2020 Neglect Matrix for Practitioners - West Sussex Safeguarding ...

2020 Neglect Matrix for Practitioners - West Sussex Safeguarding ...
Neglect Matrix for Practitioners

This matrix is a useful guide in terms of thinking where
a family may sit on the Continuum of Need. A child’s
needs should be understood and analysed in the wider
context. The agreed Partnership tools have been
designed to assist professionals in understanding the
child or children’s lived experience, holistically.
2020 Neglect Matrix for Practitioners - West Sussex Safeguarding ...
Indicators of neglect
Parenting capacity

    Physical care
     Level 1                   Level 2                        Level 3                         Level 4
     Physical needs are        Basic physical care needs                                      Empty cupboards, decaying
                               are provided but could be      Inconsistent availability
     provided                                                                                 food, children go unfed
                               improved                       of food in the house
     for – e.g. food, drink,
                                                              and irregular mealtimes/
     appropriate clothing,
     medical and dental care
                               Parent/s can cope without                                      Regular absence of heating/
                               the provision of support/      Sporadic loss of heating and    lighting, house is cold and
                               resources but if support       lighting                        unlit
                               provided parenting would
                               be enhanced
                               Young,        inexperienced    Inappropriate weaning, too      Inappropriate weaning i.e.
                               parents with inconsistent      early/ too late                 regularly given solids and
                               support from family/ friends                                   dangerous food items

                                                              Child sometimes presents in     Child often in school
                                                              school as hungry                reporting no breakfast

                                                              Inconsistent application of     Critical medication not
                                                              medication                      given

                                                              Child regularly presents as     Child falls asleep in class,
                                                              tired and pale                  potentially anaemic

                                                              Child dressed in poorly         Child constantly
                                                              fitting clothes, wrong size     inadequately clothed for the
                                                              shoes                           weather conditions
                                                              Child has poor hygiene,         Child often has persistent
                                                              sometimes smells and has        untreated head lice, infected
                                                              untreated injuries take time    injuries, and has a very
                                                              to heal                         strong smell of urine, damp
                                                                                              or body odour.
                                                              Child presents in school with   Child sent to school with
                                                              illness but no explanation      acute illness
                                                              from parents

                                                              Child often arrives late for    Poor school attendance
                                                              school and is last to be

                                                              Child has poorly maintained     Child has untreated tooth
                                                              dental health                   decay.

                                                              Evidence that parent/carer is   Child not taken for essential
                                                              prioritising own needs over     medical appointment or
                                                              needs of the child              investigations that may have
                                                                                              a long term effect on health

2020 Neglect Matrix for Practitioners - West Sussex Safeguarding ...
Safe care

 Level 1                   Level 2                       Level 3                           Level 4

 Parent/s protect from                                   Parent inconsistently             Child sustains injuries whilst
                           Inconsistent supervision,
 danger and harm at home                                 allows child to play at great     playing dangerously, falls
                           parents aware of child/
 and elsewhere                                           risk of physical injury e.g. in   off play equipment, is
                           young person’s                the road, on
                           whereabouts but not always                                      knocked down by cars
                                                         walls/ high level activities
                           physically present when
                           they should be

                           Child has frequent            Child has had recent              Child has multiple
                           presentation to GP for        admissions to Accident &          admissions to
                                                                                           Accident & Emergency and
                           low level accidents which     Emergency due to lack of
                                                                                           parents ignore advice
                           may indicate inconsistent     supervision from parents/
                           supervision                   carers

                           Safety equipment, e.g.        Child under 10 years              No active supervision, left
                           fireguards and stair gates,   sometimes left alone either       to own devices, seeks
                           not used consistently         at home or in the street          company of much older
                                                         without appropriate               children. Found wandering
                                                         supervision                       in the street or around

                           Limited   awareness      of   Child has access to               Child sustains scalds, ingests
                           dangers and risks to child/   dangerous equipment,              harmful drugs/chemicals, in
                           young person- but readily     fire, hot objects, drugs          possession of knives and
                           develops     understanding    etc                               other dangerous
                           with support                                                    objects

                           Inconsistent child care       Child left in care of young       Child left with inappropriate
                           arrangements – e.g. carers    children                          carers e.g. who are under
                           too inexperienced, or a                                         the influence of drugs and
                           number of different carers                                      alcohol. Child is injured
                                                                                           whilst being cared for by
                                                                                           carers due to lack of

                           Parent/s offer                No boundaries set around          Parent’s behaviour is
                           inconsistent boundaries       young person’s behaviour          frightening to the child
                                                         resulting in aggressive,          resulting in the child
                                                         challenging, disruptive           presenting with disturbed
                                                         behaviour                         behaviour (mental health

                           Child has inappropriate       Child/young person is             Child/Young person not
                           levels of sexual knowledge    exposed to sexually explicit      protected from contact with
                                                         material                          perpetrators of sexual harm

Emotional care

    Level 1                    Level 2                         Level 3                       Level 4

    Parent/s show warmth,                                      Child often made the          Child is family scapegoat
                               Parent’s emotional
    praise and encouragement                                   scapegoat
                               response is not always

                               Parent/s have unmet             Child not given praise        Child singled out for
                               emotional needs impacting                                     punishment
                               on their ability to be
                               attuned to their child

                               Child unsure of parental        Child given inconsistent      Child rarely comforted/
                               response which impacts on       physical contact and          reassured physically
                               emotional relationships with    reassurance

                               Parent occupied with            Few age appropriate           Absence of age appropriate
                               sibling/s with higher level     toys in the house             toys
                               needs, e.g. disabilities, and
                               needs additional support

                               Child spends                    Child spends long, regular    Child spends all their time in
                               considerable amount             periods in their bedroom      their bedroom
                               of time alone, and has
                               limited access to
                               leisure facilities

                               Child/ young person’s key       Parent sometimes ignores      Parent goes out of their way
                               relationships with family       child, child displays         to ignore verbal/non verbal
                               members not always              attention seeking             signals from the child.
                               maintained                      behaviour

                               Complex family dynamics         Child is rarely comforted     Parent always ignores child’s
                               result in ongoing levels of     when distressed               distress and becomes angry

                                                               Parent often indifferent to   Parent ignores child’s
                                                               child’s presence              presence

                                                               Parent rarely referees        Poor parenting contributes
                                                               disputes between siblings     to sibling conflict


Level 1                     Level 2                     Level 3                          Level 4

Housing has basic           Housing conditions are      Children of different sex        Children/parents sleeping in
amenities and               barely adequate – cramped   sharing bedrooms, several        living space, several children
appropriate facilities,     living conditions           children sharing a room.         in a room, inadequate beds
and appropriate levels of                               Bedding not always clean         (broken base, torn and
cleanliness/hygiene are                                                                  soiled mattress). Bedding
maintained                                                                               consistently soiled or not

                            Parents accruing rent       Threat of eviction and           Unable to maintain
                            arrears which may           sporadic periods of              accommodation,
                            jeopardise tenancy if       homelessness                     accommodated by
                            action is not taken                                          friends/neighbours

                            Parent/s struggling to      Poorly maintained                Blocked toilets, broken
                            maintain standards of       washing/toilet facilities,       bathing and washing
                            hygiene/repair in the       unhygienic conditions            facilities

                                                        Dirty dishes in sink and dirty   Sharp objects on the floor,
                                                        surfaces                         rotten food in kitchen and
                                                                                         living area. Spilling bags of

                                                        Keeping of pets which            Pets, dogs etc bite children
                                                        pose a threat to young           and soil the floors etc

                                                        Accommodation requires           House unsecured,
                                                        repair - broken windows,         numerous serious health &
                                                        doors, bare electrical cables,   safety hazards for children/
                                                        intermittent heating/            adults, no heating/lighting,
                                                        lighting etc, house sparsely     no curtains, furniture etc

Child development / health

    Level 1                       Level 2                        Level 3                         Level 4

    Child/ young person in good   Child/ young person has                                        No attempts made to
    health and developing         organic reason for not         Child not encouraged to         encourage/assist child
    appropriately for age         reaching developmental         reach developmental             to reach developmental
                                  milestones                     milestones (limited             milestones
                                                                 stimulating activities on
                                                                 offer – few toys, delay in
                                                                 attending nursery, not
                                                                 encouraging attendance
                                                                 in sport or other activities)

                                  Child has persistent minor     Child left in pram/car seat     Child left for extended
                                  health problems                for longer periods of time      periods of time in pram/car
                                                                 than necessary                  seat

                                                                                                 Baby not spending enough
                                                                                                 time on floor to meet
                                                                                                 physical developmental
                                                                                                 milestones (sitting up,
                                                                                                 crawling, pulling up to

                                  Inconsistently being brought   Infrequently being brought      Not being brought to attend
                                  to key health appointments     to key health appointments      key health appointments

                                  Dental care not meeting        Fails to consistently follow    Critical medication not
                                  recommended frequency for      medication regimes              administered
                                  age of child
                                                                 Dental appointments             Not being brought to
                                  Child inconsistently wears     consistently missed             dental appointments
                                  prescribed glasses or other                                    resulting in premature
                                  eye sight correctional aids    Hearing and visual aids not     dental decay
                                  or hearing devices             always used
                                                                                                 Child prevented from
                                                                                                 wearing prescribed glasses
                                                                                                 or other correctional aids/
                                                                                                 hearing devices
                                  Delay in response to minor     Minor injuries left untreated   Failure to seek medical
                                  injuries                                                       attention for serious injuries
                                                                                                 e.g. scalds, head injuries

Indicators of abuse

Physical                                     Development                                 Behaviour
Faltering weight or growth                                                               Dysfunctional relationship with parent
                                             Child not physically and emotionally at
                                                                                         (avoidant, ambivalent, disorganised,
                                             the same stage as peers with no
                                                                                         attachment pattern).
                                             medical explanation

Skin sores, rashes, flea bites, scabies or
                                             Language not at the same stage as peer      Doesn’t cry or respond to parent’s
ring worm
                                             with no medical explanation                 behaviour from an early stage

Thin or swollen tummy                        Attention span limited
                                                                                         Showing wariness and distrust of adults

Anaemia                                      Socio-emotional immaturity – difficulty     Rocking, sucking or biting excessively
                                             in relating to adults and peers

Poor muscle tone or prominent joints         Learning difficulties                       Bed wetting or soiling

Recurrent and persistent minor               Lack of self esteem                         Demanding or aggressive behaviour
Frequent attendances at Accident and         Poor coping skills – not able to regulate   Sleeping difficulties, often tired and
Emergency departments, walk in               difficult emotions (older children)         falling asleep
centres or admissions to hospital
Unexplained bruising                                                                     Acts out excessive violence with other
Severe nappy rash                                                                        Lacks social skills and has few if any
Short stature – where there is not an                                                    Abusing alcohol or drugs
underlying medical reason including
genetic factors
Unkempt and dirty – matted hair, dirty                                                   Seeks physical contact from strangers
skin, body odour
Having broken bones or unexplained                                                       Self-stimulating or self-injurious
bruising, burns or other injuries at                                                     behaviour or both
different stages of healing
                                                                                         Being withdrawn or overly obedient

Being unable to explain an injury, or                                                    Being reluctant to go home or misses
providing explanations that are                                                          school
inconsistent, vague or unbelievable
                                                                                         Begging, stealing or hoarding food


                                                                                         Eating disorders or changes in eating
                                                                                         Takes risks/destructive behaviour

                                                                                         Thoughts about suicide

Impact of neglect

    Physical                                  Development                               Behaviour

    Increased likelihood of experiencing                                                Young people more likely to be
                                              Difficulty in developing healthy
    post-traumatic stress and depression                                                exposed to child sexual or other types
                                              relationships including with their own
                                                                                        of exploitation

    If a baby is malnourished, neural cells   If a child has a poor relationship,       Neglect can severely alter the way a
    can become weak or damaged and this       attachment or little interaction with a   child’s brain works. This can lead to an
    can cause lowered brain function          parent then it can change how their       increased risk of depression in later life
                                              brain develops emotional and verbal       as well as dissociative disorders and
                                              pathways                                  memory impairments.

    Poor physical health such as obesity –    Struggling with parenting/                Depression and anxiety, eating
    struggling with aches and pains           relationships                             disorders, self-harm, post-traumatic

                                              Learning difficulties, lower              Drug and alcohol misuse
                                              educational attainment, difficulties in

                                                                                        Anti-social and criminal behaviour

The West Sussex
Safeguarding Children

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