2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada

Page created by Terry Myers
2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada
BC Ferries & Parks Canada

                                 2018 Coastal
                                 Naturalist Program
This summer, the 2018 Coastal Naturalist Program, now in            Fifteen Coastal Naturalists engage with customers with short
its 13th season, offers BC Ferries customers the opportunity to     roving presentations and deliver a 20-minute program on select
discover the world beneath the waves, and more! BC Ferries and      daytime sailings, offering a real life coastal experience.
Parks Canada work together to present this successful program
                                                                    The Coastal Naturalist Program helps to raise awareness of and
to inform, educate, and inspire travellers on board BC Ferries
                                                                    increase appreciation for BC’s wildlife, marine life, geography,
vessels about the wonders of BC’s coast. The program offers
                                                                    culture and history. Approximately 150,000 customers
our customers the opportunity to connect with the coastal
                                                                    participate in onboard presentations each season, with seasonal
region, covering topics about the ocean, BC’s unique wildlife
                                                                    program promotions reaching millions of customers.
and marine life, coastal, nautical and cultural history, and hear
stories that connect Canadians and visitors to Parks Canada’s       The 2018 Coastal Naturalist Program is proudly presented by
incredible places.                                                  BC Ferries and Parks Canada.
The Coastal Naturalist Program runs from Wednesday, June 27th
through Monday, September 3rd, 2018 on select BC Ferries vessels
sailing between Vancouver Island and Vancouver. Plus, new this
year, you’ll find Coastal Naturalists at some of our terminals.

      Fun fact:
 Each orca pod has
its own family song!
2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada
Coastal Naturalist Program Details
Coastal Naturalists                                                  NEW FOR 2018!
We started the 2018 year with a comprehensive audition process      Terminal Program
to find the best naturalists, and are proud to introduce a team     This year, the program will also run in select terminals from
of fifteen enthusiastic presenters for you to meet on board and     Friday to Sunday and holiday Mondays during the onboard
in terminals.                                                       season. Coastal Naturalists will be there to answer questions,
                                                                    tell stories and share experiences. Make sure to look for the
On Board Program                                                    Coastal Naturalist tents to learn more about what the
                                                                    BC coast has to offer!
The program runs from June 27th to September 3rd, 2018. The
program is delivered seven days a week on select vessels
travelling between Vancouver Island and Vancouver.                  Terminals
Presentation schedules vary by route; please check the schedule     • Tsawwassen
to determine availability.                                          • Swartz Bay
Coastal Naturalist Programs are offered on all statutory holidays   • Horseshoe Bay
during the summer period.                                           • Departure Bay
                                                                    • Duke Point - Sundays and Mondays (Long weekends)
• Spirit of British Columbia                                        Schedule
• Spirit of Vancouver Island                                        The Coastal Naturalist schedule is found at
• Coastal Celebration                                               bcferries.com/onboard-experiences/Coastal_Experiences
• Queen of New Westminster
• Coastal Renaissance
• Queen of Oak Bay                                                  “I’m new to British Columbia, and was interested
                                                                     in learning more about BC as I travelled on the
                                                                     ferry. Imagine my delight in realizing there was
                                                                     a knowledgeable naturalist on board! I learned
                                                                     so much that I didn’t know before. Coastal
                                                                     British Columbia is indeed a place of remarkable
                                                                     diversity, beauty and wonder! It is a treasure to
                                                                     be valued and cared for.”
                                                                                                          – BC Ferries Customer
2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada
Meet our 2018 Coastal Naturalists!
Ayla                                                                   Mary
Hello! My name is Ayla. I am originally                                Hi, my name is Mary! I grew up in Burnaby,
from New Jersey in the United States and                               BC and have lived in beautiful British
have come to British Columbia to study                                 Columbia my whole life. I’ve recently
Natural Resource Conservation at UBC. I                                graduated from Simon Fraser University
am coming up on my first full year here on                             with a BSc in Biology, and spent the last
the BC coast and am absolutely loving it! My                           4 months of my degree living and doing
interests are widespread, but I have always loved studying differ-     research at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, on the west
ent cultures and types of wildlife. I worked for a summer off the      coast of Vancouver Island! My research focuses mainly on how
coast of New Brunswick on Grand Manan Island as an instructor          seaweeds are affected by warming ocean temperatures, and
and participant at a marine wildlife camp which I credit with          what we can do to protect marine environments in the face of
fostering my fascination with the outdoors. Aside from exploring,      climate change.
my other hobbies include theatre and the arts. I have been a part
                                                                       During my free time, I love traveling, hiking, SCUBA diving or just
of many theatre productions as an actress and twice as a director.
                                                                       sitting down with a good crossword. This will be my first year
I would say my biggest passion at the moment is travel. So far I       as a Coastal Naturalist, and I can’t wait to meet new people, be
have traveled around Canada, the eastern coast of the United           outside and share my love for our oceans!
States, and throughout Central and Western Europe. I wish to
eventually make it to each continent. This summer I am most
looking forward to learning all about the place I am calling home
right now. I hope to transmit all that I learn this summer to all
those traveling between Tsawwassen and Vancouver Island!

Hi everyone, my name’s Angie. I’m a born
and raised Vancouverite with a passion
and love for all things outdoors. Growing
up I spent almost every weekend either
out on our boat exploring Howe Sound
and the Gulf Islands or skiing up at our cabin
in Manning Park. This ignited my love of the forest and drove my
desire to know more. I graduated from SFU with my Bachelors
of Science in Environmental Science and am eager to share my
knowledge and excitement for ecology with anyone willing to
listen. I’ve worked for both the Vancouver Aquarium and Science
World and am so excited to combine all that knowledge and
experience with everything I’ll be learning as a Coastal Naturalist.
Beyond my work life I like to go hiking and climbing throughout
the lower mainland and I’m also currently training for my second
season of triathlons.
2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada
Colin                                                                 Erin
Hello! My name is Colin. I’m a teacher-in-                            My name is Erin and I am a huge outdoor
training at the University of Victoria. After                         enthusiast! I have lived in BC my whole
two years in Natural Resource Sciences                                life and love hiking, horseback riding, and
in BC’s interior, I realized my passion was                           boating around our beautiful province.
to share the wonders of our world with                                I have a BSc in Applied Animal Biology
others around me. Building on this passion                            with a focus in Animal Welfare and have just
for sharing our surroundings, I have experience                       completed a diploma in Fish, Wildlife and Recreation.
working in BC’s Provincial Parks in both customer service and         Last summer I worked as an Auxiliary Conservation Officer out in
maintenance, as well as time as a science camp instructor. In my      Osoyoos and Christina Lake and really enjoyed interacting with
work, I’ve done everything from teaching school groups how to         the public regarding safe transport of their watercraft to prevent
paddle a canoe to reopening disused nature trails for the public      the spread of invasive species.
to experience the wonders of the wild.
                                                                      In my spare time I enjoy experiencing and learning more about
My life outside of work closely reflects my career - you’ll find me   our natural environment. A few of my favourite outdoor memo-
backpacking, paddling, and roaming around Vancouver Island’s          ries have been: having morning coffee on the West Coast Trail
wilderness, learning at every opportunity. I dedicate part of my      while whales fed offshore; leading a group on a horseback ride in
free time to interpretation with the Royal BC Museum. I also          the Dogtooth Range and coming across a mother black bear and
have a passion for aviation, photography and the history of this      three cubs; and driving up to work at Kicking Horse Mountain
incredible place that I have the honour of calling home - British     Resort at dawn with a wolf running alongside my car. I look for-
Columbia. For the second summer in a row, I am excited to have        ward to making many more memories this summer and sharing
the opportunity to share all this with visitors and residents from    these experiences with the public!
such a unique vantage point.
                                                                      Hello! My name is Hailey, but if you are
Hi, my name is Emma. I have lived near                                a fan of nicknames, feel free to call me
British Columbia’s west coast for much                                Haymo. I was born in Prince George and
of my life and, like so many, have gained                             moved to White Rock, BC when I was
a curiosity and wonderment for the                                    five years old. Living so close to the beach
natural world as a result. I believe that                             allowed me to spend much of my child-
this landscape has been formative to my                               hood wading through tidal pools, discovering little critters, and
identity and my pursued education in to the fields of biology         exploring their habitat. Currently, I am finishing my fourth year
and environmental studies —of which I am in my fourth year of
                                                                      in a Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of Victoria. In
undergraduate study at the University of Victoria. Last summer
                                                                      my degree I have taken courses that focus on local ecology and
I was fortunate enough to fulfil a lifelong dream of researching
                                                                      conservation biology, and I have also developed a keen interest in
humpback whale behavior while interning as a research assistant
                                                                      international politics and policy implementation.
at the Alaska Whale Foundation. The experimental education I
gained through the internship has heightened my appreciation          The past two summers I was employed by the Greater
for the intricacies of marine life, and my fascination for hump-      Vancouver Zoo where I was a part of the Education and Tourism
back whales.                                                          Department. Spending my summers outside, surrounded by
Besides being in nature, creative expression also contributes to      incredible animals, promoting community stewardship and mo-
my sense of wellbeing. Much of my free time is spent illustrating,    tivating future environmental leaders increased my passion for
practicing film photography, and collecting vintage homewares.        environmental education.
I am looking forward to merging my ecological and artistic in-
                                                                      When time allows, I enjoy playing guitar, singing, and going to as
terests through the creative and experiential forms of educating
                                                                      many concerts as possible. I am looking forward to having a fun
that this Coastal Naturalist opportunity provides!
                                                                      and educational summer!
2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada
Jade                                                                  Lauren
Hi, my name is Jade! Growing up in North                              Hi! My name is Lauren and I’m excited
Vancouver, I have been surrounded by                                  to be a part of this season’s Coastal
forests and oceans my entire life which                               Naturalist Program. Originally from
shaped my passion for hiking in our                                   Vancouver, I grew up with a love of the
beautiful mountains and paddling in our                               water from living on the lake in Osoyoos
pristine waters. I am going into my third                             and visiting the coast of BC. Some of my
year of studies at the University of Northern British                 favourite childhood memories are walking along
Columbia in Prince George, pursuing a BA in Outdoor Recreation        the shore and finding crabs and sea stars or seeing whales from
and Tourism Management. I have worked with multiple out-              one of the BC Ferries travelling to Victoria. Since graduating
door camps on the mainland in the past couple years, such as          from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor of Science in
Camp Potlatch and Mt. Seymour Eco Camps. These experiences            Geography and Professional Communication, I have worked at
have helped me learn how to deliver the most meaningful and           the Osoyoos Desert Centre and the Shaw Centre for the Salish
inspiring presentations for audiences of all ages to consume and      Sea. I love educating visitors about the wildlife found in each
appreciate.                                                           unique environment and seeing their eyes light up when they
                                                                      learn something new (did you know a leather sea star smells like
Last summer, my boyfriend and I went on a week-long kayak ex-
                                                                      garlic?). My passion for the marine environment only grew after I
pedition and circumnavigated around many of the Gulf Islands;
                                                                      received my scuba diving certification and I have been fortunate
we got to experience the stunning and immense biodiversity of
                                                                      to snorkel and dive in over 10 countries, including Belize, Mexico,
our coast firsthand, which I am excited to share with everyone
                                                                      South Africa, and Tanzania. I am still learning about the myster-
this summer as a Coastal Naturalist. In my spare time, I enjoy
                                                                      ies of the ocean and am looking forward to sharing newfound
bagging mountain summits, camping under the stars, re-watch-
                                                                      knowledge and stories with visitors to the ferries!
ing The Office over and over, and drinking (mango) bubble tea! I
have a deep interest in outdoor education and experiential learn-
ing, and hope to bring this as an asset to the Coastal Naturalist     Rachael
Program team.
                                                                      My name is Rachael! Ever since I was a
                                                                      very young child growing up on beauti-
Jeanine                                                               ful Bowen Island I have been immensely
                                                                      fascinated by the ocean and all that
Hello! My name is Jeanine and I grew up in
                                                                      dwell beneath her waves. Some of my
North Vancouver. I am finishing my fifth
                                                                      earliest memories are of running around on
and final year at the University of Victoria,
                                                                      the upper decks of the Queen of Capilano, gazing
completing my Bachelor of Science in
                                                                      out in wonder at the screeching seagulls or a pod of porpoises.
Biology, with a concentration in Marine
                                                                      Between my first and second years of post-secondary education
Biology. I found my love for the ocean when
                                                                      I was working as a research assistant for Fisheries and Oceans
I was little and discovered by passion for inverte-
                                                                      Canada in the small northern town of Kitimat. This job immersed
brates in Grade 11 biology. Since then, I have been on my journey
                                                                      me in the complex web of natural and cultural elements that
to become a marine biologist. Along the way, I have attended
                                                                      make up the BC coast while also connecting me with my own
Bamfield Marine Science Centre as a Fall Program student, where
                                                                      family heritage in the area. I am now a student of biology at
I completed my first independent, directed studies research proj-
                                                                      the University of Victoria with a concentration in the Marine
ect. I also worked for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Canada as an Aquaculture Biologist in Campbell River, where I got
to explore around Vancouver Island while conducting audits on         When I am not buried in textbooks and notes I enjoy spending
aquaculture facilities.                                               time at the beach, rock climbing, and singing and dancing to
                                                                      my favourite local Celtic Folk band. I am very excited about the
When I’m not learning about marine biology, you will most often
                                                                      upcoming summer term with BC Ferries and Parks Canada and
find me hanging out with friends or at the climbing wall (or both).
                                                                      can’t wait to share my passion and excitement for the natural
I love being active and enjoying the west coast sunshine every
                                                                      world with ferry travellers!
opportunity I get. In the summer, I like to train for triathlons
and go hiking around the local mountains. I also love talking to
people, and am always enthusiastic to share my passion for life
and biology!
2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada
Rachel                                                                   Joe
Hi! My name is Rachel and this is my                                     Hi! My name is Joe. I’ve always been
second summer as a Coastal Naturalist!                                   fascinated by the natural world and living
I had a blast last season both learning                                  things. It began with childhood sum-
about and sharing the wonders of coast                                   mers at the family cottage, exploring the
and I am so pleased to be back for an-                                   lake bottom using my grandfather’s old
other amazing summer! I have lived on the                                snorkeling gear and catching small fish with
BC coast my entire life and was born and raised in                       a butterfly net. Since then, it has evolved gradu-
beautiful Victoria. I just graduated from the University of Victoria     ally into a lifelong passion. After earning a bachelor’s degree in
with a BA in Environmental Studies and Geography and I am very           Environment and Health Studies at York University in Toronto,
excited to take all I have learned and put it into practice. Lucky for   I moved to Prince Rupert, BC, where I studied Applied Coastal
me, this position is a great start! During this season, I am most        Ecology at Northwest Community College, worked as a volunteer
looking forward to expanding my knowledge about the beauti-              hatchery technician for Oldfield Creek Salmon Hatchery, and fell
ful west coast, and improving my skills as an interpreter. I also        in love with BC’s rugged North Coast region.
look forward to meeting all of you and hearing your stories as we
                                                                         Most recently, I’ve been bringing the thrilling history of the Fraser
travel to our destinations!
                                                                         River gold rush to life as a costumed Heritage Presenter at Fort
                                                                         Langley National Historic Site. This beautifully restored Hudson’s
Severin                                                                  Bay Company trading post is where the colony of British
                                                                         Columbia was proclaimed on November 19, 1858.
Hello! My name is Severin, and I have
lived in North Vancouver, BC my entire
life, and am a recent graduate with a                                    Janna
BA in Geography. My primary interests
                                                                         My name is Janna and I am studying
throughout my degree were environmen-
                                                                         Natural Resource Sciences at Thompson
tal sustainability on the West Coast, and
                                                                         Rivers University. In my free time I enjoy
sustainable agriculture. I have worked for the past
                                                                         soccer, volleyball, hiking, camping, and
six years in the organic food sector and am very excited to start
                                                                         good books. This summer, as a returning
working in environmental education during the Summer of 2018.
                                                                         Coastal Naturalist I am looking forward to
In my free time I love to hike, go to the gym, play cello, travel and    meeting people from different places and being able
eat delicious local food. My favourite seasons are Fall and Winter       to share my passion and knowledge about the unique coastal
as I love the cooler weather, watching the leaves change colour          ecosystems found in BC.
and the snow begin to fall! However, it is hard to beat the beauty
of Spring and Summer in British Columbia! This summer I am
so excited to share my love and passion for the education and
sustainability of the West Coast.

        Fi n d u  s  o n  b  o a r d
        an  d  i n  t e r m i n a l s
            this summer!
2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada 2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada 2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada 2018 Coastal Naturalist Program - BC Ferries & Parks Canada
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