2018 Vacation Bible School Comparison Chart - Christian Book

Page created by Catherine Sparks
2018 Vacation Bible School Comparison Chart
                                                                  (Alphabetical by Publisher)

                                                We love VBS!

 We share your passion for seeing children come to salvation through faith and grow as followers of Jesus. A
few of us at Christianbook.com are VBS directors, many are VBS volunteers, and some came to faith through
VBS as a child. After all the VBS decorations are made, the crafts completed, and the songs sung, we pray the
          young people in your ministry are more deeply rooted in a firm foundation of discipleship.

                 Thank you for your sacrificial service to the church. We are praying for you.


                                    -The VBS Team at Christianbook.com
VBS Theme                       Overview                       Content            Music & Media                Missions & More
                                Jesus told stories of how     1. Building a Home!    11 songs - contemporary       An intergenerational
                                God provides every hour       (Matthew 7:24-29)      hip-hop music & new           community project is
                                of every day so that we                              versions of traditional       included.
                                might have life and live it   2. Gimme Some Bread!   hymns from Christian hip-
                                to the fullest! Children,     (Mark 2:23-28)         hop artist Ricky B.           Perfect for churches that
                                youth, and adults will have                          (Frederick Burchell), and     celebrate African
                                fun discovering five keys     3. Come Again?!        new music and                 American history and
                                to living in His abundance.   (Luke 18:1-8a)         arrangements by Roderick      culture.
                                Ages:                         4. Dressed by God!                                   Waymakers:
                                Preschool to Adult, full      (Luke 12:22-31;        Music CD contains all         1. Katherine Johnson (NASA
          24/7                  community program (with       Philippians 4:5-7)                                   mathematician) & Carter G.
                                                                                     Music, Accompaniment
 Jesus Makes a Way Every                                                                                           Woodson (Father of Black
                                adaptations to standard                              Tracks, and Learning          History)
          Day!                  VBS style included).          5. How Many Times?     Tracks.
                                                              (Matthew 18:21-35)                                   2. Rudy & Juanita Rasmus
      Abingdon Press            Choose either Activity                               Music DVD features            (Bread of Life Ministry
                                Center Format or                                     introductory video, music     Daybreak Community Health
          Key Verse:                                                                                               Center)
                                Classroom Format.                                    song-action videos, and
 I came that they may have                                                           movement instructionals.      3. Con stance Baker Motley (1st
life, and have it abundantly.   Student Books for:                                                                 African American woman
          John 10:10            Preschool & K;                                       Waymakers DVD                 federal judge) & Mary Jackson
            (NRSV)              Younger Elementary                                   introduces seven short        (1st African American woman
                                                                                                                   NASA aeronautical engineer)
                                (Grades 1-3);                                        biographical segments (2-
         Starter Kit            Older Elementary (Grades                             3 minutes each) with film     4. Madam C. J. Walker (1st
                                4-6); Teen                                           footage, illustrations, and   African American woman
                                                                                     interesting facts about       millionaire) &James Weldon
  Watch, Listen, &              Preschool / Kindergarten                             each of the Waymaker          Johnson (Poet, God’s
   Learn More >                 and Adults have their own                            Personalities.
                                curriculum. Teens can also                                                         5. Clementa C. Pinckney
                                be independent or                                                                  (Mother Emanuel AME) &
                                combined with Older                                                                Dorothy Vaughan (1st African
                                Elementary for Arts/Crafts                                                         American NASA woman
                                & Music/Movement.
VBS Theme                       Overview                       Content                Music & Media               Missions & More
                                Travel back in time and      Words beginning with the    Four Music Formats for        Children's Hunger Fund -
                                meet the most important      letter “C” help us to       you to choose from! Time      daily Missions Moment
                                person ever - a man who      remember that Jesus, our    Lab VBS songs in either       videos.
                                was not just a man, but      forever faithful, loving,   (1) catchy Contemporary
                                also God. He is the One      caring, promise-keeping     music genre or                Puppet Skits for young
                                who turned the world         Lord, has been with us      (2) Traditional (Patch-the-   children.
                                upside-down. One who         always!                     Pirate).
                                existed outside of time.                                                               Dramas each day at
                                                             1. Creation (Genesis 1;     Additionally, Memory          assembly.
         Time Lab               Ages:                        John 1:1-3)                 Verse songs are available
  Discovering Jesus from        Toddlers to Adults.                                      in                            Skits included in Assembly
  Eternity Past to Eternity     Lesson guides for Toddlers   2. Cristophany - OT         (3) Contemporary version      Leader Guide.
           Future               to Juniors in Starter Kits   Locations (Genesis 18;      (Seeds of Family Worship)
                                (Ages 2 to 12).              Exodus 3; Judges 3)         or                            10-12 minutes each.
    Answers in Genesis                                                                   (4) Traditional Version       (Optional purchase of
                                Teens to Adults studies      3. Cross - Visitation       (Patch-the-Pirate).           Daily Drama video also
         Key Verse:             also available separately    (Selected Verses, John                                    available. )
   “I am the Alpha and the      (1 guide for both groups).   3:16)                       Super Starter Kits include:
Omega, the Beginning and the                                                             Time Travel Music Leader      Special Education Needs
 End,” says the Lord, “who is
                                Activity Center Format.      4. Clouds - Preparation     Sets with (1) Music CD        Supplement is also
 and who was and who is to
                                                             (Acts 1; John 14:2-3)       with stereo, instrumental     available.
    come, the Almighty.”
        Revelation 1:8          Student Books for:                                       and split-track versions;
         (NKJV & KJV)           Preschool & K;               5. Crown - Celebration      (2) music leader DVD with     Student Guides and
                                Younger Elementary           (Revelation 21-22)          song-action videos, lyric     Bookmarks available in both
                                (Grades 1-3);                                            videos, and instructional     KJV and NKJV versions.
         Starter Kit
                                Older Elementary (Grades                                 videos; (3) a resource        Teachers read Scripture from
    Super Starter Kit with
                                                                                                                       their own Bible. Verse
    Contemporary Music          4-6); Teen                                               DVD-ROM with digital files
                                                                                                                       Posters are printed on both
    Super Starter Kit with                                                               of lyrics, presentation
                                                                                                                       sides – KJV and NKJV.
      Traditional Music         Preschool / Kindergarten                                 images of the lyrics, clip
                                have their own                                           art and more; (4) Memory
                                curriculum. Teens can also                               Verse Songs Leader Set
   Watch, Listen &
                                be independent or
    Learn More >                combined with Older
VBS Theme                          Overview                       Content                  Music & Media              Missions & More
                                  Join a canoe trip down        1. U-Turn! Paul's             6 original VBS themed        Include your own missions
                                  river to learn from Apostle   Salvation                     songs in a mixture of        feature.
                                  Paul to seek God's perfect    (Acts 26:1-22)                upbeat and traditional
                                  will for their lives.                                       music styles.                Skits book included in the
                                                                2. Picture This! Paul's                                    kit for people or puppet
                                  Ages:                         Baptism                       Lesson & Music DVD           skits. Choose from either
                                  Preschool (Age 2) to          (Acts 9:10-25)                includes the 2018 VBS        Theme Skits or Biblical
                                  Adults.                                                     Promotional Video, a         Skits.
  Jungle River Adventure                                        3. To the Work! Paul's Call   Lesson Video for each day,
 Ride the Current to God's        Student groups:               to Service                    Music Videos and             Sampler Kit is a great
        Perfect Plan              PreK (ages 2-3);              (Acts 13:1-3; Galatians       Volunteer/Thank You          value including Poster
                                  Kindergarten (Ages 4-5);      2:9-10)                       videos.                      Packs for:
        Bogard Press              Beginner (Grades 1-2);                                                                    Decoration Banners (2 @
                                  Primary (Grades 3-4);         4. Let Me Tell You! Paul's    Music CD includes songs      76” x 24”);
         Key Verse:               Junior (Grades 5-6);          Witness                       that appear in split-track   Bible Teaching Posters (5
 I will instruct thee and teach   Young Teen (Grades 7-8);      (Acts 18:1-11)                format, so you can listen    @ 38” x 24”);
thee in the way which though      Teen; Adult.                                                to as little or as much of   Daily Icon Posters (6 @
      shalt go. Psalm 32:8        (All ages included in         5. Unshakable! Paul's         the vocals as you wish.      38” x 24”);
               (KJV)              Sample Kit.)                  Commitment                    Includes stereo tracks.      Memory Verse Posters (6
                                                                (Acts 28:16-31)                                            @ 38” x 24”);
                                  Preschoolers have a                                                                      Attendance Poster (24” x
   Adventure Sample Kit           dedicated curriculum.                                                                    38” for 20 names) +
                                  Choose Traditional                                                                       Plus Bible Teaching Visuals
                                  Classroom or Rotational                                                                  for all age groups.
  Watch, Listen, &                Activity Centers with site
   Learn More >
VBS Theme                       Overview                       Content                   Music & Media               Missions & More
                              Take children on a white-     1. Jesus Calls the Disciples   New Music in                  Each day at the Missions
                              water rafting adventure to    (Matthew 4:18-25)              contemporary kids’ fun        rotation site, kids
                              discover that life with God   Find Adventure on the          music style.                  participate in hands-on
                              is an adventure full of       River!                                                       projects that make a
                              wonder and surprise, and                                     11 songs written &            difference in their
                              that they can trust God to    2. Jesus Accepts Mary and      produced by Andy Wilson       community.
                              be with them through          Martha (Luke 10:38-42)         of CrossKid Nation:               1. Mission Pillow
                              anything.                     Find Acceptance on the         8 original, fun pieces in a       2. Critter Feeders
                                                            River!                         variety of musical styles         3. Bucket of Sunshine
                              Ages:                                                        for elementary; two               4. Kindness Rocks!
  Rolling River Rampage
                              Preschool (Age 3) to Adult.                                  modern remakes of                 5. Kindness Kits
 Experience the Ride of a
                                                            3. Jesus Walks with            Zacchaeus (Wee Little
    Lifetime with God!
                              Age Groupings:                Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)       Man) & I've Got A River of    Rolling River Rampage
                              PreK & K;                     Find Joy on the River!         Life, plus an original song   addresses and represents
                              Younger Elementary,                                          just for preschoolers.        the whole spectrum of
                              Older Elementary.                                                                          people - ages, races,
       Key Verse:
                                                            4. Jesus Shares a Special                                    abilities and stages of
When you pass through the
                              Preschoolers have a           Meal (Luke 22:14-20)           Music CD; Music Video         development.
waters, I will be with you.
                              dedicated curriculum.         Find Rest on the River!        DVD with live action
       Isaiah 43:2
                              Choose either classroom                                      motion demonstrations.        Skits for each day are
                              or rotational format.                                                                      included, featuring
                                                            5. Jesus Makes a Promise       Adventure Video DVD/CD-       Romper the River Otter
                              Rotation format with          (Matthew 28:16-20)             ROM with opening &            VBS Puppet.
     Super Starter Kit
                              Music, Snacks, Science,       Find Peace on the River!       closing video segments,
                              Recreation, Crafts, &                                        sign language memory          Free web resources to
                              Mission.                                                     verse demonstrations,         help Plan, Promote and
                                                                                           pre-recorded puppet           Organize your VBS. Plus,
  Watch, Listen, &            Youth and Adult studies                                      dialogues, and Assembly       free Toddlers Leaders
   Learn More >               are also available (not in                                   scripts for live skits.       Guide, Special Needs
                              Starter Kit).                                                                              Guide + much, much
VBS Theme                     Overview                      Content                   Music & Media              Missions & More
      2017 Theme
Back by Popular Demand!      Kids enjoy awesome           God ‘s Heroes Have…            10 songs total: 8 original   Each day at Missions in
                             adventures alongside                                        songs for the VBS theme,     Motion site, kids
                             some of their favorite       1. Heart:                      2 revised song versions of   participate in hands-on
                             Bible heroes and discover    Samuel Anoints David           the contemporary worship     projects that make a
                             the qualities that make us   (1 Samuel 16:1-12)             song “Everlasting God”       difference in their
                             truly heroic in God.                                        and the hymn “Hear Us As     community.
                                                         2. Courage:                     We Pray”, plus 1 song for
                             Ages:                       Abigail Saves the Day           preschoolers.                Skits each day with
                             Preschool (Age 3) to Adult. (1 Samuel 25)                                                Snappy the Crab Puppet.
                                                                                         Music CD has full song       Scripts and voice
                               Age Groupings:             3. Wisdom:                     versions with vocals,        soundtrack included in the
                               PreK & K;                  Jesus Goes to the Temple       instrumental only plus       kit.
         Hero Central
                               Younger Elementary,        (Luke 2:41-52)                 PowerPoint lyric slides.
Discover Your Strength in God!
                               Older Elementary.                                                                      Free web resources to
                                                          4. Hope:                       Music Video DVD features     help Plan, Promote and
                             Preschoolers have a          Beatitudes (Matthew            a diverse group of           Organize your VBS. Plus,
                             dedicated curriculum.        4:23-5:12)                     children.                    free Toddlers Leaders
        Key Verse:
                             Choose either classroom                                                                  Guide, Special Needs
 Do good! Seek peace and
                             or rotational format.        5. Power:                                                   Guide + much, much
       go after it.!
                                                          Pentecost                                                   more.
       Psalm 34:1b
                             Rotation format with         (Acts 2:1-41)
                             Music, Snacks, Science,                                                                  Bible lessons taught in
                             Recreation, Crafts, &                                                                    either a Bible Drama with
     Super Starter Kit
                             Mission.                     Site rotations: Assembly,                                   4 people or a single
                                                          Bible Storytelling, Science,                                storyteller format. You
                             Free Toddlers Leaders        Snack, Craft, Recreation,                                   choose.
  Watch, Listen, &           Guide also available (not    Music, & Mission
   Learn More >              in Starter Kit).                                                                         Alternative schedules for
                                                                                                                      1, 2, 3, or 4 day VBS in
                             Youth and Adult studies                                                                  Director’s Guide.
                             are also available (not in
                             Starter Kit).
VBS Theme                     Overview                      Content                   Music & Media               Missions & More
                             Discover Jesus is by our     1. God is with Baby Moses      New in 2018: All New          Missions information to
                             side on life's wild ride.    in the river                   Music with a fresh sound      be announced. Daily
                             Even in rough waters, God    (Exodus 2:1-10)                & style for today's kids.     missions videos are
                             is in control. He saves us                                                                commonly included.
                             through Jesus, the            2. God's people enter the
                             promised Savior.             Promised Land                  8 original songs in an all-   New in 2018: Bonus
                                                          (Joshua 3-4)                   new fun & upbeat music        Frame Craft
                             Ages:                                                       style.
                             Preschool to Grade 5.        3. God heals Naaman in                                       Opening/Closing Guide
                             (Ages 3-12).                 the Jordan River               Media videos include:         includes Skit scripts.
       Splash Canyon                                      (2 Kings 5:1-14)               Song Action videos, skit
God's Promise on Life's Wild Activity Center / Site                                      videos, missions videos,      Starter Kit includes Bible
             Ride            Rotation Format: children    4. God saves Paul from         decorating, volunteer         Story Posters (5, 22" X 17),
                             move through sites,          the sea                        training, recruiting          Memory Verse Posters (5,
Concordia Publishing House including 2 Biblically         (Acts 27:13-44)                commercials, and              22" x 17"), Decorating
                             based:                                                      overview videos.              Posters (3, 43” x 60”).
          Key Verse:         Opening & Closing            5. God's yes is Jesus: Jesus
For all the promises of God Assemblies;                   is Baptized                    New in 2018: Early            FREE VBSMate online tool
   find their Yes in him.    Bible Challenge;             (Matthew 3:13-17)              Childhood Guide Song          to organize, promote and
     2 Corinthians 1:20      Storytelling;                                               Action Videos                 communicate.
            (ESV)            Crafts; Snacks; & Games.     New in 2018:
                                                          1. Previous Elementary         Unique Passalong CD/DVD       Lots of free images, clip
        Starter Kit          Separate preschool           Leaflets (Grades 1 -5)         give-away to families         art, templates, posters
                             program. Classroom           replaced with new Early        includes both music and       and more on the
                             based, with option to join   Elementary Leaflets            video features.               publisher’s website.
  Watch, Listen, &           elementary kids for          (Grades 1-2) and
   Learn More >              opening & closing.           Elementary Leaflets            New in 2018:
                                                          (Grades 3-5                    New Opening / Closing
                             Puppet scripts for Early                                    videos that will have kids
                             Childhood (preschool)                                       asking for more.
VBS Theme                     Overview                      Content                 Music & Media               Missions & More
                                                         Day 1:                      Media include2-minute         Include your own missions
                           Get ready for an action-      Bible Story: Adam and Eve   video clips introducing the   feature.
                           packed VBS where kids         Action Word: Love           character and theme word
                           discover how to love,         Scripture Reference:        of the day, plus training     Digital Only VBS, ties
                           believe, trust and witness    Genesis 3                   and teaching videos.          thematically with The
                           as they engage in God's                                                                 Action Bible and The
                           big story of redemption.      Day 2:                      Web links provided to         Action Bible Curriculum for
                                                         Bible Story: Abraham        additional posters, videos,   preteens.
                           Each day features a Bible     Action Word: Believe        decorating ideas and
                           character exclusively         Scripture Reference:        more.                         Action Bible character
                           created by master             Genesis 15-18                                             masks for each day and
                           illustrator Sergio Cariello                               One theme song included.      role-play Scripture turn
 The Action Bible VBS
                           (The Action Bible).           Day 3:                                                    storytelling into an
Jesus – The First Action
                                                         Bible Story: Mary                                         unforgettable experience.
                           Ages:                         Action Word: Trust          Kit contents include:
                           Kindergarten – Grade 5,       Scripture Reference: Luke   Director’s Guide              This complete digital
     David C Cook
                           with adaptations for          1:26-38                     Theme Song (based on 1        resource kit adapts to fit
                           Preschoolers.                                             Peter 1:3-4)                  any church size and
     Key Verse:
                                                     Day 4:                          Drama Crew Booklets           budget.
    1 Peter 1:3-4
                           Large Group / Small Group Bible Story: Jesus              Character Video Clips
   The Action Bible
                           Format (with options for  Action Word: Save               Action Bible Masks            A gospel – centered VBS
                           larger churches).         Scripture Reference:            Coloring Pages                from the team formerly at
                                                     Matthew 27:59—28:20;            Web Link to additional        Gospel Light and Standard
                           3-hour VBS program for 5 John 19:38—21:17; Luke           resources                     Publishing (now part of
   Digital Starter Kit
                           days.                     24:13-53                                                      the David C Cook family of
 Watch, Listen,                                          Day 5:
& Learn More >                                           Bible Story: Paul                                         A simple VBS with no
                                                         Action Word: Witness                                      complicated displays or
                                                         Scripture Reference: Acts                                 decorations to create.
VBS Theme                         Overview                    Content                  Music & Media             Missions & More
                                The life story of Daniel    1. Daniel and His Friends     Eight original songs in     Include your own missions
                                teaches us that God         are Taken to Babylon          English and Spanish, plus   feature.
                                preserves His children in   (Daniel 1:1-21)               Instrumental-only tracks
                                temptation, command us      Key Point: God preserves                                  The only Spanish Vacation
                                to trust and honor Him,     His children in temptation.   Multimedia CD in the        Bible School program that
                                and gives His people                                      Leader’s pack includes      is originally written in
                                wisdom and victory.         2. Daniel Interprets the      songs, accompaniments,      Spanish and available in
                                                            King's Dream                  songbook and Spanish        both Spanish and bilingual
                                Ages:                       (Daniel 2:13-19, 26-47)       narrations for each day.    formats.
 It Happened in Babylon         3-14 years and Adult        Key Point: God gives His
    Editorial Concordia                                     children wisdom.                                          Daily stories feature a
                                Age Groupings:                                                                        family - these can be read
   No Key Theme Verse.          Group 1: 3-6 years old      3. Three Men in the Fiery                                 from the script (in English)
                                Group 2: 7-10 years old     Furnace                                                   or play the Spanish
                                Group 3: 11-14 years old
    Spanish Leader Pack                                     (Daniel 3:8-29)                                           recorded version on the
 Bilingual English/Spanish                                  Key Point: God commands                                   CD.
        Leader Pack             Large Group / Small Group   us to trust Him.
                                format.                                                                               A simple VBS with no
   Originally written in                                    4. Daniel Explains the                                    complicated displays or
 Spanish, then translated       2 hour program focused on   Writing on the Wall                                       decorations to create.
       into English.            Bible study. Small group    (Daniel 5:1-31)
                                bible time is 75 minutes.   Key Point: God commands
Student materials and Bible                                 us to honor Him.
     story posters are
 compatible with all Bible                                  5. Daniel in the Lions' Den
       translations.                                        (Daniel 6:1-28)
                                                            Key Point: God gives
The bilingual leader’s guide                                victory to His people.
includes scripture stories in
the Good News Translation.

     Learn More >
VBS Theme                      Overview                        Content                Music & Media               Missions & More
                            Venture onto an                1. Jesus tells parables     10 songs: 4 original VBS-     Operation Kid-2-Kid
                            uncharted island where         about lost things.          specific, 3 contemporary
                            kids learn Jesus is by their   (Luke 15)                   Christian songs, & 3 re-      KidVid Cinema: Each day,
                            side through every storm                                   imagined hymns.               kids watch real children
                            in life. (When you're          2. Martha worries and                                     who are living out their
                            lonely, when you worry,        complains.                  Enjoy contemporary            faith.
                            struggle, do wrong, and        (Luke 10:38-42)             worship 'My Lighthouse'
                            when you're powerless …                                    from Rend Collective and      Imagination Station brings
                            Jesus rescues!)                3. Jesus' friends try to    'I Am' from David             science and fun to
                                                           rescue him in the garden    Crowder, plus "Soon And       learning Biblical truths.
                            Ages:                          of Gethsemane.              Very Soon' by Andrae
     Shipwrecked            Preschool – Grade 5            (Luke 22:39-54; Matthew     Crouch, a modern version      Free VBS P.R.O. to
   Rescued by Jesus         (Ages 3-11)                    26:36-56)                   of the hymn "'Tis So Sweet    Promote, Register, and
                                                                                       to Trust in Jesus", and new   Organize your VBS.
         Group                                             4. Jesus welcomes a         Jay Stocker VBS songs
       (Easy VBS)           Preschoolers have a            criminal before dying and   written just for
                            dedicated curriculum.          coming back to life.        Shipwrecked VBS.
 No Key Theme Verse.                                       (Luke 23:26-24:12)
                            Activity Center / Rotation                                 Sing & Play Leader’s Music
 Bible Translation: NLT     Station format.                5. Peter and John heal a    CD Set (full music tracks,
                                                           man in Jesus' name.         instrumental-only tracks,
  Ultimate Starter Kit      Elementary (Grades 1-5)        (Acts 3:1-26)               and song lyrics slide
Ultimate Starter Kit Plus   are in mixed-age groups,                                   show).
        Digital             though you can easily
                            keep traditional age                                       Sing & Play Music DVD
                            groupings of children.                                     with song motion videos.
 Watch, Listen,
 & Learn More >             Youth Leader Manual                                        Ultimate Director Go-To
                            available separately from                                  Recruiting & Training DVD,
                            kit.                                                       KidVid Cinema DVD,
                                                                                       Decorating Places DVD,
                                                                                       Clip Art CD.
VBS Theme                       Overview                      Content                 Music & Media              Missions & More
                               Sled into an ice way to       1. Jesus welcomes the       5 songs: 1 original, 2       Projects-With-A-Purpose®
                               spend the ultimate            children.                   contemporary Christian
                               summer weekend where          (Luke 18:15-17)             songs, & 2 re-imagined       Projects-with-a-Purpose
                               kids chill with new friends                               hymns.                       helps kids put God’s love
                               and warm up to Jesus-the      2. Jesus welcomes a                                      into action by making
                               coolest friend of all!        criminal before dying and   Polar Blast Music Leader     special gifts for others in
                                                             coming back to life.        CD Set (full music tracks,   their community.
                               Ages:                         (Luke 23:26-24:12)          instrumental-only tracks,
                               Preschool – Grade 5                                       and song lyrics slide
                               (Ages 3 – 11)                                             show), Program Resources
       Polar Blast                                           Site rotations:             DVD (resources for help
 Where Jesus' Love is Cool     Activity Center / Rotation    Opening / Closing           get your church and
                               Station format                Assemblies,                 volunteers ready for VBS).
          Group                                              Bible Adventures,
        (Weekend)               This 2-day VBS includes      Projects With A Purpose,
                                two 2.5 hour sessions,       Fun & Games.                Music & More Music
           Key Verse:           plus a 20 minute Sunday                                  Leader Version CD;
I trust in your unfailing love. celebration for the whole                                Music & More DVD with
          Psalm 13:5            church.                                                  song motions;
             (NLT)                                                                       Ultimate Director Go-To
                                                                                         Guide DVD
   Bible Translation: NLT      Multi-age groups, though
                               easily adaptable to
         Starter Kit
                               standard age-groupings.

  Watch, Listen, &
   Learn More >
VBS Theme                      Overview                         Content                  Music & Media               Missions & More
                            Meet Daniel, hear his           1. Enemies capture Daniel     10 songs plus a Market        Operation Kid-2-Kid
                            story and experience            & his friends & take them     Place instrument-only
                            ancient Babylon! Torn           to Babylon. (Daniel 1)        soundtrack: 4 original VBS-   Holy Land Adventure VBS
                            away from his homeland                                        specific songs & 6            immerses children in
                            and forced into service of       2. Daniel interprets         contemporary Christian        biblical times where they
                            a foreign king, Daniel          Nebuchadnezzar's dream.       songs. (2 song tracks         experience life in the
                            maintained his steadfast        (Daniel 2)                    feature Ancient Near East     Bible.
                            faith in God in a faithless                                   / Holy Land musical
                            culture.                        3. Shadrach, Meshach, &       influences).                  Choose as many or as few
       Babylon                                              Abednego survive a fiery                                    Market Place Shops as you
  Daniel's Courage in       Ages:                           furnace. (Daniel 3)           Enjoy contemporary            need.
       Captivity            Preschool – Grade 5                                           worship from Chris Tomlin
                            (Ages 3-11)                     4. Daniel prays, even         "Amazing Grace (My            Only 3 areas to decorate.
        Group                                               though it means he might      Chains Are Gone)", Chris
(Holy Land Adventure)                                       get into trouble. (Daniel     Tomlin / Matt Redman /        You’ll need a good actor
                            Multi-generational mixed        6:1-16)                       Ed Cash "How can I Keep       to play Daniel.
 No Key Theme Verse.        age"family tribe" groups                                      From Singing", and Amy
                            giving flexibility to include   5. God saves Daniel from      Grant 'Where Do I Go".        Free VBS P.R.O. to
 Bible Translation: NLT     teens and parents.              the lions. (Daniel 6:16-28)   Other soundtrack favorites    Promote, Register, and
                                                                                          including "Awesome God",      Organize your VBS.
  Ultimate Starter Kit      Activity Site / Rotation                                      "We Bow Down" and
Ultimate Starter Kit Plus   Station format:                                               more.
        Digital             Opening & Closing
                            Assemblies                                                    Music Leader’s CD Set (full
                            Market Place Shops                                            music tracks,
                            Daniel’s Adventures                                           instrumental-only tracks,
Watch, Listen, &            Palace Playground                                             and song lyrics slide
 Learn More >                                                                             show), Worship Music
                                                                                          DVD with song motion
                                                                                          videos, Ultimate Director
                                                                                          Go-To Recruiting &
                                                                                          Training DVD, Decorating
                                                                                          Places DVD, Clip Art CD.
VBS Theme                       Overview                       Content                 Music & Media             Missions & More
                                As they fill up the           1. Jesus Cares About Me     6 songs especially for      Each day kids learn about
                                offensive line, sideline,     (Luke 15:1-7)               Toddlers to Kindergarten    the Hesskew family and
                                and drumline, your                                        age.                        how they use sports to tell
                                players, cheerleaders, and    2. Jesus Gives Me Hope                                  people in Poland about
                                band members will realize     (John 11:1-44)              Additional 5 songs plus a   Jesus.
                                God has given them His                                    VBS theme song for
                                ultimate playbook. He         3. Jesus Helps Me Believe   Grades 1 - 6 students.      Daily missions videos
                                wants them to join His        (John 20:19-31)                                         included.
                                team, train hard,                                         Worship DVD includes
                                celebrate salvation, and      4. Jesus Loves Me           choreography instruction    Separate Stater Kits for
       Game On!                 encourage one another.        (John 13:1-35; 19:25-27;    videos, presentation live   Grades 1-6 and Babies to
 Gearing Up for Life's Big                                    20:1-10; 21:1-14)           action videos, and song     Kindergarten.
         Game                   Ages:                                                     lyric videos.
                                Babies (2s) to Grade 6        5. Jesus Gives Me Joy                                   Special Friends (Special
          Lifeway                                             (Acts 16:23-34)             Additional media include    Education Needs) Leader’s
                                Age Groupings:                                            Music for Kids CD;          Guide also available.
        Key Verse:              Babies-2s,                                                Takin’ It Home CD;
His divine power has given us   3s-PreK,                      Preschoolers –              Promotional DVD             Online VBS management
 everything required for life   Kindergarten,                 Kindergarten have                                       software also available,
 and godliness through the      Grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6          dedicated curriculum.                                   plus a lot of free
knowledge of him who called
   us by his own glory and
                                Additional studies for        Preschool Format: Child
          2 Peter 1:3
                                teens (Grades 7-12) to        Rotation, Teacher                                       Students can be separated
             (CSB)              adults also available.        Rotation, or Self-                                      into middle school and
                                                              Contained Classroom.                                    high school.
       Jump Start Kit           Rotation stations include
   Preschooler Starter Kit      Worship Rally, Bible Study,                                                           Skits each day at Opening
Kids Starter Kit (Grades 1-6)   Crafts, Music & Missions.                                                             & Closing Assemblies.
     Worship Rally Pack

  Watch, Listen, &
   Learn More >
VBS Theme                  Overview                      Content                  Music & Media             Missions & More
                          Lead children on an          1. Blessed are the           (Music not yet released.)   Choose one of two
                          awesome adventure            peacemakers                  Songs typically include     Mennonite Church
                          through the Bible,           (Matthew 5:9, 43-48;         simple melodies for         missions projects – or
                          equipping them to follow     Jesus, the Sermon on the     children with a mix of      support your own
                          Jesus as compassionate       Mount)                       contemporary style and      missionary.
                          peacemakers. Children                                     traditional favorites.
                          discover God’s way of        2. Peacemakers as                                        Economical: Crafts use
                          peace, from learning how     problem-solvers              Music CD and songbook.      commonly found supplies.
                          to resolve conflicts to      (Genesis 13: Abram, Sarai,   No song-action music        No decorating needed.
                          figuring out ways to help    Lot)                         videos.
                          others.                                                                               The boxed set includes:
        Peace Lab                                       3. Peacemakers help
  Discover God's Way of   Ages:                        others                                                   Two copies of: Director
          Peace           Preschool to Grade 5         (Ruth 1–2: Ruth, Boaz)                                   Guide, Worship and
                          (Ages 4 -11).                                                                         Drama Guide, Active
       MenoMedia                                       4. Peacemakers speak up                                  Response Guide, Bible
                          Age Groupings:               (1 Samuel 18–20: Saul,                                   Response Guide, Creative
       Key Verse:         Early Childhood (ages 4 &    David, Jonathan, Michal)                                 Response Guide, Early
unknown                   5), Kindergarten through                                                              Childhood Leader Guide,
                          Grade 5, adaptations for     5. Peacemakers ask for                                   Invitation Poster.
        Boxed Set
                          grades 6-8.                  help
     Bible Translation:                                (Luke 10:38-42; Mary,                                    One copy of: Song CD,
   New Revised Standard   Rotation Sites: Worship      Martha, Jesus)                                           Songbook, Leader
      Version (NRSV)      Assembly,                                                                             Resource CD, Early
                          Active Response (games &                                                              Childhood student book
                          activities),                                                                          (My Book of Stories),
                          Bible Response (Bible                                                                 grade K-5 student book
    Learn More >
                          story discussion & student                                                            (Lab Book), invitation
                          book activities) , and                                                                postcard, Bible memory
                          Creative Response (craft &                                                            poster, student
                          snack).                                                                               participation certificate
VBS Theme                    Overview                       Content               Music & Media     Missions & More
                         Not Yet Available.             Day 1: Team means we,      Not yet Released   Include your own missions
                                                        not me;                                       focus.
                         Preschool to Grade 6           Day 2: Everyone deserves                      Starter Kit includes
                                                        my respect;                                   coaching guides for
                         Activity Center Format                                                       Soccer, Basketball and
                         with small group leaders,      Day 3: All of us make                         Cheerleading., plus
   Team Spirit           plus opening and closing       mistakes;                                     “Sports Basics” for
 Mega Sports Camp        assemblies.                                                                  preschoolers.
                                                        Day 4: My attitudes and
 My Healthy Church       Coaches coach the sports.      actions matter;                               Optional coaching guides
(Salubris Resources)                                                                                  for Baseball and Flag
                         Huddle Coaches engage          Day 5: TEAM Spirit.                           Football also available.
  Sports Outreach        kids in small group Biblical
     Starter Kit         conversations.                                                               Life & Ministry skills books
                                                                                                      accommodate those
Bible Translation: NIV   Site rotations:                                                              unable or not included to
                         Opening Rally Assembly,                                                      play sports: Cooking,
   4 Time Winner         Sports Session 1- Drills,                                                    Drama, Card Making.
 Children’s Outreach     Coach Huddle – Small                                                         Available separately.
Resource of the Year     Group Bible,
(Outreach Magazine)      Sports Session 2 – game
                         like drills,
                         Halftime Rally Snack,
                          Sports Session 3 – Game
                         Closing Rally.
VBS Theme                 Overview                       Content                  Music & Media           Missions & More
                      Teach kids the 'why'         1. Laugh! God chooses          Music CD, plus DVD ROM   Include your own missions
                      behind worship and lead      surprising people.             with videos of hand      feature.
                      them to respond to God's     (1 Samuel 16)                  motions for each song.
                      grace and goodness                                                                   Starter Kit includes:
                      through fun and active       2. Clap! God wins the                                   Director’s Manual—A
                      praise. Connect the truths   battle. (1 Samuel 17)                                   complete outline of
                      of the gospel to real-life                                                           everything you need to
                      scenarios through a study    3. Sing! God is our faithful                            plan and execute your VBS
                      of the life of King David.   friend.                                                 and/ or Bible club.
                                                   (1 Samuel 20)
                      Ages:                                                                                Worship Leader’s Manual
 Clap Your Hands,     Preschool (age 3) to Grade    4. Shout! God is with us.
 Stomp Your Feet      5.                           (2 Samuel 6)                                            Preschool (ages 3–4)
Learning to Worship                                                                                        Classroom Manual
                      Rotation Station VBS         5. Give Thanks! God
New Growth Press      format with                  shows his kindness.                                     Elementary (K–5th grade)
                      Opening/Closing              (2 Samuel 9)                                            Classroom Manual
    Key Verse:        Assemblies with Worship,
   Psalm 11:1-2       Bible, Games, Crafts and                                                             “Are You Close to God”
                      Snacks.                                                                              Booklet – evangelistic
                                                                                                           booklet to share with each
Learn More >                                                                                               child

                                                                                                           Printables including:
                                                                                                           Student certificates, Save
                                                                                                           the date, and more.

                                                                                                           Clap Your Hands, Stomp
                                                                                                           Your Feet Music CD
VBS Theme                         Overview                      Content                 Music & Media               Missions & More
                                  Experience a camping         1. By the Shore -           10 songs:                     Operation Camp
                                  theme complete with          Peter Follows Jesus         4 original energetic songs,   International - showing
                                  tents, campfires, and        (Luke 5:1-11)               2 upbeat kid versions of      Jesus' love to
                                  wildlife where kids will                                 hymns,                        impoverished kids.
                                  learn about the life of      2. Along the Trail –        2 contemporary Christian,
                                  Christ as seen through the   Jesus Shows Love &          plus                          The only VBS
                                  eyes of Peter. While         Forgiveness                 2 perennial favorites         recommended by Child
                                  students hike, canoe, and    (Luke 18:15-16, 35-43;      including Jesus Love Me       Evangelism Fellowship®.
                                  fish, they discover the      19:1-10)                    and The Best Place VBS
Camp Moose on the Loose           lasting forgiveness that                                 song.                         The Evangelistic VBS
Discovering God's Forever         only Christ can give.        3. Under the Stars –                                      where the Gospel
       Forgiveness                                             Peter Fails Jesus (         Music Leader CD includes      message shared every
                                  Ages:                        Matthew 26:30-56)           instruments & vocals,         day.
   Regular Baptist Press          Preschool to Adult.                                      piano & vocals, plus
                                                               4. Before the Dawn –        performance versions with
         Key Verse:               Student Books for:           Peter Denies, but Jesus     instruments only or piano Crafts: choose either from
 If we confess our sins, he is    2s & 3s,                     Forgives                    only.                     craft kit purchases or
faithful and just to forgive us   Pre-Primary (Ages 4-K),      (Luke 22:54-62; 23:33-47)                             commonly used craft
            our sins.
                                  Primary (Grades 1&2),                                                              items. Each day has 5 or 6
           1 John 1:9
                                  Middler (Grades 3&4),      5. Around the Campfire -                                craft suggestions, plus
         (KJV or NKJV)
                                  Junior (Grades 5&6),       Peter Discovers God's                                   four additional theme
                                  Youth (Grades 7-12), Adult Forever Forgiveness                                     crafts for a total of 30
  NKJV Introductory Kit
                                                             (Mark 16:1-7; John 21:1-                                space-related crafts to
  KJV Introductory Kit
                                  Combined Classroom &       10, 21:1-22)                                            choose from.
                                  Activity Center Format:
  Watch, Listen, &                Children are together for
   Learn More >                   Opening& Closing
                                  Assemblies. Bible
                                  Exploration Time happens
                                  in age-level classrooms.
                                  Then children move
                                  through 5 rotation sites.
VBS Theme                  Overview                    Content        Music & Media     Missions & More
                                                  To be announced.   To be announced.   Simple Decorating – no
                     Invite everyone to follow                                          sets to build.
                     the Lamb of God! Based
                     on John 1:36-37,                                                   Craft packs for different
                     preschoolers (2-year-olds)                                         age-groups makes craft
                     to adults all learn to                                             preparation easy.
                     become more faithful
                     followers of Christ.                                               Teacher Guides and
                                                                                        Student Book samples for
                     Ages:                                                              all ages (including Adult)
                     Preschool to Adult.                                                included in the Starter Kit.
Follow the Leader!
                     Age Groupings:
    R. H. Boyd       Preschool (2 to 5 year-
  VBS Starter Kit    Primary (6 to 8 year-olds)
                     Junior (9 to 11 year-olds)
 Translation: NRSV
                     Intermediate (12 to 17
Learn More >         Adult (18 +)

                     Classroom Format.

                     Separate Preschool -
                     Kindergarten curriculum.

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                                       Vacation Bible School
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