2020 Adapted and Accessible Recreation and Leisure Guide - Northern Regional Chapter

Page created by Jared Figueroa
2020 Adapted and Accessible Recreation and Leisure Guide - Northern Regional Chapter
2020 Adapted and Accessible
Recreation and Leisure Guide
    Northern Regional Chapter
2020 Adapted and Accessible Recreation and Leisure Guide - Northern Regional Chapter
 To connect and empower the MS
   community to create positive

We will have achieved our mission when:

1.   The cause and cure for Multiple Sclerosis
     are identified in the shortest possible
2.   People with MS have the opportunity to
     participate fully in all aspects of life.
3.   The Canadian public is fully aware of MS,
     the MS Society and what it does.
4.   All necessary activities of the MS Society
     are adequately funded.
5.   The volunteers and staff of the chapters,
     division and national organization are
     working together effectively towards our
     common mission.

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2020 Adapted and Accessible Recreation and Leisure Guide - Northern Regional Chapter
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CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... 2
FOREWORD .................................................................................................... 7
Additional Resources ......................................................................................................... 8
How to Read This Guide .................................................................................................... 9
Disclaimer .................................................................................................................... 110

C     BURNS LAKE ............................................................................................ 11
C-1      Lakeside Multiplex ................................................................................................. 11
C-2      Burns Lake Public Library ....................................................................................... 11

D CHETWYND ............................................................................................. 12
D-1      Chetwynd & District Rec Centre ............................................................................. 12
D-2      Chetwynd Public Library ....................................................................................... 12

E     DAWSON CREEK ...................................................................................... 13
E-1      City of Dawson Creek ............................................................................................. 13
E-2      Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre ................................................................................... 13
E-3      Dawson Creek Municipal Library ............................................................................ 13

F     FORT NELSON ......................................................................................... 14
F-1      Blissfit Yoga ........................................................................................................... 14
F-2      Northern Rockies Recreation Centre ..................................................................... 14
F-3      Northern Rockies Aquatics Centre.......................................................................... 15

G FORT ST. JAMES ...................................................................................... 15
G-3      Fort St. James Public Library .................................................................................. 15

H FORT ST. JOHN ........................................................................................ 16
H-1      City of Fort St John................................................................................................. 16
H-2      Fort St John Library ............................................................................................... 16
H-3      Fort St John Community Guide............................................................................... 16
H-4      We Go North ......................................................................................................... 17
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H-5     Northern Health Authority- Adult Day Programs .................................................... 18

I     FRASER LAKE ........................................................................................... 18
I-1     Village of Fraser Lake Municipal Office and Resources ............................................ 18
I-2      Fraser Lake Public Library ...................................................................................... 19
I-3      Autumn Services Society for Senior Support .......................................................... 19
I-4      Fraser Lake Royal Canadian Legion Branch 274 ...................................................... 19

J     HIXON ..................................................................................................... 19
J-1      Hixon Community Hall .......................................................................................... 19

K     HOUSTON ............................................................................................... 20
K-1      Houston Leisure Facility ........................................................................................ 20
K-2      Houston Public Library .......................................................................................... 20

L     HUDSON HOPE........................................................................................ 20
L-1      Gretas Class Act Services ....................................................................................... 20

M KITIMAT .................................................................................................. 22
M-1      CIty of Kitimat – Leisure Guide .............................................................................. 21
M-2      Kitimat Leisure Services ........................................................................................ 21
M-3      Tamitik Jubilee Sports Complex ............................................................................. 22
M-4      Kitimat DisABILITY Resources ................................................................................ 22

N MACKENZIE ............................................................................................. 22
N-1      Mackenzie Active Living Guide and Recreation Centre ........................................... 22

O MASSET .................................................................................................. 23
O-1 Village of Masset ...................................................................................................... 23
O-2 Masset Regional Library ........................................................................................... 23
O-3 Naikoon Park ........................................................................................................... 23

P      MCBRIDE ................................................................................................ 24
P-1     Robson Valley Recreation Centre ........................................................................... 24
P-2      Ancient Forest/Chun T’oh Whudujut Provincial Park and Protected Area............... 24

Q PORT EDWARD ....................................................................................... 25
Q-1     See Prince Rupert .................................................................................................. 25

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R     PRINCE GEORGE ...................................................................................... 25
R-1     Leisure Access Program.......................................................................................... 25
R-2      Aquatics ............................................................................................................... 26
R-3     Golden Age Socials ................................................................................................ 27
R-4     People in Motion Walking Program........................................................................ 27
R-5     Accessible Hikes..................................................................................................... 28
R-6     Adaptive Skiing ...................................................................................................... 29

S     PRINCE RUPERT....................................................................................... 30
S-1     Recreation Access Program .................................................................................... 30
S-2      Recreation and Leisure Guide Fall 2017 ................................................................. 30

T     QUEEN CHARLOTTE ................................................................................. 30
T-1     Accessible Guide coming this fall............................................................................ 30

U QUESNEL ................................................................................................. 31
U-1     Walking Tour ......................................................................................................... 31
U-2      Quesnel and District Leisure Services .................................................................... 31

V     SMITHERS .............................................................................................. 32
V-2      Yoga/Pilates Classes.............................................................................................. 32

W TAYLOR .................................................................................................. 33
W-1 Walking Club ......................................................................................................... 33
W-2      Taylor Community Pool......................................................................................... 33

X     TELKWA .................................................................................................. 33
X-1     NICKERS-Nick Memorial Therapeutic Equestrian Riders Society .............................. 33

Y     TERRACE ................................................................................................. 34
Y-1     Terrace Aquatic Centre ......................................................................................... 34
Y-2      Beautification Society ........................................................................................... 34

Z     TUMBLER RIDGE ..................................................................................... 35
Z-1     Tumbler Ridge Community Centre – Aquatic Centre, Arena and Curling Rink .......... 35

AA VALEMOUNT ........................................................................................... 35
AA-1 Accessible Hikes/Walks.......................................................................................... 35

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BB VANDERHOOF ........................................................................................ 36
BB-1 Vanderhoof Recreation and Leisure Guide ............................................................. 36
BB-2 Accessible Walks/Hikes ......................................................................................... 36

CC WATSON LAKE ........................................................................................ 37
CC-1 Accessible Walks/Hikes.......................................................................................... 37

DD WHITEHORSE ......................................................................................... 37
DD-1 Whitehorse Recreation Guide ................................................................................ 37
DD-2 ElderActive Recreation Association ........................................................................ 38
DD-3 Golden Age Society ................................................................................................ 38
DD-4 Swimming Lessons ................................................................................................. 38

EE MS SOCIETY RESOURCES ......................................................................... 39
EE-1 Programs & Services .............................................................................................. 39
EE-2 Education .............................................................................................................. 39

              Northern Region Adapted and Accessible Recreation and Leisure Guide 2020                                             7
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     This guide provides residents in the Northern Regional Chapter area with a list of
     recreation opportunities that are adapted and/or accessible for those living with MS
     and/or various abilities. The purpose of this publication is to increase access to
     active living and exercise opportunities in the community for persons living with MS.

     Physical exercise is an important part of every healthy lifestyle, including the
     lifestyles of people living with MS. Physical exercise provides everyone with the
     benefits of reducing blood pressure, assisting weight control, achieving a healthy
     lifestyle, and reducing stress. For those living with MS, physical exercise that is
     adapted to your needs and abilities can help:
           •   Improve strength, posture, mobility, and weight control
           •   Lessen fatigue: This point may seem counter-intuitive, but is possible to
               achieve with a physical activity that is suited to your comfort level and
           •   Improve mood, self-confidence, and general well-being
           •   Improve sleep, appetite, and cognitive functioning
           •   Create opportunities for new social outlets
           •   Decrease chances of secondary illness
           •   Improve quality of life
           •   Improve or maintaining the level of independence of the person with MS.
               Exercise is especially beneficial as it provides the benefit of support from
               your peers and a reason to get out of the house.

     This publication comprises a wide variety of activities for all ages, skill levels, and
     abilities. While not every physical activity in this guide will be suitable for you, we
     hope you come across opportunities that will allow you to achieve a healthier, more
     independent lifestyle.

We have also included some social activities and club information for those who would like to
get out into the community and meet others with like interests.

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Additional Resources
The following resources aim to educate people living with MS on the benefits of exercise and
how you can create an effective exercise/fitness plan suited to your needs and abilities.

      •   The MS Society of Canada has information and resources on how to meet the
          Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for people living with MS. There is a Get Fit
          Toolkit fitness tips, Get in Motion free physical activity counselling, fitness
          planning sheets, and more. https://mssociety.ca/hot-topics/exercise-and-

      •   The Physical Activity Services at HealthLink BC is British Columbia's primary
          physical activity counseling service. PAS is a free phone line and online resource
          for active, healthy living.
          If you have questions about physical activity or exercise, call 8-1-1 (or 7-1-1 for
          the deaf and hard of hearing) toll-free in B.C.. Qualified exercise professionals
          are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm Pacific Time. You can also
          leave a message after hours.

      •   The National Multiple Sclerosis Society (of the United States of America) also
          provides information on MS and exercise. Visit their website for information on
          specific physical activities like yoga and tai chi; for guides on exercise and MS; and
          for articles on exercise and MS. www.nationalmssociety.org/exercise

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How to Read This Guide
The Northern Regional Chapter’s Adapted and Accessible Recreation and Leisure
Guide comprises a wide variety of recreation opportunities in northern BC and the
Yukon. View the Table of Contents for a full overview of the listings in this

The organization of this guide is as follows:
• Each community/section is designated a letter. For example, “Atlin” is letter B,
   and “Burns Lake” is letter C.
• Each recreation listing falls under the letter of their community, and is
   designated a number. For example, the second listing under Burns Lake is “C-

If you feel that there are opportunities or programs that were missed in this
publication, please email lonnie.facchina@mssociety.ca with details. Thank you!

   Northern Region Adapted and Accessible Recreation and Leisure Guide 2020          10
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    The MS Society of Canada does not endorse any particular activity
    or organization. All listings are for reference only. In addition, while
    this guide aims to be comprehensive, it is not exhaustive and
    should not be considered as such.

    Some of the individuals identified in this document have
    approached the MS Society to share information and services in
    their particular area of professional practice. Some may have a
    past history and knowledge of working with individuals with MS,
    while others may not. The MS Society does not endorse the
    services any of these individuals, but wishes to pass along this
    information for your consideration.

    Not every activity listed in this guide will be suited to you, and not
    every activity in this guide is tailored specifically to the needs of
    persons living with MS. Always consider the severity and extent of
    your MS and of any related symptoms when choosing a physical
    activity for yourself. It is recommended that people with MS
    consult a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise
    regime, and again during a relapse, when it might be necessary to
    reduce or stop exercising. It is also recommended that you call the
    recreation facility or organization to confirm that the activity you
    are considering is appropriate for you.

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C-1 Lakeside Multiplex
     Location:     110 Flogum St, Burns Lake
     Tel:          (250) 692-3817
     Email:        villagerecreation@burnslake.ca
     Web: http://recreation.burnslake.ca/multiplex/

     The Village Recreation vision is to provide fun, accessible, and creative recreation
     events for residents of the Lakes District while encouraging and supporting local
     recreation groups and organizations. Burns Lake has an undeniably rich recreation
     culture. From the variety of programming at the Lakeside Multiplex, Tom Forsyth
     Memorial Arena, Curling Rink, and Spirit Square, to the limitless number of
     dedicated local groups who provide incredible activities for all ages, there are few
     excuses left to not be active in the Lakes District.

C-2 Burns Lake Public Library
     Location:    585 Government Street
     Tel:         (250) 692-3192
     Email: monika@burnslakelibrary.com
     Web:         https://burnslake.bc.libraries.coop/

     The Library in Burns Lake offers events, groups, lending library and digital downloads.
     Contact them for more information.

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D-1 Chetwynd & District Rec Centre
    Location:      4552 North Access Road
    Tel:           (250) 788-2214
    Email:         recreation@gochetwynd.com
    Web:           http://www.gochetwynd.com/residents/recreation-centre/

    Located in the heart of the District of Chetwynd and operated by the District, the
    Chetwynd Recreation Complex provides a wide array of recreation services
    including programs for preschoolers, youth and adults. The Recreation Complex
    consists of the Rec Centre with the arena, curling rink and two large multi-purpose
    rooms and the second building, the Leisure Pool. For more information please
    visit their website.

D-2 Chetwynd Public Library
    Location: # 5012 – 46th Street P.O. Box 1420
    Tel:          250-788-2559
    Email: cpl@chetwynd.bclibrary.ca
    Web: https://chetwynd.bc.libraries.coop/

    The Chetwynd Public Library is home to multiple programs and services for
    community use, including publications and online resources, educational and
    social events, Technical support and a community resource corner.

    The Chetwynd Resource Corner envisions a resource, open to the citizens of
    Chetwynd and Area, which is dedicated to the support of the quality of life for all
    families within the community.

    The Chetwynd Resource Corner is dedicated to providing information on local
    programs, events and resources as well as fostering volunteer & networking
    opportunities for the residents of Chetwynd. We are also dedicated to helping
    promote the local service providers and community organizations; programs,
    services and events.

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E-1 City of Dawson Creek
    Location:      10105-12A Street
    Tel:           250-784-3600
    After Hours: 250-782-9898
    Email:         admin@dawsoncreek.ca
    Web: http://www.dawsoncreek.ca/departments/communityservices/recreation-

    EveryBODY Active is a City initiative that utilizes areas within Dawson Creek that
    are available to EveryBODY free of charge, to encourage physical activity and
    wellbeing. Program runs: September—December 2017

E-2 Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre
    Location: #2 - 300 Highway 2, Dawson Creek
    Tel:           (250) 782-7946
    Email:         admin@dawsoncreek.ca
    Web: http://www.dawsoncreek.ca/departments/communityservices/pool/

    The Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre in Dawson Creek is a great indoor facility to enjoy
    some fun in the water. There’s a 25-meter, 8 lane swimming pool as well as a pool
    for tots. The whole family will love the water slide, and there are sauna and steam
    rooms available as well. It’s located in the South Peace Community Multiplex, off
    Highway 2 near the Encana Events Centre. It’s open every weekday.

    The Centre has an 8 lane, 25-meter swimming pool for use, as well as a leisure
    pool and tots pool. There’s a water slide to enjoy, and you can warm up in the
    steam and sauna rooms. A 1m and 3m diving board are also available, and there’s
    an indoor walking track if you’d rather get some exercise without getting wet.

E-3 Dawson Creek Municipal Library
    Location: 1001 McKellar Avenue
    Tel: (250) 782-4661
    Email: dclib@pris.ca
    Web: https://dawsoncreek.bc.libraries.coop/

    The Library in Dawson Creek offers events, groups, lending library and digital downloads.
    Contact them for more information.

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F-1 Blissfit Yoga
     Location: 5110 Airport Dr
     Tel: 250-500-1362
     Email: followyourbliss@hotmail.ca
     Web: http://lovefortnelson.com/businesses/blissfit-yoga

     Find your bliss with yoga. Blissfit Yoga draws on a variety of different yoga styles
     including Restorative, Vinyasa, Hatha and Hot Yoga for a wide range of programs
     and classes, including classes designed for a specific health goal, such as relaxation
     or fitness. Blissfit Yoga offers classes and sessions for all ages and fitness levels.
     Classes are held in Blissfit’s bright, spacious, dedicated yoga studio and all
     instruction is given by certified professionals who are passionate about the
     discipline of yoga. Class schedules are varied. Convenient and economical punch
     cards are available. Blissfit Yoga also carries essential yoga gear for sale.

F-2 Northern Rockies Recreation Centre
     Location: 5500 Alaska Hwy
     Tel: (250) 774-2541 x 2080
     Email: rec@northernrockies.ca

     The Northern Rockies Recreation Department boasts a wide variety of
     recreational programs. We welcome questions at our Customer Service Desk,
     located in the main lobby. This is the location for registrations, fee payments as
     well as general information!

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F-3 Northern Rockies Aquatics Centre
     Location: 5500 Alaska Hwy
     Tel: (250) 774-2541 x 2080
     Email: rec@northernrockies.ca
     Web:             http://www.northernrockies.ca/EN/main/residents/Recreation-

     The Aquatic Centre includes a large natatorium that consists of a 6-lane, 25m
     competitive pool with 1m and 3m high diving boards, aquatic climbing wall, a
     combined leisure/2 lane learner’s pool, hot-tub and a two storey water slide. This
     portion of the facility is supplemented with male and female change rooms, a
     separate family change room, sauna, steam room, activity room and staff areas.
     General swims, swimming lessons, aquafit classes, water sports, special events,
     birthday parties, and the Fort Nelson Finns Swim Club are just a few of the services
     and programs offered here. Long-term memberships are now available! Come to
     the customer service desk (located in the main lobby of the Recreation Centre)
     and you can get couple, family and individual passes for all ages in 1 month, 3
     month, 6 month and annual denominations. You can also get 10 use and 20 use
     passes (not available for family or couples). With questions, please call 250-774-
     2541 ext 2080.

G-3 Fort St. James Public Library

     Location: 425 Manson Street
     Tel: (250) 996-7431
     Email: library@fortstjames.bclibrary.ca
     Web: https://fortstjames.bc.libraries.coop/

     The Library in Fort St James offers events, groups, lending library and digital downloads.
     Contact them for more information.

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H-1 City of Fort St John

      Location:             10631 - 100 Street, Fort St. John
      Tel:                  250.787.8150
      Email:                info@fortstjohn.ca
      Web:                  http://www.fortstjohn.ca/

      Contact the City of Fort St John for information about what is happening in the
      community, local resources, and recreation center schedules.

H-2   Fort St John Library

      Location: 10015 – 100th Avenue
      Tel: (250) 785-3731
      Email: circ@fsjpl.ca
      Web: http://www.fsjpl.ca/

      The Library in Fort St John offers events, groups, lending library and digital downloads.
      Contact them for more information.

H-3 Fort St John Community Guide

      Location: #100 – 9907 99th Avenue
      Tel: (250) 785-6037
      Email: info@fsjchamber.com
      Web: http://fsjchamber.com/community-guide/

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Produced by the Chamber of Commerce, this directory of community resources and
    events includes everything from a recreation & leisure guide to information about local
    business and industry.

H-4 We Go North
    Email: info@wegonorth.com
    Web: www.wegonorth.com

    We Go North is an outlet for adventures to find everything they need to know about
    where to go and what to do when visiting north of the border.

H-5 Northern Health Authority- Adult Day Programs

    Location: #10115- 110 Avenue, Fort St. John
    Tel: 250-263-6000
    Web: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/accessing-health-care/home-

    Adult day services assist seniors and adults with disabilities to continue to live in their
    own homes by providing supportive group programs and activities in the community.
    Clients receiving adult day services travel to a location in their community usually 1-2
    days per week where they may receive a variety of services, including:
        • personal assistance;
        • health care services including nursing and/or rehabilitation services;
        • an organized program of therapeutic social and recreational activities in a
            protective group setting;
        • health education and promotion, nutrition and bathing programs, blood
            pressure and podiatry clinics, telephone checking, and counselling; and
        • caregiver support, including respite, activities such as caregiver support groups,
            information and education programs.
    In some cases transportation is provided, in others clients are responsible. Many adult
    day service programs are connected with residential care facilities, while others operate

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I-1   Village of Fraser Lake Municipal Office and Resources

      Location: PO Box 430, 210 Carrier Crescent
      Tel: 250-699-6257
      Email: vflrec@fraserlake.ca
      Web: http://fraserlake.ca/

      Contact the Village of Fraser Lake for information about what is happening in the
      community, local resources, and recreation center schedules.

I-2   Fraser Lake Public Library

      Location: 228 Endako Avenue
      Tel: 250-699-8888
      Email: fllibrarian@bcgroup.net
      Web: https://fraserlake.bc.libraries.coop/

      The Library in Frazer Lake offers events (like scrabble nights), groups, lending library and
      digital downloads. Contact them for more information.

I-3   Autumn Services Society for Senior Support

      Location: 312 McMillan Ave
      Tel: 250-699-0056
      Email: autumnservicescentre@gmail.com
      Web: https://lovenorthernbc.com/community/fraser-lake/business/autumn-services/

      Autumn Services is a drop-in centre designed specifically for use by Fraser Lake
      community members. The centre is open Monday through Friday and residents are
      encouraged to stop in and say hi and enjoy great conversation and internet access.
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I-4   Fraser Lake Royal Canadian Legion Branch 274

      Location: 165 Chowsunket St
      Tel: 250-699-6268
      Web: https://www.facebook.com/Fraser-Lake-Royal-Canadian-Legion-Branch-274-

      The Legion in Fraser Lake proudly hosts musical events, games, food services, and fun for
      the whole family.


J-1   Hixon Community Hall

      Location:             502 Hixon Subdivsn Rd.
      Tel:                  250-998-4676
      Email:                hixonhall@hotmail.com
      Web:                  http://hixonhall.weebly.com/

      Hixon Hall hosts all kinds of events, including exercise classes, theatre, music, games,
      parties, special events and more!


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K-1   Houston Leisure Facility

      Location:             3400 14th Street
      Tel:                   250-845-7420
      Email:                active@houston.ca
      Web:                  http://www.houston.ca/houston_leisure_facility

      Houston Leisure Facility is committed to providing residents and visitors with programs
      that will get you moving and sweating! Whether you are looking to have fun in the sun
      or looking to get in shape for your next vacation, they can help you! They offer a variety
      of fitness, swimming, and certification training, led by talented and friendly staff.

K-2   Houston Public Library

      Location:             3150 14th Street
      Tel:                  250-845-2256
      Email:                admin@houstonlibrary.ca
      Web:                  https://houston.bc.libraries.coop/

      Houston Library hosts events for families, adults, and seniors, as well as housing a library
      of resources and access to special health and wellness information.


L-1   Greta’s Class Act Services

      Location: 10801 Dudley Drive
      Tel: 250-783-0855
      Email: hhclassactfitness@gmail.com
      Web:     http://lovehudsonshope.com/businesses/gretas-class-act-services

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Greta’s Class Act Services offers a variety of fitness classes in a new, clean, and spacious gym
   facility. Fitness classes are offered at a variety of levels for those who would like to focus on
   specific fitness goals in a structured training environment, including senior fit and beginner
   to advanced CORE training.

M-1 City of Kitimat - Leisure Guide

      Location: 270 City Centre
      Tel: 250-632-8900
      Email: Online Form
       Web: https://www.kitimat.ca/en/recreation-and-leisure/leisure-guide.aspx
    Check out this list of community groups, events, clubs, activities and more.

M-2 Riverlodge Rec Centre

        Location: 654 Columbia Avenue
        Tel: 250-632-8970
        Email: Online Form
        Web: https://www.kitimat.ca/en/recreation-and-leisure/riverlodge-recreation-and-

   This community directory boasts many resources and websites connected to active living,
   recreation opportunities, support, and more.

M-3 Tamitik Jubilee Sports Complex

       Location: 400 City Centre
       Tel: 250-632-8955

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Web: https://www.kitimat.ca/en/recreation-and-leisure/recreation-and-leisure.aspx

  This community directory boasts many resources and websites connected to active living,
  recreation opportunities, support, and more.

M-4 Kitimat DisABILITY Resources

      Location:           126 Nechako Centre
      Tel:                250-632-6155
      Web:      https://www.facebook.com/KitimatDisABILITYresources/

  Kitimat DisABILITY resources was created by parents to help parents! Our goal is to make
  Kitimat a more accessible community through advocacy and support.


N-1   Mackenzie Active Living Guide and Recreation Centre

      Location:   400 Skeena Drive
      Tel:        250-997-5283
      Email:      recoffice@districtofmackenzie.ca
      Web:        http://districtofmackenzie.ca/discover-mackenzie/recreation-centre/

  This guide contains information on the great things happening in Mackenzie and all that
  Mackenzie has to offer in the areas of recreation and leisure activities. Within the pages of
  the guide are a large number of leisure programs supporting sports, children’s events, the
  outdoors, and arts and culture.

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O-1 Village of Masset

     Location: 1686 Main Street
     Tel: 250-626-3995
     Email: vom@mhtv.ca
     Web: http://massetbc.com/

     The Village of Masset office and visitors centre provides information about services,
     community events, volunteer opportunities and more.

O-2 Masset Regional Library

     Location: Box 710, 2123 Collison Ave
     Tel: 250-626-3663
     Email: masset@virl.bc.ca
     Web: http://virl.bc.ca/branches/masset

     The Masset Regional Library hosts events like the summer reading challenge, and is an
     accessible space with a lending library and free computer access.

O-3 Naikoon Park/Massett Visitor Centre

     Location: Mile 0, Yellowhead Highway
     Tel:                  250-626-3982
     Email: cfo@mhtv.ca
     Web: http://massetbc.com/visitors/information-centre/

     This provincial park is built with accessible boardwalks and bathrooms. It boasts being
     Canada’s most accessible park as you can view the more difficult hikes and areas online
     or at the park via video.

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P          MCBRIDE
P-1 Robson Valley Recreation Centre

     Address: 461 Columbia Street
     Tel: 250-569-3360
     Email: district@rdffg.bc.ca
     Website: http://www.rdffg.bc.ca/services/community/community-facilities/robson-

     •Regulation sized ice rink, seating for 500. In summer - roller hockey, tennis.
     •2 sheets of ice for curling and a 150-person lounge and viewing area.
     •Fitness Centre - cardio (treadmills, elliptical, bike/recumbent bike, rowing) equipment,
     Paramount machines and full line of free-weights.
     •Convertacourt - for squash, racquetball, walleyball, basketball.

P-2 Ancient Forest/Chun T’oh Whudujut Provincial Park and
    Protected Area

     Website: http://www.trailpeak.com/trail-Ancient-Cedar-Forest-near-McBride-BC-3100

     British Columbia's most recently named Provincial Park is near McBride and provides
     stunning hiking opportunities to view the most northerly inland temperate rainforests in
     the world. Some of the Western Red Cedar trees are over 1000 years old. A boardwalk
     provides wheelchair access to this rare and beautiful forest. See the BC Park's website
     for more information.

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Q-1 See Prince Rupert

R-1 Leisure Access Program

    Address: 1100 Patricia Boulevard
    Tel: 250-561-7640
    Email: rec_admin@princegeorge.ca

    The City of Prince George understands the value and promotes the benefits of active
    living as an essential part of healthy living. The Leisure Access Program (LAP) provides an
    opportunity for individuals with limited income to participate in a variety of recreational
    Leisure Access participants receive:

    •52 complimentary public swimming or skating admissions.

    •75% off 10-visit passes, monthly or annual swimming passes (if the 52 complimentary
    admissions have been used).

    •75% off of programs ($50.00 credit maximum) such as swimming lessons and
    Community Association programs.

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•Free Prince George Transit for children (12 and under) on Saturdays and Sundays
      (when accompanied by an adult)

R-2   Aquatics

      a) Prince George Aquatic Centre
      Address: 1770 George Paul Lane
      Tel: 250-521-7787
      Email: servicecentre@princegeorge.ca

      Enjoy the waves in our leisure pool or build strength and endurance in our 50-metre, 8-
      lane competition pool. Enjoy misty overhead sprays, as you drift down the lazy river, or
      unwind in the steam room, sauna, or hot tub.
      Our Pro-Shop offers swim suits, shorts, goggles, bathing caps and more.
      Our fitness centre is equipped with cardiovascular machines, including treadmills and
      stationary bikes. Build your strength and endurance with our plate-loaded strength
      equipment, or make use of our dumbbells for more flexibility.

      b) Four Seasons Leisure Pool

      Address: 775 Dominion Street
      Tel: 250-561-7636
      Email: servicecentre@princegeorge.ca

      Choose to swim in one of three pools. Our 25-metre main pool, with adjoining dive tank,
      has 6 lanes and is ideal for swimming lengths, diving or aquafit classes. The tot pool is a
      warm and shallow pool where parents, young children, and babies can enjoy a

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comfortable and safe swim. Enjoy the warm water and spray fountain in the leisure pool
    and make a splash as you cruise down our 65-metre long water slide!

R-3 Golden Age Socials

    Address: 808 Canada Games Way
    Tel: 250-564-5888
    Email: 311@princegeorge.ca
    Website:      https://calendar.princegeorge.ca/default/Detail/2018-11-16-1400-

    Golden Age Socials are a fun way to meet up with old friends, or make new ones!
    Enjoy an hour of lively entertainment, followed by tea, coffee, and goodies.
    This is a free event and is held at the Prince George Conference and Civic Centre. All
    seniors are welcome!

R-4 People in Motion Walking Program

    Address: #100 – 2187 Ospika Boulevard
    Tel: 250-561-7789
    Email: glen.mikkelsen@princegeorge.ca
    Website: http://cncentre.ca/Pages/WalkingProgram.aspx

    Healthy walking is preventative medicine, and refreshes the body and mind. Daily
    walking strengthens bones, can reduce the risk of heart disease, and relieves stress and
    The People in Motion program is available at the Rolling Mix Concrete Arena (formerly
    the Coliseum) and the CN Centre, from September to April. Due to special events and
    maintenance of the facilities, some dates may not be available.

R-5 Accessible Hikes
    There are many types of user groups that want to explore the outdoors. The top 3
    accessible trails (trails designed with Boomers, wheelchairs, families and the general

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public in the forefront of the planning process) in Prince George are: GWL Mobility Trail,
The Ancient Forest and Forests for the World.

GWL Mobility Trail (Great West Life Mobility Nature Trail)

•Drive 30 minutes (23km) south on Highway 97 until you turn left on Buckhorn Rd.
Follow Buckhorn to Scott Rd, also on the left. Follow Scott Rd until you reach the gravel
road and the parking lot will be on your next right. You can drive right up to the
trailhead and park.

•The trail meanders through a forest of Douglas Fir trees and truly is a beautiful place to
venture. There is one very clearly marked wheelchair accessible trail. The trail is 450
meters, following Dougherty Creek and offers 8 benches throughout for occasional
breaks and to take in the serenity. Try to spot some hidden friends on the trail: gnomes,
tree faces, angels, owls and more, that have been placed in discreet spots throughout
the trail.

The Ancient Forest

•Located 1.5hours (113km) east of Prince George on Highway 16 there is a well-marked
sign on the right hand side of the highway to lead you into the parking lot.

•The Ancient Forest is a wet belt forest filled with ancient Western Cedar trees. During
my first visit to the Ancient Forest I couldn’t help but wonder, “How does a forest like
this survive in the harsh climates of northern BC?” After a bit of research I found that
the cedars actually thrive on the water that comes down from melted snow packs in the

•The Ancient Forest is a truly magical place and it deserves to be seen by everyone. A
group of local volunteers began the project of building a universal boardwalk through
part of the forest which was completed in August 2013. The boardwalk takes you
through the ancient cedars and ends at a creek runoff, which comes from the waterfall

Forests for the World

•Forests for the World is located right in the city of PG upon Cranbrook Hill. From
Highway 97 (Central Street) turn onto 15th Avenue, turn right onto Foothills until you
reach Cranbrook Hill Rd (left hand side). Cranbrook Hill is very steep so please take
precaution; continue up until you reach Kueng Rd. Turn left on the gravel road and
continue to the end where you’ll reach the parking lot and trailhead.

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•There are many trails within Forests for the World; though, there is only one loop
    around the lake that is fully accessible. Follow the map located at the trailhead to
    navigate the loop to Shane Lake. I believe it’s the best trail in the forest! The Shane Lake
    loop trail is 1km in length, relatively flat and maintained so it’s accessible to those of
    varying abilities. Forests for the World is a must see while in the city, regardless if you
    get around on two feet or two wheels!

R-6 Adaptive Skiing

    Address: 8421 Toombs Drive
    Tel: 250-561-1524
    Email: emacritchie@shaw.ca
    Website: https://www.bcadaptive.com/content/caledonia-snowsports-society-

    Caledonia Adaptive Snowsports Society (Prince George, BC): Offers downhill ski lessons
    during January and February at the Hart Highlands Ski Hill which is a community run ski
    hill in the Hart Highlands (northern area of town) of the city of Prince George, BC as long
    as the weather and conditions permit. This hill is a neighborhood hill with a platter lift
    and tow rope with short downhill runs. Evening classes are also offered during the week
    on the hill with equipment provided for members of the Canadian Association of
    Disabled Skiers, Disabled Skiing Association of BC (DSABC) or BC Adaptive Snow Sports.
    Both mono and bi skis are available during lessons for no fee. Limited number of
    qualified volunteer instructors so reservations need to be made no later than a week

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S-1 Recreation Access Program

      Address: 1000 McBride Street
      Tel: 250-624-6707 (ext. 242)
      Email: shantelle.berry@princerupert.ca

      All residents should have the opportunity to participate in sport, art and cultural
      activities in our Recreation Complex.
      If you or your family experience a financial barrier to accessing our programs and
      facilities, apply for our Recreation Access Program. Each participant receives a discount
      on course registration fees, as well as free admissions to all our Complex facilities. The
      application process is confidential and objective (eligibility is based solely on financial

S-2   Recreation and Leisure Guide

      This is the Recreation and Leisure Guide for Prince Rupert.

T-1 Accessible Guide coming this fall

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U-1 Walking Tour

       Address: 410 Kinchant Street
       Tel: 250-992-2111
       Email: cityhall@quesnel.ca
       Website:               https://www.quesnel.ca/our-community/visiting/walking-

      Each year, Quesnel hosts a Painted Fire Hydrant Walking Tour where painted fire
hydrants are showcased to all residents. Come out this year!

U-2    Quesnel and District Leisure Services
       Address: 410 Kinchant Street
       Tel: 250-992-2111
       Email: cityhall@quesnel.ca
       Website: https://www.quesnel.ca/

       Quesnel & District Leisure Services will host a series of art demonstrations at the
       Quesnel Arts & Recreation Centre Artrium on Saturdays from July 23 to Aug. 27.
       Budding artists may try their hands with a variety of art materials and techniques at the
       table set up in the Artrium foyer.

       Morning demonstrations for children run from 10 a.m. to noon, while adult
       demonstrations are from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. No registration is required; participants simply
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pay the centre's drop-in fee. Artist Meriel Barber will demonstrate a variety of media for
      children to try in the mornings, while the afternoon sessions will have six local artists
      demonstrating their art form.

      "The Quesnel & District Arts and Recreation Centre offers many different beginner and
      intermediate art courses, as well as visiting artist workshops," said Elizabeth Waldorf,
      the Arts Program Coordinator. "These demonstrations allow people who have never
      attempted a certain medium, or who are unfamiliar with art, to have fun, get
      comfortable with art materials and techniques, and to continue on by taking some of
      the courses offered here."

      Watch for more programs in the Leisure Guide, delivered by mail to households in the
      Quesnel area.

V            SMITHERS
V-1   Yoga/Pilates Classes
      Address: 3704 Alfred Avenue
      Tel: 250-877-3090
      Email: laura@lunasfitness.com
      Website: http://www.lunasfitness.com/

      Luna's Fitness is a high-quality fitness facility with fully certified instructors and top notch

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W             TAYLOR
W-1 Walking Club

       Address: 9896 Cherry Avenue West
       Tel: 250-789-2828
       Email: Online Form
       Website: http://www.districtoftaylor.com/district-office/contact/facility-contact-

       If you find it difficult to get active, why not start walking? It is really easy to get
       started, you don't need any special equipment - and best of all it counts towards
       your recommended amount of physical activity. Walking is a great way to improve
       your physical and mental health. Join the walking club at the Taylor Community
       Hall and walk in a safe space.

W-2 Taylor Community Pool
       Address: 9888 Cherry Avenue West
       Tel: 250-789-3549
       Email: Online Form
       Website: http://www.districtoftaylor.com/district-office/contact/facility-contact-

       Please check the website for schedule and prices

X-1 NICKERS-Nick Memorial Therapeutic Equestrian Riders Society

       Address: 10427 Hislop Road
       Tel: 250-846-9149

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Website: https://www.equestriantherapy.com/directory/nickers-nick-memorial-

      Equine therapy programs are healing techniques offered to provide therapy for persons
      with different physical and mental disabilities using a horse. Most facilities offer
      therapeutic horseback riding guidelines for children, adults with special needs and to
      disabled persons.

Y-1 Terrace Aquatic Centre

      Address: 3320 Kalum Street
      Tel: 250-615-3030
      Website: https://www.terrace.ca/parks-recreation/recreation/terrace-district-aquatic-

      The Terrace & District Aquatic Centre is now open. Please refer to the website for up to
      date information and admission rates

Y-2   Beautification Society
      Address: 2814 Eby Street
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Tel: 250-635-7113
     Website: https://www.facebook.com/GreaterTerrace/about/?ref=page_internal

     The Greater Terrace Beautification Society is a local group of volunteers committed to
     promoting beautification of the Terrace area. The Society meets the first Thursday of
     every month. If you are interested in becoming involved, or for more information on the
     group's activities, please contact Kerry Giesbrecht.

Z-1 Tumbler Ridge Community Centre – Aquatic Centre, Arena and
    Curling Rink

     Address: 340 Front Street
     Tel: 250-242-4245
     Email: tourism@dtr.ca
     Website: https://tumblerridge.ca/Tumbler-Ridge/Sites-Attractions/Community-Centre

     Check out the website for all the amazing activites that this community centre has to

AA-1 Accessible Hikes/Walks
     Big Foot Trail (Loop)

     1.Difficulty: Easy
     2.Wheelchair accessible: yes
     3.Best seasons: spring, summer, fall; No 4×4 required to access trailhead

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4.Distance: 3.64 km / 2.26 mi (full loop)
     5.Elevation gain: minimal; steepest grade: approx. 10-15% in short sections
     6.Viewpoints: good views of the Premier Range from Dogwood and Main St. Good views
     of McKirdy & Rockies to the east and good views of Canoe Mtn to the south.
     7.How to access/where to park: The trail is adjacent to all of 5th Ave, some of Dogwood
     and some of Main St/Whiskey Fill. A good place to start is the Visitor Info Centre.

BB                  VANDERHOOF
BB-1 Vanderhoof Recreation and Leisure Guide

     Address: 186 Columbia Street West
     Tel: 250-567-4524
     Website: http://www.vanderhoof.ca/residents/recreation/

     A variety of activities to choose from, including curling, gardening, skating, crafting,
     theatre, music, and volunteering.

BB-2 Accessible Walks/Hikes
     Vanderhoof Community Loop Trail, Riverside Park & Stoney Creek Footbridge

     Users: Walking, wheelchair accessible (park areas), mountain bikes

     Access: From the Info Centre, drive 1.0 km north on Burrard Ave and turn left into
     Riverside Park & Campgrounds parking area; or access the pathways from any street
     that intersects the trail system.

     Description: This project was started with construction of the Stoney Creek Footbridge,
     which allows for circumnavigation of the community on various grade and condition of
     trails. All are suitable for walkers/bikers, most are suitable for mountain bikes, some are
     suitable for strollers.

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CC-1 Accessible Walks/Hikes
      Wye Lake Park

      A beautiful 26-hectare park set in downtown Watson Lake featuring a 2.5 km walking
      trail right around the lakeshore. There is a boardwalk, viewing platform, interpretive
      panels and look-out along this scenic looping trail.
      •Excellent for bird viewing.
      •Picnic area, playground and gazebo.
      •Wye Lake cabin, complete with washrooms, wheel-chair access and concession. (The
      building can be rented for parties etc.)

      The park entrance, picnic area and gazebo area are landscape and an excellent area for
      picnics. Parking is available for about 50 vehicles and there is water and a Sani-Dump for

      The park is used daily by residents year around for walking, jogging and skiing. Events
      that take place at the park on a yearly basis are:
      •Discovery Day Celebrations
      •Halloween Night Bonfire and Fireworks

DD-1 Whitehorse Recreation Guide

       Website: https://www.whitehorse.ca/departments/recreation-and-facility-

      A variety of activities offered in Whitehorse.

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DD-2 ElderActive Recreation Association

     Address: 309 Strickland Street
     Tel: 867-456-8252
     Email: admin@elderactive.ca
     Website: https://www.elderactive.ca/

     Organization dedicated to promotion of active living for Yukoners 55+. Organizes Team
     Yukon to travel to bi-annual Canada 55+ Games. Sponsors Wednesday Senior's Day at

DD-3 Golden Age Society

     Address: 4061A – 4th Avenue
     Tel: 867-668-5538
     Email: gas2016@northwestel.net
     Website: http://www.yukon-seniors-and-elders.org/index.php/ga-home

     Provides a social centre for seniors; offers a variety of activities. We offer Tai Chi classes,
     EDGU exercise classes, Quilting Needle work and Crafts, Line Dancing, Pool, Bingo, Floor
     Curling and Crib. Drop in for a schedule of activities.

DD-4 Swimming Lessons
     Address: 200 Hamilton Boulevard
     Tel: 867-668-8328
     Email: aquatics@whitehorse.ca
     Website: https://www.whitehorse.ca/departments/canada-games-centre

     Adult Lessons -
     Beginner (Intermediate will be offered in the spring of 2018)
     Age 13+ years
     Become comfortable in the water by learning fundamental swimming kills in a safe and
     encouraging atmosphere. Youth ages 13 – 18, and seniors ages 60 + receive a 50%

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 EE-1 Programs & Services

      a) Knowledge Network & MS Navigators The MS Knowledge Network is the
         Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada’s hub of knowledge and navigators,
         providing consistent, quality MS information and support for anyone in
         Canada. To contact the MS Navigators, please call 1-844-859-6789 or email to

      b) Peer Support Program Connects individuals living with MS to a peer support
         volunteer to explore issues, share information and foster support.

      c) Volunteer Legal Advocacy Program (VLAP) Provides free advocacy support
         and legal advice for people affected by MS. Offers assistance navigating the
         Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) Disability Benefit forms.

      d) Self Help Groups A wonderful way to connect with other people affected by

      e) Equipment Provision Program Assists people with MS to obtain equipment required
         to enhance their quality of life.

 EE-2 Education

      a) Newly Diagnosed Workshops This educational workshop includes: MS
         overview, treatment, emotional impact, and community resources.

      b) Educational workshops and webinars for people who want to learn more
         about MS and a variety of topics.

      c) Visit www.mssociety.ca for information on MS, research, services, events and
         much more.

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d) MSenger Newsletter An electronic newsletter providing time-sensitive,
         pertinent information on local programs and events, workshops, research,
         housing, transit updates and related articles.

      e) Shared Voices Newsletter Written by people affected by MS, this newsletter
         is distributed quarterly to MS Society members and includes information on
         local programs and events, human interest articles, opinion pieces, recipes and
         book reviews.

For more information on programs and services, contact the Multiple Sclerosis
Society of Canada at 1-800-268-7582 (BC toll free), 1-866-991-0577 (Yukon toll
free) or email to info.bc@mssociety.ca

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