Digital Leaders in Sweden 2020 -

Page created by Jeanne Mann
Digital Leaders in Sweden 2020 -
Digital Leaders
in Sweden 2020

This study assesses 84 leading Swedish companies’
digital maturity across four dimensions: digital marketing,
digital product experience, e-commerce and e-CRM.
Digital Leaders in Sweden 2020 -
    The digital maturity of Swedish industries and companies has increased since last
    year. This is a clear trend even if the magnitude of the increase differs, and there are
    interesting changes in the top placements.

                                                                                                        Analytical insights and cultural change are essential areas for
    Table of content                                                                                    future digital leaders to focus on.
    Editorial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3   The launch of our fifth Digital Leaders         Organizations that are capable of             Our experience of working with hundreds
    Research summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4                  Study in Sweden comes at a critical time        leveraging analytics and driving cultural     of organizations on their digital
    Key findings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6        for businesses, as many do not feel they        change to manage the overwhelming             transformation indicates that digital
                                                                                                        have the right priorities, data and, maybe      complexity of data and digital                leaders have the following in common:
    Trends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
                                                                                                        even more importantly, the leadership           transformation will be the digital leaders
    Successful companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10                     capabilities needed to set goals and make       of the future.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   They set a vision, goals and know
                                                                                                                                                                                                            their processes.
                                                                                                        their digital transformation journey a
    Dimensions of digitalization                                                                        success.                                        Achieving analytical excellence is not          •   They know their customers, and the
    Digital marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14                                                               easy. This is because it involves changes           customer experience is optimized
    Digital product experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16                        The fast pace of development means              in every aspect of an organization – from           throughout the customer journey.

    E-commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18             that speed is critical, and companies           customer touchpoints through employee           •   They have priorities, a focus and
                                                                                                        that have previously been digital leaders       mindsets to technological capabilities              momentum.
    E-CRM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
                                                                                                        risk falling behind if they do not keep up      – including business and IT strategy,           •   Innovation is evident throughout
                                                                                                        their momentum. In this year’s study,           organizational structure, data and                  the organization, not just in
                                                                                                        some of the digital leaders in previous         processes.                                          products.
    Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24           years have lost ground and fallen behind
    Telecom B2C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26             their peers. This is not because they have      Introducing data-driven ways of working
                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   They generate valuable insights
                                                                                                                                                                                                            based on data analytics.
    Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27      done something wrong; it is just because        requires much more than tools and
                                                                                                        they have not been doing things fast            technologies. In fact, the greatest             •   They have a digital culture that
    Food retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28                                                                                                            includes digital talent and agile
                                                                                                        enough or perhaps more slowly than the          challenge is often to adapt the business
    Telecom B2B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29                                                             processes and goals. This is why analytics          leadership.
    Retail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30                                                    initiatives, from dashboards to machine
                                                                                                                                                                                                      We believe that with the right customer-
    Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31    Overall, Swedish companies have again           learning, should always be designed with
                                                                                                        increased their digital maturity compared       concrete business goals in mind and a         centric mindset, vision, agile leadership
    Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
                                                                                                        to previous years, and are now really close     clear understanding of how business           and use of data analytics, Swedish
    Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33                                                                                                    companies will have a bright future
                                                                                                        to a good grade. The result is encouraging      processes should be adapted to leverage
    Passenger transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34                        but should still be seen as a call to action.   the new insights.                             and a chance to become global digital
    Manufacturing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35               Changes need to happen now and quickly.                                                       leaders. However, lukewarm attempts at
                                                                                                                                                                                                      digitalization will not help them make the
    Consumer products (food). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36                                                                          Digital transformation also requires
                                                                                                        It may seem surprising that Swedish             strong leadership to drive this change.       necessary leap. A true commitment to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      new customer demands, new goals and
    Summary                                                                                             companies only receive a sufficient score       Organizations should not simply ignore
                                                                                                        in our study. Investments and resources         the absence of genuine agile digital          actions based on data-driven decisions
    What could Swedish companies learn from global                                                                                                                                                    by an agile leadership team and a digital
    front-runners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40           have been spent on improvements, but            leadership, however; they must recognize
                                                                                                        they have not necessarily led to successful     that finding and developing the right         culture are essential parts.
    BearingPoint on digital customer management. . . . 42
                                                                                                        transformations so far. Some answers can        talent is truly difficult. In a continually
    Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43       be found in legacy technology and data,         changing competitive environment,             Louise von Blixen-Finecke
                                                                                                        which are causing problems. It is difficult     leaders constantly face new challenges        Partner, Digital & Strategy
                                                                                                        for organizations to adapt to the fast pace     and must adapt both the organization          BearingPoint Sweden
                                                                                                        of technology innovation (such as artificial    and their leadership style to this new
    Objectives and study sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
                                                                                                        intelligence, the Internet of Things and        digital environment. To meet these
    All rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48         automation).                                    challenges successfully, leaders require
                                                                                                                                                        new skills and capabilities that they have
                                                                                                                                                        not needed in the same way in the past.

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
Digital Leaders in Sweden 2020 -
Industry ranking

                                                                                                                                                                     5                                                                                                                            Outstanding

    Research summary                                                                                                                                                 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Very good

                                                                                                                                                                            3.24      3.18        3.16        3.13      3.12    3.05
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2.92     2.84       2.82        2.78
                                                                                                                                                                     2                                                                                                                            Sufficient

                                                                                                                                                                     1                                                                                                                            Poor
    The overall digital maturity level of Swedish companies has increased since
    last year, and the industries seem to understand the importance of, and                                                                                          0                                                                                                                            Failed
                                                                                                                                                                              C          y          ail           B        il     nk          ce       ia         er           ng            s
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    In order for our Digital Leaders Study to remain relevant as         Looking at the industry ranking, many changes have occurred             Swedish companies’ best performance overall can be seen in
    digitalization progresses, we update the research framework every    since last year. The previous industry leader, telecom B2B, has         digital product experience and e-commerce, which both result in a
    year. This year, we have included more structural updates than       dropped three positions to fourth place. Telecom B2C takes its          good grade. In digital product experience, the digital maturity of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Top five companies
    in previous years. For example, social media, which is an integral   place as industry leader, climbing from second place last year.         the market leads to an overall score as high as 3.64. This is a result
    part of most companies’ digital marketing, is now included in the    Its strengths are in digital product experience, largely thanks to      of Swedish companies focusing their efforts on good functionality                                          Company                                  2020               2019
    digital marketing dimension instead of being a separate entity.      strong efforts within functionality on different platforms, and         and design and mobile website and applications. The industry
                                                                         e-CRM. The biggest climber, however, is the energy industry,            that does the best work in this area is telecom B2C, which is also                                             1. Electrolux                         3.51              3.19
    Similar changes have been made to the mobile dimension. It           finishing second after last year’s fifth place. Looking at the bottom   the overall leader of the industries. Looking at e-commerce, there                                             2. Apoteket                           3.49              3.07
    has become increasingly necessary for companies to ensure            positions among the industries, little has changed. Consumer            is a bigger variation in digital maturity than for digital product                                             3. Länsförsäkringar                   3.46              2.82
    that their websites can function on a variety of devices and         products was the industry struggling most with digitalization           experience. The variation is caused by how different industries                                                4. Com Hem                            3.45              3.00
    platforms. The mobile experience is therefore no longer a special    last year, and it again comes last in this year’s study. The same       connect and sell to their customers. In short, B2B companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5. Systembolaget                      3.45              2.84
    case. Categories that were previously included within the mobile     can be seen in the second-last position, which is occupied by the       perform worse than B2C companies. Focusing on the strengths
    dimension have therefore been moved, primarily to the digital        manufacturing industry, although it has increased its score by as       in the dimension instead, product presentation needs to be
    experience dimension.                                                much as 0.42 to close in on the next position.                          mentioned, where companies are very close to an overall grade
                                                                                                                                                 of very good. The company with the highest score in e-commerce
    In order to be able to fairly compare the 2020 results with 2019,    Changing focus to the top companies in the study, the strongest         is Electrolux, and second Apoteket, which are the same first and
    we have recalculated the 2019 results in this report (grades only,   conclusion is that all of the top five companies have very similar      second places as in the overall company ranking.
    not ranking) to the new structure and updated criteria.              scores, ranging from 3.45 to 3.51. Electrolux is the company
                                                                         with the highest score in the study, even though it belongs to          The dimension where companies receive the lowest mark by far                                               Performance by dimension
    For every year that we have conducted this research, it has          manufacturing, one of the bottom two industries. In other               is digital marketing, which also had the lowest scores last year.
    become more natural for companies to adapt digitalization            words, there is a big variation in digital maturity for companies       This is a key dimension in enabling digitalization, as it shows
    into their businesses, and this year is no exception. Since last     in manufacturing. Electrolux’s great result is largely thanks to        companies’ potential to reach out to customers. However, Swedish                                            Digtal marketing                       2.03 (+0.44)
    year, there is a clear trend showing that the grade for Swedish      its improvement in e-commerce, where it has upgraded its                companies barely score a sufficient grade (2.03), and the highest                                           Digital product                                       3.64 (+0.35)
    industries has increased, even though the magnitude of the           purchasing process, and digital product experience, which is better     industry average score is media with only 2.28. These scores
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             E-commerce                                         3.18 (+0.11)
    increase differs. In fact, for one industry the grade has even       thanks to its investment in content and company information,            are an increase on last year, but much more effort is needed to
    decreased. It can still be concluded, however, that Swedish          mobile website and mobile application. In second place is               reach similar levels as the other dimensions. All categories in                                             E-CRM                                             2.98 (+0.05)
    companies take digitalization seriously and work hard to             Apoteket from the retail industry, which has increased its score a      the dimension need improvement, although two of the most
    continuously improve in this respect.                                lot from last year. Like Electrolux, it scores highly in e-commerce     important focus areas are display advertising and search engine
                                                                         and digital product experience. An interesting observation is that      marketing. In general, there are a lot of opportunities in digital
    This year, Swedish companies receive on average a sufficient         none of the companies in the top five this year was in the top five     marketing for Swedish companies in the future.
    grade (2.96), just below good (3.00). This score is an improvement   last year. Consequently, the race is tight to be top of the list.
    on last year’s result of 2.68.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5
Key findings                                                                                                        Companies understand the importance of mobile with almost all websites being optimized for
                                                                                                                        mobile and more than 80% of companies providing mobile applications.

                                                                                                                        Click and collect penetration is only at 60% indicating that many companies need to continue
    Percentages indicate the share of the evaluated companies that are utilizing
                                                                                                                        bridging brick-and-mortar with online channels.
    the listed categories as part of their digital customer interface.

    Digital marketing                                                                                                   E-commerce

    Cross-linking                                                                                    86%                Product availability                                                                           97%

    Pay per click                                                     42%                                               Click and collect                                                            59%

    Retargeted advertising                                      24%                                                     Fast-delivery option                                                   51%

    Affiliate marketing                             6%                                                                  Chat service as sales support                                   43%

    Facebook                                                                                                     100%   Cross-selling                                          28%

    YouTube                                                                                                      100%

    Instagram                                                                                              91%

    Twitter                                                                                               89%

    Digital product experience                                                                                          E-CRM

    Detailed product/services data                                                                               100%   FAQs                                                                                     83%

    Mobile-optimized sites                                                                                      96%     Customer loyalty programs                                                          75%

    iOS applications (iPhone, not iOS in general)                                                   85%                 Real-time chat service                                                 52%

    Android applications                                                                            83%                 Customers are able to give feedback online                         48%

    Content sharing via social media                                                          75%                       Call-back services                           12%

    Promotion campaigns on the website                                                  65%

    Product comparisons                                                           58%

    iPad applications                                                       49%

    Product reviews                                       15%

    Integration with social media                        11%                                                            Only half of the companies utilize live chat in their sales support.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7
    The percentages indicate the share of the evaluated companies that      Upselling is used more often as part of the companies’
    are utilizing the listed categories as part of their digital customer   sales processes.
    interface for a three-year time period.

                                                                               21%         38%         51%

                                                                              2018        2019        2020

    Affiliate marketing is continuing to decrease.                          More companies are now offering several delivery options.

                                                                               71%         65%         83%
      28%            9%            6%

      2018          2019          2020                                        2018        2019        2020

    There is a significant increase in sharing content through              Using real-time chat services is continuing to increase.
    social media.

      12%            27%           75%                                         38%         48%         52%

      2018          2019          2020                                         2018       2019        2020

    Fewer companies are now offering free delivery services                 Customer loyalty programs continue to increase.
    than in 2019.

      48%            66%           55%                                         49%         63%         75%

      2018          2019          2020                                        2018        2019        2020

8                                                                                                                                       9
Successful companies

     Digital marketing                         Digital product                                  E-commerce                                E-CRM
              2.03                                                 3.64                                         3.18                                     2.98

     Swedish companies receive a sufficient    Digital product experience is the                Swedish companies show a large variety    Swedish companies receive a sufficient
     grade (2.03) in digital marketing.        dimension where Swedish companies                of digital maturity within e-commerce,    but very close to good grade (2.98)
     This is the weakest performance in        perform the best with a high score in            although they receive a good grade        in the e-CRM dimension in this year’s
     any dimension. Companies clearly          this year’s study (3.64). Almost every           (3.18) on average. The dimension has      study, but there is much variation in
     struggle with digital marketing even if   company receives a good grade or higher.         improved slightly compared to last year   the companies’ grades. Overall, e-CRM
     improvements have been made since         Even though this was also the best-              and the best-performing industry is       has barely improved since last year and
     last year.                                performing dimension in last year’s study,       retail (3.36).                            several industries fail to do better in this
                                               companies have improved even further,                                                      dimension.
                                               which is promising.

                                                                                                The leading Swedish company in            The leading Swedish company in e-CRM is:
     The leading Swedish company in digital    The leading Swedish company in digital product
                                               experience is:                                   e-commerce is:
     marketing is:

     Com Hem (3.29)                            Nordea (4.29)                                    Electrolux (4.46)                         Systembolaget (4.47)

10                                                                                                                                                                                       11
Dimensions of
     The digital leaders research framework is updated every year
     to follow and reflect the digital development. This year is no
     exception and includes some more comprehensive structural
     changes where the former social media dimensionis moved
     into digital marketing, and mobile dimension is moved
     primarily into digital product experience.

12                                                                    13
Digital marketing

     Swedish companies receive a sufficient (2.03) grade in digital marketing but                                                     Top 10 companies                                                    Digital leader
     improvements are needed. The media industry performs best with a strong
                                                                                                                                      		                          2020     2019                           The best-performing company in the digital
     focus on display advertising and search engine marketing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          marketing dimension is:
                                                                                                                                      1.       Com Hem            3.29     1.83
     On average, Swedish companies’ ability        Media (2.28) is the best-performing                                                2.       Avanza Bank        3.09     2.23                           Com Hem (3.29)
     within digital marketing is measured at       industry in the digital marketing              The assessment is based on          3.       Stena Line         3.08     1.96
     sufficient with an average score of 2.03.     dimension. The industry has made a big         a company’s ability to reach                                                                            Com Hem is the highest-ranked company in digital
                                                                                                                                      4.       Spotify            3.04     1.28
     The overall score indicates that Swedish      improvement since last year, where it          potential customers and to                                                                              marketing in this year’s survey, thanks to a great
                                                                                                  lead them to the company            5.       Länsförsäkringar   2.80     2.20                           improvement since last year. In addition, Com Hem is
     companies are struggling to realize the       came eighth, and its enhancement results
     potential of digital marketing, and that      in a shift of the leading industry in this     websites with the help of display   6.       If                 2.79     2.51                           placed fourth overall. The top placing is based on an
     many firms would benefit from improving       dimension. Telecom B2B and telecom             advertising, search engine          7.       SJ                 2.72     2.72                           increase in display advertising on external websites
     their digital marketing strategies. Digital   B2C are still in the top three. Alarmingly,    marketing, own media, the use                                                                           and in digital media and improved search engine
                                                                                                                                      8.       Coop               2.66     1.67
     marketing is the dimension where              these two industries’ digital marketing        of social media and website                                                                             optimization. Com Hem also uses website integration
                                                                                                                                      9.       Stadium            2.62     2.18                           in an effective way.
     Swedish companies perform worst.              grades have decreased since last year, in      integration.
     However, a significant improvement has        contrast to the other industries, where the                                        10. Byggmax                 2.61     1.78
     been made in the dimension overall since      grades have improved. Manufacturing              •   Display advertising
     last year.                                    has made the biggest improvement, even           •   Search engine marketing
                                                   though the industry is ranked last in this
                                                                                                    •   Affiliate marketing
     Digital marketing is a key dimension          year’s study. In this year’s survey, nine of
                                                                                                    •   Own media
     in enabling digitalization, as it shows
     companies’ possibilities to reach potential
                                                   11 industries receive a sufficient grade in
                                                   digital marketing. The improvements in           •   Facebook                      Performance by industry
     customers. It is also important because       every industry except telecom show that          •   Twitter
     digital marketing helps companies stand       companies tend to focus more on digital          •   Youtube                       Media                                                         2.28 +0.76
     out and compete with other companies          marketing now than before. Nevertheless,
     for customers’ attention and time. Even       the efforts need to increase.
                                                                                                    •   Instagram                     Telecom B2B                                                   2.28 -0.47

     though the issues have been discussed,                                                         •   Website integration           Telecom B2C                                                 2.19 -0.43

     companies do not seem to focus enough         The company with the highest score in                                              Energy                                                      2.17 +0.62
     on digital marketing. Every category in       digital marketing is Com Hem (3.29). It                                            Passenger Transportation                                    2.17 +0.35
     the digital marketing dimension needs         has made great improvements since last                                             Insurance                                                   2.14 +0.13
     improvements but display advertising and      year’s survey. These are due to an increase
                                                                                                                                      Food Retail                                                 2.14 +0.82
     search engine marketing are particularly      in display advertising on external websites
     important categories in digital marketing     and digital media and improved search                                              Retail                                                  2.08 +0.37

     and essential to fulfill for companies        engine optimization. The grade in digital                                          Bank                                                   2.01 +0.31
     aiming to reach a higher score. The           marketing varies a lot from the top to the                                         Manufacturing                                     1.75 +0.93
     occurrence of the two categories differs a    bottom companies.                                                                  Consumer Products (Food)                       1.54 +0.55
     lot between industries.
                                                                                                                                      Average                                                2.03 +0.44

                                                                                                                                                                    0          1                 2                      3                   4                   5
                                                                                                                                                                  Failed      Poor           Sufficient                Good             Very good          Outstanding

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       15
Digital product
     For several consecutive years, Swedish companies have received their highest                                                                                                Top 10 companies                                           Digital leader
     results in digital product experience. Nevertheless, there is still potential for
                                                                                                                                                                                 		                         2020     2019                   The best-performing company in the digital product
     improvement, and companies are seeking to further improve in the dimension.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            experience dimension is:
                                                                                                                                                                                 1.       Nordea            4.29     3.46
     Digital product experience is the                               in the dimension, but especially within                                                                     2.       Telenor B2C       4.28     3.42                   Nordea (4.29)
     dimension where Swedish companies                               functionality and design and in content                                 Evaluates the company desktop       3.       Electrolux        4.20     3.70
     perform best and score highest for their                        and company information. Apart from                                     and mobile website functionality,                                                              Nordea is the best-performing company in digital
                                                                                                                                                                                 4.       H&M               4.20     3.84
     digital maturity (3.64). The dimension                          the top-placed industries, insurance (3.43)                             design and content, especially                                                                 product experience. It has made a great improvement
                                                                                                                                             from the aspects of product and     5.       IKEA              4.09     3.87                   overall in digital product experience, and in particular
     has improved since last year and remains                        has made the biggest improvement since
     ahead of all others. Swedish companies                          last year.                                                              brand experience.                   6.       Husqvarna         4.09     3.49                   within the content and company information, product
     tend to value a good digital product                                                                                                                                        7.       Clas Ohlson       4.07     3.89                   store and information, mobile website and mobile
     experience, which is important for                              Nordea performs best of all companies in                                   •     Functionality and design   8.       Tele2 B2C         4.06     3.60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            application categories.
     customers to get a good impression of the                       the digital product experience dimension                                   •     Content and company        9.       Telenor B2B       4.05     3.72
     company and its products.                                       with a score of 4.29. Nordea has made a                                          information
                                                                     significant improvement in digital product                                                                  10. Handelsbanken          4.05     3.36
                                                                                                                                                •     Product and store
     On average, digital product experience                          experience since last year, when it came
     receives a good grade, and further                              31st. Improvements have been made in
     improvements opportunities exist to                             the content and company information,                                       •     Mobile website

     strengthen its digital position. Swedish                        product store and information, mobile                                      •     Mobile applications
     companies’ digital product experience
     is focused on good functionality and
                                                                     website and mobile application
                                                                     categories. Compared with last year,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Performance by industry
     design, mobile website and applications. A                      where no company received a very good
     functional and appealing mobile website                         grade, 14 firms have improved this year                                                                     Telecom B2C                                                                                  4.04 +0.56
     and application are important, since 49                         to gain that grade. Telenor B2C places
                                                                                                                                                                                 Telecom B2B                                                                               3.95 +0.24
     percent of online shoppers in Sweden                            second (4.28) and Electrolux third (4.20).
     use their mobile phone when purchasing                          Both companies have made big efforts to                                                                     Food retail                                                                           3.77 +0.18

     online, and this figure will increase,                          improve their digital product experience.                                                                   Bank                                                                                 3.75 +0.41
     according to PostNord1. However, more                                                                                                                                       Manufacturing                                                                       3.70 +0.49
     efforts are needed within content and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Retail                                                                              3.69 +0.28
     company information and product and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Energy                                                                             3.64 +0.27
     store information.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Passenger transportation                                                        3.43 +0.20
     Telecom B2C is the industry with the                                                                                                                                        Insurance                                                                       3.43 +0.58
     highest average score in this dimension
                                                                                                                                                                                 Media                                                                        3.35 +0.26
     (4.04). Telecom B2C is the only industry
                                                                                                                                                                                 Consumer products (food)                                                 3.20 +0.23
     with a very good grade on average. Right
     behind telecom B2C comes telecom                                                                                                                                            Average                                                                            3.64 +0.35
     B2B (3.95). The top-placed industries                                                                                                                                                                    0          1         2                       3                      4                  5
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Failed      Poor   Sufficient                 Good                Very good         Outstanding
     perform well overall in every category

16   1) e-barometern Q2 2019, PostNord, Svensk Digital Handel och HUI Research, 2019,                                                                                                                                                17

     E-commerce is of great importance for companies, and it receives the second-                                                                                                     Top 10 companies                                           Digital leader
     highest score in this year’s study. Most companies receive a good grade in
                                                                                                                                                                                      		                         2020     2019                   The best-performing company in the e-commerce
     e-commerce, but the maturity level varies considerably within the dimension.                                                                                                                                                                dimension is:
                                                                                                                                                                                      1.       Electrolux        4.46     3.92

     E-commerce is the second-best dimension                          are food retail (3.50) and energy (3.49).                                                                       2.       Apoteket          4.34     3.81                   Electrolux (4.46)
     for Swedish companies, which receive a                           The biggest improvement since last year is                              Evaluates the company’s ability to      3.       Scania            4.08     3.98
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Electrolux is the leading Swedish company in
     good grade (3.18) overall. E-commerce                            the bank industry (3.26). It has improved                               sell via digital channels, especially   4.       Kronans Apotek    4.07     3.90
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 e-commerce, receiving a very good grade (4.46). The
     is a vital component in today’s digital                          in all categories in the dimension and                                  from the aspects of product
                                                                                                                                                                                      5.       Volvo Cars        4.02     4.06                   improvement is primarily the result of a new online
     landscape and companies need to adapt,                           rearrangements within the categories                                    presentation, purchasing process
                                                                                                                                                                                      6.       NetOnNet          4.02     3.75                   checkout for new customers, thereby increasing the
     but also understand the challenges and                           have benefitted the bank industry.                                      and sales support.
                                                                                                                                                                                      7.       Elgiganten        4.00     4.01                   grade for the purchasing process. Electrolux also
     opportunities in e-commerce. However,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 scores highly based on its product presentation. It
     the maturity level and performance vary                          The company with the highest grade in                                      •     Product presentation           8.       Apotek Hjärtat    4.00     3.60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 fails to attain a very good grade within the sales
     a lot between industries. The big variance                       e-commerce is Electrolux (4.46), which                                     •     Purchasing process             9.       Kjell & Co        3.95     3.69                   support category, so it would benefit the company to
     is caused by how the different industries                        has climbed from fifth place last year
                                                                                                                                                 •     Sales support                  10. Nordea                 3.93     2.71                   improve here.
     connect and sell to their customers. In                          to now receive a very good grade in the
     general, B2B companies perform worse                             dimension. The significant improvement
     than B2C companies. Nevertheless,                                is down to a refined purchasing process,
     e-commerce needs to be considered                                where Electrolux has added online
     for all companies, as 70 percent of the                          checkout features for new customers.
     population in Sweden make purchases
                                                                      Second is Apoteket, which has improved
                                                                      its sales support resulting in a higher
                                                                                                                                                                                      Performance by industry
                                                                      grade in e-commerce.
     The companies’ strongest area within                                                                                                                                             Retail                                                                          3.63 +0.01
     e-commerce is product presentation, in                           Eight companies have improved and
                                                                                                                                                                                      Food retail                                                                   3.50 +0.12
     which the score almost reaches a very                            receive a very good grade in e-commerce.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Energy                                                                        3.49 +0.43
     good grade overall. The purchasing                               However, the range of grades varies and
     process receives a good grade, while                             some companies almost receive the grade                                                                         Insurance                                                                 3.31 +0.40
     sales support gets sufficient overall. Even                      fail in the dimension.                                                                                          Manufacturing                                                             3.29 +0.01
     though companies should improve their                                                                                                                                            Bank                                                                      3.26 +0.49
     sales support, improvements are needed
                                                                                                                                                                                      Telecom B2C                                                         3.03 +/-0
     overall in the dimension.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Media                                                             2.91 +0.09

     Retail is the industry that performs                                                                                                                                             Telecom B2B                                                  2.64 -0.34
     best in e-commerce overall (3.63), even                                                                                                                                          Passenger transportation                              2.40 -0.27
     though it has barely improved since last                                                                                                                                         Consumer products (food)                             2.36 +0.13
     year. Retail’s result is based on a very
                                                                                                                                                                                      Average                                                                3.18 +0.11
     good product presentation. The industry
     could focus more on its sales support to                                                                                                                                                                      0          1         2                     3                      4               5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Failed      Poor   Sufficient               Good                Very good      Outstanding
     improve even further. Right behind retail

18   2) e-barometern Q2 2019, PostNord, Svensk Digital Handel och HUI Research, 2019,                                                                                                                                                19

     Swedish companies attain a sufficient grade, very close to good (2.98), in                                                        Top 10 companies                                                 Digital leader
     e-CRM overall. Even though the overall score has improved slightly since last
                                                                                                                                       		                           2020     2019                       The best-performing company in the e-CRM
     year, however, the grade has worsened for many industries.                                                                                                                                         dimension is:
                                                                                                                                       1.       Systembolaget       4.47     3.32

     E-CRM is the third-placed dimension for       the biggest industry improvement; several                                           2.       Telia Company B2B   4.33     3.37                       Systembolaget (4.47)
     Swedish companies, with an average            other industries have failed to improve,       Evaluates the company’s ability to   3.       E.ON                4.19     3.82
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Systembolaget is the company that performs best in
     score of 2.98. In other words, Swedish        however, and have even received worse          maintain and expand its customer     4.       Telia Company B2C   4.18     2.95
                                                                                                                                                                                                        e-CRM. It receives a very good grade (4.47) climbing
     companies almost receive a good               grades. No industry receives a very good       relationships in digital channels
                                                                                                                                       5.       Tele2 B2C           4.00     4.18                       from 23rd place last year. The improved performance
     grade. The e-CRM dimension has barely         grade in e-CRM.                                including customer service, cross-
                                                                                                                                       6.       Marginalen Bank     3.94     3.65                       (+1.15) is the result of improvements in customer
     improved overall since last year, and five                                                   selling, customer engagement
                                                                                                                                       7.       Vattenfall          3.82     3.41                       service and customership. For example, a new
     of the 11 industries receive a worse grade    Even though telecom B2C is the industry        and personalization.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        FAQ has been added on its website to improve its
     than last time. This trend seems to show      leader in e-CRM, the company leader                                                 8.       Com Hem             3.80     3.81
                                                                                                                                                                                                        customer service score.
     that companies are putting less effort into   comes from the fourth industry, food             •   Customer service               9.       Telenor B2C         3.73     3.12
     their e-CRM work.                             retail. The best-performing company in           •   Direct marketing and           10. SBAB Bank                3.68     3.33
                                                   e-CRM is Systembolaget, scoring 4.47.                loyalty
     Overall, the companies fail to reach          Mainly, Systembolaget has improved its
                                                                                                    •   Personalization and
     a good grade in e-CRM in two of the           customer service and customership. The
     three categories. They perform best           improvements see Systembolaget climb
     within customership, with a score of          from 23rd place last year to first place in
     3.52. This means that they fall behind
     and only receive a sufficient grade in
                                                   this year’s study.
                                                                                                                                       Performance by industry
     the categories of customer service and        Most companies receive a good grade in
     personalization and involvement. Today’s      this year’s study, but the grades vary a lot                                        Telecom B2C                                                                                 3.80 +0.52
     digital landscape requires companies to       between the companies. Overall, Swedish                                             Energy                                                                                  3.74 +0.51
     have a well-functioning e-CRM online.         companies need to improve their efforts
                                                                                                                                       Telecom B2B                                                                          3.58 +0.33
     And digital customer relationships are        in e-CRM to not fall behind in digital
     moving into omni channels, which means        maturity.                                                                           Food retail                                                                       3.32 +0.20

     companies face new challenges but also                                                                                            Passenger transportation                                                       3.28 -0.08
     opportunities. Consequently, companies                                                                                            Bank                                                                           3.24 -0.01
     cannot afford to fall behind their
                                                                                                                                       Retail                                                                        3.22 +0.24
                                                                                                                                       Media                                                                         3.21 +0.11

     Telecom B2C is the best-performing                                                                                                Insurance                                                            2.76 -0.18
     industry in e-CRM, scoring 3.80 and                                                                                               Manufacturing                                      2.02 -0.20
     improving from second to first place this                                                                                         Consumer products (food)                        1.84 -0.41
     year. The industry receives a very good
                                                                                                                                       Average                                                                  2.98 +0.05
     grade in personalization and involvement,
     but only good within customer service and                                                                                                                        0          1             2                     3                     4                5
                                                                                                                                                                    Failed      Poor       Sufficient               Good               Very good       Outstanding
     customership. Telecom B2C has made

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   21
     Looking at the industry ranking from a five-year perspective,
     it is interesting to see how food retail has successfully
     progressed from 8th place five years ago to third place this
     year. 2020 is also the first year that telecom B2B is not
     in the top two, and when bank and insurance breaks the
     downward trend and both moves two placements up in the
     industry ranking.

22                                                                   23
Industry summary

     With a sufficient score (2.96) overall, the grade for Swedish industries                                                                       Top 5 performing companies                    Digital leader by dimension
     remains the same, although it is approaching the good grade. This positive                                                                                                                   Electrolux
                                                                                                                                                    		                              2020   2019
     development comes with trending improvements for most of the industries
     in several dimensions, but with some industries stagnating or worsening their                                                                  1.   Electrolux                 3.51   3.19   Digital marketing     2.37 +0.45
     performance in up to three dimensions.                                                                                                         2.   Apoteket                   3.49   3.07   Digital product
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4.20 +0.50
                                                                                                                                                    3.   Länsförsäkringar           3.46   2.82
                                                                                                                                                                                                  E-Commerce                            4.46 +0.54
                                                                                                                                                    4.   Com Hem                    3.45   3.00
     Swedish industries have performed relatively well in this year’s       year. Telecom B2B is not far behind with a score of 3.95, almost                                                      E-CRM                    2.90 -0,69
                                                                                                                                                    5.   Systembolaget              3.45   2.84
     study, with an improved performance across all dimensions,             achieving a very good grade. Both these top-placed industries
     although of different magnitudes. The best industry in this            perform especially well within functionality and design and
     year’s study is telecom B2C (3.24). With improvements in two           content and company information.
     dimensions, stagnation in one and a deterioration in one, telecom
     B2C takes first place in the industry ranking this year, largely       A less positive trend is shown when it comes to e-CRM, a
     thanks to its strengths within product experience and e-CRM.           dimension on which the industries do not seem to focus their
     Not far behind in second place is the energy industry (3.18). This     efforts. Five of the 11 industries in the study receive a lower score
     industry has had a strong focus on digital product experience this     in e-CRM this year. The overall score, however, has improved            Performance by industry                       Performance by digital dimension
     year, but it has also made great improvements in every dimension,      slightly, thanks to the industries that have had a high increase in
     which have paid off. Third in the ranking comes the food retail        this dimension.
                                                                                                                                                    		                              2020   2019
     industry (3.16), which has made steady improvements in every
     dimension. The biggest improvement for food retail can be seen         Regardless of the instability in the e-CRM dimension, the overall
                                                                                                                                                    1.   Telecom B2C                3.24   3.10   Digital marketing   2.03 +0.44
     in digital marketing, which, in general, is the dimension with the     score for Swedish industries has continued to increase. Since
     lowest scores.                                                         last year’s survey, it has moved toward a higher grade, even if         2.   Energy                     3.18   2.74   Digital product                  3.64 +0.35
                                                                            it fell short of good. Instead, the score of 2.96 gives Swedish         3.   Food Retail                3.16   2.80
                                                                                                                                                                                                  E-Commerce                 3.18 +0.11
     A trend in this year’s study is an improvement in digital product      industries a sufficient grade. Nevertheless, the increase in score      4.   Telecom B2B                3.13   3.21
     experience, a dimension where Sweden’s industries have been            is very positive, and with greater effort from the companies, this      5.   Retail                     3.12   2.88   E-CRM                     2.98 +0.05
     performing well for several years. Even so, every industry has         emerging development should continue. There are good reasons
                                                                                                                                                    6.   Bank                       3.05   2.72
     improved its score this year as well, leading to an overall score as   to expect an improved result next year, finally attaining a good
     high as 3.64. The leading industry in this dimension is telecom        grade.                                                                  7.   Insurance                  2.92   2.63
     B2C with a very good grade (4.04), improving its score from last                                                                               8.   Media                      2.84   2.57
                                                                                                                                                    9.   Passenger Transportation   2.82   2.71
                                                                                                                                                    10. Manufacturing               2.78   2.36
                                                                                                                                                    11. Consumer Products (food)    2.33   2.12

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   25
Telecom B2C                                                                       3.24
                                                                                                                               Energy                                         3.18

     Telecom B2C (3.24) is the highest-ranking industry in this year’s study, with                                             Energy is placed second in the industry ranking with a strong performance in
     continuing improvements to its strong digital dimensions. To receive a grade                                              the digital product experience dimension. The energy industry has made great
     higher than good, however, telecom B2C companies need to improve its                                                      improvements resulting in a good grade.
     efforts in all four dimensions, especially in digital marketing.

     The Swedish companies within telecom B2C continue to receive a          Performance by dimension                          The energy industry has made improvements in all four                 Performance by dimension
     high score, being the industry with the highest grade in this year’s                                                      dimensions, resulting in an improved score (3.18). The industry
     study. In the digital product experience dimension, companies                                                             has gone from fifth place last year to second in this year’s study.
     within the industry attain a very good grade (4.04), and good                                                             The improvement gives the energy industry a good score, with
     within the e-CRM (3.80) and e-commerce (3.03) dimensions.                                2.19 -0.43                       three out of four dimensions placed at a good level. Digital                              2.17 +0.62
     Digital marketing, however, remains the dimension with the                                                                marketing is the dimension that is behind the others, with a score
                                                                                                            4.04 +0.56                                                                                                           3.64 +0.27
     lowest score, graded as sufficient (2.19). Its grades in digital                                                          of 2.17. It is also the dimension with the lowest cross-industry
     product experience and e-CRM are the reasons why telecom B2C                                   3.03 +/-0
                                                                                                                               score in Sweden.                                                                                  3.49 +0.43
     performs well relative to the other industries.
                                                                                                           3.80 +0.52          This year, energy seems to have focused more on digitalization                                        3.74 +0.51
     The score for the top-rated dimension, digital product experience,                                                        than before, which has resulted in the biggest score improvements
                                                                                   0      1     2      3        4          5                                                                               0         1     2     3        4          5
     has improved since last year, while the score for the lowest-                                                             compared with the other industries. Even though digital
     rated dimension, digital marketing, has fallen. Digital product                                                           marketing has the lowest score of all dimensions for the industry,
     experience gets a higher grade, due to strong efforts within the                                                          it is the dimension that has improved most since last year. The
     functionality and mobile websites of the companies within the                                                             energy industry is strongest in e-CRM, closely followed by digital
     industry. Telecom B2C companies also rate better in e-CRM,                                                                product experience.
                                                                             Performance by company                                                                                                  Performance by company
     with improvements throughout the dimension. However, the
     companies in the industry rate lower in display advertising and                                                           Vattenfall is the industry leader with a score of 3.30, changing
                                                                             		                        2020         2019                                                                             		                          2020         2019
     search engine optimization, which impacts the digital marketing                                                           place with E.ON. (3.20) at the top. Vattenfall has made the
     dimension.                                                                                                                biggest improvement in digital product experience, although
                                                                             1. Tele2 B2C              3.45         3.50                                                                             1. Vattenfall               3.30         2.91
                                                                                                                               refinements have been made in every dimension. The company
     Tele2 B2C remains the company with the best score in the                2. Telenor B2C            3.44         2.72       seems to have a customer-centric focus when working with digital      2. E.ON                     3.20         3.08
     industry with a good grade (3.45). Telenor B2C has improved             3. Telia Company B2C      3.19         3.00       initiatives.                                                          3. Fortum                   3.06         2.23
     its rating from last year’s study, and this year it achieves a good     4. Tre B2C                2.90         3.17
     grade (3.44) with a score just behind Tele2 B2C. The higher score                                                         Even though Fortum gets last place in the industry, it has made
     comes from improvements in all four digital dimensions. Tre B2C                                                           the biggest improvement within the energy industry with a score
     gets a lower grade than last year and achieves sufficient (2.90).                                                         of 3.06. Cross-industry, Fortum is one of five companies to have
                                                                                                                               made the biggest improvements. Its advancement is thanks
     The differences between the grades of the companies in the                                                                to improvements in all four dimensions, with the highest score
     telecom B2C industry are narrowing and the company scores                                                                 in digital product experience. It scores highly in this dimension
     are similar. Companies within the industry continue to be digital                                                         due to its improved website and information. Its e-CRM score
     leaders with two of them in the overall top-10 list. Other industries                                                     has improved due to an implementation of live chat help for
     are improving their digital efforts, which means telecom B2C                                                              customers.
     companies should stay updated on new digital trends in order to
     stay on top.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       27
Food retail                                                          3.16
                                                                                                                             Telecom B2B                                                                          3.13

     Steady improvements in all four digital dimensions lead to a good (3.16)                                                Telecom B2B continues to receive a good grade (3.13), but several other
     grade for the food retail industry in this year’s study. Most companies in the                                          industries score higher this year, leading to a lower ranking for the industry
     industry have made significant improvements, and the industry continues to                                              than last year. The industry should focus on all four dimensions in order to
     see digital refinements.                                                                                                keep up with the overall digital development.

     Food retail remains in third place on the industry ranking list in      Performance by dimension                        Swedish companies within the telecom B2B industry perform well          Performance by dimension
     this year’s study, however the grade has risen from sufficient                                                          in this year’s study with good and sufficient grades. The digital
     (2.80) to good (3.16). The higher grade is the result of a better                                                       dimensions where the industry does not reach a good grade are
     performance within all four dimensions. The biggest improvement                                                         digital marketing and e-commerce, where telecom B2B is graded
     is found in digital marketing, where the grade has improved from                        2.14 +0.82                      as sufficient. The score for telecom B2B is close to that of the                          2.28 -0.47
     poor (1.32) to sufficient (2.14). However, despite this growth, the                                                     industry in last year’s study. However, several other industries have
                                                                                                         3.77 +0.18                                                                                                                 3.95 +0.24
     food retail industry is only ranked seventh in the digital marketing                                                    increased their digital efforts, which means the industry is not
     dimension, which is why further improvement in this dimension is                                3.50 +0.12
                                                                                                                             leading in the same way as before.                                                          3.64 -0.34
                                                                                                    3.32 +0.20               The biggest difference in how telecom B2B is rated in the digital                                 3.58 +0.33
     The dimensions where food retail performs best compared                                                                 dimensions is within digital marketing, where the industry receives
                                                                                   0     1      2    3        4          5                                                                                 0       1     2     3        4          5
     with the other industries are digital product experience and                                                            a sufficient grade (2.28), with a lower score than last year (2.75).
     e-commerce, where it ranks in the top three both this year and                                                          The reason behind this is, for example, a lower score for the
     last year. It receives a good grade in both these dimensions as                                                         industry within search engine optimization.
     well as in e-CRM.
                                                                                                                             The digital dimensions where the industry scores higher than last
     The best-performing company in the food retail industry this
                                                                             Performance by company                          year are e-CRM and digital product experience. The performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Performance by company
     year is Systembolaget, which is also in the top five among all                                                          in these dimensions comes from high grades in mobile and
                                                                             		                      2020         2019                                                                               		                       2020          2019
     companies in the study. It has improved in every dimension                                                              website content as well as a good performance in customer
     and receives a sufficient grade in digital marketing, good in                                                           service.
                                                                             1. Systembolaget        3.45         2.84                                                                               1. Telia Company B2B      3.29         3.27
     e-commerce and very good in digital product experience and
     e-CRM. Its biggest gain is in digital marketing, where this year’s      2. Coop                 3.31         2.81       Telia Company B2B (3.29) continues to be a strong performer             2. Telenor B2B            3.22         3.09
     sufficient grade improves on last year’s failed.                        3. ICA                  3.20         3.02       within the industry, with Telenor B2B (3.22) and Tele2 B2B (3.12)       3. Tele2 B2B              3.12         3.28
                                                                             4. Hemköp               3.08         2.57       all receiving a good grade. Tre B2B is lagging and is ranked as         4. Tre B2B                2.90         3.18
     Every company in food retail except Willys has improved on its                                                          sufficient this year. The best improvement in telecom B2B comes
                                                                             5. City Gross           3.02         2.62
     score this year. Willys, which had a top-three position among                                                           from Telenor B2B, which has improved its score the most since last
     food retail companies last year, did not manage to uphold this          6. Willys               2.90         2.90       year’s study.
     position, as its score remains the same as last year. If it wants to
     be among the top-rated companies, it is important that it goes                                                          Telecom B2B continues to achieve high grades and the
     on improving across every dimension, as the industry continues to                                                       differences in grades between the companies within the industry
     better its grade.                                                                                                       are small, although they have slightly increased since last year’s
                                                                                                                             study. However, every company within the industry should be
                                                                                                                             vigilant regarding new digital trends to stay updated with other

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     29
Retail                                   3.12
                                                                                                                              Bank                                 3.05

     Most Swedish companies within retail have improved their digital efforts,                                                The bank industry has improved since last year. Three banks are placed in the
     leading to a good grade (3.12) overall for the industry. Companies from other                                            top 10 of all the companies in the survey. However, improvements are needed
     industries have bettered their digital grades even more though, which leads to                                           in all four dimensions, especially in digital marketing, where all of the banks
     retail ranking lower than last year.                                                                                     receive a low score.

     Retail has improved its grade since last year but despite this, it   Performance by dimension                            Banking has improved its overall score (3.05) and ends up in sixth     Performance by dimension
     has dropped one position in the industry ranking and ends up                                                             place compared with the other industries. However, even though
     in fifth place this year. However, it has improved across all four                                                       the industry’s overall grade is good, improvements are possible
     dimensions.                                                                                                              and needed in all four dimensions.
                                                                                               2.08 +0.37                                                                                                              2.01 -0.31
     The dimension where the retail industry performs best is                                                                 The banks’ digital product experience is the strongest dimension,
                                                                                                        3.69 +0.28                                                                                                                      3.75 +0.41
     e-commerce, where it is the top industry this year and was last                                                          and even though it received the highest score last year, it
     year. However, retail’s improvement is not as big as that in other                                 3.63 +0.01            has improved further. Overall, there have also been category                                     3.26 -0.49
     industries, which is why further improvements should be made if                                                          improvements in the e-commerce dimension that have helped
     the industry wants to hold onto this top position. Retail receives                               3.22 +0.24              increase the grade in product presentation and purchase support.                                3.24 -0.01
     a good grade in the e-commerce, digital product experience and                                                           The digital marketing dimension receives the lowest grade and
                                                                                 0         1      2     3      4          5                                                                                0       1      2         3        4          5
     e-CRM dimensions. Digital marketing is the dimension where it                                                            prevents banking from scoring even higher.
     has the lowest grade, although an improvement has been made
     from poor to sufficient.                                                                                                 The industry leader is Nordea (3.44), making a leap from last
                                                                          Performance by company                              year’s 7th place in the bank industry ranking. It has improved in      Performance by company
     The best-performing company within retail is Apoteket, which                                                             the digital marketing, e-commerce and digital product experience
     is also the company in the industry that has improved its grade      		                            2020       2019       dimensions, resulting in a higher average score. Moreover, the         		                             2020         2019
     most since last year. Apoteket has a total grade of good (3.49)                                                          large banks SEB (3.40) and Swedbank (3.40) keep their positions
     and receives very good in e-commerce and digital product             1. Apoteket                   3.49       3.07       in the top three. SEB scores highest in the industry for the digital   1. Nordea                      3.44         2.59
     experience. All other companies have also improved their grades                                                          marketing dimension but, as previously mentioned, the industry
                                                                          2. Elgiganten                 3.37       3.01                                                                              2. SEB                         3.40         3.02
     but by different amounts. A company with a low grade and                                                                 score in this dimension is low. Compared with other industries,
                                                                          3. IKEA                       3.35       3.28                                                                              3. Swedbank                    3.40         2.80
     improvement is Axstores, which has improved in digital product                                                           Swedish companies score low overall in the digital marketing
     experience and e-CRM but regressed in the other two dimensions.      4. H&M                        3.31       2.91       dimension. Despite this, banks could benefit from learning from        4. Avanza bank                 3.39         2.68
     It therefore has great opportunities for further improvement.        5. Qliro Group                3.29       3.07       the front-runners in digital marketing from the telecom industry.      5. Länsförsäkringar Bank 3.22               2.80
     IKEA is still a top company but has also showed only a slight        6. Kronan Apotek              3.21       3.03                                                                              6. ICA Banken                  3.06         2.80
     improvement since last year. The better performances of others                                                           This year, three banks score a top 10 result overall compared with
                                                                          7. Stadium                    3.15       2.89                                                                              7. SBAB Bank                   2.99         3.14
     means that the top-ranked companies are graded closer to each                                                            last year when the industry leader did not even make the top 10.
     other this year.                                                     8. Clas Ohlson                3.14       3.06       The bank industry has improved in several dimensions since last        8. Handelsbanken               2.89         2.83
                                                                          9. Apotek Hjärtat             3.12       2.84       year, showing the trend that banks are becoming more digitalized       9. Marginalen Bank             2.87         2.58
                                                                          10. Kjell & Co                3.10       2.72       and focusing on new technologies.                                      10. Skandiabanken              2.85         2.60
                                                                          11. XXL                       3.10       2.75                                                                              11. Nordnet                    2.82         2.38
                                                                          12. NetOnNet                  3.10       2.87                                                                              12. Ikano Bank                 2.78         2.78
                                                                          13. Byggmax                   2.98       2.66                                                                              13. Resurs Bank                2.57         2.37
                                                                          14. Dustin                    2.84       2.59
                                                                          15. Axstores                  2.81       2.79
                                                                          16. K-rauta                   2.63       2.51

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          31
Insurance                                                         2.92
                                                                                                                                Media                                     2.84

     The insurance industry has improved a lot, especially in digital product                                                   Slight improvements in all four digital dimensions are not enough for
     experience and e-commerce, but its score has decreased in e-CRM. This leads                                                companies in the media industry to grade above sufficient (2.84). Major
     to the industry only attaining a sufficient grade (2.92) in this year’s study.                                             differences between digital front-runners and those lagging behind contribute
                                                                                                                                to the industry not achieving a higher grade.

     The insurance industry has improved its ranking this year to             Performance by dimension                          Despite a higher score (2.84) compared with last year (2.57),         Performance by dimension
     seventh position, compared with last year’s ninth, although it has                                                         the media industry has dropped two positions to eighth place
     not yet attained a good grade. Instead, a sufficient grade (2.92)                                                          on the industry ranking and remains at a sufficient grade. The
     is this year’s result and the scores among the dimensions vary.                                                            higher score is mainly due to the high growth in digital marketing,
                                                                                               2.14 +0.13                       where media performs best of all industries and has grown more                         2.28 +0.76
     The e-CRM grade is still sufficient (2.76) but the score has                                                               than the average dimension growth. The media industry has
                                                                                                        3.43 +0.58                                                                                                              3.35 +0.26
     worsened since last year (2.94). In the other dimensions, there                                                            also improved its grade in the other dimensions, but at the same
     has been an improvement, and the digital product experience                                       3.31 +0.40
                                                                                                                                speed as the dimension average. Media receives a good grade                                   2.91 +0.09
     and e-commerce dimensions both get a good grade. However,                                                                  (3.35) in digital product experience, but still ranks in the bottom
     compared with other industries in digital product experience,                                  2.76 -0.18                  two compared with the other industries. Media companies                                        3.21 +0.11
     insurance is ranked ninth and can therefore learn from others.                                                             therefore have room for improvement if they want to continue to
                                                                                      0    1      2      3       4          5                                                                               0      1      2       3        4          5
     In digital marketing, only a slight improvement is shown, and                                                              climb on the list.
     insurance falls from a ranking of third to sixth among the
     industries.                                                                                                                The best-performing company in the media industry is Com Hem,
                                                                              Performance by company                            which has climbed several positions since last year’s study. Com      Performance by company
     The top-ranked company in the insurance industry is                                                                        Hem has primarily improved its digital marketing dimension and
     Länsförsäkringar, which is also ranked in the top three among            		                         2020        2019       attained a good grade, as it has in the other three dimensions.       		                          2020         2019
     all the companies in the study. Its grade has improved from                                                                The e-CRM performance is similar to last year, while e-commerce
     sufficient to good, with the largest improvement found in the            1. Länsförsäkringar        3.46        2.82       has even fallen slightly.                                             1. Com Hem                  3.45         3.00
     e-commerce dimension. Despite its improvement in digital
                                                                              2. If                      3.07        2.74                                                                             2. Spotify                  3.13         2.52
     marketing, it still only gets a sufficient grade (2.80), but it gets a                                                     One company that has dropped several positions and is graded
                                                                              3. Folksam                 2.99        2.79                                                                             3. Aller media              3.00         2.57
     good grade in the other dimensions.                                                                                        lower than last year is Bonnier. A reason for the lower grade can
                                                                              4. Trygg-Hansa             2.89        2.67       be found in the e-commerce dimension. Apart from Bonnier, all         4. TV4                      2.90         2.58
     The ranking of the insurance industry companies has changed              5. Skandia                 2.66        2.43       the other companies in the media industry have a higher grade         5. Bonnier                  2.57         3.26
     little since last year. If climbs two positions and receives a good      6. Moderna Försäkringar 2.43           2.31       this year compared with 2019. The biggest improvement is at           6. Viasat                   2.53         2.24
     grade, with the largest improvement found in the e-commerce                                                                Spotify, where the digital marketing dimension has increased
                                                                                                                                                                                                      7. Sveriges Television      2.28         1.81
     dimension. Folksam drops one position, as it has improved in                                                               most.
     digital product experience and e-commerce but lowered its grade
     in digital marketing.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        33
Passenger                                                                                                                 Manufacturing                                                                                 2.78

     transportation                                                                             2.82
                                                                                                                               The manufacturing industry has slightly improved its overall score compared
                                                                                                                               with last year. On the other hand, improvements are necessary, as the industry
     The passenger transportation industry score has remained relatively                                                       is second-last on the list. Electrolux gets the best overall grade with strong
     unchanged since last year’s study. Both stronger and weaker digital                                                       performances in e-commerce and digital product experience.
     dimensions give an overall sufficient grade (2.82) and dropped placements in
                                                                                                                               Manufacturing has improved since last year with a score of              Performance by dimension
     the rankings.                                                                                                             2.78, but the industry still places second-last in this year’s study.
                                                                                                                               However, the overall leader of all the companies in this survey is
                                                                                                                               Electrolux (3.51) and it comes from this industry.
     The grade of sufficient (2.82) for passenger transportation makes      Performance by dimension                                                                                                                    1.75 +0.93
     up for ninth place among the industries, meaning a drop of two                                                            Manufacturing’s strongest dimension is digital product experience
     places since last year. The overall grade has increased slightly,                                                                                                                                                                   3.70 +0.49
                                                                                                                               (3.70), which places it in the top half compared with other
     but there is both an increase and a decrease of grades within the                                                         industries. On the other hand, the industry’s weakest dimension                                      3.29 +0.01
     dimensions.                                                                                2.17 +0.35
                                                                                                                               is digital marketing (1.75). In both dimensions, the industry has
                                                                                                                               significantly improved its scores since last year. In e-CRM, its                             2.02 -0.20
     The digital marketing dimension is where passenger                                                 3.43 +0.20
                                                                                                                               second-weakest dimension, manufacturing’s score has fallen from
     transportation performs best, with a ranking of fifth among                                                                                                                                              0         1       2        3      4          5
                                                                                                 2.40 -0.27                    2.22 last year to 2.02 in this year’s survey. This decrease is down
     all the industries. This is also one of two dimensions where it                                                           to changes within categories but also due to worse performances
     receives a higher grade than in 2019, the other being digital                                     3.28 -0.08              in the customer service and personalization and involvement
     product experience. In the other two dimensions, passenger                                                                categories. The manufacturing industry attains a good grade in
                                                                                      0     1      2     3      4          5
     transportation receives a lower grade than last year. In the                                                              two of the four dimensions.
     industry ranking, passenger transportation comes in the bottom                                                                                                                                    Performance by company
     two for e-commerce, so there is plenty of room for improvement                                                            The dimensions with the lowest scores, e-CRM (2.02) and digital
     there.                                                                                                                                                                                            		                                2020       2019
                                                                                                                               marketing (1.75), lower the overall score for the industry. And
                                                                            Performance by company
                                                                                                                               even though the digital marketing score has improved since last
     The ranking of the passenger transportation companies looks                                                                                                                                       1. Electrolux                     3.51       3.19
                                                                                                                               year, it is still low compared with the other industries. Husqvarna
     similar to that of 2019, even though the scores of the top-two         		                           2020       2019
                                                                                                                               receives the highest score within digital marketing (2.53), while       2. Husqvarna                      3.27       2.84
     firms have dropped. SJ has dropped a whole grade in the e-CRM                                                             Electrolux scores best in the other dimensions. The manufacturing       3. Volvo Cars                     3.21       2.92
     dimension, but still manages to hold the position as the highest-      1.   SJ                      3.30       3.35
                                                                                                                               industry needs to improve in every dimension, but refinements are       4. Scania                         2.99       2.47
     ranked company. Instead, it has improved its grade within the          2. Scandinavian Airlines 3.02           3.21
                                                                                                                               essential in digital marketing and e-CRM.
     digital product experience and e-commerce dimensions. The              3. Stena Line                2.96       2.81                                                                               5. Sandvik                        2.87       2.27
     grade of the second-highest ranked company, Scandinavian               4. Storstockholms            2.82       2.47       The industry leader is Electrolux (3.51), which is the overall leader   6. ABB                            2.83       2.27
     Airlines, has also dropped, with the largest decrease in the digital      Lokaltrafik                                     of all companies in this survey. The top result is thanks to good       7. Volvo Group                    2.82       2.40
     marketing dimension.                                                                                                      performances within e-commerce and digital product experience,
                                                                            5. Skånetrafiken             2.49       2.29                                                                               8. SKF                            2.78       2.27
                                                                                                                               where it attains a very good grade in both dimensions. The              9. Tetra Pak                      2.74       2.37
     The other passenger transportation companies all receive a             6. Västtrafik                2.36       2.15
                                                                                                                               improvement in the two dimensions is based on enhancements
     higher grade this year, spread across almost every dimension.                                                                                                                                     10. Atlas Copco                   2.65       2.25
                                                                                                                               to the purchasing process, e-commerce, content and company
     The company responsible for the largest gain is Storstockholms                                                            information, mobile website and mobile applications in                  11. Alfa Laval                    2.49       1.88
     Lokaltrafik, which has improved across all four dimensions.                                                               digital product experience. Autoliv receives the lowest grade           12. Ericsson                      2.48       2.16
                                                                                                                               in the industry and the second-lowest score overall. Although           13. Trelleborg                    2.48       2.15
                                                                                                                               improvements have been made at Autoliv, more effort is needed
                                                                                                                                                                                                       14. Autoliv                       1.82       1.58
                                                                                                                               to not be left behind other companies both in the industry and

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