Page created by Clayton Jackson


Highlights       			3                       Sustainable and innovative products       23    Sustainable production		        49
                                            The journey of cloudberries		             24    Carbon neutrality 		            51
Introduction				5
                                            From nature to your skin and back, this is 25   Waste management and recycling 53
CEO’s forewords 			6                        the life cycle of a Lumene product
                                                                                            Water resources 			54
Response to the Covid-19 pandemic      7    Product safety 				27
                                                                                            Responsible corporate citizen   55
Megatrends surrounding us		            8    We avoid all forms of animal testing      29
                                                                                            Towards circular economy        57
                                            Quality policy				30
LUMENE – Beauty born of Arctic light   9                                                    Corporate governance 		         58
                                            Formulations & ingredients 		             31
CUTRIN – True to Nordic hair needs
                                                                                            Managing sustainability		       60
                                            Profile of a Lumene supplier		            36
Our strategy, mission and vision 		    10
                                                                                            Boosting employment and         61
                                            Packaging 				38
Early start in sustainability 		       13                                                   stakeholder value
Environmental policy			14                   Engagement and communication		            44    Investing in work community     63
Development goals 			15                     Collaboration with stakeholders 		        45    The people behind the products 64

                                            A deeper look into customers		            47    Promises for 2030 		            67
Sustainability at Lumene Group		       17
                                            and consumers
Sustainable supply chain 			           18                                                   Facts and figures		             69
                                            Marketing communication		                 48
Our focus				19                                                                             Management systems		            70
Our sustainability themes			           21                                                   Data in tables			               71

                                                                                            GRI Index and			                73
                                                                                            Reporting principles
                                                                                            Contact info			79


                                                                                                         92%                        100%
            Started using FSC®* certified cardboard                                                      Decrease of the carbon     Suppliers committed to the
             for folding boxes. 11 % of Cutrin’s and                                                     footprint of the Lumene    principles within Lumene’s
              9 % of Lumene’s folding boxes FSC®                                                         factory (2019 vs. 2021)    Supplier Code of Conduct
                      certified by end 2020.                                                                                        *All direct supplier purchases
                             ) Lumene Oy: FSC-N003275, Cutrin Oy: FSC– N003588

       Lumene Group joined SEDEX
         to support ethical trade
                                                                                                         50%                        0%
                                                                                                         Cutrin BIO+ bottles made   Lumene Group stopped
                                                                                                         of 50 % post-consumer      using peat as raw material
                                                                                                         recycled material
    According to consumer study Lumene is on
  position 21 in all industries, up from 40th in 2020.
   *The Sustainable Brand Index survey is the largest brand study in the Nordic countries focusing       Less plastic used in new
   on sustainability. It is conducted annually in Northern countries, the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia
    and Lithuania. This year, more than 60 000 people globally and 9,900 people in Finland age 16        Lumene moisturizer jars
      to 75 responded to the study. In total 212 brands have been measured in the Finnish study.

Lumene celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020 and Cutrin in 2021.
Both brands continue to pursue their journey as Nordic pioneers in
circular economy within the beauty industry.

      UP TO 99% NATURALLY                       VEGAN SKINCARE, HAIRCARE                            WITH UPCYCLED
      DERIVED INGREDIENTS                           AND FOUNDATION                                   INGREDIENTS
  The average share of naturally derived        100% of Lumene skincare and foundation      50 % of our various Nordic ingredients
 ingredients in Lumene skincare products      formulas are vegan. Lumene aims to have all   are sourced from the side streams and
   is 90% . We aim to have 95% by 2025.           face make-up products vegan by 2021.            upcycling of local industry.
   Cutrin wash and care product natural
                                               Cutrin assortment is vegan except some
     percentages are under evaluation.
                                                  waxes and oxidative hair colours.

       WITH WILD-CRAFTED                              RECYCLED AND                           CONSUMER SAFETY AS THE
          INGREDIENTS                              RECYCLABLE MATERIALS                       OVERRIDING PRINCIPLE
We continuously increase the use of Nordic     During the years 2019 and 2020 we have       No serious undesirable effects, minor
 ingredients, prioritizing wild-crafted and     launched 79 new Lumene products with                reactions were rare.
  hand-picked ingredients, to build more       packs with an average of 50% of recycled
   sustainable, naturally-driven formulas.           materials – and more to come.


CEO’S FOREWORDS                                                                                                                                  We have been putting a lot of
                                                                                                                                                effort into reducing our carbon
                                                                                                                                                footprint during the past years.
Lumene’s 50th anniversary year was a true      business. At Lumene, it further accelerated       launched early 2021. This renewable product
celebration of sustainability. We achieved     our development in e-commerce, and we             causes 90 % less carbon emissions during
the No. 1 position in the ranking of the       gained new markets and customers through          its life cycle. The next step in our climate
beauty industry in Finland in Sustainable      the digital channels. As a result, online sales   work will be to look at our value chain and
Brand Index™, which is Europe’s largest        grew by 50%. Skincare continued to grow           emissions caused by Lumene and Cutrin raw
independent brand study. This rewarding        as people had more time for self-care and         material and packaging production as well
recognition was achieved because of            for their skincare routines. At Cutrin, we        as logistics.
years of intensive work to improve our         launched an online store to be able to serve
sustainability and it made our jubilee year    consumers at a time when hair salons could    Certified beauty and operations
even more memorable for all Lumene             not be open. However, due to COVID-19         Certificates are a topic which raises
employees.                                     epidemic makeup category naturally            questions among our customers. There
    Our ambition does not stop with this       declined as home offices and restrictions     are number of certificates available on
honorable achievement. Our employees           replaced dinners in restaurants and other     the market, and we are making careful
passionately continue to work for a change     social events.                                considerations to choose the right
towards an even more sustainable future. We                                                  sustainability certificates for our use. To
have continued to promote circular economy     A giant leap reducing factory’s carbon        strengthen our efforts in supply chain
and we want to keep our position as the        footprint                                     responsibility and make them visible, we
Nordic pioneer in circular economy practices   We have been putting a lot of effort into     have started to utilize the ethical trade
within the beauty industry. As circular        reducing our carbon footprint during the      organization Sedex. Their tools help us
economy can’t be reached alone, I’ve been      past years. The results of our hard work      manage the environmental and social
pleased to see all the collaboration we do     are now visible when the carbon emissions     risks in our global supply chain, as well as
with our partners. Together we can do more.    caused by our factory operations in Espoo,    ensure our customers that we at Lumene
This year we decided to include our hair       Finland have been reduced by 92 % in two      Group work ethically. We will be audited
care brand Cutrin and report on Lumene         years. We have been buying green electricity according to the Sedex methodology to
Group level.                                   for our premises and factory for years, and   further improve the transparency towards
                                               last year we started using renewable district our customers. Currently we are also actively
A year nobody was expecting                    heating from our local partner Fortum. This   exploring sustainability certificates and will
Year 2020 will stay in history as a game       year, the final step in decarbonizing our     tell more about those later.
changer especially in digitalization. Due      own operations will be reached as we stop
to the pandemic, people’s lives changed        using fossil fuel in the factory. We are one  Johan Berg
abruptly. This affected us not only on a       of the first companies to change to this      CEO, Lumene
personal level but also on the way we make     new renewable oil that our partner Neste
During these unprecedented times our           Customer safety
most important value, the safety of our        Currently Lumene sales points follow instructions for enhanced hygiene standards in customer service. All skin
consumers, employees and products is           contact and touching is avoided in service situations. Testers have partly been removed from our sales points.
central to all our operations more than
ever before. To ensure the safety of our       Staff
customers and employees, we have taken         Our factory and laboratories have been working normally. Everyone who is able to work remotely has been doing
numerous actions. We continuously monitor      that. Small groups of people can work in the office together by limiting the number of others coming to the office.
the situation and guidelines issued by the     We have organised meetings, surveys and trainings remotely. On top of these every-day arrangements, a large
government and WHO.                            majority of the staff in Finland were partly temporarily laid off during Spring 2020. In recognition of this, for the
                                               roles where it was possible in Finland, we gave 4 extra days off over Christmas.
The impacts of the global Covid-19
pandemic on beauty business have been          Production
diverse. We have seen a growing focus          Production staff had a 4-day layoff during spring 2020 but otherwise the factory has been running normally. The
on skin and hair care and less in makeup,      budgeted quantities were not reached, due to stagnating sales. Nevertheless, all new product launches were
when customers have stayed home and            executed according to plan. Some planned investments were postponed due to the uncertainty of what lies
are not able to meet each other. The           ahead. No external visitors have been allowed in the production area or labs.
professional hair cosmetics products have
suffered from closing the hair salons in       Supply chain
many countries. Some trade customers           The supply of raw materials is very robust and has been running normally with no materials effected by delays or
have been struggling and still continue to     shortages. Logistics has been working well, with some effects on the export due to the global effects on logistics.
do so. At the same time, we experienced a      Sea transport to Sweden was affected for a brief period when passenger vessels between the countries were
significant growth of 50 % in our online and   halted.
digital sales. We see a growing interest in
supporting local and sustainable brands.       Sales
                                               The overall decline of our sales in 2020 was 8,8 %. Certain product lines have been impacted more than others,
                                               with makeup declining 17 %. Due to lock-downs and closing shops and stores, sales in physical stores declined by
                                               10 %. The fall was reduced by the booming online and digital sales channels.

The world is constantly changing. Identifying the megatrends and game changers helps us to predict the
future and modify our procedures accordingly. Responding to megatrends affect our daily operations.
Here are what we consider to be the most relevant megatrends impacting our work at Lumene Group.

       Globalisation                                     Technology shift                                     Sustainability and ethics
       The pandemic time has brought many negative       Sharing and finding information is getting           Stakeholders expect transparency and
       effects of globalisation on the surface with      easier, which multiplies the information available   sustainability from companies. Environmental
       the virus spreading with travellers and supply    for consumers. Transparency of business              awareness is becoming more mainstream, and
       chains suffering. At the same time globally,      and data is important to help consumers              consumers are more conscious and expect
       e-commerce is in huge growth together             identify relevant and correct information. The       ethical behavior from industry. Certificates and
       with localisation, where local products are       growth of e-commerce is gaining momentum             open communications are valued. Companies
       supported.                                        from the pandemic and brings new business            need to find ways to support the consumers in
                                                         opportunities.                                       expressing their ethical values through brands.
       Demographic change
       With the rise of life expectancy and living       Circular economy                                     The meaning of beauty
       standards, the impact on product development      As the circular economy grows, the use of            In the post-Covid phase, consumers are
       is significant. There are more consumers and      industrial side streams and recycled materials       placing more emphasis on holistic wellbeing
       different target groups who expect a wider and    as ingredients for products and packaging            and mental health. Given this change, the role
       more diverse portfolio range. The consumers       is increasing. Recyclability of packaging is         of beauty routines are changing: they offer
       are capable of investing more money in better     growing.                                             a moment of relaxation and stress relief, and
       quality.                                                                                               also an important for self-expression. Body
                                                                                                              positivity, individualism, and more diversity of
       Global warming                                                                                         ethnicity and age, represent beauty.
       Products must be redesigned to meet new
       requirements, especially in protecting skin and
       hair against sun. The stakeholders expect more
       environmentally friendly products and actions
       to fight the climate change.



Lumene is an internationally recognized, leading natural beauty
brand with Nordic roots. Cutrin is among the leading Nordic brands
for hair cosmetics designed for professional use.

The Lumene brand story began in 1970.           Finland Lumene has a long-held market
In the beginning the company was called         leader position, and respectable positions in
Noiro which was part of Orion Corporation.      Sweden and Russia. Cutrin’s main markets
In 2003 the company was bought by a             are the Nordic countries and Russia.
group of Private Equity investors, and              During the recent years, both brands
the name changed to Lumene. In 2020             have carried out extensive rebranding
Lumene celebrated its 50th anniversary and      projects in order to better meet the needs
continues to pursue its journey as a Nordic     of modern consumers. New product ranges
pioneer in the circular economy. The hair       and formulas were introduced. Packaging
cosmetics brand Cutrin was launched just        and visual brand identity elements were
one year later with 50th anniversary in 2021.   redesigned. In 2019 Lumene accelerated
Today, Lumene Group consists of these two       its presence in digital channels with strong
brands.                                         growth in 2020. Cutrin’s BtoC channel in
    Over time Lumene Group’s business           Finland was opened in 2020 to be able to
model has remained unchanged, however           serve consumers also during pandemic.
with increasing focus on leveraging Lumene          The majority of Lumene Group’s products
Group’s access to wild-crafted Nordic           are designed and manufactured in Finland
ingredients. Lumene Group is committed to       where we produced over 12 million pieces
bringing the power of wild Nordic nature        of beauty products in FY20. Other key
to help everyone achieve their own idea of      operating functions such as R&D, HR,
beauty.                                         marketing, finance and the production
    Today Lumene’s product portfolio            facility are headquartered in Kauklahti,
consists of skincare products, face             Espoo. The majority owner of the company
makeup and colour cosmetics, Cutrin’s of        is the London-based Private Equity firm,
professional hair cosmetic products. In         Langholm Capital.
Cutrin is an independent business unit
within the Lumene Group, covering 15 % of
the Group’s turnover. Cutrin is professional
hair care brand operating in hair salons and
other suitable channels for professional
hair care like department stores and
online. Many of our products are used by
professional hairdressers only as products
contain chemicals which need training, such
as permanent colours, bleach and perm
    Cutrin has 50 years of experience
working as a pioneer and specialist of the
fine hair, sensitive scalp and rough Nordic
climate conditions. Our main markets are
Finland, Norway and Russia that together
cover 90% of our current sales. Cutrin
operates also in rest of the Nordics and
Baltics. Supported by complete brand
renovation starting in 2017 Cutrin has strong
potential to expand also into new markets
that we are constantly screening. Focus
will still remain increasing sales and market
shares in current markets.
    Cutrin products are manufactured in
5 factories in Europe including Lumene’s
factory in Espoo. More production has
been moved from abroad to Espoo and
this trend will continue in coming years.
Groups headoffice in Espoo offers venues to
work efficiently together with Lumene and
Cutrin teams. This is especially beneficial
when studying new environmentally friendly
packaging materials and taking new side
streaming raw materials into use.

                                                                  GOVERNANCE AND BEHAVIOR

                   VISION                                                     Integrity
 Our vision is to be the leading natural beauty brand           We are always open, truthful, authentic and
 with Nordic roots, considered the industry pioneer in             respectful of our Nordic values.

        sustainability and Nordic preservation.

                                                                We care about tomorrow as much as today.

    Our mission is to bring sustainable Nordic beauty
products with wild-crafted potent Nordic ingredients, to                    Empowered
consumers looking for naturally luminous beauty. We are         We dare to be bold, have courage and the
 inspired by Nordic women, created with Finnish nature,              confidence to be different.
                and born of Arctic light.

                                                           We encourage creativity, passion and innovation to
                                                             deliver true Nordic beauty to our consumers.

                                                                                                                                                    Cutrin was corporatized into
                                                                                                                                                   independent limited company
   The pharmaceutical company
Orion introduced Lumene, a beauty                                     1994                                                                           ”Take care” – an employee
                                                                                                                                                                                              Vegan skin care assortment
                                                                                                                                                                                                    & foundations
 brand inspired by Nordic nature.                            Responsible care: Chemical                                                                 well-being and early
 The brand was named after Lake
Lummenne, located in Kuhmoinen,
                                                           industry’s voluntary initiative in
                                                            a global scale, amplifying our
                                                                                                             2002                                   support model was started.
                                                                                                     A new cosmetics plant was
          Central Finland.                                  commitment to sustainability.       inaugurated in Kauklahti, Espoo. Most
                                                                                                  Lumene and Cutrin wash and care                                                  2016
                                 1973                                                           products are still manufactured in this                                Lumene carried out an extensive
                      Within three years of its launch,                                                                                                                rebranding project. Formulation
                                                                                                           factory today.
                     Lumene had become the market                                                                                                                     strategy was expanded to include
                     leader in Finland. The brand still                                     2000                                          2009                          not only berries but also other
                    holds this position to date. Lumene       1991                   Introducing strategy to                    Lumene production started             northern plants. The target was to
                     introduced its lipsticks and their     ISO 9001                 utilize Nordic berries in                   to use 100% sustainable              continuously increase the volume
                             iconic blue cases.           Quality System              Lumene formulations.                           hydroelectricity.               and diversity of Nordic ingredients.

                                       1980                                                          2001                                       2010                                         2017
                    Lumene increased its exports especially                              Lumene was the first brand to use             Lumene WaterSmart program                        Cutrin re-positioned
                     to other Nordic countries and Russia.                                hand-picked, wild grown Finnish             with the aim of reducing water                  itself as a niche Nordic
                    The Lumene Green range started to gain                                berries in its cosmetics products.        consumption. Lumene encouraged                     hair specialist focused
                          popularity in beauty salons.                                  The Lumene Vitamin+ range, infused            both consumers and cosmetics                     on Nordic hair needs
                                                                                       with cloudberry seed oil and vitamin             companies to diminish water                   and started rolling out
                                                                                        C, was launched in spring 2001. The           footprint and to deliver a more                restaged brand with new
              1971                                        1981                          Vitamin+ cream was selected as the          sustainable attitude towards water.               architecture and brand
  Cutrin was established with name             Cutrin became part of Orion            ”best European anti-wrinkle cream” in a       Lumene also started to co-operate                          identity.
   Finnwell in Ylöjärvi Finland. The            Group (and later Lumene)              Europe-wide consumer magazine study.            with the Finnish Association for
   company name was changed to                 as part of Farmos consumer
            Cutrin in 1978.                           division buyout
                                                                                         This recognition boosted Lumene’s
                                                                                           international brand awareness.
                                                                                                                                           Nature Conservation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         In Finland Lumene has
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the leading beauty brand
                                                                              1998                                          2005                                          2015                          position in Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                  Lumene Supplier Code of                     Brand Index.
                                                                     ISO 14001 – Environmental                            Equality and
                                                                                                                                                                  Conduct was introduced.
                                                                        management system                            non-discrimination plan
                                                                                                                         was launched.

• Lumene has a fully comprehensive               • We work in several areas to reduce the
  approach towards the circular economy.           environmental impact of our packaging.
  Our goal is to create a sustainable front-       Our aim is to improve packaging material
  runner product portfolio in accordance           recyclability and provide recycling
  with circular economy principles. We aim         information for our consumers. We also
  to improve the sustainability of each new        work to reduce packaging material
  product compared to the previous launch.         volume or replace them with more
  That´s the way we want to support our            sustainable options. We are constantly
  consumers and customers in their request         looking for new ecological materials.
  for more ethical and sustainable lifestyles.
                                                 • We are on a journey towards carbon
• Nordic nature is our inspiration as well         neutrality by the end of 2025. The most
  as source of raw materials. As our brand         relevant ways to affect our climate impact
  has always respected nature being at the         is to avoid & reduce our CO2 emissions
  heart of our philosophy, we continue to          and compensating what is left. It includes
  support Nordic nature preservation.              performance of technologies, processes
                                                   and products over their life cycles. It also
• Our products are formulated with one
                                                   guides minimizing and recycling waste
  foot in the wild Nordic nature and
                                                   and using resources efficiently.
  one foot in the lab – product safety,
  effectiveness, sensorial properties,
  and consumer preferences in mind.
  Our strategy is to formulate as natural
  products as possible, with ingredients
  developed from wild Nordic plants
  pioneering side streams of other
  industries. We avoid substances with
  potential environmental or safety
  concerns. We care about what we leave
  out of our formulas as much as what we
  put in.


The Sustainable Development
Goals (SDCs) is a set of 17 global
goals provided by the United
Nations. Lumene Group supports
all 17 Sustainable Development
Goals in its sustainability work.

The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development,
adopted by all United Nations
Member States in 2015, provides
a shared blueprint for peace and
prosperity for people and the
planet – both now and into the
We have chosen ten most
relevant goals where we can
make the biggest impact
through our operations. These
goals are implemented in our
sustainability strategy and daily
Our purpose is to sustainably bring       Most of our customers and personnel            Clean water is the most essential          We ensure our profitability and         We boost innovations. We develop
 the power of wild Nordic nature to         are female. We want to do our part         ingredient in our products. Sustainable    promote economic growth in Finland.       them, also with our partners and put
help everyone achieve their own idea         and promote gender equality and           water management is a top priority for       We strive to increase our positive       them into practice. Our principle is
of beauty. We aim to improve mental        human rights. In our communication,           our operations and we promote the        contribution to society. For example,       to work in a sustainable and long
and physical health and well-being of      we boost the positive Nordic ethos of        sustainable use of water. We support        we promote Finnish industry and           term manner in everything we do.
    our customers and personnel.                     gender equality.                     nature conservation by protecting              domestic employment.               Our factory is constantly monitored
                                                                                        wetlands and their fragile ecosystems.                                                  and audited in order to ensure

   While using natural resources and             Climate change effects forest           We help to conserve oceans and           Forests and wetlands provide us clean     As a responsible corporate citizen we
 side streams in a sustainable way, we       ecosystems in Finland as well as the         marine environment by reducing            natural raw materials for products      want to drive execution of sustainable
  also enhance circular economy. We        availability of natural raw materials. We      micro-plastics and raw materials          and packaging. Sustainable use of           development. We believe that
help our customers in sustainable use       will passionately fight against climate    harmful to aquatic life in our products.    wetlands and water resources means        together we can achieve more than
of our products and efficient recycling.   change and we want to take concrete                                                     for us that natural raw materials will                   alone.
                                            actions in doing so. Besides reducing                                                  be used efficiently. For example, we
                                              our direct CO2 emissions, we are                                                      utilise sidestreaming as a source of
                                            also working to minimise our indirect                                                               raw materials.


    Sustainability is the cornerstone of Lumene Group’s business, covering concrete actions from product
    concept design and raw material manufacturing to retaining consumer satisfaction while being a good
    corporate citizen. As a cosmetics industry company it is particularly essential to ensure product quality
    and safety throughout the whole value chain – from product development to production and use.

                                         Focus on growing consumers’                              Post use phase                       Research and development
                                        understanding of sustainability                  We want to reduce the environmental             Consumer expectations and trends
                                            Beauty and cosmetics play a central          impact of our products by promoting              are taken into account in product
                                          role in self-expression and wellbeing for      circular economy. We aim to develop          development. Raw materials, packaging
                                           many consumers. We support growing            biodegradable formulas and decrease            and design choices made during the
                                           our consumers understanding on how          the amount of materials used in our packs        product development determine the
                                         sustainability and circular beauty are part   and increase the use of recycled materials.     environmental impacts of the product.
                                              of building a better future for all.
       Customers and
       professional use
 The main environmental footprint of
 Cutrin customers is caused by using
warm water to rinse off our products
  at the hair salons. The best way to
   minimise this is through product                    Transport                                    Production                              Material production
development and information sharing.      Logistics and transport play an important    The corner stones of sustainable business        During the life cycle of a product, the
                                        role in Lumene Group’s business operations.    are maintaining competitiveness, reducing       raw material production and packaging
                                              Transport optimization and careful       our ecological footprint and taking care of   generate a large part of the environmental
                                           selection of partners helps in reducing                employee wellbeing.                impact and risk to violate human rights. By
                                          the environmental impact. Transportation                                                   local production and sourcing we support
                                                                                       Majority of contract manufacturer factories
                                           emissions can be reduced especially by                                                     local employment and economic growth.
                                                                                         are audited to make sure all these are
                                                    avoiding air transport.
                                                                                                      taken care of.

Our sustainability themes describe the most important social,
environmental and financial impacts we have on the surrounding
society. A survey was conducted to find out stakeholder
expectations on Lumene Group’s sustainability work. Together
with the megatrends in our operational environment we
identified our most critical sustainability topics to meet the
stakeholder expectations.

Altogether we identified 12 relevant             ingredients and boosting innovations. The
sustainability topics, where we have             topic gaining most individual comments,
major influence. They have been grouped          both negative and positive, was packaging
into sustainability themes according to          and its sustainability.
a materiality analysis. The analysis was             Our sustainability work is based on
conducted according to GRI standard              stakeholder expectations, megatrends
guidelines.                                      and our own operational experience. Our
    We conducted the stakeholder survey in       sustainability task force consisting of key
January 2020 and again in January 2021 to        individuals weighed the importance of the
better understand our stakeholders’ point of     sustainability topics to different stakeholders.
view. In 2021, the online questionnaire gained   According to this materiality analysis, the
345 replies from our ten most important          sustainability topics were grouped into four
stakeholder groups. The sustainability topics    themes. To create a maximum sustainability
rated most important by the stakeholders         impact, we focus on these topics as
were product safety, use of natural              described in the next chart.                 19
Sustainable and innovative products
1. Product safety
2. Sustainable and innovative formulations
3. Sustainable and innovative packaging

Engagement and communication

                                                             RELEVANCE TO THE SOCIETY
4. Consistent dialogue with our consumers                                                                        1 4
                                                                                                   9           3
                                                                                                                 2 5

5. Collaborative and open communication with our customers
6. Transparent and value-based marketing communication                                                 8
Sustainable production
7. Carbon neutrality                                                                                           11 10
8. Efficient waste management and recycling
9. Good water resources management                                                                                     12

We are responsible corporate citizens
10. Good corporate citizenship
                                                                                                       LOW        MODERATE     HIGH
11. Boosting employment and stakeholder value
12. Investing in work community                                                                        RELEVANCE TO THE STAKEHOLDERS


             Sustainable and                         Engagement and communication
           innovative products
                                                   We engage in open, consistent and mutually
  We take special care of product safety and        beneficial dialogue with our customers and
   do not conduct animal testing. We ensure         consumers. To improve our operations and
  sustainability throughout our supply chain.        create products which enhance the well-
    We utilize sustainable and wild-crafted        being of our consumers, we need continuous
  ingredients in our products. We constantly            consumer feedback and dialogue.
develop our packaging solutions to make them
                more sustainable.

         Sustainable production                    We are responsible corporate citizens
     Our target is nothing less than carbon          We act in compliance with laws, but we want
     neutrality and we continuously reduce          to do more. We do business openly and want
  emissions in our operations. In addition, we       to boost employment in Finland. This is why
   invest in efficient waste management and         we choose local partners and subcontractors
recycling. We utilize clean Finnish water in our   if possible. We also invest in the wellbeing and
 products and production – that is why water                      safety of our staff.
   resource management is our top priority.


SUSTAINABILITY ASPECT     GOALS FOR 2020-2025                                                         STATUS 2020

                          1. Zero serious undesirable effects
                          2. Zero remarks from authorities related to product safety, labelling or    1. Lumene: 0; Cutrin: 0
                          product composition                                                         2. Lumene: 0; Cutrin: 0
                          3. Lumene: Reduction of skin reactions from average 12 to 6 per             3. Lumene: 16
                          million products                                                            4. Cutrin 3
                          4. Cutrin: Keep the average 3 cases per million products
                          1. Increase the number of Nordic ingredients by 10% annually
                          2. Increase the volume of Nordic ingredients used in Lumene product         1. Lumene + Cutrin: + 18 %
                          portfolio from 80 tons to 100 tons by 2025                                  2. Lumene + Cutrin 70 tons (Less sales compared to 2019)
                          3. Average 95% naturally derived ingredients in skin care products (full    3. Lumene: 90 %; Cutrin: wash and care to be evaluated 2021
SUSTAINABLE AND           assortment). Cutrin to evaluate naturally derived ingrdients %-share of     4. Lumene: 3; Cutrin: 1
INNOVATIVE FORMULATIONS   wash and care products 2021.                                                5. Lumene: all skin care 100 % vegan. Beeswax and carmine are used in
                          4. One patent application filed annually related to Nordic ingredients in   some eye and lip make up products. Cutrin: all other product lines exept Muoto
                          cosmetic products                                                           (styling waxes and Classic curl perm lotions ) and Aurora (some oxidative hair
                          5. Full Lumene assortment vegan by 2025 (including makeup category)         colours) are 100 % vegan.
                          and Cutrin wash and care and styling products by 2025
                                                                                                      1. 5% plastics of recycled origin and 0% of biobased.
                                                                                                      2. 65% widely recyclable plastics (takes into account only the plastic material,
                                                                                                      not structure).
                          1. Lumene & Cutrin: 80% of packaging material is made of recycled
                                                                                                      3. 9% of used folding boxes were FSC® certified.
                          plastics or plastics made out of renewable raw materials (bio-based,
                          biodegradable material) by 2025.                                            4. Recycled and FSC® certified board study finished in the end of 2020. New
                          2. Lumene & Cutrin: Maximize the recyclability of all packaging.            material with 77% recycled fibres and with FSC® certification to be implemented
                          Lumene: Make strategical skin care packaging 100% recyclable by 2025.       in the beginning of 2021.
                          Cutrin: Make inhouse packaging 100% recyclable by 2025.                     5. Plastics used per one product was 6% more in 2020 compared to 2018 due to
SUSTAINABLE AND           3. Lumene & Cutrin: Only fibre based FSC® certified carton                  product mix that was sold during pandemic.
INNOVATIVE PACKAGING       board by 2025.
                          4. Lumene & Cutrin: Recycled and FSC® certified board in                    Cutrin:
                          shippers by 2025.                                                           1. 10% plastics of recycled origin and 0% of biobased.
                          5. Lumene: 20% less packaging plastic by 2025 (compared to year 2018).      2. 93% of used plastic is widely recyclable (takes into account only the plastic
                          6. Cutrin: Study switching to using partly recycled metal in cans and
                                                                                                      material, not structure).
                          metal tubes.
                                                                                                      3. 11% of used folding boxes were FSC® certified.
                                                                                                      4. Recycled and FSC® certified board study finished in the end of 2020. New
                                                                                                      material with 77% recycled fibres and with FSC® certification to be implemented
                                                                                                      in the beginning of 2021.
                                                                                                      6. Currently all metal used is virgin material.
1. Picking the berries      2. Berries are primary         3. Extraction of berry side    4. Development of multiple
from Finnish nature         used in food industry          streams                        valuable skin care ingredients

5. Product development at   6. Testing of product safety   7. Production takes place in   8. Sustainably produced skin
Lumene laboratories         and efficacy                   Espoo factory                  care, crafted with Finnish

We are proud to have a unique and sustainable relationship with
Nordic nature. In order to maintain it, we pay close attention
to the entire life cycle of a product. We are specialized in using
ingredients developed from Nordic plants in our formulations.
For example, our new anti-age skin care range NORDIC BLOOM
[LUMO] is formulated with Nordic cloudberry seed oil which is
upcycled from food industry side-stream.

Nordic nature as a source of raw materials       For example, many of our raw materials
Nordic nature is at the heart of our             come from peatlands. That is why we work
operations. We respect it and are inspired       together with the Finnish Association
by it. In fact, one of our main sustainability   for Nature Conservation in its efforts to
goals is to increase the amount of Nordic        preserve peatlands, specifically Savansuo
raw materials used in our products. Many of      and Isovuoma.
our ingredients are developed from Nordic
plants and our focus is on using wild-crafted    Product development and sustainable
plants and berries. Thus, nature is allowed      sourcing
to regenerate, and not become depleted.          We have used cloudberry seed oil in
However, as we continue to transform pure        our products for 20 years and have also
ingredients into high-quality products, we       patented this innovation together with
have to ensure that the northern natural         our north Finnish partner Aromtech. Food
environment stays thriving.                      industry by-product, cake of cloudberry

seeds and peels, is used as raw material             In fact, our Watersmart programme              from Nordic wood raw material. To make a
for cloudberry seed oil production. The           helped us reduce water consumption by 24          smaller environmental impact, we no longer
oil is extracted from the cake using              % between 2008–2019. We use renewable             use plastic wrap around our boxes.
environmentally friendly technology that          water-power and district heating, which
does not contain solvents. After seed oil         both are 100% emission-free.                      Society and partners
extraction, there are still valuable skin care                                                      This is our time to give back. We greatly
active ingredients left in the material, which    Product use and consumer engagemenet              value our subcontractors and partners,
can be recovered by glycerine extraction. In      At this stage, the product is ready for           who help us turn one person’s waste
the end, what is left of the berries is used in   consumer use, and we continuously interact        into another person’s treasure. One of
animal feed.                                      with consumers to listen to their feedback        our sustainability goals is to use more
                                                  and integrate it into our processes as much       side streams as raw material sources. In
Raw materials                                     as possible. NORDIC BLOOM [LUMO]                  the making of this product, we have also
In addition to cloudberry seed oil, this          products are vegan and up to 98 %                 collaborated with Aromtech, Kiantama and
product range contains also other nature-         naturally derived, which are important            Eevia for the berries.
derived raw materials from Finland: sea           qualities to our customers. We do not                 To attain the goal of circular economy
buckthorn berry oil, lingonberry seed oil,        engage in animal testing. To make recycling       and closed circuit, we invite our consumers,
lingonberry extract, lingonberry berry water      easy for consumers, our packaging includes        partners, and the community to take part
and Arctic spring water. Lingonberry berry        material symbols. This product is included        in our sustainability journey. In the future,
water is a side stream from berry juice spray     in the recycling guide on our website that        Lumene strengthens its position as the
drying process in the Finnish food industry.      covers our entire product portfolio.              Nordic pioneer in the circular economy
Lingonberry extract is upcycled from a                                                              within the beauty industry. We continue to
press cake, food industry side-stream, full of    Recyclable packs                                  support sustainable development practices
peels and seeds. This is a great example of       Although the product runs out after it has        and aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
upcycling high-quality raw materials from an      been used, it is not the end of its life cycle.   at our factory.
industrial side stream.                           The creams are packed in a new 50 ml jar
                                                  which is fully recyclable and about 45 %
Sustainable production                            lighter than our previous jar. The liner of the
Like most of our products, this product           lid is removable for recycling as well. The
range is manufactured in Lumene’s factory         tube is made partly from recycled plastic.
in Kauklahti, Espoo. The tap water used           The glass bottle is recyclable after use and
in this product is purified with recently         the pump has been optimized for recycling
updated machinery designed to optimize            as well. All the cartons are made of FSC®
water use.                                        certified cardboard made in Imatra, Finland

Consumer safety is the main principle in the developing,
manufacturing and marketing our products.

EU Cosmetics Regulation, the most             in cosmetic development. Product stability
comprehensive regulation in cosmetics         and compatibility of the formulation with the
industry today, requires cosmetic products    packaging is evaluated to ensure that the
to be safe for human health when applied      product is safe and pleasant to use during
under normal conditions of use. Safety of     its entire lifespan. Microbiological quality
all Lumene Group products is confirmed by     is evaluated, and preservation efficacy is
a qualified safety assessor. As EU cosmetic   confirmed with microbiological challenge
regulation requires, we do not carry out or   testing. Each product is dermatologically
commission animal testing on raw materials,   tested to ensure that the formulation is kind
ingredients or Lumene makeup and skincare     to the skin.
products or Cutrin hair cosmetics at any          Depending on the effect claimed,
point in the product development or           efficacy studies are performed to prove the
manufacturing process.                        product efficacy. Efficacy testing is done
    Cosmetic product safety is based on       in co-operation with external laboratories
the safety of the ingredients it contains.    specialized in cosmetic efficacy testing.
Exposure, characteristics, stability,         Consumer testing panels are also used to
microbiological quality and toxicological     ensure positive consumer perception.
profile of each ingredient are evaluated to       Special care is taken when preparing
ensure that they do not pose any risk to      the product labelling. It contains all relevant
consumers.                                    information on proper and safe use of the
    In addition to evaluating the different   product, list of the ingredients, durability as
ingredients separately, the safety of the     well as batch numbering for traceability.
final product is also assessed. Our testing       After the development phase, products
procedures are based on long experience       are manufactured according to ISO 22716
(Cosmetics, Good Manufacturing Practices,          consumer effects.
also known as cGMP) which is a globally                We follow the latest studies and research
recognized standard for cosmetic product           regarding the safety and environmental
safety. It gives guidelines for the production,    effects of cosmetic ingredients and
control, storage and shipment of cosmetic          packaging materials. In case new discoveries
products.                                          are made in our scope of materials we will
                                                                                                        We carry out various types of safety-related research
    Once the product has been launched to          reassess the use and aim to replace the             during the product development. We analyze trends and
market, performance is monitored to further        materials.                                           take special notice of consumer satisfaction. A safety
                                                                                                               assessment is performed for all products.
confirm its safety. In case of claims our expert       There has been no non-compliance with
team evaluates causality and severity. Every       regulations nor voluntary codes concerning
case gets reported. We also analyse trends         the health and safety impacts within the
and special care is taken if some product or       reporting period.
product group shows an increase in claims.
    In each case R&D starts corrective and
preventive actions. During this reporting
period reported skin reactions have been
rare. Serious undesirable events were not                                                                               PRODUCTION
identified at all. There have been 16 reported              ”Reported skin reactions are           We follow Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) in the production
                                                                                                    to ensure the products meet all the requirements set for them in
skin reactions per million sold Lumene
products on average and 3 for Cutrin. It
                                                             rare. On the average, there           terms of quality and safety. The quality of the products is ensured
                                                                                                   at the production stage by co-operation between production and
is not possible to avoid absolutely all skin                  has been 13 reported skin              quality assurance. cGMP is certified ISO 22716 and Lumene has
                                                                                                                  ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification.
reactions; however the causality assessment                   reactions per million sold
is strictly individual and relates to individual
                                                              Lumenen products during
                                                         CUTRIN: REPORTED SKIN REACTIONS
20                                                         PER MILLION SOLD PRODUCTS
15                                                                                                                            USAG E
                                                        6                                             After the products are released on the market, we continue
10                                                                                                      to make Post Market Surveillance (PMS) to monitor the
                                                        4                                               safety of our products. All customer claims relating skin
                                                                                                      reactions are evaluated by an expert team. If some products
                                                        2                                             show on increase in amounts of claim, R&D starts corrective
                                                                                                        and preventative actions. There have been zero serious
 0                                                      0
                                                                                                                          undesirable effects.
     2015 2016      2017    2018 2019 2020                      2018         2019         2020
Although animal testing of cosmetic products has been banned in
the EU for several years already, it still seems to be a topic which
is causing a lot of discussion. Therefore, we felt it is important to
open this matter further.

In the EU, animal testing of final cosmetic       logo on labelling to ensure that the product   same animal testing ban principle for all
products has been banned since 2004.              is not tested on animals. We also often get    products beyond the European borders. In
Animal testing of cosmetic ingredients            inquiries why Lumene or Cutrin are not         China, for example, Lumene products are
was banned in 2009, except for repeated-          included in the lists of organizations that    distributed and sold exclusively through
dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, and         promote animal testing ban. We value the       online cross-border trading platforms
toxicokinetics which were allowed until           effort of these organizations, but we rely     which do not require animal testing. We
2013. After that, testing of finished cosmetic    on the EU legislation that sets the policy     deliberately chose to limit our distribution
products and cosmetic ingredients on              for businesses, and as a Finnish company,      through cross-border trading so as not
animals has been prohibited in the EU.            we comply with the legislation. We do not      to be subject to the mainland Chinese
Cosmetic products sold on the EU market           carry out or commission animal testing on      registration process, and therefore avoid all
are not tested on animals, regardless of          raw materials, ingredients or final products   forms of animal testing.
wherever the products are manufactured            at any point in product development                It should be mentioned that during
and whether “not tested on animals” is            or manufacturing process. In Finland           the recent years, there has been positive
claimed on the product labelling or not. In       the legislation regulating the cosmetics       development in this area as many new
fact, claiming “not tested on animals” can be     industry is enforced by the Finnish Safety     countries are phasing out animal testing.
considered misleading as it suggests that         and Chemicals Agency (Tukes). This also        Even China which has been well known
other products placed on the EU market            includes monitoring that no animal tests are   for mandatory animal testing. These are
would be tested on animals, which is not          carried out.                                   important steps forward and we at Lumene
true.                                                 Outside the EU, animal testing is still    are pleased to see it happening.
     Despite of the above, many consumers         required by authorities in many countries.
still look for “not tested on animals” claim or   However, Lumene and Cutrin apply the


Roots                                          Partners
We are committed to stay true to our           We focus on choosing the right suppliers,
authentic Nordic heritage and Pharma roots     who comply with our quality requirements,
by producing high quality products, such as    our Lumene code of conduct, and build
naturally derived skincare, skincare infused   transparent partnerships with them.
makeup and professional hair care products,
for our customers.                             Everyone
                                               Lumene’s quality policy translates into
System/Standards                               a holistic approach that engages all our
Our top priority is to offer consumers         employees day in, day out, for every
products that meet both their expectations     product we make. Quality is everyone’s
and our quality and safety standards.          responsibility.

We have certified ISO 9001 and cosmetic
GMP audited yearly by external party. We
are continually improving our processes
based on these audits and by enhancing
staff competences and awareness.
Our top priority is to offer consumers                                     System/
products that meet both their expectations        Roots
and our quality and safety standards.
We have certified ISO 9001 and ISO
22716 (GMP). GMP is audited yearly by             Everyone                Partner
external party (DNV) and compliance is
also confirmed by Finnish authority. We are
continually improving our processes based
on these audits and by enhancing staff
competences and awareness.

                                        AND INGREDIENTS
                                        Lumene’s beauty philosophy is rooted deeply in Finnish culture
                                        and values. It has a close relationship with pure and diverse Nordic
                                        nature. The environment well-being is extremely important to us
                                        since our product development depends heavily on natural origin.
                                        Cutrin is the pioneer and the original specialist in Nordic hair. As
                                        Nordic hair specialist, Cutrin is dedicated to formulate for the
                                        specific needs of fine and fragile Nordic hair and sensitive scalp,
                                        for hairdressers and consumers. Nordic weather conditions are
                                        also considered to avoid hair damage due to freeze and extreme
                                        temperature variations.

                                        Lumene strategy is to formulate as natural      in utilizing ingredients derived from wild
                                        products as possible, with Nordic ingredients   berries and other Nordic plants in cosmetic
                                        developed from wild Nordic plants. We care      formulations. Nordic plants have unique
                                        about what we leave out of our formulas         properties due to the harsh conditions
                                        as much as what we put in. Because of           and unique Nordic cycle of light, which
                                        the essential role of technical products in     boosts the production of antioxidants in the
     Both Lumene and Cutrin are         Cutrin assortment, naturality of formulas and   berries and plants. Packed with antioxidants,
                                        performance has to be in balance. Lumene        vitamins, omega fatty acids, minerals and
    specialized in utilizing Nordic     and Cutrin aim to improve the sustainability    phytosterols their natural strength is
ingredients derived from wild berries   of each new product compared to the             unmatched. The positive effects of Nordic
 and other Nordic plants in cosmetic    previous launch.                                plants have been a well-known fact for
                                            Both Lumene and Cutrin are specialized      hundreds of years but only during the past
few decades this traditional knowledge has       berries do not have to be picked just to         Many of the Nordic ingredients have been
been scientifically evaluated – and proven       supply the cosmetics company. By using
                                                                                                  developed from side streams of food and
right in many cases.                             side streams, we also promote local
     Ingredients developed from hand-            partnerships and reduce waste.                   forest industry – also known as upcycling.
picked berries (Cloudberry, Bilberry,                 In 2020 we developed a new antiaging
Crowberry, Cranberry, Lingonberry) with          line Lumene Nordic Bloom [LUMO] for
extraordinary & highly potent antioxidants       mature skin. As a main Nordic ingredient,      100000
and other caring ingredients from e.g. Pine,     we are using Nordic Berry Pre-Retinol
Spruce, Birch, Heather, Nordic cotton,           Complex, which contains Sea Buckthorn
Chaga, Oat, Meadowsweet, Red Algae               Oil and Cloudberry Seed Oil. This unique       60000
etc. are an essential part of Lumene’s and       Nordic Berry Pre*-Retinol Complex. (*Pre
Cutrin’s formulas for visibly luminous,          = precursor of retinol) is Lumene’s answer     40000
hydrated and nourished skin and hair.            to the current retinol like -alternative
     We continuously aim to increase both        market trend. Our Nordic Berry Pre-Retinol
the volume and diversity of local Nordic         Complex has retinol-like anti-aging benefits        0
ingredients in our formulations. In 2020,        due to *beta carotene (also known as                    2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
the total volume of Nordic ingredients           pro-vitamin A): sea buckthorn berry oil
                                                                                                             Nordic raw material usage / kg
was about 70 tons, covering 40 different         and cloudberry seed oil are rich in beta
                                                                                                             Nordic raw material nbr
ingredients. In 2020 we added the following      carotene. Studies have shown that topical
new Nordic ingredients into our ingredient       beta carotene is converted into retinyl
portfolio: willowherb, sea buckthorn vinegar,    esters by human epidermis having retinol-
oat butter, crowberry water and fermented        like effects on skin.                                  USAGE OF MICROPLASTICS KG
oat extract. We also always have few new                                                        4500
Nordic ingredients in the R&D phase.                 Cutrin has recently launched Vieno         4000
     Many of the Nordic ingredients have         sensitive conditioning spray which is a        3500
been developed from side streams of              fragrance-free leave-in care spray for hair    3000
food and forest industry – also known            developed in co-operation with Finnish
as upcycling. About half of our Nordic           Allergy, Skin and Asthma Federation. This
ingredients are based on Nordic side             leave-in conditioner provides long-term
streaming. We are cosmetic pioneers in the       hydration and makes hair soft and easy to
circular economy and have used ingredients       manage. It is empowered by Nordic cotton       1000
developed from industry side streams for         extract that helps to moisturize both hair       500
about twenty years already. As an example,       and scalp. Formula contains 98% of naturally       0
                                                                                                         2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
we obtain cloudberry oil from the press          derived ingredients.
cake leftover in berry juice production. It
brings a significant sustainability advantage:
Prioritizing natural origin                   switch using Mass Balance quality whenever         Unfortunately replacing synthetic thickeners
In addition to Nordic ingredients, the        it is possible.                                    with natural alternatives is not best possible
Lumene and Cutrin quality is based on              In Cutrin assortment shampoos and             choice for professional hair care products.
other carefully selected ingredients. We      conditioners    have an essential role. Cationic   Finding more natural solution and well
aim to formulate our products as natural as   surfactants are typically plant oil based,         performing alternatives to thickeners is one
possible. However, we do not compromise       but some of them have poor biodegrability,         Cutrin R&D target.
effectiveness, safety or sensory properties   because they act also like preservatives.               Hazard assessment of cyclic silicones
of our products. The average share of         To get a variety of hair conditioning              has been subject to ongoing activities
naturally derived ingredients in our most     properties into final products we have             during recent years. Lumene skin care
strategic skin care categories has increased to use a selection of different quats and           formulations are formulated without cyclic
from 88% to 95% during the last years. Our methosulfates. Surfactants are at the heart of        silicones even though they are used in
new goal is to further increase the share of  shampoos. For commercial reasons, we have          some of the facial makeup formulations.
naturally derived ingredients in all our skin both sulfate-free and SLES based chassis.          Our R&D is continuously investigating
care formulas up to 95% (average) by 2025.    PEG derivatives and ethoxylates lates are          solutions to replace cyclic silicones by
Currently the figure is 90%. Cutrin aims      accepted for their good performance.               naturally derived alternatives while retaining
to count the content of naturally derived     Naturally Cutrin is evaluating and testing         the same sensorial properties. Our aim
ingredients in wash and care formulas during new more sustainable options.                       is to discontinue using cyclic silicones in
2021 and based on results, define the new          We have replaced micro-plastics               all products within five years. In 2020 we
goal.                                         in all of our rinse-off formulations with          launched the first make up foundation
    Palm oil and its derivatives are natural  more sustainable alternatives of natural           called Lumene Stay foundation and also
origin ingredients commonly used by the       origin. This was done proactively, prior to        face makeup primer products without cyclic
cosmetic industry. Lumene does not use        regulatory restrictions. For example, we use       silicones and we will continue the same
palm oil as such but uses palm kernel         Finnish birch bark powder as an exfoliating        strategy with other Lumene foundations and
oil derivatives in certain emulsifiers and    ingredient in our new cleansing products.          primers. Volatile silicones are not used in
emollients. Palm kernel oil is very difficult      We are continuously working to replace        Cutrin formulas.
to be totally replaced because of its special micro-plastics   also in other product                  Protecting skin against harmful rays of
composition. Our suppliers of palm kernel     categories despite the smaller sustainability      sun is essential which is why sunscreens are
oil derivatives are members of RSPO           impact (due to significantly smaller volume).      one important element in sun protection.
(Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil),         In addition, our aim is to replace man-made        However, most synthetic UV filters are the
an organization dedicated to preserve         thickeners – making formulations richer,           subject of debate when it comes to their
biodiversity and increase the volume of       more stable and sensorial – with natural           environmental impacts. We aim to reduce the
sustainably produced palm oil. In 2020 we     alternatives. Naturally derived water-soluble      usage of synthetic UV filters and eventually
replaced several of our raw materials with    thickeners like xanthan gum, carrageenan,          replace them with mineral UV filters,
Mass Balance certified quality, including     cellulose based thickeners and mineral             zinc oxide and titanium dioxide in all our
SLES and various emulsifiers and emollients. thickeners like silica, are examples of natural     sunscreen products. The main challenge in
Work continues during 2021 and the aim is to origin thickeners used in our formulations.         this development work is to keep the same
consumer acceptance with mineral filters as    the landscape. Carefully selected safe
with synthetic. We have recently launched      ‘man made’ ingredients including nature
a foundation with mineral SPF30 filters and    indentical materials enhance and balance
will launch several face creams with mineral   the sensory experience. When using
SPF 30 in 2021.                                synthetic ingredients, the number of
    Our products are formulated with one       allergens in the fragrance can be controlled.
foot in the wild Nordic nature and one foot        In order to ensure consumer safety, the
in the lab – product safety, effectiveness,    latest scientific research of ingredients is
sensorial properties, and consumer             carefully followed and Lumene and Cutrin
preferences in mind. For this reason, we       have pro actively removed potentially
also use safe and well evaluated man-made      hazardous ingredients - such as nitro-
ingredients in combination with natural        musk, polycyclic musk, butylphenyl
origin ingredients.                            methylpropional, vetiveryl acetate and
    This applies especially to preservatives   HICC. Benzyl salicylate is in process to
but also for example to mica, which is         be removed from formulations before
a naturally-occurring mineral used in          regulatory enforcement. Both Lumene
pigmented products. It mainly originates       and Cutrin are also offering several
from socially and economically challenged      unperfumed products, which are developed
regions, which makes it difficult to           in cooperation with the Finnish Allergy,
completely assess even though our              Skin and Asthma Federation and more
suppliers are committed to our Supplier        unperfumed will be launched in nearest
Code of Conduct which promotes human           future.
rights. Over the past five years, we have
reduced the usage of mica by a third. Our
aim is to replace Indian mica with synthetic
mica and mica sourced from the USA. Using
these qualities is an obvious choice in new
product development projects but we also
aim to phase out mica sourced from socially
and economically challenged regions step
by step.
    In Lumene and Cutrin fragrances we
have a blend of vegan-suitable; natural,
nature identical and synthetic ingredients.
Essential oils are used to add depth,
complexity and reflect the raw nature of
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