Winter Class Catalog 2020 - AMHERST CENTER FOR SENIOR SERVICES - Town of Amherst

Page created by Ruben Gallagher

  Learn ng
   m e t h i
 So w

Class Catalog 2020
Winter 2020

              We’re proud to be
                 part of the
               Amherst senior


2                           Amherst Center For Senior Services
General Information
MISSION STATEMENT                                                             Table of Contents
The Town of Amherst Center for Senior Services is a
human service agency serving the community’s older            Academic Studies................................................6
residents and their families. The Department’s mission        The Arts.................................................................8
is to foster the physical and mental well-being of senior     Cards.....................................................................9
citizens by providing educational and recreational
activities, nutritional, health-related, social and support
                                                              Evening Classes................................................ 10
services and opportunities for volunteerism. The              Health & Fitness................................................ 11
Department is an advocate for senior citizens and seeks       Dance................................................................. 11
to promote and sustain independence or optimal level          Yoga.................................................................... 16
of well-being.                                                Home Arts.......................................................... 18
                                                              Music.................................................................. 19
MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED FOR CLASS                                 Technology........................................................ 22
REGISTRATION                                                  AARP Smart Driver........................................... 24
At 55 years of age individuals are eligible for
membership in the Amherst Center for Senior                   Massage Therapy.............................................. 26
Services. Spouses must meet membership eligibility            Registration Information.................................. 28
requirements.                                                 Registration Form....................................... 29, 31

Membership fees for Town of Amherst Residents
are $30 for Individual Lifetime Membership or $50
Lifetime Couple or Household Membership.
For Non-Town Residents Individual membership is
$30 for 12 month membership, Couple or Household
membership (for any two individuals living at the same
address) is $50 for 12 month membership. Lifetime
Individual membership is $100. Lifetime Couple
membership is $150.
Membership fees help pay for: The upkeep of the
building and surrounding lawn and gardens, i.e.
utilities, cleaning, maintenance, program equipment,
as well as Social Casework Services, special events &
                                                                 Veteran’s Day Celebration
                                                                                  Friday, November 8
                                                                                        at 11:30
                                                                      Please join us at the Amherst Center for
                                                                       Senior Services to honor our Veterans.
                                                              We will be showcasing authentic displays, enjoying
                                                                patriotic music with a live piano performance
                                                               and singing by the Amherst Senior Singers. The
                                                              County Clerk’s Office will also be on-site for those
                                                                 wishing to become a part of the Thank a Vet
                                                                   Program and the Veteran’s Association.
                                                                 A special lunch will be served at 12:00 and all
                                                              veterans will enjoy a complimentary lunch. Join us
                                                              in recognizing the men and women who “stepped
                                                                      up” to protect all that we hold dear.
                                                                         This event is proudly sponsored by
                                                                             Heathwood Assisted Living
                                                                   Advance lunch reservations are required.
                                                                Please call 636-3050 to reserve your spot now.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                                                            3
Winter 2020

                      The Importance of Learning
                      Something New as You Age
As the old saying goes, you can’t teach an old dog new     We’ve seen the same pattern with other activities, as
tricks. But according to recent research, that may not     well. According to one study, children who learned
be entirely true.                                          an instrument when they were younger had better
                                                           cognitive function as adults. Though the study involved
Though it’s harder for the brain to learn a new skill
                                                           children, researchers say playing music improves brain
as you age, several studies show that taking on this
                                                           health because doing this activity involves so many
challenge can lead to improved memory function and
                                                           different and repetitive cognitive processes, along
brain health.
                                                           with the emotional engagement that comes from
According to a study published in the journal Psycho-      being involved in music making.
logical Science, older adults who learn a new skill have
                                                           If you want to stay mentally sharp as you age, here are
improved memory. The study involved 221 people
                                                           a few activities to consider:
between age 60 to 90. In the study, some participants
spent 16.5 hours a week for three months taking up         • Learn a foreign language: Learning another
hobbies or crafts such as digital photography and            language is the equivalent of a mental workout
quilting. Another group did social activities such as        for the brain and may improve attention and
watching movies or thinking about previous vacations,        concentration.
while a control group listened to the radio or played
                                                           • Solve a riddle or a puzzle: These activities require
simple games and puzzles. Those in the first group
                                                             a lot of problem-solving skills and can enhance your
who spent months learning a new skill had the biggest
                                                             creativity and mental sharpness.
memory gains.
                                                           • Learn a new instrument: In addition to the
Researchers chose digital photography and quilting
                                                             constant practice, learning a new instrument can
because they said these activities required the most
                                                             improve hand-eye coordination, leading to physical
active engagement, usage of long-term memory and
                                                             as well as cognitive benefits for seniors. Drawing,
cognitive ability. Researchers encouraged participants
                                                             knitting and painting have similar benefits, too.
to continuously learn and improve upon the skills
they developed. This proved to be more mentally            • Memorize a daily list: Make a grocery or things to-
challenging, and in turn, delivered the most cognitive       do list and memorize it. Wait an hour or so and see
benefit.                                                     how many items on the list you can remember.
This suggests that what you learn is just as important     • Learn a new recipe or take a cooking
as trying new things. Learning a new skill may reduce        class: Review a recipe and see if you can cook it
an older adults’ risk of dementia by strengthening           from memory without looking at a piece of paper.
connections between different parts of the brain.            Or, take a cooking class. Cooking involves so many
These connections can be improved through activities         different activities and senses — from touch and
such as learning a new language, learning to ride a          taste to smell and sight — that your brain will work
bike or playing a new instrument because they are            overtime to process everything going on around
more cognitively demanding. In fact, recent research         you.
has shown that though it is difficult for an aging brain
                                                           CESAR QUILILAN, M.D.
to take in new information, learning a new language
                                                           August 31, 2016
has significant benefits for brain health and can slow
                                                           Posted in: Living Younger, MetroHealth News
cognitive decline as you age.
Why? Because being bilingual or multilingual allows             Try a new skill. There are many
the brain to get “built-in exercise.” Your brain has to
do a bit more work to juggle two or more languages,           choices in this catalog to challenge
so in a way it’s already trained to take in and process           you mentally and physically.
complicated information. Because of this, it may
be easier to concentrate and focus on a variety of               The brain isn’t a muscle, but it
cognitive tasks, whether it’s word recognition or doing            certainly behaves like one,
a crossword puzzle. Additional research has shown that             so continuously exercise it
people who know more than one language perform
better on attention tests and have a better ability to            to keep it in the best shape.
4                                                                               Amherst Center For Senior Services
Winter 2020

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019             5
Academic Studies

Academic Studies                                         ART HISTORY - Art in the
                                                         Contemporary Age
                                                         Addresses artistic trends from the post-war era to
      The views expressed by the instructors of our      the recent contemporary art showing at the Venice
     classes are strictly their own and can in no way    Biennale. Artists covered include Jackson Pollack,
     be considered to express the views or policies      the Abstract Impressionists, Andy Warhol, the Pop
        of the Amherst Center for Senior Services.       Movement, Joseph Beuys, the Socialist art movements,
                                                         Marina Abramovic, the Performance medium, Sol
ALL THE NEWS & ISSUES                                    Lewitt, Conceptualism and the Pluralism of the Post-
Stay informed. This weekly discussion group will touch   Modern Age.
upon local, national and world events and topics. One    Laura Watts Sommer, instructor
of the following volunteers will lead the group each
week: Bruce Brown, Janice Dunne, Leah Hayes, Carol       Thursday, 1/30-3/19 (8x)
Hensel, Jane Kauffman, Geoffrey McCauley, Nick Read,     10:00–11:30 a.m. Classroom 2 $30.00
Susan Stoll, or Lenny Testa.
Friday, 1/3-4/24 (16x) no class 4/10                     AVIATION
                                                         Explore the world of aviation from Piper Cubs to
9:30--11:30 a.m. Classroom 2 $20.00
                                                         4th generation supersonic fighter jets. Discover the
                                                         history of early successes and failures, who controls
                                                         the arrivals at busy airports, and more. The curriculum
       Do You Need Support?                              will be adapted to fit the class interest, so bring your
                                                         questions. Colonel Doug Routt, USAF ret., has over
       The Amherst Center for Senior Services            5,000 hours experience in fighter jets and has flown
         offers monthly support groups for               numerous aircraft as an instructor for the FAA.
          widow/widowers and caregivers.
                                                         Douglas Byrum Routt, instructor
       If you are interested, please contact our
       Social Work Department at 636-3050.               Thursday, 1/9-2/6 (5x)
                                                         10:00 a.m.--noon Classroom 3 $28.00

6                                                                             Amherst Center For Senior Services
Academic Studies
BUFFALO RAILROADS & MORE                          NEW
Learn about the historic Buffalo Central Terminal,
Williamsville Lehigh Valley Depot and the Orchard
Park Depot. Hear fascinating stories from a retired
locomotive engineer and a hostess on the famous
20th Century Limited. March 2nd class will run to
11:30 a.m. A portion of the class fee will be donated to

                                                                Thanksgiving Lunch
the WNY Railway Historical Society. Different presenter
each Week.
Monday, 3/2-3/30 (5x)
10:00-11:00 a.m. Classroom 2 $20.00                                Tuesday, November 26
CURRENT EVENTS                                                           at 12:00
One of the following will lead the group each week:          Start your holidays at the Amherst Center
Robert Chamberlin, Jeff Goodman, Dick Mallison,
Richard Schanley or Joann Shafer. Stay informed. This         for Senior Services! We will be enjoying
weekly discussion group will touch upon local, national     turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and carrots,
and world events and topics.                                          followed by pumpkin pie.
Tuesday, 1/14-4/7 (13x)                                       This event is proudly sponsored by Elderwood.
9:30--11:30 a.m. Classroom 1 $30.00
                                                                               Advance lunch reservations are
                                                                              required. Please call 636-3050 to
FRENCH-Continuing Conversation
Information not available at time of print. Please call                            reserve your spot now.
Cindy Weiss at 636-3055, ext. 3109 for further details.

ASSASSINATION                                     NEW
The instructor shares his views on the circumstances
surrounding the death of Rev. King and examines
possible government and media complicity. He will
explore if King’s career, that of Rosa Parks and other
                                                           OLD TIME RADIO
                                                           Join us on a trip to a quieter, gentler time. “Those were
Civil Rights leaders were purposely misrepresented
                                                           the days”…when Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly,
and used as a means of avoiding historical truths
                                                           The Shadow, Bing Crosby, and more entertained
and evading responsibility for change in social and
                                                           young and old alike. A special program you’d like to
economic justice.
                                                           revisit? We’ll do our best to do just that!
Phillip Haseley, instructor
                                                           David Converse, instructor
Wednesday, 4/8 (1x)
                                                           Wednesday, 3/4-4/8 (6x)
3:00—5:00 p.m. Classroom 2 $10.00
                                                           10:00--11:30 a.m. Classroom 1 $26.00
REFRESHMENT OF THE SOUL – The Music                        WRITING A MEMOIR                                  NEW
of Johann Sebastian Bach       NEW                        A memoir is a legacy: Get your recollections down
Delve into the encyclopedic musical mind of Bach in        on paper. In this half day workshop, learn how to
this informative class taught by Michael Harris. Please    gather materials and decide what memories to
refer to Music Appreciation under the MUSIC Section        include. Practice writing the first draft. There will be a
for more details.                                          meet, mingle and munch break. A Kindle copy of the
                                                           instructor’s book There must be 50 Ways to Write
SPANISH                                                    Your Memoir is included in the fee. Linda Chalmer
Information not available at time of print. Please call    Zemel is a retired English professor who has written
Cindy Weiss at 636-3055, ext. 3109 for further details.    feature articles for the Buffalo News.
                                                           Linda Chalmer Zemel, instructor
                                                           Monday, 4/27 (1x)
                                                           9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Classroom 1 $15.00

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                                   7
The Arts

The Arts                                                      LEARNING TO USE A CALLIGRAPHY PEN
                                                              Learn to use a calligraphy pen to make letters, flowers,
                                                              flourishes and a simple alphabet. Register for the
ACRYLIC / OIL PAINTING                                        6-week class to expand on your experience. For a
Learn the fundamentals of painting, working from              supply list, call 839-1922.
observation, ideas and references. This is a flexible
                                                              Mary Jo LaClair, instructor
program to meet participants’ needs and interests.
Beginners welcome. For questions regarding supplies           Friday, 1/10 (1x)
only, call 812-8937.                                          10:00—noon Art Room $10.00
Elaine Grisanti, instructor
                                                              WATERCOLOR CLASS - Beginning
Monday, 1/6-3/23 (8x) no class 3/2 &3/9                       Various techniques used in watercolor painting are
9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Art Room $50.00                          introduced. Each technique will be demonstrated,
                                                              step-by-step by the instructor, followed by student
CALLIGRAPHY – Beginning & Continuing                          participation. Find the materials list at www.
Learn or refresh your knowledge of this beautiful   , select Studio at the top
Italian Renaissance chancery/cursive style of writing.        of the page and select Beginner Watercolor under
Find ideas for creating your own greeting cards and           Materials List.
lettering poems. Continuing students may explore
                                                              Dan Meyer, instructor
other alphabets. Bring to the first class: a calligraphy
fountain pen with broad, medium and fine nib, ink             Tuesday, 1/7-3/17 (11x)
suitable for a fountain pen, ruler, pencil, and a sheet of    9:30–11:30 a.m. Craft Room $69.00
good quality computer paper. Additional paper and
other supplies needed for subsequent classes will be
discussed in the first class. Any questions on supplies       WATERCOLOR CLASS - Intermediate
only, call 839-1922.                                          Go beyond the basics. For advanced watercolorists
                                                              also. Step-by-step demonstration by the instructor,
Mary Jo LaClair, instructor                                   followed by student participation. Find the materials
                                                              list at, select Studio at
Friday, 1/24-3/6 (7x)                                         the top of the page and then select Intermediate and
10:00 a.m.--noon Art Room $40.00                              Advanced Watercolor under Materials List.
                                                              Dan Meyer, instructor
Prerequisite: Knowledge of one calligraphy alphabet           Wednesday, 1/8-4/8 (13x) no class 3/25
or completion of our Beginner Calligraphy class. Brush        9:30--11:30 a.m. Art Room $72.00
up on skills and learn new alphabets. Bring to the first
class: a calligraphy fountain pen with broad, medium
and fine nib, ink suitable for a fountain pen, ruler,         WOODCARVING –Beginner/Intermediate
pencil, and other favorite calligraphy tools.                 Students will carve a standing egg with a bunny
                                                              hatching from the egg. Safety, sharpening and tool
Mary Jo LaClair, instructor                                   requirements will be discussed at the first class. Wood
                                                              for the project is included in the class fee. Supply list
Friday, 1/24-3/13 (8x)                                        for beginners available by calling Cindy Weiss at 636-
12:30--2:30 p.m. Art Room $46.00                              3055, ext. 3109. Deborah Barbour is an award winning
                                                              woodcarver with 10 years experience.
LEARN TO DRAW MORE                                            Debbie Barbour, instructor
Expand your drawing abilities. In this class you will learn
the art of drawing and shading with pen and ink and           Thursday, 1/9-3/12 (8x) no class 2/6, 2/13
the art of working with charcoal. Subjects include a still    2:00–4:00 p.m. Art Room $40.00
life, landscape and portrait. Basic drawing skills helpful.
Access a materials list at www.woodswindnwater.
com, select Studio at the top of the page and then
select Draw More under Materials List.
Dan Meyer, instructor
Thursday, 1/9-3/19 (11x)
9:30--11:30 a.m. Craft Room $69.00

8                                                                                    Amherst Center For Senior Services

   Vinecroft Retirement
   Community is proud
   to be a part of the
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   A lovely suburban setting just minutes from shopping,
   restaurants, churches and more! Vinecroft is a retirement
   community designed for adults over the age of 62,
   who choose to enjoy retirement at their own pace. Our
   community offers those extra little perks that make it
   possible to continue living independently.
   Call 741-7741 for more information.

   5945 Vinecroft Dr., Clarence Center, NY 14032

                                                               Due to the popularity of the Bridge Review class,
                                                               members who have previously attended this class
                                                               are encouraged to join the Amherst Senior Services’
                                                               Thursday Morning Duplicate Bridge or Friday
                                                               Afternoon Bridge Club. This will allow other members
       Chanukah                                                a chance to register for this class.

                                                               BEGINNING BRIDGE CLASS - PART II
       Celebration                                             If you have never played Bridge, learn the basics in this
                                                               class designed for Beginners.

        & Lunch                                                Jini Rizzo, instructor
                                                               Tuesday, 1/7-4/7 (12x) no class 1/21, 2/18
           Thurs., Dec. 19 at 11:15                            10:30 a.m.--12:30 p.m. Card Room $42.00
      Celebrate the beginning of Chanukah with
          music & songs by the children from                   BRIDGE REVIEW
    Jewish Heritage Day School                                 A refresher course, with play of the hand to sharpen
     and then enjoy a wonderful                                skills. Prerequisite: Bridge knowledge.*
    lunch at the Amherst Center                                Jini Rizzo, instructor
         for Senior Services.
                                                               Monday, 1/6-4/6 (12x) no class 1/20, 2/17
  Advance lunch reservations are                               10:30 a.m.--12:30 p.m. Card Room $42.00
  required. Please call 636-3050
     to reserve your spot now.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                                       9
Evening Classes

Evening Classes                                             ZUMBA
                                                            Great as a workout or dance routine using samba,
If you are busy during the day, but could come to           salsa, rumba, meringue, and cha-cha dance steps.
activities in the early evening, sign up for one of these   Various types of music are used. The class is tailored
Wednesday classes and see what the Center offers.           toward mature adults.
Make new friends, learn a new skill or broaden your         Marilyn Ciavarella, instructor
horizons. To participate in evening activities you must
provide your own transportation as the van service          Wednesday, 1/22-2/26 (5x) no class 2/19
does not operate after 3:00 p.m.                            5:00--6:00 p.m. Dance Room $14.00
                                                            Wednesday, 3/4-4/1 (5x)
20/20/20                                                    5:00--6:00 p.m. Dance Room $14.00
20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of resistance, strength
training/weights, and 20 minutes of stretching. This

                                                                          Don't Forget!
will improve your tone, endurance, balance and burn
calories too! Bring hand weights and a floor mat to
Marilyn Ciavarella, instructor                                           On Wednesdays the
Wednesday, 1/22-2/26 (5x) no class 2/19                                Center Wellness room,
6:00—7:00 p.m. Dance Room $14.00                                    Billiard Room and Cardroom
Wednesday, 3/4-4/1 (5x)                                              are open and available for
6:00—7:00 p.m. Dance Room $14.00                                       your use. Always check
                                                                          the newsletter for
                                                                    special evening events that
                                                                       may also be scheduled.

10                                                                                Amherst Center For Senior Services
Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness                                            TAP DANCING - Intermediate
                                                            Lesson time will be split with a half hour of technique
Important Notice: It is recommended that you seek           to help strengthen your tap dancing skills and continue
advice from your physician before commencing any            with a half hour of new dance material and routines.
exercise routine. Please check with instructor about        *Previous Tap Dance experience is required.
proper clothing and shoes necessary for each activity.      Dawn Tarbox-Szerbiak, instructor
       Dance                                                Tuesday, 1/14-2/18 (6x)
       Physical Fitness                                     10:30--11:25 a.m. Dance Room $22.00

       Yoga                                                 Tuesday, 2/25-3/31 (6x)
                                                            10:30--11:25 a.m. Dance Room $22.00
You may have noticed a change in the length of some
of the classes that we offer. This is a national trend of
shorter classes that we are participating in. Consider
this an opportunity to broaden your horizons and try
                                                            Physical Fitness
something new without a long-term commitment.               Exercise Classes are offered daily. Use the description
                                                            of each class to choose the class(es) which best meet
                                                            your needs and lifestyle.
Dance                                                       Normally, each Day of the Week is considered a
                                                            separate class. However, Chi Kung, and Tai Chi meet
BALLROOM DANCE - New Style Dance                            twice a week and both days together are considered
Steps                                                       one class.
Ballroom Dance will never go out of style! Learn
various dance steps and leave feeling like you’re ready     20/20/20
to Dance with the Stars. Everyone is welcome!               20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of resistance, strength
Phyllis (Kippy) Ralabate, instructor                        training/weights, and 20 minutes of stretching. This
                                                            will improve your tone, endurance, balance and burn
Thursday, 1/16-4/2 (9x) no class 2/13, 2/20, 2/27           calories too! Bring hand weights and a floor mat to
11:00 a.m.--noon Dance Room $20.00                          class.
                                                            Marilyn Ciavarella, instructor
Beginner Plus                                               Wednesday Evening, 1/22 -2/26 (5x) no class 2/19
Designed for the Beginner and Beginner Plus who             6:00—7:00 p.m. Dance Room $14.00
wants to learn or improve their dancing skills. 45          Wednesday Evening, 3/4 -4/1 (5x)
minutes of easy to learn Country Western Dance Steps        6:00—7:00 p.m. Dance Room $14.00
are followed by 45 minutes of slightly more advanced
dance routines. Join in the fun and dance at your own
level.                                                      Friday, 1/24-2/21 (5 x)
                                                            11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.- Activity B $14.00
Connie Kaminski, instructor
                                                            Friday, 2/28-4/3 (5 x) no class 3/20
Monday, 2/3-3/30 (8x) – no class 2/17                       11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.- Activity B $14.00
1:00–2:30 p.m. Dance Room $23.00

                                                                  Are You Interested In Joining
Routines will be taught for the seasoned dancer who                    A Club With People
enjoys dancing for personal enjoyment as well as
dancing out in the community.                                        With Similar Interests?
Bob Gaffney, instructor                                       The Amherst Center for Senior Services offers
                                                               approximately 40 different clubs including
Monday, 1/13-3/9 (7x) no class 1/20, 2/17
                                                                   a Travel Club and a Dinner Club.
10:00 – 11:00 am. Dance Room $18.00
Monday, 3/16-4/20 (6x)
                                                                          For a full listing go to
10:00 – 11:00 am. Dance Room $15.00                     

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                                 11
Winter 2020

12           Amherst Center For Senior Services
Health & Fitness
BALLET STRETCH                                             FALL PREVENTION – Safe on Your Feet
This signature workout combines ballet and stretch for     A series of total-body, muscle-toning routines. It
a low-impact, invigorating, fat-burning workout. If you    is designed for strength, balance and flexibility,
are bored with traditional aerobic exercise, join this     focusing on “Muscle Memory.” Your muscles will learn
fun class which increases circulation, improves overall    to anticipate a possible problem such as how a fall
mobility and is good for all levels. Wear comfortable      feels when it begins. The moves range from seated to
clothing (sweatpants and light shirt) and ballet shoes     balancing routines. Fight age with strength!
or socks.
                                                           Jean Widlicka, instructor
Dawn Tarbox-Szerbiak, instructor
                                                           Intermediate Group
Tuesday, 1/14-2/18 (6x)                                    Monday, 1/6-3/2 (7x) no class 1/20, 2/17
9:30--10:25 a.m. Dance Room $22.00                         10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room A $17.00
Tuesday, 2/25-3/31 (6x)                                    Monday, 3/9-4/13 (6x)
9:30--10:25 a.m. Dance Room $22.00                         10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room A $15.00
                                                           Advanced Group
CHAIR EXERCISE - MOVING & GROOVING                         Wednesday, 1/8-2/19 (7x)
Don’t let your balance or physical condition deter         10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room A $17.00
you from exercising. This easy-to-follow chair exercise    Wednesday, 2/26-4/8 (7x)
program will help you tone up and improve your             10:30--11:20 a.m. Activity Room A $17.00
Jean Widlicka, instructor                                  FIRM & FLEXIBLE
Thursday, 1/9-2/20 (7x)                                    (Formerly called Aerobics)
9:30--10:25 a.m. Dance Room $16.00                         Use large leg and arm motions to strengthen small and
                                                           large muscles. Heart and lungs will benefit; increase
Thursday, 2/27-4/9 (7x)                                    joint mobility.
9:30--10:25 a.m. Dance Room $16.00
                                                           Jean Widlicka, instructor
CHI KUNG and TAI CHI REFINEMENTS                           Monday, 1/6-3/2 (7x) –no class 1/20, 2/17
Explore the connections of Chi Kung and Tai Chi.           9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room A $16.00
Chi Kung involves postures and breathing exercises         Monday, 3/9-4/13 (6x)
that enhance vitality and well-being. Through special      9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room A $14.00
relaxation techniques, the combination of Chi Kung
and Tai Chi will improve your physical strength, control   Tuesday, 1/7-2/18 (7x)
heart rate and pulse, and soothe the nervous system.       9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room B $16.00
Prerequisite for this class is beginning Tai Chi.          Tuesday, 2/25-4/14 (7x) no class 3/17
Robert Sachs, Ph.D., instructor                            9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room B $16.00
Tues., 1/7-4/14 no class 3/17 & Thurs., 1/9-4/16 (29x)     Wednesday, 1/8-2/19 (7x)
12:00--1:00 p.m. Health Room & Activity Room B             9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room A $16.00
$91.00                                                     Wednesday, 2/26-4/8 (7x)
                                                           9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room A $16.00
Getting up from the floor is not easy if you have          Friday, 1/10-2/21 (7x)
flexibility or mobility issues. It is important to have    9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room A $16.00
strength, balance and coordination. We work on
                                                           Friday, 2/28-4/17 (7x) no class 4/10
improving all three, along with showing you proper
moves for getting up off the floor.                        9:30--10:20 a.m. Activity Room A $16.00

Jean Widlicka, instructor
Tuesday, 1/7-2/18 (7x)
10:30--11:20 a.m. Health Room $17.00
Tuesday, 2/25-4/14 (7x) no class 3/17
10:30--11:20 a.m. Health Room $17.00

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                             13
Health & Fitness
                   GET FIT WHILE YOU SIT
                   A fun and laid-back fitness program designed for
                   beginners and those with back problems or physical
                   conditions which make exercising difficult.
                   Jean Widlicka, instructor
                   Monday, 1/6-3/2 (7x)no class 1/20,2/17
                   11:30 a.m.--12:20 p.m. Activity Room A $14.00
                   Monday, 3/9-4/13 (6x)
                   11:30 a.m.--12:20 p.m. Activity Room A $12.00
                   Wednesday, 1/8-2/19 (7x)
                   11:30 a.m.--12:20 p.m. Activity Room A $14.00
                   Wednesday, 2/26-4/8 (7x)
                   11:30 a.m.--12:20 p.m. Activity Room A $14.00

                   JAZZ EXERCISE
                   40 minutes of aerobics followed by 15 minutes of
                   toning exercises. Easy-to-follow, fully choreographed
                   routines to a wide variety of music.
                   Dawn Tarbox-Szerbiak, instructor
                   Tuesday, 1/14-2/18 (6x)
                   11:30 a.m.--12:25 p.m. Dance Room $22.00
                   Tuesday, 2/25-3/31 (6x)
                   11:30 a.m.--12:25 p.m. Dance Room $22.00

                   LAUGH FOR A HEALTHIER YOU
                   Guided laughter exercise combine with deep breathing
                   exercises and ending with Meditation. Laughter
                   relieves stress and tension, boosts the immune system,
                   increases endorphins, reduces blood pressure and
                   makes you feel more healthy and energetic. Laughter
                   Yoga was created in 1995 by Dr. Katarina and has
                   over 6,000 clubs in more than 100 countries. Led by
                   Certified Laughter Yoga Leader and teacher.
                   Jennifer May, instructor
                   Tuesday, 1/7-2/18(7x)
                   1:00-2:00 p.m. Music Room $29.00
                   Tuesday, 3/3-4/14 (7x)
                   1:00-2:00 p.m. Music Room $29.00

                                Register Early
                        Classes Fill Up          FAST!
                           Registration Begins
                       Tuesday, November 12, 2019
14                                      Amherst Center For Senior Services
Health & Fitness
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United
States. This racquet sport combines elements of
badminton, tennis, and ping pong. Designed for the
beginner. Sessions begin with instruction and drills,
followed by practice and play for the remainder of
the class. Equipment is provided, but you may bring
your own paddle. Wear comfortable clothing and
court sneakers. After the end of this 6 week course,
participants are encouraged to play during open
Pickleball times.
Cindy Weiss, instructor
Thursday, 1/30-3/5 (6x)
1:30-3:30 p.m. Activity Room A&B $20.00

Increase flexibility in your muscles and joints, improve
coordination; reduce risk of injury with a combination
of stretching, resistance and relaxation exercises.
Jean Widlicka, instructor
Friday, 1/10-2/21 (7x)
10:30--11:30 a.m. Activity Room B $16.00
Friday, 2/28-4/17 (7x) no class 4/10
10:30--11:30 a.m. Activity Room B $16.00

                                                     Apartments Apartments
                                                                Include:   Include:                            Amenities:            Amenities:
                                                     •    Walk-in-showers                                   • Pub & Billiard Room• Pub & Billiard Room
                                                                             & raised toilets & raised toilets
                                                                     • Walk-in-showers
                                                     •    In-unit washers  & dryerswashers & dryers • Coffee Bar
                                                                     • In-unit                                                      • Coffee Bar
                                                     •    Gourmet kitchens   equippedkitchens
                                                                     • Gourmet          with an island      •   Heated Salt
                                                                                                 equipped with an island    Water Pool
                                                                                                                                    • &Heated
                                                                                                                                            Pool House
                                                                                                                                                     Salt Water Poo
                                                     •    Quartz counter  tops counter tops
                                                                     • Quartz                               • Community BBQ area    • Community BBQ area
                                                     •    Cable TV•& WiFi     included
                                                                          Cable    TV & WiFi included       •   Outdoor  Putting Green
                                                                                                                                    • Outdoor Putting Green
                                                                          Stainless Steel Appliances • Indoor Golf Simulator
                                                                     • Appliances                                                   • Indoor Golf Simulator
                                                     •    Stainless Steel
                                                                                                            •   Hobby  Room         • Hobby Room
                                                     •               • Large
                                                          Large Balconies          Balconies & Patios
                                                                            & Patios
                                                                     • Walk-in-closets                      • Free DVD Rentals • Free DVD Rentals
                                                     •    Walk-in-closets                                                                 Guest    Suites for out of
                                                                     • In-unit      storage                 • Guest Suites for out •of town   visitors
                                                     •    In-unit storage (select floor plans)(select floor plans)                  •     Community       Room
                                                                     •    9-foot   ceilings                 • Community Room
    55+ Independent Living Senior Apartment Community•    9-foot ceilings                                                           • Onsite Massage Thera
                                                                                                            • Onsite Massage Therapist
    55+ Independent Living Senior Apartment Community                • Smoke-free Living                                            • Exciting planned activ
                                                     •    Smoke-free Living                                     Exciting planned activities
                                                                                                            • included
  375 Harris Hill Rd                                                 • Water, Trash pickup & sewer                                  • Puzzle Room
  375 Harris Hill RdNY 14221                         •    Water, Trash pickup & sewer included              • Puzzle Room
  (between       NY 14221
                                                 Apply before October 31, 2019 and receive half off your first mo
                       & Genesee) Apply before October 31, 2019 and receive half off your first month’s rent!
  (between Wehrle & Genesee)                             Cannot be combined with any other rent special, concession or discount. Limit one per apartment
  Leasing Office:716-276-8029              Cannot be combined with any other rent special, concession or discount. Limit one per apartment
  OPEN     Office:716-276-8029
  Monday-Friday    10:00AM-5:00PM                        
  Saturday  11:00AM-3:00PM
  Monday-Friday 10:00AM-5:00PM                                   A Renaissance in Active Adult Living
  Saturday 11:00AM-3:00PM                          A Renaissance in Active Adult Living
Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                                                                      15
Health & Fitness
Tai Chi is a Chinese form of exercise for health and     YOGA (HATHA)
relaxation involving 108 slow, natural movements.        Hatha Yoga is for everyone, whatever your age or
It takes approximately one year to complete the          flexibility level. Promote your health and energy level
Beginner Level. Comfortable, loose fitting clothing is   through a variety of safe and relaxing Yoga stretches
recommended.                                             and postures. Relieve emotional tension and stress
Robert Sachs, Ph.D., instructor                          through breath awareness and systematic training in
                                                         natural, healthy diaphragmatic breathing. Practice
Tuesday, 1/7-4/14 no class 3/17 & Thursday, 1/9-4/16     relaxation methods to lead to an inner sense of well-
(29x)                                                    being. Beginning Yoga lays the foundation. Yoga
11:00--noon Health Room & Activity Room B $64.00         Plus continues the training and explores new Yoga
                                                         postures. Bring floor mat to class.
A Chinese form of exercise for health and relaxation     BEGINNING YOGA
involving 108 slow, natural movements. Prerequisite:     Christina Phillips, instructor
Completion of the Beginning Tai Chi class or advanced
Tai Chi experience. Alberta Heidinger or Marie Zafron    Tuesday, 1/7-2/18 (7x)
will lead the group each week:.                          9:30--10:45 a.m. Activity Room A $15.00

Tuesday 1/7-4/28 no class 4/7 & Thursday 1/2-4/30        Tuesday, 2/25-4/7 (6x) no class 3/17
(33x) no class 4/9                                       9:30--10:45 a.m. Activity Room A $13.00
1:30--2:30 p.m. Dance Room $20.00                        Wednesday, 1/8-2/19 (7x)
                                                         3:00--4:15 p.m. Dance Room $15.00
TOTAL BODY WORKOUT                                       Wednesday, 2/26-4/8 (7x)
Cardio and resistive exercise to strengthen bones,
muscles and improve one’s overall health. Please bring   3:00--4:15 p.m. Dance Room $15.00
a mat, weights, and exercise bands to class.             Thursday, 1/9-2/20 (7x)
Carole Joseph, Instructor                                9:30--10:45 a.m. Activity Room A $15.00

Wednesday, 1/22-2/26 (6x)                                Thursday, 2/27-4/9 (7x)
10:30—11:30 a.m. Activity Room B $13.00                  9:30--10:45 a.m. Activity Room A $15.00

Wednesday, 3/4-4/8 (6x)                                  CHAIR YOGA
10:30—11:30 a.m. Activity Room B $13.00                  The same as Beginning Yoga, except students perform
                                                         stretches and postures from a chair rather than sitting
ZUMBA                                                    or lying on the floor.
Great as a workout or dance routine using samba,
salsa, rumba, meringue, and cha-cha dance steps.         Jennifer Nuwer, instructor
Various types of music are used. The class is tailored   Friday, 1/10-2/21 (7x)
toward mature adults.                                    1:00--2:15 p.m. Dance Room $16.00
Marilyn Ciavarella, instructor                           Friday, 3/6-4/17 (6x) no class 4/10
Monday, 1/27- 3/2 (5x) no class 2/17                     1:00--2:15 p.m. Dance Room $14.00
11:45 a.m.--12:45 p.m. Dance Room $14.00
Monday, 3/9- 4/6 (5x)                                                 Has Your Contact
11:45 a.m.--12:45 p.m. Dance Room $14.00
                                                                   Information Changed?
Wednesday, EVENING 1/22-2/26 (5x) no class 2/19
5:00--6:00 p.m. Dance Room $14.00                               Have you recently moved? Changed
Wednesday, EVENING 3/4-4/1 (5x)
                                                                     your telephone number?
5:00--6:00 p.m. Dance Room $14.00                             Changed email accounts or added one?
                                                                 Please call 636-3050 and we can
                                                                 update your membership with the
                                                                     most current information.

16                                                                              Amherst Center For Senior Services
Winter 2020

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019            17
Health & Fitness / Home Arts
YOGA & MEDITATION                                        YOGA PLUS
The mind and body are interconnected. This will be       Variations on basic postures are introduced. Breathing
a combination of meditation and yoga exercise, done      exercises and subtle relaxation methods are developed.
from a chair. The ultimate goal is to achieve a gentle   Breath awareness is encouraged during postures and
and healing experience.                                  daily life to facilitate balanced health. Prerequisite:
                                                         Completion of Beginning Yoga, or previous Yoga
Jennifer Nuwer, instructor
Wednesday, 1/8-2/19 (7x)
                                                         Christina Phillips, instructor
10:30--11:30 a.m. Dance Room $13.00
                                                         Tuesday, 1/7-2/18 (7x)
Wednesday, 3/4-4/15 (7x)
                                                         11:00 a.m.--12:15 p.m. Activity Room A $18.00
10:30--11:30 a.m. Dance Room $13.00
                                                         Tuesday, 2/25-4/7 (6x) no class 3/17
Wednesday, 1/8-2/19 (7x)
                                                         11:00 a.m.--12:15 p.m. Activity Room A $15.00
12:30--1:30 p.m. Dance Room $13.00
                                                         Thursday, 1/9-2/20 (7x)
Wednesday, 3/4-4/15 (7x)
                                                         11:00 a.m.--12:15 p.m. Activity Room A $18.00
12:30--1:30 p.m. Dance Room $13.00
                                                         Thursday, 2/27-4/9 (7x)
                                                         11:00 a.m.--12:15 p.m. Activity Room A $18.00

                                                         Home Arts
                                                         Learn basic stitches; new stitches and projects are
                                                         introduced periodically. Work at your own pace on
                                                         projects of your own choice. Each class has members
                                                         at different skill levels. Please bring worsted weight
                                                         yarn and knitting needles (size 8 or 9) or crochet hook
                                                         (size H or I) to first class.
                                                         Mary Ann Belus, instructor
                                                         Thursday, 1/9-2/6 (5x)
                                                         9:30--11:30 a.m. Classroom 1 $33.00
                                                         Thursday, 2/20-4/2 (5x) no class 3/5, 3/12
                                                         9:30-- 11:30 a.m. Classroom 1 $33.00

                                                         Work on individual projects guided by the instructor.
                                                         New individual and group projects will be introduced
                                                         periodically. A short simple supply list will be discussed
                                                         at the first class. In addition to individual creations,
                                                         some class members may volunteer to work on a quilt
                                                         to be raffled, proceeds of which will benefit the Center.
                                                         Jan Brecht, instructor
                                                         Monday, 1/6-4/13 (13x) no class 1/20, 2/17
                                                         9:30--11:30 a.m. Classroom 3 $43.00

18                                                                               Amherst Center For Senior Services

Feel the beat of your own rhythm. Research has shown
that group drumming reduces stress, strengthens
your immune system, enhances creativity, self-
expression and inner healing. This class is not about
performance. The approach is to extend the benefits
as a form of recreational music making regardless of
musical experience. Find your own rhythm in a fun,
nurturing, supportive environment. Some stretching
and a wellness exercise is included. A variety of drums,
(including handheld drums), shakers and tambourines
are provided.
Jennifer Nuwer, instructor
Friday, 1/10-2/21 (7x)
11:30 a.m.-–12:30 p.m. Dance Room $22
Friday, 3/6-4/17 (6x) no class 4/10
11:30 a.m.-–12:30 p.m. Dance Room $20

Individual one-half hour lessons will be offered. Lesson
time to be assigned. The basics include learning the
parts, how to hold, tune, strum and play chords. A
guitar is provided for use during your lesson if you
do not have your own. No prior musical experience is
Jennifer May, instructor
Monday, 1/6-3/2 (7x) no class 1/20, 2/17
11:30-12:30 p.m. Music Room $88.00 No Fee
Tuesday, 1/7-2/18 (7x)
Noon-1:00 p.m. Music Room $88.00 No Fee Waiver
Monday, 3/16-4/20 (6x)
11:30-12:30 p.m. Music Room $75.00 No Fee
Tuesday, 3/3-4/14 (7x)
Noon-1:00 p.m. Music Room $88.00 No Fee Waiver

     Do You Need Support?
     The Amherst Center for Senior Services
       offers monthly support groups for
        widow/widowers and caregivers.
     If you are interested, please contact our
     Social Work Department at 636-3050.

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019              19
Winter 2020

20           Amherst Center For Senior Services
MUSIC APPRECIATION -                                       UKULELE SING-A-LONG - CONTINUING
Refreshment of the Soul- The Music of                      If you have taken the beginner session or played the
Johann Sebastian Bach                                      Ukulele, continue to learn more chords, strumming
Johann Sebastian Bach’s place in the musical               patterns, finger picking, solo playing, TAB, blues,
firmament is high indeed. For Beethoven, he was            transposing while singing and learning new songs.
“the immortal god of harmony.” For Gounod, “Bach           Ukuleles are available during class.
is the most comprehensive; he has said all there is        Jennifer May, instructor
to say.” And Brahms agreed: “Study Bach — there
you will find everything.” This course looks at Bach’s     Monday, 1/6-3/2 (7x) no class, 1/20, 2/17
encyclopedic musical mind, and show how he summed          9:30--10:25 a.m. Music Room $29.00
up the Baroque Age with such masterpieces as the
Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations and         Monday, 3/16-4/20 (6x)
the St. Matthew Passion, while with his visionary late     9:30--10:25 a.m. Music Room $25.00
works like the Mass in B Minor and The Art of the Fugue
gave us tantalizing clues to the music of the future. As
we listen to this fascinating music, we’ll prize, along
with Glenn Gould, what “is valuable beyond all its skill
and brilliance …its humanity.”
Michael Harris, instructor
Tuesday, 1/7-4/7 (14x)
9:30-11:30 a.m. Room 2 $44.00
Tuesday, 1/7-4/7 (14x)
1:00-3:00 p.m. Room 2 $44.00

Individual one-half hour lessons will be offered. Lesson
time to be assigned. Please include a preference as to
a.m. or p.m. lesson on your registration form.
                                                              Songs of the Season!
Sharon Dittmar, instructor
Thursday, 1/9-2/13 (6x)
                                                              Christmas Lunch
9:00 a.m.--2:00 p.m. Music Room $75.00 No Fee
Thursday, 3/12-4/16 (6x)
                                                                 & Concert
9:00 a.m.--2:00 p.m. Music Room $75.00 No Fee                  Wednesday, December 18 at 12:00
Waiver                                                                  Enjoy entertainment and a
                                                                       delicious lunch with friends!
Never played the Ukulele (or any instrument)? Anyone            Donations of nonperishable food items
can play! Learn how while singing songs and having             will be collected for needy members and
a laugh or two. Ukuleles are provided for use during                    their families in Amherst.
                                                               Advance lunch reservations are required.
Jennifer May, instructor
                                                                  Please call 636-3050 to reserve
Monday, 1/6-3/2 (7x) no class 1/20, 2/17                                   your spot now.
10:30--11:25 a.m. Music Room $29.00
                                                               This event is proudly sponsored by Clear Captions
Monday, 3/16-4/20 (6x)
10:30--11:25 a.m. Music Room $25.00

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                                   21

      GET IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT                           Technology
                                                         COMPUTER BASICS & BEYOND
         Volunteers needed to help                       Learn to use your Windows 10 computer with
      neighborhood seniors go places.                    confidence. Use the Start Menu, find useful apps
                                                         like Clock and calendar, search the Internet, learn to
  Hearts and Hands is a “neighbor helping                quickly copy and paste and talk to Cortana. There is
  neighbor” volunteer organization providing:            time for student questions.

               • Transportation                          Nancy Wise, Instructor
               • Light Housekeeping                      Tuesday, 1/7-1/28 (4x)
               • Respite                                 1:00-3:00 p.m. Computer Room $45.00
       Select assignments which fit your schedule,
                                                         DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY - Getting more
             volunteer as often as you wish.             out of your camera
                                          Mileage        This class encourages participants to understand and
                                                         learn to use settings for Aperture, Shutter Speed and
                                    reimbursement and    ISO. We will explore the special Modes provided on
                                       supplemental      most current digital cameras. Bring cameras to class
                                    insurance coverage   each week. We will evaluate the images we take
                                       are provided.     using histograms and learn to adjust exposure using
                                                         exposure compensation. Weather permitting, we
                                           Call          will practice outside with our cameras. There will be
                                                         an opportunity to evaluate the images captured and
  Hearts & Hands                    406-8311, ext 102
                                         to enroll       enable improving their skill creating high quality
      Neighbors Helping Neighbors                        images. Questions can be addressed to Mary Lou Frost
              Since 2003              as a volunteer.
                                                         at 694-6136 or
                                                         Mary Lou Frost, instructor
                                                         Wednesday, 3/4-3/25 (4x)
                                                         9:00-10:30 a.m. Computer Room $25.00

                                                         PHOTO EDITING – The next step
                                                         Focus is on the software techniques that bring the
                                                         greatest quality to your images. Bring your laptop
                                                         or use a computer in the lab. This work can be done
                                                         in either Photoshop Elements or a full version of
                                                         Adobe Photoshop. We will explore using Layer masks
                                                         (including luminosity masks), selection tools, and the
                                                         Nik Collection plug-in software now sold by Dxo.
                                                         Direct questions to Mary Lou Frost at 694-6136 or
                                                         Mary Lou Frost, instructor
                                                         Wednesday, 3/4-3/25 (4x)
                                                         9:00--10:30 a.m. Computer Room $25.00

                                                                      Register Early
                                                               Classes Fill Up         FAST!
                                                                  Registration Begins
                                                              Tuesday, November 12, 2019
22                                                                            Amherst Center For Senior Services
Feel more confident using your Android Smartphone
or tablet. Covered subjects include: accounts and
passwords, personalizing your device, using apps
and app tools, texting tips, attaching pictures to texts,
adding contacts, using the Internet, talking to your
Google Assistant, and more.
Nancy Wise, instructor
Wednesday, 2/5-2/26 (4x)
1:30-3:00 p.m. Classroom 3 $34.00
Wednesday, 4/8-4/29 (4x)
1:30-3:00 p.m. Classroom 3 $34.00
                                                                Discover the Difference
                                                                          With Capital Senior Living
                                                             Our Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care
UNDERSTANDING YOUR IPHONE / IPAD                             Community provides comfortable features such as kitchens,
Feel more confident using your iPhone or iPad.               walk-in closets, individual climate controls and emergency
Covered subjects include: accounts and passwords,             pull cords. We provide a full activities program as well as
                                                              on-site rehabilitation services which include classes like
personalizing your device, using apps and app                        Senior Boxing and Chair Exercise programs.
tools, texting tips, attaching pictures to texts, adding
                                                                       Call (716) 689-4555 to schedule a tour.
contacts, using the internet, talking to Siri and more.
Nancy Wise, instructor                                                                THE AMBERLEIGH
                                                                                      An Independent Living Community
Tuesday, 2/4-2/25 (4x)                                                                2330 Maple Road
1:30-3:00 p.m. Classroom 3 $34.00                                                     Williamsville, NY 14221
                                                                                      tel 716-689-4555
Tuesday, 3/10-3/31 (4x)
                                                            Visit us on line at
1:30-3:00 p.m. Classroom 3 $34.00
Tuesday, 4/7-4/28 (4x)

1:30-3:00 p.m. Classroom 3 $34.00

   Nutritious Lunch Program                                                          with Santa
        The Amherst Center for Senior Services                                     Saturday, December 7
          welcomes all adults age 60 and up,                                      from 9:00 am-11:00 am
          residing anywhere in Erie County,
     to enjoy tasty, economical hot lunches in the                                   Celebrate making the
               Nutrition Lunch Program.                                               nice list by having
    Lunch is served Monday through Friday from                                       breakfast with Santa.
      12:00pm-1:00pm. Reservations must be
              made 24 hours in advance.
                                                                                    We will have balloons,
                                                                                 face painting, and a special
          A suggested donation is $3 and
                                                                                     visit from Santa at 10!
       guests under 60 at a contribution of $5.
                                                                                      Seating is limited so
                                                                                       please make your
                                                                                        reservations by
                                                                                        December 5 at
                                                                                     636-3055, ext. 3108.
                                                                                      Breakfast is $5 and
                                                                                     children 2 and under
                                                                                           are free.
Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                                            23
AARP Smart Driver

Improve driving skills. Instructor provided by the AARP. All-day course (includes 40 min. break for lunch). List your
first and second choices for dates and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want a receipt.
Wednesday, January 22
9:00 a.m.--4:00 p.m. Classroom 2 *$20 or $25
Wednesday, February 19
9:00 a.m.--4:00 p.m. Classroom 2 *$20 or $25
Wednesday, March 25
9:00 a.m.--4:00 p.m. Classroom 2 *$20 or $25
Wednesday, April 22
9:00 a.m.--4:00 p.m. Classroom 2 *$20 or $25
       *$25 for Senior Center members. $20 for Senior Center members who are also AARP members. Write your
       AARP membership on your check & registration form. No fee waiver. Checks are submitted to the AARP
       Instructor on the day of class.
The Driver Safety program fills up quickly. Check with your insurance to see if your discount is about to expire.
Cut here- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name________________________________________________________________________                                    Phone Number_____________________________


Town__________________________________________________________                           Zip Code_______________________________

        AARP Smart Driver                                                                                       Office use      Make check payable to:
                                                  AARP Membership No.                            FEE               only
                                                                                                                                AARP Smart Driver. Include
           Class Date
                                                                                                                                AARP membership # if


                                          Release and Waiver of Liability
        I hereby, for myself, heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release, discharge, covenant not
H       to sue, and to hold harmless the Town of Amherst from any and all claims for damages, demands
        and causes of action of every nature which I may have or which may hereafter accrue to me
arising either directly or indirectly from my participation in, or use of, programs, activities and services,
including but not limited to the exercise room, at the Town of Amherst Center for Senior Services located
at 370 John James Audubon Parkway, Amherst, New York 14228-1142. I have read this release and
waiver of liability and agree to and accept its terms.
Signature ______________________________________________________________________                                  Date _____________________________________

MAIL TO:               WINTER 2020 REGISTRATION                                                                                         Office Use Only:
                       AMHERST CENTER FOR SENIOR SERVICES                                                                               Date Processed: _______
                       370 John James Audubon Parkway
                                                                                                                                        Staff Initials: _______
                       Amherst, NY 14228-1142

                                     FORM MUST BE SIGNED TO COMPLETE REGISTRATION
24                                                                                                                        Amherst Center For Senior Services
Winter 2020

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019            25
Massage Therapy

Massage promotes relaxation as it soothes away minor aches and pains. It relieves fatigue, reduces tension and
anxiety, and promotes a sense of renewed energy. Individual 25-minute massages are scheduled. Sign up on a
one-time, bi-monthly or monthly basis. Please bring a set of sheets with you.
Melanie Olivieri, Licensed Massage Therapist
Thursday, Jan. 9 & 23
Thursday, Feb. 6 & 20
Thursday, March 12 & 26
Thursday, April 9 & 23
*9:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Health Room $25 per visit (No Fee Waiver.)
       *Due to a limited schedule and high demand for massage appointments, we are unable to accommodate
       requests for specific times. You will be notified with the time scheduled for you. $25 per 25 minute visit. Fee
       cannot be refunded unless we can find a replacement for your time slot. Check will be held and submitted
       to the Massage Therapist on the day of your appointment.
Cut here- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name________________________________________________________________________                                    Phone Number_____________________________


Town__________________________________________________________                           Zip Code_______________________________

                                                                                                                Office use      Make separate checks
                      MASSAGE THERAPY Dates                                                 Total FEEs             only         payable to: Melanie Olivieri.
                                                                                                                                Post date each check with the
                                                                                                                                date of your appointment(s).

                                          Release and Waiver of Liability
        I hereby, for myself, heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release, discharge, covenant not
H       to sue, and to hold harmless the Town of Amherst from any and all claims for damages, demands
        and causes of action of every nature which I may have or which may hereafter accrue to me
arising either directly or indirectly from my participation in, or use of, programs, activities and services,
including but not limited to the exercise room, at the Town of Amherst Center for Senior Services located
at 370 John James Audubon Parkway, Amherst, New York 14228-1142. I have read this release and
waiver of liability and agree to and accept its terms.
Signature ______________________________________________________________________                                 Date _____________________________________

MAIL TO:               WINTER 2020 REGISTRATION                                                                                         Office Use Only:
                       AMHERST CENTER FOR SENIOR SERVICES                                                                               Date Processed: _______
                       370 John James Audubon Parkway
                                                                                                                                        Staff Initials: _______
                       Amherst, NY 14228-1142

                                     FORM MUST BE SIGNED TO COMPLETE REGISTRATION
26                                                                                                                        Amherst Center For Senior Services
Winter 2020

                                                      Get Clarity!
                                                    Know your options when it comes to:

                                                       Medicare Advantage Plans
                                                      Medicare Supplement Plans
                                                        Prescription Drug Plans
                                                      We represent multiple local and
                                                       national carriers with over
                                                             40 plan choices.

                                                   Call or check your newsletter for dates
                                                     and times the Clarity Group will be
                                                        at the Amherst Senior Center.
                                                       5334 Transit Road, Depew
Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                             27
Registration Info
     Registration BEGINS                                   WHY ARE COURSES CANCELED?
                                                           All courses are based on a minimum and maximum
 Tuesday, November 12, 2019.                               number of participants. If a course does not meet its
                                                           minimum quota, it will be canceled for that trimester.
  Forms can be mailed or dropped                           Please register on time in order to prevent cancellations.
      off in the Front Lobby.                              WHAT IF A SESSION OF A CLASS IS
FIRST-COME- FIRST SERVED BASIS.                            ILLNESS?
Use the Registration Form included in this catalog.        If you are registered for a class at the Center and the
Additional forms are available at the Center               instructor cancels a session, we will contact you as
                                                           soon as possible. This could be as an automated call
• Use one Registration Form per person. To avoid           from 617-440-3507. When possible canceled classes
  delays in processing, please fill out form completely    will be made up by extending the course.
  and with correct fee(s).
• A Release of Liability/Participant Consent Form          INCLEMENT WEATHER
  is now a part of the class registration form. This       If Amherst, Sweet Home, or Williamsville school districts
  consent form needs to be signed by everyone              are closed, Center classes, clubs, and programs will
• Make checks/money orders payable to: AMHERST             be cancelled. During bad weather, listen for Weather
  CENTER FOR SENIOR SERVICES.                              Closings on TV stations WGRZ (2), WIVB (4), WKBW
                                                           (7), radio stations WBEN 930 AM, WNED 94.5, WNYM
                                                           970AM, WGR 550AM, WKSE 98.5, and WTSS 102.5,
ATTENDING CLASSES                                          to find out if the building is closed or activities are
All courses require paid registration to attend classes.   canceled.
All registrations are for the entire session, regardless
of whether a member is able to attend all classes.
Members must register each trimester. Enrollment
in a prior course does not guarantee enrollment in
subsequent courses. A one-time appointment to
observe/audit a class may be made to determine if a
                                                                    HappyNew Year!
course is what you expect.

• FEE WAIVERS: Reduced fees for some courses
                                                                    New Year’s
  are available for Amherst Resident Members who
  have been verified for eligibility in this program.
  Applications are available in the Social Work Office
  and should be submitted in advance of registration
  week. Program eligibility needs to be verified each
  trimester. Please schedule a meeting with the Social                 Tuesday, December 31
  Work Department by calling 636-3050.
                                                                    Join us for appetizers at 11:30,
• REFUNDS: *If you are uncertain a particular course              followed by a delicious meal and
  is for you, we encourage you to audit the class, prior
  to registering. There is a $5.00 processing fee for           entertainment by Serendipity Swing!
  withdrawals before a class session begins. After the         Advance lunch
  session begins, no refunds are granted except for
  medical reasons and/or the advice of the instructor.        reservations are
  All medical refund requests must be submitted in            required. Please
  writing and accompanied by a physician’s note.               call 636-3050
  Refund checks may take up to 3 weeks to process.               to reserve
• INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENTS: Check with your                    your spot now.
  insurance carrier to see if a portion of the Physical
  Fitness, Health and Self-Improvement fees can
  be reimbursed. It this applies, please enclose a              by our friends
  stamped, self-addressed envelope and we will mail              at Weinberg
  you a receipt.                                                   Campus

28                                                                               Amherst Center For Senior Services
Registration Form
                             WINTER 2020 CLASS REGISTRATION
                                             & Participant Release Form
       Use ONE form per person. Mail or drop off in the front lobby. Mark envelope WINTER Registration.

Name________________________________________________________________________       Phone Number_____________________________


Town__________________________________________________________   Zip Code_______________________________

                                                                                                                              Office use
                 COMPLETE COURSE TITLE                             DAY       TIME       START DATE            FEE                only

                                                                     Total amount enclosed: $ ___________
Make checks/money orders payable to: Amherst Center for Senior Services.
Include a stamped, self-addressed business envelope for Class Confirmation or receipt.
Mark your calendar with dates and times of classes for which you are registering.
                                          Release and Waiver of Liability
        I hereby, for myself, heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release, discharge, covenant not
H       to sue, and to hold harmless the Town of Amherst from any and all claims for damages, demands
        and causes of action of every nature which I may have or which may hereafter accrue to me
arising either directly or indirectly from my participation in, or use of, programs, activities and services,
including but not limited to the exercise room, at the Town of Amherst Center for Senior Services located
at 370 John James Audubon Parkway, Amherst, New York 14228-1142. I have read this release and
waiver of liability and agree to and accept its terms.
Signature ______________________________________________________________________    Date _____________________________________

                                                                                                    Office Use Only:
                370 John James Audubon Parkway                                                      Date Processed: _______

                Amherst, NY 14228-1142                                                              Staff Initials: _______

Registration Begins: Tuesday, November 12, 2019                                                                                      29
Winter 2020

                                                                                Enjoy carefree
                                                                                living without
                                                                                   giving up
                                                                                 freedom and

  Let us be your solution for                                  Home of the most spacious
  specialized dementia care!                                   and functional floor plan
      Call 716.568.2099                                              in the area.
                                                                        Area Locations:
                                • Brighton Square Senior Apartments     • Sandra Lane Senior Apartments
                                • Crestmount Senior Apartments          • Sweet Home Senior Apartments
                                • Lancaster Commons Senior Apartments   • Transit Point Senior Apartments                  For more information and other locations:

30                                                          Amherst Center For Senior Services
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