2019 The Australian Hairdressing Council

Page created by Angel Carrillo


d L ea rn in g

			 In -Sa lon Support
Sh or t a n d S w e e t S e s sion S
Nova3600 Welcome and Introduction Evening
C.A.P - Consult Analyse Prescribe
Beautiful Blonde Toning
Flaming Beauties

Colour Eliminator
Create Straightening
Permanent Texture
Hair and Colour Science                                 N ovacolor session s
                                                                      Novacolor Necessities
                                                                       Novacolor Correction
                                                                          Blonde Bombshell

                                                                      Balayage and Beyond
                                                                Rookies Novacolor Bootcamp
                                                                  Rookies Cutting Bootcamp
            G ue st A r ti s ts
            Brad Ngata
            Paula Hibbard
            Bernadette Beswick
            Ben Kane
            Sara Briscoe
            Stephanie Lee-Archer
            IAT Hair Practitioners Certificate Course
            Private In-Salon Sessions

                                             N ovacolorist Com pet it ion 2019
                    D e L o r e n z o E ducat ion T ra n script
                             Te r ms a n d Con d it ion s

                    						Se ssion Dat e s
“ Knowl ed ge is p ower.
                                 In for ma t ion is liberating.
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 0 1

                                 Ed u ca t ion is the p remise
                                 o f progres s , in ever y soc iety,
                                 i n ever y fa mily.”
                                 - Kofi Ana n
Being a part of the De Lorenzo family means you have passion, not only for hairdressing
but for the environment and all the life that exists in it. We acknowledge the differences
in every society and family, and aim to provide the skills and information to help you take
the next step toward success.

Gain a sense of power and a feeling of liberation doing what you love, every day.

                                                                                              E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 0 2
De Lorenzo Education provides a full scope of opportunities for you to learn and sharpen
your skills in a friendly atmosphere. In our family, we don’t compete with each other, we
help each other to achieve and progress, we share our knowledge with all who wish to
accept it.

In order to achieve we must feel confident and assured with the tools we use and the
best way to gain this is to take part in education, talk with other hairdressers and see
things from another perspective. We can all learn from each other and work as a family
to ensure that we are all successful in our own corner of the world.

Welcome to our Education Program for 2019.
dLea r n i ng is an o nline program that p rovi des you
                                 wi t h a l l t h at t h e re is t o k now abou t De L orenzo
                                 pro d uct s at yo u r c o nve nie nce. It i s avai l abl e on al l
                                 iPa d, i Ph o ne , And ro id an d des k top devi ces .
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                                                    Go to: https://delorenzo.mrooms.net or follow the link from the De Lorenzo
                                                    Professional website and set up your own unique login and password. You can then
                                                    browse through courses, click on the presentation relevant to your salon and learn
                                                    at your own pace.

                                                    Once each course is complete you will be able to print a certificate which will state
                                                    that you are now certified to use and recommend those products throughout 2019.


C ou r s e s Ava i l a ble
• Philosophies
• Core Values
• The Four Natural Balances™
• Hair and Scalp Analysis
• Consultation
                                               H om e H a irca re

                                                                                           E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 0 4
                                               • Essential Treatments
                                               • Prescriptive Solutions
                                               • Tricho Natural Scalp Therapy
                                               • Instant Series
                                               • Defence
Novaco l o R 3 6 0 °                           • DMAN
• Fundamentals                                 • Elements
• Solutions                                    • Novafusion
• Colour Removal
• Novafusion
• Novasemi

                               S pecia lise D Service s
                               • Create Professional Permanent Straightening
                               • New Directions Perms
                               • Performance Perms

                               In addition, you will also have access to selected filmed
                               education sessions throughout the year.

                               Sessions and special events held by De Lorenzo around
                               the country can be viewed and tutorial videos for various
                               product ranges will be made available. You will also find
                               links to information such as lab reports, session dates,
                               YouTube videos, competition forms and terms and
                                 In -Sa l o n Su ppo r t allow s you to conti nu e growi ng you r
                                 k n ow l ed g e b ase w it h De L orenzo. Ou r Edu cators are
                                 hi ghl y s k ille d in t h e u se o f ou r p rodu cts and the s er vi ce
                                 t hey p rov id e is t o su ppo r t you and you r bu s i nes s to
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 0 5

                                 ma x i mi s e yo u r po t e nt ial wi th De L orenzo.

                                                           After completing the dLearning program, your Educator will book time in your
                                                           salon to help you and your team further your practical knowledge and problem
                                                           solving skills.

                                                           Please speak to your De Lorenzo Account Manager or Educator to arrange
                                                           In-Salon Support (bookings subject to availability).

                                                           The De Lorenzo Education team are also available to support you via online
                                                           video link sessions and classes. You may want to hold a team training, gather
                                                           together other salons and local hairdressers in a group for an online education
                                                           session or simply use this service as a means to keep in touch with what is new at
                                                           De Lorenzo.
In -S al on S u p p o r t S E SSION S
a) Nova3600, Create or Perm support or problem solving | 2 hours

b) Tricho Scalp Therapy, product range and Trichoscope use | 2 hours

c) Salon Specific Promotions for salon clients to boost services and sales
   (must obtain State Manager approval and meet stated criteria. Refer
   to your Account Manager for full details) | 4 hours

                                                                                                                       E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 0 6
                     I n - S a l o n A S PYA M e m ber Session s
                     a) Novasemi: experiment with colour combinations, mixes, application and
                         Novasemi removal | 2 hours

                     b) Trend Forecasting: explore seasonal colour combinations, application
                         techniques and create your own salons fashion forecasting for the upcoming
                         season | 2 hours

                     c) Express Styling: quick and easy techniques using the Elements range and
                         EVY styling tools | 2 hours

                     d) ULBM: work through the many uses, mixes and applications of Ultra Lift
                         Blonde Mix (ULBM) | 2 hours
Des i gn ed t o m axim ise you r edu cati on ti me and dol l ar,
                                 t hes e Sho r t and Swe e t Ses s i ons wi l l hel p you to f u l l y
                                 un d er s t a nd yo u r pro d u c t s , gai n conf i dence and g i ve you
                                 us eful i n fo r m at io n t o t ake back to the s al on i mmedi atel y.
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                                           Nova360° Welcome & Introduction Evening
                                           Cost: Free | Time: 2 hours | Provided: Light refreshments

                                           Come along and meet the De Lorenzo team, see what De Lorenzo is all about and get an overview and
                                           understanding of our professional product range. This is a no commitment, casual evening and a perfect
                                           opportunity to ask questions.

                                           C. A . P - Co n s u lt A n a lyse Prescrib e
                                           Cost: Free | Time: 2 hours | Provided: Light refreshments

                                           Coming from one of the most successful hairdressers in Australia, who introduced salon only retail to this
                                           country, learn the Vincent de Lorenzo way of performing a Consultation, Hair and Scalp Analysis, and then
                                           Prescribe Salon Services and Home Haircare. See how C.A.P relates to the De Lorenzo Philosophies and Core
                                           Values of “Individual Hair Needs Individual Care”. Discover how to make your clients feel special and provide
                                           them with the service they deserve.

                                           Be a u ti f u l B l o n d e T on in g
                                           Cost: $49 | Time: 4 hours | Provided: Light refreshments

                                           An inspirational session designed to help you achieve beautiful blondes. We will show you a variety of different
                                           blonde toner mixes for levels 8, 9 and 10. This session will also include colour correction and fashion formulas
                                           using Novacolor, Novasemi and Novafusion.
F l a m ing B e a u ti e s
Cost: $49 | Time: 4 hours | Provided: Light refreshments

Explore the beautiful Novacolor range of reds and coppers. Be inspired to introduce new colours to your
clientele by building your colour knowledge and palette within the salon. Learn how to achieve great results
using various mixes, colour combinations and applications. This session includes Novacolor, Novasemi and
Novafusion colours for all hair types.

C ol our E l i m i n ato r
Cost: $49 | Time: 4 hours | Provided: Light refreshments

Once you have used Colour Eliminator you will wonder how your salon ever did colour correction without it!
In this session, you will be shown how, when and where to use Colour Eliminator. Step by step we will discuss
the process of application so you feel confident to use this product and be able to predict the end results

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C r e at e S tr a i g h te n i n g
Cost: $49 | Time: 4 hours | Provided: Light refreshments

Not only will you learn the step by step process of how to use Create Professional, we will show you the
potential of growing your existing business by introducing this service to clients you would have never
thought of before. Using the three recommended application techniques, Create Professional can either
Relax, Straighten or Retexturise the hair permanently. Create Professional is an unique product that leaves
the hair feeling manageable and easy to style.

Pe r m a n e n t Te x tu r e
Cost: $49 | Time: 4 hours | Provided: Light refreshments

Curls and Whirls! Don’t be scared of perming. We can show you some fantastic ways to introduce texture and
movement into your client’s hair that is easy to learn and fun to do. This is a great way to expand your business
beyond colour and cutting by creating a point of difference between your salon and all the others.

Ha i r & C o l o u r S ci e n ce
Cost: $49 | Time: 4 hours | Provided: Light refreshments

Put your lab coats on, this is a theory session sure to satisfy the scientific mind. Gain a deeper understanding of
the biology of hair and scalp to help you appreciate the science and chemistry behind the art of hair colouring.
Learn about the skin, hair follicle, keratinisation, cuticle, cortex, medulla, melanin and decolourisation. Explore
professional colour ingredients, oxidation and the oxidative process. Your mind will be blown!
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 0 9

                                 Thes e s es s io ns prov id e yo u wi th the theor y on how to u s e
                                 t he De Lo re nzo pro d u c t s and the op p or tu ni ty to p racti ce
                                 a n d ex p er im e nt w it h c o lo u r i n a s af e and f u n envi ronment.
                                 Lea ve t he pre ssu re s o f a bu s y s al on behi nd f or the day
                                 a n d rel a x w it h o t h e r like - m i nded hai rdres s ers . Al l of thes e
                                 s es s i on s i n c lu d e a t o pic spe ci f i c work book , cer ti f i cate and
                                 o t her s up po r t m at e r ials f o r you to k eep and ref er to.

                                     Check Eventbrite when booking to see if mannequins ($70) or models are required
                                     for your selected session as this varies depending on location and basin availability.
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                                 N ovaco l o r N e cessit ie s
                                 Cost: $120 | ASPYA members: $100 | + $70 mannequin
                                 Time: 1 day | Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
                                 Bring: Hairdryer/irons, brushes, clips, combs

                                 RECOM M EN D ED FOR
                                 Hairdressers new to the Novacolor range or new to colouring.
                                 Feel confident with your colour choices and be sure about
                                 which Novacolor product to use.

                                 SESSION FOCUS
                                 • Philosophies of De Lorenzo, the Four Natural Balances™
                                   and Core Values
                                 • Components of the Novacolor range
                                 • Basic colour theory including the colour wheel and undertones
                                 • Types of colouring
                                 • Depth and reflect of Novacolor
                                 • White hair coverage
Novac o l o r Co r r e ction
Cost: $120 | ASPYA members: $100 | + $70 mannequin
Time: 1 day | Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
Bring: Hairdryer/irons, brushes, clips, combs

Hairdressers wanting to expand on their Novacolor knowledge
or solve the mystery of those unexplained colour experiences.
Learn how to problem solve with Novacolor, discover colour
correction formulas and finish with a practical workshop in
the afternoon.

• Philosophies of De Lorenzo, the Four Natural Balances™
  and Core Values
• Colouring resistant hair types
• Filling and colouring hair darker
• Colour correction

                                                                                                           E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 1 2
• Creative mixers
• Use of the Vibrants range and Concentrates

                                   B L O N D E BOM BSH ELL
                                   Cost: $120 | ASPYA members: $100 | + $70 mannequin
                                   Time: 1 day | Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
                                   Bring: Hairdryer/irons, brushes, clips, combs

                                   RE COM M EN D ED FOR
                                   Blonde lovers or those who want to feel confident in doing
                                   more challenging blondes. This is a full day of all the tricks
                                   and tips you need to not only remove colour from the hair
                                   but how to achieve and tone amazing blondes.

                                   SE SSION FOCUS
                                   • Philosophies of De Lorenzo, the Four Natural Balances™
                                      and Core Values
                                   • Ice Blonde Series and Ultra Light Blondes
                                   • Ultra Lift Blonde Mix (ULBM)
                                   • Novalite, Supanova and Nova Artiste
                                   • Toning at the correct depth level
                                   • Timing and application methods
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                                 B A L A YA GE A ND BEYON D
                                 Cost: $120 | ASPYA members: $100 | + $70 mannequin
                                 Time: 1 day | Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
                                 Bring: Hairdryer/irons, brushes, clips, combs

                                 RECOM M EN D ED FOR
                                 For colourists with at least 2-3 years’ experience. This class will
                                 explain and show you what balayage should look like and the
                                 techniques and foil placement to help create the best result. Learn
                                 how to transition from balayage to a brighter and softer look using
                                 drop foils/baby lights that can still create a low-maintenance look.

                                 SESSION FOCUS
                                 • What balayage should look like
                                 • Techniques and patterns for successful balayage
                                 • How to transition out of balayage
                                 • Drop Foiling, Baby Lights, Root Stretch, High Ombre
                                 • Tools used to achieve the various techniques such as colour
                                   paddles, foils, combs and brushes
R ookie s N ovaco l o r Boot ca m p
Cost: $200-$300 | ASPYA members: $180-$280 | + $70 mannequin
Time: 2-3 days | Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
Bring: hairdryer/irons, brushes, clips, combs

1st and 2nd year apprentices who want to fast track their career, gain skills,
build confidence and develop creativity. This bootcamp is dedicated to
building confidence in consultation and communication, becoming familiar
with De Lorenzo products and developing creativity. It will enable Rookies
to pick up skills they can bring back into the salon straight away. Each
participant will create a total look and showcase their work.

• Salon communication skills, client interaction, professional consultations
  and basin etiquette
• Understanding application and removal of colour at the basin
• Learn all about De Lorenzo products and how to use the various ranges

                                                                                                             E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 1 4
• Basic colour, style and design
• Demonstrating and showcasing colour and styling work in a group

                             R o o k i e s Cut t in g B oot ca m p
                             Cost: $270 | ASPYA members: $250 (includes mannequin)
                             Time: 2 days | Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
                             Bring: hairdryer/irons, scissors, brushes, clips, combs

                             RECOM M EN D ED FOR
                             This two day workshop is aimed at 1st and 2nd year apprentices
                             ready to learn the art of hair cutting. To become a great hairdresser
                             it is especially important to develop a good foundation to your
                             skill set. Get a great start to cutting before bad habits take hold by
                             learning correct preparation of the hair, how to hold your scissors
                             correctly and position your body.

                             SESSION FOCUS
                             • Consultation and hair preparation
                             • Face shapes, cowlicks, crowns, hairlines and part lines
                             • Cutting tool options and their uses
                               (such as freehand and texturising)
                             • Your posture and body positioning, finger positioning
                               and cross checking
                             • Three mainstream haircuts encompassing techniques such as:
                               solid form, graduation, layering, over direction and guidelines
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 1 5

                                 Brad is the Creative Director of one of Australia’s
                                 edgiest boutique salon brands Brad Ngata Hair
                                 Direction located in the heart of Sydney. Synonymous
                                 with innovative hair styling and quality salon service,
                                 and recognised both throughout Australia and
                                 internationally, Brad’s forefront knowledge of the hair
                                 industry and his adaptability and versatility ensures
                                                                                           IN STA M ED IA
                                 that he continues to be in demand for regular session     Cost: $250 | ASPYA members: $230 | Time: 4 hours
                                 styling with leading editorial teams. His work to date    Provided: Light refreshments
                                 has appeared in magazines such as InStyle, Vogue,         Bring: Appropriate model, hairdryer with nozzle/irons/
                                 Oyster, Yen, Sunday Magazine, Grazia, UK, GQ,             wands, brushes, clips
                                 Harper’s BAZAAR, British Vogue and Chinese Vogue.
                                                                                           RECOMMENDED FOR
                                 Models are required for styling and photography           Stylists who want to achieve the perfect social media story or
                                 on the day.                                               picture. Learn how to completely finish the hair with shine and
                                                                                           glamour and choose the right angles and position of the client
                                                                                           for your salons social media benefit. Ensure you attract the ideal
                                                                                           clientele to your business by creating perfect pictures and look
                                                                                           and feel that is in line with your salons image.

                                                                                           SESSI ON FOCUS
                                                                                           • Identify your salon market
                                                                                           • How to target your salon market with social media
                                                                                           • How to create gorgeous, marketable hair
                                                                                           • Achieve shine and beautiful finishes
                                                                                           • How to use a ring light and other props for social media
Pa u l a
     Hib b ard
Paula Hibbard has become one of hairdressing’s
most in-demand boutique educators across all facets
of long hair styling. With her vibrant personality and
passion for sharing knowledge she will take you on
the long hair journey to creating beautiful hair that
is wedding, formal and social media ready! Through
a career spanning three decades, Paula has gained
her styling experience with iconic brands such Jon

                                                                                                                             E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 1 6
Le Court, Sharon Blain Education, Patrick Cameron
and Alexandre de Paris. She is a passionate and
motivated educator who delivers classes jam-
packed with simple, creative and inspirational
techniques. Her philosophy is to encourage, inspire      Morni ng Sessi on
and grow hairdressers. Spending time with Paula is       This workshop will develop your long hair styling skills to
an opportunity to elevate your confidence, build on      assist you in creating formal, red carpet or wedding ready hair.
your current skill set and gain new tricks across all    The right product application, hair preparation, use of the right
facets of long hair styling.                             tools, adding extensions and all new inspirational styles will be
                                                         covered for you to take back to the salon.
Mannequins will be supplied for use on the day.
                                                         Cost: $250 | ASPYA members: $230 | Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                         Provided: Light refreshments | Bring: Hairdryer with nozzle,
                                                         curling iron, large round brush, paddle brush, metal end tail
                                                         comb, brown bobby pins, 3 inch fringe pins and sectioning clips

                                                         Afternoon Sessi on
                                                         Learn the steps to quick updo’s that will WOW your clients
                                                         and give your salon that point of difference in finishing for a
                                                         special occasion.

                                                         Cost: $250 | ASPYA members: $230 | Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
                                                         Provided: Light refreshments | Bring: Hairdryer with nozzle,
                                                         curling iron, large round brush, paddle brush, metal end tail
                                                         comb, brown bobby pins, 3 inch fringe pins and sectioning clips

                                                         Morni ng + Afternoon SESSI ONS
                                                         Cost: $400 | ASPYA members: $380
Be r n a d e t te
                                      Be s w i c k
                                 With an enviable education pedigree spanning over
                                 a decade, Bernadette has carved out her own style of
                                 teaching that places value on a personable approach
                                 to guarantee growth. Bernadette has honed her
                                 skills to become an expert in precision cutting with
                                 both classic and creative techniques by cultivating
                                 an extensive knowledge base in understanding all
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 1 7

                                 cutting methods and terminology.
                                                                                          Morni ng Sessi on
                                 Generous in imparting knowledge on technical             Fringes + one haircut. This will be a creative, salon-friendly haircut
                                 skills, freehand techniques, ladies cuts and styling,    to be worn either medium or long, that will reflect current trends
                                 Bernadette ensures all students will leave with          that you can take back to your salon clients immediately. With
                                 techniques that improve their cutting portfolio and      this look you can create the Alter Ego experience with two styling
                                 the skills to empower their confidence.                  finishes. Fringes add value not only to your clients’ image but they
                                                                                          also increase client return rate to the salon. Fringes will range from
                                 Alter Ego is a workshop that will present to you one
                                                                                          classic to creative and will empower your cutting portfolio. You will
                                 haircut that can be styled in two different ways. This
                                                                                          learn skills for fringe cutting to suit all clients’ personas.
                                 gives your client the choice of flicking the switch on
                                 their image, depending on their mood, occasion,          Cost: $250 | ASPYA members: $230 | + $70 mannequin
                                 work or play. Mannequins used in these sessions.         Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Provided: Light refreshments
                                                                                          Bring: Hair cutting tools, combs, sectioning clips, water spray
                                                                                          and styling tools

                                                                                          Afternoon Sessi on
                                                                                          One haircut, short and creative, applying the Alter Ego experience
                                                                                          styled in two ways. The secret to mastering the technical skills to
                                                                                          short hair cutting is the increase in salon revenue via client return.
                                                                                          You’ll also learn texturising techniques ranging from smooth
                                                                                          to wavy hair creating loose texture to personalise your clients’
                                                                                          identity and equip you with more skills.

                                                                                          Cost: $250 | ASPYA members: $230 | + $70 mannequin
                                                                                          Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Provided: Light refreshments
                                                                                          Bring: Hair cutting tools, combs, sectioning clips, water
                                                                                          spray and styling tools

                                                                                          Morni ng + Afternoon SESSI ONs
                                                                                          Cost: $400 |ASPYA members: $380 | + $120 x 2 mannequins

                                                                                                                           E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 1 8
     K a ne
Ben Kane’s skill and the barber culture derived from
his work at Rokk Man Barbers Melbourne has set a
benchmark within the industry. An award winning
barber and established educator in his field, Ben is
always willing to share his knowledge. His coaching
                                                       Cla ssic B a rb e rin g
and mentoring is directed to those who wish to help    Cost: $350 | ASPYA members: $330 | + $70 mannequin
build the profile of men’s grooming.                   Time: 1 day | Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
                                                       Bring: Clippers and attachments, scissors, combs, hairdryer,
                                                       brushes, clips

                                                       RECOMMENDED FOR
                                                       Somewhat experienced hairdressers or barbers who wish to
                                                       learn how to expertly cut and style their male clientele, perform
                                                       grooming services, build clientele and expand your business.

                                                       SESSI ON FOCUS
                                                       • Look and learn followed by a hands on workshop
                                                       • Scissor over comb technique
                                                       • Blending and fades
                                                       • How to finish and style men’s hair using DMAN products
                                                       • Beard maintenance and how to perform a face shave
                                                         (using balloons)
Sa ra
                                      Brisc o e
                                 Sara knows what it takes to balance running a
                                 busy salon, juggle a young family and still have an
                                 outlet for her creative passions. How does Sara do
                                 all this and still ensure her financial wellbeing? With
                                 colouring the primary focus in the business, Sara
                                 has mastered commercial colouring that is fashion-
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 1 9

                                 conscious and practical.

                                                       C O L O U R S TO RY WORKSH OP
                                                       Cost: $350 | ASPYA members: $330 | Time: 1 day
                                                       Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
                                                       Bring: Appropriate model, metal tail comb x2, curling iron,
                                                       hairdryer, brushes, clips, combs, foil, drinking water bottle

                                                       Morning Look and Learn only
                                                       Cost: $150 | ASPYA members: $130

                                                       RECOM M EN D ED FOR
                                                       Colourists who want to learn how to perfect and create the ultimate
                                                       lived in blonde colour story using baby lights, balayage foils, low
                                                       light shadows, freehand ends, zone toning, basin balayage and
                                                       other techniques. Create fabulous blondes with light and bright
                                                       face frames, with soft depth throughout the part for manageable
                                                       regrowth with maximum blondes. Models required on the day.

                                                       S E SSION FOCUS
                                                       • Look and learn on live models followed by a hands on workshop
                                                         where you will get to try out a lived in colour transformation
                                                       • Natural low maintenance blondes, brunettes and brondes
                                                       • How to add colour back into over processed blondes
                                                       • The ultimate waves for the social media shot
                                                       • Ask Sara anything on business from team building to pricing
St e p h an i e
     L e e- Arc h e r

                                                                                                                              E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 0
Winner of Novacolorist of The Year 2017, Stephanie
Lee-Archer has created her salon business based
around creative precision fashion colour. “With
current trends in social media today, it is more
important than ever to keep up to date with new
formula combinations and techniques”. Inspired              Cost: $300 | ASPYA members: $280 | + $70 mannequin
by everything from nature to the latest runway              Time: 1 day | Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
fashions, Steph has a love for subculture, retro UK         Bring: Hairdryer/irons, tail comb, brushes, clips, combs
fashion and “things out of the norm”. This session
will teach you creative colour placement, bright and        RECOMMENDED FOR
fashion-forward colours and seamless blends using           Creative colourists looking for fun and daring colour
alternative techniques. You will feel inspired and          combinations and application techniques. Using a combination of
confident in utilising every part of the Nova3600           Novacolor, Novasemi and Novafusion, Steph will inspire you and
range to its full potential. She will include some tricks   guide you through a kaleidoscope of colours. Mannequins will be
and hacks for finishing these looks so your work is         used in this session.
ready to grow your likes on your socials!
                                                            SESSI ON FOCUS
                                                            • Consultation and hair preparation
                                                            • Types of fashion and specific looks in fashion
                                                            • Colour combinations and application methods
                                                            • How to maintain vibrant colours
                                                            • Finishes and styling for specific looks and trends
Cost: $900 | ASPYA members: $880 | Time: 3 days
                                                                                          Provided: Light refreshments and lunch
                                 Jason is a Certified trichologist and completed his
                                 trichology successfully through the IAT as well as a     The first part of this course is designed to provide you with a
                                 qualified trainer and assessor. A good insight will be   working knowledge of the physical and chemical processes of the
                                 given to those hair practitioners wishing to further     hair and scalp.
                                 their studies to become full trichologists.
                                                                                          You will gain basic knowledge about the hair and scalp and
                                 In his 15 years of experience in the hairdressing        an understanding of how chemical processes and internal and
                                 industry, Jason has also owned a successful salon at     external factors can cause hair loss and hair breakage. You will
                                 the age of 21 and is also a panel judge for the IHS      be provided with a detailed workbook, IAT approved exam and
                                 hairdressing competitions in Australia. Jason has        Certification from the IAT.
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 1

                                 a greater understanding and a new approach to
                                                                                          If you enjoy this course, you might consider studying the full
                                 share with you on maintaining heathy hair, scalp and
                                                                                          trichology course leading to certification as a Trichologist
                                 internal wellness to take back to the salon for you to
                                                                                          (a professional that specialises in hair loss and scalp problems).
                                 share with your clients.
                                                                                          This Hair Practitioners Course will be recognised as prior
                                                                                          learning (RPL).

                                                                                          SESSI ON FOCUS
                                                                                          • Common hair loss problems
                                                                                          • Structure, function and physiology of the hair and skin
                                                                                          • Amino acids and bonds in the hair
                                                                                          • pH levels
                                                                                          • Science of chemical processes to the hair
                                                                                          • Day Three clinical workshop including microscopy
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 2
Gu e st     P rivat e
            I n - Sa lon Se ssion s
Ar ti sts   All of our Guest Artists offer customised designed sessions
            to improve and build on techniques and skills within your
            salon team.

            These sessions are ideal for entire salons or salon groups
            who want to perfect their skills to suit your clientele. They are
            conducted in your salon with all of your staff members or you
            may wish to collaborate with other salons in your area and
            work together as a group. The Guest Artist will consult with the
            organiser prior to the session to ensure your specific outcomes
            are met.

            Cost: POA
De Loren zo’s Novac o lo r ist Comp eti ti on al l ows hai rdres s ers
                                 w i t h a l l l e ve ls o f e xpe r ie n ce to s howcas e thei r s k i l l s . T he
                                 i m a ges a re j u d g e d o n c o lo ur s el ecti on, techni cal s k i l l , total
                                 l o o k a n d ph o t o g raph ic c o mp os i ti on. Us e thi s op p or tu ni ty
                                 a s a p l a t f o r m t o re c e ive recog ni ti on i n the i ndu s tr y f or
                                 yo ur a b i l it y and c re at iv it y.

                                                          N ovaco lor Cre at ive
                                                          Open to all hairdressers. Recognises superior and innovative
                                                          colour work used to enhance and complete the finished look.
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 3

                                                          N ovaco lor Rook ie
                                                          Open to colourists with less than three years’ experience in hairdressing.
                                                          Recognises colour selection, creativity and overall finished look.

                                                          N ovaco lor M e n ’s
                                                          Open to all hairdressers and barbers. Recognises individual interpretation
                                                          of colour selection and resulting overall finished look.

                                                          N ovaco lor Ava n t Ga rd e
                                                          Open to all hairdressers. Recognises creativity and imagination of the true artist.
                                                          Make-up and styling are used to enhance and complete the finished look.
                                                                                                  E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 4
                     P RIZE S
                     Each winner will receive a $1000 travel voucher and
                     a custom winner’s certificate and trophy. The major
                     prize for the overall winner (Novacolorist of The Year)
                     includes a $1000 travel voucher, trophy, a window
                     transparency of their winning image for the salon
                     announcing the award and beauty press.
                     Winners will be announced to the public on the
                     De Lorenzo website and social media platforms on
                     Friday 16th August 2019. Refer to our website for the
                     entry form and terms and conditions.

E N T RIES C L OS E F r iday 2nd A ug us t 2019
De Lorenzo wants
                                 to reward its most
                                 enthusiastic lear ners.
                                         All you need to do is keep a transcript of your De Lorenzo Education sessions in 2019 and:
                                         one individual hairdresser, in each state, with the highest attendance will win a prize pack
                                         of EVY PROFESSIONAL tools valued at $250 and a $400 Excellent Edges voucher.
                                         One salon nationally, with the highest staff attendance, will receive a ‘Dedication to
                                         Education’ Trophy along with EVY PROFESSIONAL tools valued at $650.

                                         B o o k i n a n d win !
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 5

                                         D e L o r e n zo S TU D E N T Ed u cat io n T ranscript 2 0 1 9
                                          Student Name:                                               Salon Customer No:                                             State:

                                                          Session Name                                Theory                     Workshop   Educator                 Certificate Received

                                          SHORT           Nova360° Welcome and Introduction Evening

                                          AND             C.A.P Consult Analyse Prescribe

                                          SWEET           Beautiful Blonde Toning

                                                          Flaming Beauties

                                                          Colour Eliminator

                                                          Create Straightening

                                                          Permanent Texture

                                                          Hair and Colour Science

                                          NOVACOLOR       Novacolor Necessities

                                          EDUCATION       Novacolor Correction

                                                          Blonde Bombshell

                                                          Balayage and Beyond

                                                          Rookies Novacolor Bootcamp

                                                          Rookies Cutting Bootcamp

                                          GUEST           Brad Ngata

                                          ARTISTS         Paula Hibbard

                                                          Bernadette Beswick

                                                          Ben Kane

                                                          Sara Briscoe

                                                          Stephanie Lee-Archer

                                                          IAT Hair Practitioner Course

                                                                                                      Closing Date: 02/08/2019
                                          Novacolorist Competition                                    Winners Announced: 16/08/2019
                                                                                                                                            Filled Entry Forms Y/N
All bookings for De Lorenzo Education are purchased up-front. For Guest Artist sessions you may
choose to be invoiced via the Eventbrite website or app.
To book, go to: www.delorenzoeducation.eventbrite.com

                                       TICKETS                          CHECKOUT

Confirmation, notifications and reminders from Eventbrite are automatically sent to the email
address and mobile number supplied when booking.
De Lorenzo takes no responsibility for missed reminders, disconnected numbers, unattended
email addresses or participants leaving or not turning up on the day of the session.

                                                                                                      E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 6
Group discounts may apply: Enquire with your Account Manager or contact:

R e f u nd s, Ca n ce l l ation or Illn ess
If you need to cancel and require a refund or would like to transfer your booking to another
session, please email us at least 14 days prior to the session. If you are ill and unable to attend
please email us a copy of your medical certificate in order to transfer your booking to the next
available session in your area, depending on availability. De Lorenzo will make every effort to
accommodate your request. Contact us at education@delorenzo.com.au.

S e s s i on Ti m e s
For precise locations, session requirements and start/finish times, please refer to the Eventbrite
page for your specific session.

S e s s i on Ch a n ge s
De Lorenzo reserves the right to cancel or postpone sessions for any reason including inadequate
participant numbers. In this case session transfers or refunds will be applied directly.

ASPYA salons may use their ASPYA Reward points on De Lorenzo Education and receive
a discounted rate for tickets. Contact your Account Manager or Educator for your ASPYA
promotional code.
Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Tue 05/02/2019   Griffith       4 hours
                                                  Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Wed 06/02/2019   Wagga Wagga    4 hours
                                                  Novacolor Necessities                       Mon 18/02/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Balayage and Beyond                         Mon 25/02/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Mon 04/03/2019   Sydney         4 hours
                                                  Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Tue 05/03/2019   South Coast    4 hours

                                                  Paula Hibbard                               Mon 11/03/2019   Armidale       1 day
                                                  Bernadette Beswick                          Mon 25/03/2019   Sydney         1 day

                                 So uth           Stephanie Lee-Archer
                                                  Bernadette Beswick
                                                                                              Mon 25/03/2019
                                                                                              Mon 01/04/2019
                                                                                                               Dubbo          1 day
                                                                                                               Port Macquarie 1 day

                                 Wale s           Novacolor Blonde Bombshell
                                                  Rookies Cutting Bootcamp
                                                                                              Mon 08/04/2019
                                                                                              Mon 15/04/2019
                                                                                                                              1 day
                                                                                                                              2 days
                                                  Brad Ngata                                  Mon 06/05/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Flaming Beauties                            Mon 13/05/2019   Sydney         4 hours
                                                  IAT Hair Practitioners Certificate Course   Mon 20/05/2019   Sydney         3 days
                                                  Sara Briscoe                                Mon 27/05/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Colour Eliminator                           Mon 03/06/2019   Sydney         4 hours
                                                  Sara Briscoe                                Mon 03/06/2019   Tamworth       1 day
                                                  Ben Kane                                    Mon 01/07/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Novacolor Necessities                       Mon 08/07/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Balayage and Beyond                         Mon 15/07/2019   Sydney         1 day
E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 7

                                                  Colour Eliminator                           Mon 05/08/2019   Sydney         4 hours
                                                  Hair and Colour Science                     Mon 12/08/2019   Sydney         4 hours
                                                  Flaming Beauties                            Tue 13/08/2019   Griffith       4 hours
                                                  Flaming Beauties                            Wed 14/08/2019   Wagga Wagga    4 hours
                                                  Sara Briscoe                                Mon 19/08/2019   Grafton        1 day
                                                  Sara Briscoe                                Mon 26/08/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Flaming Beauties                            Tue 03/09/2019   South Coast    4 hours
                                                  Novacolor Blonde Bombshell                  Mon 09/09/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Paula Hibbard                               Mon 23/09/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Create Straightening                        Mon 21/10/2019   Sydney         4 hours
                                                  Brad Ngata                                  Mon 28/10/2019   Sydney         1 day
                                                  Colour Eliminator                           Mon 11/11/2019   Sydney         4 hours

                                 Austra l i a n
                                                  Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Mon 11/02/2019   Canberra       4 hours
                                                  Sara Briscoe                                Mon 04/03/2019   Canberra       1 day

                                 Capita l         Ben Kane
                                                  Flaming Beauties
                                                                                              Mon 20/05/2019
                                                                                              Mon 01/07/2019
                                                                                                                              1 day
                                                                                                                              4 hours

                                 Te r r ito r y   Colour Eliminator
                                                  Hair and Colour Science
                                                                                              Mon 09/09/2019
                                                                                              Mon 21/10/2019
                                                                                                                              4 hours
                                                                                                                              4 hours

                                 So uth           Paula Hibbard
                                                  Bernadette Beswick
                                                                                              Mon 18/03/2019
                                                                                              Mon 06/05/2019
                                                                                                               Mt Gambier
                                                                                                                              1 day
                                                                                                                              1 day
                                 Austra l i a     Stephanie Lee-Archer

                                                                                              Mon 20/05/2019   Whyalla        1 day

                                 We ster n        Brad Ngata
                                                  Stephanie Lee-Archer
                                                                                              Mon 01/04/2019
                                                                                              Mon 01/07/2019
                                                                                                                              1 day
                                                                                                                              1 day
                                 Austra l i a     Sara Briscoe                                Mon 21/10/2019   Perth          1 day
Novacolor Necessities                       Mon 04/03/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Bernadette Beswick                          Mon 18/03/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Mon 18/03/2019   Warrnambool   4 hours
              Novacolor Correction                        Mon 25/03/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Ben Kane                                    Mon 01/04/2019   Melbourne     1 day

Victo r i a   Balayage and Beyond
              Flaming Beauties
                                                          Mon 08/04/2019
                                                          Mon 29/04/2019
                                                                                         1 day
                                                                                         4 hours
              Sara Briscoe                                Mon 06/05/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Rookies Novacolor Bootcamp                  Mon 13/05/2019   Melbourne     3 days
              C.A.P. Consult Analyse Prescribe            Mon 20/05/2019   Traralgon     2 hours
              Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Mon 20/05/2019   Traralgon     4 hours
              Novacolor Necessities                       Mon 27/05/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Novacolor Correction                        Mon 03/06/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Bernadette Beswick                          Mon 01/07/2019   Bendigo       1 day
              IAT Hair Practitioners Certificate Course   Mon 08/07/2019   Melbourne     3 days
              Novacolor Blonde Bombshell                  Mon 15/07/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Brad Ngata                                  Mon 22/07/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Rookies Cutting Bootcamp                    Mon 05/08/2019   Melbourne     2 days
              Stephanie Lee-Archer                        Mon 12/08/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Novacolor Correction                        Mon 19/08/2019   Traralgon     1 day
              Colour Eliminator                           Mon 26/08/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Paula Hibbard                               Mon 02/09/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Bernadette Beswick                          Mon 16/09/2019   Warrnambool   1 day

                                                                                                   E D U C AT I O N 2 0 1 9 | 2 8
              Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Mon 23/09/2019   Melbourne     4 hours
              Novacolor Necessities                       Mon 07/10/2019   Melbourne     1 day
              Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Tue 15/10/2019   Bendigo       4 hours
              Novacolor Correction                        Mon 28/10/2019   Melbourne     1 day

              C.A.P. Consult Analyse Prescribe            Mon 15/04/2019   Hobart        2 hours
              Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Mon 15/04/2019   Hobart        4 hours

Tasmani a     C.A.P. Consult Analyse Prescribe
              Beautiful Blonde Toning
                                                          Mon 17/06/2019
                                                          Mon 17/06/2019
                                                                                         2 hours
                                                                                         4 hours
              Novacolor Correction                        Mon 16/09/2019   Launceston    1 day

              Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Mon 21/01/2019   Toowoomba     4 hours
              Nova360° Welcome and Introduction           Mon 25/02/2019   Brisbane      1 day
              Rookies Cutting Bootcamp                    Mon 04/03/2019   Brisbane      2 days
              Balayage and Beyond                         Mon 25/03/2019   Brisbane      1 day
              Colour Eliminator                           Mon 01/04/2019   Brisbane      4 hours
              Sara Briscoe                                Mon 15/04/2019   Toowoomba     1 day
              Balayage and Beyond                         Mon 15/04/2019   Cairns        1 day
              Brad Ngata                                  Mon 13/05/2019   Brisbane      1 day

Queensland    Brad Ngata
              Paula Hibbard
                                                          Mon 20/05/2019
                                                          Mon 27/05/2019
                                                                                         1 day
                                                                                         1 day
              Flaming Beauties                            Mon 03/06/2019   Brisbane      4 hours
              Beautiful Blonde Toning                     Mon 01/07/2019   Brisbane      4 hours
              Sara Briscoe                                Mon 08/07/2019   Brisbane      1 day
              Brad Ngata                                  Mon 15/07/2019   Toowoomba     1 day
              Create Straightening                        Mon 05/08/2019   Brisbane      4 hours
              IAT Hair Practitioners Certificate Course   Mon 02/09/2019   Brisbane      3 days
              Bernadette Beswick                          Mon 09/09/2019   Brisbane      1 day
              Hair and Colour Science                     Mon 21/10/2019   Toowoomba     4 hours
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