Class Catalog - AMHERST CENTER FOR SENIOR SERVICES - What's New? - Town of Amherst

Page created by Adrian Yang


       Class Catalog

                      What’s New?
             It’s About Time-A Not-So-Brief
             Survey Of The American Short
                    Learn To Draw More
                    Understanding Your
                   Android Phone/ Tablet
                     Your Email Account
Winter 2019

2            Amherst Center For Senior Services
               Registration BEGINS Tuesday, November 13, 2018.
         Forms can be mailed or dropped off at the Hospitality Desk in the Front Lobby.

FOR CLASSES                                                  insurance carrier to see if a portion of the Physical
                                                             Fitness, Health and Self-Improvement fees can
• Town of Amherst residents, 55 years of age and
                                                             be reimbursed. It this applies, please enclose a
  older (and their younger spouse) pay a one-time
  fee of $30 for a life-time membership.                     stamped, self-addressed envelope and we will mail
                                                             you a receipt.
• Non-Town of Amherst residents, 55 years of age and
  older (and their younger spouse) pay an annual fee       WHY ARE COURSES CANCELED?
  of $30 for a yearly membership.                          All courses are based on a minimum and maximum
                                                           number of participants. If a course does not meet its
CLASS REGISTRATION IS ON A FIRST COME-                     minimum quota, it will be canceled for that trimester.
FIRST SERVED BASIS.                                        Please register on time in order to prevent cancellations.
Use the Registration Form included in this catalog.
Additional forms are available at the Center               WHAT IF A CLASS IS CANCELED DUE TO
                                                           INSTRUCTOR ILLNESS?
• Use one Registration Form per person. To avoid
  delays in processing, please fill out form completely    If you are registered for a class at the Center and the
  and with correct fee(s).                                 instructor cancels a session, we will contact you as
                                                           soon as possible. This could be as an automated call
• Make checks/money orders payable to:                     from 617-440-3507. When possible canceled classes
  AMHERST CENTER FOR SENIOR SERVICES.                      will be made up by extending the course.
ATTENDING CLASSES                                          INCLEMENT WEATHER
All courses require paid registration to attend classes.   If Amherst, Sweet Home, or Williamsville school districts
All registrations are for the entire session, regardless   are closed, Center classes, clubs, and programs will
of whether a member is able to attend all classes.         be cancelled. During bad weather, listen for Weather
Members must register each trimester. Enrollment           Closings on TV stations WGRZ (2), WIVB (4), WKBW
in a prior course does not guarantee enrollment in         (7), radio stations WBEN 930 AM, WNED 94.5, WNYM
subsequent courses. A one-time appointment to              970AM, WGR 550AM, WKSE 98.5, and WTSS 102.5, to
observe/audit a class may be made to determine if a
                                                           find out if the building is closed or activities are cancelled.
course is what you expect.
                                                                            Table of Contents
• FEE WAIVERS: Reduced fees for some courses
  are available for Amherst Resident Members who            Registration Information.....................................3
  have been verified for eligibility in this program.       Academic Studies................................................4
  Applications are available in the Social Work Office
  and should be submitted in advance of registration        The Arts.................................................................7
  week. Program eligibility needs to be verified each       Cards.....................................................................8
  trimester. Please schedule a meeting with the Social
  Work Department by calling 636-3050.                      Dance....................................................................9
• REFUNDS: *If you are uncertain a particular course        Evening Classes................................................ 11
  is for you, we encourage you to audit the class, prior    Home Arts.......................................................... 15
  to registration. There is a $5.00 processing fee for
  withdrawals before a class session begins. After the      Music.................................................................. 17
  session begins, no refunds are granted except for         Physical Fitness................................................. 19
  medical reasons and/or the advice of the instructor.
  All medical refund requests must be submitted in          Yoga.................................................................... 23
  writing and accompanied by a physician’s note.            Technology........................................................ 25
  Refund checks may take up to 3 weeks to process.
                                                            This and That..................................................... 27
    For more information regarding registration,            Registration Form....................................... 28, 29
    contact staff at 636-3055, ext. 3109 or 3120.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                                          3
Academic Studies

Academic Studies                                             CURRENT EVENTS
                                                             One of the following will lead the group each week:
                                                             Robert Chamberlin, Maureen O’Donnell, Richard
ALL THE NEWS & ISSUES                                        Schanley or Joann Shafer. Stay informed. This weekly
Stay informed. This weekly discussion group will touch       discussion group will touch upon local, national and
upon local, national and world events and topics. One        world events and topics.
of the following volunteers will lead the group each         Tuesday, 1/15-4/9 (13x)
week: Bruce Brown, Leah Hayes, Carol Hensel, Richard         9:30--11:30 a.m. Classroom 1 $30.00
Kayton, Jane Kauffman, Geoffrey McCauley, Nick Read,
Florence Sodus, or Lenny Testa.                              FRENCH - CONTINUING CONVERSATION
Friday, 1/4-4/26 (16x)                                       If you ever wanted to learn one of the romance
9:30--11:30 a.m. Classroom 2 $20.00                          languages, now is your chance. This class will be
                                                             a continuation of Conversational French. We will
ART HISTORY - Art and Architecture of the                    explore French culture to enhance your feelings for the
Ancient World                                                language and continue to touch upon grammar.
This class will discuss two and three dimensional            Catherine Lochtefeld Sirianni, instructor
artifacts from the Paleolithic and Late Antiquity Era.       Thursday, 1/10-4/11 (12x) No class 3/21, 3/28
The primary focus will be to determine the relationship      1:30—3:00 p.m. Classroom 3 $64.00
between aesthetics and the various cultural and
historical factors of each time period.                      ITALIAN CONVERSATION
Brian Hammer, instructor                                     Information not available at time of print. Please call
Thursday, 2/7-4/11 (10x)                                     Cindy Weiss at 636-3055, ext. 3109 for further details.
10:00–11:30 a.m. Classroom 2 $31.00
                                                             IT’S ABOUT TIME-A NOT-SO-BRIEF
ASTROLOGY - The Aspects                                      HISTORY NEW
Once you understand the signs and houses that your           “Don’t waste time.” –“I’ve got time on my hands.” –
planets and luminaries occupy, it is time to begin to look   “Time is money.” – “If I could go back in time…” ¬¬–
at how they affect or modify each other. The Sun can         What exactly do we mean when we talk about time?
be likened to the CEO of the company, (your psyche)          It’s a concept that we use to organize our minds and
and the other planets and luminaries are the board of        our lives, to make sense of the world. It’s an idea that
directors. We will explore how the inherent agenda of        we take for granted, but which we’ll examine in detail:
these characters affect the intentions and desires of        how time figures in the way we talk about history,
the Sun and each other. Prerequisite: Previous class         science, religion, music, literature, sports—just about
participation &/or knowledge of astrology is required.       every human endeavor. Fundamentally, time is of the
                                                             essence, and if you have some spare time on your
Mary Ann Hailand, instructor                                 hands, this course definitely won’t be a waste of time.
Thursday, 1/10-2/14 (6x)                                     Join us, and start the New Year right!
11:45 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Craft Room $43.00                      Michael Harris, instructor
                                                             Tuesday, 1/8-4/9 (14x)
AVIATION                                                     9:30-11:30 a.m. Classroom 2 $39.00
Explore the world of aviation from Piper Cubs to 4th         Tuesday, 1/8-4/9 (14x)
generation supersonic fighter jets. Discover the history     1:00-3:00 p.m. Classroom 2 $39.00
of early successes and failures, how two wings became
one and then became swept back, who controls the
arrivals at busy airports and how separation is insured.        Are You Interested In Joining A Club
Virtually any aspect and question about aviation can be         With People With Similar Interests?
examined and discussed by the class as the curriculum
will be adapted to fit the class interest. Colonel Doug          The Amherst Center for Senior Services offers
Routt, USAF ret., has over 5,000 hours in fighter jets           approximately 40 different clubs to include a
and has flown numerous general aviation aircrafts as                    Travel Club and Dinner Club.
an instructor for the FAA.
                                                                            For a full listing go to
Douglas Byrum Routt, instructor                           
Thursday, 1/3-1/31 (5x)                                                       centerclubs.pdf/
10:00 a.m.--noon Classroom 3 $28.00
4                                                                                 Amherst Center For Senior Services
Academic Studies
OLD TIME RADIO                                                       SURVEY OF THE AMERICAN
Tired of the stress of today’s world? How about a little             SHORT STORY NEW
nostalgia? Join us on a trip to a quieter, gentler time.             This course will be a survey of American life as
“Those were the days”…when Jack Benny, Fibber                        portrayed in our country’s short story from 1800 to
McGee and Molly, The Shadow, Bing Crosby and so                      the present. Stories by Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel
many others entertained us all, young and old alike.                 Hawthorne through Hemingway and Katherine Anne
Are there any special programs you’d like to revisit?                Porter to selections from the modern period will be
We’ll do our best to do just that!                                   included. Print-outs of two to three short stories will be
                                                                     given to students to read prior to each class. The main
David Converse, instructor                                           issue of each story will be discussed and comparisons
Wednesday, 3/13-4/17 (6x)                                            will be made between the time period of the story and
10:00--11:30 a.m. Classroom 1 $26.00                                 our attitudes towards life in America today. Professor
                                                                     Wolf is both a teacher and a creative writer.
ELEMENTARY SPANISH                                                   Howard R. Wolf, instructor
A thorough review of first year Spanish through                      Wednesday, 4/3-4/24 (4x)
repeated practice and exposure to Spanish and                        1:00-3:00 p.m. Classroom 2 $25.00
engagement with classmates for practice. Tuesday’s
class focuses on essential grammar and vocabulary                                 MISSION STATEMENT
used in normal conversational settings and Thursday’s                 The Town of Amherst Center for Senior Services is
class is designed for oral practice of structure,                     a human service agency serving the community’s
vocabulary and pronunciation. While Thursday’s class                  older residents and their families. The Department’s
is optional, it is suggested that beginners attend both               mission is to foster the physical and mental well-
days for optimal learning.                                            being of senior citizens by providing educational
Mary Lorene Thomas, instructor                                        and recreational activities, nutritional, health-related,
Tuesday, 1/29-4/16 (11x) No Class 3/19                                and social and support services, and opportunities
1:00—2:15 p.m. Conference Room $39.00                                 for volunteerism.
Thursday, 1/31-4/18 Optional Conversation Lab                         The Department is an advocate for senior citizens
No class 3/21                                                         and seeks to promote and sustain independence or
1:00--1:45 p.m. Classroom 1 No additional fee                         optimal level of well-being.

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Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                                  5
Winter 2019

6            Amherst Center For Senior Services
The Arts

The Arts                                                    LEARN TO DRAW MORE                NEW

                                                            If you enjoyed “Learn to Draw” and would like to expand
                                                            your drawing abilities, join me for “Learn to Draw
ACRYLIC / OIL PAINTING                                      More.” In this class you will learn the art of drawing and
Learn the fundamentals of painting, working from            shading with pen and ink and the art of working with
observation, ideas and references. This is a flexible       charcoal, one of the oldest art forms. Subjects include
program to meet participants’ needs and interests. For      a still life, landscape and portrait. A $30 supply fee, for
questions regarding supplies only, call 835-2542.           Micron Pens, Charcoal Sticks and paper is to be paid
                                                            directly to the instructor at first class.
Randy Godding, instructor
Monday, 2/4-4/1 (8x) no class 2/18                          Dan Meyer, instructor
9:30 a.m.--noon Art Room $50.00                             Thursday, 1/10-3/21 (9x)
                                                            9:30--11:30 a.m. Craft Room $50.00
                                                            LEARNING TO USE A CALLIGRAPHY PEN
Learn or refresh your knowledge of this beautiful
Italian Renaissance chancery/cursive style of writing.      Have you always wanted to add calligraphy to your
Find ideas for creating your own greeting cards and         scrap-books, journal or other art pieces? You will learn
lettering poems. Bring to the first class: a calligraphy    how to use a calligraphy pen to make letters, flowers
fountain pen with broad, medium and fine nib, ink           and flourishes. A simple alphabet will be introduced.
suitable for a fountain pen, ruler, pencil and a sheet of   Interested students may continue in the 6-week class.
good quality computer paper. Additional paper and           For a supply list, call 839-1922.
other supplies needed for subsequent classes will be        Mary Jo LaClair, instructor
discussed in the first class. Any questions on supplies     Friday, 1/18 (1x)
only, call 839-1922.                                        10:00—noon Art Room $10.00
Mary Jo LaClair, instructor
Friday, 1/25-3/1 (6x)                                       WATERCOLOR CLASS - Beginning
10:00 a.m.--noon Art Room $48.00                            This class will introduce students to the various
                                                            techniques used in watercolor painting and how they
CALLIGRAPHY – Continuing                                    relate to subjects found in our surroundings. Each
                                                            technique will be demonstrated, step by step by the
Prerequisite: Knowledge of one calligraphy alphabet         instructor, followed by student participation. You may
or completion of our Beginner Calligraphy class. Brush      access a materials list by assessing the instructor’s
up on skills and learn new alphabets. Bring to the first    website at, select Studio
class: a calligraphy fountain pen with broad, medium        at the top of the page and then select Materials List.
and fine nib, ink suitable for a fountain pen, ruler,
pencil, and other favorite calligraphy tools.               Dan Meyer, instructor
                                                            Tuesday, 1/8-3/19 (11x)
Mary Jo LaClair, instructor                                 9:30–11:30 a.m. Craft Room $69.00
Friday, 1/18-3/8 (8x)
12:30--2:30 p.m. Art Room $46.00                            WATERCOLOR CLASS - Intermediate
                                                            Continue to explore the fascinating world of
DRAWING WITH COLORED PENCILS                                watercolor as you go beyond the basics. Each
Students will learn techniques like layering, blending,     subject rendered will be demonstrated, step by step
burnishing and modeling to create pleasant results          by the instructor, followed by student participation.
with this exciting and unique medium. Classes consist       Advanced watercolorists will enjoy this course as well.
of short demonstrations followed by one-on-one              Access a materials list at the instructors’ website www.
instructions. Drawing skills not required. Call Randy,, select Studio at the top of the
835-2542, before purchasing pencils.                        page and then select Materials List.
Randy Godding, instructor                                   Dan Meyer, instructor
Wednesday 2/6-3/27 (8x)                                     Wednesday, 1/9-4/3 (13x)
9:30--11:30 a.m. Craft Room      $46.00                     9:30--11:30 a.m. Art Room $72.00

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                     7
The Arts & Cards
This is a mixed woodcarving course of beginning and
intermediate carvers. Each group will work on their           Due to the popularity of the Bridge Review class,
own subject at their own pace. The instructor will have       members who have previously attended this class
several subjects to choose from on the first day of class.    are encouraged to join the Amherst Senior Services’
Safety, perspective, sharpening and tool requirements         Thursday Morning Duplicate Bridge or Friday
will be discussed. A $10.00 supply fee, for wood and          Afternoon Bridge Club. This will allow other members
photo is to be paid directly to instructor at first class.    a chance to register for this class.
Ray Didley, instructor
Thursday, 2/7-4/25 (12x)                                      BEGINNING BRIDGE CLASS - PART II
1:00–3:30 p.m. Art Room $20.00                                If you have never played Bridge, learn the basics in this
                                                              class designed for Beginners.
                                                              Jini Rizzo, instructor
                                                              Tuesday, 1/8-4/16 (15x)
                                                              10:30 a.m.--12:30 p.m. Card Room $42.00
     Amherst Center For Senior Services
            MEMBERSHIP                                        BRIDGE Review
                                                              A refresher course, with play of the hand to sharpen
     Amherst Resident - Onetime Fee of $30                    skills. Prerequisite: Bridge knowledge.*
      Non-Amherst Resident - Annually $30                     Please specify which class you would like to attend.
                                                              Jini Rizzo, instructor
            Make an appointment                               Monday, 1/7-4/15 (13x) no class 1/21, 2/18
     with Tammy at 636-3050, ext. 3172                        10:30 a.m.--12:30 p.m. Card Room $37.00
                                                              Tuesday, 1/8-4/16 (15x)
                                                              1:00--3:00 p.m. Classroom 3 $42.00

                                                      ST. JOSEPH’S
                                                       DAY TABLE
                                                        TUESDAY, MARCH 19 AT 12:00PM
                                                       Come and help yourself to all the delicacies
                                                         of a true St. Joseph’s Day Celebration.

                                                             We will share soup, bread, vegetables, pasta,
                                                             salad, cookies, fish, pizza, and even cannoli!

                                                       Reservations are required for this very popular Center
                                                      event by calling 636-3050. Tickets will be available on
                                                      the day of the event for a suggested contribution of $3.

                                                                    Doors will open at 11:30 am.

                                                              Donations will be accepted on this day for
                                                                  The Deborah Zimmerman Fund.

8                                                                                  Amherst Center For Senior Services

Important Notice: Participants in exercise classes,
dancing and sports activities should consider having
a physical examination prior to entering strenuous
programs. Please check with instructor about proper
clothing and shoes necessary for each activity.

Dance Steps
Whether it be young people auditioning because they
think they can dance or celebrities competing against
each other only to win a “Mirror Ball Trophy” one thing
is for certain, Ballroom Dance will never go out of
style! So...Come join us for an hour of dancing. Learn
various dance steps and leave feeling like you’re ready
to Dance with the Stars. Everyone is welcomed!
Phyllis (Kippy) Ralabate, instructor
Thursday, 1/17-4/4 (9x) no class 2/14, 2/21, 2/28             THE RIGHT PLACE
11:00 a.m.--noon Dance Room $28.00                            FOR THE CARE YOU NEED.
COUNTRY LINE DANCING - Beginner /                             At Elderwood, our personalized approach to
Beginner Plus                                                 your health ensures you always receive the
This class is designed for the Beginner and Beginner          right level of care. We offer assisted living
Plus member who enjoys country music and wants
to learn or improve their dancing skills. The first 45        communities where you’ll feel welcomed
minutes will focus on easy to learn Country Western           and supported, plus enhanced assisted living
Dance Steps. It will be followed by 45 minutes of             services to help residents age in place. Our
slightly more advanced dance routines. Everyone is
welcomed to join the fun, and dance at their own level.       skilled nursing facilities deliver a higher level
                                                              of care. And we provide short-term rehab and
Connie Kaminski, instructor
Monday, 2/14-4/15 (10x) – no class 2/18                       advanced subacute therapy services to get
1:00–2:30 p.m. Dance Room $26.00                              you back home faster.

TAP DANCING - Intermediate
                                                                                      ELDERWOOD at AMHERST
Lesson time will be split with a half hour of technique to                            4459 Bailey Avenue, Amherst
help strengthen your tap dancing skills. The additional
                                                                            ELDERWOOD at WILLIAMSVILLE
half hour will focus on introducing new dance material
                                                                                200 Bassett Road, Williamsville
and routines. *Previous Tap Dance experience is
required.                                                                           ELDERWOOD VILLAGE
                                                                                         at WILLIAMSVILLE
Dawn Tarbox-Szerbiak, instructor                                                 5271 Main Street, Williamsville
Tuesday, 1/8-3/26 (12x)
10:30--11:25 a.m. Dance Room $43.00

                                                             Get in touch with us to schedule        888-826-9663
                                                             a tour and learn more.        

                                                             INDEPENDENT   ASSISTED        SKILLED
                                                                LIVING      LIVING         NURSING

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                       9
Winter 2019

10           Amherst Center For Senior Services
Evening Classes

EVENING CLASSES                                          YOGA EVENING
                                                         Yoga means union. In this class, we will work with our
If you are too busy during the day, but you could come   breath, moving in and out of physical poses in order
to activities in the early evening, sign up for one of   to unite mind, body and soul. Bring floor mat to class.
these Wednesday classes and get a sample of what the
Center can offer. Make new friends, learn a new skill    Jennifer Nuwer, instructor
or broaden your horizons. To participate in evening      Wednesday, 1/16-4/10 (11x) no class 2/13, 3/20
activities you must provide your own transportation as   5:00--6:00 p.m. Music Room $24.00
the van service does not operate after 3:00 p.m.
                                                         Zumba is GREAT AS A WORKOUT AND/OR DANCE
Tone and strengthen your entire body with this           ROUTINE! This lively program uses Latin dance steps
combo of Yoga/Pilates stretches and strengthening        such as the samba, salsa, rumba, meringue, and cha-
moves choreographed to motivating music. Increases       cha. Various types of music will be used while you
flexibility, improves core strength and posture, but     dance your way to health. The instructor will tailor the
is easy on your joints. Light hand weights and a mat     class toward the mature adults’ ability.
required.                                                Marilyn Ciavarella, instructor
Tara Beck, instructor                                    Wednesday, 1/23-4/10 (10x) no class 2/6, 2/13
Wednesday, 1/16-2/20 (6x)                                5:00--6:00 p.m. Dance Room $28.00
5:15--6:00 p.m. Health Room $20.00
Wednesday, 3/13-4/17 (6x)
5:15--6:00 p.m. Health Room $20.00                       DON’T FORGET: On Wednesdays the Center Wellness
                                                         room, Billiard Room and Cardroom are open and
                                                         available for your use. Always check the newsletter for
INTERVAL: A full body workout EVENING                    special evening events that may also be scheduled.
The class is made up of intervals of strength and
cardio moves. Builds cardiovascular fitness, improved
muscular strength and endurance. Hand weights and
a mat required.
Tara Beck, instructor
Wednesday, 1/16-2/20 (6x)                                     ANNUAL
                                                            HOUSING FAIR
6:15--7:15 p.m. Dance Room $20.00
Wednesday, 3/13-4/17 (6x)
6:15--7:15 p.m. Dance Room $20.00

                                                                    Saturday April 6, 2019

    Save The Dates
                                                                     9:00 am to 11:00 am
                                                              Come and learn more about aging-in-place,
                                                                 community services, legal & financial
                                                              issues, senior housing, adult living options,
        Breakfast With Santa                                            and much, much, more!
            Saturday, December 8
           from 9:00am - 11:00am

         Holiday Happening
            Sunday, December 16
            from 2:00pm - 4:00pm
             Watch for more details
            in upcoming newsletters.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                              11
Winter 2019

12           Amherst Center For Senior Services
Winter 2018-2019

     The Olear Team
                 AT M J P E T E R S O N R E A L E S TAT E

                           “For us, it’s about helping people”
                                        We provide a unique blend
                                    of real estate and social work.
                             Project management services for
                            older adults and their caregivers.
                                 Over 30 years experience!

                                               Michael Olear
                                               Lic. Assoc. R.E. Broker

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                   13
Winter 2019

14           Amherst Center For Senior Services
Home Arts

Home Arts                                                            Experience Senior Living

KNITTING/CROCHET                                                Enriching Lives              - Affordable Apartment Style
                                                                                               Living in a Community Setting

Learn basic stitches; new stitches and projects are                The Peregrine Way         - Person Centered Care provided
                                                                                               by Caring & Comforting Staff
introduced periodically. Work at your own pace on                                            - Safety & Security for your Loved
projects of your own choice. Each class has members                                          - Family-Focused & Traditional
at different skill levels. Please bring worsted weight                                         Activities
                                                                                             - Pet Friendly
yarn and knitting needles (size 8 or 9) or crochet hook
(size H or I) to first class.                                                                 Experience the Peregrine
                                                                                                 Way & Schedule Your
Mary Ann Belus, instructor                                                                     Personalized Visit Today!
Thursday, 1/10-2/7 (5x)                                                                       Catered Luncheon Available
                                                                                              with 24 hour advanced notice
9:30--11:30 a.m. Classroom 1 $33.00
Thursday, 2/21-4/4 (5x) no class 3/7, 3/14                                                             Contact
9:30-- 11:30 a.m. Classroom 1 $33.00                                                          Lisa LaRusch Piazza
                                                                                            Peregrine Senior Living at
QUILTING                                                                                     Assisted Living, Memory
                                                                                            Care & Enhanced Services
Work on individual projects guided by the instructor.                                              716.450.5796

New individual and group projects will be introduced                                           Amanda Grey Chase
periodically. A short simple supply list will be discussed                                  Peregrine Senior Living at
                                                                                                  Orchard Park
at the first class. In addition to individual creations,                                   Assisted Living Memory Care
some class members may volunteer to work on a quilt                                                716.640.8493

to be raffled, proceeds of which will benefit the Center.
Jan Brecht, instructor
Monday, 1/7-4/15 (13x) no class 1/21, 2/18
9:30--11:30 a.m. Classroom 3 $43.00


Work independently on your own “chair-size” project.
(No love seats or sofas due to space limitations.)
Bring your project to the first class. It can be left there
until completion. Materials, to be purchased by each
student, will be discussed at the first class. (A fully
                                                                  The Amherst Center for Senior Services
upholstered chair may require more than a six or
seven-week course to complete.)                                  welcomes donations for the benefit of the
                                                                        members of our Center.
Kate Wagner & Richard Snider Co-instructors
Wednesday, 1/9-2/20 (7x)                                      An outright gift can be made in the form of cash,
9:00--noon Classroom 3 $20.00                                 check, or money order. If you would like to send
Wednesday, 3/6-4/17 (7x)                                         a donation to the Center, please mail it to:
9:00--noon Classroom 3 $20.00
                                                                         CHRISTINA YENSAN,
                                                                      Public relations Coordinator
    Are You Interested In Joining A Club                           Amherst Center for Senior Services
    With People With Similar Interests?                            370 John James Audubon Parkway
                                                                         Amherst, NY 14228
    The Amherst Center for Senior Services offers
    approximately 40 different clubs to include a                Thank you in advance on behalf of the Center.
           Travel Club and Dinner Club.                           Philanthropy is key to keeping our programs
                                                                       and services growing and thriving
                For a full listing go to
                                                                        while ensuring accessibility to all                                who want to participate.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                             15
Winter 2019

      Joe, 55.
      Robotic surgery
      in training.

      At Millard Fillmore Suburban, our patients have a lot to get back to.
      So when Joe needed robotic surgery for prostate cancer, he trusted us to
      treat him the way his busy life demanded. With our state-of-the-art robotic
      technology that lowers risk and speeds up recovery, Joe was able to return
      to his training plan quickly – and resume his much-loved life as a dad,
      grandpa and runner.

      We see more than patients.                 

16                                                            Amherst Center For Senior Services

Music                                                        UKULELE SING-A-LONG - BEGINNING
                                                             This course is designed for those who have never
                                                             played the Ukulele (or any instrument). Learn about
GUITAR LESSONS                                               the Ukulele, and how to play while singing songs and
If you have ever thought about learning to play the          having a laugh or two. Ukuleles are provided for use
guitar, now is the time! The basics include learning         during class. Anyone can play the Ukulele, come give
the parts, how to hold, tune, strum and play chords. A       it a try!
guitar is provided for use during class if you do not have   Jennifer May, instructor
your own. No prior musical experience is necessary.          Monday, 1/7-2/25 (6x) no class 1/21, 2/18
Individual one-half hour lessons will be offered. Class
                                                             10:30--11:25 a.m. Music Room $25.00
time to be assigned.
                                                             Monday, 3/18-4/22 (6x)
Jennifer May, instructor                                     10:30--11:25 a.m. Music Room $25.00
Tuesday, 1/8-2/19 (7x)
1:45--3:45 p.m. Music Room $88.00 No Fee Waiver              UKULELE SING-A-LONG - CONTINUING
Tuesday, 3/5-4/16 (7x)                                       This course is designed for those who have taken
1:45--3:45 p.m. Music Room $88.00 No Fee Waiver              the beginner session or have played the Ukulele.
                                                             Ukuleles are still available during class. We will learn
PIANO LESSONS                                                more chords and try different strumming patterns. And
Individual one-half hour lessons will be offered. Class      of course we will have fun singing and learning new
time to be assigned. Please include a preference as to       songs, while learning to play the Ukulele.
a.m. or p.m. class on your registration form.                Jennifer May, instructor
Sharon Dittmar, instructor                                   Monday, 1/7-2/25 (6x) no class, 1/21, 2/18
Thursday, 1/10-2/14 (6x)                                     9:30--10:25 a.m. Music Room $25.00
9:00 a.m.--2:00 p.m. Music Room         $75.00     No Fee    Monday, 3/18-4/22 (6x)
Waiver                                                       9:30--10:25 a.m. Music Room $25.00
Thursday, 3/7-4/11 (6x)
9:00 a.m.--2:00 p.m. Music Room         $75.00     No Fee    VOICE LESSONS
Waiver                                                       Whether you are a beginner or have studied in the past,
                                                             take advantage of individual lessons as an excellent
   Nutritious Lunch Program                                  opportunity to discover your singing voice. You will
                                                             develop good technique through vocal exercises and
        The Amherst Center for Senior Services               proper breathing, and will sing great songs. The only
          welcomes all adults age 60 and up,                 prerequisite is your desire to sing! Individual one-half
          residing anywhere in Erie County,                  hour lessons will be offered. Class time to be assigned.
     to enjoy tasty, economical hot lunches in the           Janet Balloch, instructor
               Nutrition Lunch Program.                      Monday, 1/7-2/25 (6x) no class 1/21, 2/18
    Lunch is served Monday through Friday from               12:00--4:00 p.m. Music Room $60.00 No Fee Waiver
   12:00pm-1:00pm. Reservations must be made                 Monday, 3/11-4/15 (6x)
      24 hours in advance by calling 636-3050.               12:00--4:00 p.m. Music Room $60.00 No Fee Waiver

          A suggested donation is $3 and
       guests under 60 at a contribution of $5.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                  17
Winter 2019

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                                                         Short-Term Rehab/
                                                            (716) 874-1566

18                                              Amherst Center For Senior Services
Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness                                               BARRE EVENING
                                                               Tone and strengthen your entire body with this
Exercise Classes are offered daily. To assist you in           combo of Yoga/Pilates stretches and strengthening
choosing the class(es) which best meet your needs              moves choreographed to motivating music. Increases
and lifestyle, a description of each class is listed.          flexibility, improves core strength and posture, but
Normally, each Day of the Week is considered a                 is easy on your joints. Light hand weights and a mat
separate class. Chi Kung, Get Fit While You Sit and            required.
Tai Chi meet twice a week and both days together are           Tara Beck, instructor
considered one class.                                          Wednesday, 1/16-2/20 (6x)
                                                               5:15--6:00 p.m. Health Room $20.00
AEROBICS                                                       Wednesday, 3/13-4/17 (6x)
Use large leg and arm motions to strengthen small and          5:15--6:00 p.m. Health Room $20.00
large muscles. Heart and lungs will benefit; increase
joint mobility. (Wednesday classes will focus on
                                                               CHAIR EXERCISE - MOVING & GROOVING
walking).                                                      Don’t let your balance or physical condition deter
                                                               you from exercising. This easy-to-follow chair exercise
Jean Widlicka, instructor                                      program will help you tone up and improve your
Monday, 1/7-4/15 (13x) –no class 1/21, 2/18                    flexibility.
9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room A $29.00
Tuesday, 1/8-4/16 (14x) no class 3/19                          Jean Widlicka, instructor
9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room B $31.00                        Thursday, 1/10-4/11 (14x)
Wednesday, 1/9-4/10 (14x)                                      9:30--10:25 a.m. Dance Room $31.00
9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room A $31.00
                                                               CHI KUNG and TAI CHI REFINEMENTS
Friday, 1/11-4/5 (13x)
9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room B $29.00                        We will explore the various connections of Chi Kung
                                                               and Tai Chi. Chi Kung involves postures and breathing
BALLET STRETCH                                                 exercises that enhance vitality and well-being. Chi
                                                               Kung also has an important effect on the quality of
Consisting of basic ballet barre technique and
                                                               the stretching and fitness one can experience through
stretching, this signature workout combines ballet
                                                               Tai Chi. The combination of Chi Kung and Tai Chi will
and stretch for a low-impact, invigorating, fat burning
                                                               help you get stronger physically, gain greater control
workout. It also increases circulation, improves overall
                                                               over heart rate and pulse through special relaxation
mobility, and it’s fun! The class is good for all levels. If
                                                               techniques, and also soothe the nervous system.
you are bored with traditional aerobic exercise, join us.
                                                               Prerequisite for this class is beginning Tai Chi.
Wear comfortable clothing (sweat pants and light shirt)
and ballet shoes or socks.                                     Robert Sachs, Ph.D., instructor
Dawn Tarbox-Szerbiak, instructor                               Tues., 1/15-4/9 & Thurs., 1/17-4/11 (26x)
Tuesday, 1/8-3/26 (12x)                                        12:00--1:00 p.m. Health Room & Activity Room B
9:30--10:25 a.m. Dance Room $43.00                             $95.00

               t F o r g e t !
         Don ’                                                      Do You Need Support?
                                                                    The Amherst Center for Senior Services
                                                                      offers monthly support groups for
              Registration Starts                                      widow/widowers and caregivers.
      NOVEMBER 13TH                                                 If you are interested, please contact our
                                                                    Social Work Department at 636-3050.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                   19
Physical Fitness
FALL PREVENTION- For Beginners                                INTERVAL: A full body workout EVENING
If you have never taken Fall Prevention before, this          The class is made up of intervals of strength and
class is for you. Getting up from the floor is not easy if    cardio moves. Builds cardiovascular fitness, improved
you have flexibility or mobility issues. It is important to   muscular strength and endurance. Hand weights and
have strength, balance and coordination. This class will      a mat required.
work on improving all three, along with showing you
proper moves for getting up off the floor.                    Tara Beck, instructor
                                                              Wednesday, 1/16-2/20 (6x)
Jean Widlicka, instructor                                     6:15--7:15 p.m. Dance Room $20.00
Tuesday, 1/8-4/16 (14x) no class 3/19                         Wednesday, 3/13-4/17 (6x)
10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room B $31.00                      6:15--7:15 p.m. Dance Room $20.00
FALL PREVENTION – Safe on Your Feet                           JAZZ EXERCISE
This class is a well-presented series of total-body,          Easy-to-follow, fully choreographed routines to a wide
muscle-toning routines. It is designed for strength,          variety of music; 40 minutes of aerobics followed by
balance and flexibility, focusing on “Muscle Memory.”         15 minutes of toning exercises. If you love to dance,
Your muscles will learn to anticipate a possible              this is your road to fitness.
problem such as how a fall feels when it begins. The
moves range from seated to balancing routines. Join           Dawn Tarbox-Szerbiak, instructor
the class and fight age with strength!                        Tuesday, 1/8-3/26 (12x)
                                                              11:30 a.m.--12:25 p.m. Dance Room $43.00
Jean Widlicka, instructor
Intermediate Group
Monday, 1/7-4/15 (13x) no class 1/21, 2/18
                                                              PICKLEBALL: Beginner
10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room A $29.00                      Did you know, Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in
Advanced Group                                                the United States? It is a racquet sport that combines
Wednesday, 1/9-4/10 (14x)                                     elements of badminton, tennis, and ping pong.
10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room A $31.00                      This 6 week course is designed for the Beginner.
                                                              Each week we will begin with instruction and drills,
FLOOR EXERCISE                                                followed by practice and play for the remainder of
                                                              the class. Members are welcome to bring their own
Increase flexibility in your muscles and joints, improve      paddle, however, equipment will be provided. Wear
coordination; reduce risk of injury with a combination        comfortable clothing and sneakers.
of stretching, resistance and relaxation exercises.
Please bring a floor mat to class.                            Cynthia Weiss, instructor
                                                              Thursday, 1/10-2/14 (6x)
Jean Widlicka, instructor
                                                              1:30-3:30 p.m. Activity Room A&B $20.00
Friday, 1/11-4/5 (13x)
10:30--11:30 a.m. Activity Room B $29.00                      SLIMNASTICS
GET FIT WHILE YOU SIT                                         A fun, easy-to-follow program for everyone, combining
                                                              cardio-fitness with stretching and toning. Please bring
A two-days per week fun and laid-back fitness program         hand weights and resistance bands .
designed for beginners and those with back problems
or physical conditions which make exercising difficult.       Claudia Fries, instructor
                                                              Monday, 1/7-3/25 (10x) no class 1/21, 2/18
Jean Widlicka, instructor
                                                              10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room B $23.00
Monday, 1/7-4/8 no class 1/21,2/18 & Wednesday,
                                                              Wednesday, 1/9-3/27 (12x )
1/9-4/10 (26x)
                                                              10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room B $27.00
11:30 a.m.--12:20 p.m. Activity Room A $43.00
                                                              Friday, 1/11-3/29 (12x)
                                                              10:30--11:20 a.m. Dance Room $27.00

20                                                                                 Amherst Center For Senior Services
Physical Fitness
STRETCH TO THE OLDIES                                        ZUMBA
A flexible muscle is a strong muscle. Find out why,          Zumba is GREAT AS A WORKOUT AND/OR DANCE
at any age, at any fitness level, PILATES EXERCISE           ROUTINE! This lively program uses Latin dance steps
builds a good foundation and gives you better range          such as the samba, salsa, rumba, meringue, and cha-
of motion, flexibility, circulation, posture, abdominal      cha. Various types of music will be used while you
strength, and a decrease in joint pain. An added benefit     dance your way to health. The instructor will tailor the
is personal awareness of how you sit, stand and move         class toward the mature adults’ ability. So come join
on a daily basis that perhaps has caused some aches          the Fun!!!!
and pains in the past. Discover how PILATES works the
whole body. Come join us and bring an exercise mat           Marilyn Ciavarella, instructor
and 1 to 3 lb. weights. You’ll be surprised to see how       Monday, 1/14-4/15 (10x) no class 1/21, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18
quickly this Floor Exercise class flies by as we Stretch &
Strengthen while listening to the Oldies!                    11:45 a.m.--12:45 p.m. Dance Room $28.00
                                                             Wednesday, 1/23-4/10 (10x) EVENING
Claudia Fries, instructor                                    no class 2/6, 2/13
Wednesday, 1/9-3/27 (12x)                                    5:00--6:00 p.m. Dance Room $28.00
12:00--12:55 p.m. Activity Room B $27.00

Tai Chi is a Chinese form of exercise for health and
relaxation involving 108 slow, natural movements. Part              TRIBUTE BRICKS
III completes the Beginner Level and will focus on
the last set of movements. Prerequisite: Beginning Tai            The Amherst Center for Senior Services is
Chi Parts I & !! Comfortable, loose fitting clothing is            proud to host the “Friendship Terrace.”
recommended.                                                       The terrace is used frequently in warm
Robert Sachs, Ph.D., instructor                                   weather months for luncheons, concerts,
Tuesday, 1/15-4/2 & Thursday, 1/17-4/4 (24x)                       special events, and casual gatherings.
11:00--noon Health Room & Activity Room B $88.00                   Commemorative bricks are available at a cost of
                                                                $130 for dedication and can be engraved according
TAI CHI - INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED                                 to your individual wishes. Take this opportunity to
One of the following will lead the group each week:             celebrate a special occasion in your life or to honor a
Alberta Heidinger or Marie Zafron. A Chinese form of            friend, relative, or pet. Put your own special message
exercise for health and relaxation involving 108 slow,               that will be part of Amherst’s history forever.
natural movements. Prerequisite: Completion of the
Amherst Center for Senior Services Beginning Tai Chi
class or advanced Tai Chi experience.
Tuesday 1/8-4/30 & Thursday 1/3-4/25 (32x) no class
4/16, 4/18
1:30--2:30 p.m. Dance Room $20.00

                                                                    For further information, please contact
                                                                 Christina Yensan at 716-636--3055, ext. 3122

                                                                             Don’t Forget:
                                                              On Wednesdays the Center Wellness room,
                                                              Billiard Room and Cardroom are open and
                                                                available for your use. Always check the
                                                               newsletter for special evening events that
                                                                        may also be scheduled.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                          21
Winter 2019

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                Routine & Medical Care 716-896-8831
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                        “Your Vision | Our Focus”
               We participate with Medicare & Major Insurance Plans
                    Visit us at
22                                                            Amherst Center For Senior Services
Yoga (Hatha)

YOGA (HATHA)                                              YOGA EVENING
                                                          Yoga means union. In this class, we will work with our
Hatha Yoga is for everyone, whatever your age or          breath, moving in and out of physical poses in order
flexibility level. Promote your health and energy level   to unite mind, body and soul. Bring floor mat to class.
through a variety of safe and relaxing Yoga stretches
and postures. Relieve emotional tension and stress        Jennifer Nuwer, instructor
through breath awareness and systematic training in       Wednesday, 1/16-4/10 (11x) no class 2/13, 3/20
natural, healthy diaphragmatic breathing. Practice        5:00--6:00 p.m. Music Room $24.00
relaxation methods to lead to an inner sense of well-
being. Beginning Yoga lays the foundation. Yoga           YOGA & MEDITATION
Plus continues the training and explores new Yoga         The mind and body are interconnected. This 13-week
postures. Bring floor mat to class.                       course will be a combination of meditation and yoga
                                                          exercise, done from a chair. The ultimate goal is to
BEGINNING YOGA – Days                                     achieve a gentle and healing experience.
Christina Phillips, instructor                            Jennifer Nuwer, instructor
Tuesday, 1/8-4/9 (13x) no class 3/19                      Wednesday, 1/2-4/10 (13x) no class 2/13, 3/20
9:30--10:45 a.m. Activity Room A $28.00                   10:30--11:30 a.m. Dance Room $24.00
Wednesday, 1/9-4/10 (14x)                                 Wednesday, 1/2-4/10 (13x) no class 2/13, 3/20
3:00--4:15 p.m. Dance Room $30.00                         12:30--1:30 p.m. Dance Room $24.00
Thursday, 1/10-4/11 (14x)
9:30--10:45 a.m. Activity Room A $30.00                   YOGA PLUS
                                                          Variations on basic postures are introduced. Breathing
CHAIR YOGA                                                exercises and subtle relaxation methods are developed.
The same as Beginning Yoga, except students perform       Breath awareness is encouraged during postures and
stretches and postures from a chair rather than sitting   daily life to facilitate balanced health. Prerequisite:
or lying on the floor.                                    Completion of Beginning Yoga, or previous Yoga
Jennifer Nuwer, instructor
Friday 1/4-4/12 (13x) no class 2/15, 3/22                 Christina Phillips, instructor
1:00--2:15 p.m. Dance Room $30.00                         Tuesday, 1/8-4/9 (13x) no class 3/19
                                                          11:00 a.m.--12:15 p.m. Activity Room A $30.00
LAUGHTER YOGA                                             Thursday, 1/10-4/11 (14x)
This class will help to reduce stress and promote well-   11:00 a.m.--12:15 p.m. Activity Room A $32.00
being. We will focus on Laughter, Yoga Breathing and
meditation exercises. Anyone can do it. No experience
required. Feel the benefits right from the very first
session! No special clothing, can be done sitting
or standing. Just need the ability to laugh. Led by
Certified Laughter Yoga Leader.
Jennifer May, instructor
Tuesday, 1/8-2/19 (7x)
                                                                  Silver Pride Tea
12:30--1:30 p.m. Music Room $29.00                           The Amherst Center for Senior Services
Tuesday, 3/5-4/16 (7x)
12:30--1:30 p.m. Music Room $29.00                            hosts this social hour for lesbian, gay,
                                                             transgender, bisexual, seniors age 50+
                                                               and their supporters.
                                                            They meet at the Center
                                                            the third Wednesday
                                                              of each month
                                                                at 2:30pm.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                              23
Winter 2019

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       Inquire today about a room at Brompton Heights! As your life
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      Care, Short Term Care and Independent Living all under one roof.
       Call us at 716-634-5734 or see more at
                           275 Brompton Road
                          Williamsville, NY 14127

24                                                  Amherst Center For Senior Services

Technology                                                   UNDERSTANDING YOUR ANDROID
                                                             PHONE/ TABLET NEW
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY - Getting more                           Do you want to understand your device better so
out of your camera                                           it will be more useful? This is a new tool most of us
                                                             were not shown how to use properly. We will focus on
This class will encourage participants to understand         many features such as texting, calendar, calculator and
and learn to use settings for Aperture, Shutter Speed        camera. Bring your phone/tablet and your questions
and ISO. We will continue to evaluate the images we          to class. This is a small class which will allow for plenty
take using histograms and to adjust exposure using           of individual attention.
exposure compensation. Weather permitting; we will
step outside the Center and practice with our cameras.       Nancy Wise, instructor
Opportunity will be provided for evaluation of the           Monday, 2/4-2/25 (3x) no class 2/18
images members capture, to enable them to improve            10:30 a.m.--12:00 noon Computer Room $25.00
their skill at capturing high quality images. Questions      Friday, 3/15-3/29 (3x)
can be addressed to Mary Lou Frost at 694-6136 or            10:30 a.m.--12:00 noon Computer Room $25.00
                                                             UNDERSTANDING YOUR IPHONE / IPAD
Mary Lou Frost, instructor
Wednesday, 3/6-3/27 (4x)                                     Do you want to understand your device better so
11:00 a.m.--12:30 p.m. Computer Room $25.00                  it will be more useful? This is a new tool most of us
                                                             were not shown how to use properly. We will focus on
GOOGLE IT                                                    many features such as texting, calendar, calculator and
                                                             camera. Bring your iphone/IPad and your questions to
Learn how to search the internet for any information         class. This is a small class which will allow for plenty of
you want. We will use the Google Browser to learn to         individual attention.
search the web and understand the results list.
                                                             Nancy Wise, instructor
Nancy Wise, instructor                                       Friday, 2/1-2/15 (3x)
Friday, 3/1-3/8 (2x)                                         10:30 a.m.--12:00 noon Computer Room $25.00
10:30 a.m.- noon Computer Room $20.00                        Monday, 4/1-4/15 (3x)
PHOTO EDITING – The next step                                10:30 a.m.--12:00 noon Computer Room $25.00

This class will focus attention on the software techniques   YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT NEW
that bring the greatest quality to your images. You can      Your email account is more than just mail. Learn about
bring your laptop or use a computer in the lab. This         your contacts, calendar and to-do-list. Like a personal
work can be done in either Photoshop Elements or a           assistant, it can help you in your daily life. You need to
full version of Adobe Photoshop. We will explore using       know your email address and password.
Layer masks (including luminosity masks), selection
tools, and the free plug-in software for Nik. Contact        Nancy Wise, instructor
Mary Lou Frost at 694-6136 or           Monday, 3/18-3/25 (2x)
Mary Lou Frost, instructor                                   10:30 a.m.--12:00 noon Computer Room $20.00
Wednesday, 3/6-3/27 (4x)
9:00--10:30 a.m. Computer Room $25.00

                                                                Are You Interested In Joining A Club

                 t F o r g e t !                                With People With Similar Interests?

           Don ’                                                 The Amherst Center for Senior Services offers
                                                                 approximately 40 different clubs to include a
                                                                        Travel Club and Dinner Club.
               Registration Starts                                           For a full listing go to

         NOVEMBER 13TH                                     

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                     25
Winter 2019

                  Windsong proudly supports

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26                                                      Amherst Center For Senior Services
This and That

This and That                                                  MASSAGE THERAPY
                                                               Massage promotes relaxation as it soothes away minor
The Driver Safety program fills up quickly. Check with         aches and pains. It relieves fatigue, reduces tension
your insurance to see if your discount is about to expire.     and anxiety, and promotes a sense of renewed energy.
                                                               Individual 25-minute massages will be scheduled.
AARP SMART DRIVER                                              Sign up on a one-time, bi-monthly or monthly basis.
                                                               Please bring a set of sheets with you.
Improve driving skills. Instructor provided by the
AARP. Find out if your insurance company will give             Melanie Olivieri, Licensed Massage Therapist
a discount on liability/collision auto insurance policy        Thursday, Jan. 10 & 24
when furnished with certificate of course completion.          Thursday, Feb. 7 & 21
All-day course (includes 40 min. break for lunch).             Thursday, March 7 & 21
Please list your first and second choices for dates            Thursday, April 4 & 25
when registering for an AARP Smart Driver course and
include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you              *9:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Health Room $22 per visit
want a receipt.                                                (No Fee Waiver.)
Wednesday, January 23                                          *Due to a limited schedule and high demand
9:00 a.m.--4:00 p.m. Classroom 2 *$20 or $25                   for massage appointments, we are unable to
Wednesday, February 20                                         accommodate requests for specific times. You will be
9:00 a.m.--4:00 p.m. Classroom 2 *$20 or $25                   notified with the time scheduled for you.
Wednesday, March 27                                            $22 per 25 minute visit. Fee cannot be refunded unless
9:00 a.m.--4:00 p.m. Classroom 2 *$20 or $25                   we can find a replacement for your time slot.
*$25 for Senior Center members. $20 for Senior Center          Make individual check(s) payable to: Melanie Olivieri.
members who are also AARP members. Your AARP                   Post-date the check for the date of your appointment.
membership number must be written on both your                 Check will be held and submitted to the Massage
check & registration form. Make your check payable             Therapist on the day of your appointment. .
to: AARP Smart Driver. (No Fee Waiver)
For your information: Checks will be held and
submitted to the AARP Instructor on the day of class.

                                                      SOCIAL ISOLATION
                                                      Loneliness and social isolation are important health risks
                                                        in older adults. Negative Health Effects of Isolation
                                                                and Loneliness Are Associated With:

                                                        • Chronic health conditions, including heart disease
                                                        • Weakened immune system
                                                        • Depression and anxiety
                                                        • Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease
                                                        • Admission to nursing homes or use of emergency services
                                                        • Death

                                                               Social Disconnectedness, Perceived Isolation,
                                                             and Health among Older Adults, Journal of Health
                                                                        and Social Behavior (2009)

                                                      The Amherst Center of Senior Services provides a supportive
                                                        environment for every dimension of wellness; physical,
                                                      emotional, social, intellectual, and vocational through of our
                                                                   scheduled programs and events.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                       27
Registration Form
                         WINTER 2019 CLASS REGISTRATION
                                                Use ONE form per person
REGISTRATION for Members begins Tuesday, November 13, 2018. Registration may be mailed in or
dropped off at the Hospitality Desk in the front lobby for your convenience. Please have your registration enve-
lope clearly marked with “WINTER 2019 Registration.”

Last Name_______________________________________________   First Name___________________________________ MI_________________

Number & Street____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Town__________________________________________________________   Zip Code_______________________________

Phone Number_________________________________________________

                                                                                                                               Office use
                 COMPLETE COURSE TITLE                             DAY       TIME          START DATE          FEE                only





                                                           Total amount enclosed: $ ___________
                    Make checks/money orders payable to: Amherst Center for Senior Services.

Include a stamped, self-addressed business envelope if you would like a Class Confirmation or plan to submit
receipts to your insurance company for Physical Fitness reimbursement.

Mark your calendar with dates and times of classes for which you are registering.
      AARP Smart Driver                                                          Office use
                                   AARP Membership No.                FEE           only           Make check payable to:
         Class Date
                                                                                                     AARP Smart Driver.
 1)                                                                                             Include AARP membership #
                                                                                                        if applicable.

                                                                    Total     Office use      Make separate checks payable
               MASSAGE THERAPY Dates                                             only
                                                                    FEEs                      to: Melanie Olivieri.
                                                                                              Post date each check with the
                                                                                              date of your appointment(s).

               MAIL TO:        WINTER 2019 REGISTRATION                                              Office Use Only:
                               AMHERST CENTER FOR SENIOR SERVICES
                                                                                                     Date Processed: _______
                               370 John James Audubon Parkway
                               Amherst, NY 14228-1142                                                Staff Initials: _______

28                                                                                         Amherst Center For Senior Services
Registration Form
                         WINTER 2019 CLASS REGISTRATION
                                                Use ONE form per person
REGISTRATION for Members begins Tuesday, November 13, 2018. Registration may be mailed in or
dropped off at the Hospitality Desk in the front lobby for your convenience. Please have your registration enve-
lope clearly marked with “WINTER 2019 Registration.”

Last Name_______________________________________________   First Name___________________________________ MI_________________

Number & Street____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Town__________________________________________________________   Zip Code_______________________________

Phone Number_________________________________________________

                                                                                                                               Office use
                 COMPLETE COURSE TITLE                             DAY       TIME          START DATE          FEE                only





                                                           Total amount enclosed: $ ___________
                    Make checks/money orders payable to: Amherst Center for Senior Services.

Include a stamped, self-addressed business envelope if you would like a Class Confirmation or plan to submit
receipts to your insurance company for Physical Fitness reimbursement.

Mark your calendar with dates and times of classes for which you are registering.
      AARP Smart Driver                                                          Office use
                                   AARP Membership No.                FEE           only           Make check payable to:
         Class Date
                                                                                                     AARP Smart Driver.
 1)                                                                                             Include AARP membership #
                                                                                                        if applicable.

                                                                    Total     Office use      Make separate checks payable
               MASSAGE THERAPY Dates                                             only
                                                                    FEEs                      to: Melanie Olivieri.
                                                                                              Post date each check with the
                                                                                              date of your appointment(s).

               MAIL TO:        WINTER 2019 REGISTRATION                                              Office Use Only:
                               AMHERST CENTER FOR SENIOR SERVICES
                                                                                                     Date Processed: _______
                               370 John James Audubon Parkway
                               Amherst, NY 14228-1142                                                Staff Initials: _______

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                                       29
Winter 2019

                                                              Can Help!

      Caring Transitions will help:
         • Organize your entire move                 • Coordinate movers and
                                                       real estate agents
         • Packing and unpacking
           services                                  • Manage clean-out of home
         • Estate sales                              • Bonded and Insured

                                                       Larry Raines, Dale and Candace Kadish

  WNY’s Leading Senior Moving & Downsizing Company

30                                                                  Amherst Center For Senior Services
Winter 2019

                                       There’s a lot to love here.

        We think personalized care is part of aging well.
        With transportation, healthy options for meals, personalized services and trained staff,
        our Assisted Living communities will help Mom with the care she needs.

                                                              CALL TODAY!
        Bassett Manor
        Assisted Living                                       For more information, call
        245 Bassett Road
                                                              (716) 688-4011.
        Williamsille NY 14043
                                                                            ©2017 Brookdale Senior Living Inc. All rights reserved. BROOKDALE SENIOR LIVING and
        BrookdaleBrandWorks 15502 HA                              BRINGING NEW LIFE TO SENIOR LIVING are the registered trademarks of Brookdale Senior Living Inc.

        Bringing New Life to Senior Living®                                                                      

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 13, 2018                                                                                                                     31
Presorted Standard
                                                                    U.S. Postage
        370 John James Audubon Parkway
        Amherst, NY 14228-1142                                        PAID
                                                                  Permit No. 4694
                                                                    Buffalo, NY

Valentine’s Day
    Dinner                                                         This is a
                                                                 free event
                                                                 with only a
                                                                 $3 dinner
Please join us for a lovely evening of dinner and music.
   We will enjoy a delicious dinner from 5:00 to 6:00,
  Raffles, Trivia and Free Giveaways from 6:00 to 7:00
 and then we will follow with the sights and sounds of
           “The Red Blazers” from 7:00 to 8:00.
        The Red Blazers are a male chorus encompassing
 approximately 45 men from all over the Western New York area.
 This 4-part harmony group sings everything from barbershop to
         old standards, Broadway to current music trends.
                Absolutely something for everyone!

        Please call 636-3055, ext. 3108 for your reservations.
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