2020 Junior Youth Teams - President's Junior Interstate Shield Team National Youth Challenge Team - Tenpin South Australia

Page created by Bertha Hudson
2020 Junior Youth Teams - President's Junior Interstate Shield Team National Youth Challenge Team - Tenpin South Australia
2020 Junior Youth Teams
President’s Junior Interstate Shield Team
     National Youth Challenge Team
2020 Junior Youth Teams - President's Junior Interstate Shield Team National Youth Challenge Team - Tenpin South Australia

                           NOMINATION INFORMATION

                     Team Coordinator / Managers and Coaches

Vacancies exist for Team Coordinators and/or Team Managers and Coaches for the
2020 National Youth Challenge Team and the 2020 President’s Shield Team. The
National Youth Cup and Challenge will be held at Wyncity Bowl and Entertainment,
Point Cook, Vic from 11th to the 17th January 2020. The President’s Shield Tournament
will be held during the Junior National Championships at Zone Bowling, Mount Gravatt
Qld from 15th to the 25th April, 2020.

Written applications are now being accepted for all positions.

All applicants must;
      •     be a 2019 TBA Member.
      •     be available to travel to Melbourne Vic during the following period;
                     o National Youth Challenge Team 10th – 17th January 2020,
      •      be available to travel to Brisbane Qld during the following period;
                     o The President’s Shield Team 18th – 26th April 2020,
      •     submit a resume along with this application, and be prepared to attend an
            interview as required.
      •     have attained the age of 18 years on or before the first day of the 2020
            Junior or Youth Events.
      •     be capable of conduct that does not adversely affect TBA Limited and the
            State of South Australia.
      •     Coaches: All applicants for the position of coach must hold at least a
            current USBC Silver Certified Coach accreditation under the TBA Limited
            National Coaching Accreditation Scheme, if none are available or there
            are insufficient USBC Silver coaches applying, then the State must apply to
            TBA Limited for a suitable coach to be selected from the coaches’ draft. If
            there are still no USBC Silver or higher available, an application can be
            made to TBA Limited for a USBC Bronze Certified Coach to be appointed. A
            current Working With Children Check is also required.
      •     Team Coordinators/Managers: All Team Coordinators and Managers must
            hold a Team Managers Accreditation under the TBA Limited National
            Officiating Accreditation Scheme. A current Working With Children Check
            is also required.
      •     Duty statements are available upon request.

Please note: The budgets on the following page are a guide only and the costs are
estimates and are subject to change at any time. There may be a further reduction in
fares and transport if the team decides on alternative travel arrangements. Final costs
can be reduced for each individual with participation in team fundraising events.

                                         Page 2

                            ESTIMATED BUDGET
Travel Expenses
       Accommodation                            $395.00
       Airfares                                 $280.00
       Transport /Petrol                        $120.00
       Bowling Shirts x 3                       $135.00
       Jacket x 1                                $72.00
Other Expenses
       Food / meals                               $50.00
       Dinner Ticket                             $ 65.00
        (Estimated) Total                      $1,117.00
Photo package (optional)                          $50.00

Travel Expenses
       Accommodation                            $400.00
       Airfares                                 $500.00
       Transport /Petrol                        $160.00
       Bowling Shirts x 3                       $135.00
       Jacket x 1                                $72.00
Other Expenses
       Food / meals                              $200.00
       Dinner Ticket                              $ 65.00
        (Estimated) Total                      $1,532.00
Photo package (optional)                          $50.00

                                  Page 3
                                           NOMINATION FORM
                                 Team Coordinator / Managers and Coaches

I ………………………………………………………………………………………


Phone (home) ...…………………………(Mob)…………………..………………….…


2019 TBA Sports Registration Number………………………….

Current Coach /Manager ID number……………………………

Working with Children Check

NOTE: Registration card must be produced upon request

Hereby apply for the position of, (please tick)
        q Team Coordinator
        q Assistant Manager - Female Team
        q Assistant Manager - Male Team
        q Coach - Female Team
        q Coach - Male Team
Teams Nominating for: (please tick)
       q 2020 National Youth Challenge Team.
       q 2020 President’s Shield Team.

Depending on the experience and expertise of the applicants the Interview Panel
reserves the right to fill only those positions that it deems necessary and appropriate for
the effective management of the team.

Signature…………………………………………………. Date……………………...

Nominations close:
All nominations and resumes to be emailed to samanager@tenpin.org.au. no later than
22nd July, 2019.

                                           Page 4
                                 MANAGER/COACH AGREEMENT FORM

       a. I accept Tenpin SA’s offer of a position as a Coach/Manager in the South Australian President
          Shield/Youth Challenge Team (“Team”) and in so doing agree to be bound by the terms and
          conditions of this Agreement effective from 28th July, 2019 until the 2021 Team is selected.
       b. I agree to be available to travel to …………………………. during the period ……………… to
       c. I agree to the Team travelling and being accommodated together for the duration of the
       d. I understand and accept that failure to abide by this Agreement may result in my expulsion
          from the team and the potential loss of any monies paid as per Sections 2.d and 4.b of this
       a. I agree to:
                  i. accept all direction from the Tenpin SA Board of Directors and to attend and
                     participate in all programmed activities as required.
                 ii. attend and participate in all Team training sessions, team meetings, and team building
                     sessions, except where prevented from doing so by:
                         1. illness;
                         2. any other circumstances where permission not to participate has been granted
                             by the Tenpin SA Board
       b. I have read and agree to abide by all rules, regulations and policies of TBA including (but not
          limited to) the most current versions of the:
                  i. the TBA code of ethics;
                 ii. TBA Social Media Policy;
                iii. TBA Member Protection Policy;
               iv. TBA Match Fixing Policy;
                v. TBA Anti-Doping Policy;
               vi. the TBA Rules covering the Tournament and the team; and
               vii. the Tenpin SA Policy for Behavior of State Teams.
          All policies are located on the TBA website http://www.tenpin.org.au/index.php?id=745
       c. I understand and agree that in the event of a breach of the Code, TBA and Tenpin SA policies
          and/or Rules (listed at paragraph 2(b) of this Agreement) I may be expelled from the team
          and team environment at any time as determined by the Tenpin SA Board without prior
          warning or notice.
       d. In the event that I am expelled from the Team due to a breach of the Code, TBA and Tenpin
          SA Policies and/or Rules, I understand that any costs incurred by Tenpin SA that are not able to
          be recovered as a result of my expulsion will not be refunded. Further, I understand that the
          initial deposit paid by me will have to be recovered as per section 4b of this document.
       e. I undertake to ensure that whilst travelling as a Team, my priority and commitment is to be to
          the Team and to its performance.
       f. I agree to conduct myself in a manner befitting an ambassador of Tenpin SA and the sport of
          Tenpin Bowling and where possible assist in public relations, promotional and other activities as
          requested by Tenpin SA Board of Directors.
       a. I agree to abide by the requirements of any sponsorship Agreements as specified by Tenpin SA
          and to the dress policy and rules of the National body.
       b. I agree to purchase at least one tournament shirt (Team shirts).
       c. If required, I agree to purchase a minimum of one Nationals Shirt and a State Jacket.
       d. I acknowledge and accept that I will be responsible for supplying my own trousers (for males)
           or skirts / shorts (for females) at my own expense but that these clothing items must conform to
           the Team design.
       e. I accept that if I withdraw from or am expelled from the Team, I will not be issued with an
           official Team uniform, even if I have already paid for the uniform. No refunds will be provided if
           any uniform payments have been made that cannot be recovered.
       f. I agree to attend and participate in the official Uniform Presentation (if applicable).
       a. I agree to pay a $250.00 deposit (“Deposit”) on the day of my selection to the Team.

                                                 Page 5
b. I accept that the Deposit is non-refundable. Should I voluntarily leave, or be removed from the
              team, I accept that I will have to apply in writing to the TenpinSA Board, requesting a refund of
              the deposit. The Board will review requests on a case-by-case basis.
           c. I accept that payment of the Deposit must be made on my appointment to the team; and is a
              non-negotiable requirement for all officials.
           d. I agree to make additional payments in full (“Payments”) by the Payment Dates as set out in
              the Payment Schedule at Annexure 1 to this Agreement. I understand that the Payments
              reflect installments of the costs incurred by Tenpin SA with respect to my position as a member
              of the Team. I understand that Tenpin SA will provide an invoice at least two weeks before
              each Payment is due.
           e. Voluntary payments leading up to each payment date may be made with prior arrangement
              with the Tenpin SA Treasurer.
           f. I agree that any final balance owing must be paid by no less than fourteen (14) days prior to
              the Teams departure, and that failure to comply with this may result in expulsion from the team.
           g. I understand and agree that any further items and expenses that are incurred and not
              covered in the estimated budget are my responsibility and will be incurred at my own expense.
           h. I agree that if for any reason I withdraw from the team, I will forfeit any monies previously paid
              to Tenpin SA to cover any costs, which have been outlaid on my behalf up to the date of
              withdrawal. To the extent that those costs exceed the value of any Payments I have made as
              at the date of withdrawal, I agree to indemnify Tenpin SA for the additional costs.
           i. I accept that if I withdraw from the Team, I will not receive a refund for monies previously paid
              unless a replacement is found, in which case a refund of all monies less the $250 non-
              refundable deposit will be paid to me once monies have been received from the replacement
           j. If I withdraw or am expelled from the Team and my account is in credit I understand and agree
              that the credit balance will only be refunded if it is due to prepayment. I agree that if the credit
              balance is due to fundraising I will not receive any refund.
           k. I agree that failure to make any payments, as set down in this Agreement can result in
              forfeiture of my place in the Team.
           l. I understand that if I fail to make payment of the Payments or any other monies due to Tenpin
              SA by me under this Agreement, Tenpin SA may sue me for those monies, or take any other
              action under or pursuant to this Agreement, without notice to me.
           m. I agree that any failure by Tenpin SA to act with respect to a breach by me does not waive its
              right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.
           a. I understand that I will be required to create a Care Monkey profile outlining emergency
              medical information. I also understand that the Management Team will have access to the
              team profiles and that this information must be kept strictly confidential at all times.
           b. I understand that I must complete the relevant ASADA training, as directed by Tenpin SA.
           c. I understand that I am required to organise for the team to bowl in the opening night of the
              State Championships in 2020.
           d. I accept that these terms may only be amended in writing signed by an authorised
              representative of Tenpin SA.
           e. I agree that a provision in these terms and conditions must be read down to the extent
              necessary to be valid, and if it cannot be read down to that extent, it must be severed.
           f. To the extent permitted by law, I agree that any and all implied conditions and warranties are
              to be excluded.
           g. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and Agreement between me and Tenpin SA
              with respect to my position as Team Manager/Coach, and supersedes all previous
              arrangements,        correspondence,      representations,    proposals,    understandings and
              communications whether written or oral except to the extent otherwise provided in this
           h. This Agreement is subject to the laws of South Australia and I agree to submit to the exclusive
              jurisdiction of the courts of South Australia.

Date   /     /


Full Name……………………………………………………..……


                                                     Page 6

                                   2020 PRESIDENT SHIELD PAYMENT SCHEDULE

                                                                              Date paid / method

          Payment          Sum                Due by               Date due   (Manager/Coaches

Deposit                  $250.00    28th July, 2019

Payment 2                $250.00    31st August, 2019

Payment 3                $250.00    30th September, 2019

Payment 4                $250.00    31 October 2019

Payment 5                $150.00    30 November 2019

Payment 6                $150.00    31 January 2020

Payment 7                $150.00    28 February 2020

Final Balance (if any)   TBA        31 March 2020

                                                      ANNEXURE 1

                               2020 Y0UTH CHALLENGE TEAM PAYMENT SCHEDULE

                                                                              Date paid / method

          Payment          Sum                Due by               Date due   (Manager/Coaches

Deposit                  $250.00    28th July, 2019

Payment 2                $200.00    31st August, 2019

Payment 3                $200.00    30th September, 2019

Payment 4                $200.00    31st October 2019

Payment 5                $200.00    30th November 2019

Final Balance (if any)   TBA        29th December, 2019

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