Page created by Carrie Guerrero
enVista: 2020 Customer Engagement Survey



EXECUTIVE                                                                                   50%   Improving the quality of customer service

                                                                                      39%         Customer-facing technology in the store
                                                                                      37%         Enhancing the cross-channel shopping experience
                                                                                      37%         Empowering associates with mobile tools
Retailers today have one objective – to drive                                     34%             Customer identification/personalization of experience
profitability and competitive advantage. To                                     29%               Real-time retail
this end, the most successful retailers can                               21%                     Training associates to enhance customer service
deliver a single, stellar brand experience,                            18%                        Real-time monitoring and execution
regardless of channel or location, to foster                        13%                           Guided selling/clienteling
customer loyalty and brand ambassadors.                          9%                               Self-service options

Fundamentally, retail has always been based
on some version of a one to one relationship        Creating today’s shopping experience also              years, the POS Survey expanded its focus to
with the consumer. With the advent of digital       relies on well-informed and available associates.      encompass all customer engagement touch
capabilities, that relationship now involves        Today’s information-savvy consumers are not            points and evolved into the POS/Customer
many more layers. Customers have the ability to     satisfied with just a ‘warm body’ or ‘one size         Engagement Survey. Now, as we begin the third
customize their experience, and retail associates   fits all’ experience – they expect retailers to put    decade of the twenty-first century, the survey
are similarly empowered to offer levels of          time and effort into establishing and offering         has transformed into the Customer Engagement
personalized service based on each customer’s       a personalized experience, and that doesn’t            Survey as customer engagement is now the
preferences. Adopting the right technology,         always require human contact, as technology            focus of the shopping journey.
especially around mobile capabilities to support    has given consumers the ability to use their
customer engagement, is imperative for retailers    smart phone for self-service personalization.          enVista is building on the history of twenty years
to successfully deliver the personalization                                                                of research into retailer priorities and initiatives,
customers expect.                                   Twenty years ago, the store and point of sale          including an understanding of current and
                                                    were very different entities. The shopping             future customer behavior, in order to highlight
Ever increasing customer expectations to buy,       journey revolved around the convenience of             the contrast between retailer capabilities and
receive and return anywhere, any way and any        standalone stores, while malls were places             consumer expectations. The survey offers a
time, coupled with retail transparency and          to congregate and spend the day shopping               comprehensive analysis of today’s customer
consumers’ access to information and influence,     your favorite brands. Point of sale (POS) was          journey, where retailers are currently focused,
have put the customer experience center stage       just one step up from a cash register with             and where they should prioritize their efforts
for most retailers. There is no longer “online      very little processing capabilities. It was in this    and investments. This survey is unparalleled in
only” or “in-store only.” The convergence of        environment that the POS Survey was created            the industry and provides a valuable tool for
the digital and physical shopping environment       to gather retail benchmarks on store technology        retail leaders improving customer engagement
    2 a new customer engagement model.
requires                                            and customer service. Over the past twenty             today and the future. Happy reading!
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................ 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................... 3
KEY FINDINGS.................................................................................................... 4
EVOLVING CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT.............................................................. 5
PERSONALIZATION............................................................................................. 6
   Customer Expectations......................................................................................... 7
   Identifying Customers........................................................................................... 8
   Customer Loyalty.................................................................................................. 8
   Clienteling............................................................................................................. 9
   Retailer Opportunities........................................................................................ 11
MOBILIZATION.................................................................................................            12
  Customer Expectations......................................................................................            13
  Customer Communication.................................................................................                14
  Associate-Facing Mobile Services.......................................................................                14
  Customer-Facing Mobile Services......................................................................                  15
  Retailer Opportunities........................................................................................         17
SYNCHRONIZATION.........................................................................................                 18
   Customer Expectations......................................................................................           19
   A Single Commerce Platform.............................................................................               19
   Cloud-Based Solutions.......................................................................................          20
   Real-Time Retail.................................................................................................     21
   Retailer Opportunities........................................................................................        21
FUTURIZATION OF THE STORE........................................................................                        22
   Customer Expectations......................................................................................           23
   Changing Store Formats....................................................................................            23
   New Selling Options..........................................................................................         24
   Customer Service Capabilities...........................................................................              25
   Disruptive Technologies.....................................................................................          26
   Retail Opportunities...........................................................................................       26
SURVEY METHODOLOGY................................................................................. 27                          3

                    KEY FINDINGS
                   Customer Expectation                 72%                         Customer Expectation                  65%

                   72% indicate that personalized service from                      65% indicate that the ability to buy
PERSONALIZ ATION                                                 SYNCHRONIZ ATION
                   a sales associate is an important factor in                      anywhere, ship anywhere is an important
                   determining at which store to shop                               factor in choosing where to shop

                   Retailer Capability                  34%                         Retailer Capability                   21%

                   34% indicate that customer identification/                       21% have successfully implemented a
                   personalization of customer experience is                        single commerce platform to enable
                   a top priority for 2020                                          unified commerce

                   Customer Expectation                 66%                         Customer Expectation                  54%

                   66% are likely to choose a retailer if it                        54% are likely to choose a retailer
    MOBILIZATION                                                   FUTURIZ ATION
                   offers mobile coupons/promotions                                 offering a self-checkout kiosk
                                                                   OF THE STORE

                   Retailer Capability                  51%                         Retailer Capability                   21%

                   51% successfully offer mobile                                    21% successfully offer self-checkout
                   coupons/promotions to their customers                            kiosks
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

A nimble and agile customer engagement              augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality            inventory, order, item and payment across every
model is essential to meet evolving customer        (VR) as opportunities to engage customers.            customer touch point. One version of customer
expectations across all channels.                   However, the retail store is no longer the only       data across the retail enterprise is imperative
                                                    stage where the theater of retail can take place;     to truly unify commerce and the customer
The need to provide a seamless customer             new technology is empowering customers so             experience. Agile solutions are paramount as
experience across channels is real, as consumers    they can dictate their own personal stage and         retailers look to improve customer experiences
expect a personalized, secure, channel-agnostic     experience.                                           today and into the future.
experience. Retailers that strive to successfully
meet these rapidly evolving customer                These evolving customer expectations                  With this in mind, enVista unveils the 2020
expectations must take a holistic approach to       fundamentally redefine how retailers must             Customer Engagement Survey, comparing
defining their customer’s journey.                  operate, requiring physical and digital working       current and future customer expectations with
                                                    seamlessly across all customer touch points to        retailer capabilities, in order to help retailers
While online and mobile capabilities continue to    deliver a consistent, stellar brand experience.       advance more rapidly down the path to
increase and sometimes it seems that Amazon                                                               providing customers a true unified commerce
will rule the world, in truth, brick-and-mortar     However, in many cases, retail organizations          experience.
stores are still very much integral to retail       do not have the right organizational structures,
success; they just need to transform. The future    processes, technology and infrastructure in           The ideal customer engagement strategy
of retail is the convergence of the digital and     place to meet customer expectations. To enable        is bolstered by customer-centric processes,
physical shopping environments to engage            the new customer experience and support its           organizational alignment, optimized and unified
the customer and offer the expected customer        rapid evolution requires a different technology       physical and digital commerce, and innovative
experience.                                         approach. The key to scalability, rapid time          store models and technology. Accordingly, this
                                                    to value, profitability and long-term flexibility,    report focuses on foundational customer-centric
Stores are prime opportunities for customer         is leveraging next generation solutions on an         strategies that incorporate personalization,
engagement as a competitive advantage,              agile, cloud-based unified commerce platform          mobilization and synchronization across the
especially as the distinctions between retailers,   and integration framework.                            retail enterprise.
brands and wholesalers/distributors continue to
blur. Stores are evolving as we see showrooms       Cloud-native unified commerce solutions, built
and fulfillment centers as emerging store           from the ground up a microservices architecture,
models and pop-ups and kiosks offering              on a multi-enterprise integration framework and
temporary storefronts. Today’s retail model also    a single data model, are imperative for enabling
leverages theater with technologies such as         clienteling and a single view of the customer,

2020 Customer Engagement Survey

Customer identification is imperative to          and brand loyalty so they continue to shop.          they do not receive the same level of
provide relevant and personalized                 Providing a more personalized experience and         personalized service and recommendations
promotions, messages and services.                offering value-added services can help retailers     that they receive online. This is an area of
                                                  succeed in today’s competitive environment.          opportunity for retailers as more than 70% of
Personalization has gone beyond simple                                                                 consumers would be more likely to shop at a
marketing to demographic groups or customer                                                            store that offers personalized rewards based on
segments. It has become more than simply          CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS                                customer loyalty and personalized promotions
greeting a customer by name as they walk in the   Loyal customers want to be recognized and            and discounts.
store or offering product recommendations on      offered relevant product recommendations
your website. Personalization encapsulates all    and promotions.
the details that make your customer’s shopping
experience uniquely individualized. It involves   They want to shop wherever and whenever
                                                                                                          of consumers indicate personalized
understanding the customer’s past purchases       they want with the benefits of both digital and         service from a sales associate is an
and current interests, but also encompasses the   physical retail environments. As consumers              important factor in determining where
shopping experience itself and whether that       browse and buy across channels, the experience          they choose to shop
experience meets the customer’s needs for a       they receive determines where they choose to
personalized product or service.                  shop. According to enVista’s Consumer Study,
                                                  51% of the consumers surveyed indicated a            Consumers understand that receiving
With the proliferation of mobile technology       personalized and consistent experience across        personalized and relevant promotions requires
enabling instant access to information and        channels is important or extremely important,        retailers to obtain identifying information about
products, plus the ability to immediately         and in the store, 72% of consumers said              them. While this has been the standard online
purchase an item anytime and anywhere, the        personalized service from a sales associate is an    or via mobile, identifying the customer in the
shopping process has changed. We have             important factor in determining which store(s)       store is more difficult. Most retailers who identify
become constant consumers.                        they choose to shop.                                 customers in the store use the customer’s
                                                                                                       phone as the identification tool paired with a
Consumers’ perpetual ability to browse, be        As consumers “check-in” on retailers’                combination of beacons, WiFi, MAC address,
influenced, be an influencer, shop and easily     e-commerce and mobile sites, they typically          etc. According to enVista’s Consumer Study,
research options like best price and product      receive automatic, personalized offers and           56% of consumers are comfortable with retailers
availability, makes it imperative for retailers   recommendations based on their purchase and          identifying them via their mobile phone when
to further differentiate themselves to entice     browsing history. However, most shoppers are         they enter a store, as long as it means they are
customers to shop, and to foster engagement       still anonymous prior to checkout in the store so    offered a personalized experience.
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

IDENTIFYING CUSTOMERS                                  Online, technology makes it a little easier to    An interesting call-out is that there does not
                                                       identify customers with many more retailers       seem to be one technology choice that is
Retailers that identify customers when                 currently able to identify customers early in     leading the group – retailers are embracing a
they enter the store and furnish associates            the process, often when they enter the site       number of different technologies to cast a wide
with proper mobile tools can effectively               (Exhibit 2).                                      net to identify and track as many customers
personalize the shopping experience.                                                                     as possible. Introducing the right value-added
                                                       To identify customers in the store, most          digital capabilities via mobile to customers as
Each step along the customer journey offers            retailers utilize technology methods in tandem    they enter the store, even augmented reality
retailers opportunities to engage with the             with the customer’s mobile phone. The most        (AR) capabilities, is a probable next step for
customer and strengthen relationships to               prevalent and successfully implemented            most retailers toward achieving higher customer
drive sales and customer loyalty. This requires        technologies that retailers are using to          identification rates.
retailers to be able to identify their customers       identify customers are the retailer’s mobile
throughout all parts of their shopping journey.        website (81%), mobile app (81%) and mobile
                                                       wallet (73%), however, many retailers using       CUSTOMER LOYALTY
Retailers are making progress in identifying their     these technologies indicate that they need        Customers want to feel they are receiving
in-store customers before the checkout process         improvement (Exhibit 3). Social media listening   something valuable in exchange for their
begins (Exhibit 1). Without early identification of    as a customer identification tool has increased   brand loyalty.
the customer, retailers miss critical engagement       in the past couple years to 66%, although
and clienteling opportunities to deliver a             much improvement is needed for this to be         Surpassing customer expectations whenever
personalized experience and increase sales.            a successful option.                              and wherever possible is crucial for cultivating
                                                                                                         customer loyalty. Loyal customers want a
  EXHIBIT 1: In-store Customer Identification                                                            personalized experience where they feel
                                                                                                         recognized and rewarded for their allegiance.
    18%                     42%                               13% Within the    27%
    As they approach        When they                         store, before     At checkout              Of course, the optimal way to achieve this is to
    the store               enter the store                   checkout                                   identify the customer as soon as possible and
                                                                                                         communicate their information to an associate
                                                                                                         so they can facilitate information gathering,
  EXHIBIT 2: Online Customer Identification                                                              provide personalized recommendations and
                                                                                                         create an excellent customer experience.
    35%                              51%                                           8%
    When they enter                  After they enter their                        At checkout
    the site                         account information                                                 Most retailers offer incentives to draw customers
                                                                                                         into the store and build customer loyalty. Many
                                                                                                         retailers (76%) find that offering incentives in
                                                                                          After          the form of loyalty points or dollars is the most
                                                                                          checkout       effective way to draw in customers.
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

                                                  EXHIBIT 3: Customer Identification via Mobile

           Implemented and working well       Implemented but needs improvement            Implement within 12 months          Implement in 1-3 years

                        Mobile Website                                                       55%                        26% 5% 3%

                            Mobile App                                                49%                               32%        8% 3%

                          Mobile Wallet                                              47%                       26%           11%     8%

                              Bluetooth                                        42%                       26%                 16%

                 Social Media Listening                            29%                                  37%          13% 5%

                               Beacons                     21%                 21%                            29%       8%

Consumers agree that loyalty programs are a         CLIENTELING                                          exceptional in-store shopping and customer
strong draw with 40% indicating that loyalty                                                             care experiences, and timely follow-up
points/dollars are a valuable enough enticement     Establishing long-term customer relationships        communication with customers. To be effective,
to allow retailers to identify them when they       requires store associates to have access to          guided selling and other customer engagement
walk in the store and 46% of consumers finding      customer information and the right enabling          tactics need real-time data, context and
mobile loyalty programs to be a reason to           technology to personalize the shopping               analytics.
choose one retailer over another. The challenge     experience.
for retailers is to engage the customer and                                                              Customer context includes customer insights
provide a satisfactory shopping experience to       Once customers have been identified,                 and current environmental conditions to make
continue to build customer loyalty. provide a       retailers can use guided selling to enhance          the shopping experience relevant. It enables
satisfactory shopping experience to continue to     the shopping experience based on customer            retailers to personalize the shopping experience
build customer loyalty.                             context. Clienteling empowers retail associates      based on preferences, purchase history, order
                                                    to leverage customer data (purchase history,         information, their closet, their most recent
                                                    personal information, preferences, etc.)             online browsing history, time of day, weather,
                                                    to deliver guided selling through highly             and their physical location – all based
                                                    personalized customer engagement, provide            on real-time information.                    9
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

However, while retailers realize the need to              This suggests that retailers miss opportunities to      (Exhibit 5). We are beginning to see significant
equip their associates with better training and           increase sales because associates can’t access          progress and engagement opportunities for
information, they are still often playing a game          customer-specific data until the customer is            retailers to meet customer needs. The most
of catch-up with customers that have more                 at the checkout, which is too late to influence         prevalent customer personalization capabilities
product information and inventory visibility than         the current purchase. With customer data                involve offering suggested selling based on
store associates.                                         available pre-checkout, associates can affect the       previous purchases, personalized promotions
                                                          transaction with personalized promotions and            and personalized rewards based on customer
Overall, retailers still struggle with the ability to     relevant customer-related product suggestions.          loyalty.
access customer information prior to checkout
(Exhibit 4). The ability to look up customer              Delving deeper into how associates can tailor           Consumers want personalized services – it is
information is limited, with only 44% of retailers        the customer’s shopping experience based                often an important factor in choosing a brand
offering the ability to access any customer-              on available information uncovers additional            and/or store to frequent. According to enVista’s
specific information pre-checkout.                        capabilities, although many need improvement            Consumer Study, 74% of consumers indicated

                                                        EXHIBIT 4: Customer Information Availability

                                                        Pre-checkout           During checkout         After checkout

           Customer-specific Offers & Discounts                                                  44%                               36%            14%

                    Product Recommendations                                                      43%                              35%     8%

              Customer Attributes/Preferences                                         35%                                   38%                     24%

                            Contact Information                                27%                                                          62%    6%

                             Purchase Summary                            22%                                         43%                            32%

                             Transaction Lookup                          22%                                   38%                                35%

                               Shopping History                        19%                                  38%                             32%

enVista: 2020 Customer Engagement Survey

                                        EXHIBIT 5: Associate Ability to Tailor the Shopping Experience

               Implements and working well         Implemented but needs improvement        Implement within 12 months      Implement in 1-3 years

             Suggested Selling Based on Previous Purchases                                        38%                          30%               16%      8%

                                   Personalized Promotions                                     35%                             32%           14%          11%

         Personalized Rewards Based on Customer Loyalty                                     32%                                      41%               16%    6%

    Suggested Selling Based on Social Media Activity/Posts                           24%                                       43%         11%               16%

      Suggested Selling Based on Online Browsing History                       19%                                               51%             14%      8%

Suggested Selling Based on Customer Closet/Room/Garage                      16%                                          46%               16%       8%

  that personalized promotions and discounts            As retailers expand personalization to create         respond to questions or provide additional
  from an associate would make them likely to           a fun and engaging experience, technology             information.
  shop at that store over one that doesn’t offer        continues to play a big role. Ensuring that
  the same kind of personalized service.                associates have easy access to customer and           Implementing advanced technologies such as
                                                        product information is important. Mobile              touch screens, virtual mirrors or augmented
                                                        devices for associates to access customer             reality offers retailers increased options for
  RETAILER OPPORTUNITIES                                account information, product information and          customer engagement, creating a more
  Offering customer-specific messaging and              inventory visibility in real-time allows associates   immersive environment and enabling customers
  promotions based on customer context is a             to “keep up” with customers, not only physically      to personalize their own shopping experience.
  key differentiator for retailers.                     throughout the store, but also to readily


Offering customers the ability to manage            retail industry. Mobile shopping (browsing)
their own shopping experience through               or buying) is expected to continue to grow
mobile devices/services.                            as the ease and convenience of shopping
                                                    online increases, and as social media surges in
Mobile devices have become ubiquitous in the        influence over buyer behaviors. In fact, 56% of
lives of consumers, dramatically changing how       consumers today begin their shopping journey
they shop. Having a constant, virtually unlimited   on their mobile device.
amount of information at their fingertips has
altered consumer behavior and elevated their
expectations for customer service. Consumers
now use mobile devices to research products,            56%
compare prices and complete purchases online,           of consumers begin their shopping
even while in the store.                                journey on their mobile device

This proliferation creates opportunities for
retailers to leverage mobile devices to enhance     However, shopping via a phone is just one way
customer service and provide more self-service      that consumers use mobile devices to enhance
options. Putting mobile devices in the hands        their experience and interact with retail brands.
of store associates allows additional service       While they are in a store, 22% of customers
offerings, inventory look-up and transaction        utilize their phones to look up product
processing easily and anywhere in the store.        information and compare prices and 24% look
                                                    for offers/coupons.

Consumers use their phones to research
products, compare prices, complete
purchases online and pay for in-store

There is no denying the role of mobile
technology as a disruptor and influence in the
EXHIBIT 6: Preferred Form of Customer Communications

        Prior to shopping visit                         35%          19%           19%           16%      11%

                While in-store                   30%                           38%              21% 3%    8%

               After purchase                                     49%                24%         16% 6% 5%

                    Email         Text Message       Online Chat           Phone           Social Media

     CUSTOMER                                                 preferred method of communication with
                                                              more than half of the consumers in the study
     COMMUNICATION                                            citing email as the number one choice. Order
     Communication with customers offers                      confirmations and shipping status updates sent
     retailers ways to enhance the customer                   through email offer an important opportunity to
     relationship and shopping experience.                    build trust with the consumer.

     While mobile devices are used for research,
     they are also serving as a means to open
     new opportunities for communication and
                                                              MOBILE DEVICES
     connection with customers. From the retailer             Tablets and mobile phones offer
     point of view, email is the preferred method             opportunities for retailers to enhance
     to confirm orders, remind the consumer of an             customer service.
     unfinished online shopping opportunity, entice
     the customer to visit the store or thank them            As the focus within the store shifts to
     for shopping and offer incentives to visit again         incorporate digital technologies, mobile
     (Exhibit 6). While customers are in the store,           devices play a larger role in personalization.
     retailers realize texting the consumer offers an         Mobile point of sale (POS) enables associates
     immediate and somewhat unobtrusive way to                to complete a customer’s purchase on the sales
     offer real-time promotions and discounts.                floor at the moment the buying decision is
                                                              made. Mobile POS also frees the associate to
     Consumers agree that email is generally their            move from the checkout area to allow for more
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

      EXHIBIT 7: Associate-facing mobile tools                                                                 devices (Exhibit 8). There are still missed
                                                                                                               opportunities to tailor the shopping experience
                                                                                                               by offering personalized recommendations
              Mobile POS                       29%                                 45%         16%    8%       on customers’ mobile devices.

         Mobile Solutions                            34%                          39%         16% 5%
           for Associates                                                                                      Improving mobile processes is an open
                                                                                                               opportunity as noted by the large number of
                Implemented and working well                         Implement within 12 months
                                                                                                               retailer responses within the ‘implemented
                                                                                                               but needs improvement’ category.” This likely
                Implemented but needs improvement                    Implement in 1-3 years
                                                                                                               indicates that the processes currently in place
                                                                                                               have been rushed to production before they
                                                                                                               were fully tested and perfected, and/or there
personal interactions on the sales floor and               effectively, especially when associates are         are additional benefits to be realized. The
improves customer convenience by eliminating               dealing with sensitive customer information.        disparity between retailers’ ability to meet
the need to wait in line during checkout.                                                                      customer expectations in mobile services and
This reduces the probability of a customer                 CUSTOMER-FACING                                     the likelihood of consumers to use a service
changing their mind as the purchase can be                                                                     also indicates a big opportunity for retailers to
made as soon as the customer makes the
                                                           MOBILE SERVICES                                     improve.
decision, instead of having time to reconsider             Utilizing customer-facing technology is a
the purchase as they move to the checkout.                 natural outcome from the proliferation of           Consumers are looking for mobile features
                                                           mobile devices and is a big part of the overall     accessible in stores. 66% of consumers are likely
Most retailers offer store associates tools to             customer experience.                                to choose a retailer offering mobile coupons,
deliver further customer service and enhance                                                                   discounts and promotions and 64% are likely to
the in-store experience although many times                As customers become more proficient with            choose a retailer offering product information
these tools need to be fine-tuned to ensure they           utilizing mobile technology as part of the          via mobile devices over a retailer who doesn’t
are adding value (Exhibit 7). Over the next few            retail brand experience, retailers will continue    offer these services.
years, the use of mobile devices and tablets as a          to expand mobile services to enhance the
tool in the store will continue to increase.               shopping experience.

Retailers need to continue to improve mobile               Retailers are increasingly implementing
capabilities through refined processes,                    customer-facing mobile services such as mobile
better technology and enhanced training for                coupons, specials and promotions, product
associates. Mobile devices and tools are only              information, shopping list capabilities, and
helpful if associates are trained to use them              personalized recommendations via mobile
EXHIBIT 8: Customer-Facing Mobile Services — Customer Expectations vs. Retailer Capabilities

      Likelihood of consumer to choose a retailer based on service
      Retailer successfully offering service

                        Mobile Loyalty

      Mobile Coupons/Promotions

                 Product Information

            Prior Purchase Visibility

                            Wayfinding                                       43%

                  Shopping/Wish List                                        42%

 Personalized Recommendations

                         Mobile Wallet
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

RETAILER OPPORTUNITIES                             Mobile is driving retailers to upgrade and        available and redundant in-store networks as
Mobile technology in the hands of consumers        replace technology to stay ahead of their         well as a holistic approach to real-time retail
and retail associates is transforming the          competitors’ customer experience offerings        data. Having a mobile device and engaging
customer engagement model.                         and to keep up with their very informed and       with the customer anywhere at any time
                                                   technology-savvy customers. While the shift       during their shopping journey will deliver an
The abundance of mobile devices is only            to mobile tools can dramatically enhance the      experience that is only as good as the data
the beginning. Wearables are now available         shopping experience and reduce retailers’         shared with the customer.
to the masses, with an estimated 1.1 billion       total technology costs, it brings its share of
expected to be connected worldwide in 2022.        challenges. As with any new technology,           This area is clearly transforming retailers’
As wearables become more pervasive, the            innovative mobile approaches require a            customer engagement models, operational
shopping and checkout experience will continue     fundamental change in processes and               budgets, in-store procedures and layouts.
to evolve as shoppers more easily browse online    corresponding training to educate both sales      Mobile capabilities and expectations continue
while shopping within the store, and then simply   associates and customers to convince them to      to evolve rapidly and need to be a significant
wave their watch to purchase items. The future     try and use the new processes.                    part of a retailer’s customer engagement
will continue to see new ways for customers                                                          strategy.
to use ‘wearables,’ which will shape their         To make the best use of these mobile
expectations and experience.                       technologies, retailers need to have highly


2020 Customer Engagement Survey

Providing customers the ability to securely          they were likely to shop at a retailer that allowed     A single commerce platform, with solutions
and holistically shop across channels and offer      them to have a shared cart across channels.             built on a common data model, centralizes data
a consistent brand experience is vital.              Consumers also want the ability to buy                  and simplifies real-time access to information
                                                     anywhere, ship anywhere with 65% indicating             across the ecosystem (stores, distribution
The ability to deliver a unified and personalized    this is a critical factor in choosing where to shop.    centers, suppliers, etc.). Leveraging retail
experience to the customer whenever, wherever                                                                solutions on a common data model (OMS, POS,
and however they choose to shop is now table                                                                 PIM, EDI) enables retailers to obtain a single
stakes for retailers. Retailers need to be able to
identify the customer and gather, analyze and            72%                                                 enterprise view of customer, inventory, order,
                                                                                                             item and payment information that is required
disseminate customer, product, pricing and               of consumers are likely to choose                   for delivering a consistent, customer-centric
inventory data instantly and across all channels.        a brand that offers the ability to                  brand experience for buy, ship, return anywhere
                                                         purchase/return across channels                     commerce.
While delivering a seamless customer
experience is the driver, technology allows                                                                  Platforms built with a microservices architecture
                                                     Three-quarters of consumers also indicate a
customers and retailers to uniquely tailor the                                                               on a multi-enterprise integration framework will
                                                     strong preference for shopping at retailers that
shopping experience. A unified commerce                                                                      deliver significant benefit in the forms of rapid
                                                     offer consistent pricing/promotions and product
platform is key to enabling the cross-channel                                                                integration, time to value and lower cost of
                                                     assortment across all channels. Therefore, a
experience consumers expect.                                                                                 ownership.
                                                     single data source and version of the truth
                                                     for all retail and customer data is required, so        Retailers’ current and planned implementations
CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS                                customers have a consistent brand experience            of a single commerce platform continues to
                                                     wherever and however they choose to shop.
Customers expect a personalized and                                                                          increase, with 95% of retailers indicating they
seamless experience across channels and will                                                                 have implemented or plan to implement a
choose retailers that offer it.                      A SINGLE COMMERCE                                       single unified commerce platform within three
                                                                                                             years. Many retailers continue to work on their
Customers want access to a single cart to shop
                                                     PLATFORM                                                implementations since a number of retailers
across channels and access their cart via phone,     Retailers are focused on implementing a                 (42%) indicate there is need for improvement
computer, or even in the store – they want to        common unified platform to deliver the                  (Exhibit 9).
“start anywhere and finish anywhere.” In fact, in    required consistent, relevant shopping
enVista’s Consumer Study, 51% indicated that         experiences across all channels.

2020 Customer Engagement Survey

EXHIBIT 9: Single Commerce                          CLOUD-BASED SOLUTIONS                               EXHIBIT 10: Cloud-based Systems
Platform Implementation Status
                                                    A cloud approach enables retailers
                                                    to significantly reduce infrastructure,                   Currently operate as a
                     5%                                                                                       cloud application/service
                                                    improve security and increase operational
                                                                                                              Moving to cloud application/
                                                    effectiveness by centralizing management of
                                                                                                              service within 3 years
  14%                                    21%        data and processes.

                                                                                                        Point of Sale
                                                    Leveraging cloud computing and IT outsourcing
                                                    makes sense for many retailers. IT is not a core                       55%               37%
                                                    competency or differentiator for most retailers
18%                                         42%                                                         Loss Prevention
                                                    — it is a necessity. Retailers are embracing
                                                    this move as they realize cloud-based unified                         50%             39%
                                                    commerce is key to accelerating their path to a
                                                                                                        Returns Processing
                                                    single version of the truth.
                                                                                                                        47%                  48%
       Implemented and working well                 Cloud computing, either public or private, offers
                                                                                                        Business Intelligence/Enterprise Reporting
       Implemented but needs improvement            the quickest and surest path to implement
       Implement within 12 months                   and integrate systems including e-commerce,                     42%                   47%
       Implement in 1-3 years                       mobile commerce, customer care, point of            CRM
       No plans to implement                        sale, enterprise order management, inventory
                                                                                                                    39%                      53%
                                                    management, marketing, supply chain and
                                                    financials.                                         Task Management
As retailers and solution providers continue
                                                                                                                    39%                   47%
down the path to unified commerce, more             Many retailers have made the shift to the
and more capabilities are being centralized or      cloud over the past few years as a means of         Workforce Management
offered as cloud-based services. Retailers are      centralizing their store systems, although we
                                                                                                                  32%         26%
embracing this move to the cloud, as it is key to   are still seeing some retailers hesitate, which
enabling real-time capabilities and technology      may prove to be their downfall as the shift to      Order Management
environments that are scalable and agile            the cloud enables an agility necessary in today’s       26%               32%
enough to support evolving business needs.          environment (Exhibit 10).
                                                                                                        11% 13%

2020 Customer Engagement Survey

REAL-TIME RETAIL                                      It is still very challenging for retailers to         RETAILER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                      effectively execute real-time retail. Many
Real-time data provides associates                    retailers indicate that they can access analytics,    As consumer expectations have increased, the
necessary information to tailor the shopping          inventory and order status/tracking in real-          need for real-time access to product /customer
experience.                                           time, but most of the processes still need            information has grown exponentially.
                                                      improvement (Exhibit 11). In our experience,
Real-time retail enables retailers to identify the    many retailers can check inventory, but the           Retailers realize that the process of offering
customer and gather, analyze and disseminate          inventory data they are able to access is from        customers the ability to shop anywhere, fulfill
customer, product, pricing, and inventory data        yesterday, versus the real-time data required         anywhere is complex as technology and
across all channels – instantaneously. Real-          for an improved customer experience. Retailers        consumer behaviors continue to evolve. A
time retail is imperative to improving customer       that leverage a unified commerce platform can         new model is necessary to succeed, and the
engagement, as without real-time data,                access all inventory available to promise (ATP)       new model requires an unprecedented level of
information provided internally and externally        across the retail enterprise in real-time (stores,    agility. The key to profitability and competitive
is out-of-date and, therefore, risks being            distribution centers, suppliers and third-party       advantage is to map out a comprehensive
inaccurate and out of context.                        logistics partners).                                  customer-centric strategy and to vigorously
                                                                                                            execute against the plan.

                                                                                                            Over the last few years, many retailers advanced
      EXHIBIT 11: Enterprise-wide Real-time Features                                                        processes and technology in piecemeal fashion
                                                                                                            with little integration, in an effort to keep
                                                                                                            up. However, this approach has only taken
      Analytics/Reporting                                    53%                      34%       11%
                                                                                                            retailers so far and has resulted in high-cost
                 Inventory                                 50%                            45%      3%       gaps in service levels, inefficient and ineffective
                                                                                                            processes, and lost sales.
   Order Status/Tracking                                  49%                         38%       11%
                                                                                                            Retailers can no longer afford to operate within
          Loss Prevention                                47%                     34%         16%
                                                                                                            channel silos; they must completely transform
      Pricing/Promotions                                 47%                         39%     11%            their organization, business processes and
                                                                                                            technology to align with the new shopping
    Returns Management                                 45%                          39%     11%             behaviors and expectations of today’s
                                                                                                            customers. A unified commerce platform is
               Implemented                     Implemented but                  Implement within            imperative to provide the necessary customer,
               and working well                needs improvement                3 years
                                                                                                            inventory and order information across the
                                                                                                            organization and process in real-time.
        THE STORE

2020 Customer Engagement Survey

Transforming the store requires offering         common in the digital world. They want to pick      CHANGING STORE
personalized services, taking advantage          up and return products they ordered online in
of mobile capabilities and synchronizing         the store and ship the products they purchase
information across all channels to encompass     in-store to their home.                             While e-commerce and mobile continue to
the physical and digital environments.                                                               grow and garner attention, the store remains
                                                 Consumers have shown they love the theater          a key component of the customer’s brand
Retailers must infuse digital features into      of shopping, which is why we are seeing many        experience.
the store environment to exceed customer         pure-play online retailers opening brick and
expectations, compete more effectively with      mortar stores, and store concepts continue          The physical store is still the central point of
online retailers and offer a more personal,      to change to incorporate more entertainment         the shopping journey. However, the role of the
relevant and engaging shopping experience.       and unique experiences. Customers want a            store continues to change. The advent of digital
                                                 multi-dimensional shopping experience that          commerce and mobile devices offer consumers
Even with the proliferation of mobile digital    leverages all of their senses.                      new ways and ‘places’ to research and shop.
devices, the physical store remains the                                                              These digital possibilities, along with mobility,
foundation of retail; however, the traditional   Customers are willing to try new technologies if    have modified consumer expectations and
store model must transform to succeed.           it improves their in-store shopping experience.     behaviors. Retailers must adapt their stores and
                                                 According to enVista’s Consumer Study,              technology to new customer expectations to
                                                 23% of consumers are likely to shop at a            succeed.
CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS                            store offering an augmented reality or virtual
Stores must provide and reflect a unified        reality experience as part of their shopping        The concept of the store is also evolving with
and customer-centric digital and physical        environment and 31% are likely to choose a          new formats, such as pop-ups and store-within-
commerce experience for consumers.               store offering virtual mirrors to allow them to     a-store, or even stores as mini distribution
                                                 virtually try on items like make-up and apparel.    centers. 45% of retailers are testing or
The physical and digital aspects of commerce                                                         increasing the number of store-within-a-store
will become even more intertwined as we          They are also very interested in utilizing self-    concepts and 48% are planning to pilot or
look to the future. Customers want the           service technology instead of human interaction     increase the number of showrooms and pop-up
sensory experience generally available in the    if it means the process be quicker and easier.      shops (Exhibit 12).
physical world, such as touching and feeling     For example, 54% are more likely to shop at a
merchandise and personally interacting with      store with self-checkout versus a store without
a knowledgeable associate, married with the      and 47% will choose a store offering automated
unique and personalized shopping experience      returns to avoid unnecessary human interaction.
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

     EXHIBIT 12: Future Expansion Plans
                                                                                                               NEW SELLING OPTIONS
                                                                                                               Retailers are exploring other locations/
                             Plan to Pilot/Test          Increase            Decrease
                                                                                                               options to ensure they get products in front
                                                                                                               of the customer.
                     Mall Kiosks                  24%                  26%       11%

            Online Marketplaces               21%                                        53%        2%         Selling options are also increasing in different
                                                                                                               forms via online marketplaces (21% plan to
                       Dropship             18%                        32%       11%
                                                                                                               pilot/test and 53% plan to increase the use of
                  Pop-up Shops             16%                        32%         5%                           online marketplaces) and vendor dropship (18%
                                                                                                               plan to pilot/test and 32% plan to increase their
            Store-Within-a-Store           16%                       29%         5%
                                                                                                               vendor dropship plans) where retailers can take
                    Dark Stores            16%           16%    10%                                            advantage of suppliers’ inventory to expand and
                                                                                                               test item assortments (Exhibit 12).
                    Showrooms         10%                       32%         13%

                                                                                                               Many retailers are quickly adopting drop
                                                                                                               shipping relationships with their trading partners
     EXHIBIT 13: Potential Customer Services                                                                   (manufacturers and distributors) as an effective
                                                                                                               way to compete against Amazon and other
                  Implemented and             Implemented but                    Implement within              retailers with extensive product offerings.
                  working well                needs improvement                  3 years
                                                                                                               Leveraging a dropship model, retailers can
          Electronic Receipt with                                                                              quickly expand their product offerings with
        Personalized Suggestions                               37%                          39%          16%
                                                                                                               minimal inventory carrying costs to increase
          Transaction Suspension                    26%                          32%        19%                sales and customer satisfaction while reducing
         Personalized Promotions                                                                               shipping times and costs.
     Based on Real-Time Variables                  24%                                  47%     11%

                 Scan and Deliver                  24%                            37%           21%

                  Touchscreen in
              the Dressing Room                   21%                24%                    31%

                 Virtual Inventory          16%                            34%                       37%

                Robotics Used for
                Customer Service        13%                    24%                        37%

2020 Customer Engagement Survey

CUSTOMER SERVICE                                           Offering customers personalized promotions             Although, as long as they get the information
                                                           based on customer context (real-time location,         and service they expect, they do not care if it is
CAPABILITIES                                               weather or other analytics) is the future of           delivered by a human or via technology.
New technology brings creative and                         the store experience and is gaining traction,
innovative ways to provide customers the                   although again much improvement is needed to           While automation can be a way to cut overall
necessary services to enhance the experience.              ensure that customer context is available in real-     costs and improve customer service options,
                                                           time (Exhibit 13).                                     it probably will not make sense to adopt
Within three years, 91% of retailers plan to                                                                      automation to replace humans for some highly
offer electronic receipts with personalized                Younger customer segments, such as                     personal product decisions and luxury brands.
suggestions for their customers (Exhibit 13).              Millennials, have grown up in the digital age          The process of customer engagement, context
Offering customers an electronic receipt after a           where they expect access to everything via their       (incorporating the time of day, weather, how the
purchase in a physical store gives consumers the           smartphone, and they have high expectations            customer is dressed, what department they are
peace of mind that they will have a copy on file.          for service. They assume they will receive the         shopping, etc.) as well as cross-selling and up-
In addition, retailers are using electronic receipts       same level of personalized recommendations             selling require a finesse that robotics will likely
as a means for suggested selling by offering               they receive on Amazon when they visit a store.        not completely replace.
recommendations for potential purchases based              With higher expectations for personalized
on previous purchases, elevating the customer’s            experiences, younger shoppers believe sales
current and future shopping experience.                    associates should cater to their needs.

                                                       EXHIBIT 14: Disruptive Technologies

            Implemented and working well         Implemented but needs improvement            Implement within 12 months        Implement in 1-3 years

                              Internet of Things (IoT)                    18%                  21%              14%                21%

                            Artificial Intelligence (AI)        7%                      25%                           29%        11%

                                       Virtual Mirrors          7%           14%                                32%   7%

                             Augmented Reality (AR)                11%                                          43%              18%

                                   Virtual Reality (VR)                   18%                      25%                       25%
2020 Customer Engagement Survey

DISRUPTIVE                                                future and further shape the customer’s             RETAILER
                                                          experience and their associated expectations.
TECHNOLOGIES                                                                                                  OPPORTUNITIES
Disruptive technologies such as artificial                Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality          As customer behavior and expectations
intelligence, virtual reality and the Internet            (AR) remain hot topics with more options in         continue to advance, stores will need to
of Things (IoT), offer further possibilities to           the marketplace putting the technology in           evolve with new customer engagement
leverage emerging technology and digital                  everyone’s hands. While only 11% of retailers       models.
capabilities in the store.                                claim to be using AR technology, all of these
                                                          companies indicate the technology needs             While retail continues to go through
Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers the ability to pair   improvement. With 72% of retailers planning to      challenging times, the transformation is
the vast amounts of data gathered on customers            use AR within three years, we expect to see a       exciting for consumers and retailers alike
and their preferences and synthesize this                 lot of traction in improved AR technology and       with new technologies and opportunities
information to help predict customer behavior             processes. A few unified commerce platform          arising to enhance the changing customer
and personalize the customer experience. Some             providers are incorporating AI into their order     journey. For retailers to survive (and
retailers are experimenting with AI to offer              management offering to be able to optimize          thrive), the key is a personalized, mobile,
product recommendations based on answers to               inventory and shipping decisions for order          synchronized customer journey powered
a series of questions.                                    fulfillment.                                        by an agile unified commerce platform with
                                                                                                              solutions built on a common data model
The disruptive technology that is of most                 Virtual mirrors allow shoppers to easily            and integration framework.
interest to retailers is the IoT, with 39% of             envision themselves in different garments,
retailers currently having this capability,               glasses or cosmetics. Currently, 21% of the         The future is now as today’s retail
although much improvement is needed to gain               retailers surveyed offer virtual mirrors to their   transformation is driving fundamental
the full benefits available. IoT describes an             customers and another 32% plan to add               changes in the customer engagement
environment where the Internet is connected to            it within three years. These technologies,          model. This is the time to increase and
physical objects embedded with sensors that               coupled with a personal digital assistant, can      enhance customer engagement across
can then communicate (Exhibit 14). The IoT is             make recommendations based on customer              the retail enterprise and to innovate and
not just about gathering data, but also about             information, purchase history and current           reinvent the customer experience by
the analysis and usage of that data. It has the           promotions within the store.                        reimagining your retail operations for this
potential to change the way the customer shops
                                                                                                              new customer journey.
and will also change the checkout experience
and transform the point of sale. We see IoT
                                                                                                              Let’s Have a Conversation.
and similar technology as examples of how
commerce will continue to evolve into the

2020 Customer Engagement Survey

SURVEY METHODOLOGY                                         This report summarizes the results and findings           than $1B in sales (Exhibit 16).
                                                           of the survey, offers insights based on our
enVista conducted the 2020 Customer                        consultants’ engagements with hundreds                    enVista also recognizes the challenges that
Engagement Survey through an online                        of retailers and their overall experience,                retailers face as they shift from single, multiple
survey program in November and December                    and identifies current and future trends in               or omni-channel environments to a unified
of 2019. The objective of the survey was                   the industry. These insights are intended to              commerce environment. While most of the
to gain an understanding of U.S. retailers’                aid retailers compare their customer-facing               retailers fall within a multi-channel/omni-channel
planned initiatives, priorities and future trends          operations/technology and identify areas to               environment, 11% of the respondents indicate
concerning customer engagement in the store                enhance their customers’ experience.                      they have a true unified commerce environment
and online.                                                                                                          and offer a seamless experience to their
                                                           The primary retail segments of the survey                 customers (Exhibit 17).
This research also included a separate consumer            respondents were general merchandise with
survey conducted in December 2019, which                   34% of respondents and specialty – hard goods             The retailers included in the survey consider
reflects the general population of U.S. shoppers,          with 26% of respondents (Exhibit 15). The others          themselves on the leading edge of technology
to understand what customers want when they                fell into other categories such as specialty – soft       within the industry with 29% indicating they are
are shopping online and in the store, including            goods, grocery, food and beverage.                        innovators and 36% considering themselves
the related technology and overall shopping                                                                          early adopters (Exhibit 18).
experience. The combination of the retailer                Of the retailers surveyed, the breakdown in
and consumer surveys offers a valuable tool to             size based on gross annual revenue included a             The specific respondents for each company
compare customer expectations with retailer                broad selection of Tier 1, 2 and 3 retailers,             were comprised of vice presidents and directors
capabilities.                                              with 66% of the retailers having more                     of store systems or IT, and C-level executives.


                           8%                               13%
         34%                                         21%                                            21%                                                29%
                                                                                                                                            6%                     36%
                   13%                              13%                                           11%
         26%                                                                                                                                        11%
                16%                                 11%                                                 37%

EXHIBIT 15: Company Category             EXHIBIT 16: Annual Revenue                    EXHIBIT 17: Current Channel Integration              EXHIBIT 18: IT Implementation
    General Merchandise                       $100M to $499M                               Single Channel                                        Innovator
    Drug Store/Health & Beauty                $500M to $999M                               Multi-channel                                         Early Adopter
    Convenience & Fuel                        $1B to $4.99B                                Omni-channel                                          Mainstream Adopter
    Grocery, Food & Beverage                  $5B to $9.99B                                Unified Commerce                                      Late Adopter
    Specialty-Soft Goods                      $10B or more                                                                                       Laggard
    Specialty-Hard Goods                                                                                                                                                 27
About enVista
enVista, a leading global consulting and software firm, is the only solutions provider in the market that optimizes and unifies both supply chains and
omni-channel commerce end-to-end, from order capture to fulfillment, and from supplier to end consumer. We have twenty years’ experience helping
thousands of the world’s leading brands drive digital and omni-channel transformation; optimize enterprise efficiencies and savings; turn data into
actionable, predictive customer insights; and deliver nimble, unified, optimized, customer-centric digital and physical commerce.

Our consultants bring exceptionally deep domain expertise and a “strategy first” approach to consult, implement and operate across omni-channel
commerce, supply chain, material handling automation and robotics, global transportation, information technology (IT), business intelligence (BI),
Microsoft enterprise solutions, and emerging technologies including, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning (ML).

enVista’s agile, cloud-native Enspire Commerce Platform uniquely and strategically built from the ground up as microservices architecture, provides a
single enterprise view of customer, inventory, orders, items and payments.

Agile, profitable, customer-centric commerce starts here.

Let’s have a conversation.™


                            envistacorp.com                              877-684-7700                           info@envistacorp.com
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