2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services

Page created by Salvador Crawford
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services

Complete Health and Safety Solutions

2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
Leading the Way to a Safer Ontario
JHSC Certification. Racking and Warehouse Safety. Mental Health.
Our health and safety solutions are wide-ranging, relevant and effective.
After all, they are developed with you, for you.

High Quality Instructor-led Training. Innovative eLearning. Insightful Consulting.
We offer experience, knowledge and expertise that’s hard to beat.

Conferences & Events. CEO H+S Leadership Network. Safety Groups.
WSPS Safety Connection.
We open up valuable opportunities for you to network, share and learn.

With locations across Ontario, and services like on-site training, we make it
easier for you to stay current, stay compliant, and, at the end of the day,

                  Our ISO 9001:2008                        WINNER
                  certification sets us                     Canadian HR Reporter
                  apart and signifies our                   2017 Readers' Choice Award
                  commitment to quality                    Safety Training Services

               AT WSPS,
            YOUR SAFETY
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
                                                                                     Choose the training
TRAINING ..........................................................3
CONSULTING .................................................5
                                                                                     that’s RIGHT for YOU.
eLEARNING ................................................... 14
CONFERENCES & EVENTS........... 18                                                          PUBLIC
PARTNERSHIPS ........................................ 28                                    Interactive, instructor-led training
                                                                                            in 30+ locations across Ontario

Health & Safety Solutions
Joint Health & Safety Committee....................7                                        ON-SITE
Contractor Safety ...................................................9
                                                                                            Flexible, accessible training right
                                                                                            in your workplace
Fall Prevention/Working At Heights............ 10

Hazardous Materials............................................. 11

Inspections, Assessments
& Investigations..................................................... 13
                                                                                            You set the pace and place of learning
Legal Requirements – Federal
(Canada Labour Code, Part II)........................ 15

Legal Requirements – Ontario
(Occupational Health & Safety Act) ............. 17                                  For more information about our
Machine & Robot Safety .................................... 19                       training solutions including pricing
                                                                                     and schedules, visit
Managers & Supervisors .................................... 21
                                                                                     WSPS.CA or call              Volume
Mental Health ........................................................ 22                                                        discounts
                                                                                     1 877 494 WSPS (9777).                     are available
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)                                                                                                  on most
& Ergonomics ........................................................ 23                                                          courses
Occupational Health & Safety
Management Systems........................................ 24

Powered Equipment........................................... 25
                                                                                     EARN BCRSP POINTS
Racking & Warehousing ................................... 26                         Many of our courses may be eligible for Certification
                                                                                     Maintenance Program (CMP) points by the Board of Canadian
Various Other Hazards & Topics ....................27                                Registered Safety Professionals. Visit bcrsp.ca for details.

Index ......................................................................... 29

                                                                                     3 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
               Health & safety solutions
               that you can put to work

4 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services

                                                    WSPS SAFETY GROUP
                                                    Build a safer workplace and
                                                    earn WSIB rebates.

                                                    CONTACT US TODAY!

             5 |   2018 Catalogue   WSPS.CA   1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
Why choose a WSPS Consultant?                              Our expertise
Having worked with thousands of firms like yours,           is unmatched
we understand the challenges you face. Our
consultants will work with you to champion your
vision by listening first and then applying our             ISO 9001
expertise to help you create a dynamic culture of          Quality Management
health and safety in the workplace.

CONSULTING SOLUTIONS                                       165,000
                                                           Member Firms
ƒ Audits/Gap Analyses         ƒ Hazard Identification
                                & Risk Assessment (HIRA)
ƒ Awareness Sessions
                              ƒ Hazard-Specific Programs
                                                           4 million
ƒ Essential Elements                                       Employees Represented
  Program                     ƒ WSPS Safety Group

ƒ Ergonomics                  ƒ Occupational Hygiene
                                                           across Ontario
ƒ Machine Safety & Robotics   ƒ Warehouse Safety
Need health & safety advice?                               CRSP, CSSE, R.Kin, ROH,
                                                           P.Eng, CCPE and more
1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

                                                            WSPS is a recognized
                                                               expert in Canada
                                                                     through our
                                                                  participation in
                                                               CSA committees.
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services

                                                                                              WSPS HAS TRAINED
                                                                                                 MORE THAN
                                                                                                100,000 JHSC
                                                                                               MEMBERS IN THE
                                                                                               PAST 15 YEARS†

                It’s the law. If you’re a company with 20 or more workers, the law requires you to have
                a Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC). At least two members of a JHSC must
                be certified by completing special training.

                But JHSC certification also makes good business sense. When committee members are
                well-trained, they’re better at identifying hazards and making improvements – and they’re
                better health & safety leaders.

                Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) is a Chief Prevention Officer/CPO-Approved
                training provider for Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) certification training.

                † Source: WSPS Order/Registration system

                                     7 |   2018 Catalogue   WSPS.CA   1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
 Certification Part One
 Delivery | Public & On-SiteDuration | 3 DAYS
 This is the first part of the training process for JHSC members to become certified
 under the standards established by the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Upon completion,
 JHSC members will understand the relevant workplace health and safety legislation,
 as well as their legal rights and responsibilities.

                 Agriculture*                                  Offices
                 All Sectors                                   Service Sector

 Certification Part Two
 Delivery | Public & On-SiteDuration | 2 DAYS
 JHSC members increase their knowledge of the RACE (Recognize, Assess, Control
 and Evaluate) process so they can develop action plans and recommendations for
 guarding against hazards in their sector.

                 Agriculture*                                  Service Sector
                 Manufacturing                                 Warehousing & Distribution

 NOTE: You must complete Certification Part Two training within six months of
 completing Part One training in order to become a certified JHSC member.


 Certification Refresher
 Delivery | Public & On-SiteDuration | 1 DAY

 This course provides JHSC members with an opportunity to review the key concepts
 of workplace health & safety, get current on updates regarding OHS laws, codes and
 standards, and discuss challenges and best practices.

    Did you know refresher certification training is mandatory?
    If you were trained on or after March 1, 2016, you must complete refresher
    training every 3 years to maintain your certification. If you were trained
    under the ‘old’ standards (before March 1, 2016), refresher training still
    makes good sense.

 *For farming operations, JHSC certification training is required if there are 50+ workers.

           8 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
2018Catalogue - Complete Health and Safety Solutions WSPS.CA - Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
  Title                            Description

                                   Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 1/2 DAY
  Construction Projects            Find out what a construction project is in the eyes of the
  in Industrial Facilities         law and what your duties are as a constructor.

  Hiring Outside                   Learn about your duties as an employer before you hire
  Contractors                      an outside contractor.

  Managing Safety                  Learn how to effectively manage on-site contractors.
  of On-Site Contractors

                9 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
                                                                AT HEIGHTS

                              Title                              Description

                                                                 Offered with

                                                           Delivery |   eCourseDuration | 1 HOUR

                              Ladder Safety/Ladder                Learn how to inspect, set up and safely use ladders – on and
                              Safety in Ontario                   off the job.

                                                         Delivered in partnership with Safe-Tech Training.
                                                         Call WSPS Customer Care for details 1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

                                                                    Delivery |   Public & On-Site

                              Safe-Tech Training Programs
Photo provided by: SafeTech   Learn how to correctly select, inspect, maintain, and use a wide range of fall protection

                                      Fall Protection: Industrial Applications
                                                                                         Working At Heights: Construction
                                      Duration |   4 HOURS                               Applications

                                                                                         Duration |   8 HOURS

                                           10 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Title                        Description                                                        Delivery | Duration

Transportation of            Focuses on the responsibilities of workplace parties for ground    Public & On-Site
Dangerous Goods              transport under the TDG Act and Regulations.                       1/2 DAY

                                         Offered with
TDG for Carriers             Describes the parts of the TDG regulations that carriers need      eCourse
                             to know.                                                           5.5 HOURS

TDG for Consignors/          Describes the parts of the TDG regulations that consignors         eCourse
Consignees                   and consignees need to know.                                       5 HOURS

Transportation of            Helps managers and supervisors meet their duties under             eCourse
Dangerous Goods              the TDG Act and Regulations.                                       7.5 HOURS

 Complete Hazardous Materials Solutions
 In addition to training, WSPS offers the following CONSULTING                         For more information,
 SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our occupational hygiene experts.                  visit wsps.ca or call
                                          Chemical Inventory &                         1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777
        Air Quality Assessments
                                          Hazard Assessments

                                  11 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

   On December 1, 2018, employers
   must complete the transition to
   WHMIS 2015. After this date, only
   WHMIS 2015 can be used.* Don’t
   be caught out of compliance.
   Visit WSPS.CA/WHMIS2015
   or call 1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
   *For federal employers, the deadline is June 1, 2019.

WHMIS 2015
Title                             Description                                                                Delivery | Duration

WHMIS 1988 & WHMIS                Learn how to recognize the hazard communication                            On-Site
2015 for Workers                  components of both WHMIS 1988 and WHMIS 2015.                              1/2 DAY

WHMIS 2015 for Workers:           Let a WSPS expert train your workers in WHMIS 2015.                        Public & On-Site
Instructor-Led Training                                                                                      1/2 DAY

WHMIS 2015:                       Equips participants to deliver in-house, instructor-led                    Public & On-Site
Train the Trainer                 WHMIS 2015 training to workers.                                            1 DAY

                                               Offered with

WHMIS 2015 for Workers            Familiarizes workers with WHMIS 2015 and how to use this new               eCourse
                                  system at work.                                                            1 HOUR

                                                Co-developed with

WHMIS 2015 for Workers:           Offers WHMIS 2015 training for workers at their own pace                   Self-Paced, Print
Self-Paced Training               and place.                                                                 & DVD or USB
Program                                                                                                      2 HOURS

During the transition from WHMIS 1988 to WHMIS 2015, WSPS will continue to offer WHMIS 1988 solutions.
For more information, go to the WHMIS topic page at WSPS.CA

                                            Managing chemical safety                          For more information,
                                                                                              visit wsps.ca or call
                                            and WHMIS compliance                              1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
                                            just got easier.
                                                                                              Offered with

                                    12 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Title                           Description                                                         Delivery | Duration

                                             Offered with
Hazard Identification,           Learn how to identify, assess and control the everyday hazards      eCourse
Assessment and Control          in your workplace.                                                  3 HOURS

                                Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 1/2 DAY
Inspecting                      Gain the knowledge, skills and tools to complete effective inspections. Managing
Your Workplace*                 Hazards complements this solution and is often scheduled the same day for

Investigating                   Learn about proven investigation principles & techniques and gain an understanding
Accidents & Incidents           of legal reporting requirements.

Managing Hazards*               Equips participants with a sound and easy-to-follow process and tool for
                                identifying and addressing hazards before they lead to costly incidents.

The Effective                   Learn how to apply the five steps of investigating accidents & incidents in a highly
Investigator:                   interactive case study.
A Practical Case Study

*Also available for federally regulated workplaces (English and French)

                                     13 |    2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Value. Quality.
                                                                           Over 93% of our customers would
                                                                           recommend WSPS eLearning to others*.

                                                                           WONDER WHY?

                                                                           ƒ 150 plus courses in French
                                                                             and English**
                                                                           ƒ Subject matter expert
                                                                             created courses
                                                                           ƒ Labour and government
                                                                             representative reviewed

                                                                           Users are given access to a
 Available 2018!
                                        SAVE                               Learning Management System (LMS)

                                           UP TO                           that makes it easy to track and report
                                                                           on learner progress.
        with our
                                     with Multi-Learner                    WSPS eCourses can also be customized
     Value Bundles                       Licenses!                         and delivered from your company's LMS.

Learn at your own pace, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
Find out how at wsps.ca/eCourses or at eLearning@wsps.ca

*eLearning satisfaction survey results, November 2016 – October 2017. **Many courses co-developed and offered in partnership with CCOHS.

          WSPS can help your organization meet
          or exceed federal work place health &
          safety requirements. Join the growing list of
          customers who partner with us to effectively
          implement and continually improve their
          health and safety programs.

Title                              Description

                                   Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 1 DAY
Conducting Office                  Learn about the factors that contribute to MSDs in the
Ergonomic Assessments              work place, how to complete proactive office ergonomic
(FEDERAL)*                         assessments and how to contribute to an effective ergonomic
NMSO Approved Vendor               prevention program.

                                   Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 2 DAYS
Federal Policy, Work               This federal program covers the following four courses: CLC
Place Committees and               Part II for Health & Safety Committees and Representatives,
Representatives*                   Managing Hazards, Inspecting Your Work Place and Hazardous
                                   Occurrence Investigations.

                                   Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 1/2 DAY
CLC Part II for Health             Understand the legal requirements relating to committees &
and Safety Committees              representatives and learn how to function more effectively.
and Representatives

 NEW                               Provides managers and supervisors with an understanding of
CLC Part II for Managers           their legal health and safety duties.

Hazardous Occurrence               Equips participants with the essential knowledge, skills and
Investigations                     tools to conduct hazardous occurrence investigations and
(FEDERAL)*                         prevent costly recurrences.

Inspecting Your                    Gain the knowledge, skills and tools to conduct effective work
Work Place                         place inspections.
Managing Hazards                   Equips participants with a sound, easy-to-follow process and
(FEDERAL)*                         practical tools to identify hazards, assess risk and recommend
                                   controls before they lead to costly incidents.

                                                                       *Available in English and French

 Complete Federal Solutions
 In addition to training, WSPS offers a broad
 range of federal CONSULTING SOLUTIONS                                 For more information,
 delivered exclusively by our federal experts.                         visit the Federal Consulting
                                                                       page at wsps.ca or call
        Core Prevention Programs
                                                                       1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777
        Audits/Gap Analyses

             16 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

                   Ontario's definition of 'worker' has changed:
                   it now includes unpaid co-op students and other unpaid
                   learners and trainees participating in a work placement.


Title                         Description                                                     Delivery | Duration

Safety Health & the Law       Learn how the Occupational Health & Safety Act is structured,   Public & On-Site
                              what it contains and what you need to do to comply.             Workers & Supervisors
                                                                                              1 DAY

                        The following programs meet the mandatory awareness
                          training requirements of Ontario Regulation 297/13
Health & Safety               Gain the expertise and confidence to deliver mandatory           Public & On-Site
Awareness for Workers:        worker awareness training using Ministry of Labour (MOL)        Trainers
Train the Trainer             content, exercises and a quiz.                                  1/2 DAY

Health & Safety               A WSPS expert delivers basic awareness training in your         On-Site:
Awareness for Workers         workplace, using Ministry of Labour (MOL) resources.            Workers
With MOL resources                                                                            1 HOUR
                                                                                              1.5 HOURS

Health & Safety               In this more in-depth option, WSPS experts deliver basic        On-Site
Awareness Training            worker awareness training, using content that’s tailored        Workers
With tailored content         to your workplace.                                              2 HOURS

                                   17 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Conferences & Events

                                                Learn. Grow. Perform.
Invest in Your Organization’s
Health & Safety Culture
From keynote addresses that push the limits of conventional thinking, to workshops that
inspire new approaches to growing a positive workplace culture and achieving bottom
line results, our annual Conference series provides an outstanding opportunity to make
a difference.

NATIONAL CONFERENCE                                          REGIONAL CONFERENCES
May 1-2, 2018                                                Spring/Fall 2018
The International Centre                                     Kitchener | Niagara Falls | Ottawa
Mississauga, ON                                              Sault Ste. Marie | Sudbury | Thunder Bay

Visit PartnersinPreventionConference.com                     Visit wsps.ca/Conferences

                           18 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Title                    Description

                         Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 1/2 DAY
Lockout/Tagout           Follow a 7-step procedure for properly locking out machinery and equipment.
Safety Essentials
 NEW Managing            Learn the key principles of machine safeguarding and how to recognize, assess and
Machine Safety           control risks.

 REVISED   Managing      Find out about the legal requirements for PSRs and how to assess whether the
Pre-Start Reviews        requirements apply and if a PSR is required.

 NEW   Managing          Learn the key principles of robot safety and how to recognize, assess and
Robot Safety             control risks.

                                     Co-developed with

                         Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 1 DAY
Robot Safety: Decoding   Learn how to apply the key requirements of the CSA robot safety standard to
& Applying CSA Z434      your workplace.

Safeguarding             Learn how to apply the key requirements of the CSA machine safeguarding
of Machinery:            standard to your workplace.
Understanding &
Applying CSA Z432

                                       Co-developed with

                         Delivery |   Self-Paced, Print & DVDDuration | 2 HOURS
Lockout/Tagout:          Provides lockout/tagout training for employees at their own pace
Self-Paced Training      and place.

                              19 |    2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Complete Machine & Robot Safety Solutions
In addition to training, WSPS offers the following
CONSULTING SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our
machine & robot safety experts.                                      For more information,
                                                                     visit the Technical Consulting
   Hazardous Energy Control Programs Audits
                                                                     page at wsps.ca or call
   Machine Safeguarding Assessments
                                                                     1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777
   Robotics Risk Assessments, Gap Analyses,
   & Implementation Support

                             20 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
  See Page 13

  Also available
  See Page 17

Title                     Description                                                      Delivery | Duration

                                   Co-developed with

Health & Safety for       Learn how to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses and        eCourse
Managers & Supervisors    develop effective workplace safety programs.                     8 – 9 HOURS
in Ontario

Title                     Description                                                      Delivery | Duration

Supervisor                Understand your legal responsibilities as a supervisor and how   Public & On-Site
Responsibilities          to demonstrate due diligence at work.                            1/2 DAY
& Due Diligence
                          NOTE: This course meets the supervisor awareness training
                          requirements of Ontario Regulation 297/13.

 NEW The Effective        Learn what it takes to become an effective supervisor.           Public & On-Site
Supervisor: Building                                                                       2 DAYS
Strategies for Success

The Effective Trainer     Learn how to effectively deliver in-house training.              Public & On-Site
                                                                                           2 DAYS

NOTE: Managers and supervisors should also refer to other sections of the catalogue for solutions that
will help them carry out their duties. This includes inspections, investigations, and managing specific
workplace hazards.

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                                                        Workplace mental health is an essential aspect of
                                                        overall health and safety, and yet, few organizations
                                                        are properly equipped to manage it. Studies have
                                                        consistently shown that workplaces with a positive
                                                        approach to workplace mental health demonstrate:
                                                        ƒ   Improved employee engagement
                                                        ƒ   Stronger employee recruitment and retention
                                                        ƒ   Enhanced productivity
                                                        ƒ   Increased innovation and creativity

Title                     Description                                                           Delivery | Duration

Mental Health First Aid   Trains participants to recognize the signs and symptoms of            Public & On-Site
(MHFA)                    mental health problems and provide initial help.                      2 DAYS
                          WSPS consultants are certified by the Mental Health
                          Commission of Canada to deliver the MHFA
                          training program.

 NEW Workplace Mental     Helps managers and supervisors deal with workplace mental             Public & On-Site
Health: How Managers      health challenges they face on a daily basis.                         1/2 DAY
Should Respond

 AVAILABLE IN 2018        Learn all about the 13 workplace factors and how they impact          On-Site:
Workplace Mental Health   workplace mental health.                                              General Consulting
Awareness                                                                                       2 HOURS

Not sure how to address mental health issues in your workplace?                      For more information,
Speak to one of our consultants and find out HOW WE CAN HELP.                         visit: thinkmentalhealth.ca

                           22 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
MSDs &
Title                           Description                                                         Delivery | Duration

Building an MSD                 Learn how to identify, assess and control MSD hazards; apply        On-Site
Prevention Program              practical ergonomic solutions to control MSD risks; and draft       FOUR 1/2 DAY
                                a framework to integrate and maintain a workplace MSD               MODULES
                                prevention program.

Conducting Office               Teaches participants an effective way of completing office          Public & On-Site
Ergonomic Assessments*          ergonomics assessments. Emphasis is on how to recognize,            1 DAY
                                assess and determine solutions for MSD risks.

Nuts & Bolts of                 Learn how to implement an MSD prevention program and                On-Site
Implementing an MSD             recognize, assess and control MSD hazards.                          1 DAY
Prevention Program

Safe Lifting                    Teaches proper lifting techniques to employees, plus trains         On-Site
                                supervisors to follow up with observation, coaching, and            1/2 DAY
                                safety talks.
*Also available for federally regulated workplaces (English and French)

  Complete MSD Solutions
  In addition to training, WSPS offers the following CONSULTING
  SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our ergonomics experts.
                                                                                  For more information,
                                                                                  visit the Technical Consulting
        Ergonomic Program Development                                             page at wsps.ca or call
        Ergonomic Awareness and Coaching for Offices                              1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777
        Ergonomic Assessments for Industrial & Offices
        Physical Demands Description for Industrial & Offices

                                     23 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Legal experts say an OHSMS is one
     WSPS IS                                                             of the best ways to demonstrate
  ISO 9001:2008
                                                                           due diligence in a court of law.

                   HEALTH & SAFETY
Title                      Description

                         Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 1/2 Day
 AVAILABLE IN 2018         Introduces the fundamentals of an OHSMS and prepares you to guide your
Management Systems         organization in selecting a relevant standard.
– An Introduction

                           Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | 2 Days
CSA Z1000                  Understand the key requirements of the CSA Z1000 Occupational Health and
Essentials                 Safety Management System Standard.

CSA Z1000                  Learn how to evaluate the adequacy of an OHS policy and to audit your OHS
Internal Auditor           management system against OHS objectives in accordance with established audit
                           criteria as per the CSA Z1000 standard.

OHSAS 18001                Understand the key requirements of the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and
Essentials                 Safety Management System Standard.

OHSAS 18001                Gain the knowledge to evaluate the adequacy of an OHS policy and to audit your
Internal Auditor           OHS management system against OHS objectives in accordance with established
                           audit criteria as per the OHSAS 18001 standard.

 Complete OHSMS Solutions                                                       For more information,
 In addition to training, WSPS offers the following                             visit the Integrated
 CONSULTING SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our                              Consulting page at
 management systems experts.                                                    wsps.ca or call
                                                                                1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777
        Gap Analyses   Program Development           Auditing

                            24 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Title          Description

                       Co-developed with

               Delivery |   Self-Paced, Print & DVDDuration | Varies
SAFE-Lift      Use this self-paced program to provide lift truck operator
on DVD         and pedestrian safety training.

                     Delivered in Partnership with Safe-Tech Training

Ensure your workers have the training and knowledge required to safely
operate powered equipment specific to your operations/facility. Each
program includes theory plus hands-on instruction followed by practical,
operator testing.

                Delivery |   Public & On-SiteDuration | Varies

   0-8 Ton Mobile Crane Operator              Loader/Skid Steer Operator
   Basic Hoisting                             Overhead Crane Operator
   Elevated Work Platform Operator            Powered Pallet Truck Operator
   Lift Truck Operator                        Walkie Stacker Operator

Refresher, instructor and other powered equipment programs.

Call WSPS Customer Care for details
1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

                                 25 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
“While keeping people safe is the primary goal, running a
                                              safe business also gives you a competitive advantage—
                                              you have less downtime, fewer repairs and lower costs.”
                                                 Brad Novoselac | Compliance Manager | Exel Logistics Canada

           RACKING &
Title                        Description                                                         Delivery | Duration

Certification Part Two:       Deepen your knowledge of how to guard against hazards in            Public & On-Site
Warehousing                  warehousing & distribution environments.                            2 DAYS
& Distribution

                                       Co-developed with

 REVISED Inspecting          Reduce the risk of a racking collapse. Learn how to properly        Public & On-Site
& Maintaining Steel          inspect and maintain steel storage racks using the new CSA          1 DAY
Storage Racks                A344-17 User Guide.

 Complete Solutions for Your Warehouse
 In addition to training, WSPS offers the following
                                                                                  For more information,
 CONSULTING SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our
 racking & warehousing safety experts.
                                                                                  visit the Technical Consulting
                                                                                  page at wsps.ca or call
        NEW   Steel Storage Racks – Technical Awareness
                                                                                  1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777
        NEW   Storage Racking Assessments
        NEW   Storage Racking Program Development

                              26 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
Title                         Description                                                             Delivery | Duration

Confined Space Safety          Find out what you need to know to establish an effective                Public, On-Site
                              confined space program.                                                  1/2 DAY
 NEW Farm Safety              Use these plain-language guides to help you understand the              Print
Starter Kit                   law and your health & safety duties on a farm.

Noise Control & Hearing       Learn about the legal requirements to protect workers from              On-Site
Conservation                  noise and how a hearing conservation program can help.                  1/2 DAY
 NEW Tractor Safety –         Learn about the hazards of tractors and methods of control.             Public, On-Site
Learning the Basics                                                                                   1/2 DAY

                                            Offered with

Confined Spaces:               Learn how to recognize and control confined space hazards,               eCourse
The Basics                    how to work safely in these spaces, and how to plan for                 3 HOURS

  In addition to training, WSPS offers the following
  CONSULTING SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our experts.                                 For more information,
                                                                                             visit wsps.ca or call
        Confined Space Assessments & Program Development                                      1 877 494 (WSPS) 9777
        Noise Level Testing

                                   27 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
to Meet All Your OHS Needs
  We’ve formed strategic partnerships with selected organizations
  to tap into their expertise in specialized areas.

  The result: health and safety solutions that MEET YOUR NEEDS.

  Our partnered solutions include:

     Over 150 eCourses in                Helping you               Self-paced training on      Practical training for working at
French and English plus a data      understand & comply            WHMIS, lockout-tagout       heights & operating lift trucks,
  sheet management service           with CSA standards              & lift truck safety              cranes and more

                                 For more information about partnered offerings,
                                  visit WSPS.CA or call 1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

                                                     For more information on these hands-on
                                                     courses, please visit ihsa.ca/training

        Title                                                                                 Delivery | Duration

        Confined Space Entry         Learn about confined space requirements under              Public & On-Site
                                    the Occupational Health and Safety Act and how            1 DAY
                                    to identify and control confined space hazards.

        Lift Truck Operator         Understand the essential principles involved in           Public & On-Site
                                    the safe operation of a lift truck .                      2 DAYS

                                    28 |   2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
INDEX                                                                                                        MACHINE & ROBOT SAFETY
TRAINING ................................................................................................3
                                                                                                             Lockout/Tagout Safety Essentials ........................................................ 19
CONSULTING .......................................................................................5          Lockout/Tagout: Self-Paced Training Program ............................... 19
                                                                                                             Managing Machine Safety........................................................................ 19
eLEARNING .........................................................................................14        Managing Pre-Start Reviews................................................................... 19
CONFERENCES & EVENTS................................................. 18                                     Managing Robot Safety ............................................................................ 19
                                                                                                             Robot Safety: Decoding & Applying CSA Z434.................................... 19
PARTNERSHIPS .............................................................................. 28               Safeguarding of Machinery: Understanding & Applying
                                                                                                              CSA Z432 .......................................................................................................... 19

                                                                                                             MANAGERS & SUPERVISORS
Health & Safety Solutions                                                                                    Health & Safety for Managers & Supervisors in Ontario .............. 21
CERTIFICATION PARTS ONE, TWO & REFRESHER                                                                     Supervisor Responsibilities & Due Diligence .................................... 21
JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE..............................................7                               The Effective Supervisor: Building Strategies for Success ......... 21
                                                                                                             The Effective Trainer .................................................................................. 21
Construction Projects in Industrial Facilities ..................................... 9                       MENTAL HEALTH
Hiring Outside Contractors ...................................................................... 9          Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) ........................................................... 22
Managing Safety of On-Site Contractors............................................ 9                         Workplace Mental Health:
                                                                                                              How Managers Should Respond .................................................... 22
FALL PREVENTION/WORKING AT HEIGHTS                                                                           Workplace Mental Health Awareness ................................................. 22
Fall Protection: Industrial Applications...............................................10
Ladder Safety/Ladder Safety in Ontario ...........................................10                         MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS & ERGONOMICS
Working at Heights: Construction Applications .............................10                                Building an MSD Prevention Program ................................................ 23
                                                                                                             Conducting Office Ergonomic Assessments ................................... 23
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS                                                                                          Nuts & Bolts of Implementing an MSD Prevention Program..... 23
TDG SOLUTIONS ......................................................................................... 11   Safe Lifting ................................................................................................... 23
WHMIS 2015 SOLUTIONS ....................................................................... 12
                                                                                                             OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
INSPECTIONS, ASSESSMENTS & INVESTIGATIONS                                                                    CSA Z1000 Essentials .............................................................................. 24
Hazard Identification, Assessment and Control .............................. 13                               CSA Z1000 Internal Auditor .................................................................. 24
Inspecting Your Workplace ..................................................................... 13           Management Systems – An Introduction.......................................... 24
Investigating Accidents & Incidents .................................................... 13                  OHSAS 18001 Essentials .......................................................................... 24
Managing Hazards ...................................................................................... 13   OHSAS 18001 Internal Auditor .............................................................. 24
The Effective Investigator: A Practical Case Study ....................... 13
                                                                                                             POWERED EQUIPMENT
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS – FEDERAL                                                                                 SAFE-Lift on DVD ...................................................................................... 25
(CANADA LABOUR CODE, PART II)                                                                                SAFE-TECH TRAINING SOLUTIONS .................................................. 25
CLC Part II for Health & Safety Committees
                                                                                                             RACKING & WAREHOUSING
 and Representatives ............................................................................ 16
                                                                                                             Certification Part Two: Warehousing & Distribution..................... 26
CLC Part II for Managers .......................................................................... 16
                                                                                                             Inspecting & Maintaining Steel Storage Racks ............................... 26
Conducting Office Ergonomic Assessments .................................... 16
Federal Policy, Work Place Committees                                                                        VARIOUS OTHER HAZARDS & TOPICS
 and Representatives ............................................................................ 16        Confined Space Safety ............................................................................ 27
Hazardous Occurrence Investigations ................................................ 16                      Confined Spaces: The Basics ................................................................. 27
Inspecting Your Work Place .................................................................... 16           Farm Safety Starter Kit ............................................................................ 27
Managing Hazards ...................................................................................... 16   Noise Control & Hearing Conservation .............................................. 27
                                                                                                             Tractor Safety – Learning the Basics .................................................. 27
Safety, Health & the Law ............................................................................ 17

                                                                29 |     2018 CatalogueWSPS.CA1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
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   to the needs of Ontario workplaces is unwavering.

   Our passion to provide effective health and safety
   solutions is unparalleled.

   Contact us today!
   1 877 494 WSPS (9777)


                                                                                     5110 Creekbank Road
                                                                                     Mississauga, ON L4W 0A1
                                                                                     1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
                                                                                     T   905 614 1400 |   F   905 614 1414
                                                                                     E   customercare@wsps.ca

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