President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London

President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
Address 2021
at a crossroads
President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
Welcome to the
President’s Address 2021.

                                       In this extraordinary time after enduring such a profoundly
                                       sad and painful year, it is more important than ever to
                                       celebrate the great accomplishments that make us all proud
                                       of our community. Six years ago we started the tradition of
                                       using the President’s Address as an opportunity to gather
                                       to pay tribute to our staff, students and alumni who have
                                       received external awards over the past year. While we cannot
                                       gather in person, we can still be buoyed by the wonderful
                                       people and the accolades they have so greatly deserved.

                                       Our colleagues inspire us with their devotion to excellence,
Professor Alice P. Gast                their dedication to helping others and their support of
President of Imperial College London
                                       our community. Their efforts evoke pride by their families,
                                       their friends, their colleagues and to the College.

                                       You will see brief descriptions of their achievements in
                                       this programme. As you read it, I think that you will be as
                                       impressed as I am by the many ways they have used their
                                       time and talents for the benefit of society.

                                       Please join me in congratulating these brilliant colleagues.
                                       Their actions embody the excellence, values and societal
                                       impact Imperial College London is known for. We look forward
                                       to the opportunity to celebrate in person in the future.

                                       I also thank all members of the Imperial community who
                                       contribute in numerous ways in their professional and
                                       personal lives to make the world a better place.
President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
at a crossroads
Professor Alice P. Gast,
President of Imperial College London
2 June 2021

The President’s Address
Each year the President delivers her annual Address to the College
community and invited guests, and we celebrate external accolades
bestowed on Imperial staff, students and alumni. In light of the continuing
COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s address was broadcast digitally.

Some years ago, in a crowded steamy hotpot restaurant
in Shanghai, I watched the young people around us take
pictures of their meal and receive gratifying pings as
friends “liked” what they saw.

I reflected on the practice of giving thanks before a meal.             Yet amidst the loss and sadness there are also things that
Perhaps now, for some, God is in the Cloud awaiting our             lifted our spirits and for which we are thankful. The incredible
adoring photos of what we eat!                                      efforts of people across the country and throughout the world
    I found myself amused by this idea until I realised that if     inspire our gratitude. The response to the pandemic by the
I went on a run without my phone to “log” my workout, I felt        scientific community, including our own, alongside the tireless
it didn’t count. Clearly my coach in the Cloud needed to see        efforts by the NHS deserve repeated recognition.
evidence of my movement for it to be real. Maybe I too was
reliant on approbation from a phone.                                It has been an unprecedented year with tremendous innovation.
                                                                    So many of you helped others to find new ways to learn, new
During the past year we have been blessed, and cursed,              ways to teach, new ways to pursue research, new ways to care
by spending vast amounts of time online, working, connecting,       for our students, and new ways to keep the university running.
documenting. Our screen time has increased dramatically.            And it is running well. You have written more papers and more
We know this from those unwelcome reports of the hours we           proposals than in years past. You have gotten a lot done.
have stared at our computers, phones and tablets.                   You’ve worked from home and at the front lines.
    We’ve connected with friends and colleagues far and wide.           We can be proud of the accomplishments we made in the
We’ve Zoomed, FaceTimed, and reached into homes of family           face of daunting challenges.
members we long to see, friends we have wanted to get back
in touch with, colleagues who are hard to see in person at any      Today, as is our tradition, we celebrate the external accolades
time but are easy to find pinned to their computer.                 earned by our colleagues. There is much to celebrate despite
    Our reliance on technology has been growing for years,          the many hardships of the past year.
but it has accelerated during the pandemic. Things will never
be the same again.

It has been a profoundly sad, exhausting and trying year.
Our hearts go out to those who have suffered the tragic effects
of the pandemic. Both physically and mentally, COVID-19 has
taken its toll on all of us.

President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
This has been an extraordinary period of rapid change for           ability but lack the economic capacity, confidence, or support                           We already have wonderful examples of generous donors
                                                                                 universities like ours and there are many competitive challenges       systems they need to attend university. The Wohl Reach Out                           making a difference around the world. Scholarships from the
                                                                                 ahead. Here are three:                                                 Lab, the Invention Rooms, maths homework clubs, edX Courses                          Amjad & Suha Bseisu Foundation provide pivotal support to
                                                                                                                                                        for Maths and Further Maths A-levels and our new maths school                        students from the Levant and Malaysia, and the Lee family has
                                                                                 1.   We have educated the next generation of scholars who              will all help students succeed in their path to, and through,                        supported vital scholarships for students across the College.
                                                                                      are able to teach in new or expanded universities in their        university. Yet we need to do more within our university as well.                        We are also privileged to be among the universities
                                                                                      home countries, in English if desired.                                                                                                                 hosting the Beacon Scholarship, a leadership development
                                                                                                                                                        I am announcing a £10 million challenge fund to ignite support                       programme that nurtures ‘change-makers’ among young,
                                                                                 2.   Technology can bring learning to where you are; the need          for scholarships and fellowships over the next five years.                           gifted students with leadership potential from Kenya, Uganda,
                                                                                      to spend the time in a residential university may become                                                                                               Tanzania and Zambia.
                                                                                      less compelling than in the past.                                 Half of this, £5 million, will support prestigious scholarships                          The government clearly has a role to play. Our newly
                                                                                                                                                        and fellowships for talented underrepresented students.                              awarded British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM,
                                                                                 3.   We are in a period of competing national interests that              This will include black students, other underrepresented                          are bringing women from South America into some of our
                                                                                      favours nationalism over globalism.                               students and students whose socioeconomic backgrounds                                MRes and MSc programmes, and we welcome many outstanding
                                                                                                                                                        are barriers to university attendance.                                               Chevening and Commonwealth scholars every year.
                                                                                 We know that we cannot simply return to the way we were                   We know that by providing this support, supplemented by                               We are grateful for this support and we call upon the
                                                                                 before. I firmly believe that there will still be a strong need        philanthropic donations, we can improve our recruitment and                          government to expand such efforts to help us diversify
                                                                                 for the very best education with the top scholars in the world.        retention of students we historically have not attracted.                            our community.
                                                                                 We can prevail if we can change.
                                                                                    Universities are at a crossroads and only by remaining open         Many of our friends and alumni are eager to help. I invite
                                                                                 to new people, new technological innovations and new ideas             them to use this moment to join with us to make a difference.                        2. Technology has changed education;
                                                                                 will we succeed.                                                       We have seen the power of their support. One example is the
                                                                                                                                                        generous donation from the Olanrewaju brothers to support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             we need to change too.
                                                                                                                                                        scholarships for black undergraduate students of exceptional                         I may have found my best French teacher ever. It’s a machine-
                                                                                 What is our opportunity at Imperial?                                   academic merit in Engineering and a gift to begin establishing                       learning algorithm that sees where my weaknesses and
                                                                                                                                                        a new endowed scholarship.                                                           strengths are and dishes up new lessons every day. I loved
                                                                                 We have a lot going for us at Imperial and we can build                    The other £5 million of the challenge fund will provide                          my French teachers at Princeton, but now I’m learning a lot
                                                                                 upon our strengths:                                                    matching funds to support scholarships and fellowships for                           from a machine.
                                                                                                                                                        international students. We have many generous alumni and                                 While we have reaped some of the benefits of the data
                                                                                 We have top talent in science, engineering, medicine                   friends around the world who wish to help students from their                        revolution in our research, we are just beginning to realise
                                                                                 and business                                                           home country to attend Imperial. Often, they can support                             its effects on our teaching. The pandemic, and our rapid move
 Professor Sanjeev Gupta is among the Imperial academics assisting the NASA
 Perseverance mission on Mars. Professor Gupta is helping oversee mission
                                                                                 We know how to work together across these disciplines                  part of the cost of an international fellowship or scholarship.                      to remote, online and “multi-mode” education have given us
 operations from a science and engineering point of view, helping decide where                                                                          This matching funding will allow us to accept these donations                        a taste of our ability to enrich the educational experience for
 the rover will go and what it will sample.                                      We pursue world leading discovery research                             and support talented students from around the world.                                 our students.
                                                                                 We collaborate better than most
 Universities are at a crossroads
                                                                                 We have exercised our use of technology in education
 The history of universities is long and rich. Most were founded                 We have people in our community eager to think broadly
 to “create a community of scholars” who could share their
 insights and discoveries, and to “create an educated workforce                  We have opportunities in our estate and our spaces
 or society”.                                                                    to do things differently
    In recent times these founding principles have been
 influenced by two accelerating driving forces: enhanced                         We must build upon these strengths by having audacious goals
 technological capability and vastly easier international mobility.              and facing the realities of our strengths and weaknesses – what
    New technologies affect just about everything we do today,                   the organizational guru Jim Collins calls ‘facing the brutal facts’.
 and they have enhanced scientific discovery. Just a few decades
 ago, we could not have imagined our ability to sequence                         Here are four brutal facts and audacious goals and investments
 mutations in a virus with such speed, to see the Higgs-Boson,                   to help us face them:
 to visualise single molecules, or to drive around on the
 surface of Mars. Science has been hugely accelerated by
 new computing, imaging and sequencing abilities. And the                        1. Our talented community lacks diversity
 acceleration continues with the further expansion of data
 storage and computational power.                                                Like other universities, we are missing contributions from large
    The dramatic increase in international mobility has been                     segments of the population. We must diversify our community,
 the other dominant driving force influencing universities.                      at all levels, from students to Council members. We must be
    The marketplace of ideas and learning creates opportunities                  more ethnically diverse, gender balanced, and internationally
 for people from around the world. The value-added of English                    diverse. Increasing diversity will strengthen and enrich our
 language education has propelled the US and the UK to the                       community. It will make us more competitive.
 forefront of global higher education. Students from around                         We must start with our students. I am proud of our work to
                                                                                                                                                        The Olanrewaju brothers, founders of the Lara & Biodun Olanrewaju Scholarship, join Imperial to celebrate the achievements of black students
 the world aspire to study here.                                                 improve opportunities for students who have the intellectual           and professionals as part of Black History Month 2019.

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President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
enable us, over five years, to enhance our estate for the benefit
                                                                                                                                                                      of student and staff collaboration. Little did we know how
                                                                                                                                                                      much our needs would change! As we find new ways of working,
                                                                                                                                                                      we focus on how to make the most of our precious time together
                                                                                                                                                                      while using technology to enable us to be efficient and effective.
                                                                                                                                                                      We will use spaces differently.
                                                                                                                                                                         I think that we have a lot to bring to this dialogue across
                                                                                                                                                                      sectors. After all, we have experience with the “flipped
                                                                                                                                                                      classroom” where lectures and other materials are available
                                                                                                                                                                      online and the valuable face-to-face time is used for discussion,
                                                                                                                                                                      practical learning and delving deeply into topics best imparted
                                                                                                                                                                      person-to-person. As we adopt new modes of working post-
                                                                                                                                                                      pandemic, I think we should address the “flipped workplace”.
                                                                                                                                                                      Which things do we do best together, in person, and how can
                                                                                                                                                                      we use our spaces to help us do those? Which things we
                                                                                                                                                                      can do remotely, saving commuting time, energy, and stress?
                                                                                                                                                                      And which things should no longer be done?
                                                                                                                                                                         These are important questions we need the entire community
                                                                                                                                                                      to consider and help answer. These require collaborative
                                                                                                                                                                      discussion within and across departments, optimisation of
                                                                                                                                                                      scheduling, and sharing and effective use of space. I hope
                                                                                                                                                                      that the Community Fund will help, in a small way, make some
                                                                                                                                                                      spaces on campus conducive to changes we will need to make.

                                                                                                                                                                      4. We collaborate more freely in research
                                                                                                                                                                      than in teaching
                                                                                                                                                                      In my 2019 Address I said: “Collaboration is important not
 Imperial researchers created the Saturday Science Club to inspire children in the White City community and support further learning outside of school. Held at the
 Invention Rooms at White City Campus, the sessions are a mix of family-friendly workshops and interactive activities.                                                only across disciplines, but also across cultures. It brings new
                                                                                                                                                                      insights, leads to new approaches and to new discoveries.”
                                                                                                                                                                          The pandemic has shown us how we can collaborate even
                                                                                                                                                                      more effectively than ever. This is very true of research and we
    We must seize the opportunity to build upon what we have                            to teach our students how to learn, and to instil in them a love              only need look at some of the great accomplishments of the
 done by integrating the innovations we have made with the best                         of learning.                                                                  past year.
 of our traditional modes of education. We must remain alert                                Now is the time to begin thinking clearly about our role                      The rapid pivot to COVID-19 research brought out the best
 to opportunities for further innovation. The best and brightest                        in the education of people at all ages, on our campuses and                   in local and international collaboration. A critically important
 students will not accept an education fashioned around dull                            throughout the world. This means defining our role in providing               collaboration, ISARIC4C (Coronavirus Clinical Characterisation
 lectures in a crowded auditorium.                                                      educational opportunities to adults, young people and the                     Consortium) brought scientists from around the UK together to
    Education is a two-way street; students learn from scholars                         broader public. There is more to do. The increased complexity                 immediately link clinical data from across the NHS to answer
 and from one another while scholars learn from their students.                         of the societal issues we face makes an educated citizenry more               urgent questions.
 We need to recapture this spirit while also seizing the                                important than ever.                                                              Similarly, a group of Imperial academics from Life Sciences,
 opportunities that technology brings.                                                      Universities easily get mired in pedagogical treacle unable to            Medicine and Bioengineering are building upon years of
    I was struck by conversations I have had with colleagues                            agree to change any course, setting up committees, launching                  collaboration to develop the Digital Diagnostics for Africa
 teaching the “conversion masters” for AI and Machine Learning.                         reviews to ratify the status quo.                                             Network. This network brings together diverse scientists
 They talk about how students come from all backgrounds –                                   One thing that the pandemic taught us is that when we                     with diagnostic manufacturing companies and organisations
 chemists from pharma, finance wizards from the City, engineers,                        have to, we can change. We can and must seize the opportunity                 working in African countries. Collaborating with academics from
 even a barrister. They come in wanting to learn how to use AI                          to be different.                                                              the University of Ghana, the network is putting new disease
 and Machine Learning in their field. They have the problems                                                                                                          control tools and strategies into practice.
 and want to learn how to solve them. The teachers and students                                                                                                           The Department of Materials has recently begun a
 learn from one another. It is an exhilarating course because new                       3. We will need to use space differently                                      collaboration with the Max Planck Institute in Dusseldorf,
 ideas, and new areas of research and innovation emerge from                                                                                                          with a £10 million grant to develop a world-first microscopy
 the classroom discussions.                                                             Technology is an increasingly important asset in education.                   suite aimed at unravelling questions about the atomic nature
    There is much that will be changing in who we teach and                             Does that mean that the residential education with top                        of materials. This project includes joint appointment of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Above) Professor Frank Kelly, Battcock Chair in Community Health and Policy,
 how we teach. Events on a virtual platform have broadened our                          scholars is outdated? I don’t think so. I believe that the time               staff between our institutions, focused on materials for the         heads Imperial’s Environmental Research Group, a leading provider of air quality
 audience. We can share inaugural lectures, invited speeches,                           and distance between our newest scientific discoveries and                    energy transition.                                                   information and research in the UK; (Below) Imperial’s COVID-19 testing lab on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           South Kensington Campus was established as part of Medcity’s London Testing
 panels and everything with a wide variety of people.                                   what we teach our students has shrunk. We are a community                         Such international collaboration can benefit education
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Alliance. The Alliance serves to strengthen national testing capacity, covering
    It will no longer be enough to focus on educating young                             of scholars eager to share the latest ideas. Where and how                    as well. Universities often collaborate more freely in research      swab tests from the public, key workers and care home residents. The expanded
 scholars aged 18–22. Learning should be a lifetime activity,                           we do that will matter.                                                       projects while rigidly guarding their pedagogy. If we open           facility has created over thirty new positions, including the recruitment of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           graduates from Imperial’s MSc in Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses.
 and we have an important role in that. It is incumbent on us                              In 2019 I announced the £5 million Community Fund to                       our minds to it, we can collaborate just as fluidly in education

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President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
The Learning Studio in the Clinical Sciences Building at Lee Kong Chian School
 of Medicine. Image courtesy of NTU Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine.

 as we do in research.
    This year we celebrated the tenth anniversary of our
 landmark collaboration with NTU to create LKCMedicine.
 We have built a world-leading modern technology-based
 medical education and talented doctors are coming from
 the programme.
    We are also working with international partners to find
 new and innovative ways to teach. In one example, a group of
 Dyson School of Design Engineering students and TU Munich
 students use Augmented Reality headsets and Gravity Sketch
 software to remotely collaborate on design engineering
 innovation projects.
    Our School of Public Health developed an online module
 with the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Cameroon,
 as part of their MSc in Mathematical Sciences.
    The partnership with AIMS attracts students with new ideas,
 who challenge assumptions and inject life into mathematics.
 Imperial academics collaborate with partners there on how to
 model challenges that African countries are facing.
    These collaborations, and many more, make it clear that
 our advocacy for international mobility is more important than
 ever. The free flow of people and ideas is critical to fulfilling our
 mission of research, education and innovation in the benefit
 of society. We must not let rising geopolitical challenges and
 seeds of separatism harm these important relationships.

 In closing
 We have just been through a shattering experience with
 unprecedented loss of life, deep psychological trauma and
 uncertainty looming ahead. We are all exhausted from work,
 worry, lack of rest and lack of human interaction. These are
 very challenging and stressful times.

 They are also exciting times. Huge changes were thrust upon us
 and these experiences can serve as a catalyst for meaningful
 long-term change.

 Universities are at a crossroads.

 As we define our audacious goals and face our brutal facts,
 as we diversify our community,
 as we sustain our collaborations,
 as we continue to innovate our education,
 and as we explore new ways of working,
 I know that we will be leaders defining the way forward.

 Thank you

 Professor Alice P. Gast
 2 June 2021

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President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
Dr Deesha Chadha, Senior Strategic Teaching Fellow,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Department of Chemical Engineering was awarded an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         OBE for services to faith communities

 External awards
 and accolades

Amir Afshar                                      Dr Francesco Aprile                             Dr David Ayuso                                      Dr Heather Battey                                   Dr Florian Bouville                                Professor Andrew Bush
Visiting Researcher, Department of Chemistry     Future Leaders Fellow,                          Royal Society University Research Fellow,           Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Mathematics   Lecturer in Ceramics, Department of Materials      Professor of Paediatrics and Paediatric
Joint winner of the 2020 Venture Catalyst        Department of Chemistry                         Department of Physics                               Awarded an Early Career Fellowship from             Awarded a European Research Council                Respirology; Director, Imperial Centre
Challenge for their initiative The Shellworks,   Awarded a Future Leaders Fellowship             Awarded a Royal Society University                  the Engineering and Physical Sciences               Starting Grant                                     for Paediatrics and Child Health,
which turns waste crustacean shells into         from UK Research and Innovation                 Research Fellowship                                 Research Council                                                                                       National Heart and Lung Institute
biodegradable, compostable products which                                                                                                                                                                Dr Jochen Brandt                                   Received the European Respiratory Society
can be used as an alternative to plastic         Dr Martin Archer                                Professor Barbara Bain                              Kevin John Baughan                                  Royal Society University Research Fellow,          Congress Chair Award in recognition of his
                                                 Stephen Hawking Fellow, Department of Physics   Professor of Diagnostic Haematology,                MBA 2005                                            Department of Chemistry                            contribution to research and training in
Dr Azeem Alam                                    Awarded the Stephen Hawking Fellowship          Department of Immunology and Inflammation           OBE for services to innovation and skills           Awarded a Royal Society University                 respiratory medicine
Medicine 2015                                    from UK Research and Innovation                 AM for significant services to medical education,   development                                         Research Fellowship
BEM for services to medical education                                                            particularly haematology                                                                                                                                   Professor James David Forbes Calder
during COVID-19                                  Sheridan Ash                                                                                        Louise Olivia Beaton                                Richard Brooks                                     Professor of Bioengineering,
                                                 MBA 2002                                        Geoffrey Francis Maitland Ball                      Wye College 1978                                    Research Postgraduate,                             Department of Bioengineering
Dr Xavier Alauze                                 MBE for services to women and girls             Aeronautics 1971                                    OBE for voluntary service to rural communities      Department of Mechanical Engineering               OBE for services to sport and exercise
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow,        through technology                              MBE for services to the community in Ellesmere                                                          Part of the winning team on University
Department of Physics                                                                            Port, Cheshire during COVID-19                      Dr Mario Berta                                      Challenge 2020                                     Dr Ana Caraiani
Awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie               Dr Elisabetta Aurino                                                                                Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing                                                               Royal Society University Research Fellow (Reader),
Individual Fellowship                            Research Fellow, Department of Economics and    Dr Anna Barnard                                     Awarded a European Research Council                 Dr Anna Victoria Brown                             Department of Mathematics
                                                 Public Policy and Centre for Health Economics   Research Fellow (Sir Henry Dale Fellowship),        Starting Grant                                      PhD Environmental Biology 2001                     Winner of a European Mathematical Society Prize
Dr Juan Alvaro Gallego                           and Policy Innovation                           Department of Chemistry                                                                                 MBE for services to forest pathology
Lecturer, Department of Bioengineering           Awarded a British Academy grant and a UK        Awarded a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship                 Brandon Blackwell                                                                                      Dr Tanai Cardona
Awarded a European Research Council              Research and Innovation grant to explore                                                            Taught Masters Student,                             Dr Gillian Rosemary Tilden Bullock                 Future Leaders Fellow, Department of Life Sciences
Starting Grant                                   the long-term effects of investment in early    Professor Peter Barnes                              Department of Computing                             Botany and Plant Technology 1978, MSc 1961,        Awarded a Future Leaders Fellowship
                                                 childhood education in Ghana                    Senior Research Investigator,                       Part of the winning team on University              DIC 1964                                           from UK Research and Innovation to lead
Professor Jane Apperley                                                                          National Heart and Lung Institute                   Challenge 2020                                      BEM for services to families in rural Kenya        the new Molecular Evolution Lab at Imperial
Chair of the Centre of Haematology,              Dr Daren James Austin                           Elected an honorary fellow of the British
Department of Immunology and Inflammation        PhD Physics 1992                                Pharmacological Society and awarded                 Professor Patrick Bolton                            Dr Aaron Bundock                                   Dr Deesha Chadha
Awarded the 2020 International Chronic Myeloid   OBE for services to emergency response          the Trudeau Medal for respiratory health            Professor in Finance and Economics,                 Academic Visitor, Department of Physics            Senior Strategic Teaching Fellow,
Leukemia Foundation Goldman Prize; delivered     during COVID-19                                                                                     Department of Finance                               Winner of the CMS Experiment Achievement Award     Department of Chemical Engineering
the 2021 Pierre Strijckmans Memorial Lecture                                                     Dr Jo Barstow                                       Awarded a grant of €1.74 million by the                                                                OBE for services to faith communities
for the Belgian Society of Hematology                                                            Awarded an Ernest Rutherford Fellowship             European Research Council to investigate the
                                                                                                 and will be joining Imperial to study exoplanets    social and environmental impact of business

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President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
Professor Peter Childs                                                                                                                                     Professor Allister Ian Ferguson                           Dr Soranyel Gonzalez Carrero                              Professor Timothy Hallett
                                                                                                                           Professor Andreas Eisingerich,
 Chair and Leader in Engineering Design,                                                                                    Head of Department Analytics,   MSc Physics 1975                                          Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow,                            Professor of Global Health,
 Dyson School of Design Engineering                                                                                         Marketing and Operations was    CBE for services to science and to industry               Department of Chemistry                                   School of Public Health
 Winner of the 2020 Queen’s Award for Innovation                                                                            named among the world’s top                                                               Awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship               Elected a Fellow of the Academy
 for the Q-Bot                                                                                                              40 business academics under     Dr Soheyla Feyzbakhsh                                                                                               of Medical Sciences
                                                                                                                           the age of 40 in Poets&Quants’   EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow,                       Stephanie Greed
 Professor Fan Chung                                                                                                            annual “Top 40 Under 40”    Department of Mathematics                                 Research Postgraduate, Department of Chemistry            Dr Stephen Hansen
 Professor of Respiratory Medicine,                                                                                                                         Awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship from                    Awarded the Industry Prize at the Royal Society of        Associate Professor of Economics,
 National Heart and Lung Institute                                                                                                                          the Engineering and Physical Sciences                     Chemistry’s Organic Division poster symposium             Imperial College Business School
 Selected as Emeritus Senior Investigator                                                                                                                   Research Council                                                                                                    Awarded a €1,648,551 European Research Council
 for the National Institute for Health Research                                                                                                                                                                       Professor Emile S. Greenhalgh                             Consolidator Grant for a length of five years
                                                                                                                                                            Dr Seth Flaxman                                           Professor of Composite Materials,
 Dr Nicholas Keith Coni                                                                                                                                     Senior Lecturer in Statistical Machine Learning,          Department of Aeronautics                                 Professor Martin Heeney
 Westminster Hospital Medical School 1961                                                                                                                   Department of Mathematics                                 Appointed as Chair in Emerging Technologies               Professor of Organic Materials,
 OBE for services to education for older people                                                                                                             Named a Samsung AI Researcher of the                      by the Royal Academy of Engineering                       Department of Chemistry
                                                                                                                                                            Year; awarded an Early Career Fellowship                                                                            Awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s
 Dr Evelyn Jane Corner                                                                                                                                      from the Engineering and Physical Sciences                Professor Emeritus William Griffith                       Peter Day Award for pioneering contributions
 PhD Surgery and Cancer 2017                                                                                                                                Research Council                                          Distinguished Research Fellow,                            to solution processed organic semiconductors;
 MBE for services to Health Education during                                                                                                                                                                          Department of Chemistry                                   recipient of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s UK
 COVID-19                                                                                                                                                   Richard Forsyth                                           Awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Award,           Macro Medal
                                                                                                                                                            Chemical Engineering & Chemical                           through its Historical Group, for Exceptional
 Professor Paul Anthony Cosford                                                                                                                             Technology 2002                                           Service for proactively and inclusively supporting        Professor Dame Julia Higgins
 St Mary’s Hospital Medical School 1987                                                                                                                     OBE for services to the distillation and oil and          colleagues and the wider scientific community,            Senior Research Investigator,
 Knighted for services to public health                                                                                                                     gas industries and the community in Speyside,             advising on activities celebrating the history of         Department of Chemical Engineering
                                                                                                                                                            Scottish Highlands                                        the chemical sciences                                     Awarded the 2020 Sam Edwards Medal and Prize
 Daniel James Cowen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             for pioneering work in neutron scattering applied
 MEng Aeronauticsg 2013                                                                                                                                     Professor Matthew Fuchter                                 Professor Sir Martin Hairer                               to the understanding of polymer structure and
 MBE for services to British foreign policy                                                                                                                 Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry           Chair in Probability and Stochastic Analysis,             dynamics; awarded the 2020 Sir Frank Whittle
                                                                                                                                                            Finalist in the 2020 Blavatnik Awards for Young           Department of Mathematics                                 Medal of the Royal Academy of Engineering for
 Professor Martin Cowie                                                                                                                                     Scientists in the UK                                      Winner of the 2021 Breakthrough Prize                     outstanding engineering achievement; awarded
 Chair in Cardiology (Health Services Research),     Professor Jane Davies                               Dr Claire Edmondson                                                                                          in Mathematics                                            an Honorary Doctor of Science for promoting
 National Heart and Lung Institute                   Professor of Paediatric Respirology and             Clinical Research Fellow,                          Dr Emanuele Galiffi                                                                                                 diversity and inclusion in science and technology
 Received the Roy Award for his outstanding          Experimental Medicine, National Heart               National Heart and Lung Institute                  Research Associate (EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow),         Professor Geoffrey Hall                                   by Concordia University, Montreal
 contribution in the field of heart failure          and Lung Institute                                  Winner of the North American Cystic Fibrosis       Department of Physics                                     Professor of Physics, Department of Physics
                                                                                                                                                            Winner of the Student Paper Competition                   Awarded the James Chadwick Medal and Prize
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dr James Hindley
                                                     Selected as Senior Investigator by the National     Conference Junior Investigator’s Best Abstract
 Geraldine Cox                                       Institute for Health Research                       in clinical research award                         at the Metamaterials’ 2020 International                  for his pioneering work in developing silicon             Research Associate, Department of Chemistry
 Academic Visitor, Department of Physics                                                                                                                    Conference; awarded a Doctoral Prize Fellowship           detectors and front-end electronics for particle          Awarded the Katharine Burr Blodgett PhD Award
 Winner of the American Institute of Physics         Professor Claudia de Rham                           Professor Andreas Eisingerich                      from the Engineering and Physical Sciences                physics experiments, especially in crucial                from the Society of Chemical Industry/Royal
 Gemant Award for work combining art                 Professor of Theoretical Physics,                   Head of Department Analytics, Marketing            Research Council                                          radiation-hard applications, critical for the             Society of Chemistry Joint Colloids Group
 and science                                         Department of Physics                               and Operations                                                                                               observation of the Higgs boson in 2012
                                                     Winner in the 2020 Blavatnik Awards for Young       Named among the world’s top 40 business
                                                                                                                                                            Professor Leroy Gardner
 Professor Richard Craster                           Scientists in the UK; awarded the Simons            academics under the age of 40 in Poets&Quants’     Professor of Structural Engineering, Department
 Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences             Foundation Investigator in Physics                  annual “Top 40 Under 40”                           of Civil and Environmental Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Professor Dame Julia Higgins,
 Elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society                                                                                                          Elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Senior Research Investigator,
                                                     Professor Sir Simon Donaldson                       Professor Paul Elkington                           of Engineering                                                                                                                                      Department of Chemical
 Dr Mark Crimmin                                     Chair in Pure Mathematics,                          Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Department of                                                                                                                                              Engineering, was awarded the
 Reader in Organometallic Chemistry,                 Department of Mathematics                           Infectious Disease and Professor of Respiratory    Dr Nicola Gasparini                                                                                                                        2020 Sam Edwards Medal and
 Department of Chemistry                             Joint winner of the 2020 Wolf Prize                 Medicine, University of Southampton                Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry                                                                                                           Prize for pioneering work
 Winner of the Chemistry of Transition Metals        in Mathematics                                      MBE for services to medicine particularly          Named a World Economic Forum Young Scientist                                                                                                 in neutron scattering applied
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to the understanding of polymer
 Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry for the                                                       during COVID-19
 discovery of an unprecedented transition metal      Professor Charles Donovan                                                                              Professor Toby Gee                                                                                                                            structure and dynamics, and
                                                                                                         Professor Carlton A. Evans                                                                                                                                                                          also received the 2020 Sir
 complex with a hexagonal planar geometry            Professor of Practice; Executive Director,                                                             Professor of Pure Mathematics,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Frank Whittle Medal of the
                                                     Centre for Climate Finance and Investment,          Professor of Global Health,                        Department of Mathematics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Royal Academy of Engineering
 Dr Cláudia Custódio                                 Department of Finance                               Department of Infectious Disease                   Awarded a European Research Council                                                                                                            for outstanding engineering
 Associate Professor of Finance,                     Winner in the 2019 Finance for the Future Awards    MBE for services to global health                  Advanced Grant                                                                                                                                   achievement; awarded an
 Department of Finance                               for the Centre for Climate Finance and Investment                                                                                                                                                                                                 Honorary Doctor of Science for
 Awarded a grant from the European Research          and its MSc Climate Change, Management &            Dr James Ewen                                      Ali Ghorbangholi                                                                                                                        promoting diversity and inclusion
                                                     Finance programme                                   RAEng Research Fellow,                             Electrical & Electronic Engineering 2012,                                                                                                    in science and technology by
 Council to measure the economic effects
                                                                                                                                                            MSc Computing 2013                                                                                                                         Concordia University, Montreal
 of relaxing financial constraints                                                                       Department of Mechanical Engineering
                                                     Dr Nicholas Dover                                   Awarded a Research Fellowship from                 OBE for services to volunteering during the
 Professor Adnan Custovic                            Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow,           the Royal Academy of Engineering                   COVID-19 response
 Professor of Paediatric Allergy,                    Department of Physics
 National Heart and Lung Institute                   Awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie                  Professor Dario Farina                             Professor Vernon Gibson
 Elected a Fellow of the Academy                     Individual Fellowship                               Chair in Neurorehabilitation Engineering,          Visiting Professor, Department of Materials
 of Medical Sciences                                                                                     Department of Bioengineering                       Awarded the Lord Lewis Prize from the Royal
                                                     Dr Patrick Dunne                                    Awarded a £5.5 million grant from the UKRI/        Society of Chemistry for seminal contributions
                                                     Future Leaders Fellow, Department of Physics        EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies       to fundamental and applied inorganic
                                                     Awarded a Future Leaders Fellowship from UK         competition                                        chemistry, and for critical work in policy
                                                     Research and Innovation                                                                                setting at the interface of academia with
                                                                                                                                                            industry and government

10                                                                                                                                                                                                      Awarded the James Chadwick Medal and Prize for his pioneering work in developing silicon                                           11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             detectors and front-end electronics for particle physics experiments
President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
Dr Timothy Boon Leong Ho                                 Professor Sebastian Johnston                     Dr Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro                         Professor Stefan Maier
 PhD Investigative Science 2002                           Asthma UK Clinical Chair,                        Lecturer, Department of Bioengineering           Lee-Lucas Chair in Experimental Physics,
 MBE for services to the NHS during COVID-19              National Heart and Lung Institute                Awarded a European Research Council              Department of Physics
                                                          Winner of the European Respiratory Society’s     Starting Grant                                   Awarded the American Chemical Society
 Professor Stephen Townley Holgate                        Gold Medal in Asthma; elected as a Fellow                                                         Nano Lectureship
 Charing Cross Hospital Medical School 1971               of European Academy of Allergy & Clinical        Dr David Lefevre
 Knighted for services to Medical Research                Immunology                                       Director, EdTech Lab                             Dr Sarah Malik
                                                                                                           Winner of multiple team awards at the QS         Academic Visitor, Department of Physics
 Mathew Holloway                                          Edward Jones                                     Reimagine Education Conference, which            Awarded the Royal Society University
 MSc DIC Innovation Design Engineering 2008               Taught Postgraduate,                             recognised the EdTech Lab’s part in the FOME     Research Fellowship (renewal)
 Winner of the 2020 Queen’s Award for Innovation          Dyson School of Design Engineering               Alliance, their hologram and Global Online MBA
 for the Q-Bot                                            Joint winner of the 2020 Venture Catalyst                                                         Professor Omar Matar
                                                          Challenge for their initiative The Shellworks,   Professor Martin Liebeck                         Vice-Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering,
 Professor Oliver Howes                                   which turns waste crustacean shells into         Head of the Pure Mathematics Section,            Department of Chemical Engineering
 Visiting Professor, Institute of Clinical Sciences       biodegradable, compostable products which        Department of Mathematics                        Elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Academy
 Elected a Fellow of the Academy                          can be used as an alternative to plastic         Awarded the London Mathematical Society’s        of Engineering
 of Medical Sciences                                                                                       Pólya Prize
                                                          Chris Kalogroulis                                                                                 Professor Iain McCulloch
 Professor George Jackson                                 Undergraduate Student,                           Professor Nick Long                              Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry
 Professor of Chemical Physics,                           Dyson School of Design Engineering               The Sir Edward Frankland BP Chair of Inorganic   Awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s
 Department of Chemical Engineering                       Winner of the 2020 GSK UK Young Engineer         Chemistry, Department of Chemistry               Interdisciplinary Prize for advances in the design,
 Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society                    of the Year                                      Awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s         synthesis and innovative application of functional
                                                                                                           Frankland Award for outstanding synthetic        materials in optics, electronics and energy;
 Insiya Jafferjee                                         Dr Matthew Jamie Knight                          inorganic and organometallic chemistry           elected a Fellow of the Royal Society; awarded
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Richard Brooks, Brandon Blackwell Caleb Rich and Conor McMeel,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       were the winning team of University Challenge 2020
 Visiting Researcher, Department of Chemistry             PG Cert Medicine 2014                            and subsequent applications in catalysis,        the 2020 Blaise Pascal Medal by the European
 Joint winner of the 2020 Venture Catalyst                MBE for services to the NHS particularly         functional materials and biomedical imaging      Academy of Sciences
 Challenge for their initiative The Shellworks,           during COVID-19
 which turns waste crustacean shells into
                                                                                                           Professor Sandro Macchietto                      Professor Sally Margaret McGregor                     Professor Ramana Nanda                                Dr Camille Petit
 biodegradable, compostable products
                                                          Professor Sir Peter Knight                       Professor of Process Systems Engineering,        St Mary’s Hospital Medical School 1961                Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance,        Reader in Materials Engineering,
 which can be used as an alternative to plastic           Senior Research Investigator,                    Department of Chemical Engineering               OBE for services to early childhood development       Department of Finance                                 Department of Chemical Engineering
                                                          Department of Physics                            Elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy            in developing countries                               Awarded a European Research Council                   Awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s
 Swapnil Jagtap                                           Awarded the Institution of Engineering           of Engineering                                                                                         Consolidator Grant worth €1.6 million to study        Barrer Award for innovative work on porous
 Research Postgraduate, Department of Civil               and Technology Fellowship                                                                         Conor McMeel                                          the financing frictions facing ‘high potential’       nanostructures for applications in the energy
 and Environmental Engineering                                                                             Vanessa Madu                                     Research Postgraduate, Department of Computing        entrepreneurs and small and medium sized              and sustainability sectors
 Named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 in Europe
                                                          Thomas Komoly                                    Undergraduate Student,                           Part of the winning team on University                enterprises (SMEs)
 for his work on reducing the carbon impact               MSc Mechanical Engineering 1965                  Department of Mathematics                        Challenge 2020                                                                                              Professor Simon James Trent Pollard
 of aviation                                              BEM for services to Holocaust education          Winner of a Rare Rising Star award, which                                                              Clare Joanna Threlfall Normand                        Chemistry 1987, PhD Civil Engineering 1990
                                                          and awareness                                    recognises the UK’s top ten black students       Professor Graham Medley                               MSc Environmental Technology 1994                     OBE for services to environmental risk
                                                                                                                                                            PhD Epidemiology 1987                                 OBE for services to brain tumour charities            management
                                                                                                                                                            OBE for his services to the COVID-19 response
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Professor Laura                                       Professor Dame Carol Propper
                                                                                                                                                            Professor Neena Modi                                  Jimena Noval                                          Chair in Economics, Department of Economics
     Swapnil Jagtap, Research Postgraduate,
     Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,                                                                                                     Professor of Neonatal Medicine,                       Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour,      and Public Policy
     was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 in Europe for                                                                                                     School of Public Health                               Department of Management and Entrepreneurship         Awarded a damehood for her contribution
     his work on reducing the carbon impact of aviation                                                                                                     Elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical            Named among Top 40 business academics under           to economics and public health
                                                                                                                                                            Sciences; elected to Council at the Academy           the age of 40 in Poets&Quants’ annual “Top 40
                                                                                                                                                            of Medical Sciences                                   Under 40”                                             Sarabjit Singh Purewal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1976
                                                                                                                                                            Dr Asher Mullokandov                                  Professor Peter Openshaw                              OBE for services to health and safety and
                                                                                                                                                            Research Associate, Department of Mathematics         Senior Consul, Professor of Experimental              to cyber security
                                                                                                                                                            Granted the Crick-Turing Biomedical Data              Medicine, National Heart and Lung Institute
                                                                                                                                                            Science Award                                         Selected as Senior Investigator                       Dr Sofia Qvarfort
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  by the National Institute for Health Research         Academic Visitor, Department of Physics
                                                                                                                                                            Professor Kevin Murphy                                                                                      Received a Doctoral Prize Fellowship from
                                                                                                                                                            Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism,            Dr James Owen                                         the Engineering and Physical Sciences
                                                                                                                                                            Department of Metabolism, Digestion and               Lecturer in Exoplanet Physics (Royal Society          Research Council
                                                                                                                                                            Reproduction                                          Fellow), Department of Physics
                                                                                                                                                            Awarded an Honorary Fellowship from                   Awarded the Royal Astronomical Society’s Fowler       Federica Raguseo
                                                                                                                                                            the Royal College of Physicians                       Award for work on the atmospheres of small            Research Postgraduate, Department of Chemistry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  exoplanets that orbit close to their star             Awarded the Alfred Bader Prize
                                                                                                                                                            Dr Mirabelle Muuls                                                                                          for Organic Chemistry
                                                                                                                                                            Assistant Professor in Economics,                     Dr Asha Patel
                                                                                                                                                            Department of Economics and Public Policy             Lecturer in Cell and Gene Therapy, National Heart     Professor Tarun Ramadorai
                                                                                                                                                            Winner in the 2019 Finance for the Future Awards      and Lung Institute                                    Professor of Financial Economics,
                                                                                                                                                            for the Centre for Climate Finance and Investment     Awarded the Elsie Widdowson Fellowship                Department of Finance
                                                                                                                                                            and its MSc Climate Change, Management &              to support research after maternity; Awarded a        Winner of 2019 Wharton Research Data Services’
                                                                                                                                                            Finance programme                                     Royal Society Research Grant to develop non-viral     Best Paper award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  vectors for RNA delivery

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
President's Address 2021 - Universities at a crossroads - Imperial College London
Dr Saravana Ramasamy                                                                                                                                         Dr Philipp Thomas                                     Professor Ansgar Walther                            Team awards
                                                       Professor Esther Rodriguez-Villegas
 Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellow,                 Professor in Low Power Electronics,                                                                    Lecturer in Biomathematics,                           Assistant Professor of Finance,
 Institute of Clinical Sciences                        Department of Electrical and Electronic                                                                Department of Mathematics                             Department of Finance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Imperial College Academic Health
 Accepted onto the EMBO Young                          Engineering, was elected to the Fellowship                                                             Awarded a Future Leaders Fellowship from UK           Winner of a 2019 Wharton Research Data
                                                       of the Royal Academy of Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Science Centre
 Investigator Programme                                                                                                                                       Research and Innovation to develop the maths          Services’ Best Paper award
                                                                                                                                                              for new models of living cells                                                                            Academic Health Science Centre
 Myrddin Rees                                                                                                                                                                                                       Professor Robert Wilkinson                          Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre
 Consultant General and Hepatobiliary Surgeon,                                                                                                                Professor Richard Thomas                              Professor in Infectious Disease,                    has secured its status for a further five years by
 Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust                                                                                                                     Royal Society Research Professor (Pure                Department of Infectious Disease                    demonstrating excellence in research, health
 OBE for services to liver cancer surgery                                                                                                                     Mathematics), Department of Mathematics               Awarded The Union Scientific Prize for work         education and patient care
                                                                                                                                                              Awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship        investigating Tuberculosis
 Caleb Rich                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Imperial College Business School
 Research Postgraduate, Department of Physics                                                                                                                 Professor Emma Thomson                                Professor Daryl Williams                            MBA Programme
                                                                                                                                                              PhD Medicine 2010                                     Professor of Particle Science,                      Business School
 Part of the winning team on University
 Challenge 2020                                                                                                                                               OBE for services to the NHS during                    Department of Chemical Engineering                  The Global Online MBA has been named number
                                                                                                                                                              the COVID-19 response                                 Winner of the 2020 Chemistry World Entrepreneur     one in the UK for online learning for the third
 Professor Esther Rodriguez-Villegas                                                                                                                                                                                of the Year by the Royal Society of Chemistry for   consecutive year
 Professor in Low Power Electronics, Department of                                                                                                            Regius Professor Chris Toumazou                       the pioneering invention of the Dynamic Vapour
 Electrical and Electronic Engineering                                                                                                                        Winston Wong Chair, Biomedical Circuits,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Estates Operations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sorption instrument
                                                                                                                                                              Department of Electrical and Electronic                                                                   Support Services
 Elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Academy
 of Engineering                                                                                                                                               Engineering                                           Professor Charlotte Williams                        Awarded a Partner Longevity Milestone Award
                                                                                                                                                              Awarded a President’s Special Award for               Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry         from the Considerate Constructors Scheme,
 Dr Sarah Rouse                                                                                                                                               Pandemic Service by the Royal Academy of              OBE for services to chemistry                       to recognise five years of collaboration
 Future Leaders Fellow,                                                                                                                                       Engineering for his lab-free COVID-19 tests                                                               and best practice
 Department of Life Sciences                                                                                                                                  that deliver results in under 90 minutes              Professor Mark Howard Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Consultant Neurosurgeon,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Early Years Education Centre Team
 Awarded a Future Leaders Fellowship from UK
 Research and Innovation to tackle new and                                                                                                                    Professor Roberto Trotta                              Department of Surgery and Cancer                    Early Years Education Centre
 unexplored questions about mitochondrial lipid                                                                                                               Professor of Astrostatistics, Department of Physics   OBE for services to charity and the                 Achieved the grade of Outstanding from Ofsted
 signalling pathways that are critical in ageing                                                                                                              Awarded the Royal Astronomical Society’s Annie        COVID-19 response
                                                     Jeremy Lewis Simons                                  Professor Richard Syms
 and age-related disorders                                                                                                                                    Maunder Medal 2020 for his work promoting
                                                     MSc Management Science 1980                          Professor of Microsystems Technology,
                                                                                                                                                              public understanding of cosmology and                 Fan Yan
 Dr Timothy Runcorn                                  OBE for services to air quality                      Department of Electrical and Electronic
                                                                                                                                                              astrophysics                                          Research Postgraduate, Department of Physics
 RAEng Research Fellow, Department of Physics        and to environmental conservation in London          Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Recipient of a Chinese Government Award for
 Awarded a Research Fellowship from the Royal                                                             Awarded an Honorary Fellowship from                 Faisal Tuddy                                          Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad,
                                                     Anthony John Spiro                                   the Royal College of Physicians                     BSc Physics 1993
 Academy of Engineering                                                                                                                                                                                             the highest accolade given to graduate students
                                                     Metallurgy 1968, MSc 1970
                                                                                                                                                              BEM for services to the pharmaceutical sector         studying outside China
 Professor John Roy Sambles                          OBE for voluntary service to Holocaust               Dr Jo Szram
                                                                                                                                                              during COVID-19
 Physics 1967, PhD 1970                              remembrance                                          Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer,
 Knighted for services to scientific research
                                                                                                          National Heart and Lung Institute                   Dr Paul Turner
                                                     Dr Julia Stawarz                                     Elected fellow of Royal College of Physicians       Reader in Paediatric Allergy and Clinical
 and outreach
                                                     Royal Society University Research Fellow,            London Linacre                                      Immunology, National Heart and Lung Institute
 Dr Gurjinder Singh Sandhu                           Department of Physics
                                                                                                                                                              Awarded the 2020 European Academy of Allergy
                                                     Received the Winton Award from the Royal             Martin John Griffin Tapp
 PG Dip Investigative Science 2009                                                                                                                            & Clinical Immunology PhARF Award
                                                     Astronomical Society for her work on space           Wye College 1961
 MBE for services to the NHS during COVID-19
                                                     plasma physics; awarded the Royal Society            BEM for services to flood risk management in Kent   Dr Cynthia Vidal
 Dr Salvatore Santamaria                             University Research Fellowship                                                                           Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow,
                                                                                                          Professor Ed Tate                                   Department of Physics
 Research Fellow, Department of Immunology
                                                     Professor Kellogg Stelle                             Professor of Chemical Biology,
 and Inflammation                                                                                                                                             Awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie
                                                     Professor of Physics, Department of Physics          Department of Chemistry
 Awarded the British Society for Matrix Biology’s                                                                                                             Individual Fellowship
 2019 Young Investigator Award                       Awarded the John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh       Awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Corday-
                                                     Medal and Prize for his seminal contributions        Morgan Prize for contributions to the discovery     Professor Sir Tejinder
 Dr Sandra Scott                                     to fundamental physics                               of novel chemical probes and their application      (Jim) Virdee
 Research Nurse, National Heart and Lung Institute                                                        in opening up new understanding of protein          Professor of Physics, Department of Physics
                                                     Professor Molly Stevens                              modification in living systems leading to the
 Awarded the Outstanding Individual Achievement                                                                                                               Awarded the 2020 Blaise Pascal Medal for
                                                     Professor of Biomedical Materials and                validation of novel drug targets in cancer and
 Award by the Clinical Research Network                                                                                                                       Physics by the European Academy of Sciences
                                                     Regenerative Medicine, Department of Materials       infectious disease
 North West London (National Institute for
 Health Research)                                    Winner of the Federation of European                                                                     Dr Abigail Waldron
                                                     Biochemical Societies/EMBO Women in Science          Andy Tay Kah Ping
                                                                                                                                                              Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow,
 Professor Nilay Shah                                Award in recognition of her outstanding scientific   Research Fellow, Department of Bioengineering       Department of Physics
 Head of Department,                                 achievements; elected a Fellow of the Royal          Named a World Economic Forum Young Scientist        Awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie
 Department of Chemical Engineering                  Society                                                                                                  Individual Fellowship
                                                                                                          Professor Richard Templer
 OBE for services to the decarbonisation             Professor Ileana Stigliani
 of the UK economy
                                                                                                          Director of Innovation at the Grantham Institute,   Steve Walker
                                                     Associate Professor of Design and Innovation,        Department of Chemistry                             Fire Safety Adviser, Estates Operations
 Professor Raad Shakir                               Department of Management and Entrepreneurship        Awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts   Elected as Chairperson of the Universities Safety
 Visiting Professor of Neurology,                    Winner of the 2018 Journal of Management                                                                 & Health Association (USHA) Fire Safety Group,
                                                     Studies Best Paper Award                             Winsome May Thomas
 Department of Brain Sciences                                                                                                                                 London Region
                                                                                                          Matron for Quality and BAME Nurses and
 CBE for services to global neurology
                                                                                                          Midwives Network Chair, Imperial College
                                                                                                          Healthcare NHS Trust
                                                                                                          BEM for services to nursing during COVID-19

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