2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year

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2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year

                  PR OV I D ED B Y                ACC R ED I TED AT

                                                  A S THE FO U N DATI O N Y EAR FOR
                  CRICOS Provider Number 01697J   I TS U N D ER G R A D UATE COURSES
                  RTO Number 5036                 CRICOS Provider Number 00025B
2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year

              Studying abroad is an exciting prospect because it holds the promise of expanding one’s horizons in so many
              different and rewarding ways – socially, culturally, linguistically and intellectually.
              With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the alluring prospect of international study has, unfortunately,
              had to be postponed by many young people across the world, over the past year.
              If you’re currently contemplating studying abroad, then please don’t lose sight of the fact that the danger posed by
              this pandemic will eventually diminish – and the world will then shift into a period of recovery and re-connection.
              While we wait for that period to arrive, here at The University of Queensland (UQ), we’re doing everything we can
              to support our large contingent of international students to continue with their studies online – no matter where
              they’re located.
              We’re also delighted that IES College is providing remote, online learning opportunities for students participating in
              the IES Foundation Year program, so that they can progress on the pathway towards studying at UQ.
              In a typical year, around one-third of our student population comes from overseas – and our campuses become
              home to students from more than 140 nations. Additionally, many of our staff have lived, studied or worked
              We place a high value on integrating these global perspectives into our teaching and research programs, because it
              helps to enhance the learning and cultural experiences of all our students, as well as the broader community.
              Across a range of measures, UQ is now consistently ranked among the world’s top 50 universities. We offer world-
              class teaching, research and recreational facilities. And our campuses are vibrant places – alive with ideas, debates
              and activities.
              If you do choose to undertake the IES Foundation Year, I wish you all the very best – and I hope that you’ll consider
              joining us, at UQ, as a student in future years.
              Professor Deborah Terry AO

              Congratulations on taking the first step towards your pathway to success!
              International Education Services (IES) has a proud history of preparing international students for The University of
              Queensland through our Foundation and English language programs. Since 1998, more than 10,000 students have
              continued on to study undergraduate degrees as diverse as Business Management, Economics and Journalism
              through to Engineering, Pharmacy and Biotechnology.
              Throughout our 21 year history, we have taken care to maintain our core value of excellence in education. We strive
              to provide all students with an excellent experience through high quality programs and student services, ensuring
              they get the most out of their studies and life in Australia.
              Our high standard of service is recognised by our partners, industry bodies and governments. IES has won several
              Queensland state awards, including the Best Pathway Program and Outstanding International Student Support.
              The awards recognise IES as “providing leadership and exemplary work in the area of pathway development and
              provision for international students”.
              Most importantly, however, our students recognise the value and high quality of IES. As our programs continue to
              grow in popularity, we are proud to announce that IES College is now delivering the International Baccalaureate
              Diploma Programme to both domestic and international year 11 and 12 students from 2021. Based in Spring
              Hill, the newly refurbished facility offers a contemporary approach to learning, and helps in preparing culturally
              competent young people.
              I look forward to welcoming you to IES.
              Chris Evason
2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year
2    Our programs
3    Why choose IES Foundation Year
     for The University of Queensland?
4    A foundation for success
6    Academic programs
8    Entry requirements
11   Course structure
15   IES foundation year online program
16   Student services
17   Accommodation
20   The University of Queensland advantage
22   Undergraduate entry requirements
24   Brisbane: Australia’s new world city
26   Cross cultural engagement
28   IES Foundation Year students
30   Tuition fees and other costs
33   Campus locations

2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year

                                              STEM – CERTIFICATE                           BACCALAUREATE
     IES FOUNDATION                           IV IN UNIVERSITY                             DIPLOMA
     YEAR                                     PREPARATION                                  PROGRAMME (IBDP)

     IES Foundation Year programs are         The Certificate IV in University             IES College is an independent,
     designed to prepare international        Preparation (10246NAT) is designed           co-educational senior high
     students for entry into the first year   to help progress high achieving              school offering the International
     of all undergraduate courses at The      students interested in a career in           Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
     University of Queensland, Brisbane,      allied health, engineering, and science      for year 11 and 12.
     Australia. There are three programs      into the first year of their University of
                                                                                           IES College’s smaller boutique
     available: Standard, Express and         Queensland undergraduate degree.
                                                                                           environment provides a personalised
     Extended. International Education        Students who successfully complete
                                                                                           student experience, encouraging each
     Services delivers the programs in        all competencies will receive the
                                                                                           student to reach their full potential,
     consultation and collaboration with      Certificate IV in University Preparation
                                                                                           feel safe and supported.
     The University of Queensland.            (10246NAT), CRICOS Code 093462M.
                                                                                           We take a whole-of-student-
     Standard Program: CRICOS Course
                                                                                           development approach to teaching
     Code 088290B
                                                                                           and learning; our students are
     Express Program: CRICOS Course Code                                                   simultaneously challenged, engaged,
     088289F                                                                               supported and nurtured.
     Extended Program: CRICOS Course                                                       CRICOS Course Code 102664M
     Code 088291A

2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year

10,000+ IES students      Over 90% of each        Inner city campus
have transitioned into    graduating class
UQ since 1998             receives an offer to
                          enter UQ

21 years of experience    40+ nationalities are   UQ ranked 46th in the
in innovative teaching    represented at IES      world QS World University
methods                                           Rankings, 2020

UQ ranked No.1            UQ has more national    In 2020 UQ celebrated
university in Australia   teaching awards than    110 years of academic
for research CWTS         any other Australian    excellence.
Leiden Ranking 2020       university              4 star (****) rating
                                                  for student demand, staff
                                                  qualifications, teaching
                                                  quality, learning resources
                                                  and overall experience
                                                  Good Universities Guide,

IES awarded Best          IES was voted the
Pathway Program           most Outstanding
                          Student Support

2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year

    IES Foundation Year                  SPECIALISED PROGRAMS                                ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUPPORT
    programs guarantee                   Subjects in the college curricula are developed     English Language Assistance (ELA) provides
    a place in an                        in collaboration with senior UQ academics to        extra tuition for students who are either having
                                         provide students with the best preparation for      difficulties with English in their studies or require
    undergraduate program                their future undergraduate studies. Students        IELTS test preparation classes, especially those
    at The University of                 develop an extensive range of academic skills       who need an IELTS score of more than 6.5 for
                                         essential to successful university study in         their undergraduate program at UQ. All ELA
    Queensland for all                   Australia. Students have access to UQ facilities,   teachers are fully trained TESOL teachers.
    international students               such as laboratories, as part of their foundation
    who meet the specified               studies. More than 10,000 IES students have         PACKAGES
                                         entered UQ since the program began.
    entry requirements.*                                                                     Packaged offers are provided to all students,
                                                                                             including: English Pathway Programs (if
                                         QUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT
    *Quotas apply in several programs.                                                       additional English tuition is required); IES
                                         Teaching styles are varied and include lectures,    programs; and UQ undergraduate programs – all
                                         tutorials and classroom delivery to maximise the    on one single visa.
                                         potential success of every student. Students are
                                         supported in a safe and nurturing environment       SCHOLARSHIPS
                                         by friendly, multi-lingual, experienced Student
                                         Services staff and teachers.                        A range of scholarships are offered for study in
                                                                                             IES Foundation Year programs. These scholarships
                                                                                             range from 25 to 50% reduction of all tuition fees.
                                         SUCCESSFUL STUDENT OUTCOMES
                                                                                             Undergraduate scholarships and bursaries are
                                         All graduating students are placed in tertiary      also awarded by The University of Queensland
                                         institutions with over 90% of students gaining a    for outstanding IES graduates. Full details of all
                                         place at The University of Queensland.              current scholarships are available at iescollege.

2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year
Naly Deusdara
    Moreira e Silva


    “I will cherish the memories made at IES
    for a lifetime! The time spent here has
    been full of learning opportunities, both
    inside and outside the classroom. IES
    is not only a fantastic platform to help
    prepare you to study at The University
    of Queensland, but it’s also a place that
    offers endless networking opportunities.
    Thanks to IES, I’ve had the chance to
    speak at a launch event and network
    with professionals from various
    industries in Australia, and was invited
    to attend the Multicultural Queensland
    Awards Gala event organised by
    the Queensland Department of
    Multicultural Affairs.”

2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year

    IES delivers several programs for international
    students to prepare for the Australian              PROGRAM                       IES INTAKES     IES GRADUATION     UQ START
    education system. The IES Foundation Year
    and IES English Pathway Program both ensure
                                                         EXPRESS PROGRAM                May 2021       December 2021    February 2022
    students get the most out of their studies and                                                                        July 2022
                                                         CRICOS Course Code 088289F   November 2021      May 2022
    start university well prepared.
    Three programs are available in the
    IES Foundation Year: Standard, Express               STANDARD PROGRAM             February 2021    December 2021    February 2022

    and Extended. Program placement is                   CRICOS Course Code 088290B    August 2021       May 2022         July 2022
    determined after consideration of a student’s
    background, English competency and desired
                                                         EXTENDED PROGRAM              January 2021    December 2021    February 2022
    undergraduate program as well as any other
                                                         CRICOS Course Code 088291A     June 2021        May 2022         July 2022
    additional requirements.
    Each program offers both first and second
    semester start dates, with entry into university
    the semester following graduation. Students                                                                          EXTENDED
                                                        PROGRAM                       IES INTAKES       EPP FINISH
    should be aware that some undergraduate                                                                            PROGRAM START
    programs are available from Semester One only.
    Students receive the same high quality of            ENGLISH PATHWAY
                                                                                        April 2021       June 2021        June 2021
                                                         PROGRAM 10 WEEKS
    tuition across the three face-to-face programs.                                   October 2021     December 2021     January 2022
                                                         CRICOS Course Code 090350K
    All programs include the compulsory subjects
    of Academic English for University Studies
    (AE) and Mathematics, plus three electives           ENGLISH PATHWAY
    depending on student undergraduate                   PROGRAM 20 WEEKS              January 2021      June 2021        June 2021
    preferences.                                         CRICOS COURSE CODE             July 2021      December 2021     January 2022

                                                       * NEW DATES AND ARRANGEMENTS DURING COVID-19 OUTBREAK ARE AVAILABLE ON
                                                         OUR WEBSITE : https://foundationyear.com/covid-19-update

2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year
Samuel Chong



“IES taught me the importance of work-
life balance, which helped in improving
the efficiency of my work performance.
IES taught me how to enjoy my
courses and the learning process,
and that studying can be interesting
and fulfilling. As a result, I managed
to graduate with straight 7s and was
successful in entering my desired
program at UQ.”

ENGLISH PATHWAYS EPP                                          FOUNDATION YEAR PROGRAMS

                                                                Offers additional support and services to help students
                EPP                                             maximise their success. The Extended program focuses
             20 WEEKS                    EXTENDED               on improving students’ Academic English and Math
   CRICOS COURSE CODE 090349C            PROGRAM                ability and gives them a head start on preparing for their
                                         47 WEEKS
                                                                Foundation Year assessment. The program is especially
                                                                beneficial for younger students, students with high
                                         CRICOS Course Code
                                                                academic aspirations such as Pharmacy or Veterinary
                EPP                                             Science, and students who need to increase their English
                                                                language competency.
             10 WEEKS
    CRICOS Course Code 090350K
                                         STANDARD               The Standard program is recommended for students with
                                                                good academic results and English language proficiency.
                                         PROGRAM                It is the most popular of the three programs. Students
                                         41 WEEKS               complete their studies in small class sizes and have full
                                         CRICOS Course Code     access to student support services throughout the duration
Students can enhance their English       090350K                of their studies.
competency before Foundation
Year with the IES English Pathway                               It is designed for students who have stronger English
Program (EPP). A 20-week and 10-         EXPRESS                language proficiency (IELTS 6.0 or above) and are capable
week program is available depending      PROGRAM                of handling a faster, more intensive pace of tuition.
on the student’s needs and provides      29 WEEKS               It is also suitable for students who have completed a
intensive Academic English instruction                          matriculation program in their own country but have not
                                         CRICOS Course Code
to help them gain confidence.                                   quite met the entry levels for undergraduate study or who
                                                                need to gain assumed knowledge in certain subjects.

2021 PROSPECTUS - IES Foundation Year

    IES FOUNDATION                                     ENGLISH
                                                        COURSE                          EXTENDED                  STANDARD                    EXPRESS
    ACADEMIC MINIMUM                                    IELTS                                5.0                     5.5                         6.0
    ENTRY LEVELS                                                                      Writing band 5.0       No band less than 5.0        (Writing band 6.0,
                                                                                                                                       other bands 5.0 or above)
    • Forecast results are accepted where
      appropriate.                                      TOEFL (iBT)                          56                       70                          78

    • Consideration is given to the actual subject      GCE O Levels                          C                        C                          B
      studied. Depending on your preferred              HKDSE                              Level 2                  Level 2                     Level 3
      undergraduate program, a minimum grade
      in Mathematics may also apply.                    PTE                              Overall 42                Overall 49                 Overall 60

    • Entry to Express may require higher               Certificate of Proficiency
                                                                                              –                        C                          C
      academic grades than those listed in the          in English (CPE)
      chart below. Eleven full years of schooling is    Certificate of Advanced
      also required.                                                                          –                        C                          C
                                                        English (CAE)
    • We will only accept an application if the
      results indicate the student will have a good    ENGLISH LANGUAGE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS FOR QUOTA PLACES
      chance of passing our program.
                                                       Students applying for undergraduate programs subject to quota restrictions may need to meet
    • Depending on the qualifications, 11 or           higher IELTS or equivalent requirements for entry to IES Foundation Year. Programs currently
      12 years of schooling is also required. For      subject to quota restrictions include Dental Science, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy,
      current and additional information on entry      Nursing/Midwifery, Speech Pathology and Veterinary Science. For further information about quota
      requirements, refer to our website:              restrictions and evidence of higher English language proficiency please refer to pages 22-23 or
      www.foundationyear.com                           contact the Enrolments Office on info@fdn.uq.edu.au or visit www.foundationyear.com

                                                       IES ENGLISH PATHWAY PROGRAM
                                                        PROGRAM                             20-WEEKS                                   10-WEEKS

                                                        IELTS                                  IELTS 4.0                                  IELTS 4.5
                                                                                      (no sub-band less than 4)                 (no sub-band less than 4.5)
                                                                                            or equivalent
                                                                                                                                       or equivalent

                                                       For full details, including costs, program dates, entry requirements and how to apply for the EPP, visit

COUNTRY         EXTENDED PROGRAM                                   STANDARD PROGRAM                                   EXPRESS PROGRAM

Argentina       Year 11 - 7.0 & above (4 academic subjects)        Year 11 - 7.0 & above (4 academic subjects)        Year 11 - 8.5 & above (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Australia       Year 11 (60% in 4 academic subjects)               Year 11 (70% in 4 academic subjects)               Year 12 (70% in 4 academic subjects)
                English or English EAL 60% or above                English or English EAL 70% or above                English or English EAL 70% or above

Bangladesh      Secondary certificate - A (4 academic subjects)    Secondary certificate - A (4 academic subjects)    Secondary certificate - A+ (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Brazil          Year 11 - C or 5.0 & above (4 academic subjects)   Year 11 - C or 5.0 & above (4 academic subjects)   Year 12 - B or 7.0 & above (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

British/UK      O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)          O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)          O Levels - B grades (4 academic subjects)
                ENGLISH C and above OR;                            ENGLISH C and above OR;                            ENGLISH B and above OR;
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Brunei          O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)          O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)          O Levels - B grades (4 academic subjects)
                ENGLISH C and above OR;                            ENGLISH C and above OR;                            ENGLISH B and above OR;
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Cambodia        Secondary certificate OR O Levels                  Secondary certificate OR O Levels                  Secondary certificate OR O Levels
                O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)          O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)          O Levels - B grades (4 academic subjects)
                O Levels ENGLISH C and above OR;                   O Levels ENGLISH C and above OR;                   O Levels ENGLISH B and above OR;
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Canada          Grade 11 - 70% & above (4 academic subjects)       Grade 11 - 70% & above (4 academic subjects)       Grade 12 - 85% & above (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        ENGLISH - 70% and above                            ENGLISH - 85% and above

Chile           Grade 11 - 4.7 & above (4 academic subjects)       Grade 11 - 4.7 & above (4 academic subjects)       Grade 11 - 5.5 & above (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

China           Senior 2 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)       Senior 2 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)       Senior 2 - 90% & above (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   Senior 3 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)
                                                                                                                      IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Colombia        Year 11 - 7.0 & above (4 academic subjects)        Year 11 - 7.0 & above (4 academic subjects)        Year 11 - 8.5 & above (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Ecuador         Year 11 - 7.0 & above (4 academic subjects)        Year 11 - 7.0 & above (4 academic subjects)        Year 11 - 8.5 & above (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Hong Kong       Form 5 - 60% & above (4 academic subjects)         Form 5 - 60% & above (4 academic subjects)         HKDSE - Level 3 in two subjects Category A subjects
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0 OR                     IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0 OR                IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above, OR
                HKDSE - Level 2 in three subjects Category A       HKDSE - Level 2 in three subjects Category A       HKDSE ENGLISH - level 3
                subjects (excluding Chinese Language)              subjects (excluding Chinese Language)
                HKDSE ENGLISH - level 2                            HKDSE ENGLISH - level 2

Indonesia       SMU 2 - grades 7.0 & above (4 academic             SMU 2 - grades 7.0 & above                         SMU 3 - 7.0 & above
                subjects)                                          (4 academic subjects)                              (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

International   Year 11 certificate - grade 4                      Year 11 certificate - grade 4                      Year 11 certificate - grade 5 (4 academic subjects)
Baccalaureate   (4 academic subjects)                              (4 academic subjects)                              ENGLISH - Grade 5 OR
                ENGLISH - Grade 4 OR                               ENGLISH - Grade 4 OR                               IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   Year 12 certificate - grade 4/5 (4 academic subjects)
                                                                                                                      ENGLISH - Grade 4 OR
                                                                                                                      IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Japan           Senior 2 - Grade 3 and above                       Senior 2 - Grade 3 and above                       Senior 3 - Grade 4 and above (4 academic subjects)
                (4 academic subjects)                              (4 academic subjects)                              IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0

Korea           Senior 2 - average rank 4 (4 academic subjects)    Senior 2 - average rank 4 (4 academic subjects)    Senior 2 - average rank 3 (4 academic subjects)
                Korean High School Equivalency exam - 70% in 4     Korean High School Equivalency exam - 70% in 4     Korean High School Equivalency exam - 80% in
                academic subjects                                  academic subjects                                  4 academic subjects
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Macau           Form 5 - 60% & above (4 academic subjects)         Form 5 - 60% & above (4 academic subjects)         Form 6 - 75 & above (4 academic subjects)
                Senior 2 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)       Senior 2 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)       Senior 3 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

Malaysia        SPM - B & above (4 academic subjects)              SPM - B & above                                    SPM - B x 2 subjects + A- x 2 subjects
                ENGLISH C and above OR;                            (4 academic subjects)                              (4 academic subjects)
                IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                        ENGLISH C and above OR;                            ENGLISH B and above OR;
                                                                   IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                   IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

COUNTRY           EXTENDED PROGRAM                                  STANDARD PROGRAM                                  EXPRESS PROGRAM

     Mexico            Secondary High School - 7 & above                 Secondary High School - 7 & above                 Secondary High School - 8.5 & above
                       (4 academic subjects)                             (4 academic subjects)                             (4 academic subjects)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Middle East       Year 12 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)       Year 12 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)       Year 12 - 90% & above (4 academic subjects)
     countries         IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above
     (UAE, Kuwait,
     Qatar, Bahrain,
     Saudi Arabia &

     Mongolia          Year 11 - 70% & above (4 academic subjects)       Year 11 - 70% & above ( 4 academic subjects)      Year 12 - 80% & above ( 4 academic subjects)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Myanmar           Matriculation certificate - 60% & above           Matriculation certificate - 60% & above           Matriculation certificate - 75% & above
                       (4 academic subjects) OR                          (4 academic subjects) OR                          (4 academic subjects) OR
                       O Level - C grades ( 4 academic subjects)         O Level - C grades ( 4 academic subjects)         O Level - B grades ( 4 academic subjects)
                       O Levels ENGLISH C and above OR;                  O Levels ENGLISH C and above OR;                  O Levels ENGLISH B and above OR;
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Pakistan          Completion of Higher Secondary with C or          Completion of Higher Secondary with C or 70%      Completion of Higher Secondary with B or 80% and
                       70% and above (4 academic subjects)               and above (4 academic subjects)                   above (4 academic subjects)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Philippines       High School Diploma - C or 70%                    High School Diploma - C or 70% (4 academic        High School Diploma - B or 80% (4 academic subjects)
                       (4 academic subjects)                             subjects)                                         IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0

     Papua New         High School Certificate - C & above               High School Certificate - C & above               High School Certificate - B & above
     Guinea            (4 academic subjects)                             (4 academic subjects)                             (4 academic subjects)
                       ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH B and above OR;
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Russia            Year 11 - 3 & above (4 academic subjects)         Year 11 - 3 & above (4 academic subjects)         Year 11 - 5 & above (4 academic subjects)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Singapore         O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)         O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)         O Levels - B grades (4 academic subjects)
                       O Levels ENGLISH C and above OR;                  O Levels ENGLISH C and above OR;                  O Levels ENGLISH B and above OR;
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     South Africa      Senior Certificate - C & above                    Senior Certificate - C & above                    Senior Certificate - B & above (4 academic subjects)
                       (4 academic subjects)                             (4 academic subjects)                             ENGLISH B and above OR;
                       ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH C and above OR;                           IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0

     Sri Lanka         O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)         O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)         O Levels - B grades (4 academic subjects)
                       ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH B and above OR;
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Taiwan            Senior 2 - 65% & above (4 academic subjects)      Senior 2 - 65% & above (4 academic subjects)      Senior 3 - 80% & above (4 academic subjects)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Thailand          Matayom 5 - 3.0 & above (4 academic subjects)     Matayom 5 - 3.0 & above (4 academic subjects)     Matayom 6 - 3.0 & above (4 academic subjects)
                       (Year 11)                                         (Year 11)                                         (Year 12)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Turkey            Year 11 - 4 & above (4 academic subjects)         Year 11 - 4 & above (4 academic subjects)         Year 11 - 5 & above (4 academic subjects)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     USA               Year 11 - GPA 2.9 & above (4 academic subjects)   Year 11 - GPA 2.9 & above (4 academic subjects)   Year 12 - GPA 2.5 & above (4 academic subjects)
                       ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH B and above OR;
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Vietnam           Year 11 - 7 & above (4 academic subjects)         Year 11 - 7 & above (4 academic subjects)         Year 11 - 8.0 & above (4 academic subjects)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  Year 12 - 7.5 & above (4 academic subjects)
                                                                                                                           IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Zambia            Senior Certificate - C & above                    Senior Certificate - C & above                    Senior Certificate - B & above
                       (4 academic subjects)                             (4 academic subjects)                             (4 academic subjects)
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above

     Zimbabwe          O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)         O Levels - C grades (4 academic subjects)         O Levels - B grades (4 academic subjects)
                       ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH C and above OR;                           ENGLISH B and above OR;
                       IELTS 5.0; Writing band 5.0                       IELTS 5.5; No band less than 5.0                  IELTS 6.0; Writing band 6.0; Other bands 5.0 or above


A Foundation Year Stream is the area of study
that relates to the Bachelor’s Degree students
want to complete at UQ. Each stream contains
five subjects studied over the duration of the
Foundation Year. Foundation Year Streams
are designed to prepare students for all UQ
                                                            2                                           + 3
Bachelor Degrees and meet UQ Degree program                 COMPULSORY                                                ELECTIVE
entry requirements. Students will be given the
opportunity to select one stream prior to the
                                                            SUBJECTS                                                  SUBJECTS
start of the program. For those students who
have chosen one of the Main Streams, Academic
English for University Studies and Mathematics
                                                            STREAM           2 COMPULSORY SUBJECTS                            ELECTIVE SUBJECTS
are compulsory subjects.
Students also study three elective subjects
                                                              MAIN           ACADEMIC
depending on the stream selected.                                                             MATHEMATICS            EACH STREAM HAS 3 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS
                                                            STREAMS           ENGLISH
Stream selection is based on the student’s
interests as well as entry requirements for
their undergraduate preference*. Due to                     STREAM                                          SUBJECT STRUCTURE
undergraduate requirements and potential
scheduling conflicts, not all subject combinations
may be available.                                          HUMANITIES        ACADEMIC         HUMANITIES &       BEHAVIOURAL                          BUSINESS
                                                            STREAM            ENGLISH        SOCIAL SCIENCES       SCIENCE                           MANAGEMENT
The structure of the Humanities Stream consist of
5 subjects. Students must take Academic English,
Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and Social
Sciences, Research, and Business management.
*Students who are interested in studying a             MAIN STREAM
degree program in The University of Queensland’s
Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty are             Compulsory subjects
encouraged to study the Humanities stream.
                                                       ACADEMIC ENGLISH FOR                                    MATHEMATICS
                                                       UNIVERSITY STUDIES                                      To develop mathematical knowledge and
                                                       This core subject incorporates three major              skills for quantitative reasoning and problem
                                                       components. The first is instruction in academic        solving, this subject builds understanding and
                                                       English specifically for university level studies.      competence in a range of key areas. The topics
                                                       Academic skills such as referencing, essay and          studied include computation, sequences, series
                                                       report writing, seminar skills, note-taking,            and binomial expansions, common functions
                                                       listening and reading skills are developed.             and their graphs, trigonometry, differentiation
                                                       The second component is an introduction                 and integration, and statistics and probability.
                                                       to Australian contemporary world issues,                Applications to a wide range of contexts are
                                                       including key aspects of the Australian                 considered, and experience is developed via
                                                       population and demography, issues in the                investigations of real world questions, with the
                                                       media, and government and politics. This                aid of mathematical technology tools.
                                                       component of the course also provides                   Elective subjects
This subject is strongly recommended for any
                                                       students with tasks that develop critical
student considering a degree in the Humanities                                                                 For the full list of elective subjects refer to
                                                       thinking and analytical skills. Finally, students       pages 12 & 13.
and Social Sciences. It is compulsory for those
                                                       are taught academic research skills. These
students who have chosen the Humanities
                                                       include the use of electronic and academic
stream. In this subject, students are supported
                                                       databases, online resource evaluation, as well
to develop fundamental thinking and learning
                                                       as basic word processing.
skills through the exploration of topics of interest
and development of a creative portfolio. In
the first half of the program, students focus on
developing their speaking and argument skills
                                                       HUMANITIES STREAM
through the study of international perspectives:       The structure of IES Foundation Year - Humanities Stream consists of five subjects. Students enrolled in
globalization, international policy, peace and         this stream must take the subjects below:
conflict, intercultural communication and              •          Academic English
indigenous rights. In the second half of the
program, students work on developing reflective        •          Humanities & Social Sciences
learning and creative thinking skills through the      •          Behavioural Science
study of the creative arts, including the history      •          Research
of ideas, film and TV studies, pop culture, and
                                                       •          Business Management
Indigenous Australian art.

Yu-Ta (Joshua)

                                                                                                                  IES & UQ GRADUATE
                                                                                                                  BACHELOR OF COMMERCE

                                                                                                                  “IES helped me to develop both
                                                                                                                  academic and social skills. I learnt
     ELECTIVES (CHOOSE 3)                               PHYSICS
                                                        This subject covers modern fundamental
                                                                                                                  how to network, communicate
                                                                                                                  and collaborate with people from
                                                        theoretical principles and basic experimental
     BIOLOGY                                                                                                      different cultural backgrounds. I
                                                        techniques of physics. It also aims to provide
     This subject aims to develop students’             students with an understanding of the role
                                                                                                                  also learnt the foundational theories
     understanding of living organisms and              of physical science in society. The subject               relevant to my undergraduate
     their environment. Topics covered include          is designed for students intending to study               program at UQ. My education in
     classification, ecosystems, cell biology, the      science or engineering subjects that require              Brisbane has helped me to secure a
     physiology of plants and animals, reproduction,    knowledge of physics, in particular computer              coveted position of Project Manager
     growth and development, genetics and               and software engineering, electronic and                  back home in Taiwan.”
     evolution. There is a field trip to Stradbroke     electrical engineering, and civil engineering.
     Island, which is designed to emphasise             Other areas of intended study include
     and illustrate major habitats, life zones and      physiotherapy, veterinary science and
     ecological principles. There is also a practical   medicine. There is a laboratory component
     component to the subject that instructs            to this subject that instructs students in           RESEARCH
     students in the proficient and safe use of         the proficient and safe use of laboratory
                                                                                                             This subject focuses on engaging students in
     laboratory and field study equipment.              equipment.
                                                                                                             the research process through planning and
     CHEMISTRY                                          BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE                                  writing their own research assignments on
     This subject aims to develop students’                                                                  a topic of their choice. Students identify the
                                                        This subject provides a general introduction to
     understanding of basic chemical ideas. Topics                                                           different types of thinking skills required to
                                                        the social sciences and helps students develop
     covered in the first half of the course include                                                         understand issues from various perspectives
                                                        an understanding of human behaviour, both
     atomic structure, chemical names, formulae                                                              and use this understanding to construct
                                                        as individuals and as members of social groups
     and equations, quantitative calculations,                                                               logical, original arguments. Students explore
                                                        and the wider society. The subject includes
     periodicity, bonding and thermochemistry.                                                               topical issues through small written tasks
                                                        the field of criminology. Students explore and
     In the second half of the course, key topics                                                            and prepare a planning document that forms
                                                        analyse relevant social problems through the
     include gas laws, chemical equilibrium, acids                                                           the basis of the major research assignment.
                                                        lens of differing perspectives and theories
     and bases, solubility, redox reactions and                                                              Students then follow a structured plan under
                                                        from criminology and sociology. Students
     basic organic chemistry. There is a laboratory                                                          teacher supervision to write their major
                                                        also concentrate on the psychology of the
     component to this subject that instructs                                                                research assignments and related supporting
                                                        individual, covering aspects of cognition,
     students in the proficient and safe use of                                                              documents. Finally, students present their
                                                        memory, social influence, learning, mental
     laboratory equipment. The course is designed                                                            findings to their classmates in an oral
                                                        health and research. Throughout the subject,
     as a foundation for further chemical studies                                                            presentation.
                                                        students are encouraged and supported to
     in UQ degrees such as science, chemical            develop critical thinking, public speaking skills,
     engineering, pharmacy and veterinary science.      and report writing skills.


                                                                                                           IES & UQ GRADUATE

                                                                                                           BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE

                                                                                                           “IES played a fundamental role
                                                                                                           in helping me to improve my
ACCOUNTING                                         ECONOMICS
                                                                                                           English language and academic
This subject focuses on supporting business        This subject aims to provide students
decisions through financial management,            with a practical understanding of the core
                                                                                                           skills. I learnt how to deliver oral
reports and analysis. Students will experience     economic principles that explain why                    presentations, engaged in essay and
managing an online retail business first-hand      individuals, companies and governments                  report writing, as well as fine-tuned
through IES’s Virtual Business eCommerce,          make the decisions they do, and how their               my critical thinking and research
which is a platform designed to increase           decision-making might be improved to                    skills. I really enjoyed every aspect
students’ exposure to topics such as financial     make the best use of available resources.               of my time at IES, and studying
record-keeping, reporting, and making data-        Students will examine the functions of the              there was one of the main reasons
driven decisions. Students will use accounting     Australian economy and its interaction with             why I was able to succeed at UQ.”
software and MS Excel to assist them in            the international economy. Students will
processing financial information. They will also   study topics such as supply and demand,
examine accounting standards, compliance and       GDP, unemployment, inflation, interest rates,
risk management to support decision-making.        investment, government expenditure, taxation
This subject aims to provide students with         policies and balance of payments. Students will
relevant practical and theoretical knowledge       also learn to think like economists.
                                                                                                     (Available in February Standard and May Express*
relating to the role of accounting within the                                                        programs only)
business system.                                   INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                   (Available in February Standard and               This subject introduces students to the design
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT                                May Express* programs only)                       and construction of buildings, through an
This subject covers a wide range of theory                                                           exploration of principles and techniques, as
                                                   This subject aims to develop a solid              well as provides insights into architectural
related to the disciplines of organisational
                                                   background in the computer fundamentals           theory, history and practice. Students are
behaviour, marketing, finance, human resource
                                                   that are essential for undergraduate students     given opportunities to undertake their own
management and international business
                                                   across all disciplines, whilst providing a        architectural design project in which they
management. These topics are taught using a
                                                   robust foundation for students intending          create an architectural brief, conduct a site
case study approach whereby theory is best
                                                   to pursue Information Technology degrees.         analysis, carry out the design process and
applied to international practice. Students will
                                                   Topics covered include image manipulation,        create models for the project.
learn how to produce technical documents
                                                   web coding, information systems and
including business, strategic, financial and                                                         *Some subject combinations are unavailable.
                                                   programming. There is also a theory element
marketing plans and be shown how to deliver
                                                   that gives students a foundation in computer
presentations. Unique to IES, students work in
                                                   basics, number systems and the social issues
a project team to manage a business enterprise
                                                   related to the widespread use of computers.
in a computer-based virtual world known as the
                                                   Students also engage in practical work and
Virtual Business Enterprise (VBE). The program
                                                   work collaboratively to complete the various
allows students to carry out the activities
                                                   stages of designing a functioning e-Commerce
of developing and running a business in an
                                                   website project.
engaging and challenging environment that
closely matches the dynamics and complexities
of organisational management in the real

                                          Throughout the program, academic
                                          achievement is carefully monitored and
                                          students are given regular feedback on their
                                          progress. Students study 20-25 contact hours
                                          per week. In addition to formal class time,
                                          students are expected to study for at least 20
                                          hours per week in their own time. Assessment
                                          depends on the subject, but normally
                                          comprises two examination papers, one or two
                                          assignments to be completed by a specified
                                          date during the course, laboratory practical
                                          work (if relevant) and seminar participation
                                          evaluation. Final assessment will take into
                                          account all of the above. All subjects are graded
                                          on a 7-point scale:

                                            SCALE             GRADE          % RANGE

                                               7       High distinction       85-100%
                                               6       Distinction            75-84%
                                               5       Credit                 65-74%
                                               4       Pass/Competent         50-64%
                                               3       Low pass               47-49%
                                               2       Fail                   25-46%
                                               1       Low fail               0-24%

                                          ASSESSMENT FOR ENTRY TO UQ
                                          English entry requirements
                                          English entry requirements for the majority of
                                          undergraduate programs is a grade of 5 for AE.
                                          Students may also provide evidence of English
                                          competency in the form of an IELTS score of 6.5
                                          (with a minimum score of 6 for all sub bands).
                                          This will not apply to students whose prior
                                          qualifications already meet those needed for
                                          undergraduate entry, i.e. GCE O level, Australian
                                          High School Certificate Pass, etc. For more
                                          information, please refer to https://future-

                                           UQ MINIMUM ENGLISH LANGUAGE
                                           ENTRY REQUIREMENT EQUIVALENCIES

                                           Academic        IELTS 6.5      Pearson Test of

Ting-Wei (Danny) Tsai
                                           English Grade   overall, no    English (PTE) 64
                                           of 5 (65%)      band less      with no band
                                                           than 6         less than 60
                                          TOEFL and other equivalencies accepted.
IES FOUNDATION YEAR STUDENT                For more information contact
                                          Students wishing to enter courses where a
                                          higher level of English language competency
“IES has taught me skills that are
                                          is required (e.g. Dental Science, Laws, Nursing/
relevant to the ‘Bachelor of Regional     Midwifery, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Speech
and Town Planning’, which is my           Pathology and others) will need to obtain an
undergraduate aim at UQ. As such,         IELTS score above 6.5. Some programs may
                                          accept a grade of 7 in Academic English. Refer to
IES has been instrumental in helping me
                                          the table of entry requirements on pages 22-23
reach my career goals to work in the      of this brochure, or refer to https://iescollege.
government, and to hopefully become       com/foundation-year/home.
a politician.”

Our online delivery of the IES Foundation Year Online Program is fully       OUR ONLINE DELIVERY MODEL
endorsed by The University of Queensland. You will gain the same high
quality academic and English skills as our in-class experience.              We utilise four modes of delivery, meaning you will have continuous
                                                                             opportunities for live interactions with your teachers and friends. You will
IES online program is easy to enrol in and gives you 24/7 access to high     discuss tasks, ask questions and solve problems on a daily basis.
quality content and resources, all from your home. All course materials
and activities are adapted for online learning, so you gain the same
knowledge, skills, and credentials as you would face to face. Your study
program is not compromised.

You can start your course online now and once things settle down, you
could be studying on campus with your friends in no time. Our online
program has the exact same timeframe as our face to face classes, so
you can transition to the University of Queensland as planned (pending
issuance of your Confirmation of Enrolment or CoE).

You won’t lose any time waiting to travel and you don’t need a Student
Visa to get started. However, when the travel ban lifts, you will need to
have your Student Visa to travel to Australia to study on campus. Going
through the CoE checks before you enrol online will ensure you are one
step closer to coming to Australia.
Your online studies and assessment outcomes will be accepted for
progression into The University of Queensland as planned. That way, when
borders re-open, you can easily transfer to our in-class experience, or to
The University of Queensland.
Enroling in the IES Foundation Year Online Program gives you the skills
and support to prepare you for any future study in Australia.

                                                      Teachers meet live with small groups of students using Zoom web-
                         1                            conferencing for 60 minutes each week. Teachers will help you review your
              Live online classes                     lessons and guide you through the material and tasks for the week ahead.

                                                      Students work through assigned lessons via Moodle, our online learning
                         2                            platform. Lessons contain a rich range of resources, including videos using
      Interactive self-directed study                 our Voice Intellect software; reading materials with interactive quizzes; and a
                                                      variety of tasks.

                                                      Teachers meet live with all students in the subject using Zoom web-
                         3                            conferencing. Students work together through tasks and review content in
   Live question and answer sessions                  an interactive question and answer style. These sessions are recorded for
                                                      review purposes.

                                                      Students are fully supported with their online learning. Teachers monitor
                         4                            students’ progress and provide feedback every week through the
              Individual support                      completion of checkpoint tasks. Students can post a question to a forum at
                                                      any time and receive a response within 24 hours.


     STUDENT COUNSELLING                                 STUDENT SUCCESS PROGRAM                                ORIENTATION
     Counsellors provide caring, experienced             The Student Success Program (SSP) is designed          At the commencement of each intake, a
     counselling and advice. Their assistance is         to help at-risk students to achieve success at         full orientation program is held face to face
     readily available throughout the year for any       IES. This program is offered to a small number         or by ZOOM which provides students with
     personal or academic issues. Problems may           of students based on their English and Math            an introduction to IES Foundation Year
     be study focused or related to adjusting to life    entry test results. Each participating student         and Brisbane, and gives new students an
     in another country. Students are encouraged         has their own mentor, and they meet weekly             opportunity to meet their peers. Students are
     to approach a counsellor as soon as problems        to better understand their assessment tasks,           provided with important information about
     present. Students are also offered access to a      gain access to resources, as well as identify and      IES Foundation Year policies and procedures,
     24-hour mobile phone number, which they can         develop the relevant academic skills that helps        facilities and services, personal safety and
     call in cases of emergency.                         with succeeding at IES.                                health insurance, accommodation options and
                                                                                                                advice on adjusting to life in Brisbane.
                                                                                                                ALUMNI GROUP
     Study advisors provide a range of services and      A range of services is provided for students
     programs to help students settle into their new     aged under 18. Student Services also remains in        The Alumni Group is an important aspect in
     academic routines and living situations. Free       regular contact with these students to ensure          the continuation of care and support offered
     seminars are available to students throughout       they are coping with their studies and new             to students. Many students keep in touch
     the year on topics such as budgeting, resume        living arrangements. Under-18 students are also        with their teachers and friends via the IES
     writing, study skills and exam preparation.         required to live in approved accommodation             Foundation Year Facebook page and IES events.
                                                         such as Homestay or Student One. More                  Such platforms allow students to share their
     INDIVIDUAL STUDY PLANS                              information is available on our website.               challenges, triumphs and career experiences,
                                                                                                                and serve as a support network that continues
     Teachers and study advisors work together
                                                         ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS                                  into their professional working lives. IES
     to identify students who are experiencing                                                                  students have the chance to benefit from
     academic difficulties that require greater          Learning is not restricted to the classroom.           these interactions during The University of
     intervention strategies than the support            A full schedule of activities and multicultural        Queensland campus visits.
     available in extra tutorials. These students are    events keep students interested and
     closely monitored and assisted; their progress is   entertained during their studies. Activities
     recorded via Individual Study Plans.                range from recreational outings, which
                                                         encourage students to socialise and explore
     CHANGES TO ENROLMENTS                               Brisbane, to academic activities such as
                                                         undergraduate information sessions and
     For information about grounds on which              faculty visits to UQ. Students are also invited
     a student’s enrolment may be deferred,              to join the Student Council to develop their
     suspended or cancelled, please visit                extra-curricular skills. The IES Café is a favourite
     www.iescollege.com/Enrolment-Terms                  place for students to hang out and relax
                                                         between classes. Serviced by a barista, the IES
                                                         Café is located on the Ground Floor at our 433
                                                         Boundary Street campus.


Images courtesy
of Student One

   UNDER 18s                                            AIRPORT TRANSFER                                     For assistance, please contact
                                                        Student Services staff or student
   Accommodation arrangements for students              accommodation providers will arrange for             URBANEST
   under the age of 17 must be made through             under 18 students to meet at the Brisbane
   Student Services. Students aged between 16                                                                Urbanest is located in South Brisbane near
                                                        International Airport. Students are given a
   and 17 years are required to stay in Homestay,                                                            the lively restaurant and recreation precinct,
                                                        24-hour phone number in case of changes to
   however students who are over 17 years old,                                                               Southbank. Urbanest provides an independent
                                                        flight details. This service is for students only.
   may apply to stay with one of IES’s approved                                                              living option for IES students. Urbanest has
                                                        Please note that this service is compulsory
   independent living providers.                                                                             modern rooms and social spaces conducive for
                                                        for students under 18 where IES acts as their
                                                                                                             meeting people and making lifelong friends.
   HOMESTAY                                                                                                  Urbanest also has an active social calendar.

   IES partners with Australian Homestay Network        18 AND OVER                                          For more information and bookings, please
   (AHN) to provide all Homestays for IES students.                                                          contact: accomm@fdn.uq.edu.au or
                                                        In addition to accommodation options
   Homestays are carefully selected and regularly                                                            www.urbanest.com.au
                                                        listed above, students over the age of 18
   monitored to meet IES requirements and               can choose from several other independent            SCAPE
   provide each student with their own bedroom          accommodation options, including:
   in a safe and secure environment. Depending                                                               At Scape, you’ll have everything you need to
                                                        • The Johnson – Boundary Street, Spring Hill         feel safe, calm and at home with a specialist
   on the package, meals can be provided
                                                        • UniLodge – Margaret Street, Brisbane City          trained team here for you around the clock. Put
   throughout the week, e.g. the AHN Traditional                                                             your stamp on one of our stylish rooms, enjoy
   package includes two meals Monday to Friday          • IGLU – Mary Street, Brisbane City
                                                                                                             the brilliant communal spaces to meet up, wind
   and three meals on the weekend. Homestay             • IGLU at Kelvin Grove – Blamey Street, Kelvin       down and experience chance encounters with
   hosts are based in areas with convenient public        Grove                                              neighbours. Now more than ever is the time to
   transport to the IES campuses. For booking           • Atira South Bank – 118 Merivale St,                join Scape and take advantage of all-inclusive
   information, please contact accomm@fdn.                                                                   student living with bills taken care of, a shuttle
                                                          South Brisbane
                                                                                                             bus to university, a dedicated safety & support
   uq.edu.au                                            • Raymont Residential College – 47 Cadell St,        app and so much more. Get in touch today and
                                                          Auchenflower                                       we’ll find the best option for you so you can
   STUDENT ONE                                          • Scape South Bank – 149 Merivale St, South          focus on building a bright future.
   Student One provides independent living                Brisbane                                           https://www.scape.com/en-au/student-
   opportunities for students who have turned           • UniLodge Buranda – 8 Gillingham St,                accommodation/brisbane
   17 years of age. Student One is located in the         Woolloongabba
   heart of Brisbane, close to dining areas, food
                                                        Applications can be done online or directly
   shopping centres and is only a short distance
                                                        with the facility.
   away from IES campuses via the free shuttle
   bus. Pricing includes fortnightly room surface       It is the responsibility of the student to arrange
   cleaning; bed linen pack; and basic crockery         independent accommodation, IES does
   and cutlery, cooking equipment and kitchen           not arrange these types of accommodation
   utensils. There is a dedicated floor for all under   bookings.
   18 students and a staff member is available 24
                                                        For more information, visit www.iescollege.com/
   hours to assist the students. Students over the
   age of 17 qualify for independent living.

Hyewon Moon



     “IES is an essential stepping stone for a
     successful university life. The curriculum
     provided me with key information
     needed to prepare for higher education
     at UQ. I developed good time-
     management skills at IES, and this
     has helped me in juggling both my
     studies and jobs at university. I highly
     recommend studying at IES, as it is
     your first step to a successful university
     journey in Australia.”

Tara Kwan



“IES was a great pathway in preparing
me for study at UQ. I felt safe studying
at IES knowing that there was a
strong support network for under-18
students. IES also made me feel
more comfortable about studying at
university, as it helped me to adjust to
the Australian tertiary education system,
which was unfamiliar to me back then.”


     As a UQ student           GLOBAL REPUTATION                                   TEACHING EXCELLENCE

     you will receive          For more than a century, The University of          You will receive one of the best learning

     opportunities,            Queensland (UQ) has been internationally
                               renowned as one of Australia’s most highly
                                                                                   experiences in Australia as you will be taught
                                                                                   and guided by experienced teachers who have
     choices and support       ranked and awarded learning and research            won UQ more national teaching awards than any

     that will enable you      institutions, delivering unparalleled teaching,
                               learning and research excellence that creates
                                                                                   other Australian university.

     to achieve your           positive change globally. UQ consistently ranks     CAREER PREPARATION
     individual aspirations,   in the world’s top universities, as measured by
                               several key independent rankings, including         UQ recognises that learning does not just
     to become a leader        the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers        happen in the classroom and offers a number

     in your chosen field      for World Universities (39), the US News Best       of academic and extra-curricular activities to
                                                                                   complement your studies and prepare you for
     and to positively
                               Global Universities Rankings (36), QS World
                               University Rankings (46), Academic Ranking of       a successful career. Get practical experience

     impact the society in     World Universities (54), and the Times Higher       with field trips, internships, volunteering,
                                                                                   further international study opportunities and
     which you live.
                               Education World University Rankings (62).
                                                                                   undergraduate research programs. UQ also offers
                                                                                   students the Employability Award program
                               QUALITY PROGRAMS
                                                                                   which helps students to develop skills outside
                               Students who achieve the specific standards         the classroom to become well-rounded, highly
                               at IES are guaranteed a place in the first year     sought after graduates. For more information,
                               of undergraduate courses at UQ. This does not       visit https://employability.uq.edu.au/award
                               apply for programs with a quota restriction.
                               Please refer to the Undergraduate Entry             GREAT CAREERS
                               Requirements on pages 22-23. As a UQ student,
                               you can choose from over 120 undergraduate          UQ graduates are highly regarded by Australian
                               programs, some of which can be “customised” to      and international employers. The 2020 QS
                               a field of interest. Many UQ programs offer field   Graduate Employability Rankings place UQ at
                               trips and industry placements, helping you to       #57 globally, meaning UQ graduates are well
                               emerge from UQ with the skills and knowledge        placed to secure employment.
                               you need to boost your career and meet the
                               demands of today’s workplace.

UQ offers scholarships and bursaries specifically
for IES graduates who demonstrate excellent
academic performance.

Experiencing life beyond the classroom is a big
part of university life, and UQ is a great place
to meet new people, and access a wide range
of social, sporting and cultural activities. UQ’s
vibrant campuses boast beautiful, safe grounds
where you can relax between classes or catch
up with friends. UQ offers world-class sporting
facilities; more than 220 social, sports and
academic clubs and societies; as well as many
cultural activities and events such as theatre,
dances, concerts, movies, debates, barbecues,
markets and art exhibitions. As an IES student
you are welcome on campus and encouraged to
participate in UQ activities.

Note: UQ (CRICOS Provider No 00025B) does not deliver the IES
Foundation Year programs for The University of Queensland.
International Education Services Limited is a separate
organisation (CRICOS Provider No 01697J), which owns and
delivers this pathway program at its Spring Hill campuses.

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