Page created by Loretta Moss

  pRE-K &
  SCHOOL                     CAMP
 pROGRAMS                 STRAWBERRY
                              Register NOW!

(415) 383-6494   |   http://strawberry.marin.org
General Information
                         Strawberry Recreation District
                       118 E. Strawberry Drive, Mill Valley, CA 94941                                                            NEW
                     Main Office: (415) 383-6494 Fax: (415) 383-6635
                   Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm                                                2020 SRD PROGRAMS
                Aquatics Facility (415) 383-1610 during pool operating hours.
Although this publication was prepared on the basis of the best information available at                            Don’t miss out on all our new programming
the time, all information (including locations, dates, times, schedules, ratios, fees, etc.)
                            is subject to change without notice.
                                                                                                                      for youth and adults this coming year!
                             Americans with Disabilities Act:
Strawberry Recreation District does not discriminate against any individuals. Upon request, SRD
publications, programs and activities will be made available in an alternate format to persons with
                                                                                                                           Adult Programs
                                Table of Contents                                                                                Tai Chi
Special Events...............................................................................................2-3                 Bridge
Adult Fitness & Programs..............................................................................4-7
Youth Programs.............................................................................................8-9
Camp Strawberry.......................................................................................10-15
                                                                                                                               Mah Jongg
Pool Passes....................................................................................................16
Aquatics Notes & Information.........................................................................17
                                                                                                                              Acrylic Pours
Swim Lessons...........................................................................................18-21
Winter Pool Schedule.....................................................................................22
Spring Pool Schedule.....................................................................................23
Toddler/Seedlings Programming....................................................................24
                                                                                                                    Toddler & Youth Programs
Rental Information & Fees........................................................................25-28
Tennis & Pickleball.........................................................................................29           Parent & Me Yoga
       Camp Strawberry                                     Swim Lesson Registration                                         Play School
      4 Camp Programs!
        Loads of FUN!
                                                              Placement questions, please
                                                              contact; Aquatics Mananger,                               Weekly Play Groups
                                                                     Brittney Boyd
      Register EARLY to
      secure your spot!
                                                                 (415) 383-6494 EXT 12
                                                                                                                       Kung Fu: Animal Power
      Registration Opens
      Monday, January 6
                                                         NEW REC DESK Registration
                                                               Go to our website at
                                                                                                                            Family Events
  NEW EARLY BIRD                                                                                                     Bingo, Date Nights, Family
   REGISTRATION                                              Click VIEW ACTIVITIES/
    AVAILABLE                                              REGISTER ONLINE to create                                        Game Night
                                                           your NEW Rec Desk account.                                                                                      1
    JANUARY 6 - MARCH 31                                                                                                       Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!
    Saturday, April 11, 2020
         10:30 am - 12:00 pm
          SRD Gymnasium
                                                      June 7, 2020
Bounce, hop and jump into the season
with SRD’s annual Spring Faire. Play
                                                 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
                                              Join SRD in building a better community
carnival games, get your face painted, ride   environment through our local parks and
 the train and bounce in the jump house.      recreation. Enjoy local musicians and food vendors,
                                              free carnival games, family races and more. Come
 Don’t forget your baskets and follow the     play with the little fuzzy friends in the petting zoo,
         bunny to the egg hunt.               bounce in the jump house, climb the rock wall, hit
                                              the target on the dunk tank and enjoy a free swim
    This event will go on rain or shine!                         at the SRD pool!

                                               Pre-Registration: $12.00 Activity Card per child
   Pre-Registration Fee: $9.00 per child        Walk up Fee: $15.00 Activity Card per child
    At the Door Fee: $12.00 per child                *Some activities will have additional fees
       (Adults Free with Child Admission)
Adult Fitness                                                                                                    Adult Fitness
     $10 drop-in | $70 Resident or
                                                            WATER AEROBICS
                                                           (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
                                                                   $10.00 drop-in
                                                                                                        Strawberry Recreation District’s
   $80 Regular Fee (10 session pass)
          TOTAL TONE
                                                          $64 Class Card (8 session pass)
                                                   Exercise without stress. This is an excellent
                                                                                                                         Adult Fitness Class Schedule
Participants will use weights, resistance
bands, body weight and exercise balls to
                                                   low impact exercise to help stretch and tone
                                                   muscles. This class is ideal for adults with
                                                   limited mobility injuries or arthritis. Non-
strengthen the core as well as toning and          swimmers welcome.                                      Class            Tuesday              Wednesday      Thursday      Friday       Saturday
strengthening legs, arms, back, chest and
           abs. All levels welcome!                        ADULT SWIM CLINIC                            Total Tone         8:30 am -
       Instructor: Ellen Goldman                              (SELECT SUNDAYS)                           w/ Ellen           9:30am
                                                               $60 for 4 sessions
                                                   Enjoy individualized critiques and guidance
          LAND AEROBICS                                                                                                                         8:30 am -                                 9:00 am -
                                                   in a small group setting. Clinics will focus          Aerobics
         (Wednesday & Saturday)                                                                                                                  9:30am                                   10:00 am
Wake up your day with this upbeat &                on breath control, balance, stamina, stroke           w/ Karen
energizing morning workout! Karen combines         technique/refinement, creating individual              Dance
low impact, easy-to-follow cardiovascular          workout plans and more. 8 spaces available                                                                               8:30 am -
aerobic moves with sculpt, abs & stretch for       per class. To reserve a spot, please register                                                                             9:30 am
                                                                                                         w/ Judy
 a well-rounded, fun & high-energy workout.        online or call our main office. $20.00 Drop In
         Instructor: Karen Bohlin                  if space is available.                                 Tai Chi                                              8:30 am -
                                                           Instructor: Brittney Boyd                      Required)                                             9:30 am
                                                        ADULT WATER SAFETY                               Drop In
Oldies music, gentle dance moves to                                                                                                                            7:30 pm -
                                                              (SELECT SUNDAYS)                          Basketball
invigorate body and mind. Light weight                                                                                                                          9:30pm
                                                               $80 for 4 sessions                         40+
 workout and floorwork for core and stretch.       Work on water buoyancy, treading water,
           Instructor: Judy Barr                                                                                     Additional instructors wanted to teach morning exercise classes
                                                   deep water introduction, breath control and
                                                   swimming independently across the pool.                                                Inquiries: 415.383.6494
                  TAI CHI
                                                   6 spaces available per class. To reserve a
                                                   spot, please register online or call our main
                                                   office. $25.00 Drop in if space is available.
       LAND AEROBICS PASS.                                                                                 Class              Monday               Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday      Sunday
                                                           Instructor: Brittney Boyd
    Registration required. See pg. 7
Participants will learn Yang Style Tai Chi                                                                                   8:00 am -            8:00 am -     8:00 am -    8:00 am -
Long Form. This sequence of movements is                         WATERGYM                               Water Gym             8:45 am
                                                         (TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS,
                                                                                                                                                   8:45 am       8:45 am      8:45 am
beautiful to watch and enjoyable to practice.                                                                             (June 15 - July 27)
            It’s all gain and no pain.                               THURSDAYS)
                                                                         $10.00                           Water                                   12:00 pm -                 12:00 pm -
         Instructor: Scott Jensen
                                                   Wake up and super charge your day with                Aerobics                                  1:00 pm                    1:00 pm
  40+ DROP-IN BASKETBALL                           WaterGym®! For over 27 years, this phenomenal
                                                   non-impact, fat burning workout has taught
                                                                                                         Masters                                  6:15 pm -                  6:15 pm -
                                                   thousands worldwide to use water as a powerful         Swim                                     7:00 pm                    7:00 pm
            $5.00 PER PLAYER
                                                   gym to: reduce body fat, tone & build lean muscle,   Adult Swim                                                                        11:00 am -
Come drop-by and play basketball. For              burn calories, strengthen core abdominal muscles,
individuals 40 years old and older. Match          increase flexibility and more. Workout performed
                                                                                                          Clinic                                                                           12:00 pm
style play. Prior to play: All players must have   in deep-water using our WaterGym® Belt. Non-         Adult Water                                                                       12:00 pm -
   a completed current liability form on file.     swimmers welcome.                                      Safety                                                                           12:45 pm
       Facilitator: Steve Brandon                       THIS IS NOT AN SRD PROGRAM
  4           Visit our website at http://strawberry.marin.org                                                                       Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                  5
NEW Adult Program Class Descriptions                                                                                                   NEW Adult Program Class Descriptions
                                                  Acrylic Pours                                                                             Competitve Bridge Bidding in the 21st Century
Have fun and learn how to create beautiful paintings without the use of a paintbrush or pallet
knife. That’s the defining characteristic of this painting technique. Acrylic Pour painting combines                                   When you’ve opened the bidding and your opponent’s come into the auction, it has now become
colors into abstract cell-like patterns on the canvas. This class is great for beginners and anyone                                    competitive. Or vice-versa, you overcall or double when your opponent’s open, so it’s now a
interested in trying a new painting technique. Students will learn how to mix color, use pouring                                       competition for declaring the contract. There is lots of strategy involved when either scenario
                 medium, the importance of consistency, and how colors interact.                                                       occurs. Did you wish to push the opponents higher? Were you hoping to double their contract?
                (It takes several days for the paint to dry, so a pickup date will be announced for the following week.)               Are you willing to keep bidding just so the opponents cannot declare? This series of lessons will
                                                Instructor: Judith Stern                                                               attempt to answer some of the above questions. We will also examine the overcall and double
                                                                                                                                              structure so your side will have a better understanding of what partner is showing.
      January 11               Saturday              1st Floor Room              10:00 am - 12:30 pm                       $60                                              Instructor: Peggy Tatro
                                                                                                                                         March 24 - May 5
                                                      Art Class                                                                              (no class 4/7)
                                                                                                                                                                   Tuesdays     1st Floor Room    10:30 am - 12:30 pm   $180 (6 Sessions)
The class will begin by loosening up with “Blind Contour /Drawing” with charcoal which really
helps to show people that almost anyone can produce a work of art. Color can be added with
pastels, acrylics or oil colors. When we start to paint from subject matter or photographs, we will
do at least 3 drawings on paper before working on canvas. Students will learn basic composition,
                                                                                                                                                  Winning Bridge Strategies -Intermediate
                   perspective, shading to produce 3D effects on a 2D surface.                                                                                                5 Session Series
                                     Instructor: Judith Stern                                                                          Session #1 - Taking More Tricks at No Trump Session #2 - When is it Right to Postpone Drawing
       Jan 7 - 28              Tuesdays              1st Floor Room              10:00 am - 12:00 pm                $135 (3 classes)   Trumps? Session #3 - The Proper Use of Entries. Session #4 - Developing Dummy’s Long Suit.
 Feb 4 - 25 (no 2/18)          Tuesdays              1st Floor Room              10:00 am - 12:00 pm                $135 (3 classes)                                       Session #5 - End Plays
                                                                                                                                                                         Instructor: Bruce Blakely
      March 3 - 31             Tuesdays              1st Floor Room              10:00 am - 12:00 pm                $225 (5 classes)
                                                                                                                                         April 1 - April 29     Wednesdays      1st Floor Room    9:30 am - 11:30 am    $140 (5 Sessions)
      April 14-28              Tuesdays              1st Floor Room              10:00 am - 12:00 pm                $135 (3 classes)
       May 5-19                Tuesdays              1st Floor Room              10:00 am - 12:00 pm                $135 (3 classes)

                                     Learn Bridge in a Day                                                                                                                       Mah Jongg
Welcome to bridge! This seminar is designed for new players or for returning players who want                                          Come learn this fun and stimulating rummy-like game that is played with tiles. All the basics will be
to refresh their understanding of the game. The goal is to give you a fast, fun, overview of the                                       explained in simple terms including setting up, dealing and selecting hands. Individual guidance
             fundamental concepts of bridge with both instruction and coached play.                                                    will be given as you play, learn, and enjoy your new skill. This game is a great social and engaging
                        Instructors : Jennifer Jones and Kathy Juarez                                                                                                          activity for everyone.
                                                                                                                                                                            Instructor : Janie Kimball
         February 22                     Saturday               1st Floor Room               11:00 am - 4:00 pm              $75
                                                                                                                                        January 24 - February 14      Fridays    1st Floor Room   10:00 am - 12:00 pm   $100 (4 Sessions)
                                          Beginning Bridge l
                                       Basic Bidding plus Play of the Hand.
                                           Instructor: Jennifer Jones
                                                                                                                                                                                    Tai Chi
                                                                                                                    $150 per series
  February 28 - March 27            Fridays         1st Floor Room              10:30 am - 12:30 pm                                    Participants will learn Yang Style Tai Chi Long Form. This sequence of movements is beautiful
                                                                                                                    $10 for textbook
                                                                                                                                       to watch and enjoyable to practice. The Harvard Medical Journal reported that over 600 medical
                                                                                                                                          studies have overwhelmingly proven the health benefits of Tai Chi. It’s all gain and no pain.
                                         Beginning Bridge ll                                                                                                               Instructor : Scott Jensen
                             More Bidding and Play of the Hand, plus Defense                                                             January 16 - February 20      Thursdays     Gymnasium      8:30 am - 9:30 am   $108 (6 sessions)
                                       Instructor: Jennifer Jones
                                                                                                                                           February 27 - April 2       Thursdays     Gymnasium      8:30 am - 9:30 am   $108 (6 sessions)
                                                                                                                    $150 per series
       April 1 - May 1              Fridays         1st Floor Room               10:30 am - 12:30 pm                                         April 9 - May 14          Thursdays     Gymnasium      8:30 am - 9:30 am   $108 (6 sessions)
                                                                                                                    $10 for textbook

  6           Visit our website at http://strawberry.marin.org                                                                                                      Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                          7
Youth Program Class Descriptions                                                                      Youth Program Class Descriptions
                                Kung Fu Animal Power                                                                                    Kids Cooking for Life
This class builds virtue and good character, strong athletes with proper body mechanics, whole
body strength, flexibility, and coordination. Learn self-defense skills that build real confidence.
                                                                                                      This class will teach nutrition and inspire lifelong healthy cooking and eating habits through this
Master the lessons of the Kung Fu Animals with vigorous workouts that train the mind, and the
                                                                                                      hands-on cooking class. Students will be exposed to all aspects of food preparation, learn about
body. Each Animal Includes 4 parts; the Virtue Lesson, Body Mechanics Lesson, Animal Drills
                                                                                                       where our food comes from, master knife skills, read and understand nutrition labels and more.
to master the body mechanic, and Animal Moves that are the self-defense techniques. After we
            study each animal, then you’ll earn a cool animal patch for your uniform.                     1/8 - 6/3      5 - 11 yrs       Wednesdays    2nd Floor Kitchen     1:30 - 2:45         $600
    1/6 - 6/1       4-5 yrs        Mondays       1st Floor Room       1:30 - 2:20        $450

Kung Fu Animal Power: Classic Kung Fu & Self Defense                                                                                      Kidz Dance Party
                                                                                                      Kidz Dance Party! Is a rocking high energy dance party packed with choreographed kid friendly
In addition to systematic physical training in class, each animal also has a “Fu” or “Lucky Fun”      routines with all the music kids love. Class structure includes choreography to kid friendly songs,
Book. Each of these activity books contains: A Biology Lesson, Virtue Lesson, Discussion              involving fitness combined with dance, fun games involving music and movement, and cool down
Questions, Chinese Lessons, Games, Mazes, Coloring, Folk Stories, Wise Sayings and Idioms,                                                        and stretch.
a Fable, and Pictures of all Drills and Moves. G1 – G5 students will also learn the classical Kung
Fu routines, such as Lian Bu and Xiao Yuan, to develop their focus and concentration. Students            1/9-6/4         4 - 5 yrs       Thursdays    1st Floor Room       1:30 - 2:20          $440
                              then progress to more advanced forms.
                                                                                                          1/9-6/4         6 - 8 yrs       Thursdays    1st Floor Room       2:45 - 3:30          $440
    1/6 - 6/1       6-11 yrs      Mondays       1st Floor Room       1:30 - 2:20        $450

                                   Messy Art Club
Lets make art and get messy! NEW super fun art projects. We will use unique and unusual tools
                                                                                                                                    Kids Gym - Multi Sports
                      and materials to make one of a kind masterpieces.                               This class is an introduction to a variety of sports and organized playground games. Games
                                                                                                      and activities will be taught in a fun and non-competitive atmosphere. All skills for each sport will
    1/7 - 6/2       4 - 5 yrs     Tuesdays      1st Floor Room       1:30 - 2:20        $440          be applied to fun, age appropriate games. Through activities, students will learn sport skills and
                                                                                                           1/9-6/4          4 - 5 yrs      Thursdays      Gymnasium          1:30 - 2:20          $300
                         Checkmate: Chess for Kids
                                                                                                                                                    Play Club
Class consists of demonstrations, coaching/instruction, drills, chess puzzles, chess history
and supervised play. Become a skilled player as you learn how to move the pieces, formulate              The afterschool SRD Playclub Program is a program that gives children the opportunity to
                               strategies and make a plan.                                            exercise, play, create and socialize in a safe, fun, and nurturing environment. Students attending
                                                                                                        Strawberry Pt School are picked up and escorted to the recreation center by program staff.
    1/7 - 6/2      7 - 11 yrs     Tuesdays      1st Floor Room       2:45 - 3:30        $380
                                             Art                                                          Jan 6 - June 10               Wednesdays         4 - 11 yrs    1:15 - 5:00
                                                                                                                                                                                           $5.50/half hour
 This fun and experimental art class will work with unusual materials to create high-end one of
 a kind Masterpieces. Our jumping point will come from inspirations of illustrators, painters and
         photographers. We will sculpt, screenprint and make handmade lithographs.                                                        Fridays

   1/7 - 6/2       6 - 11 yrs     Tuesdays      1st Floor Room       2:45 - 3:30        $440                          *All schedules and fees are subject to change
   8             Questions? Give us a call at (415) 383-6494                                                                       Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                             9
Camp Strawberry                                                                                Camp Strawberry
                                                                                      Camp Strawberry
     Registration Begins Monday, January 6, 2020!

             January 6 - March 31
 Week          Dates         Sprouts   Sports   Athletic X Counselor in Training
Week 1      June 8 - 12       $295     $295       $295             $185
Week 2     June 15 - 19       $295     $295       $295             $185                             June 8 - August 19
Week 3     June 22 - 26       $295     $295       $295             $185            Camp Strawberry-Sprouts (ages 4-5), and Camp Strawberry-Sports Camp (ages 6-9) provide
Week 4    June 29 - July 3    $295     $295       $295             $185            the opportunity for campers to develop lifelong skills while exploring a variety of athletic and
                                                                                   creative activities. SRD is an ideal setting, with “base camp” rooms, gymnasium, tennis courts,
Week 5    July 6 - July 10    $295     $295       $295             $185
                                                                                   athletic fields, and an aquatics facility all located a few yards from one another. Camp Strawberry
Week 6      July 13 - 17      $295     $295       $295             $185            incorporates professional instruction in swimming, tennis, soccer and multi sports along with
Week 7      July 20 - 24      $295     $295       $295             $185            activities in movement, yoga, outdoor play, arts & crafts, cooking, natural science and more.
                                                                                   Campers will stay together and all transitions and activities will be supervised by a high quality
Week 8      July 27 - 31      $295     $295       $295             $185            and trained staff, including a Camp Director and Room Coordinators. Weekly themes are available
Week 9      August 3 - 7      $295     $295       $295             $185            on the next page.
                                                                                   Sport Lessons: Daily 40 minute structured sport lessons arranged by age and ability level for
Week 10   August 10 - 14      $295     $295       $295             $185            an optimal learning experience.
          August 17 - 19                                                           Soccer - Monday & Wednesday
Week 11                       $177     $177       $177             $111
            (3 days)                                                               Tennis - Tuesday & Thursday
                                                                                   SRD Swim Lessons - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
          REGULAR REGISTRATION RATES                                               Multi Sports - Friday (May include basketball, kickball, volleyball,
               April 1 - August 19                                                 baseball or field hockey.)
                                                                                   Special Weekly Activities:
 Week          Dates         Sprouts   Sports   Athletic X Counselor in Training   Guest Presentations & Dress Up Days - Monday
Week 1      June 8 - 12       $325     $325       $325             $210            Walking Field Trips or Camp Celebration - Friday
                                                                                   Lunch Program: Campers bring their own lunch and snacks. The safety of each child is
Week 2     June 15 - 19       $325     $325       $325             $210            a priority, therefore Camp Strawberry is a “Nut-Free Zone”. SRD supports environmentally
Week 3     June 22 - 26       $325     $325       $325             $210            responsible practices by encouraging campers to pack re-usable containers whenever possible
                                                                                   and practice composting and recycling throughout the program.
Week 4    June 29 - July 3    $325     $325       $325             $210
                                                                                   Due to dietary restrictions, SRD does not provide hot lunch.
Week 5    July 6 - July 10    $325     $325       $325             $210            What to Pack: Please pack lunch & four (4) snacks (Monday - Friday) and a towel &
Week 6      July 13 - 17      $325     $325       $325             $210            swimsuit (Tuesday - Friday). Hat, sunscreen, water bottle, tennis shoes, change of clothes, and
                                                                                   a jacket are strongly recommended. Optional swim goggles and cap. Label each & every item.
Week 7      July 20 - 24      $325     $325       $325             $210            Please check lost and found daily.
Week 8      July 27 - 31      $325     $325       $325             $210            Things to Remember: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, campers should arrive
                                                                                   at camp in their swimsuit. Sports equipment will all be provided by SRD. Camp shirts are given
Week 9     August 3 - 7       $325     $325       $325             $210            out during each child’s first week at camp. Please wear your camp shirt on Tuesdays for photo
Week 10   August 10 - 14      $325     $325       $325             $210            day and Fridays for field trips.
          August 17 - 19                                                           Included in registration: Camper T-shirt, special activities and projects, free play
Week 11                       $195     $195       $195             $126            activities, entertainers, special events, spirit dress-up days, and walking field trips.
            (3 days)
                                                                                   Extended Care: Morning 7:15 AM start - $25.00 Evening 6:00 PM pick up - $25.00
               Morning Extended Care (7:15 AM start) - $25.00
              Evening Extended Care (6:00 PM pick up) - $25.00
                                                                                                      Single day/drop-in camp is not available.
10          Questions? Give us a call at (415) 383-6494                                                      Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                          11
Camp Strawberry Themes                                                                       Camp Strawberry Themes
                                                                                                                        Week 6 - July 13 to July 17

                              Week 1 - June 8 to June 12
                                                                                          POW! Use your super-speed and come help save Strawberry! Join the SRD counselors
                         SUPER MARIO BROTHERS                                             for an action-packed week of art and activities with your favorite superheroes. Test
Slide down the green pipe and into the world of Super Mario! Campers will adventure             your superpowers and defeat your arch-nemesis, Strawberry needs you!
alongside the colorful characters of the Mario kingdom, play exciting games and
create special crafts. Watch out for Bowser and help the SRD counselors save                                            Week 7 - July 20 to July 24

                      Princess Peach during this week of fun!                                                          BUGS AND NATURE
                              Week 2 - June 15 to June 19
                                                                                          Mother nature is calling and wants you to join SRD for a week of discovery and
                               LIFE ON A BOAT                                             education! We’ll play games in the great outdoors, make crafts that represent the
Prepare to set sail on a week-long voyage aboard the S.S. Strawberry! Campers will        beauty of nature, and learn about the amazing insects that live alongside us. Spend
experience the nautical life of a seafaring adventurer, learn about the mysteries of                                a week in the woods with SRD!
the ocean and engage in the endless adventure of life on a boat. Come join us for                                       Week 8 - July 27 to July 31

a week of games, crafts and presentations that will have campers never wanting to                               THE ROAD TO THE OLYMPICS
                                    drop anchor!
                                                                                          Get ready to earn your gold medal during our Olympic week at Strawberry Rec! With
                              Week 3 - June 22 to June 26
                                                                                          a focus on athletics, campers will participate in friendly competitions that highlight
                            UNDER THE BIG TOP                                             the value of trying your best and possessing great sportsmanship. Become a part
The Strawberry Circus is in town! Enter the big top and experience the magic of           of Team Strawberry and diversify your skillset with a variety of sports activities and
summer camp! Campers will be engaged and entertained with games, crafts and                                                 Olympic crafts!
performances that showcase the flare and excitement of the circus. Don’t be a clown                                   Week 9 - August 3 to August 7

                               and come on down!                                                                     ISLAND ADVENTURES
                               Week 4 - June 29 to July 3
                                                                                          Pack your bags and come take a week-long summer stay on Strawberry Island!
                  DREAM BIG - OUT OF THIS WORLD                                           Play games on the beach, make art with your friends and watch an amazing island
                                                                                            presentation. Join the SRD counselors for a tropical adventure of fun in the sun!
Prepare for takeoff! Come join the SRD astronauts as we learn about the solar
system, play games that test your space agility, and design crafts that are out of this                              Week 10 - August 10 to August 14
                world! Houston, we can’t wait for you to get here!
                                                                                                        SAFARI ADVENTURES - FUZZY FRIENDS
                               Week 5 - July 6 to July 10                                 From the rivers of the Amazon to the plains of the Serengeti, learn about the amazing
                         DIG IT! DINO DISCOVERY                                           animals that inhabit these beautiful landscapes while campers craft their own animal
                                                                                          companions to share in the adventure. Campers will adventure alongside the wildlife
Get ready for a journey into the world of the dinosaurs! Spend a week alongside your      of the world and learn about the diversity of the animal kingdom. Discover new crafts,
favorite ancient reptiles. Come dig up prehistoric crafts, play games that test your                            play exciting games and get wild with SRD!
dinosaur instincts and watch out for any giant meteors. Experience the land before                                   Week 11 - August 17 to August 19
                                   time with SRD!
                                                                                                                        WILD, WILD WEST
                                                                                          Saddle up your trusty steed and ride over to the Strawberry Ranch! Come join us for
                                                                                          a week in the wild west and let out your inner cowboy! Come down to the showdown
                                                                                                    of games, crafts and a wild presentation. See you there partner!
Camp Strawberry                                                                                               Camp Strawberry
                                         SPROUTS                                                                                     ATHLETIC X TRAINING
Camp Strawberry Sprouts is specially designed for children 4 - 5 yrs. looking for quality instruction
                                                                                                         Participants will experience an athletic training program focused on developing the complete
and program in a small and safe environment. Daily activities introduce campers to a variety of
                                                                                                         athlete in a competitive, but fun environment. Designed for those interested in cross training
skills and activities, while staff encourages them to try new things, explore, make new friends,
                                                                                                         and sports, this camp will focus on all aspects of designing a personal and balanced workout
and enjoy their summer experience. Small learning groups and teaching ratios encourage and
                                                                                                         with daily swimming, basketball and a trail run. Along with core and agility traiining, a variety of
nurture each child’s progress and skill development with beginning to advanced level groups.
                                                                                                         additional sports will be introduced and may include soccer, baseball, lacrosse and volleyball.
Age: 4 - 5 years                 Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm                   Max Campers: 40
                                                                                                         Camp size is limited to provide individual attention and coaching opportunities in all activities.
                                                                                                        Age: 8 - 12 years               Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm                     Max Campers: 20
  9:00 am - 9:30 am             Sign-in / Morning Circle / Playtime / Transition to Pool
 9:30 am - 10:25 am                   Swim Group A/Group B alternate schedule
10:25 am - 11:00 am                 Transition to base camp/Snack/Outdoor Play                             9:00 am - 9:30 am                             Sign-In/Morning Circle
                                                                                                          9:30 am - 10:00 am                                 Swim Lessons
11:00 am - 11:30 am                    Group Game/Arts & Crafts/Jump House
                                                                                                         10:00 am - 10:15 am                       Transition to Tennis Courts/Snack
11:30 am - 12:15 pm                                     Lunch
                                                                                                         10:15 am - 11:00 am                                 Tennis Lesson
 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm               Movement (M,W,F), Cooking (T), or Science (TH)                         11:00 am - 11:30 am                               Basketball Lesson
  1:00 pm - 1:15 pm           Transition to base camp/Group A to Sports/Group B to Art                   11:30 am - 12:15 pm                                      Lunch
  1:15 pm - 1:55 pm                Group A : Sport Lesson / Group B : Art Project                         12:15 pm - 1:00 pm                 Movement (M,W,F) Science (T), Cooking (TH)
  1:55 pm - 2:35 pm                Group B : Sport Lesson / Group A : Art Project                          1:00 pm - 2:00 pm                             Core & Agility Training
  2:35 pm - 3:30 pm                          Outdoor Play/Group Games                                      2:00 pm - 2:45 pm                                    Trail Run
  3:30 pm - 4:00 pm                       3:30 Closing Circle & 4:00 Sign-Out                              2:45 pm - 3:30 pm             Multi-Sport (Soccer, Lacrosse, Kickball, Volleyball, etc)
                                          SPORTS                                                           3:30 pm - 4:00 pm                                  Closing Circle
Camp Strawberry Sports is specially designed for children 6 - 9 yrs. looking for quality instruction            4:00 pm                                         Sign-Out
in a summer camp and sport setting. Daily activities balance creative and athletic opportunities
for all ages and ability levels, encouraging individuals to develop lifelong skills. Small learning                              COUNSELOR IN TRAINING
groups and teaching ratios encourage and nurture each child’s progress and skill development            Young teens, ages 10-14, will gain valuable training through work experience in a camp setting,
                                                                                                        including public speaking, leading groups and communication/organization skills. CIT-TIME ZONE
in beginning through advanced level groups.
                                                                                                        allows the group to develop their own athletic and safety skills through personal instruction with a
Age: 6 - 9 years                Time: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm                    Max Campers: 60
                                                                                                        weekly focus. In the afternoons, CITs will work hand-in-hand with SRD camp staff leading games,
                                                                                                        sports, cooking projects and more. Jr. Lifeguards and Jr. Swim Aides should bring their swimsuits and
 9:30 am - 10:25 am                    Sign-in / Morning Circle / Group Game
                                                                                                        towels with them everyday.
10:30 am - 10:55 am                 Swim Lesson Group A (Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri)                         Age: 10-14 years               Time: 9:45 am – 4:30 pm                      Max Campers: 18
11:00 am - 11:25 am                 Swim Lesson Group B (Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri)
11:30 am - 12:15 pm                    Transition back to Camp/ Group Game                                     9:45am                                           Sign In
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm                                     Lunch                                            10:00 am - 11:45 am                              CIT-TIME ZONE
 12:45 pm - 1:05 pm                            Field & Outdoor Games                                     11:45 am - 12:15 pm                     Lunch & Transition into Programming
  1:05 pm - 2:05 pm                Movement (M,W,F), Science (T) or Cooking (TH)                                                      Assist with Movement (M,W,F), Science (T) Cooking (TH),
                                                                                                          12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
                                                                                                                                                            Field Trips (F)
  2:05 pm - 2:30 pm                             Snack & Jump House
                                                                                                          1:15 pm - 2:35 pm                         Assist Sprouts | Sports & Art*
  2:35 pm - 3:15 pm                 Group A : Sport Lesson / Group B : Art Project                        2:35 pm - 3:55 pm                          Assist Sports | Sports & Art*
  3:15 pm - 3:55 pm                 Group B : Sport Lesson / Group A : Art Project                        3:55 pm - 4:15 pm                              CIT Daily Clean Up
  3:55 pm - 4:30 pm                     3:55 Closing Circle & 4:30 Sign-Out                               4:15 pm - 4:30 pm                                    Sign Out
14           Visit our website at http://strawberry.marin.org                                                                      Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                            15
Aquatics - Pool Pass Rates                                                                           NEW AT THE POOL!
                                    10 Month Pool Pass                                              Come see the new and improved main
                              (February 3, 2020 - November 25, 2020)
                                     NO REFUNDS OR TRANSFERS!                                       pool. New tiling, surfacing and coping.
            Category                       Residency Status
                                                                            10 Month Pass            SRD is sparkling into the New Year!
                                                                               (43 weeks)
        Single Senior (65+)
 No additional persons may be added to
        the Single Senior Pass
                                             Strawberry Resident
                                                 Regular Rate
                                                                                    $575              NEW Changing Areas
                                             Strawberry Resident                    $525           SRD has installed beautiful new custom changing stalls. In addition to the on
   Couple Senior (2 Max 65+)
                                                 Regular Rate                       $625           deck changing stalls, SRD has a women’s and men’s locker room just outside
   First Person in Household                 Strawberry Resident                    $675            of the pool gate. All patrons and guests are asked to utilize these changing
 Refers to the first adult (18+) in the
 household. An adult must be on a
                                                 Regular Rate                       $825           room options. Appropriate swimwear is always required. Please no changing
   family pass in order to purchase.
                                                                                                                                  on the pool deck.
                                             Strawberry Resident                    $755
             Family of 2
                                                 Regular Rate                       $915                                         Drop-In Swim
                                             Strawberry Resident                    $835            SRD has added a Drop-In option to use the pool during limited hours of the
             Family of 3
                                                 Regular Rate                       $1,005          week. Stop by the office to purchase your pass before entering the Aquatics
                                             Strawberry Resident                    $915                  Facility. All guests will be asked to exit the facility by 11:45am.
             Family of 4
                                                 Regular Rate                       $1,095                 PLEASE NOTE: There are no drop-ins on the weekends.
                                             Strawberry Resident                    $995                                                               Adults (16+) - $15.00
             Family of 5                                                                                 Monday - Friday         9:00 - 11:45 am
                                                 Regular Rate                       $1,185                                                              Children - $10.00
                                             Strawberry Resident                    $1,075
             Family of 6

             Guest Fee
                                                 Regular Rate
                                                         $7.00 per guest (see below)
                                                                                                    2020 SUMMER PASS
   Pass Replacement if Lost                                 $5.00 per pass holder
                                                                                                   SRD will now offer a summer pool pass. Passes will go on sale June 1, 2020
Guest Fee: $7.00 for all those entering the Aquatics Facility. Guests must be                       and begin the same day through August 31, 2020. Rates will post in Late
accompanied by an Adult Pass Holder throughout their stay at the pool.
Pool use by members of the same household at “Guest” Fee rate is NOT permitted.                                             Spring Activity Guide.
Additional family members must pay “Additional Person” fees.
                                                                                                                                Swim Lessons
                                     2020 POOL CLOSURES
       Martin Luther King Jr. Day
         Monday, January 20
                                                President’s Day
                                              Monday, February 17
                                                                               Sunday, April 12
                                                                                                    SRD has added Monday swim lessons to the schedule.
            Memorial Day                                                         Labor Day
                                                                                                                   Please see pgs 18 - 21 for more information.
                                               Independence Day
           Monday, May 25                                                    Monday, September 7
                                                 Saturday, July 4
         (Open 12 pm - 4 pm)                                                 (Open 12 pm - 4 pm)
                                                                                                   All OLD SRD pool pass cards are no longer valid. Please come to
                                              Veteran’s Day
                                          Wednesday, November 11
                                                                                                        the Main Office to receive your new pass card for 2020.
  16            Visit our website
                  Questions?  Giveatus
                                       a call at (415) 383-6494                                                        Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                17
Aquatics - Swim Lessons                                                                          Aquatics - Swim Lessons
     SRD Seedlings Program Ages 6 months - 3 years                                                                         Green (Intermediate)
                                                                                                 Benchmark: Able to swim freestyle and backstroke without stopping for at least
                              Parent/Child Classes                                              10 feet unassisted. While swimming freestyle, swimmer is able to lift their head up
A water orientation course for very young children & their parents. Through a variety of                      or turn to the side to breathe without putting feet down.
 songs, games and safety skills, children learn to enjoy the water with their parent(s).
                                                                                                                                   Monday        Teaching Pool        4:00 pm
  February 8 -                                                        9:30am (25 minutes)
                    10:1 Ratio        Saturday      Teaching Pool                                                                 Tues/Thur      Teaching Pool        5:00 pm
    April 4                                                          11:30am (25 minutes)
                                                                                                 February 3 -
                                                                                                                   4:1 Ratio      Wednesday      Teaching Pool        2:45 pm
                                                                                                   April 4
                                                                                                                                                                      10:30 am
                                                                                                                                   Saturday      Teaching Pool
                                                                                                                                                                      12:00 pm

                                                                                                                               Blue (Advanced)
                                                                                               Benchmark: Must be proficient in freestyle and backstroke with endurance to swim
                 SRD Sprouts Program Ages 3-5yrs                                                full lengths of the main pool (25 yards). Must be able to kick using breaststroke and
Sprouts are recommended to bring googles to class and secure their hair. Classes are 25 min.
                                                                                                                          butterfly for full lengths of the pool.

                                 Orange (Beginner)                                               February 3 -
                                                                                                                   5:1 Ratio      Tues/Thur       Main Pool           5:00 pm
                                                                                                   April 4
 Benchmark: Must be 3 years old. Unable to float and kick six (6) feet unassisted.
       *Parents are asked to stay and watch for safety purposes.

                                      Monday        Teaching Pool          3:00 pm
                                     Tues/Thur      Teaching Pool          4:00 pm

  February 3 -                                                             2:15 pm
                     4:1 Ratio      Wednesday       Teaching Pool
    April 4                                                                3:15 pm
                                                                            9:00 am
                                     Saturday       Teaching Pool          10:00 am
                                                                           11:00 am
                    Yellow (Beginner/Intermediate)
Benchmark: Able to float on front/back unassisted for up to 10 seconds. Must be
 able to kick face down and unassisted in streamline for at least 6 feet. Able to swim
                with face down using beginning arm “scoops” for 6 feet.
                                      Monday        Teaching Pool           3:30 pm
                                    Tues &Thur      Teaching Pool           4:00 pm

  February 3 -                                                              2:15 pm
                     4:1 Ratio      Wednesday       Teaching Pool
    April 4                                                                 3:45 pm
                                                                            9:00 am
                                      Saturday      Teaching Pool          10:00 am
                                                                           11:00 am

18               Questions? Give us a call at (415) 383-6494                                                          Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                   19
Aquatics - Swim Lessons                                                                                   Aquatics - Swim Club
             SRD Youth Program Ages 6 years & up                                                                 SRD Swim Club Program Ages 7yrs+
   For children 6 and older, it is recommended that participants bring goggles to each class.
   Students with long hair must secure their hair or use a swim cap. All classes 25 minutes.     Keep your child’s swimming skills strong and increase their confidence with our Swim
                                                                                                 Club program. Our experienced swim instructors will help your child refine the four
                                Level 1 (Beginner)                                               basic swimming strokes in a fun, non-competitive format. Swimmers will be taught
Benchmark: Ages 6+, beginner but able to put face underwater, float unassisted on                different drills that will help with all strokes, diving, and flip turns. Classes are 40 min.
 front and back, kick with face down, and beginning front strokes for 6 feet. Unable to
                                                                                                                                 Swim Club (Level 3)
                      swim full lengths of freestyle and backstroke.
                                                                                                Benchmarks: Must be at least 7 years old and have passed SRD Level 2 or had SRD
                                    Tues &Thur          Main Pool               4:30 pm         evaluation. Able to swim full lengths of freestyle with side breathing, backstroke and
 February 4 -                                                                                                           beginning breaststroke and butterfly.
                    4:1 Ratio       Wednesday           Main Pool               2:45 pm
   April 4
                                     Saturday           Main Pool               9:00 am                                              Monday &
                                                                                                                                                         Main Pool              4:30 pm
                                                                                                  February 3 -                       Wednesday
                                                                                                                     8:1 Ratio
                           Level 2 (Beginner Plus)                                                  April 2                          Tuesday &
                                                                                                                                                         Main Pool              5:40 pm
Benchmark: Ages 6+, beginners able to swim 25 yards of freestyle and backstroke.                                                      Thursday
   Knowledge of breaststroke and butterfly kick. Able to tread water for 30 seconds.                                             Swim Club (Level 4)
                                    Tues &Thur          Main Pool               4:30 pm          Benchmarks: Must be at least 7 years old, passed SRD level 3 or had SRD
                                                                                                 evaluation. Strongly able to swim all 4 competitive strokes for 50 yards at a time with
 February 4 -                       Wednesday           Main Pool               3:15 pm
                    5:1 Ratio                                                                                    proper technique. Knowledge of flip turns and diving.
   April 4                                                                      9:30 am
                                      Saturday          Main Pool                                                                    Monday &
                                                                               11:30 am                                              Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                         Main Pool              5:15 pm
                                                                                                  February 3 -
                                                                                                                     8:1 Ratio
                                                                                                    April 2                          Tuesday &
                            Level 3 (Intermediate)                                                                                                       Main Pool              5:40 pm
Benchmark: Must be at least 7 years old and have passed SRD Level 2 or had SRD
 evaluation. Able to swin full lengths of freestyle with side breathing, backstroke and                               Select Swim Club (Level 5/6)
                          beginning breaststroke and butterfly.                                  Benchmarks: For ages 10+, must have proper technique of all 4 competitive strokes
                                                                                                 with endurance for up to 100 yards at a time. Knowledge of all flip turns, open turns
 February 5 -                       Wednesday           Main Pool               3:45 pm                                              and dives.
                    6:1 Ratio
   April 4                            Saturday          Main Pool              12:00 pm           February 4 -                       Tuesday &
                                                                                                                     8:1 Ratio                           Main Pool              5:40 pm
                                                                                                    April 2                           Thursday

                                                                                                                    Private & Semi-Private Lessons
                                                                                                Due to high demand, private and semi-private lessons are available upon request for Strawberry
                                                                                                Residents and Pass holders ONLY. Please call the SRD office at (415) 383-6494 to speak with
                                                                                                the Aquatics Manager about booking private or semi-private lessons. No refunds will be given for
                                                                                                                cancellations made less than 48 business hours in advance.
                                                                                                   Private 30-Minute Lesson (1 Lesson)                                       $42
                                                                                                   Semi-Private Lesson (Two People, 1 Lesson)                        $60 ($30 per student)

 20         Visit our website at http://strawberry.marin.org                                                             Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                           21
                                                                                            WINTER Pool Schedule : February 3,2020 - March 8,2020
                                                                                                                           Aquatic Facility Hours
                                                                                                                         9:00 AM - 6:30 PM Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                       9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday & Sunday
                                                    Time                 Monday                    Tuesday                  Wednesday                 Thursday                   Friday                 Saturday                    Sunday

                                              8:00 am - 8:45 am                                 Watergym 5 Lanes          Watergym 5 Lanes         Watergym 5 Lanes

                                                                                             Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes                              Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes
                                              9:00 am -1:00 pm                                     (Until 12pm)                                        (Until 12pm)                                  9:00 am - 12:30 pm
                                                                                               Rec Swim 1 Lane          Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes     Rec Swim 1 Lane                                 Adult Lap Swim 2 Lanes
                                                                                                                          Rec Swim 1 Lane                                                             Rec Swim 1 Lane         9:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Swim Lessons 2 Lanes     Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes
                                              12:00 pm - 1:00 pm                                Aerobics 2 Lanes                                    Aerobics 2 Lanes                                                          Rec Swim 2 Lanes
                                                                   Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes                                                                                 Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes
                                                                     Rec Swim 1 Lane                                    Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes                              Rec Swim 1 Lane
                                              1:00 pm - 3:15 pm                                                               (Until 2:45p)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Adult Water Safety
                                                                                             Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes       Rec Swim 1 Lane        Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes                                                         11:00 am - 11:45 am
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Adult Swim Clinics
                                                                                               Rec Swim 1 Lanes         Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes     Rec Swim 2 Lanes                                  12:30 pm - 4:00 pm         12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
                                              2:45 pm - 3:30 pm                                                           Rec Swim 1 Lane                                                          Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes   Available during this season
                                                                                                                         Swim Lessons 1 Lane                                                         Rec Swim 2 Lanes        on select Sundays. Please
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              see page 9 for schedule.

                                                                   Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane
                                              3:30 pm - 4:30 pm      Rec Swim 1 Lane
                                                                    Swim Team 3 Lanes         Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane     Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane    Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane
                                                                                              Swim Lessons 1 Lane       Swim Lessons 1 Lane      Swim Lessons 1 Lane
                                                                   Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane       Swim Team 3 Lanes         Swim Team 3 Lanes        Swim Team 3 Lanes
                                              4:30 pm - 5:30 pm    Swim Lessons 1 Lane                                                                                    Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes      Pool Closes at 4:00 pm
                                                                    Swim Team 3 Lanes

Questions? Give us a call at (415) 383-6494
                                                                                                                                                                            Rec Swim 2 Lanes
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Locker rooms close
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Aquatics - Winter Schedule

                                                                   Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes     Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane     Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes   Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane                                      at 4:15pm
                                              5:30 pm - 6:30 pm     Swim Lessons 1 Lane         Rec Swim 1 Lane          Swim Lessons 1 Lane       Rec Swim 1 Lane
                                                                     Rec Swim 1 Lane          Swim Lessons 3 Lanes        Rec Swim 1 Lane        Swim Lessons 3 Lanes
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Saturdays & Sundays

                                                                       *ALL SCHEDULES AND LANE DESIGNATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE*
                                                                                               Te a c h i n g P o o l h a s l i m i t e d a c c e s s d u r i n g s w i m l e s s o n s .
                                                                             Lap swim at designated times and in designated lanes only! Lap swimmers must share lanes.

                                                                                             SPRING Pool Schedule : March 9, 2020 - May 31,2020
                                                                                                                            The Aquatics Facility Hours :
                                                                                                                       9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Monday - Thursday
                                                                                                                               9:00 AM - 6:30 Friday
                                                                                                                       9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday & Sunday
                                                    Time                  Monday                   Tuesday                  Wednesday                 Thursday                   Friday                  Saturday                   Sunday

                                               8:00 am - 8:45 am                                Watergym 5 Lanes          Watergym 5 Lanes         Watergym 5 Lanes

                                                                    Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes                              Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes   Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes
                                              9:00 am - 10:00 am
                                                                      Rec Swim 1 Lane                                     Rec Swim 1 Lane          Rec Swim 1 Lane
                                                                                              Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes
                                                                    Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes      Rec Swim 1 Lane         Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes   Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes                              9:00 am - 12:30 pm
                                              10:00 am -12:00 pm      Rec Swim 1 Lane                                     Rec Swim 1 Lane          Rec Swim 1 Lane                                 Adult Lap Swim 2 Lanes     9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                                                     Swim Lessons 1 Lane                                 Swim Lessons 1 Lane      Swim Lessons 1 Lane                              Swim Lessons 2 Lanes     Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rec Swim 1 Lane         Rec Swim 2 Lanes
                                                                                              Water Aerobics 2 Lanes                             Water Aerobics 2 Lanes   Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes
                                              12:00 pm - 1:00 pm                              Adult Lap Swim 2 Lanes    Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes   Adult Lap Swim 2 Lanes     Rec Swim 1 Lane
                                                                                                Rec Swim 1 Lane           Rec Swim 1 Lane          Rec Swim 1 Lane                                                              Adult Water Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11:00 am - 11:45 am
                                                                    Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes                                                                                                                                      Adult Swim Clinics
                                               1:00 pm - 2:45 pm
                                                                      Rec Swim 1 Lane                                                                                                                                           12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
                                                                                              Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes    Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes   Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Available during this
                                               2:45 pm - 3:30 pm                                Rec Swim 1 Lane          Swim Lessons 1 Lane       Rec Swim 1 Lane                                   12:30 pm - 5:00 pm      season on select Sundays.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Please see page 9 for
                                                                                                                          Rec Swim 1 Lane                                                          Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes            schedule.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rec Swim 2 Lanes
                                                                    Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane                                Rec Swim 2 Lanes
                                               3:30 pm - 4:30 pm      Rec Swim 1 Lane                                   Swim Lessons 1 Lanes
                                                                     Swim Team 3 Lanes        Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane      Swim Team 2 Lanes       Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane    Adult Lap Swim 1 Lanes
                                                                                              Swim Lessons 1 Lane                                Swim Lessons 1 Lane        Rec Swim 1 Lane
                                                                    Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane      Swim Team 3 Lanes           Rec Swim 1 Lane        Swim Team 3 Lanes        Swim Team 3 Lanes
                                               4:30 pm - 5:30 pm    Swim Lessons 1 Lane                                  Swim Lessons 1 Lane
                                                                     Swim Team 3 Lanes                                    Swim Team 3 Lanes
Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!

                                                                   Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes     Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane     Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes   Adult Lap Swim 1 Lane    Adult Lap Swim 3 Lanes
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pool Closes at 5:00 pm
                                                                    Swim Lessons 1 Lane         Rec Swim 1 Lane          Swim Lessons 1 Lane       Rec Swim 1 Lane          Rec Swim 2 Lane            Locker rooms close
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Aquatics - Spring Schedule

                                               5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
                                                                         (Until 6 pm)         Swim Lessons 3 Lanes            (Until 6 pm)       Swim Lessons 3 Lanes                                       at 5:15pm
                                                                     Rec Swim 1 Lane             (Until 6:30 pm)          Rec Swim 1 Lane           (Until 6:30 pm)          6:30 PM CLOSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Saturdays & Sundays
                                                                      Starting @ 6 PM                                      Starting @ 6 PM
                                                                                              Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes                             Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes
                                               6:30 pm - 7:00 pm   Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes                               Adult Lap Swim 4 Lanes
                                                                                                Rec Swim 1 Lane                                    Rec Swim 1 Lane
                                                                     Rec Swim 1 Lane                                      Rec Swim 1 Lane

                                                                       *ALL SCHEDULES AND LANE DESIGNATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE*
                                                                                               Te a c h i n g P o o l h a s l i m i t e d a c c e s s d u r i n g s w i m l e s s o n s .
                                                                             Lap swim at designated times and in designated lanes only! Lap swimmers must share lanes.
Seedling Parent & Child Classes                                                                                      RENT WITH
                                         Monday Classes
     Class                 Session Dates                      Age              Time               Total                       STRAWBERRY
                    Jan 13 - Feb 24 (no 1/20 or 2/17)    6 mo - 18 mo      10:30 - 11:15a
                                                                                               $18 Drop In
                                                                                                                   Plan your next party, event or meeting in our grand Reception
   Kids Yoga               March 2 - March 30            6 mo - 18 mo      10:30 - 11:15a
                                                                                                 $75.00            Hall with stage, and adjacent commercial kitchen. Our centrally
 (Parent & Me)
                                                                                               $18 Drop In
                                                                                                                   located facility, just off the 101 Freeway, is perfect for bringing
                            April 13 - May 18            6 mo - 18 mo      10:30 - 11:15a
                                                                                               $18 Drop In         people from around the Bay Area together. Now available on
                        Jan 13, 27 Feb 3,10, 24
                                                         10 mo - 3 yrs     11:15 - 12:15p
                                                                                                 $56.00            Friday and Saturday evenings as well as throughout the week/
                             Mar 2, 9, 16                                                       $8 drop in
  Sprouts Play
                       Mar 23, 30 April 13, 20, 27                                               $56.00
                                                                                                                   weekend. Capacity: 256 seated, 560 assembled. Book your
     Club                                                10 mo - 3 yrs     11:15 - 12:15p
                             May 4, 11, 18                                                      $8 drop in                         event while space is still available!
                                           Friday Classes
     Class                 Session Dates                     Age               Time               Total
                      Jan 17, 24, 31 Feb 3,10, 24                                               $108.00
   Seedlings/                                            18 mo - 3 yrs     10:30 - 11:15a
                              Mar 2, 9, 16                                                     $15 Drop In
  Sprouts Play
    School             Mar 23, 30 April 13, 20, 27                                               $96.00
                                                         18 mo - 3 yrs     10:30 - 11:15a
                             May 4, 11, 18                                                     $15 Drop In
                      Jan 17, 24, 31 Feb 3,10, 24                                                $63.00
   Seedlings/                                            10 mo - 3 yrs     11:15 - 12:15p
                              Mar 2, 9, 16                                                      $8 drop in
  Sprouts Play
     Club              Mar 23, 30 April 13, 20, 27                                               $56.00
                                                         10 mo - 3 yrs     11:15 - 12:15p
                             May 4, 11, 18                                                      $8 drop in

                         Awesome Kids Yoga - Parent & Me
Awesome Kids Yoga Parent & Child classes are a fun way to connect with your body while enjoying time with
baby. Stretch, bond, and breathe with baby in this special yoga class designed for parent and child. Meet
other parents and babies while you strengthen and support your postpartum body & mind with specifically
chosen asanas. Every class will devote time to gentle stretching and strengthening poses, done together in
                                          a fun and playful way.
                                    Location: 1st Floor Meeting Room

                    SRD Seedlings Playschool - Parent & Me
This special class is designed as a shared learning experience for toddlers and their parents. This class                OUTDOOR ADVERTISING
allows students and parents to socialize and play with others. Our staff will guide parents and toddlers through
      a variety of activities, which will include, circle time, art, storytelling, outdoor play and movement.      Advertise your service or business to the locals with banner
                                         Location: 3rd Floor Meeting Room
                                                                                                                   advertising at SRD. Take the opportunity to put your banner
                        SRD Seedlings & Sprouts Play Club                                                          in highly trafficked areas within our facility. Reach consumers
Join our local weekly playgroup! Develop new friendships while enhancing your child’s sensory processing
and social skills in our weekly play club. Meeting once a week, this program provides families the opportunity     who value shopping locally. Limited space available. Banner
to develop neighborhood relationships. The play room is designed with activity stations that caregivers
can navigate with children, which promotes interactive social play, while encouraging children to develop
                                                                                                                                      size 2’ x 6’. $50 per month.
                                               coordination skills.
                                             Location : Gymnasium
  24                   Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                                                     Additional PRIME locations available, call SRD for details.
Facilities & Rentals                                                                                 Facilities & Rentals Fee
                 COMMUNITY ROOMS (8:00 am - 10:00 pm)                                                                                    Periodic/Ongoing Use
                                                                                                                       (Monthly, Weekly, Biweekly, Etc. with 9-booked rental dates)
Reception Hall / Gymnasium                                                                                                       Gym
Designed for social and athletic events, this large second floor room is well-suited for dances,                                                       Gym               1st Floor                  3rd Floor
                                                                                                                                (with or
meetings, performance presentations, receptions, fund-raising, community festivals, sports, and            Fees               w/o kitchen)            Sports            Meeting Rm                 Meeting Rm
more. The room features hardwood floor, redwood paneling, high ceiling, wall-to-wall windows,                               3-hour minimum         (No Kitchen Entry)
                                                                                                                                                                         1.5 hour minimum          1.5 hour minimum
                                                                                                                              Mon - Thurs           2-hour minimum
raised stage and deck overlooking the playing fields, creating a beautiful setting for many events.
Capacity: 265 Seated, 560 Assembled                                                                       Resident             $95 per hr.            $55 per hr.             $30 per hr.             $25 per hr
Kitchen: Adjoining kitchen with commercial size refrigerator and stove                                  Regular Rate           $165 per hr.           $90 per hr.             $50 per hr.             $43 per hr
Furnishings: 125 stacking chairs, 100 folding chairs, 20-6/8 foot by 30 inch tables, 12 Round 60”
                                                                                                         *Non-Profit           $102 per hr.           $61 per hr.             $30 per hr.             $28 per hr
Other: Raised stage and PA system                                                                        Commercial            $200 per hr.           $165 per hr.            $60 per hr.             $60 per hr
Dimensions: 48’ x 81’ & 34’ x 18’
Security Deposit: $1,000                                                                                                                     PRIME TIME RATES
                                                                                                                                         (Friday, Saturdays and Sunday)
First Floor Room
This light and airy ground level room is suitable for smaller groups and occasions. It is ideal for
                                                                                                                                                                              Gym Sports Gym Sports
                                                                                                                           Gym          Gym
classes, meetings, presentation and birthday parties.                                                                                                                          One Time   Periodic
                                                                                                        Fees           One Time Use Periodic Use
Capacity: 50 seated, 60 Assembled                                                                                        (with or w/o kitchen)       (with or w/o kitchen)       Use        Use
Furnishings: Sink and counter area, 30 stacking chairs (additional chairs available upon request),                         3-hour minimum              3-hour minimum         (No Kitchen Entry)     (No Kitchen Entry)
                                                                                                                                                                               2-hour minimum         2-hour minimum
4 adjustable 6 foot tables, 30 youth chairs.
Dimensions: 25’ x 33’                                                                                   Resident             $145 per hr.                $105 per hr.             $85 per hr.           $65 per hr.
Security Deposit: $200
                                                                                                      Regular Rate           $225 per hr.                $185 per hr.            $125 per hr.           $105 per hr.

Third Floor Room                                                                                       *Non-Profit           $125 per hr.                $110 per hr.             $75 per hr.           $65 per hr.
This room is accessible from Ricardo Road and appropriate for meetings, classes and functions.         Commercial            $275 per hr.                $225 per hr.            $200 per hr.           $200 per hr.
High ceilings, large windows and an adjacent patio add to its attractiveness.
Capacity: 50 Seated, 61 Assembled                                                                                  Field, Tennis Court & Outdoor Rental Rates
Furnishings: Sink and counter area, 30 chairs and 3-6 foot tables.
Dimensions: 23’ x 37’                                                                                                                                                                               Full Field
                                                                                                                                                        Minors                Majors
Security Deposit: $200                                                                                       Fees                 1/4 Field                                                     (2 Diamonds or 1
                                                                                                                                                       Field (1/2)           Field (1/2)        Under 10 Soccer)

                                     One-Time Use                                                           Resident              $14.00 per hr.          $35 per hr           $45 per hr             $75 per hr.
                                    (Monday - Thursday)
                   (Eight or less booked rental dates per calendar year)                                  Regular Rate            $22.00 per hr.         $50 per hr.           $60 per hr            $100 per hr.

                                       Gym                                                                 *Non-Profit            $15.00 per hr.         $40 per hr.           $50 per hr             $75 per hr.
                     Gym                                 1st Floor           3rd Floor
      Fees            (with or        Sports            Meeting Rm          Meeting Rm
                                                                                                           Commercial             $22.00 per hr.         $65 per hr.           $75 per hr            $125 per hr.
                    w/o kitchen)   (No Kitchen Entry)                                                    Practice Field A                                $30 per hr.
                  3-hour minimum                        1.5 hour minimum     1.5 hour minimum
                                    2-hour minimum
                                                                                                      Practice Field B, C, D      $18.00 per hr.
    Resident       $120 per hr.       $65 per hr.          $40 per hr.          $35 per hr.
                                                                                                      Batting/Pitching Cage       $12.00 per hr.
      Regular      $200 per hr.       $110 per hr.         $75 per hr.          $70 per hr.
                                                                                                      1st Floor Courtyard: $19 per hr.
   *Non-Profit     $118 per hr.       $67 per hr.          $42 per hr.          $40 per hr.
                                                                                                      Tennis Courts: $27.50 per court/per hr.
   Commercial      $250 per hr.       $175 per hr.         $90 per hr.          $80 per hr.
                                                                                                      *Non-Profit (Must provide copy of document showing non-profit I. D. Number/status)
 26                        Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                                                                 Register Online for all SRD Activities!!!                                      27
Facilities & Rentals - Pool Parties                                                                                     Tennis
 The Strawberry Aquatics Facility is available for Recreation Swim Pool Parties to both
 pass holders and the general public. Groups have the option of a Recreation Swim                    Get Your Tennis Pass TODAY!!!
 Party, which is scheduled during our normal facility hours, or a Private Swim Party,
 which is a private rental after our facility closes.                                                Annual Tennis Pass (January 1 – December 31, 2019)
                                                                                                         9 Month Pass (April 1 – December 31, 2019)
                             Recreation Swim Parties
 SRD Recreation Pool parties packages come with the option of using the picnic tables                    6 Month Pass (July 1 – December 31, 2019)
 on our pool deck, or reserving the 1st Floor Meeting Room (1st Floor restrictions                       3 Month Pass (October 1 – December 31, 2019)
 apply). Please note, your party group will be using the facility alongside our Pass
                                                                                                                  12 Month      9 Month       6 Month 3 Month
 Holders and their guests. The recreation pool party package has a base price (see                   Residency
 below). Each guest (25 max) will be charged at a $5.00 charge. Guest lists are due                                 Pass          Pass          Pass    Pass
 one week before your party. If guest lists are not turned in, your party will not be                               Rate          Rate          Rate           Rate
 finalized. At the end your event, all guests must exit the facility unless they are a
 SRD Pool Pass holder.                                                                               Strawberry
                                                                                                                    $125           $95          $70            $40
                 Fees                   Resident/Pass holder               Regular Rate
    2 Hour party w/ Picnic Tables        $125 + $5.00 per guest        $200 + $5.00 per guest                       $155          $125          $95            $45
      2 Hour party w/ First Floor
                                         $175 + $5.00 per guest        $330 + $5.00 per guest
         (September - May)*
 *Additional $200 Security Deposit Required
                                                                                                     ALL PASSES ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE
                                                                                                           AND NON-REFUNDABLE

                          Private Pool Parties/Events

                                                                                                              WEDNESDAY NIGHTS
Your group will have exclusive access to the facility for your event. SRD lifeguards/staff must be
present at all times for your event. Private events at the SRD Aquatic Facility must be requested/
booked at least 3 weeks in advance.
      First 2 Hours
                                    Resident/Pass holder
                                                                           Regular Rate
                                                                                                             5:15 PM - Lessons - $60.00
                                                                                                            Register Online for 3 Week Sessions
   Additional Hours                       $125 per hr                        $150 per hr
                                                                                                            Drop-in Available - $25.00 per class
   Groups over 100                                +$75 for first 2 hours
    Security Deposit                                $400 for all events
*Please contact Jacqueline @ admin@strawberryrec.org regarding availability for
                                                                                                            6:30 PM - Open Play - $7.00
                              parties and rentals*
 28              Questions? Give us a call at (415) 383-6494                                                  Buy your passes
                                                                                                                Questions?    at us
                                                                                                                           Give  http://strawberry.marin.org
                                                                                                                                    a call at (415) 383-6494      59
             R E G I S T E R                                                    N O W !
Strawberry Recreation District                                                              PRSRT STD
118 E. Strawberry Drive                                                                     U.S. Postage
Mill Valley, CA 94941                                                                           PAID
                                                                                           San Rafael, CA
                                                                                            Permit No. 20
                                          Please Deliver to Postal Customer

                          T: (415) 383-6494 | F: (415) 383-6635 | http://strawberry.marin.org
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