BEDFORD COMMUNITY EDUCATION - A "National Community School of Excellence" - FALL 2019 SEPT-DEC - Bedford Public Schools

Page created by Dana Erickson
BEDFORD COMMUNITY EDUCATION - A "National Community School of Excellence" - FALL 2019 SEPT-DEC - Bedford Public Schools
         A “National Community School of Excellence”
                             Co-Sponsored by
            Bedford Public Schools & Bedford Parks Commission

Youth Leagues
Youth Programs
GED Preparation
Adult Enrichment
Adult Certification

                                                    FALL 2019
BEDFORD COMMUNITY EDUCATION - A "National Community School of Excellence" - FALL 2019 SEPT-DEC - Bedford Public Schools
      Community Education Office
 Monday thru Friday......8:00 am to 4:00 pm
       Closed......12:00 - 1:00 pm
    Drop-slot available after-hours!

          Adult Education Office
                                                       COMMUNITY EDUCATION STAFF
              734-850-6050                     Nancy Crandell    Director, Community Ed
Monday thru Thursday.....10:00 am to 5:00 pm                     Services & Operations
             Friday.....Closed                 Rhonda Melnyk     Coordinator, Adult Education
REGISTRATION INFORMATION page 23               Amber Brushaber Director, Latchkey Centers
        Forms and flyers are                   Carrie Pitzen     Director, Health Van
                                               Brenda Whitlock   Secretary
       also available online.....
                                               Connie Mercier    Program Assistant, Community Ed
       Visit us at our website:
                                               Kathy Synowka     Program Assistant, Adult Ed                          Thank you to our many volunteers!

                                                    BEDFORD 2019-20 PARK COMMISSION
 WE’VE GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU!                               Sally Dunn, Jerry Goodridge
                                                    Carol Laurie, Connie Velliquette, Rusty Wilke
Drivers Education                   3                     BEDFORD SCHOOL BOARD
GED Preparation Classes             4              Lisa Beins-McCaig, Jenna Biggs, Todd Bruning,
Chicago Bus Trip                    5                  Diana Janney, Griffin Kirsch, Ron Koch
Adult Special Interest Classes      6-7
Computer & Certification Classes    8
Online Classes                      9
Adult Exercise Classes             10
Karate Program Youth/Adult         11
Halloween Party                    12
Youth Cheer Clinic                 13
Father & Son Bowling               13
Youth Gymnastics                   14
Youth Enrichment Classes           15
Latchkey                           15
Youth Leagues Sept-Jan.            16-22          WE OFFER STATE OF MICHIGAN
HOW TO REGISTER                    23            ROAD SKILLS TESTING FOR AUTOS
Health Van                         24           Michigan Automobile Road Skills Test Fee - $60.00
                                                    An appointment & registration is needed!
                                                       Office hours are 8:00 am -3:30 pm
                                                      Call the Community Education office
                                                     for more information at 734-850-6036.
                                                        We do not offer walk-in testing!
    GIFT CERTIFICATES                           Information needed to schedule a Road Skills Test:
                                                 Current registration for vehicle being used
                                                 Current proof of insurance for vehicle being used
          Available in Any Amount
                                                 Segment 2 Certificate of Completion if under 18 yrs
 for Any of Our Adult or Youth Programs          Valid Temporary Level 1 Learners Permit
Perfect for Anyone on Your Christmas List!       $60 testing fee, payable by cash or check
BEDFORD COMMUNITY EDUCATION - A "National Community School of Excellence" - FALL 2019 SEPT-DEC - Bedford Public Schools
                                 SPACE IS LIMITED AND CLASSES FILL QUICKLY!

SEGMENT I - Driver Education for Students (under 18 years of age)
                                                                                                                 Reserve your seat.
    ♦ Minimum age is 14 years, 8 months                                                                           Register online
    ♦ Return $320.00 check or money order and registration form to the Community Ed office
    ♦ Bring your certified birth certificate, paper & pencil to first class
    ♦ Times listed are classroom hours, students will also be required to complete 6 driving sessions with the instructor.
    ♦ Must attend all days of class and available to drive up to 3 weeks after last class
    ♦ Refunds or transfers will only be issued if requested to the Community Ed office at least 3 business days prior to the
    class start date and a $10.00 service fee deducted for refunds. Refunds requested after the 3 days, but before the 2nd
    day of class will be $155.00. No refunds will be issued after the 2nd day of class! You will be required to re-register
    and re-pay for a new class if proper notice is not given, you do not show, or do not complete your registered session.
 Class Dates:        Seg 1-A) Sept. 16 - Oct. 3			                    M thru TH       5:00-7:00 pm       BHS Room E-9
		                   Seg 1-B) Oct. 14 - Nov. 7			                     M, T, TH        7:00-9:00 pm       BHS Room E-9
		                   (No class Oct. 31, 4th week M - TH)
		                   Seg 1-C) Nov. 11 - Dec. 3		                      M thru TH       4:30-6:30 pm       BHS Room E-9
                     (No class Nov. 27 & 28)

SEGMENT 2 - Driver Education for Students
    ♦ Must have completed Segment I
    ♦ Must have Level 1 Learners License for minimum of 3 months
    ♦ Must have minimum of 30 hours (2 evenings) drive time logged
    ♦ Must attend all days of class
    ♦ $55.00 check or money order and registration form to the Community Education office
    ♦ Refunds or transfers will only be issued if requested to the Community Ed office at least 3 business days prior to
    the class start date. A $10.00 service fee will be deducted from all refunds. You will be required to re-register and
    re-pay for a new class if proper notice is not given, you do not show, or do not complete your registered session.
    Class Dates:     Seg 2-A) September 16, 17, 19                   M-T-TH           7:00-9:00 pm       BHS Room E-9
                     Seg 2-B) October 8, 9, 10                       T-W-TH           3:00-5:00 pm       BHS Room E-9
                     Seg 2-C) November 5, 6, 7                       T-W-TH           5:00-7:00 pm       BHS Room E-9
		                   Seg 2-D) December 9, 10, 11                     M-T-W            4:30-6:30 pm       BHS Room E-9
		                   Seg 2-E) January 7, 8, 9                        T-W-TH           2:45-4:45 pm       BHS Room E-9

                                 DRIVER’S EDUCATION REGISTRATION FORM

Student’s First Name_______________________ Middle Initial_____ Last Name________________________
Date of Birth_____/_____/_____ Home Phone_________________________ Alt. Phone__________________
Address_____________________________________City____________Zip______ School________________
Email Address________________________________________(Required-info emailed before class begins)
Indicate the class you would like to be registered for, attach a check or money order to “Bedford Public Schools”, and return to the
Community Education office at 1623 W. Sterns Road - Temperance, MI 48182. Classes fill quickly and space is limited!
SEGMENT 1:       ___Seg 1-A) Sept. 16 - Oct. 3      ___Seg 1-B) Oct. 14 - Nov. 7       ___Seg 1-C) Nov. 11 - Dec. 3

Please note that you CAN NOT sign up for Segment 2 until you have completed Segment 1 - See Segment 2 requirements above!
SEGMENT 2: ___Seg 2-A) Sept. 16, 17, 19         ___Seg 2-B) Oct. 8, 9, 10     ___Seg. 2-C) Nov. 5, 6, 7
           ___Seg. 2-D) Dec. 9, 10, 11       ____Seg 2-E) Jan 7, 8, 9
The State of Michigan requires that students attend all classes.__________________________________________________________
                                                                         Parent Signature
BEDFORD COMMUNITY EDUCATION - A "National Community School of Excellence" - FALL 2019 SEPT-DEC - Bedford Public Schools
Do you want to...
    Earn Your High School Equivalency (GED),
            Brush-up for College, or
         “Upskill” for a Job Promotion?
                           Bedford Adult Education can help!


       Preparation classes and tests are FREE of charge to Michigan residents 18 years      Pearson VUE Test Center
        of age or older. Regular attendance is required.

       Basic skills brush-up and High School Equivalency test preparation are enhanced by   Bedford Adult Education is a
                                                                                             licensed Pearson VUE testing center.
        soft skills and financial literacy training.
                                                                                             Computer based testing is available
       Classes meet Monday-Thursday from 5:00 - 8:00 pm.                                    for High School Equivalency (GED),
                                                                                             IT certification, teacher certification
       Registration opens monthly or as openings occur.                                     and many other professional exams.
       Contact the Adult Ed Office from 10:00am-4:30pm, Monday-Thursday                             Call for information:
        at 1623 West Sterns Road. Call 734-850-6050 or check out GED online at                          734-850-6050

                   Let Us Do The Driving!
                 Saturday, November 2, 2019
             7:00 am-11:00 pm $100 per person
		                             $85 Children under 12
 Shop till you drop at Chicago’s Magnificent Mile
         Luxurious Motor Coach Transportation
     Round-trip transportation to and from Chicago, IL

                Plenty of time to shop or enjoy the beautiful scenery of Chicago
Join us as we charter a bus and travel to Chicago. Shop one of the nation’s premier shopping desti-
nations, Chicago’s Magnificent Mile! With hundreds of shopping locations to visit, from boutiques
to designer stores, downtown Chicago has become the place to shop! Fun activities and videos
are planned for the bus ride. Refreshments to and from Chicago will be served. The bus will leave
from behind the high school (by the auto shop) at 7:00 am. The bus will drop us off in the heart
of Chicago in front of the American Girl store. Once we reach our destination you will be on your
own. The bus will pick us up in front of the American Girl store at 6:00 pm (Chicago time). We
will return to Temperance about 11:00 pm. Once you are registered, an itinerary and information
packet will be emailed 2 weeks prior to the trip. Children must be accompanied by an adult. This
will be a great opportunity to start your holiday shopping, go to a show or just visit Chicago and
the many museums and attractions.
                Register early, space is limited. Deadline to register is October 18
                No Online Registration. NO refunds will be issued after this day!
                          CHICAGO TRIP REGISTRATION FORM - Fall 2019
Name:__________________________________________Phone Number:_________________________
Alternate Phone:____________________Email Address:_____________________________________
Address:________________________________________ City:___________________Zip:___________
Total Number of People in Group:________________________Total Fees Paid:___________________

                            Please list all members of your group - list ages of all children attending.
Name:______________________________________                         Age:____      Email:____________________________
Name:______________________________________                         Age:____      Email:____________________________
Name:______________________________________                         Age:____      Email:____________________________
Name:______________________________________                         Age:____      Email:____________________________
Name:______________________________________                         Age:____      Email:____________________________
Name:______________________________________                         Age:____      Email:____________________________
Makes checks payable to Bedford Pulic Schools   Return to Bedford Adult Education 1623 W. Sterns Rd Temperance, MI 48182

For more information call the Adult Education office at 734-850-6050.                                                      5
Special Interest
             PAINTING ON PORCELAIN                                             STAINED GLASS SNOWFLAKE
Relax and enjoy painting a snowman and/or angel in this               Come and make a stained glass snowflake to brighten the
class. Students can select from different bisque pieces to            season. No experience is necessary, all tools and materials
paint, additional pieces can be purchased. Paints and brushes         are provided. Learn the basics of cutting glass, foiling and
will be available to use for the class. A $4 fee to cover the         soldering in one evening and take home your own snow-
cost of paints and firing will be due the night of the first class.   flake. Many festive colors of glass will be available.
2 Wednesdays            6:00-8:00 pm     $15		                        Materials fee of $15 paid to instructor at first class.
December 4              Register before Nov. 28                       1 Tuesday         6:30-9:30 pm     $35
Administration Bldg./Suite 6                                          December 10       Register before Dec. 2
                                                                      Bedford Sr. High/E-18A Art Room

               BEGINNER LINE DANCE                                                       ACRYLIC POUR
In this beginner class, you will be introduced to basic line          Be prepared to get messy and create your own colorful one-
dance steps and learn many fun-filled dances that are cur-            of-a-kind masterpiece! Students can choose from a couple
rently being done at some of the clubs. This is a great way           of different techniques. All canvases and supplies will be
to get in some exercise and a partner is not required. We             included. Mary will be sharing tips and tricks along with
will be dancing to both country and main stream music.                her preferred supplies and mixes. Please dress to make a
Be prepared to shake, shuffle, and boot scoot your way thru           mess! Sign up for 1 or all 5 classes.
this weekly hour of fun. Leather-soled shoes or boots are             1 Saturday 12:00-2:00 pm             $35 Adult each class
recommended so you can move freely without sticking to                				                                 $60 Adult & 1 Child
the floor.                                                                                                 $85 Adult & 2 Children
4 Wednesdays         6:00-7:00 pm     $35                             Session I: September 28              Register before Sept. 20
Session I: Sept.18   Register before Sept. 11                         Session II: October 19		             Register before Oct. 11
Session II: Oct. 23  Register before Oct. 16                          Session III: November 16             Register before Nov. 8
Smith Rd. School/Room 25/26                                           Session IV: December 7               Register before Nov. 29
                                                                      Session V: January 18                Register before Jan. 10
                                                                      Bedford Sr High/E-18A Art Room

           HOW TO REGISTER                                                           GOLF LESSONS
                  Online, by mail, or in person
                 Pay by Credit, Check or Cash                                          Bedford Hills Golf Club
             See page 23 for registration information                                 Corner of Jackman & Smith

                                                                             *If you need to borrow clubs,
                                                                          please let us know by indicating this
            FINANCIAL WORKSHOP:                                            clearly on your registration form.
         Your Source for Financial Education                           Please state RIGHT or LEFT hand clubs!
At Edward Jones we believe financial education is an im-
portant step in helping you achieve a better future. That is                         ADULT INTRODUCTORY
why our “Financial Workshop: Your Source for Financial                Learn all the basic fundamentals that are needed to play
Education” offers clear and practical investing education             golf - a great class for a beginner to intermediate golfer.
in a convenient and comfortable format. By attending our              We’ll cover putting, chipping, how to hit with irons and
workshop, you’ll gain a better understanding of the key               woods (there is a difference), and all the details of the game
principles of saving and investing and also learn specific            of golf. Bring your own clubs or borrow them from the
strategies to help reach your long-term goals.                        instructor. Sign up early - limited number of students
4 Tuesdays           5:30-6:30 pm      $15                            will be accepted.
September 17         Register before Sept. 11                         4 Thursdays       5:45-6:45 pm      $72
Edward Jones Office/1608 Smith Rd., Temperance                        September 12      Register before Sept.6
STOP SMOKING                                           LOSE WEIGHT THROUGH HYPNOSIS!
        “Join us for the National Smoke Out!”                       Time to bring out the new thinner you! Tried everything and
Are you tired of watching all your hard-earned cash go up in        still can’t shed those pounds you’d be much happier without?
smoke? We can help you to break the habits that are associ-         Through hypnosis this seminar will help you lose weight,
ated with smoking, improve self-esteem, develop a healthier         change eating habits, speed up your metabolism, and have
life-style, and quit for good. Participants will receive a take     more energy! With our return-free guarantee, you’ve got
home CD and a guarantee so that you can return for free if          nothing to lose but weight!
you need additional help.                                           1 Thursday        6:30-8:00 pm      $50
1 Wednesday       6:30-8:00 pm      $45                             October 17        Register before Oct. 10
November 13       Register before Nov. 6                            Administration Bldg./Suite 6
Administration Bldg./Suite 6
                                                                        TASTE OF MICHIGAN UPPER PENINSULA
                                                                    Join Chefs Kay and Linda, KL Katering Banquet & Events,
                                                                    for an evening of exploring Michigan’s UP cuisines. Home-
DOG OBEDIENCE                                                       made Pasties (Beef Pie’s) Traditional Poutine and Cherry
                                                                    Tarts. Register early, class size is limited to 12 guests. There
We use treats and positive reinforcement. The training tools        is a small materials fee of $5 collected the night of the class.
used in class will be discussed during the first class. The         1 Wednesday      6:00-9:00 pm       $70
entire family is encouraged to attend classes, but it is the        October 2        Register before Sept. 25
parent’s responsibility to supervise and maintain the behavior      KL Katering Banquet and Event Hall
of all children - we only train the dogs! All dogs must be on       7332 Lewis Ave. Temperance, MI
a leash at all times!

   Please write the breed and age of dog on registration form. Enter through front doors on East end of building
  **FIRST CLASS: Do not bring dogs - Students will meet from 6:30-8:00 pm on Sept. 16 & Nov. 4 ONLY**
                                                 PUPPY KINDERGARTEN
Puppies ages 8-18 weeks will learn socialization, puppy manners, “sit, down, stand, off, come” and walking on a leash. We
will also address housebreaking, play-biting and other problem behaviors. You must bring proof of vaccinations to the first
class- DO NOT bring dog to first class. Workbook and supplies are included in the class fee.
Smith Rd School/Front Room (East Front Door) $100
6 Mondays      September 16      6:00-7:00 pm Register before Sept. 11
6 Mondays      November 4        6:00-7:00 pm Register before Oct. 30
                                                    FAMILY DOG BASICS
For dogs over 18 weeks or kindergarten graduates. This class teaches manners, “sit, down, stay, come, leave it”, walking on a
leash without pulling, and how to address problem behaviors such as jumping on people. Bring proof of current vaccinations
to first class - DO NOT bring dog to first class. Workbook and supplies are included in the class fee.
Smith Rd School/Front Room (East Front Door) $100
6 Mondays      September 16      7:15-8:15 pm Register before Sept. 11
6 Mondays      November 4        7:15-8:15 pm Register before Oct. 30
                                              ADVANCED DOG TRAINING
For those who have taken the Family Basic Dog Training course (pre-requisite) and want to learn more advanced techniques
or who would like to train your dog to do therapy work, this is the class you want. Take it from basic training and improve
your dog’s behavior and skills including overcoming distractions. He or she will be prepared to take the AKC Canine Good
Citizen or Therapy Dog Test after completing this course (optional).
Smith Rd School/Front Room (East Front Door) $100
6 Thursdays     September 19     6:00-7:15 pm Register before Sept. 14
6 Thursdays     November 7       6:00-7:15 pm Register before Nov. 1

 Class Name_______________________________ Location____________________Start Date__________Time_____
 Complete Address________________________________________City__________________________Zip________
 Daytime Phone____________________________________ Cell Phone_____________________________________
 Fee $_______________ Cash_______________ Check#______________ Receipt#___________________________
 Best way to reach you ___Email ___Text ___Phone Breed & age________________________________________
For more information call the Adult Education office at 734-850-6050.                                                             7
Certifications & Computer Courses
            INTRO TO EXCEL - Level I                                      BASIC COMPUTER OPERATIONS
Let us introduce you to the basics you need to use this            If you have a new computer or are new to using a computer
multi-purpose software. Use it for personal bookkeeping,           this is where to begin. This class is about the operating sys-
information organization, business operations, terminology,        tem that allows your computer to function. We’ll show you
navigation and editing, cells and cell references, constant        how to navigate the desktop & use all the necessary func-
values, formulas, function keys, formatting, columns and           tions; how to work the mouse, task bar, toolbars & menus.
rows, creating a spreadsheet and creating and editing charts.      Learn how to save to folders, use find, explore & more.
3 Mondays         6:30-8:00 pm      $70                            3 Mondays         6:30-8:00 pm      $70
September 16      Register before Sept. 10                         November 11       Register before Nov. 5
Administration Bldg./Suite 6                                       Administration Bldg./Suite 6

                    EXCEL - Level II                                              INTERNET AND EMAIL
If you have taken the Intro to Excel class or have basic ex-       We will present a brief backgroud on the Internet and teach
perience in working with this software, this class will take       you terms, how to navigate the web, how to use a browser,
you to the next level. We will work with more advanced             search the web, and manage browser toolbars. Then we will
functions in this amazing multi-purpose software. Learn            move on to Email basics including: how to send, receive
how to work with tables, cell comments and conditional             and forward messages, attach files and pictures, delete and
formatting. Gain experience in using Excel as a database.          save old messages, how to organize messages, maintain an
We will cover VLook-up and Pivot tables.                           address book, and learn Email rules.
3 Mondays         6:30-8:00 pm     $70                             3 Tuesdays        5:00-6:30 pm      $70
October 14       Register before Oct. 8                            September 24      Register before Sept. 18
Administration Bldg./Suite 6                                       Administration Bldg./Suite 6

If a person in your home, community or workplace stops breathing, or falls unconscious, would you know what to do? CPR
and use of an AED are basic life saving skills for everyone. Through instructor-lead discussion, hands-on application, and
video enhancement, you’ll learn the proper response skills for emergency scene assessment, choking assistance, unconscious
victim resuscitation, and cardiac arrest. Topics covered also include: Good Samaritan Laws, Standard Precautions, and Spe-
cial Considerations for Resuscitation. At the end of this course, participants will be able to respond to breathing and cardiac
emergencies in their homes, community and work environments, and will receive certification in a national program.
1 Meeting        $45
Session I: Wednesday, September 25     6:00-8:00 pm   Reg. by Sept. 19
Session II: Tuesday, October 15        6:00-8:00 pm   Reg. by Oct. 8
Administration Bldg./Ste. 6

These courses are required for license certification for Master or Journeyman Electricians, Inspectors, Contractors and Fire
Alarm installers. We are an approved training agency for the State of Ohio and the State of Michigan. In this course your
instructor-inspector Michael J. Farrell will present an analysis of the code changes and you will participate in discussion
about application of the new rules. Questions are encouraged. You will receive a certificate for the course(es) you complete.
Attendance is required for all hours and for every meeting.
Bring your 2017 National Electrical Code Book to class -
other materials will be provided.
Mondays & Thursdays 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Nov. 4     6:00 – 10:00 pm
Nov. 7     6:00 – 10:00 pm
Nov. 11    6:00 – 10:00 pm (6-8 pm for Ohio)
Nov. 14    6:00 – 9:00 pm (Michigan only)
3 meetings 10 hours for Ohio        $180
4 meetings 15 hours for Michigan    $270
$345 for BOTH certificates
Bedford High School/Media Center Register before Oct. 28
Bedford Adult Education

  Online                                                                                                                                     Learn
                                                                                                                                           from the

                                                                                                                                          comfort of

  anytime, anywhere...
             just a click away!

 ONLINE CAREER TRAINING PROGRAMS                                                  ONLINE SHORT COURSES
 Prepare for employment in some of today’s hottest careers   • 6-18 Month         Our instructor-led online courses are informative, fun,     • 6 Week Format
 with a comprehensive, affordable, and self paced online       Format             convenient, and highly interactive. We focus on creating
 Career Training Program. You can begin these Programs                            warm, supportive communities for our learners. New course   • 24-Hour Access
                                                             • All materials
 at any time and learn at your own pace. Upon successful       included           sessions begin monthly, are project-oriented and include    • Discussion Areas
 completion of all required coursework, you will receive a   • Prepare for        lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas,   • Monthly start
 Certificate of Completion.                                    certification      supplementary links, and more.                                sessions
                                                             • Student advisors                                                               • Expert Instructor
 Some of our most popular programs include:                                       Some of our most popular courses include:

 Medical Transcription                                                            Accounting Fundamentals
 Learn to transcribe medical reports in hospitals, offices, or from home          Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of double-entry
 with the most popular transcription program in the country for entry-            bookkeeping, financial reporting, and more.
 level training.                                                                  Administrative Assistant Applications
 Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist                                   Gain the skills and knowledge you'll need to prepare for the Certified
 Learn how to implement and utilize electronic health records and                 Administrative Professional exam and begin a career in this field.
 become a Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist.                         Computer Skills for the Workplace
 Physical Therapy Aide                                                            Gain a working knowledge of the computer skills you'll need to succeed
 Master the skills needed to begin a career as a physical therapy aide.           in today's job market.

 CompTIA™ A+ Certification Training                                               Explore a Career as a Paralegal
 This course will prepare you for CompTIA A+ certification exams 220-             Find out if a paralegal career is the perfect choice for you, as you explore
 901 and 220-902. It covers the foundational hardware knowledge a                 the fundamentals of U.S. law and legal terminology.
 PC support technician should know.                                               Introduction to Google Analytics
                                                                                  Learn how to track and generate traffic to your website, create reports,
 Medical Transcription + Medical Terminology
                                                                                  and analyze data with Google's free, state-of-the-art Web analytics tools.
 Start a new career as a medical transcriptionist with the training
 provided in this program, which includes medical terminology training.           Introduction to PHP and MySQL
                                                                                  Learn how to create dynamic, interactive Web sites using PHP and a
 Administrative Dental Assistant
                                                                                  MySQL database server.
 Learn how to perform the administrative tasks essential for managing
 the business aspects of a dental practice.                                       Introduction to QuickBooks 2013
                                                                                  Learn how to quickly and efficiently gain control of the financial aspects
 Optician Certification Training                                                  of your business with this powerful accounting software program.
 Master the skills you need for a successful career as an optician and
 prepare yourself to take the ABO certification exam.                             Introduction to SQL
                                                                                  Gain a solid working knowledge of the most powerful and widely used
 Administrative Medical Specialist with Certified Electronic Health               database programming language.
 Records Specialist + Medical Terminology
 This program combines the Administrative Medical Specialist program              Java Programming
                                                                                  Deepen your understanding of the Java programming language, and
 with training in electronic health records and medical terminology to
                                                                                  start writing programs that are more sophisticated and professional.
 give you a competitive edge in the healthcare field.
                                                                                  Medical Coding
 Certified Electronic Health Specialist with Medical Terminology
                                                                                  Learn how to use the CPT manual and the ICD-10-CM to find medical
 Learn how to implement and utilize electronic health records and
                                                                                  codes for any disease, condition, treatment, or surgical procedure.
 become a Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist with 60 hours
 of medical terminology training to give you a competitive edge in the            Start Your Own Small Business
 healthcare field.                                                                Stop dreaming and learn how to start your own successful small business.

      Visit our website for program details!                                            Visit our website to view start dates!                                                    

For more information call the Adult Education office at 734-850-6050.                                                                                               9

                       Exercise                                    Enjoy Bedford’s Regnier workout room! This large facility
                                                                   has the machines to help get your body back in shape. By
                                                                   alternating intervals of aerobic exercises with weight exer-
                                                                   cises you will tone and strengthen while burning calories
                    CARDIO AND TONE
                                                                   and improving lung and heart function. This class is unisex
If you are looking for a balanced workout that offers strength
                                                                   - couples can work together to improve fitness.
training and cardio, this is the class for you. This class of-
                                                                   8 Tues. & 8 Thur.   7:00-8:00 pm       $60
fers a variety of levels and modifications while offering you      Session I: Sept. 17 Register before Sept 12
a fun and upbeat approach. It includes aerobic cardio-build-       Session II: Nov. 12 Register before Nov. 8
ing moves, body weight exercises and general conditioning          Bedford Sr High/Weight Room
drills. Each class is different to help you enjoy your workout
and ensure that every muscle group is being worked. You will                                 TAI CHI
enjoy the friendly group of all ages and fitness levels who en-    Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese form of material art that
courage each other. Our instructor, Laurie is a nationally cer-    involves slow, gentle movements with low impact on the
tified personal trainer who will push you to reach your goals      joints. Tai Chi has many benefits and consistent practice can:
with a smile!! Grab a friend and get fit together!! Bring a mat,   decrease stress, anxiety and depression, increase energy and
2 hand weights and water!! Let us show you how working             stamina, increase muscle strength and improve flexibility,
out can be effective AND fun!!!!                                   balance and agility. Moves can be modified so it is great for
8 Mon. & 8 Wed.       6:30-7:30 pm       $60                       any age or fitness level.
Session I: Sept. 16   Register before Sept. 12                     6 Saturdays          9:00-10:00 am      $25
Session II: Nov. 11   Register before Nov. 8                       Session I: Sept. 7   Register before Aug. 31
Bedford Sr. School/Lunchroom                                       Session II: Oct. 26 Register before Oct. 19
                                                                   Session III: Jan. 11 Register before Jan. 3
                  CARDIO DRUMMING                                  Smith Rd School/Lunchroom
Looking for a positive, judgement free workout? Cardio
drumming could be the group for you. Come join coach                          HOW TO REGISTER
Charlotte for an hour of high energy fun, great for all ages                        Online, by mail, or in person
and skill levels. Did we mention, cardio drumming is a great                       Pay by Credit, Check or Cash
                                                                               See page 23 for registration information
stress reliever. Fee includes optional post-workout shake.
Minimal equipment needed: 15-19 gallon multi-purpose
bucket, 65-75 cm exercise ball, drumsticks and shaker cup
                                                                   Yoga is an ancient system of uniting your mind, body, and
for your post workout shake. *Drumsticks and shaker cups
                                                                   spirit. It is a beautiful way to strengthen the physical body
available for purchase at class.
Tues. & Thurs.         6:30-7:30 pm                                while simultaneously releasing stress. Develop flexibility,
6 Weeks: Sept. 17      Register before Sept. 11    $60             strength, concentration and relaxation in a balanced way. In
5 Weeks: Nov. 5       Register before Oct. 31      $50             Yoga, we begin where you are, so no experience is necessary.
No class Nov. 28 and Dec. 5                                        Many levels will be shown to accommodate students of
Bedford Jr. High School/Lunchroom                                  all levels. Inform instructor of any medical issues so she
                                                                   can make allowances for your ability. Please wear flexible
                                                                   clothing and bring a yoga mat and towel. Students will work
                Jr High School - 4 courts.
                                                                   in bare feet.
         Sundays 2-5 pm November 3 - April 5                       8 Wednesdays         Beginning 6:00-7:00 pm            $65
           Pre-Registration: $25 due by Oct. 26                                         Advanced 7:15-8:15 pm             $65
            Registered players get first priority                  Session I: Sept. 18  Register before Sept. 12
             Fee to play: payable at the courts                    Session II: Nov. 13  Register before Nov. 7
                $2/game if pre-registered                          Bedford Jr High/Lunchroom
                 $5/game if not registered
           LEARN TO PLAY PICKLEBALL                                The Latin dance-inspired fitness craze makes losing weight
Are you new to Pickleball? Want to learn the rules, skills         fun. Join Christy as she leads you through sweat-filled cardio
and techniques and meet other players? Join Steve as he            moves. You’ll never have so much fun moving and shaking
takes you through the paces to become a Pickler. Class size        your way to a new you.
is limited so register early.                                      8 Tues. & Thurs.     7:00-8:00 pm      $64
3 Wednesdays           10:00-11:00 am      $20                     Session I - Sept. 10 Register before Sept. 5
September 11           Register before Sept. 5                     Session II - Nov. 12 Register before Nov. 7
White Park, Douglas at Consear                                     Smith Rd School/Room 25-26
                                                                       Head Instructor: Sensei Mark Cramer               6th Degree Blackbelt
       BEDFORD SEIWA KAI                                               Assistant Instructor: Chris Perry                 4th Degree Blackbelt
Tues. & Sat. classes held at Douglas Rd Elementary Gym                                       David Hale                  3rd Degree Blackbelt
  Thurs. class at Jackman Rd Elementary Lunchroom                      		                    Emily Mata                  3rd Degree Blackbelt
                                                                                             Sydney Pfieffer             2nd Degree Blackbelt

                                                                           Promotions by Bedford Seiwa Kai are free of charge, and will
                                                                           be conducted ONLY on Dec. 14! Official Dan Ranking (Black-
                                                                           belt) can be obtained through Seiwa Kai and JKF Goju Kai.

                                           KARATE - PEE WEE (Grades K-2)*                           
This course is specifically designed for the young Karate student grades K-2. In addition to receiving instruction in the
basic techniques of Japanese Goju Ryu Karate-do, our youngest students will receive developmental instruction in body
coordination, flexibility, self-discipline, listening skills, and teamwork.
$70            Saturday 10:00-11:00 am                                       September 21 - December 21          Register by Sept. 17

                                         NEW STUDENTS & RETURNING STUDENTS
Students will receive instruction in traditional Japanese Goju Ryu Karate-do. Stretching and strengthening the body (junbiundo),
basic techniques (kihon), traditional formal exercises (kata), and sparring strategy (kumite) will be the major focus of this
class. All will receive expert age-appropriate instruction, attention and assistance in class.
Level: 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade — Beginner through Black Belt
$130           Thurs. 6:30-8:00 pm & Sat. 11:30 am-1:00 pm                   September 19 - December 21          Register by Sept. 14
Level: 6th Grade though Adult — Beginner through Black Belt
$130           Tues. 6:30-8:00 pm & Sat. 11:30 am-1:00 pm                    September 17 - December 21          Register by Sept. 12

                                         ADVANCED GOJU RYU / KOBUDO CLUB
The focus of this class is on the needs of brown belt and black belt students (3rd kyu and above). The kata, kumite, and
bunkai which are required at the Dan (black belt) level is emphasized in this class. Students will learn the advanced kata of
kobudo (Okinawan weapons), Bo (staff ) and Sai (short swords) kata. (Green belts are allowed to take this class with the
approval of one of the instructors.)
Level: 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade            Register by Sept. 14
Thur. 8:05-9:20 pm                       September 19 - December 19         $70 Current Student fee / $80.00 Non-Student fee  
Level: 6th Grade though Adult — Beginner through Black Belt
Tues. 8:05-9:20 pm                       September 17 - December 17         $70 Current Student fee / $80.00 Non-Student fee

                   KARATE REGISTRATION FORM Fall 2019 - Registration Deadline Sept. 13
Student’s Name:___________________________________ Phone Number:___________________________
Parent’s Name:_______________________________________ Work/Cell Phone:_______________________
Address:___________________________________________ City:___________________ Zip:___________
D.O.B.___/___/___Age:________Current Belt:_________________________ Fees Paid:__________________
Email Address:____________________________________________________
Please register the above student for the following appropriate level class(es):
_____ Pee Wee             _____ Thursdays ( 3rd , 4th, 5th Grade)           _____Tuesdays ( 6th - Adult)
_____ Adv. Goju Ryu / Kobudo Club ( 3rd, 4th, 5th ) _____ Adv. Goju Ryu / Kobudo Club ( 6th - Adult)

                               Release for Karate Program, Adult Fitness Classes, Youth Programs
      All students who wish to participate in a karate, exercise, sport leagues, or recreation class must first complete a Release of Liability
      waiver. This must be on file with the office before a student can participate. **Please download the required health and release
      forms from the Community Education/Adult Education website and bring the completed forms to the first class**.
Community Ed

                                                                       4th & 5th
                                             WHO:   All 4th & 5th grade students in
                                                    Bedford Schools
                                             WHERE: Junior High Lunchroom
                                             WHEN:  Monday, October 21 6:30-8:30 pm
                                                    (Doors open at 6:15)
                                             COST:  $15.00 per student
                                                    This is a non-refundable event
                                             TICKET SALES: Tickets will be on sale Monday, September 30
                                             		           through Wednesday, October 16th at the Community
                                             		           Ed office. 8:00 am - 12:00 pm or 1:00 - 4:00 pm
                                             One night only! Wednesday, October 9 from 5-6:30 pm at the
                                                          Adult Education office.
                                                                All 4th & 5th grade students in Bedford are invited to
                                                                our Spookabration. There will be an exciting variety
                                                                of activities to enjoy and light refreshments will be
                                                                        served. Bring a decorated pumpkin and enter
  Co-Sponsored by
   Bedford Public                                                       to win the jack o-lantern contest, where the
 Schools & Bedford
 Parks Commission                                                        kids will be the judges. There will also be a
                                                                costume contest. Prizes will be awarded for the most
                                                                creative girl & boy costume. Plenty of treats, laughter,
                                                                and fun for everyone! We will have a Disc
                                                                Jockey spinning fun and spooky tunes!
                                                                  NO ONE ADMITTED WITHOUT A TICKET

                                           **Attention Parents:
                     Volunteers are always needed to help make this a successful event.
                                   Sign up when you buy your tickets! **
               3 Tuesdays - Begins October 1         Performance - Thursday, October 17 at 7:15pm
                   $30.00			                       4:00 - 5:00pm		         Jackman Rd Elem./Gym

Sign up with your friends and join the fun. Learn kicks, stretches, routines, new cheers, chants, and jumps. Bedford cheerleader
instructors will teach you all the basics of cheerleading including words to the cheers, chants, and jumps. This session includes
3 sessions with instructions and a performance at an October football game. (Further instruction will be given at class.)
For students in grades K-6. Deadline to register for this class is September 24
Long sleeved red “Bedford” cheer t-shirt are worn for the performance. Please indicate shirt size on the registration form.
Cost for each shirt is $12.00. (Optional black “Bedford” sweatpants $15.00)

Student’s Name ___________________________________________ Age _______ Grade in 2019-20_____

Address ___________________________________________ City _____________________ Zip_________

Phone # ___________________ Cell/Work Phone #________________ School Attending _______________

Email Address_________________________________________________
Shirt Size: (please circle one)			                             Registration Fee ($30.00) $_____________
Youth: S (6-8) M (10-12) L (14-16) Adult: S (32) M (36) L (40)     T-Shirt Fee ($12.00) $_____________
Pant Size: (please circle one)          					                  Sweatpants Fee ($15.00) $_____________
Youth: S (6-8) M (10-12) L (14-16) Adult: S            M L  XL
        *Size ordered is size received - please be careful!           Total Amount Paid $_____________

                               Father and Son BOWLING PARTY
     WHO: Bedford boys from Kindergarten thru 5th grade and their fathers, grandpas, uncles, etc. Note: No
          unregistered guests, including moms, sisters, or younger siblings.
     WHEN: Saturday, September 28, 2019 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
     WHERE: Forest View Lanes Bowling Center
            2345 W Dean Rd. Temperance, MI
     COST: $15.00 per person Includes: 2 bowl games, shoes & ball
           UNLIMITED Pizza & Beverage Buffet
           * Doors will open at 11:00 am for check in, get your lane
           assignments, shoes & balls.
     DEADLINE: Register by Sept. 20

                                         FATHER and SON BOWLING PARTY
Father’s Name_____________________________________________________Phone___________________________
Address_____________________________________ City___________________________________ Zip____________
Email_____________________________________________       Best way to contact ____Email ____Text ____Phone
Son’s name 1)____________________________ 2)__________________________ 3)____________________________
Fee ____ Receipt__________Bedford Community Education 1623 W. Sterns Rd. Temperance, MI 48182 734-850-6036
For more information call the Community Education office at 734-850-6036.                                                     13
          All Classes are $60.00/6 weeks                         Deadline to Register:
         All Classes are held on Saturdays                       Session I - August 31
               All Classes are held at                          Session II - October 18
             JR HIGH SCHOOL GYM

  Session I: No class September 21                                          CARTWHEELERS and FLIPPERS
  Session II: No class November 30                                  Session I     September 7       10:45-11:45 am
                                                                    Session II    October 26        10:45-11:45 am
                   TUMBLEBUGS                                       No gymnastics experience necessary. Your child will be
Session I       September 7         10:00-10:45 am
                                                                    assessed and put into the appropriate group based on their
Session II      October 26          10:00-10:45 am
                                                                    ability and performance. After warming up and stretch-
This class is designed for children ages 3-1/2 to 6 years           ing, students will learn and work on cartwheels, round
old. They will be given instruction on basic tumbling and           offs, one-handed cartwheels, back bends, front/back walk
basic movement skills. This will help your child to fol-            overs and aerials. This class includes floor work on the
low instructions and gain other skills for more advanced            mats, a high and low balance beams, and pummel horse
tumbling. We will provide fun warm up and floor activities          with various tools. This class is designed to teach and im-
including front rolls and balance beam. Parents are encour-         prove skills that will take their gymnastics ability to the
aged to assist their children to stay focused and follow            next level. Students should be able to follow directions,
directives. All activities are closely supervised by instruc-       remain in a line and groups and able to accept assistance
tors in a very hands on approach for safety. This class will        to acquire difficult skills more easily. As skills improve,
be divided into 2 different groups, based on ability. Wear          students will be moved into higher groups. Instructors will
comfortable clothing such as shorts or leggings. This is            help each student get to the next level to the best of each
a great way to get their energy out in a fun and safe way,          child’s ability. Comfortable clothing, including shorts,
while shaping their ability for higher levels of gymnastics.        leggings or gymnastics leotards are recommended. There
                                                                    will be several different groups depending on number of
       Please note for all gymnastics classes
                                                                    participants and ability.
      due to health reasons in using the mats,
participants need to have clean hair and tied back.                 Note: These classes are for beginners to
  Please wear snug fitting, comfortable clothing,                         intermediate gymnasts.
  leotards or shorts and t-shirts, please no jeans.

                  Online, by mail, or in person
                  Pay by credit, check or cash
             See page 23 for registration information

For more information call the Community Education office at 734-850-6036.

Class Name________________________Location___________________ Date_____/_____ Time_______ Fee $_______
Last Name________________________ First Name_____________________ Home Phone (      )__________________
Age_________ D.O.B.____/____/____ Current Grade_________ School Attending____________________________
Street Address_____________________________________ City____________________________ Zip__________
Father’s Name__________________________Cell Phone (    )______________ Work Phone (     )_____________
Mother’s Name_________________________ Cell Phone (    )______________ Work Phone (      )_____________
May we contact you at work?		      Father? yes no      Mother? yes no
Email_________________________________________________Best way to reach you ___Email ___Text ___Phone
Emergency Contact: Name_______________________Relationship____________ Phone (     )_____________
                    Youth Programs                                     Be prepared to get messy and create your own colorful one-
                                                                       of-a-kind masterpiece! Students can choose from a couple
                                                                       of different techniques. All canvases and supplies will be
 HORSEBACK LESSONS - ENGLISH RIDING                                    included. Mary will be sharing tips and tricks along with her
Grades K-12. Come and experience the wonderful world of rid-           preferred supplies and mixes. Please dress to make a mess!
ing! Students will learn the fundamentals of English style riding.     1 Saturday 12:00 2:00 pm               $35 Adult each class
Hands on grooming, tacking and riding instruction provided by          				                                   $60 Adult & 1 Child
                                                                                                              $85 Adult & 2 Children
experienced instructors on our seasoned school horses. Please
                                                                       Session I: September 28                Register before Sept. 20
wear jeans or long pants, shoes or boots with a 1/2 inch heel.         Session II: October 19		               Register before Oct. 11
Safety helmets are provided. If class fills, instructor will contact   Session III: November 16               Register before Nov. 8
riders regarding time of day if multiple classes are needed.           Session IV: December 7                 Register before Nov. 29
4 Saturdays    12:30-1:30 pm    $120                                   Session V: January 18                  Register before Jan. 10
September 28 Register before Sept. 20                                  Bedford Sr High/E-18A Art Room
Stonehaven Farms 351 W Samaria Rd Temperance, MI
                                                                                           HOME ALONE 101
PRIVATE MUSIC LESSON for YOUTH/ADULTS                                  Grades 4-8. Safety tips and things everyone should know be-
       Guitar, Bass, Piano, Voice, Percussion, Strings,                fore they are home alone for the first time. Also a great re-
                  Woodwind, and Brass                                  fresher course for young teens that stays home alone. What
               Fee: $20.00/half-hour lesson                            you should know, who to call, how to reach out for help in an
Beginners, intermediate students, advanced players, and rusty          emergency and what not to do, including internet safety tips.
old-timers for private half-hour lessons. Lessons are taught           3 Tuesdays        4:00- 5:30 pm      $50
                                                                       October 8         Register before Oct. 1
by professional instructors. Duet (40min), Trio (50min), &
                                                                       Bedford Jr. High/Lunchroom
Quartet (60min) lessons are also available.
To schedule a lesson, email
                                                                                             SAFE SITTER
                                                                       Grades 6-8. Safe Sitter is a medically-oriented instruction series
                YOUTH GOLF LESSONS                                     that teaches boys and girls ages 11-13 how to handle emergen-
 *If you need to borrow clubs, please let us know by in-               cies when caring for young children. The program offers actual
 dicating this clearly on your registration form. Please               hands-on training in the following areas: basic lifesaving tech-
           state RIGHT or LEFT hand clubs!                             niques, safety precaution to prevent accidents, how to activate
Grades 4-8. Have fun learning the fundamentals of golf. We’ll          the emergency system, and tips on basic child care. Bring a sack
cover putting, chipping, learning how to hit with irons and            lunch to class. Class limit of 12.
woods, and much more. Ball fee is included.                            1 Saturday       9:00 am-4:00 pm       $60
4 Saturdays      10:00-11:00 am $70                                    Session I September 28                 Register before Sept. 20
September 14     Register before Sept. 8                               Session II October 26                  Register before Oct. 18
Bedford Hills Golf Course - Corner or Jackman & Smith                  Administration Bldg./Suite 5

                                              Latchkey Program
The Latchkey Center (LTC) program has been developed to provide a safe environment for kids with working parents or a need
for before/after school care. The centers provide a wide variety of interesting enrichment, study time and recreation activities with
both indoor and outdoor­—sports, games, crafts, special projects, and more!
WHO: Entering Grades K-5 for 2019-20 year attending Bedford Public Schools
WHERE: Douglas TLC will accommodate Douglas Road Elementary students, Jackman TLC will
accommodate Jackman Road Elementary and Monroe TLC will accommodate Monroe Rd Elementary students.
WHEN: Available Monday through Friday, Morning Session: 6:30 am to 8:20 am
					                                  Afternoon Session: After school up to 6:00 pm
                                       Half Day: after school when dismissed early up to 6:00 pm

 Amber Brushaber, Director 734-850-6004
 DRE office - 734-850-6719                        Pre-registration AND pre-payment is required.
 MRE office -734-850-6819
 JRE office - 734-850-6619                        Call for more information and rates.
For more information call the Community Education office at 734-850-6036.                                                             15
Co-Sponsored by                        2019 FALL LEAGUE
Bedford Parks Commission

The purpose of this reformatted Soccer league is to introduce pre-schoolers to Soccer. Basic skills are taught to give children
an opportunity to enjoy playing organized sports. In order to give all players maximum participation, league rules require
every player to play the entire game. The emphasis in this league will be on skill development, good sportsmanship, active
participation, and fun.
        Who: Children who are aged 3 1/2-5 years old.
        When: Practices begin September 24th. The first week is practice only on Tuesday & Thursday,
                 5:30-6:30 pm or 6:30-7:30 pm. Games begin on Tuesdays starting October 1st. The season is
		               scheduled to end with the last game on October 22nd. Thursday evenings may be used in the event of
		bad weather.
        Where: Games and practices are scheduled at Indian Creek Park
        Coaches: Volunteers are a must to coach each of the soccer teams. If you or someone you know would
                 like to help, please fill out and return the coaching form below. Two coach limit per team.
                 One adult (over 18 years of age) coach required.
        Coaches Meeting: There will be a MANDATORY meeting for all coaches and assistant coaches, date TBA.
		               FURTHER NOTICE!
        Fee: $55.00 (includes team shirt, 4 league games) Refunds will only be issued if requested before
                 September 19th. Refunds requested after September 19th, will be 50% of the registration fee. No
                 refunds will be issued after September 24th! A $10.00 service fee will be deducted from all refunds. An
                 additional $5.00 late fee will be charged if you are placed on a team after the deadline (if space permits).
        Deadline: Friday, September 13, 2019 NO SPECIAL TEAM REQUEST! No requests honored for car pools.
        To register in person or by mail: Community Education, 1623 W Sterns Rd, Temperance, MI 734-850-6036.
		               Register online at If you wish to coach, please return the form below to the office.
                 Don’t forget to download and complete your health & release form. Bring to 1st practice.

Name:______________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________
Parent’s Name:___________________________________________Work/Cell Phone:____________________________
Address:_______________________________________ City:_______________________ Zip:____________
Email_________________________________________________Best way to reach ____Email ____Text ____Phone
Age: ___________          Please Circle BOY GIRL Team Shirt Size: YS (6-8) YM (10-12) YL (14-16)
List all immediate family members playing in this league____________________________________________

                      PRE-SOCCER COACHING REGISTRATION (only 2 coaches per team)
Name:_____________________________________ Home Phone:________________ Work/Cell Phone:_____________
Address: ________________________________________________ City:_____________________ Zip:____________
Email:___________________________________________Will you be able to attend the coaches meeting? YES NO
I’d like to (circle one): COACH ASSIST           Best way to reach you ____Email ____Text ____Phone
Name of Child whose team you wish to coach_____________________________________________________
Driver’s License Number:____________________________________ Date of Birth________/_______/______
Name of person you wish to coach with: _________________________________________________________
Coach’s Shirt is free. Please circle:  AM (38-40)    AL (42-44)      AXL (46-48) AXXL (50-52)

Community Ed requires a background check of coaches/assistants. Please sign to authorize ____________________________
For more information call the Community Education office at 734-850-6036.                                                  16
Co-Sponsored by                           FALL 2019
Bedford Parks Commission

The revised Bedford Youth Soccer League is open to all boys and girls who will be in grades kindergarten through 8th
in the fall of 2019. The league is divided into four divisions:
         K & 1st grade		           2nd & 3rd grade          4th & 5th grade		        6th, 7th & 8th grade
Space is open to other communities depending on the number of participants, field space, and volunteer coaches. Boys
& girls currently playing for Bedford Public Schools are ineligible to play on a recreation league at the same time.
When: Teams will practice weeknights, twice a week (once a week for K-1) beginning the week of September 9.
         Practice times will be scheduled between 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm Monday through Friday. Games will be played
         Saturdays beginning September 21 through October 26.
Where: Practices and games are played at Indian Creek, game sites will be at the north & south side of the soccer stadium
         behind the bus garage on Douglas Road and Jackman Road Elementary Schools.
Coaches: Volunteers are a must to coach each of the soccer teams. If you or someone you know would like to help,
         please fill out and return the coaching form below. Coaches must be over 18 years of age, and there is a limit
         of two coaches per team.
Coaches Meeting: There will be an important meeting for all coaches & assistant coaches, date TBA.
Fee: $70.00 (includes team shirt, officials for 6 league games & program expenses) Refunds will only be issued if
         requested before September 5th, Refunds requested after September 5th will be 50% of the registration fee.
         No refunds will be issued after September 9th. A $10.00 service fee will be deducted from all refunds. An
         additional $5.00 late fee will be charged if you are placed on a team after the deadline.
Deadline: Friday, August 23, 2019. Registrations received after the deadline will be accepted only if space remains
         on the existing teams.
Team Assignments: Players will be assigned to teams randomly by the league coordinator. PLEASE, NO SPECIAL
         TEAM REQUESTS. Players will be called by coach after September 5th to notify of their practice days, times,
         & location.
         Register in person or by mail to: COMMUNITY EDUCATION OFFICE - 1623 W. STERNS RD.
         TEMPERANCE, MI, 48182 Payment to Bedford Public Schools, MUST accompany your completed registration form.

                                  FALL SOCCER PLAYER’S REGISTRATION 2019
Name_________________________________________________ Age______ Grade______ Circle one: BOY GIRL
Address______________________________________City_____________________ Home Phone__________________
Parent’s Name________________________________________________Work/Cell Phone________________________
Email______________________________________________Yrs. Experience______ Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 (High)
List all immediate family members playing in this league____________________________________________________
List a friend you would like on your team________________________Best way to reach you __Email __Text __Phone
Note exact days and times you absolutely CANNOT practice_________________________________________________
Team Shirt Size: Please circle: YS (6-8)        YM (10-12)     YL (14-16) or Adult S M L XL
Name________________________________________________________Home Phone___________________________
Address___________________________________ City_________________________Work/Cell Phone______________
Driver’s License Number__________________________________________________ Birthdate ______/______/______
I would like to: (Circle one) Coach Assist Grade Level: (Circle One)              K-1     2-3   4-5 6-8
Child you wish to coach_________________________ Person you wish to coach with____________________________
Please circle your preferences: Practice Days: Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Times: 4:30-5:30 pm, 5:30-6:30 pm, 6:30-7:30 pm
Coach’s Shirt is free. Please circle: AM (38-40) AL (42-44) AXL (50-52) Can you attend coaches meeting? Y N
Best way to reach you ____Email ___Text ___Phone
Community Ed requires a background check of coaches/assistants. Please sign to authorize ____________________________
Co-Sponsored by
                                           FALL 2019
Bedford Parks Commission

The Bedford Youth Cross Country Program is open to all boys and girls who will be in grades K-6 in the fall of 2019.
The league is divided into four divisions:           K-3 boys         K-3 girls        4-6 boys        4-6 girls
  When: Teams will practice weeknights, once or twice a week beginning the week of September 16th. Practice
        times will be scheduled from 5:30 - 6:30 pm Monday and Wednesday. Four meets will be held
        at Indian Creek Field on Thursdays, beginning September 26, 2019. Fifth meet will be
		      on Wednesday, Oct.23.
          Deadline: Friday, September 6, 2019 - Registrations received after the deadline will be charged a $5.00 late fee
                and may not receive a shirt.....please register on time!
  Coaches: Volunteers are a must to coach each of the cross country teams. If you or someone you know would
		      like to help, please fill out and return the coaching form below. Coaches must be over 21 years of age.
  Coaches Meeting: There will be a very important meeting for all coaches & assistant coaches on Wednesday,
		      September 11th at 6:30 pm, at the Administration Bldg., Ste. 6 ANYONE WHO SIGNS UP TO
         Fee:      $60.00 (includes team shirt, officials for 5 meets & program expenses) Refunds will only be issued if
                   requested at least at 3 business days prior to the league start date. Refunds requested less than 3 business
                   days, but before the 2nd practice, will be 50% of the registration fee. No refunds after a team’s second
                   practice. A $10.00 service fee will be deducted from all refunds.
  Team Assignments: Players will be called by their coach by September 12th to provide team info.
		      Plan to start practice on Monday, September 16 at 5:30 pm.
TEMPERANCE, MI. 48182 Payment to Bedford Public Schools MUST accompany your completed registration form or online
at You are also required to complete health and release forms. These can be downloaded from
the Community Ed website and brought to the first practice or completed in the office.

Name:________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________
Parent’s Name:_____________________________________________ Work/Cell Phone:________________________
Address:________________________________________ City:____________________________ Zip:_____________
Email ________________________________________________Best way to reach you ___Email ___Text ___Phone
Age: _______ Grade: _______            Please Circle: BOY GIRL       Team Shirt Size: YS YM YL AS
List all siblings in this league__________________________________________________________________
Name:___________________________________ Home Phone:_________________ Work/Cell Phone:______________
Address: ______________________________________________ City:______________________ Zip:______________
Driver’s License Number__________________________________________________ Birthdate ______/______/______
I’d like to (circle one): COACH ASSIST		           Grade Level you wish to coach_______    Boys or Girls
Person you wish to coach with: ____________________________ Best way to reach you ___Email ___Text ___Phone
Child(ren) you wish to coach___________________________________________________________________________
Please circle your preference: Practice days: Mon Tues Wed		              Times: 4:30-5:30 pm or 5:30-6:30 pm
Community Ed requires a background check of coaches/assistants. Please sign to authorize ____________________________
For more information call Bedford Community Education 734-850-6036                                                             18
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