Page created by Amy Christensen
2018 NAB AFL


TO NO M I N AT E , G O TO NABAFLDRAFTNOM.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                   EDITORIAL | 3

                                                                                                                                YOUNG TALENT TIME
                                                                                                                                Drafts refresh and revitalise AFL playing stocks.
                                                                                                                                The NAB AFL Draft, the NAB AFL Pre-Season Draft and                           Please note that all draft nominations are
                                                                                                                                the NAB AFL Rookie Draft are integral to the continued                      only valid for one (1) year. If you have nominated
                                                                                                                                development of the AFL competition.                                         previously you will be required to renominate for
                                                                                                                                  More than 3600 players have been given the opportunity                    the 2018 Drafts.
                                                                                                                                to play with an AFL Club since the first Draft in 1986. Some                  This year the Draft will be held in Melbourne for
                                                                                                                                of these have turned out to be among the most influential                   the first time in a decade, where you will see live

                                                                    SUPPORTING EVERY                                            players of their generation.
                                                                                                                                  In 2009 for example, we saw the names of Dustin Martin
                                                                                                                                                                                                            trading of selections for the first time as well as bidding
                                                                                                                                                                                                            for Father-Son and Northern and NGA Academy Players

                                                                    footballer’s dreams
                                                                                                                                (Richmond No. 3), Lewis Jetta (Sydney No 13), Max Gawn                      during the Draft.
                                                                                                                                (Melbourne No. 34) and Ben Stratton (Hawthorn No. 46)                         This booklet is designed to provide general information
                                                                                                                                appear on AFL lists for the first time. We only hope that                   on the AFL Player Drafts and an overview of the Draft
                                                                                                                                newcomers from the 2017 NAB AFL Draft, including Cameron                    procedure. It is not intended that this booklet should
                                                                                                                                Rayner (Brisbane No. 1), Tim Kelly (Geelong No. 24) and                     serve as a complete guide to the AFL Player Rules
                                                                                                                                Tom McCartin (Sydney No. 33) can reach similar heights                      governing the Drafts.
                                                                                                                                over the next few seasons.                                                    It also notes the Rookie-listing procedures.
                                                                                                                                  The Draft also provides opportunities for players who may                   This booklet has been compiled from several
                                                                                                                                have reached the end of their time at one Club the chance to                AFL player rules. Any further interpretations
                                                                                                                                further their career at another.                                            required should be directed to the AFL.
                                                                                                                                  In 2017, Bryce Gibbs (Carlton to Adelaide) and Jarman Impey
                                                                                                                                (Port Adelaide to Hawthorn) among others made such moves
                                                                                                                                during the exchange period.
                                                                                                                                  All players are to nominate for the Draft via the AFL website
                                                                                                                                online nomination process and complete the nomination form
                                                                                                                                electronically. Where the nominating player has not attained
                                                                                                                                the age of 18 at the date of submission, this nomination must                Andrew Dillon
                                                                                                                                be submitted by the nominating player’s parent or guardian.                  General Counsel
                                                                                                                                To nominate, go to nabafldraftnom.com.au.                                    General Manager Game Development


                                                                                                                                                                                                           2018 NAB AFL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               COVER (clockwise from top left)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Adam Cerra (Fremantle), Charlie Cameron
                                                                                                                                       Key Questions                                                                                           (Brisbane), Patrick Naish (Richmond)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Tim Kelly (Geelong).

                                                                                                                                 6-7         Key Dates                                                                                         General Counsel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               General Manager Game Development

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Andrew Dillon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AFL TPP and List Manager
                                                                                                                                               Draft in Detail                                                                                 Ken Wood
                                                                                                                                                                                          S E E T H E F U T U R E S TA R S O F T H E A F L
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Published on behalf of the AFL

                                                                                                                                                                                                        NOVEMBER, 2018 NABAFLDRAFTNOM.COM.AU

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               by AFL Media (03) 9643 1999
                                                                                                                                                   Pre-season and rookie draft                    NOVEMBER 2018                                Editor Howard Kotton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Designer Mark Roma

                                                                                                                                 14       Player agents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AFL Photos (03) 9643 1999
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Printed by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Impact Digital

2 ©2018 National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686
4 | WHAT HAPPENS NOW?                                                TO NO M I N AT E , G O TO NABAFLDRAFTNOM.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                               NAB AFL DRAFT NOMINATION FORM | 5

  KEY QUESTIONS                                                                                                                           FORM 11 — AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE

                                                                                                                                          Nomination for Draft
                                                                                                                                          Players can nominate in two categories:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           RULES 6.2 (c) and 7.3

  Important information you need to know                                                                                                          CATEGORY 1 PLAYERS

  If I nominated for the NAB AFL Draft last year,
                                                                NAB AFL Draft Nomination Process                                                  Players (other than first-year draft choice players or such players in their second year) may nominate the football payments they require for a minimum period
                                                                                                                                                  of two years. Those players (Category 1 players) must complete sections A and B of this nomination form.
                                                                                                                                                  CATEGORY 2 PLAYERS
  do I need to nominate again?                                  Step 1	Go to nabafldraftnom.com.au to                                            Players may nominate generally without specifying financial terms and conditions by completing section A. Those players (Category 2 players) must not
                                                                                                                                                  complete section B of this nomination form.
  Yes. Nominations are now valid for only one year.                     nominate for the draft
                                                                                                                                          A CATEGORY 1 PLAYER can only be drafted by an AFL club prepared to meet the player’s financial terms and conditions set out in Section B of this nomination form.

                                                                Step 2	Complete the draft form on the Internet.                          A CATEGORY 2 PLAYER may be drafted by an AFL club and contracted on terms and conditions to be agreed between the player and the club.
  I am no longer on a Primary or Rookie list
  of an AFL Club but want to continue playing                   Step 3 	Submit form online. Where the nominating                         SECTION A (All players ­must complete this section)
  AFL football. What do I do?                                            player has not attained the age of 18 at the                     YOUR DETAILS

  You will have to re-nominate for the Draft.                            date of submission, this nomination must be                      First Name: .........................................................................           Surname: .............................................................................

                                                                         submitted by the nominating player’s parent                      ADDRESS
                                                                                                                                          Street: . ......................................................................................................   City/Suburb: ..................................................
  If I am selected at the NAB AFL Draft,                                 or guardian.
                                                                                                                                          State: .........................................................................................................   Postcode:........................................................
  am I bound to the Club that selects me?                       Step 4 	AFL will review and approve the nomination.                      CONTACT DETAILS
  Yes, for a period of 23 months, unless a contract is                   An email alert will be sent once the                             Phone (H): . ........................................................................          Phone (M): ...........................................................................
  entered into. However, if you are unable to agree to                   nomination has been approved by the AFL.                         Email: .................................................................................

  contract terms with the Club within 60 days of drafting,                                                                                ADDITIONAL DETAILS
                                                                See attached sample on page 5.

  you can apply for independent arbitration of the matter                                                                                 Are you of Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Origin? Y                                           /     N
  and, in certain situations, an appeal may be made under

                                                                                                                                          My Father born in:..............................................................                My Mother was born in:.....................................................
  exceptional and compelling circumstances.                  I live in country Western Australia and play with                            CURRENT CLUB DETAILS
                                                                                                                                          I am currently a registered player of the........................................................................................................Football Club
                                                             my local country Club. Am I eligible for the Draft

  If my father played with an AFL Club,                      if I nominate?
                                                                                                                                          in the............................................................................................................................................................ Football League

                                                                                                                                          JUNIOR CLUB
  can I automatically play with the same Club?               To be eligible for the NAB AFL Draft, you need to have                       My Junior club was the....................................................................................................................................Football Club

  The AFL has introduced a bidding system for                been registered and played at least one game in the WAFL                     in the . ......................................................................................................................................................... Football League
  Father-Son draft selections if the father meets            competition. This is the same for South Australia, where

  the criteria set out in the AFL rules. See page 13         players must have played in the State League competition.                    I HEREBY NOMINATE and declare that I am available for selection and consent to selection subject to the Rules (as hereinafter defined) for the next three (3) Draft

  for the process.                                                                                                                        Selection Meetings (“the Draft”) unless drafted.

                                                             If I did not nominate for the NAB AFL National Draft,                        I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE, DECLARE AND AGREE with the AFL:

  How do I nominate for the National Draft?                  can I then nominate for the NAB AFL Pre-Season                               1. I was born in...................................................................................... on the..................................... day of .....................................................
  You must nominate online via nabafldraftnom.com.au.

                                                             and/or Rookie Draft?                                                         2. That I am not prevented by any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding from being selected by any club at the Draft Selection Meeting.
  Once the form has been completed online, you will          No, because part of the eligibility criteria for the NAB AFL                 3. That I shall at all times comply with and observe each and all of the Player Rules of the AFL, the Rules and Regulations of the AFL, the Memorandum and
  receive an email alert once the nomination has been        Pre-Season Draft and/or Rookie Draft is that a player must have
                                                                                                                                             Articles of Association of the AFL and any determination or resolutions of the AFL Commission made from time to time (“the Rules”).
                                                                                                                                          4. That the Rules impose restraints which are no more than reasonably necessary to achieve the objectives of the AFL set out in the Rules.
  approved by the AFL.                                       been eligible for, but not selected at, the NAB AFL Draft. The only          5. That the personal information I have provided will be used for the purpose of, and in connection with, my nomination for the AFL draft and will also be
                                                             exception is a player who has been delisted from the Primary List               provided to the relevant AFL Club(s) for such purpose. I understand that the AFL and AFL Clubs must comply with the Australian Privacy Principles within the
                                                                                                                                             Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the AFL’s privacy officer may be contacted via privacy.officer@afl.com.au if I have any queries.
                                                             by an AFL Club, who can stipulate if their nomination form is to
                                                             be held over for the Pre-Season Draft.                                       SECTION B (This section to be completed by Category 1 players only)

                                                                                                                                          If selected at the Draft, I shall accept employment with the AFL club selecting me and shall enter into a contract with that club for a period of at least (2) years
                                                                                                                                          and for the following remuneration:

                                                                                                                                          Term 2 (years) concluding October 31,


                                                                                                                                          Year 1:

                                                                                                                                          Year 2:
                                                                                                                 Top 10 picks from
                                                                                                                                          (if further years, specify remuneration sought for each year)
                                                                                                                       the 2017 NAB
                                                                                                                                          I shall advise the AFL immediately in writing should any club selecting me at the Draft Selection Meeting purport to or does any act or thing which would cause
                                                                                                                         AFL Draft –      or which may have the effect of causing me to receive any lesser payments than those set out in Section B of this nomination form.
                                                                                                                     (back row) Jaidyn    NOTE: Remuneration for the purposes of this nomination form shall comprise a monetary amount for each year and the player shall not specify any other
                                                                                                                      Stephenson, Nick    benefits or other benefits or other non-financial conditions of employment.

                                                                                                                        Coffield, Aaron
                                                                                                                                          ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS
                                                                                                               Naughton, Adam Cerra,
                                                                                                                                          By submitting this form I, the nominating player, warrant that all information provided is true and correct and acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions
                                                                                                               Hunter Clark (front row)   set out in this form.
                                                                                                                 Lochie O’Brien, Paddy
                                                                                                                                          Where the nominating player has not attained the age of 18 at the date of submission, this nomination must be submitted by the nominating player’s parent or
                                                                                                                Dow, Cameron Rayner,      guardian:
                                                                                                                    Andrew Brayshaw,      As the parent/guardian of the nominating player I warrant that all information provided is true and correct and acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions
                                                                                                                                          set out in this form.
                                                                                                                  Luke Davies-Uniacke
6 | NAB AFL DRAFT KEY DATES                                          TO NO M I N AT E , G O TO NABAFLDRAFTNOM.COM.AU                                                                            PRE-SEASON/ROOKIE DRAFTS KEY DATES | 7

  NAB AFL DRAFT                                                                                                           NAB AFL                                             SUPPORTING
  NAB Draft Key Dates                                                                                                     PRE-SEASON                                          THE GAME AT
                                                                                                                          AND ROOKIE
  Exchange (Trade) Period                                    Delisted Primary List Draft

                                                                                                                                                                              ALL LEVELS
  9am Monday, 8 October 2018                                 Nomination Form Lodgement Close
  to 8.30pm Wednesday, 17 October 2018                       Friday, 16 November 2018, 2pm

  List Lodgement (1)
  Wednesday, 31 October 2018, 2pm
                                                             Note: Delisted Primary List Players must stipulate
                                                             if they are either entering the National draft or if the
                                                             Nomination is to be held over for the Pre-Season Draft
                                                             (thus by – passing the National Draft).
  Father-Son And Academy                                                                                                  Key dates                                           Message From
  Bidding Nominations Lodged
  Wednesday, 31 October 2018, 2pm
                                                             Non-Retained Rookie Players
                                                             Draft Nomination Form Lodgement
                                                                                                                          Players not registered or played for three
                                                                                                                          (3) years inclusion on Rookie List form lodgement
                                                                                                                                                                              Thomas Dobson
                                                                                                                                                                              Head of Media & Partnerships
  Father-Son Bidding Nominations and Northern                Friday, 16 November 2018 by 2pm                              Closes Friday, 16 November 2018, 2pm,
  and NGA Academy bidding Nominations lodged.                Note: Rookie Listed Players not retained by their Club       re-opens Wednesday, 28 November, at 9am             NAB has proudly partnered with the AFL since 2002.
                                                             must renominate for the National Draft to be eligible for    until Friday, 28 June, 2019 at 2pm                  During this time, we’ve focused on how we can play
  Out-of-Contract Listed AFL Primary List                    the Pre-Season and Rookie Drafts. If a non-retained rookie                                                       an active role in not just sponsoring the game but
  Players Draft Nomination Form Lodged                       does not nominate for the National Draft he will not be      International Players Inclusion on Rookie List      supporting it from grassroots through to the elite
  Thursday, 8 November 2018, 2pm                             eligible for the Pre-Season and Rookie Drafts.               Form Lodgement                                      level. By supporting talent development, we can
  Note: Out of Contract Listed players who lodge a                                                                        Closes Friday, 16 November 2018, 2pm,               support the dreams of every footballer, which is why
  nomination form at this time are delisted automatically    Father-Son Primary List Nominations Lodged                   re-opens Wednesday, 28 November at 9am              we’re proud of our long-standing association with
  and must stipulate they are either entering the National   Friday, 16 November 2018 by 2pm                              until Friday, 28 June, 2019 at 2pm                  Australia’s game.
  Draft or the nomination form is to be held over for the                                                                                                                        Through NAB AFL Auskick, the NAB AFL Rising
  Pre-Season Draft (thus by-passing the National Draft).     NAB AFL Draft Selection Meeting                              International Scholarship Listed Players            Stars Program, NAB AFL Trade Period, the NAB AFL
                                                             Thursday, 22 November                                        Inclusion on Rookie List Form Lodgement             Women’s Competition and NAB AFL Women’s Rising
  List Lodgement (2)                                         to Friday, 23 November 2018                                  Friday, 16 November 2018, 2pm                       Stars Program, we are committed to supporting
  Friday, 9 November 2018, 2pm                               (Melbourne)                                                                                                      the game at all levels. Whether it’s an Auskicker
                                                                                                                          AFL Club List Lodgement (3)                         learning fundamental skills or a future legend
  Draft Nomination Form Lodgement Close                                                                                   Friday, 23 November 2018, 2.30pm                    making their debut, NAB has an enduring belief in
  Friday, 16 November 2018, 2pm
                                                                                                                                                                              backing the bold, and it’s this belief which links us
                                                                                                                          Northern Academy and NGA Academy eligible           to these programs.
                                                                                                                          pre-selected rookie and father-son pre-selected        So, to the 2018 NAB AFL Draftees, we pass on
                                                                                                                          rookie player nominations submitted to the AFL.     our very best wishes. Not only do you represent the
                                                                                                                          Friday, 23 November 2018, 2.30pm                    finest in football, but you are also an exceptional
                                                                                                                                                                              representation of young Australians.
                                                                                                                          NAB AFL Pre-Season Draft Selection Meeting
                                                                                                                          Friday, 23 November 2018, 5pm

                                                                                                                          NAB AFL Rookie Draft Selection Meeting
                                                                                                                          Friday, 23 November 2018, 5.10pm

                                                                                                                          Final list lodgement
                                                                                                                          Tuesday, 27 November 2018, at 2pm

                                                                                                                          Note: All times are EST.

  Brisbane coach
  Chris Fagan
  with No. 1 choice
  Cameron Rayner
  at the 2017
  NAB AFL Draft
  at the Sydney
8 | NAB AFL DRAFT                                                                TO NO M I N AT E , G O TO NABAFLDRAFTNOM.COM.AU                                                                                                      NAB AFL DRAFT | 9

  Players Eligible to be Drafted
  A player who has nominated is eligible to be drafted                   Drafted Player Bound for 23 Months                                  Minimum Payments Apply
  if he satisfies the following requirements:                            Any player chosen by a Club at the NAB AFL Draft Selection          Notwithstanding any other provision of these rules,
  a. The player must have attained, or will attain the                  Meeting, or otherwise included on the Primary List of a Club,       a player who nominates for inclusion in any Draft
      age of 18 years, on or before 31 December 2018;                    will be ineligible to be included on the Primary List of any        without specifying the payments he requires, or who
                                                                         other Club for a period of 23 months from the date upon which       nominates payments less than the minimum or fixed
  b. The player must not be bound to an AFL Club;                       he is selected or included on the Primary List. This rule does      football payments which apply to the player in the
  c. I f invited, the player must attend the NAB AFL Draft              not apply where the player enters into a Contract of Service        Collective Bargaining Agreement, will be entitled to
      Combine or other AFL-approved or organised test or                 with the Club for at least one AFL season, is exchanged,            payments from the Club that selects him in accordance
      evaluation, unless the General Counsel considers that              or is deleted from a Club’s Primary List.                           with the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
      there is a reasonable explanation for the player’s                 Minimum Contract Term for Certain Players                           Arbitration Process
      non-attendance; and                                                If a Club drafts a player who has not been drafted previously,      A player who nominates in accordance with these
  d. The player has:                                                     the Club must offer that player a Contract of Service for a         rules but does not specify the football payments
      i. been previously registered with the AFL;                       minimum of two AFL seasons. However, a player listed for the        he requires shall be bound by the provisions listed
          or                                                             first time who is over the age of 23 years may be offered a         under AFL Rule 21 Arbitration.
                                                                         single-year contract.
     ii. been registered continuously from 1 June, immediately                                                                              Varying Financial Terms
          preceding the NAB AFL Draft Selection Meeting and              Draft Age                                                           If a player wishes to vary his nominated financial
          has played at least one game in the season immediately         The minimum Draft age is 18 years as at 31 December 2018.           terms and conditions or withdraw his nomination,
          preceding the NAB AFL Draft Selection Meeting in                                                                                   he can do so by:
          the State League competition conducted by the                  All Primary List Players/Non-Retained                                   »» Lodging a new nomination and specifying new
          WAFC or SANFL                                                  Rookie List Players                                                         financial terms and conditions, which will revoke
          or                                                             All primary list and non-retained rookie list players delisted by           any earlier nomination; or
                                                                         AFL Clubs must complete and lodge a Draft nomination with
     iii. been registered continuously from or before June 1,          the AFL by 2pm on Friday, 16 November 2018, to be eligible for         »» Lodging a written request to the AFL General Counsel.
            immediately preceding the NAB AFL Draft Selection            the AFL National Draft.                                             Exceptional and Compelling Circumstances
            Meeting with any recognised Club or school competition                                                                           A player selected by a Club can apply to the Appeal
            in Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, the Northern         Nominated Football Payments                                         Board to be released from the Club that has selected
            Territory, Queensland or the Australian Capital Territory;   A player (other than a first-year draft choice or a second-year     him on the grounds of exceptional and compelling
            or                                                           player) may specify in the nomination form the football             circumstances which make it harsh and unconscionable
     iv. been a bona fide resident for a continuous period of          payments he will require over two years if selected at a            for the player to remain bound to that Club.
           three years preceding the NAB AFL Draft Selection             Draft Selection Meeting.
           Meeting in a country other than Australia.                      By specifying these requirements, the player will be taken        Academy Players Rule
                                                                         to have made an offer to the Club which selects him to accept       On Tuesday, 31 October 2018, by 2pm eligible clubs
                                                                         employment in return for the specified payments.                    must lodge with the AFL a list of draft-eligible Academy
                                                                           The Club that selects a player who has specified payment          Players it wishes to consider for inclusion on its Primary
                                                                         requirements will be deemed to have accepted the offer.             List or Rookie List. At the National Draft meeting in
                                                                           Immediately following the Draft Selection Meeting,                conjunction with Father-Son bidding nominations,
                                                                         the player and the Club will execute a Contract of Service          each Club may “bid” for the player.
                                                                         providing for the specified payments.                                 If matched by the Academy Club, the Academy Club
                                                                                                                                             will forfeit one or more subsequent selections, to the
                                                                         Nomination by Uncontracted Player                                   value of the points required to match the bid. If the
                                                                         A player on the list of an AFL Club who is not contracted on or     Academy Club declines to match the bid, the club with
                                                                         before 31 October for the following year/s will be entitled to      the successful bid uses the selection to secure the player.
                                                                         nominate for the National Draft.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Home-grown talent
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gold Coast Suns
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Academy player Brayden
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Crossley was selected at
                                                                                                                                                                                                           No. 52 in the 2017 NAB
                                                                                                                                                                                                           AFL Draft.
10 | NAB AFL PRE-SEASON AND ROOKIE DRAFT                                 TO NO M I N AT E , G O TO NABAFLDRAFTNOM.COM.AU                                                                                                                           ROOKIE SYSTEM | 11

  Pre-Season Draft                                               Rookie Draft                                                    Age Requirement Minimum Age                                        Rookie Player Not Bound
  Friday, 23 November 2018 at 5pm                                Friday, 23 November 2018 at 5.10pm                              A player must have attained, or will attain, the                   A Rookie player shall not be bound to a Club if he is listed
                                                                                                                                 age of 18 years on or before 31 December 2018.                     on a Club’s Rookie List but the parties do not enter into a
  Draft Nomination                                               Rookie List Players Eligibility                                                                                                    Contract of Service.
  Delisted Primary List Players must lodge a Draft nomination    A player is eligible to be included on the Rookie List          Minimum Payments                                                   In such circumstances:
  form (via http://nabafldraftnom.com.au) with the AFL           of a Club only if the player satisfies the age requirements     A Rookie player will be paid the payments, medical benefits,          »» the player may play for a Club competing in any
  Friday, 16 November 2018 by 2pm. Delisted Primary List         and the player:                                                 superannuation entitlements and other benefits contained                  competition other than the AFL; and
  Players must stipulate if their nomination form is to be          a. is an Australian Citizen, resides in Australia and       in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, or as otherwise
                                                                                                                                 determined from time to time by the AFL.                              »» the player is eligible to be selected by any Club at the
  held over for the Pre-Season Draft.                                    was nominated for but was not selected at a                                                                                       next AFL Draft Selection Meeting if he has previously or
  All other players must have nominated and been                         Draft Selection Meeting; or                             New South Wales and                                                       again nominates himself for selection.
  eligible for the NAB AFL Draft.                                   b. had not been registered or played in an Australian       Queensland-Based Clubs
  Players Eligible to be Drafted                                        Football competition for three years before his          A Club based in the NSW or Queensland metropolitan area            Retention of Rookie List Players
  A player who has nominated in accordance with these                   inclusion on a Rookie List; or                           may include one or more players on its Rookie List during the      A Club may retain a Rookie List player for a second or third
  rules and is eligible under AFL Rules may be selected at the      c. is an International Player.                               period between the NAB AFL Pre-Season Draft Selection              season provided it nominates such players at the time of List
  Pre-Season Draft Selection Meeting provided that:                                                                              Meeting and the start of the NAB AFL Rookie Draft Selection        Lodgement (1) and the player agrees to this.
     a. the player has attained the age of 18                   Timetable
                                                                 Friday, 23 November 2018                                        Meeting, provided that the requirements are fulfilled.
          years or will attain the age of 18 years                                                                                                                                                  Father-Son Pre-Selected Rookie
          on or before December 31; and                          New South Wales and Queensland Clubs nominate                   Listing Prior to Rookie Draft                                      Player Nominations
     b. the player:                                            their eligible Rookie List Players by 5.05pm.                   A Club may include on its Rookie List:                             A Club may include one or more eligible Father-Son players
           i. has been deleted from a Club Primary List; or                                                                         »» International player(s); or                                  on its rookie list during the period between the NAB AFL
                                                                 Friday, 23 November 2018                                                                                                           Pre-Season Draft Selection Meeting and the start of the
        ii. is listed but uncontracted and has nominated        NAB AFL Rookie Draft Selection Meeting at 5.10pm.                  »» Players who have not been registered or played in
                                                                                                                                                                                                    NAB AFL Rookie Draft Selection Meeting, provided that the
             for the Pre-Season Draft Selection Meeting; or                                                                             an Australian Football competition for three years
                                                                                                                                                                                                    requirements are fulfilled.
                                                                 In addition to maintaining the maximum number of                       immediately before their inclusion on the Rookie List
        iii. was eligible and available to be selected at the
                                                                 allowable players on its Rookie List, each Club may include            (i.e. before the NAB AFL Rookie Draft Selection Meeting),   Academy and NGA Pre-Selected
              immediately preceding Draft Selection Meeting
                                                                 a maximum of three extra players on its Rookie List provided           provided it obtains the written consent of the General      A Club may include one or more eligible Academy and NGA
              and had not been selected.
                                                                 those players are:                                                     Counsel no more than 14 days before the NAB AFL             players on its Rookie List during the period between the NAB
  Any player who satisfies the above criteria will be                                                                                   Rookie Draft Selection Meeting;
                                                                     a. former International Scholarship List players at that                                                                      AFL Pre-Season Draft Selection Meeting and the start of the
  eligible to be drafted.                                                                                                               or
                                                                         Club who have been nominated; or                                                                                           NAB AFL Rookie Draft Selection Meeting, provided that the
  Total Player Payments                                              b. in the case of a Club which is based in Sydney or          »» An International Scholarship player from his                requirements are fulfilled.
  A participating Club may not select any player at the                  Brisbane metropolitan area, a player who satisfies             club who was available but not selected at the
  NAB AFL Pre-Season Draft Selection Meeting unless it                   the Rookie criteria;                                           NAB Draft.
  can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the AFL that it can         c. International including one Irish player;
  accommodate the player’s nominated football payments               d. players who have not been registered or played in an
  within its Total Player Payments.                                      Australian Football competition for three years;
                                                                     e. Academy Players;
                                                                     f. NGA Players.
12 | ROOKIE DRAFT                   TO NO M I N AT E , G O TO NABAFLDRAFTNOM.COM.AU                                                                                                                      FATHER-SON RULE | 13

                                                                                             FATHER-SON RULE
                            Primary List                                                     Father-Son Rookie Listing                                         Bidding System
                            A Club may apply to the AFL to transfer a player or players      Father-Son players not nominated for the bidding system can       A Club can nominate an eligible Father-Son draftee, with the
                            from its Rookie List on to its Primary List on the day when      be pre-selected prior to the Rookie Draft by that Club if they    player’s written consent for the upcoming NAB AFL Draft.
                            its Primary List is lodged with the AFL prior to the NAB AFL     have nominated for but not been selected at the National or          At the National Draft meeting in conjunction with Academy
                            Draft Selection Meeting, or under the Long-Term Injury Rule      Pre-Season Draft.                                                 bidding nominations, each Club may “bid” for the player and
                            or at any time between the NAB AFL Draft Selection Meeting                                                                         if matched by the Father Son Club, the Father Son Club will
                            and the day when its Primary List is lodged with the AFL prior   Player Eligibility – Victorian-Based Clubs                        forfeit one or more subsequent selections, to the value of the
                            to the NAB AFL Pre-Season Draft Selection Meeting if an          Provided a player has not previously been registered as           points required, in order to secure the player.
                            uncontracted listed player was deleted from that club’s list.    a player at an AFL Club, a Club may include a person on              If the Club nominating the Father-Son player declines to
                                                                                             its Primary List if the person’s father played 100 or more        match the bid, the Club with the successful bid uses that
                            Relocation of Interstate Player                                  senior grade matches (being either home and away or               selection to secure the player.
                            If a Club includes a player on its Rookie List, the Club will    finals matches) with that Club.                                      If no bid is made by another Club, the Club that
                            relocate the player and pay or reimburse all reasonable                                                                            nominated the Father-Son eligible player will forfeit
                            relocation costs of the player.                                  West Australian and South Australian-Based Clubs
                                                                                             The West Coast Eagles Football Club may include a person          its last selection in the draft.
                            Alternative Talent Rule                                          on its Primary List if that person’s father played 150 or more
                            The player may not have been registered or played in an          senior grade matches (being either home and away or finals
                            Australian Football competition for at least three years, and    matches) at one of the following Clubs prior to but not
                            played in a recognised elite sporting competition. Clubs may     including 1987: Claremont, East Perth, West Perth or Subiaco.
                            offer one spot under this rule.                                     The Fremantle Football Club may include a person on
                                                                                             its Primary List if that person’s father played 150 or more
                                                                                             senior grade matches (being either home and away or finals
                               International                                                 matches) at one of the following Clubs prior to but not
                                                                                             including 1995: South Fremantle, East Fremantle, Perth
                               Scholarship Program                                           or Swan Districts.
                               Primary List                                                     The Adelaide Football Club may include a person
                               Subject to the International Scholarship List player          on its Primary List if that person’s father played 200 or
                               meeting age requirements, a Club may apply to the             more senior grade matches (being either home and away or
                               AFL to transfer a player or players from its International    finals matches) at one of the following Clubs prior to but not
                               Scholarship List on to its Primary List on the day when       including 1991: Norwood, Glenelg, Sturt or South Adelaide.
                               its Primary List is lodged with the AFL prior to the             The Port Adelaide Football Club may include a person
                               NAB AFL Draft Selection Meeting.                              on its Primary List if that person’s father played 200 or
                                                                                             more senior grade matches (being either home and away
                               Rookie List
                                                                                             or finals matches) at one of the following Clubs prior to but
                               Subject to the International Scholarship List player
                                                                                             not including 1997: Port Adelaide Magpies, Woodville, West
                               meeting age requirements, a Club may apply to the
                                                                                             Torrens, North Adelaide, Central District or West Adelaide.
                               AFL to transfer a player or players from its International
                               Scholarship List on to its Rookie List, provided it
                                                                                             NSW and Queensland-Based Clubs
                               nominates such player or players prior to advising the
                                                                                             A person is eligible to be included on the
                               AFL of its Primary List and such player consents to being
                                                                                             Primary List of:
                               nominated on the Rookie List.
                                                                                                i. the Sydney Swans if his father satisfies the criteria
                                                                                                    by playing for the South Melbourne Football Club
                                                                                                    (as it was then known);
                                                                                                ii. the Brisbane Lions if his father satisfies the criteria
                                                                                                     by playing for the Fitzroy Football Club (as it was
                                                                                                     then known).

                                                                                             No Prior Registration
                                                                                             A person cannot be included on a Club’s Primary List under        Good pedigree
                                                                                             the Father-Son system if he has, at any time, been registered     Rhylee West, the
   New Magpie                                                                                with the AFL as a player with any Club.                           son of Scott West,
   Rookie player Brody                                                                                                                                         looms as a father-son
   Mihocek was drafted to                                                                                                                                      selection for the
   Collingwood in 2017.                                                                                                                                        Western Bulldogs.
14 | PLAYER AGENTS                                                                                            TO NO M I N AT E , G O TO NABAFLDRAFTNOM.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                        PLAYER AGENTS | 15

                                                                                                                                                                                        NAME                  COMPANY                                  ADDRESS                                                     NUMBER         EMAIL
                                                                                                     For further information, contact Braden Stokes,                                    Jaimi Rumbold         Jaimi Rumbold                            PO Box 2032, Como WA 6152                                   0427 207 466   jaimirumbold@hotmail.com
                                                                                                     Manager – CBA Compliance and Accredited Agents, on                                 Phil Mullen           Kicking On Sports Management Pty Ltd     4 St Elmo Street, Mosman NSW 2088                           0402 892 775   kickingonsports@gmail.com
                                                                                                     (03) 8651 4383 or email bstokes@aflplayers.com.au.                                 Peter Lenton          Lenton Sports                            Suite 513, 89 High Street, Kew VIC 3101                     0409 899 309   peter@lentonpartners.com.au

  Accreditation is mandatory                                                                                                                                                            Andrew Dnistriansky   Macs Sports Promotions Pty Ltd           GPO Box 1229, Adelaide SA 5001                              0432 373 110   andrew@bdklawyers.com.au
  It is compulsory for all AFL player agents who represent                                    Incoming player agents must complete the compulsory                                       Stephen Kellis        Macs Sports Promotions Pty Ltd           GPO Box 1229, Adelaide SA 5001                              0433 117 560   stephen@bdklawyers.com.au
  AFL players to be accredited through the AFL Players’                                       three-day new agent accreditation course, scheduled at the                                Anthony McConville    Macs Sports Promotions Pty Ltd           PO Box 214, Essendon VIC 3040                               0413 614 694   anthony@macs-sports.com.au
  Association accreditation system.                                                           beginning of each year. Accreditation is granted to those who                             Tom McConville        Macs Sports Promotions Pty Ltd           PO Box 214, Essendon VIC 3040                               0431 308 727   tom@macs-sports.com.au
  This ensures that all player agents:                                                        are successful in all aspects of the accreditation process,                               Maddison Hardiman     Maddocks                                 L25, Collins Square, 727 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3008 0430 568 914   maddison.hardiman@maddocks.com.au
                                                                                              including but not limited to:                                                             Alexandra Saundry     More than Management                     14 Barnard Court, Sunshine VIC 3020                         0431 738 284   alex@morethanmgmt.com.au
     »» who negotiate a player’s contract with an AFL Club are                                  »» passing the comprehensive agents’ exam as                                          Darian Lobb           MVP Management                           PO Box 3201, Norwood SA 5067                                0417 838 147   dlobb@mvpmanagement.com.au
         accredited. A player can represent himself or have a                                        part of the new agent accreditation course;                                        Neil McMullin         OMP Sports Management
         parent or legal guardian represent him in all aspects                                                                                                                                                                                         PO Box 183, Sandringham VIC 3191                            0411 626 273   neil@ompsports.com.au

         of contract negotiation with an AFL Club, however, it                                       »» attend the course lectures on topics relevant                                  Ray Purcell           OMP Sports Management                    PO Box 183, Sandringham VIC 3191                            0412 910 740   ray@kpalaw.com.au

         is beneficial to utilise an agent whose experience and                                          to player management;                                                          James Vine            OMP Sports Management                    PO Box 183, Sandringham VIC 3191                            0402 438 271   james@ompsports.com.au

         expertise assists in this process;                                                          »» demonstrating a thorough knowledge of AFL Rules and                            Bruce Kaider          One Management and Consulting Group      Suite 28B / 80-82 Keilor Road, Essendon North VIC 3041      0410 485 509   bruce@omgc.com.au

     »» sign their clients to a Standard Player Agent                                                   Regulations, the Standard Player Contract, the Collective                      Robert Perry          Perry Maddocks Trollope Lawyers          Suite 802 / 9 Yarra Street, South Yarra VIC 3141            0418 363 937   robp@pmtl.com.au

         Agreement (between the agent and player)                                                        Bargaining Agreement, Players Code of Conduct, Agents                          Scott Lucas           Phoenix Management Group                 Level 2, Etihad Stadium, Docklands VIC 3008                 0425 737 633   scott@phoenixmanagementgroup.com.au

         which ensures consistent management terms                                                       Regulations/Code of Conduct and other relevant                                 Winston Rous          Phoenix Management Group                 Level 2, Etihad Stadium, Docklands VIC 3008                 0439 565 688   winston@phoenixmanagementgroup.com.au

         and conditions across the industry;                                                             regulatory documentation and information;                                      Peter Jess            PJA Accountants                          PO Box 215, Essendon VIC 3040                               0418 361 998   pjess@pjaca.com.au

     »» are knowledgeable, competent and operate                                                    »» demonstrate educational qualifications,                                        Ben Williams          Players Ink                              PO Box 1155, Elwood VIC 3184                                0421 355 000   ben.williams@playersink.com.au

         ethically in the best interests of AFL players; and                                             negotiations skills and prior experience with                                  Tom Williams          Podium Sports Consulting                 2/190 Coventry Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205             0401 411 980   tom@podiumfinancial.com.au

                                                                                                         contracts to an acceptable level;                                              Liam Pickering        Precision Sports & Entertainment Group   PO Box 7703, Melbourne VIC 3004                             0419 536 944   liampickering@pseg.com.au
     »» are bound by strict rules and regulations                                                                                                                                      James Pitcher         Precision Sports & Entertainment Group   PO Box 7703, Melbourne VIC 3004                             0417 744 882   jamespitcher@pseg.com.au
         monitored by the Agents’ Board accordingly.                                                 »» passing a national criminal history check; and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Jarrod Ryan           R & D Sports Management                  Level 2, 8 Colin Street West, Perth WA 6005                 0421 595 815   jarrod@ryandurey.com
                                                                                                     »» securing professional indemnity insurance annually.                             Ralph Carr            RCM Sport                                Lennox House, 229 Lennox Street, Richmond VIC 3121          0418 175 777   rc@ralphcarr.com
  Player Agents                                                                                                                                                                         Adrian Marchesani     RCM Sport                                Lennox House, 229 Lennox Street, Richmond VIC 3121          0411 764 976   adrian@ralphcarr.com
  List of accredited player agents at July 2018. For an up-to-date list of player agents visit aflplayers.com.au/accredited-agents-list/                                                Ryan Kogleman         RDK Sports Management                    PO Box 61, Miami QLD 4220                                   0412 960 988   ryan@rdksports.com.au

    NAME                     COMPANY                               ADDRESS                                                      NUMBER         EMAIL                                    Paul Ryan             Ryan Commercial Lawyers                  PO Box 530, Collins Street West, Melbourne VIC 8007         0418 393 535   pryan@ryanslaw.com.au

    John Collins             Black Pearl Private Clients           Level 2, 287 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000              0405 192 617   john.collins@blackpearlpc.com.au         Ben Niall             Scopo Management Pty Ltd                 PO Box 3036, Caroline Springs VIC 3023                      0411 494 261   bniall@scopo.com.au

    Paul Koutoufides         Blue Rock Sports                      Ground Floor, 428 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000   0404 038 750   paul.koutoufides@bluerocksports.com.au   Nick Hannett          SEDA Group                               425 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn East VIC 3121                 0419 374 293   nickh@sedagroup.com.au

    Brendan Richardson       BPR & Associates Pty Ltd              PO Box 4026, Eaglemont VIC 3084                              0417 941 554   br@bprassociates.com.au                  Tim Galic             SMA Sports Agents                        Ground Floor, 64 Fitzgerald Street, Northbridge WA 6003     0416 224 183   tim@mgmo.com.au

    Nigel Baldwin            Centimeter Perfect                    19 Sunset Place, Jacobs Well QLD 4208                        0433 149 527   nigelpaulbaldwin@bigpond.com             Matt Bain             Stride Sports Management                 Level 4, Building 1, 658 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121   0421 951 066   matt.bain@stridesports.com

    Paul Connors             Connors Sports Management             444 Waverley Road, Malvern East VIC 3145                     0417 034 927   paulc@connorssports.com.au               Kathryn De Iulio      Stride Sports Management                 Level 4, Building 1, 658 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121   0409 751 009   kathryn@stridesports.com.au

    Robbie D'Orazio          Connors Sports Management             444 Waverley Road, Malvern East VIC 3145                     0423 628 719   robbie@connorssports.com.au              Jason Dover           Stride Sports Management                 PO Box 196, Leederville WA 6903                             0419 892 100   jason.dover@stridesports.com.au

    Melissa Oberhofer        Connors Sports Management             444 Waverley Road, Malvern East VIC 3145                     0418 352 870   mel@connorssports.com.au                 Adam Hall             Stride Sports Management                 PO Box 1767, Broadbeach QLD 4218                            0401 180 130   adam.hall@stridesports.com.au

    Andrew McDougall         Corporate Sports Australia            C2 / 118 Railway Street, West Perth WA 6005                  0432 134 134   andrewm@csports.com.au                   Tim Lawrence          Stride Sports Management                 25 Maesbury Circuit, Sturt SA 5047                          0422 288 123   tim.lawrence@stridesports.com

    Colin Young              Corporate Sports Australia            C2 / 118 Railway Street, West Perth WA 6005                  0404 839 854   colin@csports.com.au                     Tom Petroro           Stride Sports Management                 Level 4, Building 1, 658 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121   0408 995 197   tom.petroro@stridesports.com.au

    Paul Carvosso            Cream of the Crop Talent Management   Suite 5, 385 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest NSW 2065            0408 279 297   pcarvosso@creamcom.com.au                Peter Rohde           Stride Sports Management                 PO Box 3066, Unley SA 5061                                  0414 808 999   peter@efm.net.au

    Greg Size                Deliver Sports Management             14 Nora Street, Maylands SA 5069                             0419 185 767   greg@deliversports.com.au                Michael Fox           Tier 1 Sports Management                 16 MacKenzie Street West, Golden Square VIC 3555            0411 696 995   Michael@tier1talent.com.au

    Denis Duka               Denis Duka                            29 Victoria Street, Elsternwick VIC 3185                     0478 955 996   carltonblues95@gmail.com                 David Riolo           Titan Sports Management                  PO Box 365, Figtree NSW 2525                                0432 461 771   david@titansm.com.au

    Michael Oakes            Elevation Sports Pty Ltd              1/171 Moray Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205                 0474 117 791   moakes@elevationsports.com.au            Nigel Carmody         TLA Worldwide                            Level 4, 109 - 133 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122          0416 080 551   ncarmody@tlaworldwide.com

    Sam Maxwell              Emageo Group                          PO Box 4139, Mosman Park South WA 6012                       0438 842 123   sam@emageogroup.com                      Shane Casley          TLA Worldwide                            Level 4, 109 - 133 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122          0418 544 768   sc@affinityaccountants.com.au

    Anthony Van Der Wielen   Empire Sports Management              PO Box 384, Fremantle WA 6959                                0419 202 202   anthony@empirefremantle.com              Michael Doughty       TLA Worldwide                            PO Box 779, North Adelaide SA 5006                          0402 693 316   mdoughty@tlaworldwide.com

    Paul Mugambwa            Empire Sports Management              PO Box 384, Fremantle WA 6959                                0400 037 417   paul@stephenmichaelfoundation.com.au     Nick Gieschen         TLA Worldwide                            Level 4, 109 - 133 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122          0449 255 706   ngieschen@tlaworldwide.com

    John Evanson             Fern Management                       27 Fern Road, Blackwood SA 5051                              0411 201 795   johnnyevanson@hotmail.com                Craig Kelly           TLA Worldwide                            Level 4, 109 - 133 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122          0418 342 323   ckelly@tlaworldwide.com

    Phillip Power            Forward Focus                         PO Box 349, Como WA 6952                                     0411 220 254   phil@ffca.com.au                         Mark Kleiman          TLA Worldwide                            Level 4, 109 - 133 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122          0417 322 598   mkleiman@tlaworldwide.com

    Annabel Burge            Hemisphere Management Group           201/153-161 Park Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205            0408 866 200   annabel@hemispheremg.com                 Adam Ramanauskas      TLA Worldwide                            Level 4, 109 - 133 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122          0417 363 880   aramanauskas@tlaworldwide.com

    Alex McDonald            Hemisphere Management Group           201/153-161 Park Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205            0438 272 827   alex@hemispheremg.com                    William Thomas        TLA Worldwide                            Level 4, 109 - 133 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122          0405 798 277   wthomas@tlaworldwide.com

    Julian Petracca          Hemisphere Management Group           201/153-161 Park Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205            0400 005 657   julian@hemispheremg.com                  Tim Batty             Vivid Sports Management                  4047/4 Parkland Boulevard, Brisbane QLD 4000                0408 772 558   timbatty@vividsport.com.au

    Thomas Seccull           Hemisphere Management Group           201/153-161 Park Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205            0422 303 243   tom@hemispheremg.com                     Peter Blucher         Vivid Sports Management                  4047/4 Parkland Boulevard, Brisbane QLD 4000                0415 599 608   peter@vividsport.com.au

    Kam Simsek               Hemisphere Management Group           PO Box 249, Collins Street West, Melbourne VIC 8007          0438 701 704   ksimsek@sfga.com.au                      Natalie Drake         Vivid Sports Management                  4047/4 Parkland Boulevard, Brisbane QLD 4000                0409 500 315   nat@vividsport.com.au

    David Trotter            Hemisphere Management Group           201/153-161 Park Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205            0420 370 403   dave@hemispheremg.com                    Tim Hazell            Vivid Sports Management                  344 Swan Street, Richmond VIC 3121                          0419 154 566   timhazell@vividsport.com.au

    John Meesen              i50 Management                        W2.13 / 15-87 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205 0423 234 073       johnmeesen@i50.com.au                    Dimitris Parhas       W Sports & Media                         Level 9, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA 5000              0402 766 336   gwinter@wrplegal.com.au

    Marty Pask               i50 Management                        W2.13 / 15-87 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205 0412 522 283       martypask@i50.com.au                     Garry Winter          W Sports & Media                         Level 9, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA 5000              0414 999 989   dparhas@wrplegal.com.au

    Paul Peos                Inside 50 Player Management           PO Box 2893, West Perth WA 6872                              0412 613 804   paul.peos@inside50pm.com.au              Wayne Loxley          White Line Management                    PO Box 1737, West Perth WA 6872                             0419 168 194   wloxley@waathletics.org.au

    Cameron Read             Inside 50 Player Management           PO Box 133, Ascot Vale VIC 3032                              0430 015 815   cam.read@inside50pm.com.au
since   2002
since 2002
We’reWe’re supporting      footy   atlevels
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