2020 Vacation Bible School Comparison Chart - Christian Book ...

Page created by Anthony Robles
2020 Vacation Bible School Comparison Chart - Christian Book ...
2020 Vacation Bible School Comparison Chart
                                                                  (Alphabetical by Publisher)

                                                We love VBS!

 We share your passion for seeing children come to salvation through faith and grow as followers of Jesus. A
few of us at Christianbook.com are VBS directors, many are VBS volunteers, and some came to faith through
VBS as a child. After all the VBS decorations are made, the crafts completed, and the songs sung, we pray the
          young people in your ministry are more deeply rooted in a firm foundation of discipleship.

                 Thank you for your sacrificial service to the church. We are praying for you.

                 God’s grace, power, and provision be with you for a kingdom-building VBS!

                                    -The VBS Team at Christianbook.com
VBS Theme                        Overview                         Content                  Music & Media             Missions & More
                               Take an exciting journey        Activate faith & fun, be      11 songs - contemporary     An intergenerational
                               to find joy in knowing that     encouraged to set godly       hip-hop music & new         community project is
                               Jesus makes each one a          goals, be inspired to reach   versions of traditional     included.
                               winner and that we are          for the prize, & believe      hymns.
                               competing in life in order      that Jesus makes you a                                    Perfect for churches that
                               to reach the goal of the        champion:                                                 celebrate African
                               high calling of Jesus Christ.                                                             American history and
                                                               1. Get in the race!                                       culture.
   Champions in Life           Ages:                           (1 Corinthians 9:24b)
                               Preschool to Adult, full                                      Music CD contains all       Directors Manuel includes
Ready, Set, GO with GOD!
                               community program.              2. Be Skillful, Be Caring!    Music, Accompaniment        articles for
                               Choose either standard          (Philippians 2:4)             Tracks, and Learning        historical/cultural context,
     Abingdon Press
                               VBS Activity Center                                           Tracks.                     mediations for spiritual
          Key Verse:           Format or Classroom              3. Keep Your Eyes on                                     context and testimonies
                               Format.                         Jesus!                        Music DVD features          for experiential context.
But those who hope in the
                                                                (Matthew 14:29b)             introductory video, music
    Lord will renew their
                               Student Books for:                                            song-action videos, and     Information included for
strength. They will soar on
                               Preschool & K;                  4. A Long Wait!               movement instructions.      children with certain
wings like eagles; they will
 run and not grow weary,       Younger Elementary              (John 5:17)                                               physical or learning
                               (Grades 1-3);                                                 Student books are in packs challenges.
 they will walk and not be
                               Older Elementary (Grades        5. Reach for the Goal!        of 6 for Pre-K / K, Younger
  faint. Isaiah 40:31 (CEB)
                               4-6); Teen                      (Philippians 3:14)            Elementary, and Older
         Starter Kit
                               Preschool / Kindergarten
                               and Adults have their own       Bible Leader books for
                               curriculum. Teens can also      Preschool/Kindergarten,
  Watch, Listen, &
                               be independent or               Younger Elementary, and
   Learn More >                combined with Older             Older Elementary contain
                               Elementary for Arts/Crafts      parallel NIV, NKJV, NRSV,
                               & Music/Movement.               plus CEB Scripture verses.
VBS Theme                         Overview                       Content                 Music & Media                Missions & More
                                Grab your sunscreen, a         1. God is GREAT! He is the Four Music Formats for           Children’s Hunger Fund –
                                beach towel, and some          one & only God who is the you to choose from!               daily Missions Moment
                                flip flops because you’re      awe-inspiring Creator.      Theme Music in either           videos.
                                headed for Mystery             (Acts 17:16-34)                 2. catchy
                                Island! There, you’ll track                                        Contemporary            Puppet Skits for young
                                down the one true,             2. God is ALMIGHTY! He is           songs (8 songs)         children.
                                beyond description God         all knowing, all powerful,  or
                                while spending an exciting     & all present. (Jonah,      (2) Traditional songs.          Dramas each day at
                                week in paradise.              Psalm 139)                                                  assembly. Skits included
                                                                                           Plus, Memory Verse songs        in Assembly Leader Guide.
      Mystery Island            Ages:                          3. God is RULER! He is the are available in either:         10-12 minutes each.
  Tracking Down the One         Toddlers to Adults.            majestic king who is holy   (3) Contemporary version        (Optional purchase of
         True God               Lesson guides for Toddlers     & perfect. (Isaiah 6:1-3,   (Seeds of Family Worship)       Daily Drama video also
                                to Juniors in Starter Kits     Psalm 8)                    or                              available.)
    Answers in Genesis          (Ages 2 to 12).                                            (4) Traditional Version
                                                               4. God is EMMANUEL! He (Majesty Music).                     Teaching Supplement for
           Key Verse:             Teens to Adults studies      is the loving, good Savior                                  Special Needs available.
I will enthusiastically praise my also available separately    who came to earth.          Super Starter Kits include:
   God and King. Psalm 145:1      (1 guide for both groups).   (Gospel presentation,       Seashore Songs Music            Student Guides, Memory
   (Simplified Paraphrase)                                     select Scripture)           Leader Sets with (1) Music      Verse Posters & Student
                                Activity Center Format.                                    CD with stereo,                 Resources available in both
                                                                                                                           KJV and ESV versions.
          Starter Kit                                          5. God is TRUSTWORTHY! instrumental and split-
                                                                                                                           Teachers read Scripture from
                                Student Books for:             He is our rock. We should track versions; (2) music
    Super Starter Kit with                                                                                                 their own Bible. Verse
                                Preschool & K;                 praise, thank, worship,     leader DVD with song-
    Contemporary Music                                                                                                     Posters are printed on both
                                Younger Elementary             adore, and live for Him. (1 action videos, lyric videos,    sides – KJV and ESV.
                                (Grades 1-3);                  Samuel 17)                  and instructional videos;
    Super Starter Kit with
                                Older Elementary (Grades                                   (3) a resource DVD-ROM          * Free Digital Director
      Traditional Music
                                4-6); Teen                                                 with digital files of lyrics,   * Student CDs include
                                                                                           presentation images of          both Theme Music &
   Watch, Listen &              Preschool / Kindergarten                                   the lyrics, clip art and        Memory Verse Songs
    Learn More >                have their own                                             more; (4) Memory Verse
                                curriculum. Teens can also                                 Songs Leader Set; (5)
                                be independent or with                                     Songbook; (6) Sheet Music
                                Older Elementary.
VBS Theme                          Overview                       Content                 Music & Media              Missions & More
                                  Come to the slopes and        1. Gideon is Ready to        Original VBS themed songs Include your own missions
                                  enjoy skiing, ice skating,    Serve                        in a mixture of upbeat and feature.
                                  sledding, snowboarding        (Judges 6:1-16, 36-40)       traditional music styles.
                                  and ice hockey! Students      Be ready to serve the                                    Skits book included in the
                                  will learn to find strength   Lord.                        Lesson & Music DVD          kit for people or puppet
                                  in God’s Word by being                                     includes the VBS            skits. Choose from either
                                  ready, obedient, faithful,    2. Ruth Follows God          Promotional Video, a        Theme Skits or Biblical
                                  bold and courageous.          (Ruth 1:14-17; 2:5-16;       Lesson Video for each day, Skits.
       Alpine Ascent                                            3:10; 11; 4:13-17)           Music Videos and
Find Strength in God’s Word Ages:                               Follow Christ who lives in   Volunteer/Thank You         Sample Kit is a great value
                            Preschool (Age 2) to                you.                         videos.                     including Poster Packs for:
        Bogard Press        Adults.                                                                                      Bible Teaching Posters (5
                                                                3. Nehemiah Builds the       Music CD includes songs     @ 38” x 24”);
         Key Verse:               Student groups:               Wall                         that appear in split-track  Daily Theme Posters (6 @
If any man will come after me,    PreK (ages 2-3);              (Nehemiah 4:1-23; 6:1-9)     format, so you can listen   38” x 24”);
let him deny himself, and take    Kindergarten (Ages 4-5);      Live faithfully for Christ   to as little or as much of  Station Posters (6 @
 up his cross daily, and follow   Beginner (Grades 1-2);        despite difficulties.        the vocals as you wish.     38”x24”);
              me.                 Primary (Grades 3-4);                                      Includes stereo tracks.     Attendance Poster (24” x
        Luke 9:23 (KJV)           Junior (Grades 5-6);          4. Peter Reaches the Lost                                38” for 20 names) +
                                  Young Teen (Grades 7-8);       (Acts 10:9-22, 32-43;       Crafts include multiple     Stickers;
                                  Teen (Grades 9-12);           11:1, 2, 12-18)              options for each grade &    Samples of accessories;
         Sample Kit                Adult.                       Share Christ with unsaved    for each day for preschool Plus Bible Teaching Visuals
                                  (All ages included in         family and friends.          children through teens      for all age groups.
                                  Sample Kit.)                                               using commonly available
                                                                5. Esther Faces Danger       craft supplies. One 5 day
   Watch, Listen, &               Preschoolers have a           (Esther 3:8-15; 4:1-17)      craft option for middle
                                  dedicated curriculum.         Stand with Christ against    school and high school
    Learn More >
                                                                evil & danger.               students is also available.
                                  Choose Traditional
                                  Classroom or VBS
                                  Rotational Activity Centers
                                  with site rotations.
VBS Theme                      Overview                      Content                Music & Media               Missions & More
                               Knights go on a quest         1. Shadrach, Meshach &    New Music in                  Each day at the Missions
                               learning to grow strong in   Abednego Stand True        contemporary kids’ fun        rotation site, kids
                               the Lord and in the          (Daniel 3)                 music style.                  participate in hands-on
                               strength of God’s power      Armor Up with Truth!                                     projects that make a
                               by exploring how we put                                 12 songs:                     difference in their
                               on the armor of God. They    2. David Defeats Goliath   10 fun, upbeat songs for      community.
                               open the King’s Book to      (1 Samuel 17:1-50)         elementary, an original
                               explore stories & discover   Armor Up with Justice!     song just for preschoolers,   Skits for each day are
                               different pieces of the                                 plus a bonus tract.           included, featuring Sparky
 Knights of North Castle       armor.                      3. Mary’s Journey to                                      the Dragon Puppet.
Quest for the King’s Armor                                 Bethlehem                   Music CD; Music Video
                               Ages:                       (Luke 2:1-20)               DVD with live action          Free web resources to
        Cokesbury              Preschool (Age 3) to Adult. Armor Up with Peace!        motion demonstrations.        help Plan, Promote and
                                                                                                                     Organize your VBS. Plus, a
         Key Verse:            Age Groupings:               4. Jesus Walks on Water    Adventure Video DVD/CD-       ‘boatload’ of additional
Be strong in the Lord and in   PreK & K;                    (Matthew 14:22-33)         ROM with opening &            free resources for music,
 the strength of his power.    Younger Elementary,          Armor Up with Faith!       closing video segments,       leaders, and much, much
       Ephesians 6:10          Older Elementary.                                       sign language memory          more at the publisher’s
                                                            5. Midnight Praise with    verse demonstrations,         VBS website.
                               Preschoolers have a          Paul and Silas             pre-recorded puppet
Super Starter Kit Plus Digital dedicated curriculum.        (Acts 16:16-40)            dialogues, and Assembly
     Super Starter Kit         Choose either classroom      Armor Up with Salvation!   scripts for live skits.
      One Room VBS             or rotational format.
                                                                                       Knights of North Castle
                               Rotation format with                                    addresses and represents
                               Music, Snacks, Science,                                 the whole spectrum of
  Watch, Listen, &             Recreation, Crafts, &                                   people – ages, races,
   Learn More >                Mission.                                                abilities and stages of
                               Youth and Adult studies
                               are also available (not
                               included in the Starter
VBS Theme                      Overview                      Content                  Music & Media               Missions & More
                              Galaxy voyagers journey       1.Daniel Trusts God in the   New Music in                  Each day at the Missions
                              from their galactic outpost   Lion’s Den (Daniel 6)        contemporary kids’ fun        rotation site, kids
                              on special missions to        Go Beyond with Faith!        music style.                  participate in hands-on
                              collect power sources.                                                                   projects that make a
                              Along the way, they’ll        2. Queen Esther Takes a      11 songs:                     difference in their
                              learn how God walked          Stand (Esther 4-9)           9 fun, upbeat songs for       community.
                              with heroes of the Bible,     Go Beyond with Boldness!     elementary, an original           1. Stellar Book Marks
                              and that God is always                                     song just for preschoolers,           / Robot Bank
                              with them, too.               3. The Good Samaritan        plus a bonus tract.               2. A Million Thanks
    To Mars and Beyond                                      Helps a Fellow Traveler                                            for Your Boldness
Explore Where God’s Power Ages:                             (Luke 10: 25-37)             Music CD; Music Video             3. The Shining Star
       Can Take You!           Preschool  (Age 3) to Adult.  Go Beyond with              DVD with live action              4. Thankful
                                                            Kindness!                    motion demonstrations.                Placemats
          Cokesbury            Age Groupings:                                                                              5. Prayer of Hope
                               PreK & K;                    4.Jesus Heals 10 Lepers      Adventure Video DVD/CD-
          Key Verse:           Younger Elementary,          (Luke 17:11-19)              ROM with opening &
Glory to God, who is able to Older Elementary.              Go Beyond with               closing video segments,       Skits for each day are
  do far beyond all that we                                 Thankfulness!                sign language memory          included, featuring EP3-20
 could ask or imagine by his Preschoolers have a                                         verse demonstrations,         Robot Puppet.
  power at work within us.     dedicated curriculum.            2. Jesus Comforts        pre-recorded puppet
   (Ephesians 3:20) (CEB)      Choose  either classroom            Friends on the        dialogues, and Assembly       Free web resources to
                               or rotational format.               Way to Emmaus         scripts for live skits.       help Plan, Promote and
                                                                   (Luke 24:13-35)                                     Organize your VBS. Plus, a
Super Starter Kit Plus Digital Rotation  format with        Go  Beyond  with Hope!       To Mars & Beyond              ‘boatload’ of additional
      Super Starter Kit        Music, Snacks, Science,                                   addresses and represents      free resources for music,
                               Recreation, Crafts, &                                     the whole spectrum of         leaders, and much, much
                               Mission.                                                  people – ages, races,         more at the publisher’s
                                                                                         abilities and stages of       VBS website.
  Watch, Listen, &            Youth and Adult studies                                    development.
   Learn More >               are also available (not
                              included in the Starter
VBS Theme                       Overview                      Content                 Music & Media             Missions & More
                               Kids learn how Jesus is our   1. God Rescues Noah         8 All new songs with a      Missions information to
                               ultimate guide in the         (Genesis 6:17-22; 8)        fresh sound &               be announced. Daily
                               rainforest and in life.       God keeps His promises.     contemporary style for      missions videos are
                               Some days we might feel                                   today’s kids.               commonly included.
                               lost, but He’ll show us the    2. God Gives the
                               way. He leads us to the       Commandments                Media videos include:
                               treasure of eternal life,     (Exodus 19:18-20; 20:1-     Song Action videos, skit    Starter Kit includes Bible
                               and He’ll never leave us      21)                         videos, missions videos,    Story Posters (5, 22” x 17),
                               alone!                        My loving God gives         decorating, volunteer       Memory Verse Posters (5,
   Rainforest Explorers                                      direction.                  training, recruiting        22” x 17”), Decorating
   Jesus Leads the Way         Ages:                                                     commercials, and            Posters (4, 43” x 60”).
                               Preschool to Grade 5.        3. Jesus Calls His Disciples overview videos.
Concordia Publishing House     (Ages 3-12).                 (Matthew 4:18-22; 9:9-13)                                FREE VBSMate online tool
                                                            Jesus is with me.             Early Childhood Guide      to organize, promote and
         Key Verse:            Activity Center / Site                                     includes Song Action       communicate.
Oh, the depths of the riches   Rotation Format: children 4. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers        Videos
 …of God! Romans 11:33         move through sites,          (Luke 17:11-19)                                          Lots of free images, clip
           (ESV)               including 2 Biblically based Jesus is full of healing.     Unique Pass-along          art, templates, posters
                               sites:                                                     CD/DVD                     and more on the
        Starter Kit            Opening & Closing            5. Jesus Visits His Disciples give-away to families      publisher’s website.
                               Assemblies;                  (John 21:1-14)                includes both music and
    VBS with Purpose®          Bible Challenge;             Jesus helps me share His      video features.
                               Storytelling;                Good News.
                               Crafts; Snacks; & Games.
  Watch, Listen, &                                          Early Childhood Leaflets      Craft Sampler: (contents
   Learn More >                Separate preschool           (prek-K)                      to be announced.)
                               program. Classroom           Early Elementary Leaflets
                               based, with option to join (Grades 1-2)
                               elementary kids for          Elementary Leaflets
                               opening & closing.           (Grades 3-5)

                               Puppet scripts for Early
                               Childhood (preschool)
VBS Theme                        Overview                      Content                 Music & Media               Missions & More
                                Climb aboard for             1. Ananias helps Saul        10 songs: A mix of original   Operation Kid-2-Kid:
                                mountains of fun at Rocky    (Acts 9:1-19)                VBS-specific,                 (specific details yet to be
                                Railway! On this faith-      Jesus’ power helps us do     contemporary Christian        announced)
                                filled adventure, kids       hard things.                 songs, & re-imagined
                                discover that trusting                                    hymns.                        Free VBS P.R.O. to
                                Jesus pulls them through     2. Paul is shipwrecked                                     Promote, Register, and
                                life’s up and downs.         (Acts 27)                    Sing & Play Leader’s Music    Organize your VBS.
                                                             Jesus’ power gives us        CD Set (full music tracks,
                                                             hope.                        instrumental-only tracks,     Bible Memory Buddies
                                Ages:                                                     and song lyrics slide         have fun, heat-sensitive
                                Preschool – Grade 5          3. Peter & John teach        show).                        Scripture & now one
      Rocky Railway             (Ages 3-11). Preschoolers    about Jesus                                                package is enough for 5
   Jesus’ Power Pulls Us        have a dedicated             (Acts 3:1-4:31)              Sing & Play Music DVD         kids.
          Through               curriculum.                  Jesus’ power helps us be     with song motion videos.
                                                             bold.                                                   Castaway Logbook
           Group                Activity Center / Rotation                                Ultimate Director Go-To    (student books) is a 48-
         (Easy VBS)             Station format.              4. Jesus’ death &            Recruiting & Training DVD, page interactive book for
                                                             resurrection                 KidVid Cinema DVD,         use both at VBS and at
   No Key Theme Verse.          Elementary (Grades K-5)      (Matthew 26:17-28:10)        Decorating Places DVD,     home. A 2-for-1 faith-
                                are in mixed-age groups,     Jesus’ power lets us live    Clip Art CD.               building resource.
  Bible Translation: NLT        though you can easily        forever.
                                keep traditional age                                                                    Skits DVD:
    Ultimate Starter Kit        groupings of children.       5. The church is united.                                   If skit actors are scarce for
                                                             (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-35)                                    you, use the Sing & Play
 Ultimate Starter Kit Plus      Youth Leader Manual          Jesus’ power helps us be                                   Skits DVD for the skit
         Digital                available separately from    good friends.                                              segment each day.
Spanish Bilingual Starter Kit                                KidVid Cinema: Each day,
                                                             kids watch real children
   Watch, Listen,                                            who are living out their
   & Learn More >                                            Imagination Station brings
                                                             science and fun to
                                                             learning biblical truths.
VBS Theme                        Overview                       Content                Music & Media             Missions & More
                                Make a splash with the         1. Paul encourages others   Program Resource DVD,      Projects-With-A-Purpose®
                                ultimate summer                in a storm and shipwreck.   Music Leader Version CD,   is replaced with year with
                                weekend! Kids embark on        (Acts 27)                     Anchored ClipArt &       Sea Crafts site.
                                an undersea adventure,                                          Resources CD
                                diving deeper in their faith   2. Jesus dies and comes                                Anchored also supports
                                and discovering the            back to life.                                          Operation Kid-2-Kid:
                                unwavering love of God!        (Matthew 26:17-28:10)                                  Specific ministry details
                                                                                                                      still to come
       Anchored                 Preschool – Grade 5            Site rotations:
  Deepening Faith In God        (Ages 3 – 11)                  Opening (Music & more),
                                                               Deep Bible Adventures,
          Group                 Activity Center / Rotation     Sea Crafts, Anchors Away
        (Weekend)               Station format                 Play, Coral Reef Closing

         Key Verse:             This 2-day VBS includes
Give thanks to the Lord, for    two 2.5 hour sessions,
he is good! His faithful love   plus a 20 minute Sunday
      endures forever.          celebration for the whole
     1 Chronicles 16:34         church.

         Starter Kit            Multi-age groups, though
                                also adaptable to standard
  Watch, Listen, &
   Learn More >
VBS Theme                      Overview                         Content                  Music & Media               Missions & More
                            Come on a wilderness            1. The Israelites cross the   10 songs plus a theme         Operation Kid-2-Kid®
                            escape, an exciting             Red Sea (Exodus 14:1-         song, “God Will Guide Us”     (specific details yet to be
                            journey with God’s              15:21)                                                      announced)
                            people, the Israelites, that    God is with us, so…trust      Music Leader’s CD Set (full
                            brings God’s Word to life       God!                          music tracks,
                            for kids and adults!                                          instrumental-only tracks,     Holy Land Adventure VBS
                            Everyone learns how God         2. God provides manna         and song lyrics slide         immerses children in
                            guides & provides!              and quail. (Exodus 16)        show), Worship Music          biblical times where they
 Wilderness Escape                                          God gives us what we          DVD with song motion          experience life in the
Where God & Provides        Ages:                           need, so…trust God!           videos, Ultimate Director     Bible.
                            Preschool – Grade 5                                           Go-To Recruiting &
        Group               (Ages 3-11)                     3. Israel defeats the         Training DVD, Decorating      See, hear, touch, & even
(Holy Land Adventure)                                       Amalekites. (Exodus 17:8-     Places DVD, Clip Art CD.      taste what it might have
                            Multi-generational mixed        16)                                                         been like to live in the
 No Key Theme Verse.        age "family tribe" groups       God gives us strength,                                      Bible-times wilderness.
                            giving flexibility to include   so…trust God!
 Bible Translation: NLT     teens and parents.                                                                          Free VBS P.R.O. to
                                                            4. Moses remembers                                          Promote, Register, and
  Ultimate Starter Kit      Activity Site / Rotation        Passover. (Exodus 12:1-                                     Organize your VBS.
Ultimate Starter Kit Plus   Station format:                 30)
        Digital                Opening & Closing            God saves us, so…trust
                                    Assemblies              God!
                               Tribe Time (Small
                                   Groups),                 5. God gives the Ten
Watch, Listen, &             Israelite Camp                 Commandments. (Exodus
 Learn More >                Moses’ tent                    20)
                             Fun & Games                    God guides us, so…trust
                             Tribe Time                     God!
                             Closing Celebration
VBS Theme                         Overview                     Content                Music & Media             Missions & More
                                 As kids explore a world of   1. Jesus Calls Matthew,    7 songs especially for      Missions:
                                 concrete & cranes, rivets    the Foundation of Love     Toddlers to Kindergarten
                                 & rebar, bulldozers &        (Matthew 9:9-13)           age.                        Daily missions videos
                                 backhoes, they will learn                                                           included.
                                 to build their faith on      2. Paul’s Defense Before   Additional 5 songs plus a
                                 Jesus as they uncover the    Agrippa, the Foundation    VBS theme song for          Separate Starter Kits for
                                 truth that He who began a    of Forgiveness             Grades 1 - 6 students.      Grades 1-6, Babies to
                                 good work will be faithful   (Acts 26:1-29)                                         Kindergarten, Teen &
                                 to carry it on to                                       Worship DVD includes        Adult
    Concrete & Cranes            completion!                  3. Jesus Prays in          choreography instruction
  Building On The Love of                                     Gethsemane, the            videos, presentation live   Special Friends (Special
           Jesus                 Ages:                        Foundation of Worth        action videos, and song     Education Needs) Leader’s
                                 Babies (2s) to Adult         (Matthew 26:36-46)         lyric videos.               Guide also available.
                                Age Groupings:                4. The Resurrection &      Additional media include    Online VBS management
          Key Verse:            Babies-2s,                    Great Commission, the      Music for Kids CD;          software also available,
 I am sure of this, that he who 3s-PreK,                      Foundation of Promise      Takin’ It Home CD;          plus a lot of free
started a good work in you will Kindergarten,                 (Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20)   Promotional DVD             resources.
carry it on to completion until Grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
   the day of Jesus Christ.                                   5. Build Your House Upon                               Skits each day at Opening
    Philippians 1:6 (CSB)        Additional studies for       the Rock, the Foundation   New this year!              & Closing Assemblies.
  Motto: Jesus our Strong        teens (Grades 7-12) to       of Life                    -Pre-teen Activity Book
        Foundation!              adults also available.       (Matthew 7:24-29)          -Multi-age 3’s-
  Director’s Kit Starter Kit                                                             Kindergarten Leader
    Preschooler Starter Kit      Rotation stations include   PreK – Kinder have          Guide if combining ages
    (Babies-Kindergarten)        Worship Rally, Bible Study, dedicated curriculum.       -Multi-age Kids Leader
 Kids Starter Kit (Grades 1-6)   Crafts, Music, Recreation,                              Guide (grades 1-6) if
  NEW Starter Kits + Digital
                                 Snacks, & Missions.         -PreK Format: Child         combining ages
  available for PreK and Kids
                                                             Rotation, Teacher
                                                             Rotation, or Self-
   Watch, Listen, &                                          Contained Classroom.
    Learn More >                                             -Older students can be
                                                             separated into middle
                                                             school and high school.
VBS Theme                        Overview                       Content                 Music & Media                 Missions & More
                               Come explore, celebrate,      1. God Creates – God         Songs include simple            Choose to support your
                               and care for God’s            created a beautiful world    melodies for children.          own missionary, mission’s
                               creation. The 5 Bible         (Genesis 2:4b-23)                                            organization, local
                               stories lead children on an                                Music & Resource USB            community needs, or
                               adventure from Genesis-       2. God Tends the Earth –     Drive (music, lyric sheets,     contact your church
                               Revelation.                   God cares for all creation   PowerPoint slides for song      denomination missions
                                                             (Psalm 104:10-30)            lyrics and Bible memory,        agency for missions
                               Ages:                                                      drama scripts,                  projects.
                               Preschool to Grade 5         3. God’s Kingdom is like a    downloadable teaching
Great Big Beautiful World      (Ages 4 -11).                Seed – We are part of         aids pages for every            Economical: Crafts use
Plant seeds of faith in your                                God’s growing kingdom         activity area, logos, letters   commonly found supplies.
 children and watch them       Adaptations for Grades 6 – (Mark 4:26-32)                  to families & more)             No decorating needed.
           grow!               8 included on Resource
                               CD.                          4. We are Like Trees – We     Early Childhood memorize        The boxed set includes:
       MenoMedia                                            can trust God’s love          Psalm 52:8b
                               Age Groupings:               (Psalm 52:8-9; Psalm                                          Two copies of: Director
         Key Verse:            Early Childhood (ages 4 & 92:12-15; Jeremiah 17:7-         Grades K-5 memorize             Guide, Worship and
 I trust in God’s unfailing    5), Kindergarten through     8)                            Psalm 52:8b-9                   Drama Guide, Sprout
  love for ever and ever.      Grade 5.                                                                                   Games Guide, Dig In Bible
        Psalm 52:8b                                         5. A New Creation – God                                       Study Guide, Art & Science
            (NIV)              Rotation Sites:              will make all things new.                                     Guide, Early Childhood
                               Worship Assembly,            (Revelation 21:1-4; 22:1-                                     Leader Guide
         Boxed Set             Activities, Bible study, Art 5)
                               & Science                                                                                  New in 2020!: Music &
     Bible Translation:                                                                                                   Resource USB Flash Drive,
   New Revised Standard                                                                                                   Early Childhood Student
      Version (NRSV)                                                                                                      Book, Grade K–5 Student
                                                                                                                          Book, Activity Area Poster
                                                                                                                          Pack, Invitation Poster,
 Listen to Music &                                                                                                        Invitation Postcard,
                                                                                                                          Student Participation
   Learn More >                                                                                                           Certificate.
VBS Theme                       Overview                         Content                  Music & Media             Missions & More
                               Every athlete loves to win!     1. God creates the World        CORE KIT includes flash      Include your own
                                MEGA Sports Camp, kids         (Genesis 1-2)                   drive with music action     mission’s emphasis.
                                   will discover how to        Jesus is my hero because           videos, Rally Time
                               become champions – both         He created me.                 PowerPoint presentations
                               in sports & in faith. They’ll                                       with videos, art,     *NEW this year: Salvation
                                   enjoy action-packed         2. Sin breaks in (Genesis 3)   promotions and hundreds      Share Square –tool to
   Heart of a Champion
                                 sports training sessions      Jesus’ love endures even              of pintables.        make sharing the gospel
Introduce kids to their true
                                  mixed with fun rallies       when I make mistakes.                                           easy and fun
     Champion, Jesus.
                                where you will introduce                                       Cheer training DVD/CD-
                               kids in your community to       3. Jesus is born (Luke 2)        ROM to show moves,          *NEW this year –
                                  their true Champion –        Jesus always sees exactly       Cheer Music CD has all    Volleyball Playbook (not
                                           JESUS!              what I need.                            music.             included in Core Kit)
But God demonstrates His
own love toward us, in that
                                                               4. Jesus died for us (Luke                                 *Basketball and Soccer
while we were still sinners,
                                 Rotation Sites: Large         23)                                                       Playbooks have *NEW* &
    Christ died for us.
                                Group, Sports Session,         Just like Jesus, I am ready                                    updated drills.
    Romans 5:8 (NKJV)
                               Small Group, Closing Rally      to respond.

 Listen to Music &              Can be done over 5 days        5. Jesus triumphs over
   Learn More >                    or 10 weeknights!           death (Luke 24)
                                                               I can be with Jesus
VBS Theme                       Overview                       Content                Music & Media             Missions & More
                                Kids FOCUS and take a        1. FOCUS on what you         Great contemporary music Include your own missions
                                closer look to see God!      can see. God in Creation     that kids love!          feature.
                                Connect with kids to focus   (Romans 1:20)
                                on Jesus, hear from God,                                  Elementary Music CD has   Run an effective biblical
                                pray anytime, talk to        2. You can HEAR from         6 songs.                  VBS with minimal (or no)
                                others about their beliefs   God. The Wise and Foolish                              decorating expense.
                                and live for God.            Builders (Matthew 7:24-   Preschool Music CD has 5
                                                             27)                       songs.                        Starter Kit includes:
          FOCUS                                                                                                      Leader Resources:
     Take a Closer Look         Ages:                        3. You can TALK with         (There is no USB drive in  Large Group Material
                                Preschool to Grade 6         others about what you        the kit. There are no hard Small Group Material
  Orange / reThink Group                                     believe. Peter says that     copies of leader and       Crafts
                              Separate preschool             Jesus is the Messiah         volunteer guides in the    Snacks
          Key Verse:          curriculum.                    (Matthew 16:13-20)           Starter Kit. You may print Games
Let us keep looking to Jesus. Ages: 2s and 3s-5s.                                         or email those to your     Missions
 He is the one who started                                   4. You can PRAY anytime,     team members as needed. Music
this journey of faith. And he Large Group followed by        anywhere, about                                         Parent Cues
 is the one who completes Small Groups then                  anything. The Lord’s         Audio and Video Contents: God Time Cards
     the journey of faith.    standard Rotation Stations     Prayer (Matthew 6:5-13)      Promotional Video,         Family Experience Script
        Hebrews 12:2          & closing Large Group.                                      Countdown Video,           Preschool Curriculum
            (NIrV)                                           5. You can LIVE for God by   Bible Story Videos;
                                                             loving others. The           Drama Videos;              Audio & Video Contents
VBS leader materials, audio                                  greatest commandment         Full Mix Music Videos;     (listed to the left)
and video content are                                        (Matthew 22:36-40; 1         Live Lyric Videos;
available by Digital                                         Corinthians 13)              Dance Move Videos;         Samples of FOCUS Swag!
Download. Look for the                                                                    Elementary Music;          Leader T-Shirt; Tattoos;
blue card inside the starter                                                              Preschool Music            Elementary and Preschool
kit with the website link and                                                                                        EP; Lanyard & Nametag;
unique access code on the                                                                                            Sunglasses; Button

     Learn More >
VBS Theme                        Overview                       Content                 Music & Media               Missions & More
                               Kids explore an exciting      1. Overboard – God’s         10 songs:                     Operation Safe Harbor –
                               bay, fish off the pier, and   leading is always best for   4 original energetic songs,   Showing Mercy to
                               venture out to sea! While     us (Jonah 1:1-16)            5 popular hymns and           Orphans – kids will have a
                               learning about Jonah kids                                  worship songs, and ‘The       chance to give toward
                               will encounter God’s          2. In the Sea – God’s        Best Place’ VBS song.         another child’s school
                               mercy and see how His         rescuing work is the                                       uniform, food, bedding, &
                               compassionate heart was       answer to our greatest       Music Leader CD includes      cookware.
                               most fully expressed in       needs (Jonah 1:17-2:10)      instruments & vocals,
     Big Fish Bay              Jesus’ death &                                             piano & vocals, plus       The only VBS
Hooked on God’s Mercy          resurrection.                 3. On the Lifeboat – God’s   performance versions with recommended by Child
                                                             compassion and mercy         instruments only or piano Evangelism Fellowship®.
  Regular Baptist Press        Ages:                         are worth sharing (Jonah     only.
                               Preschool to Adult.           3:1-20)                                                 The Evangelistic VBS
        Key Verse:                                                                        A downloadable version of where the Gospel
  The Lord is merciful and     Student Books for:            4. Against the Wind –        the songbook is available  message is shared every
gracious, slow to anger, and   2s & 3s,                      God’s desires should be      in the Starter Kit, and a  day.
    plenteous in mercy.        Pre-Primary (Ages 4-K),       our desires (Jonah 4:1-11)   physical copy of it is
       Psalms 103:8            Primary (Grades 1&2),                                      available for separate     Puppet Scripts: 7
       (KJV or NKJV)           Middler (Grades 3&4),         5. From the Lighthouse –     purchase.                  monologues for Oliver T.
                               Junior (Grades 5&6),          God offers us His mercy                                 Otter Puppet are available
  NKJV Introductory Kit        Youth (Grades 7-12),          through Jesus’ death and     Worship DVD includes       on the Puppet Scripts
  KJV Introductory Kit         Adult                         resurrection (Luke 23:33-    colorful images and lyrics book & CD. (Not included
                                                             46; 24:1-12)                                            in the Starter Kit.)
 Watch, Listen, &              Combined Classroom &
                               Activity Center Format:                                                                  Crafts: choose either from
  Learn More >                 Children are together for                                                                craft kit purchases or
                               Opening & Closing                                                                        crafts that use commonly
                               Assemblies. Bible                                                                        available supplies. Each
                               Exploration Time happens                                                                 day has multiple craft
                               in age-level classrooms.                                                                 suggestions, plus four
                               Then children move                                                                       additional theme crafts
                               through 5 rotation sites.                                                                for a total of 30 crafts to
                                                                                                                        choose from.
VBS Theme                    Overview                        Content                Music & Media              Missions & More
                         Go on an amazing               1. Learn to Trust God       Traditional-style music CD   Simple Decorating – no
                         adventure seek & discover      (Habakkuk 2:2-4;            in vocal and instrumental-   sets to build.
                         God’s promises. Set out        Matthew 11:29-30; 2         only tracks.
                         on a mapped journey that       Timothy 2:15)                                          Teacher Guides and
                         will influence faith with                                  Usually about 6 songs with Student Book samples for
                         heart-pounding escapades       2. See the Light            a combination of original  all ages (including Adult)
                         that will position us for an   (Acts 9:1-22)               VBS theme-related songs    included in the Starter Kit.
                         uplifting personal quest to                                and hymn-style worship.
                         see God’s vision.              3. Practice Stewardship
                                                        (Psalm 24:1-2; James
     20/20 Vision        Ages:                          1:17)
Seeing Clearly Through   Preschool to Adult.
        Christ                                          4. Faith and Finances
                         Age Groupings:                 (Matthew 25:14-28)
   Habakkuk 2:2-4        Preschool (2 to 5 year-
       (NRSV)            olds)                          5. Heed the Call for Help
     R. H. Boyd          Primary (6 to 8 year-olds)     (Acts 16:9-10)
                         Junior (9 to 11 year-olds)
    VBS Starter Kit      Intermediate (12 to 17
                         Adult (18 +)
Watch, Listen, &
                         Classroom Format.
 Learn More >
                         Separate Preschool -
                         Kindergarten curriculum.

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