2020 STALL

THE EVENT                                                        EVENT OBJECTIVES
Food, Wine, Fashion and Cycling                                  The Unley Gourmet Gala provides opportunities for
                                                                 the City of Unley to:
The City of Unley will once again host the Unley
                                                                 • Stimulate the local economy by providing an opportunity
Gourmet Gala, arguably Adelaide’s most                              for Unley businesses to generate income at the event
prestigious outdoor gourmet food, wine, and                      • Raise the profile of the City of Unley to visitors from
fashion event and longest running event held in                     Greater Adelaide as well as visitors from interstate
conjunction with the Santos Tour Down Under.                     • Enhance the City’s reputation as a great place to
Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of our 20th                  shop, live, work and do business
anniversary celebrations making this our most                    • Focus on return visitation
spectacular event yet!                                           • Deliver an event for the local community to enjoy
                                                                 • Provide an opportunity for residents and visitors to gather
The Gala will be held on Wednesday 22 January 2020, from            and enjoy one of the City’s premier mainstreet precincts
5 - 10.30pm on King William Road, Unley, South Australia.
                                                                 KEY DATES AND DEADLINES
The Unley Gourmet Gala provides an opportunity for retailers
and restaurants to showcase their finest gourmet produce,        Please take note of the following important dates and deadlines:
wine and fashion at a lively street party.
                                                                 Applications close               5pm Friday 22 Nov 2019
The event sits comfortably as one of the largest, most
dynamic and eagerly anticipated events on the South              Notified of the status of your   5pm Friday 6 Dec 2019
Australian Santos Tour Down Under calendar and is expected       application and invoiced for
to attract around 20,000 visitors to King William Road, Unley.   your site fee if successful
                                                                 Onsite Individual                Wednesday 18 and
The Gala celebrates the Subaru Stage 3 Start of the 2020         Trader Briefings                 Thursday 19 Dec 2019
Santos Tour Down Under, which is held the morning after the
Unley Gourmet Gala. In 2020 the start will be held on            Payment to be submitted by       5pm Monday 23 Dec 2019
Thursday 23 January with festivities commencing at 9.30am        Unley Gourmet Gala               5-10.30pm
and the Santos Tour Down Under race start commencing at                                           Wednesday 22 Jan 2020
11am. The official start arch will be located on King William
Road, near Opey Avenue, with the cyclists heading south,         Santos Tour Down Under           From 9.30am with the
finishing in Paracombe.                                                                           Tour race commencing at
                                                                                                  11am Thursday 23 Jan 2020

                                                                 Final invoice will be issued post event for infrastructure,
                                                                 power, ice, lighting and liquor licence (if applicable)

Event Managers Australia
Elissa O’Donohue                                                       @UnleyCouncil
E lou@eventmanagersaustralia.com.au
M 0407 599 809
                                                                   The Unley Gourmet Gala attracts over 20,000 participants.
  The 2020 event will take place in the same location as           Market research showed that the demographic at last year’s
  previous years, on King William Road between Arthur              event were 41% male and 59% female. 34% of those
  Street and Park and Mitchell Streets, known as the event         surveyed were City of Unley residents, with 52% from
  precinct. Some side streets adjoining King William Road          greater Adelaide and 14% from interstate and overseas.
  within this precinct will also be utilised for the event.
                                                                   TARGET AUDIENCE
                                                                   City of Unley residents
                                                                   • Young families with children (25 – 39 with children)
                                                                   • Middle Age (40 – 54 children at home and empty nesters)
                                                                   • Mature (55 – 95 with and without partners)
                                                                   • Young people (18 - 30).
                                                                   King William Road businesses
                                                                   People from across Greater Adelaide
                                                                   and visitors to Adelaide
                                                                   • Young families (25 – 39 with children)
                                                                   • Middle Age (40 – 54 children at home and empty nesters)
                                                                   • Mature (55 – 95 with and without partners)
MARKETING AND PROMOTION                                            • Young people (18 - 25).
As a participant at the Unley Gourmet Gala you will benefit
from an extensive marketing and communications plan,               Foodies and Fashionistas
which will include social media, online and print advertising      • Predominantly women 18 – 54 years, but males
to create awareness and boost attendance at the event.               are also important
                                                                   • Foodies enjoy dining out and trying new gourmet experiences
The last event reached a media audience of 2.1 million with over
100 pieces of media, including three TV news stations in           • Fashionistas are fashion conscious and regularly
attendance at the event and a social media campaign reaching         shop for the latest fashions
over 120k people. We anticipate greater results as the event       • Most are savvy with social media and will share
continues to grow.                                                   their experiences online.

Event marketing and promotion will include the following:          Cycling Enthusiasts
• An extensive Public Relations campaign                           • Predominantly males 18 – 54 years, but females
• A comprehensive social media campaign aimed at increasing          are also important
  event attendance and showcasing participating businesses         • Most belong to a cycling hub or have a group of
• A variety of widespread promotional signage leading                mates they cycle with
  up to the event                                                  • They ride 3-4 times per week with each ride covering
• Printed materials                                                  at least 40kms
• Traditional and online advertising                               • Cycling is part of their social life.
• TV promotion.
                                                                   People from across greater Adelaide,
To maximise exposure please follow City of Unley                   interstate and international
to share and keep up to date on all things Gala:                   • Predominantly people following Santos Tour Down Under news
     GourmetGala               @UnleyCouncil        CityOfUnley

                                                                                                             patrons come
 AUDIENCE REACH 2.1 MILLION                                                                                      from

 ONLINE         TV
             NEWS STATIONS
                             RADIO     120k+
                                        SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                                                                    34% City of Unley residents
                                                                                                    52% Greater Adelaide
                                                                                                    14% Interstate/overseas
             IN ATTENDANCE

                                        CAMPAIGN REACH
THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW                                              Event Limited Liquor Licence
Stalls and Infrastructure                                            The Unley Gourmet Gala will apply for a temporary (limited)
• Traders located within the King William Road                       liquor licence that will cover the event precinct from 5pm to
  event precinct are offered a subsidised site fee                   10.30pm Wednesday 22 January. This precinct will include
                                                                     both temporary stall holders in what the licence refers to as
• If your business is located outside of the event
                                                                     the ‘general admission area’, as well as the ‘defined dining
  precinct it is compulsory to order a marquee through
                                                                     areas’ of existing licensed premises (including the small
  the event supplier unless otherwise negotiated with
                                                                     number with approved outdoor/footpath areas).
  event management
• Furniture such as chairs and trestles can be ordered               If you intend to sell alcohol as a temporary stall holder, you
  through the event supplier as per the fees indicated               must include details relating to your liquor licence in the
  in the booking form                                                booking form. If you are not specifically listed on the event’s
• All free-standing equipment must be correctly weighted             liquor licence, you will not be permitted to sell alcohol at the
  in accordance with the applicable Australian standards             event. Businesses and restaurants with an existing liquor
• You are encouraged to clearly identify your stall name             licence are requested to include details of their liquor licence
  and easy to read menu boards which must be displayed               on the form; otherwise their licensed premises will be
  within your space                                                  excluded from the event licence.
• Gas bottles will need to be stored in a metal crate and            A dry zone will be in effect for all surrounding streets.
  away from power supplies and open fire and must bear
  the applicable Australian standards approved badge                 Liquor Licence Guidelines
• All food and/or drink vendors must provide an                      Inspectors from the State Government’s Consumer and
  appropriately rated fire extinguisher that is fully charged        Business Services will be onsite during the event. All traders
  with a current and stamped service tag and a fire blanket          selling alcohol must abide by the following guidelines to sell
• All food and/or drink vendors must provide staff with easily       liquor for consumption within the event precinct:
  accessible hand washing facilities with running water,             • In the ‘general admission area’, liquor can only be sold or
  liquid soap and disposable paper towels (shown below).                 supplied in wine glasses, plastic jugs, compostable cups or
                                                                         cans opened at the point of sale, with a limit of not more than
Example of hand                                                          four (4) cups or cans to a patron at any one time; the capacity
washing facilities                                                       of plastic jugs is also not to exceed four (4) standard drinks.
                                                                     •	In the ‘defined dining areas’ of existing licensed premises,
                                                                         liquor can be sold in glasses or bottles if permitted within
                                                                         your existing licence; however, such glassware cannot be
                                                                         taken into the ‘general admission area’. If patrons wish to
                                                                         take purchased alcohol into the ‘general admission area’,
                                                                         they can only do so in compostable cups.
                                                                     •	Free tap water must be available from all liquor points of
                                                                         sale and every liquor outlet must have a sign clearly displayed
Safework SA will have inspectors on site prior to and during             in a prominent position stating “Free water is available”.
the event to ensure that all infrastructure is safe for both         •	The licensee must establish appropriate cleaning and
event staff and the general public. The inspectors will be               clearing routines for glass and broken glass and
conducting random audits and may ask your staff questions                proactively remove empty or unattended glass containers
relating to safety and risk management plans. As a minimum               from the area generally.
your staff will need to be aware of where your first aid kits,       •	Licensed traders must have a responsible (and nominated)
fire extinguishers and blankets are kept.                                person present at all times and comply with the
Please refer to the terms and conditions for a full listing of all       ‘Responsible Service of Alcohol’ provisions.
                                                                     Liquor licensing details will be collected on the application
Food Safety                                                          form. You will need to supply your licensee name, existing
All traders must comply with the applicable food safety              liquor licence number (if appropriate) and details of two
standards. Health inspectors may conduct random audits.              persons to be in charge of the responsible service of alcohol
Your details will be provided to the City of Unley who may           during the event, one of whom must be present at all times.
also contact you and provide you with further information            The details submitted on the application form for these two
about the national food and drink safety standards.                  persons cannot be changed.

 Frequently asked questions                                     Guidelines for temporary stall holders
 Can I sell wine in a wine glass?                               yes, you are able to sell a wine glass along
                                                                with the wine at the event
 Can I sell beer or other alcoholic beverages in glasses?       no
 Can I sell wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages in cups?    yes, but must be compostable
 Can I serve alcohol in jugs?                                   yes, but must be plastic (and a maximum
                                                                capacity of four [4] standard drinks)
 Can I serve alcohol in cans?                                   yes, but must be opened at the point of sale
                                                                (and a limit of four [4] cans per patron
 Can I serve alcohol in bottles (ie wine, beer, cider etc)?     no
 Can I sell take-away alcohol in bottles                        no
 (ie wine, beer, cider etc)?
 Can I sell non-alcoholic beverages in glass bottles?           yes
 Can I sell non-alcoholic beverages in cans?                    yes
 Can I sell non-alcoholic beverages in cups?                    yes, but must be compostable

Power and Water                                                Waste Management
                                                               The Unley Gourmet Gala is aiming to be a zero waste
• All electrical equipment and leads must be tested and
                                                               event with a three bin waste management system. All
  tagged in accordance with Australian Standards and meet
                                                               food and beverage products MUST be served in fully
  the requirements of the Office of the Technical Regulator
                                                               compostable containers.
  and must be placed according to WHS standards so as
  not to act as a hazard                                       The event will provide a three bin waste system for event
• Electrical leads running from existing store fronts out      attendees and cleaners on site to maintain the event precinct.
  to the street that can be walked on must be covered
  either by a cable tray or industrial rubber matting          The event also provides an oil disposal location, bottle and
                                                               can collection bins and skips. Locations of these will be
• All electrical leads need to be in date, tagged and
                                                               outlined in the trader information packs.
  tested. Industrial leads must be used. Domestic white
  leads intended for indoor use are not adequate for           Stallholders are responsible for your own bins and
  outdoor events                                               MUST dispose of all rubbish generated at your site.
• You must indicate on the booking form your power
  requirements and ensure you have provided or ordered         King William Road Traders
  the correct power for your stall                             If you have a private skip bin located at your business, we
• It is the responsibility of the stallholder to provide       recommend you have this emptied prior to the event and lock
  all necessary extension leads                                it on the night to avoid others using your bin.
• For businesses located within the event precinct, it is      Please note that ALL BUSINESSES on both the eastern and
  assumed that you have access to potable water from your      western side of King William Road will have their bins
  premises. If you do not have direct access to water from     emptied on Tuesday 21 January 2020 in preparation for the
  your business, please make arrangements with the event       event the following day, please ensure that it is presented
  management team if you require water.                        kerbside on Monday evening.

GET INVOLVED / DO MORE                                               Look the Part and Be Involved

Gala Plate                                                           On Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 January the City of Unley
                                                                     and King William Road are on show not only nationally but
The ‘Gala Plate’ has been created                                    internationally as well. The event is staged and themed
to showcase a signature dish                                         around the Santos Tour Down Under and we ask that you
from your establishment and to                                       actively engage in dressing your business for both days.
provide event seekers with an
opportunity to better associate           PARISI’S RESTAURANT        The theme of the Unley Gourmet Gala in 2020 is ‘There’s no
                                          Spaghetti marinara
your dish with your business                                         place like home’ which is a play on the Yellow Brick Road
(even beyond the Gala).                      EXAMPLE LISTING         from the Wizard of Oz highlighting the unique pavers that set
                                                                     King William Road apart from other main streets. We
Your Gala Plate should be reasonably priced and be available         encourage you to embrace this theme when setting up your
throughout the open times of the event. Consideration should         stall or business by incorporating any of the elements from
be given to food options that can be easily plated and               the story such as rainbows, ruby red shoes, a pot of gold, the
produced to service the numbers at the event, and                    Emerald City………the possibilities are endless!
complement the event and the weather.
                                                                     The Santos Tour Down Under conducts the Best Dressed
Gala Plates may be used in social media and as a marketing           Town Competition which has cash and prizes up for grabs.
tool in the lead up to the event, although this is not guaranteed.   For more information and to enter, visit
Fashion Parade / Runway Show                                         tourdownunder.com.au/participate/get-involved/
• The Gala runway show is a key highlight of the Unley
  Gourmet Gala program                                               Some suggestions for maximising this opportunity:
• It has a dedicated choreographer, MC, stylist and stage            • Think of a creative way to engage with the crowd
  manager. They will coordinate your involvement in the
                                                                     • Hand out vouchers from your stall with a great incentive
  event and produce an exciting runway show for the
                                                                       to encourage event attendees to return to your business
  Unley Gourmet Gala program
                                                                     • Hold a sale or provide special offers in conjunction
• The runway show will go for 30 minutes and will
                                                                       with the event
  be repeated three times throughout the event
                                                                     • Host a VIP event in your store
• We are seeking fashion traders from the Unley area to
  participate in the show. The number of garments will be            • Run a competition on the night e.g. purchases over
  confirmed upon the final line up of traders but fall                 a certain amount go in the draw to win a prize
  somewhere between 5 to 10 looks per trader.                        • Get people to sign up to your database for the
• A dedicated photographer will be there on the night                  chance to win a prize. The prize can be a voucher
  and take pictures of the runway show that you can use.               to spend in your business
• The raised stage is situated at the southern end of                • If you are a fashion business run a promotion in the
  King William Road, located at the Park/Mitchell                      lead up to the event to encourage people to purchase
  Street intersection (near the Hyde Park Tavern).                     their Gala outfit from you.
• Interested businesses to please complete the separate
  Fashion Parade / Runway form. Please request a form
  from lou@eventmanagersaustralia.com.au

                                                                 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
Due to the capacity and optimum number of food and
                                                                 Sponsorship opportunities are available to support
beverage stalls on site, there are a limited number of sites
                                                                 the Unley Gourmet Gala. Sponsorship is a great
available. First preference for stalls will be given to
                                                                 way to further raise the profile and awareness of
businesses located on King William Road, followed
                                                                 your business or product and a great way to show
by other businesses within the City of Unley area.
                                                                 your support for the community.
The event may offer opportunities to businesses outside
                                                                 There are many opportunities available and we
of the City of Unley area dependent on the applications
                                                                 will work closely with you to tailor a package that
received from local traders. This will be kept at a minimum
                                                                 reflects your objectives. For more information
and only introduced to balance the offerings available
                                                                 contact bob@eventmanagersaustralia.com.au
at the event if required.
                                                                 or call 0408 801 950.
All booking forms must be returned to Elissa at Event
Managers Australia prior to 5pm Friday 22 November 2019.
You will be notified on the status of your application
no later than 5pm Friday 6 December 2019.

All successful traders will be required to meet with the Event
Operations team in the first week of December on King
William Road where event details will be discussed.

The meeting will cover information about the design KWR
upgrade, new initiatives, bump in/out information and safety
and legal guidelines. Traders will receive their information
packs at this time.

Dates and times to be coordinated directly with each trader.


Event Terms and Conditions                                      2. Term

• You will be advised of the status of your application and     2.1 T his Permit is effective on Wednesday 22 January 2020
  sent an invoice for your site fee on Friday 6 December             between the hours of 11.30am and midnight and expires
  2019. To secure your place at the event, this invoice for          on the earlier of:
  site fees must be paid by Monday 23 December 2019.            		 i. Midnight 22 January 2020
  Any cancellations made prior to Monday 23 December            		 ii.	The date and time the Council, in conformity with
  2019 will be entitled to a full refund. No refunds will be                s.225 of the Act, cancels the Permit for breach of a
  provided for cancellations received after Monday 24                       condition (see s. 225 Cancellation of authorisation
  December 2018. A second invoice will be sent following                    or permit); or
  the event for your items (if used) such as power, liquor
  licence, marquee, umbrellas, trestles, chairs and lighting.   		 iii.	The date the Permit Holder notifies the Council that
                                                                            the Permit Holder surrenders the Permit.
• Stall holders must present their stalls to a high standard    		 iv. The hours of this permit covers the following:
  and be set up ready to trade by 4.30pm on the day of the
  event and must not pack down before 10.30pm.                  			 from 11.30am - 5pm Trader Bump In
                                                                			        from 5 - 10.30pm Unley Gourmet Gala event hours
• The promotion of your business at the event will be limited
  to your allocated site and the immediate vicinity unless      			 from 10.30pm - midnight Trader Bump out.
  otherwise agreed in writing.
                                                                3. Authorised Use
• Stallholders must not arrange for any entertainment
  additional to that arranged by Council unless otherwise       The Permit Holder may use only the Permit Area and must
  agreed in writing.                                            not permit any unauthorised use or unlawful activity to take
                                                                place in the Permit Area.
Traders operating within the event precinct space will be
granted a permit by Council. The terms and conditions           4. Special Conditions
associated with this permit are outlined below.
                                                                At all times during the Permit, the Permit Holder must
Permit Terms and Conditions                                     maintain the Permit Area in accordance with the event’s
                                                                Special Conditions.
1. Permit
                                                                5. Insurance
The Council, acting under s. 222 of the Local Government
Act 1999 (the Act) grants to the Permit Holder a permit (the    During the Term of this Permit the Permit Holder must hold
Permit) to use a portion of King William Road, Unley (the       public liability insurance (from a reputable insurer for the
Permit Area) within the area of the Council for business        minimum amount of twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) per
purposes being promotional activities and/or outdoor dining     claim. Such insurance must extend to the Permit Area for the
and the Permit Holder accepts this Permit on the conditions     duration of the Permit. The Permit Holder must provide a
set out below.                                                  certificate of currency and a copy of the insurance policy for
                                                                inspection to the Council. This must be provided with the
                                                                Unley Gourmet Gala application form and the permit holder
                                                                must immediately notify the Council if the insurance policy
                                                                either lapses or is cancelled.


6. Indemnity and Release                                                 10. About this Permit

6.1 T he Permit Holder agrees to indemnify the Council from and         This Permit is the whole grant from the Council to the Permit
    against all actions, costs, claims and damages, which may            Holder about the use of the Permit Area. This Permit cannot
    be brought or claimed against the Council arising directly           be transferred or assigned and can only be amended with
    or indirectly out of or in relation to the granting of the Permit.   the written consent of the Council.
6.2 The Permit Holder agrees to release the Council from
    liability or claim resulting from any accident, damage,              11. About the Permit Holder
    or injury occurring while undertaking business activities            The Permit Holder is liable to the Council for anything done
    in the Permit Area.                                                  or not done by an officer, employee, contractor or agent of
6.3 T he Permit Holder agrees that the Council will have no             the Permit Holder that if done or not done by the Permit
     responsibility or liability for any loss or damage to the           Holder will breach this Permit.
     Permit Holder’s fixtures or fittings or personal property.
                                                                         12. About the Council
7. No duty of care
                                                                         The Council grants this Permit as a Council acting under s.
If the Council or a person for whom the Council is responsible           222 of the Act and not in any other capacity. This Permit does
gives to the Permit Holder a consent or approval for the                 not preclude or pre-empt the exercise by the Council of any
purposes of this Permit,                                                 other regulatory function or power. The Chief Executive
   i.	No such person thereby assumes any duty of care,                  Officer of the Council or his delegate may exercise a power of
       responsibility or liability to the Permit Holder for that         the Council under this Permit for and on behalf of the Council.
       thing; and
                                                                         13. General
   ii.	The Permit Holder is not to any extent thereby
        relieved from its obligations to comply with this                13.1 T he Permit Holder must comply with any Act of Parliament,
        Permit or to indemnify any person.                                     regulation or by-law relating to the use of the Permit Area.
                                                                         13.2	Wherever there is any cost involved in complying with
8. No interest conferred                                                       the preceding requirement, the Permit Holder will be
This Permit does not confer on the Permit Holder any estate                    responsible for those costs.
or interest in the Permit Area.                                          13.3	
                                                                              The Permit Holder must take all reasonable precautions
                                                                              to avoid damage to the Permit Area and any
9. Consents and approvals                                                     improvements and structures located in the Permit Area.
                                                                              The Permit Holder must immediately notify the Council
A consent or approval of the Council:                                         of damage to the Permit Area or any Council owned
   v.    Must be requested in writing;                                        property located within or adjacent to the Permit Area.
   vi.	May be refused or not be considered unless and until             13.4	The Permit Holder will be responsible to reimburse the
        the Permit Holder pays to the Council a reasonable                     Council for all its reasonable costs to repair or rectify
        sum (as estimated by the Council) for administrative                   any damages caused as a result of the Permit Holder’s
        or other expenses incurred or to be incurred in                        use of the Permit Area.
        connection with the request for consent or approval,             13.5	The Permit Holder may not alter or remove any of the
        whether or not consent or approval is given or the                     existing fixtures and fittings within the Permit Area nor
        request is withdrawn;                                                  install any structures or items within or adjacent to the
   vii.	May be given with conditions, or refused without                      Permit Area without the Council’s prior written approval.
         giving reasons, and when the Council chooses;                   13.6	The Permit Holder may not, without the Council’s prior
   viii.	Is valid only if in writing and signed on behalf of the              written approval, alter or remove any structure or
          Council; and                                                         structural part of any premises of the Permit Holder
                                                                               which are within or adjacent to the Permit Area.
   ix.	Is limited to the specific instance to which it relates
        and the specific purpose for which it is given.

13.7 The Permit Holder agrees:                               		 13.7.7	Not to cause disturbances or nuisance to
		 13.7.1	To immediately comply with all directions                    users of land adjacent to the Permit Area
           given by any employee, agent or authorised                   or to vehicles or pedestrians.
           office of the Council or a member of the          		 13.7.8	To comply with the requirements of the
           SA Police.                                                   Sewerage Act 1929 in relation to the disposal
		 13.7.2	To be responsible for the disposal of rubbish                of wastewater and other trade waste and the
           and waste within the Permit Area and not to                  Environment Protection Act 1993 in relation
           use Council bins for the disposal of                         to the prevention of stormwater pollution.
           commercial waste. The Permit Holder must          		 13.7.9	All electrical equipment and leads must be
           leave the Permit Area and its surrounds in a                 tested and tagged in accordance with
           clean and tidy condition at the end of the                   Australian Standards and meet the
           period of this Permit.                                       requirements of the Office of the Technical
		 13.7.3	The Permit Holder must support the Council’s                 Regulator and must be placed according to
           Environment Management System Waste                          WHS standards so as not to act as a hazard.
           Reduction policy for Council events. All          		 13.7.10	All LPG gas bottles provided by the stallholder
           takeaway products are to be fully                             must bear the applicable Australian Standards
           compostable, with front and back of house                     approved badge and stallholders must submit
           waste management in compliance with the                       details to Council prior to the event (including
           requirements stipulated by Council.                           number of bottles, size).
		 13.7.4	At the end of the period of this Permit the       		 13.7.11	All food and/or drink vendors must provide an
           Council will inspect the Permit Area to ensure                appropriately rated fire extinguisher that is
           that it has been cleaned and tidied to an                     fully charged with a current and stamped
           acceptable standard.                                          service tag and a fire blanket.
		 13.7.5	Where the Council has to undertake cleaning
           and/or tidying of the Permit Area, the Council    14. Cancellation
           will invoice the Permit holder the actual         If the event is cancelled at any stage the Council may at its
           costs incurred.                                   absolute discretion return a part of the site fee paid by the
		 13.7.6	To be responsible for and to ensure the orderly   Permit Holder but is under no obligation to do so. In such
           conduct of members of the public within the       case the Council shall not be liable for any expenditure or
           Permit Area;                                      liability or loss including consequential loss incurred by
                                                             the Permit Holder.

CONTACT DETAILS                                              Event Managers Australia
Please complete and return this form to Elissa               Elissa O’Donohue
at Event Managers Australia by no later than                 E lou@eventmanagersaustralia.com.au
5pm Friday 22 November 2019.                                 M 0407 599 809

 Business Name:                                         ABN:

                                                                     < This will be used for social
 Publicised Stall Name (if different from above):                      media and marketing
                                                                       materials copied directly
                                                                       from your form.

 Street Address:

 Key Contact First Name:                                Surname:

 Postal Address (if different from above):

 Mobile:                                                Phone:

 Email (This is our primary method of communication):   Website:

 Facebook:                                              Instagram:

Have you participated in the Unley Gourmet Gala before?

        Yes, this business has participated                     time/s before

        No, this is our first time participating

Site fees to be invoiced to successful applicants on Friday 6 December 2019. Site fees must be paid prior to Monday
23 December 2019 to secure your place. Please advise the category applicable to your business as outlined below.
The category that you select will determine which sections of this form you will need to complete.

                          Business is located        Business is located                   Business is located                    Business is
                          within the King            within the King                       within the City of                     located outside of
                          William Road               William Road                          Unley council area                     the City of Unley
                          event precinct.            event precinct.                       but not within the                     council area
                          I will not be extending    I will be extending our               King William Road                      Stall space is 3m x 3m
                          beyond our usual           trading area in-front of              event precinct
                          place of business but      our business to create                Stall space is 3m x 3m
All prices include GST.   will remain open           a temporary stall
                                                      Early Bird                            Early Bird
  Food and/or
  beverage Stall
  No liquor sold
                                    $0*               $230**               $255**            $235**               $265**                        $515
                                                      Early Bird                            Early Bird
  Food and/or
  beverage Stall
  Selling liquor
                                    $0*               $275**               $305**            $290**               $325**                        $615
                                                    (you must purchase a liquor license)   (you must purchase a liquor license)   (you must purchase a liquor license)

                                                      Early Bird                            Early Bird
  Retail and/or
  Provider Stall
                                    $0*               $110**               $125**            $130**               $145**                        $245

  Plus Liquor
  Licence                           NA
  (if applicable)                                      $110                 $110              $110                 $110                         $110

*	Completion of this form will ensure we know that you will be open so that we don’t place another stall in front of your
   business. It also means that we can include your open business in our marketing and promotional activities and provide you
   with relevant event information.

** Businesses located within the event precinct and from within the City of Unley are offered a subsidised fee from the City of Unley.

Please note first preference will be given to businesses located on King William Road, followed by other businesses within
the City of Unley area. The event may offer opportunities to businesses outside of the City of Unley area dependent on the
applications received from local traders. This will be kept at a minimum and only introduced to balance the offerings available
at the event if required.

The City of Unley will apply for a temporary liquor licence that will cover the outdoor event precinct footprint during the hours
of 5pm to 10.30pm on Wednesday 22 January. If you intend to sell alcohol within the event precinct you must complete this
section. If you are not listed on the liquor license you are not permitted to sell alcohol.

The cost for a temporary Unley Gourmet Gala liquor licence is $110.                                                                   Note: All prices include GST.

Shop/Stall Details:

 Tell us the most interesting thing you are planning for your site at the Unley Gourmet Gala.

 Would you like to offer any interactive activities or demonstrations from your shop/stall?
 If so, please provide details:

 If you are offering food at your stall please list the menu items and dietary requirements:
 e.g. gluten free/ dairy free / vegan / vegetarian

Would you like the opportunity to participate in the Gala Plate offering? If so, please provide a maximum of 10 words
describing your dish. (This text may be used for social media and marketing purposes)

Please provide a high-resolution image of your dish which may be used for marketing purposes.

      I have attached a high-resolution image                           I don’t have an image and require assistance obtaining one

The City of Unley will apply for a temporary licence to cover the outdoor event precinct footprint from 5pm to 10.30pm.
If you intend to sell alcohol within the event precinct you must complete this section. If you are not listed on the liquor licence
you are not permitted to sell alcohol. The cost for a temporary Unley Gourmet Gala liquor licence is $110 (incl. GST).
Stall holders will be invoiced post event for their temporary liquor licence .

      Yes, I am going to sell alcohol in my temporary stall                No, I am not going to sell alcohol in my temporary stall

  Registered Business Name (Licensee):                                 Existing Liquor License Number:

Persons in Charge (A minimum of 2 people must be nominated):
Please note that at least one of the persons listed must be present and
supervising the premises at the times when liquor is being sold or supplied.

                First name and Surname:
Person 1:

                First name and Surname:
Person 2:

Cool Room
Will you be bringing a cool room* onto your site?

      Yes     Approximate size:


* Please note, cool rooms will be at an allocated space within close proximity but not directly next to your site/stall.

Your gas requirements will be added to the dangerous goods license for this event and must be accurate.

  Please provide a breakdown of the size and quantity of the cylinders that you will have at your stall (ie. 1x 9kg bottle):

If you are located on King William Road and are extending your trading area, you are required to provide power from your existing premises.

Do you require additional power at your stall?      Yes     No
Stall holders will be invoiced

post event for additional power.
                                               Cost*    Qty    Total Cost

32 amp outlet                                                    $110		                                          $

25 amp outlet                                                    $80		                                           $

15 amp outlet                                                    $35		                                           $

10 amp outlet                                                    $30		                                           $
                                                                                                                     Note: All prices include GST.
Please list ALL the equipment that you will be plugging in at your stall and required amps:
(We will use this as a check to ensure you have ordered enough power as once on site we are unable to provide you additional power)

  Electrical Item                            Required Amps                Electrical Item                              Required Amps

  Electrical Item                            Required Amps                Electrical Item                              Required Amps

Hire of stall equipment

Please note if your business is not located on King William Road, it is compulsory to order a marquee through the event
supplier unless otherwise negotiated with event management.

Would you like to hire any equipment through the event supplier?                           Yes             No
Please indicate the number of each item you require below:
						holders will be invoiced post event for infrastructure ordered.
                                                                 Cost*           Qty                             Total Cost

3mx 3m weighted marquee (with 3 sides)                           $210		                                          $

Umbrella 3m inc base black                                       $50		                                           $

Umbrella 3m inc base white                                       $50		                                           $

Standard trestle (wood) 1.8m                                     $13		                                           $

Trestle (wood) 2.4m                                              $15		                                           $

Bistro plastic chair                                             $3.50		                                         $

5kg bag of ice                                                   $4		                                            $

1 x fluorescent light (you will need 10amp power)                $15		                                           $
                                                                                                                     Note: All prices include GST.
* Price includes delivery, set up of structure and collection from your stall.
Please email 2 high-resolution jpeg images to showcase your products or a previous stall set up.
These images may be used for promotional purposes.
         I have emailed lou@eventmanagersaustralia.com.au with 2 high-resolution (at least 300dpi) jpegs
         I will email lou@eventmanagersaustralia.com.au with 2 high-resolution (at least 300dpi) jpegs

Please provide any newsworthy stories that may be used to assist with promoting the event and your business.
Human stories are always great e.g. “Nonna makes your pasta”. In the lead up to the event, if you have additional
stories or images please keep us informed lou@eventmanagersaustralia.com.au

Individual trader briefings will be held on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 December 2019 at your designated stall site or
existing outlet on King William Road. Please indicate your preferred date and time below and a 30 minute time slot will be
confirmed if your application is successful.
         Wednesday 18 December: 9am - 12pm                                                                Thursday 19 December: 9am - 12pm
         Wednesday 18 December: 2pm - 5pm                                                                 Thursday 19 December: 2pm - 5pm
         Wednesday 18 December: 6pm - 9pm                                                                 Thursday 19 December: 6pm - 9pm
Please note that we will provide the event briefing information at this session, hand out your event kit containing your important documentation.

It is a condition of the event that all food and beverage products are served in fully compostable containers.
Do you acknowledge and agree to this condition?                                                 Yes                  No

All stall holders must have public risk / liability insurance and provide a certificate of currency.
         I have attached a copy of our Certificate of Currency for a minimum of $20,000,000
         I am in the process of finalising our insurance and agree to forward a copy of our certificate of currency for a minimum of
         $20,000,000 prior to Monday 16 December 2019.

The City of Unley reserves the right to make final stallholder selection and submission of this application form does not guarantee or
confirm participation until advised by the City of Unley on Friday 6 December 2019. Please do not submit any monies with your
application. If your application is successful, an invoice for payment will be sent to you. I acknowledge that I have read and understood
the event terms and conditions and event permit conditions of the Unley Gourmet Gala Application and agree to abide by and be bound
by the said conditions.

  Name:                                                                                            Date:

Please complete and return this form to Elissa                                                  Event Managers Australia
at Event Managers Australia by no later than                                                    Elissa O’Donohue
                                                                                                E lou@eventmanagersaustralia.com.au
5pm Friday 22 November 2019.                                                                    M 0407 599 809
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