Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -

Page created by Daniel Gomez
Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
2018/2019   Visit Dresden
Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Christmas magic in
the Dresden Elbland region

Anyone who likes Christmas will love Dresden. Eleven very distinct
Christmas markets make the metropolis on the Elbe a veritable Christmas
city. Christmas in Dresden – that also means festive church concerts,
fairy tale readings and special exhibitions. Or how about a night lights
cruise on the Elbe? Just as the river itself connects historic city-centre
areas with gorgeous landscapes, so the Christmas period combines the
many different activities across the entire Dresden Elbland region into
one spellbinding attraction.

      584th Dresden Striezelmarkt ..................................................... 2

      Christmas cheer everywhere
      Christmas markets in Dresden .................................................. 4

      Christmas markets in the Elbland region ................................... 6

      November 2018 – February 2019 ............................................... 8

      Unique experiences ................................................................... 22

      Exhibitions ................................................................................. 24

      Advent shopping ....................................................................... 26

      Prize draw .................................................................................. 27

      Packages .................................................................................... 28

      Dresden Elbland tourist information centre
      Our service for you .................................................................... 30

      Overview map of Dresden Elbland
      Locations of the Christmas markets in the region .................. 32

Meaning of event pictograms

       Christmas market                                              Festival / party/event

       Music / concerts / opera / dance                              Sport

       Theatre / cabaret/ literature                                 Elbland region

Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Dresden Striezelmarkt

                                                                               emed days and festivities at the Striezelmarkt:
584th Dresden Striezelmarkt
                                                                               Dresden Advent Calendar Festival                               1/12/2018

                                                                               Dresden Gingerbread Festival                                   2/12/2018

                                                                               25th Dresden Stollenfest                                     8/12/2018
Glittering lights, twinkling stars, beaming children’s faces, mulled wine,
                                                                               A big festival dedicated to the unique Dresden baking tradition, with
the scent of gingerbread, and Christmas carols – Dresden’s Striezelmarkt
                                                                               historic pageant and giant Stollen, weighing several tonnes. The Stollen
boasts a unique character, despite being in its 584th year. Regional
                                                                               is cut up at the Striezelmarkt and sold for a good cause. The festival will
specialities, such as Ore Mountain wood crafts, Lusatian blue-printed
                                                                               also feature the “Dresdner Stollenmädchen”, the brand ambassador for
fabrics and Moravian stars, are particularly popular. And a piece of
                                                                               Dresdner Christstollen and patron of the festival.
Original Dresdner Christstollen fruit loaf in the light of the step pyramid
from the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) is of course another must.

      584th Dresden Striezelmarkt on the Altmarkt 1
      28/11 – 24/12/2018, every day from 10 am to 9 pm

      28/11/2018, 3 pm Ecumenical service
      in the Kreuzkirche marking the opening of the 584th Striezelmarkt

                                                                                                                                          Dresden Stollenfest

                                                                               Dresden Pflaumentoffel Festival                                 9/12/2018

Dresden Striezeltaler                                                          The Long Striezel Night                                       14/12/2018
for the 584th Dresden Striezelmarkt
                                                                               Dresden Pyramid Festival                                      15/12/2018
This year will once again see the return of the
                                                                               Dresden Schwibbogen Festival                                  16/12/2018
Striezeltaler. For 10 euros, you can get 11 thalers each worth one euro,
meaning one thaler is for free. They will be accepted by all merchants at      Christmas at Dresden City Hall                                17/12/2018
the Dresden Striezelmarkt. There is only a limited number of Striezeltalers,
                                                                               Decorating the Dresden Christmas Tree                        22/12/2018
and they are available exclusively at the Dresden Information Office.                                                           Dresden Kreuzkirche Day                                      23/12/2018

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Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Medieval Christmas market at the Stallhof

                                                                                 Advent on Neumarkt square 5
Christmas cheer everywhere                                                       30/11 – 22/12/2018, daily 11 am – 10 pm
                                                                                 23/12/2018, 11 am – 8 pm (Christmas Eve service: 5 – 6 pm)

                                                                                 9th Neustädter Gelichter 6
                                                                                  Alaunstrasse, on the grounds of the “Scheune” cultural centre
The Striezelmarkt alone does not make Dresden a Christmas city; there
                                                                                 29/11 – 23/12/2018
are ten other differently themed markets, including one beneath the
Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) or the mediaeval market in the Stallhof
(the palace stable yard). But the entire Elbland region is bathed in a festive   Augustusmarkt – International Christmas market 7
Christmas atmosphere. On the village green of Altkötzschenbroda, the              Hauptstrasse, between the Golden Horseman and Gomondai-Platz
quiet marketplaces of Meissen and Pirna or in the castle courtyard at            29/11 – 23/12/2018, Mon to Thu 11 am – 9 pm, Fri 11 am – 10 pm,
Torgau, there are an amazing variety of enchanting Christmas markets.            Sat 10 am – 10 pm, Sun 10 am – 9 pm

                                                                                 Dresdner Hüttenzauber at Postplatz square            8
       Romantic Christmas market 2
                                                                                 29/11 – 23/12/2018, daily from 12 noon
        on the square beneath Dresden Royal Palace
       29/11 – 24/12/2018, Sun to Thu 11 am – 8 pm, Fri and Sat
       11 am – 9 pm | 24/12/2018 11 am – 2 pm                                    Dresdner Winterlichter –                                      Christmas market on Prager Strasse         9
                                                                                 29/11 – 23/12/2018
       Medieval Christmas market until
       Twelfth Night at the Stallhof 3
        Dresden Royal Palace                                                     22nd Elbhangfest Christmas Market 10
       28/11 – 23/12/2018, daily 11 am – 9.30 pm (Twelve Days of Christ-          Friedrich-Wieck-Strasse, near Körnerplatz by the “Blue Wonder”
       mas: 27 – 30/12/2018 | 2 – 6/1/2019, daily 11 am – 9.30 pm)               1 – 16/12/2018                                    

       18th Traditional Christmas market at the Frauenkirche               4     Fair Dresden Christmas market in 11
        Münzgasse, between the Frauenkirche and Brühl’s Terrace                  the Dreikönigskirche church
       28/11 – 24/12/2018, Sun to Thu 10 am – 9 pm, Fri and Sat                   Hauptstrasse, in the “Haus der Kirche”
       10 am – 10 pm | 24/12/2018, 10 am – 2 pm                                  8/12 | 9/12/2018, Sat 10 am – 7 pm, Sun 12 – 6 pm                                  

4                                                                                                                                                       5
Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Schloss Wackerbarth

Christmas markets in                                                   Torgau Fairy-tale Christmas Market Marktplatz G
                                                                       30/11 – 16/12/2018
the Elbland region                                           

                                                                       6th Arts Christmas Market Kleine Galerie Torgau H
                                                                       1/12 – 16/12/2018

    Meissen Christmas Marktplatz A                                     Manufactory Christmas at Schloss Wackerbarth          I
    with Advent calendar at the historic town hall                      Radebeul, Schloss Wackerbarth wine estate
    26/11 – 24/12/2018                                                 8/12 | 9/12/2018 |         

    Canalettomarkt Pirna B                                             Christmas for all the family at the Hoflössnitz wine estate J
    Christmas market with romantically lit marketplace                 Cosy Christmas market with theatre acts and live music
    27/11 – 23/12 and 27/12 – 30/12/2018                                Radebeul, Hoflössnitz wine estate                                              22/12 | 23/12/2018
    Proschwitz Christmas C
     Meissen, Schloss Proschwitz wine estate                           Weinböhla Christmas market Kirchplatz       K
    29/11 – 2/12/2018                                                  7/12 – 9/12/2018                                

    Grossenhain Christmas market D
    Some 40 stalls await at the Grossenhainer Budenstadt                                                         Meissen Christmas market
    30/11 – 22/12/2018

    Lichterglanz und Budenzauber E
    Family Christmas market in Radebeul Altkötzschenbroda
    30/11 – 2/12 | 7/12 – 9/12 | 14/12 – 16/12/2018

    Freital Castle Advent at Schloss Burgk F
    Peaceful Christmas market with traditional Christmas exhibition.
    1/12 | 2/12 and 8/12 | 9/12/2018

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Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Zwinger, Dresden

                                                                               violins of Hope Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, Kulturpalast
                                                                               To commemorate Kristallnacht on 9/11/1938 – the musicians
                                   The Nutcracker ballet, Semperoper Dresden   play on violins that once belonged to victims of the Holocaust.
                                                                               Conductor: Michael Sanderling

Events                                                                         9/11 – 11/11/2018
                                                                               Dresden Chocolate Festival Zwinger, Dresden
November 2018 – February 2019                                                  Chocolate manufacturers salute Dresden’s reputation as an
                                                                               important chocolate production site.

                                                                               9/11 – 11/11/2018
    NovEMBER                                                                   4 : 3 Kammer Musik Neu
                                                                               including the Ensemble Modern and Quatuor Bozzini
    1/11 – 4/11/2018                                                             HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts
    Cantate Dresden choir festival – international choir meeting     
     in concert halls and churches |                           10/11/2018
                                                                               Memorial Concert II – 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht
    1/11 – 29/11/2018                                                          Shostakovich: Chamber Symphony/String Quartet No. 8 and
    18th Jazztage Dresden – international jazz festival                        others, Text: Iris Berben, violin: Daniel Hope, Zurich Chamber
     various venues                                                            Orchestra                                                     Dresden Frauenkirche
    other showings: 5/11 | 14/11 | 16/11 | 18/11 | 21/11/2018                  10/11/2018
    “Labyrinth” ballet premiere                                                Between War and Peace 1618 – 1918 – 2018
    Four-part ballet evening with choreographies by                            Actress Martina Gedeck reads texts in German by Kurt
    George Balanchine, Martha Graham, Ohad Naharin and                         Tucholsky and others; music: Ensemble Amarcord and guests,
    Joseph Hernandez.                                                          Dresden Philharmonic Choir and Cappella Sagittariana.
     Semperoper Dresden                                                         Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, Kulturpalast                                                

    4/11/2018, 10 am – 6 pm                                                    10/11 – 11/11/2018
    40th Radebeul graphic arts market                                          Advent market at the Nudelcenter in Riesa
     Elbsporthalle Radebeul                                                    Christmas market with handicrafts from Riesa and environs                                                  

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Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Tom Pauls Theater, Pirna – Norbert Anger                                                Hellerau Festival Theatre

     15/11 – 18/11/2018                                                          22/11/2018
     Fast Forward – the European festival for young directors                    Coffee and a chat with P. I. Josef Matula – Peter Ufer talks
      various venues including the Kleines Haus theatre, Semper 2,               to Claus Theo Gärtner Tom Pauls Theater, Pirna
     the Laboratory Theatre at the Academy of Fine Arts and one of               The actor, adventurer, racing driver and heart-throb tells
     Dresden’s concrete tower blocks                                             stories in German from his 50-year acting career.                                   

     18/11/2018, 10 am – 6 pm                                                    22/11 – 2/12/2018
     The 20th open Studios Day, Dresden                                          Polski Transfer – Festival of modern Polish theatre
     Get to know over 100 participating artists and their studios.               Performances, music, films, installations, meetings and dis-                                              cussion, including Krystian Lupa’s adaptation of “The Trial”
                                                                                  HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts
     Strauss and Wagner for violoncello and piano
     A fascinating slice of music history with pianist Michael Schöch            24/11 | 28/11 | 30/11/2018 |
     and cellist Norbert Anger.                                                  4/12 | 6/12 | 9/12 | 16/12 | 19/12 | 20/12 | 23/12 | 25/12/2018
      Tom Pauls Theater, Pirna                                                   Aaron S. Watkin “The Nutcracker”                                              A Ballet in Two Acts, score by Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky
                                                                                  Semperoper Dresden
     Johannes Brahms: A German Requiem
     with the Dresdner Kreuzchor choir                                           25/11/2018
      Kreuzkirche, Dresden                                                       Matinee in the Semperoper                                                            Music by Beethoven, Bartók, Brahms with the soloists and
                                                                                 symphony orchestra of Dresden’s University of Music
     20/11 – 30/12/2018                                                
     Christmas show
      Carte Blanche Drag Theatre, Dresden                                        27/11 – 9/12/2018                                                Christmas on the Balcony Comödie Dresden
                                                                                 Comedy by Gilles Dyrek
     21/11/2018, 4 pm                                                  
     Johannes Brahms: A German Requiem
     Dresden Bach Choir, Sinfonietta Dresden, soloists                           30/11 | 1/12/2018
      Martin-Luther-Kirche, in Dresden’s Neustadt district                       Rotor Song Writer Festival Blue Note und Ostpol                                          What makes this so special is the rotation. The musicians not
                                                                                 only play their own sets but also join one another’s.

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Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Landesbühnen Sachsen theatre – “Hansel and Gretel in the Magic Forest”                         “Scheune” cultural centre – Simon & Jan “Hallelujah!”

     DECEMBER                                                                          2/12/2018
                                                                                       Simon & Jan “Hallelujah!”
     1/12 | 2/12/2018                                                                  Song-writing duo – as touching as Simon & Garfunkel and as
     Lights & Fairy Tales – festival of lights at Schloss Wackerbarth                  unexpected as Rainald Grebe.
     An invitation to step into the magical world of Hansel and Gretel,                 “Scheune” cultural centre, Dresden
     in association with the Landesbühnen Sachsen theatre.                   
       Schloss Wackerbarth, Radebeul | www.landesbü                          2/12/2018
                                                                                       Christmas concert with the Elbphilharmonie
     1/12 | 2/12 | 15/12 | 16/12/2018                                                   WeinErlebnisWelt Meissen
     Christmas at the Aust wine estate                                       
      Karl Friedrich Aust wine estate, Radebeul                                                               2/12/2018,
                                                                                       other showings: 5/12 | 8/12 | 12/12 | 14/12/2018
     2/12/2018                                                                         Première of the Richard Strauss opera “Ariadne auf Naxos”
     Advent at the lighthouse                                                           Semperoper Dresden
      Fasanenschlösschen (Little Pheasant Castle), Moritzburg                
                                                                                       2/12 | 9/12 | 16/12/2018
     2/12/2018                                                                         “Festive Twilight” – bus tour and magical organ music
     Friend ‘n Fellow – Live Tour 2018                                                 Guided evening city tour and organ concert by candlelight
      Tom Pauls Theater, Pirna                                                         in the Frauenkirche, including a 3-course meal.                                                      Starting point: Dresden, Wilsdruffer Strasse

                                       Tom Pauls Theater, Pirna – “Friend ‘n Fellow”   4/12 – 18/12/2018
                                                                                       Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company
                                                                                        HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts, Dresden

                                                                                       Royal choral music with the Choir of Westminster Abbey
                                                                                        Dresden Frauenkirche

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Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Concert by Dresdner Kreuzchor, Kreuzkirche, Dresden                                          Kraftwerk Mitte cultural centre

     7/12 – 9/12/2018                                                              13/12/2018, 8 pm
     Coswig SterneWeihnacht Christmas market                                       Choral music at Advent
      in Coswig town centre and the park around Villa Teresa                       with the boys of Staats- und Domchor Berlin and                                                        Lautten Compagney Berlin
                                                                                    Dresden Frauenkirche
     8/12 | 9/12/2018                                                    
     Christmas at the House of MEISSEN® – A World of Experience
      Meissen porcelain manufactory                                                13/12 | 14/12/2018                                                               My Favourite Things – A Musical Journey
                                                                                    Concert hall at Dresden University of Music
     8/12 | 9/12/2018                                                    
     The T-Shirt Festival, XIv
     Art and Design Market                                                         13/12 | 14/12 | 25/12 | 26/12/2018
      “Scheune” cultural centre, Dresden                                           “The Magic Flute” – opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart                                                                Dresden State Operetta at Kraftwerk Mitte
     8/12 | 9/12 | 11/12 | 12/12 | 15/12 | 16/12 | 22/12 | 23/12/2018
     “Hansel and Gretel” –                                                         14/12/2018
     fairy-tale opera by Engelbert Humperdinck                                     Jazz WEINachtsprobe
      Dresden State Operetta at Kraftwerk Mitte                                    Jazz and swing in time with a wine tasting and Christmas meal                                                          WeinErlebnisWelt Meissen
     10/12 | 22/12/2018
     Evening of Christmas carols                                                   14/12 – 16/12/2018
     by the Dresdner Kreuzchor boys’ choir                                         Kreuzchor boys’ choir:
      Kreuzkirche, Dresden                                                         J. S. Bach: Christmas oratorio, Cantatas 1 – 3                                                               Kreuzkirche, Dresden
     11/12 – 26/12/2018
     “Everyone under one Christmas tree” –                                         14/12 – 17/12/2018
     comedy by Lo Malinke                                                          Auguste, the Christmas Goose
      Comödie Dresden                                                               Boulevardtheater Dresden                                             

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Winter Highlights 2018/2019 -
Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden                                   Concert hall at Dresden University of Music

     15/12/2018                                                                16/12/2018
     J. S. Bach: Christmas oratorio, Cantatas 1 – 3                            one Fine Christmas Tom Pauls Theater, Pirna
      Martin-Luther-Kirche, in Dresden’s Neustadt district                     Author Peter Ufer tells German Advent stories that are full of                                        surprises.
     Taschenbergpalais meets the Music Festival                                18/12/2018
     Brunch, concerts, skating fun                                             Christmas in Dresden with Anne Sofie von otter and
      Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden                                Daniel Hope Dresden Frauenkirche                                       

     15/12 | 16/12/2018                                                        19/12/2018 – 6/1/2019
     Christmas market on Moritzburg Castle island                              23rd Dresden Christmas Circus
      Moritzburg Castle                                                         Ostragehege fairground, Dresden                                       

     15/12 | 16/12/2018                                                        19/12/2018
     10th Christmas Brass music event                                          Sacred choral music with the outstanding voices
      Concert hall at Dresden University of Music                              of the Moscow Cathedral choir                                               Dresden Frauenkirche
     15/12 | 21/12 | 26/12/2018
     “Hansel and Gretel”, fairy-tale opera by E. Humperdinck
      Semperoper Dresden
                                                                               Thank you, Dresden!
                                                                               Big Advent concert with the Dresdner Kreuzchor boys’ choir
                                                                                DDV Stadium, Dresden
     Palace Christmas
     with German fairy-tale readings, baroque tours and much more
      Zabeltitz Baroque Garden                                                 20/12 | 21/12/2018                                                        Zärtlichkeiten mit Freunden – off-beat comedy duo
                                                                                “Scheune” cultural centre, Dresden

16                                                                                                                                                     17
Kulturpalast Dresden                  Boulevardtheater Dresden – “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

     21/12/2018                                                          25/12/2018, 10:30 am
     Short Film Day 2018                                                 Pontifical Mass with the Bishop
      various venues                                                     Orchestral Mass with Staatskapelle Dresden,                                                  the Cathedral Choir and Dresdner Kapellknaben boys’ choir
                                                                          Hofkirche (Catholic Cathedral), Dresden
     21/12 – 28/12/2018                                        
     Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
     The funniest Christmas comedy of the year.                          September – 31/12/2018
      Boulevardtheater Dresden                                           “Go Trabi Go” Comödie Dresden                                             Musical road comedy based on the film of the same name.

                                                                         31/12/2018, 9 pm
     Christmas vespers in front of the Frauenkirche
                                                                         New Year's Eve organ Concert
     Biggest regular open-air church service
                                                                         Festive music for 7 trumpets, timpani and organ
      Neumarkt square, Dresden
                                                                          Kreuzkirche, Dresden

     23/12 – 26/12/2018                                                  31/12/2018
     Sandtheater Dresden “Merry Christmas Mr. Santa!”                    organ concert marking the turn of the year
      Boulevardtheater Dresden                                            Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, Kulturpalast                                   

     24/12/2018, 4 pm
     Nativity play by the Dresdner Kapellknaben boys’ choir                                             Meissen town centre and Albrechtsburg Castle
      Hofkirche (Catholic Cathedral), Dresden

     25/12/2018 – 1/1/2019
     Meissen Winter Market

18                                                                                                                                              19
“Augustus the Strong” motor ship at the “Blue Wonder”                                                   Semperoper Dresden

     JANUARY                                                                       12/1 | 13/1/2019
                                                                                   2nd FIS Cross-Country Sprint Skiing World Cup –
     1/1/2019                                                                      Top-class winter sports on the banks of the Elbe, right in
     “New Year's Concert” gala concert in the Wall Pavilion                        front of the famous city skyline. Königsufer, Dresden
      Zwinger, Dresden                                                   

                                                                                   25/1 | 26/1/2019
     until 6/1/2019
                                                                                   on board the Theaterkahn with the play “Backes Fest”
     23rd Dresden Christmas Circus
                                                                                    “Augustus the Strong” motor ship, Terrassenufer Dresden
      Ostragehege fairground, Dresden

     2/1/2019, 4 – 6 pm
     Kids on Ice – skating course                                                  FEBRUARY
     A trainer from the “Dresdner Eislöwen” ice hockey team takes
     the children onto the rink.
      Courtyard of the Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Hotel, Dresden
                                                                                   14th Semper opera Ball
                                                                                    Theaterplatz, in and in front of the Semperoper
     5/1 | 6/1/2019
     New Year’s concert
      Concert hall at Dresden University of Music                                  2/2 | 3/2/2019                                                  Mahler 9
                                                                                   Philharmonic concert with Michael Sanderling
     6/1/2019                                                                       Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, Kulturpalast
     J. S. Bach: Christmas oratorio, Cantatas 4 – 6                      
      Martin-Luther-Kirche, in Dresden’s Neustadt district                                            13/2/2019
                                                                                   Concert commemorating 13 February 1945.
     11/1/2019                                                                     Rudolf Mauersberger, Dresdner Requiem, RMWV 10 and motet
     Happy New Year – Staatskapelle Dresden, Péter Eötvös                          “Wie liegt die Stadt so wüst” (How desolate lies the city”)
      HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts                                       Kreuzkirche, Dresden                                                    

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Ice rink in the Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Hotel   24/11/2018 – 27/1/2019, Mon to Fri 3 – 10 pm
                                                                                     Ice rink in the Taschenbergpalais
                                                                                      Courtyard of the Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Hotel, Dresden
Unique experiences
                                                                                     27/11 – 23/12/2018, every day 3.30 – 5 pm
                                                                                     Saxon Steamship Company: Christstollen Cruise
                                                                                      “Countess Cosel” motor ship from Terassenufer, Dresden
     All year round
     Guided tours of the Semperoper                                                  1/12/2018
      Theaterplatz, ticket sales at the “Schinkelwache”                              A-cappella concert and dinner with “echo”                                                       Exquisite four-course dinner and Christmas carols
                                                                                      Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden
     All year round, Fri and Sat 10.30 am – 1.30 pm, 11.30 am – 2.30 pm    
     Culinary and cultural city tours
     Three-hour city tours with seven tastings                                       1/12 | 2/12 | 8/12 | 9/12 | 15/12 | 16/12 | 22/12 | 23/12/2018,
      Dresden city centre and the Outer Neustadt district                            Sat and Sun 12 – 3 pm                                                   Advent Brunch Restaurant in the Steigenberger Hotel de Saxe
     3/11 | 10/11 | 17/11 | 24/11 | 1/12 | 8/12 | 15/12 | 22/12/2018,
     Sat 2 pm                                                                        2/12 | 9/12 | 16/12/2018
     Romantic stroll through Meissen with mulled wine                                Saxon Steamship Company: Advent Lunch                                                       “Countess Cosel” motor ship, from Terrassenufer, Dresden
     Dinner in the Dark WeinErlebnisWelt Meissen                                     16/12/2018
     Multisensory experience in a darkened wine cellar,                              High-proof winter hike
     with 3-course meal and wine.                                                    Hike through the vineyard with wine-growers and warming drinks                                                            WeinErlebnisWelt Meissen
     16/11/2018 – 3/3/2019
     Dresden Winter at the Weisser Hirsch concert venue                              19/1 – 4/3/2019
     Ice rink in the middle of the woods on an area of almost 960 m²                 Dresden winter magic on the Altmarkt                                                         Skating rink, winter slide and food                                    

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Moritzburg Castle


     28/9/2018 – 6/1/2019
     Special exhibition:
     The Chocolate Girl by Jean-Étienne Liotard
     “The most beautiful pastel ever seen.”
      Old Masters Picture Gallery, Semper Building at the Zwinger
     Dresden State Art Collections

     11/10/2018 – February 2019
     The Luxury of Paper – 225 Years of Brück & Sohn, Meissen
      Meissen Town Museum

     17/11/2018 – 3/3/2019
     Winter exhibition: Three Wishes for Cinderella
      Moritzburg Castle

     December 2018 –April 2019
     Special exhibition:
     Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine
      Dresden Transport Museum

     2/12/2018 – February 2019
     Christmas exhibition: Stars – not just at Christmas
     The Christmas special exhibition is accompanied by
     public lectures, guided tours and music.
      Torgau Museum of Municipal and Cultural History

Bülow Palais superior five-star hotel

                                                                                Prize draw

                                                                                Win two nights’ stay for two guests, with breakfast, at the Bülow Palais
Advent shopping                                                                 superior five-star hotel. Additional service: a relaxing massage on the
                                                                                hydrojet. This luxurious hotel awaits you in the heart of the baroque
                                                                                Neustadt district, just a short walk from the historic Old Town. What
                                                                                makes all the difference here is the personal touch and genuine passion
                                                                                shown by the hotel staff. The hotel has 58 rooms and suites: bright,
In terms of retail space per inhabitant, Dresden is well above the national     spacious and stylish.
average, and has an important position as a shopping city beyond the

region’s borders. The longest shopping street stretches from the main             Competition question:
station to the castle – with international fashion brands, shopping gal-          Couples who marry in Meissen traditionally receive
leries and lifestyle products. Luxury goods can be found by the Frauen-           a special pastry as a gift. What is it? And why?
kirche or in the baroque district around Königstrasse, on the other side of
the Elbe. In the centre, you will find not only valuable traditional products
                                                                                You can find the answer in our online Dresden Magazin
from the region (from Ore Mountain carvings to Meissen porcelain) but
also inexpensive souvenirs. If, by contrast, you want something odd or
unusual, the trendy Outer Neustadt district is the perfect place to go. But a
pleasant shopping experience is still a top priority even beyond the hustle
and bustle of the city, in the narrow streets of Pirna and Meissen’s Old
Towns or among the little half-timbered houses of Altkötzschenbroda.

                                                    Sunday trading dates:

                                                    Dresden      9/12/2018
                                                    Meissen      2/12/2018
                                                    Pirna        2/12/2018
                                                    Radebeul     2/12/2018
                                                    Torgau       9/12/2018
                                                    Weinböhla    9/12/2018

                                                                                For your chance to win, send your answer to:
                T-Shirt Festival in the “Scheune”                               Competition closes on 31. 12. 2018.

26                                                                                                                                                            27
City tour
                                                                                  The special Advent tour run by the Dresden Information office
                                                                                  A tour through the Christmas Old Town and

Packages                                                                          a visit to some of the best Christmas markets.
                                                                                  29/11 – 23/12/2018, 4 pm daily                     From      €8

                                                                                                    Dresden Welcome Cards
Dresden 3 for 2 including museums                                                                   Dresden Welcome Cards are your ideal
Dive into tradition while discovering new things.                                                   Dresden companions, and offer
Get a special 3-for-2 rate for your accommodation, and enjoy the winter-                            a number of benefits: free bus
time in Dresden. You will also have free entry to 14 museums and many                                and train rides, free entry to     From   € 11
other discounts.                                                                                     the city’s museums, and many
(May be booked at participating hotels, subject to availability)                                      discounts on recreation, culture,

                                                                   From   € 130                       dining and excursions.
                                                        per person
 3 nights for the price of 2                            twin share

 in a double or single room including breakfast
 Dresden Museums Card:
                                                                                  Gift voucher
 2 days of free entry to 14 museums and many other discounts
                                                                                  A unique idea – give the gift of Dresden
 on tours and events, at restaurants and shops
                                                                                  The Dresden Information Office gift voucher is a      From   € 10
                                                                                  wonderful gift idea for all lovers of Dresden.
                                                                                   € 10, € 20 and € 50 vouchers available
                                                                                   Redeemable at the
Advent in Dresden
                                                                                   Dresden Information
Be enchanted by the pre-Christmas period in Dresden: Germany’s oldest
Christmas market, the 584th Striezelmarkt, and ten other markets will
                                                                                   Valid for tickets, tours,
whisk you away to a uniquely beautiful Christmas world where tradition
                                                                                   excursions and souvenirs
is alive and well.
(Booking period: 27/11 – 22/12/2018)
                                                                   From   € 145
Included in the package:                                 per person
 2 nights in a double or single room including breakfast twin share

 Christmas city tour through the Historic Old Town                                Book these and other packages now on:
 A Christmas goose dish at the Saxon-Bohemian “Altmarktkeller”                    Tel. +49 351 501 501 or
 restaurant & brewery                                                    |

28                                                                                                                                                    29
Dresden Striezelmarkt

Our service for you

Dresden Tourist Information office
 Dresden Information Office at the Frauenkirche
 Neumarkt 2, 01067 Dresden
 Dresden Information Office at the main train station
 Wiener Platz 4, 01069 Dresden
 Dresden Information Office at the Striezelmarkt, open daily

Hotline: Mon – Sat 9 am – 6 pm, Tel. +49 351 501 501 |

Tourismusverband Elbland Dresden e. v.
Dresdner Strasse 7, 01662 Meissen, Tel. +49 3521 7635 0, Fax 7635 40 |

Barrier-free access
       For people with disabilities, Dresden
       Elbland has various barrier-free tourist
attractions, many of which can be found in
the free “Sachsen Barrierefrei” brochure or
online at:

Publisher: Dresden Marketing GmbH, Messering 7, 01069 Dresden,
Layout: c-macs publishingservice | Printing: SDV Direct World GmbH
Photos: Jörg Schöner (cover), Sylvio Dittrich (p. 2/3, 4/5, 14, 30), Michael Schmidt (p. 3, 22), Schloss
Wackerbarth (p. 6/7), Daniel Bahrmann (p. 7), Costin Radu (p. 8), Christoph Münch (p. 9, 18, 21, 24),
Andreas Kehrmann (p. 10), Stephan Floss (p. 11), Kube (p. 12), Ulrike Moennig (p. 12), Michael J.
Ruettger (p. 13), Oliver Killig (p. 15), Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Dresden (p. 16), HfMDD -
Marius Leicht (p. 17), Christian Gahl (p. 18), Robert Jentzsch (p. 19), Daniel Bahrmann (p. 19), Rudolf
Peperkorn (p. 20), Maryna Iavoshenko (p. 23), Sven Döring (p. 26), Robert Gebler (p. 26), Klaus
Lorke (p. 27), (p. 28/29)
Editorial deadline: 05/2018                                                      Subject to alterations!

C     D   G   H
Christmas markets in Dresden                                               A     30 km
 1   Dresden Striezelmarkt on the Altmarkt
2    Romantic Christmas market at Dresden Royal Palace                                       6                                                      20 km
3    Mediaeval Christmas until Twelfth Night in the Stallhof courtyard                                             Radebeul                                      A4
                                                                                                                        15 km
4    Traditional Christmas market at the Frauenkirche                                                                               J
5    Advent on Neumarkt square

6    Neustädter Gelichter at the “Scheune” cultural centre, Alaunstrasse

7    Augustusmarkt on Hauptstrasse                                          A4
8    Dresdner Hüttenzauber at Postplatz square

9    Dresden Winterlichter on Prager Strasse

10 Elbhangfest Christmas market on Friedrich-Wieck-Strasse

11 Fair Christmas market in the Dreikönigskirche church
                                                                                                                                                     7     6
Christmas markets in the region
A    Meissen Christmas at the marketplace in Meissen
                                                                                                                                1       3            10
B    Canalettomarkt at the marketplace in Pirna                                                      A17
                                                                                                                                8       2
C Proschwitzer Weihnacht, at Schloss Proschwitz in Meissen

D Grossenhain Christmas market                                                                                     Dresden
E    Lichterglanz & Budenzauber in Altkötzschenbroda, Radebeul
F    Freital Castle Advent at Schloss Burgk
G Torgau Fairy-tale Christmas Market                                                                                                                                              6

H Arts Christmas market at Kleine Galerie Torgau

 I   Manufactory Christmas at Schloss Wackerbarth in Radebeul

J    Christmas at the Hoflössnitz wine estate in Radebeul

K    Weinböhla Christmas market on Kirchplatz                                            F

Distances by car
Dresden — Radebeul: approx. 15 km
Dresden — Meißen: approx. 30 km
Dresden — Moritzburg: approx. 20 km
Dresden — Pirna: approx. 25 km
Meissen — Radebeul: approx. 15 km
Radebeul — Moritzburg: approx. 10 km
                                                                                                                                                                      25 km
32                                                                                                                                                                    Pirna   B
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