The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...

Page created by Lonnie Parsons
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...
ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX CHURCH                                                                             BRADFORD,
                                                                                                         SEPTEMBER      PA
                                                                                                                   12, 2021

                                   On September 11, 2021, we were totally caught off guard by the surprise attack on our country
                                   at the hand of terrorists. We did not see it coming and we did not expect innocent people to
                                   become - as it were “Living Bombs” - though the use of planes. We all were shocked to the
                                   core. Sad to say we relied on our technology and did not think that terrorists would stoop that
                                   low to use innocent humans.
                                   Thousands perished in the World Trade Center, in the Pentagon, and in a field in Shanksville,
                                   Pennsylvania. The victims were Americans and citizens of over fifty other Countries.
                                   We pause to remember those who have died. We ask God to be merciful to them and to give
                                   them eternal rest:
For the passengers of American Flight 11 and United Flight 175 which were flown into the World Trade Center.
For all the workers who perished in the World Trade Center and neighboring buildings.
For the firefighters, police, and rescue workers who died trying to save others.
For the crew and passengers on American Airlines Flight 77 which was flown into the Pentagon.
For the military personnel and civilians who were killed and injured at the Pentagon.
For the heroic crew and passengers on United Flight 93 which crashed into the field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
For all the military personnel who have died in battle against terrorism.
For all those who have died as the result of terrorist activity and for those who mourn them.
And as we gather as a nation to commemorate this 20th anniversary, we are still mourning the loss of life, still living under the
possibility of more evil deeds and still at war with terrorists’ actions. We gather “under God,” and with full trust in His love,
compassion, and justice.
Let us pray: God of loving kindness, grant them eternal rest. Comfort those who mourn them. Open our hearts to hear Your
word, and in it, find light in time of darkness, and strength in our belief that Your Son won for us eternal life. Through that
same Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. God Bless, Fr. Ray

This weekend (September 11-12) we will have a second
collection for the devastation in Haiti. Please use a plain
white envelope with your information on it if you would like
credit for the donation.

Next weekend (September 18-19) the second collection will
be for the 2021 Catholic Education Collection. Please give
generously. Without you, our faith formation and religious
education programs would not be as successful as they
are. Because of you, our many children and their families,
                                                                           LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS
both young and old, are led to greater faith. THANK YOU             St. Bernard - Needed Weekly: $ 4,745
for your support.                                                               September 5 ..……. $ TBA
                                                                    2021 SB CSA Assessment……………$ 34,619
                                                                        SB 2021 CSA Collected………$ 36,820

                                                                    St. Francis of Assisi - Needed Weekly: $ 3,952
                                                                                 September 5 .….….$ TBA
                                                                    2021 SF CSA Assessment……………$ 22,249
                                                                         SF 2021 CSA Collected………$19,180
                                                                              OUR PARISHES THANK YOU
                                                                              FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

             UPCOMING MEETINGS                                 Religious Education Third Grade Teacher Needed
Catholic Women: Cancelled until further notice                 Classes will begin September 19th and are held every other
Rosary Altar: Thursday, September 9th @ 6:00pm at SF           Sunday from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. This person will help to
                Tureen dinner - bring a dish to pass
                                                               prepare children for First Communion. Clearances will also
K of C #403 : Tuesday, September 21 @ 7 pm - SB Office
                                                               be needed. Call the Parish office if you can fill this need.

         Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you interested in learning about the Catholic Faith?
On Monday, September 20th we will begin our RCIA clas-
ses here at Saint Bernard. If you are interested in becom-
ing Catholic and/or want to know more about the Catholic         Bradford Catholic Community Members
Faith please call the parish office 362-6825 to register                        ~ Looking for fellowship?
and we will get back to you.                                                 ~ Want to see a familiar face?
                                                                             Then you will want to come to
Please write separate checks for each type of dona-                  The Tri Parish Catholic Community Gathering
tion: CSA, candles, fuel, 2nd collections, masses and any        Once a month EVERYONE: Men, Women, and Families
other. These collections are processed separately.                       are invited to spend less than an hour
We only need 1 envelope when you are combining                            REJOICING, REFLECTING
weeks or paying monthly.                                                     AND RECONNECTING
Do NOT make any checks out to OMPH. OMPH is part of                          With others from our parishes
St. Francis and we have no bank account for OMPH.
                                                                              DATE: September 12, 2021
PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE OR TAPE YOUR ENVELOPE.                                     TIME: After 10:00 Mass
                                                                               PLACE: Fr Leo Social Hall
Child Protection and Creating Safe Environ-                             PURPOSE: Rejoice, Reflect, Reconnect
ments - Diocesan Child Protection Policies:                                  Come see what this gathering
The Diocese of Erie, along with all other dioceses in the                              is all about!
United States, has policies and procedures in place to ad-             Sponsored by the Catholic Women’s Club.
dress the national problem of child abuse and to aid in
                                                               NEW PROGAM AT ST. BERNARD CHURCH
maintaining safe environments. The three main compo-           St. Bernard parish is looking to pilot a Sunday School pro-
nents of the Policy for the Protection of Children are:        gram this fall. Kids under 5 can gather during the 10 am
screening of all employees and volunteers who work with        mass and participate in a child-friendly Bible story, crafts,
minors, training of all youth, parents, employees and volun-   songs, and more. If you would consider using this service
teers, and reporting all suspected child abuse. The diocese    for your kids, or are a woman of the parish (moms, aunts,
is committed to promptly reporting any suspected child         grandmas!) who would consider volunteering, please con-
abuse directly to ChildLine or law enforcement. The dio-       tact Ruby Morris at 740-632-4717. We are hoping for a
cese requires on-going screening and training of all person-   handful of parishioners to get started and will then schedule
nel, paid or unpaid, who have regular contact with our chil-   an informational meeting. Note: all child-safety clearances
dren and youth under the age of 18. The diocese also re-       will be in order before this program can commence.
quires yearly safe environment training of our children,
youth and parents regarding touching-safety and safe envi-
ronments. Visit to
read the policy and learn what the diocese requires for all
personnel who work with children and youth in parishes/             TOGI’S FAMILY RESTAURANT
schools/agencies.                                                       PLEASE GIVE THEM YOUR SUPPORT!
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

                                                                FAMILY LIFE
                                                                If commitment is the choice we make to give up other choic-
                                                                es, then it is about “losing ourselves”. If we try to be inde-
                                                                pendent from others by “saving ourselves”, we end up lone-
                                                                ly and alone. Happiness is found in commitments. The gos-
                                                                pel is true: We save our life by losing it!

                                                                Parenting Pointers
                                                                Twenty years ago, on Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists attacked
                                                                NYC and Washington DC. How old were you? If your chil-
                                                                dren are old enough, share your experience of how you felt.
                                                                Are there things that frighten them today? Remember that
                                                                brave people in one of the 4 planes sacrificed their own
                                                                lives to save unknown future victims.

                                                                MARRIAGE MOMENTS
                                                                Are you in a “mixed marriage”? Often this term has been
                                                                used for Catholic/Non-Catholic marriages but it could mean
                                                                mixed races, mixed classes, mixed ethnicities. or even
                                                                mixed technology (PC vs MAC). How has your life been
                                                                enriched by the difference your spouse brings?

REP classes will begin September 19, 2021 for grades
1 - 7 and meet at the Father Leo J. Gallina Social Hall on
Sunday mornings from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm.
REP classes for grades 8 - 11 will begin September 26,
2021 and also meet at Father Leo J. Gallina Social Hall                                              ST. BERNARD
Sunday evenings from 5:45 pm - 7:15 pm will begin Sep-                                                CEMETERY
tember 26, 2021.                                                All flowers, pots and ornamentation, real or plastic, must be
Registration packets are available in the parish office and     removed from all grave sites by September 15th. Winter
the back of the churches. Please be sure to take the appro-     and holiday decorations are permitted after November 1st.
priate grade packet. They are labeled for grades 1 - 7 or 8 -
11. Grades 1-7 need only one packet per family. Grades 8 -
11 you will need one packet for each student.
REP Coordinator Kim VanHorn will be in the parish office
on Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm dur-
ing the month of September to answer questions and hand
out forms.
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

   VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE DURING                                                    BULLETIN INFORMATION MUST BE
       YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH                                                            RECEIVED IN WRITING
                                                                                     BY NOON ON FRIDAY
The virtual pilgrimage to the seven churches named for St.                     2 WEEKS PRIOR TO BULLETIN DATE.
Joseph in the Diocese of Erie was initiated to celebrate the
Year of St. Joseph, announced by Pope Francis, that will
                                                                MEMBERSHIP: All Baptized Catholics should be
conclude on Dec. 8. The next stop will be on Sept. 19 at St.    registered, practicing and supporting members of a
Joseph Parish in Lucinda. A pre-recorded Mass with Father       Parish. Only properly registered members appear
Mike Polinek, pastor, will be available through a link on the   on our parish list and are eligible to receive the
parish YouTube channel. (Search St. Joseph and St. Mi-          benefits of parish membership for sacraments. Each
                                                                parishioner is called upon to practice good
chael Parish, Lucinda, PA, on YouTube.) An October date         stewardship of time, talent and treasure. If you are
is being selected for the sixth stop in the pilgrimage at St.   not currently receiving envelopes, you may not be
Joseph Church in Mount Jewett.                                  registered. Call the Parish Office - we would love to
                                                                meet you!
                                                                MARRIAGE: Couples need to contact a priest at
                                                                least six months before their wedding. Registered
                                                                and active participation needs to be considered
                                                                before marriage.

                                                                We welcome all inquiries about the Catholic faith.
                                                                This RCIA process begins in the fall of the year.
                                                                Please call the Parish Office for further information.
                                                                PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please call
               PASTORAL STAFF:                                  the Parish Office to request the Sacrament of the
          Rev. Raymond C. Gramata, Pastor                       Sick for family members who are seriously ill.
       Rev. James Gutting, Senior Associate                     Communion for the sick is taken to the hospital,
                 OFFICE HOURS:                                  nursing homes, and the home-bound on a regular
        Monday thru Friday: 8 am to 4 pm                        basis.
         (Now OPEN through lunch hour)                          BAPTISM: Both parents must attend the Pre-
          Wendy Thomson, Office Manager                         Baptism Preparation Program. Please call the St.
         Lisa Kuret, Administrative Assistant                   Bernard Parish Office for dates and times of
    MASS SCHEDULE: Please consult bulletin                      upcoming class. Baptisms are scheduled after
                 CONFESSIONS:                                   completing the program. Call the Parish Office to
St. Bernard — Saturdays from 4:30 to 5 pm before                schedule the class and baptism. Godparents must be
        5:15 mass, Thursday before First Friday                 at least 16, confirmed and active, registered
        from 4:30 to 5 pm.                                      members of their parish.
St. Francis — After 9 am mass on Saturdays.
Private appointments may be made by calling the                                      Liturgical
Parish Office (362-6825).                                        Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
                                                                Organist St. Bernard     Rita Bennardi
         REP Coordinator: Kim VanHorn                           Organist St. Francis     Michael Hicks
Students not attending Catholic school should be                Resurrection Choir       Joan Raabe
enrolled in REP programs. The Bradford Catholic                 God’s Housekeepers       Parish Office
Community Religious Education program meets at                  Liturgy                  Fr. Raymond C. Gramata
follows:                                                                       Parish Community
 Grades 1-7, 11:00 am every other Sunday morning                Parish Council            Fr. Raymond Gramata
   at St. Bernard in Fr. Leo Gallina Social Center              Catholic Women’s Club     Teri Everett
    Grades 8, 9, 10 & 11(Confirmation), 5:45 pm                 Rosary Altar Society
             every other Sunday evening                         Telephone Prayer Chain Natalie Marasco (598-5565)
           at Fr. Leo Gallina Social Center
    For more info call the parish office 362-6825               Cover photos of churches by LongArt Photography
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...
                                                                 FOR MASSES SEPTEMBER 18 - 19
                                                               Saturday: SB 5:15 pm
                                                                Lector: Jean Truman
                                                                EM: Tim VanHorn
Monday, Sept 13                                                 Servers: Joyce Loncki / Volunteer
 SB 8:00 am Doris & Dick Keenan (Judy Keenan)                  Sunday: SF 8:00 am
 SF 9:00 am Edith VanGorder (Quenton & Julie DeGolier)          Lector: Mike Kozminski
Tuesday, Sept 14                                                EM: Dawn Kozminski
 SF 9:00 am In Honor of Rich Anspach (Tracy & David              Servers: Samantha Soyke
               Peyton)                                                   SB 10:00 am
Wednesday, Sept 15                                              Lector: Rhett Kennedy
 SB 8:00 am Joseph & Charmaine Viola (Bill & Kim Ditz)          EM: Kim Lance
Thursday, Sept 16                                               Servers: Ward Kennedy / Volunteer
 SB 8:00 am Joseph & Rose Fire Family (Nancy Fire)                       OM 11:30 am
 SF 9:00 am Zenaide Verolini (Rita Verolini Estate)             Lector: Linda Cox
      Sept 17                                                   EM: Carol Vinca
 SB 8:00 am Colleen Nuzzo (Ron & Kathy Symington)               Servers: Jacob Hannah
Saturday, Sept 18
 SF 9:00 am Ellen Costello (Ruth Brewer)
 SB 5:15 pm Hannon & Sapko Families (Mary Lou Sapko)               PRAYER REQUESTS FOR PRIESTS
Sunday, Sept 19                                                          Please Pray for the Following Priests
 SF 8:00 am James & Lucille Burton (Barbara                   Sun, Sept 12 - Rev Msgr. Robert M. Malene
               Keverline)                                     Mon, Sept 13 - Rev Robert Horgas
 SB 10:00 am Marjorie Tischer (Darcy Goll)                    Tues, Sept 14 - Rev. David Carter
 OM 11:30 am Roger Sager (Pat & Christine Geary)              Wed, Sept 15 - Pray for Vocations
 (Weekly confessions: Saturdays after 9 am St. Francis Mass   Thurs, Sept 16 - Rev. Msgr. James E. Sanner
     and at 4:30 pm before 5:15 pm St. Bernard Mass)          Fri, Sept 17 - Rev. Robert A. Manning
                                                              Sat, Sept 18 - Rev. Peter Pierjok, OSB

                                                              Thomas Ackley, Virgil Anderson, Mary Beth Behan, Paisley
                                                              Behan, Barb Bernheisel, Theresa Bond, Barbara Boser,
                                                              Bonnie Buccolini, Gigi Carroll, Dominic “Frank” Cavallero,
READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF SEPT 12, 2021                        Annie Champagne, Gerry Cierpilowski, Dick Clark, Melissa
Sunday: Is 50:5-9a/Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 [9]/             Cox, Billie Cummins, Paul & Marianne Curcio, Charlotte
                                                              Cuthbertson, Denise Douthit, Richard Douthit, Alliyson
        Jas 2:14-18/Mk 8:27-35                                Feldman, Stepheny Franco, Pat Geary, Chip Giordano, Pat
Monday: 1 Tm 2:1-8/Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17                   Girard, Rick Grandinetti, Paul Hamer, Jill Henry, Craig
        [1Cor 11:26b]/Lk 7:1-10                               Johnson, Lilly Keesler, Judy Keenan, Mary Keesler, James
Tuesday: Nm 21:4b-9/Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-35,                       Kibby, Bill Kline, Craig Kloss, Mason LaBrozzi, Shirley
        36-37, 38 [cf. 7b]/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17             Lerch, Elizabeth Lindemuth, Don Long, Paula Louk, Jude
Wednesday: 1 Tm 3:14-16/Ps 111:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [2]/             Luke, Anita Magnetti, Barbara Matto, Chester Meyer,
        Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35                             Mariana Militelo, Joe Monago, Lou Monti, Christy Moyer,
Thursday: 1 Tm 4:12-16/Ps 111:7-8, 9, 10 [2]/Lk 7:36-50       Fran Nickel, Mary O’Connell, Pete Palumbo, Dom Piganelli,
Friday: 1 Tm 6:2c-12/Ps 49:6-7, 8-10, 17-18, 19-20/           John Pockey, Dan Popiel, Courtney Prentiss, Mary Rea,
                                                              Angela Rimer, Steve Schmidt, Judy Signor, Steve Skaggs,
        Lk 8:1-3                                              Hailey Smith, Alex Tingley, David Tominez, Matthew
Saturday: 1 Tm 6:13-16/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5 [2]/              Whelan, Beckett Whitney, Corrine Wilson, Donna Whitford,
        Lk 8:4-15                                             Christine Yeager, Ron Yeager, Lisa Zurat & those affected
Next Sunday: Wis 2:12, 17-20/Ps 54:3-4, 5, 6-8 [6b]/          by Covid-19.
        Jas 3:16—4:3/Mk 9:30-37                               May they be strengthened by the healing presence of God’s Spirit.
The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ... The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ... The Catholic Community of Bradford September 12, 2021 - St ...
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