Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois

Page created by Ann Burgess
Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
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Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Customer Care
                                    FAMILY COOKIE GUIDE   This book belongs to:

Bloomington Service Center                 Name ___________________________Troop ____________
3 Westport Court
Bloomington, IL 61704
                                   MY SERVICE AREA COORDINATOR IS:
Champaign Service Center
2001 Round Barn Road, Suite C             Name __________________________Service Area ________
Champaign, IL 61820
                                    Address ___________________________________________
Decatur Urban Program Center
1170 E. Pershing Road
Decatur, IL 62526                   City/State/Zip _______________________________________

Peoria Service Center               Email ______________________________________________
1103 W. Lake Ave.
Peoria IL, 61614
                                    Phone (_____) ____________ Best Time to Call ____________
Quincy Service Center
3837 Eastlake Centre Drive         SERVICE AREA DELIVERY INFORMATION
Suite 400B
Quincy, IL 62305                   Location: ________________________________________________
Springfield Service Center         Date: ________________ Time:_______________
3020 Baker Drive
Springfield, IL 62703

GSCI Website

GSUSA Website

               Girls may begin selling Girl Scout
                 cookies on February 8, 2019.
Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
            January 15           Parent permission forms with your Girl Scout's first order is due to the troop leader/cookie
            January 25           Parents will receive a "ready Set Register" email from Girl Scout Cookies. Be sure to check
    		                           your promotional box or advertisement mail box. Parents must have an active email on
    		                           file with GSCI to receive the registration email.
            February 8           Direct Sales and Booth Sales begins.
            February 19          Girl Scout cookie money due to the troop leader/cookie coordinator for 1st bank transfer (ACH)
            February 22-24       National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend

                                          FAMILIAR TERMS
    ACH DEBIT - When troop funds are electronically taken from a troop account to cover payments for cookies the troop has or-
    dered or transferred in from another troop. To be ACH ready means that the troop has set up a troop account and completed
    and turned in the ACH paperwork. ACH paperwork is available on the cookie portion of the council website (www.getyourgirl- in the forms section.

    COOKIE BOOTHS - Locations, usually stores, where girls sell cookies to customers. Troops should bring tables, chairs, cook-
    ies and change. GSCI works with some of the local retailers to secure locations for troop leaders and these locations may be
    reserved through the Cookie Booth Scheduler. Troops are encouraged to set up their own cookie booth locations since most
    cookie reservations set up by the council go fast. Successful cookie booths are in high traffic areas, display troop goals and
    incorporate eye-catching marketing.

    COOKIE CUPBOARDS - Locations where cupboard orders arrive and are picked up by the troop. Some regions will have
    multiple location choices for cupboard order pickups.

    COOKIE DOUGH - Credit earned by selling cookies. Cookie Dough may be used toward day and resident camp,
    council-sponsored programs and items in the Trefoil Boutique (except gift cards). Cookie Dough expires on
    September 21, 2019, and will not be accepted as payment after this date.

    DIGITAL COOKIES - The new online way to sell cookies to customers. Digital Cookie customers can have their cookies
    shipped directly to their home or donated to Operation Cookie Share. Customers can even request their cookies be delivered
    by the Girl Scout, all while paying with a credit card. Each family and troop leader must have an email address on file
    to gain access to Digital Cookies.

    DIRECT SALE FORMAT - Allows girls to have cookies in-hand to sell door-to-door to family, friends, and neighbors. With the
    direct sale format there is only one transaction, and selling is condensed into one simple step.

    INITIAL ORDER - The first order a troop places. The initial order must be placed in eBudde by January 15, 2019.

Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Get ready to Go for Bold this Girl Scout season!
 Girl Scouts are known for their infectious, go-getter attitudes. This season we’re celebrating their spirit and all the ways they
 are daring, creative and innovative in their Girl Scout Cookie Sale. It’s a great year for all of us to Go for the Bold! Whether it’s
                         embarking on a brave new adventure or simply mustering up the courage to talk to someone new,
    A NEW                every girl finds her own type of bold in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
                         Your most important function in preparing for the Girl Scout Cookie Program will be the time you
   OF THE                spend with the girls in the troop. Through the cookie program, even the youngest Girl Scouts gain
 GIRL SCOUT              self-confidence and poise by learning how to greet customers and offer cookies for purchase.
                         The Troop Leader and Troop Cookie Coordinator should work closely throughout the sale and
  PROGRAM                communicate the progress of the sale on a continuing basis. This resource is written to help you
   AWAITS!               organize and conduct the most successful cookie campaign possible and has been designed to help

you make the most of your time and energy. Please take the time to thoroughly review the new updates to the program,
general facts, important dates, guidelines, procedures, and forms provided. This guide should answer most of your questions.

A Direct Sale format will provide your troop more opportunity in sales and troop profit. Girls will earn Cookie Dough and
recognitions throughout the entire program, including during Cookie Booths. This means that girls will earn more Cookie
Dough and recognitions and parents/guardians will save lots of time because cookies in hand means just one transaction.
Returning to customers’ homes after an order has been placed is now a thing of the past!

To help your troop manage your cookie inventory, and also to provide cookies for additional sales, your troop will be provided
six opportunities to place a troop order. You will have one initial order and five additional cupboard orders. As in previous
years, your initial order will arrive at your local delivery site. (After your initial order you will have five opportunities to place
additional cupboard troop orders.) The cupboard orders will arrive at strategic locations and you will have an opportunity to
choose your cupboard delivery location. Cookie inventory management will be very important to you. Inventory management
requires communicating with girls and parents. With good communication between the troop cookie coordinator and parents,
your troop will be able to have cookies when and where you need them and your troop will not end up with more than you
need. The resources on contain several tools that will help you determine troop orders as well as tools
that will help you keep track and manage your troop inventory.

If you have questions we are here to help! Our Coordinators, Program Specialists, Membership Recruiters, Support
Specialists, and Product Sales team will be happy to assist. Have a safe and fun cookie season!

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a great responsibility - it could not happen without you. We are confident you will find the
experience to be both enjoyable and rewarding. Thank you for your support and dedication to the success of the program.

In Girl Scouting,

Clark (CJ) Hinrichsen				        Kelly Day                                                       Emma Meyer
Director of Product Sales				    Chief Operating Officer                                         Product Sales Specialist
217-720-2092 (cell) 				         217-620-7791 (cell)                                             309-846-5923 (cell)

Customer Care 888-623-1237 or


Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
This year we welcome back LITTLE BROWNIE BAKERS. Our Council will implement eBudde, the
                    powerful cookie-management software that electronically manages every part of the sale. Explore
                    Little Brownies fun and engaging resources-including Cookie Rookie, for first time cookie sellers,
                    and Cookie Captain to engage experienced girls in mentoring roles.

                    STANDARDIZING PRICING. All cookies will be $5 per box. This is advantageous to all.
                     • All varieties will be available to "trade out" at your local service center
                     • It will no longer be required to transfer cookies or add girl sales by variety. However, you may
                       transfer by variety if you prefer.
                     • Keeping track of the amount each girl owes will be simple.

                    Back again is DIGITAL COOKIES. Girls and troops learn more, earn more and have lots more fun. It
                    takes learning Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills and Business Eth-
                    ics to the next level. Digital Cookies is a great opportunity to learn and participate in E-commerce.
                    To take full advantage of Digital Order card opportunities Girl Scouts may begin the Digital Order
                    card program on Friday January 25. On that day, girls will receive a DOC registration email and may
                    begin to email customers to have cookies shipped to their door or in-person delivery.

                      Please note that Girls/Troops may not make any deliveries until February 8.

                    To better serve the financial needs of troops and our council, we will have THREE ACH PAYMENTS.
                    The first ACH payment is for one third of the initial order (minus troop profit), the second ACH pay-
                    ment is for one third of the total amount owed to council and the last ACH payment will cover all
                    remaining balance owed to council. Please review the Cookie Calendar for ACH dates.

                                                                                FEBRUARY 22-24, 2019

                                                       WHAT’S BACK!
                                         S’MORES! Back by popular demand is S’mores
                                         captures the adventurous spirt, love of the outdoors and
                                         feeling of community that is the cornerstone of our

   Disney World Trip Reward for selling 2500+ boxes.
   GSCI will again provide 4 day/3 night lodging at Disney World Resort, a 3 day Hopper
   pass to the parks and airfare for the Girl Scout and one chaperone. Transportation to and
   from Disney World Resort and Sanford international Airport is included. Parking at and /or
   transportation to/from your home airport, baggage fees, meals/food, souvenirs, etc. are
   not included. As an alternative to the Disney World trip we are offering a 13.3” MacBook
   Pro with 8GB memory and 128GB flash storage.
   All recognitions are cumulative except at the 2500 box level. Girls who earn the 2500 boxlevel recognition will earn and keep all levels up
4 to and including the 1000 box levels. The 1500 box level is not included with the Disney Trip or MacBook Pro. GSCI reserves the right to
   substitute a similar Apple MacBook Pro if Apple’s product lineup changes.
Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Everything girls do in Girl Scouting is designed to help them grow into leaders of courage, confidence, and character. The five
skills girls learn through the Girl Scout Cookie Program are an important ingredient in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and
teaches Girl Scouts skills that will help them grow into leaders in their own lives, leaders in business, and leaders in the world.

 Girl Scouts set cookie         DECISION                  MONEY                   PEOPLE SKILLS             BUSINESS
 goals individually and,         MAKING                 MANAGEMENT                Girl Scouts learn         ETHICS
 with a team, create a      Girls help decide how      Girls take cookie          how to talk to, listen    Girls are honest and
 plan to reach them.        the team will spend        orders, handle             to, and work with all     responsible at every
 They develop               their cookie money,        customers’ money,          kinds of people while     step of the cookie
 cooperation and team       furthering critical        and gain valuable          selling cookies. These    sale. Their business
 building skills along      thinking and problem       and practical life         experiences help          ethics reinforce the
 the way.                   solving skills that will   skills around financial    them to develop           positive values they
                            help in many aspects       literacy.                  healthy relationship      are developing as
                            of life.                                              and conflict              Girl Scouts.
                                                                                  resolution skills they
                                                                                  can use throughout
                                                                                  their lives.

 “I know I can do it!”        “I make smarter            “I make change            “I get a lifetime         “Selling cookies is
                                 decisions.”                happen!”             supply of confidence               more
                                                                                     in every box.”         than just business.”

                           WHAT IS A DIRECT SALE?
Girl Scouts of Central Illinois will be using a direct-sale format to sell cookies for the cookie program. Girls will have
boxes IN HAND to sell door-to-door to family, friends, and neighbors. Girl Scouts exchange cookies and payment in one easy
step! No more taking orders, waiting weeks, and then returning for the delivery and money collection. A direct
sale program condenses all that work into one simple step.

Little Brownie Bakers does not allow GSCI to return unsold cookies.
GSCI does not allow Girl Scout troops to return unsold cookies, and
troop leaders should not allow parents/guardians to return unsold
cookies. The orders your troop places should be based on the demand
of your Girl Scouts (with parent/guardian consent). If you accept return
cookies from your parents, you are personally accepting responsibil-
ity for the cost of the cookies that are being returned. GSCI does not
encourage troop leaders/cookie coordinators to accept return cookies
from parents.


Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
Help girls get ready by selecting learning activities that fit their experiences and interests. Create a custom plan with the Built
by Me tool ( Kick off your first cookie meeting with a video! Cookies Live Videos
are interactive shows that teach girls selling tips, inspire them to reach goals and have loads of fun along the way. First time
sellers love Cookie Rookie. Made for young girls, this show teaches cookie names, how to ask customers to buy and other
skills. Keep teens interested and have them give back with the Cookie Captain program. Older girls love being mentors. These
resources can be accessed at Choose “Girls” for Cookie Rookie or “Teens” for Cookie Captain.

Goal setting is one of the most valuable life skills you can pass on to girls. Research has shown that girls who
set goals will increase their sales by approximately 35%. We have the perfect online tool for the girls to set goals
AND have fun! When you help girl set high goals for the cookie season, they learn an important skill for life.
Encourage girls to set two types of goals: Something they’d like to try and something they can do to help others.
Visit the Volunteer Blog for goal-setting games and crafts (

             This season, cookie sales are in the house! During a Cookie House Party, girl comes together under one roof to
             sell cookies by the case! With 12 boxes per case, cookie sales add up fast. Girls will invite friends, families and
             all their favorite cookie customers to the their story, declare their goals and share their dreams. Check out the
             Cookie House Party hostess guide at for planning a party, theme ideas, planning a sales
             pitch and much more. Throwing a party is fun and sells cookies fast!

For girls to reach high goals; they will need to expand their circle of customers. Don’t worry; customers are eagerly looking for
their favorite Girl Scout cookies!

Encourage girls to canvas their community with buddies and adult partners, leaving no doorbell unrung! Sell door-to-door with
cookies in hand. Load up a wagon with cookies, make signs, and you are ready for a neighborhood walk-about.

Customers buy more cookies when girls sell online. With Digital Order Card, girls can send cookie customers to
their website to order and pay for their cookies online. It’s a faster, easier way to reach high goals.

Online social networking sites are a great place for teens (13 and older with parent permission) to ask for cookie orders. Be
sure girls follow the GUSUA safety guidelines for online marketing!

It’s fast and easy to sell Girl Scout Cookies by phone. Review order cards from previous years and contact customers again.
Once cookies have been delivered, call customers, thank them for their orders and ask if they need additional cookies. Try a
text-a-thon. Girls may want to text their friends and family to let them know it’s cookie time and ask for orders.

With a parent as a guide, contact business owners to request permission to sell cookies. Girl can make either make a quick
“sales pitch” at a staff meeting or make sales calls around the office, depending on the wishes of the business. You may be
able to leave an order card or have an adult oversee a sales card. Just remember it’s the girl’s responsibility to fill the order.
Girls should establish a date and time to pick up the order cards and deliver the cookies

               BOOTH SALES
               Booth sales are a great way to increase your team’s success. Remember, you must have the appropriate
               permission from the booth location. Grocery stores, malls, banks, sporting events, community events and high
               traffic locations are great for booth sales.


Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
    The Girl Scout Cookie Program you know and love has gone beyond the booth and now offers an e-commerce way to sell and
    buy cookies—and support girls’ learning at the same time. The Digital cookie platform helps prepare girls to be leaders in the
    fast-paced e-commerce world of today. With the Digital Cookie platform, girls can customize the way they learn and earn,
    using technology in a whole new way and earning cool cookie badges along the way! With Digital Cookie girls can:
             1. Promote their troop’s cookie business and inspire more support than ever—with more ways to sell and more ways
                to talk to customers about the cookie business
             2. Keep track of cookie customers—because an organized Cookie Boss is a rock star Cookie Boss!
             3. Take digital credit card orders for in person delivery or shipped orders. Customers appreciate being able to easily
                 pay for their cookies. Less hassle equals more support!
             4. Ship cookies directly to customers or have customers share the love with a cookie donation.

    It’s a lot like buying your cookies at a traditional cookie booth but with an online twist. The girls initiate a cookie sale, whether
    online, via email or in person at the cookie booth with their mobile app.

    She can invite customers to visit her personalized cookie website where they can place an order, pay using a credit card, have
    their order shipped/delivered by a Girl Scout or even donate cookies to Operation Cookie Share. Some Girl Scouts may take
    in-person orders using a mobile app that also allows them to securely accept payments using credit cards. Customers select
    cookies, place their order and complete their transaction.

    For Girl Scouts and volunteers to participate in Digital Cookies the volunteer AND Girl Scout must be registered and GSCI must
    have your correct email address on file. On January 25, the Girl Scout will receive an email from “Girl Scout Cookie Program”
    with the subject “Ready Set Register for Digital Cookie”. From there simply register, create a password and set up your Girl
    Scout Digital Cookie site. If you do not have receive an email check your Spam/junk inbox or we may not have your current
    email on file. To update your current email address with GSCI please call Customer Care at 888-623-1237.

    We have several helpful videos at that demonstrate Digital Cookies ranging from Girl Scout and volunteer
    registration, site set up, sending customer emails, receiving/approving online orders and more. Being their own Cookie Boss
    will provide them with valuable e-commerce skills and will be fun and exciting at the same time!

    For questions and support regarding digital cookies orders, order status, shipping charges or to even chat live go to: or call 866-376-8499.

    The eBudde Troop App Plus™ brings the power of Little Brownie Bakers’ eBudde technology to your phone or tablet.
    This mobile app for the eBudde cookie management software lets you stay on top of troop cookie sales, anytime, anywhere!
    If you’re a busy Girl Scout Cookie troop volunteer, you’ll love the power, simplicity and convenience of this free mobile app.
    Available at Google Play, iTunes and

Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
February 8, 2019 - Direct Sale Begins

Operation Cookie Share has been a huge success. Girl Scouts of Central Illinois has provided over $1,000,000 worth of
Girl Scout cookies to the women and men of our armed forces at home and abroad. In fact, our Girl Scouts were so successful
that this achievement is entered in the Illinois Congressional Records.
With Operation Cookie Share orders, only troops will receive $1 per box troop profit.

Even though we are using a directs-sale format, girls should still take along their order cards. On each girl’s order card there is
a column listing each variety of cookie plus one additional column labeled “Cookie Share.” When the girls go out with cookies
in hand (and during cookie booths!), please encourage them to not only ask the customer to purchase Girl Scout cookies for
themselves, but also to ask the customers to purchase cookies for our military troops. Girls will enter the number of boxes
each customer donates on the Cookie Boxes Donated column. Customers do not have a choice of the variety of cookies to
be sent to troops. Operation Cookie Share cookies are held in a “virtual warehouse”, troops do not take possession of these
cookies. At the end of the program, all Operation Cookie Share orders are accounted for and then shipped to military soldiers
at home and abroad.

NEW WITH DIGITAL COOKIES! When Girl Scouts send out emails through Digital Cookies, customers will have
the opportunity to donate to Operation Cookie Share.

Girls that sell twelve boxes for Operation Cookie Share will earn a Cookie Share patch. Girls that sell 24 boxes will earn a
Cookie Star Bandana and girls that sell 50 or more Operation Cookie Share will earn the Fashion Dry Erase Markers!

A special thanks to Soldiers Angels. Many of the donated cookies will arrive at home and abroad through Soldiers Angels. Also,
donated cookies are sent to Great Lakes Naval facility, Illinois Veteran Retirement Homes and medical facilities, local USO’s
and the Illinois National Guard.

                                       OPT-OUT OPTION
Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops will be allowed to opt out of receiving recognitions and Cookie Dough in
exchange for a higher troop profit. All recognitions will be forfeited, including free memberships; however, girls will still receive
any patches earned. Whichever option is chosen applies to the entire troop, not a girl-by-girl basis. If a troop decides to opt
out of recognitions and Cookie Dough, the troop will earn $0.85 for each package sold. Troops must decide to opt out prior
to the initial order (January 15). Please refer to page 19, “Update Your Troop Information,” for information on how to opt out.

                                        1                                                            cents      dollar
Troops receive: .60 per box of cookies sold.                                                     per box       per box
In addition, troops will earn $1 per box for each
Operation Cookie Share box sold!

                             $                                                                                 OCS
A troop bonus of
will be given to troops that place an initial order with a per girl selling average of 160 boxes (with a minimum of 800 boxes
ordered: 5 girls selling an average of 160 boxes). The initial order is the first order placed by the troop. Troops have an
opportunity to earn a $100 troop bonus based on their initial cookie order. If a troop places an initial order with a per girl
selling average of 160 boxes, the troop will earn the bonus. For example, if a troop has 10 girls, they would need to order at
least 1,600 boxes for their initial order to earn the bonus. Also, for a troop with less than 5 girls, they must order at least 800
boxes to qualify. Troop bonuses will be issued through ACH credit.


Irl S mily G ut Girl Scouts of Central Illinois
     Girl Scouts of Central Illinois offers an empowering recognition program that affords Girl Scouts the opportunity to make a
     variety of choices. Through this recognition program, the girls will follow a decision-making process that includes goal setting,
     product choice evaluation, and making purchasing decisions based on what they have earned. Our recognition program not
     only rewards and encourages girls to set goals and work as a team to achieve them, but they also provide girls with a hands-
     on experience with purchasing and financial decision making.

       • Cookie Dough and recognitions will be earned throughout the entire cookie program, including booth sales!

       • To encourage goal setting, girls must sell 25 boxes of cookies to qualify for Cookie Dough.

       • Cookie Dough will be distributed on a Girl Scout Cookie Dough card. Every girl who sells 25 boxes of cookies or more will
         receive a Girl Scout Cookie Dough card.

       • Cookie Dough may be used to pay for 2019 activities and events (resident camp, day camp, one-day events, and bus
         trips), membership registration, cookie recognitions, and merchandise in council Trefoil Boutiques.

            Cookie Dough expires September 21, 2019

              30 boxes ordered on
              DIGITAL ORDER CARD
                 = TECHIE PATCH

                                                                                                       12 boxes
                                                                                                      ordered for
                                                                                                         OCS =
                                                  60 boxes                                       Gift of Caring Patch
                                                 ordered on
                                               DIGITAL ORDER
                                                   CARD =                                              24 boxes =
                                                Pen Bracelet                                           Cookie Star
                                                   Bangles                                              Bandana
                   100 boxes
                   ordered on
                    DIGITAL                                                                     50 boxes = Fashion
                  ORDER CARD                                                                     Dry Erase Markers
                   Phone Ring
 25 boxes Theme Patch PLUS $5 Cookie Dough
 75 boxes Leopard Sleep Mask PLUS $5 Cookie Dough
 125 boxes Shine Bright Case PLUS $5 Cookie Dough
 150 boxes Cookies and Milk Snack Cup PLUS $5 Cookie Dough
 183 boxes Cookie/Fall Product Combo Patch
 200 boxes Clouded Leopard Plush PLUS $5 Cookie Dough
			         and Goal Getter Patch
 250 boxes Free Membership PLUS $5 Cookie Dough
 300 boxes $10 Cookie Dough
 400 boxes $10 Cookie Dough
 500 boxes $75 Amazon, American Girl or Walmart gift card or $75 Cookie Dough
			PLUS $20 Cookie Dough
 600-900 At each 100 box increment girls will earn $20 Cookie Dough
 1000 boxes $150 Amazon, American Girl or Walmart gift card or $150 Cookie Dough
			PLUS $20 Cookie Dough
 1100-1400 At each 100 box increment girls will earn $20 Cookie Dough
 1500 boxes $350 Amazon, American Girl or Walmart gift card or $350 Cookie Dough
			Plus $20 Cookie Dough
 1600-2400 At each 100 box increment girls will earn $20 Cookie Dough
 2500 boxes Disney World Trip or Mac Book Pro
 2500+      At each 100 box increment girls will earn $20 Cookie Dough
                    DISNEY TRIP: GSCI will provide 4 days/3 nights lodging at Disney World Resort, a 3-day
                    Hopper pass to the parks and airfare for the Girl Scout and one adult chaperone. Transporta-
                    tion to and from Disney World Resort and Sanford International Airport is included. Parking at
                    and /or transportation to/from your home airport, baggage fees, meals/food, souvenirs, etc.
                    are not included.

                    All recognitions are cumulative except at the 2500 box level. Girls who earn the Disney World
                    Trip or Mac Book Pro will earn and keep all levels up to and including the 1000 box levels. The
                    1500 box level is not included with the Disney World Trip or Mac Book Pro.

                                                                                   O K I E D O U G H

                              FREE GS



                        Cookie Umbrella

                               Jumbo Pouf
                                Pillow $15

                                                       Wild About
                                                      Cookies Chair
Messenger Bag

59.5% per package-Girl and
Volunteer Services
Council Service Centers, shops, and camps:
council-sponsored programs and events; financial
assistance; outreach to girls in under served
areas; volunteer training and materials

23% per package-Cost of Sale
Payment to cookie company; payment to delivery
company; cookie program material, forms and
printed resources

17.5% per package-Girl Recognitions
Includes girl recognitions, Cookie Dough, and troop profit


Be sure to take advantage of the wealth of resources available online to guide
your through a fun and successful Girl Scout Cookie Program.

   (or visit for a link)
     Your command center for managing the cookie sale. Order cookies, track girl activities and
                                   order girl recogntions.

                                          VIP eTraining
                             (or visit for a link)
             Get step-by-step Girl Scout Cookie Program training whenever you’d like it!

                                         GSCI Website
           Visit our site to find forms, procedures, manuals and other helpful information

                                   Little Brownie Bakers
                Find girl activities, marketing ideas, cookie facts, program resources
                         and clip art to help girls prepare for the cookie sales.

                                          LBB YouTube
         Check out our library of inspiring videos featuring real girl stories and selling tips.

                                        Volunteer Blog
              Check out the volunteer blog for exciting girl activities and booth ideas.

                        Built by Me Cookie Meeting Planner
                        An online tool to help plan a custom cookie season.


                  Your time and talents are valuable to girls in Girl Scouting.
                 We support you with lots of fun, online tools, and resources.

         Find the following resources online at WWW.LITTLEBROWNIEBAKERS.COM

                                             My Cookie Friend
     Girls enter a fun-filled world featuring Little Brownie’s newest Mascot. They’ll find games, videos and
     activities that inspire and engage. Girls will even be able to vote on next season’s mascot!

                                              Epic Booth Guide
     The promotional opportunities at booth sales are, well, epic! LBB has created a digital guide with tons of
     booth decorations, tips, and ideas that helps you and girls make a big impression.

                              Our Cookie Story, From the Inside Out
     Little Brownie is on a cookie journey. On the Cookie Story website, she will explore new ways to meet the
     changing desires of Girl Scout Cookie consumers and build their trust each and every day. Come along
     and explore our commitment to thoughtful ingredients.

                                      Cookies 101: A Family Guide
     Before they agree to participate, families need to understand the value of the cookie program and the
     basics of how to get involved. This guide assures them the program is simple-and fun!

     The Little Brownie Pinterest page is brimming with fun and engaging goal-setting activities, learning
     games and crafts—available at your fingertips.

                                               Games for Girls
     Online games put cookie fun at your fingertips! Volunteers love having easy, fun ways to egage and teach



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                          February 22-24, 2019

             Check out the COOKIE RALLIES                           Powered by
                                                                                           the Girl Scout
                                                                                  How many boxes
                                                                                                                      Cookie Progr
                                                                                                            would you like?

                                                                                                  Amazing s

       happening in your neighboorhood in January-February!
                                                                     S av

                                                                        nn                        Si-Dos

                                                                             ah S m iles
                                                                                                            mo              Tastic

                                                                                                                 as       e-


                                                                               Tr e f o i ls          o

                                                                                                                                           n ts

                                                                                                                                     Th i n M

Register today and order your cookie t-shirt at
You can also read