusion and Unfair Means
your email regularly as important notices and instructions will be sent
here. Some email communications may be urgent and require imme-             UCD upholds the principle of academic integrity, whereby appropriate
diate attention.                                                            acknowledgement is given to the contributions of others in any work.
                                                                            Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty, where ideas are present-
Email will not be sent to personal email accounts. You may arrange to
                                                                            ed falsely, either implicitly or explicitly, as being the original thought
have your UCD Connect account redirected to another address or ser-
                                                                            of the author. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence and while it
vice provider but you should note that it is the student’s responsibility
                                                                            may be easy to commit unintentionally, it is defined by the fact not
to ensure that this alternate mailbox is viable. It is recommended that
                                                                            the intention. All students are responsible for being familiar with the
students use their UCD Connect mail box. UCD has a Student Email
                                                                            University’s Plagiarism Policy. The library also provides guidance on

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                            17
how to avoid plagiarism.                                                  GDPR

Assessment and Feedback                                                   In May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulations came into
                                                                          force. These represent a major change in how data is dealt with in re-
Assessment                                                                lation to privacy. UCD has established a set of policies and procedures
                                                                          related to GDPR which will inform and underpin the School’s opera-
Module descriptors will set out strategies for the assessment of work
                                                                          tions. You can find further information on GDPR here.
and assignments within the module including any exams, projects,
presentations, portfolio submission etc. General information on the       Feedback
rules guiding assessment in UCD can be found on the UCD Assess-
ment webpage and within the online User’s Guide to General Regula-        By its nature, the architecture programme offers regular review and
tions.                                                                    comments on students’ work and strategies for development an
                                                                          improvement. Such discussion is integral to the pedagogy, particularly
Grade Descriptors                                                         of the studio modules. Module co-ordinators and studio teachers are
                                                                          generally open and available to discuss students’ work. In addition,
The criteria required to achieve each grade are outlined in the grade
                                                                          if a more formal review of progress and more extensive feedback is
descriptor approved by UCD Academic Council which you can find
                                                                          sought, students can seek a meeting with the module co-ordinator
                                                                          during timetabled hours. In turn, module co-ordinators may organise
Submission of work                                                        to offer individual feedback to students on occasion. For tips on cop-
                                                                          ing with exams see here.
Work to be assessed should be submitted according to the schedule
set out by module co-ordinator. Late submission of work may im-           Repeats/Resits
pact the grade received. Where there are extenuating circumstances
                                                                          For detailed information on the remediation of failed modules, resits
which might lead to late submission, these should be made known
                                                                          and repeats see the User’s guide to the General Regulations section
to the module co-ordinator as soon as possible. For policy on late
                                                                          on remediation of failed modules here.
submission see here.
                                                                          With regard to Studio modules, with the agreement of the module

18                                                      2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
coordinator, the option may be offered to resubmit the portfolio for    their potential.
assessment at the Summer Exam Board.
                                                                        The continuation procedure outlined here, describes the interven-
Information on the fees required for re-sits and repeats is available   tions in place, designed to support student progression through to
here.                                                                   completion of their programme of study in a timely manner. Students
                                                                        are encouraged to avail of supports and guidance available to them
Academic Appeals Procedure
                                                                        at UCD, as required. This procedure will work in conjunction with the
UCD recognises that from time to time situations arise when a stu-      interventions and support procedures available at university, college
dent considers that they might have grounds for appeal against a        and school level.
decision related to assessment of their academic work. UCD’s As-
                                                                        The Engineering and Architecture Programme Office is available to
sessment Appeals Policy outlines the principles and process for such
                                                                        offer advice to students on examination results and progression as
an appeal. An assessment appeal will only be considered on certain
                                                                        well as advice on university policies and procedures. For information
grounds which are outlined on the Assessment Appeals Office web-
                                                                        on how to contact the office see page 14.
page. Further information is available here.
                                                                        Extenuating Circumstances
The Engineering and Architecture Programme Office is available to
offer advice to students on examination results and progression as      Extenuating circumstances are serious unforeseen events beyond
well as advice on university policies and procedures. For information   your control which prevent you from meeting the requirements of
on how to contact the office see page 14.                               your programme e.g. illness, bereavement, other personal difficulties,
                                                                        etc. Where your studies have been impacted by such circumstances,
                                                                        you can submit an application to have your situation taken into ac-
UCD College of Engineering & Architecture Student Con-                  count. Applications are submitted online through your UCD Connect
tinuation Procedure                                                     SIS Web Account and supporting evidence must be submitted directly
                                                                        to the Engineering & Architecture Programme Office in order for your
The College of Engineering and Architecture seeks to support stu-       application to be verified. Once your application has been verified
dents, progressing through their taught programme, in achieving         by the Programme Office, the relevant Module Co-ordinators will be

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                     19
made aware that you have submitted an application and can discuss        Retrospective leave of absence: Retrospective leave of absence is
it with you.                                                             defined as an extended period of time away from the programme of
                                                                         study, where that period of time has passed. Retrospective leave of
A Student Guide to Extenuating Circumstances is available here.
                                                                         absence is not normally permitted. However, it may be granted by a
The Engineering & Architecture Programme Office is here to support       Programme Board in certain conditions. Further information on Leave
you if you have any questions about making an application for exten-     of Absence including how to apply online for a Leave of Absence can
uating circumstances or if you need to submit a medical cert or other    be found here.
types of supporting evidence.
                                                                         Withdrawing from a programme
Contact: Erin O’Malley, ALPEP Programme Manager (erin.omalley@
                                                                         Before you complete a withdrawal form, make sure you get as much
ucd.ie or 01 716 1871) or Áine Ahern, Programme Office Administra-
                                                                         advice as you can from an appropriate staff member. This includes
tor (aine.ahern@ucd.ie or 01 716 1939)
                                                                         your Programme Office, your Student Adviser or the Student Desk.
Programme Office Staff are based in the Architecture Building (Top       Read the UCD Withdrawal Policy and check the fee deadlines to famil-
Floor beside 3rd Year Studio) on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday        iarise yourself with all the implications of this request. Withdrawing
and Friday mornings during the Semester or alternatively in Room         from a programme may have implications with regard to fees which
122, Engineering & Materials Science Centre, Belfield.                   are outlined here.

Leave of Absence                                                         All information is treated in the strictest confidence and will only seen
                                                                         by those staff processing your request.
A Leave of Absence enables you to take an approved and specified
period of time away from your programme. Before you apply for a
Leave of Absence, you should make sure that you get as much advice
as you can from an appropriate staff member e.g. your Programme
Office, your Student Adviser or the Student Desk. You should also
make sure to read the UCD Leave of Absence Policy and familiarise
yourself with all the implications of this request.

20                                                     2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
Progression                                                            Switzerland is governed by national legislation and thew standards
                                                                       must comply with the European Directive on the Mutual Recogni-
Understanding Your Degree Award Calculation                            tion of Professional Qualifications (2005/36/EC). The Directive sets
                                                                       the minimum standard for the professional recognition of architects
The overall award to each graduate of a Degree Programme is calcu-
                                                                       within the EU monitored by the RIAI in Ireland. UCD architecture is
lated using the GPA (Grade Point Average) system. Your performance
                                                                       accredited from 2018 to 2023.
across the range of modules you take will be calculated using this
system, which is an average of grade-points awarded for each module    RIBA
weighted, according to the credit value of the modules for which the
grades were approved – modules will count for 5, 10 or 15 credits.     The Royal Institute of British Architects is a global professional mem-
Each stage has 60 credits and you will receive a GPA at the end of     bership body based in London. The RIBA was founded in 1834 for ‘the
each stage.                                                            general advancement of Civil Architecture, and for promoting and
                                                                       facilitating the acquirement of the knowledge of the various arts and
The Master of Architecture Degree calculation of honours is based on   sciences connected therewith’. UCD’s BSc in Architectural Science
the final stage of the programme, where the grade points are weight-   degree fulfils the requirements for the RIBA Part I the MArch for the
ed so that the final stage modules contribute 100% to the degree       RIBA Part II. The next RIBA accreditation visit will take place in Sep-
GPA. Further information is available here.                            tember 2018 for the next five year cycle (2018 to 2023).

Accreditation                                                          NAAB
UCD Architecture is accredited by the RIAI, RIBA and has obtained      The National Architectural Accrediting Board, established in 1940, is
substantial equivalency status from the NAAB.                          the oldest accrediting agency for architectural education in the Unit-
                                                                       ed States. The NAAB accredits professional degrees in architecture of-
                                                                       fered by institutions with U.S. regional accreditation. Currently, there
The Royal Institute of Architects Ireland is the primary accrediting   are 153 accredited programs offered by 123 institutions. The NAAB
body of our Professional Programme, currently MArch. Access to the     develops standards and procedures appropriate for the education of
profession of Architect in the EU member states, EEA countries and     architects. These standards are developed by architectural educators,

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                     21
practitioners, regulators, and students. UCD’s MArch Programme             Entry Requirements: For UCD BSc in Architectural Science graduates
received NAAB’s Substantial Equivalency Status from January 2017 to        the entry requirement for the MArch Degree is a minimum Degree
2022.                                                                      Award GPA of 2.8 (equivalent to a mid 2H2 Degree) but students who
                                                                           do not achieve a 2.8 GPA can still apply and will be considered subject
                                                                           to interview and portfolio submission. Further information here.
¹Conditions for Substantial Equivalency
2Procedures for Substantial Equivalency                                    For non-UCD Students: Entry onto this flagship programme is highly
3UCD Architecture Programme Report Visit Two July 2014                     competitive and requires a Bachelors Degree with a minimum upper
4NAAB Visiting Team Report for Visit Two                                   second class honours (NFQ Level 8) or international equivalence in a
5NAAB Visiting Team Report for Visit Three                                 relevant programme. A full portfolio review and (skype) interview is

After Your Degree                                                          Study Abroad – ERASMUS

Conditions for Progression to M Arch Programme                             UCD has exchange agreements with 400 universities in Europe and
                                                                           around the world. Many M Arch students use the opportunity to
This two year programme fulfils the requirements for the profession-       study for a semester in one of our partner schools in Asia, Australia,
al education in architecture (RIBA Part II exempt and RIAI and has         the US, and Europe during this first year of the M Arch programme.
obtained substantial equivalency with NAAB). It equips students to         Further information is available from UCD International Office and a
deal with complex design problems in challenging contexts. Through         list of where you can do is available here.
studio projects, academic writing and practical experiment it devel-
ops professional capacities while placing equal emphasis on research       Students agree in advance and confirm the modules they will be
and critical enquiry. It situates architecture within a broader field of   taking during their stay in another host institution with the UCD
disciplines and influences. The programme is led by academics and          Programme coordinator prior to travel, the modules from the host in-
practitioners at the forefront of the discipline. It encourages students   stitute must fulfill our required learning outcomes for that semester.
to participate in and lead the development of a vital and critical cul-
ture of architecture.

22                                                       2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
Year Out                                                                 Masters in Urban Design and Planning (MSc)

Most students will take a year out to gain practical experience before   Masters of Regional and Urban Planning (MRUP)
progressing to the Master of Architecture Degree. This year out is not
                                                                         Master of Science in Environmental Policy (Full-time) (MSc)
mandatory but it is recommended.
                                                                         You can find out more about Graduate Taught Programmes here.
In Semester Two of Stage Three you will be contacted by email and
asked to confirm your intentions for the next academic year – pro-
gression or year out. It’s very important that you tell us what you
intend to do as we can’t advance a student to the Master of Architec-    Graduate Research Programmes
ture or have their registration changed to Year Out (Leave of Absence)   Masters in Urban and Building Conservation (MUBC)
unless they request it. See here for further information.
                                                                         Masters in Urban Design (MUD)
Postgraduate Study
                                                                         Masters of Architectural Science (MArchSc)
The School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy offers
a wide and multi-disciplinary range of taught graduate programmes        Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD)
suited to recent graduates and professionals alike.                      You can find out more about Graduate Research Programmes here.
Graduate Taught Programmes
                                                                         Professional Diploma in Architecture
Masters of Architectural Science in Sustainable Building Design and
                                                                         The Professional Diploma in Architecture is the final professional
Performance (MArchSc)
                                                                         examination for architectural graduates leading to entry to the Regis-
Masters of Architectural Science in Urban Design (MArchSc)               ter for Architects in Ireland. The programme is offered on a part-time
                                                                         flexible basis over two semesters, at the time that an architectural
Masters of Architectural Science in Landscape Studies (MArchSc)
                                                                         graduate is undertaking minimum 2 years professional practical
Masters in Landscape Architecture (MLA)                                  experience under supervision.

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                      23
Graduates arrange their own placements in architectural practice,          Supports, Societies and Facilities
which may be in Ireland or abroad, and the programme is structured
to provide a context and support to graduates during their profes-         UCD has a range of supports in place to help students during their
sional training.                                                           time at university. This section briefly outlines what supports are
                                                                           available and how to access them.
The programme is delivered by UCD academic staff, practicing archi-
tects and other professionals with expertise in critical subject areas.    Student Help
The course is flexible, either on-campus or Online (distance learning),
                                                                           The Student Help webpage is a one-stop-shop which will direct you to
and assessments are available in both Semester 1 (January) and Se-
                                                                           the appropriate help from an emergency on campus to registering for
mester 2 (May).
                                                                           a course. You can find it here.
Further information is available here and here.
                                                                           Programme Office

                                                                           Each course (programme in UCD) is supported by a Programme Of-
                                                                           fice. They are your first point of contact if you need academic advice
                                                                           or pastoral support. They are there to help you with any concern or
                                                                           query relating to your degree programme. Some of the key areas your
                                                                           Programme Office can help you with are:

                                                                                •   Registration queries

                                                                                •   Advice on examination results and progression

                                                                                •   Academic Programme advice

                                                                                •   Advice on University Policies and Procedures
                                                                                •   Extenuating circumstances/medical certificates

                                                                                •   Withdrawals from/re-admission to programmes

24                                                       2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
•   Referral to Student Adviser/academic staff/Disability Support   Student Desk
         Services, etc.
                                                                         The Student Desk is located in the Tierney Building on main campus.
Programme Office Staff are based in the Architecture Building (Top       They provide a drop-in service and can help you with issues including:
Floor beside 3rd Year Studio) on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday
and Friday mornings during the Semester or alternatively in Room              •   Fees
122, Engineering & Materials Science Centre, Belfield.                        •   Official documents

                                                                              •   Form stamping

Programme Office Contacts:                                                    •   Registration

UCD Engineering & Architecture Programme Office                               •   Exam information

Room 122, Engineering and Materials Science Centre, Belfield                  •   Thesis Submission Checklist

Tel: (01) 716 1868                                                            •   What is UniShare?

Website: www.ucd.ie/engarch

                                                                         Student Advisers

Contacts for Architecture Students:                                      The UCD Student Advisory Service is a point of contact, support and
Erin O’Malley, ALPEP Programme Manager (erin.omalley@ucd.ie or           referral for all UCD students throughout their studies. Every academ-
01 716 1871)                                                             ic programme in UCD has a dedicated Student Adviser who offers
                                                                         students time and space to explore issues of concern to them. The
Áine Ahern, Programme Office Administrator (aine.ahern@ucd.ie or
                                                                         Student Advisers can assist students in finding pathways to deal with
01 716 1939)
                                                                         personal, social and emotional issues and can advise of appropriate
                                                                         UCD policies, procedures and services. Student Advisers work closely
                                                                         with academic and administrative staff as well as with the other stu-
                                                                         dent support staff to ensure that each student’s experience at UCD is

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                     25
as fulfilling and enjoyable as possible.                                 Health
Dr Colleen Doyle is the Student Adviser for Engineering, Architecture    The Student Health & Counselling Service is based on the first floor of
and Landscape Architecture Students. She is located in Richview in       the Student Centre. It is staffed by medical professionals and a team
the main Architecture Building (Top Floor beside 3rd Year Studio)        of counsellors. Check out their website for opening hours and the
on Thursdays during the academic term. She also has an office in         range of services provided.
the Engineering & Materials Science Centre, room 130A, (beside the
common room) and she is available here Mondays, Tuesdays and             Mental Health
Wednesdays.                                                              UCD seeks to ensure that the promotion of mental health and well-
Appointments can be booked through her online diary, or by contact-      being is part of the UCD Student Experience. (You can view the policy
ing Colleen on email or by phone:                                        online here.) There are number of supports on campus available to
                                                                         help you. See here for more information. If you or someone you know
colleen.doyle@ucd.ie (01) 716 1875 or (086) 382 5746 (office hours       is suffering with their mental health, there is an online guide available
only)                                                                    to direct you to appropriate help and support here.

Student Charter                                                          Counselling

The UCD Student Charter summarises our aspirations and expecta-          UCD provides a Student Counselling Service. This is a free and confi-
tions for all members of our University community. It sets out the       dential service staffed by professionally qualified psychologists and
roles and responsibilities of the various groups within our University   counsellors. It aims to provide easily accessible support for students
and outlines what students can expect from their University and what     when personal issues arise that affect their happiness, well-being,
the University can expect from its student members.                      capacity to cope, relationships or learning.

                                                                         If you are a student who is in need of support click here to find out
                                                                         how to avail of one to one counselling at UCD.

26                                                     2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
Chaplaincy                                                                 disability@ucd.ie or attend Disability Support - Drop In Sessions.

UCD chaplains are available throughout the year for support, guid-         UCD Access & Lifelong Learning has prepared a selection of guides for
ance and advice in complete confidence for those of all faiths and         students on how to manage particular disabilities in college . Click on
none. Click here for further details.                                      the links below to download the appropriate guide.

                                                                                •   Managing ADD/ADHD
UCD Access and Lifelong Learning
                                                                                •   Managing Asperger’s Syndrome
UCD Access and Lifelong Learning offers a range of academic support
                                                                                •   Managing Dyslexia
services to students. It runs an academic skills workshop for all stu-
dents to help them transition to university level learning. You can find        •   Managing Dyspraxia
out more here.                                                                  •   Managing Hearing Difficulties

Disability                                                                      •   Managing Mental Health Difficulties

                                                                                •   Managing Physical Disabilities
UCD Access and Lifelong Learning also offers a range of services
to support students with disabilities, including: dyslexia screening            •   Managing Significant Ongoing Illnesses
service, advice on managing disabilities, exam accommodation and                •   Managing Visual Impairment
assistive technology. Find out more about these services here.

All students with a disability in UCD have the opportunity to receive
supports. To receive these supports students are invited to register       Dyslexia Screening
with UCD Access & Lifelong Learning. More information and details
                                                                           UCD Access & Lifelong Learning provides a Dyslexia Screening Service
on the documents required to register for supports can be found
                                                                           for registered students of UCD. This free service is provided to allow
                                                                           UCD students who feel they are experiencing significant difficulties
Students already registered for support who have a query can email         with learning to attend an initial screening for dyslexia. The screening

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                          27
service aims to provide students with an indication of whether or not           Gender Identity and Expression
it would be useful for them to get a full Educational Psychologist’s As-
                                                                                Gender identity and expression is a positive, core part, of being
sessment. It is the student’s choice as to whether he/she will pursue a
                                                                                human and experiencing wellbeing and fulfilment. UCD celebrates
full assessment. You can find out more here.
                                                                                its diverse community of employees and students and their diverse
                                                                                gender identities and expression. Fundamental equality and inclusion
                                                                                in UCD’s community is central to our University’s ethos of academic
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion                                                 excellence and integrity and our aspiration to be leaders in our soci-
UCD is committed to creating an environment where diversity is cel-             ety.
ebrated and everyone is treated fairly regardless of gender, age, race,         UCD’s Gender Identity and Expression Policy can be found here, along
disability, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, civil status, family   with further information on transitioning at UCD and gender neutral
status, or membership of the travelling community. The University               facilities on Belfield campus, including Richview.
recognises the challenges it faces and has a genuine commitment to
equality of opportunity for our staff and students, and to promote              LGBTI
and maintain an inclusive work and study environment where there is
                                                                                The LGBTI Sub-Group comes under the umbrella of Equality, Diver-
mutual respect and dignity. It is fully committed to both meeting and
                                                                                sity and Inclusion. The purpose of this sub-group is to consider and
exceeding our obligations under current legislation by doing more
                                                                                further opportunities for LGBTI focussed issues and concerns relevant
than what is required by law. UCD’s policies on equality, diversity and
                                                                                to equality, diversity and inclusion within the University, with a view
inclusion can be found here.
                                                                                to optimising and transforming our university community’s culture,
Architecture Faculty member, Associate Professor Elizabeth Shotton,             ethos and practice towards one of universal equality.
serves as the college representative on the Equality, Diversity and
                                                                                UCD is a founding member of the Diversity Champions programme of
Inclusion (EDI) Group for the College of Engineering and Architecture.
                                                                                the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) in Ireland and in that
You can find out more about the role and objectives of the group
                                                                                context can be expected to take a proactive and open LGBTI-inclusive
                                                                                stance in its strategies and policies. You can find out more about the

28                                                           2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
group here.                                                              the Student Welfare Fund. You can find out more about how to apply
                                                                         for assistance, and eligibility criteria here. If you are unsure whether
Dignity & Respect at UCD                                                 or not you may be eligible for financial assistance form either the Stu-
UCD is committed to the promotion of an environment for work and         dent Support Fund or the Student Welfare Fund please contact your
study which upholds the dignity and respect of the individual and        Student Adviser in the first instance.
which supports every individual’s right to study and/or work in an
environment which is free of any form of harassment, intimidation or
bullying. ‌                                                              Careers

There are a number of supports in place for staff and students expe-     UCD has a dedicated Career Development Office on main campus
riencing bullying and/or harassment, and there are a range of options    which is open to all students to gain support, information and advice
(both informal and formal) available in an attempt to resolve the        with regard to post-university careers. The Careers office offers a wide
issue. You can find out more here.                                       range of services: students and recent graduates (up to two years
                                                                         after graduation) can book a 20 minute one-to-one appointment with
The Dignity & Respect policy sets out the framework for dealing with
                                                                         a Career & Skills Consultant to talk about anything career related. Stu-
complaints of bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment.
                                                                         dents and graduates can also book a CV/Application review appoint-
It includes information for dealing with complaints informally as well
                                                                         ment or a general ‘Quick Query’ appointment. In addition the Careers
as information on the formal procedure. It also contains information
                                                                         office offers a Career Information Library, and a series of Career Work-
on the supports available for staff and students.
                                                                         shops during the academic year.

                                                                         UCD Architecture also offers one day workshop on Portfolio prepara-
Financial Support                                                        tion, CV and other career development related matters to graduating
                                                                         year students.
Financial problems can arise for students for a number of reasons. To
allow for these circumstances, UCD offers two opportunities for stu-
dents to apply for financial assistance; the Student Support Fund and

UCD ARCHITECTURE | APEP | Master of Architecture | HANDBOOK | 2018|2019                                                                       29
Societies and Sports                                                         The Architecture Society

UCD Sport                                                                    The Architecture Society or Arc Soc is an important part of student
                                                                             life here at Richview. Arc Soc run a number of events throughout the
Exercise is a great way to keep mind and body healthy during your            year including lectures, workshops and the annual architecture ball.
time at university. UCD boasts an extensive range of sporting facilities     You can find more information about the society here.
available to students, including the UCD Sport & Fitness complex, in-
corporating an Olympic-sized 50-metre pool and gym, twelve natural           Architecture Societies Outside UCD
grass playing pitches, hockey pitches, climbing wall, tennis courts,
squash courts and sports halls. There are almost sixty sports clubs
available to students from team sports and adventure sports, to wa-          The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland supports and regulates
ter sports and fitness classes. The full list of sports clubs is available   the architectural profession and promotes the value that architec-
here and facilities here.                                                    ture brings to society for everyone’s benefit. The RIAI have a student
                                                                             membership available to students of architecture for free. For more
UCD Student Centre
                                                                             information on what the RIAI does and membership see their web-
The Student centre provides space for clubs and societies as well as,        site.
essential student services such as the student health centre. It in-
cludes the Clubhouse (student bar), UCD cinema, shops, restaurants,
a pool room, the DramSoc Theatre, and a number of lecture theatres,          The Irish Architecture Foundation is an independent organisation
seminar rooms and offices.                                                   dedicated to the promotion of architecture as culture. Its mission
                                                                             is to encourage people to engage with their built environment, to
UCD Student Societies
                                                                             inspire new ways of thinking about architecture. The IAF runs many
UCD has over 80 recognised student societies covering a wide range           events and initiatives throughout the year including lectures and
of cultural interests, sports as well as academic disciplines, and many      talks, teaching projects, tours, as well as Open House Dublin held in
more. Student societies are run by students for students. You can find       October every year. Open House Dublin is a great opportunity to visit
further information on the UCD Student Society website.                      architecture all over the city which is not normally open to the public.

30                                                         2018|2019 | Handbook | Master of Architecture | APEP | UCD Architecture
You can also read