Page created by Richard Brown
FALL 2018/WINTER 2019
JAN. 2017!
                                                     BEAR – GLASGOW

                                                                                                                           WALNUT STREET



                 Swim Lessons                             •              •           •        •          •          •          •             •
                 Lap Swimming                             •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 Lifesaving Certification                 •              •           •        •                     •          •             •
                 Youth Competitive Swim Team              •              •                    •                     •          •             •
                 Masters Swimming                                        •                    •                     •                        •
                 Fitness & Therapeutic Classes            •              •           •        •                     •                        •
                 Adult                                    •              •                    •
DANCE            Youth                                    •              •                    •                                •             •
                 Pilates                                  •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 Spinning/Cycling                         •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
FITNESS          Cardio & Strength Fitness Classes        •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 Yoga                                     •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 Barre                                    •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 Small Group Training                     •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 Adult                                                   •                    •                     •
                 Youth                                    •              •                    •                     •           •            •
                 Before & After School Care               •              •                    •          •          •           •            •
CHILD            Preschool Half Day                                      •                                                                   •
                 Preschool Full Day                                                  •                                          •            •
                 Summer Day Camp                          •              •                    •          •          •           •            •
SENIORS          Aquatic & Fitness Programs               •              •           •        •                     •                        •
                 Adult Fitness Center                     •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 Youth Fitness Center                     •              •                    •                     •                        •
                 Gymnasium                                •              •           •        •                     •           •            •
                 Indoor Track                                                        •
                 Racquetball & Squash Courts                                         •
                 Indoor Pool                              •              •           •        •                     •           •            •
                 Outdoor Pool                             •              •                    •          •                                   •
                 Sauna                                                   •           •        •                                              •
                 Family Changing Room                     •              •           •                              •                        •
                 Fitness Evaluations                      •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
SERVICES         Party Rentals (birthday & other)                        •           •        •          •                      •            •
                 Personal Training                        •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 Babysitting – “Kids Zone”                •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
                 YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program         •              •           •        •                     •                        •
PREVENTION       Healthy Weight & Your Child              •                          •        •                                              •
                 LIVESTRONG at the YMCA                   •              •           •        •          •          •                        •
YOUTH            Youth & Teen Enrichment                  •              •           •        •                     •           •            •
AND TEENS        Youth in Government                      •              •           •        •                     •           •            •

WHAT DOES A YMCA                                                                YOUTH
A YMCA membership gives you much more than
access to our facility. It helps you lead a healthier life,
build relationships and provide a way for you to be
part of your community while helping others. A YMCA
membership sets you on the path to good health in
spirit, mind and body, so you can enjoy living a full
and balanced life.

• Unlimited use of all 7 YMCA of Delaware locations
• Unlimited use of outdoor pools at 5 locations
   including Dover!
• Over 125 fitness classes including Step, Yoga,
   Pilates, Spinning, Zumba, Bodypump and more!
• Kids Zone (drop-in babysitting)
• Family and Older Adult Programs
• Youth Fitness Center for ages 7-13
• Family Fitness Center times on Friday, Saturday
   and Sunday
• Individualized fitness center orientation
• Wellness Consultation - A goal setting session
   that starts with a consultation and ends with a
   customized plan for you to follow
• Family swim and access to lap lanes
• New cardio equipment every three years
• Two indoor pools, one outdoor pool and one
   outdoor children’s pool
• Reduced rates on specialty classes and programs
• Priority registration for classes, camps, swim
   lessons and more
• Referral program rewards
• Plus, you are part of a greater cause!
  Did you know the YMCA is a non-profit charity
  that provides numerous programs and services
  to the community? Visit our website for more
                                                               Y CONNECT
                                                                 SAVE 20% OFF
 You have the flexibility to access any of the Delaware
 locations and most YMCAs across the country at no extra
 charge! Present your YMCA membership card and photo ID          It pays to help your friends
 at participating YMCAs and enjoy complimentary access.        and loved ones stay healthy and
                                                                 active as members of the Y.
Every day we work side-by-side with our neighbors
to make sure that everyone, regardless of age,               OUR MISSION
                                                               The YMCA of Delaware is an
income or background, has the opportunity to                association of people of all ages,
learn, grow and thrive. When you are a part of the       ethnic groups and religious affiliations
                                                           that strives to cultivate the human
YMCA you are helping to strengthen our community.         potential, self-esteem and dignity of
Through community support, we are able to open                 all people. Our organization
                                                           exists to develop and practice the
doors not only for kids, but also for families, adults     Christian principles of love, caring,
and senior citizens by providing financial assistance       inclusiveness, justice and peace...
                                                          and to enrich the emotional, physical
to those who are unable to afford the cost of                and social life of all individuals,
memberships, childcare and programs.                                 families and our


               SUSAN HERR                               JUDI SHADE                      BRENDEN SMITH
               Senior Executive Director                Senior Program                  Competitive Aquatics
               sherr@ymcade.org                         Director                        Director
                                                        jshade@ymcade.org               bsmith@ymcade.org

               AYESHA JAMISON                           MIKE DIOSSI                     COURTNEY FORD
               Childhood Development                    Sports Director                 Aquatics Director
               Director                                 mdiossi@ymcade.org              crford@ymcade.org

                                                        SHERI MINEAR                    RYAN BOWLBY
                                                        Fitness Director                Facilities Director
                                                        sminear@ymcade.org              rbowlby@ymcade.org

                                                                                        DOUG LETTS
                                                                                        Assistant Facilities

JENNIFER T. TWINING                        JAMES E. ARTHUR                   DR. ROBERT B. HARTMANN
                                           MARK HABICHT                      KATHLEEN MICKLE-ASKIN
BRIAN CUSICK                               JULIA C. GORMAN
                                                   DOVER YMCA • (302) 346-YMCA • WWW.YMCADE.ORG |              5
                                             CHAIR YOGA                                 FIT OVER FIFTY
    GROUP EXERCISE                           This introductory class will teach the     This chair-based exercise class will use
ADVANCED CYCLE                               basics of yoga while using the aid         light hand weights, bands, and balls
This 60-minute advanced indoor cycling       of a chair. It is perfect for those        to help increase balance and strength,
class includes structured, high-intensity    challenged by getting up and down.         decrease bone loss, and improve
interval workouts that will challenge        Yoga postures can be practiced while       flexibility. Great for beginners!
you aerobically and anaerobically            seated in a chair or standing with the
whether you are looking to stay in           aid of a chair. Increase your levels       GRIT®
shape for outdoor cycling or cross           of flexibility, coordination, balance,     GRIT is a high intensity interval training
train for your current sport. While all      endurance, and use of breath for stress    (HITT) workout that provides the
levels of cyclists are welcome, this class   relief at your pace.                       challenge and intensity you need to
is designed for the intermediate to                                                     get results. There are three 30 minute
advanced rider.                              CORE-N-MORE                                components to this program including:
                                             This class works on all muscle groups      Strength, Plyo, and Cardio. The powerful
AMRAP                                        with resistance training using weights,    music and inspirational coaches will
(As Many Rounds As Possible)                 Bosu, stability balls and bands. This      motivate you to go harder and get fit
Short on time? Give AMRAP a try.             conditioning class ends with abs and a     fast.
This is a great class for all levels and     final stretch. Remember, a well-toned
consists of 4-8 exercises, 10 reps each.     body burns more calories at rest!          HI/LOW COMMOTION
How many rounds can you complete in                                                     Get that heart pumping and that body
two minutes? This 30 minute class will       CYCLE INTRO                                moving with this aerobic conditioning
start with a 5 minute warm up and end        This introductory class to cycling will    class using traditional high-low easy
with 5 minute cool down/stretch.             teach you how to set up your bike,         to follow combinations. Suitable for all
                                             proper form on the bike and how to use     fitness levels.
BODYCOMBAT®                                  the gears and resistance.
BodyCombat is the empowering                                                            L.I.F.E (Low Impact Fitness Experience)
cardio workout where you are totally         CYCLE FUSION                               This class is perfect for seniors and
unleashed. This energetic class is           Bike meets land in this high energy/       beginners looking to improve strength
inspired by martial arts and draws from      calorie blasting class. Get the great      and endurance while preventing muscle
a wide array of disciplines such as          benefits of an indoor cycling class        and bone loss. You will utilize bands,
Karate, Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, and Tai         combined with off the bike strength        hand weights and body bars to help
Chi. Join us to strike, punch and kick       drills in this 45 minute calorie           improve muscle tone with effective
your way into great shape.                   burning challenge.                         strength training techniques.

BODYFLOW®                                    CYCLE                                      MUSCLE FLEX
BODYFLOW reinforces flexibility and          Join us for this terrific indoor cycling   Strengthen all major muscle groups as
strength while combining the best of         class. This workout consists of            you work your entire body with this
Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates. Truly a fitness   45 or 60 minute sessions with no           45-minute class. Basic equipment and
class for the 21st Century, this class       complicated moves to learn. You will       easy-to-follow exercises keep it simple
brings mind and body into perfect            ride in a motivating group environment     yet effective.
harmony. Try our revolutionary, holistic     with music that begs your legs to pedal!
approach to fitness.                         Bring your water bottle and towel!         POWER YOGA
                                             Please allow time for bike set up prior    Discover your strength as you increase
BODYPUMP®                                    to class start time.                       your flexibility, balance and endurance
Get fast result! This 45-60 minute                                                      in a dynamically paced class. Class
workout challenges all major muscle          FITNESS FOR LIFE                           combines strength building postures
groups using the best weight-room            Feel fantastic as you resistance train     targeting muscles throughout the body
exercises like squats, presses, lifts        to help improve your strength and          – particularly arms, shoulders, chest,
and curls. Great music, awesome              endurance. Prevent muscle loss, bone       back, core and legs.
instructors!                                 loss and help retain your independence
                                             as you work out in this class for the
                                             Ageless. This class may be done in a
                                             chair or standing.

PILATES                                      YOGA
Pilates uses specific movements to           Become familiar with basic yoga              FITNESS CENTER
emphasize core strength for abs and          postures and breathing techniques          FITNESS CONSULTATION
back while improving control, strength,      while increasing flexibility, endurance,
flexibility and breathing techniques.        strength, balance and coordination.        Get Started with a Fitness
Specific combinations of muscular            Use your mind to focus on a                consultation!
elongation and contraction are used to       specific target area in order to feel      Are you interested in the fitness center,
give your body that long, lean look!         each movement and each position            group exercise, or lap swimming, but
                                             Modifications are given to ensure          aren’t sure where to start? A fitness
                                             a safe and effective workout for           staff member will help to identify
STEP                                                                                    obstacles, set short term goals, and
This class has been around for over 20       everyone. Bring your own mat to class.
                                                                                        discuss programs within the facility
years and is still going strong. It is the                                              that meet your needs. Register at the
ultimate way to give your body a high        ZUMBA®                                     Fitness Desk for a consultation today.
energy cardio blast! Enjoy the unique        This fusion of Latin and International
movements and patterns taught on the         music with dance themes create a
step. If you are not comfortable with        dynamic, exciting, effective fitness       FITNESS CENTER ORIENTATION
the step, all moves can be done on the       system. ZUMBA is designed for              Our fitness center staff will help you
floor.                                       everyone at any level, and you don’t       learn how to use cardiovascular and
                                             have to know how to dance. Come            resistance training equipment properly.
                                             ZUMBA® your way to a better you!           Whether you need to learn about the
STROGA                                                                                  equipment for the first time or need
Experience 30 minutes designed to                                                       help to become more comfortable, they
enhance flexibility and strength. Varied     ZUMBA LITE                                 will be happy to help! Schedule your
equipment is used to work through            We’ll have all the fun of ZUMBA®           appointment at the Fitness Desk.
all muscle groups while listening            at a lower intensity than our other
to soothing music. Participants are          classes! These classes are perfect for
encouraged to focus on breathing,            both seniors and those new to group        FITNESS ASSESSMENT
posture and core at their own level.         fitness. You will move aerobically         Let us help you get started with a
                                             with easy to follow dance steps and        comprehensive assessment to meet
                                             rhythms. Join the PARTY today!             your fitness needs. A certified personal
TAI CHI [01550]                                                                         trainer will complete a full evaluation
The Chinese believe the Tai Chi form is                                                 and assist you in identifying areas in
the BEST exercise because it combines        ZUMBA® FAMILY                              which to focus when choosing your
the use of the MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT.       Come party and dance as a family!          fitness plan. Register at the Member
Tai Chi may help lower blood pressure,       This ZUMBA® class is for families and      Services Desk and schedule your
promote weight loss, increase energy         children 5 years or older. All children    appointment at the Fitness Desk.
levels, aid flexibility, balance, and can    12 and younger must be accompanied         This session will be 30-45 minutes in
help in the reduction of chronic pains.      and supervised by an adult during the      length.
Each class has a natural progression         entire class. This class meets the last
and you will continue in the same            Friday of each month.
class/day throughout the session.                                                       ADAPTIVE FITNESS
Registration is required.                                                               For our members with diverse abilities,
                                             ZUMBA STEP
                                                                                        we offer adaptive fitness equipment
                                             Tone and strengthen legs and glutes        complete with a suspension system.
TRX SMALL GROUP TRAINING                     with a blend of Step aerobics and fun.     We have the suspension system set
TRX training classes help improve            Step right up and party with us!           up in fitness center as well as in our
muscular balance, joint stability,                                                      fitness studio for classes such as
mobility and core strength. This             ZUMBA TONING®                              Zumba. Please stop by the front desk
program is progressive and includes          Take the party of ZUMBA® and               to complete the registration process to
exercises for the upper body, lower          add light hand weights that you’ll         get scheduled.
body, and core. Since you create your        shake like maracas to enhance your
own resistance level, TRX is great for       workout. ZUMBA® TONING helps build
everyone. Our trained TRX instructors        coordination and muscular strength
will coach you through a workout that        while reshaping your body. ZUMBA®
is fun and effective.                        TONING sticks can be purchased from
                                             any ZUMBA® instructor, but are not
                                             required for class.

                                                          DOVER YMCA • (302) 346-YMCA • WWW.YMCADE.ORG | 7
                                                LIVESTRONG AT THE YMCA
For those who want or need a little                             THIS 12-WEEK PROGRAM IS OFFERED AT
extra direction and support in helping                            NO COST FOR CANCER SURVIVORS
you meet your exercise goals, the
Dover Family YMCA offers a variety
of personal training options. Let our
certified personal trainers guide you
through a customized program focused
on your goals.
                                                       BUILD MUSCLE                         IMPROVE MENTAL                     INCREASE ENDURANCE,
                                                       AND STRENGTH                            WELLBEING                        FLEXIBILITY & ENERGY
The YMCA Diabetes Prevention                LIVESTRONG
                                                The LIVESTRONGAT
                                                                     program     YMCA the increasing numberBEGINNERof cancerFLOW      MOTION
                                                                                                                              survivors   who find themselves
Program is an evidence-based program        TheonYtheand    the LIVESTRONG
                                                        journey   from completing their®                   This class
                                                                                             treatment to feeling         incorporates
                                                                                                                  physically and emotionally thestrong
                                                                                                                                                  use enough
                                                                                                                                                        of the
recognized by the Centers for Disease       Foundation
                                                to return tohave
                                                               normaljoined     together
                                                                        life. These            to sessionsinflatable
                                                                                     small group                          mat
                                                                                                            are facilitated by for   an uplifting
                                                                                                                                certified             session
                                                                                                                                          YMCA instructors
Control and Prevention. This 12-month           who assist participants®in a variety of physical activity
                                            create    LIVESTRONG at the YMCA.                              that   builds
                                                                                                               options     strength,
                                                                                                                        including         stamina,
                                                                                                                                   cardiovascular     and
program is designed to help individuals         strength training, balance and flexibility. LIVESTRONG
                                            Participants       work    with     Y staff    trained         flexibility.
                                                                                                               creates a This    class
                                                                                                                          welcoming      takes
                                                                                                                                      community  place   on top
                                                                                                                                                   in which
with prediabetes reduce their risk of           survivors can develop supportive relationships and improve          their mats
                                                                                                           inflatable     qualifyin
                                                                                                                                  of the
                                                                                                                                     life. pool. Participants
                                            in supportive cancer care to safely
developing diabetes. The program is                                                                        should be comfortable in shallow water;
                                                WHO their       goals such as building
                                                        CAN PARTICIPATE?                                   registration is required.
proven to reduce the risk of developing
type 2 diabetes by more than 58-72%.        muscle     mass
                                                Any adult   18+andwhostrength;
                                                                       is living withincreasing
                                                                                       or beyond cancer treatment.
                                                HOW MUCH  and endurance;
                                                                   DOES IT COST?   and
Participants will:                                                                                         FLOW MOTION BOOT CAMP
                                                There is noconfidence         and self-esteem.
                                                              cost for participants.
• Be placed in a group based on their                                                                     A new twist on a classic boot camp,
                                            By focusing
                                                HOW LONG      onIStheTHE  whole    person
                                                                             PROGRAM?                      this class takes place on top inflatable
   own scheduling and location needs.
                                            andThenot   the disease,
                                                     program    is 12 weeks LIVESTRONG           ®
                                                                               long. Groups meet 2 timesmatsper week.
                                                                                                                   in the pool! The mat offers the
• Meet one hour per week for 25            at the    YMCA is helping people move
   weekly, biweekly and monthly                 WHERE AND WHEN IS IT OFFERED?                              instability to perform exercises and
   sessions.                                beyond cancer in spirit, mind and                              maximize your core strength, balance
                                            body.           FAMILY YMCA
                                                     LIVESTRONG           ®
                                                                             at the BEAR-GLASGOW
                                                                                       YMCA      is                     DOVER YMCA
                                                                                                           and flexibility     - all while having a blast
• Learn skills to lead a healthier             • Tuesday, 6group
                                            a 12-week         p.m. & exercise program.FAMILY YMCA
                                                                                                           on   the     • Tuesday
                                                                                                                     water.        &
                                                                                                                              Participants       should
   lifestyle, including how to eat                Sunday, 9 a.m.                      • Wednesday &                       Thursday, 12 p.m.
   healthier, increase physical activity,   This program is designed to help            Friday, 5:30 p.m. be comfortable in shallow water;
                                                • Tuesday &                                                registration is required.
   and change behavior. Note: Organized     people     affected
                                                  Friday, 1 p.m. by cancer regain their
   physical activity is not a part of the   endurance, strength, flexibility, and
   program.                                 confidence in a supportive and safe                            TAI CHI
QUESTIONS: Financial assistance is              QUESTIONS?
                                            environment.         To  learn    more    about                Tai Chi means “grand ultimate” or
available for individuals who qualify. To   class enrollment and availability, please “grand supreme” and combines the use
                                                To learn more about class enrollment and availability, please contact
find out if you qualify for the program     contact     healthyliving@ymcade.org or                        of the MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. Tai Chi
                                                Tricia Jefferson, RD, LDN at healthyliving@ymcade.org or (302) 572-9622.
or to get more information, contact         (302)572-9622.                                                 may help lower blood pressure, promote
the YMCA Healthy Living Department              www.ymcade.org                                             weight loss, increase energy levels, aid
at diabetesprevention@ymcade.org or                                                                        flexibility, balance, and can help in the
302-572-9622.                                   SPECIALTY CLASSES                                          reduction of chronic pains.
                                            BELLY DANCING                                                    SPORTS
                                            Engage your spirit, mind, and body to                       35 & OVER BASKETBALL LEAGUE
                                            unleash your inner goddess! Learn the                       Join us to compete in a safe and
                                            beautiful, exotic art of belly dancing.                     friendly environment. The adult
                                            This class is perfect for all fitness levels                basketball league encourages adults
                                            and body types, especially beginners.                       to stay active in a game setting. There
                                            No dance experience required!                               will be one game per week, and there
                                            Females only.                                               is a four-team minimum for the league
                                                                                                        to run.

Floorball is a fun, fast-paced hockey
game that is played on foot. Join us
to compete in a safe and friendly
environment. The adult floorball league       LIFE IS
encourages adults to stay active in a
game setting. There will be one game          BETTER IN
                                              THE WATER
per week.

This is a NON-CONTACT, six on six,
PASSING ONLY, indoor flag football
league designed for football fans who
want to throw the football around,         SCUBA LESSONS                              AQUARISERS
get some exercise and compete at the       The adventure begins at Scuba World!       This medium intensity, medium impact
same time. All games consist of two 20     Offering a variety of classes and          aqua-aerobic workout is perfect if you
minute halves.                             certifications, virtually anyone in good   are just beginning an exercise routine,
                                           health who’s comfortable in the water      are an active older adult or have mild
                                           can learn to scuba dive. Participants      physical ailments.
ADULT COED DODGEBALL                       must be at least 10 years of age.
The Dover YMCA is offering Dodgeball       Please contact Scuba World, (302)
to adults age 18 and older. This six-on-   697-2882 or visit our membership           AQUATONICS
six dodgeball league provides a healthy    desk for more information.                 This low intensity aqua-aerobic class is
outlet for adults to compete in an                                                    designed for the person new to exercise
active and social environment. Leagues                                                or persons with mild physical ailments.
                                           PRIVATE AND SEMI PRIVATE                   Held in the shallow end of the pool,
will be composed of up to eight, six-      SWIM LESSONS
person teams, competing in multiple                                                   we focus on improving flexibility and
                                           AGES: All ages                             mobility while toning and strengthening
40-minute rounds.                          In our one-on-one swimming lessons         muscles.
                                           you will learn to swim, refine strokes
                                           and improve breathing techniques.
   SWIM LESSONS                            Semi-private lessons are also available    DEEP WATER WORKOUT
                                           and combine two students with one          This medium intensity, no impact,
SWIM BASICS ADULT                          instructor.                                aqua-aerobic class is conducted in deep
Swim Basics increase comfort in the                                                   water. Through the use of a buoyant
water as well as builds endurance. This                                               belt or a pool noodle, you will be able
class is appropriate for those working                                                to vertical train while fully utilizing the
to swim a length of the pool or take          WATER FITNESS                           natural resistance of
their feet off the bottom of the pool.     Water Exercise classes are FREE            the water.
We will focus on individualized results.   and only available to full members!
                                           AQUATIC BOOT CAMP                          HYDRO PUMP
1ST STATE MASTERS SWIMMING                 Join us for a high intensity water         Increase your stamina and energy with
Would you like to have a structured        workout! This cardio class includes        this medium to high intensity/impact
and coached practice from a member         water running, cardio drills, lap          aqua-aerobic workout. This class is
of our professional coaching staff?        swimming, water resistance routines,       designed to shape and tone muscles,
Would you like to learn more about         strength and endurance training to get     condition cardio and improve flexibility.
swimming technique or get feedback on      your heart pumping, build strength and
your strokes? Would you like to practice   improve endurance.                         WATER YOGA
with a group of adult teammates? If                                                   Adopted from land yoga, water yoga
you answered yes to any of the above,                                                 exercise emphasizes breathing, balance,
Masters Swimming is for you.               AQUA R.O.M. (RANGE OF MOTION)
                                           Enjoy slow paced, range of motion          concentration and relaxation. It is
                                           exercises without a cardio element for     meditative and allows participants
                                           those who have arthritis, fibromyalgia     to learn and experience quiet while
                                           and other skeletal muscular disorders.     hearing the sounds of silence.
                                           This class is designed to maintain and
                                           promote joint flexibility and enhance

                                                        DOVER YMCA • (302) 346-YMCA • WWW.YMCADE.ORG | 9
                                           YOUTH FIT FOR TWO [01168]                   DRAGONFLIES [04434]
     FITNESS                               Train with a friend to stay on track!       AGE: 4 years
YOUTH FITNESS CENTER                       This program allows two children or a       Your little one will be ready to fly
AGES: 7-13 years                           parent and child to train together with     off on our many adventures in our
                                           a certified personal trainer. (45 Min)      Dragonflies class! As your child
The Youth Fitness Center is designed                                                   prepares for school, we will focus on
for kids who are too young for the                                                     learning site words and beginning
Adult Wellness Center and too big
for the KidZone! All 7-13 year olds           ENRICHMENT                               writing skills. Your Dragonfly will
                                                                                       perfect their ABC’s and 1-2-3’s while
can join us and safely work out in a       LITTLE MUSICAL NOTES [04210]                making friends and learning valuable
variety of ways. Try one of our fitness    AGES: 6 months - 3 years                    classroom skills. This class is packed
challenges! After your workout, enjoy      Bring your little one in to engage in       with fun and learning! Please pack a
our activity-based games. Parents are      our musical play! This class will expose    snack or small lunch.
welcome! *To ensure safety, all children   your little learner to a wide range
must be signed in and out by an adult.     of music through movement, games
The individual signing in the child        and free play. Toddlers will explore        CREATIVE CREATIONS [03231]
must remain in the YMCA while the          through singing, dancing and playing        AGES: 5-12 years
child is in the center.                    with musical instruments. There is lots     This new class is a geared toward
                                           of learning and social interaction for      those who love to create. Students will
                                           parents and children!                       cook, make jewelry and create art. This
STRONG ENOUGH [01804]                                                                  class offers something fun and exciting
AGES: 10-16 years                                                                      each week. It is sure to please children
This is an educational course to           INCHWORMS [04427]                           who are creative and love to work with
help youth transition from the youth       AGE: 2 years                                their hands.
wellness center to the adult fitness       Children will learn to interact socially
center. The 6-week program focuses on      with their peers. Each class encourages
proper exercise form, safety, etiquette,   the development of your toddlers            HOMESCHOOL ART & GYM [03215]
and training techniques. Participants      imagination, coordination, and strength     AGES: 6 -12 years
will learn recommended exercises           through age appropriate play. Your          In this class, we will study master
appropriate for their age.                 child will discover colors, shapes,         artists and create our own
                                           letters, numbers, music and more!           masterpieces using clay, paints,
                                                                                       pastels, charcoal and other mediums.
FAMILY FITNESS HOURS                                                                   When it is time for gym, put on your
Children ages 10 -12 who have              EXPLORE & CREATE LUNCH BUNCH                sneakers and get ready for some
completed the Strong Enough program        [04402] AGES: 2-3 years                     physical fitness fun! Don’t forget to
may use the adult fitness center with      Children will explore our classroom         pack a snack!
an adult during Family Fitness Times.      through play, story time, art projects
Children ages 12-13 are permitted          and more! We will begin with a “Lunch
in the fitness center with parent          Bunch” where children will eat their        ROBOTICS
supervision anytime. An orientation        lunch with friends and get ready            GRADES: K-8
must be completed if the Strong            to explore and create. This class           In partnership with FIRST, For
Enough program was not done.               emphasizes socialization and classroom      inspiration & recognition of Science
                                           integration for our young friends.          technology, this program will work the
REQUIREMENT: Proof of completion of                                                    brain muscles to explore, experiment
the Strong Enough program                                                              and calculate our way to fun using
                                           CATERPILLARS [03203]                        science and technology.
                                           AGE: 3 years                                   • First Lego Jr. (K-4th grades)
                                           Your little Caterpillar will begin to get
     PERSONAL TRAINING                     a taste of what school is really like          • First Lego League (4-8th grades)
                                           with activities like show and tell, art
YOUTH 1 ON 1                               projects, snack time and story time.
PERSONAL TRAINING [01162]                  Children will discover colors, shapes,
A personal trainer will meet one-on-       letters, and numbers through our fun
one with your child for 45 minutes.        and educational activities. They will
They will design a program appropriate     begin to practice writing letters and
for their needs and goals!                 numbers and much more! Please pack a
                                           small snack for your child.

NIGHT AT THE Y                                                                          BALLET/TAP/JAZZ [04215]
AGES: 11-15                                   YOGA                                      AGES: 6+
Join your friends and make lots of new     YOUTH YOGA [03232] AGES: 7+                  This is a triple threat class for dancers
ones every second Saturday during          Discover just how strong and flexible        who have had some dance experience.
A Night at the Y. You can enjoy a          you are! Join our youth yoga program         The emphasis is on technique and
different themed hang out with friends.    to learn poses such as the crow,             more complex steps. Dancers should
At the Y, we believe that all youth and    cobra, warrior and more. Yoga teaches        be properly dressed in dance attire and
teens deserve a safe place to go. Each     relaxation through movement and              have both ballet and tap shoes. Jazz
Y Night dedicated staff will be ready      sitting meditations. Strengthen your         shoes are optional. Ballet shoes may be
to engage your children in a variety of    coordination in a relaxed and fun            worn for Jazz.
supervised activities. Kids will enjoy     environment.
such an assortment of activities that                                                   HIP HOP [04236]
no two nights are ever the same! They                                                   AGES: 7+
will swim, take part in tournaments            DANCE                                    Derived from a combo of jazz, funk
in the gym, play GaGa, take fitness                                                     and street jazz, this high energy style
classes, watch a movie and enjoy                                                        of dance will be sure to get your kid
snacks.                                    DANCE WITH ME [04312]                        moving. Participants will work on
                                           AGES: 18 months with                         rhythm, musicality and coordination
YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT (YIG)                  Parents/Caregivers                           with age appropriate choreography.
GRADES: 6-12                               Start their feet moving at an early age      This is an excellent program for kids
Youth In Government offers model           in this class focused on movement,           who want to have fun while dancing.
legislative and judicial experiences to    coordination, balance, rhythm and a          Our hip hop class also features some
youth in grades 6 – 12. Participants       variety of skills which develop listening    traditional jazz dance and movement
can assume the role of Legislator,         and social interaction. The class is set     steps.
Lobbyist, Journalist, Speaker, Youth       to music and will feature basic dance
Governor, Attorney, Justice and            steps in ballet, jazz, and tap. This is a
                                           great way to spend some quality time         TINY TUTUS
more. Weekly meetings scheduled will                                                    AGES: 2-3 years
continue leading up to the one-day         with your child.
                                                                                        In this ballet class, children will learn
Training and Elections Conference                                                       to follow the teacher while forming
and the Model Legislative and Judicial     PRE BALLET/TAP [04232]                       strong listening skills and gaining
Conference. Visit deyig.org for meeting    AGES: 3-5 years                              independence. The class focuses on
times, fees and dates.                     Introducing a world of dance! This           the child’s fine and gross motor skills,
                                           class combines basic ballet and tap          musicality, creativity, and fun.
                                           lessons to children who can handle
                                           a longer length of a dance class. We
    HEALTHY LIVING                         start with developing rhythms in tap
                                           and get those large gross motor skills
HEALTHY WEIGHT AND                         working. Then teach balance and poise
YOUR CHILD                                 with easy ballet steps. Traditional
Healthy Weight and Your Child is a         ballet slippers, tap shoes and a leotard
four month evidence-based program          are needed. Shoes are not required
for children with obesity. This            for the first day. We sometimes have
program empowers 7-13 year olds,           gently used shoes donated that may be
with the support of their families,        available.
to reach a healthy weight and live a
healthier lifestyle. For details and fee   BALLET/TAP [04202] AGES: 5+
information, contact the Healthy           Students with some dance experience
Living Department at                       will continue their journey in this
healthyliving@ymcade.org or                Ballet/Tap class. Focus will be on
(302) 572-9622.                            basic steps and beginning technique
                                           training. Traditional ballet slippers, tap
                                           shoes and a leotard are needed. Shoes
                                           are not required for the first day. We
                                           sometimes have gently used shoes
                                           donated that may be available.

                                                       DOVER YMCA • (302) 346-YMCA • WWW.YMCADE.ORG | 11
                                                                                           INSTRUCTIONAL BASKETBALL
     TUMBLING &                                  SPORTS                                    AGES: 9+
     GYMNASTICS                                                                            This instructional basketball program is
                                              YMCA youth sports programs promote           designed for beginners and advanced
GYMNASTICS [03230]                                                                         players. Drills and activities will help
AGES: 6-13 years                              healthy kids, families and communities.
                                              We place a priority on family                introduce children to the sport. For
This class will teach the fundamental                                                      more advanced players, we offer
skills for gymnastics. Participants           involvement, healthy competition, the
                                              value of participation over winning and      activities designed to enhance the
master or learn basic tumbling moves.                                                      skills that children have already built.
Each student will work at their level and     team building. Parents are encouraged
receive instruction based on experience.      to be more than spectators by
                                              contributing their time as volunteer         ELITE BASKETBALL LEAGUE
PREREQUISITE: Students must be able                                                        AGES: Under 12 years
to participate in class without parental      coaches and team parents.
                                                                                           The YMCA of Delaware announces
presence and should be cooperative in                                                      the Elite Basketball Travel league for
a group situations.                           SPORTS SERIES [03154]                        athletes under 12. This co-ed league
                                              AGES: 3-5 years                              will travel and play games at each YMCA
TUMBLE TYKES [03201]                          This program is an introductory              of DE site. Registration is required.
AGES: 3-5 years                               course designed to develop interest          If selected at tryouts, an additional
Join a class full of rolling, jumping,        and introduce basic fundamentals of          uniform fee is required. Tryouts and
and tumbling. Your little one will love       different sports. A different sport will     practices will start mid-December.
learning about balance and flexibility.       be emphasized each week.                     Games will start early January. Look for
Creative movement to music will also                                                       more information at the branch.
be incorporated to get them moving.           OBSTACLE PALOOZA [03121]
Children will be encouraged to use their      AGES: 3-5 years                              LITTLE KICKERS [03117]
imagination as instructors lead them          Obstacle courses encourage self-             AGES: 3-5 years
through various activities.                   confidence and the use of large motor        This class is an introduction to move,
PREREQUISITE: Students must be able           skills throughout each challenging           stretch and play soccer. Little ones will
to participate in class without parental      movement. An emphasis is placed              develop skills like dribbling, kicking,
presence and should be cooperative in         on muscle building, coordination and         balance, foot-eye coordination, and
a group situations.                           balance in a playful, high-energy and        running control. Parent involvement is
                                              fast-moving learning environment.            encouraged.
TWISTING TODDLERS [03702]                     TOT BASKETBALL [03102]
AGES: 2 to 3                                                                               FALL SOCCER LEAGUE [03110]
                                              AGES: 3-5 years                              AGES: 4-13 years
Toddlers that are ready to twist and roll     This program is designed to introduce
on their own will learn independence                                                       Children will be registered by age
                                              boys and girls to the basics of basketball   divisions and learn the skills of the
and confidence while building strength        through physical play, balancing,
and flexibility. Stations and obstacle                                                     game. This is a recreational level
                                              coordination and movement based              league with practice and games each
courses will be set up for exploring.         activities. The class encourages children
Twist, tumble and turn upside down!                                                        week. We strive to provide EVERY
                                              to develop social confidence along with      child with the opportunity to play,
PREREQUISITE: Students must be able           listening and communication skills.          and believe in promoting self-esteem,
to participate in class without parental                                                   self-confidence, teamwork and respect
presence and should be cooperative in         INSTRUCTIONAL BASKETBALL                     for self and others. This league is
a group situations.                           [03116]                                      supported by volunteer coaches.
                                              AGES: 6-8 years
RUMBLE TUMBLE [03218]                         This instructional program teaches
                                              children the core components of              GIRLS ONLY SOCCER TEAM
AGES: Walkers to 2 years                                                                   AGES: 10+
This motor development and movement           basketball. Participants will learn the
                                              fundamentals of passing, shooting,           Join our GIRLS ONLY SOCCER TEAM! If
awareness class includes activities                                                        we do not receive the numbers needed
such as stretching, aerobics, balancing,      dribbling, defense and teamwork.
                                                                                           to support a team, the girls will be
play, and songs in a loosely structured                                                    placed on a CO-ED team.
and relaxed environment. We promote
physical strength, flexibility, confidence,
self-esteem and fun. Class requires
active parental or caregiver support.

[03110] AGES: 4 - 13 years                 AGES: 5-12 years                               SWIM LESSONS
This indoor league offers all the          The YMCA of Dover is proud to offer            PRESCHOOL
excitement of playing outdoor              Lacrosse, one of the fastest growing
soccer while learning sportsmanship,       sports in the country. Our Lacrosse       SWIM BASICS ALL, PRESCHOOL
soccer rules and skills. The league is     class for ages 5-12 teaches the           AGES: 3-5 years
supported by parent volunteers. Please     fundamentals of this fun and fast-        Students learn personal water
let us know if you would like to coach     paced game. The YMCA Lacrosse             safety and achieve basic swimming
or assist. Players will be placed on age   program is great for first timers,        competency by learning two
appropriate teams. All players must        since we provide all necessary            benchmark skills: (1) Swim, float,
have the proper equipment including        equipment for practice.                   swim - sequencing front glide, roll,
rubber soled sneakers and shin guards.                                               back float, front glide, and exit (2)
There will be a weeknight practice and                                               jump, push, turn, grab. The focus
games will be played on Saturdays.                                                   will be to introduce all skills of Swim
Coaches will notify you of practice and
                                                SWIM LESSONS                         Basics 1, 2, and 3. Multiple instructors
game times.                                     PARENT/CHILD                         are available, and participants are
                                                                                     separated into skill-based groups.
                                           SWIM STARTERS, PARENT/CHILD               (30 MINUTES)
[03118] AGES: 7-17 years                   AGES: 6 months - 3 years
Our youth volleyball is a co-ed program    Accompanied by a parent, infants and      SWIM STROKES ALL, PRESCHOOL
designed to provide quality instruction    toddlers learn to be comfortable in the   AGES: 3-5 years
and skill development. The YMCA            water and develop swim readiness skills   Students learn additional water
specializes in teaching sportsmanship      through fun and confidence building       safety skills and stroke techniques
and teamwork in a fun atmosphere.          experiences. Parents will learn about     after mastering the fundamentals.
                                           water safety, drowning prevention, and    We emphasize how these skills help
                                           the importance of supervision. Swim       to prevent chronic disease, increase
INDOOR INSTRUCTIONAL FLAG                  diapers are required. (30 MINUTES)        social, emotional and cognitive well-
FOOTBALL                                                                             being, and fosters a lifetime of physical
AGES: 5-12 years                                                                     activity. The focus will be to introduce
Indoor Flag Football is a recreational     SWIM BASICS 1, PARENT/CHILD
                                           AGES: 3-5 years                           all skills of Swim Strokes 4, 5, and
program designed for youngsters                                                      6. Multiple instructors are available.
new to the sport of football, as well      This class is for the child who is not
                                           quite ready to be in the class alone. A   Participants separated into skill-based
as experienced players who are not                                                   groups. (30 MINUTES)
ready for tackle football. Participants    parent or trusted adult will
will learn about the rules of football,    come into the water
tactics, skills needed to improve their    at the beginning
game, and most importantly, have           and transition
fun!                                       out of the
AGES: 5-12 years                           throughout
Floorball is a fun, fast-paced hockey      the session.
game that is played on foot. This          This class increases
instructional class will teach the         comfort with underwater
skills of floorball and transition into    exploration and
games at the end of class.                 introduces basic self-
                                           rescue skills performed
INDOOR INSTRUCTIONAL TENNIS                with assistance. Parent/
AGES: 5-12 years                           child classes meet once a
This program introduces the basic          week.
skills and fundamentals of tennis.
Players will learn proper technique
and rules of the game while building
self-confidence, learning about
sportsmanship and having fun.

                                                      DOVER YMCA • (302) 346-YMCA • WWW.YMCADE.ORG | 13
     SWIM LESSONS                                SWIM LESSONS                              COMPETITIVE
     YOUTH                                       TEENS                                     SWIMMING
                                              SWIM BASICS TEEN                          DOVER YMCA DOLPHINS
SWIM BASICS ALL, YOUTH                                                                  SWIM TEAM
AGES: 6-12 years                              AGES: 13-17 years
                                              Teens learn personal water safety         AGES: 5-18 years
Students learn personal water safety                                                    Swimmers learn the value of hard
and achieve basic swimming competency         and achieve basic swimming
                                              competency by learning two                work, commitment, and teamwork. The
by learning two benchmark skills: (1)                                                   Dolphin Coaching Staff works with the
Swim, float, swim - sequencing front          benchmark skills: (1) Swim, float,
                                              swim - sequencing front glide, roll,      swimmers to achieve their goals. With
glide, roll, back float, front glide, and                                               local competitions between YMCA’s
exit (2) jump, push, turn, grab. The focus    back float, front glide, and exit (2)
                                              jump, push, turn, grab. Increase          as well as the opportunity to swim at
will be to introduce all skills of Swim                                                 larger meets through USA Swimming,
Basics 1, 2, and 3. Multiple instructors      comfort in the water as well as build
                                              endurance. This class is appropriate      there is something for every level. The
are available. Participants are separated                                               Dover YMCA Dolphins instill the 4
into skill-based groups. (45 MINUTES)         for those working on swimming the
                                              length of the pool or taking their feet   YMCA Core Values of Honesty, Respect,
                                              off the bottom of the pool. We will       Responsibility, and Caring. To schedule
SWIM STROKES 4, YOUTH                                                                   a swim team evaluation, please contact
AGES: 6-12 years                              focus on individualized results.
                                              (45 MINUTES)                              Competitive Aquatics Director Brenden
Introduces basic stroke technique                                                       Smith at bsmith@ymcade.org. For group
in front crawl and reinforces water                                                     descriptions and practice times, please
safety through treading water and                                                       visit our website www.cdelydolphins.org.
elementary backstroke. (45 MINUTES)
                                                 PRIVATE SWIM
SWIM STROKES 5, YOUTH                            LESSONS                                FALL CONDITIONING SWIM CLINIC
AGES: 6-12 years                                                                        Interested in joining the Dover YMCA
Introduces breaststroke and                   PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE                    Dolphins? This clinic is for swimmers
butterfly, and reinforces water               SWIM LESSONS                              who did not compete for the Dolphins
safety through treading water and             AGES: 4+                                  in the Short Course Season. Swimmers
sidestroke. (45 MINUTES)                      One-on-one swimming lessons will teach    age 5 and over will learn and swim with
                                              your child to swim, refine strokes or     the Dolphin coaching staff who will help
SWIM STROKES 6, YOUTH                         improve breathing techniques.             with determining placement in groups.
AGES: 6-12 years                              Semi-private lessons will teach two       Participants will work on drills and will
Refines stroke technique on all major         students with one instructor. For         be introduced to the four competitive
competitive strokes and encourages            maximum effectiveness, both swim          strokes: Butterfly, Breaststroke,
swimming as part of a healthy lifestyle.      students should be about the same skill   Backstroke and Freestyle. This clinic is
(45 MINUTES)                                  level. The Y staff does not coordinate    free and fun!
                                              semi-private lessons between members
                                              who do not know one another. Both         LITTLE EXPLORERS [02600]
                                              students must sign up together.           • Swimmer must be able to float (front
                                                                                           or back) unassisted.
                                                                                        • Swimmer must be able to complete

                                             FUN WITH A
                                                                                           one length of the pool (25 yards)
                                                                                        Note: Participation in any meets is not
                                             SPLASH OF                                  required at this level.

                                             Register your child for
                                             swim lessons today!

MINI-DOLPHINS [02625]                        • Participation in all dual (home and       PLATINUM 1
• Swimmer must be able to complete             away) meets is expected and required.     • Swimmer must be able to complete
   one length of the pool (25 yards) of         Participation in YMCA Championship           100 yards of each of the four strokes
   Freestyle (front crawl).                     meets (C&P’s and districts) as               legally (competition ready to include
• Swimmer must be able to complete             applicable is expected and required.         use of appropriate turns).
   one length of the pool (25 yards)            Participation in USA/Invitational         • Swimmer must be able to successfully
   Backstroke.                                  meets is encouraged.                         complete the following practice sets:
• Swimmer must be willing to put their      • Training goals for this group include:                10x100 Free @1:20
   full face in the water.                      200 FR, 100 IM, and 200 IM.
                                                                                                      5x200 Free @ 2:40
• Swimmer must be willing to jump off a                                                              10X50 Kick @ 1:00
   starter block.                            GOLD
                                                                                                      5X100 IM @ 1:30
• Participation in home meets is            • Swimmer must be able to complete
   encouraged.                                  100 yards of each of the four strokes     • Participation in at least 2 dual
                                                legally (competition ready to include        (home or away) meets is expected
• Participation in the 8 & U                                                                and required. Participation in USA/
   Championship meet, as applicable, is         use of appropriate turns).
                                                                                             Invitational meets is expected and
   encouraged.                               • Swimmer must have command of the             required.
                                                pace clock.
BRONZE                                       • Swimmer must understand and
                                                independently follow a multi step         PLATINUM II
• Swimmer must be able to complete 50
   yards of Freestyle.                          practice set.                             • Swimmer must be in ninth grade or
                                             • Swimmer must be able to successfully         above.
• Swimmer must be able to complete 50
   yards of Backstroke.                         complete the following practice sets:     • Swimmer has previously participated
                                                         10x100 Free @1:45                   on a swim team.
• Swimmer must be able to perform
   a legal (competition ready) Breast                    10x50 Kick @ 1:15                • Swimmer exceeds the technical
   stroke kick.                                                                              and physical abilities of the Orange
                                                          5x100 IM @ 2:00                    training group.
• Swimmer must be willing to attempt a      •G  old II (as defined by the training
   dive off a starter block.                                                              • Participation in all dual home and
                                                group coach) Participation in all dual,      away meets is expected and required.
• Participation in all dual (home and          home and away meets is expected              Participation in YMCA Championship
   away) meets is expected and required.        and required. Participation in YMCA          meets (C&P and districts) as applicable
• Participation in the C&P                     Championship meets (C&P and                  is expected and required. Participation
   Championships is encouraged.                 districts) as applicable is expected         in USA/Invitational meets is expected
                                                and required. Participation in USA/          and required.
                                                Invitational meets is expected and
SILVER                                          required.                                 • Training goals for this group includes
• Swimmer must be able to perform a                                                         Preparation for HS swim team
   dive off of starting block and include    •G  old I (as defined by the training          participation and competition, and
   the use of streamline upon entry into        group coach) Participation in all dual,      integration into Platinum training
   the water.                                   home and away meets is expected              group.
                                                and required. Participation in YMCA
• Swimmer must be able to perform              Championship meets (C&P and
   legal (competition ready) turns for all      districts) as applicable is expected      HIGH SCHOOL WARM UP
   strokes and IM transitions (to include       and required. Participation in USA/       AGES: 14 -18 (must be entering
   the use of streamline after push off).       Invitational meets is expected and        high school)
• Swimmer must be able to use the pace         required.                                 This program is designed to give
   clock (to include send offs every five    • Training goals for this group include:    high school swimmers an edge over
   seconds without prompting).                  500 FR and 400 IM.                        their competition. Swimmers will
• Swimmer must be able to successfully                                                   be practicing with our Senior Swim
   complete the following practice sets:                                                  Team until the high school season
           10x50 Free @1:30                                                               begins. Participants should know the
                                                                                          fundamentals of all 4 strokes and be
           8x50 Kick @ 1:45                                                               able to complete a 90 minute workout.
           4x100 IM @ 2:30

                                                         DOVER YMCA • (302) 346-YMCA • WWW.YMCADE.ORG | 15
YOUTH                                                                          Swim Lesson

    SWIM       Accompanied by a parent,      A / WATER DISCOVERY               B / WATER EXPLORATION
               infants and toddlers learn    Parents accompany children        In stage B, parents work with
STARTERS       to be comfortable in the      in stage A, which introduces      their children to explore body
               water and develop swim        infants and toddlers to           positions, floating, blowing
               readiness skills through      the aquatic environment           bubbles, and fundamental
               fun and confidence-           through exploration and           safety and aquatic skills.
               building experiences,         encourages them to enjoy
                                             themselves while learning
               while parents learn about
                                             about the water.
               water safety, drowning
               prevention, and the
               importance of supervision.

      SWIM     Students learn personal       1 / WATER ACCLIMATION             2 / WATER MOVEMENT               3 / WATER STAMINA
               water safety and              Students develop comfort          In stage two, students focus     In stage three, students
     BASICS    achieve basic swimming        with underwater exploration       on body position and             learn how to swim to safety
               competency by learning        and learn to safely exit in the   control, directional change,     from a longer distance than
               two benchmark skills:         event of falling into a body      and forward movement in          in previous stages in the
                                             of water in stage one. This       the water while also             event of falling into a body
               • Swim, float, swim—          stage lays the foundation         continuing to practice how       of water. This stage also
                 sequencing front glide,     that allows for a student’s       to safely exit in the event of   introduces rhythmic
                 roll, back float, roll,     future progress in swimming.      falling into a body of water.    breathing and integrated
                 front glide, and exit                                                                          arm and leg action.
               • Jump, push, turn, grab

   SWIM        Having mastered the        4 / STROKE                    5 / STROKE                 6 / STROKE
               fundamentals, students     INTRODUCTION                  DEVELOPMENT                MECHANICS
STROKES        learn additional water     Students in stage four        Students in stage five     In stage six, students
               safety skills and build    develop stroke technique in   work on stroke technique   refine stroke technique
               stroke technique,          front crawl and back crawl                               on all major competitive
                                                                        and learn all major
               developing skills that     as well as learn the                                     strokes, learn about
               prevent chronic disease,                                 competitive  strokes. The
                                          breaststroke kick and                                    competitive swimming,
               increase social-emotional                                emphasis  on  water safety
                                          butterfly kick. Water safety                             and discover how to
               and cognitive well-being,  is reinforced through         continues through          incorporate swimming
               and foster a lifetime of                                 treading water and
16            FOR    CLASS      SCHEDULES
               physical activity.
                                                    water and     DETAILS,  VISIT
                                                                                                   into a healthy lifestyle.
                                          elementary backstroke.
                                            variety of special activities such as       STATE PURCHASE OF CARE
     BEFORE & AFTER                         Friday swims (once a month for each         is accepted at all locations, but
     SCHOOL CARE                            school), talent shows, community            childcare space is limited. Please
                                            service projects and team building          register early to ensure your child’s
FOR CHILDREN GRADES K – 6                   activities throughout the school year.      space in our program. YMCA Financial
The Dover YMCA provides a safe,                                                         Scholarships are also available through
positive and enriching experience for       HOURS OF OPERATION                          the generous donations to the YMCA
your child’s after school care. The                                                     Annual Campaign by our community and
                                            BEFORE CARE:                                members like you.
Before and After School Enrichment
                                            7 a.m. until start of school
Program is an activity-based program
designed to enhance the social, physical,   AFTER CARE:
                                            School dismissal until 6 p.m.               • Tuition is monthly and families must
emotional and intellectual growth of all                                                  indicate which days care is needed.
children within a safe, caring, fun and
                                                                                        • This option is not available for
supportive environment. All programs        SCHOOLS WE SERVE:                             families receiving state POC.
and activities focus on the YMCA’s
                                            Booker T. Washington Elementary             • Families must complete all forms
character virtues of Caring, Honesty,
                                            (after school only at William Henry site)     required by Delaware Childcare
Respect and Responsibility.
                                            Fairview Elementary                           Licensing before child may start
The Before and After School Enrichment
Program provides structured daily           North Dover Elementary
activities for children including group
                                            South Dover Elementary
games, homework assistance, the
Kindle reading program, arts and crafts,    William Henry Middle School
healthy snacks, and indoor/outdoor          (after school only)
physical activities. Children will also
have the opportunity to engage in a

                                                             YMCA • (302) 346-YMCA • WWW.YMCADE.ORG | 17
                                          THEMES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT               TO REGISTER, ALL PARTICIPANTS
     GIRLS ON THE RUN                     LIMITED TO: Tumbling, Toddler Fun,       MUST BRING:
                                          Sports, Princess, or Arts & Crafts        • A parent/guardian (not the
GIRLS ON THE RUN &                                                                    student under 18) must bring in
HEART & SOUL                              POOL PARTIES [02510]                        birth certification and a school
GRADES: 3-5 (Girls on the Run)            For more information contact                letter proving admission as well
GRADES: 5-8 (Heart & Soul)                Courtney Ford at 346-9622 ext. 3003,        as a current report card showing
This transformational program             or crford@ymcade.org.                       academic eligibility to take the
promotes physical activity and positive   WE PROVIDE                                  course which is required by law.
youth development. We teach life skills   • 1 hour pool time                        • Home, religious or charter school
through dynamic interactive lessons       • 1 hour of space in party room to         must also bring proof of admission
and games. The program culminates            enjoy cake and any snacks you would      to the school, preferably on school
with the girls being physically and          like to provide                          letter head.
emotionally prepared to complete a                                                  • Class space is available on a limited
celebratory 5K running event. The         • Paper products
                                                                                      basis. Class participants ages
goal of the program is to unleash         • Setup and tear down                       18 and up are required by law to
confidence through accomplishment                                                     successfully complete both the
while establishing a lifetime                                                         written and behind the wheel exam
appreciation of health and fitness.                                                   at the DMV.
The Dover YMCA will be once again            DRIVER’S EDUCATION
offering Girls on the Run for 3rd - 5th
grades and Heart and Sole for 6th -       DRIVERS EDUCATION [04525]
8th grades.                               AGES: 15 years 6 months +
                                          The YMCA provides state certified
REGISTER ONLINE!                          Driver’s Education programs
You must register online at               which meet all of the instruction
www.girlsontherunde.com.                  requirements for your teen to obtain a
                                          Delaware Level One Learner’s permit.
                                          Classes are held at the YMCA and
     BIRTHDAY PARTIES                     students will meet their
Choose from pool parties, gym parties     driving instructor at the
or youth theme parties.                   YMCA for individually
                                          scheduled driving
THEME PARTIES                             times. These may be
AND GYM PARTIES [03300]                   scheduled with one
                                          of the instructors
For more information, contact Mike
DiOssi, mdiossi@ymcade.org, instead       during or after the
of John Gilroy 302-346-9622               classroom time has
ext. 3004.                                been completed.
                                          Classroom times
                                          meet monthly
 • One-hour of age appropriate, theme     for a total of ten
    based activity                        classes. A total of 30
 • One-hour of space in party room        classroom hours is
    to enjoy cake and any snacks you      required by State law.
    would like to provide                 Youth who are Home
 • Paper products                         Schooled, attend a
 • Setup and tear down                    religious academy, or
A YMCA representative will facilitate     charter school students
the theme based activity and will be on   are eligible for state
hand for all your party needs.            funding and a reduced class rate.

                                                BASIC CPR
   LIFEGUARD                                    AND FIRST AID
                                             Provided by American Health and
LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION                      Safety Institute this expert level
ELLIS & ASSOCIATES                           program helps keep healthcare
A hands on and proactive approach            professional prepared and ready
to lifeguard training, the International     to respond as they encounter life
Lifeguard Training Program™ (ILTP™)          threatening emergencies, provide basic
is a single, integrated curriculum           life support and respond to choking
that is valid for one year. Students         incidents. Recognized certification
must attend all days and times of the        period is 2 years.
course for certification. They must          For more information contact: Courtney
also complete an assigned resource           Ford at 302-346-9622 ext. 3003
document, achieve a minimum of 80%           or crford@ymcade.org.
on written exam and demonstrate
mastery of all practical skills.
                                               SCUBA LESSONS
• Certification includes lifeguard          Participants need to be at least
   rescue skills, First Aid and CPR for      10 years old. All classroom work is
   Professional Rescuer, Emergency           completed at Scuba World, while
   Oxygen and AED.                           most of the water work is completed
• Certification is valid for up to 9 feet   at the YMCA.
   of water (excluding open water and        For class times and prices, please
   wave environments).                       contact Darrell at Scuba World by
• If the pool you are guarding is deeper    calling (302) 697-2882.
   than 9 feet, please contact the Y
   before registering.

• 15 years of age or older                                                    YMCA HERITAGE SOCIETY
• Swim 100 yards of freestyle or                                             LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY AND ENSURE
   breaststroke                                                               THAT THE YMCA OF DELAWARE REMAINS
                                                                              STRONG FOR GENERATIONS TO COME.
• Tread water for one minute using
   feet only
                                                                              Membership in the Heritage Society simply
• Descend to the bottom of 9 feet
                                                                              requires a commitment of a gift, now or in
   of water, feet first to retrieve a 10
                                                                              the future, ensuring the YMCA of Delaware
   pound object
                                                                              is strong for future generations. With your
• Climb out of the pool without the use                                      support, the YMCA can help safeguard
   of a ladder or steps                                                       youth development, healthy living and social
                                                                              responsibility in our communities.
• Pen and Paper                                                              You are invited to connect with Matt
• Glasses - if you require corrective                                        Clements, V.P. Director of Philanthropy, for
   lenses                                                                     a confidential discussion about your legacy
• Bathing Suit and Towel - appropriate                                       options. You can reach Matt at (302) 571-
   swim attire is required. Females are                                       6962 or by email at mclements@ymcade.org.
   encouraged to wear a one piece suit.

                                                       DOVER YMCA • (302) 346-YMCA • WWW.YMCADE.ORG | 19
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