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3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)   Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                   Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)     CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

                    REVIEW VIDEOS
                                            Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
                                           Universitas Gadjah Mada
                                            Yogyakarta - Indonesia

        Following that of Ädel’s approach namely reflexive metadiscourse, this paper investigates the
        use of metadiscourse in computer mediated communication, specifically those review videos
        which has been gaining popularity lately as source of information. Metadiscourse is generally
        seen as commentaries towards the language that is employed to construct the discourse.
        Reflexive approach emerges as an attempt to challenge previous theories which (unlike the
        conventional ones) only include references inside the current discourse involving current
        addresser, addressee(s), and current discourse. The study found 4 metadiscourse classifications
        and 21 discourse functions performed by speakers in three selected video. Furthermore, as there
        are tendencies in researching academic written discourse, I wish to explore the spoken non-
        academic one to provide a fresh contribution regarding the topic. I discover that the markers
        employed in CMC are less formal than those of the previous studies concern to both written
        and spoken academic metadiscourse.

        Keywords: Metadiscourse, reflexive metadiscourse, youtube, rhetorical strategy, youtube
        review videos

Introduction                                               purposes. Experts suggest that this tendency
One essential thing we need to ensure when                 due to the belief that written publication is a
communicating our thought is whether people                proof of someone’s flair in their major. A
are able to catch the idea; otherwise, the                 person with great writing skill and experience
utterances would be left worthless. In                     would likely be easily recognized and more
opposite, if our message is often successfully             hire material.
delivered it will shortly be rhetorically                     However, those statements could no longer
forceful. This has underlain the linguists                 comply with today’s generation. The rapid
interest in exploring the branch under the                 development of technology gives birth to
study of discourse analysis namely                         more and more video-based media which
metadiscourse. For the past few decades, a                 serve quick effortless access to everyone. The
number of theories and research have been                  fact that those media are not bound by time
composed in regard of the topic. Today as the              and space is such an improvement that is hard
era shifts to modernity the study of                       to resist. It leads us to the conclusion that
metadiscourse is challenged to seek whether                writing is not the only method people could
the existing theories are still compatible with            use to approach others nowadays. Therefore,
the current fact.                                          it is time to realize that verbal forms of
   Metadiscourse is described as a discourse               discourse need immediate concern as public
about discourse [1]. It scrutinizes the relations          speaking is also as powerful as written
between the writer and both the text and its               publication.
reader in a discourse. Related studies have                   Although Ädel [2] and Correira [3] have
compared how one writer differs to another in              attempted at observing metadiscourse
terms of the metadiscourse use in articles,                strategy on academic speech, speeches via
journals, abstracts, theses, and any other                 computer-mediated-communication            still
writing forms specifically those of academic               remain unexplored. YouTube is one platform

METADISCOURSE AS RHETORICAL STRATEGY IN YOUTUBE REVIEW VIDEOS                                             315
Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)   Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                  Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)     CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

people use to spread any ideas they are                   exclusively interpersonal model is considered
having. Each year the popularity of this social           more reliable.
channel is getting stronger. Monetized                       The term reflexive metadiscourse which is
account is one reason underlies it. People                promoted by Annelie Ädel is a breakthrough
make content on YouTube are paid per a                    in metadiscourse study when the majority of
thousand view on their published videos. It is            related research still loyally employ Hyland’s
said that the earning is moderately promising             theory of the interpersonal model. A critical
for someone develop a career here. This fact              review toward this new approach believes that
is adequate for a further study to be conducted           the theory has brought to sharper emphasis
    Consequently, this research aims to seek              and method of the metadiscourse analysis [6].
the functions of metadiscourse used as                    Ädel’s model focuses on the metalinguistic,
rhetorical strategy employed in the product               expressive and directive functions of
review videos by three selected YouTube                   language following Jakobson’s linguistics
channel owners. Aforementioned to that the                functions [7]. She designs a reflexive triangle
appearing metadiscourse will first be                     to describe her model.
classified to a particular type. Moreover, as
there are a lot of numbers of metadiscourse                                        Fig. 1.
analysis concern to written and lately a few                              Ädel’s reflexive triangle
spoken form of academic related topic, this
research eager to compare the results of the
previous studies to the current findings.
    Metadiscourse is described as a form of
advance writing [4]. It shows that a writer
concerns to how their reader might grasp the
ideas they are conveying. They also note that
metadiscourse depicts the way the writer
interacts with its readers. The already
conducted research are mostly associated to
academic genres since the utterance producers
are anticipated to lead their audiences through
the discourse [2]. Currently, the model that is
frequently employed in most metadiscourse-
related study is still the Hyland’s                          The figure above illustrates three main
interpersonal, following Halliday’s function              points of the reflexive triangle including
of    language,      distinguishing between               current text or the discourse, current writer/
interactional and interactive.                            speaker persona, and real or imagined
    The analysis of metadiscourse has begun to            audience [7]. However, the most important
emerge dated back in the 80’s. Dovoodi [5]                thing to highlight here is the meaning of the
stated Williams and Vande Kopple had                      term ‘current’ used to describe the three
attempted to construct the definition for the             points considering that any references to
expression by “discourse about discourse, and             entities in the ‘real world’, outside the world
communication about communication”. Then                  of discourse are excluded. Ädel proposes 22
Swales still in Davoodi [5] went more                     functions of metadiscourse which are
specific, such as “writing about the evolving             categorized      into   five     classifications.
text rather than referring to the subject                 Principally within the taxonomy she has
matter”. Metadiscourse model was initially                extended from her previous research,
categorized into ‘interpersonal’ and ‘textual’            distinctions between metatext and audience
until Hyland proposed that the gap between                interactions are drawn.
the two is often overlapping and therefore the

Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)    Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)      CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

   Metatext focuses on the use of                        computer seen as a tool and expected “to
code/discourse itself, while audience                    provide alternative contexts for social
interaction primarily toward the audience.               interaction as well as facilitate access to
Metatext is divided into three classifications           existing        discourse      communities”.
namely Metalinguistic Comments, Discourse                Furthermore they explain that aside from
Organisation, and Speech Act Labels. On the              academic related topic, the existing findings
other hand, audience interaction marks                   in CMC research is rather text-based than
another classification, References to the                comprising image and voice. The platform of
Audience.                                                discourse which nowadays are attempting
   Each classification then includes some                more exploration on the video form that later
functions. The distribution is as follows:               uploaded in the internet is very intriguing to
    a. Metalinguistic comments which                     analyze.
        include repairing, reformulating,                   YouTube is a prominent model of the
        clarifying meaning, and managing                 current CMC platform. Having a television-
        terminology                                      like concept, YouTube offers more freedom
    b. Discourse organization such as                    for its users to choose their own channels to
        managing topic includes introducing              watch. Interestingly, the channels and actors
        topic, delimiting topic, adding to               are anyone’s made with barely no restriction.
        topic, concluding topic, marking                 Some channels gain international recognition
        asides. Managing phorics includes                as well as the content makers. They become
        enumerating, endophoric marking,                 the ambassadors of any fields they are
        previewing,       reviewing,       and           specialized at as their strong influences
        contextualizing                                  determine the decisions of their followers.
    c. Speech act labels that involve both               Those figures include Jeffree Star, Tati
        arguing and exemplifying, and last               Westbrook, and Jaclyn Hill who are
    d. References to the audience consist of             internationally     renowned     as    beauty
        managing comprehension, managing                 enthusiasts reviewing newest beauty products
        discipline, anticipating response,               marketed all over the world.
        managing the message, and imagining                 These three are chosen as they are
        scenarios                                        considered veterans in beauty world. They
   Metadiscourse          functions        and            No     Code     Data              C Explanation
classifications above are the adjusted version                                      R R C M
                                                                                    p f M T
which are allegedly more extensive version                                                  F
                                                         1.     TW/0      Don't         √     She
from the taxonomy proposed by Ädel in 2006.                     4.55-                         personally
   The CMC trend is one of the results of the                   05.10     it as               likes how the
technology growth. It stands for Computer                                 you                 product
                                                                          have                applies on her
Mediated Communication or some also use                                   to run              skin.
the      term     Computer-based        Media                             and                 However, the
Communication, either way means the same.                                 buy it              high price tag
                                                                                              makes       her
Simpson [8] argues that CMC is a new both                                                     hesitate     to
form of discourse and way of learning. For                                                    recommend
several years now most research in CMC is                                                     people to buy
                                                                                              it as there are
dominated by its contribution to teaching and                                                 a     lot    of
learning, academic related just as in the case                                                options     for
of metadiscourse study.                                                                       the       same
                                                                                              product for
   In the study of CMC it is important to see                                                 reasonable
the role of computer in the discourse. Kern                                                   price
and Warschauer [9] suggest that here the

Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)   Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                  Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)     CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

even earn a nickname beauty guru for their                                      Table 1.
enthusiasm in beauty industry. On YouTube                        The Form of Data Sheet for Metadiscourse
                                                             Classifications & Functions in YouTube Review
their channels have gained millions of                                           Videos
subscribers who always keenly watch every                   TW: Tati Westbrook Rf: Reformulating
beauty news from them. Billions of YouTube                  JH: Jaclyn Hill        CM: Clarifying meaning
users have watched their videos counted since               JS: Jeffree Star       MT: Managing Term
no less than five years. As they also gain                  Rp: Repairing          CLF: Commenting on
                                                                                   Language Form
popularity in person, they often launch their
own beauty products and benefit from their
                                                             The primary instrument of the research
big name in the industry branding.
                                                          was the researcher herself and data sheets as
                                                          addition for note taking. The model of the data
                                                          sheet is provided above. A single sheet was
The data of this research are taken from the
                                                          designed for one type of metadiscourse and
review videos recorded and published online
                                                          the possible functions. Therefore, as there
by three beauty gurus mentioned earlier in
                                                          were four types, I employed four kinds of
previous chapter. The minimum unit of the
                                                          sheets created for note-taking. The codes were
data is in the form of words and the largest is
                                                          always preceded by initials shows the
discourses used as metadiscourse markers. I
                                                          utterance maker and then followed by the time
started the data collection by selecting the
                                                          of the data occurrence. The technique of
YouTube beauty guru channels which had
                                                          analysis started with classifying the data to the
more followers than the average beauty
                                                          type, then analyzing the function, after that
influencers. Then, I searched for videos which
                                                          discussing the findings in a specific chapter
provide CC (closed-caption) or subtitles. The
                                                          and finally reporting the results of the
review videos were selected under several
criteria such as: equipped by transcription, not
a self-launched product review, no longer
                                                          Findings and Discussion
than 30 minutes, and not an endorsement
                                                          This chapter is divided into four sections due
product review.
                                                          to four classifications of metadiscourse found
   The next step was examining if the
                                                          on the data. Regarding the functions of
provided transcripts matched the actual
                                                          metadiscourse, I found twenty-one different
utterances in the videos, some changes were
                                                          functions. All of those I present under the
done. Each videos were around fifteen
                                                          metadiscourse classification they belong to.
minutes long. I eventually selected three
videos including Jeffree Star “JELLY
                                                          Metalingual Comments
                                                          The first three classifications concern to the
MAKEUP”, Tati Westbrook “CRYSTAL
                                                          inside discourse means the code employed to
LASH TOPCOAT … WTF”, and Jaclyn Hill
                                                          construct discourse. Metalingual comments
                                                          focus more on the relation and meaning
& REVIEW”. I began observing the selected
                                                          between sentences. The data which are
video one by one and noted the metadiscourse
                                                          categorized in this classification composed by
markers in the review videos. As there were
                                                          five    functions     such      as   repairing,
four     metadiscourse     classifications,    I
                                                          reformulating, clarifying meaning, managing
scrutinized each video four times, each time
                                                          terminology, and commenting on linguistics
was focusing on one classification.
                                                          form/ meaning. The most frequent functions
                                                          found in the data is clarifying meaning and
                                                          commenting on linguistics form/meaning.
                                                             Clarifying meaning is benefitted to convey
                                                          speaker’s actual objective so that audiences
                                                          are not misled. However, it inserts examples

Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)   Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                    Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)     CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

to specify the meaning of previous discourse                review slash (/) swatches demo and kind of a
and does not include interaction with                       first impression-esque on the..” which
audience. For example, in Jaclyn Hill (JH)                  indicates that she attempted on putting a label
(JH/00.05-00.07): “I’m so grateful to be                    on the activity she was about to do in the
receiving free makeup, but that in no way is                video. The annotation ‘which is’ are
going to shape my opinion”. She provides                    appearing twice also in JH’s video those are
clarification that even though she was sent the             (JH/05.28-05.30): “this is (shade) ‘Kimberly’
product by the company itself, the review she               which is the one I/m currently wearing” and
made is honest. More from JH (06.42-06.46):                 “this is the shade ‘Kim’ which is more peachy
“I know I said the first one was my favorite                one”. Another one of the kind showed in her
but that might’ve been because I hadn’t tried               video is (JH/03.56-03.60): “we’ve just been
the second.” Here she redesigns her own                     kind of taught like liquid lipsticks are dry…”
utterance about her preference. Other findings                  Repair is a common event occurring in a
include:                                                    natural language processing. The term
                                                            repairing here means providing alternative to
   (TW/00.40-00.44): It has a doe foot applicator you      evaluate or correct the already uttered
    guys what on earth I mean you could put this on         expressions. By repairing the utterance,
    your lips
                                                            speakers wish to cancel the preceding concept
   (TW/06.17-06.19): you can’t really see it so much
    out here but it’s really beautiful                      they have mentioned and hence take account
   (JH/06.06-06.10): it definitely did fade; it wasn’t     of the new one. There are two data found
    completely gone but it fades which is fine.             during analysis function as repair. The first
                                                            one is by JH when she explained the finish
   Next function to be discussed is                         look of the formula the lipstick she was
commenting on linguistics form/meaning.                     reviewing has, (JH/04.19-04.27): “they’re not
These commentaries refer to the linguistics                 gonna be matte whatsoever. I mean they are
form, meaning and word choice. When                         kind of matte but not matte like an actual
describing the container in which the                       liquid lipstick”. The other datum found in
reviewed product came, Jeffree Star (JS)                    TW’s video where she changed her mind and
(00.58-01.01) said: “this isn’t a compact this              uttered another term to explain her impression
is kind of jar I guess we call it”. We see that             toward the lash product she reviewed,
he is hoping his proposed term represent the                (TW/00.57-00.59) “it would be fabulous I
actual container. Another datum uttered by JH               mean it’s kind of cool putting it on your lid as
has the same purpose (JH/04.14-04.19):                      well”.
“they’re actually are more just like lipsticks                  The last metadiscourse function in this
that are liquid and creamy. Does that make                  class is Reformulating is used for suggesting
sense?”. Clearly she is wondering if she                    other forms of expressions which rather
explains well therefore she feels the urge to               enhance the significance of the utterance than
make comment on her own saying.                             fixing it. The datum represents this function,
                                                            for example, is from JH’s video (JH/03.35-
   (JS/04.49-04.51): okay people I really don’t know       03.40): “a cream liquid lipstick or a crème
    what I want to talk about it                            liquid lipstick depending on how ‘boojee’ you
   (JS/09.44-09.46): that’s the exact same
                                                            want to be with your wording”. One new
    ‘complaint’, if you will
                                                            version of the previously stated term is given
                                                            there using a French accent rather than
   Sometimes in a discourse we express some
                                                            English. Unfortunately, I did not find any
concepts and we would like to mention
                                                            other data in the three videos I observed.
appropriate term to label them. Managing
Terminology allows the speakers to act so. For
example, Jaclyn Hill in her opening act
(00.05-00.07), states: “we’ll be doing a

METADISCOURSE AS RHETORICAL STRATEGY IN YOUTUBE REVIEW VIDEOS                                             319
Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)   Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                  Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)     CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

Discourse Organization                                    her topic, (TW/00.11-00.16): “what we have
As how this classification is being labelled,             to chat about today is a glitter topcoat by
discourse organization focuses on the topic               Estee Lauder”. Moreover, for adding topic
arrangement inside discourses. Discourse                  she said, (TW/00.44-00.46): “maybe we’ll try
organization differs the term managing topic              that, too”, here to represents addition.
from managing phoric. Topic management                       As introducing topic functions well in
comprises a set of discourse functions                    CMC discourse, speakers also tend to have
including introducing topic, delimiting topic,            concluding topic; both phenomena are
adding topic, concluding topic, and asides                considered common and natural to begin and
marking. Meanwhile, managing phorics deals                end topics in a discourse. The examples below
with a number of positioning (pointer) in the             reflect how the three speakers conclude topic:
ongoing discourse. They are seen as a road
sign in the current discourse (Ädel, 2006).                  (JH/08.19-08.21): alright so as for my overall
Managing phoric functions found in this study                  opinion on this collection …
                                                              (JH/11.09-11.10): so that’s a wrap on this video
such as enumerating, endophoric marking,
                                                              (TW/08.19-08.21): so there we have it I’ll see you
previewing, reviewing and contextualizing.                     guys in the sunshine
   Certainly every discourse whether written                  (TW/10.09-10.11): so that is that I’m gonna
or spoken must start with an opening, or what                  watch…
so called introduction. Therefore, in all three               (JS/10.09-10.10): I can honestly give my thought
videos I found the speakers perform                            already
expressions aimed for introducing topics. TW
in data (00.02-00.06): “we’re testing out the                Asides marking is another function under
craziest high-end sparkly makeup” and                     topic management in discourse organization.
(TW/03.51-03.54) so we’re gonna see if this               This function is unique since it can only be
works or …” employed ‘testing out’ and                    performed by utterance makers in spoken
‘gonna see’ expression to show audiences her              discourse. Asides marking is any opening or
agenda in the video. At exactly the same point            closing expression used to move track
JH, (JH/00.02-00.04): “I’m going to be doing              temporarily or in other words depart from the
a review slash (/) swatches demo…” used                   actual topic to deliver other messages which
‘going to be doing’ to express the massage she            makes it clear why this do not normally occur
was delivering. Lastly similar to JH, JS                  in written discourses, especially the academic
mentioned ‘are doing’ as the discourse marker             ones. There are two asides marking found in
functioning as introducing topics, (JS/06.00-             data via JH’s video which are:
08.00): “today we’re doing a highly requested
review on a brand new…”.                                                    (JH/06.15-06.18): But I’m just
                                                                             putting that out there for you guys in
   Delimiting and adding topic are scarcely                                  case…
found in JH and JS’s videos. TW on the other                                (JH/11.48-11.52): Anyway, so I just
hand in her review attempted on delimit and                                  went in, I applied a regular long-
add topic, each appears once. Delimiting                                     lasting liquid lipstick
topics equals restricting the main focus, in this
case     the    product     being     reviewed.               From managing topic, we are now
Furthermore, adding topic provide an                      discussing the other sub function in discourse
addition to the topic discussed and/or if there           organization namely managing phoric. Its
is a subtopic in the discourse. It is lucidly             first function is enumerating in which the
stated that during the opening section TW has             current discourse contents are listed in order,
mentioned her attention of testing out a high-            for instance, (JS/00.38-00.1): “first of all I
end sparkly makeup, however, she has not                  love the packaging that it came with and it has
been mentioned which of the kind she would                of course …”. On the expression we can tell
specifically review, therefore she delimited              that Jeffree was about to explain de physical
                                                          detail of the product therefore this utterance is

METADISCOURSE AS RHETORICAL STRATEGY IN YOUTUBE REVIEW VIDEOS                                             320
Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)   Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                    Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)     CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

considered enumerating. Other samples seen                  Contextualizing means providing annotation
below:                                                      on the discourse conditions hence shows
                                                            traces of discourse production. Firstly, in JS’s
   (JH/02.58-03.03): It starts off with the shade          (05.13-05.15) “so now that we’ve really
    Kimberly, Kim, Kiki, Kimmy                              patted this into the skin let’s…”. The other
   (JH/07.44-07.46): Last but not least, we have the
                                                            one found in (JH/05.17-05.19): “and then we
   (JH/08.21-08.23): I would say the first thing that      can move forward to swatches”
    comes to mind …
                                                            Speech Act Labels
   Previewing and reviewing would make                      When speakers are actually acting out what
total sense when discussed at once. First off,              they utter, this condition is called speech act
previewing refers to the later discussed topic              labelling. Discourse functions emerged
inside the discourse. By contrast, review is a              through the use of this metadiscourse
way the speaker of a discourse reminds their                classification are arguing and exemplifying.
audience about the already discussed topic.                 Unlike other classifications which comprise
There are five findings related to both                     five or more functions, this has only two.
functions consist of three previewing and two               Arguing presents emphasized expressions
reviewing.                                                  towards the current topic by providing
        Previewing:                                         reasons or citing evidences. As illustrations,
                                                            (JH/05.53-05.55): “I can’t say enough good
   (TW/04.08-04.09): so I’m gonna scoot you guys           things about this color” and (JH/08.29-08.31):
    there and …                                             “If I were to grade it would be A++”. One
   (JS/00.21-00.26): You can put it on your face …         expression that appears repetitively is ‘I feel
    and your entire body so we might just do that in a
                                                            like’ as seen below:
   (JS/02.14-02.17): is it Jeffree Star approved we’re
    about to find out in a minute                               (TW/00.53-00.55): I really feel like this product
                                                                 you could put …
                                                                (TW/04.34-04.36): I feel like I’d like more glitter
        Reviewing:                                               but …
                                                                (JS/04.04-04.07): I feel like this could last you a
   (JH/02.44-02.48): so the reason I was ridiculously           long time
    excited it because it’s four different shades
   (JH/06.00-06.03): It’s like I said right before I
                                                                As can be detected from the label,
    applied this …
                                                            exemplifying used for listing clear example(s).
   If previewing and reviewing refer to a                   I found that the exemplifying expression used
                                                            mostly in the data would not likely be
certain location in the discourse either has
                                                            implemented in written nor spoken academic
previously discussed or will be discussed
                                                            discourse. There is consistence use of ‘like’ as
later, endophoric marking does not refer to
                                                            in ‘she is lazy just like her brother’ and ‘you
any specific case, for examples in (JH/05.32-
05.34): “I’m foing to do over top of it so you
can see what it actually looks like”, here she
                                                                (JS/02.00-02.08): they’re really like getting to
doen not refer to any case in the past or in the                 know their audience from a consumer standpoint
future since video offers a motion picture she                   you know they’ve had one really huge hit product.
can show everything she wants her audience                      (JH/06.25-06.26): just like a regular lipstick would
to see. There is another example of                             (JH/03.58-04.02): you know, like all the liquid
endophoric marking found in the data by JS in                    lipstick out there
(01.25-01.30): “you see it shaking right there?
I don’t want to …”.                                         Reference to The Audience
   Lastly, I found two data belong to                       The last classification of metadiscourse
contextualizing function in the data.                       includes four functions found in the data. We

METADISCOURSE AS RHETORICAL STRATEGY IN YOUTUBE REVIEW VIDEOS                                               321
Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)   Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                    Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)     CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

begin from the first one namely managing                    Besides, JS were spotted using ‘suppose’ to
comprehension which is essential as in this                 ask his audiences imagining a scenario as in
case speakers confirming that their audience                “this is supposed to be infused with Farsali
following their ideas. However, the datum                   skincare DNA” and (JS/02.47-02.52): “we’re
appeared from the video is one way only since               supposed to be really radiated”
audiences could not reply at the very moment.
The only datum gained from JH she stated                    Conclusions
(10.28-10.30): “do you know what I’m saying                 The study reveals that the entire
it’s not like breaking up or cracking”.                     metadiscourse classifications proposed in
    One discourse function under this category              reflexive approach are found in spoken
which shows most data is anticipating                       discourse especially in computer mediated
audiences’ response. It is uttered as if the                communication (CMC), in this case review
speakers are able guess their audiences’                    videos on YouTube. Nevertheless, there is a
response regarding the current topic. The                   discourse function which is not applied and
typical characteristic of this function is the use          seen in the collected data. It is managing
of pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘you’, or ‘we’.                    audiences’ discipline in which the addresser
                                                            directly requests the addressee to do
   (JS/02.23-02.25): I know a lot of of you are gonna      something, for instance as quoted from Ädel
    be like $40! Jesus!                                     (2010), “can I get your attention please?”, or
   (TW/07.32-07.36): I don’t think I’ve found that yet
                                                            “can we have a little bit of quiet?” are not
    but I’m kind of like …
   (JH/01.25-01.27): “say what you will about Kim,         necessarily employed in the data as this type
    I know that they’re a very controversial family         of CMC only allow interaction between
    but…”.                                                  addresser and the addressee through chat
                                                            facility; this function is not usually found in
   Managing message is the next function                    written discourse either.
used to highlight the principal idea the                        Other functions beside the audiences’
speakers try to convey inside the discourse.                discipline management can be identified from
Speakers purpose is to ensure their audiences               the data. Nonetheless, I note that there are two
remember the idea. Other point of this                      discourse functions which would only be
function is to add remarks on the anticipated               found in spoken discourse. Those include
understanding.                                              repairing, which in written discourse can
                                                            easily be edited before being published, or if
   (JH/05.16-05.17): so be aware it is not what it is      it does not get fixed before than will remain a
   (JH/10.21-10.22): I just wish that it’s more …          mistake. Another one on the list is asides
   (JH/01.45-01.46): I hope that they come out with        marking as an author would not likely has any
   (JS/11.39-01.41): hopefully you learnt something
                                                            side topics and therefore they do not need any
    new today                                               sidetrack markings, otherwise it will create
                                                            confusion to the reader.
   The last case in the category is imagining                   Furthermore,      I    found     that     the
scenario where speakers invite the audiences                metadiscourse markers in CMC are applied
to see a case from a certain standpoint.                    distinctively from those used in written or
Nonetheless, this is applied limited only the               spoken discourse of academic context. CMC
concepts related to the ongoing discourse and               review videos on YouTube has relatively
not outside it (real world). For instance, JH               more casual context therefore the markers
shared her audience her expectation about the               people tend to use are less formal, for example
reviewed product, seen in (JH/05.08-05.13):                 when arguing, an academic speaker would
“I was expecting to receive a matte liquid                  employ ‘I argue that” or ‘I am postulating’
lipstick that’s creamy, that’s not what you’re              rather than ‘I feel like’ or ‘personally I…”.
gonna get if that’s what you’re expecting”.                 Moreover, when delimiting topic, the

METADISCOURSE AS RHETORICAL STRATEGY IN YOUTUBE REVIEW VIDEOS                                             322
Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
3rd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC)   Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
                                 Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 3, 2019)     CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

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Nadya Sivanya Rheisa
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