A new primary school in Epping - Information pack | May 2021

A new primary school in Epping - Information pack | May 2021
NSW Department of Education – School Infrastructure

 A new primary school
 in Epping
 Information pack                    | May 2021

                                                                    Artist impression of a new primary school in Epping

 The NSW Government is investing $7 billion over the next four years, continuing its program to deliver
 more than 200 new and upgraded schools to support communities across NSW. This is the largest
 investment in public education infrastructure in the history of NSW.
 The NSW Department of Education is committed to delivering new and upgraded schools for communities
 across NSW. The delivery of these important projects is essential to the future learning needs of our
 students and supports growth in the local economy.
 We are in the process of designing a new primary school in Epping. The new primary school will deliver:

           Homebases suitable for                              New staff and
           a school population of                              administration
           approximately 600 students                          areas

           Hall and                                               Covered outdoor
           canteen                      Library                   learning area (COLA)

           Special                              Play space in various                           A staff car
           education unit                       locations                                       park

A new primary school in Epping - Information pack | May 2021
Progress summary
                                                          ■   Library
                                                          ■   Covered outdoor learning area (COLA)
                                                          ■   Special education unit
We are delivering a new school in Epping at the former    ■   Special programs area
TAFE site at Chelmsford Avenue to meet current            ■   Play space in various locations
population needs and future enrolment growth.
                                                          ■   Accessible paths linking the school facilities
The project has received approval to proceed and          ■   A staff car park
the master planning and concept design phases
are now complete. An Early Contractor Involvement         What is a State Significant Development
(ECI) contract has been awarded to Hansen Yuncken
to develop the design for the State Significant
Development (SSD) application. Throughout the             State Significant Development (SSD) applications are
project design phases, feedback has been sought from      used for projects that have special significance to the
representatives from the new school and incorporated,     people and State of NSW. The Department of Planning,
where appropriate, into the design.                       Industry and Environment (DPIE) is responsible for the
                                                          planning approval process for SSD applications, rather
Site investigations have been completed to inform         than a local council. The SSD application for the new
the development of the schematic design. The project      primary school in Epping has now been lodged and is
team are working closely with the representatives from    available for comment. Follow the 'Make a Submission'
the new school, community members and the City of         link at: www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/
Parramatta Council to discuss development impacts         project/39531.
and proposed mitigation measures, especially with
regards to traffic.                                       How have the school community been involved in
                                                          the project so far?
The Secretary’s Environmental Assessment
Requirement (SEARs) has been received.                    A Project Reference Group (PRG) has been operating
                                                          since the project’s early planning phase; a project
                                                          governance group made up of the project team,

Next steps
                                                          teachers representing the new school (including a
                                                          Principal) and a member representing the community.
                                                          The PRG provides key information from an operational,
                                                          educational, change and logistics perspective into the
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) has been        planning through the design phase of the project.
prepared and the State Significant Development
Application (SSDA) has been lodged.                       What is the approach being used to build the
You can find detailed information about the SSD
application by going to the DPIE's website: www.          For this project, we will be combining the manufacture
planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/39531.   of building components, such as wall systems
Make a formal submission by following the 'Make a         and facades, in a safe, clean and efficient factory
Submission' link at: www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/       environment off-site with onsite assembly. The parts
major-projects/project/39531. All feedback on the SSD     will be transported to the school site on trucks and then
should be directed to DPIE via this link.                 assembled into place. This approach has the potential
                                                          to deliver significant safety and sustainability outcomes
                                                          and drive productivity and quality efficiencies that can
                                                          benefit Government, industry and communities.
Frequently asked                                          What are the benefits of using this approach?
questions                                                 1. Time savings

                                                          This approach can reduce on-site construction
What does the project involve?                            assembly time by up to 30 per cent which benefits
                                                          everyone; industry, community and existing school
As part of the project, we are constructing a brand new   operations.
school in Epping. This new school will include:
                                                          2. Minimises impact on local residents
■   Homebases (classrooms) suitable for a school
    population of 600 students                            When compared to traditional construction methods,
                                                          this approach creates less noise, less traffic, less
■   Administration and staff areas
                                                          pollution and less dust which results in less impact to
■   Hall and canteen                                      the local residents.
3. Improved health, safety and productivity                      and facilities. We will be targeting 4 Star Green Star
                                                                 accreditation for this project which is a Green Building
This approach uses off-site manufacturing to deliver             Council of Australia certification that rates how
building components and modules to site. This                    sustainable a facility is.
means safer workplaces for manufacturing and onsite
construction teams.                                              Will there be a new catchment boundary for
4. Upskill the workforce                                         community members in Epping?
                                                                 The catchment boundary will be defined in close
Demand for new jobs in manufacturing including
                                                                 consultation with the educational leadership team and
production line management, technical skills training,
                                                                 will be communicated once this has been finalised.
logistics management, digital systems and quality
assurance are created.                                           When will construction start?
5. Improved sustainability                                       Pending approval of the SSD application, construction
                                                                 is anticipated to start in late 2021. Construction will be
As a consequence of manufacturing precision being                undertaken in stages. Stage 1 works will provide a total
applied to construction, this approach can reduce                of 25 homebases (classrooms).
carbon emissions, water and material waste by more
than 30%.                                                        How will the community be kept safe during
6. Opportunity to reduce cost                                    construction?
                                                                 The safety of the school and the local community is our
Over time, as the industry becomes more familiar with
                                                                 highest priority. Throughout the entire construction
using modern methods of construction, school designs
                                                                 period rigorous safety and security measures will be
will reduce project costs and improve quality.
                                                                 put in place. There will be regular consultation with the
                                                                 school to discuss construction progress.
How will the project be sustainable?
We acknowledge the important part that sustainability
has in the construction and lifecycle of new schools

             ND A

                                                                                  T AV

                                   GRIMES LANE
                                                                                        CHELMSFORD AVENUE

                                                           ADMIN & STAFF       LIBRARY
                                    HALL &                                                   SUPPORT


                                                                                               Main entry         Staff parking

                                                                                               Pedestrian entry   Kiss & drop

                                                                                               Vehicle entry      Bike parking

                                                                             Proposed site plan of a new primary school in Epping
NSW Department of Education – School Infrastructure

                                                              Artist impression of a new primary school in Epping

 How do I get involved?                                  Stay informed
 We are committed to working together with our
 school communities and other stakeholders to                    Website
 deliver the best possible learning facilities for               Stay up to date by visiting the
 students.                                                       School Infrastructure NSW website
 Your feedback on this project is important to us. For
 more information, questions or to make a comment
 please email us at
 schoolinfrastructure@det.nsw.edu.au or phone                    Contact the Community Engagement
 1300 482 651.                                                   team by emailing

                                                                 Contact us between 9:00am and 5:00pm,
                                                                 Monday to Friday on 1300 482 651

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