STORIES THAT INSPIRE Success from one industry to the next - 16 FACES

Page created by Karl Gregory
STORIES THAT INSPIRE Success from one industry to the next - 16 FACES
Norm Gardner

                                                Bobbi Farrer

Success from one industry
to the next
                                               16 FACES
PUTTING A FACE TO                              & the stories
THE ORGANIZATIONS                              behind them
STORIES THAT INSPIRE Success from one industry to the next - 16 FACES
Editor’s Letter
                                                                         Interviewing each and every          newcomers alike, Kamloops’
                                                                         one of them reinforces what          business community is vast
                                                                         we’ve all known for decades.         and diverse and includes the
                                                                         Kamloops is a special place.         businesses you’ll read about
                                                                         A place where the vibrant            in the upcoming pages --
                                                                         business community supports          Denali Landscaping (page 14),
                                                                         and shapes society and vice          Sweet Spot Cupcakes (page
                                                                         versa.                               10), Martin & Martin Lawyers
                                                                                                              (page 28), Jones Brothers
                                                                         Yes, the city has a spectacular      Construction (page 24),
                                                                         location at the confluence           Psychocity Tattoo (page 08)
                                                                         of the North and South               and River City Nissan (page 30).
                                                                         Thompson rivers, nestled
                                                                         in mountains with enviable           All the other leaders,
                                                                         weather. But, it’s the people,       businesses and organizations
                                                                         businesses, government,              profiled in these pages also
                                                                         organizations, institutions          contribute to the fabric of
                                                                         and community groups                 Kamloops in their own special
                                                                         that make Kamloops a                 way.
                                                                         community. A community with

                YOUR STORY
                                                                         an outstanding standard of           After all, as I’ve already said,
                                                                         living and quality of life full of   Kamloops is a special place.
                                                                         opportunities, recreation and

               IS OUR BUSINESS              You’ll be inspired as you
                                                                         We all know why we live here.
                                                                         And others want a piece of the
                                                                         action. That’s why as people
                                            read about the people in     reflect on their lives in other
                                            the next 30 pages of this    cities, some come to the             Steve MacNaull
                                            magazine.                    conclusion they too want to live     Editor and journalist,
                                                                         in Kamloops and be part of the       NowMedia Group
                                            All of them are leaders      magic.

ARE YOU READY TO TELL       Let’s Connect
                                            in their respective fields
                                            from construction,           It’s a phenomenon that’s even

                                            counselling, selling         more prevalent as people
                                            cars and cannabis            from Vancouver, Edmonton,
                                            to veterinary and            Calgary and Toronto flee the
                                            naturopathic medicine,       big city for the promised land.           (250) 862 8010   landscaping, tattoos and
                                                                         To support this growth, and
                                                                         serve long-time residents and

Divisions of                                                                                                            FACES OF K AMLOOPS       1
STORIES THAT INSPIRE Success from one industry to the next - 16 FACES
Table of Contents
                       Vision Therapy
                         DR. TAMSYN

                                                                                 VETERINARY MEDICINE                 04

                                                                                 CANNABIS                            06

                                                                        Vol 2.   TATTOO ARTISTRY                     08

                                                                                 BAKING                              10

                                                                                 WINE BARREL FURNITURE DESIGN        12

                                                                                 LANDSCAPING                         14
                                        FACES OF KAMLOOPS
                                        2021                                     COUNSELLING                         16

                                                                                 LEATHER, VINYL AND PLASTIC REPAIR   18
                                        16 Flights Publishing House              VISION THERAPY                      21
                                        A division of NowMedia Group

                                                                                 HOME DESIGN                         22
                                        MANAGING EDITOR
                                        Jim Csek                                 CONSTRUCTION                        24

                                                                                 NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE               26
                                        Taylor Siemens
                                                                                 LAW                                 28
                                        Steve MacNaull
                                        Ellen Schwenkedel                        AUTOMOTIVE                          30
                                        Andrew Nash
                                        Laina Burton                             REAL ESTATE                         32
                                        Taylor Field
                                        Sydney Baerg                             STORYTELLING                        34

                                        Copyright © 16Flights Publishing House
STORIES THAT INSPIRE Success from one industry to the next - 16 FACES
THE FACE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE   “Pets adore you, relieve stress, are incredible companions and enrich our
                                  lives so much... I became a veterinarian because I strive to provide the best
                                  service and care for pets and their humans”

                                  Tranquille Road
                                  Animal Hospital
                                  DR. SHARMA

                                  D   r. Sharma believes every
                                      household should have
                                  a pet. The veterinarian is
                                                                    Humans are required to
                                                                    give the background and
                                                                    perspective. And then a
                                                                                                    After working in Abbotsford
                                                                                                    for a few years, he moved
                                                                                                    to Kamloops in 2010 to
                                  probably a little biased due      physical examination and        establish Tranquille Road
                                  to his profession and because     various diagnostic tests can    Animal Hospital, as the sole
                                  he loves cats and dogs.           determine exactly what is       proprietor.
                                                                    wrong with the pet.
                                  However, there’s science                                          Since then, Dr. Joshi and
                                  and sentiment behind his          Tranquille Road Animal          others have joined the
                                  declaration. “Pets adore you,     Hospital is a general           practice. “Dr. Joshi went to
                                  relieve stress, are incredible    veterinary practice that        the same vet school in India
                                  companions and enrich             provides emergency care,        that I did,” added Dr. Sharma.
                                  our lives so much,” said          routine medical care, various   Dr. Joshi has since moved on
                                  Dr. Sharma, the owner of          soft-tissue and orthopedic      to open his own clinic.
                                  Tranquille Road Animal            surgery, vaccinations,
                                  Hospital. “I became a             and spay and neutering,         Dr. Sharma says he wouldn’t
                                  veterinarian not just because     preventative health care,       be where he is today without
                                  I love dogs. I became a           dental care and veterinary      the tremendous amount of
                                  veterinarian because I strive     prescription diets.             personal and professional
                                  to provide the best service                                       support he’s received from
                                  and care for pets and their       Dr. Sharma was born and         family, friends and customers.
                                  humans.”                          raised in India, where he had
                                                                    a pet dog. He earned his        Dr. Sharma’s plans include
                                  After all, veterinary medicine    PhD in veterinary medicine      constantly growing and
                                  is almost as much about           in India and moved to           improving Tranquille Road
                                  humans as it is about             Abbotsford in 2004. “There      Animal Hospital by hiring
                                  animals. “That’s right,” said     were better prospects in        more veterinarians and
                                  Dr. Sharma with a laugh. “You     Canada,” said Dr. Sharma.       extending hours beyond its
                                  have to talk to the humans        “And in Canada there are        already extensive seven-day-
                                  first to help find out what the   more pet dogs and cats          a-week openings.
                                  problem is because pets can’t     and my veterinary medicine
                                  speak.”                           interest has always primarily
                                                                    been dogs and cats.”

   4 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                              FACES OF K AMLOOPS   5
STORIES THAT INSPIRE Success from one industry to the next - 16 FACES
W       ill Anderson considers
                                                                                                                     himself more of a tour
                                                                                                             guide than a sales guy. And
                                                                                                                                                   (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the
                                                                                                                                                   psychoactive compound that
                                                                                                                                                   produces the high sensation.
                                                                                                             Casey Paulsen is a budtender, a
                                                                                                             riff off the bud part of the plant    The gig as budtender is the
                                                                                                             that most cannabis products           “best job ever,” according to
                                                                                                             are made of.                          Casey. “For 10 years before
                                                                                                                                                   this I worked as a registered
                                                                                                             The two work at The Shore             veterinary technologist and
                                                                                                             Cannabiz Shop at 399                  was feeling burnt out,” she says.
                                                                                                             Tranquille Rd. in Kamloops,           “This job at The Shore is so
                                                                                                             where unconventional job titles       good for me because I’m still
                                                                                                             are encouraged and supported.         working in a care industry, but
                                                                                                             After all, this is recreational       with people who I’m helping
                                                                                                             cannabis retail, which while          navigate what they are looking
                                                                                                             now legal, is still based in fun,     for, be it flower, pre-rolls,
                                                                                                             irreverence and sub-culture.          vaporizers, concentrates or
                                                                                                             “Definitely, I don’t consider
                                                                                                             myself a salesman,” says Will         Casey is also The Shore’s
                                                                                                             with a laugh. “I’m more of a          resident chalk artist responsible
                                                                                                             tour guide, the guy who chats         for an ever-changing rotation
                                                                                                             with you to find out what             of blackboards featuring
                                                                                                             experience you’re after in order      images that incorporate
                                                                                                             to suggest the options for you        cannabis products.
                                                                                                             to make a decision.”                  For instance, the celestial scene
Order of appearance: Beau Jardine, Caitlyn Childs, Will Anderson, Casey Paulsen and Anthony Moreau-Coulson                                         promotes the Moonbeam
                                                                                                             In fact, if customers are happy,      strain, the chimpanzee
                                                                                                             Will’s happy. Will’s official title   smoking a doobie highlights
                                                                                                             is assistant manager. “I like         the Monkey Glue strain and the
                                                                                                             nothing better than someone           astronaut carries a cup full of

            THE FACE OF CANNABIS                                                                             coming in and saying:
                                                                                                             You nailed it with that last
                                                                                                             recommendation, man,” says
                                                                                                                                                   Deep Space cannabis-infused

                                                                                                             Will.                                 The Shore is Kamloops’ first
                                                                                                                                                   private cannabis store and is
                                                                                                             Such an approach is required          family owned and operated

    The Shore
                                                                                                             because The Shore Cannabiz            by Chris and Nadine Lyth and
                                                                                      “I like nothing        has a clientele that ranges from      their daughter Danielle. “We
                                                                                                             nervous and shy first-timers,         truly are a Mom and Pop shop
                                                                                      better than            white-collar connoisseurs and         where we focus on training
                                                                                      someone coming         housewives to skaters, blue           and education for our staff so

    Cannabiz Shop
                                                                                                             collar recreationalists, hard-        they become well known in the
                                                                                      in and saying:         core partiers and seniors after       city for their knowledge and
                                                                                      You nailed it          some therapeutic CBD.                 customer service,” says Chris.
                                                                                      with that last         By the way, cannabidiol               “The staff has really built the
                                                                                                             (CBD) is the active ingredient        popularity of the store. They
                                                                                      recommendation,        in marijuana with non-                listen to customers and match
     WILL ANDERSON AND CASEY PAULSEN                                                  man.”                  high, calming and healing             them to the right product at
                                                                                                             properties, while THC                 the right time.”

6 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                                                                                   FACES OF K AMLOOPS   7
STORIES THAT INSPIRE Success from one industry to the next - 16 FACES
and lawyers with full sleeves        to the Tournament Capital and     drove early every morning for
THE FACE OF TATTOO ARTISTRY                                                                                                 and tattoos all over. Tattooing      set up Psychocity Tattoo here     five weeks to Kelowna for his
                                                                                                                            might have started for sailors       in 2013. They knew two people     radiation treatments and then
                                                                                                                            and prison inmates, but it’s         in the city than and have built   straight back to Kamloops so
                                                                                                                            definitely mainstream now.”          the business based on great       he could put in a day of work at
                                                                                                                                                                 customer service.                 Psychocity.
                                                                                                                            The reasons are myriad. “Your
                                                                                                                            body is a canvas that can be         Norm is so dedicated to his       Norm’s been cancer free for
                                                                                                                            decorated,” explained Norm.          craft that when he had throat     over five years now.
                                                                                                                            “It’s personal. It’s an expression   cancer in 2014, he and Bobbi
                                                                                                                            of your personality. Tattoos
                                                                                                                            can be a roadmap of your life,
                                                                                                                            depicting your loves, your kids,
                                                                                                                            your parents, your travels or
                                                                                                                            just something you simply like.”                                Norm Gardner
                                                                                                                            As such, getting a tattoo and
                                                                                                                            wearing it the rest of your life
                                                                                                                            is an experience. “Quality is the
                                                                                                                            “NORM” in the industry now,”                                                 Bobbi Farrer
                                                                                                                            said Norm. “We don’t just sell                                               CO-OWNER
                                                                                                                            tattoos, we sell trust. We set
                                                                                                                            ourselves apart by providing
                                                                                                                            a quality product and great
                                                                                                                            experience. We’re not just
                                                                                                                            tattooing someone, we’re
                                                                                                                            giving them an experience.
                  Order of appearance: Kelly Norwood, Gabrielle Tompkins, Kate Black, Jason (DesignOne) Crawley,            Tattoo artists are basically
                  Bobbi Farrer and Norm Gardner.                                                                            entertainers and therapists.
                                                                                                                            We’re hands on, so there has
                                                                                                                            to be a bond between tattoo
                  “It’s personal. It’s an expression of your personality. Tattoos can be                                    artist and client.”
                  a roadmap of your life, depicting your loves, your kids, your parents,
                                                                                                                            Norm’s forte is black and grey
                  your travels or just something you simply like.”                                                          realism. He prefers not to do
                                                                                                                            colour in the tattoos he creates.

                                                                                                                            But that doesn’t mean clients

                                                                                          K   amloops loves its ink.
                                                                                              In fact, tattoo artist Norm
                                                                                          Gardner estimates almost
                                                                                                                            can’t have colour in their
                                                                                                                            tattoos because artist Kate
                                                                                                                            Black utilizes colour and sports

                                                                                          80% of adults in the city have    in a neo-traditional style. Artist
                                                                                          tattoos.                          Kelly Norwood also embraces
                                                                                                                            colour along with a traditional,
                                                                                          He should know. He’s the co-      old-school-sailor-tattoo artistry.
                                                                                          owner, along with girlfriend      If colour and new school trends
                                                                                          Bobbi Farrer, of Psychocity       are your thing, then artist Jason
                                                                                          Tattoo, Apparel and Supplies at   Crawley is your guy.
                   NORM GARDNER                                                           #3 - 177 Tranquille Rd.           Norm started Psychocity in
                                                                                                                            Saskatchewan in 2003.
                                                                                          “Tattoos are creating a new
                                                                                          history,” said Norm. “It might    However, the ride on his Harley-
                                                                                          just be someone with a small      Davidson through Kamloops
                                                                                          tattoo or it might be nurses,     in 2012 led to him and Bobbi
                                                                                          doctors, firefighters, athletes   to pull up prairie stakes, move
  8 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                                                                                                      FACES OF K AMLOOPS    9
Sweet Spot
                                                  “I really, really love what I do
                                                  and I so enjoy seeing people’s
                                                   eyes light up when they are

                                                      choosing a cupcake...”

                                                                                   cupcakes and cakes are made
                                                                                   with care and real ingredients-
PAIGE KNAPP                                                                        -flour, sugar, milk, butter,
                                                                                   cream, chocolate and natural
                                                                                   flavours. “You can do so many
                                                                                   creative things with simple, real
                                                  when they are choosing a         ingredients,” says Paige.
Cupcakes are 80% of                               cupcake from the display
Sweet Spot’s business                             case or get a look at the        Paige first started to work
                                                                                   at Sweet Spot in 2017 as a
                                                  custom cake I made for
                                                  their birthday, anniversary      cupcake decorator under
                                                  or wedding.”                     previous owner Natalie
                                    Paige Knapp                                    Fournier. When Natalie wanted
C  elebrity chef Julia Child
   once famously quipped:
A party without cake is just a
                                    BAKER, CEO    Cupcakes are 80% of
                                                  Sweet Spot’s business and
                                                                                   to sell the business in late 2019,
                                                                                   Paige jumped at the chance to
                                                  the shop can sell more           be the new owner.
                                                  than 400 of them a day in                                              “A party without cake
                                                  the busy summer season.          “Like every little girl, I always         is just a meeting.”
Paige Knapp, who owns
                                                  “We do 16 standard               baked with my mom and
Sweet Spot Cupcakes in                                                                                                             - Julia Child
                                                  flavours and always have         grandma and also tried my
Kamloops with her husband,
                                                  some seasonal flavours on        hand at cake making in high
Stuart Knapp, agrees 100%.
                                                  the go, too,” says Paige. “I’d   school,” says Paige. “But I went
In fact, Sweet Spot has the
                                                  say salted caramel, which        to Thompson Rivers University
Child’s quote scripted on its
                                                  also happens to have a           for event management and
chalkboard at its shop at 1415
                                                  salted caramel filling, is       thought I would be a wedding
Hillside Drive and it’s also one
                                                  our No. 1 seller.”               planner. But then Sweet Spot
of the first things you see when
                                                                                   came to me and made me
you visit
                                                  Rounding out the top             realize I’d always wanted my
                                                  five are: red velvet with        own business. It’s changed our
Cupcakes and cakes are
                                                  authentic cream cheese           lives. I want it to be a family
inherently celebratory, even
                                                  icing, chocolate (everyone       business for generations.”
if the only occasion is you
devouring a cupcake or piece                      loves chocolate), Boston
of cake. Elaborately decorated                    cream (like the donut with
and wholesomely made                              real Bavarian cream filling,
cupcakes and cake are not                         only better because, of
just eye candy, but delectably                    course, it’s a cupcake) and
delicious, the ultimate feel-                     carrot with real carrot and
good and shareable treat.                         pineapple pieces.

                                                                                                  THE FACE OF BAKING
“It’s definitely a happy business
to be in,” says Paige with                        For the winter the
excitement. “I really, really                     seasonal favourites are
love what I do and I so enjoy                     hot chocolate and white
seeing people’s eyes light up                     chocolate cranberry. All

10 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                   FACES OF K AMLOOPS    11
  LMB Designs                                                                                            “Very quickly it went
                                                                                                         from killing some time
  MARC ROBITAILLE                                                                                        and playing around
                                                                                                         woodworking to turning
                                 every piece is unique and
                                                                                                         my hobby into a
                                 one of a kind. The character                                            full-time business.”
                                 of the wine barrels comes
  It all started in April when
   Marc Robitaille decided
  the drab propane fire
                                 through because we leave
                                 some sections of each piece
                                                                      showcases throughout the
                                                                      Thompson and Okanagan.
                                                                      By the way, LMB stands
                                 unsanded and exposed so you
  pit on his deck needed a                                            for Lisa, Marc and Bodie, a
                                 can see and feel where the
  makeover.                                                           nod to the whole family’s
                                 red wine saturated the wood
                                                                      involvement in making the
                                 for years.” Fire tables made of
  So, he bought a used oak                                            new business a success. In fact,
                                 wine barrel wood are LMB’s
  wine barrel and crafted                                             the keys to success for LMB
                                 No. 1 bestseller. “It started with
  it into an eye-catching                                             are determination, hard work,
                                 a quarter barrel fire table and
  wood fire table. “When                                              sacrifice and, of course, the
                                 it quickly expanded to a half
  I started to work with                                              resulting stunning, character-
                                 barrel, three-quarter barrel and
  that first wine barrel,                                             laden products.
                                 full barrel,” explains Marc.
  it just clicked,” says         “Those barrels can also be
  Marc of LMB Designs in                                              LMB has a few pieces in the
                                 regular tables with umbrellas
  Kamloops. “Very quickly                                             showroom at Marc’s house,
                                 that you need chairs or stools
  it went from killing some                                           which you can view and
                                 to go round, which I also make
  time and playing around                                             purchase by appointment.
                                 out of old wine barrels.”
  woodworking to turning                                              You can also browse online
  my hobby into a full-time                                           at or the
                                 Also in the portfolio are wine
  business.”                                                          business’s Facebook or
                                 barrel smokers, wine racks,
                                                                      Instagram page. Or you can
                                 wine caddys, barnwood lights,
  For years, Marc worked                                              make custom orders online,
                                 barrel stave lighting sconces
  at mines up north as                                                which will take about two to
                                 and wine barrel serving trays.
  a heavy equipment                                                   three weeks.
                                 “People of all ages love and buy
  operator and supervisor.       the accessories, fire tables and
  When COVID hit he was                                               Marc has also hired another
                                 furniture,” says Marc. “Many are
  laid off and he took the                                            carpenter to help keep up
                                 also wine lovers, but not all of
  opportunity to set up his                                           with demand. “The business is
                                 them are.” With the natural tie
  own business creating                                               far exceeding anything I first
                                 to wine, LMB had a showcase
  beautiful and functional                                            envisioned,” says Marc. “I’d say
                                 at Harper’s Trail Winery in
  furniture and accessories                                           we’re probably where I thought
                                 Kamloops and saw sales and
  from old oak wine                                                   we would be after five years in
                                 custom orders soar.
  barrels. “I’m passionate                                            business. It’s amazing. I’m so
  about this work and this                                            happy my hobby turned into a
                                 This spring and summer they
  business,” says Marc.                                               business. You know what they
                                 will do many more winery
  “And it shows in every                                              say: If you love what you do,
  piece I make. They are                                              you’ll never work another day
  all custom made and                                                 in your life.”

12 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                             FACES OF K AMLOOPS                        13
                        Denali                                                                 “We ensure that every project we
                                                                                               complete, we would be just as happy

                                                                                               to have it as our own...”

                        and Design inc.
                        JORDAN MCKAY
                                                                                              property that were more than
                                                                                              50 years old,” explains Jordan.

                        L andscaping is in Jordan
                          McKay’s blood.
                                                          keen eye for aesthetics.”

                                                          For instance, Jordan
                                                                                              To provide this scope of work,
                                                                                              Denali’s services range from
                        The owner of Denali               designed and completed the          excavation, land clearing and
                        Landscaping & Design is a         landscaping for many high-end       paving stone driveways to
                        bright young entrepreneur         homes at the master-planned         patios, 3D landscape design,
                        who’s brought a thrilling         golf resort, Tobiano. “Those        plant design, selection and
                        new vision to landscaping in      landscapes and projects really      softscape installations. “We
                        Kamloops. His mom is a home       have my heart,” says Jordan.        ensure that every project we
                        and landscape designer. “This     “They feature custom                complete, we would be just as
                        is where I get my design eye      driveways, sunken fire pits,        happy to have it as our own,”
                        from,” says Jordan. “One of my    putting greens, features built      says Jordan. “We also offer a
                        brothers studied Horticulture     into the side of the cliff, large   warranty and check-in on jobs
                        and works in landscaping as       retaining walls and beautiful       regularly to ensure they are
                        well, specializing in custom      unique planting plans. Year         holding up well and everything
                        homes in the Lower Mainland.      after year, we love watching        is growing as it should.”
                        So, landscaping truly runs in     these landscapes mature
                        our blood.”                       into what we envisioned. We         Jordan’s future goals include
                                                          try to use paving stones and        growing the business,
                        Jordan saw something missing      materials that are new to the       spending more time on design,
                        in the Kamloops landscape         scene and not used by every         continuing to refine the Denali
                        market. “A new set of eyes, a     other landscaping company.”         culture for employees and
                        younger vision on how to run a                                        clients, while creating the best
                        company and a more modern         While most of Jordan’s clients      landscapes possible.
                        take on landscaping...that’s      are new home owners and
                        exactly what we have brought      builders, he loves the challenge
                        to the table,” says Jordan.       of renovating an older
                        “When we are given budgets,       landscape that is in need of a
                        we try to maximize them the       new life. “We completed a really
                        best that we can so that every    exciting project downtown
                        project is both unique and        on Pine Street where we
                        stunning and I am proud to        combined a mixture of new                               Jordan McKay
                        attach the Denali name to it.     modern paving stones as well
                        I am very particular and have a   as existing pavers from the

14 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                                FACES OF K AMLOOPS             15
                          C&C Resources
                          for Life
                          PHIPPS, MARY WIDMER AND SARAH WIDMER

                                         B    y helping individuals and
                                              families, C&C Resources
                                          for Life enriches our whole
                                                                             While grief-informed
                                                                             counselling is a C&C specialty,
                                                                             the nine counsellors who work
                                          community and all of society,      in the practice are trained in a
                                          too.                               wide range of therapeutic skills
                                                                             that can be helpful for people
                                          “That’s our vision,” says          suffering from trauma, anxiety,
                                          Sarah Widmer, who is a grief       depression and addictive
                                          counsellor and co-owner, along     behaviours. The services of
                                          with founder, director,            C&C are available to people as
                                          counsellor (and mother!) Mary      individual counselling, couples
                                          Widmer, and Tennille Phipps, a     and family counselling and         support companies as               has unique offerings for our      community as well as other
                                          mental health and addictions       support group facilitation.        they develop what she calls        community.                        cultures represented in the
                                          counsellor who specializes in      “We are holistic in how we         a “positive grief culture” in                                        Kamloops area.
                                          trauma and works extensively       approach everything,” says         workspaces. “As we’ve seen         Adele offers a frequent group     In addition, their services are
                                          with professional athletes.        Tennille. “Grief is often what     with the impact of COVID-19,       grief workshop to support         often covered by extended
                                          C&C is really a pioneer in         brings people through our          grief isn’t going anywhere,        those grappling with loss;        health insurance.
                                          grief-informed counselling in      doors, but we find that people     from all the various beginnings    Jolene created a powerful         The counsellors at C&C
                                          Kamloops. It’s counsellors are     also need other types of           and endings of our lives, so we    group in response to all the      consider themselves to be a big
                                          able to help grieving clients      support to heal and move           need to find a way to engage       turmoil her clients were          family, operating in a way that
                                          because they’re so well versed     forward on their journey. We       with it in a healthy way, and      expressing during the early       reflects onto how they treat
                                          in grief, loss and the trauma      aim to be a well-rounded           empower others to do the           months of the pandemic called     their clients and community.
                                          related to loss. Grief is an       resource and a one-stop for        same,” Tara says.                  ‘I am the One;’ and Andrea will   They practice what they
                                          uncomfortable subject which        support for mental health.”                                           launch her addiction support      counsel by living healthy
                                          many people, even professional                                        Spiritual life coach Dr. Joyce     group later in 2021.              lives and getting outdoors
                                          counsellors, avoid discussing.     The team of counsellors at         Peasgood provides end of life                                        whenever possible, grateful for
                                          Following a loss, people often     C&C includes spiritual life        support to clients and their       Last, but certainly not least,    all that Kamloops has to offer.
                                          feel pressured to ‘move on’        coach Dr. Joyce Peasgood;          loved ones by assisting them       Jennifer, in addition to          “Credentials aside, clients trust
                                          quickly from it.                   registered social workers          to plan celebrations of life and   counselling, is an educator       us to provide a safe place for
                                                                             Jolene Lindsey and Jennifer        funerals, even in these COVID      and works extensively in          them to work through
                                          C&C’s approach is to be            Dustin; and registered clinical    times when families can’t          the LGBTQI2S+ and Queer           whatever issues bring them to
                                          ‘companions’ to those affected     counsellors Adel Huculak and       gather in big groups for such      community. All of the C&C         us,” sums up Sarah. “Our office
                                          by grief and loss, support them    Andrea Campbell. Tara Caffelle     events. One modification she       counsellors have taken cultural   staff will be here to welcome
                                          holistically, and help them to     rounds out the team as a           has introduced is guiding a        competency training and have      them and our counsellors
                                          recognize that grief is a normal   grief and relationship coach       virtual family meeting in the      a working understanding of        will do our best to give
                                          response to loss and it will be    who is spearheading C&C’s          wake of a loss that she calls      intergenerational trauma.         them a positive counselling
                                          with them, in some form, for       Grief@Work expansion into          ‘Around the Table with Joyce.’     They count it a privilege         experience.”
                                          the rest of their lives.           the business community to          Indeed, every counsellor at C&C    to serve the Indigenous


          C   ustomer satisfaction is
              what it’s all about for Peter
          and Patricia Eisler. “We take
                                              Rust Valley Restorers.
                                              Fibrenew can even repair
                                              scuffed up and damaged vinyl
          great pride in solving problems     bathtubs.
          and helping people,” says
          Peter, who owns and operates        Fibrenew is mobile, so it
          Fibrenew Kamloops with              does most of its work at their
          his wife, Patricia. “I’ve always    customers’ homes and places
          worked with my hands and I          of business. “We’re big fans of
          love applying that to the repair    repair rather than replace,” says
          and maintenance of leather,         Peter. “We’re always working
          vinyl and plastic. This includes    at giving the best advice
          furniture, automotive, marine,      and service to customers
          medical, vinyl siding and PVC       and we also enjoy educating
          window casings.”                    customers on how to look after
                                              and maintain their leather and
          Much of Fibrenew’s work             vinyl so it looks good and lasts    in Kamloops and that’s where         repairs and maintenance,
          in Kamloops is residential          a long time.”                       Peter and I met.”                    while Patricia handles any
          furniture, but it also does                                                                                  leather or vinyl sewing that
          repairs and maintenance on          Before purchasing the               This homecoming has been a           has to be done, along with
          boats, cars, airplanes, trains,     Fibrenew Kamloops franchise         huge success, both personally        administration for the business.
          RVs, medical office’s, restaurant   in 2015, Peter and Patricia         and professionally. “It’s nice to    They make for an incredible        “We take great pride
          interiors, vinyl siding on homes    lived in Williams Lake and          have a homebase and work             team.
          and PVC window casings.             Peter ran a steel shop but also     together,” says Patricia. “But,                                          in solving problems
                                              travelled for work as a steel       it can have it’s challenges,”        However, the plan is to expand      and helping people.”
          Some of their favourite jobs        fabricator/millwright. “It was      adds Patricia with a laugh. “For     the team as the business grows
          are repair and maintenance          really a lifestyle move for us,”    instance, Peter is a perfectionist   with an employee or two.
          on the interiors of the Rocky       says Patricia. “Peter was born      and that can be good and
          Mountaineer trains as well as a     and raised in Kamloops, and         frustrating at the same time.”
          small part in a History Channel     while I’m originally from Prince
          TV series based in Tappen, BC,      George, I went to high school       Peter tends to do most of the

18 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                                                         FACES OF K AMLOOPS   19
                          “...I have always had a special interest in vision therapy. In fact, I’m the only
                          one practicing this niche area of eye care in Kamloops.”

                          Kamloops Vision
                          Therapy Optometry
                          DR. TAMSYN SITLER

                          Dr. Tamsyn Sitler is not your       discomfort when reading or         a Fellowship in the discipline.
                          average optometrist (eye            using the computer, to those       The reward of being able to
                          doctor). “Of course, I am an        with strabismus and amblyopia      help people who are struggling
                          optometrist first and foremost,”    (turned and “lazy” eyes),          because of their vision is worth
                          says Dr. Sitler of Kamloops         and patients with sensory          all the hard work.
                          Vision Therapy Optometry.           processing disorders, including
                          “But I have always had a special    autism. I also do a lot of work     Dr. Sitler did not wear glasses
                          interest in vision therapy. In      with people post-concussion        growing up in Kitchener-
                          fact, I’m the only one practicing   and post-brain injury.”            Waterloo, Ontario. But her
                          this niche area of eye care in                                         sister did, and it was her sister
                          Kamloops.”                          It all has to do with              who first suggested being
                                                              neuroplasticity. The brain is      an eye doctor. Dr. Sitler had
                          Vision therapy goes beyond          malleable, and with practice,      already decided in high school
                          seeing 20/20 to teach the           a person can learn how to          she wanted to pursue a career
                          brain how to better use the         improve how the eyes function      in health care, so attending the
                          eyes together and process           together. “For example, we         School of Optometry at the
                          visual information to help          often struggle with our vision     University of Waterloo was a
                          improve a person’s function         in the modern world because        natural fit.
                          and performance in life.            humans are not designed to
                          “Prescribing glasses or contact     stare at something up close,       It was there that she met who
                          lenses to see clearly is a part     (like screens), for long periods   would become her husband,
                          of that,” explains Dr. Sitler.      of time. Learning how to better    Tyler Lowey, now also an
                          “But, we also provide in-office     locate near targets and how        optometrist in Kamloops. She
                          vision therapy sessions, with       to move the eyes together          chuckles about having two
                          techniques and activities to        can greatly reduce symptoms        optometrists in the family
                          help improve how a person           many people experience while       and is grateful for all his
                          uses their vision.                  working on the computer or         support over the years. After
                                                              reading,” she says.                graduating in 2011, the stars
                          Every program is customized                                            aligned for them both to move
                          to each patient’s specific          Being able to provide vision       to Kamloops and start their
                          visual condition. We work           therapy has required years of      careers and lives together.
                          with a wide range of people,        extra course work and learning,
                          from those who struggle with        and she is currently working on

                                                                                                          FACES OF K AMLOOPS     21
“People often come

Bulman Designs
                                                                                                        to me with an
                                                                                                        exterior photo of a    Every building lot
                                                                                                        home they like or      tends to be different
                                                                                                        simply an idea of      and custom home
SEAN BULMAN                                                                                             what their dream       design is paramount
                                                                                                        home should look       to achieving the
                                                                                                        and feel like and we   look and feel for the

S   ean Bulman has an
    awesome job. He designs
the homes of people’s dreams.
                                  individual clients and home
                                  builders right now is a take on
                                  a Prairie Modern style, which
                                                                     Sean’s home design services
                                                                     typically run $3,000 to $6,000,
                                                                     which represents about 0.5%
                                                                                                        mould that concept
                                                                                                        into reality”
                                                                                                                               perfect home.

“People often come to me with     is a good mix of contemporary      of a home worth $600,000
an exterior photo of a home       elements with traditional          to $1.2 million. Such a small
they like or simply an idea       craftsman style,” says Sean.       percentage is money well
of what their dream home          “It’s a cost-effect design for     spent to get a customized plan
should look and feel like and     building and it looks right in     for your dream home.
we mould that concept into        Kamloops.”
reality,” says the owner of the                                      Sean is originally from Ontario,
eponymous Bulman Designs.         Sean’s designs for home            but was drawn to Kamloops
“I’m pretty good at reading       interiors reflect the              for the architecture and
people’s intentions and usually   homeowner’s desire for             engineering and building
the first concept we come         open floor plans and flow for      science programs at
up with is 90% of the way         easy and elegant living. That      Thompson Rivers University.
there. But there is always an     generally means high ceilings,     Since setting up Bulman
opportunity to make changes       no walls throughout the main       Designs five years ago, he’s
throughout every stage of the     living areas of the home and a     designed over 60 dream
design and build, from the        front entry that affords a view    homes for people, including
concept stage to when the         through the main floor to the      three for himself and his wife.
contractor or builder prices      outdoor vistas.                    The latest is a four-bedroom
and starts to build the home.                                        Prairie Modern beauty at
Having the ability to model the   And speaking of outside,           Tobiano golf resort that Sean
home in 3D is a great asset in    Sean’s designs always feature      and his wife will move into in
helping clients visualize the     incredible indoor-outdoor          April.
features of their dream home      flow with glass doors and
as well.”                         oversized patios and decks.
                                  The master bedroom, be it on
Kamloops is set in stunning       the main floor or the second
topography of valley, slopes,     floor, is usually designed to be
mountains and two rivers          a master wing or oasis apart
intersecting. As such, every      from the kids’ and guests’
building lot tends to be          bedrooms.
different and custom home
design is paramount to            Sean also designs practicality
achieving the look and feel       into every home. Bathrooms are
for the perfect home to nestle
onto that lot. “A lot of the
custom designs I do for both
                                  hidden from living areas, ample
                                  storage space and the layouts
                                  are smart and mechanical.
                                                                                                        THE FACE OF HOME DESIGN
In addition to their construction
                                                                       careers, both Byron and Cameron are
                                                                       active members of the Rocky Mountain
                                                                       Rangers reserves in Kamloops.

                                                              In addition to their                manager, I have developed
                                                              construction careers, both          a strong knowledge of the
                                                              Byron and Cameron are               building process and made
                                                              active members of the Rocky         connections throughout the
                                                              Mountain Rangers reserves in        community.”
                                                                                                  Although their own company
                                                              Sergeant Byron Jones                is relatively new, the brothers
                                                              joined the Army in 2000             have been staying busy with a
                                                              and has served overseas on          variety of projects from home
                                                              a peacekeeping mission in           and business renovations to
                                                              Bosnia. Corporal Cameron            a custom-built home, from
                                                              Jones joined in 2013. When          foundation to framing, in
                                                              designing the logo for Jones        Tobiano. “We’re definitely
                                                              Brothers Construction, the          client-driven,” says Cameron.
                                                              siblings honour their military      “It’s all about helping the
                                                              background by including             clients achieve their vision.”

Jones Brothers
                                                              the three chevron badges of

                           B   yron and Cameron Jones
                               are the owners of BGJ
                           Construction Ltd., operating as
                                                              private, corporal and sergeant.     So far, the brothers are growing
                                                                                                  their business via the word of
                                                                                                  mouth of satisfied customers,
                                                              Cameron, who started in

                           Jones Brothers Construction,       the industry a couple years         family and friends. “Our
                           a family-owned business            after Byron, began his              calendar is filling up and we’re
                           that does residential and          apprenticeship working              booking ahead now, some
                           commercial foundations and         alongside Byron, and they have      jobs as far away out as this
                           framing, renovations and           enjoyed working as a team.          summer,” says Byron.
                           project management.                When their previous employer
BYRON AND CAMERON JONES                                       shut down at the beginning of       Jones Brothers construction is
                           Born and raised in the             the COVID pandemic, they            on Facebook (Jones Brothers
                           Kamloops area, Byron and           decided to pull the trigger and     Construction) and Instagram
                           Cameron attended Thompson
                                                                                                                                        “It’s all about
                                                              start their own construction        (
                           Rivers University, completing      company “It was a matter            Follow them to see what they        helping the clients
THE FACE OF CONSTRUCTION   the carpentry program
                           and receiving their red seal
                                                              of just diving in,” says Byron.
                                                              “Having worked in the
                                                                                                  are working on or get in touch
                                                                                                  for any project you may have
                                                                                                                                     achieve their vision.”
                           certification, Byron in 2011 and   industry for several years, first   coming up.
                           Cameron in 2017.                   as apprentice carpenter and
                                                              working my way up to a project
                                    Thompson Valley
                                    Naturopathic Clinic
                                        DR. FAREN BROGAN, ND

                                        D   r. Faren Brogan, ND has a
                                            big tool kit as a naturopathic
                                        physician. “It’s not just the
                                                                             Faren sees the public’s interest
                                                                             in naturopathic medicine on the
                                                                             rise. “In Kamloops, where it’s hard
                                        herbs and supplements that           to get a family doctor, people are
                                        most people associate with           seeing me primarily,” says Faren.
                                        naturopathic medicine,” says         “Most times, MSP will cover a
                                        Faren. “But it’s also acupuncture,   portion of a regular visit and
                                        IV therapy, diet, exercise,          private insurance can pay the
                                        sleep and lifestyle plans and        rest.”
                                        prescription pharmaceuticals, if
                                        needed. Basically, it’s everything   Faren offers free 15-minute
                                        that’s been proven to either         consultations to introduce
                                        work historically, or supported by   people to what she does and
                                        evidence-based research, with        how she can help. She’s also
                                        a focus in nature and natural        developing quite the pediatrics
                                        substances.”                         practice to help kids with all
                                                                             conditions, including food
                                        As such, everything Faren does       sensitivities and digestive issues.
                                        for patients is customized,          Stress has a big impact on our
                                        be it preventative, to treat         health, especially the stress of job
                                        symptoms short-term or treat         loss and this pandemic. Often          Her dream of where she
                                        chronic conditions long-term.        stress can be supported with           wanted to practice always had
                                        The majority of Faren’s patients     herbs and supplements, while           mountains in the background, so
                                        are perimenopausal women             Faren works to develop better          she found her way to Kamloops
         “...everything Faren           in their 40s and 50s who are         stress management through              to join Dr. Alison Beach at
         does for patients is           experiencing hot flashes, mood       diet, exercise, and mindfulness,       Thompson Valley Naturopathic
                                        changes, trouble sleeping and        which leads to better sleep,           Clinic as an associate.
         customized, be it              brain fog as their hormones          fewer health problems and more
         preventative, to treat         change. “These are often women       balanced hormones.                     Alison has proved to be an
                                        who are burning the candle                                                  incredible mentor for Faren as
         symptoms short-                at both ends, busy with work         Acupuncture can provide                she’s expanded her practice.
         term or treat chronic          and families,” says Faren. “We       localized muscle pain relief,          Faren also walks the walk and
         conditions long-term.”         can help them with herbs and         as well as help with digestion         talks the talk when it comes to
                                        supplements, but also diet and       and hormone issues. Faren’s            the naturopathic lifestyle.
                                        exercise plans that can help         nine years of post-secondary           She takes herbs and
                                        them with all symptoms. If           education culminated with              supplements as prevention, has
                                        needed, we can also prescribe        graduation from the Canadian           a healthy family life, gets eight
                                        bioidentical hormone therapy.        College of Naturopathic                or nine hours of sleep a night,
                                        It’s a pharmaceutical, but           Medicine in Toronto in 2017.           hikes and cross-country skis for
                                        it’s composed of natural                                                    exercise and does lots of reading
                                        substances.”                                                                for enjoyment to relax.
“Those tragic times

Martin & Martin                                                                and uplifting stories
                                                                               have brought me to
                                                                               where I am today.

Lawyers                                                                        First and foremost,
                                                                               I know law is a tool
                                                                               that helps people
                                                                               and the community.”


L  esra Martin laughs heartily
   when you ask what inspired
him to become a lawyer.
                                   documentary ‘The Journey of
                                   Lesra Martin’.
                                                                         her,” says Lesra. “We’re a true
                                                                         partnership and team and the
                                                                         basis of this family firm. Our
“There’s not a straightforward,    Lesra also appeared on the            goal is always to achieve the
or short, answer to that,” he      Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry          best for our clients.”
says.                              King Live to talk about it.
                                   So how does Lesra go from             Lesra’s specialty is complex
In fact, the answer includes the   there to one-half of Martin &         personal injury law,
ghetto in New York City where      Martin Lawyers in Kamloops?           championing for those with
Lesra was born and raised,         Well, his foray into the law with     brain injuries, chronic pain and
it continues to his Toronto        The Hurricane led him to study        long-term disability. Cheryl’s
foster family who helped him       at the University of Toronto and      focus is wills, probate and real
go from illiteracy at age 15, to   then Dalhousie University in          estate law.
graduating from high school        Halifax, where he graduated
two years later with honours.      from law school in 1997.              The firm also has three other
While learing to read, Lesra                                             lawyers, Danielle Oliver, who
came across the autobiography,     Articling followed with famed         practices in the area of wills and
‘The 16th Round, of Rubin          criminal defense lawyer               estate planning, James Mason,
‘Hurricane’ Carter’, a black       Richard Peck in Vancouver. A          personal injury law, wills and
boxer who was wrongfully           job at the Crown prosecutors          estate planning and real estate,
convicted in a triple murder       office in Kamloops followed           and newest associate Jasmine
in 1966. Lesra visited The         in 1998 and then opening his          Russett, wills and real estate.
Hurricane in jail in 1980 and      own firm, Martin & Martin, in
vowed to help free him.            downtown Kamloops, with his           Martin & Martin is also opening
                                   lawyer wife, Cheryl, in 2007. “I’ve   a satellite office in Juniper, the
In 1985, The Hurricane was         had a fascinating journey,” says      Kamloops neighbourhood
released from prison after         Lesra. “Those tragic times and        where the Martin family owns
serving 19 years. Carter’s         uplifting stories have brought        Juniper Market. “I’ve come full
freedom, and Lesra’s role in       me to where I am today. First         circle,” says Lesra. “My salvation
it, are documented in the          and foremost, I know law is a         started in a grocery store
1991 book ‘Lazarus and The         tool that helps people and the        packing groceries at age 12 so I
Hurricane: The Freeing of          community. I’ve never lost            could earn money to help feed
Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter’, the     that focus.”                          my family.”
1999 movie ‘The Hurricane’
starring Denzel Washington
as Carter and Vicellous
                                   Lesra and Cheryl met at
                                   Dalhousie and married shortly                                              THE FACE OF LAW
Reon Shannon as Lesra and          after graduation. “I wouldn’t
the National Film Board            be where I am today without
                                                                                                                                FACES OF K AMLOOPS   29
River City Nissan                                                                                                                  Jonny Walker
                                                                                                                                   SALES CONSULTANT


J  onny Walker is not your
   stereotypical car salesman.
First of all, he spells his first
                                     “The award does take into
                                     consideration the number of
                                     new cars you sell, but most of it
                                                                         Their daughter enjoyed
                                                                         school in Kamloops and was
                                                                         competitive in trampoline.
name differently than the            is based on customer service,”      She’s now 20 and studying at
Johnnie Walker of Scotch             says Jonny. “I get to know my       Thompson Rivers University.
whisky fame.                         customers as people and help        “Our move to Kamloops was
                                     them find the vehicle they          the best ever,” says Jonny.
Second, he’s not content with        need and want. If you want to       Jonny’s excited about Nissan’s
simply selling you a car. “I come    come to the dealership and          2021 line up, which includes
at this profession from a totally    have a look great, if you want      updates for the bestselling
different angle,” says Jonny in      me to bring the car to your         Rogue SUV, the Pathfinder and
this English accent. “I spent 20     house to show you, that’s great     Frontier SUVs, Versa sedan and
years in the corporate world         too.”                               an all-new electric SUV by the
as an information technology                                             end of the year.
consultant with British              At purchase time, Jonny does
Telecom. If you would have told      not hand you the keys and
me then that one day I’d be          say good-bye for the four
a car salesman in Kamloops,          years it takes for you to come
Canada, I’d have said ‘hell, no’,”   back to buy another car.
Yet, here Jonny is, selling cars     There’s constant follow up.
and loving it at River City          He’s available 24/7 to answer
Nissan in Kamloops. “I treat         questions, especially about the
my customers the way I would         ample technology that’s part of
want to be treated,” says Jonny.     every new car now. “I always go
“It’s all about finding the right    the extra mile,” says Jonny.
vehicle for them. I love the         “After all car buying should be
people side of the business,         a fun, exciting and pleasurable     “I treat my customers
building a relationship and          experience.”                        the way I would want
sharing in their excitement of
buying a new car.”                   Jonny, his wife and their           to be treated. It’s all
                                     daughter wanted to get away         about finding the right
Such enthusiasm and skill            from their hectic lifestyle in
has resulted in a Nissan Club        England 12 years ago.               vehicle for them. I love
Excellence Gold Award for            His wife first found a job as a     the people side of the
Jonny every year he’s worked         nurse in Kamloops and Jonny
at River City Nissan, 2016, 2017,    and their daughter followed.
                                                                         business, building a
2018 and 2019.                       Jonny first tried real estate       relationship and sharing
                                     sales, which wasn’t a good
The 2020 winners haven’t been        fit, and then found River City
                                                                         in their excitement of
announced yet, but Jonny’s
definitely in the running.
                                     Nissan.                             buying a new car”                THE FACE OF AUTOMOTIVE

30 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                                FACES OF K AMLOOPS   31
Arksey Rota Real
Estate Group

Realtors Erin Arksey and
Blair Rota are ‘client success

“We believe exceptional               It was so nice to find a partner
customer service and having           who understands what it is like
leading edge technology
systems in place allows us to
                                      to be a real estate agent. And
                                      having aligned goals creates a
                                                                                                               THE FACE OF REAL ESTATE
position our clients not only on      solid business and life together.
a pedestal in the eyes of the         We aren’t typically in the office
market, but it also allows us to      from 9-5 like most careers, but
execute our proven, repeatable        even when we do - we have a
marketing and negotiation             blast. We’re really thankful we
skills,” says Blair. “A rising tide   have each other.”
lifts all boats.”
                                                                          grandfather always said there
                                      Erin laddered into real estate      are no two days the same in
Erin and Blair joined EXP Realty      working as a financial advisor
in Kamloops two years ago.                                                real estate and that is exactly
                                      at a credit union where she         what I was looking for.”
“And boy, are we glad we did,”        loved helping people secure
says Erin. “It’s a game changer       mortgages. “Real estate
being a part of a company that                                            “I wouldn’t necessarily say we
                                      seemed like the next step for       have a typical client,” says Erin.
wants to help you succeed             me,” she says. “I wanted to own
by building you up stronger                                               “Everyone’s needs and wants
                                      my own business with more           are different in this market of
financially and providing             financial freedom and control
endless educational resources.                                            first-time buyers, investors,
                                      of my own hours. I love being       home owners who are upsizing
There is a reason why we are          out in the city and building
globally the fastest growing                                              or downsizing, maybe looking
                                      relationships.”                     to purchase a vacation
                                                                          property or perhaps the luxury
                                      Blair is following in the           buyers or sellers. In each of
                                                                                                                               “It’s a game changer being
Erin and Blair aren’t just            footsteps of his grandfather,
business partners, they are                                               those categories, the age                            a part of a company that
                                      who owned and operated              demographic really ranges.”
engaged to be married and are         a successful real estate                                                                 wants to help you succeed
the proud parents of their new
baby daughter, Charlee Jane.
                                      brokerage in Kamloops. “I           Erin and Blair are excited to                        by building you up stronger
                                      knew I always wanted to work
“It is actually the best working      with people in the community
                                                                          grow as desirable and beautiful                      financially with endless
with my fiance,” says Erin. “Blair                                        Kamloops grows, helping clients
and I met through real estate.
                                      I grew up in,” says Blair. “I       buy and sell affordable housing,                     educational resources...”
                                      realized I had a passion for        new and pre-owned homes,
                                      real estate and people. My          townhomes and condominiums
                                                                          and luxury properties.
32 FACES OF K AMLOOPS                                                                                                                           FACES OF K AMLOOPS   33
NowMedia Group
                                                                                                            of NowMedia platforms like
                                                                                                            KamloopsNow to share the
                                                                                                            stories to a vast audience, while
                                                                                                            still enabling the personal
                                                                                                            experience of curling up on
                                                                                                            the couch with the physical
                                                                                                            magazine.”                          Nikki Csek
                                                                        is respectful, responsive and                                           CEO
                                                                        caring. “We understand that         We believe in the power of
   THE FACE OF STORYTELLING                                             with the voice we have earned,      networking and guidance from
                                                                                                            global thought leaders, which
                                                                        we must be respectful of
                                                                        people and our community,”          is why we are in the business
                                                                        says group COO Jim Csek.            of bringing people together.
                                                                                                            “The Level Up Events series
                                                                                                            has brought to Kelowna some
                                                                        “Everyone has a story
S   torytelling goes back to the    story to life. “We started on                                           of the best speakers in the
    dawn of time. In fact, some     this road as storytellers over      and it needs to be shared           world, telling global stories and
of the greatest stories are still   20 years ago and we are very                                            inspiring local success,” says
immortalized on cave walls or       excited to see what the future      with a vision of a better           Level Up Event director Alexa
on the stones of pyramids.          holds and for the stories we        tomorrow.”                          Anderson. From webinars and
                                    get to tell,” says NowMedia                                             podcasts to promotional and
Modern technology allows            Group CEO Nikki Csek. “Each         The d6 Print Studio is such         appreciation events, we can
us to tell stories in so many       one can be bigger and more          a natural extension of the          brand, market, organize and
different ways and now more         connecting than the last.”          offerings of NowMedia Group.        execute your next event.
than ever, your story matters.                                          Signage is still one of the most
Your story is what connects         The digital agency Csek             important needs for a business.     We have also made a huge
customers to your brand.            Creative is where we build          Our investment in the best          investment in our most
People make buying decisions        the foundation of brand             technology makes for amazing        recent business unit, IVA
with brands that understand         stories, starting with planning,    quality that is less expensive      Productions. The power of
their customers and involve         determining marketing goals         and more environmentally            Imagery, Videography and
them in their story.                and objectives, developing          friendly.                           Audio enables your story to be
                                    campaigns, and execution                                                captured and told in a way that
We have developed a                 strategies. “Strategy before        “It provides a tremendous           conveys emotion in the hands
360-degree approach of telling      tactics is what I try to stress     competitive advantage for the       of your audience. “Reaching
stories, which allows us to         with clients,” says Csek Creative   brands we work with,” says d6       the right people at the right
bring in different perspectives,    vice-president of business          Print Studio manager Brandon        time, whether streaming
devices and mediums to tell         development Rob Cupello.            McKay. “I love that we can          podcasts in their car, scrolling
your story in the richest, most     “We must have a plan that           be creative and deliver high        social media on their mobile
meaningful way possible.            addresses clear goals and           quality solutions for our clients   device or watching videos
Whether we are telling a story      objectives if we are to succeed     that wow them time and time         online, has never been easier,
through the lens of a journalist    in the market.”                     again.”                             but it takes rich content to
or a marketer, we understand                                                                                captivate and connect them
stories matter and demand           We started on this journey          So much magic remains in the        with your story,” says Ellen
great care in the way they are      as             printed word, which is why we       Schwenkedel.
told.                               two decades ago because we          took a fresh perspective on it
                                    believed every community            with the launch of 16 Flights       Each of our six divisions and
NowMedia Group is comprised         needed a media platform             Publications. “The magazine         the team members within
of six distinct business units,     to support its people.              publishing division utilizes        have unique strengths, but at
each of which are leaders in evolved             the technology of the d6 Print      the end of the day, we are all
their respective fields. When       from that and has become a          Studio to print high quality        storytellers and we all love what
leveraged in unison, our six        leading voice in a very crowded     niche magazines,” says Steve        we do.
units provide an exponential        media market. KamloopsNow           MacNaull, editor for several
competitive advantage to your       has a unique, non-traditional       of the publications. “Also, we      Your story is our business!
company by bringing your            way of storytelling, one that       utilize the strength of voice
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