Page created by Jill Phillips
                                                           25 Bayview Road, Officer Vic. 3809
                                                                   Telephone: (03) 5943 2447



Term 4 Week 6                        NEWSLETTER                        11th November, 2020
Dear Parents,

Today, Wednesday November 11th at 11.00 a.m. we paused for one minute silence to remember
those who have served and died in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. It is important for
us to remember they died for us, for their homes and families and friends, for a collection of
traditions they cherished and a future they believed in; they died for their country.
In a letter received from the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Minister for Defence Personnel, The
Hon. Darren Chester MP points out: “ This year has been like no other in living memory for
Australia and the world and we may also choose to reflect on the unexpected roles that our current
serving men and women are performing in support of our efforts against COVID-19.”
The challenges this year have drawn us together in a united way but the challenges and
heartache caused by War is like no other.
The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Minister for Defence Personnel, The Hon. Darren Chester MP,
has provided us with copies of the 2020 Remembrance Day posters. He said: “In keeping with the
significant anniversary this year, the posters feature the moments when troops heard the news
that the Second World War was over, and the peace celebrations that followed.” This year has
been like no other in living memory for Australia and the world and we may also choose to reflect
on the unexpected roles that our current serving men and women are performing in support of our
efforts against COVID-19. Almost a million Australians served during the
Second World War and millions more contributed to the war effort on the
home front. This year, we have commemorated the 75th anniversary of
the end of the Second World War, a war that changed Australia as we            Inside this issue:
knew it.”
                                                                              Remembrance Day – 11th

                                                                              Year 5 Leadership Day –
                                                                              November 24th

                                                                              Applications for Senior
                                                                              Leadership due in
                                                                              December 1st
Remembrance Day

This Remembrance Day, we were unable to gather as a school community. To recognise this
important occasion some of our Year 6 student leaders participated in a live stream using recently
purchased equipment. Students were able to lead the school in prayer and invite our school
community to remember those who died for our freedom as the last post was broadcasted across
our school. While our leaders read from a teleprompter, others were behind the scenes switching
between cameras and operating the software. This new step for the St. Brigid's Community opens
up the opportunity for live streaming with assemblies, school masses and Graduations
approaching. Congratulations to all those students involved today who conducted themselves in a
very professional manner.
Traffic around the School at Pick-Up
There are concerns from the local users and residents of Bayview Road around the amount of
traffic congestion on Bayview Road at Pick-Up and Drop-Off times. We have received complaints
that local road users are unable to access the road or exit their driveways and they are becoming
increasing frustrated.

Please do not arrive early or outside your allocated Pick-Up and Drop-Off Times. These staggered
measures were put in place to reduce the risk to students, staff and families as per medical advice
and guidelines from DOSCEL and the State Government.

Please use the School side of Bayview Road when you are accessing the school or parking. The
road is narrow and there are safety issues regarding parking on both sides of the road. This does
not allow for an easy flow of traffic on Bayview Road.

Extra care must be taken around School Zones and I urge everyone to make sure they abide by
the VicRoads Traffic Rules at all times.

Please adhere to your staggered times and have children independent enough to get in their cars,
seat belts on and ready to exit the school as soon as possible.

Health and Safety
If your child is experiencing signs or symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they must not attend
the school until their symptoms resolve and the appropriate medical advice is obtained. This
includes those showing even mild symptoms of COVID-19.

The symptoms to watch out for are:
•   fever
•   chills or sweats
•   cough
•   sore throat
•   shortness of breath
•   runny nose
•   loss of sense of smell.

In certain circumstances headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea
may also be considered.

Upon arrival to school or during the school day, if your child becomes or is unwell, you will be
contacted and required to come and collect your child.
If students who are being tested for COVID-19 have siblings who attend a school managed and
operated by the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL), then the siblings should
also remain at home until a negative test result is provided for the student awaiting a test result.

Where a student is unwell and absent from school, parents and carers will not need to provide a
medical certificate for their child to return to face to face classroom learning or on-site supervision.

We will not be taking every student’s temperature before school as of Monday, November
9th, however we will use temperature checks if a child presents unwell before school or
throughout the day.

Primary school students are not required to wear a face covering irrespective of the students age.
However, individual families can make their own decisions regarding their children wearing a face
covering whilst attending primary school.

Parents, guardians and carers are encouraged to inform their child(ren) that school staff will be
using face coverings and reinforce with their child(ren) the need to keep 1.5 metres apart from
other people, to wash and dry hands thoroughly and regularly, and cough and sneeze into a tissue
or their elbow.

School Arrangements
St Brigid’s Primary School will continue to implement the following control measures during Term
4, 2020:

● designating drop-off/pick-up points for parents

● promoting age-appropriate hygiene practices for all students

● reminding all students and staff to wash their hands with soap and water or when this is not
possible, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser on arrival at school and regularly throughout the day

● reinforcing with students the following hygiene practices:

          ▪   cough and/or sneeze into their elbows or a tissue
          ▪   place used tissues straight into the bin
          ▪   avoid touching eyes, noses or mouths
          ▪   not to share food or drink
          ▪   not to drink from water fountains or bubblers directly
● extending school cleaning programs during the school day, including cleaning school playground
equipment after use

● limiting the number of visitors attending the school, including parents.

The main risk of transmission of COVID-19 in the school environment is between adults.
The following measures continue until further notice for parents, guardians and carers:

● practise physical distancing and avoid long periods of time in close contact with other adults
● use the telephone or email to contact staff rather than visiting the school
● do not enter the school grounds except when essential and the time on-site should be minimised
● adhere to the school’s pick and drop off requirements for students.

I appreciate that this continues to be a challenging time for all and I thank all our parents,
guardians, carers and the wider school community for their continued hard work and support.

If you require clarification in relation to the updated Term 4 arrangements or additional support,
please contact

                          Hay Fever and Allergy Symptoms
Seasonal allergies, sometimes called ‘hay fever’ or seasonal allergic rhinitis, are symptoms that
happen during certain times of the year or, for some people, are present all year round. They
usually occur when outdoor moulds release their spores, or trees, grasses and weeds release tiny
pollen particles into the air to fertilise other plants.

As there are some similarities between hay fever and other allergy symptoms and those of
COVID-19, parents of students who have a known history of hay fever or allergies should be
advised to consider how this will be proactively managed during Term 4, 2020.

Since some of the symptoms of COVID-19 and seasonal allergies are similar, it may be difficult to
tell the difference between them. If students are unsure about what might be affecting them, they
should contact their medical practitioner and liaise with the school to make any reasonable
adjustments that may be required. If symptoms are new or there is a change to symptoms, the
person experiencing these symptoms should be tested for COVID-19 immediately.

Allergy treatments should be continued to minimise symptoms. For students, parents should talk
to a medical practitioner about having an effective treatment plan for seasonal allergies and/or
asthma and provide a copy of the plan to the school in addition to a medical certificate which
details the allergen. Students may also wish to have medication available to take pre-emptively
during school time if hay fever or allergy symptoms are likely.

If the school has concerns that a student or staff member may have COVID-19 symptoms and no
information has been provided that indicates hay fever or other allergy symptoms, then they
should be tested immediately.
As a Catholic School we are a community, which celebrates our Catholic Story and traditions and recognise
Christ is at the centre of our lives:

 Because you have been faithful over a few things, enter into the joy
                                             of the Lord.
The parable of the ‘talents’ (Matthew 25:14-30) invites us to reflect on the gifts God has entrusted
to us. We have been given the responsibility of building up the kingdom of God and we are
accountable to God for the use of gifts he has given us. This parable tells of the judgement that
awaits us all, based on how we use the gifts from God.

Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples:
‘The kingdom of heaven is like a man on
his way abroad who summoned his
servants and entrusted his property to
them. To one he gave five talents, to
another two, to a third, one; each in
proportion to his ability. Then he set out.
The man who had received five talents
promptly went and traded with them and
made five more. The man who had received
two made two more in the same way. But
the man who had received one went off and
dug a hole in the ground and hid his
master’s money. Now a long time after, the master of those servants came back and went through his
accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents came forward bringing five more. “Sir,” he
said, “you entrusted me with five talents; here are five more that I have made.” His master said to him,
“Well done, good and faithful servant; you have shown that you can be faithful in small things, I will trust
you with the greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.”’ (Matthew 25:14–30, abridged)

In the parable the master entrusts his possessions to his servants. He gives five talents to one,
another has two and another one. The servants deal differently with the money – two use it to start
dealing and making money but the third, overcome by the risk, chooses to hide his talent.

After some time away, the master returned and went through his accounts. The one who had been
given five talents came forward and gave the master five more. The master said to him, “Well
done, good and faithful servant; you have shown that you can be faithful in small things, I will trust
you with the greater; come and join in your masters happiness.”

The ‘talents’ were not distributed equally. We are all given different talents so that we will
recognise our need for each other and be generous and kind in sharing the gifts we have.

Our gifts from God are precious and must not be wasted but put to good use.
Our Challenge this Week:

Our challenge is to use and develop the gifts we have been given for our good and the good of
others, not to hide them away, without allowing them to grow.

   •   What are your talents and gifts?
   •   How do you use them?
   •   In your Prayer Journal describe in writing or draw your responses.
   •   How will you use your talents and gifts in the future?

Throughout this week and always, use your talents for the good of others.
NAIDOC Week 2020 acknowledges and celebrates that our nation’s story didn’t begin with
documented European contact whether in 1770 or 1606 – with the arrival of the Dutch on the
western coast of the Cape York Peninsula.

The very first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples.

The theme for this year’s NAIDOC Week is ‘Always Was, Always Will Be” and recognises that
First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, first navigators, first
engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first

NAIDOC Week 2020 invites all Australian to embrace the true history of this country – a history
which dates back thousands of generations.

                              Information supplied by:
Class Structure for 2021
After careful consideration and discussion with St. Brigid’s Consultative Committee the following
Class Structure has been decided on for 2021:

Junior Learning Community


Year 1
Year 1

Year 2
Year 2

Middle Learning Community

Year 3
Year 3

Year 4
Year 4

Senior Learning Community

Year 5/6
Year 5/6
Year 5/6

No decision has been made in relation to placement of teachers at this stage.
Year 6 Graduation
We have set aside Tuesday, 15th December for the Year 6 Graduation this year.

We will be permitted to hold a Graduation for the Year 6 cohort with limited staff. No parents,
guardians, visitors or other family and friends will be permitted to attend.
Due to these restrictions with regard to gatherings we are planning to video and/or live stream the
event. We are in the process of seeking parent permission.
At this stage gatherings, assemblies and congregation of large numbers of staff and students and
the school community are not permitted.

Please save the date and as soon as we can confirm further details we will let you know.

Year 5 Student Leadership Day is taking place on Tuesday, November 24th. This is an opportunity
for our Year 5 students to learn what it takes to be a leader and will hopefully encourage them to
apply for our formal student leadership positions in 2021.

Student Applications for school leadership are due back in on Tuesday, December 1st 2020.
Elections for School Captains and Sports Captains will take place on Friday, December 4th 2020.

More information will be provided in next week’s newsletter. We are unable to accept late
applications and they will not be considered.

Once again, in the interests of everyone concerned DO NOT send your children to school if they
are sick. If your child presents unwell at school we will contact you and ask that you collect your
child from school immediately.

Please ensure you have up to date information in the office and names of people to contact in
case there is a need for your child to be collected from school. You must be available if your child
is sick as they must be picked up immediately and kept away from other students and staff.

Staff have been advised to be vigilant in this regard as the health of our school community is vital.
If you have any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, you should seek medical
advice and get tested.

It is important that you notify the school if your child/ren are away from school. This avoids our
team having to contact you, which is time consuming for staff and may be inconvenient for you. It
is absolutely necessary for us confirm a child’s absence, if we have not been notified. You can call
the office and press 1 on our absence line to leave a message with your child’s name, class and
reason for absence or you can email at

If any parents or friends are intending to enter the school grounds, please do not come to school if
you are unwell or have symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

    IMPORTANT NOTICE - Pedestrian Access to the School
The Contractors for the new carpark have moved the fence across the concrete path that parents
used to come to the Administration building during the day. There will be no access for parents,
guardians, carers or visitors via this gate.

The small pedestrian gate near the basketball court will be the only pedestrian access to the
school during this time. This gate must be locked during the day during recess and lunch times.

Parents, guardians and carers are reminded that access to the school should only be if it is

We recommend you telephone the school office 03 5943 2447 if you wish to come on-site
throughout the day for any essential reason.
On-Site Orientation             Monday, November 23rd 2020
                                Exclusive use of the Foundation Area

                                Up to 10 children onsite in each session – Parents will
                                drop students and then leave.
                                Staff Involved - Anna Head

Session One                     9.30 a.m. to 10.15 a.m.

Session Two                     11.45 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Session Three                   2.00 p.m. to 2.45 p.m.

Each session will consist of:   1. Setting Time
                                2. Story Time with the teacher
                                3. Individual craft activity at a table
                                4. Farewell/Home

On-Site Orientation             Tuesday, November 24th 2020
                                Exclusive use of the Foundation Area

                                Up to 10 children onsite in each session – Parents will
                                drop students and then leave.
                                Staff Involved - Anna Head

Session One                     9.30 a.m. to 10.15 a.m.

Session Two                     11.45 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Each session will consist of:   1. Setting Time
                                2. Story Time with the teacher
                                3. Individual craft activity at a table
                                4. Farewell/Home
School Photographs – Tuesday, December 1st 2020
We have managed to secure School Photographs for Tuesday, December 1st. What this will look
like will be worked through with the photography company with COVID-19 safe procedures in

If you have already ordered your 2020 photos you do not need to order again.

Students will be required to wear their correct Summer school uniform.

                                          Water Bottles
Please ensure your child has adequate drinking water in their water bottles for the school day. The
school drinking taps are turned off and are out of bounds.

                 Toys or Sporting Equipment from Home
Please do not send play items to school including sports equipment as we are unable to manage
their use.

                                Overdue Library Books
As we are nearing the end of the School Year and borrowing has stopped for students until 2021,
we ask that all outstanding Library books are returned to school as soon as possible. Mrs. Louise
Mettes is now cataloguing and undertaking stock taking procedures.
News from the Administration Team – Mrs. Donna Devine,
               Ms. Melissa Summers and Mrs. Katie Pinto

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Eligibility Extended
We have been advised that eligibility for the CSEF has been extended to Monday, 5 October, with
the closing date for CSEF applications now Friday 27 November. If you believe you could now be
eligible for this funding and have not submitted an application. Please call Katie in the office.

                                         School Fees

We understand that a lot of families have experienced changes to their financial circumstances
recently due to Covid-19. If you are now eligible for a concession card through Centrelink it is
important that you let us know as soon as possible as there may be additional funding that eligible
concession card holders can apply for which is a great help towards fees.

If you have any concerns about your financial situation or find yourself in financial hardship please
contact Mr Ken Gale via email at
News from the Leader of Wellbeing - Mr. Matthew Dileo

                                        Community Time

Building a welcoming, whole school community, where everyone belongs and is included, is a
really important part of what we do at St Brigid’s. This links right back to our school’s patron saint,
St Brigid who showed hospitality throughout her life by caring for and making everyone feel

One way we would normally connect and build up our student community is Community Buddy
Time. Community Time is a session where mixed aged groups of students, from Foundation
through to Year Six, complete an activity together. This helps all of our students form connections
across the school, giving the juniors some familiar faces from the upper year levels. Additionally, it
gives our seniors and middles a really important opportunity to mentor and support our juniors in
the classroom and on the playground.

Unfortunately, due to restrictions on movement due to the pandemic, this term we have been
unable to come back together in our Community Time Buddy groups.
Instead we have created school wide activities which everyone completes in their individual class
groups. To keep our community connected our Year Six leaders have been taking a leading role in
these sessions. They have been working hard creating video clips for our Community Time
sessions explaining key ideas and how to complete the activities. This way we are still keeping
connected as a community in different year levels, just in a slightly different way.

So far in Community Time we have focused on how to stay safe on Daniel Morcombe day and
looking forward we will be looking at how to be an upstander, who stands up for others.

                             Child Safety Conversation Starters

              Junior                        Middle                           Senior
      Recently Nate has been      There are 3 Rs to              Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 is
      feeling unsafe.             remember when we are           a free, 24/7 counselling
      Why is it important that    learning to stay safe:         service that all kids in
      Nate tells a grown-up       Recognise body clues.          Australia can use to speak to
      from his safety network     React in an unsafe             a grown-up at any time, for
      that he doesn’t feel        situation.                     any reason.
      safe?                       Report to a grown-up who
                                  can help.                      What do you think children all
                                                                 over Australia phone about?
                                  How could someone ‘react’
                                  if they found themselves in
                                  an unsafe situation?
News from the Physical Education Specialist – Mrs. Dianne Wilkinson

The following Awards were presented to students as part of their Physical Education lessons:

Saskia S - For her excellent throwing and catching skills during our modified games and tasks
unit. Great work Saskia.

Sukhmanpreet J - For her excellent technique and outstanding leadership during our Tennis Unit.
Great work Congratulations Preet

Jackson M - For his great listening skills and working hard on developing his striking skills in Phys
Ed this week. Awesome work Jackson.

Sofia F - For having a positive and competitive spirit in all activities in P.E. Awesome job Sofia and
keep trying your best!

Flynn G - For having a positive attitude and making great progress in your skills and knowledge of
invasion games. Keep up the good work!

Jasmine V - Well done Jasmine for participating co-operatively and fairly during your PE lessons!
Keep up the great work.

                          Before and After School Care Provider

Before and After School Care is available at St Brigid's School. Camp Australia is the provider and can be contacted on
1300 105 343

             Please note Before and After School Care is not run by staff employed by St. Brigid’s School.
We wish the children who have celebrated or are celebrating a birthday shortly all the best for a
great day.

Emma N 1st                  Cooper B 1st                 Oaklyn R 1st             Kai R 3rd
Kiara A 3rd                 Jayden A 4th                 Norbet K 6th            Lilliana S 6th
Alyssa 6 th                 Tabitha A 7th                Brylie M 7th             Lily P 8th
Madison S 8th               Xavier A 9 th                Elisha F 11th            Noah R 13th
Madison S 13th              Isla S 19th                  Elli-Rose 23rd           Val B 24th
Nyachuot 26th               Ekam S 26th                 Milla C 27th              Cooper D 30th
Alanna C 30 th
Term Dates for the 2020 School Year
                 Term 4 2020                   Monday, October 5th – Friday, December 18th
                                               Last day for Students is Wednesday,
                                               December 16th at 1.00 p.m.

                                     Dates for 2020
Remembrance Day                Wednesday, November 11th
First Sunday of Advent         29th November                   New Liturgical Year
School Photographs             Tuesday, December 1st           All Staff and Students
Second Sunday of Advent        Sunday, December 6th
Third Sunday of Advent         Sunday, December 13th
Year 6 Graduation              Tuesday, December 15th          Year 6 Students
Students End the 2020 School   Wednesday, December 16th        Early Dismissal 1.00 p.m.
Fourth Sunday of Advent        Sunday, December 20th
Christmas Day                  Friday, December 25th

                        Term Dates for the 2021 School Year
                 Term 1 2021                   Wednesday 27th January – Thursday 1st April
                                               Students return: Friday, 29th January 2021

                 Term 2 2021                   Monday, 19th April to Friday, 25th June

                 Term 3 2021                   Monday, 12th July to Friday, 17th September

                 Term 4 2021                   Monday, 4th October to Friday 17th December
                                               Last day for Students to be advised

Closure Days and early dismissals will be advised throughout the course

                                     Dates for 2021
Staff Return for 2021 School   Wednesday, January 27th         Staff return
Year                           2021
Students begin 2021 School     Friday, January 29th 2021       Students return
School Concert                 Thursday, August 19th 2021      Bunjil Place, Narre Warren
Community Noticeboard
Looking ahead...
                                                         The answer to our last brainteaser was
                                                         ‘Before and After.’ This week’s brainteaser is:
Wed. November 11th       Remembrance Day

Sun. November 15th       33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
                         World Day for the Poor                               STEP
Sun. November 22nd       Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus                          PETS
                         Christ, King of the Universe
Sun. November 29th       First Sunday of Advent
                                                         Dear Heavenly father,
Tues. December 1st       School Photographs              With a sober heart, we pause for a moment
                                                         and call to mind all the men and women
                                                         who have died in the service of our nation.
                                                         Dear God, please look with mercy
                                                         on our brave and selfless brothers and sisters,
                                                         who did not shirk from their task
                                                         but gave themselves completely
                                                         to the cause of defending and protecting us all.

  “When the power of love overcomes the love             Bless all who have given their lives
                                                         for the sake of our freedom
       of power the world will know peace.”              and grant them eternal rest with You.
                     Jim Hendrix                         We remember also our brave men and women
                                                         now serving in our Armed Forces
                                                         both at home and overseas.
                                                         Send out Your angels to protect them all.
                                                         Help them discharge their duties honourably and well.
                                                         Please bring them safely home to their families and
                                                         loved ones.
              St. Michael’s Parish                       Please bring Your peace and mercy to our troubled
           119 High Street, Berwick 3806                 world.
           Parish Priest: Fr Jeff Kleynjans
          Assistant Priest: Fr. Hiep Nguyen              We ask this Father, in the name of Jesus, Your Son.
Pastoral Associate: Dina Delfino and Katherine Jelavic                            Amen.
                    (03) 97071355
          Sacrament Co-ordinator: Tara Bau               Yours in friendship and unity,
                  Weekend Masses
Saturday:      6.00 p.m.
Sunday:        9.00 a.m., 10.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.
             Ken Gale
                  Pastoral Associate email:              Principal
You can also read