2021 Course Catalog www.nightphotosummit.com - National Parks at Night

Page created by Carmen Holt
2021 Course Catalog www.nightphotosummit.com - National Parks at Night
2021 Course Catalog
2021 Course Catalog www.nightphotosummit.com - National Parks at Night
The Night Photo Summit, the very first online night photography
conference, took place the weekend of February 12-14, 2021.

Thirty-five speakers presented over 45 hours of livestreamed
inspiration and education about night photography, dark skies
and national parks. You can see descriptions of all the talks on the
following pages.

Moreover, you can watch them! With a Replays ticket, all the
sessions are available to stream 24/7 until February 12, 2022.
Buy your ticket today!
2021 Course Catalog www.nightphotosummit.com - National Parks at Night
Creative Growth

Click the talk title for   Adding Light to the Night: How to Use         Blending Magic: Blue Hour                          moon’s phases, its effect on the landscape and
more information and
to watch the replay.       Tools and Technique to Create Your Look,      Blends & Composites                                how to make the most of the lighting scenario
                           sponsored by Coast Portland                   Jess Santos                                        for every phase. So buckle up and hold on tight
                           Tim Cooper                                                                                       as Susan shares her discoveries from life on
                                                                         Blue hour blending and composites are astro-       road while chasing moonlight night after night.
                           Mastering light painting is all about         landscape photography techniques that require
                           understanding light. So in this session,      different planning and execution than more
                           Tim Cooper not only covers the necessary      traditional single-shot night photography. Jess    Chasing the Aurora Borealis,
                           tools to create this light but also teaches   Santos explains what to look for while in the      sponsored by Bay Photo Lab
                           about the light itself. He breaks down        field, offers composition and settings tips, and   Nate Luebbe, Autumn Schrock
                           the primary aspects of lighting—quality,      elaborates on what it means to “shoot for the
                           brightness and angle—and shows how            edit.” She also walks you through her workflow     The magical phenomenon of auroras
                           to control each to achieve your desired       for combining the final images in Photoshop.       is unlike any other night photography
                           look. While many illumination devices                                                            subject: There’s no set time or place to see
                           are available, Tim focuses on his two                                                            it, like with the Milky Way. In this class,
                           favorites: Coast flashlights and Luxli LED    Chasing Moonlight                                  photographers Autumn Schrock and Nate
                           panels. During the talk he breaks down        Susan Magnano                                      Luebbe teach tips on how to best predict,
                           the differences, shows the similarities and                                                      capture and edit the otherworldly aurora.
                           highlights the strengths and weaknesses       While teaching a photography workshop in
                           of each. Through real-world examples he       Moab, Utah, the pandemic hit. Susan seized
                           shows you how to craft your portable lights   an opportunity to stay and live in a friend’s
                           to create a look that is uniquely your own.   RV. She spent the next nine months further
                                                                         refining her photography skills and exploring
                                                                         under the most amazing night skies in the
                                                                         American Southwest. Not to mention shooting
                                                                         many of the same locations repeatedly, under
                                                                         different phases of the moon. Susan’s images
                                                                         reflect her connection and understanding of the
2021 Course Catalog www.nightphotosummit.com - National Parks at Night
Creating a Basic Time-Lapse Video Clip            Getting Started with Deep                          How to Plan any Sun, Moon and Milky Way
                           Using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic           Sky Astrophotography                               Photo You Imagine with PhotoPills
                           and Adobe Photoshop                               Forest Chaput de Saintonge                         Rafael Pons
                           David Marx
                                                                             Forest Chaput de Saintonge looks at how to         Join the Bard of PhotoPills to get on your
Click the talk title for   David Marx first explains the fundamentals        move from wide-angle Milky Way and star trail      way toward mastering the most amazing
more information and
to watch the replay.       of time-lapse photography, including how          images on to how to start using a telephoto lens   of image-planning apps. Rafael Pons
                           to shoot a sequence of images for time-lapse      or telescope to capture images of individual       teaches you how to use the PhotoPills
                           using any DSLR or advanced mirrorless             deep sky objects. As lenses get longer so do the   Planner to plan your sun, moon and Milky
                           camera body. Next you learn about the             challenges involved with shooting the sky as it    Way photos. He covers the two ways of
                           two steps that are required to animate your       moves overhead. We discuss noise, calibration      photography planning: 1) When you know
                           stack of sequential images using Adobe            frames, tracking, equipment, exposure, white       the date and wish to find the shooting
                           Photoshop Lightroom Classic and Adobe             balance and more to get you started with           spot and shooting time for the best photo
                           Photoshop. By the end of this lecture you         taking the images you’re looking to capture.       possible. And 2) when you know the
                           will have the skills needed to get started with                                                      shooting spot and where you want the sun
                           this exciting genre of digital photography.                                                          or moon to be in your frame and wish to
                                                                             Getting Started with Outdoor                       find the shooting date and time the photo
                                                                             Tube Light Painting                                occurs so that you can go capture it.
                                                                             Eric Paré
                           Creative Night Photography with a Mobile
                           Phone, sponsored by Adobe                         From camera setup to composition to the
                           Russell Preston Brown                             preparation of your model, Eric Paré covers
                                                                             everything you need to get started with tube
                           Join Russell Brown on this tour of his crazy      light painting for your outdoors shot. Whether
                           collection of mobile phones. He discusses         you’re going to work at the blue hour, with
                           how he pushes the boundaries of mobile            the stars or the Milky Way, there are key
                           phone technology to capture long exposure         elements to master and Eric makes it as easy as
                           night photography. Russell discusses how          possible to start understanding this technique.
                           he captures the night sky with a phone and
                           then he reveals some of his favorite tips
                           and techniques in Adobe Lightroom and
                           Photoshop. “I may not have all the resolution
                           in the world, but I’m having a ton of fun.”
2021 Course Catalog www.nightphotosummit.com - National Parks at Night
Ignite Your Nighttime Rocket Photography             how to plan, photograph and edit a Milky          Noise-Reduction Strategies for
                           Erik Kuna                                            Way panorama. He discusses: What is a             Night Photography
                                                                                nodal rail and why do you need one? Why           Michael Frye
                           Now that we’re launching over 100 rockets            rotators with click stops are awesome! Also,
                           per year worldwide from dozens of spaceports         gear for multi-row panos, exposure settings,      Michael Frye starts this session by delving
Click the talk title for   spanning five continents, you might be closer        stitching panoramas in software and more.         into the different types of noise, and then the
more information and
to watch the replay.       than you think to being able to capture it. Erik                                                       factors that affect noise, including the amount
                           Kuna breaks down how to plan, scout, set up                                                            of light reaching the sensor, sensor size, pixel
                           and capture a nighttime rocket launch. From the                                                        size, electronic noise, exposure time and
                           iconic “streak” shots to the newly emerging boost    Night Photography and Light Painting,             heat. From there we can develop strategies to
                           back “nebulas” and SpaceX rocket landings, he        the Lost America Style                            mitigate noise in the field, and choose the right
                           covers all aspects of night rocket photography       Troy Paiva                                        strategies for our equipment, our individual
                           that anyone can capture. Plus, Erik takes it to                                                        shooting styles and the different situations we
                           the next level and talks about how to go past the    Spend a freewheeling hour with Troy Paiva,        encounter. These strategies include choosing
                           basics and capture these events up close. Then, he   aka the Lost America guy, as he shares his        the optimal camera settings, bracketing,
                           takes it beyond that and gets creative by making     methodology and experiences from 30 years         blending, star-stacking, star-tracking,
                           pictures we could have captures only with our        of surrealist night photography and light         stitching, capturing dark frames and more.
                           minds until now. He breaks down how to blend         painting in abandoned sites and junkyards
                           and composite shots for truly one-of-a-kind          across the American West. Troy goes deep on
                           images that are sure to wow even Elon Musk.          his simple, inexpensive to achieve, yet highly
                                                                                effective lighting and exposure techniques by
                                                                                deconstructing how a number of his images were
                                                                                created. The discussion covers his theatrical,
                           Milky Way Panoramas                                  cast-light-only painting techniques, with
                           Adam Woodworth                                       various sources and tools—including gobos and
                                                                                snoots. He mixes in stories about the human
                           One of the more amazing photography                  engineering required for accessing these often
                           opportunities at night is creating an image          difficult-to-enter locations, his dedication to
                           of the Milky Way arching from one horizon            Golden Mean-based compositional purity and
                           to the next. But creating that image isn’t as        traditional color theory … along with anecdotes
                           straight-forward as one might hope. In this          about being chased by packs of feral dogs.
                           presentation, Adam Woodworth shares all on
Photographing Lighthouses at Night                   Shooting the Moon and New York City              Winter Nights: Capturing Night Sky Magic
                           Chris Nicholson                                      Jennifer Khordi                                  Without Freezing Your Bits
                                                                                                                                 Rachel Jones Ross
                           Lighthouses have long been a nostalgic subject       During this presentation Jennifer Khordi
                           for the photographer, standing sentinel against      describes how she imagines, plans and executes   Join Sony Alpha Collective member Rachel
Click the talk title for   time and the relentless ocean, as beacons of both    her moon shots over New York City. She           Jones Ross for a behind-the-scenes look
more information and
to watch the replay.       danger and hope, firmly planted in the sands of      discusses her motivation and inspiration, how    at her approach to photographing the
                           seafaring and Americana. In this presentation,       she uses PhotoPills to plan moon photos,         night sky in winter. Rachel discusses how
                           National Parks at Night’s Chris Nicholson            shooting tips and examples of her work.          to stay warm, keep your gear running
                           discusses the basics and the advanced methods                                                         smoothly, and finding magic in the night
                           of photographing lighthouses in the dark. From                                                        sky in the absence of the Milky Way.
                           tricky exposures, to challenges with perspective,
                           to issues with timing and more. Different types of   Urban Nightscapes: Creating Magical Long
                           lighthouses come with different sets of advantages   Exposures Under Streetlight
                           and hurdles, and Chris goes over each. Several       Gabriel Biderman
                           techniques can ease or enhance lighthouse
                           photography, and Chris reviews those as well.        Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, dark
                                                                                skies can be few and far between when
                                                                                you’re in a city. However, there are still
                           Photographing Waterfalls Between                     plenty of long exposure opportunities! Gabe
                           Sunset and Sunrise                                   Biderman explores the creative possibilities
                           Kevin Adams                                          of urban photography. He covers gear
                                                                                requirements, finding the best vantage points
                           Want to add some fun and excitement to your          for epic cityscapes, amplifying how the
                           night photography? Want to make the kinds            city moves, exposure considerations,
                           of images that won’t be presented by anyone          urban star trails, adding the human element,
                           else at the next camera club meeting? Join           working with film and more. Gabe loves
                           Kevin as he teaches a wide range of methods          the energy and movement of a city once the
                           for photographing waterfalls at night. Kevin         sun goes down, from the bright lights to the
                           pioneered many of these techniques, and              quieter places in parks and backyards in the
                           he won’t hold back any secrets. As a bonus,          neighborhood. Night photography should
                           you’ll also learn how to use underwater light        not be explored only under the stars.
                           painting to make those plunge pools glow.

Click the talk title for   An Abbreviated History of                           you can capture in your night photography if   experienced backpackers to expand their
more information and
to watch the replay.       Night Photography                                   you know when and where to grab your camera    approach. There is something for everyone
                           Lance Keimig                                        and go. In this presentation, astronomer Dr.   who enjoys exploring and is willing to
                                                                               Tyler Nordgren teaches you to understand       hike, as well as for armchair adventurers.
                           Nighttime has been associated with solitude,        the astrophysics of what you are capturing
                           danger, mystery and the unknown throughout          to maximize your results in the field and to
                           human history, and the night motif was              capture more than you ever thought possible.
                           established in Western art long before the                                                         Don’t be Afraid of the Dark: Fostering a
                           advent of photography. It’s no surprise that                                                       Creative Night Photography Habit
                           early photographers pushed the limits of their                                                     Matt Hill
                           equipment and materials to express these themes     Backpacking: the Key to Amazing Dark Skies
                           and to make images in the dark. In this talk,       and Unique Photo Opportunities                 Are you stuck and looking to inspire yourself
                           Lance Keimig presents an overview of the history    Sherry Beltramini Pincus                       to make more night photography? Well, Matt
                           of night photography from daguerreotype                                                            Hill was. And he pulled himself up out of the
                           to digital, with an emphasis on lesser-known        Sherry Beltramini Pincus focuses on            rut that he believed was 2020’s fault. (Hint: it
                           artists who made significant contributions to       presenting different approaches to             wasn’t.) Join Matt to help you navigate creative
                           the genre. An appreciation of the work of those     backcountry travel including day hiking        roadblocks with the goal of establishing a
                           who came before us can lead to new insights         from established base camps, hut to hut        habit to make night photography regularly.
                           and understanding in our own photography.           backpacking, extended backpack and off-        Explore motivations and perceptions that will
                                                                               trail backpacking. Sherry also discusses       help you unlock greater potential as a night
                                                                               backpacking equipment from the perspective     photographer. Matt shares stories and examples
                                                                               of including camera gear with equipment        from his own struggle with creative demons,
                           Astrophysics for Better Astro-                      required for safe remote travel. Dealing       and how he often found a way to slay them.
                           Landscape Photography                               with choices due to weight restrictions
                           Dr. Tyler Nordgren                                  and traveling safely with your camera
                                                                               gear are all covered. This talk serves as an
                           Interstellar clouds, clusters of stars and dust     introduction for those unfamiliar with
                           between the planets are just some of the subjects   backpacking but also as an opportunity for
Film Screening: Light Side Up                        Planning the Perfect National Park Adventure   Gettysburg, Mammoth Cave, Selma,
                           Nate Luebbe, Autumn Schrock                          Sandra Ramos                                   Stonewall, Biscayne and Yosemite. Grant
                                                                                                                               accompanies Gary’s narrative with folk songs
                           Pushing the limits of the Sony a7S III and           With the growing popularity of national        of the times and his own original songs.
                           the very boundaries of nature photography            parks, no longer can you count on just
Click the talk title for   itself, a team of three nature photographers         getting in the car and showing up at
more information and
to watch the replay.       set off to Fairbanks, Alaska, to capture             the gate. Get the most out of your next
                           cinematic footage of the aurora borealis             national park trip with this informative       Skyglow
                           from the stratosphere. Join filmmakers Nate          and inspirational session filled with tips     Harun Mehmedinovic
                           Luebbe and Autumn Schrock for a screening            and tricks. After 4 years and 127,000 miles
                           party of their inspiring visual adventure            of road trips to 195 of 423 national park      Multimedia presentation fusing images and
                           into the clouds of light, Light Side Up.             sites, Sandra Ramos has learned ways to        videos on a journey through the history of
                                                                                make your trip more productive with just       humans and the night sky, origins and the
                                                                                a little leg work before you depart. From      rising threat of light pollution, as well as the
                                                                                the best resources to find park information    dark-sky movement fighting to reverse the
                           Is this The End of Night?                            through how to plan the epic shots and         spread of artificial light. Skyglow videos and
                           Paul Bogard                                          more, Sandra covers easy-to-implement          images have been featured by BBC Earth,
                                                                                systems to organize the best trip ever.        National Geographic, Astronomy Magazine,
                           A starry night is one of nature’s most magical                                                      BBC Travel, Discovery Science, The New
                           wonders. Yet in our artificially lit world, most                                                    York Times, Wired, Time, Forbes, NPR,
                           of us no longer experience true darkness. In this                                                   CNN, Gizmodo, Slate, Los Angeles Times,
                           talk based on his critically acclaimed book The      Songs and Stories of Our National Parks        LA Weekly, Vice and The Washington Post.
                           End of Night, Paul Bogard seeks to restore our       Gary Bremen, Grant Livingston
                           awareness of the spectacularly primal, wildly
                           dark night sky and how it has influenced the         “Songs and Stories of our National Parks”
                           human experience across everything from              is a collaboration between award-winning
                           science to art. Using a blend of personal            storyteller Gary Bremen and Florida’s
                           narrative, natural history, science and astronomy,   historian-in-song Grant Livingston.
                           Paul shares the importance of darkness—what          Together they tell and sing about our
                           we’ve lost, what we still have, and what we          national parks—America’s best idea!
                           might regain—and the simple ways we can              Celebrate a century of history guided by
                           reduce the brightness of our nights tonight.         Gary’s tales of Yellowstone, Grand Canyon,

Click the talk title for   Night Crew Image Review #1                       Our charge in return is to help the parks, not      boundaries. With that comes new growth
more information and
to watch the replay.       Gabriel Biderman, Tim Cooper                     because we “owe” it to them, but because we         and new vision. Join this panel of established
                                                                            want and need to preserve America’s most            night photographers as they discuss the
                           Night Crew Image Review #2                       precious lands for the photographers and            special projects they’ve cultivated for years of
                           Chris Nicholson, Tim Cooper                      the generations that follow. In this panel          their careers—projects that range from light
                                                                            discussion, a park ranger, a parks activist, an     painting Americana to photographing rocket
                           Night Crew Image Review #3                       artist, a longtime parks photographer and a         launches to chasing waterfalls and beyond.
                           Lance Keimig, Matt Hill                          Leave No Trace expert explore ways that all         They discuss how pursuing their ideas over
                                                                            of us can contribute to ensuring we’re not          time has helped them hone their artistry and
                           There is always something to learn from          the last ones who enjoy these special spaces.       create new opportunities. Moreover, they
                           someone else’s image, as well as from the                                                            offer advice on how you can do the same.
                           feedback on how to level up vision and
                           processing skills. The National Parks at Night   Panel Discussion: How Special Projects Can
                           team offers reviews of attendee-submitted        Fuel Our Growth as Night Photographers
                           images. Instead of focusing on attendees’ best   Autumn Schrock, Erik Kuna, Kevin Adams, Matt        Panel Discussion: Women in Night
                           shots, the focus is on images they struggled     Hill, Troy Paiva                                    Photography—Perspectives from the Field
                           with and had questions about. A new set                                                              Jennifer Khordi, Rachel Jones Ross, Sandra
                           of eyes, even on others’ photography, often      Part of the fun of night photography comes          Ramos, Susan Magnano
                           brings a fresh interpretation to your work.      from variety—variety of subjects, variety of
                                                                            locations, variety of conditions. But enormous      Being a night photographer can provide unique
                                                                            benefits can come from focusing at least some       challenges of which plenty of resources abound.
                           Panel Discussion: How Photographers Can          of our work on a specific project. A special        When adding in the overlay of being a woman
                           Give Back to the National Parks                  project could be a collection of images created     traveling solo, those resources dry up. We chat
                           Dr. Tyler Nordgren, Gary Bremen, Sandra          with the same technique, or with a similar          with women who have blazed their own paths
                           Ramos, Sherry Beltramini Pincus                  look, or in the same location, or within a          in this creative space, who give us insight from
                                                                            certain timeframe, etc. Whatever the confines       A to Z on how to get started, feeling safe, how
                           As photographers, we use the national parks      of the concept, developing and honing a             to plan and more. Join us for an inspiring
                           as sources of inspiration and subject matter.    special project forces us to stretch our creative   perspective into the world of seizing the night.

Click the talk title for   Fundamentals 1: Where Do I Start?                   Fundamentals 2: Capturing and                     Fundamentals 3: Creating Star Trails,
more information and
to watch the replay.       Matt Hill                                           Processing the Milky Way                          sponsored by Tether Tools
                                                                               Tim Cooper                                        Gabriel Biderman
                           If you’re just starting out in night photography,
                           or looking to brush up your skills, then this       Have you photographed the Milky Way?              In this presentation, Gabe teaches everything
                           presentation is where to start. Matt Hill walks     Once you do, you’ll realize why it is so much     you need to know about capturing, creating
                           you through how to get out and get shooting         fun to chase throughout the year. In this class   and processing star trail photographs. It
                           at night with the goal of coming home with          Tim Cooper goes over the fundamentals of          begins with an explanation of how to take
                           images you may not believe are possible. Matt       finding the Milky Way and best practices for      your initial star point exposures and calculate
                           will help you prepare for getting out before        not over-processing the final image. Tim also     the longer exposures necessary to create
                           you leave the house. You’ll learn about why         shares many of the capture considerations,        the star trail effect. Next he talks about
                           composing an image at night is different than       including gear requirements, exposure             how different situations require different
                           composing in daylight. Also: How long should        guidelines, what to look for throughout           approaches to the initial capture. Both long
                           an exposure be? Why should you care? You’ll         the Milky Way season and more.                    and short exposures can be used to make these
                           get an overview of the difference between high                                                        magical images and by the end of this class
                           ISO noise and long exposure noise, and tactics                                                        you’ll have the confidence and knowledge
                           on how to work with (and around) both. Do                                                             to use them both. The last section of this
                           you have the right lenses? Matt will help you                                                         presentation covers necessary equipment
                           understand what’s good, not so good and great.                                                        (such as an intervalometer, or an external
                                                                                                                                 battery pack) to ensure you have the right
                                                                                                                                 gear for the right job. While Photoshop is
                                                                                                                                 not entirely necessary to create star trails, it
                                                                                                                                 does open up more opportunities to capture
                                                                                                                                 them. Gabe finishes this info-packed session
                                                                                                                                 with a simple demonstration of how easy
                                                                                                                                 it is to use Photoshop to help create star
                                                                                                                                 trail imagery from a stack of photos.
Fundamentals 4: An Introduction                      Fundamentals 5: How to Make an Image in
                           to Light Painting                                    Any Night Situation, sponsored by Irix
                           Chris Nicholson                                      Lance Keimig

                           After learning from Matt, Tim and Gabe how           Night photography is a broad genre that can
Click the talk title for   to do everything from getting set up for a           be broken down into several specialized niches:
more information and
to watch the replay.       night shoot to how to capture star points and        urban or artificial light night photography,
                           trails, you might wonder what to do with the         astro-landscape photography, long exposure
                           dark foreground. In this presentation, Chris         and star trail photography, and light painting
                           Nicholson reviews the fundamentals of adding         and writing. Each of those specialties requires a
                           light to those shadows to reveal all the potential   different approach to make successful images,
                           for that night composition. Chris discusses          and different factors need to be considered
                           light painting tools, angle of light, proper         in order to make the best decisions about
                           technique, determining how much light to add         equipment, exposure, weather conditions
                           and more. By the end of this talk you’ll feel        and more. Lance shares his system of simple,
                           more confident getting into dark environments        straightforward steps to help you focus on
                           to start painting, opening up whole new              what is important in each scenario. Different
                           worlds of photographic opportunity.                  conditions require different tactics and require
                                                                                prioritizing different exposure variables to
                                                                                get the best results. A methodical process to
                                                                                the technical aspects of photography can free
                                                                                your mind to concentrate on creativity.

Click the talk title for   Essential Gear for Night Photography,             get the display, what are the best settings to     game-changers in night photography: the
more information and
to watch the replay.       sponsored by B&H Photo                            calibrate it for print and web use? Find out       Luxli line of LED panels. The pair leads a
                           Michael Hollender                                 the answers to these questions and more!           vibrant discussion about how these lights have
                                                                                                                                changed what night photographers can do
                           Michael Hollender from B&H Photo                                                                     in the field, from controlling color and color
                           reviews the essentials for night photography,     How to Improve Dark-Sky Image Quality              temperature to dialing in precise levels of
                           from the right lens and tripod to some            with MSM, sponsored by Move-Shoot-Move             illumination and more. Join in to hear about
                           crucial accessories that will help ensure you     Steven Barnes, Alex McGregor                       how the technology was developed and how it
                           are not fumbling around in the dark.                                                                 can help you level up your light painting game.
                                                                             Alex McGregor and Steven Barnes lead a
                                                                             discussion on creating nightscape images and
                           How the Right Calibrated Display Can              time-lapse. They talk about how adding a star
                           Elevate Your Print and Digital Work,              tracker to your astro-landscape photography kit    Natural Night, sponsored by NiSi
                           sponsored by BenQ                                 can greatly improve image and print quality.       Kevin LeGore
                           Art P. Suwansang                                  They discuss the positive and negatives of using
                                                                             a tracker, as well as why they love working with   Nightscapes and astrophotography have
                           A great display can be as crucial as the camera   the MSM rotator and how it has improved            become major interests for photographers
                           and lens that capture the image, especially       their shooting experiences and final products.     around the world. The advancement of
                           for low-light night images. Given that the                                                           cameras has made capturing star-filled images
                           right display is the answer, you probably                                                            of dark skies much easier than it’s ever been
                           have some questions: What should I look                                                              before. However, the dark skies to capture
                           for in a photographer’s display? What is a        Low-level Light Painting with LED Panels,          such moments are fleeting. In this talk, Kevin
                           hardware-calibrated display? Do I need one        sponsored by Luxli                                 LeGore takes a look at methods to improve
                           or will a software-calibrated display work        Joshua Fischer, Casey Krugman                      your nightscape and astrophotography work
                           for my needs? Do I need to have multiple                                                             with the aid of tracking mounts and with filters
                           calibration settings (i.e., one for print and     Casey Krugman and Joshua Fischer are two           such as the NiSi Natural Night. Explore how
                           one for web) or is there a universal setting      of the biggest names behind developing and         to take your astro efforts to the next level.
                           that will work for everything? And once I         bringing to market one of the biggest recent       throughout the Milky Way season and more.
For instant streaming access to the 45 hours of Replays
from 35 speakers, simply purchase a ticket at
2021.nightphotosummit.com. (Access ends on February
12, 2022.)

To watch a talk, click title on the previous pages of this
catalog. Alternatively, visit the Replays page of the website,
where you can click into any presentation you’d like
to watch.

If you’d like to learn more about the Summit presenters, visit
the Speaker Bios page.

Do you know how many photography books the Summit
speakers have written? Neither do we, but it’s a lot. You can
browse many of them at the Speaker Bookshelf.

Need help with anything Summit-related? Check out
the FAQs.
We would very much like to thank the Night Photo
Summit sponsors, who helped make the conference
everything it could be. And, of course, for all the
awesome giveaways.

           P H OT O G R A P H Y G L O V E S
If you have any questions, please contact us at any time:

National Parks at Night LLC

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social media channels. Follow us for all the news and
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