2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community

Page created by Darryl Bell
2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
“Where there is no vision,
the people perish.”
Proverbs 29:18
2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
20/20 VISION…
As the proverb says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” A community
residence must accommodate and adjust to the alterations in its residents’ cultural
and physical needs. As we sought what would best help current and future residents
live lives filled with dignity and purpose, we wreathed every consideration in prayer.
Turning to our mission statement for guidance, we created a program of enhance-
ment and innovation to be the launching pad for further transformations. We seek
God’s wisdom to see clearly what He would have us do for our community, working
faithfully and conservatively to keep in stride with the changing needs of our industry.


We have asked, “What can we do to
meet the changing needs of our elder
population?” Increasingly, we see the
issues of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease,
and Parkinson’s Disease continue to
reduce the quality of life for elders and
their families, and we research living
conditions and methods of dealing with
these life-altering circumstances that might have a positive impact on the people we


The year 2020 is approaching. In early 2015, we began a capital campaign to
address improvements, services and programs, construction, and the endowment
necessary to maintain these additions. We plan for the majority of this work to be
concluded by 2020, setting the basis for future changes as needed thereafter.


                            In this booklet, you’ll see our plans for the future. We
                            can’t do it alone. As a part of the greater community,
                            we are asking for the help of our friends and neighbors.
                            Please peruse this booklet, consider the plans, ask
                            questions, and then, prayerfully consider what you might
                            be able to do to help in this process.

2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
                                  Sunshine Meadows
                                  Retirement Community
                                  exists to demonstrate
                                  Christ’s love by giving people
                                  opportunity to live with
                                  dignity and purpose in a
                                  caring community designed
                                  to meet their needs.
Committed to: Continuous quality improvement

Resident and family involvement

Community participation

Development of workforce

Ethical practices & financial

2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
70 Years of Progress






Throughout our 70-year history, SMRC has striven to prayerfully
consider the needs of its elder community and how best to
serve our people. Time and again, our leadership has risen to
the challenge of changing needs, providing cutting-edge
innovations that have come to be a standard for other retire-
ment communities. We value the reputation built throughout
the years, and seek to continue that tradition of excellence.

2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
Campaign Components


             & Services


             For Campaign

2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
Component #1: Memory
Care Assisted Living

           Many folks with dementia and
           other memory issues do not require
           nursing assistance for the majority
           of their struggle with the disease. A
           secure assisted living environment
           might see these folks through the
           majority of their journey with a
           greater quality of life.
2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
Component #2: Programs
and Services       Enhancing quality of life is a people
                   service, whether it be creating more,
                   and more varied, activities for those
                   with memory issues, or providing
                   transportation to appointments,
                   events and shopping.

       Offering activities may not
                                     Watch an example of the power of
       always be enough: equipment   music to assist memory by going to
       for hearing assistance        this link: https://www.youtube.

       augments the enjoyment of     com/watch?v=W0qPj5XHswM
                                     (a 6 minute video).
       music, movies, and other
       communication forms.                                         7
2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
Component #3: Campus

Like any dwelling place, our home
requires continual updating and
refreshing. Vehicles occasionally
must be replaced; walking paths
need night lighting; residence
rooms, as well as common rooms,
need a facelift; even signage has
to be updated from time to time.

2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
Component #4: Endowment

 As our buildings and vehicles
 age, it is prudent to put in place
 an endowment to see to its
 refurbishment, so that a working
 fund’s assets can attend to the
 updates in the future.

        Time Line

                                                           PHASE II

                                               PHASE I    housing &
                                 Implement    Construct
                                     new      assisted
                      Research    programs      living
                      dementia        for     dementia
             Begin     process    dementia
Get the    facelift &   & best     care, &
 word     technology practices    continue
            updates                facelift

 2015       2016       2017         2018         2021       2023

2020 VISION "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 - Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
What will it cost?
  The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also
   reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will
 also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has
        decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under
          compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
                                 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (ESV)

$1.765 M                    - New construction

PHASE I: Add a new Assisted Living/Dementia unit
PHASE II: Purchase property & development for housing & parking

   - Specialize in dementia/Parkinson’s life enrichment,
   facelift & technology
Music & Memory programs; special exercise equipment and
  activities programs; remodeling of dining rooms, common
  areas, therapy room, HC resident rooms; landscaping; new
  bus; walking paths; generator power for the entire campus;
  ongoing improvements for computer systems; security
  cameras; digital sign and telehealth.

$243,000 - 10% endowment fund

                         Total: $2.66M
1            $250,000

                2             100,000

Levels of
participation   4              50,000

over the        8              25,000
course of the
campaign        25             10,000

                20              5,000

                80              1,000

                40               500

                   200         $1,300,000
                Fundraisers       250,000
                Grants            450,000
                Total Contributions $2M

We hope that you’ll join us on
   our journey of expanding the
   definition of Home.

SMRC Board members: Cameron Kauffman, Chairman; Clem Kilpatrick, Vice-Chairman/
Treasurer; Kay Scheel, Secretary; Mary Ellen Jantz, Resident Agent; Velma Goertzen, Mary
Frazier, Joe McGowen, Charlotte Smith, Louis Martens, Deanna Siemens.

                                                   Questions? Please contact:
                                                   SMRC Administrator,
                                                   Keith Pankratz

                                                   Development Director,
                                                   Carla Barber

Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community
400 S. Buhler Road, Buhler, KS 67522               620-543-2251
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