2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs

2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs
2019 Prospectus
2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs
Welcome to Easington Academy, where I am
privileged to have been headteacher for the
past 11 years.
At Easington Academy we have            Students will have access to the
high expectations of our students       latest technology and will benefit
and staff. We believe students have     from innovative teaching strategies,
the right to a first class education,   designed to engage their interest
delivered by teachers who are           and make the learning experience a
committed to making learning            positive one. They will also be given
challenging and rewarding.              the opportunity to enjoy a wide
                                        range of extra-curricular activities.
Ours is a caring community, one         In this we hope to ensure that all
based on mutual respect, a school       of our students achieve their full
where students feel safe and            potential, academically and socially.
supported throughout their time
with us. The emphasis on good           When our students leave us, we
behaviour means that lessons            want them to have enjoyed their
are taught in an ordered and            five years at Easington Academy.
encouraging learning environment.       This means leaving with the best
Students are treated as individuals     possible results and taking with
and we recognise and celebrate          them a store of happy memories.
their different abilities.
                                        T. Spoors
2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs

Set in the heart of Easington Village, on the
Durham coast, Easington Academy’s aim
remains constant, to provide the best
education possible for the children of our
Rated ‘good’ by Ofsted in 2016, our   Our aspirations are high and our
school is judged to be providing      performance remains consistently
well for students and is exceeding    good. In particular, students make
expectations in many areas.           better than average progress
Inspectors commented that: “the       during their time here. You can
leadership team has sustained the     access our full performance tables
good quality of education in the      and Ofsted reports on
academy”, and added that “a strong,   our website.
well-communicated determination
                                      Our uniform also reflects
to provide high-quality education
                                      our continued drive for high
and promote the well-being of all
                                      standards and the ambitions of
pupils characterises the work of
                                      the school.
governors, leaders and staff.”
2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs
                                                        We believe students have the right to expect a
                                                        first class education, delivered by teachers who
                                                        are committed to making learning challenging
                                                        and rewarding.
                                                        We provide high quality teaching       elements of students’ education are
                                                        and, in return, expect a high          crucial to their development and
                                                        standard of learning in the            are committed to embedding these
                                                        classroom. This is evident in the      themes across the curriculum.
                                                        excellent work you will see from
                                                        our students. Teachers continually     The Government encourages schools
                                                        strive, through quality professional   to ‘promote the fundamental British
                                                        development and training, to           values of democracy, the rule of law,
                                                        deliver challenging lessons that       individual liberty and mutual respect
                                                        engage students and drive them         and tolerance of those with different
“The teachers
here are great people                                   towards excellence.                    faiths and beliefs.’
to work with and are
                                                           We believe that the spiritual,      At Easington Academy these
happy to be here.                                            social, moral and cultural        values form part of the school
The students are fantastic, they enjoy                                                         ethos and are embedded
school and value their education.                                                              throughout our curriculum.
Because of this, I am motivated to come to work
every day and be the best teacher I can possibly be.”

Sally Hall- Second in Technology
2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs
A HISTORY OF                               TALENT

As well as excelling academically, Easington
Academy has a long tradition of nurturing our
many talented musicians, actors, artists, and
sportsmen and sportswomen.
Our forward-thinking art              Recent successes include regional
department caters for our             champions in cricket, basketball,
exceptionally creative students       mountain biking, table tennis and
in ‘The Studio’, a well resourced     netball.
building, which houses a host
of specialist equipment, led by          Easington Academy is home to
dedicated specialist practitioners.      many talented musicians, including
                                         those in our orchestra. Our school
Sporting success is also a top priority, has a long tradition in the arts,
where we encourage excellence and with students performing in both
promote participation, providing         national and international venues.
extensive opportunities for everyone
to join in competitive sports - not just
our future superstars.
2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs
AIMING                      HIGH

Students are encouraged to aim high and
reach their potential through hard work and
Students at Easington Academy            Recently, former students have
make excellent academic progress         successfully moved on to a range of
from their starting points, well above   universities, including participation in
the national average.                    the Ogden Trust Scholarships.
Many of our students move on to          Other former students have gone on
further education and, ultimately,       to have successful careers in a range
higher education at their chosen         of professions, including medicine,
sixth forms, colleges and universities   engineering and journalism.
and into a range of exciting and
rewarding careers.
Former students frequently come
back to school to celebrate their
success and are keen to tell us all
about their journey since leaving
school and their plans for the future.
2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs

We believe that everyone has the right to be
respected and to be treated fairly and equally.
We are committed to creating a caring and
inclusive environment where diversity is valued
and where everyone feels secure, listened to
and taken seriously.
Our experienced pastoral team           are given equal opportunities to
support all aspects of our students’    excel and are encouraged to be
needs. We have a dedicated team         ambitious and to aim high.
of specialists, including a full time
nurse, counsellor, attendance           We also believe that looking after                                           “I have
officer and home school liaison         the individual means that success                                      never known
                                        looks after itself, so we place much                            children who are so
officers. Our staff are friendly and                                                                       accepting
approachable and will ensure            emphasis on personalised support.
                                                                                                   and supportive to others,
the safety and well-being of our                                                        in particular their peers. It always
students.                                                                            fills me with warmth to see our
                                                                               students as an inclusive community.”
Regardless of their starting points
or individual abilities, students                                                  Julie-Ann Collins, Senior Learning Mentor
2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs
                                             Moving from primary to secondary school is a
                                             big change in any child’s life, which is why we
                                             take great care to make sure it is stress-free.

                                             Successful adjustment from a small    typical Academy timetable, giving
                                             primary to the hustle and bustle of   them a real understanding of how
                                             ‘big school’ begins in Year 5 with    the school looks and feels as well
                                             a variety of exciting and engaging    as a chance to meet their new
                                             activities delivered by Academy       teachers and fellow students.
                                             staff. These activities introduce
                                             children to new types of learning.    We also offer ‘Moving Up’ sessions
                                                                                   for parents and students. These
                                             Our structured programme of           informal meetings focus on the
                                             primary transition includes events    pastoral and academic aspects of
                                             such as Junior Sparkies, Let’s Get    the school as well as study skills.
                                             Cooking, sporting events and
                                             engineering challenges. However,      There is also a popular induction
                                             the highlight is our themed           evening where
“My daughter has settled well                ‘transition day’, which is attended   students can meet
into the school. I feel she is               by over 200 local primary children.   their tutors and the
                                                                                   rest of their tutor
well supported and is continuing to learn.
                                             In Year 6, children are invited to    group.
Very happy mam!”                             ‘taster days’ where they follow a
2019 Prospectus - North East Jobs

To complement their learning within a small
community, students at Easington Academy
are encouraged and enabled to become global
citizens through our exciting international links.
With a constantly developing            global citizenship. Regular writing
international programme of in-          to each other, as well as reciprocal
school projects and overseas            trips to each others school, have
trips, students have been able to       seen our students at Easington
experience life beyond the UK,          expand their understanding of the
opening their minds and learning        world.
about different cultures, traditions,
languages and customs.
Through ongoing connections with
our two partner schools, College
Maeterlinck in France and Heinrich
Boll Gymnasium in Germany,
students have been able to share
their views on a number of topics
ranging from youth culture to
                                                                                       After school, what’s better than relaxing on the
                                                                                       sofa. Right? Wrong! With our range of enrichment
                                                                                       activities, it’s ‘no’ to the sofa and ‘yes’ to:

                                                                                          Science                                                   Let’s get
                                                                                                           club &        Netball       Football
                                                                                           club                                                     cooking
                                                                                                        buddies club

                                                                                                           Table                     Art club and    Duke of
                                                                                        Badminton                      Trampoline
                                                                                                          tennis                      Art Sparks    Edinburgh

                                                                                                                         Charity        Music
“My school is amazing; I like the range opportunities which gives people a chance to    Social action   Orchestra &                                 Basketball
                                                                                                                         events/      lessons &
pursue their dreams.”                                                                      group         rock band
                                                                                                                       fundraising      choir
Hallie Williamson, student
Easington Academy
Stockton Road

0191 527 0757

Part of the North East Learning Trust - company number 07492165, registered in England and Wales
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