2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department

Page created by Norman Daniel
2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department
Instruction Manual
 Election Poll Workers


      August 4, 2020

 Pinal County Elections Department   1
2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department


  Primary objective of poll workers is to ensure that all procedures are
  executed correctly and impartially.

   Poll workers are the face of elections on Election Day.
      YOU are our representatives at the polls.
      YOU are who the voters see and associate with elections.
      YOU can make or break the voter experience.


     Work as a Team
     Respect other board members and all voters
     Provide voters with a positive atmosphere to vote
     Be a good role model
     Assist student and new workers
     Perform job as assigned by Inspector
     Treat all voters with courtesy regardless of differences in political
      affiliation, race, gender, age, ethnicity, ability, or religion
     Be attentive
     Be courteous

2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department

                    Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
                       Never deny a voter the right to vote!

  The Help America Vote Act is a United States federal law which was
  passed on October 29, 2002.

  The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) mandates that all individuals who
  come into a polling place be allowed to vote. If a voter’s eligibility is in
  question, the voter MUST be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.

  If the voter is not in the PollPad and you cannot identify which precinct the
  voter is registered, then call the Citizens Contact Center or any of the
  numbers for Voter Registration. If the voter still insists on voting at that
  precinct, have the person vote a provisional ballot.

2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department
          CLERKS, JUDGES, & MARSHAL: $200.00
                       (includes $50 for training)

                      INSPECTORS: $250.00
                       (includes $50 for training)

 Poll Workers Must:

  Attend poll worker training. Anyone who attends training but does
   not work on Election Day, will not be paid for training.
  Complete a new W-9 form each calendar year. W-9 forms must
   be complete, legible, and include mailing address. Paychecks
   are mailed to this address
  To access the W-9 form, go to:
  Complete, print, sign and return form to Elections via email or by
      Email to: Robin.Menefee@pinal.gov
      Mail to: Pinal County Elections, PO Box 2209, Coolidge, AZ
  Expect to receive your paycheck 3 to 4 weeks after the election.
  Poll workers that are also county employees will receive poll
   worker pay with their regular paycheck.
  All poll workers must clearly print and sign the Ballot Report at the
   end of election night. Failure to do so will delay the delivery of
   your paycheck and potentially the rest of the teams as well.
  Do not call until at least 4 weeks after Election Day if you have
   not yet received your check.

2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department
 While the Polls are open, it is important that all Poll Workers maintain a
 professional appearance and demeanor. Poll Workers MUST NOT discuss their
 political preferences regarding candidates or issues on the day of the election.
 Any board worker who violates this rule will be disqualified to work future
 elections and maybe sent home without pay.

 Please remain at your work station all day, except for your comfort breaks. Poll
 workers are not allowed to leave the facility, so take everything you will need
 for the day (meals, sweater, medications, etc.). Make arrangements for your
 pets, child care, appointments, if needed.

 Dress is business casual. Comfortable shoes are suggested. If shorts are to be
 worn they MUST be business casual style (no jeans). Flip flops, & tank tops
 are not allowed. Workers may wear patriotic attire, however, workers may not
 wear clothing with political messages.

 If you take a book to read when the polls are slow,
 reading material (hard cover or digital) should be
 appropriate and non-political. It’s advisable to not
 have newspapers in the polling place.

                  CELL PHONES
                  Please use discretion when using your cell phones, except to
                  communicate with the Voter Registration or Election
                  Departments. If you must talk on the phone, notify the
                  Inspector and step away from your station to the break area
                  to use your phone. Phones should be turned off or put on

2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department

  Facilities voluntarily host elections and we should behave as
  invited guests. Please keep kitchens, bathrooms and break
  rooms in the condition in which you found them.

  Please do not eat at your work station & keep all beverages off of the
  tables. Potlucks are encouraged and food may be brought to the polling
  place providing there are no limitations by the facility. Workers may not
  leave the polling place to pick up food or for meal breaks.

  Arizona Revised Statute 36-601.01 prohibits smoking within 20 feet of
  entrances, exits, windows and ventilation intakes of all public buildings.
  Please step outside and away from the building to smoke, and only during
  breaks or when there is no voting activity.

2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department
              Guidance For Poll
              Worker And Polling
                Place Safety
 •   Poll Workers, please say home if you have a fever, respiratory
     symptoms, or believe you are sick. Please notify your inspector as
     early as possible that you will not be working.
 •   Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This
     applies to both workers and voters.
 •   Use hand sanitizer provided at polling places if unable to wash hands.
 •   Clean and disinfect tables and voting booths per hour with alcohol
     wipes provided.
 •   Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
 •   Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the
 •   Increase distance between voting booths when setting up equipment.
 •   Stay 6 feet apart, if feasible.
 •   Do not greet co-workers and voters with physical contact (e.g.
 •   Use stylus for poll pad. Workers use stylus to look up voters, and
     voters will use stylus to sign. No finger signatures.
 •   Encourage curbside voting.
 •   Disinfect voter marking pens once per hour. Voter will place pen in
     bag at ballot box area. Workers will wipe down each pen every hour
     before placing pen back in circulation.
 •   Wipe down stylus pens once every hour during the election day.
 •   Participate in online poll worker training.
 •   Wipe down breakroom and coffee areas routinely.
 •   Return the hand sanitizer bottle with the other supplies even if it is
     Source: Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Arizona Department of Health Services
2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department
 What is a Primary Election?
 •   A Primary Election is an election in which registered voters select a
     candidate that they believe should be a political party’s candidate for
     elected office to run in the General Election in November.

 Who can Vote in the Primary Election?
 •   All registered voters of all party affiliations may vote.
 •   Unaffiliated voters may choose which party’s primary they will vote.
 •   Voters registered with a party can only vote in that party’s primary.
     (See table below).

 What Candidates are on the Ballot?
 •   Federal, state, county and local candidates will appear on the ballot.
 •   Ballot measures, also known as “propositions” will also appear on the

     Party Affiliated                                   Ballot
 Republican (REP)            Republican
 Democrat (DEM)              Democrat
 Libertarian (LBT)           Libertarian
     Non-Affiliated                                     Ballot
                             Voter chooses Republican or Democrat ballot.
 Independent (IND)
                             NOT Libertarian. May also choose Non-Partisan only ballot.
 Party Not Designated        Voter chooses Republican or Democrat ballot.
 (PND)                       NOT Libertarian. May also choose Non-Partisan only ballot.
                            Voter chooses Republican or Democrat ballot.
 Other (OTH)
                            NOT Libertarian. May also choose Non-Partisan only ballot.
                            Voter receives Federal ballot of party registered. If no party
 Federal (FED)              affiliation, voter chooses Republican or Democrat. NOT
             *See table on page 15 for which Ballot Style to issue to voter

2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department

 The Precinct Election Board consists of local registered voters (poll workers)
  who ensure a secure election that assists all eligible voters to participate.

        Election Boards are made up of the following Positions:
                    - Inspector (Opposite party from Marshal)
                    - Marshal (Opposite party from Inspector)
                    - Judge (One each from different political parties)
                    - Clerk

                   Others involved with elections:
                           - Election Staff/HQ
                           - Troubleshooters
                           - Technical Troubleshooters
                           - Voter Registration
                           - Citizens Call Center


                                  1 MARSHAL

          2 JUDGES                                           4 CLERKS
  Ballot Judge (DEM)                                2-3 each ID/Poll List Clerks
  Ballot Judge (REP)                                1 Provisional Clerk

2020 PRIMARY ELECTION - Instruction Manual Election Poll Workers August 4, 2020 - Pinal County Elections Department
The Inspector is the Election Board Team Leader and
oversees the general operation of the polling place. Each
Inspector must be thoroughly familiar with all election
procedures and the poll worker duties.

Days before the Election
• Contact the facility to schedule a date/time for set-up
• Arrange to pick up/check-out keys of polling place facility
• Arrange when/how to enter the building on the day of the election
• Contact the workers to notify them of their duties and date/time for set-up at
   least one week prior to the setup day (this is to allow for replacements to be
   found if needed)

Election Set Up
•   Open the supply cage and locate the Inspector’s Envelope
•   Verify the Ballot Report, Oath of Office and Poll List Form is in the envelope
•   Complete the Inspector’s Inventory checklist
            (Call the Elections Department if any critical supplies are missing)
• Check for any names to be added to lists (Early Voters, Write-in Candidates)
• Check for notifications regarding precinct splits (if applicable) and share this
   information with the Ballot Judge
• Assist with all set up tasks & verify everything is in order for the election
• Secure ballots, registers, & rosters back into the supply cage


Election Day
• Administer the Oath of Office located in the Inspector’s Envelope
• Ensures each poll worker knows their job duties & what is expected
• Monitor the ballot box at all times!
• Collects secrecy sleeve from voter after the ballot is deposited into ballot box
• Ensures that every voter receives the “I Voted” sticker
• Schedules regular comfort & meal breaks for poll workers
• Oversees authorized Party Representatives requesting the Poll List sheet
• Verifies they have written authorization signed by the Party Chairperson

Election Day – Closing
• Follow duties on page 36 of this manual to close up polling place
• Important to turn over Ballot Transfer Receipt, Official Ballot Box, Ballot
   Transfer Bag, Early Voting Bag, and supply cage key to Troubleshooter
• Coordinate with facility to return keys to building

Election Set Up
• Sets up secrecy booths, posts signs inside & outside, as required (includes all
   75’ limit signs & barriers, Vote Here signs, red arrows, Notice to Voters signs,
   Curbside Voting sign, Emergency Polling Place sign, etc).

Election Day
• Administers Oath of Office to the Inspector
• Announces the opening and closing of polls outside the polling place at the
   following times:
           • 6:00 a.m. – announces polls are open
           • 6:00 p.m. – one hour until polls close
           • 6:30 p.m. – 30 minutes until polls close
           • 6:45 p.m. – 15 minutes until the polls close
           • 6:59 p.m. – one minute before polls close
           • 7:00 p.m. – announces polls are closed
• Maintains order inside and outside the Polling Place throughout the day.
• Periodically analyzes the line of voters. If the waiting time is 30 minutes or more,
   the Marshal shall advise the Elections Department.
• Relieves workers for breaks and meals.

      *Anyone in line by 7:00pm MUST be permitted to vote.


Ensures no Electioneering is taking place within the 75 ft. limit
                        (see below).

                                                 75 ft

                          75 ft                                          75 ft

                                            Polling Place

      NOTE: *Electioneering is not allowed at any Emergency Polling
          Places and not within the 75 foot limit at all other locations.

A.R.S. §16-515(H): "Electioneering occurs when an individual knowingly, intentionally, by
verbal expression and in order to induce or compel another person to vote in a particular
manner or to refrain from voting expresses support for or opposition to a candidate who
appears on the ballot in that election, a ballot question that appears on the ballot in that
election or a political party with one or more candidates who appear on the ballot in that
election.” ~SOS Election Procedures Manual

 Ballot Security
 •   Priority of the Ballot Judge is to secure all ballots and issue correct ballot
     to voter
 •   Assemble Brown Early Voting Ballot Bag and place seal on bag
 •   View voter ticket for ballot style number
 •   Ensure the voter is issued ONE ballot only
 •   Provides proper instructions to ensure vote counts
 •   Issue a secrecy sleeve and a ballot marking pen to voter
 •   Show the voter the location of the voting booths and the official ballot box
     to drop their ballot when finished voting

 Poll Closing
 • Count all unused ballots
 • Count all spoiled ballots
 • Provide these numbers to the Inspector to calculate into
    the Official Ballot Report

 Ballot Issuance

                     CORRECT BALLOT TO VOTER

 •   There are numerous ballots for each party, precinct and splits
 •   Look at Precinct Heading to verify correct ballot is being issued
 •   Precinct Heading will match Ballot Style on Voter Ticket

 27 Poston Butte 027PR1

 27 Poston Butte 027PD1

 27 Poston Butte 027PL1

 27 Poston Butte 027PN1

 27 Poston Butte 027PDF

 *If the ballot style has an “F”, this
 means this voter is a Federal Only voter.
                                                   VOTER TICKET
 See page 26 for more info.

Spoiled Ballots

 If a ballot becomes spoiled, either accidentally or deliberately, the voter will
  return to the Ballot Judge for a new ballot.
 A voter can be issued up to two (2) REPLACEMENT ballots.
      Use RED ink, write “SPOILED” across the back of the ballot
      Both the Inspector & Judge signs below the “Spoiled” marking
      Place spoiled ballots in the Official Returns envelope


          Official Ballot August 26, 2014, County of Pinal, State of Arizona
      Balota Oficial 26 de agosto de 2014, Condado de Pinal, Estado de Arizona

                  Vote for not more than 1-Vote por no más de 1

           CANDIDATE 1

           CANDIDATE 2

                   BACK Card 1 Rpt Pct 01 "PINAL COUNTY"

           Write “Spoiled” in red ink                              Both the Inspector &
           across the ballot                                       Judge sign the ballot

 Election Day

 •   Greet voter & request proof of identification.
        Refer to lists of acceptable identification.
 •   Follow the E-Poll Pad instructions on page 14 of the Poll Pad Guide to
     check-in voter:
        Scan identification
        Verify voter information
        Collect voter signature
 •   Issue the voter a ballot ticket from the printer.
 •   Direct voter to ballot table to receive ballot.

        If voter is not at the right precinct, provide instructions and
         directions for correct polling place, as per page 30 of the Poll
         Pad Guide.

        If voter fails to meet identification requirements to be
         checked-in, voter will receive a Provisional ballot. Follow
         instructions on page 24 of the Poll Pad Guide.

        If voter voted by Early Ballot, follow instructions on page 27 of
         the Poll Pad Guide.

             If unable to locate a voter or their precinct contact
                              Voter Registration

                     (520) 866-6859 or (520) 866-6861

Identification at the Polls

     •   Purpose of identification is to provide identity not citizenship
     •   Photo ID and matching address constitutes acceptable
         identification. Remember, identification can be in different
         forms to satisfy the photo and address requirements.
     •   Name and address on identification must “reasonably” match
     •   Below are sample acceptable photo IDs:

When to Vote Provisionally

A Provisional Ballot is issued when the eligibility of the voter has not yet been
  determined. The ballot is said to be “provisionally” cast until the Recorder’s
            Office can determine if the voter was eligible to vote.

               Common Reasons for a Provisional Ballot:
  Voter has not provided sufficient identification
  Voter’s name doesn’t appear in the signature roster or on the inactive list, and
   the voter has not moved
  Voter has moved within the same precinct
  Voter has moved to a new precinct, within the county
  Voter has changed their name
  Voter is challenged at the polling place
  Voter is a Federal Voter according to the PollPad, but wishes to vote a full ballot.

 Provisional Process – Registration Short Form (Gold Form)
 • Greet voter and request their identification with Voter Ticket.
 • Place Voter Ticket in ticket envelope.
 • Attach the half-sheet gold voter registration short form to the outside &
    bottom blank space of the Provisional Ballot Envelope. Remove
    adhesive strip from back of form and affix to envelope.
 • Poll worker will complete top section and check reason for provisional
 • Voter will complete Current Information.
 • Voter will complete Former Information if name and/or address has
 • Voter will complete all information on gold form and sign and date.
 • If voter requires assistance completing form, person assisting voter will
    sign in block [23] of form. Poll worker DOES NOT sign form.

     Provisional Process – Provisional Roster Book
     •    Enter the voter’s name and address in the red Provisional Signature
          Roster Book
     •    Assign numbers in chronological order in roster book next to the “V” in the
          first column. Example, V.1, V.2, V.3, etc.
     •    Voter will place signature in block next to their name in roster book
     •    Obtain the correct ballot style from Ballot Judge.
     •    Place a red dot sticker in the top LEFT corner of the ballot over the hash
          marks. This is to ensure the provisional ballot is not counted before being

 Provisional Process – Ballot and Provisional Envelope
 •       Explain to voter that they must completely & properly “FILL” in the oval of
         their choice(s).
 •       Direct the voter to a vacant voting booth.
 •       Instruct the voter to return to you with their ballot after voting.
 •       Place the voted ballot in white Provisional Ballot Envelope.
 •       Verify all information has been completed on the white Provisional Ballot
         Envelope BEFORE the voter leaves the polling place.
 •       Tear off the Provisional Envelope receipt at the top perforated section of
         the envelope. Give receipt to voter.
 •       Explain to the voter how they can contact the Pinal County Recorder’s
         Office to check the status of their Provisional Ballot referencing the red
         reference number.
 •       Clerk seals the Provisional Envelope and places it in the black ballot
         transfer bag.
 •       It’s important to place the ballot transfer bag in a secure location but still
         visible to the public. Please DO NOT fold provisional envelopes.

              See sample Provisional Envelope and Receipt on next page

  Section I
Section 2 and

Short Form
completes and

  Provisional Process – Conditional Provisional
  A Conditional Provisional Ballot is issued when the voter has no
  acceptable ID with them. In order for this voter’s ballot to count, the voter
  must go to the Voter Registration office or their local city or town clerk’s office
  and present their ID within 3 business days.

  •   The same process is followed for a Conditional Provisional as a regular
      Provisional Ballot

  •   The “Conditional Provisional” STAMP is used and placed next to the “No
      ID Provided” statement at the top of the white Provisional Envelope.


  Polling precincts may have several ballot types for voters.
 Each ballot type is for designed for a different voter based on
   a voters party affiliation and/or identification presented.

                   Voter                           Ballot Style

    Voter presents photo identification Regular (Polling Place)
    with matching name and address.

    Voter presents identification, or
    lack of identification that does not   Provisional
    match or has changed

    Voter does not present any type of
                                       Conditional Provisional

 Who can Vote on a Federal Ballot

  A person must be a U.S. Citizen in order to
   register and vote.
  A person who submits valid proof of citizenship
   with their voter registration form is entitled to vote
   in all federal, state, county and local elections in
   which they are eligible.
  A person is not required to submit proof of
   citizenship with the voter registration form, but
   failure to do so means the person will only be
   eligible to vote in federal elections (known as
   being a “federal only” voter).
  A Federal only voter will become eligible to vote
   a “full ballot” in all federal, state, county and local
   elections if he or she later provides valid proof of
   citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder’s

 A Federal Ballot is issued when the voter has not
 proven their citizenship at the time of registering to

 A Federal Ballot only has federal offices listed: U.S.
 Senate & U.S. Representative in Congress

  Early Voters are voters that have elected to receive their ballot by mail
  ahead of Election Day. There will be times when early voters are likely to
  come by the polls to drop off their ballot instead of dropping it in the mail.
  Early ballots must be received by Pinal County elections on election day
  to be counted.

  The Inspector will assign ONE poll worker to accept these early ballots
  and place them in the Early Ballot bag. Allow a voter to drop their ballot in
  the Early Ballot bag if they so choose.

  Confirm with the voter that the ballot is:
  • From Pinal County
  • Sealed in the envelope
  • Signed by the voter

          Place Early Ballots in designated Early Ballot Bag only
                    DO NOT place in Official Ballot box.


Troubleshooters will start delivering polling place cages that contain supplies, ballot
boxes, E-Pollbooks and signs to the various polling places the Monday before election

   Ballot Drop Box         Secrecy Booths      AutoMARK               Poll Pad
 Poll workers will meet as a team at the polling place to set-up polling place
 and all equipment. The date and time of set-up will be determined by the
 Inspector. Inspector will notify team well in advance of said date and time.
 Everyone should work together to complete all tasks to prepare the polling place
 for voting.

 Clerks, Judges, & Marshal:
 a. Help to set up all secrecy voting booths, AutoMARK machine, tables,
     chairs, indoor signs, supplies, and Certified Write-in Candidates (If any)
 b. Organize the multiple sets of precinct Registers (if applicable)
 c. Add alphabetical tabs to edges of Register books
 d. Keep Poll Pads in cage until the morning. These will be set-up first thing in
     the morning
 e. Inventory the ballots to ensure they are correct for your precinct(s), that they
     are all accounted for, and that they are organized by party (if applicable)

 a. Complete the Inspector’s Inventory checklist & immediately call the
     Elections Department if any critical supplies are missing
 b. Assist with all tasks above & verify everything is in order
 c. Secure ballots, registers, & rosters back into the supply cage


                          Ballot Bag

                  Set up Poll Pads at the
                   ID/Poll List location

          Pinal County now has electronic PollPads!

 Traditionally, voting precincts had paper poll
 books that contain a list of eligible voters for a
 particular precinct. As technology continues to
 improve the voting process, Pinal County
 Elections is excited to announce the purchase
 of electronic PollPads. Also known as an e-poll
 book, they have the ability to look up eligible
 voters and more!

 What can PollPads Do?

 • No more searching through large paper roster books for voter name
   and information
 • Allows voter to sign in electronically on poll pad
 • Poll workers can determine if voter is at wrong polling place and can
   easily redirect voters to the correct polling place
 • Scans a driver’s license to pull up a voter’s information
 • Notifies poll workers if a voter voted by early ballot

1.   Voter enters the Polling Place and is greeted by the Clerk
2.   Clerk will ask the voter for identification
3.   Voter will place their ID on the ID Tray of the Poll Pad
4.   Clerk will scan the barcode, or manually enter the voter’s information
5.   Clerk will determine if voter will cast vote by regular or provisional ballot
6.   Voter affirms information displayed is correct
7.   Clerk accepts verification and voter signs Poll Pad tablet
8.   Clerk prints a Voter Ticket and hands it to the voter
9.   The voter is then directed to the Ballot Judge

                                     VOTER TICKET

Ballot Judge(s)
1.   Voter hands the Judge the printed Voter Ticket
2.   Judge reads the ballot style on printed Voter Ticket that voter will receive
3.   Judge issues the correct ballot to voter along with pen and secrecy sleeve
4.   Voter is directed to a vacant secrecy voting booth
5.   Judge places printed Voter Ticket in envelope for tracking purposes
6.   Voter completes their ballot and places ballot in the secrecy sleeve
7.   Voter proceeds to the Official Ballot Drop Box and inserts ballot
8.   Voter gives pen and secrecy sleeve to Inspector
9.   Inspector issues voter their “I Voted” sticker

Provisional Ballot Clerk
1.   Voter hands Voter Ticket to the Provisional Clerk
2.   Voter completes form for a Provisional Ballot and is directed to a vacant
     secrecy voting booth to complete their ballot
3.   Voter returns the Provisional Ballot to the Provisional Ballot table/clerk
4.   Voter is given the opportunity to complete other forms to update their voter
     registration choices
5.   Provisional Clerk places ballot in the Provisional Ballot Envelope along with
     other voting supplies
6.   Voter is directed to the Inspector to receive their “I Voted” sticker

        If you are unable to access the Polling Place, call the
       Elections Department immediately at (520) 866-7554.

    If any Poll Workers do not show up for work, please call the
       Elections Department immediately at (520) 866-7558.

  All Poll Workers arrive at the polling place no later than 5:30 a.m.
  Inspector administers the Oath of Office to all workers
  Marshal administers the Oath of Office to the Inspector
  All Poll Workers sign the Oath and Affirmation Form
  All workers will collect their name tag and lanyard to wear during the day

  Set up Poll Pads first. Set up printer, make sure WiFi unit and printer are
   connected, and print test ticket.
  Verify all signs, ballots, forms, books, supplies and stickers are correctly
   placed both inside and outside the polling place
  Relocate unused ballots locked in a secure location, supplies and cage to
   a location out of site and reach of voters
  Note, AutoMark machines should be set-up and turned on before leaving
   the night before.

  At 6:00 a.m. the Marshal announces the polls are open
  All workers should be at their assigned stations ready to assist voters
                              Precinct Marshal
                          announces the closing of
                            the polls at 7:00 p.m.

 Polls are officially closed after the Marshal makes the final announcement
  and the last voter in line has voted

 Break down and put away all secrecy voting booths, AutoMark machines,
  Poll Pads, tables, chairs, indoor signs, flags, and supplies
 Marshal shall remove outside signage, A-Frame signs, 75 ft. perimeter/cones
 Deliver to the Inspector Provisional Roster and any spoiled ballots
 Ballot Judge and Provisional Ballot Clerk will report to the Inspector to assist
  counting of ballots for Official Ballot Report
 Clean break room area, removing all food and placing trash in proper
  receptacles. Wipe down counters and turn off coffee pots, and return polling
  place to condition in which it was found.
 Turn in name tag and lanyards to Inspector
 Meet with Inspector prior to departure for further instructions and dismissal
 All Poll Workers will sign both the Poll List Affirmation and Ballot Report. If
  you don’t sign, pay will be delayed.

     Common Courtesies & Guidelines
 •    Be considerate of the extra time it may take an
     elderly or disabled person to vote and offer
     unhurried attention to anyone who has difficulty

 •   Speak directly to a person with a disability rather
     than to the companion who may be along. Speak
     calmly, slowly and directly to a person with a
     hearing problem. Do not shout or speak in the
     person’s ear. If understanding is doubtful, write a

 •   Before pushing a person in a wheelchair, ASK if
     you may assist and how you should proceed.             If a voter asks for
                                                            assistance from a
 •   Greet a person who is visually impaired by letting
     the person know who and where you are. Provide
                                                               board worker,
     a guiding device such as a ruler or card for              It must be two
     signing forms. When offering walking assistance,      people of opposing
     allow the person to take your arm and inform the              parties.
     person of approaching steps or inclines.              (i.e. one Democrat &
                                                              one Republican)
 •   Remember that Federal Law allows voters to be
     accompanied and to receive assistance by
     another person inside the voting booth. They can
     bring anyone they would like to assist them in a

 •   Invisible Disabilities. Be aware that many
     disabilities are invisible to the onlooker.
     Examples, epilepsy, psychiatric disabilities brain
     injury multiple sclerosis, etc. These disabilities
     are absolutely as valid as those that are more
     readily apparent.

 •   Take voters at their word – an accommodation
     request should never be followed by a challenge
     to a person’s disability status.                                      33
 AutoMARK® is an ADA-Compliant ballot-marking system that provides
 autonomy to voters who are blind, visually impaired, or have a disability or
 condition that makes it difficult to traditionally mark a ballot.
 Set up is as easy as opening the case and turning the machine on. The
 AUTOMARK does not store votes, the votes are printed on a ballot, so there
 is no uploading data at the end of the day.

    Audio Function

    •   Voter hears a list of candidates (or props) through the headphones
    •   Synthesized voice enables voter to control speed, and volume
    •   Choices may be repeated easily
    •   Selections are read back to voter at end of session, ensuring proper
        selection was made
    •   Summary Verification Process. Ensures that no races are accidentally
        under-voted, over-voted, or left blank, providing an opportunity to adjust
        selections before voters cast their ballots.

    Voting Process
    • Voter inserts paper ballot into machine
    • Voter proceeds through prompts to cast their vote
    • Once completed, paper ballot records voters selections and prints ballot
    • Voter takes ballot and drops ballot into official ballot box


  Curbside Voting allows voters unable to venture into the polling
         place to have voting materials brought to them.

                              1.  Voters drive to the designated area for
                                  Curbside Voting. Illustrated by
                              2. Voter calls phone number on sign to
                                  request voting assistance.
                              3. Call is directed to a staff member at
                                  Election Central Headquarters who
                                  then notifies the precinct Inspector that
                                  a voter is requesting curbside voting
                              4. The Inspector assigns two (2) clerks to
                                  report to the curbside voter.
                              5. Clerks must be of opposite parties.
                              6. Clerks, along with the Marshal, will
                                  take a electronic Poll Pad, Ballot,
                                  Secrecy Sleeve, and “I Voted” sticker
                              7. Voter will present identification, sign
                                  Poll Pad tablet, be provided a ballot
                                  and marking pen to cast vote.
                              8. When finished voting, voter will place
                                  ballot in secrecy sleeve and give to
                                  one of the Clerks.
                              9. Marshal will present voter with “I
                                  Voted” sticker.
                              10. Clerks and Marshal will return to
                                  polling place and Inspector will
                                  observe Clerk insert ballot into official
                                  ballot box.

   Political party observers must immediately present the document appointing
    them as a political party observer to election officials (usually the Inspector)
    upon entering a polling place. Election officials must return the document to
    the political party observer after authenticating the document.

   Political party observers can enter and leave a polling place as long as their
    entering and leaving does not interfere with or impede the election procedures
    or staff.

   Under no circumstances should a political party ever place a mark or any type
    of material on a ballot or touch a voted ballot during observation of any of
    these election processes.

   Political Party Representatives may request a copy of their party’s poll list.
    The Inspector will contact election headquarters to print report requested by

   Observers may not interfere with or impede the election procedures, workers
    or voters. If a political party observer has a question about the proceedings,
    the political party observer should communicate the question to the officer in
    charge of the election (Inspector) and the officer in charge of the election
    should respond in a timely and reasonable manner.

   If a political party observer is asked by the officer in charge of the election or
    procedure to cease an activity that interferes with the election process, the
    political party must comply or the political party observer may be ejected.

                     Source– Secretary of State Elections Procedures Manual.
Voter Registration Forms
•   The full sheet voter registration form is for voters who did not vote a
    Provisional ballot
•   Need to change their political party, name, or mailing address
•   Changes on this form will not apply to the current election
•   Give the voter the white copy as a receipt
•   The completed form should be placed in the Unofficial Returns bag.


            Permanent Early Voting List Request (PEVL)

     Request for Removal from Permanent Early Voting List

                            PO Box 460 Coolidge, AZ 85128

 Both forms are available at polling places for voters to be
added to or removed from the Permanent Early Voting List

VOTER REGISTRATION                        Voter Information, Inactive
                                          Voters, Provisional or Conditional Ballot Voters
            (520) 866-6854                              (520) 866-6861
            (520) 866-6859                              (520) 866-6862
            (520) 866-6867                              (520) 866-6846

    Poll workers may use this number to have questions answered, including a voter’s registration

EARLY VOTING               Early Voters, Permanent Early Voting List
                           (520) 866-7560
                           (520) 866-7563
                           (520) 866-7564

ELECTIONS All things related Elections; Supplies, Polling Places/Workers
Supplies:               Goran Petkovic             (520) 866-7555
Poll Workers:           Kimberly Grable            (520) 866-7558
Poll Workers/Ballots:   Robin Menefee              (520) 866-7557
Polling Places:         Dana Lewis                 (520) 866-7554
Elections Supervisor: Stephanie Cooper (520) 866-7552
Elections Director:     Michele Forney             (520) 866-7556
On behalf of the Great
 State of Arizona, Pinal
 County, and the voting
public, we want to thank
you for your service as an
  election poll worker!

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