2021 PRODUCT RANGE GOURMET TEAS - All blends available for private label! - Special Tea Company

Page created by Max Rivera
2021 PRODUCT RANGE GOURMET TEAS - All blends available for private label! - Special Tea Company

    All blends available
       for private label!

        Tel 407.601.4944 | 407.802.5988
                        Fax 407.802.5736
         Email sales@specialteacompany.com
CONTENTS                                                                                                                        PAGE 2

   PAGE         AYURVEDIC TEAS                                                         PAGE          OOLONG TEAS
  03            Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                and single-serve cups.
                                                                                      23             Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                                                                                                     and single-serve cups.

   PAGE         BLACK TEAS                                                             PAGE          PU’ERH TEAS
  04            Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                and single-serve cups.
                                                                                      24             Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                                                                                                     and single-serve cups.

   PAGE         FRUIT TEAS                                                             PAGE          ROOIBOS TEAS
  15            Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                and single-serve cups.
                                                                                      25             Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                                                                                                     and single-serve cups.

   PAGE         GREEN TEAS                                                             PAGE         WHITE TEAS
  16            Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                and single-serve cups.
                                                                                      27            Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                                                                                                    and single-serve cups.

   PAGE         HERBAL TEAS                                                            PAGE          SUPERFRUIT TEAS
  20            Available as loose leaf, tea bags, ice tea,
                and single-serve cups.
                                                                                      28             Available in 5, 10, 15, and 20 tea bags.

Packages pictured are for illustration purposes only. Actual package color and style may vary. Due to picking seasons, some blends may not be available until the
next picking season.
AYURVEDIC TEAS                                                                                                                                      PAGE 3

           ANTI-STRAIN                                           BALANCE                                       FASTING TEA                                 GINGER FRESH
Due to the full and slightly sweet aroma          According to Ayurvedic teachings, this             According to Ayurvedic teachings, this        Fruity, fresh lemon grass and spicy ginger
with a hint of licorice, this blend is an ideal   blend is soothing and balancing. Try it            blend is soothing and balancing. Try it       match perfectly and licorice contributes the
companion for anyone under stress. The            yourself, you will agree. Sweet and soft           yourself, you will agree. Sweet and soft in   extra touch of finesse. This herb tea is not
refreshing and vitalizing energy of this          in taste with a tender, flowery accent, it in-     taste with a tender, flowery accent, it       spicy, but is given a natural sweetness by
blend will be truly loved by everyone who         vites you to a relaxing moment and makes           invites you to a relaxing moment and          the added licorice. This very attractive
likes herbal teas.                                you feel really good. A decoration of rose         makes you feel really good. A decoration      blend combines the Indian teachings and
                                                  leaves accentuates the very attractive             of rose leaves accentuates the very at-       the European idea of wellness perfectly.
                                                  appeal of this blend.                              tractive appeal of this blend.                Also an absolute delight served chilled!

       MEN’S ACTIVITY                                  STIMULATING TEA                               TULSI ORANGE GINGER                              WOMEN’S ACTIVITY
Traditions from the Ayurvedic teachings           Only six ingredients are at the base of this            AYURVEDIC                                Not only women are seduced by the at-
form the base for this blend, which fulfils all   power drink. The strong spices make it the         A delicious, yet healthful herbal blend of    tractive appearance of this blend. Open
the highest expectations of an herbal tea.        most intense composition among our                 tulsi, orange and ginger.                     the tea bag and enjoy the spicy scent of
The interesting spicy and tangy herbal            Ayurvedic blends. The turmeric root, which                                                       juniper and fresh oranges. The taste is
taste with a hint of ginger and pepper will       is an important part of curries and of the                                                       very soft and round with a pleasant note of
not only vanquish men’s weariness, but will       Indian cuisine, provides the distinctive flavor.                                                 fennel and cinnamon. Men will surely love
vitalize the whole family.                        All the other ingredients also have a strong                                                     this tea, too.
                                                  spiciness and vitalizing effects. This super
                                                  energy drink contains no caffeine.

                                                  AYURVEDIC VARIETIES
                                                      Ayurvedic is the world oldest famous doctrine of life and health, and comes from the
                                                  advanced Vedic civilization of ancient India. The knowledge has been passed on orally for
                                                  thousands of years.
                                                      The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (knowledge)
                                                  and can be translated with “wisdom of life” or even “science of life” The Ayurvedic doctrine
                                                  is described as the “integrated combination of the empirical doctrine of nature and philos-
                                                  ophy” which focuses on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects which are
                                                  necessary to our health. These can be summarized as temperaments (energies) and are
                                                  the so-called Doshas:
                                                      Vata (wind, air, pneuma), Pitta (fire and water, chole), Kapha (Earth and water, phlegma).
Yoga tea is the classic among the Ayurvedic           The essence of the Ayurvedic doctrine is that the Doshas should be harmoniously balanced,
tea varieties. In our blend you will find
hawthorn leaves in addition to the classical,
                                                  and this can be supported with the help of the strength of certain spices.
spicy ingredients. This is a vitalizing warm          You will find the perfect balance for your energy in our Avurvedic teas. In our herb tea
drink on cold days and pleasant at any time.
Add milk and if you like, sweeten to taste.       blends, you will find the ideal symbiosis from the Ayurvedic teachings, and European imagination
                                                  and expectation of taste. Have you ever looked for a different “tea?” Then you will find it here.
                                                  These intense varieties of taste do not contain any additional favoring.
BLACK TEAS                                                                                                                                      PAGE 4

           ALMOND “J”                                     ALMOND TEA                                   APPLE, CARAMEL                                APPLE DUMPLING
Just like a favorite candy treat with choco-     The tangy, bright and perfectly balanced                & ALMOND                               Just like grandma's freshly baked dumpings.
late, coconut and almonds.                       flavors of Ceylon black tea, with nutty         Our Apple, Caramel, Almond Tea features
                                                 sweetness upfront and a balanced, clean         the timeless, comforting combination of
                                                 astringency.                                    apples, caramel, and almonds. A lively
                                                                                                 blend of black tea, bright notes of crisp
                                                                                                 apple. Juicy and pleasantly sweet with a
                                                                                                 slight nutty taste.

     APPLE MOLASSES                                          APPLE TEA                           AUNTIE'S PUMPKIN PIE                                APRICOT BRANDY
A full stable with the sweetness of tart         Premium black tea flavored with apple           Just like a freshly baked pumpkin pie.         A delicate black tea with the flavor of
and juicy apples.                                pieces. A taste reminiscent of the trick-or-    China black tea, cinnamon, flavorings.         apricot pieces, a wonderful taste of
                                                 treating favorite, Think it's scary how deli-                                                  apricot brandy flavor. A wonderful after-
                                                 cious this tea is to drink on those cold                                                       dinner tea.
                                                 winter nights.

           ARCTIC FIRE                               ARTHUR'S APRICOT                                   ASSAM JUNGLE                                  ASSAM RESERVE
Delightful fruity taste with a hint of pepper!   The apricots and marigold tea leaves
                                                 infusion have an intense scent of hay
                                                                                                          CABERNET                              A refreshing full-bodied classic Assam for
                                                                                                                                                those seeking a full bodied black tea with a
                                                                                                 A refreshing full-bodied classic Assam for
                                                 flowers. A complex, freshly aromatic                                                           strong malt finish. This traditional break-
                                                                                                 those seeking a full bodied black tea with a
                                                 and slightly earthy character with a                                                           fast tea stands up well to milk and sugar
                                                                                                 strong malt finish. This traditional break-
                                                 delicate sweetness.                                                                            or on its own.
                                                                                                 fast tea stands up well to milk and sugar
                                                                                                 or on its own.
BLACK TEAS                                                 CONTINUED                                                                       PAGE 5

     ASSAM VALLEY                             BACK PORCH BLEND                                  BANANA SPLIT                                   BENGAL CHAI
    MALTY BREAKFAST                                                                                                                  A wonderful spicy masala chai blend of
                                                                                                                                     warming spices and robust black tea with
                                            Refreshing blend of citrus and berries.     Just like a desert in a cup.

                                                                                                                                     notes of vanilla sweetness. Perfect for the
Bold black tea from the Assam region of
                                                                                                                                     chai lover. Great as a self-drinker or as a latte
India, known for deep, golden tips, and
                                                                                                                                     with your favorite sweetener.
pungent flavor. Our Assam is perfect for
tea drinkers who may be new to the
powerful character of Assam. Rich
aroma, more sweet starchy than malty.

         BERREE GREY                              BLACKCURRANT                                  BLACK FRUITS                          BLACK POMEGRANATE
Classic bergamot with delicious berry       A Black tea with a combination of strong    The name sets the tone. A fresh, juicy       Subtle fruit flavor, refreshingly crisp texture
taste.                                      unique blackcurrant to smooth things        and tangy fruit of black currant and huck-   and airy, evaporating finish. Pomegranate
                                            over. It will leave you wanting more.       leberry gives the amazing aroma of a         has historically been a symbol of fertility,
                                                                                        delicate, but delicious tea.                 marriage, abundance, as well as righteous-
                                                                                                                                     ness. A sweetly tart pomegranate flavor.

 BLACK VANILLA ROSE                                 BLOOD ORANGE                                   BLUEBELLS                                 BUTTERSCOTCH
This black tea blend is decadent and        Sip your way through the long, lazy days    Sweet blueberry with a floral note.          Our butterscotch flavor has been re-created
creamy with the sweet enchanting flavor     of summer with this fruity flavored tea.                                                 in a tea that tastes great hot or iced.
of real vanilla.A wonderful tea for after   A rejuvenating, refreshing and relaxing                                                  Recreate the penny candy memory.
dinner enjotment.                           anytime tea.
BLACK TEAS                                                     CONTINUED                                                                        PAGE 6

       BUTTER TRUFFLE                                       CANDY                                           CARAMEL                               CARIBBEAN BLACK
A tea creation for all “sweet teeth.” Just like
licking out a dish with freshly made butter
                                                        CARAMEL APPLE                          Sweet is the ideal base for a smooth
                                                                                               caramel flavored black tea. This pleasing
                                                                                                                                              With our Caribbean Black Tea you'll be
                                                                                                                                              transported back in time as you unwind
                                                  Sweet apple, cream caramel and black
cookie dough with hints of freshly grated or-                                                  blend is wonderful as a dessert tea.           with the refreshing tea taste of our black
ange peel… it must be scooped out to the                                                                                                      tea.
last drop. Not even adults can say no to this
indescribable taste. The unusual, colorful
and abundant decoration of savory and spicy
ingredients makes your mouth water just by
looking at it. A bestseller!

                  CHAI                                         CHERRY                             CHERRY COLA CAKE                                     CHILI TRUFFLE
A traditional blend of black tea and spices       Sweet cherry flavored tea is a simply        Notes of cherries, chocolate and the           Chocolate chili taste with cacao bits, chili
finely ground to release the maximum              luxurious and amazing black gourmet          effervescence of cola.                         flakes, cocoa bits, chili bits, and flavorings.
amount of flavor and aroma. Richly aro-           tea. Fresh aroma, tangy and tasty
matic and brisk flavor makes this dessert         goodness, and a long sweet finish
in a cup. Specific brewing instructions will      make this cherry tea with safflowers
allow you to make this tea in a traditional       a pure indulgence.
fashion, enhancing your experience.

  CHINA ORANGE PEKOE                                         CINNAMON                                    CINNAMON                                  CINNAMON CIDER
This blend of northern Chinese black tea is       The sweet, almost fruity cinnamon tea of-              APPLE SPICE                          Cinnamon spices and apples combined
smooth, flavorful and a great value. Serve        fers a perfect backdrop for the zesty        This lively blend of black tea with cinnamon   with China black tea.
hot or iced. If you are creative, this is a       warmth of cinnamon chips and cinnamon        chips, ginseng roots, cinnamon and lemon
good base tea to blend with herbs or dry          flavor.                                      flavor complements the lasting taste of
fruits. Contrary to a popular misconcep-                                                       apples and cinnamon, making this tea
tion, Orange Pekoe, pronounced “pay-co”                                                        comforting and invigorating all at once.
is not a flavored or orange scented tea
but is a term referring to leaf grade/size.
BLACK TEAS                                                       CONTINUED                                                                   PAGE 7

          CINN-O-BUN                                  CINNAMON                                       CINNAMON ROLL                                      CHOCOLATE
Just like the famous brand.                          ORANGE SPICE                               An old time classic, which just must be
                                                                                                part of any standard, and of course, any
                                                                                                                                             Our chocolate black tea is an exclusive
                                                                                                                                             blend of black tea infused with natural
                                             Bold black tea from the Assam region of
                                                                                                Christmas assortment. The strong China       dried real rich chocolate pieces. Rich
                                             India, known for deep, golden tips, and
                                                                                                Ceylon blend, enriched with crushed cinna-   dreamy curls of semisweet dark chocolate
                                             pungent flavor. Our Assam is perfect for
                                                                                                mon pieces from Ceylon receives its          will offer your palate a temptingly sweet
                                             tea drinkers who may be new to the
                                                                                                perfectly balanced taste through our ex-     treat that will keep you coming back for
                                             powerful character of Assam. Rich
                                                                                                pressive cinnamon flavor. Quite simple       more.
                                             aroma, more sweet starchy than malty.
                                                                                                and perfect.

  CHOCOLATE ALMOND                              CHOCOLATE CREAM                                  CHOCOLATE COCONUT                                   CHOCOLATE
Chocolate almond taste with chocolate
bits, almonds, and flavoring.
                                                   TRUFFLES                                     China black tea, chocolate bits, coconut
                                                                                                and flavoring.
                                                                                                                                                   PEANUT BUTTER
                                             A composition which is just as delicious as its                                                 Just east of Hershey comes this insperation
                                             name promises: melted, creamy and sweet                                                         for this chocolate peanut butter tea.
                                             chocolate, a dash of cream skimmed off fresh
                                             milk, and light sponge cake from which the
                                             creamy truffle mass is produced. This mild
                                             black tea makes every sweet tooth forget
                                             creamy desserts and chocolates.

CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY                                    CHOCOLATE                                            COCONUT                                 COCONUT CHAI
Using real chocolate enhances the taste
of this tea. The tartness finds balance in
                                                      SPICED FUDGE                              Our coconut tea with tropical coconut
                                                                                                produces a soft and rich cup. maximizing
                                                                                                                                             Black tea, ginger root, cinnamon,
                                                                                                                                             shredded coconut, ginger, coconut
                                             Black tea, rich chocolate, fudge and
the chocolate.                                                                                  its rich coconut essence, so prepare to      and vanilla flavor.
                                             spices.                                            luxuriate. This coconut black tea has only
                                                                                                the highest quality ingredients, insuring
                                                                                                an excellent cup every time.
BLACK TEAS                                                     CONTINUED                                                                      PAGE 8

  COCONUT CREAM EGG                               COCONUT VANILLA                               COOKIES FOR SANTA                              CREAMY EARL GREY
Decandent chocolate and creamy coconut        A magnificent blend of black tea with          Black tea, raisin , warm spices. A wonderful   Earl Grey goodness with a touch of creamy
come together to create a sensation just      buttery coconut and vanilla taste. A           holiday treat.                                 vanilla, this tea is so good there is no milk
like the indulgent treat.                     rejuvenating, refreshing and relaxing                                                         required!
                                              anytime tea.

          DARJEELING                           DECAF APRICOT WITH                                 DREIDEL DREIDEL                                       EARL GREY
          FIRST FLUSH                           MARIGOLD PETALS                                       DREIDEL                               All natural, high quality Bergamot essential
This exceptional Darjeeling first flush       Fresh apricot taste, sans the caffeine.        Celebrate with sweet chocolate, caramel,       oil is added to a full bodied blend of or-
comes to us from the beautiful Singbulli                                                     marshmallows and festive sprinkles.            ganic Nilgiri teas creating a traditional cup
Tea Estate.Truly the champagne of teas,                                                                                                     that is a cut above. Rich, aromatic and
this black tea has the wonderful fruit                                                                                                      well balanced.
undertones that are typical of high quality
Darjeeling teas.This is a must for black
tea or Darjeeling tea lovers.

    EARL GREY BLEND                              ENGLISH BREAKFAST                             ENGLISH BREAKFAST                               FIG AND LAVENDER
Earrl Grey with chocolate, some smokey        English Breakfast Blend is a mixture of
notes and a few accessories to create the     strong black teas that create a full-bodied
                                                                                                    ORGANIC                                 Fig and lavender taste,black tea, fig
                                                                                                                                            bits,lavender flavorings.
                                                                                             This is no ordinary English Breakfast. An
ultimate Earl Grey experience.                and robust infusion. Usually served with
                                                                                             outstanding blend of high quality USDA
                                              cream and sugar, English Breakfast
                                                                                             certified organic black teas produce a full-
                                              Blends typically include Assam, Ceylon,
                                                                                             bodied yet smooth cup. No bitter after-
                                              Kenyan, and Keemun black teas, which
                                                                                             taste and a perfect way to begin a new
                                              provide a suitably vigorous cup to get the
                                                                                             day. Stands up well with milk and sugar.
                                              day started. Rich and aromatic, English
                                              Breakfast Blend gets you up and going!
BLACK TEAS                                                          CONTINUED                                                                  PAGE 9

        GINGER PEACH                                GOLDEN MONKEY                                 GRANDMA'S APPLE PIE                                HOT CHOCOLATE
This perfectly balanced house blend is re-             SUPERIOR                                   Apple cinnamon taste with apple bits,                  MINT-T
freshing and full bodied. The black tea has                                                       currants, almond pieces, and flavoring.      Reminiscent of hot cocoa with a hint of
                                               The unique character and lingering finish
a brisk peach flavor, blended with just the                                                                                                    mint!
                                               is intoxicating. An exquisite USDA Certified
right amount of organic ginger root creat-
                                               Organic golden, black tea from southern
ing a balanced, aromatic cup that is easy
                                               China's Yunnan province, the beautiful,
on the tummy. Serve hot or iced.
                                               gold twisted leaves are almost as lovely to
                                               look at as to taste.Don't mistake this for
                                               lower grade teas of this type.

   HEARTHSIDE TODDY                                            HONEY                                       HOT TAMALE                                  HUCKLEBERRY
Get warm by the fire with this sweet and       A delicate black tea infused with the delicious    Sweet cinnamon with a surprise of spice.     Huckleberry black tea is a flavorful wild
spicy blend.                                   blend of natural honey flavors and filled with                                                  berry. Considered by most the most
                                               natural tea flavonoids. Great to drink when                                                     delicious berry in the Rockies, some
                                               you have a cold as a soothing drink to help                                                     people don't realize just how many
                                               with the symptoms.                                                                              healing properties this little shrub has.

      JASMINE CREAM                                     JUST ORANGE                                      KALEIDOSCOPE                                       KEEMUN
Black Jasmine Cream green tea comes            Nothing better than a fresh juicy orange           Creamy chocolate with a melange of colors!   Keemun, comes from Quimen in Anhui
together with this sweet and fruity tea. An    and that’s exactly what this tea emulates.                                                      Province and was first produced in 1875.
initial jasmine taste quickly gives way to a                                                                                                   Long recognized among the great black
fruity sherbet aftertaste.                                                                                                                     teas of the world, this tea highlights a
                                                                                                                                               natural sweetness on both the nose and
                                                                                                                                               the palate. The wonderful aroma of the dry
                                                                                                                                               leaf is enhanced once brewed producing
                                                                                                                                               an intensely bold cup.
BLACK TEAS                                                     CONTINUED                                                               PAGE 10

     KENYA "MALAIKA"                                    KETTLE CORN                                   KEY LIME PIE                               KISS MY ***
          GFOP                                 Sweet and salty with caramel, roasted         Key lime pie taste with pineapple bits,    Smooth vanilla peppermint do not disappoint.
Flavorful with notes of peach and apricot.     sweet corn, toffee, popcorn and a hint of     lemon peel, yogurt bits, and flavoring.

  LAPSONG SOUCHENG                              LAVENDER EARL GREY                                          LEMON                           LEMON LAVENDER
This well-known Chinese black tea is a         This enticing house blend is a combination    Many of our flavored black teas make       A refreshing blend of Indian black tea,
wiry, twisted leaf style from the Chinese      of Earl Grey, black tea and the highest       excellent iced tea, and with the lemon     lemongrass and lemon myrtle is delicious.
Province of Fujian. Withered over pine         quality French lavender. A well balanced,     already mixed in for you, this black tea   This therapeutic brew has soothing prop-
fires this aromatic, flavorful black tea has   soothing cup with a floral over tone.         is a staff favorite. An exhilarating and   erties that can transform your day and
robust character with a smoky note.                                                          zany taste.                                ease tension away. It's like a visit to the
                                                                                                                                        spa in a cup.

    LONDON HIGH TEA                                     LOVE SHACK                             MALTED MILLIONAIRE                              MANGO TANGO
An old English recipe yet with a sweet mild    Come on down! Chocolate and cherry with       Tastes like a million bucks with rich      This well balanced, good quality black tea
note.                                          festive sprinkles.                            chocolate and sassy malt.                  is a great value with plenty of black tea
                                                                                                                                        taste shining through. This is the tea that
                                                                                                                                        started it all! Our first cup of loose leaf
                                                                                                                                        mango tea captured my attention and
                                                                                                                                        paved the way for the beginning of our
                                                                                                                                        personal tea journey.
BLACK TEAS                                                       CONTINUED                                                                     PAGE 11

      MANHATTAN                                     MAPLE TAFFY                                       MASALA CHAI                              MEYER LEMON BLACK
    EARL GREY BLEND                        We were fascinated by the popular Canadian
                                           tradition of making maple taffys. Heated
                                                                                             The height of this culinary classic takes an
                                                                                             ancient and traditional chai black tea, ginger
                                                                                                                                              Meyer Lemon, a hybrid that combines the
                                                                                                                                              sweetness of orange and tartness of
Bergamont taste with Malva, sunflowers
                                           maple syrup is poured onto a layer of snow,       root, cinnamon, green cardamom, ginger           lemon, creates the perfect taste profile
and flavorings.
                                           which rapidly cools the syrup and thickens it.    and vanilla flavor, taking you on a sublime,     for a terrific cup of tea. Layers of flavor
                                           The result: a wonderful delicacy, which melts     savory tea journey.                              are nicely supported with body and cup
                                           on your tongue! Of course, we have added                                                           character in the base Indian Nilgiri black
                                           real, dehydrated maple syrup and a hint of                                                         tea. Perfectly suited to serve hot or cold,
                                           cinnamon to our creation.                                                                          one refreshing, delicious sip and you will
                                                                                                                                              see why this tea stands out.

MIDNIGHT CHOCO LOCO                                MID SUMMERS                                         MINT FUSION                                 MOCHA RUSSIAN
A superb blend of Bai Mu Dan white tea,            NIGHT DREAM                               A delicious combination of black tea, pep-       Chocolate, coffee and accents of cream.
Midnight Choco Loco is a warming and       Green and black tea with strawberry               permint, spearmint and herbs is a delight-
enjoyable combination of flavors that is   mango taste, pinapple bits, papays bits,          ful balance between uplifting and soothing.
sure to excite your taste buds.            flavorings and sunflower blossoms.                Bright notes and smooth black tea makes
                                                                                             this well suited for hot and cold tea.

       MONKS BLEND                                 MT. EVEREST                               NAUGHTEA AND SPICE                                         NEOPOLITAN
A mellow blend of Darjeeling, Keemun,
Nilgiri, and Assam teas.
                                                  BREAKFAST TEA                              You won't get crossed off the list with this
                                                                                             blend of cinnamon and spice.
                                                                                                                                                        ICE CREAM
                                           (Yunnan & Assam) Tippy Assam and Yunnan                                                            I scream, you scream, we all scream for
                                           teas. Surprising complexity.                                                                       ice cream! Everyone who tastes this
                                                                                                                                              creamy blend will be screaming for more.
BLACK TEAS                                                      CONTINUED                                                                    PAGE 12

               NILGIRI                              NOEL CHRISTMAS                                  OATMEAL RAISIN                                  ORANGE COOKIE
A delicious full-bodied black tea from         This simple yet delicious tea is called
southwest India, Nilgiri is a lesser known     “Christmas Tea,” or “Noel,” and it brings
                                                                                                       COOKIES                               This flavored black tea is a perfect com-
                                                                                                                                             panion not only in the Christmas season.
                                                                                              Black teas, raisins, warm spices.
region than India's more popular growing       to mind the holidays with a smooth yet                                                        Its characteristic is its spiciness: sweet
areas of Assam and Darjeeling. The envi-       strong black tea. Highlighted with lots of                                                    cinnamon bits, spicy coriander, cardamom,
ronmental conditions in Nilgiri are perfect    fruits and spices.                                                                            cloves and hot fruity pepper are masterfully
for growing quality, tasty teas. Perfect hot                                                                                                 rounded off by generous portion of sweet
or iced.                                                                                                                                     apple pieces. The scent of juicy oranges
                                                                                                                                             and delicate cream complete this unique
                                                                                                                                             taste experience.

        ORANGE SPICE                               ORANGE VANILLA                               ORGANIC BLUEBERRY                                 ORIGINAL BRITISH
This full-bodied black tea is enhanced with
the rich essence of orange and cloves for
                                                   WHITE CHOCOLATE                            Organic black tea with blueberry leaves
                                                                                              and blueberry flavor brings back fond
                                                                                                                                                     TEA BLEND
                                               This luscious creamy orange black tea has                                                     Special Tea Company’s British blend is an all-
a yummy holiday memory anytime of year.                                                       memories of the bright blaze of wildly
                                               a silky mouth feel and a sweet, scrumptious                                                   natural good-bodied tea that is made com-
                                                                                              delicious “superfruit” blueberries. Takes
                                               taste. Orange slices, sweet citrus and                                                        pletely from the finest tea leaves and nothing
                                                                                              you back to childhood summers in the
                                               creamy vanilla makes this a perfect substi-                                                   else. It is picked from the top two leaves and
                                                                                              blueberry patch. A true favorite.
                                               tute for dessert.                                                                             a bud known as the tips, which is why it’s so
                                                                                                                                             delicious. Equals or tastes better than any
                                                                                                                                             tea in Britain. You will taste the difference!

        PASSION FRUIT                              PEPPERMINT BARK                                     PINA COLADA                                       PINEAPPLE
Think of a moment in the Sun drinking          Just like the favorite holiday treat with      From the sweet aroma, this tropical favorite   Celebrating the king of fruit, we've added
this tea. Let the lush, sweet fruits of the    creamy chocolate and mint candy pieces.        will have you counting the days until your     the heady aroma and sweet flavor of
tropics fill your cup. This exotic brew                                                       next island visit. A refreshing tea.           pineapple pieces to our special black tea
blends fine black tea with marigold flowers.                                                                                                 blend. As festive and refreshing as a stroll
Experience the warm inviting taste of the                                                                                                    on the moonlit sands of a Hawaiian beach.
islands anytime. Fantastic served hot,
refreshing when iced.
BLACK TEAS                                                         CONTINUED                                                                PAGE 13

  PINEAPPLE COCONUT                                 PINEAPPLE UPSIDE                                 POSITIVELY PEACH                             RICE CRISPY TREAT
Delight in a sumptuous cup of shredded
coconut blended with fine black teas and a
                                                       DOWN CAKE                                 An intensely peach brew this hearty blend
                                                                                                 of black tea, peach essence and dried fruit
                                                                                                                                               A childhood favorite with marshmallows
                                                                                                                                               and rice crispies!
                                               Creamy cake and icing taste, black tea,
tropical pineapple twist. Steeps a dark,                                                         makes this a tasty treat. Terrific hot or
                                               pineapple bits, cherry bits, white cornflowers
rich brew with a round, sweet finish.                                                            iced.
                                               and flavorings.

RISHEEHAT 1ST FLUSH                                  ROSY EARL GREY                                RWANDA BLACK TEA                               SALTED CHOCOLATE
    DARJEELING                                 This inspiring blend of Jasmine green             High quality with sweet notes.                       CARAMEL
                                               tea, Earl Grey black tea and rose petals                                                        Rich chocolate and smooth caramel with
A fragrant tea with floral-fruity notes and
                                               has become one of our most popular. A                                                           hints of sea salt.
a classic Darjeeling first flush briskness
                                               conversation or two later our Rosy Earl
from one of the most popular tea gardens
                                               Grey, (aka Beverly's Blend), was unveiled.
of Darjeeling with a verity of well balanced
                                               Aromatic with a smooth floral character
                                               Rosy Earl Grey is tasty hot or iced.

  SCOTTISH BREAKFAST                                  SUPER STRONG                                   SWEET SERENITEA                                 TANGO WITH
         BLEND                                        ORANGE PEKOE                               Sweet caramel with gentle lavender.               EARL GREY BLEND
Scottish Breakfast tends to be strong, full-   A unique Ceylon tea. Malty and strong.                                                          Classic Bergamont with a hint of mango.
bodied, and bold in flavor, usually stronger
than English Breakfast. More so than Eng-
lish and Irish breakfast teas, it often has
smokiness and/or a suggestion of wood
in the aroma.
BLACK TEAS                                                    CONTINUED                                                                    PAGE 14

  TROPICAL EARL GREY                             VANILLA A LA CREME                                VANILLA BEAN                                  VANILLA CREAM
                                                                                           A full bodied, aromatic brew that is rich and
                                                                                           smooth. Blended black teas serve as the
A unique twist on the traditional earl grey   Vanilla cream taste with vanilla bits and                                                    Black tea with vanilla beans and vanilla

                                                                                           base to real vanilla pieces and essence that
black tea everyone loves. This blend takes    flavorings.                                                                                  creme flavor.

                                                                                           is not overpowering but lets the tea shine
the citrus bergamot flavor and combines

                                                                                           through nicely.
it with a blend of tropical fruits to offer
balanced and fruit cup. Sure to become
your new favorite.

         WHOOPIE PIE                          WILD CHERRY BLOSSOM
Like the famous Pennsylvania Dutch treat,     Wild dark cherry taste with cherry bits,
with chocolate cake and fluffy icing taste!   rose petals and flavorings.
FRUIT TEAS                                                                                                                               PAGE 15

           A-MAIZE-ING                                  HONEY ALMOND                                KEEPING UP WITH                                  MULLED WINE
Feel the Autumn breeze with delicious             Almonds form a vital part of the festive          THE KRANBERRYS                           Is there anyone who does not know this
fruits, roasted corn and sweet carrots.           season. Particularly coated in sugar, they    A little glitz and glamour among delicious   wintry wine punch, which ensures so many
                                                  attract many sweet teeth. This fruit tea      berries.                                     sociable evenings? This tea blend is a real
                                                  blend is richly decorated with whole star                                                  taste explosion thanks to the exceptional
                                                  aniseed, whole cardamom pods and large,                                                    flavor composition of the very unique Ger-
                                                  juicy-looking orange slices. Aromas of                                                     man version. What makes this blend so
                                                  sweet, roasted almonds and juicy orange,                                                   special: the traditional flamed cone sugar,
                                                  coated in deliciously sweet honey will give                                                which slowly melts into delicious caramel.
                                                  you a warm and fuzzy feeling.                                                              Pure exaltation!

      PEAR CINNAMON                                PRESIDENTIAL BLEND:                              ROASTED ALMOND
This heavenly, fruity, spicy, sweet composition
is made up of numerous single components
                                                   BLACK FOREST BERRY                           An acid-free base is embossed by the high
                                                                                                portion of sweet apple pieces and its red
                                                  Deep, rich red color and robust fruit
and flavors. The balanced flavor comes from                                                     color nuance comes from the added beet-
                                                  character with a subtle tartness adds
fresh, ripe, soft pears and a sweet cinnamon                                                    root. The flavor note is determined by
                                                  to the invigorating taste experience,
nuance. A dash of soft cream gives the final                                                    tempting, sweet, roasted, caramelized al-
                                                  which we especially like iced.
polish. Cinnamon does not necessarily mean                                                      monds. It is a taste experience which your
Christmas! Accept this attractive fruit tea                                                     nose and palate knows and loves from
blend as a compensation for a missed                                                            spring and summerFor a perfect taste
dessert, you will love it.                                                                      impact, brew the tea for 10 minutes.
GREEN TEAS                                                                                                                                PAGE 16

     ALMOND COOKIES                              APPLE FIG SENCHA                             BANCHA GREEN TEA                                    CRUMB CAKE
Like fresh baked cookies, right out of the
                                                    (SEASONAL)                             A popular grade of green tea. A refreshing
                                                                                                                                         Warm and inviting with delicious blueberry
                                             Sour green apple and sultry sweet fig are                                                   and a dash of cinnamon.
                                             perfectly suited for this subtle chinese
                                             sencha style green tea. Natural essential
                                             oils of apple and fig are independently ap-
                                             plied to the tea leaves and then blended to
                                             create more flavor complexity.

         CHAMPAGNE                                   CHINA SENCHA                              COCONUT ALMOND                                CRANBERRY GLOW
          & BERRIES                          Flat, green leaves steep a light green
                                             liquor with fresh, grassy flavor.note.
                                                                                                   SENCHA                                Bright and full of delight with beautiful
Sencha green tea is fused with Acia, Goji,                                                 The creamy sweetness of coconut is bal-
Strawberry, and natural champagne flavor                                                   anced by rich, nutty almond for a pleasing
creating a beneficial, bold new blend. In-                                                 contrast to the typically vegetal nature of
tense aroma and flavor defines this pleas-                                                 sencha green tea. Layers of deliciousness
ing, sophisticated cup.                                                                    unfold as this tea is enjoyed morning,
                                                                                           noon or night or over ice if you please.

DECAF GREEN SENCHA                             DRAGON WELL, 1ST                              ENCHANTED FOREST                                        ENERGITEA
Green tea…sans the caffeine!                  GRADE PRE-QUING MING                         This blend of mellow sencha and spicy,
                                                                                           green mate is a real surprise. Richly
                                                                                                                                         Looking for the "perfect" energy boost?
                                                                                                                                         Discover Yogi Perfect Energy—a unique
                                             This delicious brew is sweet yet nutty with
                                                                                           decorated, it captivates not only with its    blend of green tea with naturally invigor-
                                             an amazingly smooth finish. One of China's    striking look, but also develops a com-       ating herbs that energize the body and
                                             most well-known, celebrated teas, Dragon      pletely new and aromatic taste. The           focus the mind without jittery side ef-
                                             Well is grown in the mountains of Zhejiang    tempting aroma of Black Forest Cherry         fects.
                                             Province in the village of Long Jing. This    cakes, refined with a little sweetness
                                             exceptional pre Qing Ming green tea is a      and attractively decorated, make this
                                             real treat for tea drinkers.                  blend a much sought-after specialty.
GREEN TEAS                                                CONTINUED                                                                PAGE 17

      GINGER JASMINE                             GINGER ORANGE                                GREEN HIBISCUS                             GREEN HONEYBUSH
Green tea from China with the delicate           GREEN OOLONG                           Our Hibiscus flowers are artfully blended          NUT CRUNCH
flavors of ginger and orange, the clean                                                 to create a variety of amazing flavors        Warm and nutty taste with raisins and
                                           Ginger Orange Green Oolong is the perfect
vegetal notes of the green tea blend                                                    Treat yourselves to a wonderful favored       hazelnuts.
                                           accompaniment to flavors of ginger root,
seamlessly with the ginger root crisp-                                                  green tea.
                                           orange peel, and ginger orange and peach
ness. Delightfully sweet, lifted by the
                                           flavoring. Stunning! This brew has a rich,
freshness of the orange flavor. Not too
                                           spicy and inviting flavor.
dry or too citrusy.

    GREEN LEMONADE                                 GREEN LYCHEE                           GUO LU FIRST GRADE                                 HONEY GINGER
A brisk, burst of flavor, this pan-fired   Traditional China green tea is scented
lemony green tea combo is tempting         with lychee
                                                                                               ORGANIC                                Honey ginger taste, ginger bits, and
                                                                                        This simple, USDA certified organic green
served hot or iced.
                                                                                        tea from Anhui Province is straightforward
                                                                                        without anything extra. Just good, pure
                                                                                        green tea taste.

           JAZZY MINT                         JASMINE GREEN TEA                              JASMINE PEARLS                             LEMON GINGER SNAP
Cool mint and floral jasmine really jazz   A sweet, aromatic Chinese Green Tea          This delicious Chinese green tea is lightly   This is a Top 10 seller! An uplifting combo
things up.                                 traditionally scented with Jasmine petals.   scented with Jasmine petals, producing a      is tasty and invigorating. Delicious hot or
                                           The light, smooth brew has been enjoyed      subtle sweetly floral cup. The tender,        iced this has quickly become a favorite
                                           for centuries and continues to be a          young tea leaves are harvested in the         house blend. The numerous positive bene-
                                           favorite.                                    early spring and undergo a traditional        fits of green tea and the stomach soothing
                                                                                        scenting process where the tea leaves         properties of ginger makes this a great
                                                                                        are delicately layered with jasmine petals,   selection hot or iced.
                                                                                        allowing the two elements to marry.
GREEN TEAS                                                              CONTINUED                                                                PAGE 18

           LEMON ICE                           LEMON JADE SENCHA                                         MANGO COCONUT                                  MIDNIGHT ROSE
Fresh lemon taste with a zing of ginger.    Sencha green tea, marigold petals, lemon
                                            peels with lemon flavor.
                                                                                                            SENCHA                                Relax and enjoy this black tea that is
                                                                                                                                                  wonderful for helping your body process
                                                                                                    An outstanding Caribbean taste of exquisite
                                                                                                                                                  stress, relax, and heal from the depletion
                                                                                                    flavors. A great after dinner drink that is
                                                                                                                                                  that can occur as a result of day-to-day
                                                                                                    bound to please everybody.

     MOROCCAN MINT                          PINHEAD GUNPOWDER                                         RASPBERRY ORANGE                                  SPRITZ OF GLITZ
This traditional USDA Certified Organic
blend combines two flavor powerhouses,
                                                  GREEN                                                    SENCHA                                 Sparkle with delight over this peach and
                                                                                                                                                  pear blend.
                                            As the name implies, Gunpowder tea is made              This tea is light and tart like a mountain
Gunpowder green tea and Peppermint
                                            up of leaves hand-rolled into tiny pellets. It is be-   raspberry balanced with a sweet citrus
leaf. The full bodied, refreshing duo are
                                            lieved to take its English name from the fact           finish.
fantastic hot or iced and are the perfect
                                            that the tea resembles grains of black powder.
addition to any middle eastern meal or
                                            Gunpowder tea leaves are withered,
                                            steamed, rolled, then dried.

 STRAWBERRY CREAM                           STRAWBERRY SUNDAE                                                  SWEET PEA                               TANGERINE SAGE
Strawberry cream taste, with strawberry     There's nothing like a creamy strawberry                A unique blend of green sweet pea tea is      Juicy tangerine with the earthiness of
bits and flavorings.                        sundae on a warm summer night!                          very refreshing with bold, cool minty         sage.
                                                                                                    notes, smooth and relaxing texture and
                                                                                                    flavor. Very intriguing blend.
GREEN TEAS                                                           CONTINUED                                                                  PAGE 19

    THE 8 TREASURES                                      THE SPIRIT                                        TREASURES                                   TROPICAL MIST
     OF THE SHAOLIN                                    OF CHRISTMAS                                        OF THE INCA                         An aromatic blend of Chinese green tea,
Fruity and bright with strawberry and          Get into the "spirit" with cranberry, pineapple   A tea filled with the many treasures of ap-   tropical fruit essence, cornflower petals
pineapple.                                     and coconut.                                      ples, papayas, lemongrass and botanicals.     and fruit pieces. Uplifting and delicious hot
                                                                                                                                               or iced.

             VITALITEA                                   WALNUT TEA                                  WHITE CHOCOLATE                                  WHITE MONKEY
An herbal tea blend designed to nourish,       Walnut taste with brittle pineapple and
strengthen, and revitalize vital organs. A     coconut flakes and flavoring.
                                                                                                      COCONUT LATTE                            We are hooked! We have not had this tea
                                                                                                                                               for multiple years. We have tried many
                                                                                                 Green, white and black tea blend with
tonic tea which helps maintain internal bal-                                                                                                   that look similar, but there is a special
                                                                                                 white chocolate and coconut.
ance between acidity and alkalinity. Vital-                                                                                                    taste characteristic that is easily identi-
iTea is delicious served warm or chilled.                                                                                                      fied, harder to describe, and so appealing,
Men and women alike enjoy its mild flavor.                                                                                                     that has been lacking. This lot has it!
                                                                                                                                               Sweet yet earthy, this is a well-balanced
                                                                                                                                               tea that is a complete departure from the
                                                                                                                                               Bai Hao and Bai Mu Dan style teas.

     WINTER FESTIVAL                                     WINTER PINE
Cinnamon citrus vanilla taste, dried           We seek to invoke the anticipation of the
cranberries, almonds, and flavorings.          holidays with this blend of festive greens.
                                               The traditional red of the peppercorns and
                                               the safflower is shining together with the
                                               classical gold of the orange slices and the
                                               “royal” leaves of our Chinese sencha and
                                               Japanese bancha! This combination tickles
                                               the taste buds of all Christmas angels.
HERBAL TEAS                                                                                                                                    PAGE 20

        AVENA DREAM                                BUDDHAS MEDITATION                                 CARAMEL MATE                                 CHAI OF SRI LANKA
With its blend of flowers, herbs, and spices,     Spicy and earthy with cinnamon, ginger,      Caramel taste with rooibos tea, caramel bits,   Sweet cinnamon taste with lemongrass,
this tea presents a complex medley of fla-        cardamom, and red pepper.                    chickory, marigold flowers, and flavoring.      coconut, ginger, pineapple bits, and flavoring.
vors to ease your mind and body. While
chamomile and linden flowers induce seren-
ity, feel your stress melt away with the help
of oat straw, catnip, and skullcap. The fruity
and fresh flavor is further complemented
by the floral bouquet of chamomile and

  CHAMOMILE FLOWER                                 CHAMOMILE LAVENDER                              CINNAMON APPLE                                     COLD COMFORT
      ORGANIC                                     A trip to the spa in a cup, this soothing        WITH CHAMOMILE                              This comforting combination of USDA
                                                  USDA Certified Organic blend of aromatic     A gentle blend of chamomile with sweet          Certified Organic herbs helps to ward off
Our whole flower USDA certified organic                                                                                                        and ease the symptoms of colds and the
                                                  Lavender and calming Chamomile will help     cinnamon and crisp apple.
chamomile is nothing like what you get in                                                                                                      flu. Chamomile, peppermint leaf, licorice
                                                  to melt away the day. Naturally caffeine
a tea bag.This fresh whole flower brews                                                                                                        and lemon peel have been known to
                                                  free. Winner, 2008 World Tea Championship,
up golden yellow with an aromatic, apple                                                                                                       relieve mild nasal congestion and rest-
                                                  Hot Tea Catagory, Chamomile Blend.
character that soothes the mind, body                                                                                                          lessness while helping to boost the
and spirit. Chamomile is the Greek word                                                                                                        immune system.
for “apple.”

          DETOXIFY ME                              GINGER ROOT ORGANIC                              HERBAL HIBISCUS
This appealing house blend brews up a robust      Ginger root is well known for its stomach    You may be familiar with hibiscus,                   HERBAL RELAXER
golden orange liquor that warms you from          soothing benefits, but did you know that     known as “sour tea” in Iran. A delicious        Unwind after a meal with our Herbal
the inside out. Sweet lemon rolls over your       it has the ability to warm you up inside?    and refreshing summertime drink. How-           Relaxer tea, a delicious herbal that
tongue with the sensation of cooling menthol,     Perfect as an addition to teas, herbal       ever, this pleasant-tasting herb with the       stimulates digestion and loosens the
and a hint of pepper remains on the palate in     blends and other culinary dishes, this       deep red color also has beneficial              mind. With the rich licorice taste and
a pleasingly unique aftertaste. Naturally caf-    USDA certified organic aromatic, spicy       health properties.                              bite of ginger, and the airiness of fennel
feine free, Detoxify Me is a great way to relax   soother will keep you snug as a bug,                                                         and senna leaf, this pale cup keeps
and rejuvenate.                                   naturally.                                                                                   your body working while your mind
HERBAL TEAS                                                     CONTINUED                                                            PAGE 21

             HIBISCUS                           HIBISCUS FLOWERS                                     LAPACHO                              LEMON CHAMOMILE
Hibiscus cut and sifted.                     100% pure flowers from Sudan.              Pure herbal infusion from the Amazon.          Chamomile, lemon peel, hibiscus, with
                                                                                                                                       lemon flavor.

LEMON GRASS ORGANIC                                     MATE CHAI                              MATE ROASTED                                MINT CHAMOMILE
Naturally caffeine-free, USDA certified      Spicy cinnamon taste, ginger bits,         Top quality roasted mate. Simple like life     Chamomile and mint leaves.
Organic Lemon Grass makes a great            cardamon, cloves,fennel, flavorings.       should be.
addition to tea, soups, stews and
other brews. Subtlety is the trademark

    MOUNTAIN BERRY                            RASPBERRY LAVENDER                              RELAX & DIGEST                                STRESS BLOCKER
Naturally free of caffeine this blend of     Raspberry leaves, lavender leaves, lemon   Starting with a splash of color, the red       Lemon taste, mistletoe bean pearls, St.
dried fruit, herbs and flower petals has     peels, hibiscus with raspberry flavor.     rose petals provide a gentle floral note,      Johns wort, ginko, nettle leaves, lemon-
quickly become one of our most popular.                                                 followed by the unmistakable chamomile to      grass, and flavoring.
Deep rich red color and robust fruit char-                                              complete the wildflower bouquet. With the
acter with a subtle tartness adds to the                                                sweetness of peppermint, the bite of ginger,
invigorating taste experience, which we                                                 and the airiness of fennel, this pale cup
especially like iced.                                                                   keeps your body working while your mind
HERBAL TEAS                                                              CONTINUED                                                              PAGE 22

     SUMMER BERRIES                                         SUPREME                                       TUMMY TAMER                             VATA (AIR BALANCING)
Bountiful berries are beautifully blended in
this naturally nutritious herbal tea! Currants,
                                                          ROASTED MATE                             The vibrant green leaves infuse into a
                                                                                                   golden clear, naturally caffeine-free brew.
                                                                                                                                                  Our Vata (Air Balancing) herbal tea blends
                                                                                                                                                  are designed to help relax the body and
                                                  Roasted mate.
elderberries, and cranberries come to-                                                             Soothing papaya and vibrant mints are          prepare you for sleep. Calming and slightly
gether in a medley of red fruits that pro-                                                         expertly blended with various "lemon"          warming.
vides spectacular sweetness while filling the                                                      herbs to create this calming brew. So
cup with vitamins and minerals. Rosehips                                                           upset tummy or not settle in for a
and hibiscus also add their unique flavors to                                                      scrumptious, soothing cup. Serve hot or
the mix, bringing still more natural goodness.                                                     cold.

       WHITE HIBISCUS                                   WINTER SOLTICE                                       YERBA MATE                                    WINTERMINT
Hibiscus tea is a tisane or “herbal tea,”         Since the four elements of the 12 astro-         Sweeter than a traditional roasted mate,       Bold mint with a hint of spice.
consumed both hot and cold by people              logical zodiac signs (air, earth, fire, water)   our USDA Certified Organic green variety
around the world. Hibiscus blossoms               comprise the second half of the year, we         is smooth with a lighter body and clean
infuse a flavor that is an unforgettable          are certain that the warm flavors of             finish. All the benefits and more, this is a
taste.                                            caramelized pomegranate combined with            nice variation on the darker standard.
                                                  wintry spices are also a real indulgence         Note: mate contains caffeine.
                                                  for the signs of Cancer to Sagittarius!
OOLONG TEAS                                                                                                                                    PAGE 23

           BAO ZHONG                                CINNAMON APPLE                              CITRUS SORBET OOLONG                                FANCIEST FORMOSA
The freshly picked large emerald green
leaves deliver smooth, obvious floral notes
                                                        OOLONG                                  Citrus Sorbet is a fantastic blend of citrus's
                                                                                                to create a sweet zesty enhancement in
                                                                                                                                                 Fanciest Formosa oolong Lot 101 is an
                                                                                                                                                 exceptional Taiwanese dark oolong full of
                                                A sumptuous blend of Formosa oolong,
that melt in your mouth. The bright, sparkly                                                    the cup. The thing we love about Citrus          fluffy white tipped leaves. With a honey
                                                sweet cinnamon and juicy apple. Chunks of
character is effervescent and is an excep-                                                      Sorbet is that it is a slight enhancement to     undertone and obvious peach notes, this
                                                green apple swirled with sweet cinnamon
tional tea experience.                                                                          the Huang Jin Gui base that creates a dy-        complex oolong delivers a deliriously se-
                                                pieces and whole leaf, high quality Formosa
                                                                                                namic cup. Natural essential oils work in        ductive brew and is a main stay favorite
                                                oolong makes this as nice to look at as to
                                                                                                combination to create this fantastic infu-       at home and at work.
                                                drink. Aromatic and deliciously satisfying.
                                                                                                sion of sweet and tea citrus.

         FIG FORMOSA                                 GINSENG OOLONG                                HAZELNUT VANILLA                                  ORANGE BLOSSOM
Full whole leaf quality Taiwanese oolong is
the perfect base for the rich taste of
                                                This unique Chinese oolong tea is stimulating
                                                to the body yet discreet on the palate.The
                                                                                                       OOLONG                                    This medium bodied Taiwanese oolong has
                                                                                                                                                 the sweet essence of orange, perfect
                                                                                                Hazelnut Vanilla is a combination of layered
Smyrna fig. The addition of cornflower and      lovely combination of lightly oxidized green                                                     served hot or iced.
                                                                                                natural flavors on a traditional Ti Kuan Yin
poppy flower petals add rich color and a nat-   oolong and invigorating ginseng is well
                                                                                                oolong. Hazelnut and vanilla complement
ural sweetness enhancing the visual and         proportioned and pleasingly refresh-
                                                                                                and enhance the base oolongs roasted
taste character. This blend is a complete       ing.
                                                                                                notes delivering a scrumptious cup of tea.
departure from your typical cup of dark
                                                                                                Finished with real hazelnut pieces, this brew
oolong tea and a pleasurable experience
                                                                                                is sure to please.
whether served hot or cold.

         ORGANIC                                       PEACH OOLONG                                       TRADITIONAL                                       TUNG TING
     IRISH BREAKFAST                            An intensely peach brew, this hearty Oo-                  TI KUAN YIN                            Often referred to as Jade Oolong and
Irish Breakfast is a flavorful way to greet     long tea has a peach flavoring. Terrific hot    This medium bodied Chinese oolong has            one of Taiwan’s most renowned teas,
the morning, or beat the mid-day blues.         or iced.                                        undertones of dried fruits and a sweet           Tung Ting is a minimally oxidized, rolled
                                                                                                                                                 leaf oolong that revels abundant flavor
The aroma is sweet and rich with the                                                            golden finish. Chinese Ti Kuan Yin has been
                                                                                                                                                 mingled with sweet floral notes.
scent of raisins. The flavor is wonderfully                                                     fashioned after the greener, less oxidized
bold, with notes of sweet caramel and                                                           oolongs of Taiwan and unfortunately this
malty oats. A hint of sweet raisin lingers in                                                   more traditional processing is overlooked.
the aftertaste.
OOLONG TEAS                                                            CONTINUED                                                              PAGE 24

      CHOCOLATE MINT                              CHOCOLATE COVERED
          FUSION                                     STRAWBERRY
This chocolate and mint blend is delectable.   Dramatically enhanced with rich, creamy
Put on earthy pu'erh leaf, it has great bal-   dark chocolate and strawberry chocolate
ance and minty clean finish. The creation of   curls, succulent strawberry pieces, and
this tea arose from a request by one of our    natural flavors. The latest addition to our
employees. We like it so much that it was      delicious dessert collection will change the
only logical for us to share it with you.      way you feel about Pu'erh. This is an office
                                               favorite and is sure to be one of yours.

   & Purple
   CBD Teas

                                                  CHOCOLATE PU'ERH                            CITRUS BURST PU'ERH                                      PU'ERH LEAF
                                               A dessert lover's dream, this rich and         A succulent combination of exotic citrus       The USDA Certified Organic leaf Pu'erh tea
                                               creamy chocolate blend is divine. This tea     fruits blended in just the right measure       has the body and character of black tea but
                                               is so good in part because of the balance      create a fun, delicious cup of Pu’erh that     it's the medicinal properties that are thought
                                               between the chocolate and pu'erh base;         is perfectly suited to serve hot or iced.      to be present that set it apart. In China this
                                               and because we actually use real dark          Crisp, bright citrus notes are sweet and       tasty tea has long been used as a powerful
                                               chocolate curls in the tea, It's so good you   tart and are derived from all natural citrus   digestive aid and natural detoxifier. But even
                                               can drink your dessert.                        essential oils in a multi step flavoring,      more remarkable is the suggested cholesterol
                                                                                              blending process.                              lowering benefits that have been experienced
                                                                                                                                             by so many.

      PU-ERH                                         PU'ERH TUO CHA                            WISDOM PU’ERH CHAI                                       PURPLE TEA
 STRAWBERRY MANGO                              This ancient Chinese tea is not only tasty     Organic Pu-erh provides the texture
                                                                                              and body of our Wisdom Pu-erh Chai,
                                                                                                                                             With over twice the antioxidants
Bursting with fresh strawberry and mango       but thought to have powerful digestive and                                                    than Kenyan green tea, this has half
                                               cleansing properties as well as aiding in      combining with the distinctive juicy           the caffeine. Purple teas’ unique
                                               lowering bad cholesterol naturally. Grown      fragrance of organic Pu-erh, almonds,          taste is similar to white tea but with
                                               in southern China's Yunnan province the        star anise, licorice, ginger root with         a fruity, raspberr y hint. It contains a
                                               compressed tuo chas or birds nest yield 2      mango and berry flavor, which segues           high concentration of ANTHO-
                                               - 3 cups each and resemble a black tea         into its hidden licorice and ginger            CYANIN, a natural antioxidant also
                                               taste.                                         depths.                                        found in blueberries, pomegranates
                                                                                                                                             and acai berries.
ROOIBOS TEAS                                                                 CONTINUED                                                               PAGE 25

      GINGER PEPPER                                    GREEN ROOIBOS                                       HONEY BEAR                                         HONEYBUSH
     ORANGE ROOIBOS                             Delicious and presumed to be very healthy        Subtle lemon and cream taste with notes
                                                                                                 of honey and cuddly teddy bear sprinkles!
                                                                                                                                                    Honeybush has a honey, nectar-like aroma
                                                                                                                                                    with a balanced, natural flavor. Sweeter
A lavishly decorated and appealing tea          this organic Rooibos is a more mild version
                                                of the red variety. Soft flavor highlight this                                                      than its close cousin Rooibos, Honeybush
tempts you with the taste of extraordinarily
                                                less oxidized Rooibos, perfect for a relaxing                                                       is great hot or iced and is refreshingly
intense, fresh gingerbread biscuits and
                                                evening.                                                                                            simple. The natural balancing properties
sweet oranges. Exotic ingredients like
                                                                                                                                                    work well for women of all ages and with
pepper and coriander add the extra touch
                                                                                                                                                    no caffeine Honeybush can be enjoyed
of finesse. This tea spoils everyone!
                                                                                                                                                    anytime of day or night.

       HONEY VANILLA                             IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOME-                               LEMON HONEYBUSH                                           PINK RIBBON
          NECTAR                                         WHERE                                   Lemon Honeybush quickly became a                             PEPPERMINT
A match made in heaven. This simple,            Sweet and sunny citrus taste, perfect for        hit- naturally free of caffeine, a flavorful,      This lively combination of organic ingredients;
scrumptious combination is completely caf-      any time of the day!                             zesty blend that is delicious hot or iced.         Super Grade Rooibos, Peppermint leaf and
feine free. Subtle honey notes combined with                                                     What's not to love?                                Chamomile is packed with a variety of poten-
a touch of vanilla join together to create a                                                                                                        tial benefits. All three properties are thought
soft, easy brew. This is perfect for evenings                                                                                                       to ease tension and stress and aid in easing
or anytime you want to eliminate caffeine                                                                                                           the symptoms of digestive discomfort and
and heavy, bold flavors. Great over ice.                                                                                                            nausea.

  POLAR FIRE ROOIBOS                                 PUMPKIN CREAM                                      PUMPKIN SPICE                                    RHUBARB CREAM
Don’t you just love marzipan (almond                    ROOIBOS                                           ROOIBOS                                   Notes of cream perfectly compliment the
taste)? We have found this very special,        When thinking of pumpkin, the big, hollow        Boo! Trick or treat? Nothing to be scared of:      tartness of rhubarb.
lively, tangy aroma. Sweet marzipan and         Halloween pumpkins cross your mind. But          we’ve chosen the treat so well known and
creamy, fresh oranges accompany the             our new Rooibos variety is not scary at all.     loved. Be it in the form of the favorite holiday
soft Rooibos tea. The taste is further          The colorful decoration is given life by         pie or, as is the case here, simply in a cup,
intensified by the bright orange slices.        adding select ingredients such as grass-         the pumpkin in combination with just the
                                                green stinging nettle leaves, brightly           right touch of spice fascinates us all. A good
                                                colored blossoms, and crispy fruits.             way to start the second half of the year.
ROOIBOS TEAS                                                            CONTINUED                                                   PAGE 26

    ROASTED ALMOND                                              ROOIBOS                            SWEET CINNAMON                                 VERY VANILLA
        ROOIBOS                                    This traditional organic Rooibos is grown    A simple combination of Rooibos and        Naturally caffeine free, super grade
Owing to increasing popularity, we decided to      only in a small area, 100-kilometers, in     cinnamon delivers spicy aroma and          Rooibos is combined with essence of
open yet another amusement park centered           South Africa. Great iced or hot our super    sweetness in the cup. Smooth, uncompli-    Vanilla to create this elegant, rich
around our fair roasted almond. The location:      grade Rooibos has a somewhat “earthy”        cated and naturally caffeine free, Sweet   brew.
our premium long cut Rooibos, the time:            tone which some people think taste similar   Cinnamon Rooibos is the prefect brew
from dusk ‘till dawn, the VIP invited: YOU! Dive   to black tea. Rooibos, unlike other herbs,   anytime of the day or night.
into the fun and celebrate with us all year        does contain antioxidant.

   VINTAGE EARL GRAY                                        WINTER NOG                                WINTER PUNCH
Our breakfast blend is a robust, full-             Like the much-loved holiday treat, with      A melange of spices to keep you warm all
flavored, wake-up blend of assam teas              snowflake sprinkles.                         winter long!
from India. Earl Gray is a delicate,
flowery blend of Chinese teas with a
hint of bergamot.
WHITE TEAS                                                                                                                               PAGE 27

BAI MU DAN SUPERIOR                                      CHAMPAGNE                           HONEYBELL BLOSSOM                                       JASMINE
USDA Certified Organic Bai Mu Dan is                     RASPBERRY                          Refreshing organic white tea coupled with             SILVER NEEDLE
truly a treat with subtle notes of sweet        Lightly dried and uncured white tea         delicate jasmine and the sweet refreshing      A Chinese Silver Needle (Yinzhen) organic
cream butter and light, pleasing vegetal        leaves. Best enjoyed as an afternoon        nectar of honeybell orange makes this an       all bud white tea that is scented with the
notes. Grown on the misty mountains of          tea, our Champagne White Raspberry          invigorating, bright cup. Aromatic and up-     aroma of fresh Jasmine blossoms. Bold
Fujian province in China, the downy silver      tea is refreshing any time of the day.      lifting this medium bodied brew is perfectly   floral tones with the simplicity of tradi-
buds and fresh young leaves are soft and                                                    balanced, delighting all the senses.           tional silver needle white tea character
intoxicatingly fragrant. The resulting liquor                                                                                              make this a very popular choice.
is a beautiful golden yellow with a more ro-
bust texture than your average white tea.

           PEAR SPICE                                   PINK SONOMA                            RASPBERRY GINGER                                    STRAWBERRY
1st Place Winner of North American Tea          Thoroughly saturated with the flavor of a   Bold raspberry with the depth of earthy                 SEDUCTION
Championship - Flavored White Tea.This          light cabernet, white tea, rose petals,     spices.                                        Chinese Bai Mu Dan white tea is blended
lush blend of Bai Mu Dan white tea,spice        jasmine flowers with cabernet flavoring.                                                   with strawberries, enhancing the natural
and botanicals is intoxicating. Aromatic        Pink Sonoma is based on the sweetness                                                      sweetness of this full leaf and bud tea.
and flavorful the essence of natural pear       of a strong white tea. A wonderful tast-                                                   Makes a great iced tea!
is the primary cup character balanced by        ing tea ideal for anytime drinking.
the spice and blossoms. A full bodied
taste experience that will warm and
soothe the day away.

         TANZANIAN                                  WHITE CHOCOLATE                             WHITE TANGERINE
        SILVERNEEDLE                                LACED WITH MINT                         Bai Mu Dan white tea, orange peels,
Traditionally Chinese, this elegant silver      Think of intricately woven lace, where      marigolds with orange tangerine flavor.
needle comes from the mountains of              the fine detail resemble delicate white
Tanzania, and imparts sweet woody               chocolate and whispers of mint, would
notes and a smooth finish.                      make a great tea latte!
SUPERFRUIT TEAS                                                                                                                                 PAGE 28

 ACEROLA CHERRY FIG                                           CHERRY                               GOJIBERRY POMEGRANATE                                 GOJIBERRY PEAR
Here, three fruits have sought and found                    POMEGRANATE                                  BLUEBERRY                                           MELON
each other and started an interesting                Ruby red cherries unite with majestic         Curtain up and spot lights on: Gojiberry,       A truly tempting new blend which combines
friendship: the acerola cherry which, the            pomegranates. Sun-ripened, fresh cherry       blueberry and pomegranate flavors play          the traditional flavor of ripe, juicy pear
popular fig and the classical, always in-style       notes, combined with the unique, exotic,      the lead rolls in our newest green tea          pieces with delicious, sunny-sweet melon
sour cherry. Together, they present a                fruity flavor of the pomegranate. Sliced      master piece. The scene: summer fun-            cubes and “superfruit” gojiberries. An
decoration of glowing colors on our black            almonds, red rose petals and cardamom         filled bright red gojiberries bedded on rich,   exciting and powerful taste explosion
tea base and the fusion of all their flavors         pods confer a mysterious, oriental touch to   green Sencha with just the right “spritz”       which will soon build up a large fan
will make you dream of summer all year               this tea, reminiscent of fairy-tale magic.    added by the lemon grass, the “splash”          base.
round.                                                                                             underlined by royal blue cornflowers.

         GOJI MORINGA                                   OOLONG SHALIMAR                              POMEGRANATE DATE                                      POMEGRANATE
Plain and simple but with that special                   HALF-FERMENTED                            Let yourself be seduced by the fruity notes             DRAGONFRUIT
something. The ideal description for our             A beautiful creation which will enchant       of pomegranate, also known as the apple         Until this day, the pomegranate is considered
rooibos tea blend, which, equipped with              every Oolong lover. In the Orient, the name   of paradise, and soak in the setting sun of     a symbol of immortality and sensibility. Com-
superfruit gojiberries and the bright                Shalimar stands for immeasurable wealth       the Orient. You will be accompanied by the      bined with the exotic dragonfruit and a touch
green moringa leaves, will definitely                and unlimited power. This wonderful flavor    dates’ sweet nuances, which are                 of vanilla a paradisiacal taste experience is
attract trendsetters. The fruity, tangy              finds its counterpart in the decoration of    complemented by a hint of creamy,               formed. The unique blend of strong Sencha,
notes of gojiberries and the fine, spicy             red Aronia berries, bright mango cubes        tender honey. Warming, exotic and               select Kukicha and finest Pai Mu Tan en-
nuances of moringa leaves harmonize                  and dark red rose petals whose fragrance      seductively beautiful!                          sures that this truly is a premium quality. Let
perfectly with our rooibos tea.                      lights up oriental nights.                                                                    yourself be seduced.-

This colorful fruit tea blend will already delight
you in its optic. Sunny colors are dominant
and have their origin in the different exotic
fruits which we have selected for this blend.
Rounded off with pomegranate arils, this
creation is the epitome of diversity. A nippy,
refreshing taste, which will revive your spirits
and put a smile on your face.
              egend has it that tea was invented—or                               began to import tea in larger qualities to satisfy the

L             discovered—by the Chinese emperor Shen
              Nung in 2737 BC when some leaves blew
              into a pot of boiling water that his servant
              was preparing. What is certain is that
containers for tea have been discovered in tombs
dating from the Han dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD).
By the time of the Tang dynasty (618-906 AD) it was
                                                                                  rapidly expanding market. Tea became Britain’s most
                                                                                  important item of trade from China. All classes were
                                                                                  able to drink tea as the tea trade increased and
                                                                                  became less of a luxury. Now, tea is low in price
                                                                                  and readily available.

                                                                                  The word “tea” was derived from ancient Chinese di-
so popular that a writer called Lu Yu wrote the first                             alects. Such words as “Tchai,” “”Cha,” and “Tay” were
book devoted to tea, the Ch’a Ching (“Tea Classic”). A                            used to describe the tea leaf as well as the beverage.
little time later, Japanese Buddhist monks who had                                The tea plant’s scientific name is Camellia sinensis
visited China to study took the beverage back to their                            (which is from the The aceae family of the Theales
home country, where it soon became an important                                   order), and it is indigenous to China and parts of India.
part of their culture.                                                            The tea plant is an evergreen shrub that develops fra-
                                                                                  grant white, five-petaled flowers, and it is related to the
Whether it’s a delicate green tea or a bracing Assam                              magnolia. Tea is made from young leaves and leaf buds
black, a cup of tea is a complex brew of art and industry,                        from the tea tree. Two main varieties are cultivated: A.
tradition and revolution, East and West. In this sweeping                         sinensis sinensis, a Chinese plant with small leaves,
tour through the world of tea, veteran tea traders                                and B. sinensis assamica, an Indian plant with large
chronicle tea’s influence across the globe and provide a                          leaves. Hybrids of these two varieties are also cultivated.
complete reference for choosing, drinking, and enjoying                           What we call “herbal tea” is technically not tea, because
this beverage. The history of tea begins with a journey                           it does not come from the tea plant; but consists of a
along the tea trail, from the lush forests of China,                              mixture of flowers, fruit, herbs or spices from other
where tea cultivation first flourished, to the Buddhist                           plants.
temples of Japan, to the vast tea gardens of India, and
beyond. Offering an insider’s view of all aspects of tea                          Today, there are many types of teas to choose from,
trade, the tea bush, and show how subtle differences                              because over 25 countries cultivate tea as a plantation
in territory and production contribute to the diversity of                        crop. Tea is well-enjoyed in different styles by drinkers
color, flavor, and quality in brewed tea. They profile                            with different cultures. Tea is now the world’s most
more than 30 essential tea varietals, provide an in                               popular beverage besides water. Since its discovery
depth guide to tasting and brewing, and survey the                                many centuries ago, it has played an important role in
customs and crafts associated with tea. Sharing the                               events, ranging from mystic to gilded to simply comforting.
latest research, they discuss tea’s health benefits and                           In China, tea remains a fixture of daily life, as it has for
developments in organic production and fair trade                                 centuries. Buddhists focus on peace and simplicity
practices.                                                                        while using it in a ceremony that can take up to three
                                                                                  years to perfect. For the English, the “tea break” is a
Tea was introduced to Europe in the 1600s; it was                                 cultural touchstone, and for many Americans today,
introduced to England in 1669. At that time, the                                  iced tea is a beverage that is as expected at a table as
drink was enjoyed only by the aristocracy, because a                              family and friends. Whatever your tea experience may
pound of tea cost an average British laborer the                                  be, one thing is certain: Every sip reaffirms your part in
equivalent of nine months in wages. The British                                   a remarkable, timeless story. l

FDA Statement: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only. Consult your physician
before using any herbal products. All matters regarding health require medical
supervision. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable for any loss,
injury, or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion on
these pages. Caution: This product was produced on machinery which also
processes tea which contains nuts. May contain trace elements of nuts.
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