2020 EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS - Americas Hernia Society

Page created by Tom Robbins
2020 EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS - Americas Hernia Society

                         North America Central America South America

Annual Meeting
Advancing Abdominal Core Health
September 23-26, 2020
Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, New York, NY

To apply to exhibit, please use the following link:

President: Benjamin Poulose, MD
Program Chair: David Chen, MD

                                      AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG             1
2020 EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS - Americas Hernia Society

Meeting Location, Dates, Deadlines and Contact Information.........................................................................................3
Corporate Alliance..................................................................................................................................................................................4
Booth Prices..............................................................................................................................................................................................4
Exhibitor Badges......................................................................................................................................................................................4
Exhibit Applications...............................................................................................................................................................................5
Booth Assignments................................................................................................................................................................................5
Floor Plan....................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Exhibit Schedule...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Hotel Reservations................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Booth Conduct.........................................................................................................................................................................................8
Insurance and Liability.........................................................................................................................................................................8
Policy on ACCME......................................................................................................................................................................................9
Display of Investigational Products.............................................................................................................................................10
Meeting Services Contractor........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Marketing & Visibility Opportunities........................................................................................................................................... 11

The mission of the Americas Hernia Society Annual Meeting is to provide a professional forum for the
exchange of information and education regarding historic, current, and future methods of diagnosis
and treatment of abdominal wall abnormalities.

Why You Need To Exhibit
   » More than 500 physicians and other health care professionals are expected to come to New York to
     increase their understanding of sophisticated innovations in hernia research, technology, products
     and services.
   » Creating a preference for your product or service only happens face-to-face.
   » You’ll meet with surgeons from around the world who can help you develop brand preference,
     increase year-end revenue, and boost your competitive edge in the growing market of hernia
   » The exhibit hall is considered an extension of the attendees’ educational experience; share your
     knowledge and expertise with these surgeons from around the world as part of that education.
   » Daily refreshment breaks and a welcome reception will be held in the exhibit area.
   » Simulation demos will take place in the exhibit area as a traffic generator.
   » Show your support for treatment of abdominal wall abnormalities.

                                                                            AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                                                                                         2

                    MEETING LOCATION
                    Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel
                    811 7th Avenue, W. 53rd Street
                    New York, NY 10019

                    AHS Group Rate: $389
                    Hotel reservations link to be provided in the Exhibitor
                    Confirmation Kit, to be sent to confirmed exhibitors in July.

                    EXHIBIT DATES
                    Wednesday, September 23 – 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm - 7:00
                    pm (Welcome Reception)
                    Thursday, September 24 - 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
                    Friday, September 25 - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
                    *exhibit times are subject to change based on meeting program
                    EXHIBIT MOVE IN
                    Central Park East & West
                    Wednesday, September 23 - 7:00 am - 12:00 pm
                    EXHIBIT MOVE OUT
                    Friday, September 25 - 4:00 - 6:00 pm
                    *All materials MUST be moved out by 6:00 pm

                    IMPORTANT DEADLINES
                    Corporate Alliance Exhibitor Registration Deadline – May 29, 2020*
                    Full Payment Due – June 30, 2020
                    Booth Cancellation Deadline (50% Refund) – July 15, 2020
                    Exhibitor Forms Due – August 14, 2020
                    Hotel Reservation Deadline – August 14, 2020
                    Exhibitor Badge Registration Deadline – September 14, 2020

                    *Booths will be assigned to Corporate Alliance members after
                     the May 29, 2020 deadline. After that, booths will be assigned to
                     non-CA members based on availability.

                    For Questions Regarding Exhibits and Marketing & Visibility
                    Jenay Root
                    Development and Exhibit Manager
                    11300 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 600
                    Los Angeles, CA 90064
                    Tel: 310-730-5596, ext. 127
                    Fax: 310-437-0585
                    Email: jenay@americasherniasociety.org

                 AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                           3

CORPORATE ALLIANCE                                     Exhibit Booth (10x10) - $12,000
The Corporate Alliance (CA) is a group of              10x10 pipe & drape booth, 8 ft. high back drape,
manufacturers who provide service and/or               3 ft. high side drapes, one (1) 6 ft. draped table,
materials to assist professionals in the diagnosis     two (2) chairs, one (1) exhibitor ID sign, six (6)
or treatment of disorders of the abdominal wall.       complimentary badges per contracted booth
The CA is committed to supporting scientific           Tabletop Exhibit (6 ft. draped table) - $8,000
programs of the AHS.
                                                       One (1) 6 ft. draped table, two (2) chairs, one (1)
 • Initial Joining Fee: $25,000                        exhibitor ID tabletop sign, three (3) complimentary
 • 3-year Renewal Fee: $15,000                         badges
CA membership benefits include:                        All materials for tabletop exhibits must fit within
  • Recognition on the website with a link to your     the 6 ft. foot space and cannot impede aisles or
    industry website.                                  adjacent exhibit space.
  • Discounted exhibit booth fees for the annual
    meeting.                                           Exhibit hall is carpeted.
  • Priority booth selection based on Corporate        ADDITIONAL BOOTH INFORMATION:
    Alliance rotation for that year.
  • Priority selection of Breakfast & Learn and         • All additional booth furnishings not listed
    Lunch & Learn space during the annual                 above need to be ordered through Freeman,
    meeting.                                              the official decorator of the show.
  • First right of refusal on marketing & visibility    • Electrical and internet service and audio visual
    opportunities purchased for the most recent           equipment need to be ordered through the
    meeting.                                              preferred vendors for the meeting; details to
  • Annual meeting pre-registration list for              be provided in the Freeman Service Kit.
Each member of Corporate Alliance will receive         EXHIBITOR BADGES
the exhibit information at the same time. Each
company is responsible for applying by the
                                                       ADDITIONAL BADGE PRICING:
deadline provided in the Exhibitor Prospectus.          • $75 per badge on or before August 21, 2020
After the deadline date, if your application has        • $125 per badge after August 21, 2020
not been submitted, the AHS has the right to            • $175 per badge on-site
move onto the next CA company in the rotation
                                                        • The AHS will NOT exchange/swap
for booth selection.
                                                          representative badges on-site for those who
                                                          are unable to attend.
BOOTH PRICES                                            • All reps who are NOT pre-registered will
Corporate Alliance (per 10x10 booth) - $7,000             have to pay the on-site exhibit badge fee. NO
10x10 pipe & drape booth, 8 ft. high back drape,          EXCEPTIONS.
3 ft. high side drapes, one (1) 6 ft. draped table,     • Badges may be purchased through the online
two (2) chairs, one (1) exhibitor ID sign, ten (10)       AHS exhibitor badge registration form prior to
complimentary badges per contracted booth, first          the start of the meeting.
choice of available exhibit space

                                       AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                             4

 • The link for the online badge registration form   important information. Freeman Decorating, the
   will be provided in the Exhibitor Confirmation    official decorator for the meeting, will provide a
   Kit.                                              separate Service Kit with shipping details, forms
 • All additional and on-site badge purchases are    for ordering furniture and electrical service, etc.
   final and non-refundable.
 • Exhibitor badges may be picked up on-site         BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS
   by the individual. Exhibitor pre-registration     Booth space is assigned on a first-come, first-
   will be open during set up on Wednesday,          served basis as exhibitor applications are
   September 23rd and throughout the duration        received. If placement requests are unavailable
   of the meeting.                                   when the application is received, the AHS will
 • Exhibitors MAY NOT register an individual as      assign the exhibitor the best available space.
   a representative of an exhibiting company
   who is eligible for registration as a meeting     Should conflicts arise regarding space requests or
   participant. Any company that the AHS finds       conditions that are beyond the Society’s control,
   has registered an employee who is considered      the AHS reserves the right to change the exhibit
   a meeting participant will be invoiced the        floor plan, without consultation of contracted
   on-site participant registration fee for the      exhibitors. The AHS reserves the right to relocate
   meeting attendee.                                 an exhibitor at any time with the understanding
                                                     that if the exhibitor does not agree with such
EXHIBIT APPLICATIONS &                               relocation, a refund will be issued on a case by
CONFIRMATION                                         case basis. Exhibitor may not assign or sublet any
                                                     space without prior written approval of the AHS.
Exhibitor applications need to be completed
online by July 29, 2020. Registrations may be        CANCELLATION POLICY
accepted after this deadline (based on space
                                                     A 50% deposit is required with your exhibit
availability and at the discretion of the AHS);
                                                     application. All additional badge purchases are
however, the AHS cannot guarantee the company
                                                     final and non-refundable. Cancellations must
will be included in the meeting materials.
                                                     be directed in writing to the Americas Hernia
All exhibit applications must be accompanied by      Society. The Americas Hernia Society will refund
a 50% non-refundable deposit by credit card for      payment minus the 50% deposit for exhibit
booth space. Remaining balance can be paid by        space for requests received by July 29, 2020. Any
check or credit card by August 21, 2020. Please      cancellation requests received after the deadline
contact the AHS office at 310-730-5596 with any      are NON-REFUNDABLE, NO EXCEPTIONS.
questions. Space will NOT be confirmed without a
The key contact on the exhibitor registration
form will receive all correspondence from the
AHS regarding exhibit information. Exhibitors will
receive a Confirmation Kit from the AHS which will
include badge registration instructions and other

                                     AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                             5

    AMERICAN HERNIA SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING                                                                                                                                                                                          D

                   SEPTEMBER 23 - SEPTEMBER 26, 2020



                                                                                                    File Path: P:\Avon\BRANCH\NERD\Floor Plans\Shows\20\09\SOC OF HERNIA ANNUAL MEETING\SOHAM 0920 10X10.dwg | Tab Name: EXHIBITS
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                                      AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                6

EXHIBIT SCHEDULE                                        HOTEL RESERVATIONS
EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION                                  Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel
                                                        811 7th Avenue, W. 53rd Street
Wednesday, September 23 – 7:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                        New York, NY 10019
EXHIBIT MOVE-IN                                         Hotel reservations link to be included in the
Central Park East & West                                Exhibitor Confirmation Kit.
Wednesday, September 23 - 7:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                        Exhibitors are strongly requested to reserve
EXHIBIT MOVE-OUT                                        rooms within the meeting room block.
Friday, September 25 - 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm                Any company booking 10 or more rooms at
* All materials MUST be moved out by 6:00 pm            the hotel will be required to set up a sub-
All set-up must be complete by 12:00 pm on              block contract for reservations. Any penalties
September 23rd. Exhibitors who have not checked         or attrition accrued based on the terms of
in at the registration desk and set-up by this time     that contract will be the responsibility of
will be considered “no shows” and may have their        the exhibitor. If you would like assistance
booth dismantled by AHS Management. Exhibitors          in reserving a room block of more than 10
may not begin dismantling until 4:00 pm on              rooms, please contact Jenay Root at jenay@
September 25th. All exhibits must be packed and         americasherniasociety.org.
ready for shipment by 6:00 pm on September
                                                        The hotel reservation cut-off date is August 14,
                                                        2020. Exhibiting companies may reserve one
Exhibitors who dismantle early or do not keep           or more rooms without individual names, or
their booths staffed and operational until the          a company block until the cut-off date. After
official closing time, jeopardize their participation   August 14, 2020, rooms or room blocks without
at future AHS meetings.                                 individual names will be released.

Exhibit Hours                                           Reservations received after August 14, 2020 will
                                                        be accommodated as availability permits. If the
Wednesday, September 23 – 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
                                                        meeting room blocks are not filled by the cut-off
and 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm (Welcome Reception)
                                                        date, the hotels may release the remainder of
Thursday, September 24 - 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
                                                        the rooms within the meeting block for general
Friday, September 25 - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                        (public) reservations.
*Please note: Exhibit times can change at any
time based on the final program. Booths must
be staffed during all hours that the exhibit hall
is open. The AHS encourages all your association
partners to attend the Welcome Reception on
Wednesday, September 23rd. This is a great
opportunity for exhibitors to mix and mingle
with the surgeons in attendance. The Welcome
Reception will be held in the exhibit hall and
adjacent areas.

                                        AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                           7

BADGE/BOOTH CONDUCT                                    INSURANCE AND LIABILITY
Exhibitors must set up, occupy and staff their         The Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and
exhibits during all hours exhibits are open. Failure   liability for losses, damages and claims arising
to do so may result in ineligibility for future        out of injury to any person, or any loss of, or
meetings.                                              damage to property when such loss, damage or
All representatives of exhibiting companies must       injury is in any way connected to the exhibitor’s
register and wear the official exhibitor badge         participation in the exhibition. Exhibitors shall
for admission to and while in the exhibit hall         indemnify and hold harmless the AHS, its officers,
and clinical sessions. Security will be present on     directors, agents, members and employees and,
all meeting floors. Company badges will not be         the designated meeting facility, its agents, and
accepted in lieu of the official badge. Exhibitors     employees from any and all such losses, damages
may not deface or mark badges in any manner.           and claims. Exhibitors agree to protect, save, and
Affixing stick-on items, punching, stamping or         keep the AHS and the Sheraton New York Times
marking badges is not permitted.                       Square Hotel forever harmless from any damage
                                                       or charges imposed for violation of any law or
False certification of individuals as an exhibitor     ordinance whether occasioned by the negligence
representative, misuse of exhibitor badges, or any     of the exhibitor, or its agents, as well as strictly to
other method of assisting unauthorized persons         comply with the applicable terms and conditions
access to the AHS exhibit hall or scientific           contained in the agreement between the AHS
sessions will be grounds for expulsion from            and the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel
current and future AHS meetings.                       regarding the exhibit premises, and further, an
                                                       exhibitor shall at all times protect, indemnify,
All exhibit advertising and distribution of
                                                       save and keep harmless the AHS and the
literature must be done within the allotted space
                                                       Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel against
assigned to the exhibiting company, with the
                                                       any and all loss, cost, damage, liability or expense
exception of additional purchased sponsorship
                                                       arising from, or out of, or by reason of said
opportunities. Any literature or advertising that is
                                                       exhibitor’s occupancy and use of exhibit premises
done without authorization outside the allotted
                                                       or part thereof. Though security is provided by
space will be removed and disposed without
                                                       the AHS, the furnishing of such security shall not
company consent.
                                                       be deemed to effect the non-liability of the AHS,
                                                       its members, officers, representatives or the
EXHIBITORS ATTENDING SCIENTIFIC                        official service contractors or the Sheraton New
SESSIONS                                               York Times Square Hotel to modify in any way the
Exhibitors may attend the General Session              assumptions or risk provided herein. If any part of
and Concurrent General Session(s) with the             the exhibit hall is damaged or destroyed in such
understanding that if a session becomes too            a way as to prevent the AHS from allowing an
full, an exhibitor may be asked to give up their       exhibitor to occupy its assigned space during any
seat for a registered attendee of the meeting.         portion of the exhibition, or if same is prevented
Company advertising or information MAY NOT             by strikes, Acts of God, national emergency, or
be distributed inside scientific sessions, NO          other causes beyond the control of the AHS,
EXCEPTIONS.                                            exhibitors will be charged for space during the
                                                       time it was or could have been occupied; and

                                       AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                             8

exhibitors hereby waive any claim against the           commercial interests. As part of this commitment,
AHS, its members, directors, agents or employees        the AHS requires clear separation between
for losses or damages that may occur due to such        exhibit/marketing/advertising activities and
inability to occupy assigned space.                     educational activities.

PROOF OF INSURANCE                                      Exhibitors are requested to review the ACCME
                                                        Standards for Commercial Support:
Exhibitor must provide proof of insurance for the       http://www.accme.org/requirements/
safeguarding of materials, goods, and equipment.        accreditationrequirements-cme-providers/
The exhibit area will be secured by the hotel           standards-for-commercial-support, and in
during non-exhibit times; however, neither the          particular:
hotel nor AHS is responsible for damage or loss of
exhibitor items. Exhibitor agrees to insure itself,     STANDARD 4: Appropriate Management of
at its own expense, against property loss and           Associated Commercial Promotion:
liability for personal injury. Exhibitor assumes
                                                        STANDARD 4.1 Arrangements for commercial
full responsibility for property damage, personal
                                                        exhibits or advertisements cannot influence
injury, or death to any party by reason of the
                                                        planning or interfere with the presentation,
exhibitor’s participation in the exhibition, meeting
                                                        nor can they be a condition of the provision of
activities, or social events. Exhibitors agree to the
                                                        commercial support for CME activities.
above terms when applying to exhibit.
                                                        STANDARD 4.2 Product-promotion material or
SECURITY                                                product-specific advertisement of any type
AHS Management will furnish security staff to           is prohibited in or during CME activities. The
be on duty in the exhibit hall when exhibits are        juxtaposition of editorial and advertising material
closed, but the safekeeping of the exhibitor’s          on the same products or subjects must be
property shall remain the responsibility of             avoided. Live (staffed exhibits, presentations) or
the exhibitor at all times. Exhibitors may hire         enduring (printed or electronic advertisements)
additional security personnel for their booths.         promotional activities must be kept separate
AHNS Management assumes no responsibility for           from CME.
any losses sustained by exhibitors.
                                                        There will be no ‘commercial breaks.’ For
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT                         live, face-to-face CME, advertisements and
                                                        promotional materials cannot be displayed or
Each exhibitor shall be responsible for compliance      distributed in the educational space immediately
with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992        before, during, or after a CME activity. Providers
(ADA) with regard to their booth space, including,      cannot allow representatives of Commercial
but not limited to, wheelchair access.                  Interests to engage in sales or promotional
                                                        activities while in the space or place of the CME
POLICY ON ACCME STANDARDS FOR                           activity.
COMMERCIAL SUPPORT (SCS)                                STANDARD 4.3 Educational materials that are part
The AHS is committed to presenting CME activities       of a CME activity, such as slides, abstracts and
that promote improvements or quality in                 handouts, cannot contain any advertising, trade
healthcare and are independent of the control of        name or a product-group message.

                                       AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                             9

STANDARD 4.4 Print or electronic information           It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to
distributed about the non-CME elements of a            comply with FDA regulations. Please contact the
CME activity that are not directly related to the      Regulatory Affairs Department with any questions
transfer of education to the learner, such as          on Food and Drug Administration guidelines.
schedules and content descriptions, may include        Food and Drug Administration
product-promotion material or product specific         Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
advertisement.                                         DDMAC5901-B Ammendale Rd.
                                                       Beltsville, MD 20705-1266
PHOTOGRAPHY                                            Phone: (301) 796-1200
An exhibit or its products may not be                  Fax: (301) 796-9878
photographed or videotaped without the
permission of the legitimate occupants of that         DISPLAY OF CLASS III DEVICES
booth. AHS Management reserves the right to            Any display of Class III devices for off-label use
photograph exhibits for society purposes.              must be accompanied by the following statement:
                                                       “Display of this device for off-label use is not
DISPLAY OF INVESTIGATIONAL                             endorsed by the AHS.”
All exhibitors must comply with FDA rules              DIRECT SALES ON EXHIBIT FLOOR
regarding display of investigational products.         Sales and order taking are permitted provided
Display of any investigational products is not         all transactions are conducted in a manner
an endorsement by the AHS. To comply with the          consistent with the professional nature of the
Food and Drug Administration’s Guidelines on           meeting. Products for sale must be the exhibitor’s
Notices of Availability, any investigational product   own unaltered products and the products or
exhibited or graphically depicted should:              services must be pertinent to the attendees’
 • Contain only objective statements about the         professional interest. AHS Management reserves
   product.                                            the right to restrict sales activities that it deems
 • Contain no claims of safety, effectiveness or       inappropriate or unprofessional. Exhibitors must
   reliability.                                        comply with all sales tax requirements. Exhibitors
 • Contain no comparative claims to other              selling or taking orders during the meeting must
   marketed products.                                  adhere to certain business license, sales, and tax
 • Be displayed solely for the purpose of              regulations, which vary from state to state.
   obtaining investigators.
 • Be accompanied by directions for becoming           GIFTS AND GIVEAWAYS
   an investigator and list of investigator            Small token gifts may be distributed with AHS
   responsibilities.                                   Management’s prior approval. Please submit
 • Display a statement: “Caution— Investigational      Giveaway Notification form provided in the
   Device—Limited to Investigational Use” (or          exhibitor confirmation kit by August 12, 2020..
   similar statement) in prominent size and

                                       AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                         10

FREEMAN DECORATING                                       VISIBILITY OPPORTUNITIES
Once you have submitted your exhibitor                   A variety of opportunities are available for
application, the AHS will send contact information       maximizing your exposure at the meeting. Please
for your company to Freeman Decorating, the              refer to the Marketing & Visibility Package for
official meeting service contractor. Freeman will        detailed information. Or contact, Jenay Root,
provide the link to the official exhibitor service kit   Development Manager at
to the key contact on the exhibitor application.         jenay@americasherniasociety.org
The service kit will contain information on
shipping, forms for ordering electricity, internet
service, AV equipment, etc.

The AHS is pleased to offer lead retrieval services
through our partner, Cvent. The service will allow
exhibitors to:
 • Scan badges to gather lead information
 • Score leads and take notes
 • Export leads on demand

Detailed information and ordering information
will be provided in the Exhibitor Confirmation Kit.

                                        AMERICASHERNIASOCIETY.ORG                                      11
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