2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke

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2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
Sector Outlook

Predictions for the
year ahead from our
specialist automotive

      Helping you prosper
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke

02                    04                    06

                      Current and
                      prospective           Motor retail proves
State of the market   transactions market   its resilience

08                    12                    16

                      Guest opinion: the
                      immediate future
                      for car dealership
Beyond Brexit         property              The future of tax

18                    20                    22

What effects will
the temporary
enhanced                                    What lies ahead
incentives have on                          for the sector:
the cost of a new     Fraud and the         the experts’
car dealership?       automotive sector     perspectives


 Our national
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
State of the market
When we published our 2020                     continued to grow throughout the year,         We also hear from Bill Bexson, Managing
Outlook in February last year, we              with the UK’s biggest auction operators        Director at Automotive Property
could not begin to comprehend the              reporting the average values were              Consultants, on page 12 who shares his
year that lay ahead. Yet, just one             significantly outstripping guide prices        views about the immediate future for car
                                               across auction sites.                          dealership property and discusses why he
month later, the UK had entered
                                               Turning to the financial position, again       thinks the reports of the demise of bricks
its first lockdown and dealerships
                                               the picture is overwhelmingly positive. Of     and mortar are greatly exaggerated.
across the country were forced to
                                               course, the profits have turned into cash      It is fair to say dealers have had more
close their doors.
                                               helping the position but, more importantly,    than enough to worry about over the last
Lockdown relaxation in summer saw a high       much improved working capital levels           12 months. However, when economic
level of pent up demand with automotive        and a freeze on most capital investment        survival is threatened, unfortunately new
businesses enjoying a strong period but,       projects has turbo charged the cash            threats emerge and, in our experience,
as the year drew to a close, uncertainty       positions to record levels.                    the occurrence of fraud increases – and
was once again rife. Despite a brief respite   2021 has clearly been challenging so           the effects are so damaging they may last
following a last minute announcement           far given the lockdown situation, but          for years. On page 20, we have outlined a
that a Brexit deal had been done, the          the results we are seeing do not show          brief overview of the main types of fraud
excitement was short lived as 2021             any major casualties. The typical result       in the automotive sector and provide some
began with border delays, Covid-19 cases       is a breakeven position to the end of          tips about what you can do to protect your
rocketing and a third, stricter lockdown       February and the expectation of a small        dealership.
upon us.                                       profit in March, before the post lockdown
                                                                                              Despite Covid-19 dominating all recent
                                               demand returns again in Q2 to boost the
At the time of going to press, the return                                                     conversations, we can’t publish our 2021
                                               position and bring results more closely into
to some sort of normality appears to be in                                                    Outlook without mentioning Brexit. On
                                               alignment with dealer budgets.
sight. The Government’s roadmap out of                                                        page 8 we take a look at the new border
lockdown has been shared and dealerships       As we move towards the longed for return       formalities and outline the key areas that
opened their doors once again on 12 April      to normality, care must be taken to ensure     will impact on the automotive sector going
2021.                                          sufficient reserves are held as increases in   forward.
                                               volumes, manufacturer pressure, slower
2020 trading performance and                   turning stock and VAT repayments to            And of course, the vast number of
2021 prospects                                 HMRC are all likely to come with the return    Government support measures need to
                                               to normality. However, if the cost savings     be recouped somewhere. The Chancellor
We are now in a position where we have                                                        has already announced a £20bn “stealth
                                               achieved in 2020 can remain embedded
good visibility of 2020 results. Whilst                                                       tax” freeze on protections against income,
                                               within businesses and margins retained,
turnover is down in the region of 10% to                                                      capital gains and inheritance duties to
                                               there appears to be a solid platform to
20%, profits have remained healthy and,                                                       “support the public finances”, as well as
                                               build 2021 into another good trading year,
in many cases, exceeded 2019.                                                                 an increase to the rate of corporation tax
                                               proving yet again the inherent resilience of
Looking firstly at the profit and loss,        this sector.                                   to 25pc from 19pc by 2023. On page 16
over 97% of the groups we work with                                                           we share our tax predications and look at
had a profitable result in 2020. This is       Roadmap to our Outlook                         what the recent Budget announcements
an exceptional result and the best we          In our 2021 Automotive Outlook, we             could mean for you and your business.
have seen since the unusual year of 2009       take a look back at an extraordinary
(another year when used vehicle prices         2020 and share our predictions for 2021        Finally, we once again have asked a panel
rose strongly). For the five months to May     and beyond. The prolonged disruption           of automotive experts for their views on
2020, we estimate the reverse was in fact      of Covid-19 brought with it a need             how the landscape is likely to look for
true, with the vast majority of dealerships    for enhanced business resilience and           the sector through the rest of 2021 and
in a loss making position due to a weak        flexibility. It has been remarkable how well   beyond. Commenting on the market were
March and losses in the total lockdown         dealerships have reacted to the challenges     UHY automotive experts, David Kendrick
months of April and May. The closing           of Covid-19, embracing the necessary           and Paul Daly, Swansway Group Director,
results are therefore truly remarkable,        changes head on. On page 6 we take             Peter Smyth, Big Motoring World CEO,
demonstrating the robustness of the            a look at how the industry has come            Peter Waddell, and Head of Research at
sector with some incredible performances,      together to navigate the unknown.              Zeus Capital, Mike Allen. Read our Experts
particularly in the bounce back months                                                        Panel debate on page 22.
                                               Market uncertainty is perhaps the biggest
over the summer.                                                                              We hope you find real food for thought in
                                               hard-hitting factor when it comes to M&A
The combination of reduced manufacturer        deal volumes and values, but has the           this, our 5th Automotive Outlook. If any of
pressure, impressive cost saving measures,     pandemic triggered opportunity for some?       the topics covered prompt any questions,
strong customer demand and Government          We explore the reasons that deals are still    you will find our contact details on page
support became intoxicating and many           being completed despite the economic           25 – our specialists will be pleased to assist
noted all-time record performances             climate and share our predictions for 2021     and we look forward to hearing from you.
between June and October. Customer             on page 4.
demand for vans is worth a particular
mention. Due to an increased requirement
for home delivery, the demand for vans

2           Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
State of the market   3
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
Current and prospective transactions market
                            It’s difficult for businesses to plan for the unexpected, and 2020 was impossible to predict. Throughout 2020,
                            automotive retail M&A activity was down considerably from previous years, heavily impacted by the significant
                            uncertainty stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic. However, despite a slow in activity, deals did complete and
                            UHY continued to be at the forefront of the activity that took place, being involved in 42% of the completed
                            transactions in 2020. In this article, we share some of our key findings about the 2020 market and look forward
                            to the prospects of 2021 and beyond.

                            The headlines
                            2020 at a glance
                            •   Transactional activity remained steady but, with many deals ‘slow walking’ due to Covid-19, completed transactions
                                were down 40%, with 14 deals completed in 2020, compared to 24 deals completed in 2019, 44 in 2018 and 38 in
                            •   Strong international interest remains with international owners involved in 22.5% of transactions in the last two years
                            •   No ‘mega’ deals were reported with substantial goodwill sums, and there was a general drop in the average deal

                            Outlook to 2021
                            •   Potential for distressed opportunities later in 2021, once Covid-19 funding repayments are required
                            •   De-consolidation from the larger groups a real possibility, with smaller players likely to consider increasing scale
                            •   Manufacturer site consolidation anticipated to increase with non-core locations under review
                            •   Continued activity within the auto tech market likely, with Covid-19 accelerating the tech journey

                            Deal volumes and values trends
Number of deals completed


                            4           Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
Deal activity was down substantially in          The tech opportunity                            Distressed opportunities
2019 and 2020, with few ‘mega’ deals             We are seeing significant activity within       We believe that values will remain stable
reported and a general drop in the average       this area, with Covid-19 accelerating           during 2021, however, it is likely that
deal value. We have observed this falling        the tech journey for many dealerships.          distressed opportunities will come to the
deal value to be primarily attributable to       Not only has there been progress within         market as we head into 2022. Government
a softening of the underlying profitability      dealerships, but the software and tech          support will need repaying and high levels
that drives the valuation. In addition,          providers themselves have become hugely         of unemployment are likely, therefore the
multiples which had escalated for certain        attractive assets. We have already seen the     market may become more challenging
brands to extremely high levels (witness         likes of Codeweavers, enquiryMAX and            for those businesses without appropriate
the JLR goodwill levels in 2016 for              Rapid RTC purchased in the first couple         controls in place. We are, however,
example, as well as other premium brands)        of months of this year and are aware of a       confident that strategic, well prepared
have now returned back to levels more            number of other transactions currently in       businesses can still achieve good value in
consistent with prior historical trends.         progress, with interest from private equity     2022.
For the transactions that did complete           as well as larger consolidators.
                                                                                                 Lack of banking support to remain an
during 2020, there was a noticeable                                                              issue
                                                 Recurring revenue and growth opportunity
lengthening of the timeframes for
                                                 is certainly driving the multiples for these    The lack of mainstream banking support
completion of these deals, with many
                                                 businesses through the roof, with Covid-19      for the sector remains a real brake on
slow walked due to Covid-19 uncertainty.
                                                 perhaps limiting the number of viable           both the organic and acquisitive growth
We saw a definite increase in the time
                                                 investment opportunities available. Exciting    prospects. Motor retail businesses continue
taken from initial instruction to market a
                                                 times in this space for sure.                   to be placed in the general retail basket
business through to achieving a firm offer
                                                                                                 and we see no change to this outlook
and completion. This is partly the result of     Property values                                 in the near future. Fortunately, the
a more cautious approach from buyers,
                                                 With property values coming under               manufacturers’ captive finance companies
but property value discrepancies are also
                                                 scrutiny during 2020 due to the significant     have been helpful in addressing some of
having a real impact. We anticipate this
                                                 uncertainty, we were seeing up to 15%           these issues, particularly BMWFS, TFS and
returning to a more normal position as
                                                 variance in current value versus historic       VW Bank.
Covid-19 gains stability in 2021 and the
                                                 valuations. This was highly frustrating as,
vaccine is successfully rolled out.
                                                 fundamentally, nothing within the business
The other notable positive from 2020             or property had changed. It certainly posed     The road ahead
was the significant pent up demand and           a challenge in the transactions we advised      Although transaction numbers have
profitability dealers enjoyed from June          on in 2020, with substantial variances          reduced considerably, this is no surprise
onwards. This has led to many businesses         from industry professionals. However, on        given the uncertainty that engulfed 2020
having substantial cash reserves around          the back of strong trading performances         and has followed us into 2021.
them, which can provide collateral to fund       and with the release of the Government’s
potential acquisitions.                          roadmap out of lockdown, property values        Looking to the latter parts of 2021, we see
                                                 have recovered and industry commentators        a return to a more normal level of market
                                                 appear much more comfortable in their           volumes and indeed the potential for some
The outlook for 2021                             valuations, which is pleasing to see.           degree of pent up demand, particularly if
                                                                                                 the financial performance of the average
Strong international interest to remain          Brands of the moment                            motor retailer continues at the strong
The interest of international investors in       Having been through a period over the           levels seen in 2020.
the UK automotive market has continued,          past five years where premium brands
following the boom in overseas activity                                                          We expect to continue seeing strong
                                                 such as Mercedes, Audi, JLR and BMW
a few years ago. International owners                                                            demand for the right business, however,
                                                 have been top of people’s shopping lists,
were involved in 22.5% of transactions                                                           it is critical to identify the strategic buyer
                                                 we have seen a marked change in this
in the last two years. While they are more                                                       early in a process to deliver maximum
                                                 area. Whilst premium businesses are
cautious in their outlook as a result of                                                         shareholder return. Opportunities will
                                                 undoubtedly still attractive, there has
Covid-19, based on our recent discussions                                                        continue to become available as larger
                                                 been much more focus on the likes of
we envisage activity to increase, particularly                                                   groups trim their portfolios and smaller
                                                 Kia, Toyota and Lexus, with substantial
whilst exchange rates are so attractive.                                                         dealer groups come under greater financial
                                                 goodwill payments being tabled for
Buyers from the UAE, USA and East Asia                                                           pressure and scrutiny, therefore looking to
                                                 these opportunities. The ever increasing
remain extremely focused on the UK as a                                                          exit. The de-consolidation of the PLCs will
                                                 focus on EV technology is also becoming
robust economy to make an investment.                                                            bring opportunities for those well placed
                                                 a consideration for businesses when
                                                                                                 privately owned businesses with funds in
                                                 contemplating an acquisition, which again
                                                                                                 place to make strategic acquisitions.
                                                 suggests a slight mind set shift to the
                                                 medium/long term outlook for the sector.

                                                                                      Current and prospective transactions market         5
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
Motor retail proves its resilience
Our 2020 Automotive Outlook,                   Reinventing the business model -              walk around videos of vehicles. Simple
released in February 2020, talked              the online element of the customer            things like checking how mobile friendly
of the Brexit storm on the horizon             journey is the new hot topic                  a website is or dealing with incoming
and the damage a no deal Brexit                                                              email enquiries on a timely basis became
                                               The outbreak of Covid-19 and the
could have on the industry.                    subsequent social distancing and stay at
                                               home orders have forced dealers to get        The sale of new cars proved more
However, none of us predicted that a year      creative. Even before the lockdowns, the      challenging. But by embracing digital
later we would have spent much of the last     number of dealer visits was on the decline.   software solutions, such as online car
12 months in lockdown, with showrooms          Many dealers were already readying            retail platform SilverBullet, and ensuring
closed to the public. Yet, despite an          themselves for the growing demand for         all vehicles are marketed on car sales sites
extremely challenging 2020, a significant      contactless transactions. However, no one     such as Autotrader, dealers have been
proportion of the dealership network           expected the speed at which this became       able to provide a robust online presence.
reported profit and, in some instances,        essential. Businesses that performed the      Effective prospecting from the dealer
record breaking year end results. Indeed,      best in 2020 already had solutions to hand    database also became all the more vital,
our intelligence shows that profits were       or were quick to refocus their efforts into   particularly for new car sales with an
at least as high as 2019, despite average      this area, ensuring that the showroom         increased focus on renewals business,
performance turnovers being down.              window and used car forecourts were well      enticing end of term customers or those
How have so many dealerships weathered         represented online.                           on a monthly payment scheme to upgrade.
this particular storm so well, despite                                                       Our panel of experts address the online
                                               The focus shifted from state of the art
absolutely no time to plan? In this article,                                                 shift in more detail on page 22.
                                               showrooms to improving the quality of
we look at how the industry has come           photography, producing high quality videos
together to navigate the unknown.              with detailed commentary, using FaceTime
                                               to interact with customers and providing

6           Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
Cash is king                                   Government support                            Sharing best practice
Most will remember the 2008-9 crash            Whilst the Government has announced a         At the start of the first lockdown, UHY
and the businesses with more cash were         number of measures to support businesses      launched a Covid-19 WhatsApp Group for
the ones that came out stronger. Once          during the pandemic, we are aware of          dealership owners and Finance Directors.
again, the common theme throughout this        only a small proportion of dealerships        This group brought together peers from
period is that ‘cash is king’. As we went      that have taken the Coronavirus Business      across the industry who have used it to
into the first lockdown, with no idea about    Interruption Loans (CBILS) – either because   share up-to-the-minute advice and current
what was ahead, many businesses didn’t         they couldn’t demonstrate need for cash at    thinking, allowing members to navigate
realise what their monthly cost burn was,      one end of the spectrum, or affordability     the unchartered waters together.
making short term cash flow a real issue.      of repayments at the other. However, most
                                                                                             It has been fantastic to see how everyone
Who would have expected then that a            have taken advantage of the VAT deferral
                                                                                             has worked together to support one
combination of Government support,             scheme, despite sitting on healthy cash
                                                                                             another, from discussing different
extended manufacturer stocking terms,          positions.
                                                                                             interpretations about Government
reduced volumes and material
                                               Of more wholesale benefit has been both       initiatives, to whether or not commission
de-stocking would leave the cash position
                                               the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme          should be included in furlough payments,
in a materially strengthened position by the
                                               (CJRS) and the rates relief for retailers,    to brand support and even vehicle cleaning
end of 2020.
                                               with these payments proving to be a well      regimes. The group has been extensively
Of course, this has been instrumental in       judged form of assistance on the part of      used by members as a sounding board
helping all stakeholders sleep at night.       the Government, ensuring as many jobs as      and the insight and knowledge shared has
Let’s just hope complacency doesn’t creep      possible have been retained.                  provided a lifeline for many.
in as these factors will not be around
forever and could catch out the unwary
when, inevitably, things return back to a                                                    It has been remarkable how well those in
welcome normality.                                                                           the industry have reacted to the challenges
                                                                                             of Covid-19, embracing the necessary
                                                                                             changes head on. Strong management
                                                                                             has resulted in many in the dealer network
                                                                                             starting 2021 in a good position, and
                                                                                             we believe the experiences and lessons
                                                                                             learnt during 2020 will result in greater
                                                                                             operational efficiencies going forward.
                                                                                             Simply put, whilst the in-person experience
                                                                                             cannot be replicated, the dealership model
                                                                                             has proved its resilience and ability to
                                                                                             adapt and evolve.

                                                                                                Motor retail proves its resilience    7
2021 Automotive Sector Outlook - Predictions for the year ahead from our specialist automotive team - Ross Brooke
Beyond Brexit

The deal has been done. Despite               However, the automotive sector would          For most products, ‘origin’ determines if
the building ‘odds against’ and               have faced tariffs of 10% on exported and     a trade tariff is applied. Within the TCA,
a backdrop of doubt at the                    imported vehicles in the event of a no deal   materials qualify for free trade by meeting
end of last year, the UK and EU               Brexit, as well as 2-4% on their individual   the rules of origin criteria.
                                              components, amounting to an estimated
have negotiated a Trade and                                                                 Essentially, this means goods sold in the
                                              £1,900 premium on an EU-built car for
Cooperation Agreement (TCA),                                                                EU by UK businesses must now originate
                                              UK buyers (with electric cars expected
signed one week ahead of the end              to become on average £2,800 more              from the UK or EU to benefit from the
of the Brexit transition period.              expensive). Under the terms of the deal,      preferential tariff rates. Historically, origin
                                              tariffs are imposed only on products that     has been less important to EU and UK
There was a collective sigh of relief as
                                              fail to meet ‘rules of origin’ requirements   manufacturers because once the part is
news of the deal and ongoing trading
                                              and no quotas have been imposed.              imported to the EU it can move around
relationship with the EU finally provided
                                                                                            freely. Since agreeing the TCA, the rules
some unexpected stability for the UK. Mike
                                              There is no doubt, however, that the          of origin mean that parts imported to the
Hawes, Society of Motor Manufacturers
                                              new agreement will result in increased        EU or UK now cross a border, resulting in
and Traders (SMMT) Chief Executive
                                              paperwork, processes and border checks        potential tariffs if the origin criteria are not
announced “For automotive, Brexit has
                                              for manufacturers.                            met.
always been about damage limitation, and
the draft Trade Cooperation Agreement,        In this article, we look at the new border    Crucially for the automotive industry, the
while no substitute for the completely        formalities and outline the key areas that    trade deal allows for a 12-month grace
free and frictionless trade with Europe we    will impact on the automotive sector.         period for manufacturers to produce
formerly enjoyed, will address immediate                                                    evidence of the origin of their products.
concerns.”                                    Rules of origin
                                                                                            But even for UK built cars, with more than
                                              The ‘rules of origin’ is the biggest          half the 30,000 components in an average
On announcing the deal, Prime Minister
                                              post-Brexit change for automotive             British-made car coming from somewhere
Boris Johnson declared that UK industry
                                              manufacturers, and confusion surrounding      else, asking manufactures to prove the
would face “no non-tariff barriers” when
                                              the clause is rife.                           origin of each is some task.
trading with the EU. However, deal or no
deal, in reality there were always going to   A product’s country of origin is its
be obstacles to post-Brexit trade with the    ‘economic nationality’, which is not
UK now outside of the Single Market and       necessarily the country that it was shipped
Customs Union.                                from.

8           Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
The country of origin for a product            Exports                                          the UK from the rest of the world,
changes when a suitable amount of                                                               and then shipped to the EU, it is likely
processing has been completed.                 •   If you are importing into and                Customs tariffs will apply. If import
                                                   exporting from the UK, you will              duties are payable in the destination
Government guidance states that once a             need to obtain a European Union              country, in most cases these will be
product has gained originating status, it is       registration and identification (EORI)       payable when the goods arrive in that
considered 100% originating. This means            number, which starts with a GB               country.
an engine comprising 30% EU-derived                followed by your VAT number. If
components, if used in the production of a         you do not have one, you may have        •   You must retain proof that the goods
UK-built car, would count as 100% locally          increased costs and delays. You can          have been physically moved to
assembled. The SMMT has estimated that             apply for an EORI at https://www.gov.        another country and this must be kept
41% of the content of cars built in the UK         uk/eori.                                     for six years.
is sourced from within the country, with
between an additional 20% and 50%              •   You will need to complete all relevant   •   Where you have proof of export,
sourced from the EU.                               customs administrations declarations.        and goods are exported within three
                                                   These declarations are complex               months, the sale of the goods is zero
These rules are very complex and we                and require specialist knowledge to          rated for VAT purposes. The proof
recommend that advice is sought from a             complete, so if you are not confident        of export must show the physical
Customs adviser in situations where the            that you have the capabilities               movement of the goods.
rules of origin can not be applied simply.         internally, we would recommend
                                                   appointing an external agent.            •   You will no longer be required to
New border formalities                                                                          complete an EC Sales list (unless you
                                               •   While the trade agreement allows for         are an NI business).
Goods entering the EU from Great Britain           tariff free trade between the UK and
(GB) face large amounts of new paperwork           EU, there are important exceptions.
                                                                                            •   Intrastat declarations are no longer
and checks. We have provided the headline                                                       required for dispatches (unless you are
                                                   As outlined above, tariffs apply if
import and export considerations below:                                                         an NI business).
                                                   the country of origin of the goods is
                                                   outside the UK. This means if goods
                                                   are shipped into free circulation into

                                                                                                                  Beyond Brexit         9
•    The VAT411 form that was used when a          Ongoing confusion with Northern
     customer in another EC Member State           Ireland
     bought a new vehicle in the UK and took
     it back to their EC Member State will         As a result of Brexit, the way in which
     no longer be required unless you are an       businesses move goods between GB and
     NI business. This is likely to be replaced    Northern Ireland (NI) has changed.
     with an updated version in the future.        From a VAT perspective, nothing has
     These transactions are now treated as         changed in that VAT is chargeable on the
     an export, therefore if the customer          transaction. The changes are related to
     collects the vehicle, a suggestion would      Customs duty, so where a vehicle has been
     be to charge VAT upfront until you are        imported from within the EU and then
     satisfied that the goods arrived in the EU    subsequently sold to a customer located
     and they have been registered there. As       in NI, the vehicle imported into NI may
     with all export evidence, it must show        be subject to import duty at 10%. These
     the physical movement of the goods            rules apply to new and used vehicles, cash
     and customs clearance in the destination      or financed sales and contract hire or hire
     country.                                      purchase transactions.
Imports                                            Where a GB based business is the
•    As with exports, you must apply for an        importer/declarant into NI, it is essential
     EORI number that starts with GB in order      that they register with the Trader Support
     to import goods. You can apply for an         Service (TSS) who will facilitate the import
     EORI at https://www.gov.uk/eori.              into NI and arrange the payment of the
                                                   duty required under the NI Protocol.
•    As with export declarations, you will
     need to identify whether there is the         This can be done at https://www.gov.uk/
     required skillset within your organisation    guidance/trader-support-service.
     to process formal import declarations or
     whether to appoint an external agent to       If the declarant can evidence that the
     assist if you do not.                         vehicle sold is not at risk of crossing the
                                                   border into Republic of Ireland, the import
•    If import duties are payable, you will        duty may not be payable.
     need to decide whether you are going
     to pay the import duty on arrival or          In any event, we recommend any GB
     set up a duty deferment account. The          business selling into NI registers with the
     duty deferment account allows goods           new UK Trader Scheme which will help
     to clear into the UK seamlessly, then         ensure that you don’t pay import duty
     a payment for the import duty due is          when moving goods into NI from GB,
     collected by direct debit on the 15th         where those goods will remain in the UK.
     day of the following month. Normally,
                                                   This can be done at https://www.gov.
     the deferment account requires a bank
     guarantee which is costly, however, this
     is only likely to be required for the duty
     element of the import taxes.
•    Import VAT will not be payable on arrival.
                                                   We are here to help
     HMRC have introduced postponed VAT
     accounting (PVA) for goods imported           With almost 1,500 pages of the Brexit
     from the EU to enable businesses to           agreement to sift through, our teams have
     account for import VAT on their VAT           been working hard to ensure we are fully
     return - paying it and reclaiming it in the   briefed on the implications of the deal.
     same period. Postponed VAT accounting         Our dedicated VAT experts are on hand to
     is available for all imports from 1 January   provide support and advice. If you would
     2021, not just for goods brought in from      like to know more about how the rules of
     the EU.                                       origin apply to the automotive sector, or
                                                   about any other aspects of the TCA, please
                                                   get in touch.

10          Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
Beyond Brexit   11
Guest opinion: the immediate future
for car dealership property
Property values came under scrutiny                                                  of origin regulations which, in particular,                                                spaces that car dealerships are able to offer,
during 2020 due to the significant                                                   affect battery production. This is resulting in                                            both externally and internally, can easily
uncertainty and nervousness about                                                    many European countries, including the UK,                                                 satisfy social distancing requirements. Overall,
the future of retail generally. However,                                             looking to establish their own battery giga-                                               we see that the pandemic has effectively
according to Bill Bexson, Managing                                                   factories to address future supply problems.                                               acted as an accelerator of structural changes
Director at franchised motor retail                                                  We can expect weak economic growth as we                                                   sweeping through the motor industry.
specialists Automotive Property                                                      move out of the lockdowns, there are already
Consultancy (APC), reports of the demise                                             significant border control issues restricting                                              This leads on to the core CASE dynamic,
of bricks and mortar car dealerships are                                             imports and exports, and Brexit implications                                               as outlined by Mike Allen at Zeus Capital
greatly exaggerated. In this article, Bill                                           have squeezed the availability of finance for                                              (Connectively, Autonomy, Shared/Subscription
shares his views about the future for car                                            dealers.                                                                                   and Electric). There are around 100 electric
dealership property and looks at some                                                                                                                                           vehicle offerings available now or shortly
of the driving forces behind the current                                             Brexit though has been occluded by the                                                     which has stimulated significant growth in EV
trends.                                                                              Covid-19 pandemic. However, with the                                                       sales and adaption. Covid-19 has accelerated
                                                                                     significant impact of vaccines we are starting                                             EV take-up and OEMs are going electric in a
Bill explains, car dealerships, both in function                                     to see hope for the freedom to travel and,                                                 big way, for example, Jaguar have recently
and location, can readily evolve; witness                                            with that, expected rises in consumer                                                      announced plans to go all electric.
Tesla and Cazoo transitioning into former                                            confidence and subsequent rises in consumer
dealerships, and on top of that other uses are                                       spending, which in turn feeds into economic     The emissions benefits are well publicised,
biting at the heels.                                                                 recovery. The Bank of England’s Chief           however, enormous investment in
                                                                                     Economist, Andy Haldane, back in February       infrastructure is required to provide the
Volvo have been reported to want to move                                             talked about the economic “coiled spring”,      necessary charging points. The Government
to selling new cars entirely online, but on                                          ready to bounce back strongly when the          has announced bold plans for the ban of
closer investigation what they intend is                                             pandemic is over. Household balance sheets      petrol and diesel cars by 2030 and hybrids
to originate sales online and close them                                             are strong with low debt. Consumers,            by 2035. This does not mean that of the
at the dealerships. Original Equipment                                               therefore, have cash to spend. With limited     approximately 39.7 million vehicles on the
Manufacturers (OEMs) are wedded to dealers                                           foreign travel opportunities in the immediate   road that by 2030, or indeed 2035, they
remaining the principal distribution conduit,                                        future, their attention could well turn to cars.will all be electric vehicles. Take-up over the
and that is the key word, distribution, as                                                                                           last year or so has improved significantly
dealers move away from conventional                                                  Supply of new vehicles has proven               and, considering the extended range of EVs
‘retailing’ and morph into distribution and                                          challenging during lockdown and further         available, we have adjusted our January 2018
tech companies. For example, Inchcape                                                accentuated by a semiconductor chip             projections for the number of AFV sales in
have relisted on the London Stock Exchange                                           shortage. New car pricing has effectively risen 2030 from 24% to 58% and by 2035, from
and are now classified as ‘Business Support                                          as dealers have been able to secure fuller      54% to 93%. This means that in 2030, 26%
Service’, having previously been ‘Speciality                                         margins and across various segments within      of vehicles on the road will be AFVs and by
Retail’, and Cazoo are expected to move to                                           the used car markets, pricing has actually      2035, 49%. We think it will take until 2040
an IPO, rated as a tech stock.                                                       at times increased. This is all indicative of a to achieve 100% new car AFV sales but even
                                                                                     supply-side squeeze, rather than any lack of    then, 22% of vehicles on the road will be
What are the implications for the                                                    demand. The pandemic has seen cars become combustion engines. While take-up now is
future?                                                                              more important to consumers wanting to          expected to be quick, within a relatively short
                                                                                     have their own space and, in the short term,    period of a year or two, we expect the pace
Dealing firstly with Brexit, we are seeing                                           increases in stay-vacations and car journeys    to slow down to allow the infrastructure
impending problems with satisfying the Rules                                         is a reasonable expectation. The large open     provision to catch up.


  90%                                                                                                                                                                                         CFVs as a % of total sales

  80%                                                                                                                                                                                         AFVs as a % of vehicles in the UK

                                                                                                                                                                                              AFV sales as a % of total sales

  40%                                                                                                                                                                                         CFVs as a % of vehicles in the UK



























  12                  Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
What does this all mean for car                                                          index, MSCI. Car dealerships offer a strong                                       obstacles, when compared to the freedom
dealerships’ property?                                                                   Industrial functionality and as the CASE-                                         of the internet. Nonetheless, the two work
                                                                                         motivated structural changes permeate                                             in harmony together.
Turning to the bricks and mortar story:                                                  throughout the industry, the distribution
dealers have paid their rents and, as a                                                  function of dealers and their real estate       Albeit we are living in uncertain times,
result, investors have developed a new                                                   assets will only be enhanced.                   the property market moves in a typical
respect for the industry, albeit the investor                                                                                            peak and trough fashion. The diagram
profile has shifted towards private investors                                            Dealership property is flexible and we are      below measures GDP from almost the turn
and property companies who have the                                                      already seeing an increase in the aftersales    of the last century and shows the peak
dexterity and responsiveness to recognise                                                and distribution utilisation of real estate and and troughs of economic performance,
the robust distribution credentials of the                                               a shrinking of the traditional showroom.        reflecting dramatic events such as the world
sector. The larger financial institutions are                                            Whilst the buildings’ adaptability is often     wars and the Spanish flu pandemic, which
hampered by the reported classification                                                  not an impediment, this does need to            lasted almost 36 months from January
of car dealerships as retail assets by the                                               be amalgamated with changing OEM                1918 to December 1920.
world’s leading property performance                                                     standards, and overcoming town planning

GDP (office for budget responsibility)


























                                                                                                                                 Guest opinion: the immediate future for car dealership property                   13
The graph below demonstrates that from past performance analysis, property does not
                                      directly follow GDP movements, but is rather a GDP multiplier. Property performance over
                                      the last 50 years has tracked the direction of GDP movement, but more aggressively ie.
                                      there are deeper troughs and higher peaks. As such, property is more volatile than GDP.
                                      Total Return is a measurement of capital growth and income (rent).

                                      In the graph below, we have used APC’s investment yield (capitalisation rate) as a proxy
                                      for car dealership pricing and plotted the direction of travel alongside the Government’s
                                      own GDP projections.

                                        Car dealership investments’ solid             Customers will still demand the
                                        performance during the pandemic               dealership experience
                                        has seen robust value retention easing
                                        only 4% when compared to the wider            Car dealerships are uniquely characterised
                                        commercial property pricing declines of       by their ability to combine ‘ecommerce’
                                        7% - 10%. Since summer 2020, we have          and ‘bricks and mortar’ and it remains
                                        seen noticeable improvements in pricing       important to disengage their association
                                        and more investor interest in the sector,     with the performance of the Retail Property
                                        which we expect to result in further          Market and unlock value through their
                                        pricing compression for what can be           distribution characteristics. In the next 12
                                        best described as survivor stock. When        months, we expect dealerships continue to
                                        compared to broader economic uncertainty,     expand their digital journey between dealer
                                        its comparative attractive Yield makes the    and customer with physical dealerships
                                        right dealership investment a good place      evolving in function and location over time,
                                        for investors to be.                          particularly as consideration is given to
                                                                                      how moving to EVs will affect the usage of

14   Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
About Bill Bexson

Bill is Managing Director at Automotive         This data allows APC to extensively analyse
Property Consultants and a RICS Registered      the national car dealership market; for
Valuer. APC is a specialist property advisory   example to determine average rents per                                 Bill Bexson
business dedicated to the franchised motor      region, average lease lengths per region,                              Managing Director,
retail property sector. The company’s           and property availability regionally.                                  Automotive Property
focus on the franchised dealer market has                                                                              Consultants
enabled APC to develop market leading           If you would like to speak to Bill about how
sector knowledge and provide clients with       he can help you with property matters, you
a bespoke motor retail property service.        can contact him at
They hold an extensive database of car          bbexson@automotive-property.com or call        Disclaimer
dealership transaction comparables, dealer      07831 827442
                                                                                               The views expressed in this article are those of Bill
and manufacturer ‘open points’, and                                                            Bexson and are from personal research and experience
properties available in the market.                                                            and intended as opinion only.

                                                                  Guest opinion: the immediate future for car dealership property                 15
                                                                     Staff costs, numbers and teaching staff to pupil ratios                           15
The future of tax
Chancellor Rishi Sunak presented                There are two specific types of disposal        A change to the relief ensures that Gift
his second Budget on Wednesday 3                which potentially qualify for a 10% rate up     Hold Over Relief is not available where a
March 2021.                                     to a lifetime limit for each individual:        non-UK resident disposes of an asset to
                                                                                                a foreign-controlled company, controlled
The Chancellor’s announcement                   •   Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR)       either by themselves or another non-UK
stayed light on tax increases, but                  (formerly known as Entrepreneurs’           resident with whom they are connected.
he did announce a string of real                    Relief). This is targeted at directors      This measure affects disposals made on or
terms tax increases by freezing                     and employees of companies who              after 6 April 2021.
various allowances and thresholds:                  own at least 5% of the ordinary share
                                                    capital in the company, provided            Super-deduction
•       Personal allowance frozen at £12,570
                                                    other minimum criteria are also met,
        until April 2026                                                                        The headline-grabbing super-deduction
                                                    and the owners of unincorporated
•       Capital Gains Tax annual exemption at       businesses.                                 allows companies to deduct 130% of a
                                                                                                qualifying asset’s cost from pre-tax profits
        £12,300 until April 2026                •   Investors’ Relief. The main                 without limit; a 24.7p reduction in tax
•       Inheritance tax allowances (all until       beneficiaries of this relief are external   liability for each £1 invested.
        April 2026):                                investors in unquoted trading
                                                    companies who have                          To qualify for the super-deduction,
    •     Nil rate band at £325,000                 newly-subscribed shares.                    expenditure must be incurred:
    •     Residence nil rate band at £175,000
                                                The lifetime limit for BADR was reduced         •   on or after 1 April 2021 but before
    •     Means testing threshold at £2m        from £10 million to £1 million for BADR             1 April 2023 (contracts entered into
    •     Pensions lifetime allowance at        qualifying disposals made on or after 11            on or before 3 March 2021 cannot
          £1.073m                               March 2020. Investors’ Relief continues to          qualify); and
                                                have a lifetime limit of £10 million.
•       VAT registration threshold at £85,000                                                   •   on new and unused, not
        until April 2024                        Business assets and Gift Hold-Over                  second-hand, plant and machinery.
Capital Gains Tax                                                                               Specifically excluded from the deduction is
                                                Gift Hold-Over Relief operates by deferring     expenditure on:
The Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rate remains        the chargeable gain on the disposal when
at 10%, to the extent that any income           a person gives away business assets. The        •   cars;
tax basic rate band is available, and 20%       gain then comes into charge when the            •   long-life assets; and
thereafter. Higher rates of 18% and 28%         recipient disposes of the gifted asset. The
apply for certain gains; mainly chargeable      recipient is treated as though they acquired    •   the provision of plant and machinery
gains on residential properties with the        the asset for the same cost as the person           for leasing.
exception of any element that qualifies for     who gave them the asset.
Private Residence Relief.

16             Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
SR Allowance                                   Timely payment                                 This consultation is seeking views on the
                                                                                              following areas, with the notification
The ‘SR allowance’ allows companies to         One consultation considers ‘timely             requirement proposed to become effective
deduct 50% of expenditure on special rate      payment of tax’. Most companies (99%           from April 2022:
assets from pre-tax profits without limit; a   according to HMRC literature) pay their
9.5p reduction in tax liability for each £1    corporation tax 9 months and 1 day after       •   the definition of uncertain tax treatment
invested.                                      the end of the accounting period. Large
                                               companies are already obliged to pay           •   the threshold for notification
Similarly to the super-deduction,              quarterly on account. The consultation         •   exclusions from the requirement to
expenditure must be incurred on or after 1     is seeking views as to the benefits and            notify
April 2021 but before 1 April 2023 on new      challenges of this current arrangement,
plant and machinery other than cars,           including whether a move towards the           •   the proposed penalty for
long-life assets, and leased plant and         Government’s avowed aim of bringing                non-compliance.
machinery.                                     the payment of taxation arising out
                                               of transactions closer to the date the
On the following page, we look at the          transaction takes place will be of any         What next?
impact these temporary measures could          benefit to a business. Any change would
have on the cost of a new dealership build.    have to be accompanied by some sort            Whilst the 2021 Budget announced
                                               of digital record keeping and filing, but      incentives for business, it also clearly
Corporation Tax                                HMRC have stated that ‘Making tax              signposts the need for an increase in taxes,
                                               Digital’ for corporation tax will not become   with the freezing of allowances and bands
The rate of corporation tax will remain at     mandatory until 2026, at the earliest.         and the future increase in corporation tax on
19% for the next couple of years, but will                                                    the horizon. The consultations also appear
rise to 25% from 1 April 2023. This rise       Notification of uncertain tax treatment        to show the direction of travel, from HMRC’s
will only impact companies with profits in     by large businesses                            perspective, towards paying tax sooner and
excess of £250,000, as companies whose                                                        also having more dialogue with HMRC.
profits remain at or below £50,000 will        Another consultation impacting on larger
continue to pay 19%. A sliding scale           businesses outlines a new policy which         The world of tax can be a challenging
of rates will apply on profits between         will require a business to notify HMRC         and ever-evolving minefield of
£50,000 and £250,000.                          where they have adopted an uncertain tax       information. Smart advice on corporate
                                               treatment. This requirement, according to      tax planning can help you achieve very
Tax reforms on the horizon?                    HMRC’s introduction of the consultation,       substantial benefits. If you would like
                                               ‘‘will help to identify and reduce tax         to speak to one of our tax specialists,
Despite having got off relatively lightly
                                               losses caused by delays in identifying         please get in touch using the contact
in the Chancellor’s Budget, HM Treasury
                                               and resolving disagreements in how the         details on page 25.
unveiled a number of documents and
                                               law should be interpreted. This proposal
consultations on future tax policies on
                                               is not intended to suggest that HMRC’s
March 23, dubbed ‘tax day’. Most of these
                                               interpretation is always correct or that
consultations hinge on the administration
                                               a difference in legal interpretation is
of tax. So, whilst not specifically aimed at
                                               avoidance or evasion.’’
the automotive industry, if implemented
they will have an impact on all businesses.

                                                                                                                The future of tax      17
What effect will the temporary enhanced
incentives have on the cost of a new car
Between 1 April 2021 and 31 March               These incentives are, therefore, potentially    The SR Allowance compares favourably to
2023, companies investing in                    valuable, but given the current business        the 6% special rate which might otherwise
qualifying new plant and machinery              environment care should still be taken          apply, although with the AIA limit currently
will benefit from new first year capital        before accelerating capital expenditure.        at £1m it appears of greatest benefit to
allowances.                                                                                     those companies spending more than £1m
                                                Before any expenditure you should ensure        on special rate assets. The £1m AIA limit
These changes mean a new build                  that the enhanced reliefs are applicable to     is temporary and expected to return to its
dealership costing £2.5 million (excluding      your situation as there are exclusions, as      previous level of £200k after 31 December
land) could benefit from tax savings of         outlined in our tax article on page 16.         2021.
£239,110. And the full amount could             This example is also indicative only of a
potentially be made available immediately       new build project. The typical rates will be    Planning Capital Expenditure
if sufficient use is made of the Annual         different for refurbishments, extensions
Investment Allowance (AIA), which is            etc.                                            Given the varying rates of relief for
currently set at £1 million. In this article,                                                   different expenditure, and that some
we look at example calculations to              In considering the enhanced reliefs, it is      substantial costs remain outside the
illustrate the cash effects of the recent       important to consider carefully the typical     scope of capital allowances (including
changes.                                        level of allowances at the outset if there      land, buildings, doors/shutters and mains
                                                is debate on bringing forward capital           water systems), costs associated with, for
The calculations                                                                                example, a workshop extension, could
A typical new build car dealership in the                                                       quickly have complex tax treatment.
UK may have plant of around 43% of the          The UHY view                                    Careful planning should therefore be
build cost. Of course, this amount varies                                                       undertaken if the tax position is to be
by design, brand and the particulars of         Super-deduction                                 budgeted for.
individual procurement, including the
quantum of direct works, but the figure is      The super-deduction should apply to ‘main       Losses
useful for illustrative purposes.               pool’ expenditure such as car lifts, tools,
                                                equipment and other items used in the           An extension of loss carry back was
In this example, the total allowances would     business, as well as alterations to buildings   also announced so that losses made in
typically be split 35% main pool and 65%        to install other plant and machinery.           2020/21 and/or 2021/22 will be available
special rate pool. Based on these rates and                                                     to offset taxable profits for the three prior
splits, the example dealership would have       The super-deduction compares favourably         years on a ‘last in first out’ basis. The
£376,350 of main pool allowances and            to the 100% deduction of up to £1m              extension applies to a maximum of £2m
£698,750 in special rate pool allowances.       expenditure under the AIA, returning 19p        for each company, corporate group or
The new temporary super-deduction of            for each £1 invested. This may encourage        unincorporated business per loss-making
130% would be applied to the main               lower value items to be capitalised as well     year, and each company within a group is
pool, giving a £489,125 reduction. The          as careful reflection on whether other          limited to a cap of £200k per loss-making
£698,750 would also benefit from a              expenditure could be capitalised (eg. staff     year. The ability to carry back to the
50% first year deduction under the SR           costs installing plant).                        previous 12 months remains unlimited and
Allowance, with the balance being written                                                       capital allowances can generate losses.
down at 6% per year. Therefore, £349,375        However, with the main rate of corporation      The cashflow benefit of refunding tax paid
should be written off under the 50% rate        tax scheduled to increase to 25% from 1         at 19% now must be weighed up against
and £20,962 under the 6% rate.                  April 2023, there may be limited benefit in     carrying the loss forward into years with a
                                                bringing forward capital expenditure from       higher main rate of tax of 25%.
The balance of the special rate pool            that period, depending on the level of
£328,412 would be carried forward into          expenditure and the AIA limit at the time.      If you would like to discuss a potential
future years and written down at a rate of      Further, the Treasury will recover some of      capital project and obtain a guide
6% per annum.                                   the tax benefit given by taxing balancing       to the likely level of relief available
                                                charges on end of life assets at the            within the project, please contact one
Even ignoring the AIA in its entirety, there    increased 25% rate.                             of our advisers on page 25 to discuss
should be an immediate cash benefit of                                                          your specific circumstances.
£163,297 if sufficient tax is paid using        SR Allowance
this illustrative example. Though in reality
many dealers will be able to obtain the full    The SR Allowance is applicable in the
cash benefit, £239,110 in this example, by      main to integral features of a building
appropriate use of the AIA.                     such as the heating, ventilation and air
                                                conditioning (HVAC) systems and electrical
                                                and power systems.

18          Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
What effect will the temporary enhanced incentives have on the cost of a new car dealership?   19
Fraud and the automotive sector
Over the years, we have unearthed many                         Teeming and lading
different types of fraud, ranging from teeming
                                                               Teeming and lading is one of the most common types of
and lading, back handers, profit manipulation
                                                               fraud and will often start with just a small amount of money.
and issues surrounding cash sales.                             If the fraudster finds that they get away with ‘borrowing’
                                                               the money, the amounts will escalate. Teeming and lading
In April 2020, it was announced that Lookers was               can either be a cash fraud or a way of covering over errors.
expanding its internal fraud investigations to its entire      If a cash fraud, it can be perpetrated by any staff member
business after initial findings from one of its operating      with access to cash, so sales staff taking deposits as well as
divisions resulted in an expected one-off charge of over       service and parts advisers who can take cash. Most solutions
£4 million in its 2019 financial results. At the end of the    rely on robust initial controls, through strong policies and
year, after eight months of delay, Lookers released its        segregation of duties. For larger businesses, the use of
long-awaited annual report for 2019, detailing enormous        an internal audit function can provide some independent
losses as well as a cash fraud of £327k. This example          verification.
just illustrates how allegations of fraud, previously
undetected, can emerge from the shadows with a                 Kick back/backhanders
devastating impact on the results.
                                                               One of the hardest frauds to identify, this is where an
A high percentage of frauds in the automotive retail           employee is being paid by a supplier or customer to source or
sector are committed by insiders, so ensuring you              give them business. The sales and purchases still take place
have strong financial controls in place is essential. You      and are recorded and paid for in the usual way. The impact
may wonder why, at your pre year-end audit planning            being that the price paid for goods may be high compared
meeting, your auditor queries whether there have been          to a competitive quote, or sales price achieved too low. The
any instances of fraud during the year. It might seem a        business, therefore, loses out through reduced profit. We still
completely irrelevant question and one that has nothing        hear of instances where owners accept that such practices
to do with the audit but ask yourself, are your systems        are part of the ‘normal’ motor trade practice and that this
and controls robust enough to deter fraud? Would you           will always happen to some extent. However, if you take the
know if your employees were pulling a fast one, or your        view, as we do, that this is not acceptable, it is important to
supplier was really who they said they were? In this           put safeguards in place.
article, we have provided a brief overview of the main
types of fraud in the automotive sector and provide some       Supplier fraud
tips about what you can do to protect your dealership.
                                                               This particular fraud occurs when weaknesses within the
Profit manipulation                                            financial controls process present an opportunity for a
                                                               fraudster to extract cash from the business via the initiation
Not all fraud needs to be about cash. Sometimes, it can        of unauthorised payments or via the creation of a legitimate
be about hiding the truth from more senior management,         expectation of payment based on fraudulent invoices. This
giving the impression that the results are not as bad as       type of fraud can have a devastating impact as it is generally
they really are. We have seen financial losses through         undertaken by determined, informed and methodical
profit manipulation build up into the £m’s on balance          individuals over a protracted period of time, ultimately
sheets. Often the pressure is borne on the accounts            depriving the business of cash whilst the management
team member rather than the manager who instigated             struggle to comprehend reasons for such lack of cash
the fraud. Any obvious pressure or stress exhibited by         availability.
an accountant should prompt a cause for concern and a
review of the balance sheet reconciliations instigated by      Generally, financial systems and controls tend to reflect the
a relevant internal or external party with the appropriate     size and nature of a company. The occurrence of this type
accountancy training.                                          of fraud is, therefore, more notable in smaller businesses
                                                               where control processes are reliant on a limited number of
Cash and credit card sales                                     individuals or in larger businesses where the sophistication of
                                                               a control process does not match the size of the company, or
Members of staff are often trusted that they will give the     where key mitigation controls are implemented sporadically,
cash on sale of an asset to the company; unfortunately         if at all. Essentially, this fraud is mitigated by robust system
this does not always happen. This type of fraud is difficult   and control processes. At a minimum, we recommend
to detect if the fraudster is modest in their ambitions.       ensuring a suitable level of segregation of responsibilities
However, this is rarely the case and a lack of detection       across finance teams.
emboldens the individual until eventually the scale of
their fraud is detected. Nevertheless, to protect yourself
from this type of fraud, it makes sense to discourage the
use of physical cash within the customer base wherever

20          Automotive outlook 2021 | uhy-uk.com
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