Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council

Page created by Dustin Wise
Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
summer 2019

Sun's out
Fun's out
In this issue:
Summer heat health
Celebrating Oak Park's new
Sports and Aquatic Centre
Brunswick Music Festival's
new programmer shines
Pool safety barriers save lives
One-on-one computer
Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
In this edition                                            Welcome to Inside Moreland
     3        Reduce hazards and keep                          A message from your Mayor
              your cool this summer
     4        Making a splash in                               Welcome to the summer
              Moreland this summer                             edition of Inside Moreland.
     6        Brunswick Music Festival                         It’s been an awesome first few months
              2019                                             being Mayor of Moreland and I’m so
     7        Pool Safety Barriers -                           excited for the year ahead.
              saving lives                                     This issue of Inside Moreland is
     8        Be Connected Program                             packed with heaps of great articles.
                                                               With the sun well and truly out, it’s
     8        Getting in touch with your
                                                               fantastic to see people of all ages,
                                                               backgrounds and abilities cooling off at
                                                               the new Oak Park Sports and Aquatic
                                                               The brilliant new centre has been
                                                               the biggest capital works project
                                                               that Council has ever undertaken
    Moreland City Council                                      and has been delivered on time and
    Locked Bag 10, Moreland, VIC, 3058                         under budget – with the bright slides       Council offers a range of places to get
    9240 1111 |
                                                               now being a monumental landmark             out of the heat and rehydrate. Take
    Find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.                  for the city. I’m sure many readers         a rest, with a cool drink of water, at
                                                               have dropped in, to check out fitness       Brunswick Library, Coburg Library,
                                                               classes on offer, the bright blue 50m       Glenroy Library, Brunswick Customer
                                                               pool, or just to read a good book on        Service Centre and the Moreland Civic
                                                               the shady green lawns.                      Centre in Coburg, during opening
                                                               As a mum of three active boys, I know       hours. Prevention is always the best
                                                               the importance of keeping kids safe         way to manage heat-related illness.
                                                               around water. Our story about pool          Get your errands done early in the day
                                                               safety barriers is a timely reminder that   if you can manage it.
    Published by Moreland City Council,                        it is your responsibility as the owner,     The libraries are a great place to
    January 2019.                                              occupier or tenant of a property with       cool-off and relax. Turn to the back
                                                               a pool or spa, to ensure barriers are       page to find some information on our
    Information and events contained in this publication       both installed and maintained. Pool         Be Connected program, offering free
    are current at the time of printing. Subsequent
    changes to events/information may occur. Although
                                                               barriers really do save lives.              one-on-one technology classes at
    the publication may be of assistance to you,
    Moreland City Council does not guarantee that it is
                                                               The article on the Brunswick Music          Moreland Libraries. Meet new people,
    without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for      Festival shows what many of us              learn how to check your emails, or
    your particular purposes. It and its employees do
    not accept any responsibility, and indeed expressly
                                                               already know: Moreland really is a          – most importantly – how to share
    disclaim any liability, for any loss or damage,            vibrant hub of talent and creativity.       all those summer holiday pics with
    whether direct or consequential, suffered by any
    person as the result of or arising from reliance on
                                                               This year’s festival is set to be a real    friends online.
    any information contained in the publication.              treat and I certainly can’t wait for the
    © All applicable copyrights reserved for Moreland
                                                               full line-up – announced on Tuesday         Keep cool and safe over summer,
    City Council. Except for any uses permitted under the      22 January, so I can plan which
    Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication
    may be reproduced in any manner or in any medium
                                                               performances to see.
    (whether electronic or otherwise) without the express
                                                               With summers getting warmer, it’s
    permission of Moreland City Council. This document
    is also available as a PDF file on Moreland’s website at   important to maintain your property We care about the environment.        to reduce fire risk and remember to
    Inside Moreland is printed on 100% recycled carbon
                                                               stay safe when heading out of the city.
    neutral paper made from post consumer waste using
                                                               Keep an eye on the weather and stay         Cr Natalie Abboud
    biodegradable vegetable based inks.
                                                               informed, prepared and connected,
    Cover image: Tahlia and Isabelle enjoying the
                                                               especially in bushfire-prone areas.         Mayor of Moreland
    Water Play Pool at Oak Park's new Sports and
    Aquatic Centre

2   inside moreland summer 2019
Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
Reduce hazards and keep your cool
    this fire season

     Reduce fire risks this summer by cutting your grass and removing any debris from around your home and fenceline.

    With the warmer weather here,                greatly increase fire risk.                  It's a good idea to use blinds or
    it’s important to keep cool and to           Council’s Fire Prevention and                curtains to block out the sun during
    stay prepared for heat waves. It’s           Local Law Officers actively inspect          the hottest part of the day," she
    also essential that you know the             vacant properties throughout the             says.
    responsibilities of maintaining              year ensuring strict compliance              It's also important to check in
    your property – keeping the fire             with these regulations. Penalties            on your neighbours when the
    risk low and the community safe.             apply for failure to comply with the         weather soars. "Those most at risk
    You don't have to live in the                above Fire Prevention Standards or           are young children, older people
    country to be at risk from bushfire          Council Officer directions.                  and individuals with a medical
    or grassfire. Urban and suburban             Councillor Jess Dorney says                  condition."
    homes can be at risk too, even               that Council's inspections keep              Look at the things you can do to
    houses that are a few streets away           the community safe – ensuring                make your home cooler such as
    from grassland.                              damaging fires are less likely to start      installing window coverings, shade
     If you’re an owner of vacant                and spread.                                  cloths or external blinds on the
     land within Moreland, you                                                                sides of the house facing the sun.
                                                  "It's so essential that grass
                                                                                              Planting trees in your garden also
     need to keep your property                   is maintained and anything                  helps with shading.
     clean and safe.                              flammable is removed –
    Grass and weeds cannot be longer              firewood, rubbish, weeds –                  For more information on ways to
    than 15cm and it is essential that all        from around your home and                   keep cool over summer, or the
    properties stay free from flammable           fence line," Cr Dorney says.                requirements for keeping you
    objects and debris.                                                                       property fire safe visit
                                                 On top of ensuring your property
    This is in accordance with both the                                              or
                                                 is as fire safe as possible, Cr Jess
    Metropolitan Fire Brigades Act 1958                                                       call 9240 1111.
                                                 Dorney says there are many ways
    and Moreland Council Local Law               to make your home cooler, greener
    2018.                                        and safer place in extreme heat.
    Vacant blocks also need to be
    fenced and clear of unused cars,
    machinery and rubbish as these can

Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
Slide into summer at
    Moreland's pools
    Want to keep healthy and                      both for Moreland locals along with            with thirty classes a week to choose
    active while staying cool this                visitors to the area. The state-of-the-        from. The indoor gym and group
    summer? Head to one of the                    art centre is Council’s largest capital        fitness facilities are open all year,
                                                  works project to date, the $27.3               with the outdoor pools open until
    great pools around Moreland
                                                  million project being funded entirely          Tuesday 30 April 2019.
    – with six pools and leisure                  by Council, with no assistance from
    centres open every day                        the State or Federal Government.                New visitors to the Oak Park
    during the school holidays                    The centre has a 50m outdoor                    Sports and Aquatic Centre
    for you to take a dip, catch up               heated pool, water-play equipment               pools, sisters eight-year-
    with friends, or to just soak                 and kids' pools, two bright new                 old Tahlia and five-year-old
    up some sun poolside (but                     waterslides, and a 24/7 gym and
                                                                                                  Isabelle love the water-play
    don’t forget to slip on a shirt,              cycle studio with virtual fitness
                                                  programs available.                             area. “It is really great,”
    slop on some sunscreen and                                                                    Tahlia smiles. “I love the
    slap on a hat.)                               Group fitness classes on offer range
                                                  from high-intensity to low-impact               splashing in the play area
    Having recently opened, the                                                                   and in the little pool and I
                                                  sessions, including the new mind-
    sparkling new Oak Park Sports and                                                             can’t wait to try the big slide
                                                  wellness classes and meditation
    Aquatic Centre is proving to already
    be a favourite summer playground –
                                                  sessions. There is something for                next time we visit.”
                                                  everyone – all ages and abilities –

    Tahlia and Isabelle having fun in the sun with their new friend at the refurbished, $27.3 million Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre.

4   inside moreland summer 2019
Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
The specially built waterslides at the
new centre are bright signposts for
the centre—bright white, blue, and
red. With a 1.2m height restriction,
some kids do have to do a little
growing before they can go down
the big slides.

 “My favourite thing was
 the slide in the little pool,”
 Isabelle assures.
Luckily, with the new water-play
area, smaller kids have plenty to
keep them entertained for hours.
Closely supervised by qualified
lifeguards at all times, the play area
includes a double slide, interactive
sprayers, soakers, shooters and
                                                 caption in at the new Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre.
water tip buckets.
 The waterplay pool also has             A much-loved feature of the new             Cr Kavanagh says the original home
                                         Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre          to the elephant sculpture:
 a beach entry – grading to
                                         is the historic elephant sculp-
 a shallow depth – which                 ture, that once took precedence
                                                                                      "Oak Park Pool, has a
 introduces little ones to the           of the toddlers pool prior to the            special place in the hearts
 water, allowing them to feel            redevelopment.                               of many Morelanders, it’s
 safe and comfortable.                                                                so exciting to know that a
                                          Glenroy Primary School
All of Moreland’s pools are ‘Watch                                                    new generation of Moreland
                                          student Giovanna
Around Water’ facilities, so all                                                      children will be creating
                                          won Council's design
children under 10 years old must be                                                   their own summer memories
constantly and actively supervised
                                          competition and her bright
                                                                                      in the new Oak Park Sports
at the centre. This promotes child        and sunny colouring has
                                                                                      and Aquatic Centre.”
safety, as the supervision of children    been adapted by young
in aquatic facilities cannot be the       artist Inkboy – brightening                So remember, summer is time to
sole responsibility of lifeguards.        the historic and much-loved                get your bathers and towel and
Children who are under five years         sculpture.                                 head down to one of Council’s six
old must stay within arm’s reach of      The Artist Inkboy says of the               pools and leisure centres across
their responsible parent/guardian        collaboration: “I knew from the             Moreland. Swim laps, take a fitness
during recreational play activities      beginning I wanted to do the best I         class or work-out at the gym to stay
and will be issued with yellow           could and stay as true to the initial       fit and meet new people.
wristbands, helping lifeguards with      design as possible. If I did that, the      Feeling like you want something
supervision. Kids who are over the       results would speak for themselves          with a little slower pace? Drag your
age of five (but under 10) will be       and the community would react with          towel – and maybe a book – to a
issued with a red wristband to wear,     excitement.“                                shady spot under the trees or soak
letting lifeguards know they must be                                                 up some sun on the lawns for some
actively supervised by an adult at all    Excited visitors to the water-
                                                                                     time out. We even have BBQs for
times.                                    play pool, Isabelle and                    use at Fawkner, Coburg Olympic
“Water safety is so important             Tahlia, clearly approve. “The              and Pascoe Vale outdoor pools, if
in the community,” Councillor             elephant is cute and me and                spending the evening at the pool.
John Kavanagh says. “We take              my sister love it,” Isabelle
safety very seriously at all of the       says.                                      To find out more about this
aquatic facilities across Moreland                                                   exciting new facility and
– encouraging all members of the                                                     Moreland's other facilities visit
community to learn to swim                                                 
and look out for each other.”

Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
Brunswick Music Festival 2019
Brunswick Music Festival is               Brunswick Music Festival 2019 will       policy across all the programming.
just around the corner and                be her first entire festival.            We want the festival to be family
the much-loved live music                                                          friendly, and to include high quality
                                          The iconic Brunswick Music Festival      free events,” Emily adds. “We’ve
celebration is set to be huge             has a strong, 30-year history of         also made sure there will really be
in 2019.                                  celebrating homegrown talent. Emily      sought-out events for young people
With a range of one-of-a-kind events      says this year’s fortnight-long party    and different groups within our
happening over two weeks between          will have an even stronger focus on      community.”
Sunday 3 March and Sunday                 bringing local talent to the suburb’s
                                          stages in creative and innovative        As well as a focus on strong
17 March, the festival proudly                                                     neighbourhood talent, Ulman’s
celebrates the artists, culture and       ways.
                                                                                   program will bring a range of
community that define one of
                                           “This year’s program                    exciting international acts to the
Melbourne’s favourite and most                                                     suburb. The festival has already
creative neighbourhoods.
                                           focuses on diverse local
                                           acts more than ever; I think            announced two big international
Taking over known-and-loved                                                        acts, ahead of the full program
venues, along with a range of
                                           it’s important to celebrate
                                                                                   being released on Tuesday 22
unexpected and transformed spaces          the artists we already have             January.
across the suburb, the festival            in Moreland,” Emily says.
                                                                                   The early announcement includes
reflects Brunswick’s rich history as a                                             Snail Mail, a teenage indie rock
                                          “Brunswick represents everything
live-music hub – nurturing creativity                                              band from Baltimore and J Mascis,
                                          that’s vibrant and multicultural – the
and a strong sense of community,                                                   the iconic rock icon who made a big
                                          future of broader Melbourne.
championing local talent and bring-                                                impact on popular music in the 90s.
ing people together.                      “Moreland is such a bright
                                          community and home to so many              “I'm as excited about the
This year marks the first festival with
                                          musicians that I love. It's such a        response we’ve had to our
new Festival Programmer Emily
                                          hotbed of creativity, not just for        first announcements as I
Ulman at the helm. The acclaimed
                                          music but also for the arts more
singer-songwriter and experienced                                                   am about unveiling the rest
                                          broadly. It’s always exciting to be
music programmer has been
                                          part of it.                               of the program. Get ready!"
booking local venues for almost 20                                                  Emily says.
years. Emily has also booked music        “We’ve focused on ensuring all
                                          events are physically accessible to a    Councillor Mark Riley says the
stages for major events including
                                          range of people but have also            yearly festival is a calendar highlight
the first-ever Australian White Night.
                                          factored in our broader inclusion        for many. “As a local it’s been good
                                                                                   to see the Brunswick Music Festival
                                                                                   go from strength to strength.
                                                                                   Moreland’s thriving live music
                                                                                   scene brings so much to the area –
                                                                                   bringing people together, promoting
                                                                                   creativity and diversity – all while
                                                                                   boosting local business.”
                                                                                   So be quick to jump online to check
                                                                                   out the already announced shows
                                                                                   and join the Brunswick Music
                                                                                   Festival mailing list to be the first to
                                                                                   receive the full program when it is
                                                                                   revealed – Tuesday 22 January.

                                                                                   To stay in touch about future
     Local Music Programmer                                                        opportunities and news related to
     Emily Ulman is set to freshen                                                 arts and culture in Moreland visit
     up Brunswick Music Festival.                                        

inside moreland summer 2019                                                                                                   6
Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
Pool safety barriers – saving lives
If you have a pool or a spa on
your property, you need to be
a life saver.
With the summer sun shining bright,
pools provide kids with hours of
entertainment. Swimming also
keeps kids healthy and active.
However, drowning is the greatest
cause of accidental death in children
under five in Australia. Even kids
who know how to swim are at risk,
so it is essential that pool safety
barriers are in place.
It is a legal requirement that all
swimming pools and spas – indoor,
outdoor, in-ground or above-ground
– have compliant safety fencing and
gates. This also includes inflatable
                                        Pool Safety Barriers keep kids safe around pools all year round.
pools deeper than 30cm.
                                        alterations, overgrown trees or
 It is your responsibility              natural ground movements.
 as the owner, occupier or
                                        The gate in your pool or spa’s safety
 tenant of a property with a
                                        barrier should never be propped
 pool or spa to ensure it is            open – under any circumstances. It
 safe at all times. You should          is also vital that there are no chairs,
 also be aware of your                  pot plants, tree branches or similar
 insurance policy liabilities           items positioned so that a child
 on these matters.                      could climb over the barrier.
                                                                                      "The new Oak Park Sports and
The State Government will also           Of course, the other key                     Aquatic Centre is the perfect place
soon be introducing a mandatory          factor in water safety is the                to introduce your little ones to safe
register of all household pools and      constant supervision of                      water play,” Cr Carli Hannan adds.
spas across the state. A certificate     children whenever they are                   The team at Active Moreland are
of compliance will also be needed
                                         in or near water and learning                experts at teaching swimming to
when selling or leasing a property
                                         to swim.                                     all age groups, at a wide range of
with a pool or spa throughout
Victoria.                               Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan says it’s
Safety barriers for new pools require   important to remember that safety
                                                                                      Don’t wait, sign up for
a building permit issued by an          barriers such as pool fencing aren’t
                                                                                      swimming lessons now. Visit
appointed building surveyor.            a substitute for the active adult
                                                                             to find
                                        supervision of children around
 Council inspects 100 private                                                         out more.
 pools and spas across
                                          “No matter what, it’s                       More information on this
 Moreland annually to ensure                                                          and householder obligations
                                         important to keep a close
 compliance with the relevant                                                         (including important information
                                         eye on children when close
 standards.                                                                           on maintenance) can be found
                                         to any body of water this
It’s important to maintain pool                                                       at
                                         summer,” Cr Carli Hannan                     swimming-pools
barriers over time. Many become
unsafe due to general wear-and-
tear, landscaping and house

Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
Do you need help with technology?
                      Learn to use technology, including laptops,
                    mobile phones and tablets in one-on-one classes
                                  To find out more call 9389 8600
MCC3944 WorkshopsAd_v1.indd 1                                                                                              19/12/18 4:22 pm

     North-East Ward                            North-West Ward                          South Ward
     Coburg | Coburg North | Fawkner            Glenroy | Gowanbrae | Hadfield | Oak     Brunswick | Brunswick East |
                                                Park | Pascoe Vale | Pascoe Vale South   Brunswick West

                 Cr Natalie Abboud                        Cr Helen Davidson                       Cr Jess Dorney
                         0403 709 948                            0419 560 055
                 0499 807 166
                 Cr Sue Bolton                            Cr John Kavanagh                        Cr Mark Riley
                         Mayor                                   Deputy Mayor
                 0417 583 664                        
                                                          0427 550 935                            0499 807 044
                 Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan                Cr Dale Martin                          Cr Lambros Tapinos
                 0499 807 095                             0499 807 075                            0433 419 075

                 Cr Ali Irfanli                           Cr Oscar Yildiz JP
                 0477 363 623                             0413 850 357

     Inside Moreland                            Summer 2019
Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council Sun's out Fun's out - Inside Moreland - In this issue: Moreland City Council
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