2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber

Page created by Jason Douglas
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
                     Businesses Drive
                     Cities that Thrive
                     January 2019

calgarychamber.com                  #podiumofrecord
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
Executive summary
                                                             Vibrant Commerce, Vibrant Communities

Businesses drive cities that thrive                                                                                                                     Business friendly policies are                        1. Create stability through fiscal
                                                                                                                                                        key to building community                             responsibility
Executive summary........................................................................................................................... 2          vibrancy
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Alberta government’s use of royalty revenue
                                                                                                                                                        Plastered along the sides of rink boards across       has created fiscal policies that are not sustainable.
                                                                                                                                                        any local prairie hockey arena is clear evidence      Successive governments failed to put forward
1.     Creating stability through fiscal responsibility.........................................................................8                       of the importance of commerce to community            a long-term path towards fiscal stability. This
                                                                                                                                                        vibrancy. Whether it is big business sponsorship      has resulted in multiple credit downgrades,
2.     Drive productivity through regulatory and tax reform...........................................................12                                in NHL arenas or small business support of a local    accumulating debt and expensive debt servicing.
                                                                                                                                                        novice team, business is at the centre of healthy     Rising debt and deficits lower investor confidence
       Regulatory reform....................................................................................................................12
                                                                                                                                                        communities.                                          and expose businesses and taxpayers to the risk
       Tax reform................................................................................................................................15                                                           governments will raise taxes to generate revenue.
                                                                                                                                                        We create jobs, pay taxes, invest in the province     To stabilize the fiscal situation, the next provincial
3.     Support growth through internal trade and access to markets.............................................. 18                                     and give back to our communities. As businesses       government must lay-out a long-term fiscal action
                                                                                                                                                        prosper so do communities and households. Much        plan for the province.
       Internal trade........................................................................................................................... 18
                                                                                                                                                        of the reason this relationship between commerce
                                                                                                                                                        and community has worked especially well in           Recommendations:
       Market access..........................................................................................................................20
                                                                                                                                                        Alberta is because historically governments largely   1. Commit to the following principles to create
4.     Increase certainty through good governance and accountability.......................................... 22                                       provided the conditions to enable business risks to      stability and accountability in Alberta’s fiscal
                                                                                                                                                        be rewarded.                                             management:
       Rule of Law..............................................................................................................................22
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a. Balance operating budgets
       Consultations and stable policy environment........................................................................ 23                           However, due to actions of successive governments,
                                                                                                                                                        business competitiveness has eroded, and investors         b. Develop long-term budget plans
       Climate change........................................................................................................................23         see Alberta as too risky. This must change. In             c. Commit to annual spending growth limits
                                                                                                                                                        our 2019 Provincial Election Policy Platform, the
5.     Prepare for the future by developing and retaining a skilled workforce................................ 26                                        Calgary Chamber has identified five key areas the          d. Benchmark service delivery
                                                                                                                                                        next provincial government must address to build a         e. Reduce reliance on resource revenues.
       Skills gap..................................................................................................................................26
                                                                                                                                                        better business environment because businesses                Instead use royalties to grow Alberta’s
Summary of recommendations.......................................................................................................28                     drive cities that thrive.                                     savings

Endnotes......................................................................................................................................... 30

         2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                                                           2019 Alberta Election:
  1      Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                                                    Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive    2
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
2. Drive productivity through                            Additionally, the inability to move major energy
                                                         projects to market has resulted in extreme measures
regulatory and tax reform                                from governments to nationalize midstream energy
The regulatory environment has become a challenge        infrastructure and intervene in free markets. These
for businesses in Alberta. Inefficient regulations       cause uncertainty and cost the Alberta government
impact Alberta businesses’ ability to get things done    billions of dollars in expenditures and potential tax
and create employment. Alberta’s corporate income        revenue.
tax rate is no longer among the most competitive
in Canada, and we are becoming less competitive          Recommendations:
globally. Together, these issues are hurting Alberta’s   4. Take a leadership role and champion
investment climate.                                         interprovincial free trade. This includes leading
                                                            by example to eliminate trade and labour
Recommendations:                                            barriers within its control and working within
2. Implement “layered cost” economic impact                 the framework of the Canadian Free Trade
   assessments on provincial policy initiatives which       Agreement (CFTA) to increase trade and remove
   also considers overlap, duplication and additional       non-tariff barriers.
   regulatory burden from all levels of government.
                                                         5. Continue to communicate the national
                                                                                                                  Recommendations:                                          Recommendations:
   As part of the regulatory review process the                                                                                                                             9. Work with industry to identify and address skills
                                                            importance of Alberta’s resources while working        6. Respect the rule of law and honour contracts
   government should also look to reduce the overall                                                                                                                           gaps that currently exist. This should include:
                                                            with the federal government to facilitate private         that have been signed and increase business
   regulatory burden by removing two regulations
                                                            development of export infrastructure that moves           confidence in the process.
   for every new one that is added on business.                                                                                                                                 a. Eliminating unnecessary barriers to access
                                                            Alberta’s products to new and diverse markets.         7. Provide reasonable time for consultation before
                                                                                                                                                                                   and promote the availability of job training
3. Initiate a comprehensive review of Alberta’s                                                                       implementing new policies, with appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                                   programs like the Canada-Alberta Job Grant
   corporate tax system within the first year of                                                                      implementation timeframes for businesses and
                                                                                                                                                                                   and the Summer Temporary Employment
   forming government. This should include:              4. Increase certainty through good                           the marketplace to adjust.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Programs to help workers develop the
                                                                                                                   8. Ensure climate policy promotes business
     a. Reducing the corporate tax rate.                 governance and accountability                                                                                             skills needed to increase productivity in the
                                                                                                                      competitiveness while also working to support
                                                         We have seen provincial governments create                                                                                workforce.
     b. Broadening and streamlining the Alberta                                                                       innovative technologies and helping to achieve
                                                         uncertainty when they do not honour agreements or                                                                      b. Facilitating accountable partnerships
        Investor Tax Credit to include all sectors and                                                                our environmental objectives.
                                                         comply with contracts. We have also seen all levels                                                                       between business and post-secondary
        making it a permanent part of the tax code.
                                                         of government layer costs on business through                                                                             institutions to ensure that we are teaching the
                                                         policy development and a lack of consultation when       5. Prepare for the future by                                     right skills to the workforce of the future.

3. Support growth through internal                       considering legislative changes. If we want to attract   developing and retaining a skilled
trade and access to markets
                                                         significant and long-term business investments, it is    workforce
                                                         crucial for governments to make it clear to business
Policymakers must continue to promote                    that contracts and agreements will be followed.          There is a mismatch between the skills being
international cooperation and seek new markets for       Further, sound environmental policies must support       obtained by our workforce and the skills needed by
Canadian businesses abroad. The next government          business competitiveness and innovation.                 business. Alberta businesses are struggling to find
will have its greatest influence addressing the                                                                   the right people, with the right skills, that they need
many barriers deterring trade at home. Along with                                                                 to grow. Ironically, this is occurring at a time when
internal trade barriers, a lack of market access                                                                  Calgary’s unemployment rate is among the highest
across many sectors has limited Alberta businesses                                                                in Canada. There are also barriers limiting Alberta’s
from getting their products to foreign markets.                                                                   ability to develop and attract skilled workers, then
                                                                                                                  subsequently retain the talent once it has been

                                                                                              Executive Summary   Executive Summary
     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                            2019 Alberta Election:
3    Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                     Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   4
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
Introduction                                         Our frontier spirit has helped dreamers,
                                                                                               scientists and entrepreneurs build an economy
                                                                                               on a winning formula of ingenuity, hard work,
                                          Business friendly policies are key to                self-reliance, independence and dogged persistence
                                          building community vibrancy                          to solve any challenge in our way. Whether it
                                                                                               was settlers who worked the hard soil and battled
                                          Plastered along the side of rink boards across
                                                                                               the elements to build a world-class agriculture
                                          any local prairie hockey arena is clear evidence
                                                                                               industry or the technology and innovation that went
                                          of the importance of commerce to community
                                                                                               into turning sand into the third largest oil reserves
                                          vibrancy. Whether it is big business sponsorship
                                                                                               in the world, Alberta risk takers have always
                                          in NHL arenas or small business support of a local
                                                                                               defied the odds.   
                                          novice team, business is at the centre of healthy
                                                                                               The formula worked well because governments
                                                                                               largely provided the conditions to enable business
                                          We create jobs, pay taxes, invest in the province
                                                                                               success. We were a stable place to invest because
                                          and give back to our communities. As businesses
                                                                                               of strong provincial finances, low taxes and
                                          prosper so do communities and households. Much
                                                                                               a reliable regulatory system. The revenue
                                          of the reason this relationship between commerce
                                                                                               generated by healthy businesses helped pay
                                          and community has worked especially well in
                                                                                               for the schools, health care, and infrastructure
                                          this province is because Alberta has always
                                                                                               to attract talent. We enjoyed a competitive
                                          encouraged and rewarded business risk.
                                                                                               advantage for investors because of reputable public
                                                                                               institutions and a stable legal system to enforce the
                                              “Much of the reason this relationship            rule of law.   
                                            between commerce and community has
                                                 worked especially well in this
                                            province is because Alberta has always
                                           encouraged and rewarded business risk.”

    2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                 2019 Alberta Election:
5   Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                          Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   6
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
                                                                                                                                Creating stability through
                                                                                                                                fiscal responsibility

                                                                                                                  Alberta’s access to and reliance on revenue from          “Furthermore, successive governments
                                                                                                                  royalties has created fiscal policies that are not
                                                                                                                                                                            have not put forward a long-term path
                                                                                                                  sustainable. Excessive spending during high
                                                                                                                  growth periods have set expectations that are            towards fiscal stability that can weather
                                                                                                                  not sustainable when the Alberta economy is not             the resource royalty rollercoaster.”
                                                                                                                  globally competitive. The debt government is taking
                                                                                                                  on also risks creating a household debt burden         This has resulted in multiple credit downgrades,
Due to the actions of successive governments, many       We have also seen policy changes that occurred           for families robbed of opportunities and jobs          accumulating debt and expensive debt servicing.
advantages Alberta businesses and communities            without meaningful business consultation having          that disappear when economic conditions don’t          As a result, billions of dollars that could go into
have come to appreciate have been eroded. A lack of      unintended consequences and are layering growing         foster business competitiveness. If continued, our     savings for future generations or into community
long-term fiscal management has resulted in credit       costs on business. Taken together, these have all        ability to save for the future and sustainably fund    vibrancy are instead going just to pay interest on
downgrades, diminished provincial savings, and           reduced the certainty and confidence among the           the social programs and community initiatives          growing debt. To stabilize the fiscal situation and
led to uncertainty over future tax increases and new     business community to take risks.                        that households rely on for their wellbeing will be    prevent future downgrades, the next provincial
tax measures. Meanwhile, other jurisdictions are                                                                  compromised by the burden of rocketing interest        government must lay-out a long-term fiscal plan for
improving their tax competitiveness and putting our      To grow Alberta’s economy, we need the next              payments on a rapidly-increasing debt load.            the province. In this plan the government should
ability to attract investment, business and skilled      provincial government to build a better business                                                                look to address areas where services aren’t being
people at risk.                                          environment. Our platform identifies five areas the      Total government spending is forecasted to rise        delivered efficiently by benchmarking Alberta with
                                                         government must address to build a better business       above inflation plus population growth in upcoming     other provinces in Canada.
                                                         environment because businesses drive cities              years. According to Budget 2018, spending will rise
      “Due to the actions of successive
                                                         that thrive.                                             at a rate of 3.7% per year between 2015 and 2019.1
       governments, many advantages                                                                               Had spending increased in line with inflation plus        “As a result, billions of dollars that could
     Alberta businesses and communities                                                                           population growth from 2015 onwards, Alberta              go into savings for future generations or
       have come to appreciate have                                                                               would be spending roughly $2 billion less by the        into community vibrancy are instead going
               been eroded.”                                                                                      end of 2019, and the deficit that year would be 30%        just to pay interest on growing debt.”

A lack of market access is costing tens of millions                                                                                                                      By following the five principles of fiscal
                                                                                                                  Furthermore, successive governments have not put
a day because we cannot get access to global prices                                                                                                                      responsibility that the Chamber has laid out,
                                                                                                                  forward a long-term path towards fiscal stability
for our products. We are seeing changes in the                                                                                                                           the Alberta Government can demonstrate stable
                                                                                                                  that can weather the resource royalty rollercoaster.
regulatory environment that are putting the future                                                                                                                       fiscal management conducive for business and
of major projects being built in our province at risk.                                                                                                                   investment growth. We can no longer spend our way
Increasing policy costs from all levels of government                                                                                                                    to economic stability. Investor confidence must be
are also putting the future of our small businesses                                                                                                                      restored to enhance global competitiveness.
in jeopardy.   

     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                         2019 Alberta Election:
7    Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                  Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   8
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
Five Principles of fiscal                                Limitation on annual spending                               Other jurisdictions, such as British Columbia have        Benchmark service delivery
                                                                                                                     been successful in reducing spending and staying
responsibilty                                            growth                                                      within these limits by enacting Tax and Expenditure       Despite some of the highest levels of operational
                                                         Between 2004 and 2015, Alberta’s program                    Limitations (TELs), which place legislative limits on     spending in Canada, Albertans do not see the
Balanced operating budgets                               spending increased by an average rate of 7.2%               government spending growth. Enacting TELs would           highest performance results in critical areas of
                                                         per year,5 nearly twice the combined rate of                be a good first step in showing Albertans that their      public service delivery, including education and
Balancing the budget should be a top priority
                                                         inflation plus population growth. During this               government is committed to fiscal responsibility,         health care. In fact, Alberta spends $3,175 per
for the government. A balanced budget signals
                                                         period, program spending in Alberta doubled,                supports competitiveness, and offers a stable             person more than the average per person spending
that the province is a stable place for investment,
                                                         growing from $24 billion to $48 billion. In                 investment environment.10                                 of comparable provinces. If Alberta were to develop
as continued deficits add to the uncertainty
                                                         contrast, had program spending been increased                                                                         a plan to benchmark per person spending to levels
about future tax increases to service and repay
                                                         in line with inflation plus population growth over                                                                    to just half closer to the average of Canada’s largest
government debt. Balanced operating budgets must                                                                     Limitations on spending will also provide larger
                                                         this period, spending would have amounted to $39                                                                      provinces, the Alberta Government would save $6.6
be a requirement with limited allowances for deficits                                                                incentives for departments to critically review where
                                                         billion in 2015, $9 billion less than actual spending.6                                                               billion annually.12
to finance defined capital expenditures.                                                                             they decide to spend money and allocate resources
                                                                                                                     more efficiently, as any spending increase on any
                                                         While the current Alberta Government inherited              one program will limit the amount of available funds      The OECD’s Programme for International
                                                         a difficult fiscal situation, they have continued the                                                                 Student Assessment Study (PISA) identifies that
Long-term budget planning                                                                                            to spend on other programs.
                                                                                                                                                                               Alberta spends more on education than any
                                                         trend of greater spending. Between 2015 and 2018,
One of the most significant issues facing Alberta        operating spending in Alberta has increased by                                                                        other province, yet students are behind in the
                                                                                                                     Addressing spending growth by finding efficiencies
is our lack of long-term reporting on our public         roughly 15%.7                                                                                                         areas of math, reading and science. The math
                                                                                                                     in public service delivery is a significant concern for
finances. Without a long-term-outlook, a                                                                                                                                       skills of Alberta’s students declined significantly
                                                                                                                     Calgary’s business community. In fact, spending
government cannot show whether decisions made                                                                                                                                  over the same 10-year period13 that per-capita
                                                         Total government spending is also forecasted to rise        cuts and savings in public service delivery was
today are likely to be sustainable in the long run.                                                                                                                            education expenditures rose by over 30 per cent
                                                         above inflation plus population growth in upcoming          indicated in the Chamber’s Spring 2018 Business
This requires Albertans to accept on faith that                                                                                                                                (2003- 2012).14 Similarly, in health care, we trail
                                                         years. According to Budget 2018, spending will rise         Leader Market Perceptions survey as the second-
we can carry on borrowing indefinitely, or that                                                                                                                                many of our provincial counterparts on important
                                                         at a rate of 3.7% per year between 2015 and 2019.8          best way government can better support business –
government has an acceptable plan to increase                                                                                                                                  metrics of service delivery, treatment, and
                                                         This surpasses the 3.0% inflation plus population           falling just behind reducing corporate income taxes.
revenues or reduce expenses.3 A 2018 Auditor                                                                                                                                   wellness outcomes including overall health system
                                                         growth projected over this same period.9                    And as illustrated in Table 1, Alberta can achieve
General of Alberta report found that no government                                                                                                                             resources and the perceived quality of primary
                                                                                                                     large cost-savings without removing necessary
in Alberta has reported about Alberta’s financial                                                                                                                              care, despite spending more per patient.
                                                                                                                     public services by bringing spending levels in line
condition in the long-term, and that in every year          “While the current Alberta Government                    with other comparable provinces.
since 1981 the province would have run a deficit if                                                                                                                            The province should define our competitive peer
                                                            inherited a difficult fiscal situation, they
oil and gas revenues were excluded.4                                                                                                                                           groups and establish funding associated with
                                                              have continued the trend of greater
                                                                                                                                                                               comparable peer funding to achieve specific
                                                            spending. Between 2015 and 2018,                         Table 1: Per person spending by Canada’s
In recent years, the lack of long-term planning has                                                                                                                            target outcomes. Alberta should allocate future
resulted in multiple credit downgrades. This has              operating spending in Alberta has                                  largest provinces11                           funding in accordance with progress against a
made it more expensive to service the provincial                  increased by roughly 15%.”                                  Alberta         BC       Ontario     Quebec      defined plan to achieve specific, measurable
debt, and has reduced certainty for business                                                                         2017     $12,409       $9,887     $9,163      $8,651      performance outcomes in defined areas of public
investment. Turning the current budget around                                                                                                                                  service delivery. The Chamber believes that a more
                                                         To ensure necessary services can continue to                2018     $12,555       $9,856     $9,254      $8,872
while dealing with an ageing population, increasing                                                                                                                            performance-driven compensation structure for
                                                         be provided, while guarding against inefficient             2019     $12,580       $9,893     $9,390       N/A
debt levels, and continued volatile resource                                                                                                                                   public-sector employees should be a tactic that
                                                         program delivery and greater debt, the Alberta
royalties, will take time. However, it is crucial that                                                                                                                         is considered to accelerate the achievement of
                                                         government must make a long-term commitment
the provincial government provide a long-term plan                                                                                                                             this goal.
                                                         to limit spending increases below the combined
so that Albertans can be given an understanding of
                                                         rates of inflation plus population growth.
the state of our public finances.

                                                                                                              1      1
                                                                                    Creating stability through           Creating stability through
                                                                                          fiscal responsibility          fiscal responsibility
     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                                2019 Alberta Election:
9    Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                         Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   10
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
                                                                                                                                  Drive productivity through
Required activities that are funded by the provincial     As part of a commitment to reduce reliance on oil
government should perform in accordance with              and gas royalties, and invest in future generations
                                                                                                                                  regulatory and tax reform
established benchmarks, ones that are comparable          of Albertans, the next provincial government needs
and easily measured against competitive                   to put forward a plan to limit transfers from the
jurisdictions. Alberta should neither over nor under-     Heritage Fund to the General Revenue Fund to
spend to achieve comparable results to its peer           cover operating expenses and begin assigning a
jurisdictions.                                            portion of annual energy royalties back to the Fund.

                                                                                                                   Healthy businesses create bustling communities            In 2018, Alberta companies are dealing with the
Reduce budgetary reliance on
                                                                             Recommendation 1:                     and households. Families enjoy going to the local         introduction of carbon pricing, methane and clean
non-renewable resource revenue,                                                                                    ice cream shop or out for a nice dinner at a local        fuels standards, minimum wage increses, costly
instead use royalties to grow                                                                                      restaurant, and many enjoy meeting up with friends        changes to labour laws, the phase out of coal-fired
Alberta’s savings                                         Commit to the following principles to create stability   at the local pub. These are all experiences that          generation, a limit on oil sands emissions, along
                                                          and accountability in Alberta’s fiscal management:       are created by local businesses. Historically there       with delays and uncertain approval timelines for
Alberta is unique among its peers in that we require
                                                            a. Balance operating budgets                           has been no shortage of entrepreneurs looking to          major projects and pipelines.
a conversation about savings accounts when
                                                            b. Develop long-term budget plans                      start and grow businesses that build communities,
discussing fiscal responsibility.
                                                            c. Commit to annual spending growth limits             however in recent years we have unfortunately seen        One specific issue area hampering the development
                                                            d. Benchmark service delivery                          businesses closing their doors because they can’t         of large hydrocarbon projects is the cost associated
Most Alberta governments have talked about getting                                                                 weather the growing regulatory and tax burden that
                                                            e. Reduce reliance on resource revenues, instead                                                                 with preparing an application and gaining approval
off the “energy roller coaster” that has ruled the                                                                 has been layered upon them. This creates holes in
                                                            use royalties to grow Alberta’s savings                                                                          with the Alberta Energy Regulator. According to a
budgeting process in the province. However, very                                                                   communities, not just in a physical sense from empty      WorleyParsons survey, the costs associated with the
few have taken meaningful steps to achieve this                                                                    storefronts, but also through experiences that families   application and approval process is $2 million or
objective. A good first step in this process would be a                                                            miss out on. It is imperative that the next provincial    more in Alberta. In comparative jurisdictions such
commitment to transfer a portion of energy royalties                                                               government improve the business environment               as Norway, the UK, and North Dakota these costs
to the Heritage Fund.                                                                                              so that those businesses can, in turn, help build         can be as much as $1.6 million lower.17
                                                                                                                   communities across Alberta.
The Heritage Fund is Alberta’s main long-term
                                                                                                                                                                             The regulatory issues facing Alberta businesses
savings fund; no other province has such a fund.
The fund was established in 1976 to collect a portion                                                              Regulatory reform                                         are not limited to the energy sector. The time
                                                                                                                                                                             required to construct infrastructure, build new
of Alberta’s non-renewable resource revenue for                                                                    The regulatory environment has become a challenge         facilities, and expand production and grow sites
future generations. Currently the Heritage Fund is                                                                 for many businesses in Alberta. Canada’s regulatory       have all increased. According to an OECD survey
required to retain a portion of the savings to guard                                                               system impacts Alberta businesses’ ability to             of 190 countries, Canada ranks 54th in dealing
against inflation, with the remaining income being                                                                 get things done. While Canada’s overall ranking           with construction permits and 46th in trade across
transferred to the Alberta Government’s General                                                                    in the World Economic Forum’s 2018 Global                 borders.18 Increasing regulatory burdens, concerns
Revenue Fund. In 2017-18, the Heritage Fund                                                                        Competitiveness report is a respectable 12th of 140       over regulatory duplication, and uncertainty around
earned $1.79 billion in net income, $230 million                                                                   countries, Canada has room for improvement in the         environmental regulations are also areas that have
of which was retained in the Fund for inflation                                                                    sub-ranking of burden from government regulation,         been identified as being a deterrent to investment.
proofing and $1.56 billion was transferred to the                                                                  ranking 53rd.15 Reports from the OECD show similar        Between 2015 and 2016, the province saw drops in
General Revenue Fund.                                                                                              concerns. According to a survey of global business        investment in accommodation and food services,
                                                                                                                   leaders, the single most problematic factor for doing     manufacturing, oil and gas services and oil and gas
                                                                                                                   business in Canada is “inefficient bureaucracy.”16        extraction.19

                                                                                    Creating stability through
                                                                                          fiscal responsibility
     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                             2019 Alberta Election:
11 Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                        Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   12
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
“Between 2015 and 2016 the                         Looking at B.C. we can see that between 1994 and       At the provincial level, Alberta businesses are          to 50 policy and regulatory initiatives currently
                                                        2001 (prior to their regulatory reform initiative)     facing many changes that will increase the cost          being considered by the federal and provincial
   province saw drops in investment in                  economic growth was 1.9% below the Canadian            of labour. Alberta’s minimum wage has gone up            governments that could undermine investor
   accommodation and food services,                     average. Following the regulatory reform               47% in just three years. Compared to 2016, the           confidence in Canada’s energy sector.
  manufacturing, oil and gas services and               initiative in 2001, economic growth in B.C. was        median cost increase that an impacted Calgary
         oil and gas extraction.”                       1.1% above the Canadian average between 2002
                                                                                                               restaurant and hospitality business surveyed in
                                                        and 2006. Similarly, B.C.’s real GDP growth was
                                                                                                               Chamber’s layered cost assessment will face due to                          Recommendation 2:
                                                        lower than Canada’s in six of nine years between
Alberta businesses have also seen increasing                                                                   the minimum wage is $51,720.
                                                        1992 and 2000 but grew faster than Canada’s
regulatory burdens from recent labour reforms.          every year between 2002 and 2008.21 While there
Recently, the Alberta Government has made               are likely a variety of factors that contributed       Alberta businesses will also be impacted by the          Implement “layered cost” economic impact
changes to the employment standards and labour          to the economic changes in B.C., a dedicated           province’s newly legislated Bill 17: The Fair and        assessments on provincial policy initiatives which
relations code, the rules governing occupational        focus on improving the regulatory system clearly       Family-friendly Workplaces Act, which changed            also considers overlap, duplication and additional
health and safety, along with workers compensation.     played a part.                                         the Employment Standards and Labour Relations            regulatory burden from all levels of government.
Taken together, these changes have increased                                                                   Code. Taken together, these rules govern most of the     As part of the regulatory review process the
financial costs for business, added administrative                                                             employer-employee relationship.                          government should also look to reduce the overall
burdens – especially on small businesses – and          Layered costs of government policies                                                                            regulatory burden by removing two regulations for
were implemented without adequate business                                                                     The issue with the changes to the Employment             every new one that is added on business.
                                                        Over the past several years government policies
consultation and input.                                 have been making it harder for business to             Standards Code (ESC) and the Labour Relations
                                                        succeed. This is a problem that all levels of          Code (LRC) is not only that they will increase costs
We have seen other governments in Canada                government need to address. It is crucial that as      for business, but also the lack of consultation with
undertake regulatory reform to reduce the burden        the next provincial government develops policy,        the business community as they were developed. In
on business and help foster economic growth. In         they not only consider the impact that policy          Ontario, the government spent two years reviewing
2017, Manitoba brought in legislation requiring         changes at the provincial level will have, but also    their workplace legislation. In Alberta, there was a
one regulation to be removed for every new one          the cumulative effect changes from the federal         36-day consultation period.
that is added on business. They then added a            and municipal governments will have as well.
stronger two for one version of this policy until                                                              Alberta businesses are also facing greater costs
2021. In addition, the legislation requires that the    In recent years a myriad of policies, from all three   from energy regulations. The carbon levy is one of
effectiveness of regulations be evaluated within        levels of government, have layered costs on the
                                                                                                               these policies that are increasing costs for business.
three years after their coming into force.20 In         business community. By making it harder to run
                                                                                                               The median cost increase for impacted restaurants
2001, the B.C. government committed to reducing         a business this “layered cost impact” is resulting
                                                                                                               and hospitality businesses surveyed in the Calgary
                                                        in fewer job opportunities, higher prices,
one-third of the regulatory burden in just three                                                               Chamber’s layered cost assessment due to the
                                                        and is discouraging investment. It is reducing the
years. This commitment was surpassed in 2004                                                                   carbon levy in 2018 is $36,408.
                                                        ability of current businesses to expand and new
with a reduction of over 40%. In 2004, the B.C.
                                                        businesses to start-up. By making it harder to
Government also introduced a regulatory cap,
                                                        run a business, especially during tough economic       The layering of regulatory costs has been a key
“Net Zero Increase” commitment, to ensure the           times, these costs have contributed to the             factor that has deterred large capital investments,
regulatory burden does not increase.                    permanent closing of Alberta businesses.               especially in Alberta’s energy sector. There are up

When looking at the process of how to achieve
regulatory reform, it is also important to understand
                                                           “...this “layered cost impact” is resulting
the benefits of an efficient regulatory system.           in fewer job opportunities, higher prices,
                                                                and is discouraging investment.”

                                                                                                          2    2
                                                                                 Drive productivity through        Drive productivity through
                                                                                 regulatory and tax reform         regulatory and tax reform
     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                         2019 Alberta Election:
13 Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                    Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   14
2019 Alberta Election Platform - Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive January 2019 - Calgary Chamber
Tax reform                                                            With pro-business reforms being made in the U.S.          Higher tax burdens on business not only slow the          significantly limited in the type of investments that
                                                                      and around the world, it is crucial for the next          pace of economic investment and wage growth, they         are eligible for the tax credit, and is only funded
Alberta’s tax advantage has been declining in recent                  provincial government to ensure that reforming            can have negative impacts on the necessary public         until 2022. Expanding the scope to all sectors and
years.                                                                Alberta’s business tax system is a top priority.          services Albertans demand. Estimates suggest              making the AITC a permanent part of the tax code in
                                                                      Making our tax system more competitive will               that for Canada as a whole, a one percentage point        Alberta would be a significant way the Government
As Figure 1 shows below, Alberta’s corporate income                   encourage economic and business activity, improve         increase in the provincial corporate income tax           can reduce tax burdens and encourage investment.
tax rate is no longer among the most competitive in                   lagging business investment, foster competitiveness,      rate results in a reduction in the business tax base      The Chamber has also heard that applying for the
Canada, or among energy producing U.S. states. Not                    and increase the tax base.                                by 3.67% in the short term, and 13.60% over the           program can be complex and we suggest the next
only has our competitive advantage been impacted                                                                                longer term. This suggests that a jurisdiction’s          provincial government streamline the application
by tax decisions made at the provincial and state                                                                               business tax burden can impact tax revenues, with         process.
                                                                      Taxes have a large effect on the overall level of
levels in North America, it is also impacted by                                                                                 slight increases in the corporate tax rate resulting in
                                                                      business and economic activity. A Canadian federal
national-level tax reforms made around the world.                                                                               reductions in the tax base.27
                                                                      department of finance study analyzed tax cuts
    Figure 1: Corporate Income Taxes in                               between 2000 and 2004, finding that each 10%                                                                        Capital Investment Tax Credit (CITC)
                                                                      reduction in the after-tax cost of capital lead to a 7%
      Canada and U.S. Energy States                                   increase in the amount of capital.23
                                                                                                                                 “Higher tax burdens on business not only                 The Alberta government has also introduced
                                                                                                                                  slow the pace of economic investment                    the Capital Investment Tax Credit (CITC) which
  Nova Scotia                                                                                                                                                                             provides a tax credit on 10% of eligible capital
                                                                      Like overall economic activity, an uncompetitive tax           and wage growth, they can have
          PEI                                                                                                                                                                             expenditures, up to $5 million. Like the current
                                                                      system discourages business investment, whereas            negative impacts on the necessary public                 AITC, the CITC is only eligible for certain business
                                                                      having a competitive tax system is one of the main               services Albertans demand.”                        sectors – manufacturing, processing, and tourism
                                                                      factors that attracts investment. In 2017, non-                                                                     infrastructure – and is applied on the purchase of
                                                                      residential capital investment in Alberta fell by 6%,                                                               machinery, equipment, and buildings. The program
New Brunswick                                                                                                                   Reducing the general corporate income tax rate
                                                                      with spending on machinery and equipment falling                                                                    guidelines specifically outline ineligible activities
      Alberta                                                                                                                   would be a good first step to improving Alberta’s tax
                                                                      nearly 10%.                                                                                                         including farming, construction, petroleum and
          BC                                                                                                                    competitiveness. The next Alberta Government also
                                                                                                                                                                                          natural gas extraction, energy generation, along
    Manitoba                                                                                                                    has other policy options to further reduce business
                                                                      Wage and productivity growth are other positive                                                                     with others.29 By removing the ineligible business
                                                                      outcomes that can be achieved by improving                tax burdens and ignite the province’s businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                          activity guidelines, while keeping other program
                                                                      Alberta’s global tax competitiveness. While there is      competitiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                                          requirements in tact, the Alberta government
      Quebec                                                          a perception that business taxes are paid exclusively                                                               can significantly reduce tax burdens on capital
      Ontario                                                         by corporations and shareholders, onerous business                                                                  investments and allow market forces to encourage
     Colorado                                                         taxes also harm employees. Estimates suggest that         Alberta Investor Tax Credit (AITC)                        business decisions.
 North Dakota                                                         workers bear between 30% and 35% of the burden            One of the mechanisms the government can use to
 Alberta 2014                                                         of corporate income tax increases.24                      lower tax burdens is the Alberta Investor Tax Credit
        Texas                                                                                                                   (AITC). With help from the Calgary Chamber, the                              Recommendation 3:
    Wyoming                                                           Between 1981 and 2014, for each additional dollar         Alberta Government introduced the AITC in 2016 to
                0%     5%    10%    15%   20%   25%   30%       35%   of tax revenue brought by an increase in provincial       help smaller Alberta businesses access capital. The
                     Combined Provicial/State and Federal CIT         corporate tax rates, wages were reduced between           AITC is a 30% tax credit to investors who provide         Initiate a comprehensive review of Alberta’s
                                                                      $1.52 and $3.85.25 When the federal government            capital to Alberta small businesses (no more than         corporate tax system within the first year of forming
  Sources: Tax Foundation, “State Corporate Income Tax                reduced their corporate income tax rate from 28%          100 employees) doing research, development or             government, this should include:
   Rates and Brackets For 201822; PwC, “Tax Facts and                 to 12%, wages increased faster than they had in the       commercialization of new technology, are within             a. Reducing the corporate tax rate.
                 Figures Canada 2018”.                                previous decade, and faster than wages in other           the tourism sector, or are in new digital media             b. Broadening and streamlining the Alberta
                                                                      industrialized countries.26                               development.28 While, the AITC has helped reduce            Investor Tax Credit to include all sectors and
                                                                                                                                the tax burden on business investments, it is               making it a permanent part of the tax code.

                                                                                                                         2      2
                                                                                                Drive productivity through          Drive productivity through
                                                                                                regulatory and tax reform           regulatory and tax reform
      2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                                         2019 Alberta Election:
15 Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                                     Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   16
                                                       Support growth through internal
                                                       trade and access to markets

                                         Trade within Canada and access to international          Internal trade
                                         markets are crucial to business growth. But it
                                         goes beyond simply wanting to grow a business in         As a city with a relatively small market, many
                                         Alberta. Decisions made by Canadian governments          businesses must sell outside of Calgary and Alberta
                                         to create barriers to internal trade are estimated       to be successful.
                                         to be costing every household across the country
                                         $7,500 per year.30                                       Given our reliance on external markets, there is no
                                                                                                  wonder that calls for protectionism across the globe
                                                                                                  are becoming very concerning. While policymakers
                                                “Decisions made by Canadian                       should continue to promote international
                                           governments to create barriers to internal             cooperation and seek new markets for Canadian
                                            trade are estimated to be costing every               businesses abroad, international trade issues often
                                                 household across the country                     lie outside Alberta’s influence.

                                                      $7,500 per year.”
                                                                                                  We can, however, address the many barriers
                                                                                                  deterring trade at home. While the Canadian
                                         For a family that could be a couple months worth         Constitution prohibits provinces from imposing
                                         of mortgage payments or helping children out             tariffs on goods sold within Canada,31 provinces
                                         with tuition. Sadly this cost is a direct result of      have been able to implement regulations that
                                         governments across Canada choosing to make it            significantly increase the cost of internal trade.
                                         harder to do business. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop    In fact, economists suggest that an open and free
                                         there. In Alberta our inability to get our products to   Canadian market would benefit Canadians by up to
                                         market has resulted in the loss of tens of thousands     $130 billion per year.
                                         of jobs. For families that have been impacted this
                                         can mean cutting back on activities for children,        Unfortunately, in 2018 we saw a Supreme Court
                                         or worse losing the family home. Compounded,             of Canada (SCC) decision that granted provincial
                                         these two issues have had a dramatic impact on           governments significant leeway to restrict trade
                                         households in Alberta in recent years.                   within Canada in the “Comeau Case.” Under
                                                                                                  the SCC decision, a provincial government can
                                                                                                  avoid violating section 121 of the Constitution by
                                          “In Alberta our inability to get our products           illustrating that their law is “rationally connected”
                                          to market has resulted in the loss of tens of           to some other purpose, such as protecting public
                                                      thousands of jobs.”                         health or the environment.

     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                   2019 Alberta Election:
17 Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                              Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   18
As we saw in the “Comeau Case” rules around              These were the same provisions in the last                 One of the barriers that limit a business’ ability to   to the United States. Making Canada’s personal
transporting alcohol across provincial borders are       agreement, the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT),          attract talent from across Canada is compulsory         income tax more competitive would decrease
excellent examples of the types of non-tariff barriers   that allowed provincial governments to erect the           provincial certification for tradespeople. Alberta      this outward flow to the U.S. while increasing
that exist in Canada. With strict limits imposed on      current regulatory barriers. While the AIT had limits      currently requires compulsory certification in          interprovincial migration – a benefit to provinces
alcohol transportation across the country, the SCC       in scope (it did not apply to all industries), it was      more professions than other provinces, apart            that demand high skill labour.35
decision appears to make it easy for governments         the public interest provisions that led to its inability   from Quebec. The national average of regulated
to restrict internal trade by simply offering another    to liberalize trade in Canada. Even in the industries      occupations (excluding Quebec and Alberta) is
reason for creating a barrier. While this decision       that the AIT specifically covered, such as the alcohol     13.1%. This is substantially lower than the amount                         Recommendation 4:
was disappointing for businesses in Calgary, what        industry, internal trade barriers are still widespread.    of regulated occupations in Alberta, which is
was even more disheartening was that the Alberta                                                                    38.8%.33 Provincial requirements over compulsory
government, along with seven other provinces                                                                        certification increases the cost for Canadians who       Take a leadership role and champion interprovincial
and the federal government, intervened against           Labour mobility                                            wish to move to Alberta who may be certified             free trade, this includes leading by example to
the removal of Canada’s liquor restrictions in the                                                                  under another province and increases the cost for
                                                         Labour mobility between provinces is hampered                                                                       eliminate trade and labour barriers within its
“Comeau Case.”                                                                                                      businesses to hire needed skills that are currently
                                                         by government regulation. The inability of some                                                                     control and working within the framework of the
                                                                                                                    outside of Alberta.                                      Canadian Free Trade Agreement to increase trade
                                                         workers to easily move across provinces not only
                                                         limits their jobs prospects and economic security,                                                                  within Canada.
Canadian Free Trade Agreement                            but also makes it harder for businesses to acquire         Other jurisdictions have embraced reducing the
                                                                                                                    amount of compulsory certification in their labour
Despite the setback that was dealt to removing           the skills they need. This results in job vacancies in
                                                                                                                    markets. British Columbia does not require any
                                                                                                                                                                            Market Access
internal trade barriers by the SCC decision on the       areas that need workers, and higher unemployment
“Comeau Case”, there is a Canadian Free Trade            in areas willing to supply that labour.                    compulsory certifications, while Ontario, Manitoba,     Along with barriers inhibiting access to markets
Agreement (CFTA) in place that was signed on July                                                                   Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Newfoundland               within Canada, regulatory barriers have limited
1, 2017, by the federal and provincial governments.                                                                 & Labrador, and Prince Edward Island require            Alberta businesses from getting their products
                                                         While offering the highest average hourly wage for
The agreement provides a channel for Canadian                                                                       certification for less than 17% of occupations.34       to foreign markets. Additionally, the inability
                                                         vacant positions, Alberta is still tied for the third
governments to work together and reduce barriers,                                                                                                                           to move major projects to market has resulted
                                                         highest job vacancy rate among the provinces.
despite the court’s decision that some trade barriers                                                               Increasing tax burdens and higher costs of living       in extreme measures from governments to
                                                         Each of the more than 50,000 vacant jobs in the
within Canada are constitutional.                                                                                   also discourages talented labour from staying           nationalize midstream energy infrastructure such
                                                         province represent businesses that are currently
                                                                                                                    in or moving to Alberta. In fact, we have heard         as government purchases of a pipeline and the
                                                         unable to reach their potential.32 Couple Alberta’s
                                                                                                                    from Calgary businesses that the sole issue is not      planned purchase of oil rail cars. It has also caused
While very little red tape has been cut, provinces       high vacancy rate with the high unemployment
                                                                                                                    just developing the right skills, but difficulties in   the Alberta government to intervene in the free
have made significant commitments to work                rate and there is reason to believe that much of the
                                                                                                                    retaining the right skills once we develop them.        market by curtailing oil production to help drive
with each other on regulatory harmonization.             vacancy is due to not being able to find the right
                                                                                                                                                                            prices up. These measures not only drive investment
A committee – Regulatory Reconciliation and              talent close to home. Identifying and addressing the
                                                                                                                                                                            uncertainty, but cause billions of taxpayer dollars
Co-operation Table – has been established to             barriers limiting interprovincial mobility could help      Personal income taxes are one of the tools a
                                                                                                                                                                            to be spent in areas that are in the domain of the
recommend to governments where red tape should           businesses acquire the talent they need to grow.           government has at their disposal that can encourage
                                                                                                                                                                            private sector. It is especially worrisome that
be removed, and regulations harmonized.                                                                             or discourage talented labour from staying in
                                                                                                                                                                            these crown expenditures come at a time when
                                                                                                                    Alberta. Like corporate taxes, as personal income
                                                          “Couple Alberta’s high vacancy rate with                  taxes increase, people are less likely to either stay
                                                                                                                                                                            governments are deeply in debt.
However, the recommendations are just that
– recommendations. Governments can opt out                  the high unemployment rate and there                    in the jurisdiction, or businesses must pay more to
from these recommendations if they decide that               is reason to believe that much of the                  compensate for the higher taxes. In fact, a report by
“reconciliation is not a desirable option for their        vacancy is due to not being able to find                 the Canadian Labour Market and Skills Research
jurisdiction.”                                                                                                      Network found that reducing personal tax burdens
                                                                 the right talent close to home.”
                                                                                                                    in Canada reduced the migration of upper end talent

                                                                                                            3       3
                                                                              Support growth through internal           Support growth through internal
                                                                                  trade and access to markets           trade and access to markets
     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                            2019 Alberta Election:
19 Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                       Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   20
                                                                                                                                 Increase certainty through good
                                                                                                                                 governance and accountability

                                                                                                                  As Canadians we have a fundamental understanding            Despite Trans Mountain receiving National Energy
                                                                                                                  of fairness. In households across Alberta it is a           Board (NEB) approval for the project, the B.C.
                                                                                                                  key value that parents pass down to children. As a          government used every tool in its toolbox to stop
                                                                                                                  result, we don’t like to see governments acting in          the project. This opposition included proposing
                                                                                                                  ways that aren’t fair. Not abiding by or changing the       new rules that would limit the transportation of
                                                                                                                  rules at the last second wouldn’t be fair in any sport      diluted bitumen while the province determined their
                                                                                                                  that we played growing up, and it also isn’t fair when      ability to adequately mitigate spills. While B.C. has
                                                                                                                  governments do it to business. The next provincial          referred their proposal to the courts, it has widely
Oil price differential                                   The inability to build these pipeline projects has led
                                                                                                                  government must ensure that they change and                 been viewed as unconstitutional. Even though this
                                                         to a situation where Alberta was producing 250,000
Oil sold from Alberta continues to be sold at a          barrels a day more than could be shipped using           implement policy that minimizes political risk and          proposal is likely illegal, the signal that was sent by
substantial discount to world prices. In late 2018       existing pipeline and rail capacity, resulting in the    creates business certainty. If policies are changed,        B.C.’s actions resulted in Kinder Morgan deeming
this differential reached record levels at times         significant discount that Alberta was facing.            it is vital that they are done so in way that is fair for   the project unfeasible due to the political risk
surpassing a discount of $50 per barrel. This is                                                                  businesses. In a globally competitive environment,          beyond their control. All this despite already having
resulting in substantially lower royalties for Alberta                                                            Calgary businesses should not be subject to                 spent roughly $1 billion moving the project through
                                                         While this uncertainty around pipelines has
and significant economic losses for Canada. With                                                                  unnecessary roadblocks and political risk from their        the regulatory process.
                                                         significant consequences on the energy industry,
storage and export capacity completely full, the                                                                  own governments.
                                                         it also impacts other sectors ability to transport
government of Alberta had indicated that the record                                                                                                                           B.C.’s opposition contributed strongly to the federal
                                                         their products by rail. With increasing rail capacity
setting differential cost the Canadian economy up to                                                                                                                          government’s decision to step in and purchase
$80 million a day.
                                                         being used to transport oil, the ripple effect makes
                                                                                                                  Rule of Law                                                 the existing pipeline for $4.5 billion. While the
                                                         it harder for other sectors to get their products to
                                                         export markets on rail.                                  Respect for the rule of law is vital for business           continuation of the Trans Mountain expansion is
                                                                                                                  confidence. Upholding this democratic principle             positive for business, this circumstance illustrates
Uncertainty around infrastructure                                                                                 will provide certainty for the business community.          the need for governments to respect the rule of law
projects                                                                    Recommendation 5:                     Recently in Canada we have seen provincial                  and begin working to improve investor confidence.
                                                                                                                  governments in BC, Ontario, and Alberta create
The lack of pipeline capacity is not a new issue.
                                                                                                                  uncertainty when they do not honour agreements or           An Alberta example is the PPAs lawsuits that were
Businesses made investment decisions to increase
                                                         Continue to communicate the national importance          comply with contracts related to pipelines, internal        launched in 2016. These lawsuits were an attempt
production many years ago - with an expectation
                                                         of Alberta’s resources while working with the federal    trade, green energy contracts, and power purchase           to overturn contracts that had been signed in 2000
that there would be increased export capacity - with
                                                         government to facilitate private development of          agreements (PPAs).                                          between the companies that held them and the
several seemingly viable new transportation options
in various stages of the regulatory process. Pockets     export infrastructure that moves Alberta’s products                                                                  government of Alberta. By challenging contracts
of vocal opposition to these projects has resulted       to new and diverse markets.                                  “Respect for the rule of law is vital for               that had been previously agreed to, the government
in political interference that have caused the delay,                                                                                                                         created significant uncertainty not only for the
                                                                                                                            business confidence...”                           companies named in the lawsuits, but also for any
cancellation or rejection of four major pipeline
projects.                                                                                                                                                                     company signing an agreement with the Alberta
                                                                                                                                                                              government in the future.

                                                                             Support growth through internal
                                                                                 trade and access to markets
     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                               2019 Alberta Election:
21 Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                          Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   22
To build a stable policy environment in the province   While this is clearly an important issue for Alberta,    Another way to make a big difference is through
                    Recommendation 6:                  it is essential that the next provincial government    it is also critical to put it in context. Canada         exporting game-changing technology that enables
                                                       ensure they engage in meaningful consultation          contributes 1.6% of global emissions. This number        other jurisdictions to reduce their emissions. One
                                                       with the business community. Appropriate               may be high on a per capita basis; however, it           of the ways Alberta has done this is through the
 Respect the rule of law and honour contracts that     consultation and having business at the table for      demonstrates that even with the most stringent           establishment of a technology fund. This fund can
 have been signed and increase business confidence     the development of regulations will help identify      climate change policies, there is very little impact     support the development of innovative technologies
 in the process.                                       and address potential unintended consequences          that our country or province can have on climate         that, if commercialized, can help reduce emissions
                                                       and demonstrate the government’s support for the       change if we act alone.                                  in Alberta and can also be exported to other
                                                       business community.                                                                                             jurisdictions.
Consultations and stable                                                                                      Therefore, it is crucial that Alberta, and Canada look
policy environment                                     Moving forward, the next Alberta Government can        for opportunities where we can reduce emissions          It is still important that Alberta continues to show
Calgary Chamber members have indicated that            better reach social policy objectives while guarding   not only at home, but also on a global scale. One way    leadership and reduce emissions at home. While
rapid policy changes combined with inadequate          against the unintended consequences outlined           this can be achieved is through displacing higher        Canada has seen different approaches to carbon
consultation or insincere consultation have created    above through greater consultation with the            emissions fuel sources like coal with cleaner and        policy taken in different provinces, it is critical that
barriers to future business investment in Alberta.     business community and implementing policies in a      more responsibly produced Alberta energy in other        whatever approach the next provincial government
                                                       business-friendly manner.                              parts of the word.                                       decides to take promotes innovation and doesn’t
                                                                                                                                                                       harm global business competitiveness. If these
  “...rapid policy changes combined with                                                                      Historic investments in liquified natural gas,           principles are followed, Alberta can continue to
    inadequate consultation or insincere                                  Recommendation 7:                   will help to achieve this, however we need to            reduce emissions while being an attractive place for
                                                                                                                                                                       businesses to invest.
 consultation have created barriers to future                                                                 ensure that the Canadian business environment
                                                                                                              enables producers to compete on a global scale.
       business investment in Alberta.”                Provide reasonable time for consultation before        Oil companies continue to spend billions to
                                                       implementing new policies, with appropriate            reduce emissions intensity and are committed to                              Recommendation 8:
                                                       implementation timeframes for businesses and the       environmental conservation. This stands in stark
The province has been going through significant
                                                       marketplace to adjust.                                 contrast to other oil producing jurisdictions who
policy changes at a pace that is difficult for
business to keep up with. By stabilizing the policy                                                           simply don’t live up to the environmental standards
                                                                                                                                                                        Ensure future climate policy promotes business
environment, the next provincial government will be    Climate change                                         that Canadians value. If we can get Canadian energy
                                                                                                                                                                        competitiveness while also working to support
able to provide more certainty for business and help                                                          products that are produced responsibly to world
                                                       There is no doubt that climate change is a critical                                                              innovative technologies and helping to achieve our
foster growth.                                                                                                markets, we can reduce global emissions on a much
                                                       issue that needs to be addressed. Alberta has long                                                               environmental objectives.
                                                                                                              larger scale.
                                                       recognized the need to act to combat a changing
Businesses are looking to invest over the long-term,   climate, which was demonstrated when in 2007
which means that even if government changes on         Alberta became the first jurisdiction in North          “...we need to ensure that the Canadian
four-year election cycles, the rules shouldn’t swing   America to place a carbon levy on all large emitters   business environment enables producers to
back and forth like a pendulum. This highlights the    across all sectors.
importance of a long-term policy approach that will
                                                                                                                    compete on a global scale. ”
provide the certainty that businesses want prior to
making significant investments.

                                                                                                         4    4
                                                                           Increase certainty through good        Increase certainty through good
                                                                            governance and accountability         governance and accountability
     2019 Alberta Election:                                                                                                                                                                        2019 Alberta Election:
23 Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive                                                                                                                                                   Businesses Drive Cities that Thrive   24
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