The roar - volume 9, issue 3/ jan-feb 2019 - Warsaw Community High School

Page created by Jerry Jackson
volume 9, issue 3/ jan-feb 2019

the roar~
      Black History Month
  Black History Month honors the contributions and impact of
African Americans in U.S History.
  It originally began as “Negro History Week” back in 1926 by
Dr. Carter G. Woodson, an American historian, journalist, author
and founder of The Association for the Study of Negro Life and      Harriet Tubman
History, which is now known as the Association for the Study of       About every person in America has heard of Ms. Tubman and
African American Life and History or ASNLH.                         her heroic actions. After saving herself, she risked her life to
  Black History Month was first proposed and celebrated by          help lead others from slavery to freedom. Over a course of 13
educators and students of Kent State University.                    missions, she helped over 300 people to safety.
  By 1976, Black History Month was being celebrated all across
the country by schools and communities.                             Ella Baker
  From there, it traveled to other places like the United King-       More behind-the-scenes, Ella Baker was still a prominent per-
dom. In 1987, the greater London Council worked it have it          son in history. After hearing her grandmother’s life as a slave,
celebrated.                                                         Ms. Baker went on in her life with a purpose, by organizing
  Canada’s first celebration of Black History Month was in 1995,    events to help put a stop to segregation and Jim Crow.
after politician Jean Augustine had it recognized and honored.
  The Republic of Ireland also joined in 2014, making them the      Martin Luther King Jr
fourth country in the world to officially celebrate Black History     One of the most known activists and leaders of the Civil Rights
Month.                                                              Movement, he inspired and moved millions of people to fight for
  Since 1976, every American President has designated Febru-        equality.
ary as Black History Month.
  February was chosen after Abraham Lincoln and Frederick              It is important for everyone to celebrate Black History Month.
Douglass, as both of their birthdays are then.                      The hard work and dedication that so many people used in their
  It continues to be celebrated, honoring the achievements and      fight for something as simple and innate as human equality, both
people of the past. Here are just a few of the people who should    throughout history and today, is something that deserves to be
be recognized for their impact.                                     celebrated and honored.

                                                                                                        The Roar 2018-2019
                                                                                            1 Tiger Lane, Warsaw, IN 46580
                                                                                                          Advisor: Erin Mills

           the roar staff                                                                           Follow us on social media:
                                                                                               Instagram @theroarnewspaper
                                                                                                  Facebook: WCHS Newspaper

                                                                        Senior Staff Writer                   Mack Garrett
                                                                        Staff Writer                       Micah Hoffman
   Editor-in-Chief                   Katey Walls
                                                                        Staff Writer                            Alyssa Peña
   Editor-in-Chief                 Rachel McDonald
                                                                        Staff Writer                    Konner Shepherd
                                                                        Staff Writer                         Jordyn Truex
                                                                        Staff Writer                      Kaitlynn Gordon

       Mission statement: The Roar’s mission is to consistently provide Warsaw Community High School and the
   surrounding community with compelling content that is passionately crafted through hard work in a professional
                                       environment focused on its audience.
chinese new year
             In ancient times, there lived a mythical beast with horns and a lion’s head who lived in the sea; his name was Nian. He stayed in
   the sea all year, but once a year he came out terrorizing people, killing animals and their livestock. Each year the people of village ran to the
   mountains for protection until an old gray man came to the village. Whilst everyone else ran, he stayed and fought off the beast by putting up
   red paper, burning bamboo (which made loud cracking noises), and lighting candles. Once the villagers returned from where they hid, they
   were amazed to see that nothing had been destroyed. From that moment on, they followed the old man’s tellings and Nian never came back.
   It’s now become a large part in Chinese New Year to hang red items, launch fireworks, and hang lanterns.

          For most of world, New Year’s             (great wealth), and Glutinous rice cake              the new lunar year. These Lantern fairs
Day is celebrated on the first of January,          (a higher income). Similar to American               would typically take place in the temples.
whereas China celebrates on the first               New Year’s Eve, Shou Sui is an activity                       There are many legends tied into
day of the first lunar month. The exact             involving the family staying awake all               the traditions performed and meanings to
date from which Chinese New Year was                night to pass from the old year to the               activities done on Chinese New Year. Like
first celebrated is unknown; however, it’s          new; fireworks are launched at midnight              the Legend of Nian from which Chinese
believed that it came from the year-end             a continuation from the Legend of Nian.              New Year originated, there are many leg-
religious ceremony observed during the                     New Year’s day starts the ‘Bai                ends to explain the traditions performed.
Shang Dynasty(1766 BC- 1122 BC). The                Nian’ the visiting and greetings of friends          Spring Couplets, black or golden char-
preparations for the celebration start              and family with ‘Wan Shi Ru Yi’ meaning              acters written on red paper, dates back
a month before the holiday; starting on             ‘everything follows your will’ and ‘Sui Sui          1,000 years originally from Taofu, which
Chinese New Year’s Eve and lasting up to            Ping An’ meaning ‘harmony and safety                 are charms written on peach trees. The
15 days.                                            year around.’ Assorted gifts are given               Legend went that if ghosts harmed living
          New Year’s Eve is a day to wor-           such as wine and food; Hong Bai, red                 people Shentu and Yulei, the guards of
ship the ancestors and celebrate with               envelopes filled with money, are also typi-          the entrance to the dark world, would
family. After worshipping the ances-                cally given to younger children. The days            feed them to the tigers. It was believed
tors, a family dinner is held similar to            following are filled with lion dances and            that peach wood scribed with the guards
a Thanksgiving feast. Food with good                performing troupes until the 15th day.               name hung on their door would scare
fortune is served; such as fish (an in-             This large celebration concludes with the            away these potentiall harmful ghosts.
crease in prosperity), chinese dumplings            Lantern Festival on the first full moon of           Learning about traditions, legends, and
                                                                                                         cultures that are different from the US
                                                                                                         can add to the beauty of our own celebra-

                                                                                                                                      -ALYSSA PEÑA

   For many, Valentine’s Day is a day of                                                                     The other St. Valentine was a Bishop
romance, chocolates, hearts, and love. All                                                                of Terni around the same time period.
celebrated in the name of St. Valentine.                                                                  The Saint also conducted unauthorized
There is no specific story to explain what                                                                weddings for Christians and healed
sprouted the idea nor was there one specific                                                              children. St. Valentine was also captured
person. However there were two St. Valen-                                                                 and decapitated on February 14th. It is
tine’s who had many similarities and were                                                                 unknown whether these two Valentine’s
both associated with the date February                                                                    are the same Valentine whose stories were
14th. But who were these St Valentine’s?                                                                  mixed together.
   St Valentine was a Roman priest who                                                                       Though Valentine’s Day is now associat-
conducted secret weddings in the third                                                                    ed with love, romance was not originally
century for Christians. The Saint was then                                                                associated with the date, but rather Chau-
imprisoned by a noble but healing his blind                                                               cer, an English poet in the Middle Ages,
daughter led the family to convert to Chris-                                                              was the one who linked the two together.
tianity. However, he was later captured and                                                               Chaucer’s poem, “Parliament of Fowls”
decapitated on February 14th. Before his                                                                  said, “For this was on Saint Valentine’s
death he sent a letter to the daughter he                                                                 Day, when every bird comes there to
healed and had supposedly fallen for. The                                                                 choose his mate.” This inspired many oth-
letter was signed with “from your Valen-                                                                  ers to write poems to their lovers, calling
tine”, which is now a common greeting.                                                                    them Valentines.
                                                                                                                                      -ALYSSA PEÑA
On September 1st of 2018,
WCHS Senior Morgan Hooks took
a plane to Germany where she
                                      Hooks Goes to Germany                                                         and language differences, Hooks
                                                                                                                    said that there were some differenc-
                                                                                                                    es in the way the people acted and
would study as an exchange student. For the                                                           interacted with each other.
next three and a half months, Hooks would be      dent Paul Wolf overheard people in the office           Hooks observed a notable differnce in
surrounded by a language she doesn’t speak        of his school talking about Hooks: “He actually     German schools, “I think that in general they
fluently and immersed in a completely differ-     heard the office ladies in his school talking       all seem to be a bit more serious about school
ent culture.                                      about me and he thought ‘well we would take         than people that I know in America,” stated
   Hooks took an interest in the German lan-      a foreign exchange student.’ So it just lined up    Hooks, “and they are really intentional about
guage when she was young, stating that ever       perfectly.”                                         studying every night even if they don’t have a
since she was little she “thought that German        Going to live in a different country and be-     test the next morning.”
was a really pretty language and that it was      ing away from your friends and family can be            Something Hooks enjoyed is that she really
interesting.” Something that also sparked her     an overwhelming thought. In the couple days         liked the relaxed German culture. “They just
interest was that German isn’t a very common      leading up to her departure, she stated, “I was     have more relaxed personalities and their
secondary language to learn, so she wanted to     definitely nervous but then again I didn’t really   culture is more open,” she said, “they’re more
try something different.                          know what to expect. I was also worried that        willing to see when things are going wrong
   The program Hooks went through to become       I wouldn’t make any good connections with           and change it rather than just sticking with
an exchange student was relatively easy and       people because there was a language barrier,        tradition.”
not too expensive, being that you only had to     but I was fine and I made lots of friends.”             “Doing a foreign exchange program, you go
pay for your plane ticket. You also have to get      Hooks stayed in Zorneding and went to            and you expect to learn language and the cul-
certain medical shots, as well as finding your    school in Kirchseeon (which is about a 20           ture but you also learn a lot about yourself too.
host family.                                      minute drive from Munich). As stated above,         I feel like I grew a lot and learned how to be
   As for a host family, Hooks stated, “I was     she lived with Paul Wolf, as well as his mother,    able to do things on my own instead of running
actually really nervous about that because I      father, and two brothers.                           to my parents for help.”
didn’t really know anyone in Germany.” Coinci-       As expected, Germany is pretty different
dentally, former WCHS German exchange stu-        from the US. Besides the obvious geographical                                    - MACK GARRETT

        Photos provided by Morgan Hooks

                                 Most Anticipated Movies of 2019
Captain Marvel:                                   Avengers: Endgame:
Directed by: Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck               Directed by: Joe Russo, Anthony Russo               It: Chapter Two:
Starring: Brie Larson, Lee Pace, Samuel L.        Starring: Everybody from previous movies            Directed by: Andy Muschietti
Jackson                                           Opening on: April 26, 2019                          Starring: Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, Bill
Opening on: March 8, 2019                         Synopsis: “Avengers: Endgame promises to            Hader, Bill Skarsgård
Synopsis: “However will the Avengers recover      bring resolution to the conflict between Earth’s    Opening on: September 6, 2019
from the mass destruction wrought by Thanos       Mightiest Heroes and Thanos, which began in         Synopsis: “Stephen King fans who saw 2017’s
in Infinity War? Some folks suggest we’ll get     this year’s Infinity War. We know almost noth-      IT were quick to point out that the film only
some answers in Captain Marvel, which takes       ing about what will happen in the film – save       tells half of the original novel’s story, namely
place in the 1990s and introduces the world to    for the fact Hawkeye is back, Ant-Man joins         the half that takes place when the characters
Carol Danvers (Brie Larson)”                      the fight, and Tony’s lost in space, all revealed   are still kids. This follow-up takes place 30
                                                  in the first trailer – but the upcoming Captain     years later with a grown-up cast that includes
                                                                                                      Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, and Bill
Us:                                               Marvel (see above) will likely provide some
                                                  clues.”                                             Hader, among others, and they’re out to take
Directed by: Jordan Peele
                                                                                                      down Pennywise the shapeshifting clown (Bill
Starring: Lupita Nyong’o, Elizabeth Moss,
                                                                                                      Skarsgård) for good.”
Winston Duke, Tim Heidecker, Shahadi Wright       Toy Story 4:
Joseph, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II                     Directed by: Josh Cooley
Opening on: March 22, 2019                        Starring: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts,
Synopsis: Jordan Peele’s debut psychological      Laurie Metcalf                                      Frozen 2:
thriller “Get Out”, which premiered on Feb-       Opening on: June 21, 2019                           Directed by: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee
ruary 24, 2017, was extremely well-received       Synopsis: “Just about everyone agrees Toy           Starring: Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad
(earning a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes). So it is      Story 3 ended the trilogy on a perfect note,        Opening on: November 27, 2019
no wonder that when it was announced that         not to mention it maintained the franchise’s        Synopsis: “Original directors Chris Buck and
Peele would be directing another horror movie,    stunning 99% Tomatometer average. So Pixar          Jennifer Lee, as well as original stars Kristen
people were intrigued and excited.                must have a good reason to come back and risk       Bell, Idina Menzel, and Josh Gad, return to
 “Husband and wife Gabe and Adelaide Wilson       poisoning the well, especially since they’ve        Arendelle to try to catch a second lightning
take their children to their beach house, hop-    been releasing occasional TS shorts. Toy Story      storm in a bottle and belt out a song half as
ing to spend time with friends. Their serenity    4 details are scarce, though we know the main       catchy as ‘Let It Go.’”
soon turns to tension and chaos when a group      cast will return, and it’s being directed by Josh
of ‘strangers’ arrive.”                           Cooley in his feature-length debut.”                                             - MACK GARRETT
seniors taking the final steps before
        walking across the stage
  As this spring approaches, many           “Throughout high school, I’ve been      means that a new start is coming. For
seniors are making their choices on       learning leadership skills and respon-    others, this is absolutely terrifying.
which colleges they would like to at-     sibility. While being involved in cross     “I am beyond excited for a fresh start
tend in the fall. While some are choos-   country and track, I’ve learned the im-   with new faces and new opportunities.
ing to stay closer to home, there are     portance of time management. Working      My brother goes to HPU, so I will al-
many who are moving states away.          through the high school with the Co-Op    ways have family there; however, I will
  Dayle Harvey, who is going to High      program has taught me real world          REALLY miss my parents. I will defi-
Point University (HPU) in High Point,     skills. Along with that I am a part of    nitely miss my friends and honorary
North Carolina, knew from the moment      NHS which was has helped me main-         family the most while I am down south.
she stepped on the campus that she        tain my involvement in the community      Other than that, I don't think I will face
wanted to attend school there.            and keep my school work at a high         many challenges because I tend to find
  “I went on a week long trip down        standard.”                                living here a bit suffocating,” Harvey
south and visited colleges with my                                                  explains, sharing her feelings for the
dad, and from the moment I stepped                                                  upcoming semester.
on High Point's campus, I knew it was
home. The programs are unbeatable
and the campus is gorgeous.”
  Harvey has played a big role in
WCHS’s social environment, and she
is always finding ways to help others
through getting involved with clubs.
  “I have always been active in many
clubs while holding a leadership po-
sition in them. I also played Varsity
soccer and was the captain for three
years; I feel like that really equipped     Harvey, who plans on studying Corpo-      Overall, college is a scary, but very
me to broaden my horizons.”               rate Law, wants to make a difference in   rewarding, experience. It is crazy to
  Lex Desenberg is attending Franklin     any career that she pursues. She has      see where your childhood friends will
College in Franklin, Indiana, this up-    taken many steps to prepare for the       end up. When asked about advice for
coming fall. Although she isn’t moving    fall.                                     juniors who may be scared to go off to
states away, this was a big commitment      “My mom and I have started dorm         college or to look at colleges that are
for Desenberg due to her outstanding      room shopping, she even bought me a       farther away, Desenberg said this:
cross country record.                     vacuum already… which is a bit early,       “Don't be afraid to branch out from
  “The first thing that stood out to me   but it makes me all the more excited      your comfort zone and experience new
about Franklin college was the atmo-      that it is so soon!”                      things. Apply to as many schools and
sphere, it is small and very welcoming.     Desenberg has been keeping in           see where you are accepted to. Utilize
They offer so many academic possibili-    contact with the Franklin admissions      the free application day. Go far enough
ties and sport opportunities. The cam-    counselor, and her future cross coun-     away from home that your Mom can’t
pus is beautiful and you know every       try and track coach. She is planning to   stop to see you for lunch, but you can
face you pass by!”                        study Marketing and Graphic Design,       get home on a Sunday for dinner if you
  Just like Harvey, Desenberg has         while also keeping up on the field.       want to.”
played a huge part in her community         Choosing a college is a big step, and
through her determination and dedica-     a scary one. We are already over half                     - RACHEL MCDONALD
tion to cross country and track.          way to the finish line. To many, this
Meet Kaitlynn Gordon, ‘The Roar’ staff writer
  Hi, my name is Kaitlynn Gordon                                                   get the chance, I try to hangout with
and I am a sophomore here at WCHS.                                                 my family.
  I took journalism last school year                                                  2019 makes five years that I’ve
and really enjoyed the class.                                                      lived in Warsaw.
  I’ve always enjoyed journaling and                                                  I was born in California while my
creative writing projects.                                                         dad was in the Navy.
  Although I don’t necessarily know                                                   Once he got out, we moved to
what I want to study or where I want                                               Huntington, Indiana, where my two
to go for college, when I get older, I                                             younger sisters were born.
would love to be a Travel Journalist                                                  In 2012 we moved to Seattle, Wash-
or start my own business of some                                                   ington.
sort.                                                                                 Oddly enough, we missed Indiana
  Outside of school I work, hangout                                                and decided to move back in 2014
with friends, and (way too often) go                                               but, this time, to Warsaw.
online shopping.                                                                      I don’t think I’m alone in saying
  As much as I enjoy being social, I                                               that 2018 was a very rough year.
also enjoy being alone in my room                                                     So far, 2019 has already taught me
watching YouTube, scrolling through                                                a lot.
social media, listening to music, and                                                 More than anything this year, I
taking naps.                                                                       cannot wait to get my license and
  Since I started high school, I’ve                                                have more freedom (very expensive
realized taking time for yourself is         WCHS Sophomore, Kaitlynn Gordon       freedom, but freedom).
essential.                                      Photograph by: Katey Walls            I’m also looking forward to this
  For being a teenager, I’d say I’m                                                summer and starting my junior year
fairly close to my parents and when I                                              this fall.

  Social Media and it’s Effects on Youth
  With the Grammy’s this past            Whether you archive or delete the         secure looking at other people online.
month, there was a lot of talk on who    post, anyone could have already             The honest truth is, Social Media
would host the awards show.              screen recorded or taken a screen-        for a lot of people is just a show. Ce-
  The host was originally supposed to    shot of the post. All the more reason     lebrities and influencers are con-
be Kevin Hart, an extremely popular      you need to be careful on every Social    stantly getting called out for photo-
comedian.                                Media platform.                           shopping their images.
  Thanks to some tweets that were           Not only should you be careful with      The body on that Instagram model
posted in 2009 and 2010, Hart had to     what you post on Social Media, but        that you may be jealous of, might not
step down from his role in the awards    you should be careful about how you       even be real.
show as it was causing much contro-      let what others post affect you.            People generally prefer posting
versy.                                      Social Media can be a fun place to     what will make them look good.
  Hart later apologized for his tweets   communicate with friends and fami-        Nobody likes talking about how un-
and said that he is now happy “with      ly, start a business, find a hobby, and   happy they are with themselves and
the man he is becoming.” 10 years        learn... almost anything. While Social    displaying that “real” image for the
after these tweets, he is still being    Media can be helpful and enjoyable,       whole world to see.
affected by them and facing conse-       it can also be a very dangerous place       Something that is becoming more
quences for them.                        for your mental health.                   of a trend is taking a break from So-
  Similar events have happened to        Scrolling through Instagram or            cial Media.
other celebrities as well. A racist      Snapchat Stories can be fun and             If you’re struggling with body im-
tweet from country superstar Blake       entertaining but it can also kill your    age issues or anxiety, this may be a
Shelton in 2011 resurfaced in 2016.      self-esteem.                              good idea for you.
He, of course later apologized for          Seeing other people out having a         Always remember to think before
what he wrote saying that comedy         good time, on vacation, or with their     you post; also, don’t overthink what
has been apart of his career for a       significant other can make you feel       others post.
while and he meant no harm by those      unaccomplished.
tweets.                                     Not only could you be feeling unac-                  - KAITLYNN GORDON
  Social Media posts ARE forever.        complished but you may even feel in-
12 things I’ve learned
throughout life.
                                                                                                           “Life is 10% of
                              a list of life lessons, by Katey Walls                                      what happens to
You Can’t Please Everyone
   Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you
                                                                                                          us, and 90% how
may never please everyone. This takes time to
realize. You can be the absolute best you can
                                                                                                           we react to it.”
be, and some people will never see it. This isn’t
a fault on your part, it’s on theirs. Surround                                                                    - Anonymous
yourself with people who appreciate all you do,
and reciprocate it back.

Try Something New, Even If It Is Scary              Focus On The Good
   Possibly one of my biggest regrets from high        It’s so easy to surround yourself with all
school is not getting involved sooner. Often        the negatives of highschool, and life itself. But
times people hold back on doing what they love      I challenge you, to pick out one good thing in
because of judgment from others. I remember         every day. It may even be as little as you had
as a freshman I stayed to myself and never put      your favorite cereal for breakfast. However,
myself out there. Eventually I decided to join      once you start picking out the good in each
a few clubs and I created new friendships and       day, a so called “bad life” can turn into the          Don’t Take Life Too Seriously
experiences I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I        most joyful one despite no real change in what             Not everyone knows what they are doing in
will admit it is scary to put yourself out there    you do. The only thing that changed was your           this life. Some people know more than others,
at first, but at the end of my four years I wish    outlook on the days you were having.                   and some people are living life and just seeing
I would have done some things sooner. All I’m                                                              where it will take them. I’m here to tell you
saying from this is to just PUT YOURSELF OUT                                                               that it is okay to not know, because that’s how
                                                    Not All Things In Life Are Black And                   you learn. People aren’t just born knowing
THERE. Be you, and join that club or sport no
matter what others may think of it. Do it for
                                                    White                                                  everything, it takes life experiences to gain
                                                       A good friend of mine once told me this. At         knowledge. So, don’t take life too seriously.
yourself, and nobody else.
                                                    first, I didn’t understand what she meant, but I       Also, take time to yourself, and just take life as
                                                    interpret it as nothing is as it seems. And that       it comes, with a grateful heart.
Not Everyone’s Opinions Matter                      is true. Nothing is as it seems. There’s always
   I’ll say it again. Not. Everyone’s. Opinions.    another side to the story, another road to turn
Matter. This concept is SO hard to grasp early      on, and another task to be completed. You can
                                                                                                           Always Be Present
on, but I genuinely wish I would have listened                                                                After a day has passed, you will never relive
                                                    either see life in a negative way, or a positive
to this advice sooner. I’d even say this point                                                             or experience what happened in that moment
                                                    way. The choice is yours.
connects with the previous. It’s overwhelming-                                                             ever again. Soon days turn into weeks, weeks
ly easy to get caught up in the idea of what oth-                                                          turn into months, and months turn into years.
ers may think of you, to the point where you
                                                    You Don’t Always Need A Crowd                          Before you know it, Freshman year was 4
                                                        Going into highschool, it’s common to              years ago, and you look back on everything
might hold back from what you want to do. At
                                                    believe you always need a friend by your side.         you did and wished you appreciated the time
the end of the day, you are in control of your-
                                                    I’m here to tell you this is not true. Of course,      while you were living in it. Always be present.
self, and others’ thoughts on that shouldn’t
                                                    it’s amazing to have friends, because these            Time goes by too quickly to wish to be older, or
even be considered.
                                                    people are who you create some of the best             to be onto the next experience in life.
                                                    memories with; however, it’s okay to be alone.
No One Is Perfect                                   Throughout each year of highschool I lost and
   The media today thrives off of the “per-                                                                4 Years Is A Short Amount Of Time
                                                    made some of the most life changing friends I
fect person” and the ideal lifestyle. Scrolling                                                                2015. Freshman year. 7th period. Mr.
                                                    will ever have, and at a point of my Junior year
through Instagram feeds to find people who                                                                 Boley’s Biology class. Actively taking notes,
                                                    I was completely alone. And honestly, I can
you wish one day to portray. The fact is that no                                                           studying, and trying to achieve the best grade
                                                    say this part of my life was flourishing for me.
one is perfect. The people who display a won-                                                              possible. I remember Mr. Boley telling the class
                                                    I was able to focus on myself, my family, and I
derful and carefree life have struggles of their                                                           that our four years will go by faster than we
                                                    was able to set new goals that I had to face on
own as well, and not everything is as it seems.                                                            could ever imagine. As I sat there I wanted
                                                    my own, and that was a good thing. This also
The best way to make a good impression is to                                                               to believe that was true, but I never did until
                                                    falls true for relationships as well, because it’s
just be yourself, perfect or not, and people who                                                           now. I’ve lived through so many experiences in
                                                    very easy to fall under the influence that you
love you for YOU will see past any “imperfec-                                                              these short four years and I wouldn’t change
                                                    always need to be in a relationship to be happy,
tions” you may have.                                                                                       it for a thing. I would like to tell the current
                                                    which is not the case.
                                                                                                           freshmen however, that this is so so true. One
Failure Is Okay                                                                                            minute you will be awkwardly attending the
                                                    Forgiveness Benefits Everyone                          Snowball Dance for the first time, and out
   Failure creates new ways to learn. How can          To forgive is extremely hard. I can be the          of nowhere you will be rocking it at Senior
you ever grow or thrive without failure be-         first to admit it. It’s not even the forgiveness of    Semi-Formal with people you have endured
tween each success? To endure a failure does        certain things that matters, but it’s the letting
not mean YOU are a failure, it means you are                                                               the journey with.
                                                    go of it that does. Unnecessary drama through-
human. And all humans make mistakes, or go          out school can be avoided if it is just let go.
down the wrong path at one point or another.        Life is so short, and holding grudges changes
You can either choose to look past it or stay       nothing, so move on. It is what it is.
stuck with it. Ps: That one test or homework
assignment won’t matter in 5 years, so why
stress over it now?
TOXIC PEOPLE:                                                                       thank u,
              and how to let go
               U                                                                        Just a little less than six months ago, Ari-
                                                                                     ana Grande released acclaimed album Sweet-
                                                                                     ener. Now she’s back, further picking apart
                                                                                     her thoughts and sharing them with us.
                                                                                        thank u, next starts with already-released
   In life, we try to take care of our-   them from your life.                       track “imagine,” a romantic ballad where
selves and avoid things that are toxic       To remove a toxic person from           Grande imagines a perfect world with the
for our bodies, like drugs or alcohol.    your life, you have to be upfront.         love of her life. She sings with a slow but
What if the most toxic thing in your      Saying exactly what is on your mind        Mariah-Carey-reminicist instrumental with
                                                                                     whistle notes. Fans have speculated that
life is a friend?                         is healthy and lets the person know        this track is about late ex-boyfriend, Mac
   Toxic people in your life can hurt     why they can’t be in your life any-        Miller. When asked what imagine is about,
you without you even realizing it.        more. Toxic people tend to try and         Ariana responded on Twitter with, “a simple,
Sometimes, the signs are obvious          cling to people they know they can         beautiful love that is now (and forever) unat-
that a friendship or relationship is      manipulate. You have to set boundar-       tainable.”
                                                                                        Following “imagine”, tracks like “needy”
unhealthy or damaging. Yet, toxic         ies and tell them you are done. Being      and “NASA” have contrasting stories. In
friends can be sneaky and can some-       clear is your best shot on making          “needy,” Grande is describing her wants and
times blind you.                          sure they don’t try and stick around.      needs in a relationship, singing, “If you take
   At the same time, people can be           Stop keeping people in your life        too long to hit me back, I can’t promise you
toxic and manipulative in your life       based on your history with them. If        how I’ll react,” which also describes her inse-
                                                                                     curities and doubts when it comes to her re-
and not even realize that they’re         they’re toxic, draining or even make       lationships. While in “NASA,” she sings about
being that way. Communication is          you question your morals don’t feel        needing space in a relationship with, “I’d
huge, yet if they’re not taking a step    guilty for removing them.                  rather be alone tonight, you can say “I love
towards change with you, just simply         Letting go of toxic people can be       you” through the phone tonight.” Just these
                                                                                     two tracks shows the emotional rollercoaster
let go. Stop giving people excuses.       difficult. Realizing for yourself that
                                                                                     Grande has represented in her album, and
Stop giving them chances & allowing       not every relationship is needed in        also shows her life behind the music.
them to drain your energy.                your life is important, especially rela-      Jumping to track number 5, “fake smile”
   To realize someone in your life is     tionships that bring more pain than        dives even deeper into her doubts and
toxic, you need to watch who they         support. You cannot save everyone          struggles. Grande sings about her life in the
                                                                                     spotlight, “Another night, another party,
are as a person. The way they act in      you come across, and it’s important
                                                                                     saying hi to everybody.” Given her life these
certain situations, and the way they      to know that. Just because you feel        few past years, between a terrorist attack
treat others.                             bad about cutting off a friendship         at her Manchester concert and loss of her
   Do they support their friends          doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.          ex-boyfriend Mac Miller, “fake smile” is one
during difficult situations?                 Instead, take time to connect with      of the most honest and eye opening tracks on
                                                                                     this album.
   Do they put other people they deem     people who want to love and support
                                                                                        “ghostin’” is another track where fans
to “care about” down for their own        you. Don’t text that toxic person.         speculate she is singing about her love for
benefit or enjoyment?                     Don’t check their social media. Don’t      Pete Davidson and loss of Miller. She tells the
   Think of all the times you dropped     take it to heart when your friends         story of being in a good, committed relation-
everything for someone you cared          bring them up. Don’t bring them up         ship with her lover, but still grieving for a
                                                                                     past one. “I know that it breaks your heart
about. Have they ever done that for       - talking about them only reinforces
                                                                                     when I cry again, over him.” She admits
you?                                      their presence in your life. Don’t let     to her baggage and hopes for them to get
   If a relationship is constantly        it bother you when you see them in         through the trauma together. Although, she
bringing you down or putting too          passing.                                   also sings, “I wish he was here instead.”
much weight on your shoulders, it’s          What’s done is done. Let it go. You        On her last track, “break up with your
                                                                                     girlfriend, i’m bored,” Ariana sings of a
time to let them go.                      have people who care about you. You        somewhat love triangle, where she is trying
   Cutting ties with someone that         will find love again. You will have        to convince a love interest of leaving their
does more harm than good can be           good days and bad days, but remem-         girlfriend for her. This track also came with
hard, especially when you care about      ber to appreciate the happy moments        a music video, where Ariana is seen as the
them or desperately don’t want to let     and not dwell on the bad.                  girlfriend. This is symbolizing that she is
                                                                                     breaking up with the boyfriend so she can
go of them. Sometimes it’s hard to set                                               start loving herself.
boundaries and completely remove                             - JORDYN TRUEX             thank u, next is only 6 months after
                                                                                     Sweetener, and it could have been hurried,
                                                                                     thrown together and sloppy. Yet, it is a burst
                                                                                     of thoughts, emotions and creativity from
                                                                                     Grande that no one expected.

                                                                                                                - JORDYN TRUEX
Micah's MoViE                f.          h.

                        MuSingS                               each other. Sully referring to her as
                                                              “Boo” and the child referring to him as
                                                              “Kitty”. The situation only escalates
                                                              when Mike and Sully discover Randall’s
                                                              plan to save the monster world. Ulti-
                                                              mately, they are banished, and forced to
                                                              put their opposing opinions of Boo aside
                                                              if they are to return and save her.
                                                                  Like many of Pixar’s films, friendship
                                                              is a primary component in Monster’s
                                                              Inc. Mike and Sully have a seemingly
                                                              simple relationship (with more back-
                                                              ground info included in the prequel
                                                              Monster’s University). But as soon as
                                                              Boo was added to the picture, every-
        Monster’s Inc is a movie about            g.           i. was thrown off. Conflict was pres-
     children and the monsters who                            ent throughout and eventually Mike
     scare them. James P. Sullivan                            and Sully were forced to reconcile.
     (aka. Sully) is the top “scarer” for                         Monster’s Inc. also displays how
     the company Monster’s Incorpo-                           sometimes life’s biggest lessons occur
     rated. His partner, roomate, and                         when we least expect. And in forms
d.   manager Mike Wazowski, is a com-                         that often surprise us. Sully never
     ical, one-eyed, green monster who                        expected a “toxic” child could become
     couldn’t be less intimidating.                           such a friend and cause for joy. And yet,
        Monster’s Incorporated is the                         that is exactly what he got in Boo.
     largest scaring company in the                               Ultimately, this film displays yet
     monster world. Doors are brought                         another triumph by Pixar. An unusu-
     in as a portal to the closets of chil-                   al idea to begin with, it’s easy to have
     dren across the world, allowing for                      doubts about Monster’s Inc., but it
     easy scaring. The monsters enter                         soars. A triumph of animation (espe-
     the room and make the children        cially for 2001), and a blending of seri-
     scream. They harvest the screams                         ous and child-firendly themes.
     of children and convert them into
     clean energy, used to power their                                           - MICAH HOFFMAN
     cities, homes, and cars.
        As time has gone on, children
     have become more and more dif-
     ficult to scare, causing a “scream
     shortage.” The shortage has Ran-
     dall Boggs (a rival scarer) looking
     for a way to get rich and famous by
     saving the monster world.
        Through a turn of events, Sully
     accidentally ends up letting a
     little girl into the monster world.
     Everyone freaks out when she’s
     seen in public because children
     are believed to be toxic to mon-
     sters. With a child secretly in their
     hands, Sully and Mike devise a                                      
     plan to return her home.
        To the detriment of Mike, Sully
     and the child become attached to
but in Hawaii it was almost a national
                                                                                            treasure. It has been featured in many

                                                                                            folk songs and were once abundant on
                                                                                            the land. Due to the incorporation of
                                                                                            new plants, being picked up and taken
                                                                                            home by humans, and being consumed
                                                                                            by other predators, the species now
                                                                                            only lives inside of Hawaiian folklore.
                                                                                               From the littlest creature to the big-
  Imagine a world without humans, a            endangered species tend to originate         gest, it seems nothing is safe. In 2012,
world where the animal kingdom has             from there.                                  the Sumatran Elephant was moved
no real dominant species and every-            One of the latest species to be deter-       from the “endangered” category to the
thing lives freely without fear of man.        mined endangered is the African Moun-        “critically endangered category.” In one
A peaceful world like that is possible,        tain Gorilla. Ever since the primate’s       generation 70% of the giant’s home has
but we, as a whole, need to change our         discovery in 1902, it has faced many         been erased and taken by humans for
ways.                                          extinction scares. With disease rattle-      personal gain. This wiped out around
  Recently animals and insects of              ment, war, hunting, and deforestation,       80% of this animal in just 25 years, all
many types have been going extinct or          there are only around one thousand           just because they live upon an abun-
have become gravely endangered. This           of these marvelous creatures left on         dance of oil.
has worried many animal lovers and             Earth.                                          Humans have poached the males
scientists. What is the reasoning behind          Most of them live in captivity at giant   for their tusk which has caused an
this? It’s a possibility that humans have      animal shelters, are cared for, and          imbalance in the gender ratio which is
been an influence.                             remain safe which has slowly increased       very frightening. Elephants are smart
  Whether it’s removing the habitat in         the amount of these gorillas. Scientists     animals, and they have known for
which animals live, polluting the air,         hope they can save this species and          years that humans are a threat to their
or straight up slaughtering animals,           pray they can get them back to their         lives and have been known to trample
humans have become the main sus-               original place of habitation in the moun-    human homes when they come across
pect in this mystery. Some may think           tains where they belong. Some have           them.
endangered animals aren’t that big of a        considered it a success story but other      This has led to many of them being
deal, but one wrong missing link in the        species have not been as lucky.              poisoned or shot to death. There are
food chain could be the fall of the world         The O’ahu “Hawaiian” Tree Snail           now only around 2,000 of these beau-
as we know it.                                 became the first species to become ex-       tiful beasts left, many of which live on
  Throughout the world poachers have           tinct in 2019 on New Year’s Day. Lonely      protected National Park land.
been straining the food chain, but it          George was the last of his kind, held           Humans have been caught red
hasn’t broken yet which still gives some       in a lab while scientists searched for a     handed at destroying the lives of many
hope. However, in places like Africa,          mate, but they failed. A tragic ending to    animals. Sadly enough we don’t do as
or some parts of Asia, conservation            a very charming little being.                much as we should to make up for the
laws aren’t as strict. This is why most           You may have not head of this snail,      havoc we have caused. One certain an-
                                                                                            imal has been used by humans simply
                                                                                            because of how cute they are.
                                                                                               Many people know the Red Panda as
                                                                                            a furry, small, cute animal, but to scien-
                                                                                            tists they are known as an endangered
                                                                                            species. Killed for their red pelts, and
                                                                                            caught in traps meant for other small
                                                                                            creatures there are less than 10,000
                                                                                            of these adorable creatures left in the
                                                                                               Killing these animals can give a
                                                                                            person a 1,000 dollar fine, or up to ten
                                                                                            years in prison in Nepal where around
                                                                                            38% of their population lives.
                                                                                               Many foundations have been cre-
                                                                                            ated just to help certain animals like
                                                                                            these, but there are way more of these
                                                                                            organizations than you would imagine.
                                                                                            They work and do as much as they can
                                                                                            to help repopulate and bring awareness
                                                                                            to the animals that we got rid of.
                                                                                            An extreme amount of animals are
                                                                                            dying from human influence every day,
                                                                                            how many animals have to become en-
                                                                                            dangered for people to start caring?

       This image from Animal Planet shows a cute little Red Panda licking his nose.
                                                                                                           - KONNER SHEPHERD
The Influence of
   Chef Steph
Players come and go in sports. It is ob-    pick-and-roll offense dominates.
vious that some athletes have more of       Some players are loving this new age
an impact on their sports than others.      of basketball. James Harden is single
After all, where would tennis be with-      handedly dismantling and abusing
out Serena Williams? Football without       the NBA rulebook. Drawing fouls at
Jerry Rice? Golf without Tiger Woods?       an unparalleled level. Utilizing the
Baseball without Jackie Robinson?           infamous euro-step, James forces
And of course, where would basketball       defenders to either swipe at the ball
be without Michael Jordan? All these        (often drawing a foul), or to let him
players changed their respective sports     score an easy bucket on his way to the
forever. Sometimes these changes were       rim. On top of that, James’ step back
for the better, sometimes for the worse,    three-pointer is unstoppable. Love him
depending on who you ask.                   or hate him, Harden is simply taking
Steph Curry has almost single-hand-         advantage of the rule book to max-
edly changed the NBA. Before Steph,         imize his affect in the game. “Three
Michael Jordan led an era of rising         and D” players (who’s specialties are
offenses, high flying dunks, and wick-      shooting three-pointers and playing
ed crossovers. The arrival of Curry         great defense) like Klay Thompson are
has ushered in a much more fluid            thriving. Thompson is considered by
and finesse driven era. The three-          many a surefire hall of fame candidate,
point shot is at its pinnacle. Curry        mainly because of the three-point shot.
is the best shooter ever. Period. It is     Thompson is the second best shooter
not even close. Never before has the        of all time and an elite defender. In any
three-pointer held such importance          other era, Thompson would likely be
in basketball. Players and teams are        another, slightly above average, play-
attempting more threes than ever, and       er. But in the age of the three-pointer,
every three-point shot related record       Klay can thrive even more.
is being broken. Earlier this season, the   Maybe like Harden and Thompson,
Houston Rockets made and NBA record         you enjoy this new era in basketball.
26 three-pointers, a game in which          Maybe, you don’t. Regardless, the age
they launched 55 three-point shots.         of Steph and the three-point shot is
Even the NCAA is seeing an increase in      here, and here to stay.
three-point shots. The midrange shot,
formerly known as the “bread and but-                         - MICAH HOFFMAN
ter shot”, is virtually nonexistent. The                  & KONNER SHEPHERD

                                                                     Steph Curry has a clothing
                                                                     and shoe deal with the
                                                                     popular athletic brand
                                                                     Under Armour, and does
                                                                     a lot of modeling for the
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